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Oh look, a hill!

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That's right, we found it! Here it is: 3257840388504953787
(Location: x=49, z=0).
(Version: Alpha 1.2.2. To enter the seed in this version, you will need to create a new world with that seed in beta 1.3, copy over the level.dat, and delete the chunks. Tutorial: https://pastebin.com/CmsEKDev).

Big shoutout to the Minecraft@Home community for making this possible:

For more info on how this was possible, we have documentation on the method we used: https://bit.ly/packpng-details

For the full credits, please see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zdJWcdTydLClg0jy-fpKLH5nR8xTyY1tvZ-vc1u0W8o/edit?usp=sharing

And thanks to SalC1, for posing this challenge!