I refuse to not question all I experience. For that is the seed that when sown sprouts ignorance. Of course a rational thought process wouldn't get you anywhere, but thinking along with an irrational thing such as a dream, you may be able to get a foothold on what's happening. That's how Lucid Dreams are made. Developing a subconscious irrational thought process to tell you when you are dreaming in the first place. Like writing up a computer program for a game, and then learning to play it in the first place would be akin to the conscious mind. You don't just sputter out nonsense like some in the comments are and say it makes sense because it's so ignorant one can't grasp it enough to question it at all. You should round out the edges with these things. Make sure that it makes sense in some frame of reference for logical reasons. Not just cuz it sounds right.
Well, Luna does refer to it as the “realm” of dreams or sleep, so I’d assume the dream world is its own separate dimension that is given form by imagination.
K so here is my theory: Dreams ARE in another dimension but not in the traditional sort of way. Think of it more like the "Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)" theory. Each person is connected to that alternate universe because there is a gate within them. In FMA, they open that gate at will to do alchemy. In this case however, the gate is opened subconsciously while asleep. Each pony has their own "room" or section of this dimension where their dreams reside. Princess Luna has the ability to pass through the gate at will while other ponies can't. She can even walk in the realm between dreams and manipulate them slightly. I assume that the reason Luna's horn doesn't glow is because a certain amount of magic is needed to hop between dreams and connect them but while talking to the Crusaders, Luna brought them out of their personal sections of the dream dimension into a different one (I think. It's been a while since I watched the episode).
Nana Asmah this is a very plausible theory! And you’re right; in that episode Luna had gathered the crusaders into one area within the dream realm separate from all their individual ones, which is probably how they remembered what happened. Which, if you think about it, is probably what she did in the Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep episode, since everybody in ponyville remembered the dream when they woke up. The only difference I think there was between the two is something Brony mentioned: Luna’s horn. And I think the reason why Luna was physically in the dream realm instead of sending her dream self there was because it would require her very real magic from the waking world to prevent whatever the thing was called from breaking out of the dream world.
ッ!ShinShin! Fun fact: (k u may not know this show, but I do not care Lol) so the character Dawn from Total Drama’s design was based off of Luna Lovegood :3
I think the real Luna only travels in a dream dimension where she can see everyone's dream and can go inside anyone's dream. So when anyone gets a nightmare she gets to know in that dream dimension
@Mars Bars Cassidy I completely forgot about this comment until I got a notif today, but hopefully you'll be happy to know that I read Homestuck last year and quite enjoyed it
if dreams are real then that means the demons that jump scared me in my dreams like nothing ever before IS REAL. Also the only dreams I’ve had are bad, so I guess they’re just nightmares. Rarely get them though, like once every 6 months
So me getting stabbed on the back, attacked by a dinosaur (dreamt that when I was like 2), jumped off a cliff, ran away from my dad because he drank something, and just situations I was terrified of was real
@Mysterious Magic I mean u also said u don’t know so I’m not sure, but I’m just going along with it either way since either people were asking if their dreams were true if this comment was the case
I believe that our dreams are in a different dimension, not just the ponies because dreams sometimes mean something, so this would explain them being in a different dimension.
That's what I was thinking that everyone's dreams are in a dream dimension . That's why some dreams feel so real because they are actually happening just in another demention
I like the idea that their minds access an alternate dimension where they have a metaphysical body that they control, (it opens up a whole new set of horror fics to write) but yeah that thing with Luna's magic really does throw a wrench into the equation. I like how once again you provide enough evidence for the idea that it's difficult to deny, and yet, never confirm it. Theories are meant to be inconclusive after all.
honestly, i would think that the poney would dream, but when they awake the dimension in which they have created (by sleeping) goes away, like dissapears, and Luna can travel through demension (also , luna must cast some sort of spell o. the poney she is (u know,going into the dream) so that they cant awake, and the being that threatened to go into the real world was subseconsely replacing luna because she herself had never physically been in the dream dimention,but only her version of herself as a dream
03:33 Omg i got a theory! The bubble seperates Luna from the dream dimention, so it's possible that she moved the dimention in the middle of the ponyville.
Honestly, I like to believe that your theory about the dream realm being a different dimension is true, and i do believe that, like you stated in the video, it would explain your theory on almost all accounts. I Think That If Dream Beings Can Access The Real World, And real beings can gain access to the dream world, perhaps that the real worlds Luna used Part of the remaining strength she had to also connect dream Luna with the citizens of ponyville, sorry about the long comment, i just love making long comments on things like theories! I'll try to make more explanatory comments in the future!
And here we are again, getting to the same question...
"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"
A dream dimension certainly isn't out of the question. It's a very real possibility and does explain a lot about Luna's power. The idea that she would need the white tendrils to make a physical connection to the other ponies would also explain why she never came back in the dreams of ponies while she was banished on the moon.
1:54 I'm only 11 and I get that reference. I was really surprised when I learned that almost nobody my age had ever seen that movie :p it's a little confusing but I loved it <3
Yeah when I asked everybody in my class if they have watched Alice in Wonderland and only 2 of them watched it and I am also 11, I will turn 12 in a couple of months.
@Alison H I was incredibly stupid when I wrote this comment. Do NOT advertise your age, people on the internet are not your friends and it's DANGEROUS. if you learn anything on the internet, learn not to trust people. You do not know them.
There may be some hint towards dreams existing in another dimension in at least the MLP:FiM multiverse, and in at least supplementary material. Specifically in the comics (inb4 someone says "the comics aren't canon"), which establishes creatures called the "Nyx" as the guardians of dreams before Luna was around. They appear to be in charge of places called "dreamscapes" which connect everypony's dreams. In one of the stories in the FIENDship is Magic comics, Nightmare Moon seeks to use these "dreamscapes" in efforts to turn everypony against Celestia, or, failing that, to convince Celestia to reduce her sentence significantly.
I have a less confusing theory. First i want to talk about the dream stream wire things. In the video, you mention that in every dream, luna never has her server cables extending from her horn. You then mention that if we saw the real pony while luna was in their dream, they would have the wire things connecting to their forehead. I think that luna only needs those cables when she creates a shared dream, but that she used them the first time in do Princesses dream of magic sheep so she could more quickly move between the mane 6 dreams. As for the dream dimension theory, i agree with that, but i think that real luna enters this dimension and then real her enters the dreams. As for the fact that real luna was in the real world when doing the connection thing, i think that was her consciousness in the dream that time. So a representation of luna. And for the last bit of my theory, the shared dream, lunas dream server cables could be seen because she was literally holding the dream together. If you look closely, you can see lines criscrossing the dreamscape. In my theory, that is where the dreams being held together. Let me know what you think please. P.S. sorry for the bulk comment
Well, it could be that if Luna is only visiting one pony, they don't have the string connected to them. The only reason we can see the strings coming from Luna's horn in "Do princesses dream or magic sheep?" is because there is that bubble around her. It separates physical Luna and the dream dimension. In Bloom and gloom though, the reason Luna doesn't have those strings connected to the CMC is because they are in the dream dimension. Unlike in the real dimension, the ponies in the dream dimension aren't actually there. They're just a figure of the real pony.
I think the ponys having magic of their own can access a 2 way passage to and from this dimension that exists in the conscious of the pony of equestria and Luna having this her special talent is both the admin and server(dream Luna as the admin controlling the realm and real Luna as the physical server which the shared dreams are connected) and the tantibus lives in it like a virus. I give you my theory. PLEASE see this and build off it 😃
Could it be possible that the "alternate dimension" and "within your head" theories could be combined? As in "withing every pony's head lies another dimension" (one were the individual could enter or any other ponies via Luna's magic)?
@Ashley Hayward Yeah. As for the video, I may or may not. It will be a very rare thing since it would be technically be my second theory video and I am not good at them yet. I did make one for the third Equestria Girls movie though.
+princessbinas That's what I just commented basicly. Only I commented that the dreams are just pocket universes inside the minds of ponies and controlled by them.
Remember that u mentioned Scootaloo in the dream should have had a wire if we saw her in the real world?Well,those ponies that bowed down were in a dream.Real Luna was in a dimension bubble from the real world.About the wires,they entered the real world through a portal and connected with the real ponies.That explains why we didn't see the wires from Luna connect to the ponies in the dream.Don't trust me,it's just a theory.
This is very similar to what happens in the game series "Dragon Age". In the game, it is believed by the characters that when a person dreams or dies, their soul passes though a place called "The Fade".
It is the spirits and demons in the fade which shape the environment based on what they see through the eyes of a person they posses, they can also be summoned by mages. Mages/Sorcerers in the game can maintain consciousness, and explore the fade freely (like Luna).
That's my understanding at least, good video, well thought out theory.
i can go into DEEP detail about the 'dream realm'. it dose not exist in a solid realm. it is instead a subconscious area of existence where anyone can do anything, if they will it. as well often dreams link lots of things (and people) together. this include past, current and future timelines. and alternate timelines as well. the dream realm is directly connected to everyone, and if enough people believe in the same thing from a dream, it has a chance of exiting the dream realm in another form.
the dream realm is more than just that tho. you have all knowledge to EVER exist in any time of your dimensions history, and future.(thus the feeling of having done something before) as will as that of other realms as well. making it the most knowledgeable place to ever 'exist'. think of it as a collection of memorys that transcend time and space. this is based off knowledge of the dream realm of the dream realm in the human world. most likely the same details are in mlp as well.
now, as for lunas ability. it can pull her mind into the dreams and allow her to directly alter that area of existence, or even bring a solid (or semitransparent) copy of herself into a dream. even allowing her to draw dreams together to form a dream 'hive' or collective dream. the dream realm is HER domain. she rules it, but is controlled by it at the same time.
i could have put a ton more details in this. but alas, its hard to put into words the facts about dreams.
(i have a bit of a gift with dreams. i see things in my dreams that turn up all over the solid realms of reality. however, i have never seen a lot of the things in my dreams with my own eyes. and i remember everything that happens in my dreams. i could walk down new york city in my dream and see a street down to the addresses on the doors. and remember it perfectly. go to new york and find that location. with not one thing out of place, even tho i had never been there. thus i have knowledge of the dream realm most would not remember. i even spoke dead languages in one dream, linking the past knowledge to the present. so as i said: its hard to fully explain the dream realm because no words exist to detail it all... i did what i could to explain it, but could not find all the words to put it all down ) hope this helps
What I think is that there are two types of dreams, or the white thing connecting to Lucas horn is different too. In bloom and gloom, Luna had to access the mind. However when the white thing was there, this happened in the dream world. The bubble was used because when she had to connect everyone to the dream realm, there for had no energy to fight.
I mean, the hallway with the doors reminds me of the dream dimension from Marvel Comic, as portrayed in the episode "Doctor Strange" in season 2 of Ultimate Spiderman. I think it's pretty easy to believe that it's another dimension just based on that ^^
I have my own theory on alternate dimensions, but I'll water it down to dreams so all you non-5.25 Bil. Year Old Mortals can keep up. All dreams are real, separate dimensions that our consciousness intrudes on when we dream, and our ability to lucid dream would come from the fact that while we dream, our consciousness is not anchored to our bodies, but tied to the flow of the dimension itself, which is also how we can occasionally see ourselves in 3rd person in dreams. And for Luna having the Dream Cables in the dream, that must be because every other time she entered a dream, she had her focus split between what she was doing in the real world and in the dream world, so with a dream that huge, doing the same thing in both worlds at the same time would allow her to focus more on maintaining the shared dream. It'd be like running a Minecraft Server: It'll work better if you're not also trying to watch Youtube on the same computer. Doing just 1 thing allows you to put more effort into that 1 thing.
Here's my theory :by what we've seen about the dream realm IT IS a deminsion and every time a pony goes to sleep it becomes a bubble In there (as we see in season 9 when starlight swaps celestia and Luna's cutie marks) this lets luna see who's in a nightmare and as we see in the same episode nopony other than luna can access them so her journey in there looks like this : She opens a portal to the dream realm and walks through ,as the dreams revol around her she sees which one of them has a nightmare and creates a portal to enter it and kills the creature causing the nightmare talks to the pony and leaves the dream Which means that there's no dream luna real luna does all the work I think that those wires are only there when she needs to create a shared dream
Luna may be an INTP. Our brains (the intps) function a lot like computers, and this allows us to emulate and simulate things that would be considered impossible for a normal brain.
I think it comes from there heads because if it were another dimension then Luna would only need to use her power to let every one inter then she could rest but since she kept using her power I think it was all in there heads and she was just the glue holding it together
Maybe the reason Luna was showing up in the Dream World/Dimension is because she made a projection of herself? If she can "walk" through dreams, like she did in past dream-episodes, it's likely that she can create a projection of her living self that allows her to interfere with the dream.
Becky Ann Wells2019-06-22 21:06:06 (edited 2019-06-22 21:12:31 )
Well my theorie is that it means astral travel. If you enter your astral body, it works like ghosts. If the nightmares were ghosts, then ghosts can get into the real world, IF the door of the afterlife has been opened, so that they can enter the real world. Luna can enter in dreams. If you are astral traveling, you can also see into others dreams. If you try to get into several ponys dreams, it takes alot of power and self control.
Perhaps the dream world is it's own dimension in the MLP universe as well as our own. Bare with me on this. While some might say that the vivid dreams we remember clearly are only lucid dreams, who's to say that there isn't more to it than that. Think about it, how many times have you gotten physically injured in your dreams only to wake up with cuts, bruises, and other injuries in the exact same locations upon waking up the next day when you know for certain that you didn't have those injuries and bruises when you went to bed? It's possible that the MLP universe is part of the dream world for us bronies and pegasisters, which means that it's possible that the overall connected dream universe is a real dimension both in our reality and in MLP.
oh my god i love that movie even though when i first saw it to 2015 it brouht memories like mr.electeric and lava girl when i saw it in 2015 i told my mom that i remember this
The Brony Notion Nah I like shark boy and lava girl better Wait The topic on the video was almost the same topic on the movie..... FEELING A CONNECTION HERE!!!!
Okay, here's my theory. The dream world IS inside the phone's heads, but shared dreams of even dreams in general create small dimensions which are just a rip in the real worls. Thus magic of the tantapus would be able to pull out of that rip created out of pure magic, and thus able to access the real world.
I think the white strings didn't connect to the Ponies' foreheads in the shared dream because Luna was physical, but the other ponies were the dream versions of themself.
I think you're right about physical Luna being in the dream dimension but remember, those are dream ponies, meaning the physical body of those ponies are in the physical world and would have the white stream connected to their physical foreheads. You touched this on the beginning of the video but forgot it at the end. XD
After reading Nana Asmah's comment, I remembered one thing that has always disturbed me a bit. I was asleep a couple years ago and I had a crazy vision of the future. There was this voice... and it was Princess Luna herself! I know what you are all thinking: This can't be real, this is just another dream people have everyday. Actually, It was more than that. There was an earthquake that happened in 2019 that went along the west coast. And in the quaking area was a little bit of my hometown. SOMEHOW Luna spoke to me (and she showed herself) and said it was gonna happen. And it happened! On top of that, My parents were having issues with each other, and I was warned that something terrible was going to happen, and it did! BTW I wonder if mlp exists now. It was really weird
I use three criteria to define "real". 1. Shared experience. Check. Ponies sharing a dream experience the same things.
2. Interactive. Check. Ponies interact with the dream world environment. 3. Of consequence. Check. Everyone was fighting because what happened in that shared dream mattered. So yes, even if the world was virtual, it was also very real.
Well, I think that when Luna returned from the moon, she used her magic to create the dream dimension, so that she never gets jealous of Celestia again and meets every pony every night.
My theory: it happens in a ponies head with dreams thy can't control but when Luna is there they can mindfully snap into sense or something. Luna is controlling all minds to think of a dream but she is too busy to actually go in the dream and instead remains in her bubble
Definitely another dimension, on my thought, another one of those wirey things just connects us to that dimension that the dream scape has planned on brining us to. Also, my brain hurts from thinking
It makes sense to me. Luna goes to some other dimension, (where twilght was turned into an alicorn?) and visits dreams. When the shadow thing got more power, and since she made it, she had to pull a part of herself into the dream, but larger then normal, explaining why her physical
i think that indeed there is a dream dimension. we each have our personal dimension though so we don't have the same dream as everyone else. in these dimensions the laws of physics can be broken so it must also be another world. once though my friend and i had the exact same dream plot line (we know this because we both said some of the details and all where correct) so i guess we also get a starter place and memories in a dream but we make it how it is. sometimes though u can get the same starter dream with someone else.
This is great, but I have an idea. Ponies are magical creatures, and the dream monster has access to the shared magic of all of pony vale. Maybe that much energy is enough to create it in the real world?
i think the cause of one measly pony can summon the dimension, causing the ability of ponies being able to visit dreams. the more dreams that are happening the more doors appear in the dimension. The rest you technically said.
I only saw it as a metaphoric thing, like... if you let your nightmares overwhelming you, they might affect your real life, and then people around you, and so on... Anyway I like the (confusing) idea you put forward
The dream world and the world where Twilight was turned into (ascended into being) and alicorn look a lot alike don't they? Would that not at least imply that they might well be the same and therefore just as Is suggested? An alternate dimension defined, not by the rules of physics and magic but by thoughts?
I realize this video is two years old and there are no recent comments... but I just have to say that I disagree with you, Notion. The Tantabus only threatens the real world because it is a creation of Princess Luna and her Alicorn Magic. She created this super powerful magic beast as a way to punish herself for what she had done. The nightmare of a regular pony is not as powerful, nor does it have sentience. So Scootaloo's Headless Horse is just something she dreamed up. It's only a simple image and doesn't have magic or sentience, therefore it cannot threaten the real world.
Another universe/dimension, how I see things is that anything that you imagine is a dream, and when that idea dies, the world where that dream exists irl dies with it
It's because, Luna can easily hold like 3 dreams and have dream Luna be in it but since it was like 100 dreams Luna will have no choice but to go into the real world.
My theory; based off many other plots in many others series and just pure logic a universe has all the dimensions and worlds in it. My theory is when anyone dreams they travel universes which means the dream world should be reassured as a dream universe where everypony’s dream is a dimension but as you may know all dimensions, worlds, universes and so on are all connected. By ripping a tear in the dream universe it’s like every connection petween universes and dimensions are train rides, so by going through that tear you are riding the connections between universes which can get you to the real world.
Dreams are probably a primitive, subconscious form of magic, in my opinion. If you think about how a unicorn does magic, it seems most likely that they are willing their imagination into reality, and that would mean that dreams, to some extent, would probably be magical. If you're about to say that would mean only unicorns could dream, all ponies HAVE magic, because the mane six can all funnel their magical energy into the elements, aka magic wands of harmony, but only unicorns have magic wands perma-glued to their heads.
I just had a thought. The mirror in EG goes to the human dimension or world and it closes and re opens every 30 moons. What if during the timeframe it is closed there are also certain moons that it opens to another dimension.
I think it just happens in the mind and when the giant galaxy pony escapes the dream world the pony would wake up in real life and now what happened let me explain let's say a pony is ready to go to sleep then when it goes to sleep and can't feel anything but it can see stuff from the Brian now it may be weird but yes think when you are sleeping you can't fell but you can see your dream in your head now when the giant Galaxy pony escapes the ponds will wake up and see the Galaxy pony in real life it is not in the dream world with the pony anymore so that's why Luna got those white strings from her head to make sure EVERYONE is connected well except for princess celestia I guess anyways that's what I think thanks for reading
i think what happened, was the dream beast opened a rift between the real world, and the dream world, where a non physical being could pass through unharmed and enter reality
I think of the Dream World more as a Realm IN the dimension, rather than a different dimension altogether.
Similar to in Dragon Age, the game. All dreams are within the Fade, which is where Magic comes from. Mages are able to physically enter the Fade, similar to Luna, but they are vulnerable to Demons because of this.
Similarly, Demons from the Fade are able to enter the normal world, but only via a Mortal/Mage. In MLP, all the ponies are mages, they all have magic, they all can physically enter the Fade, they all are vulnerable. However, Luna, being the caretaker of Dreams, stops Demons from exiting the Fade.
The Tantibus was one such Demon. Luna created the Tantibus using a Demon as a template. So, like any Demon, the Tantibus used ponies to pave its way to the real world. However, due to the fact that no pony has ever actually physically entered the Fade, the Tantibus cannot touch them. It can only, instead, draw power from them.
Now, with this in mind, we go back to Nightmare Moon. Luna is the caretaker of dreams as stated above, so she has physically entered the Fade before, which means she is vulnerable to demonic posession. However, she is strong, able to fight off demons not only from herself, but from the Fade itself.
But, at that time, she was weak. The Nightmare took advantage of this weakness and took Luna.
What would you just said about other dimensions might be correct I like to think otherwise because when Luna uses her magic the streams from her horn connect to the ponies hat and vest size that they're connecting to the right what you had about the PC servers and all of that was really good until you started messing with other dimensions with that I actually think is that a dream is kind a like their own powers think of every pony having Easter in large power in their dream now if that dream had the power to escape or they had any idea that they could escape they probably would do it but apparently right now they think Luna is the only pony strong enough to going to dreams that actually. So can creams the area about the whole Celeste Dia and Luna war thing maybe actually there is one thing about the dimensions theory that might be correct the dreams that Luna makes it's almost like she's creating the server just like how his server is made of any mistake is in the server she has the only technology to fix that server otherwise she has the power to actually travel through that server sure that might be a fake character in that dream or server as we are still talking about it but even though Luna still has the power to create things and other people's dreams though this all seems like a lot of talking very far-fetched and makes a lot of sensewhen you're not speaking a lot
I think it is a mix of memory and magic. so here's my theory yes there is a dream dimension but it's not just that it is also a place were luna (and anypony who knows how to get there) can access the memories of other ponies or maybe even make dreams and to get there luna will meditate anyways thats what i think in Magical Mystery Cure at the end that is were Twilight and Celestia are
So I was looking at this and the dream world makes a world of sense. However, where do you think it would be? We know of two other dimensions as of right now: the human world and Tartarus, if that even counts as a dimension. Is there a way this "dream world" connects to Tartarus in a deeper way? Possibly, could the thing threatening to enter the real world be a demon of Luna's past coming back to make Luna into nightmare moon once more as well?
Or maybe rather each time pony dreams he/she creates some new dream-world(or each time recreated the same dream world, in this case it's not important detail), which really is other world/dimension, into which pony's consciousness/mind is send. In normal circumstances such dream-world couldn't interract with reall world or other dream-worlds. And naturally after end of the dream pony's consciousness/mind is returning into its body. Alicorn magic is something really special, and in case of Luna this magic is connected with dreams and can break previous rules. She can create something like interworld, a connection between dream worlds, her intervetion also always make pony remember its dream(just because she could use her power to do this and she always visit others dream to tell her/him something what she/he should know... yaeh now I write really obvious things), but still dreams are just dreams and in them there is just consciousness/mind of pony and sometimes her... but Tantabus which is created by her magic surely has part of her magic, so when he(i know why don't know its sex, but assume Tantabus if male, just for convenience) posses enough force he could use this power, inherited ahter his creator, to escape to the other world. And because he was a dream creature he could be not awere of existance of the real world, the only "foothold"(I'm not sure if i use correct world i think about any information/data which he could use to find way to other worlds) was firstly mane six, so he could find only their dream-worlds. Then he probably could get some knowledge from his victims, and this way he get to know about real world. What more - as You said - Luna was fully transferred into world of this shared dream, which i think also was more difficult than just sendind there only her mind. So I think that barrier beetwen dream-words is weaker than barier between any dream-world and reall world, so he need to gain more power than is need to go from one dream-world to another, and this could be the reason why stopping him from this was aesier than stopping him from changing worlds. To summarize - if the dream-worlds are real, but just more separated from real world Tantabus surely could go to the real world.
+StewiebossFTW Well, my guess is that, ok, wall of text ahead. my theory as to why there is no human Sunset Shimmer is heavily influenced by my theory as to why Sunset Shimmer is named similar to Twilight Sparkle in the first place. the reason is: she isnt. its the other way around. when Celestia took Sunset under her wing, Twilight wasnt even born. and when her parents got her, they named her similar to Sunset, hoping that she will become Celestia´s student one day as well. then Sunset disappeared and Twilight´s parents were afraid this could also happen to Twilight, which would explain the weird looks on their faces during Twilight´s entrace exam. this would mean that human Sunset Shimmer is older than the mane six, so she doesnt go to school anymore. as to why pony Sunset got to CHS if that was the case, well, they took 3 random strangers without any means of identification whatsoever (btw they are about 1000 years old, so yeah).
all ponies have magic, right? maybe the dream world is a pocket dimension that is more easily manipulated by magic, so that even earth ponies (like big Mac) can change it subconsciously. Luna, with more powerful magic, would be able to conscientiously manipulate the dimension. and maybe she started opening that dimension at night so everyone would like the night more. and when she was banished it became a subconscious habit for ponies to enter it while sleeping.
We live in the multiverse there are different dimensions that contain different things to get to most of you would have to travel through the space Time continuum but the dream dimension is accessible by slumber whereas the others would probably rip the fabric of space time
The connections are in the shared dream because Luna might prefer not to show the wires. In the shared dream having each wire visible would then make more sense as she would know if she lost anyone
This one time i when i went to sleep i had a dream where my two friends Damien and Frank came to my house to have a sleep over And when i went to day camp the next day and told Frank "hey would't it be cool to have a sleep over?" and he said "yeah it sounds cool" I think on a friday i told me friend Damien about the dream and he said "i had the exact same dream and when i woke up he called Frank and told him that he had a dream where they where at my house and frank said he did to So that is the time me and my friends had the same dream
3:56 I feel like Pinkie's brain would look all wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey too. I mean, she can break the fourth wall, she makes references of our world, AND she referred to a past version of herself (3rd generation Pinkie Pie) in "Too Many Pinkies".
I think that it happens in the ponies heads. he reason they could connect is because all ponies have some level of magic which lets them connect if Luna does the spell she did. Its kinda like as if ponies are the computers and Luna is the internet. If Luna imagines Tantabus will turn into a real thing in the dreams making him semi real. But Tantabus needs more magic to become actually real soo it will travel from pony to pony collecting magic. Tantabus is kinda like a virus it could travel from pony to pony except there is no one controlling it.
Maybe Luna creates a gateway to the dream dimension with every string she attaches but normally, anypony's dream acts like a LAN connection, not an online connection and Luna can access these through getting the frequency(don't know what else to call it)to herself only(like if you were to create a private game and invite others to it,you may be online but not to everyone),allowing herself to access all the magical dimensions each independent pony has.
i love ur theory about the server, but how is everypony able to see each other in their dreams while have the same actions while not knowing whats going on outside of the dream world. doesnt add up, does it? in order for luna to go through everyponies dream to make one big dream, they would have to all dream the same thing, sence everypony was in ponyvil.
The answer is simple. The big... blob thingy gains power from luna’s guilt. Once strong enough, it becomes too big for just a dream, so it tries to enter the real world.
is it possible that since Luna can access the other ponies dreams that the second she does it turns their dreams into reality by connecting them to another dimension... in which case does it mean that no Ponies are in danger in their dreams if Luna doesn't access their dreams
The multiverse exists, right? What if every time a pony has a dream they enter a pocket dimension which they can control. Luna would then basically be connecting to the ponys to access said dimensions and gain some control over the dimensions. She could then progect herself into these dimensions, since she can't go there herself because she needs to maintain the connection. This means that in this episode Luna is weaving together the pocket dimensions of every pony in ponyville and controlling the dream so someone like pinkie wouldn't just bounce into a different dream. It makes sense that if she's concentrating this hard she wouldn't have time to notice details like the fact that her progection still showing the strings. (Man, I wish I could do this for essays).
yes a dream dimension must exist even in real life, now i have a theory, ok know the bermuda triangle has nothing to do with MLP, but do you think maybe the bermuda triangle might be a portal to a rl dream dimension? think about it, when planes and ships go missing there, there is never even the slightest trace ever seen of them again and the reason no one ever makes an attempt to come back is because in the dream dimension their dreams are a reality and no matter what they don't wanna leave it behind, think about it, so yes i agree with brony notion here, yes a dream dimension may exist in real life too, when you think about it, it all makes perfect sense
You’re making this way more complicated than it has to be. When the ponies dream, their dreams happen in the dream world. So, their physical body is sleeping but they’re dreaming in the dream world. Which is a natural way to go to the dream world. But when Luna dream walks, she doesn’t go to the dream world naturally. She uses magic. That’s why when she dream walks, she goes into the dream world WITH her physical body. And when she sleeps, she goes there just like the ponies do, without magic. And just like them, her physical body is sleeping and she is dreaming in the dream world.
And those white threads that magically comes out of her horn, is actually used to connect one’s dream with another’s. She doesn’t have to use them when she is dream walking. Cuz you can’t use them to dream walk, you can only use them to connect dreams together.
maybe the tantabus is sort of like a virus rather than something that exists only inside the mind and somehow infects other ponies you see in your dreams
I think it’s all about magic Luna is the princes of the night so it do make sense that she can enter the dream world as a real pony and for individual there are doors to the pony dram in the dream realm it not confusing at all it’s magically logical
Dream is just our imagination, or sometimes,our fears or nightmares.Dream can be and something what will happen in the future.If we did something wrong in the past.
Actually I think because of dream sharing Luna is controlling the dream. Basically,she brings everyone to one's dream. That is why we can see the magic on her horn
+Roanna Ighekpe you have to go to your channel and look for your profile image and you can change it by pressing the pencil thing works if u are on computer
Yeah i was like OMG did i just saw that!? And than inwent searching for it but i could n't find it so i wachted that part six times trying to stop the video on the right part xD
Ok! Its oviouse. Im sure EVERYONE saw the Thing for a split second. Can we stop with the comments? I have probably 389-500 emails about this one comment and Im sure the dude that made this video does too....
did someone saw the tantivers turned a night mare moon shape ahh it could go in real Lunas body and turn her to night mare moon prudently and no one could stop her not even the elements of harmony if it got out haaaaaaa so should anyone be scared
I believe that creature Luna created was residue from the shadow pony . What is the shadow pony? It's part of Nightmare Moon's dark magic which some it fled out of the way of Celestia's Magic.
I think that it's her magic that's keeping it all in check I think that she actually makes dreams and without her dreams but fade away and it would just be memories that pony is would have four dreams not their imagination
If dreaming happens in another dimension then how can a pony be in the same dimension as another pony without seeing that pony or being able to interact with them?
How about this? The dream world is a reflection through a prism of the real world? Breaking the prism or creating another to reflect the dream to cross the real world
It’s also really weird how people are not freaked out at all that the princess Luna is there, if celestia visited then they would bow and be all shocked- however when Luna just appears they don’t care and go on with their lives.. lmao
I know, this video was posted in 2015, and I'm writing this in 2017, but I was thinking, what if the ponies use the magic inside of them to travel to the Dream dimension? Just a thought.
Tbh, i think that Luna is more powerful than Celestia, the whole reason that she managed to defeat Nightmare Moon she used the Elements of Harmony which is not actually her own magic, she combined it, I think if she actually used her own magic she couldn't have even defeat her, after all, the Elements of Harmony's magic is from the Tree of Harmony..
but if it is another dimension, then they could leave through the rips too! but what would happen then? would come out with the powers that they dreamed having? would there be 2 big Macs only one is an alicorn?
The tantebus wasn’t created in a dream. It was created by Luna and she put it in her dreams to punish herself . Technically it isn’t a part of the dream in the same way as other things because it’s a purposefully created form of magic. But that’s just my theory
Short form for my explanation : When lunar enters dreams individualy she does not have white strings in the dream but un reality she has . But when lunar enters everyponys dreams all at once there are white strings in the dream world. ( sorry for the mistake this isn't short form )
It's actually both. I'm mean mlp is all about magic so it's not really surprising or complicated. There's over 5 dimensions another dimension doesn't make a different. The brain control the dream of ur own and the dimension OF dreams was the key to Luna to enter the dream, string was only for choosing which ponies dream she's gonna enter. In conclusion, it's dimension of dreams and the dreams is from the brain.
Dreams happen within a realm...... If something within one realm is powerful enough, it can go into a different realm. Realms happen within dimensions but can and do cross over into other dimensions. The brain can even remember everything and log it n other dreams and bring you back to it at any point of night or day even days or months later. Believe cuz it's happened to me alot. Your thoughts create a rift or affect in life. I've only had nightmares my entire life.... N I remember all of them. I found out that if I conquer a challenge in one I no longer have that dream...... It's as if I was sent to another dimension in the dream realm cuz it's the only possible way to do so..... In order to not only solve a problem in the dimension..... But to also solve an inner conflict and pass a test.....
And you once again remind me why I originally subscribed to your channel, Notion. Your videos, theories, and reasons all make sense as well as bring up some very reasonable thought trains. Keep it bro
@The Brony Notion Yes, your insightful breakdowns of every aspect of the show lighten up my day! It feels beautiful to have everything make sense, within the world of My Little Pony. Keep up the great work!
The closest thing I have is a chapter from a Fimfiction where a human OC has a movie night with Rainbow Dash and they watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Rainbow has a nightmare about Freddy and Luna intervenes and absolutely curb-stomps him.
I think the story was called Project Sunflower: Side Stories, by Hoopy Mcgee. -It's an excellent series with a unique twist and premise on the Human in Equestria troupe that isn't wish fulfilment.
Maybe when ponys sleep, they can go to the dream dimension because Luna can use the magic on their brains while they don't use them and from there she takes them to the dream dimension
I'd say it is another dimension why cuz when you wake up a few seconds or minutes after you forget your dream you just end up taking what ever form you feel like anywhere but as long as it's in the dream world if you have questions just put in replys
+InazumaEleven that's normal. when you see something that stands out from everything else, your brain thinks it was there for 1 minute when it was there for 1 second.
I think that it's both, the brain has a effect called the Mandira effect.Wich can either be your brain making stuff up, or seeing other worlds, so the brain, is like a computer, a central server like you said.The brain and the magic of an alicorn, might be connected, I don't know some sort of anatomy.But anyways the brain is the key to the other world.
does that make sense?I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
Luna didn’t just create a shared but she also created a lucid dream. The pony’s could do anything they imagined. Now if that’s not lucid dream then I’m done researching dreams
Another way look at this theory is watch an old anime called Yumeria. It has a Dream World too. Heck! The 2012 (8 episodes) Black Rock Shooter anime has something similar as well.
Imagine ALL the ponies and villains and others teamed up to battle some demon clones, even the equestria girls kids are in the pony world.One heck of an episode...
Spirits can exist with ease in either the physical world or a virtual one. Luna's construct is a tulpa. By definition, it's a spirit. It's just a spirit which originally existed within Luna. I'm an alter. I basically live in a virtual reality when I'm not working out here. I share a world with over a hundred different alters, all generated by one brain. It actually isn't that hard. That part wouldn't have drained Luna. What's hard is maintaining a telepathic connection to hundreds of people at once.
I think the dimesion thing is a good theory but they don't have the white wire attached to them because they all have there own dream dimensions that disapear when they wake up and Princess Luna jumps through dimensions
Real Luna comes to dream dimension and all other ponies aren't real they are controled by real ponies and when you control something you can do anything. Exactly as in that episode
This is a magical world of talking ponies, unicorns, pegasi, alicorns, and other magical, mythical creatures that still have the essence of science. Of course, it's gonna be both.
Did anyone see the shape of the tantabus in 3:4 I thought it was supposed to take the form of Luna's or anypony's fear Who is fearing mistmane? At least that is what it looks like to me
The dream world is a different dimension. Because of luna's magic she was able to be in the dream with the mane six and the whole of Ponyvile. but wait if the mane six were able to use magic in the dream dimension then it should've made luna collapse right?
The dream world may just be another dimension. The way the Tantabus ripped open the dream world looks just like the way Midnight Sparkle ripped open the human world.
Whoever knows the email address of "The Brony Notion" tell him that there was a comic that somewhat introduces how dreams are made and controlled. I think it was titled "My Little Pony FIENDSHIP is Magic #4 Nightmare Moon."
considering the fact we have seen multiple demencions before including discords heckick nonsense world where the pore male pony got lost I'm sure without a doubt the dream world is anouther demencion all together.
it seems possible that dream world is an dimention but theres a hole in your theory: how could the ponies enter the dream world or how could their minds enter it
If how you described Luna's bubble and how she was in it was actually the real the tantabus could be using the magic from the bubble and with enough of it at it's hooves it can create a door way to the waking world (or non dreaming world) but what of the string that I might be able to explain with how she can go through the dream demension back and forth using magic my theory is that the lines are slowly dissolving into the Skye cause they technically Peirce through the bubble so apart of them connected to the real world heads that way while the other strings go up and the certain string connected to the pony in the waking world keeps track of that certain pony now how Luna becomes tired she must be keeping the doorway open between the waking world and the dreaming world and that is the bubble formed around her now tantabus the giant killer monster now.....tantabus before Luna connected everyone in ponyville she made a connection with all the main 7 but not in the same dream and with her magic the tantabus can use it to hop from dream to dream now the ponyville full dream instead of her going to each dream separately I'll have to agree with you she made all the ponys in ponyville dreams connected so tantabus had nowhere to hide......there's one more thing tantabus it's self how the mane moves and the coloring I suggest that Luna was never fully separated from nightmare Moon some backup for that is that in the show she use the words "we, us " and much more suggesting that it is still there with her and how everyone describes it the tantabus is nightmare Moon or what she originally was a nightmare or a being of the dark Wich if listened to can turn you into a power crazed monster Luna felt alone that how it is described and in her nightmare form she wants everyone to make her there leader no matter the cost of life and that's what happened with sunset shimmer and twilight (equastria girls) but the nightmare can't take the host fully understand control it will urge the host into accepting it's deal to make the hosts life better
I think the answer is both of them because they could have a whole dimension inside of all of their heads that all that she’s doing is combining all of the dimensions into one so then all of those dimensions is what she is latching onto
I guess you're right with dimension dream theory! Its another dimansion but with the difference that when you die you get kicked out. Or after a random time That's my theory
I just saw an animation flaw. You know that purple pegasus with the fruit cutie mark on the left of the screen where luna is in that bubble thing? Well in the next scene, she is Shown without wings.
I think the when they sleep a dimension gets formed and of course luna is the only person getting into that dimension. Her physical body can go into that dimension with her magic.And when she sleeps she is like other ponies living in the dream world
it may be Luna created the dream world dimension. this is how she can access it and how she see into other pony's dreams. maybe when they enter the dream world, they are entering Luna's mind and imagination. you know, your basic wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey stuff!
you know i feel like it does come from the head or other dimension because on time when i was having a nightmare when i woke up i had those you know the dream bubble floating over my head that white cloud that has your dream in it so when i woke i saw it and i woshed it away so maybe dreams do come from other dimensions.
The world of the dreams is called Onirique. I think that the dream's Luna are in reality her "âme" (French, don't know alternatives in english~) Because of the equilibre Corps Spirite "âme" ^^
Luna doesn't have a string when she is alone with only one other pony in their dream. Why? Because she is IN their dream! In the episode where she is holding everyone's dreams together, she is HOLDING the dream, and not JOINING it. That is why.
What if it's like the Hindu Idea of the lower Astral? The dreams ARE happening in their heads, but a sort of copy is manifestated on to a dimensional plane that only slightly overlaps our own. The show DOES seem to be centered around old mythology and spirituality. It's not a bad theory. But, hey maybe I'm wrong, I'm just really philosophical trying to link my spirituality with a fucking kids show. What am I even going on about? Just a thought that maybe we can make a more cannon and reasonable connection to the world Equestria seems to be mimicking. It just makes more sense in that frame of reference.
I don't understand how a dream can be something from another dimension.. IT MAKES NO SENSE! Dreams are just stuff thought up by your brain to make a movie in your head while you sleep :P
if luna is in real life in this dream dimenision with a bubble round her, would the dream dimension version of her be in her bed in the real world or would she disappear in the real world altogether until she came out of dream dimension?
coughs It's called the Dream Realm-a synonym for realm is dimension. The Dream Realm is a dimension within the everyday-dimension the ponies of Equestria live in.
I think the dream world is another dimension but it's in everyponys brain and Luna knows how to get in there and because equestria is full of magic the ponys can remember their dreams
Did anyone else see that when the clip of discord ripping open a portal it is actually had the same colour of the portal the tantabus ripped open! Did anyone else see it? Well I did!
I think it's a dream dimension because like Discord (apparently) tore a hole to the sock puppet dimension (whatever that is lol)...wait, maybe this creepy shadow Luna thingy is somehow connected with Discord?...1. weird things happening 2. ripping holes between dimensions...and let's not forget the human Twilight demon thing, cause she was making holes between dimensions too. (I never saw that episode either) so..maybe the three are connected somehow... (except for Twilight cause she turned normal right?) oh well who knows. :3 just a very strange idea. (I dunno how I came up with my theory so I said strange)
I'm ganna go with the dream world.. And I have a theory! Is Luna an actual pony?! Or is she from the dream world?? How else would she know how or what a teturis( spelled it wrong) is??!!!
When luna is about to make her white dream connection string things you see starlight glimmer's star part of her cutie mark in white on the tip of luna's horn and when she is about to travel into the dream world the white wisps around her looks like twilight's magic essence coming out of her chest in magical mistic cure and cadence's magic essence on her cuite mark in the crystal heart episode.They all happen when they fullfill their destiny
Uh, this magic of the dream dimension is real because if you think of any super rare abilities then you could do anything you wanted. Like, for example, I heard from my dad mentions that he was being chase by robbers then he temporary thinks of me in his dream as Batman and me saving his life. And me, I was dreaming dropping super deep underground(not bottomless) then I levitated myself out of the deepest underground and I was back to Jr High and I can shoot spider webs like Spider-Man.
Remember when lunar entered the mane 6 dreams individualy ??? She was not using the white strings when she enters dreams individualy which explains the cutie mark cursaders dreams individualy but when everypony ( or more than 1 pony ) has the same dream .... the white strings apear
I think if the dream realm as the monster world in Pixar's Monsters Inc. Luna transports into the dream realm and has this 7th sence when a pony is going through something and needs assistance. I do not believe that when this happens there is a string going through their head it is just their dream selves stepping out of their dream. Like when Sweetie Belle does after having that dream showing what really happened before/after her 5th birthday party and what will happen to Rarity if the headdress fell apart on Sapphire Shores head and ruin her career.
I think there's a dream planet far below earth that's why you feel a falling sensation and the reason you say falling asleep you're falling off earth and onto this dream planet where you control everything with your mind
in the dream world you can see THE SAME LAMP POST as in threes a crowed maybe some of those things are hapining because of discord! maybe discord is even in the dream. he dose have some pretty crazy powers (that is kind of obvious though
maybe the real Luna generates dream Luna like a hologram or something but in the shared dream of ponyville she doesn't have enough energy to generate that hologram
I think that the dream world is in the ponys heads. and that the tantrbus (don't know if that's how u spell that) is exiting through a pony's mind just as princess Luna can enter and exit a pony's mind from and how she enters is a spell, and if say it's all of ponyvill u can see it's a spell if that makes sense. theories I'm I right?
Six of one half a dozen of another. It's not entirely impossible that much as certent beliefs hold the moon hold sway over our dreams so it could be that it's inside everyone's heads but also connected to this Universal subconscious
But wasn't the creature connected to luna so her suffering and darkness was coming out into physical something like nightmare moon but in this scenario luna will still exist separated from that creature
It couldn't of been in the dream world because remember Magical Misery Cure? At the end when she became a Princess that's where she went and that wasn't a dream.
Well luna did infact say realm. Think of minecrafts dimensions. They are known as realms. Realms such as the nether have diffrent looks but is connected to our world. As long as there is a connection you can enter and leave the nether dimension. So if we take that to the fact then luna is infact the portal for her mind to come into dreams.
maybe just maybe it's both a demenstion and the mind of a pony the demenstion is for loads of ponies so luna had to go there herself unlike the mind where she is dream luna
Stupid answer: the dream tantabus gets the sleeping ponies to Magic a real tantabus into the real world. Just my dont cents. I don't believe it either, or rather don't prefer it. I like the idea of a dream dimension
My theory the dream thing whold come out of Luna's horn as bad magic and take the form of the big pony monster it takes in the shard dream. Luna is there because the monster is trying to come out of her horn so this puts streas on her and she's there as a last resort to get a second chance but after that the monster can go threw the portal to get to the real world. It's in the ponys head but the danger is still real
dream world is 1 of the dimentsions, ( i hope i spelled it right) ponys teleport to there when they sleep and that big luna thing made portal out of there , Luna can make same thing. Bubble around Luna project Luna.
as far as I know it's possible that the dream girl in My Little Pony but I doubt it this sounds more like a Doctor Who parody if you ask me in fact even talk to who did a parallel universe with David Tennant so that's how I know about that Yep this is more like this another time period or another paradox that's what I think this is Rose what is signing out
the dream world? do not know! all I know is that the dream world is in a different dimension! and it is magic! that is how the "thing" can go into the real world.also how it explains NIGHTMARE moon.mabye.
Me when I was 4 : wow I'm glad the my little pony's stopped the tantapus or else I would have had bad dreams forever Me when I became 8 and watching MLP equestria girls and looking back into my memory: wow I was so stupid back then they meant the equestria girls when Luna said it would enter the real world she meant equestria girls not our world she meant the equestria girls world
I think that there is a dream world which connects to the ponies mindes and the tentacus came there then exited it (only if luna lost with it also the illuminati thing it was weird)
it is in a dream but see the bubble around luna notice how no one touched her that's a rip in the sleep real dimensiens that luna was in and holding open,those streams were going to the sleeping ponies luna wasn't struggling to get the ponies in it was her keeping that rift open
Wait... ISN'T HIS OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN THE DREAM WORLD!? Just think about it! We've seen a hallway with doors in the dream world. And in the dimension that the Brony Notion lives in, there is another sparkly hallway of doors! And each door leads to a different Youtube Channel! Wait... HAVE THE MLP THEORISTS TAKEN OVER THE HALLWAY OF DREAMS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
This episode of my little pony is funny because of rainbow dash'a dream so I was wondering if u can probably make a video of how it might have been scary to her
Why not: Every dream is it's own dimension? and magic allows luna to cross in between them. and even allow ponies to have the same dream by putting them in the same dimension. How about them carrots?
so I agree what if it is a different dimension I really don't like bringing anything into this so I'm just not but my mom believes in heaven as it gets to be whatever you want to be and if a dream is like how you want it to be so what is a dream is supposed to be like your version of heaven like a preview and since its like your perfect version of whatever so why didn't they just wish the tantabus away? so what if what we all think is going to be heaven will actually be a new dimension where we had our dreams?
So the dream diemechtion is not in the mind but in a diemechtion were luna can be in but most of the time it is like a luna puppet but luna can control her own puppet so any living thing in the dream diemechtion can easily go to the real world.
anything that has strong enough magic in the dream world can build up magic in the real world even if i has no physical form in the real world, and if it has enough magic in the real word but no physical form then and only then it will be able to create a phyisical form for itself in the real world. to bad this is only in mlp though because it would be very cool if it wasn't, AND I WOULD HAVE A UNICORN THAT MAKES MONEY!!XDXDXD
First off not very confusing and second off it is in another dimension but the ponys are making up the world around them with there own minds it's basically just a dream world where anything is possible
well ya that's true but in one video can you make your next video about why is Luna in the cutie mark crusaders dreams cuz there are two reason's 1. cuz Luna is a sibling ans 2 cuz Luna is a dream pony
are minds are connections to the dream realm we each have are own area but we can only access this area when are unconscious minds are active and since there are those who can control their dreams it means the are controlling the dream realm
the real world is the pony world. remember that this is a dream not the real world and OMG I SAW THE ALL SEEING EYE FOR A SPLIT SECOND IN THAT RED TRIANGLE SPOOKY MAN! Luna had some sort of spell so she could be in the dreams of ponies. so if the spooky blob thing escaped the dream work it would have gone into the pony world not another demention
those lines help it to where they can ither share a dream or she can watch multiple dreams faster and easrier its just it makes her tired and doesnt last for long
I think that if Tantabus would of escaped frim the dream server that Luna made i dont think the ponies would had seen him beacause he is basicale a ever lasting nightmare that can get defeated with cute kittens and cotton candy. Tantabus basically does not exist. Well for magical/dream dimentions yeah he would but in our worl no beccause we have no magic. And its pretty obvious that Luna was real because in Applebloom's, Scootaloo's and sweetybell's dream she did not have the glowing string coming out of her horn....
“Luna did just tie the mane six, she created A shared dream so the tantibus would have no where to go or hide with ALL OF PONYVILLE” Uhm hello? From the crystal empire and canterlot? Manehatten anyone?
me: *Reads the title* well, if to your dreamself, yeah. for example, Rose could have died if she didn't kill the monster. but, if you dreamself is dead, like the trolls, then no. it has already taken it's course and ended. BOOM
O.K it is named spirit Science 7: dimensions!!!!!It is very good personally I think it's awesomely awesome!!!!!!!You should really watch it!!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Plot twist it's all in Lunas head she is the one dreaming and she is a child dreaming and it turns from a nightmare (her being evil) to a wonderful dream (her being a princess)
I think why that you so confuse about dream world and luna's speacial power This is what i think : Maybe it's because that luna just can get in a pony dream at a time but when she want to defete her shadow she has to let her power to limit and i think that's what make other pony can see her in the dream world and i think it makes that other pony could see her just like in real life and the bubble that around her too ofcourse . So this is what i think about it 😅😅😅 i don't know if you think the same as me or not but this is my advice
I think it happens in a dreamworld or else ponies would have a small dimension in their heads, so, if it does happen in their heads, the tantabus can easily posses that pony, who knows, maybe it can take form as Twilight, Luna, Celestia, or Cadence to rule a kingdom, and the pony who is possessed, the real pony would just be in the dream world, wondering where they were if they never been there. Luna has an amazing power that can go into a dream, helping ponies inside fixing their problems. Maybe Luna can replace the Cutie Mark Crusaders, since there fear is in their dreams and Luna would help them find their true selves. See where I'm going? Tell me what you think of my theory! :):):):):):):):)
Well he is right , there is a dreamword, but also the dreams can be inside of the pony's mind, and to can escape from a dream to real word is posible, it's like a conection between air,phyhic and real word, and I works like this:
Your brain pictures, actions and sounds are thansferd ture air in real world, like as long you are alive the dream of your is in real word and If you Die every one will be woke up and feel like that was an magical share dream, but actualz it wasn't ! ...
... Share dreams or traveling in drems and dreams is like zour brain and your heart who does alould you do enter in another mind or who combine the both minds creating a brand new big dream !
Hello fellow changling in hiding :3 (my oc is half changling and half pegusus. She does have a horn but I don't count her as an alicorn, because all changlings need horns to do magic lol I'm so confusing I apologize lol XD)
Princess Luna into dreamworlds and she is real so it’s hard enough to say that Princess Luna actually created a shadow version of herself but the shadow version grievable and pretty much want to do skate but you’re a world tour up equestrian put it in the internal sweet
Hmmm... Luna might just be creating a magical kind of bubble around her because if she was sleeping and going inside other pony's dreams, she wouldn't be able to connect everyone in ponyvi- (Equestria?)'s dreams. (I'm probably wrong). If I am wrong, please reply and correct me. Please no haters :)
+Chickedy The Drucken luna was opening a small rift between the dream and the waking world. it was centered around her so it showed little else. it cast a image of her in the dream. my knowledge of the dream world is really extensive. i know more about the dream realm of our world than anyone should be able to know.
plain so i think Luna's horn is connected to her head to give the ponies something they shall know but its what i can try to explaini think a sharing dream makes sense but I''ll try to ex
I watched the video that idk when you posted it about the illuminati in MLP. And I was scared when I heard about the up side down star summoning stuff and I NEVER wanted to see the illuminati again and you have to put a pic of it in THIS vid!
first I gotta say shark boy a lava girl srsly bro XDDDDDDD
NEXT I got on track with this maybe the dream world does exist and I don't think that there is a dream luna maybe when its with less ponies its easir for luna to control the dreams and keep them goin for longer but when all of ponyville had to be connected the lines actually had to be shown cuz the spell could have been somethin extreamly hard wiv all da ponies and therefore she had more trubble, just a little thought on no dream luna
I would say the dream world isn't a dimension, it's a bridge between dimensions. Why do I think this? Because at night I dream and I am some how having fragments of other a dream constantly appearing, which probably means that I am some how being contacted be inter-dimensional beings! I now this sounds crazy, but it is the most likely theory I can think of. It's been going on for AGES!!!!!! The fragments are Celestia, Luna, occasionally Discord, Hirobrine from minecraft and for some strange reason the MLP character Vinyl Scratch. Has anything like this happened to ANYONE!!! If so please let me know by replying to this comment, and no I AM NOT TOTALLY INSANE OR CRAZY!!!!!
Hey Notion, I believe the dream world is a dimension, for luna couldnt possibly physicaly be in all the ponies minds, rather i think the ponnies are all controlling their dream selves.Like in a video game, and they each retreat to their own little section in the dream world, so all luna had to do was break the walls of each individual pony's section to make one giant section were they all resided.
Is it weird last night I had a dream Princess Luna was the creator of this segregated hotel (Males and Females) and finally united the hotel before I woke up?.... I watch too much MLP!!!!
maybe, scientist got in wriong and your therory is in are life too thats how some people have the same dream and someone controls the dream room just something in my mind
I think that when they are in a dream bythemself its in thier head but when thier having a nightmare or getting a vist from luna they are in the dream dimension.
Every thing does happen in the ponies heads but idis executed in the dream realm I know you're probably not see my idea but if you do I think you can make a video on it again
the one you are right yeah you are right pretty sure Anya my love, I forgot to say Derby rules that sucks we'll answer the question exactly last one I watched was how would you exactly the same speed as that and Rainbow Loom like they're pushing on there's probably going the other way so that probably made her some time she was going so fast and when the color of her hair probably blew up into the world and made up Sonic color boom that looks like fire
DID ANYONE SEE WHAT I SAW?!?! IN THE RED TRIANGLE DID ANYONE ELSE THE THE ILLUMINATI EYE?!! IM SURE I SAW IT BECAUSE I WENT BACK AND SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not actually saying this in real life to myself... But in my brain I'm yelling it... And it's made me tired.... lol but did anyone else see that? BTW can you please respond to this The Brony Notion? If you are able too?
The brain always is growing and gives energy to our body .but there's still so much things we don't know about brain,GOD is big and we are the creation of GOD .there's so much we don't understand now but we're going to know theme in future+your dream world thing,maybe it is a dimension or only the things in our brain.we're humans the biggest creations of GOD and can do anything and our lives demands to us and our GOD
The Illuminati is invading all your theories. You should probably do something about that. I have an idea! Grabs Illuminati Spray and sprays itThe Brony Notion disappears Uh oh, I think I accidently got the Brony Notion spray instead.... Well, I guess this is The Illuminotion now. R.I.P. The Brony Notion 2017 April 17th
Hey hello anybody seen the movies twitches and twitches too what kind of relates the princess Luna and Princess Celeste Dia Apolla/Cameron is the princess of the sun ☀️ and Artemis/Alex is the princess of the moon 🌙 and also in twitches their mother has both of the necklace put together so that mean she's the queen of the sun and the moon also my thing is that Artemis/Alex is just like Luna except for when Luna turned is nightmare moon and a Aollia/Cameron is like princess Celeste and the other thing is that do the mother of princess Luna and princess Celeste have both of their powers put together
And also... there is no dream Luna. Normal Luna dream walks into OTHER ponies dreams. When she hosts it, THEY are in HER dream, so that’s why the cord thingies show up.
I think inside the bubble is the really world where Luna is but outside is the dream world that's why she can't move in the dream world and I think they made a mistake because if all the strings went outside the bubble then where are the strings going anyways?
When rainbow dash does the sonic rainboom the white thing touching her hoof is like the 3 princess' magic essence so is the white circles when she has done the rainboom.
There is a dream world when I'm a sleep my dream firend come and host me in middle of the night she tell what in the dream world . Once there was a war and nightmare won then the dreams won the 2 war or world war 6 .
MY wacky theory #10- princess luna is basically the queen of the night right? (that was not supposed the rhyme ) anyway she created the 'tantabus', and since she can walk into people's dreams (sorry ponies dreams -), so, to me it makes since that the tantabus could Live and.......ABIDE IN THE DREAM WORLD! Almost like..... it.... INHERITED, LUNA'S ABILITY TO WALK INTO THE DREAM WORLD AND STAY THERE FOR A WHILE! (but the tantabus can't really get into the WAKING WORLD! LIKE OF COURSE: LUNA CAN!)
sunset shimmer aka twighlight sparkle people dont have dtems in their head people share dre as ms sometimes happened at school how can they share something in their head
twilights name is based on vampires.the movie twilight is the name of a vampire movie and there is a vampire in that movie called vampire sparkle-twilight sparkle and that's probably why she is purple
i think that the white lines in Luna horn is in the ponies forehead but i think that the ponies are in the dream are the ponies imagination but the ponies are sleeping
umm.... mabye it's nightmare luna helping cause as i said about the 1st epesode theroy: who bailed out nightmare moon" LUNA CONTROLL'S THE STAR'S WITCH MEAN'S LUNA BAILED OUT NIGHTMARE MOON CAUSEING A CLONE SO THERE IS TO LUNA'S
No that's not True If your Brain is Sleeping for Real it can Becuase You Sleep when your brain Shuts down And Try's to Sleep And they can Sleep about anything , Anything!
screaming irl QUOTE DUMBLEDORE THAT TYME HARRY DIED!!! "YES THYS IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD BUT WHY EVER DOES THAT MEAN IT CANT BE REAL?" sorry i could quote that better but my brain isnt functionin rn.
Why Soemthing can go to the real world some brain is crazy and there is no magic that will never come to life but some brain is the one who can control the demension and they can still be possible that magic throught brain like scine tist can do it
hi... this at the end of the EP that drems ar in a nother dimention maby just maby its like that in RL * the real world * cuz im a lusid dremer and ya it dos seem like that...A LOT. ( my reaction wen i herd that drems might be in a nother dimention: 😲 😲 😲 omg )
At 1:28, I thought of ROBLOX. For those who don't know what ROBLOX is, it's a game where you play games others have created; and you create other games, join groups, create group, etc. Whoever joins a server, on a game, on ROBLOX, everybody experiences the same thing happening in that game. This comment will probably get dislikes because they're probably going to say, "What the heck is ROBLOX?! Bad explainer, Madison!" or something like that. But bear with me here, don't dislike this just because you don't know what it is. Ever heard the saying, "Don't talk about a girl you haven't met?" You probably never even played the game! So please, like this comment if you picture ROBLOX when your at 1:28, and don't be rude if you reply to me.
fantasy is its own reality but without fantasy there is no reality you are everything and yet nothing your body is a chrysalis and when you come out you will be in another dimension and prepare for your next cocoon to another dimension and never return to the previous world forever changing forever traveling forever dreaming in a new dimensional plain wherever you are in a strange field of life or death
man i dont have time to coment on all of your vids they are awsome. ive got smilar ideas and i could go on and on about them but keep these theries going, they are great.
hi San jacinto news headlines everyone stream all connected into lumezzane gone and then she spreads in or out and then she becomes of one in their dreams in the Night Live wherever they have in a minute comes into the first person to hit a hawk like her majesty like this one to the head and then if they're doing that everyone's connected to
wat if the tantubus was not luna's cration its star swirl i know hes in limbo still but his spell that twilight finshed was it wich his magic did it oh no aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
1:53 me:WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BRING UP SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IT DOSENT EVEN MATCH WITH THIS (or maybe it does) I just don't like or watch it anymore (LOL)
and since they said tantabus was created by her and the more she felt guilty of herself the more powerful it gets , so tantabus can get to the real world
did you know, sometimes at a near-death experience, you can (sometimes) see your body from the outside. a theory is that your soul exits the body and you can actually see your body from the outside. what if the tantabus was actually Luna's soul? :3
The Brony Notion, Thank you for this video! Someone who has a correct theory about the dream realm/dimension(whatever you prefer to call it). Everything was real and happening in both dimensions but only one had a solid presence of everyone and the Tantabus. The real world had a phantom Tantabus that the dream version would have to occupy in form. Sorry if your brain hurts from reading that. Explaining or trying to understand time, magic, or multiple dimensions does that to you. But, anyways, I whole heartedly agree with you.
Surprisingly I was able to keep up with your theory. It makes perfect sense! I think that it's simply, well magic. Possibly a combination of another dimension and what goes on in the pony's head along with magic. Anypony can manipulate things within the dimension with magic. That's my theory after hearing yours anyway.
This is a wonderful theory, and I think it holds quite well. Great job.
Here's a small elaboration on it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this: If pony minds wake up in the Dream World when they dream, then that raises the question of how they are actually connected to this Dream World in the first place. Why do ponies wake up in the Dream World when they fall asleep in the mortal one?
As you've said, the Dream World is a separate dimension, and to gain this kind of connection with living minds and even physical bodies means it is also very closely linked to the Mortal World. I believe this can suggest one of two things - First, that the Dream World is simply a product of the pony world, as in, say, the magic of the world simply created it over a certain period of time. It's a natural thing, and so it's closely linked to the evolutionary/magical development of everything on the planet. Secondly, that ponies didn't actually dream before Luna existed. She's the master of dreams and the night, so it might make some sense if she created the network of the Dream World in the first place (how she gained her Cutie Mark?). Either that or she simply took over from whoever handled dreams before her.
Now here's another thing: If the Dream World is so closely connected to the Mortal World, does that mean that if a pony were to somehow be sent to another world entirely, let's say the pony-equivalent of Mars, would they be able to dream at all...?
I think the fact that the Tanabis was born from the spell of someone who has the innate ability to not only shift in between the waking and dreaming worlds, but to also affect them directly is what allowed the Tanabis to go from world to world. In summery, the Tanabis is an exception to regular nightmares because it is an extension of Luna herself.
Other dimension, definetly. Strangely enough I have used this for a fanfiction for a different fandom! In that fanfiction you could be pulled into a dream (literally) by someone who has a lucid dream and found a way into the hall that connects all dreams. You can then open any dream you like (well, not dream then, but hear me out). When that person isn´t dreaming or asleep, you will appear in reality, or at least a more ghost-like version of yourself, you can´t be seen, heard, or touched (you will appear behind that person in real life). Then you can grab them and pull them towards you to pull them into the same "dimension" as you. On the outside it will look like they suddenly fell asleep or unconscious.
In "do princesses dream of magic sheep" I was wondering if ponies go into another dimension every night and walk around in their dreams, but somehow still get plenty of sleep or do they have regular dreams like we do where there's just pictures moving in our minds to entertain us while we sleep? Luna has the power to move across from dream to dream and though I like the example of the online server I think it's a bit different than that. Yes the dreams are connected, but notion you did mention they all have the same experiences well they really don't because they can't see each other's dreams. So that begs the question of how does Luna keep the dreams separate? She travels from dream to dream and so does the tantabus, but how come twilight or anypony else just enter the other's dream?
Personally, I think it's both. Lemme explain: We can imagine just about everything, and, if we work hard enough, we can make those things come true. Magic helps a lot as well since this is MLP we're talking about. I think that dreams are created in the mind, and, as we are talking about ponies and spacey-wacey stuff here, they're all little dimensions. Because they're so similar they share a common connection: the dream world, or in my opinion universe, we see with Luna. That also leads to the doors. The doors are each portals of sorts to our 'dream dimension' so any pony who has access to the dream universe can access any one of them. BUT the dreams are created in our minds and can change as easily as a channel. If you don't get it it's okay. I'm not entirely sure I do either XD
I want to say everything that happens in the dream world's does happen the ponies heads. But I feel as though that statement only stands in the fact that we reference their heads to their consciousness. I also feel as though there isn't one single dream dimension, but that everyone has their own separate dimension that they travel too as they sleep, and their mind is the only gateway, hence explaining why Luna has to use those wire like tendrils to enter ponies dreams separately, and that would explain why having multiple connections would connect her with those separate dreamscapes. I think that when Luna entered everyone's mind she had to connect with all of their conscious minds, then put herself in her own dream dimension, and teleport all of their conscious' there all while keeping the connection. This would explain why the connections were inside her dream world, because she was in her own dream world, rather than being in someone else's. But that's just my head-cannon.
I just assumed that the dream world was a dimension all on it's own and that Luna's power was to travel into and influence this dimension as to keep the minds of dreaming ponies intact so that their "dream self" wouldn't cause any damage to or accidentally leave their "real self" by getting lost in the dream world.
I just assumed that the dream world was a dimension all on it's own and that Luna's power was to travel into and influence this dimension as to keep the minds of dreaming ponies intact so that their "dream self" wouldn't cause any damage to or accidentally leave their "real self" by getting lost in the dream world.
A possible explanation to Luna showing the strings when all of Ponyville we're together, is that Luna could of created a dimension herself or used her own dream dimension like the one we see at the beginning of the episode. Taking all of the dreams from the ponies and combining it into that one single dream. The real Luna, having to enter this dimension to try and hold off all of the dreams together from inside of it to be able to achieve such thing. When she connected the strings from the outside into the mane 6, is only the dream Luna that entered, individually into each one of them. If she wanted to combine the mane 6's dreams together, she would have to enter herself into the dream and combine the six of them from the inside, thus creating sorta like a pocket dream dimension. She made those connections from the outside, so it's easier to jump from one's dream to another individually. Now this is somewhat debatable, 'cause in the episode where the cutie mark crusaders meet each other in the dream dimension, Luna doesn't show any signs of her strings.
As for where the ponies dream, if it's from the head or a dimension, it could be a combination of both. But this brings up to one thing: magic. Everypony has magic, not just unicorns or alicorns. If you go to Season 4's finale, you can see Tirek taking the magic out of everypony, including Earth Ponies and Pegasus. As they do so, they cannot perform what they can do. Unicorns, being magic from their horn (magic for them is heavily focused on their head and horn area compared to the rest of their body); Pegasus, being using their wings to fly (their magic more focused around the wings and a bit around their hooves); and Earth Ponies, for their strength (their magic spread all across their body). Alicorns, of course, a combination of all (mostly noticeable a combination of unicorn and pegasi). So it's possible that their dream could be somewhat of their magic. Between head (for imagination) and a small dimension of their own (a pocket dimension) crafted by their magic.
I loss count of how many times I said magic and dream xD. But anyways, that's just my hypothesis. If I did any mistakes (spelling or content-based) please do clarify x3.
Dreams happen because of the brains connection to what your eyes saw that day so it would make sense for Luna to be able to create a sustainable dream looking like them selves due to the fact that she has probably seen everybody in ponyville any way so it's very possible that it was just in every bodies head but it makes more sense if it were to be in another dimension because of what happened with discord I don't know this videos old but I figured I would go back to it and see any new theories
IMO, dear Brony Notion, I do think too that the dream realm is another dimension somehow connected to the mind of everypony in Equestria (like the Dream World from H. P. Lovecraft literature or the Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne) in which they enter each time they go to bed. But one thing I've noticed,as shown in the CMC's dreams episode, is that this dimension has its own space or room for everypony dreaming. Now to the interesting slice of the cake: Luna as Princess of the night, and thus dreams, can visit everypony's dream (as she usually does) or forcely create a common dream for more than 2 ponies at the same time. But this consumes a lot of strenght/magic power/whatever due to the fact of having to maintain everypony dreaming about the same thing, instead of the usual individual dream for each pony (which is also created by each pony's mind and not hers). So why the Tantabus can exit the Dream Realm. Does this mean that space is another plane of existance?Well I think the Tantabus could've scape to the "real world" because it was something pretty real and not a product of a dream. I was Luna's remorse and sense of guilt which had grown stronger over time (which is something that actually happens to those who don't forget themselves and/or express their fealing of guilt). This combined with the fact that she's one of the most powerful magic-user ponies in Equestria gave the Tantabus power since Luna came back from being Nightmare Moon. And the thing about the Dream Realm. As I said before, I think it isn't something as we usually think as just something inside our head but more like a different reality where ponies travel to each time they free their minds and subconscious (which is what happens when we sleep).
Hope you read this comment, Brony Notion, I really liked this video :) brohoof
I wonder if Luna will ever use her power to build a massive matrix-like machine that replicates her powers, but connects all ponies except her when they go to sleep, that would be mutch more efficient than taking equestria by force
I certainly believe that dreams happen in another dimension, even here in the human world our dreams are actually on the spiritual plain because we are able to travel back in time, and sometime we even observe our younger selves dreaming, which I have done in a few of my own dreams over the course of my life. Some theorize that this is simply astral projection, which could also occur in the pony world of Equestria. Actually, I have my own theory about Equestria now that I've mentioned it. Who's to say that the creators of My Little Pony aren't actually in Equestria in their dreams as they come up with the plot lines for each episode and movie? I mean, it's possible that they know something that we don't know and what if they decide to add a fan based character they've never even heard of. I'd certainly be surprised if my OC, Princess Stormfly ended up in a future episode of My Little Pony without the creators of the show ever hearing or reading about her anywhere. Think about it, if Equestria and our world are actually connected in the dream dimension, then perhaps we actually are our Pony characters in reality. So yes, in short, I believe that it is possible that dreams don't actually occur in our minds like scientists think they do and that we're actually traveling in other dimensions as we dream about certain events be it in history, the present, or at some point in either the near or distant future.
Here's another thing to support your theory: When Discord made that connection to another dimension, it was blue. Just like the room with all the doors to the other dreams. Blue. However, this would contradict your theory that Discord lives somewhere between the dimensions, since its home place isn't blue. But wait: What would have happened if Scootaloo had run away from Luna and then entered a random door? Scootaloo would then have entered a dream of a random pony, thus having a shared dream without Luna having prepared any sort of connection. So if it really was an actual dimension which is the only logical explanation as to how it can enter the real world which is already a paradox in itself since the dream world would then by definition also be real, making the word "real world" meaningless, it would not require any power to be kept up, since all the dreams are already connected via doors, anyway! Conclusion: I don't know! It does not make any sense! Or does any of you have an idea?
ok my guess is that with all of the strain on Luna's power she had to show the lines because she does not have enough power to conceal those lines and remember those lines are meant to connect dreams Luna probably just jumps from dream to dream to check everything is ok and with all of her magical energy being used to hold the dream together she will not be able to appear in dream Luna form but with the main 6 I just blame writers
Dreaming happens in another dimention where the mind goes but the body can't enter it, that's why the mind goes alone.Luna just knows how to enter that dimention with her body.
All an interesting, yet complex theory. What if the answer was simpler than that? What if she created the Tantabus in the real world and then trapped it into her personal dream dimension? This theory is a little less out there because, as stated, Physical Luna can actually enter into the Dream Realm. Another interesting idea arises from that; why did Physical Luna have a bubble shield and not the Tantabus. Well, either she was protecting herself from the Tantabus so it couldn't just smack her down and force her to return to hopping individual dreams, OR the bubble shield protected Physical Luna from becoming trapped in the Dream Realm.
if the dreams are happening in a alternate detention why would it be that Luna isn't in her dream form when all other pony's are? also wouldn't using her real body use more energy than a dream one even if the body is of a weaker state?
Hey Sharkboy and Lavagirl! I'm surprised there weren't any inception references.
What if the pony (human) body exists on many dimensions and dreaming us focusing perception onto other plains and Luna projected her body into those dream plains. Write a response if you like the idea.
Well if i can be 100 percent real about my own odd theory which is basically all of what you said but then end is lightly different, i believe yes the dream world is it's own dimension but not like it's own whole universe more like sub-dimension that is directly influenced by the ponyville dimension and for the most part luna is able to tread that dimension freely do to her being nightmare moon I.E. she originally was able to tread the dreams causing nightmares and the such but ones she turns back to luna she is able to keep her power but due to her power being amplified because shes good once more shes abel to not only tread nightmares but visit dreams directly. she can see dreams through windows and such but needs her magic to makes the physical connection in the real world that can link her directly to the other ponies. luna is able to exist in both planes but in the sense of her visiting so many dreams at once it would most likely conserve energy for her physical body to stranfer to the dream world so that she can become the anchor to keep all those dreams together while with just the three crusaders all she needed was enough magic or strength to hold fast three easy dreams together
i think you're onto something with this one! i think you may be right with the ream land being another dimension... but in real life could our dreams really come into the rel world? hmmm now I'm wondering...
well, my theory is that discord created all the alternate dementions as a way of creating chaos, but luna uses the dream dimension to help ponies, kind of like the dimension celestia used when she made twilight an allicorn.
I totally agree that the dream world MUST be another demension, but as to where the real luna has the white streams coming from her horn and her not having those when she connects to ponies' dreams... well, i would say that she uses her magic to connect herself to the dream, but she also makes a projection if you will, of herself so that she can communicate with the ponies in the event of a nightmare, like what happened with Scootaloo's dream. But, when all the ponies had to stop the dream creature, Luna was using too much of her magic to creat a projection of herself, either that, or she had to be inside the dream world in order to use the least amount of her magic possible.
Because Luna can enter peoples dreams, it must be another dimension. Because serousely, how can Luna make one big dream when you can really enter one mind at a time? It also makes sense, from those portals you talked about. In addition, there's also a pretty high posibility that, this is Luna running a huge server on a game, as you mentioned. And the single dreams are the ponies in smaller server, and that concludes that, possibly the ponies dream place, or dimension, is like a Nowdays computer. Like, there dream world is the computer, atleast that would be the only way that it would make sense today.
Now this is just my Theory, you don't have to believe it.
well, for your last question, what I dream off ALWAYS happen in the future. like it's your destiny and you already know what you would do because you've seen it already. sorry to the ones who can't understand this.
Wow, I never knew Pinkie Pie's brain was that huge, why, she is probably smarter than Twilight (assuming of course that all the sugar she eats didn't ultimately rot her intellectual potential), but I think Luna actually created a shared location among all the ponies as opposed to a shared dream as each pony still appeared to have full control to influence their own desires within their respective dreams.
It's either separate dementions or I have one hell of an imagination to unlock. Who makes flashlights out of surfboard key chains? Or uses a swing set for means of travel run away from a tornado full of aliens? Meh.
The answer, is both. The dreamworld is not a full dimension but a sub- dimension, a dimension on the same level as our own but on a different wavelength. Think of it as your computer, everything you do on your computer is inside of it, but, when you connect to the Internet you connect to a kind of "cyberspace" composed of energy. I theorizes the same thing with dreams, they are connected into a kind of dreams space but for the most part it's still inside of the ponies heads. The only exception is when something much more powerful gives you a much stronger connection, i.e. Luna. When Luna connected to every resident in the town she created a very powerful pocket of dream Space. This also explains to white threads she uses in that she was using a much stronger connection than usual.
Now whether or not Luna herself can enter into this dream space is still unknown
Actually I thought about it real quick but what if for the shared dream they were in Luna's dream and the way the tandibus would escape we be the secretion of magic through the ponies brains as a way to form a physical body?
Oh and I nearly forgot about the tear but what if the tear is really Luna's (or all the ponies minds) normal function of staying in check of the magic and when it split open the barriers between worlds that was it bypassing the ponies natural control on magic and that was the rift. Also I have a theory on why the streams were present in the dream, since she is the "server" she may appear only this way to show the ponies that there is trouble or it is not her choice but maybe to do this shared dream she is holding not just onto the ponies brains but she is trying to keep the magic secretion in check during the dream because if you think about it that probably in the end would be the only way without the shared dream to reform in physical.Just food for thought😊
Oh and just In case someone or pony says that still in other dreams she should have this then I still say Ha because this is the only real time she needs to keep a bit of control on their dreams as in other dreams she only influences them but in this one she required more she needed to make sure the tandibus couldn't'to escape so easily which in my opinion would explain Luna having the connections in the dream so as to protect the concisuss of the ponies in the dream other wise why didn't the tandibus use the tethers to the ponies to escape I mean if it was in another dimension or not the tandibus could still escape let's say by hitching a ride halfway out I mean sure the bubble covers Luna but couldn't it just hitch a ride on the lines anyway. Please I'd like to hear your thoughts on this so reply or make a video I don't know
Now that I realize that real Luna is put there, because she doesn't have any power left to become put into a dream. She is using up all the strength she can to keep the magic going. And now I realize why they all dreamed. Because they desire something mainly. So, all of their minds CREATED 1 dream while Luna kept it going. If my head cannon can just think far enough to space, there may be some theory how all this happened. I even realized I don't dream. So, sleep is faster for me. Dang my brain doesn't want to dream
I would assume what you said is right about dramworld would be andother demension, even though this is a game im going to refer too it holds the same concept that the dream world is in another demension. In nights Jorney of dreams its the same concept.
wait a second probaly something in your mind opens a portal into the real world but its has to be a spirit i guess but if its open a part of your body but you don't feel it maybe thats how it can get to the real world i think I'm right if i am I'm a nerd
Dreams happen in separate dementions Luna just taps into this detention by .means of the doors we see in "do princesses dream of magic sheep" that's my theory anyway ~hoofbump~
It's both because it's a dimension in Luna's mind cause she is the pony of dreams she has a whole dream dimension in her head and she had a hard time dreaming about every pony because she had to think about everything and she did not have trouble in the cmcs dream because it was there thoughts
OMG i just wrote a long ass comment about my pocket demention in the demention theroie and for some reason when i clicked backspace it took me to the last page i was on so im going to summerize instead basicly it would take less energy to make the pocket versus connecting the white wire to herself because A)thats another dream she has to create witch takes up energy B)if she created her own dream it would most liklyt be castrophic cause the tantabus would be able to see her C)she created her own pocket demention the tantibus would be able to attack her within the dream if she didnt make a pocket demntion connected to the real world so basicly shes off the radar within this demention. and it would take less energy because well she controls the demention and taking a small amount of the demention she is physicly in cause she dosnt have to control it and have u ever noticed when to many people are on a server it can cause lag? somthing to think about :3 i appologize for the terrible grammer
Ok so lunas magic (the white strings) went straight into there pineal gland( third eye ) which the pineal glad is what lets is dream and what flouds are brians when we die everything in the whole damn world has dmt which dmt is ( dimethyl tryptamine) and what that is is pretty much the key to everything ;) so luna has pretty much the key to the universe there she has to know all !!!
Dimension. My dear changeling. As a Pegasus. I watch and monitor many things in the night. I do my best works at night. The dream world is simply another dimension not in the mind.
my be there's a limited amount of connections dream Luna can handle until real Luna needs to enter the dream and needs to hold together the extra dreams because there are less connections to Luna in the dream are less than the amount of pony's in Ponyville
The dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is. The dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
totally happens in the head luna can go in and out of peoples dreams she is afraid that the black dream thingy can too so it does she is afraid it can go into the real world so it can its her night mare
Can we share Dreams? or Dose The Dream World/Realm Real? Maybe it is. But sometimes I get nightmares! 😧☁ Do someone get nightmares Sometimes like me? 🌙 I like The night also Luna but Nightmares are the worst!
The dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is. The dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
The dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is. The dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
I mean, if the real Luna is in the real world, and all the others are in the dream world, does this mean that the dream Luna is in the real world at the moment? And also I didn't see the whit wire thingy on the ponies' foreheads in the dream world Luna has created. The real Luna can control the dream Luna, and the dream Luna is not here, because we can still see the wire coming out of her horn, but not on the ponies' forehead??? And BTW, Luna's wire thingy has to be the real Luna, but the wires are coming OUT of the bubble that keeps her out of the dream world. Doesn't this mean that the dream world can also exsist in the real world, since dream Luna is not here, and we can still see the wires outside of the alternate-demension bubble??
guys dont judge me but dreams cantvbe in yur head people sometimes share dreams if its in their brain how can they share it right something too think about😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐hmmmmmmm.......tell me what u think
BERRY PUNCH WAS A PEGESUS WHEN SHE WAS SUPOSE TO BE AN EARTH PONY! in do princess dream of sheep!!!!! dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
+The Brony Notion My apologies for not being comprehensible in my sarcasm, what i actually intended to bring attention to was how shockingly time wasting that video was. You make videos about animated ponies, the video title mislead me to believe it was actually worth clicking on. Disappointment to many people I'm sure.
+Curiosity Science2 SHUTUP hater. If u dont like it why r u even on this channel? So stop bullying and watch something useful to YOU, like a tutorial on being nice.
+Curiosity Science2 I respect your opinion, but as I do, you must do the same... Hating something and sticking your hate on someone doesn't make sense, you might clickbait-ed, even though the maker of this video didn't mean... Even so, how did got to you home page of youtube? You might be a subscriber or watched a few vidoes... Even notice the picture of the video... What is rude as I guess that you define something is done by someone who loves to do is a complete waste... If it is a complete waste of your time.. Then why do you even waste your time commenting here? Happy you apologized. Thanks for understandingZ
Okay, I'm sorry you don't find value in my videos, but lots of people do. You can't judge people for enjoying things that you don't enjoy. Was clicking on a video that didn't interest you all that bad?
In my thoughts it happens in another dimension, but Even though it's in another dimension it is accessed thorough the mind making it easy to access through sleep, so (in my theory) Luna "sleeps" to enter this dimension and between it and the main dimension of the show she can choose a dream to watch and,if necessary, to help others through it. Even in this particular episode she just used those string to connect the 4 of them at the same time to make it easier to navigate between those said dreams, or in the other case with the whole Ponyville, create a shared dream
Love that idea with the dimensions! And every dream is a new dimension. And you enter every dimension in another form than yourself. The magic mirror that brougth Twi into EG world was different than "dream entering", since she no lenger was in equestria, and there was two Twis in EG world. But maybe if she knew the rigth way, she would take form as the Twiligth in EG world! :)
I've honestly thought something similar to this for a long time, just not necessarily with ponies. I've wanted to write fanfictions and such where characters have dreams that show them glimpses of another dimension. So... I buy the theory. (Also, I love how deeply you think about things like this. Most people would just see a cartoon and think "Eh, it's a cartoon. There's no real substance to a cartoon." But theorists and people like you look so far into it and make connections that help you and everyone you share them with love the show that much more. Thanks for helping me appreciate MLP:FiM.)
The ponies may even have their own dream dimensions, that would explain luna's bubble as the gap between all the dimensions combined. To access one pony's own dream dimension as a pony, you would sleep. That's the key to the door. To access that externally, AKA Luna, you would do what luna would do. Making a synthetic form of sleep, forming the dream Luna. If that didn't make sense, heres another one for you. Since the "server" concept is a great application for this concept, lets go with that. The server box itself is Luna. Real Luna. It is connected both ways from ponies to Luna, and Luna to ponies. To create a shared dream the ponies are able to connect with other ponies through the actual server box (real Luna) to all the other ponies. Same with all the other ponies to the others. So the actual Luna, not dream Luna, is doing all that work to create a shared dream. The server box, or the exact connection point of all the ribbons, is the space between all of the other ponies' dimension. If she is combining all of the ponies' dimensions together there has to be a connection point. THATS the gap between the real world and the dream world. Or, dream worlds*. But how can one escape through the dream world? Well, luna obviously can, and has. So can that "thing".
BOOM. Did I miss something? Probably. Did I get it all wrong? Most likely. What do you guys think?
I've often played with the idea that magic comes in different forms which originate from different dimensions or places in the pony universe. In my theory dreams would be a result of a sleeping pony's mind coming into contact with (or going to) the realm where Chaos magic originates, Luna (and to a tiny extent Pinkie Pie) would have the ability sense and/or manipulate Chaos magic, and Discord's immense power and control over it would allow him to bring the world of dreams to bear on the real world.
You also mention Discord perhaps using the same or similar magic. Would this mean that his little chaos home we see in his episode is actually in the realm of dreams? And if so, how did the mail pony get there? O.o
Hmm, I have found a flaw in your plan. So, if luna is as proactive in assisting her subjects through dream scaping as we are lead to believe, then white tendril's covering large distances across the sky must be rather common place in equestria, especially when luna is doing shared dreams like with the cmc because she can't be next to all 3 of them.
This does not at all seem like a way an alicorn would conduct their actions. Especially considering the odd privacy interactions, and if she was for example entering the dreams of one of the cake's and the other is like 'omg he's being attacked by a tendril (bad anime joke)'
I do however have a similar counter proposal;
In the 3 cmc episodes luna directly enters the dream plane, as i'll call it, entering the dreams of each seperatly, these having potentially very strange co-ordinates not allowing for quick exchange. That is until the latest one, where, luna pulled each of the cmc out of their own dreams into a small or perhaps empty dream area for their little intervention.
When it came to the most recent episode luna required instant access to each of the mane 6's dreams. So she connected them, like ethernet instead of using wi-fi.
The most complicated part is when it came to the town wide dream. Interestingly I think this is not at all like any of the previous types of dream. What I propose is that instead of connecting everypony into the dream scape via tendril. What luna instead did was create a massive, area of effect' dream as you will, merely using the tendril's as guidance to find all ponies. If you watch they don't actually go into any ponies homes.
As a result luna is not actually in the dream plane herself, but has created it is all around herself, with all of the ponies with her. (notice that the area inside the dream is roughtly the same as what she covers with her magic before hand.)
This is the reason that she is in a bubble.
A little extra support for this is that, as regardless of how, she was able to bring 3 ponies together and herself with literally no problems, scaling it up to holding a dream scape the size of a town with 30 ponies, seams like it would really take it out of a princess.
You know how some say each and every one of our minds contain another universe? What if Luna connected those universes inside the ponys' heads? So, it's both to me. Each pony has a universe inside their heads, which they enter when dreaming.
I actually think this villain is one of the best I've seen from the series, right behind Discord (and probably when Queen Chrysalis was first revealed at the wedding). I mean, when the Tantabus becomes a giant shadowy Alicorn, you just get chills.
I actually have a similar theory that I believe could be used (once refined and supported with facts or at least observations) that instead of Dreams being a simulation in the mind, that one's own dreams are located inside a small micro-dimension in the mind.
I like to think that the micro dimension of dreaming is more or less just a constantly shifting state and when we dream or daydream, we are simply looking into this dimension. I also like to think it's where imagination also comes from, where one gets inspiration to create things via certain dreams.
In the episode the Tantibus does seem to be more of a real thing than just some concept or idea put into some simulation. It would also make a bit more sense this way as sometimes when you are having Nightmares, you have difficulty waking up or stopping the dream. If dreaming was just a mental simulation, there would be nothing really stopping a person from ending a dream, but if it were a dimension that either we view like a sort of very focused god, or a dimension that once we dream, we literally occupy space inside of it, it'd make sense why some people have nightmares that last entire nights due to being unable to wake from them without external help.
That's just my opinion on the subject, but if Dreams were located inside of a micro-dimension located in the brain, it would be reasonable to assume that one would never see inside another's dreams until we could see inside other dimensions.
The Dreamscape is Luna's domain, a central hub from which she can go from dream to dream, which is from Luna's dreamwalking abilities.
On that, I agree but I don't think it's "real" in a separate dimension way but rather Luna is the server rather than the domain itself being the server.
The Tantabus is the manifestation of Luna's guilt and self-loathing. It was a piece of her, which would naturally have the same dreamwalking abilities that Luna herself has. However, it was only a piece of her that originated in her own dream. It could only cause nightmares in Luna's own dream. After many nights of feeding off Luna's guilt, it eventually gained the power to access the dreamscape and traverse to another's dream. The limitation of dream walking is that it would need to know the dreamer before it can go into the dream.
The Tantabus continued to grow in power as Luna felt worse about herself while the Tantabus caused nightmares to more and more ponies. It eventually became strong enough to the point where it could manifest itself in reality. Her worst fear was the Tantabus becoming the next Nightmare Moon and causing eternal night and suffering throughout all of Equestria.
The one point that should be emphasized is that Celestia and Luna are basically gods, with great power over their respective domains.
The Tantabus is a manifestation from her subconscious as it took the shape of Nightmare Moon. Luna doesn't want to become Nightmare Moon again but still carries the guilt as well as the fear of the possibility that she might make the same mistake again of becoming Nightmare Moon. So she punishes herself with nightmares night after night. So the Tantabus escaping into the real world isn't because the dream world is a dimension but rather Luna's own darker powers. If you recall back in the Season 1 premiere, Nightmare Moon's powers include some reality-bending, like the Shadowbolts, although not to the same extent as Discord. Nightmare Moon could split herself into three Shadowbolts that acted like real ponies. Based on that as well as the fact that the Tantabus is a part of Luna, it wouldn't be too far-fetched that it could manifest itself into reality.
The Tantabus was only stopped once Luna truly accepted that she wasn't the same as she was in the past and that she wouldn't make the same mistake of becoming Nightmare Moon. Once she forgave herself, the Tantabus became docile and returned to Luna.
The connection that was shown in the dream world is to illustrate that she is exerting all of her strength to maintain the shared dream, that she can't do anything else but stand there. In the mane 6's shared dream, it didn't show that because she still had strength to interact in the shared dream. Not that big of a contradiction.
For those who kept up, my theory is that the white streams from lunas horn is how she connects to ponies whos minds are in the dream dimension, and only in a shared dream do they show up. if the dream isn't shared, in the dream there is no lines. ABOUT THE DREAM DIMENSION Yes, all ponies' minds are transported to a pocket dimension that is created when comatose. the mind leaves some of itself behind, as to find its way back to the right pony. the part of mentality left behind is most often the knowledge that the dreamer IS comatose. if this is learn't within a dream, than all memory of the dream is removed, explaining mostly forgetting dreams. Luna has the ability to sift through the dreams\pocket dimensions and view them from the outside. the other bit of mind residue left behind when sleeping alerts the comatose majority when there has been an audio\physical disturbance and the louder the sound or harder the touch, the stronger the signal. If the signal is strong enough, it instantly retrieves the mind. because of the abrupt dimension deletion, the dream doesn't have time to delete itself, therefore drifting away into Princess Luna's magic inter-reality pocket that cant much be called a dimension. When this happens, Luna has to personally delete them to keep the reality permanent dimension from being altered. Not even Celestia knows what could happen if a dream escaped. I feel like i'm forgetting something. Please reply if there's any plot holes in this, or if there's any questions
I think your right about dreams being in a different dimension. However if dreams had a dimension to themselves wouldn't we see other people's dreams? My theory is that all dreams have thier own dimensions. Each dimension being an extent of the person's mind and in a way their body. If Luna was able to connect all the dreams in Ponyvill she will have had to know everypony in Ponyvill and have gone inside each of their dreams. The way Luna was in the dream inside the sphere of light makes me think that she may have teleported into the dream from the real world. Who knows death may work the same way.
To expand on your example of computers connected to each other via the internet, I believe the glowing horn tethers form the equivalent to a Local Area Network. That is how should would be able to sculpt so many dreams at once and sense them all simultaneously.
Normally, she would use the hall of doors in her dreamscape plane to peak into various dreams without the need of the tether, as she couldn't possibly tether the entirety of Equestria every night if doing so to one small town was so difficult.
I think she created the shared dream to place some limitations on Tantebus. You'll notice that everyone in town was a dreamer rather than someone being dreamed about... nobody was actually dreaming of someone who should not have been in PonyVille. They could do amazing things, but they were limited to altering themselves rather than bringing new ponies into the dream.
I would have to say it happens in a different dimension. Once I had a shared dream with my friend in a totally different state. BUT..... I would have to say it's also all in our minds, Imagination is an example. My sister says our imagination is awake dreams, kinda like day dreams, easy way to connect. Our imagination is a day dream. So I can be on both sides. All just me.
Dreams are indeed in or are a different dimension. I have been keeping track of my dreams, and I realize that I happen to know everything that is happening, or happened, and sometimes what will happen. There is a reason for that.
Imagine yourself being given the power to create anything you want by God (pretty much becoming a minor deity). You decide to create a world of your own, with all kinds of creatures and plants and so on. Then, you decide that, since you remember how to live like a mortal, you give yourself a mortal body and enter that world as one of the normal inhabitants and experience life there for yourself.
I believe there is a dimension for dreams, and the dreams you have are on a world that you've made.
This isn't exactly mind-boggling a concept, or anything new in fiction land. In Warhammer 40,000, we have the Warp/Immaterium, a parallel dimension of psychic energy overlapping reality where all sentient life's emotions, dreams and thoughts flow into, and is the source of all of the setting's psychic powers and the primary means of faster-than-light travel. Of course, the unfortunate implications of having all of our subconsciousness - including all of our darkest impulses and desires - gathering in one place where they could coagulate and become reality is explored, as the Warp is also the realm of all of humankind's feelings of hatred, lust, despair and ambition are made manifest as malicious psychic entities, called daemons, which regularly invade physical reality from warp rifts to cause havoc and ruin.
And that's not the only example. There's also Alice in Wonderland, the Dream Land from Cthulhu Mythos, the Astral Realms from Mage: The Awakening, Dal Quor from D&D Eberron, etc. Essentially, the idea has existed as long as mankind had consciously or unconsciously wished for dreams to become reality.
In short, a dimension in MLP FIM where all of ponies' dreams are real, and could be accessed from both ways, is nothing really new or weird.
I think dreams happen in another dimension. The dimension in which the ponies live, is constricting. It only alows for limited things to happen. When ponies dream, their consciousness travels to the "dream" dimension. That dimension alows for more to happen. Think of it as the first dimension, second dimension, third dimension, fourth dimension, and so on. Each is less constricting than the last. Perhaps it's possible for your consciousness to travel between them. It's all just theory, but think about it.
What would happen if something other than the tantabus went through the crack between the real world and the dream world? Maybe the dream version of the pony would take on a life of its own while the real pony is awake or maybe the real pony would fall into a coma to sustain the form of the living dream. What do you think?
That would make so much sense! After all, the area with all the doors between random dreams had the same ethereal background as when twi was alicornified!
I think it was able to get into the real world because it was gathering magic from the negative emotions of nightmares. Once it had enough magic to sustain a physical form, all it needed to do was create a way out of the mass of minds.
This isn't the first time that dreams have been speculated as being a world all their own. A world that can only be entered through sleep when the mind is at its least resistant. Its suppose to be a place your subconscious escapes to in order to run free and unrestrained. Which probably accounts for dreams being more fanciful than logical, since imagination and creativity is control by the right side of the brain. And since all dreams are supposedly connected in this "Dream Time" or "Dream World" it makes sense that someone that knows the secrets of dreams to move through them.
Think of it as a world of giant reflective bubbles. Each one connected by a narrow path. Each bubble represents a dream, and each dream is directly connected to a person. When a person falls asleep they are subconsciously transported into this bubble and experience whatever images unfold. Now imagine that you are on the outside of this dream. Since its neither your dream nor your own mind, you can't see into it. Instead you probably just see a reflection of yourself as you are or possibly in the style of the dream being conducted at the moment. But if you walk through the bubble and actually enter this dream than you are summiting to the style, ruling, and physics of that dream. The reason for this is because whomever is having the dream is going to have the most control over everything in their bubble.
Now of course, since dreams are created by the imaginative right side of the brain and not the logical left side, reasoning has no real foothold in your bubble; so you wouldn't know that you are dreaming because as far as your creative side is concern you're just having fun. Its all about emotional pleasures rather than making sense. Unless you are "aware" that you are dreaming in the first place. A lucid dream is probably the only time both logic and creativity can co-exsist with each other at the same time. This is a dream that you can control absolutely and completely because you know its all in your head and therefore not restricted by physical limitations. So if any other mentality enters your bubble when your having a licid dream, they're entering at their own risk because they will have no power there what-so-ever.
In the case of the Mane Six, they were all taking in by their dreams almost instantly and forgot that they were dreaming when they were attacked and so succumbed to nightmare.Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were all completely submissive to their desires and emotional pleasures and were all attack directly by having what they enjoy turn on them without warning. It wasn't until Luna appeared did they remembered what they were trying to accomplish that they began to take control back, at least in Rarity's case. Applejack seems to have a good enough understanding of her own mind to know when she was dreaming, which explains why the Tancubish never directly messed with her and instead began attacking the dream itself behind her back. It even corrupted her giant apple when it was escaping at a speed too fast for Applejack to react to, leaving her to wonder what had happened. Same thing with Rainbow Dash. She was fully aware that she was dreaming and was taking full advantage of it, thats why the Tancubish stayed hidden in the background and attacked the dream specifically instead of messing with RD herself until the nightmare was fully formed.
In the case of the huge shared dream with all of Ponyville involved... chances are that being made to act as a conduit for all of their dreams to become one, Luna couldn't possibly project herself into that massive dream, but rather had to act as its centered focal point and so was pulled into it. Unless, of course, since the size of that particular dream has never been attempted before, and having so many subconsciousnesses to take into account, the threads stayed because there was absolutely no other way for Luna to pull that stunk off. She said so herself that is was taking literally all of her strength just to "hold" the dream together and she couldn't even move from her spot in the dream. With all of her magic and subconscious throughly occupied and having such a large collections of dreams to feed on in one collective spot, the Tancubish took full advantage of the situation and proceeded to do everything it could to distract the ponies from realizing that they were all experiencing one big dream.
Also since the Tancubish was a creation of Luna and was at the same time feeding off of her guilt and more than likely her magic every time she had a nightmare, its makes perfect sense that it would gain the power "walk" through dreams the same as she does. Only, since its was literally a creature born of dreams, it didn't have to directly connect to its victims but rather wait until they enter its domain through their own dreams. Its like a predatory laying in wait at a watering hole. It knows that prey would eventually come along and that all it had to do was wait for its meal to come to it.
The dream world, known by most Eastern philosophers as the "Noosphere, " is another level of existence that surrounds each life supporting world, and is formed by the subconscious connection sentient lifeforms share, and this link allows for dreams while a person is asleep.
I beleive that their dreams happen in pocket dimensions of their creation of which they are somehow transported to through their minds in their sleep. This is can kind of be proven by Pinkie's random dream hop while she was sleeping.
I believe you are correct about the "dreams" just being a new dimension and maybe when you go to sleep your magic leaves you body and goes to this other dimension, but every pony has there own dimension of sleep that they created themselves, they made it when they were born, unwittingly created there own dimension! the reason why Luna went into the dimension in her pony form is because all the mane 6 awoke before she could escape, so now Luna's dream self is trapped in there dreams in till the next time they sleep, this would also explain why it took so much strength for Luna to connect all the dreams and be there physically there herself. This is my theory on dreams, hope you like it, if you have anymore questions, just reply to this x
It has to be another dimension due to the fact that the rip that both discord and Luna did are strikingly similar but one question I do have is are there more dimensions and who is in charge of them? What I mean is discord has some power over the 'sock puppet' dimension and Luna controls dreams so that sort of means she controls the dream dimension.
I have a theory, at the beginning of the episode the tantumus got away from Luna right, well it made her nightmare moon so if the crystal heart book is a good source of evidence the tantumus would be a nightmare force. and another piece of evidence is that whenever Luna feels guilty about what nightmare moon did it grew bigger so if Inc Rose is correct about the nightmare forces feeding of of jealousy and hate, then it's defenty a nightmare force. If you agree like and reply to this comment. Thank you!!!!
What if the dream dimension is linked or somehow created by the real world? Making it much easier to get to than another dimension because of how related they are?
I think luna doesn't have the "dream connecters" for individual dreams because shes not connecting the dream to her own and she doesn't have to because shes controlling the dream,its a every night thing for her and that would probably mean dream connecting is a more rare thing for her to do,and thats why connecting every dream in ponyville was so difficult for her
To quote Leonardo Da Vinci from Star Trek Voyager: "Hours past the world around me drops away replaced by worlds being created and destroyed by my imagination"
The idea of different worlds being created through thought is not uncommon. I have read and watch many medias with such concepts.
I think with the white lines and Luna, that it's more of the Artists wanting to show how she enters dreams, without really thinking about it. After all, if this was how she entered dreams, then what about the Hallway of doors? or stary space we see between dreams? We even see that in this episode in the beginning when the Tantabus escapes. If it's only for her to act as a server and connect multiple dreams... Again, during the shared dream with AB, SB, and Scoots, they went through the doors, outside of their dreams and into a forth that Luna created herself. How does all that work, if she has to physically go to each person and link with them personally?
I think for the case of the cutie mark crusaders it was more or less a wireless connection, she found there doors in the dream world. I'd have to say the wired connection is much stronger, thus the town shared dream.
So if it is a real dimension and it is more complex than we the fans are seeing, could that mean there are types of ponies called "dream ponies". Like how there are crystal ponies? It is just a thought, it would be cool though.
I think you may be looking at this the wrong way. Let me start with the dream Luna verses the real Luna. In dream, I believe that that Luna is not physically the real Luna, but a projection of the real Luna. So what we saw in the dream was a projection of what she was experiencing physically. But the projection itself is coming from within Luna's mind. I believe that Luna is in fact awake when she enters dreams. But she doesn't physically enter the dream, rather she connects her mind to the dreamer's mind. This allows her to use her (for lack of a better term) imagination to do things in their dreams. And with the CMC's shared dream, It was only three ponies, which is why she had to let the fillies work things out on their own. But she still could keep enough focus to keep an imaginary version of herself shown. However, in this massive shared dream, it was taking up allot of Luna's focus, so she couldn't just focus on using her imagination to create an alternate projection. So in stead, the projection of her was of what was real. And it's because this is still a projection of her mind that the Tantubus could join with her mind.
Now I'll touch on your theory of a "dream dimension". Again, I believe you may be partly right. Perhaps I should play on a quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry asks "Is this all real, or it just happening inside my head?" where Dumbledor replies "Of course this is happening inside your head. But why does that have to mean that it's not real?". Basically, the dream "dimension" is a plane of existence that is created by one's mind. But it is an existing plane nonetheless. So basically, even though dreams are in the mind, they do also exist as another plane. In physics (I think), objects appear to us as 3 dimensional objects, having width, height, and depth. The 4th dimension would be time. Perhaps the dream plane could be considered as a 5th dimension. The dream dimension is part of the ethereal plane. The same place where Twilight was sent to before becoming an alicorn, and that hallway of doors that Luna and Apple Bloom were in.
Finally, I'll touch on why you may be looking at this the wrong way (assuming you managed to be patient enough to read up to this point). In Luna's dream, the Tantubus caused Luna to transform back into Nightmare Moon. When Luna was talking about the Tantubus coming out into the real world, perhaps what she meant was for her nightmare to become real, and that is for her to turn back into Nightmare Moon. Her night mare is that she loses control of the entity that transformed her into Nightmare Moon (and this theory can work, since Lauren Faust originally stated that Luna becoming Nightmare Moon was her becoming "possessed" my her negative emotions. I know that Luna said she created the Tantubus to remind her of her past. But if you've ever seen the movie 'Wes Craven's New Nightmare', it goes into how the Nightmare on Elm Street movies were fictional, but the entity that was Freddy Kruger was an actual demon that was contained in the fiction stories that were the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. And perhaps the Tantubus is simply a creation of Luna to hold Nightmare Moon in. And it's ability to travel to the dreams of different ponies is because it's part of Luna's mind and is just using her ability to enter ponies' dreams.
When you think of it, even though the name is a spoof of a story title, the episode itself may be a reference to the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I mean, NIGHTMARE on Elm Street...NIGHTMARE Moon...
What I'm thinking is that Luna is in the dream world and the strings are connected to the ponies heads going through a portal or something, bringing the ponies to the dream world so that's why they would remember it. The tantabus would go to the real world kind of like how the strings go to the real world, going through a portal.
Maybe its that the ponies have a strange mind power (other than MAGIC) that allows them to create pocket dimensions that are only available when that pony is sleeping.
Hmm, I think the other dimension i'd is supper cool and it would be amazing if it was expanded on in the show. PS. I understood this perfectly, what you talking about
A dream world is exactly the same to a real world, yet with dreaming you have more possibilities. Forgive me for the Sword Art Online references, but they relate to this topic. With that VRMMORPG world, it's an alternate dimension. You can do things in that world that you can't in the real world. For me, the consoles that were used for those games are like the links from Luna's horn. When you are in a dream, you cannot move your body in the real world.
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, and don't hate on me for liking SAO.
I do believe that you are correct on the whole 'a dream dimension' but how can Luna access this dimension in the whole towns dream? And OMG 2 LUNAS?!?? you literally just made my day!
Like you said, the dream world is probably like an online game with servers. But think, the pony's brain could act as a platform you're playing the online game on.. hmm?
The tantapus was not, in fact created by Luna. Rather, it is the same force that turned her into Nightmare Moon. When the elements prevented Luna from being Nightmare Moon, the tantapus was forced to take on a new role when Luna 'created' a creature to torment herself.
I got the idea right at the beginning of the episode, as I thought that was happening, but I think is supported by the fact that I don't think Luna would create something able (or willing) to destroy everything. Besides, if it was so easy, it would've been done already.
My theory is that there are cracks between the real and dream world that gets bigger in a few nights of sleep. To back-up my theory i made some research and was proven right, due to small cracks appearing in our heads we can try to break through those cracks and enter the "Land Of Dreams",but trying to open the cracks more results to waking up thus stopping us from entering said world...This is my own theory. :)
Ps:The tantumus is just a mash-up of all nightmares (If you had over 60...)
This is like trying to explain what the Matrix is to someone who has never seen the movies before. Actually, I think this might be more complicated to explain than what the Matrix is. Anypony agree?
I was thinking as it was made by Luna when it grew stronger it kind of got the same type of powers (how Luna can step in and out of dreams sort of thing)
Simple enough answer: Both. (after all as with the example given, there is the 'server' but also the 'user client')
Also, anyone here seen the game Blood Borne? These talks of Dreamscapes and the Waking World sound a lot like something don't they.... ^-*./)' (and the the 'dream' is indeed very much just as real as the waking world)
More to say, "Slices of Reality" along with the greater more 'complete' ones. While not full or complete universe these 'pocket universe/dimensions' are still very much just as real and if one can and knows how could very well walk between them. (as with Luna and other Old Ones / Great Ones, so it goes)
I also noticed that the episode is a BIG reference to the horror movie " A nightmare on elm street 3: Dream warriors", and a little reference to the Nintendo 3DS game "Mario and Luigi dream team". A nightmare on elm street 3, because tantelous (if that's how you spell it) is like Freddy Kruger, cause they go to each people/ponies dream and gives them nightmares, except the tantillous doesn't kill any pony, he/she just gives them fright so it can try to go to real world, and Freddy, he just goes to peoples dreams and kills them with his claws and they will also be killed in the real world. Now Mario and Luigi dream is similar, because Luna goes to ponies' dreams but she can teleport to others. And what is similar about that is that its the opposite. Luna goes to people's dream, and when Luigi sleeps on the magical pillows or Dreambert, anyone can go in his dream, but in the game Mario goes in his dreams to save all the pillow sirits.(I forgot what they're called, but I do have the game and they're the ones mario has to save). OK,that's all.
(sorry for any miss-spelling. i have a strong spoken word, but the written escapes me) it was instantly brought to mind the Tulpa, a thought form or being of mind. the Tantabus, came too after luna thought to punish her self. it was only her thinking it wasn't enuf, the Tantabus escapes to further the punishment of luna. at first i thought it to be a part of luna's psyche-y brought to apparition by her magic, but as the episode goes on it gains power by tormenting ponies dreams. the more ponies the stronger it gets, till all the ponies beleave that luna can stop it by, beleaving she is no longer in need of puneshement. when luna forgave her self it disapeard.( i have lost my train of thought because of how long this tock me to right.)
so finely, yes the dream realm in a parallel one, stronger to the mind then the form.
Well, dream world is called Astral Dimension, or rather Astral dimentions. According to what I kow we are living in one world divide in seven layers. Each layer is build by the same matter, it is "energy" (also called IHVH, Absolut, Chi, Allah and it has many other names), the difference between those layers is how dense energy is there, or in other words how much energy you need to build matter in this mayer. Highest one is pure energy in its clearer form and going down means you need to make this energy denser. We are thinking that we are living on 7th layer which is most dense and contain matter we know. In reality we are living in all layers and we need those layers to exist (our matter is build from matter from higher layer and so on back to 1st layer). As we have structures in those higher layers we also have sences there but they are so weak compare to strong, dense matter and sensors build from that matter here that we simply cannot feel all this things because our "material" feelings shouting over them. When we are dreaming we in reality enter to astral world (wchich is 5th layer, between Astral and Material layer is something we called Etheric Layer, this is more like link between 5th and 7th layer than pure layer by itself so usually we skip 6th layer when dreaming). Astral has weird properties, because the energy that create matter there is really much less dense than material energy we can provide enought energy to create something by just simply thinking about that. This layer has also more strechy dimentional fabric in it so we can simply create pocket that will be hidden from outside but nearly infinitely large from inside. That is what happend when we are dreaming, we are entering those pockets in astral and everything that was there starts our dream and our toughts form it later. Luna just probably make bubble around her so inside of this bubble was part of phisical world, like tear in dimentions, And she just make one large pocket in Astral and prevent everyone from sinking in their own pockets or recreate the same world in every pocket and she could work like server too so she sinchronise everything in every pocket so everything looks like one dream, that would explain why she needs so many energy but that seems a bit weird due to as far as i know this blue foggy thing can be in only one dream at once, so she probably just prevent everyone from sinking into their own pockets.
On the season finial Twlights castel Discord mentions that Luna sees into his dreams to but he lives in his own pocket demention maybe he creates his own rift that might help bring the evil pony in the real world without him relising but its just a guess
The Brony Notion, you just theorized Dream Realm where all dreams are connected and mythical creatures exist. Ever wonder where dragons come from and how all those sci-fi movies are made? All from the realm of dreams, but this is just my theory.
This what gets my attention is the dream world real or not I think so, when ur dreaming u can dream anything u want or u go into another dimension or into dream dimension here's two worlds the real world and the dream world this is very interactive through dreams.
I think the dimension is more likely, for not only do I think of a dream like a dimension in the real world, mainly for the fact I don't have much dream at all so think of it as not connecting to the dimension, but a this dream "world" or "dimension" is also shown in the game Mario & Luigi dream team, where Mario uses a ancient PILLOW to enter the "world of Luigi's dream" For this to happen they would use a portal for sorts and go through this path-like area, I would think of this like the light wires from Luna. But I think of each person's dream as each it's own dimension and luna used this oath-like area, to connect them all
If you think of multiverse therory as the capacity of an infinate number of universes and and not the presence of an infinate number of universes. Though there's a contradiction there, to consider both of attributes supports an easy argument that any and all dreams could create or define a universe.
I think its in their minds but when they dream there dreams can escape from their world when lunna made that dream connect it made one dream and sense it was in ponyville no where else means probably that that dream was almost physical
I think that at the end of that episode spike should have sat up in bed suddenly waking up. he would look around the room and see no one but Twilight. she would wake up and ask what was wrong he would say "I just had the weirdest dream!!"
A universe only exist when a mind is observing it. Which means that ever book,movie, and dream are their own universe. MIND POWER! Nothing in the video was confusing.
Seems to me like Nightmare Moon passed up a marvelous way to communicate with her followers effectively through dream sharing, eh, Brony Notion? Or did she? DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! XD
There was a youtuber who talked about a creepy dream she had In her dream she saw a tall dark shadow figure and when she woke up she saw it but when she closed her eyes and opened them again the black figure was gone and she said it had a radio static voice which was saying her name but was skipping some letters and when she went back to sleep she saw it again but with a hat she has told other stories too which are scary (kinda) and she says she lucid dreams a lot because she has bad the worst luck with kidnapping and other stuff and I think she said she was
i know this is a long explonation, but please don't be lazy, and just read it. your wrong about those Apple bloom, scotaloo, and swetie belle dream having luna's string, why? becouse when luna was conecting to mane 6 in this episode, she needed to be able to control hersielf in another dream, she needed to be able to conect to other dreams, but still controling the actions in other 5, the CMCs were alone and luna was only looking in to their dreams at the time, and that's why i think your wrong, when looking into one dream she doesn't need to conect to anyone else, and in the episode where they all had the same dream, they didn't meet each other, but swetie belle and scotaloo were in the same posion as Apple bloom, and dreamed as the same thing was happening to them.
Okay so i thought up something that's probably stupid but what if alicorns have their own dimensions to control and share like remember when celestia was turning twilight into a alicorn the area had the same design but how can that be? Luna said the celestia can't do anything with dreams like Luna can so maybe celestia has her own dimension that Luna can't interfere with granted twilight or candence has shown their dimensions but maybe it's just for pure alicorns where celestia can look at and give destinies and Luna dreams let me know what you think if I have any flaws tell me please.
What about the moon on Luna's chest plate it grew to a bigger moon and I'm confused explain😓 it's like every time she gains confidence the moon becomes more of a full moon
in MLP I think that there is a dream realm. At 3:54 all those doors are to each pony's dreams. Also Luna has the power of entering pony's dreams and see what there dreaming. This makes me think in "Magical Mystery Cure" Celestia was watching Twilight to decide if she was ready to turn into a princess. After all there was there was a flashback of clips from episodes. So does this give Celestia the power to watch over any pony in the day, and Luna the power in the night?
my theory is yes there is a dimension of dreams that connects to eachother. Like America. it's seperated In states but it's on country. so that makes me think that it's another dimension. and I have proof. you see in MLP Equestia girls twilight goes though a mirorr to another dimension. so yeah compicated. :P
first of all no scootaloo wouldn't have a wire Luna can enter dreams but when it was with them they need it a route from one to another and seconds the dream could be a dimension and in the mine but when Luna connected all the dreams she probably connected them to her mine
I think I want to see a picture of Kirby on Luna's back now. With Kirby going "Hii~!" and Luna looking back at him as though to say, "Where did you come from?"
The dream world is real my witch friend said that according to my dreams I have a connection to it I remember it it was a black void nothing there but then again I am color blind and there is a rumor that color blind people can't see the monsters hiding there so it is dangerous for me to visit. I am going to try and see if I do though it may take my life i f a success.
Dreams happen in another dimension! It's the only way all of that jibber jabber u told us could make sense! (no offense but I had to watch it more than once to understand) :/ I think that Luna has a power that nopony else has, entering the dream dimension! But if Luna has this strange power then what unnatural power does Celestia have? We all seen Luna appear in a bad dream to help out but when have we ever seen her in a good dream? Maybe Celestia appears in good dreams. But that still leaves something out! Luna appears to help a bad dream turn to a good dream! Celestia appears to turn a good dream into a bad dream? I don't think so!!! Maybe Celestia makes the good dream a better dream! Or else the good dream is slowly getting worse and Celestia helps fight back. When Celestia is defeated (which can happen! It's a dream world right!? Dreams r very powerful!!!) Luna takes over and gets rid of the darkness for good. Then the pony wakes up!
I promise, this isn't fake, A few years ago I was sitting next to my friend on the bus, and we weren't really doing anything so I asked her about her dream last night. I realized something. I had that same exact dream. I told her, and we both started flipping out. Does anyone know what this could mean??
Being with someone your close to probably rubs off some type of aura that can stick with you or your brains operate on a similar wavelength. Or just a freak coincidence. 0_0
I know this is not related to MLP but bear will me this might help Once when it was a week day I had to get up but I was getting dressed IN MY DREAM when I woke up I did the exact same things that happened in my dream,and then another time my something was beeping and in my dream I could here the beeping but could wake up maybe that was a sign that I should Wake up and I did and what happened was the fire alarm was going off and there was a fire there was also something related to a fire in my dream MMMAAYYYBBE Just maybe dream can save lives because someone else is seeing your dream and I helping you wake up
maybe when ponies sleep, they awake in Canterlot high and live as humans, then when they go to sleep in that world, they awake back in Equestria as ponies... O.o
There is the astral plans which is next to our plain and looks like our plains and wail we sleep our subconscious/souls goes to the astral plains. Luna must be able to walk in and our at will
Its A Diemison, But Is It Really? Think About 'A Canterlot Wedding' (Part 1 & 2) When Twilight Enters King Sombra's Lair And Finds That Odd Door... When She Looks At It She Sleeps TO Have Gain Unconsicousness In The Real World, But She Sees And Feels Every Thing In That World, Like A Nightmare Think About It
If u think about do princess dream of magic sheep how could Luna give herself thesame nightmare every night and have her own dream if she every night is in the dreams of other ponies
It has both was becasues you have to have a dream is a dimeson of our fears and emoissom to make us scare of what can happen we can see dreams as teared try to make your mind go in a direant the is good and bad but it will only in this case is to teach luna to forgive herslafe but she never did intell now so we look at it as a dream and a dimeson of our slafes
I always assumed there was a separate Dream Dimension. It is an echo of the Prime Material Plane (the 'real' world) created by the shared consciousness of all sapient beings, i.e. all creatures that can imagine or create ideas. Think of the shared consciousness as a LCD projector element, illuminated by the magical field of the Prime Material Plane, and creating a projected screen on the backdrop of higher dimensional space.
So while it is a different dimension, it is not an entirely separate universe. Everybody knows the concept that parallel universes are like numberless sheets of paper stacked on top of one another. I see them more as fluffy blankets, each universe having thickness in higher dimensional space as well as it's normal dimensions. At the 'centre' of the blanket is the Prime Material Plane of that universe, but to either side of it i8n the fluff are all the demi-planes associated with that universe. The Astral Plane, Shadow Plane, Elemental Planes, Heavens and hells, basically whatever the cosmology requires.
We know the ponies have dimensional travel (Equestria Girls), so magic to enter the Dream Realm or Tartarus (which I guess has a permanent portal, the question is why?) is certainly possible. Though that begs the question, is the Equestria Girls universe a true separate universe, or simply a demi-plane of Equestria. Or even scarier, is the reverse true?
I believe the dream plane/dimension is a very reasonable explanation. I mean, it's already been a thing in Dungeons & Dragons for ages, and I'd say that modern MLP has a lot more connection to D&D than most realize or are willing to admit. I mean, Hasbro has owned Wizards of the Coast since 1999. Anyway, regarding dream planes of existence: http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/regionofdreams.htm http://eberron.wikia.com/wiki/Dal_Quor
I think you might have something there with the dreams being in a separate dimension. Though, if that's the case, then Luna is actually stronger than Celestia if she has the same ability that Discord has (as you showed in Make New Friends But Keep Discord). Does that also mean that, in a way, Luna should have far more say in the rulings of Equestria? Yes, we understand that Celestia is the 'goddess of the sun' but Luna can go into dimensions (if that's the case) so just a bit more powerful if used correctly/wisely. Heck, I'm surprised that Nightmare Moon didn't attempt to tap into that ability (again, if that's the case). Can you imagine the serious damage she could have made in the dream realm? Anyway, I digress and I do think that it would be interesting if the dreams were in a dimension all by themselves :)
Two things: 1) at the begining of the video, you said "boy do I have a theory." Shouldn't you have had a notion? 2) ever read wheel of time? I think that telanroihd(my appologies if I misspelled that) explains this quite well. If not then... It is an alternate reality which experienced and well trained people can enter physicaly, like real luna did in this episode, and can also be mentaly manipulated, plenty of examples for that point. And, thusly, if something were created in pony telanrhoid, then that thing could, with enough power, escape into the real world. Like the tentabus almost did. Also, dreamwalkers. Seriously, just read the series, it'll be faster.
Personally, I think that there is always some sort of tether between the dream and real world when a pony/human sleeps. That connection can be severed, causing the mind, which is in the dream world, to stay there. At least, until going to the afterworld.
It gets even MORE complicated if you read FIENDship is Magic #4, where we learn what happened to Nightmare Moon directly following her banishment, and even the nature of the banishment itself. As it turns out, living on the moon are a species called the Nyx, and they actually craft the dreams of ponies and other sentient creatures. By the end of the story, Luna has taken control of the Nyx and has decided to spend her banishment tormenting the dreams of ponies.
From what I have learned (please bear with me, or correct me if something is inaccurate) when you dream, you astral project (the projection of a "copy" (it's possible it's not a copy) of your conscience into another dimension). (Those "white-string things that Luna uses to connect to dreams, I find very similar to your "silver cord" in the astral realm.) Though, your conscience, or a copy of it, is in the astral realm, it is unconscious. You are conscious in your dream. The dreaming is in your head, not in the astral realm, yet, it is possible (whether conscious or unconscious) to visit other people in their dreams. But that still doesn't quite explain why a whole town would be able to be put in the same dream by Luna.
What about this: It's like a dyson sphere; it's a world in a small bubble. What if Luna can create a world in her mind and make a "tunnel" that allows selected beings to enter, thus, making shared dreams, allowing beings to communicate in the same realm.
That's all I've got. In my mind, it explains much.
Well... It's complicated. When Luna goes into the dreams of others via the string, she just releases her consciousness into those of other ponies'. When there is a shared dream, she splits her conscience up to bring all the other consciences together in one dream. However, it was too hard to split up her conscience into enough pieces for all of Ponyville, so she had to literally transport herself into the giant dream while protecting herself from being affected by it using the bubble. This isn't the first time we've seen a pony warp to another dimension. In Magical Mystery Cure, we see Princess Celestia take Twilight into a magical dimension using her alicorn magic. (This is a dimension where only alicorns can go.) So, if you have the right magic, you can travel to other dimensions, and the dream world is indeed another dimension created by the consciences of the ponies. Each pony has their own separate dimension to play around in. That being said, Cadence, Celestia, and Twilight don't have the proper magic to go into the dream world. Luna is the only one who does. I believe someday Twilight will discover a new dimension herself! One that can only be accessed by her and her friends. At least that's what I think.
You.are.AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! I, as a fellow conspiracy theorists, was able to catch up and I realized something. That it was similar to my theory except it's is ten times more detailed and is going down a different path.I think that luna made the dream dimension along with the tantabis. She made it to punish herself even more by making it seem more real, what she didn't know is that it made a whole nother world, the dream dimension. So when the tantabis 'escaped for the first time' it actually didn't. It got it first power from bloom and gloom, where luna allowed other ponies into the dimension making the shared dream of the cms. That gave the tantabis enough power to leave. It's been sneaking away, until luna caught it in her first dream in Do princesses... Once it was caught, the tantabis decided to infect the dreams of powerful ponies, the main 6, to get enough energy to leave into the real world. The rest is history. I hope u consider my theory. And as always BRO HOOF!
Ever since the first time we saw Twilight go to another location, that wasn't achieved by normal means of transportation, (walking, train, flying, and so on) we knew that there were different..... I'm going to go with "realms" where a world can be similar to another. So it's quite passable that a dream is both in the mind and another realm. Some are harder to get to then others. When we watch the Ponies we ourselves are watching another realm. A book, a show, a movie, and to some existent a play. Are each a different world that someone was at first one person's that he or she made the door for others to go though and enter. So not is there only a dream realm but everything that can dream has multiple worlds in their own mind in their own realm. Luna has the ability to connect to those under her care and help, "lead" the dreamer to learn a lesson. Though it's actually the dreamer or "world holder" that is making the changes. Because they are in some-pony's head Luna is able to make her own connection to those under her care.
I LOVE THIS DEPTH IT IS AMAZING (and yes, I was able to keep up... though I may have a slight advantage, seeing how last night I literally figured out all of the possible colors representable by the RGB color scheme in my sleep...(as in, I figured out that it was 255^3 in my dream, and I was right))
Also, think of Carl Jung and the theory of Shared Subconscious. I would say the alternate dimension might be oversimplifying things. The Tantabus, a being of Luna's subconscious, learned of the Mane 6 via Luna's subconscious representations of them, and therefore they would be linked in the shared subconscious. Once it infested the dreams of the others, it gained strength. But the shared subconscious is linked to the conscious through memory and... other things.(it's been a LOONG time since I've looked this stuff up.) When you throw in the fact that this world is saturated with magic, and unicorns use their horn through mental focus to warp these energies, if one were to fall to the Tantabus and it used their connection to the Aether, it could take incorporeal form in the real world until such time as the Chaos requires form and draws unto itself the appendages necessary to carry out its nefarious schemes.
tl:dr= Tantabus is a dream-virus mind-fuck that can turn into Discord.
My theory: Share dreams need those lines to their heads. Usual dream-walking is easy. But share dreams are difficult. And I can even explain the first time Luna went into Mane 6 dreams. She had to have a connection between them, so she could move into dream to dream. Back to the share dreams. Luna needed everypony minds to create share dreams. And those white lines are access to everypony minds.
It's lucid dreaming gone too far. For those who don't know lucid dreaming happens when you become aware of the fact you are dreaming and thus you start controlling the dream. So that's why all the ponies were able to do whatever they want including turning into a princess.
each time some one takes a choise a new dimention is made for you taking the opposite choise, its clearly possible that each living being has its own space within infinte to build its own dimention by its own rules, in what we call dreams, luna riftwalks btween this dimentions, but connecting all dreams, thats HER making a poket dream dimmention where all connects, she is awake to keep the dimention solid, as in past episodes where no threads are seen she is probably sleeping aswell and using its passive astral form to walk among dreams, not actively manipulating them
You said it yourself Luna is the server. She could have zapped everypony from their dreams & ran a simulation within her mind. With only one dream running the tantibus had no alternative. With that power she could easily concenter her form.
I think that the dream world involves both the mind and the dream dimension. Just like how Luna(in theory) has a dream self that she controls, each pony has a dream self that they don't know about. I think that when they dream their dream pony gets sent to the dream dimension. Which usually has separate places for ponies, but in the instance where the dream dimension is manipulated by a pony with the right kind of power (usually Luna) it can join together. Think of it as a puzzle. Each piece has a different part of the dream dimension, but when influenced by magic the puzzle pieces come together creating one big world. Also in theory, I think that even when the dream dimension is all put together, the ponies don't share the exact same dream and experience the same things. I think that the share something similar but only Luna has the power to make the exact same dream for every pony. I suppose that if Twilight studied with Luna she might be able to pull of the spell that brings together the dream dimension. But she won't be able to create the same dream for everypony. I think that the power to create a shared dream lies with Princess Lina alone. And that is my ridonkulously long theory
Luna made it pretty clear, her physical, material self was in their dreams, she specifically mentioned that she was in their dreams in a physical form. Please go back and watch the episode.
tbh, it could be a multitude of things, but seeing as Luna was able to go into the mane 6's 'dream lands' at the same time and not have magic lines, but with a multitude of ponies, u see those magic lines; it could be just her magic in itself can only limit so many ponies at the same time, possibly 10 give or take, but including every single pony in ponyville, and have them share the same dream, then it could just be she had strained herself on her magic, being an alicorn could possibly being the only thing from destroying herself. that bubble around her could have just been a simple sign that she was using too much magic at one given time. So i believe it wasnt a dream dimension, but her subconscious working through the others minds, like a link. the share dream could be in her head, thus the point of magic lines being visible. I hope I explained your dream dimension theory in my own way.
Perhaps it was necessary for real Luna to enter that dream because it was a different dream than all the other dreams she had been a part of. The amount of power needed to hold together the massive dream required the physical presence of her real self, which we know by the white strings that connected all the ponies.
I think it's possible that the dream world is a different dimension or realm that pony's can only travel to while asleep. Also I think the only reason we've never seen the strings that connect her to there dreams is because she does it while she's asleep so it's easier for her to travel through the dreams of others and such and so she doesn't need to do that. Or there's also the possibility that the string show the dream world is just a part of the pony's consciousness and mind and since the Tantabus was created by Luna that could be the only reason it could possibly escape to the real world
One thing occurred to me: why didn't the mane 6 use their dream powers to fight off the tantabus when it was in their individual dreams?
though now that I think about it: in bloom and gloom Scoot didn't fly in her own dream but she did during their shared dreams. maybe that's a special property of a dream created by Luna.
Maybe the reason Luna's mane was different for the first episode, was because her mane we see in season 2,3,4 and 5 is the tantabus or gives the allusion of the tantabus to remind her of the pain she caused !!!! What do you think of my theory ????????
Maybe every dream is in one of the pony's brain, and Luna just hacked into their dreams. Shared dreams? That's Luna link several dreams together. And Luna is the router. But in that episode, maybe it's that Luna makes every pony into her dream, so that something different happens.
But what about the nightmare? Well what about the Equestria itself is a big dream hosted by Celestia? Every pony is switching between the two dreams over and over again. Well that's too much matrix style. But I can explain in a non-matrix way.
In my theory, Equestria is a cocoon built by Celestia. And even if cocoon is not matrix, Celestia can still create illusion to every pony. In order to create illusion, you need to access their brains. So, if the cocoon already has link with every pony's brain, then nightmare can use these links too.
or, the mind in a demechon in itself, and when luna jones the dreams together she's really just placing the dream versions of all the ponies in one demechion, or one dream, INCLUDING the tatibus, which, would fallow the dream pony, not the dream itself
What if each pony has their own dimension and luna can just connect them. The portals to these dimensions can only be opened by the ponies sleeping subconscious. If that were true luna actually can walk dimensions and not dreams. This could also explain the strain on luna concidering with every sientific theory about dimension walking it would take a ton of power. No wonder luna was exhausted
Oh hey and I would love to discuss theories with anypony in my kik. kikiya01234
I see and even the Dreaming/Physical Luna doesn't conflict because maybe she needs energy to create Dream Luna and she was using it all to keep track of Ponyville.
Hmm that certainly is very interesting theory and a good one at that. If it all happened in one dimension (dreaming) it would make sense because thise times where people share a dream thry have to be linked to something somehow. Also I got your reference really man? That movie? Really?
It's kind of happening in their brains and they're in a different dimension. Their brains sort of create a trigger to transport them into the dream dimension. That's just my thought but that's just how think of it
Ok... I think they have the dreams in their heads and then when they wake up the dreams go to the dream world. Because Luna had that bubble around her when she was connecting to ponies dreams I think it was the strain of her magic being shown and she had a bubble to show it.
My theory is that luna needs the strings only when its more than one pony.And in that episode (dream ponyville) the real life luna had to be there because dream lunas power wasnt enough to keep the massive dream going on.what do you think about my theory?
This episode could have something to do with the game Mario and Luigi dream team because in the game,Luigi can sleep on a pillow and Mario can enter a dream world.Then Luigi can enter the dream,but in a dreamy form.So now back to my little pony,maybe the real world and the dream world are separate dimensions,just like u said in the video.
So the thingy Luna made has A TON of magic to break a path between both dimensions.
When you started talking about the server and pc stuff I started laughing and thought, Luna got to get one of those intel xeons to host shared dreams. :P
wait,if all the dreams were in one dimension then luna could just enter everypony's dreams by only connecting one string of magic to one pony,I think each pony has their own dream dimension and that shared dreams are either one pony moving to anthers dream dimension or the combining of said demensions.
0:24 This is a magic world where ponies have special talents and talk. They can defeat magical, mythical creatures. I don't think that you should question this world.
i think everything happens in the mind i studied this and there is diffrent cords to every dream they are each kept safely in each cord. every cord leads some were to the mind but i csn't explain how it happens to ponies that takes alot of thinking to type it in it is complicated. i hop my researches help you!
I think the reason Luna was in a weird bubble and the magic was coming out is probably cause the dream was soooo big that made her weak so she had to show her magic
In the second movie when twilight was being nerdy and tried to explain scientifically what she did to the portal, she mentioned something about "three spacial dementions"... Could the dream world be demention number 3???
Manly in the dream world which Luna created was something to keep her up instead of actually sleeping So she can be punished until the end of the episode
It is a seperate dimension. The proof is, I've had shared dreams and the people that I've shared them with (like me) have had dreams in those places before. But also that bears the question of if we also have our own small dimensions due to the fact that multiple people can be having dreams about the same place at the same time, but they never see each other. If you want to, please message me about this later. I'm supposed to be writing an essay right now.
But if you can do anything in a dream, couldn't anypony just have went like "Oh, well I decide that blue smoke thing is now 50 kilometers underground. :D" ?
I thought that also! I was thinking the whole time"I would just imagine that it was in a big box that it couldn't esape from!" But I can't blame the writers.they proboly didn't know you could do that when you are lucid dreaming. (BTW I can lucid dream)
If you want to think like that, you can imagine this could be like a lucid dream where you can control things. However, you can not always control everything, even if you do know it's a dream. There are some things, sometimes, that you can't actually do anything about. Plus, if the theory that dreaming is like an alternate universe, they wouldn't be able to control it that easily anyway.
one thing in the episode that does support you is that the Tantabus entered Luna when it was defeated. I she took the spell that created it back into herself.
it happens in an alternate dimension...Do you know the movie of pokemon where Giratina appeared?its almost the same as that...As some theory goes,our souls splits from our bodies and wanders around until we wake up...I dont know what this theory is called but i have an addition to it. Whenever the soul comes out of a person its may or maynot visit another dimension...If you already watched Pokemon diamond and pearl movies,Im pretty sure you would have solved this one by a split second. and yes dreams occur in a different dimension,kinda like a phone call.
Notion in your theory's so far you have talked about 5 separate dimentions if you put captions on Netflix on the rainbow rocks movie. When twilight explains the portal she says "across 3 spatial dimensions." But this theory is a good one it kind of explains why Bon Bon and Lyra had the same dream.
Bring notion, I have an epic theory on the crusader's cutiemarks!!! U know how most pony's names r based on there cutiemarks , such as, twilight sparkle, who has a star and sparkles? Well, if the same thing happens to the crusaders then this is my theory. Scootaloo may never have the ability to fly but, she has a scooter to ride so her wings r useful, so if I'm correct, her cutiemark must do something with her scooter. As for sweetie belle, she wants to b like her sister, she has belle in her name so her cutiemark should have something to do with belles. And finally apple bloom. This doesn't make much sense but I'm thinking her cutiemark will b about planting and caring for apple trees until they're fully grown???? I'm not sure but its always made me think.
Interesting theory. What i'll never accept though is that the human world (or should i say Doug-world if you know what i mean) exists in the MLP reality too as a seperate dimension.
that would mean that luna could not be in the "real" dimension to conect everypony to the dream.... so either the "real" luna from the "real" dimension can dupicate or exsist muptiple times in multiple dimesions at the same time!
See here is my theory she was acting as a "server" for the dream. The shared dream was her dream that she created and she brought everyone into her mind. The tantibus escaping would not mean it would manifest itself into the real world as the "black mist" but rather it would take over the server. Sort of like a virus can take over a computer or even an entire network the tantibus could theoretically take over Equestria through infecting dreams once it escapes.
The corridor of dreams, luna can enter any she likes. In that one episode where luna took sweetie belle to the dream corridor.. thus must mean any pony with strong enough magic can enter
OK I am typing this before your intro. have you ever watched teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012 version) well in an episode called Dream Beavers, I think, the crazy dude pretty much brought those evil beavers from his mind, bringing fiction into their reality. So maybe what happened was similar?
I think that everything happened în Luna's mind Because that bad little thing was a part of her bad side . I think that that little purple or Black cloud was trying to escape from Luna's mind all the time and those wires conected her mind with other ponies
I think we reached the Bloodborne level of Lovecraftian Lore, in MLP. But Dreamworlds are not so uncommon. So congratulation ponies Nightmare Slain! Now on your knees, an i cut you out from the Hunters Dream :)
the dream world could be a different dimension but in order to travel to a different dimension she would have to break through dark matter and the only force which would be strong enough to do that are worm holes also if tried that she would create a paradox with would back fire and result in failure if you want to learn more about worm holes you can check out this link:https://vimeo.com/17477895 which will go into time travel and worm holes another theory is it could also be a parallel universe or a planet in there universe/galaxy the dream world could also be a part of the brain which could also be a place in theory if there were some type of link aka prices luna after all the processes of equestrian have lived for over 10,00 years according to the first episode of mlp
My headcannon any alicorn or unicorn could use magic to enter others dreams but the reason they don't is because it was never important but it's lunas duties
When Luna goose into ponies dreams she teleports her self in them and only when she is using a lot of her dream power the lines show in the dreams she is in
Intereting video and all, however, I'd like to know if you could expand your insight to other cartoons as well. Im just saying, your limiting yourself too much
What if every ponies brain is a separate realm\dimensions an princess Luna connects them together in her realm\dimension or dream more simply so let's say where all some what correct princess Luna is the server or main dream connected to everyone dream so that would mean she is holding an entire realm up with would explain why she got tired to fast but the reason she didn't just pass would be because not the entire world of equastria was in this dream so she had enough power to keep it stable long enough for them to beat the thing please excuse my punctuation
Luna would be in the pony's mind and leading them to another dimension at the same time so they would be seeing what is in their dream while their moving in their dream. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!
@The Brony Notion is it possible the tamtafist (or how ever you spell it) is the thing that turned luna into nightmare moon cause thats what it did in her dream and it does looks alot like nightmare moons mane
i think it is all in another dimention and if ponys get dreams they get in some kind of avatar just like in the movie avatar (you no that movie with those blue people) sorry for wrong spelling i am dutch XD
Maybe Luna's horn was white because she wasn't sleeping, like in the episode bloom and gloom, the dream luna hasn't a white horn cause she was sleeping. But why didn't she came to there dreams as the dream luna ? Maybe its in the same case as twilight in the seconded equestria girls, she created a way to go back whitout waiting 30 months... I'm so confused xD and I guess my tought is stupid .-. Just never mind :p
my theroy is the tantubus has dream powers also because luna created it so it can pass through dreams to the real world 030 i think your theroy is better though XD
Ever notice that Moon Dancer And Daring Doo that look like Rainbow Dash and Twilight Moon Dancer and Daring Doo both represent a trait from Rainbow Dash {Adventurous} and Twilight {Book Worm} Could Moon Dancer and Daring Doo possibly be showing what Twilight and Rainbow Dash would be like if the main 6 hadn't met each other.
I think it real i was see a youtubes she taik about her dream and her mom have her dream i think it was a nightmare becase she lost her dog and she got to a THING?
Ugh The triangle represents the all see in eye this is not a cult beliefe many some including Christians believe in the all see in eye it just means a greater thing then us is watching are very movement
I have a different theory, and it's quite a long-winded one, but stick with me here. What if ponies dream like we do, but the monster described is actually a magical kind of Prion (a strange type of brain-virus). Let's remember that this monster was actually created by Luna to punish herself. So obviously she would create it to only be powerful enough to alter her senses and brain while it is in a much more vulnerable state, when she is sleeping. Also, in order to give it incentive to keep her dreams negative and about what she did as nightmare moon, she creates it to feed off of her own guilt. Now, one thing about Prions is that it's hard for them to spread. A virus trying to get into the brain of pony to the brain of another is quite a feat. But perhaps the white glowing connections gives it route to spread to other ponies. Perhaps in Luna's dreams, because she is the princess of the night, and along with that, dreams, when she dreams about somepony, for a moment, she actually shares a mental connection with them. The prion has way to spread from one pony to another. Now, that might explain how the virus affects other ponies dreams, but I can hear you asking, "Well, if that's the case how does it escape into the real world?" And my answer would be that it actually doesn't. At least, not in the literal sense. Think about it. In order for this virus to truly turn reality into a nightmare it would have to have chaotic power to rival Discord's, and, to be honest, I don't think Luna could create a creature like that. I think that as it is slowly gaining power from Luna's guilt. Almost to the point were it can start to control the brain in the much less vulnerable state of consciousness. It can trick ponies senses into seeing, hearing, and feeling things that just aren't there, effectively creating nightmares in the real world. Now, the reason Luna might have wanted to create shared dreams if this were the case was so she could help purge all the affected ponies at once, not one at a time which would be tedious and give the monster time get more powerful. Some of you might be asking, "If it is spreading, why do we only see one?" or "Why doesn't it affect all the Main 6's dreams at once if they all have the virus?" And my answer is that as we saw, while the virus is around corrupting dreams it is also vulnerable to Luna's attacks. When it sees the real Luna who has materialized herself in a dream it flees to keep from being attacked. This of course would be why creating a large shared dream would have been the best course of action, sense everypony infected was in the dream, the Prion had no other unconscious mind to run to, it would have to stay within the realms of this shared consciousness. But as it slowly gained more power, it almost got to the point where it could break out of the unconscious realm entirely, and affect ponies while they're awake as well.
I think I have explained my thoughts well enough, and my reasons as to why this will simply be my headcannon until evidence comes along to help prove or disprove it. But as for now, it's just a theory. A PONY theory. Thanks for reading.
My theory was that the Tantabus escaping into the real world was just part of Luna's nightmare. That couldn't really happen, Luna just believed it could, because she was letting her fears control her, and the nightmare was simply reacting to those fears.
The other possibility is that, as a creature of the mind, the Tantabus's powers would affect only the minds of ponies in the waking world if it escaped. They might see the Tantabus there, but in reality it would only exist in their minds. That is not to say the effect would not be just as devastating though. A "living nightmare" is a pretty serious problem whether it exists only in your head or not.
Maybe life is just a dream and our dreams are our real lives, explaining why I always 'wake up' when I'm about to get killed in a dream (my 'dream life' ends when I die, just like in real life). Plus it also explains why I sometimes have multiple dreams in the same 'dream location'. But that's just a theory - A GAME THEORY (sorry I had to do that).
I actually came up with a theory like this a wile ago. I was writing a story full of mythical creatures and magic where there was a dream realm held together by one witch.
It would be interesting if the staff at MLP had the same idea i did.
You forgot one major detail; ponies are magical. This means that the Tantibus doesn't have to actually exists to enter the waking world, but instead, the ponies magic brings it to life. This would also explain why Luna guards dreams in the first place, to keep nightmare's from manifesting in the real world. Perhaps this is also the origin of Nightmare Moon?
I know this isn't connected to the video, but I got this idea that what if there are more than one way for dragons to grow up? The greed is just the easiest way to grow up. What if dragons could grow up with wisdom and bravery? But that takes much more time and effort to do, so most of the dragons choose greed? It would be awesome if this was real. :3
The way I saw it, the "Dream dimension" was less of a separate dimension and more of a different plain of existance in this dimension, co-created by the minds of everypony and managed by Luna (the shared one) that is unstable. If you saw the "Dr Strange" animated movie (and if you didn't go watch it, it's AWESOME!!!) think of the war Dorma Mu is trying to enter our dimension. I can't exactly explain how real Luna is seen from the dreamscape, but I believe that the reason the Tentabus can escape it is because it was given enough power to materialise outside of it. It was gived semi-sentience by luna (or is a manifestation of part of her own consiouns) and it can exist on it's own it seems.
I have an OC and a whole series of stories based around my concept of the dream world. My concept is that the dream world is a pocket universe of sorts, connected to all dimensions like the boughs of a tree -- like the Norse Tree of Life, if you will -- but still separate from them. It contains its own sort of magic, but it thrives on the magic of those who touch it in their sleep (dreamers), acting as a benign parasite; and, in drawing upon dreamers' magic, the dream world is affected by the dreamers' imaginations, creating an ever-changing landscape, tiny portions of which are each contorted and dictated by an individual dreamer.
Normally, the dream and waking worlds remain separate, and, clearly, it's safest for everyone if they stay that way. The only way for someone to touch the dream world is by going to sleep and dreaming. However, there are a few who can physically visit the dream world, if they possess the ability, such as Princess Luna; these are called dreamwalkers, and, while dreamers wouldn't be in any real danger from whatever they may see or create in their dreams, dreamwalkers could potentially be harmed while within the dream world, just as anyone could normally in the waking world.
Also, because the dream world is so malleable, the various forms it has been given in the show are all perfectly accurate. Sweetie Belle wouldn't imagine the dream world in the same way as Scootaloo, nor as Apple Bloom. Even the way Princess Luna perceives the dream world is not set in stone, as she can also imagine her surroundings to suit her desires. Glimpsing the "celestial zone" through cracks in the dream world, traveling from one dream to another via doors and blossoming apples and birdhouses, and even the "hall of doors"/"Monsters, Inc." reference scene from "Bloom and Gloom" are all plausible, and they can change from episode to episode without a break in continuity.
So, in answer to your prompt, I believe the dream world is DEFINITELY a separate world/dimension/pocket universe all its own.
I think that the Tantabus is different then actual dreams, since it was created with magic, whereas in dreams, the ponies and their minds exist within the real world, and the things that happen inside the dreams are the ponies' minds working. I think that the dream world being a different dimension is a plausible theory, but I think it's only the Tantabus that can exit it. Also, I believe that the wire-thing that leads to ponies' heads only appears when Luna has to reach the dreams of more then, maybe, three, and that it doesn't appear either after a while or in the pony's dream. I believe it only appeared in the shared dream because Luna had to create that dream for everyone in Ponyville and maybe even more, considering how many ponies Pinkie Pie knows. That was a huge strain on her magic, and so the physical appearance of Luna at that moment showed up in the dream.
I personally feel like a small piece of the dimension is within the minds of those ponies. I mean, it makes sense. Luna's magic strings could be like Discord's claw mark to that puppet dimension.
what I always believed that when someone dreams I is just a collection of electrons that gather creating a big ball of energy. depending on how strong the waves are it can manifest itself into the real world. goes with nightmares believe in it too much it will become. scary. lol that is just the tip of what I believe. that's just what I think anyway. love your videos.
Technically our mind connects to the dream realm where our dreams and everyone is connected somehow. It's like an afterlife but where dreams appear. We don't pick our dreams. It's like the dream dimension is connected to what we are scared of really that is how we have nightmares. Luna can penetrate the dream realm to help us with our fears of our own dimension.
Hmmm interesting theory. I think you're right about the real Luna in shared dream. I always headcannoned Luna's dream realm as another dimension. It's just... why only she can enter it. Maybe Discord can too but that's not the point. Why she has those powers? Can Celestia do it too? Some answers come with more questions.
Weirdly enough, this actually makes sense. I must be applying Homestuck logic again. Dammit! Anyway, I think that the shared dream that Luna created is similar to a dream bubble (if you don't know what that is, look in the Homestuck wiki) except that instead of entering a separate bubble, as in normal dreams, the ponies' "dreamselves" are all brought to a single bubble. And when Luna visits one pony's dream, she simply transports her "dreamself" between bubbles (and sweetie belle and scootaloo's in bloom and gloom).
I got so lost towards the end, but then I thought about what u said in pieces. I would believe that there is a dream dimension that all creatures (not only ponies) can enter. Luna just must be able to enter it through like a portal to physically be there and ponies and others enter through the mind.
I actually think that luna (being the only pony to visit ponies in their sleep) can also dreamwalk when asleep. think about it if somebody needed help waay past luna's sleeping patern she could as well sense this and travel to that dream without using much of her magic. that would explain why she had such limited time in sleepless in ponyville.
I agree with you that dreams take place in alternate dimensions to our own, but i have my own twist to it. Let's start with Pinkie Pie (never a good sentence starter); i remember in a previous video you discussed the liability that Pinkie is psychic, and elsewhere you mentioned that maybe the human world has dreams about their pony counterparts, and may explain why Pinkie could tell every detail about the other world to the rest of the Mane 6 since she could be the anomalous exception to the humans who don't remember the dreams, because when isn't she the exception xD. That would also explain why they have their pony's Cutie Marks on their clothes, they saw the picture in a dream and wanted to wear it (though you also said that the mark appears on their clothes, which I wouldn't think is correct since humans have no magic besides the HuMane 6, and magic is what gives ponies Cutie Marks). Anyway, going back to dreams, I believe that when we dream, there isn't a separate dream dimension that we access through our unconscious minds, I believe that there are alternate universes, and that if you can think it, it is happening somewhere, even if in a parallel universe. In our dreams, we can see into these universes in such detail. I believe that applies to the real world, though in the series about magical ponies, I bet the dimension existing only for dreams that Luna can access through her dream walking is true. I might even take it a step further and say Luna created that dimension. Plus the Sharkboy and Lavagirl reference, I love you even more :D (sorry for so much typing, sometimes i can't help myself)
I think that if a person in a dream is able to realise that they are dreaming, will be freely able to control said dream. Given enough experience, they might experience something like in mlp. There is also the "endless hallway" type of nightmare, where all the doors are locked, and you can't get out. What if all those doors are just "doorways" to the dreams of other people? With Luna being the princess of dreams and the night, the doors would all be unlocked for her.
My Theory: Dreams Do occur in other Dimensions why, because when a pony does to sleep their brains need time to process so it sends their self-conscious to the Dream Dimension which are usually Past Memories and Secret Wishes. The mind sends the Self-Conscious there so it can't slow down the process, process. So Dream Luna (Luna's sub-conscious, not self-) can go into ponies dreams and help them if needed. In this episode Physical Luna connects to all the ponies in Ponyville and defeats the Tartapus. If Physical Luna didn't have the force bubble around her in the Ponyville Dream it would probably break the boundaries of the Dimensions, cause the Dream Dimension to intersect with the Physical dimension, and allow all entities to roam each others world freely, but would cause havoc and a huge mental strain on Luna and the other Ponies. So the may long, strange, theory comment below your opinion and/or theories, - Winter Out!
This is my theory. both of it happens, both in the heads of pony's and a separate dimension.
Let me explain when one pony sleeps he/she create a pocket reality in his/her own head of which luna can access separately and the tantabus can move from dream to dream from the visuals it has witnessed by seeing the ponies in the different dreams
but when luna made a united dream she actually created a seperate dimension and that could be why it drained her of strength and how the tantabus could get out. from this POV the tantabus seem quite actually really cunning, getting Luna to create a seperate dimension so It CAN escape into the real world by making a rift between the two dimensions like discord did.
The tantibus is a magical creature created by luna and feed off of her guilt. It would have the same abilities as luna and feed off of her guilt, not the power of the other ponies. This means that every time the tantibus moved from one dream to another and spread to other ponies, it wouldn't be the power from the other ponies, but luna's guilt that triggered it to grow. Of corse this is happening inside of everyone's head who is connected to the dream. If it was another dimension, then ponies would have interconnecting dreams without the need of luna and certainly more often. From what we know so far, ponies dreams will not clash because if it did, the main 6 dream about fixing luna in the first scene and that wouldn't likely have been the case.
How does this dimension work? It's always different each night, right? And some ponies dream of the day, others dream of the night. Everyone in their dreams are different. When a pony isn't dreaming, does another personality take place of the body in the Dream Dimension, or does it sleep? Also, is it possible that the dimension was like a multiverse, and it wasn't until that night that it became one thing, but then afterward, it split? The Tantabus (Screw spelling fictional names correctly) only needed one person's dream after it would have gained enough power hopping from each dream. Wouldn't each pony have their own versions of every other pony in town? There are just so many questions to try to answer with any certainty.
I know this is kind of grasping at strings here, but do you think there could be some connection to the surreal dimension where Discord lives? If it's the ponies' minds that are influencing what we see in the dimension, maybe what we saw in 'Make New Friends and Keep Discord' was some kind of residue from when there were dreams there? I assume the mail man in that episode was there in his physical form/waking self, like Luna probably was when being the 'server'. Idk, you're the expert! Oh, I'd also love to hear people's thoughts about Luna's dream at the very end of 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?'.
I wonder if Luna can go into the Astral Plain. Or if it's a place only Celestia can go. I mean, from what we've seen, the Relm of Sleep or "Dream Demention", looks a lot like the Astral Plain. Only Luna can go into it though (or at least have power in). So I wonder if it's the same with Celestia and the Astral Plain?
It seems very possible for the dreams to be in another dimension and I think that if that really is true then because Luna is connecting so many dreams so has to physically be there to keep the dream together
I do agree with the idea that the Dream world I another dimension; makes sense. However, the dream is another world that exists within the mind. Reason being: anything can happen in the dream world. There are no limits so it is a world controlled by thought whereas the real world I controlled by science and equestrian magic. The tentabus can enter the other world due to the power it gained. It and Discord can travel through other dimensions because of the strength of their magic. Otherwise, interesting video and I can't wait for your next theory.
WAIT A FEATHERY MOMENT! If the Tentapus made a portal to the real world from the dream from the amount of power it has, can't the ponies GIVE themselves the same power to open the rift in time and have whatever power he/she had in the dream?!?!
Well I think it is in the pony's heads and the tantipus feeds off of negitive energey. It probably converts it into dark magic and then uses that magic to fisicly put itself into the real world
I think it is both hear me out as we saw in the dream ep of cmc(forget name)there are doors. I think the doors are the minds(what's inside)and the corridor(the hallway of doors)is the dimsion but if there's a shared dream the doors dissaper so...there has to be a conntion to a dimssion (hits real Luna with the magic white streaks)
I think this ulter dimension and dream escape could actually play a role in the Equestrian Games sense season 5 has been building that up. Especially with the recent trailers.
Their minds could be connected to the dream world and from there Luna can access individual dreams and small joint dreams though it explains her struggle to maintain a large amount of ponies dreams there fore not making her not able to use dream Luna.
I believe in a dream world and this theory was all awesome I love princess Luna and how her magic works wow I'm looking forward to more on this awesome channel Ty
I think it is another dimension but I think it it's kind of like in For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils where they were in that space with all the doors. I think Lunna herself can visit this space and is how she is able to just happen upon dreams.
This is big. Well...I think you could be correct about the dream dimension. Maybe the dimension and the thoughts of other ponies are connected or one in the same! Luna can travel to other ponies minds with the dimension gate way to the dream world so...which dose mean she can enter their minds. I don't really know but I think they could be one in the same!
maybe dreaming is just your consciousness in another body in another universe, meaning that your consciousness has to be bound by no dimension. Meaning that luna is bound by 2 or more dimensions... and magic is also bound by no dimension... hmmm... sort of like how a graviton is not bound by dimensions in string theory!
Personal I think dreams show what we wish for or fear, but I have a problem where I don't dream and when I do its of the past or the next day. This leads me to believe that dreams might be connected to so form of nexus of sort. I say this because one time I dreamed a dream of an ancient battle of samurais that where speaking perfect japenses but I truly only know a handful of words, so those with strong wills or powerful minds can see other's dreams, and maybe this nexus records all dreams that take place. But that's just a personal theory.
True but I have another idea (please notice me) Luna is so powerful she accidentally created a creature that could (from the dream world) enter the real world. That's another way to explain I'm not saying your theory is bad.
Yo más bien pensaba al ver el episodio que como Luna es la unica que tiene el poder de entrar en los sueños de otros y ayudarlos tambien puede afectarlos de mala manera solo que en este caso todo se salio de control, imaginen que la pesadilla hubiera sido no de Luna sino de Applejack, es solo un ejemplo, no hubiera surtido el mismo efecto amenos que Luna tubiera algo que ver, creo nose solo digo.
If you don't understand spanish go to Traductor Google pls
My guess is that the dream world is a bunch of pocket universes controlled by the pony's mind, accessible by only sleep (and Luna's magic). What Luna did was she simply strung those many pocket dimensions together while they were available in a form of "internet connection", as you were saying.
I guess you do still have some more of my secretes to give away; I might as well tell you Equestria has 42 interconnected dimensions. (please don't ask about 23 or 37)
I think that the dream world is in a different dimension and that dream luna is only used to fix emotional problems.I also think real luna can warn ponies about threats,in their dreams.That might be why we saw luna, in the orb thing, with the strings still being used.
Well if the real world is somehow connected to the dream world doesn't that mean that people can miraculously be brought to the real world? Commence the fanfics! Every universe in conceivability is connected and the dream world is a Hub. Ha, obscure references to a channel no longer existing! So anything can happen to the dream world and that means that lucid dreaming means we're IN the dream world!
that is really something to think about also what if the whole pony world is just one big dream that is made up by some person's mind and each episode is each night and i saw that flash of illuminate
I was wondering if u (Brony) could make a video sometime about prince Blue blood. See, in the gala episode, the song "At The Gala" rarity's part, a portion of her part describes how prince Blue blood is her nephue (sorry for bad spelling) so if prince blue blood is her nephue, then does princess celestial and luna have third sibiling or is he princess lunas daughter?
wait, wait, wait a second, those white string thingies connected to the foreheads of the ponies for a reason? and if not, the "real" luna was in the bubble bcuz she's "real" then why were the white string thingies going upwards, where were they pointing to, more like, where were they? when luna was dream jumping (literally through the mane 6's dreams) they didnt have the white strings either, and luna didnt have the strings, but in the joined dread, since it was probs the real luna since the bubble and everything, the strings were there like the first time she did it to the mane 6 wherein it was the real her, in reality that had the lines, but where did the lines go in the joined dream? im pretty sure it was there
Well in shark boy and lava girl it was said dreams can become so powerful they become real. (or something like that) so if that's true then case solved? Idk.
It is probably both. In their minds and in another dimension. A place that exist only because of the dreamers mind as it is given shape by the sleeping ponies. It might be just another form of magic and since equestria is full of it... maybe thats why its posible for the dream parasite to exist in both realities as they both share magic as an energy source. Dunno... HAHAHAHAHA!
How is it that I get almost all of your references, but hardly any for some youtubers? Doctor Who, the Princess Bride, Rhett and Link, even Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
Maybe the tangabis (don't mind the spelling please) is moving from the dream to reality like Luna douse? But instead of connecting it's self to other ponies it's pulling away
Well if the dream Luna can go into the real world and the real Luna can go into the dream world then shouldn't dreams b in dimensions? But then again Luna is the princess of the night so it would make sense for her....
When Luna is in the dream world she does have the wires, but they aren't connected to any of the ponies in the dream. So what were the wires connected too?
It's not complicated. It's the animators and writers getting lazy as they focus more on Brony references for $$$ rather than the damn story. I've been seeing a disturbing amount of that lately.
Easy, the dream world acts like another dimention as a big Bubble of dream, the mind of ponies is like a little Bubble with ah individual dream, they can Connect to each other if Luna desires, a dream inside another dream, or a few dreams inside a big dream Bubble, and all the dream bubbles can get inside the dream world, as a huge dream Bubble with a lot of dreams inside
??? I didn't actually understand anything, but I understood a bit, but I have a question The share dream in "Bloom in gloom" when Luna made a share dream for scotaloo Apple bloom and sweetie belle she wasn't the real Luna, but in "Do princesses dream of magic sheep?" The real Luna was in the share dream, why? Why Luna in this episode was real in the dream and not real in bloom and gloom? Make sense?
So saying that this was actually what happened and the dream world is a dimension then if Pony Luna went into the dream then how did the mane six already know this was a dream? Where there Pony Side in the dream as well with Luna?
My friend had this idea that button mash was the son of discord i was hopping uou could do a video on this like the things in comin like the coat the hat eyes why buttons train caught on fire so could bottom be the son of discord and adopted by pony?
Also did anyone else see the Illuminati symbol?Bill get out of the pony Dreamscape!How many Gravity Falls references are we packing in this episode.Oh and I bet your really happy that Rainbows favorite dream beating up changelings.Sarcasm you gotta loveit.
There is a Mario game called "Mario and Luigi Dream Team" and it does some cool dream things in there, check it out. Spoiler alert. Mario enters dreams through a portal thingy.
Maybe when Luna is sleeping, she can go to Pony's Dream but, she was not asleep she was a wake that's why she was crying and tired that magic means she's forcing her self to go to their dreams without making herself asleep... or maybe?
The horn mlp fim is magic right and they have unicorns maybe the dream is like a diemenion but inside the cause is well horn have magic but how about sweetie bell well sweetie bell can use magic to levite objects right.
Running comment chain from last vid has a disabled comment section. Continuing with it here. Just wanted to get my thoughts out to @Raspberries Rrandom
My two best friends ever ended up trying to destroy my reputation. I totally know how you feel. In more ways than one. Actually, this isn't the only example - my entire family deals with that sort of thing a lot.
I can't answer whether or not to continue being a brony. Watch the show's most recent episodes, and decide if you still like the show for yourself. However, I d o have some advice for you.
Honesty is the best policy; don't pretend to like or dislike something, just be yourself. Just say what you feel and be honest about who you are. In a nice way - being honest and rude are different - but don't just lie because you think others won't like the answer. There's always going to be the bullies, and they're going to be looking for a person to pick on and a reason to pick on them, but there's always going to be the nice people too. Those people will respect you fxor who you are, so long as you take the time to let them know who you are, and choose to be honest about it. There's no way around encountering opposition, it's how you handle it that matters most.
The best way to handle cruelty is with kindness. I know this seems counterintuitive, and I'm not saying give them a present for their actions. No, I'm saying the worst way to handle bullies is to be a bully back. If they get out of hand, you should stand up to them, but if they're just picking on you, show them it doesn't phase you, and don't let it phase you. Part of bullying is allowing yourself to BE bullied. Just let it fall off your shoulder, and if the bully doesn't stop, your friends and family will be there for you. If a bully, someone who you don't like, genuinely needs help or advice, give it to them, even if they're your worst annoyance. "A friend can make a great enemy but an enemy can make an even greater friend." - no idea who the quote is by, sorry :/. If they need help, help, if they aren't bothering you any, you just shouldn't care, if they are bothering you than people can help you handle it, and you can usually just tell them to stop - firmly but not rudely, in a respectful manner - and they will. If someone you don't like genuinely needs help, just help them. Finally, if a bully is mean "in a nice way", smile and all, just smile and be nice back. Trust me, this works.
The past is what brought you here, but it's not a definition of who you are right now. Don't dwell on the past, and don't harp on the future. Whatever's already happened has already happened, all that matters is what you do now. Don't let the past bind you. Don't spend so much time preparing for the future that you never live in the present. Sure, there is always things you can prepare for, and should, but in the end you really can't predict what happens and you really can't change what has already happened. What matters most is that you try in the right here and now. Just do your best, and whatever happens, happens. If you don't achieve the goals you set out for yourself, you haven't failed. Nobody will blame you for trying - they will praise you for it, and try to help you through whatever problems you face. But I have no doubt that your short term goals, make new friends and a new, better existence for yourself. In everything you do - school, relationships, what you like, purely random events - all you can ever do is try, but that's all you really should do.
I can't say how your friend was, or who she was, or what she felt, or what you felt, or really what happened, but I can say one thing, right now. You got to have this experience, and it will only serve you well in the future. Don't get yourself into a situation like that again, sometimes the most helpful thing you can say to someone is a simple no. However, you both learned and grew from it, and you'll both come out all the better for it. Embrace your time with your friend, and be glad it's over now. I can't claim to know anything about her or you, but I know that the experience will serve you both very well, and I give you both the best wishes for your future.
I can't claim to follow this advice myself - I haven't told much of anyone about my brony status, and I'm awful at making friends, and I dwell on things a bit much myself, but very often the best people to give advice are those who need it themselves. I can't tell you where to go or what decisions to make, but I have no doubt you'll make the right ones. I'm going into college in the fall myself, so it'll be a time of change for me too. I'm anxious about what might come in my way, but I'm too excited about what will come next to worry about what I didn't achieve in my past. I wish you the best of luck in your new high school, and in everything you do. I can see you have the capability to become a wonderful person, and I'm glad I got to be a part if that.
Do yoh can make video: Who is most popular qirl in canterlot high.... Rarity, Rainbow dash, Aplejack, Fluthershy, Pinky pie, or Sunet Shimmer... Please anwser..... 😅😊😀😁
As I see the way dimensions work in the mlp verse is that all the "reality" dimensions exist above the even larger dream dimension. The dream dimension would act like a lower dimension to all that enter it. Essentially making all of them pseudo gods (Maybe discord comes from a higher dimension then) and manipulate the own small piece of the world. I think that is where twilight went when she ascended so she could bypass the natural laws of magic in her world.
I like to think of it as a big giant dream dimension where everypony has there own bubble. Inside those bubbles, everpony has there own patch of the dimension where anything can happen. Luna can combine bubbles (dreams), so that ponies can have shared dreams. There can also be wacky ways to transport from one dream to another as shown in "sweetie bell toils".
This was a cool video to go along with a pretty good episode. The only thing is, I'm not sure the writers thought this far ahead, because remember back to the season 4 finale, the first part to be precise, We see Celestia sleeping for a moment, tossing and turning and then waking up and Luna rushes in, we know that Luna was watching her dream and that's why there's a big fuss because some old Jedi Centaur dude is coming to suck. But the actual point I'm making is that Celestia didn't have a white string thing on her forehead when Luna was watching her dream. So I do believe your theory, I just don't think it was always true, but I'm fine if the cannon of the show changes every now and then.
I still think that it's in our heads, considering that the connection reached their foreheads, and that it's been scientifically proven that only certain areas of the brain can participate in dreams, and not the entire brain. Although this would seem to interfere with the actions which you can do in the "Dream World", all you're doing is imagining yourself doing that action.
For me this is easy to keep track of (I watch game theory so that is why xD) I will say that all dreams happen in another dimension. It seems the most "logical" and would explain a lot of different things in my opinions. Nice video btw :)
I just wanna say that I love your channel and how much I love your theory's but this one really made me think...... While I was watching the video I started to really thinkin about what you said, it all made sense. I did feel like you missed a less literal piece. When you think about it, the way dreams get in the real world is if you did it your self, for example : many artist such as TV show creators dream things and find them so amazing, they decide to actually incorporate it with the show, which I think makes sense to the world we live in right now but how ever for what you were talking about during the video, made total sense to me and and gives me a such deeper meaning of this show so THX. 😊
I actually thought of this before. There are several dimensions (we also saw the one discord opened at the gala) and just a few magical creatures have the ability to switch between these dimensions. The dream Dimension is a place that is copied from a pony's mind that's why most Dreams arw forgotton when the pony wakes up, because it wasn't physically there. Luna has the ability to connect them and enter them. To See a physically existing pony with a strong bond to the real world, a pony is able to remember the dream. My OC's magic works the exact opposite way than Luna's. She can't enter the dream world herself, she can just see it and take things out of it like we can for example print a data that only exists on our computer.
Also note that in shared dreams, the location thus far seems to be a shared location. I am thinking that when luna creates shared dreams she draws the dream world closer to the depicted location. And since so many strings were drawn, perhaps the worlds were drawn to a point in which they overlap in some places. Thus Luna was both in the physical world and the dream world.
Okay, if I mention some points of your theory here, don't mind it. I'm just trying to keep track of what you're saying and add some points of my own theory.
Luna entering dreams is what I might call astral projection, I think. I don't think she had to keep track of everypony's actions during the shared dream and I also doubt that made her tiring. In fact, dreaming itself is tiring because it keeps the brain active even in sleep.
In real life dreaming, lucid dreaming can be done to control nightmares. If someone experiences a nightmare and and gets very frightened, the experience will increase in intensity so that means he/she is literally feeding the nightmare fear. That might be the cause of why the nightmare thingy in the episode gets stronger and stronger.
But then the ponies were sharing the SAME DREAM and that means they might be ASTRAL TRAVELLING. Astral travelling is when a person enters the spirit realm. I think this is how the nightmare ripped through the realms and entered the real world because the spirit realm and reality are connected. For example, people experiencing supernatural events.\
How can something in a dream pass in real life? I think it's because some people can actually PROPHETIC DREAM.
Your dream-dimension can make sense but then, like I have mentioned earlier, this might we what we call astral travelling. Now, you said that the real physical Luna might be the Luna with the connecting wires things in her horn during the shared dream. For me, it's unlikely because you can't PHYSICALLY enter a dream or the spirit realm. Luna controls her dreamself like any other pony does and it just may be the dream luna who is Lucid Dreaming to keep the connections active.
Anyways, to answer your final question, there are two kinds of dreaming we can classify into either happening in individual ponies' heads and the spirit realm where spirits can connect to each other like a server: Ordinary dream [with individual lucid dreaming] is classified into an individual's dream, astral travelling and prophetic dreaming which is classified into the spirit realm. One type of dreaming can mix and connect the two types: LUCID DREAMING.
Everything begins as mere thought, until we make it real. If the tantibus was simply the result of a spell that affected dreams then the tantibus, by accessing the magic of enough ponies, could copy itself into another spell and make itself manifest in physical space.
The stuff around Luna are artistic, things look different in dreams than they do IRL. As such, perhaps Luna couldn't help but manifest herself as she actually looked at that moment, took too much concentration to manifest otherwise. Thus we see Luna without the glow and stuff when she doesn't need to concentrate all that hard, and we do see it when she does need to concentrate.
Also, I suspect that Luna wanted a more... secure connection... when connecting to the mane-six, so that's why there were all those lines. Otherwise the only reason she could have known that AB, SB and Scootaloo were having nightmares at all was if she was already connected to them before they started having them.
My favorite part of the episode was when huge derpy meowed. That, and when S.A.S.D. and Lyra were one pony. It was literally the most (and loudest!) I'd laughed while watching an episode ever.
I would say, expanding the SB&LG reference, "Some dreams are so powerful that they become real." Buddhism would support this belief with the concept of emptiness. In a nutshell, emptiness means that reality, as we know it, is just the collective sum of our thoughts. When you focus on a thought hard and long, it often becomes reality. That's why the tantabus threatened to escape into the real world, because it was a mystical manifestation of Luna's fear and guilt, which she had been focusing on and nurturing for years.
I always wondered that about dreams. I think that maybe dreams are actually another world and we control a small part of it. And the reason we wake up in the morning feeling better than before we went to sleep (if we had a good sleep) is that we got energy from that world. I like your thearoy! ;)
I think it's a combined effort because our thoughts become what we call dreams as we sleep but then what we think as we sleep go into a dream dimension and that is how we are able to say fly through the air without wings or do stunts you could never do unless you were professionally trained or had the proper equipment.
That's my take on this week's theory, I hope it helped you Brony Notion and anyone out there get a slightly better understanding.
One thing that irked me about the episode was how empty the 'shared dream' seemed, considering all the ponies we saw. There was at least one fully grown pony, and a multitude of different personalities. Even taking into account that this is a kids show, I would expect there to be more than just a giant derpy, a Lyra - bon bon thing and flying muffins.
This episode reminded me of Inception. Dreamshare. Luna is taking the roe of the PASIV Devce and linking them all. You have no idea how many story ideas invaded my mind when watching the actions of the ponies in the dream Big Mac an alicorn? Forging. Filthy Rich flying on coins? Creating tools. Now, excuse me. I must go and write this crossover and never finish it due to more ideas for new stories.
Everypony has its own dimension of dreams, so maybe the "ultimate shared dream" that luna created was going on on her own dream dimension, that maybe explains why she had the glowing ball around her, because she connected everypony's minds to her own creating a shared dream really hard to keep on.
It does make sense that it would be in another dimension but also the rules of this dimension seem to be drastically different from the rules of our world. It the Dream Dimension you can create anything from you imagination whereas in the real world you cannot. Also the Tantibus could be an alternate version of Luna to emphasise this point there is a scene where the Tantibus returns to Luna and becomes part of her. My theory is that the Tantibus is just Lunas guilt manifested in the form of the blue smoke. This would also explain why it gets bigger when she feels more guilt but also why it is in the form of blue smoke. The blue smoke could be reference to the blue smoke that Nightmare Moon transformed into in episodes 1 and 2. It would also explain why in the forest scene why she was able to turn the trees into something scary. So what I believe is that the Tantibus is just a part of Nightmare moon that was either left over or re-created.
Well the Blue Smoke Thing ( Forgot what it's called) started out in Luna's dream because of her fear of nightmare moon. But in Luna's dream she sees the mane 6 so it makes all 7 dream the same dream. And most of the time when we have dreams or nightmares it's usually something in the real world. And since Nightmare Moon is or was real the dream could escape into the real world. In the episode "Sleepless in Ponyville" Luna says that you have to face your fears or the nightmares will continue, and since Luna lives in fear of Nightmare Moon she could only stop the Blue Smoke by forgiving herself for her past self. But if Luna were to continue fearing Nightmare Moon then the Blue Smoke would grow stronger and stronger until it could escape the real world and affect the ponies in all equestria. (This is just a thought don't hate)
Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second. Do you guys recall the forest clearing from Applebloom's dream in Bloom and Gloom? And do you recall that same clearing appearing in the trailer for the new Equestrian Girls movie, apparently through the portal discovered by human Twilight? Is the perhaps some kind of connection here, especially if dreams really are alternate dimensions?
I think shared dream Luna allowed herself to be seen with the dream strings so the rest of Ponyville could understand what was happening. Think about it:
The Mane 6 knew in advance of what was going to happen regarding Luna and the dreams, so no explanation was necessary. Ponyville, on the other hoof, didn't. Appearing like this would give the other ponies a better idea of what was happening (as well as expedience).
Maybe that's also why Luna couldn't defeat the Tantabus in the Mane 6's dreams. So much effort was going into monitoring the dreams, coupled with the fact that she didn't want help, that she wasn't strong enough. And by the time we got to the shared dream and the Mighty Morphin' Power Ponies were helping it had gotten too strong.
You're 3/4 right. The dream world isn't another dimension, but a different level of the same universe. Sort of like a pocket dimension, but, different slightly. It's like the rungs of a ladder. The ladder being the dimension and the rungs being different levels. they live in the waking world on one rung of the ladder, but when they fall asleep, it's like they're reaching up to a higher rung without being able to fully step to it. The reason things could pass from the dream world to the real one is that if they have enough power they can step from one rung to the next, though the higher up the ladder you go, the bigger the spacing and more energy required to go from one to the next.
This does raise a question. If beings of higher power can go from one level to the next, could they use that ability to travel large distances? Time doesn't need to be linear in the dream world, it can slow down so much that it could be an instant in the real world. so, in theory, luna/celestia could go to the dream world and make it so that time moves differently and think out decisions that would take a really long time.
i think that the doors apple bloom saw in her dreams were doors that lead to other pony's dreams. Luna creates shared dreams buy removing the doors so they all see the same things. that is why it's hard for her to keep the dream together, the doors want to come back and divide the dreams again
Silly Notion, don't you get it that it's both!! When we are asleep, our minds are constantly sending out neural transmissions signifying that we definitely have activity going on while we are asleep. Our connection to the 'dream dimension' is WITH our brains (which are inside our heads!!), not unlike how Luna connected herself to the Dreams of the Mane Six so her Dream self could move about them individually. However, connecting dreams is something much more difficult to do with just the human mind(s). Luna's connection to every dream means she must have an anchor point, I.E. her bubble AND the energy strings she's using. Having everypony in town connected to the same dream, she needed to BE the anchor point, and as such, a Dream Luna couldn't be possible to manifest... she was utilizing a good majority of her power just to keep the ponies connected, let alone being able to do anything herself against the tantabis, which I like to call NMM's spirit. It's a theory shared by many that Luna and NMM are two separate consciousnesses, and this episode doesn't do much to debunk it. Remember the shape it was taking on as it grew? That was NMM's shape, and thus could be the manifestation of NMM THROUGH Luna's guilt and self-blame. Just a theory!! Later, RDF2
i think its real. i mean, that would be awesome, because every pony with enough knowledge and power could enter other pony´s dreams. or just use a sould traveling spell and follow them the way they took, so it doesnt cost that much energy. :) anyway, does anyone here know how to animate? i may need an animator for a project of mine. its called Steam Ponies: Bearers of the Elements, and takes place in Equestria 2000 years from now. the mane six fused with the element of harmony gems and cant use them anymore, so the OCs of everyone who is involved need to find the new bearers. it is pretty cool, one hell of a adventure and im pretty sure by the end of the first episode, u gonna be incredibly confused. well, here is the point: because i dont wanna be sued, i dont use any canon characters, allowing everyone´s OC to be part of this. mostly just background characters because i already got the mane cast, but u know.
Well I think this is more simple to be honest... the tentabus was originally created by luna... the real one, so it was a creature created in the real world... so maybe luna sealed in its dreams to accomplish its primary function... but been a part of luna itself means they have the same abilities as luna... ergo... have more energy... create more nightmares... more nightmares more energy...and so on they create the big one mother of all nightmares... but first they need to free itself from the dreams realm and that is only possible with the power of a alicorn or something as powerfull as them...they have the lunas remorse so they gather enough energy to break the sealed from the dream realm, and then they can give nightmares to everyone else... not like the tentabus is bad...its neither good but it is they function... so i see this little thing more like a machine or well... a spell... a summon for be more precise with a primitive inteligence... who goes overloaded by luna...lesson of the day, always be more specific when you create a entity and remember, do not give your skills to travel between dreams...it can become a ture nightmare
I think that the ponies enter the dream world through their minds and end up creating their own room in the dream world were they can have their separate dream, But if the walls are broken then they have a shared dream. But what if the walls have to rebuild themselves therefore the reason Luna was having trouble maintaining the connection because it wasn't a connection of natural causes and she had to keep breaking those walls when they have to be rebuilt. To the ponies they are just in a dream together.
has any one ever heard of tulpa they are an entity that you make using your mind aaaannnd once strong enough (the more that people/ person believes in it the stronger it gets) it can effect physical objects this would make more sense with this episode and luna seems more of a dream weaver
Yes Notion. This very well could be another dimension where ponies imagined realities come true. BUT! It also could be all imaginary. It IS very mindboggling.
@The Brony Notion this is actually a very interesting theory you had but like you said:its complicated. Your theories are very logical that it is difficult to argue about them ^^'
The triangle..... Never mind no time for that. The dreams are actually in a dream dimension because if you carefully paid attention the the show Phineas and Ferb, in one of their movies (I think) they travel trough different dimensions. Through every dimension they travel in, the world in there have different perspectives, personalities, and properties. Otherwise know as the 3 p's. So basically it was a dimension of dreams. Wait, is this cannon, idk. Hope you enjoy reading this comment. Or not. Lol.
I think you are right, that there is another dimension like dream dimension, only because whenever I go to sleep I tell myself to try to misbehave, or do another crazy thing because it is just a dream. But I can never do that. Here all the ponies could control themselves in a way, e.g spike becoming big and powerful, Big Mac became an alicorn, etc. I know that what I'm saying is complicated, but just as you said, I'm just as confused as you are.
also to answer your question i think a dream is a dimension in itself for example i think a story/fanfic or whatever we create is a dimension we can only access with our minds with the exception of Luna and others with possibly some similar magic,psychic ability, technology, or a magic mirror and like the Tantibus if we give it enough power it could come to our world but that's my theory
The tantabus could be a form of poltergeist , poltergeist are spirits formed by psychokinetic energy' aka mind energy,specifically anger and anxitey , they also need this to feed this energy to keep , keep a metaphysical form in the real world , so the tantabus could be a poltergeist trying to keep a metaphysical form by creating nightmares and anxitey in order to enter our world.
My personal headcanon is that Luna and Celestia are able to travel in and out of a specific dimension (or it's an in between the worlds sort of dimension, I haven't determined). This dimension is the dimension of the mind. I always thought that the place Celestia met Twilight in Magical Mystery Cure (and where we got the illustrious Twilicorn) looked a lot like where Luna took the CMC in their dreams (well, at least Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom). So that vast starry dimension is, in my head, the dimension of the mind. Celestia used it to show Twilight her memories, and Luna uses it to show people their dreams (past vs future, possibly?). Both dreams and memories are products of the mind.
@The Brony Notion What if especially vivid dreamers could travel within the dream dimension the way Luna does, even to the point of accessing the Rift-like hallway? Of course, there should be a certain level of vividness required. Even though, for example, I have vivid dreams, I still know them as dreams because of the way they feel and progress. And also because, as I say here (http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/513334/spotlight-review-on-dreams-do-princesses-dream-of-magic-sheep) I tend to have powers or unlikely tech in my dreams. But if we could travel to others' dreams as long as we had enough brain power and dreamed vividly enough, then we might become transcended beings similar to Luna. Suddenly I feel very thankful that none of us do.
I like your theory at 2:00. that could be referred to as The Celestial plane in the fan animation Dinky's Destiny (Prologue). "The plane of existence, between reality and imagination, the plane where Luna enters dreams of ponies." Like another dimension.
I think it's more a bit of both. Luna could have slammed all the dreams of the ponies together and formed a more solid pocket dimension where normally the dreams would run individually into each pony's head. That's not saying that shared dreams itself doesn't exist.
When they was all fighting the tanabus (spelling?) in Ponyville and Luna had a bubble around her I think that was her in the "Real World" using a bubble shield to break into this "Dream World" to keep open communications and keep an eye on the situtation probably because she didn't have enough power to project herself.
The reason for the bubble is more of a firewall/shielding type thing so the dimensions don't bleed into each other. This is much like how you'd have to have a shield to jump into hyperspace with warp drive otherwise you'd blow the ship apart.
As for the white wires and strings I think she doesn't need them exactly. I think she is like a computer with a wifi antenna and a ethernet port. She can connect over wifi but for a really good solid connection which is what she need had to use a "wired" connection.
If you're gonna think about it as a whole new dimension thingy going in there then maybe it is true. I have this headcanon that the ponies have like these dream-selves and they only wake up in the dream-dimension when the real body is asleep and vice versa. But like what you said it is possible to create a rip in space to travel between dimensions.
Am I the only one that thought the...blue wisp thing with a name I can't spell, was a fragment of Nightmare Moon that survived(at least until Luna explained what it was)?
I think it may be both. The ponies' heads could be a gateway to another dimension, like the dream dimension. It's happening in their heads, but at the same time in another dimension.
Well i don't know about luna but i think its just that it escapes into the real world by, well... escaping from the dream, the the tantipus isn't just something that the ponies are dreaming about, well i guess it kinda is but the tantipus is an actual creature that luna actually created not from her dreams but just by creating it but your theory about how luna enters dreams is good.
I think the ponies dream in another dimension. Think about it: In the Bloom And Gloom, Luna and Apple Bloom were walking IN a Dream Dimension. Each door represents a dream. That means all the ponies in ponyville walked into the same door. Without the Dream Dimension, nopony could ever dream in Equestria. No Dreams, no Nightmares, and No Day-Dreaming. Then probably, their will be no moon and always day because nopony will ever sleep.
Maybe a little of both? Hear me out. "The dream world" is like a corridor filled with doors, all the doors lead to the minds of ponies, but only if they are sleeping. Or maybe it's like a room/sky filled with stars that represent minds/dreams. Either way, all this is possible because all the ponies have magic. Now, when Luna makes a shared dream she makes a new room/star, then creates a path to that room/star that only her chosen ponies can go. However, since the room/star isn't natural it can disappear even if the ponies in it are still asleep. The more ponies in that room the more likely it is to fall apart.
it happens in another dimesion made by teh pony's minds like u said but, Luna could have created this dimesion to look after the ponies in equestria personaly. this would explain how Luna can easily travel through dreams, its her dimesion.
Anybody else noticed that the Mane Six didn't think to summon the Elements of Harmony or use Rainbow Powa within the dream? Even though they had it in the beginning scene of the episode.
In Equestra, dreams could very well be a means of dimension traveling. But what if it all was in their heads? Then the Tantabus would've ripped multiple holes in all of their subconsciouses! Ahh! 😱 Mind ripped up and blown to pieces!
Well, it doesn't conflict with current cannon, but that leaves this open: why can't Celestia do it?
If the comics are to be believed, in a great arc we have Starswirl and Celestia dimension-hopping to their heart's content. If the dreamworld was a normal dimension, wouldn't they have tried on Luna's ability for size?
Or, perhaps, it is in their minds, but instead of her going to all of them in the shared dream; she's pulling /them/ to /her/, so the real her is manifested.
I think it's both, like in the brain there is a dimension to the dream world, so when Luna goes into the dreams she goes into the dimension to get into the mind-just a theory
each ponies have their own dream dimension(the reason why there's so many doors leading to other dreams) when luna made the wire conection thingy she made all the dream dimensions of everypony in ponyville
as for why was the real world luna was visible in the dream well i would say it would have taken more magic to keep her dream form
If the dream world is another dimension, then why would Luna need those strings on the pony's foreheads to see their dreams? I think it's a mix of both, a dimension and part of the pony's head. The dream world is in the pony's head, so if there is no pony, the dimension is gone.That's why Luna was in the same dream world with Ponyville. She was asleep as well. So to control the dream world, Luna needs to sleep as well.
I think all of this happened inside Lunas' head. She just connected everyone through herself. Remember, it became harder to keep up with everyone giving themselves new powers?
Okay. In the very beginning,it was just celestia. She ruled but day and night. She was not meant to rule the night so that's when luna came along. She created the dream world and ruled it throughout the night. When she was nightmare moon, she could give ponies nightmares.
I also thought because Luna believed it would enter the real world it might not have we never saw it actually go into the real world just exiting through a hole. Also one question would be why did the tantalus just give up once Luna came to acceptance if it actually stored power. Unless the tantalus was somehow connected to Luna magically like a dream Luna? Idk anyone wanna pitch in?
Isn't a theory: It said in the episode that Luna created the monster thingy to punish her self for what she did as nightmare moon, but why would she give it the power to jump into other dream, or jump into the real world and destroy everything, she kinda brought it upon herself
@The Brony Notion Celestia Also Controls A Different World That's when twighlight got her wings then if luna controls The Dream World That Means That when the creature that luna created could go to the real world because it fed off of luna's guilt so it just got bigger when luna felt bad she made it but she was the only one to stop it but yes the dream world is another world so there are more worlds then equestria maybe other creatures are in the dream world that can ruin ponyville and equestria.
MLP wouldn't be the first to introduce dreams as another dimension I know for a fact that the show Ultimate Spider-Man has the same thing with dreams as a dimension.
I think the dreams happen just how you said in an another dimension also you should do a video about the trailers of the 3rd my little pony equestria girls I think its called friendship games but the trailers look awesome
But if the string thingies were present in the dream shouldn't there have been a portal to constantly connect them to the real world? And if so, why didn't the Tantabus use that portal?
it's klefky and darkrai one remember what i said about Giratina Palkia and Dialga it's the same as discord two i realised that Klefky can hold different keys i saw pikachu's adventures and can unlock different doors three darkrai can send anyone to the nightmares and can see what happens in the future and the present and four i believe it's the sea crown i saw one the same thing
Magic. If everything else in Equestria has some connection to magic, why not dreams? An alteration on your dimension theory is that every dreamer's dream exists within its own magical realm external to normal reality. Perhaps there is a realm within which all dreams exist in pockets or bubbles, each new night of dreaming or even each new dream making a new bubble, and that bubble "popping" once the dream is over. Luna has the ability to pass (or project an avatar) into this dream realm and access a dream bubble, but must use her "dream door directory" before she can target another dream bubble unless the dreams were linked before she went in. The Tantabus, however, being a creature made in and for the dream realm, can pass between dream bubbles through the link of a thought about somepony else. It can also, (being a piece of Tim Taylor Technology) with morepower, pass backwards out of the dream realm in a similar manner to Luna entering it.
Here's something: what if the tantabus was never real in the first place? It never actually entered the real world. So we can never be sure. And I wouldn't made an inception reference in ur video.
@The Brony Notion think it would most likely be a new dimension as Luna did say she was the only one able to go into other ponies minds to see their dreams, so the ponies couldn't have had them in their heads because of this reason. Also when i saw this video, the dream world weirdly reminded me of the episode where Celestia took Twilight when she became a princess with all her memories....... Any explanations?
@The Brony Notion i guess u are right. the dream world must be another dimension i mean just look at all the other dimensions if those exist then why not a dream dimension? the thing that really is stuck in my mind is that luna is a server and all the ponies the string thing was attached to was a player having a computer :3
You might be right cause only discord can access that sock puppet world well maybe also pinky but ya I'm not thinking to hard on that part cause I will go brain dead but in this episode luna does say to the mane six that Celestia can't not help or enter the dreams of others like she can so I believe it is another dimension that only Luna can enter at will then with that bubble I think cause she is connecting so many dreams to one big dream that possibly could mean there be multiple Lunas in that big dream so that bubble is keeping all them to one body instead of being in multiple places which might cut Luna's magic in half so she be weak and not be able to hold the dreams together and for all those that say what about discords home dimension (aka chaos dimension) that the mail pony got in that could be cause of a special door that discord made for mail to get to his chaos world home that or discord did get the invite from Celestia so she might have been able to send him with discord reformed if celestia needed discord or needed to check on him in that world she was probably able to go back and for therefore sending the mail pony in there with the invite to the gala
I think tht it is in another demission because luna did say in tht episode tht its another realm tht celestia would have no power in so if its another realm i would believe it's in another demission to
i think when a pony dreams they enter a dream dimension. this dimension can be accessed by luna and maybe she created this dream world so she could watch over and protect every pony idk its my gues @The Brony Notion
@The Brony Notion Do you have any thoughts on Rainbow Factory? Because I think there is quite a big possibility that it is real (of course never shown in a kids show) +1 this comment if you agree.
Tantibu... tanibis... How do you spell it? I'm trying to get as much information on this creature and been looking since the episode aired but can't find anything. Not counting a comic book publisher. Is this a new creature created for the mlp universe or is there a lore of it somewhere I can't find? I know mlp mostly uses creatures from Greek mythology but nothing other than Anubis and Hermanubis. I've gotta be missing something, but what?
My advice? Check the mlp wiki ( yes theres an unoffical wiki for the show) If its based on anything from mythology someones bound to have listed it there
@ijones36 I did and couldn't find anything. I think I might have spelled it wrong... either way I'll keep looking into it but I'm beginning to think that they created it for the show.
@Zminator1986 How did I miss that I thought I looked at everything... huh. Unfortunately there's no lore on it :/ just the episode description lol I was hoping for something like originated in ancient Greek mythology as a daemon that'll kill you in your sleep like freddie kruger or something. Thank you tho :) glad to see there's something on it :D
@Original_NoLifeGamer Tantabus was created by Luna's sub-conscious as a form self punishment. That's about it. While I enjoy the inspirations of classical mythologies, I do like that this is, at least, something original and brand new.
In real life our soul or our ghost inside our body is travelling to its own world and we see it as dream. But in pony ville or in equestrian I don't have aaaaaaaaannny idea :D. Don't feel like I hurt your mind brony notion if it does I'm sorry
I think that the dreams do happen in po ies heads. Necause thats Equestria not real life. Your explabation make too much sense for oir world, and in a few videos you said that Equestria isnt real life. And the dream realm /dimension is in the ponies heads. The parts of the dimension/realm are separeted within small parts between every single pony. So this means that your explanation and mine collide with eich other. Yeah that makes sense in Equestria.
perhaps its mot a dream i mean luna has magic and all but we would she go in a another dimension, but my theory is that she probably make illusions for ponies so they THINK they are dreaming >>.<<
Well luna is the only one who can enter the dream dimension be cause she is the pony of the night but to every poky els it's in there mind that's why Lina had to connect to the head
if you haven'y already looked in the discussion box on your chanel.. maybe.. i said that i have a idea for the new song that came out from SDCC this year and wanted to know if you wanted to hear it. respond back please so i know its alright to tell you... k?
During the ambiance big big message with 110 industries dennis dillon 27 francis file i was in texas princess luna plindustrial avengers at night maryland nightmare molasses the process walmart in her ham to the mall and the highgate get back sam's well nice name againtwilight another homemade you there and processes last time that is the morn is back to the keswick to the slave again
Dreams are like Pinkie Pie, just dont question them
301 likesReplies (23)
This is the best thing , i read all week.
11 likes@Minecraftman361- Home to all Creepers - so true.
5 likesThe best thing I've read lol
4 likesExactly
2 likesYes
2 likesTrue, Once in a dream I asked one question to a stranger. "Is this a dream"? She didn't answer. -_-
3 likesXD LOL
2 likes@Minecraftman361- Home to all Creepers - I woke up my dad in the other room laughing XD
2 likesI refuse to not question all I experience. For that is the seed that when sown sprouts ignorance. Of course a rational thought process wouldn't get you anywhere, but thinking along with an irrational thing such as a dream, you may be able to get a foothold on what's happening. That's how Lucid Dreams are made. Developing a subconscious irrational thought process to tell you when you are dreaming in the first place. Like writing up a computer program for a game, and then learning to play it in the first place would be akin to the conscious mind. You don't just sputter out nonsense like some in the comments are and say it makes sense because it's so ignorant one can't grasp it enough to question it at all. You should round out the edges with these things. Make sure that it makes sense in some frame of reference for logical reasons. Not just cuz it sounds right.
2 likesBest comment
3 likesAgreed
3 likesLol
2 likesxD
2 likesEh true
2 likesTotally.
2 likesLike literally 😂👍
3 likesYeeeeppp
2 likesTrue
2 likes@yasha ! exactly
2 likestrue
0 likeshaha! i get it!🤣🤣🤣
1 likeYep
1 likeWell, Luna does refer to it as the “realm” of dreams or sleep, so I’d assume the dream world is its own separate dimension that is given form by imagination.
98 likesK so here is my theory: Dreams ARE in another dimension but not in the traditional sort of way. Think of it more like the "Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)" theory. Each person is connected to that alternate universe because there is a gate within them. In FMA, they open that gate at will to do alchemy. In this case however, the gate is opened subconsciously while asleep. Each pony has their own "room" or section of this dimension where their dreams reside. Princess Luna has the ability to pass through the gate at will while other ponies can't. She can even walk in the realm between dreams and manipulate them slightly. I assume that the reason Luna's horn doesn't glow is because a certain amount of magic is needed to hop between dreams and connect them but while talking to the Crusaders, Luna brought them out of their personal sections of the dream dimension into a different one (I think. It's been a while since I watched the episode).
55 likesReplies (1)
Nana Asmah this is a very plausible theory! And you’re right; in that episode Luna had gathered the crusaders into one area within the dream realm separate from all their individual ones, which is probably how they remembered what happened. Which, if you think about it, is probably what she did in the Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep episode, since everybody in ponyville remembered the dream when they woke up. The only difference I think there was between the two is something Brony mentioned: Luna’s horn. And I think the reason why Luna was physically in the dream realm instead of sending her dream self there was because it would require her very real magic from the waking world to prevent whatever the thing was called from breaking out of the dream world.
7 likesTime to quote Dumbledore, `Of course it is happening in your head, but why should that mean it is not real?´
331 likesReplies (23)
@shed aggred, Dumbledores cutie mark would be quotes 😂
15 likes@natty j I think the elder wand or a Phoenix
10 likesR.I.P Dumbledor... that was one sad scene :c
6 likes@-o- R.I.P. dumbledore and snape UwU
2 likesSiri's Personal Assistant Say “uUwuUuUuU” again....
0 likesuUwuUuUuU UwU
1 likeッ!ShinShin! Fun fact: (k u may not know this show, but I do not care Lol) so the character Dawn from Total Drama’s design was based off of Luna Lovegood :3
5 likesJay A oh cool! I don’t watch total drama so I don’t know that XD
0 likesッ!ShinShin! You should watch it! (Warning: it has some pixelated-yeah,I don’t wanna go back noooooooooo!)
1 likeJay A XD
1 likeッ!ShinShin! I have seen it, I am now scarred.
0 likesJay A ok then lol
0 likesッ!ShinShin! Overall it is a good show, watch it and you’ll know what I mean
1 likeJay A mhm. I’ll maybe watch it when I’m not so busy rn
1 likeDumbledore's right
1 likeDumbledore’s quotes are the best Potter head in the house
0 likesDumbledore is the best! He is so wise
1 likeagreed
0 likesSo true
0 likesPotterheads unite!
0 likesgimme more i need more potterheads like meh
1 likeLuv Harry potter
0 likesI think the real Luna only travels in a dream dimension where she can see everyone's dream and can go inside anyone's dream.
5 likesSo when anyone gets a nightmare she gets to know in that dream dimension
I like the theory of a dream dimension
410 likesReplies (19)
4 likesSame
0 likesSame
0 likesthen you'll love HomeStuck.
1 likelollypopqueen767 same
2 likesMe too
1 likeSame
0 likesYes, and what if it's true
0 likesMe too
0 likesSame. My. name. is. khloe
0 likesBill Cipher
0 likesme to
0 likes@GamerragE khloe nope im breaking it here
0 likesMe too, but its not real
0 likesMe To UwU
0 likesBut the dream dimension is Canon right?
0 likesHey! you stole my comment!
0 likes@Mars Bars Cassidy I completely forgot about this comment until I got a notif today, but hopefully you'll be happy to know that I read Homestuck last year and quite enjoyed it
0 likessame
163 likesReplies (18)
I quit.
2 likesGood for you :3
2 likesWoo ho
1 likeOk
1 likeOk boomer
1 likeIf the dream world is real I've met harry styles three times
1 likeSince the dream worlds real i guess i meet the damelio sisters everyday
0 likesYes
0 likesIf the dream world is real, all other ppl in my dreams(that I remember) would be evil, or confused/traumatized ._.
0 likesWait so bakugou sitting on a throne with a suit with firering flames surrounding him with a smirk on his face
0 likesIS REAL
0 likesBloody hell
0 likesif dreams are real then that means the demons that jump scared me in my dreams like nothing ever before IS REAL. Also the only dreams I’ve had are bad, so I guess they’re just nightmares. Rarely get them though, like once every 6 months
0 likesidk if we are talking about mlp or irl. because this is on a mlp video
0 likesSo me getting stabbed on the back, attacked by a dinosaur (dreamt that when I was like 2), jumped off a cliff, ran away from my dad because he drank something, and just situations I was terrified of was real
0 likes@quit we are talking about mlp i think
0 likes@Mysterious Magic I mean u also said u don’t know so I’m not sure, but I’m just going along with it either way since either people were asking if their dreams were true if this comment was the case
0 likes@quit oh
0 likesI believe that our dreams are in a different dimension, not just the ponies because dreams sometimes mean something, so this would explain them being in a different dimension.
10 likesReplies (2)
That's what I was thinking that everyone's dreams are in a dream dimension . That's why some dreams feel so real because they are actually happening just in another demention
1 likeMeow Hiss so dose that mean the mlp universe is real since I went to ponyvill in a dream
1 like0:23
80 likes"Boy, do I have one heck of a theory!"
I'll go back under my bedsheets now.
Replies (1)
4 likesI like the idea that their minds access an alternate dimension where they have a metaphysical body that they control, (it opens up a whole new set of horror fics to write) but yeah that thing with Luna's magic really does throw a wrench into the equation. I like how once again you provide enough evidence for the idea that it's difficult to deny, and yet, never confirm it. Theories are meant to be inconclusive after all.
0 likeshonestly, i would think that the poney would dream, but when they awake the dimension in which they have created (by sleeping) goes away, like dissapears, and Luna can travel through demension (also , luna must cast some sort of spell o. the poney she is (u know,going into the dream) so that they cant awake, and the being that threatened to go into the real world was subseconsely replacing luna because she herself had never physically been in the dream dimention,but only her version of herself as a dream
1 like03:33
8 likesOmg i got a theory!
The bubble seperates Luna from the dream dimention, so it's possible that she moved the dimention in the middle of the ponyville.
Honestly, I like to believe that your theory about the dream realm being a different dimension is true, and i do believe that, like you stated in the video, it would explain your theory on almost all accounts. I Think That If Dream Beings Can Access The Real World, And real beings can gain access to the dream world, perhaps that the real worlds Luna used Part of the remaining strength she had to also connect dream Luna with the citizens of ponyville, sorry about the long comment, i just love making long comments on things like theories! I'll try to make more explanatory comments in the future!
0 likesI imagine it happens in both their minds and the dream dimension at the same time. The ponies project their thoughts into the dream world.
0 likesAnd here we are again, getting to the same question...
0 likes"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"
A dream dimension certainly isn't out of the question. It's a very real possibility and does explain a lot about Luna's power. The idea that she would need the white tendrils to make a physical connection to the other ponies would also explain why she never came back in the dreams of ponies while she was banished on the moon.
0 likes1:54 I'm only 11 and I get that reference. I was really surprised when I learned that almost nobody my age had ever seen that movie :p it's a little confusing but I loved it <3
156 likesReplies (33)
yeah, me too!
1 likeMe too!
1 likeSunny Lapis im a year older and ive seen that movie too
1 likeSunny Lapis OMG I LOVE shark boy and lava girl!
3 likesAre you kidding? I'm almost 12 and that movie was my childhood. XD lol!
4 likesRhi K AJ I'm almost ten and its STILL my childhood!
1 likewhat movie?
0 likesSunny Lapis UGH I hate that movie! very bad green screen. and yes I saw that when I was like 10 and now I'm 12
0 likesSunny Lapis
2 likesI get it...
I'm not your age but, I love Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
I'm younger than you and I've watched that movie Least 20 times
0 likesSunny Lapis I’m your age and I seen this movie!
0 likesSunny Lapis I’m 12 and I don’t get it either.
0 likestfw a bunch of literal fetuses mention their ages for no reason whatsoever
1 likeSunny Lapis happy 13th birthday
0 likesSunny Lapis same I'm 11 and I'm surprised that I've seen the movie my self
1 likeMe to I love that movie
0 likesWhat movie is it
0 likesYES
0 likesSunny Lapis I saw that movie when I was eight
1 likeI am 9 and I love that movie
1 likeI've watched it too!!!
1 likeNow you have 14
1 likeIKR. It was a cool movie.
0 likesYeah when I asked everybody in my class if they have watched Alice in Wonderland and only 2 of them watched it and I am also 11, I will turn 12 in a couple of months.
0 likesSakyoSekai I know, they are just giving information away for strangers. Really smart moves
1 likeI’m only 10 and I get that reference
0 likes@SakyoSekai I was very dumb when I was young
0 likesHappy 15 haha
0 likesI learned of it from the new (well not so new now) Netflix movie We Can Be Heroes
0 likesHey, you’re 14-15 now, whats teenage life like huh?😀😀
0 likes@Alison H I was incredibly stupid when I wrote this comment. Do NOT advertise your age, people on the internet are not your friends and it's DANGEROUS. if you learn anything on the internet, learn not to trust people. You do not know them.
0 likes@UCiXvo2jsgzrGPwb5sHqHo9A I know how u feel😭😭
0 likesThere’s a movie on Netflix now lol about the NEW heroes. Go watch it lel
0 likesThere may be some hint towards dreams existing in another dimension in at least the MLP:FiM multiverse, and in at least supplementary material. Specifically in the comics (inb4 someone says "the comics aren't canon"), which establishes creatures called the "Nyx" as the guardians of dreams before Luna was around. They appear to be in charge of places called "dreamscapes" which connect everypony's dreams. In one of the stories in the FIENDship is Magic comics, Nightmare Moon seeks to use these "dreamscapes" in efforts to turn everypony against Celestia, or, failing that, to convince Celestia to reduce her sentence significantly.
25 likesJust thought I'd leave this piece of input here.
I have a less confusing theory. First i want to talk about the dream stream wire things. In the video, you mention that in every dream, luna never has her server cables extending from her horn. You then mention that if we saw the real pony while luna was in their dream, they would have the wire things connecting to their forehead. I think that luna only needs those cables when she creates a shared dream, but that she used them the first time in do Princesses dream of magic sheep so she could more quickly move between the mane 6 dreams. As for the dream dimension theory, i agree with that, but i think that real luna enters this dimension and then real her enters the dreams. As for the fact that real luna was in the real world when doing the connection thing, i think that was her consciousness in the dream that time. So a representation of luna. And for the last bit of my theory, the shared dream, lunas dream server cables could be seen because she was literally holding the dream together. If you look closely, you can see lines criscrossing the dreamscape. In my theory, that is where the dreams being held together. Let me know what you think please. P.S. sorry for the bulk comment
0 likesWell, it could be that if Luna is only visiting one pony, they don't have the string connected to them. The only reason we can see the strings coming from Luna's horn in "Do princesses dream or magic sheep?" is because there is that bubble around her. It separates physical Luna and the dream dimension. In Bloom and gloom though, the reason Luna doesn't have those strings connected to the CMC is because they are in the dream dimension. Unlike in the real dimension, the ponies in the dream dimension aren't actually there. They're just a figure of the real pony.
1 likeI think both, it's a world they make and help thrive through dreams in their heads.
1 likeI think the ponys having magic of their own can access a 2 way passage to and from this dimension that exists in the conscious of the pony of equestria and Luna having this her special talent is both the admin and server(dream Luna as the admin controlling the realm and real Luna as the physical server which the shared dreams are connected) and the tantibus lives in it like a virus. I give you my theory. PLEASE see this and build off it 😃
0 likesCould it be possible that the "alternate dimension" and "within your head" theories could be combined? As in "withing every pony's head lies another dimension" (one were the individual could enter or any other ponies via Luna's magic)?
14 likesReplies (6)
WOW! That's a amazing theroy!I actually believe that!try to find him in the comments thouh,and reply to him,so he will get it in his notifications.
1 like@Ashley Hayward
0 likesOkay.
@princessbinas good! I think that he should do a video on it
0 likes@Ashley Hayward
2 likesYeah. As for the video, I may or may not. It will be a very rare thing since it would be technically be my second theory video and I am not good at them yet. I did make one for the third Equestria Girls movie though.
@***** i think celestia is about 35 thousand years old and luna is about 32 thousand
0 likes+princessbinas That's what I just commented basicly. Only I commented that the dreams are just pocket universes inside the minds of ponies and controlled by them.
0 likesRemember that u mentioned Scootaloo in the dream should have had a wire if we saw her in the real world?Well,those ponies that bowed down were in a dream.Real Luna was in a dimension bubble from the real world.About the wires,they entered the real world through a portal and connected with the real ponies.That explains why we didn't see the wires from Luna connect to the ponies in the dream.Don't trust me,it's just a theory.
1 likeWell, in ancient times people DID believe dreams happen in another world. Which is also the case for most fantasy and magic-involving stories.
0 likesThis is very similar to what happens in the game series "Dragon Age". In the game, it is believed by the characters that when a person dreams or dies, their soul passes though a place called "The Fade".
0 likesIt is the spirits and demons in the fade which shape the environment based on what they see through the eyes of a person they posses, they can also be summoned by mages. Mages/Sorcerers in the game can maintain consciousness, and explore the fade freely (like Luna).
That's my understanding at least, good video, well thought out theory.
I love your theories on the my little pony universe. They are very interesting amd really make you think.
0 likesi can go into DEEP detail about the 'dream realm'. it dose not exist in a solid realm. it is instead a subconscious area of existence where anyone can do anything, if they will it.
0 likesas well often dreams link lots of things (and people) together. this include past, current and future timelines. and alternate timelines as well. the dream realm is directly connected to everyone, and if enough people believe in the same thing from a dream, it has a chance of exiting the dream realm in another form.
the dream realm is more than just that tho. you have all knowledge to EVER exist in any time of your dimensions history, and future.(thus the feeling of having done something before) as will as that of other realms as well. making it the most knowledgeable place to ever 'exist'. think of it as a collection of memorys that transcend time and space.
this is based off knowledge of the dream realm of the dream realm in the human world.
most likely the same details are in mlp as well.
now, as for lunas ability. it can pull her mind into the dreams and allow her to directly alter that area of existence, or even bring a solid (or semitransparent) copy of herself into a dream. even allowing her to draw dreams together to form a dream 'hive' or collective dream. the dream realm is HER domain. she rules it, but is controlled by it at the same time.
i could have put a ton more details in this. but alas, its hard to put into words the facts about dreams.
(i have a bit of a gift with dreams. i see things in my dreams that turn up all over the solid realms of reality. however, i have never seen a lot of the things in my dreams with my own eyes. and i remember everything that happens in my dreams. i could walk down new york city in my dream and see a street down to the addresses on the doors. and remember it perfectly. go to new york and find that location. with not one thing out of place, even tho i had never been there. thus i have knowledge of the dream realm most would not remember. i even spoke dead languages in one dream, linking the past knowledge to the present. so as i said: its hard to fully explain the dream realm because no words exist to detail it all...
i did what i could to explain it, but could not find all the words to put it all down )
hope this helps
What I think is that there are two types of dreams, or the white thing connecting to Lucas horn is different too.
0 likesIn bloom and gloom, Luna had to access the mind. However when the white thing was there, this happened in the dream world. The bubble was used because when she had to connect everyone to the dream realm, there for had no energy to fight.
I mean, the hallway with the doors reminds me of the dream dimension from Marvel Comic, as portrayed in the episode "Doctor Strange" in season 2 of Ultimate Spiderman. I think it's pretty easy to believe that it's another dimension just based on that ^^
0 likesI have my own theory on alternate dimensions, but I'll water it down to dreams so all you non-5.25 Bil. Year Old Mortals can keep up. All dreams are real, separate dimensions that our consciousness intrudes on when we dream, and our ability to lucid dream would come from the fact that while we dream, our consciousness is not anchored to our bodies, but tied to the flow of the dimension itself, which is also how we can occasionally see ourselves in 3rd person in dreams. And for Luna having the Dream Cables in the dream, that must be because every other time she entered a dream, she had her focus split between what she was doing in the real world and in the dream world, so with a dream that huge, doing the same thing in both worlds at the same time would allow her to focus more on maintaining the shared dream. It'd be like running a Minecraft Server: It'll work better if you're not also trying to watch Youtube on the same computer. Doing just 1 thing allows you to put more effort into that 1 thing.
0 likesHere's my theory :by what we've seen about the dream realm IT IS a deminsion and every time a pony goes to sleep it becomes a bubble In there (as we see in season 9 when starlight swaps celestia and Luna's cutie marks) this lets luna see who's in a nightmare and as we see in the same episode nopony other than luna can access them so her journey in there looks like this :
0 likesShe opens a portal to the dream realm and walks through ,as the dreams revol around her she sees which one of them has a nightmare and creates a portal to enter it and kills the creature causing the nightmare talks to the pony and leaves the dream
Which means that there's no dream luna real luna does all the work I think that those wires are only there when she needs to create a shared dream
Luna may be an INTP. Our brains (the intps) function a lot like computers, and this allows us to emulate and simulate things that would be considered impossible for a normal brain.
0 likesI think it comes from there heads because if it were another dimension then Luna would only need to use her power to let every one inter then she could rest but since she kept using her power I think it was all in there heads and she was just the glue holding it together
1 likeMaybe the reason Luna was showing up in the Dream World/Dimension is because she made a projection of herself? If she can "walk" through dreams, like she did in past dream-episodes, it's likely that she can create a projection of her living self that allows her to interfere with the dream.
0 likesThey're real in the dream world in which you dream them but when you wake up you leave the dream world and go back to reality.
40 likesWho understands what I said? I do.
Replies (6)
Yeah I get it
3 likesKinda
4 likesHuh?
0 likesHi I am going home now I’m ready for a good day bye. Lol
0 likesThat is true for me too :)
1 likeI understand too
0 likesWell my theorie is that it means astral travel. If you enter your astral body, it works like ghosts. If the nightmares were ghosts, then ghosts can get into the real world, IF the door of the afterlife has been opened, so that they can enter the real world. Luna can enter in dreams. If you are astral traveling, you can also see into others dreams. If you try to get into several ponys dreams, it takes alot of power and self control.
0 likesYou should better google it if it help.
Perhaps the dream world is it's own dimension in the MLP universe as well as our own. Bare with me on this. While some might say that the vivid dreams we remember clearly are only lucid dreams, who's to say that there isn't more to it than that. Think about it, how many times have you gotten physically injured in your dreams only to wake up with cuts, bruises, and other injuries in the exact same locations upon waking up the next day when you know for certain that you didn't have those injuries and bruises when you went to bed? It's possible that the MLP universe is part of the dream world for us bronies and pegasisters, which means that it's possible that the overall connected dream universe is a real dimension both in our reality and in MLP.
0 likesWHY DID YOU REMIND ME OF SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IT BRINGS BACK MEMORYS ( btw thanks i miss that show i love shark boy ............ wait what)
385 likesReplies (51)
+Luna Gaming Almost as dope as Spy Kids.
44 likesWe are the only three that get this reference. RIP Sharkboy & Lavagirl (I only watched the movie but I was like 6. Still tho, nice reference X3
12 likes+The Brony Notion you are epic,funny.
6 likes+The Brony Notion and silly and that's why I love your vids
5 likesI miss that movie! It was so funny!
3 likessame
1 likeI have the move
2 likesIkr it's soooo good
3 likesoh my god i love that movie even though when i first saw it to 2015 it brouht memories like mr.electeric and lava girl when i saw it in 2015 i told my mom that i remember this
3 likesso good
1 likeXD YES I MISS IT!!!!!!!!!! :) <3
1 likeLuna Gaming I also like that movie I wish thane was apart two
1 like👧🏼
3 likesLuna Gaming best movie EVER
2 likesLuna Gaming Do you mean lava boy and water girl? that game?
1 likeDid u know there is a YouTube channel called 09SharkBoy
1 likeMorgan Wilson I remember, it was so long ago
1 likeThe Brony Notion
1 likeNah I like shark boy and lava girl better
The topic on the video was almost the same topic on the movie..... FEELING A CONNECTION HERE!!!!
Luna Gaming oh gosh XD
1 likeMoon
1 likeLuna Gaming its ok I liked dipper from gravity falls
1 likeIt on nexfix
1 like...
1 likeI have watched a little bit.. I know the boy got raised by Sharks when he got separated from his Dad.
0 likesThat’s all
I loved that movie
0 likesI love that movie
0 likesLava girl is my favorite
0 likesI liked dat movie
0 likesI loved that movie. Too bad I can't find it anymore.
0 likesWhat?!?!
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves truth
0 likesW h O D a T
0 likesI only did two replies not for weird
0 likesYeah it is a old movie and I am not even old enough to watch pg13 movies and I watched it I was about six
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves hi
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves gf
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Hi I love your video 😇😙😘😚😍❤❤💖💖💗💗💘💝
0 likesSeriously sawtooth waves if that's even your real name 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐
0 likesSpy kids? Cool! I watched it before!
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves plus? Why did you use a plus?
0 likesWATCH:we can be heros
1 likeWatched that shit as well
0 likesYea me to
0 likesIf u see this in 2021 watch we can be heroes on Netflix if u havent. ( spoiler shark boy and lava girl are married and have a daughter!)
0 likesYesssss I thought nobody was going to say this— I miss that show as well ಥ‿ಥ
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves I watched sharkboy and lavagirl before. And spy kids
0 likesshow ???? r u stupid??
0 likesOkay, here's my theory. The dream world IS inside the phone's heads, but shared dreams of even dreams in general create small dimensions which are just a rip in the real worls. Thus magic of the tantapus would be able to pull out of that rip created out of pure magic, and thus able to access the real world.
ahem Dreams are actually our subconscious tapping into our lives in another reality; we all live multiple lives, but only when we're sleeping.
I think the white strings didn't connect to the Ponies' foreheads in the shared dream because Luna was physical, but the other ponies were the dream versions of themself.
1 likeI think you're right about physical Luna being in the dream dimension but remember, those are dream ponies, meaning the physical body of those ponies are in the physical world and would have the white stream connected to their physical foreheads. You touched this on the beginning of the video but forgot it at the end.
0 likesXD
After reading Nana Asmah's comment, I remembered one thing that has always disturbed me a bit. I was asleep a couple years ago and I had a crazy vision of the future. There was this voice... and it was Princess Luna herself!
0 likesI know what you are all thinking: This can't be real, this is just another dream people have everyday. Actually, It was more than that. There was an earthquake that happened in 2019 that went along the west coast. And in the quaking area was a little bit of my hometown. SOMEHOW Luna spoke to me (and she showed herself) and said it was gonna happen. And it happened!
On top of that, My parents were having issues with each other, and I was warned that something terrible was going to happen, and it did! BTW I wonder if mlp exists now. It was really weird
I use three criteria to define "real".
0 likes1. Shared experience. Check. Ponies sharing a dream experience the same things.
2. Interactive. Check. Ponies interact with the dream world environment.
3. Of consequence. Check. Everyone was fighting because what happened in that shared dream mattered.
So yes, even if the world was virtual, it was also very real.
Well, I think that when Luna returned from the moon, she used her magic to create the dream dimension, so that she never gets jealous of Celestia again and meets every pony every night.
0 likesMy theory: it happens in a ponies head with dreams thy can't control but when Luna is there they can mindfully snap into sense or something. Luna is controlling all minds to think of a dream but she is too busy to actually go in the dream and instead remains in her bubble
0 likesDefinitely another dimension, on my thought, another one of those wirey things just connects us to that dimension that the dream scape has planned on brining us to. Also, my brain hurts from thinking
0 likesIt makes sense to me. Luna goes to some other dimension, (where twilght was turned into an alicorn?) and visits dreams. When the shadow thing got more power, and since she made it, she had to pull a part of herself into the dream, but larger then normal, explaining why her physical
0 likesReplies (1)
Sorry. Why her physical self was their
0 likesi think that indeed there is a dream dimension. we each have our personal dimension though so we don't have the same dream as everyone else. in these dimensions the laws of physics can be broken so it must also be another world. once though my friend and i had the exact same dream plot line (we know this because we both said some of the details and all where correct) so i guess we also get a starter place and memories in a dream but we make it how it is. sometimes though u can get the same starter dream with someone else.
0 likesThis is great, but I have an idea. Ponies are magical creatures, and the dream monster has access to the shared magic of all of pony vale. Maybe that much energy is enough to create it in the real world?
0 likesi think the cause of one measly pony can summon the dimension, causing the ability of ponies being able to visit dreams. the more dreams that are happening the more doors appear in the dimension. The rest you technically said.
0 likesI only saw it as a metaphoric thing, like... if you let your nightmares overwhelming you, they might affect your real life, and then people around you, and so on...
0 likesAnyway I like the (confusing) idea you put forward
The dream world and the world where Twilight was turned into (ascended into being) and alicorn look a lot alike don't they? Would that not at least imply that they might well be the same and therefore just as Is suggested? An alternate dimension defined, not by the rules of physics and magic but by thoughts?
0 likesstill to this day one of my favorite episodes
1 likeI realize this video is two years old and there are no recent comments... but I just have to say that I disagree with you, Notion. The Tantabus only threatens the real world because it is a creation of Princess Luna and her Alicorn Magic. She created this super powerful magic beast as a way to punish herself for what she had done. The nightmare of a regular pony is not as powerful, nor does it have sentience. So Scootaloo's Headless Horse is just something she dreamed up. It's only a simple image and doesn't have magic or sentience, therefore it cannot threaten the real world.
0 likesAnother universe/dimension, how I see things is that anything that you imagine is a dream, and when that idea dies, the world where that dream exists irl dies with it
1 likeMy mind is just turning so much!!!!
3 likesI think that it is for sure a entire different dimension, and that you got everything spot on!!!
Sadly, I'm such a geeky nerd that I totally kept up!xD
Can't wait till your next video!!!<3
DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!030It's because, Luna can easily hold like 3 dreams and have dream Luna be in it but since it was like 100 dreams Luna will have no choice but to go into the real world.
0 likesMy theory; based off many other plots in many others series and just pure logic a universe has all the dimensions and worlds in it. My theory is when anyone dreams they travel universes which means the dream world should be reassured as a dream universe where everypony’s dream is a dimension but as you may know all dimensions, worlds, universes and so on are all connected. By ripping a tear in the dream universe it’s like every connection petween universes and dimensions are train rides, so by going through that tear you are riding the connections between universes which can get you to the real world.
0 likesDreams are probably a primitive, subconscious form of magic, in my opinion. If you think about how a unicorn does magic, it seems most likely that they are willing their imagination into reality, and that would mean that dreams, to some extent, would probably be magical. If you're about to say that would mean only unicorns could dream, all ponies HAVE magic, because the mane six can all funnel their magical energy into the elements, aka magic wands of harmony, but only unicorns have magic wands perma-glued to their heads.
0 likesI think that the dream dimension can only be entered at an intuitive level, aka the mind is the portal.
0 likesI just had a thought. The mirror in EG goes to the human dimension or world and it closes and re opens every 30 moons. What if during the timeframe it is closed there are also certain moons that it opens to another dimension.
0 likesI think it just happens in the mind and when the giant galaxy pony escapes the dream world the pony would wake up in real life and now what happened let me explain let's say a pony is ready to go to sleep then when it goes to sleep and can't feel anything but it can see stuff from the Brian now it may be weird but yes think when you are sleeping you can't fell but you can see your dream in your head now when the giant Galaxy pony escapes the ponds will wake up and see the Galaxy pony in real life it is not in the dream world with the pony anymore so that's why Luna got those white strings from her head to make sure EVERYONE is connected well except for princess celestia I guess anyways that's what I think thanks for reading
8 likesReplies (1)
No you are so wrong dum
0 likesIn season 7 episode “a royal problem”, Celestia mentions a dream realm. It is on Luna’s to-do list for the night
0 likesi think what happened, was the dream beast opened a rift between the real world, and the dream world, where a non physical being could pass through unharmed and enter reality
0 likesI think of the Dream World more as a Realm IN the dimension, rather than a different dimension altogether.
0 likesSimilar to in Dragon Age, the game. All dreams are within the Fade, which is where Magic comes from. Mages are able to physically enter the Fade, similar to Luna, but they are vulnerable to Demons because of this.
Similarly, Demons from the Fade are able to enter the normal world, but only via a Mortal/Mage. In MLP, all the ponies are mages, they all have magic, they all can physically enter the Fade, they all are vulnerable. However, Luna, being the caretaker of Dreams, stops Demons from exiting the Fade.
The Tantibus was one such Demon. Luna created the Tantibus using a Demon as a template. So, like any Demon, the Tantibus used ponies to pave its way to the real world. However, due to the fact that no pony has ever actually physically entered the Fade, the Tantibus cannot touch them. It can only, instead, draw power from them.
Now, with this in mind, we go back to Nightmare Moon. Luna is the caretaker of dreams as stated above, so she has physically entered the Fade before, which means she is vulnerable to demonic posession. However, she is strong, able to fight off demons not only from herself, but from the Fade itself.
But, at that time, she was weak. The Nightmare took advantage of this weakness and took Luna.
Butt that's just my theory.
I think whenever a pony is dreaming it creates a portal so that those dreams in their heads transfer to the dream dimension
0 likesWhat would you just said about other dimensions might be correct I like to think otherwise because when Luna uses her magic the streams from her horn connect to the ponies hat and vest size that they're connecting to the right what you had about the PC servers and all of that was really good until you started messing with other dimensions with that I actually think is that a dream is kind a like their own powers think of every pony having Easter in large power in their dream now if that dream had the power to escape or they had any idea that they could escape they probably would do it but apparently right now they think Luna is the only pony strong enough to going to dreams that actually. So can creams the area about the whole Celeste Dia and Luna war thing maybe actually there is one thing about the dimensions theory that might be correct the dreams that Luna makes it's almost like she's creating the server just like how his server is made of any mistake is in the server she has the only technology to fix that server otherwise she has the power to actually travel through that server sure that might be a fake character in that dream or server as we are still talking about it but even though Luna still has the power to create things and other people's dreams though this all seems like a lot of talking very far-fetched and makes a lot of sensewhen you're not speaking a lot
0 likesI think it is a mix of memory and magic. so here's my theory yes there is a dream dimension but it's not just that it is also a place were luna (and anypony who knows how to get there) can access the memories of other ponies or maybe even make dreams and to get there luna will meditate anyways thats what i think in Magical Mystery Cure at the end that is were Twilight and Celestia are
0 likes5 years later
1 likeAnd I still wanna be a lucid dreamer
No idea how this relates to the video
So I was looking at this and the dream world makes a world of sense. However, where do you think it would be? We know of two other dimensions as of right now: the human world and Tartarus, if that even counts as a dimension. Is there a way this "dream world" connects to Tartarus in a deeper way? Possibly, could the thing threatening to enter the real world be a demon of Luna's past coming back to make Luna into nightmare moon once more as well?
0 likesOr maybe rather each time pony dreams he/she creates some new dream-world(or each time recreated the same dream world, in this case it's not important detail), which really is other world/dimension, into which pony's consciousness/mind is send. In normal circumstances such dream-world couldn't interract with reall world or other dream-worlds. And naturally after end of the dream pony's consciousness/mind is returning into its body.
0 likesAlicorn magic is something really special, and in case of Luna this magic is connected with dreams and can break previous rules. She can create something like interworld, a connection between dream worlds, her intervetion also always make pony remember its dream(just because she could use her power to do this and she always visit others dream to tell her/him something what she/he should know... yaeh now I write really obvious things), but still dreams are just dreams and in them there is just consciousness/mind of pony and sometimes her... but Tantabus which is created by her magic surely has part of her magic, so when he(i know why don't know its sex, but assume Tantabus if male, just for convenience) posses enough force he could use this power, inherited ahter his creator, to escape to the other world. And because he was a dream creature he could be not awere of existance of the real world, the only "foothold"(I'm not sure if i use correct world i think about any information/data which he could use to find way to other worlds) was firstly mane six, so he could find only their dream-worlds. Then he probably could get some knowledge from his victims, and this way he get to know about real world. What more - as You said - Luna was fully transferred into world of this shared dream, which i think also was more difficult than just sendind there only her mind. So I think that barrier beetwen dream-words is weaker than barier between any dream-world and reall world, so he need to gain more power than is need to go from one dream-world to another, and this could be the reason why stopping him from this was aesier than stopping him from changing worlds.
To summarize - if the dream-worlds are real, but just more separated from real world Tantabus surely could go to the real world.
I think their dreams are from their heads but their dreams also make a dimension so i think its a mix of both
1 likeRequest for a video: Why is there not already a Human Sunset Shimmer in the human world? (I requested this in the last video)
13 likesReplies (7)
+Mikehunt no fuck no
0 likesgood request m8
0 likes+StewiebossFTW Well, my guess is that, ok, wall of text ahead.
0 likesmy theory as to why there is no human Sunset Shimmer is heavily influenced by my theory as to why Sunset Shimmer is named similar to Twilight Sparkle in the first place. the reason is: she isnt. its the other way around.
when Celestia took Sunset under her wing, Twilight wasnt even born. and when her parents got her, they named her similar to Sunset, hoping that she will become Celestia´s student one day as well. then Sunset disappeared and Twilight´s parents were afraid this could also happen to Twilight, which would explain the weird looks on their faces during Twilight´s entrace exam. this would mean that human Sunset Shimmer is older than the mane six, so she doesnt go to school anymore. as to why pony Sunset got to CHS if that was the case, well, they took 3 random strangers without any means of identification whatsoever (btw they are about 1000 years old, so yeah).
Yeah I just asked that before I saw ur comment
0 likesyeah? that is a good question
0 likesBut she couldn't have been that old because fleur still goes to school
0 likesAnd she's pretty old
0 likesall ponies have magic, right? maybe the dream world is a pocket dimension that is more easily manipulated by magic, so that even earth ponies (like big Mac) can change it subconsciously. Luna, with more powerful magic, would be able to conscientiously manipulate the dimension. and maybe she started opening that dimension at night so everyone would like the night more. and when she was banished it became a subconscious habit for ponies to enter it while sleeping.
0 likesWe live in the multiverse there are different dimensions that contain different things to get to most of you would have to travel through the space Time continuum but the dream dimension is accessible by slumber whereas the others would probably rip the fabric of space time
0 likesThe connections are in the shared dream because Luna might prefer not to show the wires. In the shared dream having each wire visible would then make more sense as she would know if she lost anyone
0 likesThis one time i when i went to sleep i had a dream where my two friends Damien and Frank came to my house to have a sleep over
7 likesAnd when i went to day camp the next day and told Frank "hey would't it be cool to have a sleep over?" and he said "yeah it sounds cool" I think on a friday i told me friend Damien about the dream and he said "i had the exact same dream and when i woke up he called Frank and told him that he had a dream where they where at my house and frank said he did to
So that is the time me and my friends had the same dream
Replies (2)
that's cool
1 likei have future dreams too
0 likesI think its an actual place. Luna her self calls it "the realm of dreams"
1 like3:56 I feel like Pinkie's brain would look all wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey too. I mean, she can break the fourth wall, she makes references of our world, AND she referred to a past version of herself (3rd generation Pinkie Pie) in "Too Many Pinkies".
0 likesI think that it happens in the ponies heads.
0 likeshe reason they could connect is because all ponies have some level of magic which lets them connect if Luna does the spell she did. Its kinda like as if ponies are the computers and Luna is the internet. If Luna imagines Tantabus will turn into a real thing in the dreams making him semi real. But Tantabus needs more magic to become actually real soo it will travel from pony to pony collecting magic. Tantabus is kinda like a virus it could travel from pony to pony except there is no one controlling it.
Maybe Luna creates a gateway to the dream dimension with every string she attaches but normally, anypony's dream acts like a LAN connection, not an online connection and Luna can access these through getting the frequency(don't know what else to call it)to herself only(like if you were to create a private game and invite others to it,you may be online but not to everyone),allowing herself to access all the magical dimensions each independent pony has.
0 likesTo be honest, the dream dimension sounds like a good theory.
0 likesi love ur theory about the server, but how is everypony able to see each other in their dreams while have the same actions while not knowing whats going on outside of the dream world. doesnt add up, does it? in order for luna to go through everyponies dream to make one big dream, they would have to all dream the same thing, sence everypony was in ponyvil.
0 likesThe answer is simple. The big... blob thingy gains power from luna’s guilt. Once strong enough, it becomes too big for just a dream, so it tries to enter the real world.
0 likesTechnically, there is a dream dimension seen in 'A Royal Problem', where on Luna's duties it says 'Enter the Dream Realm'.
0 likes1:52 yay! i get an obscure reference!
34 likesReplies (9)
@dragonflyzMC 2:30 as well 0w0
0 likes@dragonflyzMC any one who didnt has no life
0 likes@***** probably most people my age wouldnt get the reference though :P
0 likesI LOVE the movie that the reference came from!
0 likes@dragonflyzMC shark boy and lava girl is an amazing movie! :DDD
1 like@dragonflyzMC Shark boy and lava girl! I GOT IT!
1 likeAnd don't forget the princess bride reference @ 02:29! Yay
0 likes@Bailey Myers I loved that one XD
0 likesI'll have a horse mask.
0 likespukes
Ew it's the recurring gag again...
I didn't think other people came up with such "complicated" headcannon. XD I thought myself to be the only one.
0 likesIf you can dream of anything, just dream of the tantabus never entering the real world. And dream of some anti-tantabus.
0 likesis it possible that since Luna can access the other ponies dreams that the second she does it turns their dreams into reality by connecting them to another dimension... in which case does it mean that no Ponies are in danger in their dreams if Luna doesn't access their dreams
0 likesThe multiverse exists, right? What if every time a pony has a dream they enter a pocket dimension which they can control. Luna would then basically be connecting to the ponys to access said dimensions and gain some control over the dimensions. She could then progect herself into these dimensions, since she can't go there herself because she needs to maintain the connection. This means that in this episode Luna is weaving together the pocket dimensions of every pony in ponyville and controlling the dream so someone like pinkie wouldn't just bounce into a different dream. It makes sense that if she's concentrating this hard she wouldn't have time to notice details like the fact that her progection still showing the strings. (Man, I wish I could do this for essays).
0 likesReplies (1)
I remember this!
0 likesOmg Sharkboy and Lavagirl! I loved that movie! Now I feel old for remembering that.
3 likesReplies (7)
That came out 10 years ago!
1 like@The Brony Notion I know!
0 likesit released in 2005?
0 likes@supergamer985 OMG I FLIPPING LOVED THAT MOVIE
0 likesXDD IKR
0 likes@Ray OF Happiness yay! It gives me a nostalgic feeling. A good one.
0 likesWe can be heroes
0 likesyes a dream dimension must exist even in real life, now i have a theory, ok know the bermuda triangle has nothing to do with MLP, but do you think maybe the bermuda triangle might be a portal to a rl dream dimension? think about it, when planes and ships go missing there, there is never even the slightest trace ever seen of them again and the reason no one ever makes an attempt to come back is because in the dream dimension their dreams are a reality and no matter what they don't wanna leave it behind, think about it, so yes i agree with brony notion here, yes a dream dimension may exist in real life too, when you think about it, it all makes perfect sense
1 likeYou’re making this way more complicated than it has to be. When the ponies dream, their dreams happen in the dream world. So, their physical body is sleeping but they’re dreaming in the dream world. Which is a natural way to go to the dream world. But when Luna dream walks, she doesn’t go to the dream world naturally. She uses magic. That’s why when she dream walks, she goes into the dream world WITH her physical body. And when she sleeps, she goes there just like the ponies do, without magic. And just like them, her physical body is sleeping and she is dreaming in the dream world.
0 likesAnd those white threads that magically comes out of her horn, is actually used to connect one’s dream with another’s. She doesn’t have to use them when she is dream walking. Cuz you can’t use them to dream walk, you can only use them to connect dreams together.
maybe the tantabus is sort of like a virus rather than something that exists only inside the mind and somehow infects other ponies you see in your dreams
0 likesI think it’s all about magic Luna is the princes of the night so it do make sense that she can enter the dream world as a real pony and for individual there are doors to the pony dram in the dream realm it not confusing at all it’s magically logical
1 like1:53 I KNOW WHO those 2 PEEPS I LOVE THE MOVIE !!!!!
55 likesReplies (3)
Alan Halim shark boi
0 likes*Flashbacks to Lavagirl saving everyone*
0 likesTo me I often appear in the same spot in my dreams so maybe they are other dimensions controlled by the pony so yeah😊.
1 likeI think the dreams aren't in our head but we see them like the real world
0 likesDream is just our imagination, or sometimes,our fears or nightmares.Dream can be and something what will happen in the future.If we did something wrong in the past.
0 likesActually I think because of dream sharing Luna is controlling the dream. Basically,she brings everyone to one's dream. That is why we can see the magic on her horn
0 likes>:D did i just see the all seeing eye for a split second?
280 likesReplies (139)
Did you see it? Or did it see you?
43 likes@The Brony Notion bove
0 likesDunn Dunn da
4 likesO_o woahhhhhhhhhhhh so cool!!!!
0 likes@Foxy Pirate Fox All hail Bill Chyphier! (The Illuminauti from Gravity Falls) :3!!
7 likesYarr that be right lass? or lad? o_o i'll just shut up now
0 likesI'm a girl :3 (Aka Lass) FOXY TELL ALL THE KIDS A STORY :3
0 likes@Foxy Pirate Fox Lawlllllllll :3 do you play animaljam Foxy/Rarity? if you do Wanna be buddiessss? :3
0 likesAww, to bad :( give it a try if you want though, it's surprisingly fun :3
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!
3 likesXD
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ I saw that and lol
0 likes:3
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ I saw it too...
0 likeswe have all been converted lol
0 likes@Echo Luvs-Echoing Thats what I thought but was worried about commenting it
0 likes:P its not like the illuminati will kill us for making jokes millions of pp ldo it everyday :3
0 likes>"D we have all been converted welcome to the illuminati
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ ol illuminati iswatching u lol XD
0 likesYus :) you have been converted
0 likesXD
0 likesMIND BlOwwwwwwwwwwN!!!! :BASHOOOOOO:
0 likes@Hailey McAllister Bubbles from the spongebob movie is the illuminati
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ Yes you did.
0 likesXD
0 likesyyyyyyeeepppp
0 likes>:D yusss
0 likesyou'll see it if u rewatch it you can only see it for a second thou :P
0 likes@Hailey McAllister YEEEEES!!! Gravity Falls reference!
0 likes@The Brony Notion(talks like patrick) I LOVE YOU! (talks normally now) That sounded stupid and creepy at the same time...
0 likes@Zina Todosi
0 likes'Merica?
@Waterdrops66 AJ yeah
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ illumnintait refrence confirmed. Also why in this?! great starclan why?! also AJ FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 like@XxtpgthepixelgamerxX you made a reference in a reference gg m8
0 likesr8 8/8 wud r8 agan cuz it gr8 m8
0 likes@UnEarthly Ethan lol
0 likes@DIANA Castine yep warriors refense confirmed.
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ you saw that too RIGHT?
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ lol i saw it too
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ lol i saw it too
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ lol i saw it too
0 likesX3
0 likesoh so I'm not going crazy?.......yes!....lunate confirmed?!?!..maybe.... we don't know until it happiness
0 likes@Waterdrops66 AJ Il- luna -nati confirmed!
...I'm so bad at puns...
XD tru tru
0 likesYou mean illunati
0 likes+Sgt.brony The illuminati used the all seeing eye of God.
0 likesJerks
Illuminati confirmed
0 likes+Waterdrops66 AJ i saw it
0 likes+Queen Awsome XX I agree illuminati confirmed
0 likesX3
0 likesyea, me too
0 likesi sure as hell did ?
0 likesYay (yes)
0 likes+Waterdrops66 AJ i saw it too
0 likes+Hollie Yue (Gardeveor'z Vids) i just made account how o u change name and put picture
0 likes+Roanna Ighekpe you have to go to your channel and look for your profile image and you can change it by pressing the pencil thing works if u are on computer
0 likesILLUMINATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (comfirmed)
0 likesis funny
0 likesGasp! Illmiati comfirmed ad I cold ear wid blowig sorry for spellig
0 likesObscure reference time!!!
1 likelol
1 like+Waterdrops66 AJ yes yes u did
0 likesnever >:)
0 likes@***** what eye bruh
0 likesYes because I saw it to.
0 likes+Foxeythefoxpirate AJ I saw it
0 likes+Foxeythefoxpirate AJ YES!
0 likes+Foxeythefoxpirate AJ
0 likesNo.
then ur blind u3u
0 likes+Foxeythefoxpirate AJ um... you wernt the only one to see the illuminati in the mind bogaling moment XD :D
0 likes+The Brony Notion it saw us! :O
0 likesYeah i was like OMG did i just saw that!? And than inwent searching for it but i could n't find it so i wachted that part six times trying to stop the video on the right part xD
0 likesYou saw it too I thought I was just seeing things. It was the illuminati sign
0 likesthat was actually the Illuminati sign
0 likes+The Brony Notion I saw you put the Luminati sign there don't think you can get away with it
0 likesSaw it! I. Saw. It.>: (
0 likesOh man I saw it! Split second!
0 likes+Foxeythefoxpirate AJ yas
0 likesYUS AT 3:39
0 likesyes hahahahaha lol
0 likesYeah, don't worry ur not going crazy we all saw it
0 likesYa, I saw it too XP
0 likesCan you type when he put it up? I didn't see it.
0 likesSereesly!!
0 likesI didn't!!! Stop!!!
0 likesYes
0 likes+Error Sans I SAW ILLUMINATI WTF
0 likesYea I did
0 likes+The Brony Notion I don't follow
0 likesXXDDD I didnt read 100 comments and i dont want to! XD When I get free time I might LOL
0 likesyep! I saw it too!!
0 likesOk! Its oviouse. Im sure EVERYONE saw the Thing for a split second. Can we stop with the comments? I have probably 389-500 emails about this one comment and Im sure the dude that made this video does too....
0 likesya😶😅
0 likesyes
0 likesi saw it for 0.12 secs..
0 likes+Nero Ghostheart that super scared me
0 likes+SJHill Shrewsbury another one of his videos in the end he was a chanchling so be chaned into pic perfect what its called and said "I go"
0 likes@Nicole Gabrielle Pingol LOL!
0 likesI SAW it, maybe it was a joke?
0 likes😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 SAW IT!!!!!
0 likesI agree I did to
0 likesYea
0 likesI saw it too and I was really freaked out.
0 likesi was just watching and my phone glitched right at that moment haha. i thought it was funny at first, but should i be scared now 😰
4 likesdid someone saw the tantivers turned a night mare moon shape ahh it could go in real Lunas body and turn her to night mare moon prudently and no one could stop her not even the elements of harmony if it got out haaaaaaa so should anyone be scared
1 likeShakera Begum I'm not
0 likesSnazzy Savy lol
0 likesCan you get ur OC changed PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
1 likeyea i saw it at like 3:39
0 likesThe Brony Notion you have so many videos with that in there.
0 likesyes
0 likesSnazzy Savy i yep
0 likesso thats what it was
0 likesit means nothing!!!!!!!
0 likesAmanda Edwards ya
0 likesYes you did
0 likesU can’t hide that from us dude
0 likesdude I managed to pause the video at the exact moment it happened
0 likesI DID!!!!!! illuminati confirmed!
0 likesSnazzy Savy when
0 likesThe Brony Notion illuminati confirmed
0 likesSnazzy Savy I saw it
0 likesWhere
0 likesRandom Ending it's not from gravity falls
0 likesRandom Ending I’ve never seen someone that uses “:3”so many times it hurts my eyes. It’s Bill Cypher and Illuminati.
1 likeSnazzy Savy yea
0 likesSnazzy Savy saw it the first time
0 likesYES!!!!!!! XD >:DDDDDDDD
0 likesI saw it too
0 likesWhen
0 likesThe illumanatie
0 likesyes, yes you did
1 likeWhat? When? Where?
0 likesthe strings somehow flow into the real world does that explain anything?
1 likeI believe that creature Luna created was residue from the shadow pony .
0 likesWhat is the shadow pony?
It's part of Nightmare Moon's dark magic which some it fled out of the way of Celestia's Magic.
now I agree with you for the pony side but what if its what's happening in the real world too?
0 likesI think that it's her magic that's keeping it all in check I think that she actually makes dreams and without her dreams but fade away and it would just be memories that pony is would have four dreams not their imagination
0 likeslumantil confirmed 4:05 DA DA DA DA DA
17 likesReplies (1)
That’s literally the end of the video -_-
0 likesIf dreaming happens in another dimension then how can a pony be in the same dimension as another pony without seeing that pony or being able to interact with them?
0 likesReplies (1)
I think the dream dimension is a deme soon with other smaller separate dimensions in it
0 likesHow about this? The dream world is a reflection through a prism of the real world? Breaking the prism or creating another to reflect the dream to cross the real world
0 likesIt’s also really weird how people are not freaked out at all that the princess Luna is there, if celestia visited then they would bow and be all shocked- however when Luna just appears they don’t care and go on with their lives.. lmao
0 likesI know, this video was posted in 2015, and I'm writing this in 2017, but I was thinking, what if the ponies use the magic inside of them to travel to the Dream dimension? Just a thought.
0 likesdid enyone see the illuminati? brony noton!was that a joke?
37 likesTbh, i think that Luna is more powerful than Celestia, the whole reason that she managed to defeat Nightmare Moon she used the Elements of Harmony which is not actually her own magic, she combined it, I think if she actually used her own magic she couldn't have even defeat her, after all, the Elements of Harmony's magic is from the Tree of Harmony..
1 likeI think that pony's have a connection to the dream world but it only happens when they dream
0 likesLuna is like a brige from real to dream world.
0 likesI think the little strings are just how she makes joint dreams, but for individual dreams, she doesn’t need all that magic
0 likesHim:science and theories!
4 likesThe real answer:Magic
If the Tantabus went out without Luna knowing, and comes to the real world, what would happen?
0 likesbut if it is another dimension, then they could leave through the rips too! but what would happen then? would come out with the powers that they dreamed having? would there be 2 big Macs only one is an alicorn?
0 likesThe tantebus wasn’t created in a dream. It was created by Luna and she put it in her dreams to punish herself . Technically it isn’t a part of the dream in the same way as other things because it’s a purposefully created form of magic. But that’s just my theory
0 likesThis theory actually makes sense
0 likes3:39-3:40 ILUMINATI CONFIRMED
32 likesReplies (4)
2 likesPlay it at 0.25 speed
3 likesI managed to capture an image of the Illuminati in the middle
1 likeLol
0 likesShort form for my explanation : When lunar enters dreams individualy she does not have white strings in the dream but un reality she has . But when lunar enters everyponys dreams all at once there are white strings in the dream world. ( sorry for the mistake this isn't short form )
0 likesIt's actually both. I'm mean mlp is all about magic so it's not really surprising or complicated. There's over 5 dimensions another dimension doesn't make a different. The brain control the dream of ur own and the dimension OF dreams was the key to Luna to enter the dream, string was only for choosing which ponies dream she's gonna enter. In conclusion, it's dimension of dreams and the dreams is from the brain.
0 likesDreams happen within a realm...... If something within one realm is powerful enough, it can go into a different realm. Realms happen within dimensions but can and do cross over into other dimensions. The brain can even remember everything and log it n other dreams and bring you back to it at any point of night or day even days or months later. Believe cuz it's happened to me alot. Your thoughts create a rift or affect in life. I've only had nightmares my entire life.... N I remember all of them. I found out that if I conquer a challenge in one I no longer have that dream...... It's as if I was sent to another dimension in the dream realm cuz it's the only possible way to do so..... In order to not only solve a problem in the dimension..... But to also solve an inner conflict and pass a test.....
0 likesI think that in our world it's in our heads, but in the mlp world it's a different dimension. But idk, I just LOVE to theorize! :D
0 likesAnd you once again remind me why I originally subscribed to your channel, Notion. Your videos, theories, and reasons all make sense as well as bring up some very reasonable thought trains. Keep it bro
31 likesReplies (6)
I needed to see this. Thank you.
3 likes@The Brony Notion Yes, your insightful breakdowns of every aspect of the show lighten up my day! It feels beautiful to have everything make sense, within the world of My Little Pony. Keep up the great work!
2 likes@The Brony Notion i agree with you 100 percent the tantabus kind of reminds me of freddy krueger
0 likesIn the pony's heads or different demission definitely demission cuz doctor who I think it was
0 likes@Matthew Addams Luna vs Freddy anyone?
0 likesThe closest thing I have is a chapter from a Fimfiction where a human OC has a movie night with Rainbow Dash and they watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Rainbow has a nightmare about Freddy and Luna intervenes and absolutely curb-stomps him.
I think the story was called Project Sunflower: Side Stories, by Hoopy Mcgee.
-It's an excellent series with a unique twist and premise on the Human in Equestria troupe that isn't wish fulfilment.
@General Jimmies cool
0 likesDreams are DEFINITELY in another dimension.
1 likeReplies (1)
except in actual non pony world real life sort of thing.
0 likesMaybe Luna was dreaming herself and it represented over coming some obstacle with help from others
0 likesMe and my friends actually had several dozen shared dreams until we graduated from high school
0 likesMaybe when ponys sleep, they can go to the dream dimension because Luna can use the magic on their brains while they don't use them and from there she takes them to the dream dimension
0 likesIs shining armor an alicorn???? And also anyone 2019??!
12 likesReplies (9)
no 2020
2 likesNo 2020
0 likesNobody
1 likeSeptember 2020 check
0 likesEveryone vibing in 2020
0 likesNo 2021
0 likes2021
0 likesIt’s 2021, son!
0 likesNO 2021
0 likesvery well stated argument!
0 likesI feel like that thing was apart of nightmare moon. Nightmare moon could travel in dreams which explains how that thing could escape.
0 likesI'd say it is another dimension why cuz when you wake up a few seconds or minutes after you forget your dream you just end up taking what ever form you feel like anywhere but as long as it's in the dream world if you have questions just put in replys
0 likesSince it's a fantasy world, I do think that it's in another dimension.
0 likesomigosh triangle in triangle???
127 likesReplies (56)
29 likesXD
0 likesIllominautie con firmed!
1 likeMe too
0 likesit's illuminati
0 likesIlluminati confirmed
1 like@Julia Hartle Yup
0 likesYa i saw it too
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter He always flashes the illuminati symbol XD . He might be illuminati... o.o
0 likes@The Brony Notion longer episodes please I am you biggest fan I waching your videos at the beginning
0 likesWhat
0 likesOmugsh triangleseption
0 likesI don't get it 😗
0 likes@Lui Panda did you see the illuminati in the impossible triangle
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
1 likeNo
1 like@Lui Panda Yes
0 likesI saw it too
0 likesYep I saw it
0 likesYeah i know it's illuminati in a triangle
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter wait what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter #illuminaticonfirmedFTW
1 likei did to... we all did..
0 likesHAHAHA yes I saw it too I thought for a second that it was just there for a whole minute or something
0 likesi think he has prooved... several times.. that he is.
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter illuminati illuminati confirmed, lluminatiception
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter angleception
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter FUCK
@Sparkle Glitter FUCK
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter [insert illuminati joke here]
1 likeLol, Right?
0 likesWHY ARE WE NOOBS?~!?!
0 likesi'm not going to even get involved with this one, i'm just going to go back to crashing people's games
0 likesk. Make sure to update C.E.
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter I don't care if there is a triangle that was a bit cheesy
0 likesbu dum psh
0 likes@Sparkle Glitter OMG thx for saying it for me no one would pay attention to it xD
0 likes'merica's 'lumminati kinfurmed.
0 likes'stru.
@Sparkle Glitter good I wasn't the only one who saw it (you know what 'it' is)
0 likesI still don't see it
0 likes@The Brony Notion umg
0 likesoh god, why. this joke is getting annoying.
0 likes+InazumaEleven that's normal. when you see something that stands out from everything else, your brain thinks it was there for 1 minute when it was there for 1 second.
0 likesI'm with dominga I'm sick of it
0 likesQUICK
1 likeGet the infinite mirror!
3 likes@***** go away
0 likes+Cutiecat4116 I had seen it ti
0 likes+Cutiecat4116 crickets are chirping
1 like+Sparkle Glitter it was illumini
1 likeSpringkleGlitter in triangle
0 likesI think Professor Dumbledore said it best. Just because it's in your mind doesn't make it any less real. Princess Luna can walk in my dreams anytime!
0 likesI think that it's both, the brain has a effect called the Mandira effect.Wich can either be your brain making stuff up, or seeing other worlds, so the brain, is like a computer, a central server like you said.The brain and the magic of an alicorn, might be connected, I don't know some sort of anatomy.But anyways the brain is the key to the other world.
0 likesdoes that make sense?I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
Maybe its both each pony could have their own dimension in their own dream and the dream world could be a dimension of its own or something
1 likeLuna didn’t just create a shared but she also created a lucid dream. The pony’s could do anything they imagined. Now if that’s not lucid dream then I’m done researching dreams
0 likes03:39 I saw that c:
41 likesReplies (16)
I did too
0 likesSame :o x3
0 likesIllunimati comfirmed
0 likesBrony notion is illuminati confirmed
0 likesMe too!!
0 likesThe illuminati is sooooo STUPID!!!
1 likeMind boggling...
0 likesYes
0 likesWe did this at school sooooo... #illuminaticonfurmed
0 likesYeah,me too..same..
0 likes@***** OH SHI-
0 likes@ShadowDashBrony OH NOSE DADDY
0 likes@ShadowDashBrony everyone did duh. i did c:
1 likeSame
1 likeAnother way look at this theory is watch an old anime called Yumeria. It has a Dream World too. Heck! The 2012 (8 episodes) Black Rock Shooter anime has something similar as well.
0 likesImagine ALL the ponies and villains and others teamed up to battle some demon clones, even the equestria girls kids are in the pony world.One heck of an episode...
0 likesIt happens on both head and dream world the brain makes the dreams that teleports them to the dream world
0 likesMy theory is that the entire episode was a dream
1 likeAm I the only one who saw the illuminati??!
16 likesReplies (22)
@Heather Barlow imsaw
0 likesI saw it!
0 likesI saw it too
0 likes@Twilight mask at 3:38
0 likesNo.
0 likesI did to 030
0 likesNo I saw it
0 likesI notice it, myselfe.
0 likes@Twilight mask Me 2
0 likesno i saw it too
0 likesI'm positive I saw it too!
0 likesI saw it to and remembered another episode
0 likesNOPE!
0 likesWhere????
0 likesYes me too
0 likesNope,not just only you!i saw it too!
0 likes@Twilight mask no. i saw it too. #illuminaticonfirmed
0 likesMe too!!
0 likesNo.. But I'm sure it was A joke right? RIGHT!?
0 likesNo
0 likesSaw it
0 likesNo. And the illuminati can see you. ILLUMINATI! ILLUMINATI! ILLUMINATI!
0 likesi think that it still happens in the pony's' minds, but am still confused about the reasons.
0 likesMy mind is blown... How on earth do you come up with these theories?
0 likesSpirits can exist with ease in either the physical world or a virtual one. Luna's construct is a tulpa. By definition, it's a spirit. It's just a spirit which originally existed within Luna.
0 likesI'm an alter. I basically live in a virtual reality when I'm not working out here. I share a world with over a hundred different alters, all generated by one brain. It actually isn't that hard. That part wouldn't have drained Luna. What's hard is maintaining a telepathic connection to hundreds of people at once.
I acually agree with ur theory abut different diemsions cuz when I have a vivid dream, I don't feel like I'm in my mind but rather somewhere else.
0 likesummmmmm....... I didn't catch any of that...
6 likesThe reason why the lines weren't connected was because those ponies were the dream versions of the regular ponies
0 likesI'm gonna go with dream world because that could equal new episodes!
0 likesWell then all of there combined imaginations with Luna’s help creates its own dimension, the Dream Dimension, cool.
0 likesI think the dimesion thing is a good theory but they don't have the white wire attached to them because they all have there own dream dimensions that disapear when they wake up and Princess Luna jumps through dimensions
0 likesWho saw the Illuminati
10 likesReplies (4)
0 likesMe :)
0 likesMe
0 likesReal Luna comes to dream dimension and all other ponies aren't real they are controled by real ponies and when you control something you can do anything. Exactly as in that episode
1 likeThis is a magical world of talking ponies, unicorns, pegasi, alicorns, and other magical, mythical creatures that still have the essence of science. Of course, it's gonna be both.
0 likesWait one second...... can a male pony become an alacorn? Can you do a theory on it? And also can fillys become alicorns?
0 likesWait, what if the ponies dreams make up the dimension within their dreams?
0 likesanyone else saw the illminati
🔺 🔺
🔺🔺 🔺
🔺 🔺
Do you see it!? 😈
Replies (34)
See what?
0 likesThe triangle
0 likesI did
0 likesWhat is an illminati?
0 likesYeah i saw it c:
0 likesI see it every night at the meetings...
0 likesYup I saw it
0 likesYes
0 likesI saw it
0 likesYep
0 likesIt's actually the watching eye, which is supposed to look for danger and repel it
1 like@Lightningwing AJWarriors you mean the eye of providence, which is meant to represent the all seeing eye of God if you belive in that.
0 likesYes.
0 likes@shadowLatias Nah, I'm an atheist. (No offense to religious people, I respect you)
0 likesI see...a triforce. 😈
2 likes@Betty Vides IKR?! and I thought I was going crazy!!
0 likes@Betty Vides I saw the Illuminati. 3:39
0 likes@Betty Vides illuminati confirmed
0 likes@Betty Vides me lol he's so weird and funny
0 likesWhat do u think your trying to say ya weird wannabe Illuminati member?
0 likesI saw it
1 likeI saw it lol
1 likeYep I did see it
0 likes@Betty Vides illminuartui comigkfird
0 likesAt 3:40 ilmanti confirmed.
1 likehalf life 3 nvcomgffired
0 likesThat's not the illuminati. I just dropped my dorito!
1 like@Betty Vides yeah i saw it 0-0
0 likesSaw it
1 like@Betty Vides yep.
0 likesYes I see it now can you please shut up
0 likesYes
0 likesIlluminati confirmed
0 likesWho can whistle the tune? I can.
0 likesYES! PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCE! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! Well, Fluttercord makes it complete, too. :) I'm sure you would agree, Brony Notion.
0 likesDreams really do happen in the dream world
0 likesDid anyone see the shape of the tantabus in 3:4
1 likeI thought it was supposed to take the form of Luna's or anypony's fear
Who is fearing mistmane?
At least that is what it looks like to me
The dream world is a different dimension. Because of luna's magic she was able to be in the dream with the mane six and the whole of Ponyvile. but wait if the mane six were able to use magic in the dream dimension then it should've made luna collapse right?
0 likesdimension
3 likesThe dream world may just be another dimension. The way the Tantabus ripped open the dream world looks just like the way Midnight Sparkle ripped open the human world.
0 likesReal life dreams are in the head and my little pony dreams are another dimension.
1 likeWhat if our heads were another dimension? Or the access to another dimension :)
0 likesWhoever knows the email address of "The Brony Notion" tell him that there was a comic that somewhat introduces how dreams are made and controlled. I think it was titled "My Little Pony FIENDSHIP is Magic #4 Nightmare Moon."
0 likesSaw tooth, How are you?
9 likesI know I'll probably never get a reply cuz I'm irrelevant but a girl can dreamReplies (8)
No such thing as an irrelevant person.
6 likesThe Brony Notion
3 likes+The Brony Notion sup
0 likeswhat how did you cross some of your comment lol
0 likesJohnny Toast
0 likesEdgardo Domingo
0 likesHe sees them in his notifications!
Angelica Schuyler Hi
0 likesomcc
0 likesI don't get how a dream is only in your mind but Luna was connecting it
0 likesconsidering the fact we have seen multiple demencions before including discords heckick nonsense world where the pore male pony got lost I'm sure without a doubt the dream world is anouther demencion all together.
0 likes"Of course it is happening in your head, but why should that mean it is not real?"
1 likeit seems possible that dream world is an dimention but theres a hole in your theory: how could the ponies enter the dream world or how could their minds enter it
0 likesMaybe that wasn't a dream, maybe all of Ponyville is just insane.
60 likesReplies (12)
Possible but how knows
0 likes@Clare Nicke makes MUCH more sence.
2 likesThis could be foreshadowing Rainbow Dash's future insanity in the C.W.C. (Rainbow Factory)
0 likesWe already know it's insane.
0 likesWe ALREADY knew PonyVille was insane!
0 likes@***** true!
0 likeshaha
0 likesLol
0 likesMaybe the writers didn't think of what this meant and just wished that people would just stop over theorising. That's how there different to me.
0 likes@Clare Nicke "Every pony in this town is Crazy"
7 likes@Clare Nicke YEP ITS TRUE i just looked it up LAWL
0 likesPonyville in drugs
0 likesIf how you described Luna's bubble and how she was in it was actually the real the tantabus could be using the magic from the bubble and with enough of it at it's hooves it can create a door way to the waking world (or non dreaming world) but what of the string that I might be able to explain with how she can go through the dream demension back and forth using magic my theory is that the lines are slowly dissolving into the Skye cause they technically Peirce through the bubble so apart of them connected to the real world heads that way while the other strings go up and the certain string connected to the pony in the waking world keeps track of that certain pony now how Luna becomes tired she must be keeping the doorway open between the waking world and the dreaming world and that is the bubble formed around her now tantabus the giant killer monster now.....tantabus before Luna connected everyone in ponyville she made a connection with all the main 7 but not in the same dream and with her magic the tantabus can use it to hop from dream to dream now the ponyville full dream instead of her going to each dream separately I'll have to agree with you she made all the ponys in ponyville dreams connected so tantabus had nowhere to hide......there's one more thing tantabus it's self how the mane moves and the coloring I suggest that Luna was never fully separated from nightmare Moon some backup for that is that in the show she use the words "we, us " and much more suggesting that it is still there with her and how everyone describes it the tantabus is nightmare Moon or what she originally was a nightmare or a being of the dark Wich if listened to can turn you into a power crazed monster Luna felt alone that how it is described and in her nightmare form she wants everyone to make her there leader no matter the cost of life and that's what happened with sunset shimmer and twilight (equastria girls) but the nightmare can't take the host fully understand control it will urge the host into accepting it's deal to make the hosts life better
0 likesI think the answer is both of them because they could have a whole dimension inside of all of their heads that all that she’s doing is combining all of the dimensions into one so then all of those dimensions is what she is latching onto
0 likesAll dreams are but another reality, never forget.
0 likesI guess you're right with dimension dream theory!
1 likeIts another dimansion but with the difference that when you die you get kicked out.
Or after a random time
That's my theory
I like the idea of dreams happening in another detention
0 likesI just saw an animation flaw. You know that purple pegasus with the fruit cutie mark on the left of the screen where luna is in that bubble thing? Well in the next scene, she is Shown without wings.
1 likeit come in another dimension cause I've tried it with my friends and talk about it , as we talk it was the same thing happened when we dreamed
0 likesObscure reference: Shark boy and Lava girl. That was actually a pretty good movie
0 likesThis is what I think
0 likesPonies own dreams are in their own heads but there is a dream relm that allows luna to tack thier minds to, to connect them
I think the when they sleep a dimension gets formed and of course luna is the only person getting into that dimension. Her physical body can go into that dimension with her magic.And when she sleeps she is like other ponies living in the dream world
0 likesit may be Luna created the dream world dimension. this is how she can access it and how she see into other pony's dreams. maybe when they enter the dream world, they are entering Luna's mind and imagination. you know, your basic wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey stuff!
0 likesI don’t remember the name of the reference but I love the movie! And I’m a kid!
1 likei am a tad bit confused but i think that theres different dimensions for every dream
0 likesMaybe Luna brings there dreams to a dimension when she is connected to them.
0 likesif the pony wakes up would they disappear in the dream world or would they still be there but as a shell or AI?
0 likesI think that just like Luna's dream lines entered everypony's foreheads the tantapus can exit into the real world that way
0 likesYes it is very real. At least to me 😊😇 I love my dream world 🤗
0 likesmaybe its Luna's spiritual self traveling through the ponies dreams
0 likesI dreamed my most incredible dream ever which was a dream when l went into a haunted hotel.
0 likesyou know i feel like it does come from the head or other dimension because on time when i was having a nightmare when i woke up i had those you know the dream bubble floating over my head that white cloud that has your dream in it so when i woke i saw it and i woshed it away so maybe dreams do come from other dimensions.
0 likesalso sometimes my dreams come true like what happens in my dream happend I think it was a vision
0 likesMaybe its a dimension that only we can enter asleep and the portal
0 likescan be opened through the brain
so dreams are in a dream dimesion and luna can enter it mentally and phisacly? cool
0 likesYes but sometimes what we dream at night we do in the morning so I guess thats it
0 likesThe world of the dreams is called Onirique. I think that the dream's Luna are in reality her "âme" (French, don't know alternatives in english~) Because of the equilibre Corps Spirite "âme" ^^
0 likesYou watched Sharkboy and Lavagirl too?! I loved that movie when I was a kid!
0 likesI think that the dream world is a magical dimension with portals inside the ponie's heads
0 likesYa know I've always wondered if the dream world was real, if it was I WOULD BE DA NEXT POTATO.
0 likesLuna doesn't have a string when she is alone with only one other pony in their dream. Why? Because she is IN their dream! In the episode where she is holding everyone's dreams together, she is HOLDING the dream, and not JOINING it. That is why.
0 likesIt's not another dimension but a realm. I don't know how to describe it. But it's sort of in their heads and sort of not.
0 likesWhat if it's like the Hindu Idea of the lower Astral? The dreams ARE happening in their heads, but a sort of copy is manifestated on to a dimensional plane that only slightly overlaps our own. The show DOES seem to be centered around old mythology and spirituality. It's not a bad theory. But, hey maybe I'm wrong, I'm just really philosophical trying to link my spirituality with a fucking kids show. What am I even going on about? Just a thought that maybe we can make a more cannon and reasonable connection to the world Equestria seems to be mimicking. It just makes more sense in that frame of reference.
0 likesDoes Luna have to go into the dream dimension during the day? because you know I'm sure ponies take naps
0 likesI somehow understood that. I think th ponies have a separate dream relem but we create all our dreams in our heads
0 likesdreaming takes place both in a different dimension and in the ponies heads at the same time
0 likesPrincess Big Mac was defo the highlight of that episode tho!
0 likesWait so we can enter another selection while unconscious but while we are awake we can't get further than the moon lol
0 likesis it just me or is this guy becoming the game theorist for mlp? lol
0 likesI don't understand how a dream can be something from another dimension.. IT MAKES NO SENSE! Dreams are just stuff thought up by your brain to make a movie in your head while you sleep :P
0 likesthere's tons of dimensions in my little pony so it doesn't surprise me if dreams have their own dream dimension world
0 likesif luna is in real life in this dream dimenision with a bubble round her, would the dream dimension version of her be in her bed in the real world or would she disappear in the real world altogether until she came out of dream dimension?
0 likesthe tantabus scares me. I never thought I would say that about something in MLP.
0 likesMy question is if it’s a dimension wouldn’t the pony have to be in the dimension for dreams to work? Yet they are asleep in bed
0 likesI MISS THEM! (I wish there was more lava girl and shark boy) MAN PLEASE MAN BRING THEM BYE THE BRONY NATION!
0 likescoughs It's called the Dream Realm-a synonym for realm is dimension. The Dream Realm is a dimension within the everyday-dimension the ponies of Equestria live in.
0 likesWhere she visits a single pony it's in the head when shared dreams it's in a dream dimension
0 likesI think it's in the ponies heads but luna transports them to a different dimension
1 likein the brain their is a part where the dreams are kept maybe each part of the ponys brain join together to make a dream planet
0 likesi love mlp
I think the dream world is another dimension but it's in everyponys brain and Luna knows how to get in there and because equestria is full of magic the ponys can remember their dreams
0 likesObscure reference that I actually get. Awesome! (Sharkboy and Lava Girl)
0 likesMaybe she was using strings to go to a mirrored dimension! So that's why the tante pus could go to the reality diamonsion!
0 likesDid anyone else see that when the clip of discord ripping open a portal it is actually had the same colour of the portal the tantabus ripped open! Did anyone else see it? Well I did!
0 likesI think dream world is Luna's mind. If in her mind "that" can go to real world, it will happen realy.
0 likesI think that Luna is just connecting to the ponies from the real world, but nice theory.
0 likesThe “obscure reference” isn’t so obscure, since I get it!
1 likeThat's the magical world of Equestria anything can happen there. It's a mystery
0 likesAlso... every time the intro makes sense. Like, is the dream world just another dimension, FRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENDSSSSSSSS?
0 likesI think it's a dream dimension because like Discord (apparently) tore a hole to the sock puppet dimension (whatever that is lol)...wait, maybe this creepy shadow Luna thingy is somehow connected with Discord?...1. weird things happening 2. ripping holes between dimensions...and let's not forget the human Twilight demon thing, cause she was making holes between dimensions too. (I never saw that episode either) so..maybe the three are connected somehow... (except for Twilight cause she turned normal right?) oh well who knows. :3 just a very strange idea. (I dunno how I came up with my theory so I said strange)
0 likesIt's a dimension that leads to doors to the ponies dreams!
0 likesEdit:Or just a dimension. It depends on you
Maybe she didn't have enough magic to create dream lunar
0 likesI'm ganna go with the dream world.. And I have a theory! Is Luna an actual pony?! Or is she from the dream world?? How else would she know how or what a teturis( spelled it wrong) is??!!!
0 likesI think they are connected to the heads and minds because why else would the magical wires be connected to the head
0 likesdevoun: I would lose my mind if I saw mr stitchy staring at me.
0 likesMe: How about a creepy humanoid owl?
When luna is about to make her white dream connection string things you see starlight glimmer's star part of her cutie mark in white on the tip of luna's horn and when she is about to travel into the dream world the white wisps around her looks like twilight's magic essence coming out of her chest in magical mistic cure and cadence's magic essence on her cuite mark in the crystal heart episode.They all happen when they fullfill their destiny
0 likesUh, this magic of the dream dimension is real because if you think of any super rare abilities then you could do anything you wanted. Like, for example, I heard from my dad mentions that he was being chase by robbers then he temporary thinks of me in his dream as Batman and me saving his life. And me, I was dreaming dropping super deep underground(not bottomless) then I levitated myself out of the deepest underground and I was back to Jr High and I can shoot spider webs like Spider-Man.
0 likesRemember when lunar entered the mane 6 dreams individualy ??? She was not using the white strings when she enters dreams individualy which explains the cutie mark cursaders dreams individualy but when everypony ( or more than 1 pony ) has the same dream .... the white strings apear
0 likesI think if the dream realm as the monster world in Pixar's Monsters Inc. Luna transports into the dream realm and has this 7th sence when a pony is going through something and needs assistance. I do not believe that when this happens there is a string going through their head it is just their dream selves stepping out of their dream. Like when Sweetie Belle does after having that dream showing what really happened before/after her 5th birthday party and what will happen to Rarity if the headdress fell apart on Sapphire Shores head and ruin her career.
0 likesI think that the dream had to be in the dimensions because if it wasn't, wouldn't it hurt the ponies brains if the tantipus cut out of them??
0 likesI literally just watched that episode yesterday-
2 likesone part of this episode reminds me of star vs the forces of evil and her dimensional scissors
0 likesI'm pretty sure you just said, "Dream" A 100 times... lol my brain hurts too much to count XD
0 likesI think there's a dream planet far below earth that's why you feel a falling sensation and the reason you say falling asleep you're falling off earth and onto this dream planet where you control everything with your mind
0 likesin the dream world you can see THE SAME LAMP POST as in threes a crowed maybe some of those things are hapining because of discord! maybe discord is even in the dream. he dose have some pretty crazy powers (that is kind of obvious though
0 likesmaybe the real Luna generates dream Luna like a hologram or something but in the shared dream of ponyville she doesn't have enough energy to generate that hologram
0 likesI think that the dream world is in the ponys heads. and that the tantrbus (don't know if that's how u spell that) is exiting through a pony's mind just as princess Luna can enter and exit a pony's mind from and how she enters is a spell, and if say it's all of ponyvill u can see it's a spell if that makes sense. theories I'm I right?
1 likei love this episode
0 likesI just don't know...WTF?!...Oh, I know! That is just MAGIC! Pony world, not human world, Remember!
0 likesSix of one half a dozen of another. It's not entirely impossible that much as certent beliefs hold the moon hold sway over our dreams so it could be that it's inside everyone's heads but also connected to this Universal subconscious
0 likesGreat theory!
0 likesI could keep up and I agree with you completely
0 likesI get the reference because I grew up on movies from the 90s/Early 200s
0 likesI wonder... If I have a nightmare but it's MLP themed would Luna be there? 🌑
0 likesBut wasn't the creature connected to luna so her suffering and darkness was coming out into physical something like nightmare moon but in this scenario luna will still exist separated from that creature
0 likesBoy do I have one heck of a theory.
0 likesFRIENDS!!!!
Friends helped him with the theory
It couldn't of been in the dream world because remember Magical Misery Cure? At the end when she became a Princess that's where she went and that wasn't a dream.
0 likesWell the show is about magic so what if dreaming only starts when princess luna starts her duty and that is when the tentabus appears
0 likesthink about it, a lot of parody things that us fans created was imputed into the tantabis episode, like big Mac wanting to be an alicorn °-°
0 likesbut how are ponies supposed to go in the dimension if they are sleeping?😞
0 likesI want to believe this real because I'm writing a book on it.
0 likesWell luna did infact say realm. Think of minecrafts dimensions. They are known as realms. Realms such as the nether have diffrent looks but is connected to our world. As long as there is a connection you can enter and leave the nether dimension. So if we take that to the fact then luna is infact the portal for her mind to come into dreams.
0 likesReplies (1)
Well realm of dreams or sleep ofc is what i mean
0 likesmaybe just maybe it's both a demenstion and the mind of a pony the demenstion is for loads of ponies so luna had to go there herself unlike the mind where she is dream luna
0 likesi agree but if that is another dimension then wouldn't it be connecting to all of Equestria just a theory
0 likesStupid answer: the dream tantabus gets the sleeping ponies to Magic a real tantabus into the real world. Just my dont cents. I don't believe it either, or rather don't prefer it. I like the idea of a dream dimension
0 likesok, your DW references are making me so happy!
0 likesand answering your question, both! The dream realm is a dimension that exists in the ponie’s head.
0 likesI think your absolutely right
0 likesMy theory the dream thing whold come out of Luna's horn as bad magic and take the form of the big pony monster it takes in the shard dream. Luna is there because the monster is trying to come out of her horn so this puts streas on her and she's there as a last resort to get a second chance but after that the monster can go threw the portal to get to the real world. It's in the ponys head but the danger is still real
0 likesmy theory is that when luna does the wiser thing to the ponies heads it tp's them to the dream world.
0 likesI think when she males everyone share the same dream that bean shows since normaly its just one person having the dream
0 likesthere was a split second of the lumniation (how do u spell it) eye thingy in the optical elusion triangle
0 likesThat’s so awesome😍
0 likesBut I'm think the Dream World is real, just all that in our dream we can control with our head.
0 likesbut I always remember all my dreams
0 likesI think the wire things only appear when it is a shared dream
0 likesdream world is 1 of the dimentsions, ( i hope i spelled it right) ponys teleport to there when they sleep and that big luna thing made portal out of there , Luna can make same thing. Bubble around Luna project Luna.
0 likesThis is a great theory and even though i live in equestria even i domt know how this works 😑😑😑
0 likesWhen the cutie mark crusaders get their cuitie marks it uses the same magic essence again like with the other 5 ponies [4 ponies 1 human]
0 likes“Magic is as magic does, just funny that way”–Granny Smith
0 likesI think the dreaming happens in one dimension
0 likesI think the ponies minds LEAD to the dream dimension (wow such wow)
0 likesIt is another dimension called the Dreamscape.
0 likesNightmare Realm or Dreamscape... Bill Cipher will tell you...
0 likesOf course this is happening in your head Harry! But why should that mean that it is not real?
0 likesDumbledore's confusing wisdom 101
Edit: that's kinda what the book says, not word for word, I ain't got the book in front of me 😆
I thought that too. It may not be that it will be a living nightmare, they just will never wake up.
0 likesIdk why I’m wasting so much of my brain for understanding cartoon than working hard on my homework instead
1 likeIt took so long but i remember that reference to the show (lava girl and lava girl)
2 likesmaybe it’s just the blue smoke escaping your head
1 likeI think it happens in the dream dimension
0 likesthe pony's mind is a dimension in itself
0 likesmaybe Luna's magic turns its self into brain waves :0
0 likesHow about inside and outside both exist?
0 likesI have a feeling that its both. both in their head and in a different dimension
0 likesso person told me that the dimension of dreams can become real someday that one dream you had could have been the future
0 likesProbably everyone: cool theory!
0 likesMe: OMG SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL!! I love that movie!
I'm willing to admit that this is a little far-fetched, but, I mean, seriously, this is mlp, for gods' sake.🤗
0 likesas far as I know it's possible that the dream girl in My Little Pony but I doubt it this sounds more like a Doctor Who parody if you ask me in fact even talk to who did a parallel universe with David Tennant so that's how I know about that Yep this is more like this another time period or another paradox that's what I think this is Rose what is signing out
0 likesWhen sunset shimmer turns into a pheonix in friendship games the yellow magic essence is the same magic essence that the 4 ponies had
0 likesWhats that... the All Seeing Eye in the 'mind boggling as this is' sentence + picture?
0 likesWhat if Luna is the pyhical form of the giant dream pony
0 likesI think of it like if your brain some how changes your vision to see your thoughts in a brain demention
0 likesthe dream world? do not know! all I know is that the dream world is in a different dimension! and it is magic! that is how the "thing" can go into the real world.also how it explains NIGHTMARE moon.mabye.
0 likesThis video may be old but dream pony all the way.
0 likeswhy would the string attach to their heads if it wasn't in the minds??
0 likesMagic essence again when shining armor and cadence join their horns in the episode where crysallis comes.
0 likessince the dream realm is Controled by luna,it is Just a sight or a Vision that makes ponies create there Dreams that what happend at the real world.
0 likesThese videos are still entertaining
0 likesi think its dream luna , because in the end of the episode she was sleeping and dreaming another dream
0 likesi think u have a good point maybe there is a dream demishon for real
0 likesi LOVE the brony nation is sooo cool and now i understand all of mlp
0 likesI think that the dream world is another dimension like the crystal mirror in Equestria girls
0 likeswait sharkboy and lavagirl was obscure? holy shit, I used to love that movie
0 likesMe when I was 4 : wow I'm glad the my little pony's stopped the tantapus or else I would have had bad dreams forever Me when I became 8 and watching MLP equestria girls and looking back into my memory: wow I was so stupid back then they meant the equestria girls when Luna said it would enter the real world she meant equestria girls not our world she meant the equestria girls world
0 likesTheir brain magic makes the dimension stuff!!!!
0 likesIs Princess Luna more powerful than Celestia?
0 likesI really liked this episode when I was in the fifth grade. Probably because I’m a huge lesbian who has a thing for angsty girls who can do magic.
0 likesi think it is a dimention that is only able to go in at luna's night
0 likesI think that there is a dream world which connects to the ponies mindes and the tentacus came there then exited it (only if luna lost with it also the illuminati thing it was weird)
0 likesWhat if when ponys sleep they go to a different roam ??
0 likesit is in a dream but see the bubble around luna notice how no one touched her that's a rip in the sleep real dimensiens that luna was in and holding open,those streams were going to the sleeping ponies luna wasn't struggling to get the ponies in it was her keeping that rift open
0 likesNote I'm only ten don't judge
In a dimension !!! ❤❤
0 likesit would be ultra reality
0 likesMaybe Luna rules the dream world 🤔
0 likesWait... ISN'T HIS OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN THE DREAM WORLD!? Just think about it! We've seen a hallway with doors in the dream world. And in the dimension that the Brony Notion lives in, there is another sparkly hallway of doors! And each door leads to a different Youtube Channel! Wait... HAVE THE MLP THEORISTS TAKEN OVER THE HALLWAY OF DREAMS!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
1 likeReplies (1)
JD Hammer Thanks! :D
0 likesI think it happened in both places
0 likesThis episode of my little pony is funny because of rainbow dash'a dream so I was wondering if u can probably make a video of how it might have been scary to her
0 likesWhy not: Every dream is it's own dimension? and magic allows luna to cross in between them. and even allow ponies to have the same dream by putting them in the same dimension. How about them carrots?
0 likesI miss Lava Girl and Shark Boy ;-; I watched the movie 24 times
0 likesI had a dream that I was nightmare FredBear and it was in my mind not behind hundreds of doors my dream was sooooooo cool
0 likesDid you know this is my little pony I think the creators just created a series full of cotton candy colored horses I don’t think it really matters
0 likesso I agree what if it is a different dimension I really don't like bringing anything into this so I'm just not but my mom believes in heaven as it gets to be whatever you want to be and if a dream is like how you want it to be so what is a dream is supposed to be like your version of heaven like a preview and since its like your perfect version of whatever so why didn't they just wish the tantabus away? so what if what we all think is going to be heaven will actually be a new dimension where we had our dreams?
0 likesI think that’s why you can’t tell if you dreamt something or if it was real
0 likesDreams happen in another world.
0 likesSo the dream diemechtion is not in the mind but in a diemechtion were luna can be in but most of the time it is like a luna puppet but luna can control her own puppet so any living thing in the dream diemechtion can easily go to the real world.
0 likesFor people who did not keep up
wait- what happens when luna dreams?
0 likesit happens in the dream dimention
0 likesmaybe Luna uses power to make herself look normal.
0 likesits magic
0 likesanything that has strong enough magic in the dream world can build up magic in the real world even if i has no physical form in the real world, and if it has enough magic in the real word but no physical form then and only then it will be able to create a phyisical form for itself in the real world. to bad this is only in mlp though because it would be very cool if it wasn't, AND I WOULD HAVE A UNICORN THAT MAKES MONEY!!XDXDXD
0 likesReplies (1)
i was only 25 seconds in to the video when i typed this
0 likes"Boy Do I have one heck of a theory" FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSS
0 likesBrony guy: but how could something that is in mind enter the real world?
First off not very confusing and second off it is in another dimension but the ponys are making up the world around them with there own minds it's basically just a dream world where anything is possible
0 likeswell ya that's true but in one video can you make your next video about why is Luna in the cutie mark crusaders dreams cuz there are two reason's 1. cuz Luna is a sibling ans 2 cuz Luna is a dream pony
0 likesare minds are connections to the dream realm we each have are own area but we can only access this area when are unconscious minds are active and since there are those who can control their dreams it means the are controlling the dream realm
0 likesI think it is another dimension that your soul/subconscious/self-conscious
0 likesI think the dream dimension is the best answer.
0 likesReplies (1)
Me too
0 likesWait though Luna in the 1st so had a guards that were pony so does that mean she has he own planter?
0 likesI love Princess Luna
2 likesALSO Did u know Luna means Moon?
Replies (1)
Yes I did know that
1 likethe real world is the pony world. remember that this is a dream not the real world and OMG I SAW THE ALL SEEING EYE FOR A SPLIT SECOND IN THAT RED TRIANGLE SPOOKY MAN! Luna had some sort of spell so she could be in the dreams of ponies. so if the spooky blob thing escaped the dream work it would have gone into the pony world not another demention
0 likesI'm sure glad Sharkboy and Lavagirl is on Netflix!
0 likesΌλοι ξέρουν πως ο κόσμος του ονείρου, δεν είναι αλειθινός!!! Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη!!!
0 likesYour vids are amazing
0 likesi think the ponies mind and consionceness goes to the dream dimension but the actual pony stays in bed
0 likesthose lines help it to where they can ither share a dream or she can watch multiple dreams faster and easrier its just it makes her tired and doesnt last for long
0 likeswell. according to perfessor dumbledoor in the 7th harry potter book it would all be in the pony's head
0 likesI think that if Tantabus would of escaped frim the dream server that Luna made i dont think the ponies would had seen him beacause he is basicale a ever lasting nightmare that can get defeated with cute kittens and cotton candy. Tantabus basically does not exist. Well for magical/dream dimentions yeah he would but in our worl no beccause we have no magic. And its pretty obvious that Luna was real because in Applebloom's, Scootaloo's and sweetybell's dream she did not have the glowing string coming out of her horn....
0 likes“Luna did just tie the mane six, she created A shared dream so the tantibus would have no where to go or hide with ALL OF PONYVILLE”
0 likesUhm hello? From the crystal empire and canterlot? Manehatten anyone?
Wow nice also I watch this over and over again and I just left it because I am a big fan of Luna
0 likesThe rip in the gala was in the night sky so was it in the dream world.
0 likesMagic. That is the answer to everything mlp.
0 likesPause at 3:40 😂😂
0 likesThe horn sounds like their pineal gland idk maybe that’s just my thoughts lol
1 likeReplies (1)
I don’t like your profile picture
0 likesJust why
Well it's a world how can that be in mind?
0 likesGood news you got a new subscriber 👍
0 likes2:13
0 likesTree Hugger: Woah, dude! What is that?
a Dream World?
0 likeskinda like Dragon Age's The Fade.
What if the dream world is an world that Luna created
0 likesMe too I loved Shark Boy and Lava Girl
0 likesA world that everyone enters when the fall asleep
0 likesWhat if celestia had her own dimension answer that ?????
1 likeDid anybody else see the Illuminati triangle in the illusion type thing? I know I did.
0 likesOk, im getting confused with all this dreaming.
0 likesYou can compare this to warrior cats right? Does that me StarClan is a dimension? Wait that just blew my mind ~ Mintstar
0 likesme: *Reads the title*
0 likeswell, if to your dreamself, yeah. for example, Rose could have died if she didn't kill the monster. but, if you dreamself is dead, like the trolls, then no. it has already taken it's course and ended.
Wow... 4 mins... that's a record!!!
0 likes“boy to i have one heck of a theory”
0 likesa 4 minute heck of a theory? ok then
Plot twist what if it is happening in luna's head not the one's that are dreaming
0 likesO.K it is named spirit Science 7: dimensions!!!!!It is very good personally I think it's awesomely awesome!!!!!!!You should really watch it!!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
0 likesPlot twist it's all in Lunas head she is the one dreaming and she is a child dreaming and it turns from a nightmare (her being evil) to a wonderful dream (her being a princess)
0 likesit happen in your head and when you asleep you travel to a different diemention
0 likesI think why that you so confuse about dream world and luna's speacial power
0 likesThis is what i think :
Maybe it's because that luna just can get in a pony dream at a time but when she want to defete her shadow she has to let her power to limit and i think that's what make other pony can see her in the dream world and i think it makes that other pony could see her just like in real life and the bubble that around her too ofcourse .
So this is what i think about it 😅😅😅 i don't know if you think the same as me or not but this is my advice
I think it happens in a dreamworld or else ponies would have a small dimension in their heads, so, if it does happen in their heads, the tantabus can easily posses that pony, who knows, maybe it can take form as Twilight, Luna, Celestia, or Cadence to rule a kingdom, and the pony who is possessed, the real pony would just be in the dream world, wondering where they were if they never been there. Luna has an amazing power that can go into a dream, helping ponies inside fixing their problems. Maybe Luna can replace the Cutie Mark Crusaders, since there fear is in their dreams and Luna would help them find their true selves. See where I'm going? Tell me what you think of my theory! :):):):):):):):)
0 likesNotion have you watched Gravity Falls if so what if it all happening in the mindscape or dreamscape?
0 likesI believe in a thing called both
0 likesYour part 1 theory is canon
0 likesLuna explains it watch the episode
Well he is right , there is a dreamword, but also the dreams can be inside of the pony's mind, and to can escape from a dream to real word is posible, it's like a conection between air,phyhic and real word, and I works like this:
0 likesYour brain pictures, actions and sounds are thansferd ture air in real world, like as long you are alive the dream of your is in real word and If you Die every one will be woke up and feel like that was an magical share dream, but actualz it wasn't ! ...
... Share dreams or traveling in drems and dreams is like zour brain and your heart who does alould you do enter in another mind or who combine the both minds creating a brand new big dream !
👑+🐑= magic sheep
0 likesIt might be both for pony's.
1 likeit became to real so it managed to escape there thoughts
0 likesHello fellow changling in hiding :3 (my oc is half changling and half pegusus. She does have a horn but I don't count her as an alicorn, because all changlings need horns to do magic lol I'm so confusing I apologize lol XD)
0 likesPrincess Luna into dreamworlds and she is real so it’s hard enough to say that Princess Luna actually created a shadow version of herself but the shadow version grievable and pretty much want to do skate but you’re a world tour up equestrian put it in the internal sweet
0 likesthe Dream Dimension is the 'Dream Time' of aboriginal legend
0 likesHmmm... Luna might just be creating a magical kind of bubble around her because if she was sleeping and going inside other pony's dreams, she wouldn't be able to connect everyone in ponyvi- (Equestria?)'s dreams. (I'm probably wrong). If I am wrong, please reply and correct me. Please no haters :)
0 likesReplies (2)
+Chickedy The Drucken luna was opening a small rift between the dream and the waking world. it was centered around her so it showed little else. it cast a image of her in the dream. my knowledge of the dream world is really extensive. i know more about the dream realm of our world than anyone should be able to know.
0 likes@a fulldaysgame Ok thank you ;)
0 likesI think I can understand one of the real world human world that's where the Equestria Girls take place
0 likesThe Tantabus could cut a temporary hole in the ponys head and escape
0 likesI just noticed something... The sene when the black thing that luna knows cut to the sky like the dimensional siccors in "starvstheforcesofevil"
0 likesInteresting. I suppose so.
1 likeDid anyone else also see the illuminati sign in the middle of the infinity triangle
1 likeMy mind... I can't even... Omg that Theory...
0 likesI think the dream world is just another dimension
0 likesIt’s a dream? And magic? It’s a cartoon?
0 likesBut if you go to a dimension your body will disappear but I stay in my bed when I am dreaming.......
0 likesI liked how you used sharkboy and lavagirl
0 likesplain so i think Luna's horn is connected to her head to give the ponies something they shall know but its what i can try to explaini think a sharing dream makes sense but I''ll try to ex
0 likesWe are talking about a magical world so that means it’s all magic
0 likesMeh. Makes sense... Not life altering at all. I think you are probably right.
0 likesthe dream world is real
0 likesDimension Theory Accepted
0 likesYa know it's weird that twilight has a PURPLE STAR cutie mark and not a night sky and sunset shimmer has a ORANGE SUN instead of a rising sun?
1 likeI left more confused than when I showed up... eh, at least I got the reference
0 likesSo where was Luna connecting those connection thingies when he real luna was on the dreamworld...???
0 likesDefinitely another dimension
0 likesyay my fav movie when I was little
0 likesI think it's just a piece of life in when I have nothing
0 likesI love fan thoughts
0 likesI watched the video that idk when you posted it about the illuminati in MLP. And I was scared when I heard about the up side down star summoning stuff and I NEVER wanted to see the illuminati again and you have to put a pic of it in THIS vid!
0 likesI think there dreams are connected to there magic so there is no dimension
0 likesReplies (1)
+Kitty Cupquake another good theory.
0 likesI think it's in the brain and in a Nother dimension
0 likesOh my gosh! It's Shark Boy and Lava Girl!
3 likesReplies (2)
Really now.
0 likes00:13 me too
1 likeThere's a dimension inside each pony's head.
1 likeReplies (1)
That would be interesting.
0 likesthey are transdimensional linked so both at the same time like Schrodinger cat of dimensionallynis.
0 likes1:52 Sharkboy And Lavagirl! Yes, I DO know that movie.
0 likesWhy would Doremy Sweet rule over a nonexistant world?
0 likesfirst I gotta say shark boy a lava girl srsly bro XDDDDDDD
0 likesNEXT I got on track with this maybe the dream world does exist and I don't think that there is a dream luna maybe when its with less ponies its easir for luna to control the dreams and keep them goin for longer but when all of ponyville had to be connected the lines actually had to be shown cuz the spell could have been somethin extreamly hard wiv all da ponies and therefore she had more trubble, just a little thought on no dream luna
Luna did NOT give you permission to call her Luna yet. Call her Molestia. Lol she's called Molestia in Friendship is Witchcraft.
0 likesDream world is another dimension BUT is CREATED by pony's heads.
0 likesI would say the dream world isn't a dimension, it's a bridge between dimensions. Why do I think this? Because at night I dream and I am some how having fragments of other a dream constantly appearing, which probably means that I am some how being contacted be inter-dimensional beings! I now this sounds crazy, but it is the most likely theory I can think of. It's been going on for AGES!!!!!! The fragments are Celestia, Luna, occasionally Discord, Hirobrine from minecraft and for some strange reason the MLP character Vinyl Scratch. Has anything like this happened to ANYONE!!! If so please let me know by replying to this comment, and no I AM NOT TOTALLY INSANE OR CRAZY!!!!!
0 likesI think Both are true. just my opinion though
0 likesOf course it isn't real, it's just the ponies' dreams.
0 likesmaybe luna created the dreamworld
0 likesWell, dur, isn’t it obvious!? It’s my little pony! EVERYTHING is magical!😾😮😤
0 likesMaybe discord is from the dram dimension!😲
1 likeCan you just dream it away boom 💥
0 likesUm... Did you just reference your April fools day episode?
2 likesIt's a demention, I know it is, it has to be
0 likesits real cuz I mean like everytime u sleep.. u go to to dream world!
0 likesLuna is my favorite princess
0 likesi think tantabus turned luna into nightmare moon
0 likesAt the mind defining shape that was shown for a second the illuminati was at the middle of the shape for 1 millisecond
0 likesI think there is a dream dimension
0 likesI think that the dream world is another dimension
0 likesIs the dream world real?
0 likesOof! This is complicated. I don’t know what I think.
0 likesI wish if I was a alicorn my name would be crystal night
0 likesShhhh, if you know his secret he is a changeling
0 likesNo offense to princess Luna (my favourite character in MLP) but , dream
0 likesWho says shark boy and lava girl is obscure :D
1 likethis is called a lucid dream
0 likesI think that it's a dimension
0 likesi'm the only one who think about star vs the forces of evil after watching this video?
0 likesHey Notion, I believe the dream world is a dimension, for luna couldnt possibly physicaly be in all the ponies minds, rather i think the ponnies are all controlling their dream selves.Like in a video game, and they each retreat to their own little section in the dream world, so all luna had to do was break the walls of each individual pony's section to make one giant section were they all resided.
0 likesIs it weird last night I had a dream Princess Luna was the creator of this segregated hotel (Males and Females) and finally united the hotel before I woke up?.... I watch too much MLP!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
LOL!!!!(and I don't even know what half of that means!!) ~ Mintstar
0 likesHahahaha awkward silence 😂
0 likesShort answer : LUCID DREAMS
0 likesSo many questions about this I can't think
0 likesit could be that luna is controling pony brain or going to anothe diminetion
0 likesyou know, my theory is that MLP ISNT REAL! SO IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REAL LIFE
0 likesmaybe, scientist got in wriong and your therory is in are life too thats how some people have the same dream and someone controls the dream room just something in my mind
0 likesThe forehead power is heeere!! And the all seeing eye for some reason o.o
0 likesI think that when they are in a dream bythemself its in thier head but when thier having a nightmare or getting a vist from luna they are in the dream dimension.
0 likesI just noticed these theories are ALL FROM A CARTOON!!!
0 likesThe dream world is a dimension
0 likesit goes out of the dream okay😏🙂😊👍🏽
0 likesTraining it's pouring the old man story he can't wake up at morning. 😳❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
0 likesEvery thing does happen in the ponies heads but idis executed in the dream realm I know you're probably not see my idea but if you do I think you can make a video on it again
0 likesi think its a dimension
0 likesWtf ive seen the tantabus in MY DREAMS yes it was a nightmare
0 likeswow that's crazy
0 likesI think it is real
0 likesthe one you are right yeah you are right pretty sure Anya my love, I forgot to say Derby rules that sucks we'll answer the question exactly last one I watched was how would you exactly the same speed as that and Rainbow Loom like they're pushing on there's probably going the other way so that probably made her some time she was going so fast and when the color of her hair probably blew up into the world and made up Sonic color boom that looks like fire
0 likesi think its in another dimension becouse otherwise how would i dream of a dragon when i did nothing that day to make me dream of one
0 likesits like astral projection
0 likesis magic
0 likesThe answer is MAGICCC
0 likesOMG I KNEW MLP WAS ILLUMINATI ALL ALONG (only the most advanced shows have such an age range)
0 likesI have 1 heck of a statement "its a kid show"
0 likesDID ANYONE SEE WHAT I SAW?!?! IN THE RED TRIANGLE DID ANYONE ELSE THE THE ILLUMINATI EYE?!! IM SURE I SAW IT BECAUSE I WENT BACK AND SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not actually saying this in real life to myself... But in my brain I'm yelling it... And it's made me tired.... lol but did anyone else see that? BTW can you please respond to this The Brony Notion? If you are able too?
1 likeits probably a demension because if it was in the ponys head then wouldnt that whispy thing go in like what the hell am i saying i am so comfused!
0 likesI know this is not part of the mlp but god is in charge of dreams really science😐😒😇😄😉😁😎😜
0 likesThe brain always is growing and gives energy to our body .but there's still so much things we don't know about brain,GOD is big and we are the creation of GOD .there's so much we don't understand now but we're going to know theme in future+your dream world thing,maybe it is a dimension or only the things in our brain.we're humans the biggest creations of GOD and can do anything and our lives demands to us and our GOD
0 likesI hope it's another dimension
0 likesBro i know it's late,but in bloom and gloom Luna went to another demension so theory is true
0 likesthe dream world is another dimension
0 likesHonestly, the tantabus is basically just a sadist.
0 likesLet me put it this way. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy Krueger.
0 likesOk so you mean real Luna controls dream Luna magic and the real world is inside dream Luna's heart but how
0 likes"A dream dimension"
0 likesme: HOMESTUCK all over again
the Dream World exist!
0 likeswho saw the Illuminati symbol in the impossible triangle?!
0 likesI think The dreams happen in Luna's head.
0 likesREALLY? ILLUMINATI ON 4:04? And yes, its a good theorie.
0 likes“Boy do I have one heck of a theary” makes you twilight (aka: 📖📚boooookie boooookie booooook📚📖)
0 likesK remember when Twilight became an alicorn? Well basically I think that was in the dream dimension!
0 likesyes it is
0 likesI hope there is no place my night terrors are real. Freddy Kruger would run crying like a little girl.
0 likesHow come your background is always apple trees?
0 likesAm I the only one or did I have to wach it a few times to understand
1 likeIts the dream REALM
0 likeswas i the only one that saw the iluminaty in the triangle thing
0 likesYou need to watch gravity falls. NOW!!!
0 likesDoes Luna have some pony to fight her nightmares
0 likeslook this is the answer to anything ever: MAAAAAAGIC
0 likesyeah by the way its the dreaming dimenshin
0 likesThe Illuminati is invading all your theories. You should probably do something about that. I have an idea! Grabs Illuminati Spray and sprays it The Brony Notion disappears Uh oh, I think I accidently got the Brony Notion spray instead.... Well, I guess this is The Illuminotion now.
0 likesR.I.P.
The Brony Notion 2017 April 17th
Well i had a cool dream that me and dashie got married in mine and dashie dream
0 likesIt's so confusing!!!!!!!?!?!!!!!!!!!😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵but it does make sense😊
0 likesAsk bill cipher and he'll tell you
0 likesHey hello anybody seen the movies twitches and twitches too what kind of relates the princess Luna and Princess Celeste Dia Apolla/Cameron is the princess of the sun ☀️ and Artemis/Alex is the princess of the moon 🌙 and also in twitches their mother has both of the necklace put together so that mean she's the queen of the sun and the moon also my thing is that Artemis/Alex is just like Luna except for when Luna turned is nightmare moon and a Aollia/Cameron is like princess Celeste and the other thing is that do the mother of princess Luna and princess Celeste have both of their powers put together
2 likesReplies (1)
Wonder Women ive seen that movie
0 likesI just watched it over again I was a little bit rong it is dementions.You should still watch it!I hope.?🤔
0 likesOvertime you say main six i think of mane six
0 likesDid any one catch that Illuminati in the optical illusion that few frames
1 likeAnd also... there is no dream Luna. Normal Luna dream walks into OTHER ponies dreams. When she hosts it, THEY are in HER dream, so that’s why the cord thingies show up.
0 likesI think inside the bubble is the really world where Luna is but outside is the dream world that's why she can't move in the dream world and I think they made a mistake because if all the strings went outside the bubble then where are the strings going anyways?
0 likesThere is one explination that makes the most sense but it has nothing to do with making sense.
0 likeswhere it is escaping is a portal
0 likesbut this is just a theory, a show theory and I'm out of ideas to what I'm going to say sooooo...
0 likesShe enters their minds
0 likeswhen twilight went in the place to meet luna's sister is the place of dream are
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesyup he does that all the time
0 likesso is this like derse and prospit in skaia but more complicated? but how can something be more complicated than homestuck???
0 likes2 mins in the vid
0 likesMe: not that complicated...
rest of the vid
Me: MiNd EXpL0dEz
the tantabus was REAL
0 likesSoo... Luna is the internet?
0 likes#thebronynotion Yup
0 likesA royal problem. season 7. this was all made before season 7
0 likes3:39 Did anyone else see the Illuminati 😂
0 likesI think you just went full Lovecraft.
0 likesMy head hurts from watching this one video...
0 likesI like to think all thouts are made in a different dimension
0 likeshow about when twilight became a princess where was she?
0 likesThen is it a demension here? or my mind?
0 likesMAGICCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesCan you talk about what the equestria girls have at the end of there legs
0 likesthey all came from that one pony- PRINCESS LUNA! >:D
0 likesWhen rainbow dash does the sonic rainboom the white thing touching her hoof is like the 3 princess' magic essence so is the white circles when she has done the rainboom.
0 likesWell a dream can not came to the real world because its not real even
0 likesI don't think we'll ever know for sure, but u think what u think and I think what I think
0 likes3;58 think just a secret somewhere in castle that lead her to dream world
0 likesI think its scary
0 likesthe demenson (sorry I can't spell well) is in the head
0 likesUhhhhhhhh I feel like derpy right now....🙃
0 likesSawtooth: Boy do I have one heck of a theory
Lol that was one good theory
you could have just said chaos theory
0 likesdreaming comes from a dimagen
0 likesMe: Uh oh.
0 likesYou: I have a theory.
The Dream world might be real in Eqeastria because Luna goes there alot and the Dream world might be a Demention.☺😊😀😁😄😸💗💘💝💞💛💜💙
0 likesIt's a dimension in the ponies heads
1 likeAt about 3:37 if you look in the middle of that triangle, the Illuminati I'd there!!! Illuminati confirmed! 🔼👁️🔺👁️🔼
1 likeReplies (1)
I just- Oh nvm, but next time last me, make sure you get the timing right
0 likesThere is a dream world when I'm a sleep my dream firend come and host me in middle of the night she tell what in the dream world . Once there was a war and nightmare won then the dreams won the 2 war or world war 6 .
0 likesWhat episode is this?
0 likesIf there is a twilight in the human world then why isn't there another sunset
0 likesMY wacky theory #10- princess luna is basically the queen of the night right? (that was not supposed the rhyme ) anyway she created the 'tantabus', and since she can walk into people's dreams (sorry ponies dreams -), so, to me it makes since that the tantabus could Live and.......ABIDE IN THE DREAM WORLD! Almost like..... it.... INHERITED, LUNA'S ABILITY TO WALK INTO THE DREAM WORLD AND STAY THERE FOR A WHILE! (but the tantabus can't really get into the WAKING WORLD! LIKE OF COURSE: LUNA CAN!)
0 likesWho else understood this...cuz I did and idk how other ppl don’t
0 likesDo what is the Tentavius
0 likesGuys when he said mind boggling there was illuminati!!!!!!THERE WAS ILLUMINATI!!!!
0 likesMy theorie is
0 likesMY LITTLE PONY LOGIC!!! ○~○
Lol then i'm not crazy WOOT I like this video
0 likesmagic
0 likesOther people might be in people's dreams!!!!!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄
0 likessunset shimmer aka twighlight sparkle people dont have dtems in their head people share dre as ms sometimes happened at school how can they share something in their head
0 likes"as mind boggling as this is--" Iluminati timmeeee
0 likesseriosly it just magic
0 likesi real life the dream comes from the brain
0 likesDo us humans dreams are they in another dimension
0 likesUh... I’ve never really thought about this
0 likesDid you actually put the illuminati in the center of the triangle XD
0 likesDimension theory/ in our world too
0 likeswhat was that episode name where was Luna and CMC?
0 likesMaybe they are inside their heads
0 likesthe guards are alicorns
0 likesthere was an illuminati in the impossible triangle
0 likesCherry berry has Wings!!!
0 likes+TheBronyNotion You must be a Doctor Who fan as well as MLP
0 likes1:51 Shark Boy And Lava Girl Reference
0 likesI hope you like my theory
0 likesThink its happening in another dimensiom
0 likesI came in another dimension so yes
0 likesEmerald Dream and the thing that Luna created is the Emerald Nightmare, and Luna is Ysera......
0 likesReplies (1)
But then if Luna is Ysera then she'll get corrupted.... Wait, Luna already has been corrupted, but then saved, but we had to Kill Ysera
0 likesAll I know is... Illuminati confirmed!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI mean Luna did say that she made a nightmare for herself to punish her, maybe that’s her dream?
0 likesof course dream world exist!! :-) I have a head and my own dream world
0 likesits happen in another dimention
0 likesI think all happens in ponies heads but doesen't mean that is not real
0 likesIn the video is dream world real I got really really really confused briny nation
0 likesI just realized that the triangle that brony just showed was an Illuminati inside of an Illuminati!?):()
0 likesLook at the middle of that triangle 3:39
0 likesThis is my little pony they have magic not real life
0 likesThis is like some Vaermina type shit from the Elder Scrolls.
0 likesHold it hold it hold in the video the other pony's did not have a line on there heads
0 likesI belie e that sleeping may be a portal between the to worlds.
0 likesWhat about the REAL world? Jk lol
0 likesTwo words: Bill Cipher
0 likesYay sharkboy and lavagirl!
0 likeshas to be another demention.
0 likesthose noodle things make me crave for phò
0 likeswho got the reference at 2:30 :3
0 likesIt the ponies dreams a portal that leads to the dream dimension see I know it
0 likesomg if you look close enogh (and long enogh) at the triangle: ILUMANATI CONFIRMED
0 likeswhat episode? :)
0 likesIs the dream world real hell ya it is.
0 likesdream dimension
0 likesWhat If the ponies heads are different dimensions and Lina has the power to make it one dimension 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
0 likes3:39 anyone see the illunartiati? (Srry for my bad spelling)
0 likesSkip to 3:39 and look at the triangle inside
0 likesRead up on astral travel.
0 likesIn my little ponies dream happens in another dimension
0 likesThe dream demention is very real it is the 35368263486 demention
0 likesthe green Pony that went in the portal
0 likesgirl this is homestuck
0 likestwilights name is based on vampires.the movie twilight is the name of a vampire movie and there is a vampire in that movie called vampire sparkle-twilight sparkle and that's probably why she is purple
0 likesReplies (1)
Or it's a name based off of the earlier stages of mlp.
0 likesI don't remember my dreams
0 likesi think that the white lines in Luna horn is in the ponies forehead but i think that the ponies are in the dream are the ponies imagination but the ponies are sleeping
0 likesWait I saw star light 😱😱😱😱😱
0 likesEg er norsk men skjønte alt du sa likevel xD
0 likesu are such a genius
0 likesumm.... mabye it's nightmare luna helping cause as i said about the 1st epesode theroy: who bailed out nightmare moon" LUNA CONTROLL'S THE STAR'S WITCH MEAN'S LUNA BAILED OUT NIGHTMARE MOON CAUSEING A CLONE SO THERE IS TO LUNA'S
0 likesDEMENTION definatly becouse you cant enter someone elses dream inless DEMENTION TIME
0 likesNo that's not True If your Brain is Sleeping for Real it can Becuase You Sleep when your brain Shuts down And Try's to Sleep And they can Sleep about anything , Anything!
0 likesi saw that!
0 likesyes!
0 likesscience bro, science
0 likesI am one of your fans and I just want to know whats the name of it
0 likesIt's called the tantabus
0 likesI saw that, you know what I'm talking about
0 likesLike gravity falls mindscape
0 likesWait is the brony a iluminati!!!!!!😱
0 likesDid anyone beside me saw the iluminati sign????
1 likeReplies (1)
I did
0 likesGo to 3:39 and spot the illuminati in the middle of the red impossible triangle.
0 likesthis is like film theorie buy for mlp
0 likes#TheBronyWithIlluminaughti #TheBronyWithImmposibleTriangle
0 likes3:39
dream world
0 likesdream world
0 likesSawtooth Waves is right
0 likesAll hail princess Big Mac
0 likesUhhhh... she better not see my oc's dreams......
0 likeshas to be another detention
0 likesWhat will happen if someone takes a nap
0 likesObviously, it's not real
0 likesI saw it too
0 likesHey how Luna get moving hair in first episode Luna don't have moving hair only celestia have moving hair
0 likesoh. oh no. nonononono. YOU MISSED SEASON 6. I TELL YOU SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesOh and one more thing i think the dream world is fake. but its real too
0 likesI go thru dinentions already I know it's a dimention
0 likesReplies (1)
Yes I'm a dimensional alicorn :3
0 likesI'm Luna I will know after the dream world or not there are is Dreamworld
0 likesSo where are the white stings going then....🤔🤔
0 likesAround 3:39 paused
Edit 1:It goes quick so watch out.
That is not pony vill that is a dream
0 likesIs Sharkboy and Lavagirl obscure??
0 likesI didn't understand a single thing! :D
0 likesPrince big macthosin the prince of the "yep"
0 likesscreaming irl QUOTE DUMBLEDORE THAT TYME HARRY DIED!!! "YES THYS IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD BUT WHY EVER DOES THAT MEAN IT CANT BE REAL?" sorry i could quote that better but my brain isnt functionin rn.
0 likesby the way who's dream is it
0 likes3:33 inverted star
0 likesIluminati confirmed
look very carefully between 3:39 and 3:40
0 likesx files music will blare through your mind
3:36 and look in red triabgle and you will soon see an illuminati eye
0 likescan boy pony be alicorns
0 likesWow omg so cool
0 likesthe aether exsists in another world
0 likesIn that video dream world video the black thing is the nightmare moon shadow or part that what's to destroy equestia.
0 likesdream dream dream dream dream dream.. 💤
0 likes3:37 illuminati confirmed
0 likesDream Team Much?
0 likesReplies (1)
I had too
0 likesits the DIMINSION
0 likeswas i the only one who noticed the Illuminati in the middle of the triangle? 3:38
0 likesi really love princess luna so so much lunas cool too me lunas so so power full right ???
0 likesYou think I didn’t see the illuminati sign… dude… 🤦🏻♀️ why are you obsessed with the illuminati so much??
0 likesAm I the only one who saw the Illuminati in the video?🤔
0 likesThe tantibus ripes open ponys heads lol😈
0 likesDream word
0 likesI have a question whoes mind was the magic coming out pls make vid
0 likesPRINCESS BIG MAC IS DA BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likeswelp....Your turning into matpat XD
0 likesI saw illuminati for a second! Lol
0 likesi think another dimension.
0 likes0:16 What episode is that????
0 likesReplies (1)
do princesses dream of magic sheep
0 likesWhy Soemthing can go to the real world some brain is crazy and there is no magic that will never come to life but some brain is the one who can control the demension and they can still be possible that magic throught brain like scine tist can do it
0 likesI saw ilumitie at 3:39
0 likesanother dimension the 4th like our dreams
0 likesI think dream demes on
0 likesDOCTOR WHO!!!!
0 likesDon't ask me I have no idea!
0 likesYes
0 likesmy mind during this video whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my normal mind I WANT A HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL
0 likesdo one of those repeted intro
0 likesThere was alumenadi in the tryangal
0 likesSomeone use the screenshot at 2:09
0 likesI watched shark boy and lava girl yesterday
0 likesIt's probably in there head's
1 likei think it is a demention
0 likes😰SO MUCH CONFUSION 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
0 likesBig Mac is best princess
0 likesLuna is a server ?! Ok im asking her
0 likesDream Luna is a stand
0 likesI saw a illuminati sign in the triangle
0 likesits the dream relm
0 likes3:40 illuminati confirmed
0 likesis it there fore heads or there brains
0 likesi think... ha ha ha you fell for it because i didn't know anything! ^^
0 likesTitle: is the dream world real.
0 likesMe: is a blackhole real
Friendship is magic 🌈
hi... this at the end of the EP that drems ar in a nother dimention maby just maby its like that in RL * the real world * cuz im a lusid dremer and ya it dos seem like that...A LOT. ( my reaction wen i herd that drems might be in a nother dimention: 😲 😲 😲 omg )
0 likesCONFUSED!
0 likesWhat was with that red triangle
1 likeIn the triangle did any one see the Illuminati #illuminaticomforemed
0 likesCough cough
0 likesBill Cypher
Cough cough
I saw that Illuminati sign
0 likesAre they talking about our world
0 likesAha!!! Illuminati conformed!!!
0 likes1:26 does anyone find this relatable to ROBLOX
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI have a theory about sunset family and that is they died after sunset was born sawtooth
0 likes(2:05) DA MINED SCAPE!!!!
0 likes3:39 i saw that alluminati symbol!
0 likesi have a quick eye ya sneaky youtuber.
hahahaha the tantabus is dead
0 likesThat sounds like a very dumb question
0 likesI think its both watch the adventures Sharkboy and lava girl
0 likesReplies (1)
it will make sense
0 likesYep. It was a quick illuminati.
0 likesAt 1:28, I thought of ROBLOX. For those who don't know what ROBLOX is, it's a game where you play games others have created; and you create other games, join groups, create group, etc. Whoever joins a server, on a game, on ROBLOX, everybody experiences the same thing happening in that game. This comment will probably get dislikes because they're probably going to say, "What the heck is ROBLOX?! Bad explainer, Madison!" or something like that. But bear with me here, don't dislike this just because you don't know what it is. Ever heard the saying, "Don't talk about a girl you haven't met?" You probably never even played the game! So please, like this comment if you picture ROBLOX when your at 1:28, and don't be rude if you reply to me.
0 likesWhen you pause,me:illuminati!! Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
1 likefantasy is its own reality but without fantasy there is no reality you are everything and yet nothing your body is a chrysalis and when you come out you will be in another dimension and prepare for your next cocoon to another dimension and never return to the previous world forever changing forever traveling forever dreaming in a new dimensional plain wherever you are in a strange field of life or death
0 likesi keep seeing glitches in ur videos
0 likesWHAT EPISOIDE!!!???
0 likes3:39 hey I saw that
0 likesIllumati Confrimed Sorry I spelled it wrong
0 likesI love you I love your videos I wish you can sleep mode
0 likesDUDE YOU SHOULD BUILD ON THIS VIDEO ( even though it's like 5 yo ) AND USE "A Royal Problem" TO HELP YOU!!!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
Key setance 5 years old: the royal problem wasnt out then
0 likesPinky has much smaller brain
0 likessorry I'm over thinking this ; )
god... you've reminded me of the different fan made universes for undertale... im gonna puke!
0 likesWho else noticed the Illuminati symbol
0 likesyou cant hide! illuminatiiiiiiiiiii!
1 likeilluminati confirmed
0 likesit makes since
0 likesI'm really RunawyRusionBlue.
0 likesUmm she is the princess of night sleep time dream nightmares makes sence!?!?!?
0 likesAlumenauty at at 3:39
0 likes3:39 ILLUMINATI?!
0 likesstop putting sneaky eyes in your vids!
0 likesI'm the dream dimension
0 likesAre you a real talking pony or a person ars you a pony?
0 likesboth at the same time
0 likesIt's a good thing i copied the link so i could replay the thing A MILLION TIMES WITHOUT BREAKING THE PLAY BUTTON! (Like if that was funny)
0 likesYes you did I saw it to
0 likesI think dimension
0 likesIlluminati confirm
0 likesThe dream world is foo
0 likeswaıt ıs dıscord a part of thıs? ı mean the dream was full of chaos DISCORD!
0 likesyes
0 likesdo ponies have brains???
0 likespoooooooooonnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddd *cough cough angels take Manhattan *cough
0 likes-by reading this comment you legally agreed to the feels.
Yeah,no I don't get it much
0 likesOmg love vids
0 likesLOL!!! I didn't notice the first time I watched it but U SYMBOLIZE THE ILLUMINATIIII!!!!
0 likesI do not hear. Or talk. I am mute and deaf. I do see. Tho.
0 likesGreat
0 likesponies do not have brains they have hay brains
0 likesPinky had a beed but the bam she whent to apple jack and the bed is gone does nobody see that
0 likesilluminati is confirmed. O-O ummm wow
0 likesWhere's celestia
0 likesI have no idea🤔
0 likesWhy is ur background on Apple Jacks farm if she’s ur least favorite character!?
0 likesyes or no
0 likesalso sorry if I spelled illumanati wrong
0 likesIlluminati Symbol Confirmed Hahahahha you cant hide from me
0 likesReplies (2)
Cause i believe in god
0 likesYour also can't hide it from me mister brony
0 likesI saw ur sneaky illuminati there 😆
0 likes3:39! ILLIMINATI!
0 likesI SAW ILLUMINATI!!!!!!
0 likesI think there's a demtion
0 likesUhh pony logic?
0 likesmybe the Dream comes from someponys head
0 likesHEADS NOT TAILS no no no no no NO.
0 likesman i dont have time to coment on all of your vids they are awsome. ive got smilar ideas and i could go on and on about them but keep these theries going, they are great.
0 likesA dimension
0 likesI SAW TO!
0 likesdo they have cutie marks
0 likesAnother dimension
0 likesI don't know I,m so confused
0 likesIluminati!!! CONFIRMED
0 likesTheir is illuminati on 3:39 in the triangle
0 likesi saw the lluminati XD
0 likesI saw that illumanati!
0 likesLuna ist a seeeerveeeeer 😂😂
0 likes3:35 I SAW DE ILLUMINATI!!!
0 likesi did i was ganna say if anyone saw it too
0 likes1:31 just relized hiw small lunas ear is
0 likesIlluminati conformed
0 likesshark boy and lava girl
0 likesi saw that 3:38
0 likeswhat now my head hurts
0 likesilluminati confirmed lamo
0 likesDo princess dream of a man
0 likesGood Vide... wait
0 likesDID I JUST SEE SHARK BOY AND LAVAGIRL!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!!!!!????????
wow lol
0 likesNother dimension.
0 likesAnother dimension
0 likesI saw that illuminati symbol
0 likesI’m confused😧
0 likesIllumanti Confirmed
0 likesdimension !!!!!! :O :O. :O. :O
0 likesi saw iluminati, i dont think i like those now
0 likes3:40 look at the illuminati
2 likesboth, also 🔺👀 i saw an illuminati
0 likesI just saw a illuminati symble
0 likesWho saw the iluminati flash
0 likesyou are very smart
0 likesdo you know that human twilight got her skirt pulled down by kye somar
0 likes3:39
+po3mon gam3rz you spelled ilumini wrong it is spelled illuminate
0 likeshi San jacinto news headlines everyone stream all connected into lumezzane gone and then she spreads in or out and then she becomes of one in their dreams in the Night Live wherever they have in a minute comes into the first person to hit a hawk like her majesty like this one to the head and then if they're doing that everyone's connected to
0 likesThe illuminati's in the red triangle
0 likesOn 3.40 I did
0 likesLuna go to how many ponies dreams
0 likes:-(INPOSIBLE"
0 likesI saw a illuminati confirmed
0 likesI don't know if your right or wrong
0 likesI saw the Illimanagti
0 likesif i was there i wil spwan 900000 dogs, ponies,food,house and pools
0 likesI understand.... Nothing
0 likesthe dream world was is not real
0 likesBoth
0 likesBoth
0 likesThat bubble is real life that why that thing when go to the real life is was white
0 likesAstral plane
0 likes#TheIlluminatiNotion
0 likesCan someone hide me cuz I just am bored I hate when i have to say when I'm doing stuff I mind can someone push me to knock all the Pins down
0 likesmy mind is bolwn
0 likesanother illumanati ):D this is the second time that i saw that illumanati in this channel
0 likessharkboy and lava girl
0 likesDimensions
0 likesWhen si have all thous lines she is conected in uif all thous poneis and when she dont she is just oif one ponei
0 likesMai dream ish nawt just bein big i also want too bee mufin men!
1 likesharkboy and lavagirl
0 likesDid you see the illuminati?
0 likesWatch season 7 it doesn't make sense
0 likesilluminaty confirm
0 likes3;38
I like the theory of a dream dimension
0 likesbtw i jest copyed that from lorraine767s comment -^-
wat if the tantubus was not luna's cration its star swirl i know hes in limbo still but his spell that twilight finshed was it wich his magic did it oh no aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
0 likesIOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
0 likesis it my little pony is just a cartoon is not
0 likesreal it not real....?....?
1:53 me:WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BRING UP SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IT DOSENT EVEN MATCH WITH THIS (or maybe it does) I just don't like or watch it anymore (LOL)
0 likes3:38 Lol
0 likesI L L U M I N A T I C O M F I R M E D
holy fuck
0 likeswel magic is comon in dis world so good toiry
0 likesdo fnaf plz
0 likesin a demension
0 likesur voice is diffrent than last episode i watched.
0 likesI think luna can enter the dream world because she is the princess of the night
0 likesReplies (4)
and since they said tantabus was created by her and the more she felt guilty of herself the more powerful it gets , so tantabus can get to the real world
0 likesIt's Molestia. );P
0 likesI think the dream world is a dimension
0 likesNo duh
0 likesits another dention
0 likesHeads of ponies
0 likesBoth
0 likes:(:(:(:):(:(:( find the SMILY face
0 likesOwww my head
0 likesDream Luna is the
0 likesReplies (1)
Dream Luna is the Tantabus
0 likesBOTH
0 likesilluminati!!! :0 :3
0 likes3:38-3:39 0_0
0 likesAnother demonsion
0 likesOne frame is da illuminati
0 likesDifferent demenchin
0 likesdimension
0 likesShes is playing a vidiogame lol😂
0 likesme and my friend cara think thet ther is a planet in rel life thet is cold the dream werld
0 likesWAT!?!?!?!!?!??!???!??!!
0 likes3:38 Hmmmmmmm...
0 likesguys fast illuminati!!!
0 likessorry type o .I ment dream walking is rude!!📜
0 likesI saw ilumantii
0 likesReal relm it is real and I lrdy know this
0 likesadd comes up for youtube
Boy 😜
0 likesI’m going back to the office
0 likesWhat happened
0 likesI like you and the animal is real hpw can it do that why
0 likesI saw you put the illuminati
0 likes3.38 illuminati
0 likesI found illuminati
0 likes5 year early! yes!
1 likeI vthink it is different
0 likesDream dimanson
0 likeshmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (I could've put 70 more!)
0 likesin pony heads
0 likesDimension
0 likesDimension
0 likesi think both bran and difrent world be cause it makes sence thay are a like
0 likesLol illuminati I saw u seeking that in the middle of the triennial
0 likesMcIntosh Alicorn
0 likesI found the illuminati
0 likesOk who saw the illuminati
0 likesIt cuz of luna
0 likes4:05 LUMANAUTI
0 likesSong name
0 likeshey man who is the best way to get to know you
0 likesi have no idea what he said
0 likesDemention
0 likesit was about to enter the real world but Luna sucked it
0 likesdemension
0 likesOnline game= Minecraft!!!
0 likes???????WHAT!!!!!!!!!!😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶
0 likesHuh????
0 likesSHANK
0 likesWHAT THIS WAS IN 2015
0 likesI sa2 that elumanadi😼
0 likesdo you see
0 likes+ I like ur pic puns
0 likessparkle its illumanauti do u know what that is?????????/
0 likessaw the illuminati
0 likesReplies (1)
me too
0 likesMagi
0 likesDifferent damanching
0 likesDimenstion
0 likesYour curious like me
0 likesReally, Really? Uuuuuugh LEL
0 likesI 🍩 understand
0 likeswhat is that on the triangle???!!!😒😓😨😰😥😲
0 likesReplies (6)
cutie doll its the impossible triangle, I've drawn one
0 likes+GalaxyKat Gaming Productions no i mean what is in the center of the triangle
0 likescutie doll illuminati; its an eye
0 likes+GalaxyKat Gaming Productions oh....thanks☺☺☺
0 likesIts not an eye its a triangle with an eye😁^_~
0 likesBrandy Borunda which is.. ( drumroll pls) LLUMINATI.
0 likesCan you make a
0 likesiluminati!
0 likesI am 9years old
0 likes3:39
What the flip
0 likesI saw your illuminate
0 likesDemison
0 likesI do not know
0 likesAll the fucking ppl of ponyville XD wtf Pinkie why did you have to dream of almost every pony in ponyville lol pinks
0 likesWhat's wrong with your legs!
0 likesi thing the world when luna sister is the some well place
0 likesReplies (1)
just ingnor
0 likesare you drunk?
0 likesin. the head
0 likesilluminati
0 likesWhats your tallent?
0 likesI think:
0 likesYour write i alwase come up with my theres bit your write
Oh and brony I say that eye I am not dumb it was at a blink of an eye😒😐😔😣😠😢😞😐😐😡😡
0 likesI 😀 🌑 🐎
0 likesOoooooo me likey this name can me call you toothy
0 likesilumati comfirmed uggg
0 likesPony don't have brans
0 likesya Illuminati
0 likesNo duh
0 likesYa noooooooooooooo
0 likesPonyes heads
1 likeU r ilumanatdi who else saw it
0 likeshmmm there no to prinncess luna there only oneLuna look i think your Right oh star light frist come to come from futrcare the luna ascaped
0 likesWhy cartoons
0 likesmore bad things 🚬📘📙📚📔📒📑💊📓📕📖📰✂💺💔📎📌📍📤📥📮📬📭✉📨📩
0 likesoh
0 likeswhat
0 likesHead?
0 likesdo not understand a word
0 likesThay have um in thare head
0 likesI am a kid
0 likesWhat
0 likesdid you know, sometimes at a near-death experience, you can (sometimes) see your body from the outside. a theory is that your soul exits the body and you can actually see your body from the outside. what if the tantabus was actually Luna's soul? :3
1 likeThe Brony Notion, Thank you for this video! Someone who has a correct theory about the dream realm/dimension(whatever you prefer to call it). Everything was real and happening in both dimensions but only one had a solid presence of everyone and the Tantabus. The real world had a phantom Tantabus that the dream version would have to occupy in form. Sorry if your brain hurts from reading that. Explaining or trying to understand time, magic, or multiple dimensions does that to you. But, anyways, I whole heartedly agree with you.
0 likesSurprisingly I was able to keep up with your theory. It makes perfect sense! I think that it's simply, well magic. Possibly a combination of another dimension and what goes on in the pony's head along with magic. Anypony can manipulate things within the dimension with magic. That's my theory after hearing yours anyway.
0 likesThis is a wonderful theory, and I think it holds quite well. Great job.
0 likesHere's a small elaboration on it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this: If pony minds wake up in the Dream World when they dream, then that raises the question of how they are actually connected to this Dream World in the first place. Why do ponies wake up in the Dream World when they fall asleep in the mortal one?
As you've said, the Dream World is a separate dimension, and to gain this kind of connection with living minds and even physical bodies means it is also very closely linked to the Mortal World. I believe this can suggest one of two things -
First, that the Dream World is simply a product of the pony world, as in, say, the magic of the world simply created it over a certain period of time. It's a natural thing, and so it's closely linked to the evolutionary/magical development of everything on the planet.
Secondly, that ponies didn't actually dream before Luna existed. She's the master of dreams and the night, so it might make some sense if she created the network of the Dream World in the first place (how she gained her Cutie Mark?). Either that or she simply took over from whoever handled dreams before her.
Now here's another thing: If the Dream World is so closely connected to the Mortal World, does that mean that if a pony were to somehow be sent to another world entirely, let's say the pony-equivalent of Mars, would they be able to dream at all...?
I think the fact that the Tanabis was born from the spell of someone who has the innate ability to not only shift in between the waking and dreaming worlds, but to also affect them directly is what allowed the Tanabis to go from world to world. In summery, the Tanabis is an exception to regular nightmares because it is an extension of Luna herself.
0 likesOther dimension, definetly. Strangely enough I have used this for a fanfiction for a different fandom! In that fanfiction you could be pulled into a dream (literally) by someone who has a lucid dream and found a way into the hall that connects all dreams. You can then open any dream you like (well, not dream then, but hear me out). When that person isn´t dreaming or asleep, you will appear in reality, or at least a more ghost-like version of yourself, you can´t be seen, heard, or touched (you will appear behind that person in real life). Then you can grab them and pull them towards you to pull them into the same "dimension" as you. On the outside it will look like they suddenly fell asleep or unconscious.
0 likesIn "do princesses dream of magic sheep" I was wondering if ponies go into another dimension every night and walk around in their dreams, but somehow still get plenty of sleep or do they have regular dreams like we do where there's just pictures moving in our minds to entertain us while we sleep? Luna has the power to move across from dream to dream and though I like the example of the online server I think it's a bit different than that. Yes the dreams are connected, but notion you did mention they all have the same experiences well they really don't because they can't see each other's dreams. So that begs the question of how does Luna keep the dreams separate? She travels from dream to dream and so does the tantabus, but how come twilight or anypony else just enter the other's dream?
0 likesPersonally, I think it's both.
0 likesLemme explain:
We can imagine just about everything, and, if we work hard enough, we can make those things come true. Magic helps a lot as well since this is MLP we're talking about. I think that dreams are created in the mind, and, as we are talking about ponies and spacey-wacey stuff here, they're all little dimensions. Because they're so similar they share a common connection: the dream world, or in my opinion universe, we see with Luna. That also leads to the doors. The doors are each portals of sorts to our 'dream dimension' so any pony who has access to the dream universe can access any one of them. BUT the dreams are created in our minds and can change as easily as a channel.
If you don't get it it's okay. I'm not entirely sure I do either XD
I want to say everything that happens in the dream world's does happen the ponies heads. But I feel as though that statement only stands in the fact that we reference their heads to their consciousness. I also feel as though there isn't one single dream dimension, but that everyone has their own separate dimension that they travel too as they sleep, and their mind is the only gateway, hence explaining why Luna has to use those wire like tendrils to enter ponies dreams separately, and that would explain why having multiple connections would connect her with those separate dreamscapes. I think that when Luna entered everyone's mind she had to connect with all of their conscious minds, then put herself in her own dream dimension, and teleport all of their conscious' there all while keeping the connection. This would explain why the connections were inside her dream world, because she was in her own dream world, rather than being in someone else's. But that's just my head-cannon.
0 likesI just assumed that the dream world was a dimension all on it's own and that Luna's power was to travel into and influence this dimension as to keep the minds of dreaming ponies intact so that their "dream self" wouldn't cause any damage to or accidentally leave their "real self" by getting lost in the dream world.
0 likesI just assumed that the dream world was a dimension all on it's own and that Luna's power was to travel into and influence this dimension as to keep the minds of dreaming ponies intact so that their "dream self" wouldn't cause any damage to or accidentally leave their "real self" by getting lost in the dream world.
0 likesA possible explanation to Luna showing the strings when all of Ponyville we're together, is that Luna could of created a dimension herself or used her own dream dimension like the one we see at the beginning of the episode. Taking all of the dreams from the ponies and combining it into that one single dream. The real Luna, having to enter this dimension to try and hold off all of the dreams together from inside of it to be able to achieve such thing. When she connected the strings from the outside into the mane 6, is only the dream Luna that entered, individually into each one of them. If she wanted to combine the mane 6's dreams together, she would have to enter herself into the dream and combine the six of them from the inside, thus creating sorta like a pocket dream dimension. She made those connections from the outside, so it's easier to jump from one's dream to another individually. Now this is somewhat debatable, 'cause in the episode where the cutie mark crusaders meet each other in the dream dimension, Luna doesn't show any signs of her strings.
0 likesAs for where the ponies dream, if it's from the head or a dimension, it could be a combination of both. But this brings up to one thing: magic. Everypony has magic, not just unicorns or alicorns. If you go to Season 4's finale, you can see Tirek taking the magic out of everypony, including Earth Ponies and Pegasus. As they do so, they cannot perform what they can do. Unicorns, being magic from their horn (magic for them is heavily focused on their head and horn area compared to the rest of their body); Pegasus, being using their wings to fly (their magic more focused around the wings and a bit around their hooves); and Earth Ponies, for their strength (their magic spread all across their body). Alicorns, of course, a combination of all (mostly noticeable a combination of unicorn and pegasi). So it's possible that their dream could be somewhat of their magic. Between head (for imagination) and a small dimension of their own (a pocket dimension) crafted by their magic.
I loss count of how many times I said magic and dream xD. But anyways, that's just my hypothesis. If I did any mistakes (spelling or content-based) please do clarify x3.
Dreams happen because of the brains connection to what your eyes saw that day so it would make sense for Luna to be able to create a sustainable dream looking like them selves due to the fact that she has probably seen everybody in ponyville any way so it's very possible that it was just in every bodies head but it makes more sense if it were to be in another dimension because of what happened with discord I don't know this videos old but I figured I would go back to it and see any new theories
0 likesIMO, dear Brony Notion, I do think too that the dream realm is another dimension somehow connected to the mind of everypony in Equestria (like the Dream World from H. P. Lovecraft literature or the Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne) in which they enter each time they go to bed. But one thing I've noticed,as shown in the CMC's dreams episode, is that this dimension has its own space or room for everypony dreaming.
0 likesNow to the interesting slice of the cake: Luna as Princess of the night, and thus dreams, can visit everypony's dream (as she usually does) or forcely create a common dream for more than 2 ponies at the same time. But this consumes a lot of strenght/magic power/whatever due to the fact of having to maintain everypony dreaming about the same thing, instead of the usual individual dream for each pony (which is also created by each pony's mind and not hers).
So why the Tantabus can exit the Dream Realm. Does this mean that space is another plane of existance?Well I think the Tantabus could've scape to the "real world" because it was something pretty real and not a product of a dream. I was Luna's remorse and sense of guilt which had grown stronger over time (which is something that actually happens to those who don't forget themselves and/or express their fealing of guilt). This combined with the fact that she's one of the most powerful magic-user ponies in Equestria gave the Tantabus power since Luna came back from being Nightmare Moon.
And the thing about the Dream Realm. As I said before, I think it isn't something as we usually think as just something inside our head but more like a different reality where ponies travel to each time they free their minds and subconscious (which is what happens when we sleep).
Hope you read this comment, Brony Notion, I really liked this video :) brohoof
I wonder if Luna will ever use her power to build a massive matrix-like machine that replicates her powers, but connects all ponies except her when they go to sleep, that would be mutch more efficient than taking equestria by force
0 likesI certainly believe that dreams happen in another dimension, even here in the human world our dreams are actually on the spiritual plain because we are able to travel back in time, and sometime we even observe our younger selves dreaming, which I have done in a few of my own dreams over the course of my life. Some theorize that this is simply astral projection, which could also occur in the pony world of Equestria. Actually, I have my own theory about Equestria now that I've mentioned it. Who's to say that the creators of My Little Pony aren't actually in Equestria in their dreams as they come up with the plot lines for each episode and movie? I mean, it's possible that they know something that we don't know and what if they decide to add a fan based character they've never even heard of. I'd certainly be surprised if my OC, Princess Stormfly ended up in a future episode of My Little Pony without the creators of the show ever hearing or reading about her anywhere. Think about it, if Equestria and our world are actually connected in the dream dimension, then perhaps we actually are our Pony characters in reality. So yes, in short, I believe that it is possible that dreams don't actually occur in our minds like scientists think they do and that we're actually traveling in other dimensions as we dream about certain events be it in history, the present, or at some point in either the near or distant future.
0 likesHere's another thing to support your theory: When Discord made that connection to another dimension, it was blue. Just like the room with all the doors to the other dreams. Blue. However, this would contradict your theory that Discord lives somewhere between the dimensions, since its home place isn't blue.
0 likesBut wait: What would have happened if Scootaloo had run away from Luna and then entered a random door? Scootaloo would then have entered a dream of a random pony, thus having a shared dream without Luna having prepared any sort of connection. So if it really was an actual dimension which is the only logical explanation as to how it can enter the real world which is already a paradox in itself since the dream world would then by definition also be real, making the word "real world" meaningless, it would not require any power to be kept up, since all the dreams are already connected via doors, anyway!
Conclusion: I don't know! It does not make any sense! Or does any of you have an idea?
I like the whole idea of a dream dimension. I wish we had this in the real world XD
0 likesok my guess is that with all of the strain on Luna's power she had to show the lines because she does not have enough power to conceal those lines and remember those lines are meant to connect dreams Luna probably just jumps from dream to dream to check everything is ok and with all of her magical energy being used to hold the dream together she will not be able to appear in dream Luna form but with the main 6 I just blame writers
0 likesDreaming happens in another dimention where the mind goes but the body can't enter it, that's why the mind goes alone.Luna just knows how to enter that dimention with her body.
0 likesAll an interesting, yet complex theory. What if the answer was simpler than that? What if she created the Tantabus in the real world and then trapped it into her personal dream dimension? This theory is a little less out there because, as stated, Physical Luna can actually enter into the Dream Realm. Another interesting idea arises from that; why did Physical Luna have a bubble shield and not the Tantabus. Well, either she was protecting herself from the Tantabus so it couldn't just smack her down and force her to return to hopping individual dreams, OR the bubble shield protected Physical Luna from becoming trapped in the Dream Realm.
0 likesWhat if everypony's mind is an alternate or sub-dimension?
0 likesBoth existing simultaneously, but perspective shifting based on relative consciousness?
if the dreams are happening in a alternate detention why would it be that Luna isn't in her dream form when all other pony's are? also wouldn't using her real body use more energy than a dream one even if the body is of a weaker state?
0 likesHey Sharkboy and Lavagirl!
0 likesI'm surprised there weren't any inception references.
What if the pony (human) body exists on many dimensions and dreaming us focusing perception onto other plains and Luna projected her body into those dream plains.
Write a response if you like the idea.
Well if i can be 100 percent real about my own odd theory which is basically all of what you said but then end is lightly different, i believe yes the dream world is it's own dimension but not like it's own whole universe more like sub-dimension that is directly influenced by the ponyville dimension and for the most part luna is able to tread that dimension freely do to her being nightmare moon I.E. she originally was able to tread the dreams causing nightmares and the such but ones she turns back to luna she is able to keep her power but due to her power being amplified because shes good once more shes abel to not only tread nightmares but visit dreams directly. she can see dreams through windows and such but needs her magic to makes the physical connection in the real world that can link her directly to the other ponies. luna is able to exist in both planes but in the sense of her visiting so many dreams at once it would most likely conserve energy for her physical body to stranfer to the dream world so that she can become the anchor to keep all those dreams together while with just the three crusaders all she needed was enough magic or strength to hold fast three easy dreams together
0 likesi think you're onto something with this one! i think you may be right with the ream land being another dimension... but in real life could our dreams really come into the rel world? hmmm now I'm wondering...
0 likesmy theory kinda links with your theory, so yeah.
0 likeswell, my theory is that discord created all the alternate dementions as a way of creating chaos, but luna uses the dream dimension to help ponies, kind of like the dimension celestia used when she made twilight an allicorn.
I totally agree that the dream world MUST be another demension, but as to where the real luna has the white streams coming from her horn and her not having those when she connects to ponies' dreams... well, i would say that she uses her magic to connect herself to the dream, but she also makes a projection if you will, of herself so that she can communicate with the ponies in the event of a nightmare, like what happened with Scootaloo's dream. But, when all the ponies had to stop the dream creature, Luna was using too much of her magic to creat a projection of herself, either that, or she had to be inside the dream world in order to use the least amount of her magic possible.
0 likesBecause Luna can enter peoples dreams, it must be another dimension. Because serousely, how can Luna make one big dream when you can really enter one mind at a time? It also makes sense, from those portals you talked about. In addition, there's also a pretty high posibility that, this is Luna running a huge server on a game, as you mentioned. And the single dreams are the ponies in smaller server, and that concludes that, possibly the ponies dream place, or dimension, is like a Nowdays computer. Like, there dream world is the computer, atleast that would be the only way that it would make sense today.
0 likesNow this is just my Theory, you don't have to believe it.
well, for your last question, what I dream off ALWAYS happen in the future. like it's your destiny and you already know what you would do because you've seen it already. sorry to the ones who can't understand this.
0 likesThe entire time I'm watching this, I cannot- I repeat- CANNOT stop expecting a Gravity Falls reference...
0 likesEvery time he says: "Dream World", I think of Dreamscape or MindScape.
I can't be the only one-
Wow, I never knew Pinkie Pie's brain was that huge, why, she is probably smarter than Twilight (assuming of course that all the sugar she eats didn't ultimately rot her intellectual potential), but I think Luna actually created a shared location among all the ponies as opposed to a shared dream as each pony still appeared to have full control to influence their own desires within their respective dreams.
0 likesMaybe it is like bill cipher physics where it exists in the mind scape but given the power it can escape to reality?
0 likesIt's either separate dementions or I have one hell of an imagination to unlock. Who makes flashlights out of surfboard key chains? Or uses a swing set for means of travel run away from a tornado full of aliens? Meh.
0 likesWell. MLP is owned by hasbro, and Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, and Wizards of the Coast is D&D.
0 likesNotice how many D&D monsters show up on MLP?
My theory...
MLP is a facet of the many worlds within D&D.
In several D&D and D&D inspired settings there is a dimension of dreams.
i think that the bubble is a spell to make it so they can see her and listen to her because she doesnt have the energy to control a REPLICA of herself
0 likesWhat if there was a portal inside every creature in equestria, and that was the reason they can dream? :3
0 likesThe answer, is both. The dreamworld is not a full dimension but a sub- dimension, a dimension on the same level as our own but on a different wavelength. Think of it as your computer, everything you do on your computer is inside of it, but, when you connect to the Internet you connect to a kind of "cyberspace" composed of energy. I theorizes the same thing with dreams, they are connected into a kind of dreams space but for the most part it's still inside of the ponies heads. The only exception is when something much more powerful gives you a much stronger connection, i.e. Luna. When Luna connected to every resident in the town she created a very powerful pocket of dream Space. This also explains to white threads she uses in that she was using a much stronger connection than usual.
0 likesNow whether or not Luna herself can enter into this dream space is still unknown
The dream world is the reality we want to happen in other life or something that might happen
0 likesBasically Luna made that thing so it's a real thing it lives in dreams but it can go into the real world only Luna knows
0 likesActually I thought about it real quick but what if for the shared dream they were in Luna's dream and the way the tandibus would escape we be the secretion of magic through the ponies brains as a way to form a physical body?
0 likesReplies (2)
Oh and I nearly forgot about the tear but what if the tear is really Luna's (or all the ponies minds) normal function of staying in check of the magic and when it split open the barriers between worlds that was it bypassing the ponies natural control on magic and that was the rift. Also I have a theory on why the streams were present in the dream, since she is the "server" she may appear only this way to show the ponies that there is trouble or it is not her choice but maybe to do this shared dream she is holding not just onto the ponies brains but she is trying to keep the magic secretion in check during the dream because if you think about it that probably in the end would be the only way without the shared dream to reform in physical.Just food for thought😊
0 likesOh and just In case someone or pony says that still in other dreams she should have this then I still say Ha because this is the only real time she needs to keep a bit of control on their dreams as in other dreams she only influences them but in this one she required more she needed to make sure the tandibus couldn't'to escape so easily which in my opinion would explain Luna having the connections in the dream so as to protect the concisuss of the ponies in the dream other wise why didn't the tandibus use the tethers to the ponies to escape I mean if it was in another dimension or not the tandibus could still escape let's say by hitching a ride halfway out I mean sure the bubble covers Luna but couldn't it just hitch a ride on the lines anyway. Please I'd like to hear your thoughts on this so reply or make a video I don't know
0 likesPrincess bride reference!!! Love it!!!!! ^-^
0 likesNow that I realize that real Luna is put there, because she doesn't have any power left to become put into a dream. She is using up all the strength she can to keep the magic going. And now I realize why they all dreamed. Because they desire something mainly. So, all of their minds CREATED 1 dream while Luna kept it going. If my head cannon can just think far enough to space, there may be some theory how all this happened. I even realized I don't dream. So, sleep is faster for me. Dang my brain doesn't want to dream
0 likesI would assume what you said is right about dramworld would be andother demension, even though this is a game im going to refer too it holds the same concept that the dream world is in another demension. In nights Jorney of dreams its the same concept.
0 likesI recommend reading Fiendship Is Magic issue 1. it touches on this a little
0 likes"Is the Dream World Real?"
I think this one is just a style change on the art directors part!! :D
0 likeswait a second probaly something in your mind opens a portal into the real world but its has to be a spirit i guess but if its open a part of your body but you don't feel it maybe thats how it can get to the real world i think I'm right if i am I'm a nerd
1 likeWas Martin Luther able to cross dimensions, and is dreaming in a dream making you open dimensions inside dimensions ?
0 likesYou have 2 hours.
Dreams happen in separate dementions Luna just taps into this detention by .means of the doors we see in "do princesses dream of magic sheep"
0 likesthat's my theory anyway
It's both because it's a dimension in Luna's mind cause she is the pony of dreams she has a whole dream dimension in her head and she had a hard time dreaming about every pony because she had to think about everything and she did not have trouble in the cmcs dream because it was there thoughts
0 likesBtw love the cutie mark. You should make a parody of how you got it.
0 likesI agree it happens in da mind cuz in inside out it shows us where
0 likesWho else noticed the Tantalus looked like NMM in shadow form?
0 likesWho else noticed the Tantalus looked like NMM in shadow form?
0 likeswell since this is a show about rainbow flying magical talking horses, theres probably a dream dimension.
0 likesTHIS IS MIND BLOWING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesand I got the sharkboy and lavagirl reference! I swear I have seen that movies 100 times. and I am honestly not exaggerating.
0 likesOMG i just wrote a long ass comment about my pocket demention in the demention theroie and for some reason when i clicked backspace it took me to the last page i was on so im going to summerize instead
0 likesbasicly it would take less energy to make the pocket versus connecting the white wire to herself because
A)thats another dream she has to create witch takes up energy
B)if she created her own dream it would most liklyt be castrophic cause the tantabus would be able to see her
C)she created her own pocket demention
the tantibus would be able to attack her within the dream if she didnt make a pocket demntion connected to the real world so basicly shes off the radar within this demention. and it would take less energy because well she controls the demention and taking a small amount of the demention she is physicly in cause she dosnt have to control it
and have u ever noticed when to many people are on a server it can cause lag?
somthing to think about :3
i appologize for the terrible grammer
Ok so lunas magic (the white strings) went straight into there pineal gland( third eye ) which the pineal glad is what lets is dream and what flouds are brians when we die everything in the whole damn world has dmt which dmt is ( dimethyl tryptamine) and what that is is pretty much the key to everything ;) so luna has pretty much the key to the universe there she has to know all !!!
0 likesmaybe the mind is connected to the dreamworld that is just another dimension.
0 likesThat was too mind boggling
0 likesPauses the video 26 seconds in- SEASON FIVE ITS FINALLY OUT YAYYYYYYYYYYY!
0 likesTurns out My Little Pony is actually just a dream from a human from the "human world"
0 likesDimension. My dear changeling. As a Pegasus. I watch and monitor many things in the night. I do my best works at night. The dream world is simply another dimension not in the mind.
0 likesYou basically just explain the Mindscape from Gravity Falls. Any did anyone else see the eye cough Bill Cipher cough ?
0 likeswait does this go for real life too? (I'm not the smartest)
0 likesLol this guy knows ALOT about mlp my new idol
0 likesIt is kind of like the dream beavers from tmnt
0 likesPrincess Luna shows the ponies a hologram of her while the real Luna is still in the real world.
0 likesI think it happens in a dimension because the background is not at all different from Sweetie belle's and Appleblooms
0 likeswhat if the dream demition is controlled by the ponys mind
0 likesmy be there's a limited amount of connections dream Luna can handle until real Luna needs to enter the dream and needs to hold together the extra dreams because there are less connections to Luna in the dream are less than the amount of pony's in Ponyville
0 likesmy theroy is that the tantabis is real.Like luna it creates dreams but only for her and it wanted to escape luna's dream and make living nightmares
0 likesI don't think you should think too much about it, but just beleve.
0 likesplz make more doctor who references
0 likesDo androids dream of electric sheep? Lol
0 likesWhen they charge they dream of that?
i agree with the demetions thing
0 likesSome times our dreams come true. But why?Ask Princess Luna!Just kidding....I have no theories about that but i will soon write something.
0 likesThe dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is.
0 likesThe dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
I think dreams happen in another dimension
0 likesWhat about Celestias's nephew? Luna's son? Lost sibling's son? Doesn't have to do with episode but whatever XD
0 likesWell I think it can be both!?
0 likestotally happens in the head luna can go in and out of peoples dreams she is afraid that the black dream thingy can too so it does she is afraid it can go into the real world so it can its her night mare
0 likesThe dimension would work the best
0 likesCan we share Dreams? or Dose The Dream World/Realm Real? Maybe it is. But sometimes I get nightmares! 😧☁ Do someone get nightmares Sometimes like me? 🌙 I like The night also Luna but Nightmares are the worst!
0 likesi think ur absolutly right
0 likesall seeing eye at exactly 3:39 has to be there
0 likesThere is no dream Luna. There is only one Luna.
0 likesWOW! that was so confusing.
0 likesFor some kinda reason I got jumpscared at the end of that brohoof
0 likesReplies (1)
lol, how?? xD
0 likesI was actually able to keep up quite well you were just over complicating things
0 likesyou are so smart when it comes to mlp!!!
0 likesCartoon logic 😈
0 likesDefinitely in a dimension
0 likesSpoiler!
0 likesIf dream can enter the real world could alicorn big macintosh be brought out of the dream world.
The brony nation should ask bill cypher about this one lol
0 likesNice refrence to shark boy and lava girl!
0 likesdid anyone catch Pegasus berry punch?
0 likesThe dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is.
0 likesThe dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
i'm a 9 years old girl and that's my treory
The dream world is a dimension that ponies can enter by falling asleep but luna uses her horn too get inside the dream but she makes herself kind of invisible beacause there c'ant be somedy else in a dream of one pony my reason is there has to be a stream connected to one pony so luna can enter the dream world for somedy else to enter luna has to make a seconde stream and put on her/his forhead.But for discord he can probably just the name scratch the air there it is.
0 likesThe dream world only apears when à creatrure of equestria is asleep
i'm a 9 years old girl and that's my treory
that might be true because people have had the same dreams so it could actually be they were in another dimension tell me what u think im 9😃😃😃😃
0 likessharkboy and lavagirl..... i'm probably the only one who gets that reference
0 likesplease tell me he is still alive
0 likesShark boy and lava girl was on my tv when I was watching this.
0 likesOr just say..
I mean, if the real Luna is in the real world, and all the others are in the dream world, does this mean that the dream Luna is in the real world at the moment? And also I didn't see the whit wire thingy on the ponies' foreheads in the dream world Luna has created. The real Luna can control the dream Luna, and the dream Luna is not here, because we can still see the wire coming out of her horn, but not on the ponies' forehead??? And BTW, Luna's wire thingy has to be the real Luna, but the wires are coming OUT of the bubble that keeps her out of the dream world. Doesn't this mean that the dream world can also exsist in the real world, since dream Luna is not here, and we can still see the wires outside of the alternate-demension bubble??
0 likesReplies (1)
+Violet Choi OK, I do not understand a single thing regardless that I wrote it
0 likesso, do I get a cookie because I got the reference?
0 likesif this is real I can get into your dreams!
0 likesI think your right thier is a dream demention
0 likesWait big mac dreams of being a princess hahahaha
0 likesbut the tantabuis really looks like lunas hair
0 likesbut scoodaloo fell of the cliff
0 likesMaybe they ripped the head open.
0 likesif rainbow dashes favorite dream is beating up changelings, and ur a changeling, dose that mean her favorite dream is beating up you?
0 likesSo.... Luna is... Wifi???
0 likesam i the only one who could follow? nd that is strange because i'm dutch and that is harder to understand (bad spelling xD)
0 likeswhat which episode was that one 😀
0 likesIllu-mane-ati confirmed
0 likes*x files theme starts playing*
Luminatiception. Legit.
0 likesI saw the eye in the triangle it is a bad thing
0 likesHEY! ILLUMINATI! Pause and Play quickly as you can on 3:39 and let me know if you see it!
0 likesHint: In between the triangle
when the ponies know go dimension why I can not go through dimensions also fit into the dimensions ???
0 likesWell maybe it is another demontion we know that demintion jumping is a thing so I could be a whole other relem and that bubble explains it to
0 likesin another dimension probably
0 likesThe dream world is probaly couse you day dream and then you sleep dream
0 likesIlluminati confirmed!
0 likeslinus minus
am i the only one who saw tge lumanati or was i just dreaming again?
0 likesI saw that illimtine symbol
0 likesAnyone eles see that triangle in side that mind illusion?
0 likesDid anyone else notice the illuminati in the double triangle?
0 likesMy head hurts now...
0 likeswait do you watch doctor who because tht was a picture of amy pond
0 likesDimension! obvy!
0 likesSHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL!!!!!!!!
0 likesum how is that mlp episode called? and...ILUMINATTI CONFIRMED 😮🔺❗
0 likesYou messed up my mind !
0 likescool
0 likesIt's the illuminate lol
0 likesDifferent dimension. That's the only way that all of this crap makes any sense at ALL!!!!!!
0 likesAre you mad, there is kids watching this and you show the Iluminyty symbol? Are you crazy?
0 likesReplies (2)
+Kaylie Caston Two more weeks. Episode 14 airs on Sept. 12th.
0 likes@Smilley MLK Oooh thank you some much i got worried lol
0 likesI had a small theory, but I forgot laughs at bad joke
0 likesPrincess Forgotten (of)- poker face shut up :I
My head hurts....
0 likesI saw the 🔺 don't think i didn't
0 likesI Saw The Illuminati Pop Up Really Brony Notion?
0 likesDid anyone notice the illuminati somewhere in that video?
0 likesguys dont judge me but dreams cantvbe in yur head people sometimes share dreams if its in their brain how can they share it right something too think about😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐hmmmmmmm.......tell me what u think
0 likesAnother dimension
0 likesoh so you mean magic
0 likesbronie notion tell me what you think
0 likesI saw the illuminati flash
0 likessigh i saw the illuminati sign...SHAME ON YOU.
0 likesSPOILERS!!!
0 likesYou are cool
0 likesNotice illuminati at 3:39?
0 likesAnother Dimension
0 likesMaybe...
0 likesthe dream world is probly CHS
1 like3:40 ITS ILLUMINATI :0000000000 U have to pause and un pause.
0 likesWait what ?
0 likesIlluminati comfirme
0 likesother dimension
0 likesI just wow
0 likesWho else think's that the dream world's true? Like this then
0 likesI saw your illuminati tricks!!!
0 likesBERRY PUNCH WAS A PEGESUS WHEN SHE WAS SUPOSE TO BE AN EARTH PONY! in do princess dream of sheep!!!!! dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
0 likesyou keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
0 likesyou keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
0 likesyou keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
0 likesILUMINATI CONFORMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
0 likeswhy are stripes on there horns
0 likesI saw the illuminati
0 likes03:41 ahhh iluminati
0 likesYour hurting my brain
0 likeswhat? ???????
0 likeswhere is the illumanoti
0 likesIn the ponies heads
0 likesIs just a cartoon
0 likesthanks hollie yue
0 likesWTF have i clicked on!
1 likeReplies (11)
A video called "Is the Dream World Real?" posted by The Brony Notion on July 16th, 2015.
1 like+The Brony Notion My apologies for not being comprehensible in my sarcasm, what i actually intended to bring attention to was how shockingly time wasting that video was. You make videos about animated ponies, the video title mislead me to believe it was actually worth clicking on. Disappointment to many people I'm sure.
3 likes+Curiosity Science2 SHUTUP hater. If u dont like it why r u even on this channel? So stop bullying and watch something useful to YOU, like a tutorial on being nice.
1 likewow. everyone is like, so supportive round here.
1 likedon't see how any of them would make a difference but ok
1 like+The Brony Notion
0 likesr u still updating?!
+Curiosity Science2 I respect your opinion, but as I do, you must do the same... Hating something and sticking your hate on someone doesn't make sense, you might clickbait-ed, even though the maker of this video didn't mean... Even so, how did got to you home page of youtube? You might be a subscriber or watched a few vidoes... Even notice the picture of the video... What is rude as I guess that you define something is done by someone who loves to do is a complete waste... If it is a complete waste of your time.. Then why do you even waste your time commenting here? Happy you apologized. Thanks for understandingZ
0 likes+Curiosity Science2 Apply cold water on burned areas my friend lol XD
0 likesOkay, I'm sorry you don't find value in my videos, but lots of people do. You can't judge people for enjoying things that you don't enjoy. Was clicking on a video that didn't interest you all that bad?
0 likes+The Brony Notion I agree on that, but like otherwise; you are idiot for watching something I don't understand.. Because screw logic that's why. :)
0 likes+Curiosity Science2 ... Ok.
0 likesLOL ILLUMINATI COMFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI love you
0 likesAnother demotion
0 likesDreems ar your sub conchns in a world were any think is posibl.....its confyzing i now
0 likes............WHAT THE FUCK
0 likeslol illuminati
0 likesJe ne undrestand cette théorie .
0 likesWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ja
0 likesDamention
0 likesIn my thoughts it happens in another dimension, but Even though it's in another dimension it is accessed thorough the mind making it easy to access through sleep, so (in my theory) Luna "sleeps" to enter this dimension and between it and the main dimension of the show she can choose a dream to watch and,if necessary, to help others through it. Even in this particular episode she just used those string to connect the 4 of them at the same time to make it easier to navigate between those said dreams, or in the other case with the whole Ponyville, create a shared dream
0 likesLove that idea with the dimensions! And every dream is a new dimension. And you enter every dimension in another form than yourself. The magic mirror that brougth Twi into EG world was different than "dream entering", since she no lenger was in equestria, and there was two Twis in EG world. But maybe if she knew the rigth way, she would take form as the Twiligth in EG world! :)
0 likesI've honestly thought something similar to this for a long time, just not necessarily with ponies. I've wanted to write fanfictions and such where characters have dreams that show them glimpses of another dimension. So... I buy the theory.
0 likes(Also, I love how deeply you think about things like this. Most people would just see a cartoon and think "Eh, it's a cartoon. There's no real substance to a cartoon." But theorists and people like you look so far into it and make connections that help you and everyone you share them with love the show that much more. Thanks for helping me appreciate MLP:FiM.)
The ponies may even have their own dream dimensions, that would explain luna's bubble as the gap between all the dimensions combined. To access one pony's own dream dimension as a pony, you would sleep. That's the key to the door. To access that externally, AKA Luna, you would do what luna would do. Making a synthetic form of sleep, forming the dream Luna. If that didn't make sense, heres another one for you. Since the "server" concept is a great application for this concept, lets go with that. The server box itself is Luna. Real Luna. It is connected both ways from ponies to Luna, and Luna to ponies. To create a shared dream the ponies are able to connect with other ponies through the actual server box (real Luna) to all the other ponies. Same with all the other ponies to the others. So the actual Luna, not dream Luna, is doing all that work to create a shared dream. The server box, or the exact connection point of all the ribbons, is the space between all of the other ponies' dimension. If she is combining all of the ponies' dimensions together there has to be a connection point. THATS the gap between the real world and the dream world. Or, dream worlds*. But how can one escape through the dream world? Well, luna obviously can, and has. So can that "thing".
1 likeBOOM.
Did I miss something?
Did I get it all wrong?
Most likely.
What do you guys think?
I've often played with the idea that magic comes in different forms which originate from different dimensions or places in the pony universe. In my theory dreams would be a result of a sleeping pony's mind coming into contact with (or going to) the realm where Chaos magic originates, Luna (and to a tiny extent Pinkie Pie) would have the ability sense and/or manipulate Chaos magic, and Discord's immense power and control over it would allow him to bring the world of dreams to bear on the real world.
0 likesYou also mention Discord perhaps using the same or similar magic. Would this mean that his little chaos home we see in his episode is actually in the realm of dreams? And if so, how did the mail pony get there? O.o
Hmm, I have found a flaw in your plan. So, if luna is as proactive in assisting her subjects through dream scaping as we are lead to believe, then white tendril's covering large distances across the sky must be rather common place in equestria, especially when luna is doing shared dreams like with the cmc because she can't be next to all 3 of them.
0 likesThis does not at all seem like a way an alicorn would conduct their actions. Especially considering the odd privacy interactions, and if she was for example entering the dreams of one of the cake's and the other is like 'omg he's being attacked by a tendril (bad anime joke)'
I do however have a similar counter proposal;
In the 3 cmc episodes luna directly enters the dream plane, as i'll call it, entering the dreams of each seperatly, these having potentially very strange co-ordinates not allowing for quick exchange. That is until the latest one, where, luna pulled each of the cmc out of their own dreams into a small or perhaps empty dream area for their little intervention.
When it came to the most recent episode luna required instant access to each of the mane 6's dreams. So she connected them, like ethernet instead of using wi-fi.
The most complicated part is when it came to the town wide dream. Interestingly I think this is not at all like any of the previous types of dream. What I propose is that instead of connecting everypony into the dream scape via tendril. What luna instead did was create a massive, area of effect' dream as you will, merely using the tendril's as guidance to find all ponies. If you watch they don't actually go into any ponies homes.
As a result luna is not actually in the dream plane herself, but has created it is all around herself, with all of the ponies with her. (notice that the area inside the dream is roughtly the same as what she covers with her magic before hand.)
This is the reason that she is in a bubble.
A little extra support for this is that, as regardless of how, she was able to bring 3 ponies together and herself with literally no problems, scaling it up to holding a dream scape the size of a town with 30 ponies, seams like it would really take it out of a princess.
If you made it through that, I'm impressed.
You know how some say each and every one of our minds contain another universe? What if Luna connected those universes inside the ponys' heads? So, it's both to me. Each pony has a universe inside their heads, which they enter when dreaming.
0 likesI actually think this villain is one of the best I've seen from the series, right behind Discord (and probably when Queen Chrysalis was first revealed at the wedding). I mean, when the Tantabus becomes a giant shadowy Alicorn, you just get chills.
0 likesReplies (1)
it makes sense the Tantabus turned into an alicorn because luna was the one who created it, and SHES an alicorn, 🦄🐦
0 likesI actually have a similar theory that I believe could be used (once refined and supported with facts or at least observations) that instead of Dreams being a simulation in the mind, that one's own dreams are located inside a small micro-dimension in the mind.
0 likesI like to think that the micro dimension of dreaming is more or less just a constantly shifting state and when we dream or daydream, we are simply looking into this dimension. I also like to think it's where imagination also comes from, where one gets inspiration to create things via certain dreams.
In the episode the Tantibus does seem to be more of a real thing than just some concept or idea put into some simulation. It would also make a bit more sense this way as sometimes when you are having Nightmares, you have difficulty waking up or stopping the dream.
If dreaming was just a mental simulation, there would be nothing really stopping a person from ending a dream, but if it were a dimension that either we view like a sort of very focused god, or a dimension that once we dream, we literally occupy space inside of it, it'd make sense why some people have nightmares that last entire nights due to being unable to wake from them without external help.
That's just my opinion on the subject, but if Dreams were located inside of a micro-dimension located in the brain, it would be reasonable to assume that one would never see inside another's dreams until we could see inside other dimensions.
The Dreamscape is Luna's domain, a central hub from which she can go from dream to dream, which is from Luna's dreamwalking abilities.
0 likesOn that, I agree but I don't think it's "real" in a separate dimension way but rather Luna is the server rather than the domain itself being the server.
The Tantabus is the manifestation of Luna's guilt and self-loathing. It was a piece of her, which would naturally have the same dreamwalking abilities that Luna herself has. However, it was only a piece of her that originated in her own dream. It could only cause nightmares in Luna's own dream. After many nights of feeding off Luna's guilt, it eventually gained the power to access the dreamscape and traverse to another's dream. The limitation of dream walking is that it would need to know the dreamer before it can go into the dream.
The Tantabus continued to grow in power as Luna felt worse about herself while the Tantabus caused nightmares to more and more ponies. It eventually became strong enough to the point where it could manifest itself in reality. Her worst fear was the Tantabus becoming the next Nightmare Moon and causing eternal night and suffering throughout all of Equestria.
The one point that should be emphasized is that Celestia and Luna are basically gods, with great power over their respective domains.
The Tantabus is a manifestation from her subconscious as it took the shape of Nightmare Moon. Luna doesn't want to become Nightmare Moon again but still carries the guilt as well as the fear of the possibility that she might make the same mistake again of becoming Nightmare Moon. So she punishes herself with nightmares night after night. So the Tantabus escaping into the real world isn't because the dream world is a dimension but rather Luna's own darker powers. If you recall back in the Season 1 premiere, Nightmare Moon's powers include some reality-bending, like the Shadowbolts, although not to the same extent as Discord. Nightmare Moon could split herself into three Shadowbolts that acted like real ponies. Based on that as well as the fact that the Tantabus is a part of Luna, it wouldn't be too far-fetched that it could manifest itself into reality.
The Tantabus was only stopped once Luna truly accepted that she wasn't the same as she was in the past and that she wouldn't make the same mistake of becoming Nightmare Moon. Once she forgave herself, the Tantabus became docile and returned to Luna.
The connection that was shown in the dream world is to illustrate that she is exerting all of her strength to maintain the shared dream, that she can't do anything else but stand there. In the mane 6's shared dream, it didn't show that because she still had strength to interact in the shared dream. Not that big of a contradiction.
For those who kept up, my theory is that the white streams from lunas horn is how she connects to ponies whos minds are in the dream dimension, and only in a shared dream do they show up. if the dream isn't shared, in the dream there is no lines. ABOUT THE DREAM DIMENSION
0 likesYes, all ponies' minds are transported to a pocket dimension that is created when comatose. the mind leaves some of itself behind, as to find its way back to the right pony. the part of mentality left behind is most often the knowledge that the dreamer IS comatose. if this is learn't within a dream, than all memory of the dream is removed, explaining mostly forgetting dreams. Luna has the ability to sift through the dreams\pocket dimensions and view them from the outside. the other bit of mind residue left behind when sleeping alerts the comatose majority when there has been an audio\physical disturbance and the louder the sound or harder the touch, the stronger the signal. If the signal is strong enough, it instantly retrieves the mind. because of the abrupt dimension deletion, the dream doesn't have time to delete itself, therefore drifting away into Princess Luna's magic inter-reality pocket that cant much be called a dimension. When this happens, Luna has to personally delete them to keep the reality permanent dimension from being altered. Not even Celestia knows what could happen if a dream escaped. I feel like i'm forgetting something. Please reply if there's any plot holes in this, or if there's any questions
I think your right about dreams being in a different dimension. However if dreams had a dimension to themselves wouldn't we see other people's dreams? My theory is that all dreams have thier own dimensions. Each dimension being an extent of the person's mind and in a way their body. If Luna was able to connect all the dreams in Ponyvill she will have had to know everypony in Ponyvill and have gone inside each of their dreams. The way Luna was in the dream inside the sphere of light makes me think that she may have teleported into the dream from the real world. Who knows death may work the same way.
0 likesTo expand on your example of computers connected to each other via the internet, I believe the glowing horn tethers form the equivalent to a Local Area Network. That is how should would be able to sculpt so many dreams at once and sense them all simultaneously.
0 likesNormally, she would use the hall of doors in her dreamscape plane to peak into various dreams without the need of the tether, as she couldn't possibly tether the entirety of Equestria every night if doing so to one small town was so difficult.
I think she created the shared dream to place some limitations on Tantebus. You'll notice that everyone in town was a dreamer rather than someone being dreamed about... nobody was actually dreaming of someone who should not have been in PonyVille. They could do amazing things, but they were limited to altering themselves rather than bringing new ponies into the dream.
I would have to say it happens in a different dimension. Once I had a shared dream with my friend in a totally different state. BUT..... I would have to say it's also all in our minds, Imagination is an example. My sister says our imagination is awake dreams, kinda like day dreams, easy way to connect. Our imagination is a day dream. So I can be on both sides. All just me.
0 likesDreams are indeed in or are a different dimension. I have been keeping track of my dreams, and I realize that I happen to know everything that is happening, or happened, and sometimes what will happen. There is a reason for that.
0 likesImagine yourself being given the power to create anything you want by God (pretty much becoming a minor deity). You decide to create a world of your own, with all kinds of creatures and plants and so on. Then, you decide that, since you remember how to live like a mortal, you give yourself a mortal body and enter that world as one of the normal inhabitants and experience life there for yourself.
I believe there is a dimension for dreams, and the dreams you have are on a world that you've made.
This isn't exactly mind-boggling a concept, or anything new in fiction land. In Warhammer 40,000, we have the Warp/Immaterium, a parallel dimension of psychic energy overlapping reality where all sentient life's emotions, dreams and thoughts flow into, and is the source of all of the setting's psychic powers and the primary means of faster-than-light travel. Of course, the unfortunate implications of having all of our subconsciousness - including all of our darkest impulses and desires - gathering in one place where they could coagulate and become reality is explored, as the Warp is also the realm of all of humankind's feelings of hatred, lust, despair and ambition are made manifest as malicious psychic entities, called daemons, which regularly invade physical reality from warp rifts to cause havoc and ruin.
0 likesAnd that's not the only example. There's also Alice in Wonderland, the Dream Land from Cthulhu Mythos, the Astral Realms from Mage: The Awakening, Dal Quor from D&D Eberron, etc. Essentially, the idea has existed as long as mankind had consciously or unconsciously wished for dreams to become reality.
In short, a dimension in MLP FIM where all of ponies' dreams are real, and could be accessed from both ways, is nothing really new or weird.
I think dreams happen in another dimension. The dimension in which the ponies live, is constricting. It only alows for limited things to happen. When ponies dream, their consciousness travels to the "dream" dimension. That dimension alows for more to happen. Think of it as the first dimension, second dimension, third dimension, fourth dimension, and so on. Each is less constricting than the last. Perhaps it's possible for your consciousness to travel between them. It's all just theory, but think about it.
0 likesWhat would happen if something other than the tantabus went through the crack between the real world and the dream world?
0 likesMaybe the dream version of the pony would take on a life of its own while the real pony is awake or maybe the real pony would fall into a coma to sustain the form of the living dream.
What do you think?
That would make so much sense! After all, the area with all the doors between random dreams had the same ethereal background as when twi was alicornified!
0 likesI think it was able to get into the real world because it was gathering magic from the negative emotions of nightmares. Once it had enough magic to sustain a physical form, all it needed to do was create a way out of the mass of minds.
0 likesThis isn't the first time that dreams have been speculated as being a world all their own. A world that can only be entered through sleep when the mind is at its least resistant. Its suppose to be a place your subconscious escapes to in order to run free and unrestrained. Which probably accounts for dreams being more fanciful than logical, since imagination and creativity is control by the right side of the brain. And since all dreams are supposedly connected in this "Dream Time" or "Dream World" it makes sense that someone that knows the secrets of dreams to move through them.
0 likesThink of it as a world of giant reflective bubbles. Each one connected by a narrow path. Each bubble represents a dream, and each dream is directly connected to a person. When a person falls asleep they are subconsciously transported into this bubble and experience whatever images unfold. Now imagine that you are on the outside of this dream. Since its neither your dream nor your own mind, you can't see into it. Instead you probably just see a reflection of yourself as you are or possibly in the style of the dream being conducted at the moment. But if you walk through the bubble and actually enter this dream than you are summiting to the style, ruling, and physics of that dream. The reason for this is because whomever is having the dream is going to have the most control over everything in their bubble.
Now of course, since dreams are created by the imaginative right side of the brain and not the logical left side, reasoning has no real foothold in your bubble; so you wouldn't know that you are dreaming because as far as your creative side is concern you're just having fun. Its all about emotional pleasures rather than making sense. Unless you are "aware" that you are dreaming in the first place. A lucid dream is probably the only time both logic and creativity can co-exsist with each other at the same time. This is a dream that you can control absolutely and completely because you know its all in your head and therefore not restricted by physical limitations. So if any other mentality enters your bubble when your having a licid dream, they're entering at their own risk because they will have no power there what-so-ever.
In the case of the Mane Six, they were all taking in by their dreams almost instantly and forgot that they were dreaming when they were attacked and so succumbed to nightmare.Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were all completely submissive to their desires and emotional pleasures and were all attack directly by having what they enjoy turn on them without warning. It wasn't until Luna appeared did they remembered what they were trying to accomplish that they began to take control back, at least in Rarity's case. Applejack seems to have a good enough understanding of her own mind to know when she was dreaming, which explains why the Tancubish never directly messed with her and instead began attacking the dream itself behind her back. It even corrupted her giant apple when it was escaping at a speed too fast for Applejack to react to, leaving her to wonder what had happened. Same thing with Rainbow Dash. She was fully aware that she was dreaming and was taking full advantage of it, thats why the Tancubish stayed hidden in the background and attacked the dream specifically instead of messing with RD herself until the nightmare was fully formed.
In the case of the huge shared dream with all of Ponyville involved... chances are that being made to act as a conduit for all of their dreams to become one, Luna couldn't possibly project herself into that massive dream, but rather had to act as its centered focal point and so was pulled into it. Unless, of course, since the size of that particular dream has never been attempted before, and having so many subconsciousnesses to take into account, the threads stayed because there was absolutely no other way for Luna to pull that stunk off. She said so herself that is was taking literally all of her strength just to "hold" the dream together and she couldn't even move from her spot in the dream. With all of her magic and subconscious throughly occupied and having such a large collections of dreams to feed on in one collective spot, the Tancubish took full advantage of the situation and proceeded to do everything it could to distract the ponies from realizing that they were all experiencing one big dream.
Also since the Tancubish was a creation of Luna and was at the same time feeding off of her guilt and more than likely her magic every time she had a nightmare, its makes perfect sense that it would gain the power "walk" through dreams the same as she does. Only, since its was literally a creature born of dreams, it didn't have to directly connect to its victims but rather wait until they enter its domain through their own dreams. Its like a predatory laying in wait at a watering hole. It knows that prey would eventually come along and that all it had to do was wait for its meal to come to it.
The dream world, known by most Eastern philosophers as the "Noosphere, " is another level of existence that surrounds each life supporting world, and is formed by the subconscious connection sentient lifeforms share, and this link allows for dreams while a person is asleep.
0 likesI beleive that their dreams happen in pocket dimensions of their creation of which they are somehow transported to through their minds in their sleep. This is can kind of be proven by Pinkie's random dream hop while she was sleeping.
0 likesI believe you are correct about the "dreams" just being a new dimension and maybe when you go to sleep your magic leaves you body and goes to this other dimension, but every pony has there own dimension of sleep that they created themselves, they made it when they were born, unwittingly created there own dimension! the reason why Luna went into the dimension in her pony form is because all the mane 6 awoke before she could escape, so now Luna's dream self is trapped in there dreams in till the next time they sleep, this would also explain why it took so much strength for Luna to connect all the dreams and be there physically there herself. This is my theory on dreams, hope you like it, if you have anymore questions, just reply to this x
0 likesIt has to be another dimension due to the fact that the rip that both discord and Luna did are strikingly similar but one question I do have is are there more dimensions and who is in charge of them? What I mean is discord has some power over the 'sock puppet' dimension and Luna controls dreams so that sort of means she controls the dream dimension.
0 likesI have a theory, at the beginning of the episode the tantumus got away from Luna right, well it made her nightmare moon so if the crystal heart book is a good source of evidence the tantumus would be a nightmare force. and another piece of evidence is that whenever Luna feels guilty about what nightmare moon did it grew bigger so if Inc Rose is correct about the nightmare forces feeding of of jealousy and hate, then it's defenty a nightmare force. If you agree like and reply to this comment. Thank you!!!!
0 likesWhat if the dream dimension is linked or somehow created by the real world? Making it much easier to get to than another dimension because of how related they are?
0 likesI think luna doesn't have the "dream connecters" for individual dreams because shes not connecting the dream to her own and she doesn't have to because shes controlling the dream,its a every night thing for her and that would probably mean dream connecting is a more rare thing for her to do,and thats why connecting every dream in ponyville was so difficult for her
0 likesTo quote Leonardo Da Vinci from Star Trek Voyager: "Hours past the world around me drops away replaced by worlds being created and destroyed by my imagination"
0 likesThe idea of different worlds being created through thought is not uncommon. I have read and watch many medias with such concepts.
I just wanted to say that what you just said makes perfect sense and is probably most possible in the show and too a degree in real life.
0 likesI think with the white lines and Luna, that it's more of the Artists wanting to show how she enters dreams, without really thinking about it. After all, if this was how she entered dreams, then what about the Hallway of doors? or stary space we see between dreams? We even see that in this episode in the beginning when the Tantabus escapes. If it's only for her to act as a server and connect multiple dreams... Again, during the shared dream with AB, SB, and Scoots, they went through the doors, outside of their dreams and into a forth that Luna created herself. How does all that work, if she has to physically go to each person and link with them personally?
0 likesI think for the case of the cutie mark crusaders it was more or less a wireless connection, she found there doors in the dream world. I'd have to say the wired connection is much stronger, thus the town shared dream.
0 likesSo if it is a real dimension and it is more complex than we the fans are seeing, could that mean there are types of ponies called "dream ponies". Like how there are crystal ponies?
0 likesIt is just a thought, it would be cool though.
I think you may be looking at this the wrong way. Let me start with the dream Luna verses the real Luna. In dream, I believe that that Luna is not physically the real Luna, but a projection of the real Luna. So what we saw in the dream was a projection of what she was experiencing physically. But the projection itself is coming from within Luna's mind. I believe that Luna is in fact awake when she enters dreams. But she doesn't physically enter the dream, rather she connects her mind to the dreamer's mind. This allows her to use her (for lack of a better term) imagination to do things in their dreams. And with the CMC's shared dream, It was only three ponies, which is why she had to let the fillies work things out on their own. But she still could keep enough focus to keep an imaginary version of herself shown. However, in this massive shared dream, it was taking up allot of Luna's focus, so she couldn't just focus on using her imagination to create an alternate projection. So in stead, the projection of her was of what was real. And it's because this is still a projection of her mind that the Tantubus could join with her mind.
0 likesNow I'll touch on your theory of a "dream dimension". Again, I believe you may be partly right. Perhaps I should play on a quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry asks "Is this all real, or it just happening inside my head?" where Dumbledor replies "Of course this is happening inside your head. But why does that have to mean that it's not real?". Basically, the dream "dimension" is a plane of existence that is created by one's mind. But it is an existing plane nonetheless. So basically, even though dreams are in the mind, they do also exist as another plane. In physics (I think), objects appear to us as 3 dimensional objects, having width, height, and depth. The 4th dimension would be time. Perhaps the dream plane could be considered as a 5th dimension. The dream dimension is part of the ethereal plane. The same place where Twilight was sent to before becoming an alicorn, and that hallway of doors that Luna and Apple Bloom were in.
Finally, I'll touch on why you may be looking at this the wrong way (assuming you managed to be patient enough to read up to this point). In Luna's dream, the Tantubus caused Luna to transform back into Nightmare Moon. When Luna was talking about the Tantubus coming out into the real world, perhaps what she meant was for her nightmare to become real, and that is for her to turn back into Nightmare Moon. Her night mare is that she loses control of the entity that transformed her into Nightmare Moon (and this theory can work, since Lauren Faust originally stated that Luna becoming Nightmare Moon was her becoming "possessed" my her negative emotions. I know that Luna said she created the Tantubus to remind her of her past. But if you've ever seen the movie 'Wes Craven's New Nightmare', it goes into how the Nightmare on Elm Street movies were fictional, but the entity that was Freddy Kruger was an actual demon that was contained in the fiction stories that were the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. And perhaps the Tantubus is simply a creation of Luna to hold Nightmare Moon in. And it's ability to travel to the dreams of different ponies is because it's part of Luna's mind and is just using her ability to enter ponies' dreams.
When you think of it, even though the name is a spoof of a story title, the episode itself may be a reference to the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I mean, NIGHTMARE on Elm Street...NIGHTMARE Moon...
I actually never thought that ponies dreams could have their own dimensions
0 likesWhat I'm thinking is that Luna is in the dream world and the strings are connected to the ponies heads going through a portal or something, bringing the ponies to the dream world so that's why they would remember it. The tantabus would go to the real world kind of like how the strings go to the real world, going through a portal.
0 likesMaybe its that the ponies have a strange mind power (other than MAGIC) that allows them to create pocket dimensions that are only available when that pony is sleeping.
0 likesi choose to believe that it happens in another dimension it just seems more fun and magical
0 likesHmm, I think the other dimension i'd is supper cool and it would be amazing if it was expanded on in the show. PS. I understood this perfectly, what you talking about
0 likesA dream world is exactly the same to a real world, yet with dreaming you have more possibilities. Forgive me for the Sword Art Online references, but they relate to this topic. With that VRMMORPG world, it's an alternate dimension. You can do things in that world that you can't in the real world. For me, the consoles that were used for those games are like the links from Luna's horn. When you are in a dream, you cannot move your body in the real world.
0 likesSorry if this doesn't make any sense, and don't hate on me for liking SAO.
I'd like to think the dream world is a type of astral plane, which Luna can traverse frequently.
0 likesI do believe that you are correct on the whole 'a dream dimension' but how can Luna access this dimension in the whole towns dream? And OMG 2 LUNAS?!?? you literally just made my day!
0 likesI think that when they're awake, the dream world is the one controlling real life. And when real life is asleep, they control dream world...
0 likesWeird I know...
I think Luna is able to enter the dream dimension without having to fall asleep (after all, she is the princess of dreams).
0 likesSo basically what you are saying is
0 likesPonies can literally travel through space time and whatever in their sleep
Those are some talented ponies
Like you said, the dream world is probably like an online game with servers. But think, the pony's brain could act as a platform you're playing the online game on.. hmm?
1 likeI have another theory.
0 likesThe tantapus was not, in fact created by Luna. Rather, it is the same force that turned her into Nightmare Moon. When the elements prevented Luna from being Nightmare Moon, the tantapus was forced to take on a new role when Luna 'created' a creature to torment herself.
I got the idea right at the beginning of the episode, as I thought that was happening, but I think is supported by the fact that I don't think Luna would create something able (or willing) to destroy everything. Besides, if it was so easy, it would've been done already.
My theory is that there are cracks between the real and dream world that gets bigger in a few nights of sleep. To back-up my theory i made some research and was proven right, due to small cracks appearing in our heads we can try to break through those cracks and enter the "Land Of Dreams",but trying to open the cracks more results to waking up thus stopping us from entering said world...This is my own theory. :)
0 likesPs:The tantumus is just a mash-up of all nightmares (If you had over 60...)
This is like trying to explain what the Matrix is to someone who has never seen the movies before. Actually, I think this might be more complicated to explain than what the Matrix is. Anypony agree?
0 likesI was thinking as it was made by Luna when it grew stronger it kind of got the same type of powers (how Luna can step in and out of dreams sort of thing)
0 likesI think this I where magic comes from. Everything has a magical connection. Dreams are the place where magic comes and goes.
0 likesSimple enough answer: Both.
0 likes(after all as with the example given, there is the 'server' but also the 'user client')
Also, anyone here seen the game Blood Borne? These talks of Dreamscapes and the Waking World sound a lot like something don't they.... ^-*./)'
(and the the 'dream' is indeed very much just as real as the waking world)
More to say, "Slices of Reality" along with the greater more 'complete' ones.
While not full or complete universe these 'pocket universe/dimensions' are still very much just as real and if one can and knows how could very well walk between them.
(as with Luna and other Old Ones / Great Ones, so it goes)
#Fear-the-Old-Blood ;3
I also noticed that the episode is a BIG reference to the horror movie " A nightmare on elm street 3: Dream warriors", and a little reference to the Nintendo 3DS game "Mario and Luigi dream team".
0 likesA nightmare on elm street 3, because tantelous (if that's how you spell it) is like Freddy Kruger, cause they go to each people/ponies dream and gives them nightmares, except the tantillous doesn't kill any pony, he/she just gives them fright so it can try to go to real world, and Freddy, he just goes to peoples dreams and kills them with his claws and they will also be killed in the real world.
Now Mario and Luigi dream is similar, because Luna goes to ponies' dreams but she can teleport to others. And what is similar about that is that its the opposite. Luna goes to people's dream, and when Luigi sleeps on the magical pillows or Dreambert, anyone can go in his dream, but in the game Mario goes in his dreams to save all the pillow sirits.(I forgot what they're called, but I do have the game and they're the ones mario has to save). OK,that's all.
(sorry for any miss-spelling. i have a strong spoken word, but the written escapes me) it was instantly brought to mind the Tulpa, a thought form or being of mind. the Tantabus, came too after luna thought to punish her self. it was only her thinking it wasn't enuf, the Tantabus escapes to further the punishment of luna. at first i thought it to be a part of luna's psyche-y brought to apparition by her magic, but as the episode goes on it gains power by tormenting ponies dreams. the more ponies the stronger it gets, till all the ponies beleave that luna can stop it by, beleaving she is no longer in need of puneshement. when luna forgave her self it disapeard.( i have lost my train of thought because of how long this tock me to right.)
0 likesso finely, yes the dream realm in a parallel one, stronger to the mind then the form.
Well, dream world is called Astral Dimension, or rather Astral dimentions. According to what I kow we are living in one world divide in seven layers. Each layer is build by the same matter, it is "energy" (also called IHVH, Absolut, Chi, Allah and it has many other names), the difference between those layers is how dense energy is there, or in other words how much energy you need to build matter in this mayer. Highest one is pure energy in its clearer form and going down means you need to make this energy denser. We are thinking that we are living on 7th layer which is most dense and contain matter we know. In reality we are living in all layers and we need those layers to exist (our matter is build from matter from higher layer and so on back to 1st layer). As we have structures in those higher layers we also have sences there but they are so weak compare to strong, dense matter and sensors build from that matter here that we simply cannot feel all this things because our "material" feelings shouting over them.
0 likesWhen we are dreaming we in reality enter to astral world (wchich is 5th layer, between Astral and Material layer is something we called Etheric Layer, this is more like link between 5th and 7th layer than pure layer by itself so usually we skip 6th layer when dreaming). Astral has weird properties, because the energy that create matter there is really much less dense than material energy we can provide enought energy to create something by just simply thinking about that. This layer has also more strechy dimentional fabric in it so we can simply create pocket that will be hidden from outside but nearly infinitely large from inside. That is what happend when we are dreaming, we are entering those pockets in astral and everything that was there starts our dream and our toughts form it later. Luna just probably make bubble around her so inside of this bubble was part of phisical world, like tear in dimentions, And she just make one large pocket in Astral and prevent everyone from sinking in their own pockets or recreate the same world in every pocket and she could work like server too so she sinchronise everything in every pocket so everything looks like one dream, that would explain why she needs so many energy but that seems a bit weird due to as far as i know this blue foggy thing can be in only one dream at once, so she probably just prevent everyone from sinking into their own pockets.
On the season finial Twlights castel Discord mentions that Luna sees into his dreams to but he lives in his own pocket demention maybe he creates his own rift that might help bring the evil pony in the real world without him relising but its just a guess
0 likesThe Brony Notion, you just theorized Dream Realm where all dreams are connected and mythical creatures exist. Ever wonder where dragons come from and how all those sci-fi movies are made? All from the realm of dreams, but this is just my theory.
0 likesThis what gets my attention is the dream world real or not I think so, when ur dreaming u can dream anything u want or u go into another dimension or into dream dimension here's two worlds the real world and the dream world this is very interactive through dreams.
0 likesI think the dimension is more likely, for not only do I think of a dream like a dimension in the real world, mainly for the fact I don't have much dream at all so think of it as not connecting to the dimension, but a this dream "world" or "dimension" is also shown in the game Mario & Luigi dream team, where Mario uses a ancient PILLOW to enter the "world of Luigi's dream" For this to happen they would use a portal for sorts and go through this path-like area, I would think of this like the light wires from Luna.
0 likesBut I think of each person's dream as each it's own dimension and luna used this oath-like area, to connect them all
If you think of multiverse therory as the capacity of an infinate number of universes and and not the presence of an infinate number of universes. Though there's a contradiction there, to consider both of attributes supports an easy argument that any and all dreams could create or define a universe.
0 likesI think its in their minds but when they dream there dreams can escape from their world when lunna made that dream connect it made one dream and sense it was in ponyville no where else means probably that that dream was almost physical
0 likesI think that at the end of that episode spike should have sat up in bed suddenly waking up. he would look around the room and see no one but Twilight. she would wake up and ask what was wrong he would say "I just had the weirdest dream!!"
0 likesI agree with your theory that the dream world is another dimension, to me it made perfectly good sense
0 likesA universe only exist when a mind is observing it. Which means that ever book,movie, and dream are their own universe. MIND POWER! Nothing in the video was confusing.
0 likesReplies (1)
Does nopony ever listen to what I have to say.
0 likesI think that the "Dream" is in a realm cuz in Season 5 episode 13 she said that her sister has no magic IN THE DREAM REALM.
0 likesI think that dreams are in a different dimensions but how do princess Celestia's dreams work since she can see the future in them?
0 likesi actually saw Luna in my dream once...
0 likesSeems to me like Nightmare Moon passed up a marvelous way to communicate with her followers effectively through dream sharing, eh, Brony Notion? Or did she? DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! XD
0 likesI have a question. Could Luna do this again?
0 likes"It doesn't work like that." Magic magic magic MAGIC ITS ALL MAGIC
0 likesI think the wirery things go up into an invisible hole into the real world in the shared dream
0 likesThere was a youtuber who talked about a creepy dream she had
0 likesIn her dream she saw a tall dark shadow figure and when she woke up she saw it but when she closed her eyes and opened them again the black figure was gone and she said it had a radio static voice which was saying her name but was skipping some letters and when she went back to sleep she saw it again but with a hat she has told other stories too which are scary (kinda) and she says she lucid dreams a lot because she has bad the worst luck with kidnapping and other stuff and I think she said she was
Replies (1)
12 or 13 (wouldn't let me do one comment so had to do 2)
0 likesI think you're totally right!
0 likesI all ways thought that dreams are things you see in a other dimension.
0 likesAnd I am just a kid yet I know some things about dimensions
i know this is a long explonation, but please don't be lazy, and just read it. your wrong about those Apple bloom, scotaloo, and swetie belle dream having luna's string, why? becouse when luna was conecting to mane 6 in this episode, she needed to be able to control hersielf in another dream, she needed to be able to conect to other dreams, but still controling the actions in other 5, the CMCs were alone and luna was only looking in to their dreams at the time, and that's why i think your wrong, when looking into one dream she doesn't need to conect to anyone else, and in the episode where they all had the same dream, they didn't meet each other, but swetie belle and scotaloo were in the same posion as Apple bloom, and dreamed as the same thing was happening to them.
0 likesOkay so i thought up something that's probably stupid but what if alicorns have their own dimensions to control and share like remember when celestia was turning twilight into a alicorn the area had the same design but how can that be? Luna said the celestia can't do anything with dreams like Luna can so maybe celestia has her own dimension that Luna can't interfere with granted twilight or candence has shown their dimensions but maybe it's just for pure alicorns where celestia can look at and give destinies and Luna dreams let me know what you think if I have any flaws tell me please.
0 likesReplies (1)
I ment had not shown their dimensions sorry
0 likesWhat about the moon on Luna's chest plate it grew to a bigger moon and I'm confused explain😓 it's like every time she gains confidence the moon becomes more of a full moon
0 likesDo you?...
1 likepledge your loyalty to the New Lunar Republic
To hold Lunar honor high
To fight in good or bad
To live in allegiance with Luna and the Eclipse
to die for our rights in war
I think it comes from the real world
0 likesDimension. I think yes. In minds? I think not.
0 likesOf course it's happening inside your head! But why on earth should that mean it's not real?
0 likesin MLP I think that there is a dream realm. At 3:54 all those doors are to each pony's dreams. Also Luna has the power of entering pony's dreams and see what there dreaming. This makes me think in "Magical Mystery Cure" Celestia was watching Twilight to decide if she was ready to turn into a princess. After all there was there was a flashback of clips from episodes. So does this give Celestia the power to watch over any pony in the day, and Luna the power in the night?
0 likesmy theory is yes there is a dimension of dreams that connects to eachother. Like America. it's seperated In states but it's on country. so that makes me think that it's another dimension. and I have proof. you see in MLP Equestia girls twilight goes though a mirorr to another dimension. so yeah compicated. :P
0 likesthat Princess Bride meme just got you a like :3
0 likesI have one thing to say about this: Astral Projection.
0 likesIt would be in the mind because then how did Big Mac turn in to a alicorn
0 likesfirst of all no scootaloo wouldn't have a wire Luna can enter dreams but when it was with them they need it a route from one to another and seconds the dream could be a dimension and in the mine but when Luna connected all the dreams she probably connected them to her mine
0 likesI think I want to see a picture of Kirby on Luna's back now. With Kirby going "Hii~!" and Luna looking back at him as though to say, "Where did you come from?"
0 likesAnother dimension.<3
0 likesThe dream world is real my witch friend said that according to my dreams I have a connection to it I remember it it was a black void nothing there but then again I am color blind and there is a rumor that color blind people can't see the monsters hiding there so it is dangerous for me to visit. I am going to try and see if I do though it may take my life i f a success.
0 likesI would say it's a pocket dimention
0 likesI am going to say it is another dimension. It works better with my oc.
0 likesI really like your idea
0 likesBill cipher (3:39)if u watch gravity falls u'd also get why the triangle with the eye is bill
0 likesHave you ever wondered why scootalo live on her own ? ( sorry I can't seem to spell her name )
0 likesI think there is such thing as the dream world
0 likesSo can celestia enter daydreams
0 likesi saw triangle inside the triangle and I Really think That dream dimension is real
0 likesDid they all lucid dream on one night?
0 likesThe Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
0 likesI think another uni... wait did you mean galaxy after all MLP's world is basicly the exact opposite of ours
0 likesIt could go either way really I followed yet still confused
1 likeMaybe Luna was dreaming of it all she dreamt of herself asleep so you can dream of a dream
0 likesOK question what if you cant have dreams because of medicine. because i have epilepsy and i take lamotrigine and it doesn't let me dream
0 likesDreams happen in another dimension! It's the only way all of that jibber jabber u told us could make sense! (no offense but I had to watch it more than once to understand) :/ I think that Luna has a power that nopony else has, entering the dream dimension! But if Luna has this strange power then what unnatural power does Celestia have? We all seen Luna appear in a bad dream to help out but when have we ever seen her in a good dream? Maybe Celestia appears in good dreams. But that still leaves something out! Luna appears to help a bad dream turn to a good dream! Celestia appears to turn a good dream into a bad dream? I don't think so!!! Maybe Celestia makes the good dream a better dream! Or else the good dream is slowly getting worse and Celestia helps fight back. When Celestia is defeated (which can happen! It's a dream world right!? Dreams r very powerful!!!) Luna takes over and gets rid of the darkness for good. Then the pony wakes up!
0 likesI promise, this isn't fake, A few years ago I was sitting next to my friend on the bus, and we weren't really doing anything so I asked her about her dream last night. I realized something. I had that same exact dream. I told her, and we both started flipping out. Does anyone know what this could mean??
0 likesReplies (1)
Being with someone your close to probably rubs off some type of aura that can stick with you or your brains operate on a similar wavelength. Or just a freak coincidence. 0_0
1 likeReplies (1)
im not gonna say the i l u m i you know who
0 likesThey're all replicants stuck in an online MMO.
0 likesThat 3d triangle had the illuminati in for a tiny second
0 likesI know this is not related to MLP but bear will me this might help
0 likesOnce when it was a week day I had to get up but I was getting dressed IN MY DREAM when I woke up I did the exact same things that happened in my dream,and then another time my something was beeping and in my dream I could here the beeping but could wake up maybe that was a sign that I should Wake up and I did and what happened was the fire alarm was going off and there was a fire there was also something related to a fire in my dream MMMAAYYYBBE Just maybe dream can save lives because someone else is seeing your dream and I helping you wake up
I saw something inside your triangle for a spilt second!😲
0 likeswait a minute, in mlp movies the human world is explained to be a dimension . wouldn't that mean that they have a dream dimension to
0 likesi will say yes i been there with all the pony's wow that monster is really scary my cute mark is tree pink heart's
0 likesI realize I'm late, but what about Sleep Paralysis..?
0 likesmaybe when ponies sleep, they awake in Canterlot high and live as humans, then when they go to sleep in that world, they awake back in Equestria as ponies... O.o
0 likesmaybe the mind of ponies are in sink with the dream world
0 likesThere is the astral plans which is next to our plain and looks like our plains and wail we sleep our subconscious/souls goes to the astral plains. Luna must be able to walk in and our at will
0 likesI think it was in another dimension
1 likeI think its a dimension
0 likesDefently a dimention. If it wernt, then their heads would be cut open.
0 likesI say that if I can go from dream land to the real world than mabe it is another demntion
0 likesHave you seen sword art online? A similar thing happens there
0 likesI thin they leave their bodies in the real world and their minds enter the dream world
0 likesYeeeup the Dream demention is a thing
0 likesWell I think it all in the ponies mind.
0 likesI think the dream is on Luna's head
0 likesI have a thorey mabe everyone dreams is in one and we all have this one
0 likesi have clips in my dreams of the next day weird eh
0 likesEvery one else is thinking about the dreams
0 likesI'm thinking about League of legends
0 likesi think its in another dimension
0 likesI like that you put a illuminati symbol in the assassin creed like symbol
0 likesIts not the sock puppet dimension its the baby einstein dimension, i would know the baby einstein puppets anywhere
0 likesOmgomgomgomgomgomg my favorite youtuber watches Doctor Who, my favorite tv show!?
0 likesIts A Diemison, But Is It Really? Think About 'A Canterlot Wedding' (Part 1 & 2) When Twilight Enters King Sombra's Lair And Finds That Odd Door... When She Looks At It She Sleeps TO Have Gain Unconsicousness In The Real World, But She Sees And Feels Every Thing In That World, Like A Nightmare Think About It
0 likesReplies (1)
@Zarina RedFox Sleeps --> Seems ( I Wasnt Paying Attention lol)
0 likeswell from bloom & gloom its another dimension
0 likesIf u think about do princess dream of magic sheep how could Luna give herself thesame nightmare every night and have her own dream if she every night is in the dreams of other ponies
0 likesMy oc is a dimension jumper. DEADPOOL GET OFF THAT!
0 likesMy brain just did a flip flop and then died and then blew up! ⤵️➕😵➕💥=⁉️
0 likesI could keep up I, know it's crazy I'm 8... But I could pass the 4th grade STAAR TEST
0 likesDimension! For sure
0 likesDream dimension
0 likesThat picture of pinkie pies brain is inaccurate. It is much smaller than that XD
0 likesjkEvery time there is a triangle he makes illuminati lolz
0 likesRight on hoof Brony Notion
0 likesor is it cannon
0 likesReally? Illuminati in the triangle? You had to, didn't you?
0 likesThey are the dream ponies
0 likes3:39 #ISawWhatUDidThere
0 likes#Illuminati Comfirmed
u are brilliant
0 likes.....confused.....confusing........this is hurting my brain!!!!!!!!! >:V
0 likesI totally get what your trying to say but...???!
0 likesluna needed more ram
0 likesTROLLTROLLTROLLTROLL buttsscootes in circles (someone else) 'I think you broke him and his icon
0 likesso many memes!!
0 likesam a magic queen sheep!! B3 sorry for the scam and i like this video :o
0 likesIlluminati confirmed
0 likesI saw illuminati symbolism.. ILLURMINERTIES CONFURMED
1 likeanother dimension seems ligit
0 likesIt's a real thin
0 likesmore like hare with me @The Brony Notion BAD PUN ALERT
0 likesilliminate confirmed at 3:38
0 likesComment if you saw the triangle.
0 likeslol doctor who meme
0 likesA different dimension in the head
0 likesAnother dimension
0 likesIts a kids show jeez xD
0 likesseen the flashy illuminati :OOO
0 likesPond. this is we're things get complicated.
0 likesInception.
0 likesIlluminati spoted
0 likes.Your awesome
0 likesdifferent demension
0 likesWho else saw the illuminati??
0 likesIf I dont like your answer ill give you nightmares!
0 likesIt has both was becasues you have to have a dream is a dimeson of our fears and emoissom to make us scare of what can happen we can see dreams as teared try to make your mind go in a direant the is good and bad but it will only in this case is to teach luna to forgive herslafe but she never did intell now so we look at it as a dream and a dimeson of our slafes
0 likesdifferent demention
0 likesOmg sharkboy and lavagirl
0 likes3:40 illuminati..
0 likesProcessing...
0 likesBro hoof 🐴
0 likesdimension
0 likesdimension
0 likesAnd a saw a fast flash illuminati in the triangle
0 likesWhat is tha episode call?
0 likesAll of your stuff is headcanon
0 likesIllerminertary Cernfermed
0 likesIn pony's head
0 likesDimension
0 likesWell umm... I... Umm... Ok iv got nothing.....
0 likesLol
0 likesit my little pony what do you itsped
0 likesAm I the only one who say the real quick illuminati symbol
0 likesI always assumed there was a separate Dream Dimension. It is an echo of the Prime Material Plane (the 'real' world) created by the shared consciousness of all sapient beings, i.e. all creatures that can imagine or create ideas. Think of the shared consciousness as a LCD projector element, illuminated by the magical field of the Prime Material Plane, and creating a projected screen on the backdrop of higher dimensional space.
1 likeSo while it is a different dimension, it is not an entirely separate universe. Everybody knows the concept that parallel universes are like numberless sheets of paper stacked on top of one another. I see them more as fluffy blankets, each universe having thickness in higher dimensional space as well as it's normal dimensions. At the 'centre' of the blanket is the Prime Material Plane of that universe, but to either side of it i8n the fluff are all the demi-planes associated with that universe. The Astral Plane, Shadow Plane, Elemental Planes, Heavens and hells, basically whatever the cosmology requires.
We know the ponies have dimensional travel (Equestria Girls), so magic to enter the Dream Realm or Tartarus (which I guess has a permanent portal, the question is why?) is certainly possible. Though that begs the question, is the Equestria Girls universe a true separate universe, or simply a demi-plane of Equestria. Or even scarier, is the reverse true?
I believe the dream plane/dimension is a very reasonable explanation. I mean, it's already been a thing in Dungeons & Dragons for ages, and I'd say that modern MLP has a lot more connection to D&D than most realize or are willing to admit. I mean, Hasbro has owned Wizards of the Coast since 1999. Anyway, regarding dream planes of existence:
0 likeshttp://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/regionofdreams.htm
I think you might have something there with the dreams being in a separate dimension. Though, if that's the case, then Luna is actually stronger than Celestia if she has the same ability that Discord has (as you showed in Make New Friends But Keep Discord).
0 likesDoes that also mean that, in a way, Luna should have far more say in the rulings of Equestria? Yes, we understand that Celestia is the 'goddess of the sun' but Luna can go into dimensions (if that's the case) so just a bit more powerful if used correctly/wisely. Heck, I'm surprised that Nightmare Moon didn't attempt to tap into that ability (again, if that's the case). Can you imagine the serious damage she could have made in the dream realm?
Anyway, I digress and I do think that it would be interesting if the dreams were in a dimension all by themselves :)
Two things: 1) at the begining of the video, you said "boy do I have a theory." Shouldn't you have had a notion?
0 likes2) ever read wheel of time? I think that telanroihd(my appologies if I misspelled that) explains this quite well. If not then... It is an alternate reality which experienced and well trained people can enter physicaly, like real luna did in this episode, and can also be mentaly manipulated, plenty of examples for that point. And, thusly, if something were created in pony telanrhoid, then that thing could, with enough power, escape into the real world. Like the tentabus almost did. Also, dreamwalkers. Seriously, just read the series, it'll be faster.
Personally, I think that there is always some sort of tether between the dream and real world when a pony/human sleeps. That connection can be severed, causing the mind, which is in the dream world, to stay there. At least, until going to the afterworld.
0 likesIt gets even MORE complicated if you read FIENDship is Magic #4, where we learn what happened to Nightmare Moon directly following her banishment, and even the nature of the banishment itself. As it turns out, living on the moon are a species called the Nyx, and they actually craft the dreams of ponies and other sentient creatures. By the end of the story, Luna has taken control of the Nyx and has decided to spend her banishment tormenting the dreams of ponies.
0 likesFrom what I have learned (please bear with me, or correct me if something is inaccurate) when you dream, you astral project (the projection of a "copy" (it's possible it's not a copy) of your conscience into another dimension). (Those "white-string things that Luna uses to connect to dreams, I find very similar to your "silver cord" in the astral realm.) Though, your conscience, or a copy of it, is in the astral realm, it is unconscious. You are conscious in your dream. The dreaming is in your head, not in the astral realm, yet, it is possible (whether conscious or unconscious) to visit other people in their dreams.
0 likesBut that still doesn't quite explain why a whole town would be able to be put in the same dream by Luna.
What about this: It's like a dyson sphere; it's a world in a small bubble. What if Luna can create a world in her mind and make a "tunnel" that allows selected beings to enter, thus, making shared dreams, allowing beings to communicate in the same realm.
That's all I've got. In my mind, it explains much.
Well... It's complicated. When Luna goes into the dreams of others via the string, she just releases her consciousness into those of other ponies'. When there is a shared dream, she splits her conscience up to bring all the other consciences together in one dream. However, it was too hard to split up her conscience into enough pieces for all of Ponyville, so she had to literally transport herself into the giant dream while protecting herself from being affected by it using the bubble. This isn't the first time we've seen a pony warp to another dimension. In Magical Mystery Cure, we see Princess Celestia take Twilight into a magical dimension using her alicorn magic. (This is a dimension where only alicorns can go.) So, if you have the right magic, you can travel to other dimensions, and the dream world is indeed another dimension created by the consciences of the ponies. Each pony has their own separate dimension to play around in. That being said, Cadence, Celestia, and Twilight don't have the proper magic to go into the dream world. Luna is the only one who does. I believe someday Twilight will discover a new dimension herself! One that can only be accessed by her and her friends. At least that's what I think.
0 likesYou.are.AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! I, as a fellow conspiracy theorists, was able to catch up and I realized something. That it was similar to my theory except it's is ten times more detailed and is going down a different path.I think that luna made the dream dimension along with the tantabis. She made it to punish herself even more by making it seem more real, what she didn't know is that it made a whole nother world, the dream dimension. So when the tantabis 'escaped for the first time' it actually didn't. It got it first power from bloom and gloom, where luna allowed other ponies into the dimension making the shared dream of the cms. That gave the tantabis enough power to leave. It's been sneaking away, until luna caught it in her first dream in Do princesses... Once it was caught, the tantabis decided to infect the dreams of powerful ponies, the main 6, to get enough energy to leave into the real world. The rest is history. I hope u consider my theory. And as always BRO HOOF!
1 likeEver since the first time we saw Twilight go to another location, that wasn't achieved by normal means of transportation, (walking, train, flying, and so on) we knew that there were different..... I'm going to go with "realms" where a world can be similar to another. So it's quite passable that a dream is both in the mind and another realm. Some are harder to get to then others. When we watch the Ponies we ourselves are watching another realm. A book, a show, a movie, and to some existent a play. Are each a different world that someone was at first one person's that he or she made the door for others to go though and enter. So not is there only a dream realm but everything that can dream has multiple worlds in their own mind in their own realm. Luna has the ability to connect to those under her care and help, "lead" the dreamer to learn a lesson. Though it's actually the dreamer or "world holder" that is making the changes. Because they are in some-pony's head Luna is able to make her own connection to those under her care.
0 likesConsidering what people can do in a lucid dream, and some people's theories in the lucid dreaming community, this really does make sense.
(and yes, I was able to keep up... though I may have a slight advantage, seeing how last night I literally figured out all of the possible colors representable by the RGB color scheme in my sleep...(as in, I figured out that it was 255^3 in my dream, and I was right))
Also, think of Carl Jung and the theory of Shared Subconscious. I would say the alternate dimension might be oversimplifying things. The Tantabus, a being of Luna's subconscious, learned of the Mane 6 via Luna's subconscious representations of them, and therefore they would be linked in the shared subconscious. Once it infested the dreams of the others, it gained strength. But the shared subconscious is linked to the conscious through memory and... other things.(it's been a LOONG time since I've looked this stuff up.) When you throw in the fact that this world is saturated with magic, and unicorns use their horn through mental focus to warp these energies, if one were to fall to the Tantabus and it used their connection to the Aether, it could take incorporeal form in the real world until such time as the Chaos requires form and draws unto itself the appendages necessary to carry out its nefarious schemes.
0 likestl:dr= Tantabus is a dream-virus mind-fuck that can turn into Discord.
My theory: Share dreams need those lines to their heads. Usual dream-walking is easy. But share dreams are difficult. And I can even explain the first time Luna went into Mane 6 dreams. She had to have a connection between them, so she could move into dream to dream. Back to the share dreams. Luna needed everypony minds to create share dreams. And those white lines are access to everypony minds.
0 likesI made even my head hurt with that
It's lucid dreaming gone too far. For those who don't know lucid dreaming happens when you become aware of the fact you are dreaming and thus you start controlling the dream. So that's why all the ponies were able to do whatever they want including turning into a princess.
0 likeseach time some one takes a choise a new dimention is made for you taking the opposite choise, its clearly possible that each living being has its own space within infinte to build its own dimention by its own rules, in what we call dreams, luna riftwalks btween this dimentions, but connecting all dreams, thats HER making a poket dream dimmention where all connects, she is awake to keep the dimention solid, as in past episodes where no threads are seen she is probably sleeping aswell and using its passive astral form to walk among dreams, not actively manipulating them
0 likesYou said it yourself Luna is the server. She could have zapped everypony from their dreams & ran a simulation within her mind. With only one dream running the tantibus had no alternative. With that power she could easily concenter her form.
0 likesThe Dreamworld could be an own Dimension and connects everyponys dreams to one big system. That's why Luna can switch from dream to dream.
0 likesI think that the dream world involves both the mind and the dream dimension. Just like how Luna(in theory) has a dream self that she controls, each pony has a dream self that they don't know about. I think that when they dream their dream pony gets sent to the dream dimension. Which usually has separate places for ponies, but in the instance where the dream dimension is manipulated by a pony with the right kind of power (usually Luna) it can join together. Think of it as a puzzle. Each piece has a different part of the dream dimension, but when influenced by magic the puzzle pieces come together creating one big world. Also in theory, I think that even when the dream dimension is all put together, the ponies don't share the exact same dream and experience the same things. I think that the share something similar but only Luna has the power to make the exact same dream for every pony. I suppose that if Twilight studied with Luna she might be able to pull of the spell that brings together the dream dimension. But she won't be able to create the same dream for everypony. I think that the power to create a shared dream lies with Princess Lina alone. And that is my ridonkulously long theory
0 likesLuna made it pretty clear, her physical, material self was in their dreams, she specifically mentioned that she was in their dreams in a physical form. Please go back and watch the episode.
0 likestbh, it could be a multitude of things, but seeing as Luna was able to go into the mane 6's 'dream lands' at the same time and not have magic lines, but with a multitude of ponies, u see those magic lines; it could be just her magic in itself can only limit so many ponies at the same time, possibly 10 give or take, but including every single pony in ponyville, and have them share the same dream, then it could just be she had strained herself on her magic, being an alicorn could possibly being the only thing from destroying herself. that bubble around her could have just been a simple sign that she was using too much magic at one given time. So i believe it wasnt a dream dimension, but her subconscious working through the others minds, like a link. the share dream could be in her head, thus the point of magic lines being visible. I hope I explained your dream dimension theory in my own way.
0 likesPerhaps it was necessary for real Luna to enter that dream because it was a different dream than all the other dreams she had been a part of. The amount of power needed to hold together the massive dream required the physical presence of her real self, which we know by the white strings that connected all the ponies.
0 likesI think it's possible that the dream world is a different dimension or realm that pony's can only travel to while asleep. Also I think the only reason we've never seen the strings that connect her to there dreams is because she does it while she's asleep so it's easier for her to travel through the dreams of others and such and so she doesn't need to do that. Or there's also the possibility that the string show the dream world is just a part of the pony's consciousness and mind and since the Tantabus was created by Luna that could be the only reason it could possibly escape to the real world
0 likesOne thing occurred to me: why didn't the mane 6 use their dream powers to fight off the tantabus when it was in their individual dreams?
0 likesthough now that I think about it: in bloom and gloom Scoot didn't fly in her own dream but she did during their shared dreams. maybe that's a special property of a dream created by Luna.
They say that since we spent at least 20 years of our life dreaming, it could be considered an alternate dimension
0 likesMaybe the reason Luna's mane was different for the first episode, was because her mane we see in season 2,3,4 and 5 is the tantabus or gives the allusion of the tantabus to remind her of the pain she caused !!!! What do you think of my theory ????????
1 likeMaybe every dream is in one of the pony's brain, and Luna just hacked into their dreams. Shared dreams? That's Luna link several dreams together. And Luna is the router. But in that episode, maybe it's that Luna makes every pony into her dream, so that something different happens.
1 likeBut what about the nightmare? Well what about the Equestria itself is a big dream hosted by Celestia? Every pony is switching between the two dreams over and over again. Well that's too much matrix style. But I can explain in a non-matrix way.
In my theory, Equestria is a cocoon built by Celestia. And even if cocoon is not matrix, Celestia can still create illusion to every pony. In order to create illusion, you need to access their brains. So, if the cocoon already has link with every pony's brain, then nightmare can use these links too.
Replies (1)
@野龍 嗯
0 likesor, the mind in a demechon in itself, and when luna jones the dreams together she's really just placing the dream versions of all the ponies in one demechion, or one dream, INCLUDING the tatibus, which, would fallow the dream pony, not the dream itself
0 likesWhat if each pony has their own dimension and luna can just connect them. The portals to these dimensions can only be opened by the ponies sleeping subconscious. If that were true luna actually can walk dimensions and not dreams. This could also explain the strain on luna concidering with every sientific theory about dimension walking it would take a ton of power. No wonder luna was exhausted
0 likesOh hey and I would love to discuss theories with anypony in my kik. kikiya01234
What about when she was Nightmare Moon? Is it harder to affect dreams at distance, or did the moon somehow seal her magic?
0 likesI see and even the Dreaming/Physical Luna doesn't conflict because maybe she needs energy to create Dream Luna and she was using it all to keep track of Ponyville.
0 likesHmm that certainly is very interesting theory and a good one at that. If it all happened in one dimension (dreaming) it would make sense because thise times where people share a dream thry have to be linked to something somehow. Also I got your reference really man? That movie? Really?
1 likeIt's kind of happening in their brains and they're in a different dimension. Their brains sort of create a trigger to transport them into the dream dimension. That's just my thought but that's just how think of it
0 likesI always thought of it as a dimension where everypony usually has their cozy corner.
0 likesOk... I think they have the dreams in their heads and then when they wake up the dreams go to the dream world. Because Luna had that bubble around her when she was connecting to ponies dreams I think it was the strain of her magic being shown and she had a bubble to show it.
0 likesMy theory is that luna needs the strings only when its more than one pony.And in that episode (dream ponyville) the real life luna had to be there because dream lunas power wasnt enough to keep the massive dream going on.what do you think about my theory?
0 likesThis episode could have something to do with the game Mario and Luigi dream team because in the game,Luigi can sleep on a pillow and Mario can enter a dream world.Then Luigi can enter the dream,but in a dreamy form.So now back to my little pony,maybe the real world and the dream world are separate dimensions,just like u said in the video.
0 likesSo the thingy Luna made has A TON of magic to break a path between both dimensions.
When you started talking about the server and pc stuff I started laughing and thought, Luna got to get one of those intel xeons to host shared dreams. :P
0 likesI love this theory so much!
0 likesI think it's another dimension, but only the pony's spirit can access it. Kinda like an out of body experience.
0 likesI'm all for the separate dimension theory!
0 likesThis is my idea. Maybe since it takes so much power to hold the dream together Luna can't waste magic making her horn not glow in dream land
0 likeswait,if all the dreams were in one dimension then luna could just enter everypony's dreams by only connecting one string of magic to one pony,I think each pony has their own dream dimension and that shared dreams are either one pony moving to anthers dream dimension or the combining of said demensions.
0 likes0:24 This is a magic world where ponies have special talents and talk. They can defeat magical, mythical creatures. I don't think that you should question this world.
0 likesI think it is all in pony's minds and "Dream Luna" just enters the pony's minds which are dreaming at the time.
0 likesi think everything happens in the mind i studied this and there is diffrent cords to every dream they are each kept safely in each cord. every cord leads some were to the mind but i csn't explain how it happens to ponies that takes alot of thinking to type it in it is complicated. i hop my researches help you!
0 likesI think the reason Luna was in a weird bubble and the magic was coming out is probably cause the dream was soooo big that made her weak so she had to show her magic
0 likesIn the second movie when twilight was being nerdy and tried to explain scientifically what she did to the portal, she mentioned something about "three spacial dementions"... Could the dream world be demention number 3???
0 likesManly in the dream world which Luna created was something to keep her up instead of actually sleeping
0 likesSo she can be punished until the end of the episode
It is a seperate dimension. The proof is, I've had shared dreams and the people that I've shared them with (like me) have had dreams in those places before. But also that bears the question of if we also have our own small dimensions due to the fact that multiple people can be having dreams about the same place at the same time, but they never see each other. If you want to, please message me about this later. I'm supposed to be writing an essay right now.
0 likesBut if you can do anything in a dream, couldn't anypony just have went like "Oh, well I decide that blue smoke thing is now 50 kilometers underground. :D" ?
2 likesReplies (5)
I thought that also! I was thinking the whole time"I would just imagine that it was in a big box that it couldn't esape from!" But I can't blame the writers.they proboly didn't know you could do that when you are lucid dreaming. (BTW I can lucid dream)
0 likes@Ashley Hayward That, or it's just because it would be inconvenient for the story so nopony tought of it.
0 likes@Le Derp Français also that.
0 likesIf you want to think like that, you can imagine this could be like a lucid dream where you can control things. However, you can not always control everything, even if you do know it's a dream. There are some things, sometimes, that you can't actually do anything about. Plus, if the theory that dreaming is like an alternate universe, they wouldn't be able to control it that easily anyway.
0 likes@***** that's also true.
0 likesone thing in the episode that does support you is that the Tantabus entered Luna when it was defeated. I she took the spell that created it back into herself.
0 likesit happens in an alternate dimension...Do you know the movie of pokemon where Giratina appeared?its almost the same as that...As some theory goes,our souls splits from our bodies and wanders around until we wake up...I dont know what this theory is called but i have an addition to it. Whenever the soul comes out of a person its may or maynot visit another dimension...If you already watched Pokemon diamond and pearl movies,Im pretty sure you would have solved this one by a split second. and yes dreams occur in a different dimension,kinda like a phone call.
0 likesMan all that stuff he explained is complicated and a bit mind blowing that it was making my brain hurt
0 likesNotion in your theory's so far you have talked about 5 separate dimentions if you put captions on Netflix on the rainbow rocks movie. When twilight explains the portal she says "across 3 spatial dimensions." But this theory is a good one it kind of explains why Bon Bon and Lyra had the same dream.
0 likesBring notion, I have an epic theory on the crusader's cutiemarks!!! U know how most pony's names r based on there cutiemarks , such as, twilight sparkle, who has a star and sparkles? Well, if the same thing happens to the crusaders then this is my theory. Scootaloo may never have the ability to fly but, she has a scooter to ride so her wings r useful, so if I'm correct, her cutiemark must do something with her scooter. As for sweetie belle, she wants to b like her sister, she has belle in her name so her cutiemark should have something to do with belles. And finally apple bloom. This doesn't make much sense but I'm thinking her cutiemark will b about planting and caring for apple trees until they're fully grown???? I'm not sure but its always made me think.
0 likeswhat if brains travel to dream dimension and luna traveled with all her body and strings are coming to the real world by some kind of void?
0 likesInteresting theory. What i'll never accept though is that the human world (or should i say Doug-world if you know what i mean) exists in the MLP reality too as a seperate dimension.
0 likesYep, still pissed about those movies.
Luna had to be there so the mane six could tell her to forgive herself for what she had done while in the form of Nightmare Moon.
0 likesthat would mean that luna could not be in the "real" dimension to conect everypony to the dream.... so either the "real" luna from the "real" dimension can dupicate or exsist muptiple times in multiple dimesions at the same time!
0 likesWait, Sharkboy and Lavagirl is an obscure reference?
0 likesAm I old, or has almost no one seen it?
I flippin loved that movie when I was little.
See here is my theory she was acting as a "server" for the dream. The shared dream was her dream that she created and she brought everyone into her mind. The tantibus escaping would not mean it would manifest itself into the real world as the "black mist" but rather it would take over the server. Sort of like a virus can take over a computer or even an entire network the tantibus could theoretically take over Equestria through infecting dreams once it escapes.
0 likesThe corridor of dreams, luna can enter any she likes. In that one episode where luna took sweetie belle to the dream corridor.. thus must mean any pony with strong enough magic can enter
0 likesThe Tantibus is a reference to Darkrai and the Dream World from Pokemon is also referenced.
0 likesOK I am typing this before your intro. have you ever watched teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012 version) well in an episode called Dream Beavers, I think, the crazy dude pretty much brought those evil beavers from his mind, bringing fiction into their reality. So maybe what happened was similar?
0 likesYou have to check out the new friendship games trailer and when you do you'll be surprised who runs the school
0 likesI think that Luna created dream her too but it took too much magic for her to multitask any way that's my theory
0 likesIt probly depends, the more ponies the more chance of a real Luna, the less ponies the greater the chance of fictional luna
0 likesI always had this question...
0 likesIs Luna nocturnal?
Love the princess Bride reference.
0 likesAlso, in an episode Scootaloo has a nightmare about the headless horse. Luna enters scootaloos mind. I wonder if the same white streaks happend
0 likesI think the mind of a pony is the dream dimension.
0 likesI think that everything happened în Luna's mind
0 likesBecause that bad little thing was a part of her bad side . I think that that little purple or Black cloud was trying to escape from Luna's mind all the time and those wires conected her mind with other ponies
Hey, Brony Notion do you think the shadow monster was Nightmare Moon?
0 likesAm I the only one that cried in that episode?
0 likesI mean POOR LUNA :'(
When you can't explain something in mlp - it's another dimension deal with it.
0 likesor are we the dreams of some other pony's reality? :3
0 likesWho else wants the Brony Notion to do face reveal?! :D /)
0 likesI think we reached the Bloodborne level of Lovecraftian Lore, in MLP.
0 likesBut Dreamworlds are not so uncommon.
So congratulation ponies Nightmare Slain! Now on your knees, an i cut you out from the Hunters Dream :)
I would say since I there are other dimensions that the dream realm is a dimension and doesn't happen in the mind but in an alternate dimension.
0 likesDoes that mean that every pony is a 'ponyvillian'?!
0 likesthe dream world could be a different dimension but in order to travel to a different dimension she would have to break through dark matter and the only force which would be strong enough to do that are worm holes also if tried that she would create a paradox with would back fire and result in failure if you want to learn more about worm holes you can check out this link:https://vimeo.com/17477895 which will go into time travel and worm holes another theory is it could also be a parallel universe or a planet in there universe/galaxy the dream world could also be a part of the brain which could also be a place in theory if there were some type of link aka prices luna after all the processes of equestrian have lived for over 10,00 years according to the first episode of mlp
0 likesReplies (1)
@moises figueroa princess*
0 likesLuna is the server and the ponies are the players :D
0 likesI think all the Dreaming happens in a dimension instead of the head
0 likesHow come all of Twilight Sparkle's old friends from Canterlot were all unicorns?
0 likesMy headcannon any alicorn or unicorn could use magic to enter others dreams but the reason they don't is because it was never important but it's lunas duties
0 likesOkay. I get it. But both Lunas may not control each other. Maybe...
0 likesHow can somethimg in the mind enter the real world? Um, magic?
0 likesWhen Luna goose into ponies dreams she teleports her self in them and only when she is using a lot of her dream power the lines show in the dreams she is in
0 likesBut the question is just ponies or us that's what scares me. Anyone else?
0 likesFor ze next video can ye do "Are Ponies Connected to Each Other"
0 likesIf you are a changeling then why did you choose to become a earth pony in stead of a unicorn,Pegasus,or even a alicorn
0 likesWhen you said "dream self" my homestuck trash mind kept making comparisons
0 likesI think it's the dream demention because idk you had good reasoning!!
0 likesIntereting video and all, however, I'd like to know if you could expand your insight to other cartoons as well. Im just saying, your limiting yourself too much
0 likesI know what the thing on lunas flank is the tantumes think its a big part of her life and maybe you could theory this
0 likesYou kinda lost me at, like, 20 seconds into the video...but what you are saying makes some sense...I guess
0 likesWhat if every ponies brain is a separate realm\dimensions an princess Luna connects them together in her realm\dimension or dream more simply so let's say where all some what correct princess Luna is the server or main dream connected to everyone dream so that would mean she is holding an entire realm up with would explain why she got tired to fast but the reason she didn't just pass would be because not the entire world of equastria was in this dream so she had enough power to keep it stable long enough for them to beat the thing please excuse my punctuation
0 likesLuna would be in the pony's mind and leading them to another dimension at the same time so they would be seeing what is in their dream while their moving in their dream.
Great observation. So confusing though. I would've never thought of those ideas!XD I'm so retarded! Lol.
0 likes@The Brony Notion is it possible the tamtafist (or how ever you spell it) is the thing that turned luna into nightmare moon cause thats what it did in her dream and it does looks alot like nightmare moons mane
0 likesThink of magic off the pony's all the magic in equestria must of made when lunar went to the dream realm the pony imagination created it
0 likesalso if you played part time job the you get the lyra and bobon refrence
0 likesi think it is all in another dimention and if ponys get dreams they get in some kind of avatar just like in the movie avatar (you no that movie with those blue people)
0 likessorry for wrong spelling i am dutch XD
it's a dimesion type of deal in fact they say it
0 likesI got the reference!!!!
0 likesDear brony notion if spike the Dragon was a pony what was his cutie Mark be please do a video on it
0 likesYou could've said in peoples mind. Because in that case mind blown twice :) .
0 likesIt's magical pastel ponies, don't question it
0 likesSounds like hyperstring theory to me, but theoretical physics gives me a headache.
0 likesWhy Starlight Glimmer and Aria Blaze look so similar
0 likesI think it's a dimension
0 likesDreamscape man! X3
0 likesThat obscure reference though.
0 likesEh I didn't really get confused 'til the end and then when he finished talking I understood.
0 likesthat makes a lot of sense I think your right
0 likesI think that the dream world IS a dimension, but it exists in everypony's head. So, everyone has a section of the dream dimension in their head.
0 likesi think the dreams are in another dymetion.
0 likesUh... Heck, YEAH! That would explain a lot! I bet u that C.C. is sick b/c of this show... He'd fanboy too hard!
0 likeswhat's the place at the end of the episode? I think it's the moon
0 likesReplies (1)
@decaf alpaca like the moon place luna was trapped
0 likesDid anyone else spot the eye in the triangle?
0 likesBoth dimensions AND in thier heads!
0 likesSaw illuminati symbol in 4th dimension triangle and im like,
0 likes"Crap. Illuminatis here. BUY GOLD!!!!!!!!!! Listen to Grunkle Stan."
Maybe Luna's horn was white because she wasn't sleeping, like in the episode bloom and gloom, the dream luna hasn't a white horn cause she was sleeping. But why didn't she came to there dreams as the dream luna ? Maybe its in the same case as twilight in the seconded equestria girls, she created a way to go back whitout waiting 30 months... I'm so confused xD and I guess my tought is stupid .-. Just never mind :p
0 likesI think it's another dimension
0 likesmy theroy is the tantubus has dream powers also because luna created it so it can pass through dreams to the real world 030 i think your theroy is better though XD
0 likesIt was a dream
0 likes@The Brony Notion I'm majorly confused now lol
0 likesEveryone is an alicorn princess and can do what ever at night =P JK
0 likesYour a Dr.Who fan??? I am too!!!!
0 likes#10th Doctor is best
Was I the only one waiting to see someone having a sexy dream?
0 likesObscure reference : shark boy and Lava girl
0 likesI-I saw that!!! I saw the iluminati at 3:39--- I'm not going crazy!
0 likesThere's a theory and here it is. Pinky is a changling
0 likesThis is logical
0 likesDream dimension
0 likesEver notice that Moon Dancer And Daring Doo that look like Rainbow Dash and Twilight Moon Dancer and Daring Doo both represent a trait from Rainbow Dash {Adventurous} and Twilight {Book Worm} Could Moon Dancer and Daring Doo possibly be showing what Twilight and Rainbow Dash would be like if the main 6 hadn't met each other.
0 likesAnd you thought you could slip the illuminate (Bad spelling runs in the family(under my nose eh? NOPE
0 likesReplies (1)
@RageKitten If your talking about my spelling I don't give a crap. I don't care how I spell
0 likes3:39 illuminati confirmed
1 likeThat obscure reference wasn't very obscure. Sharkboy and Lavagirl. I don't remember which one is was, but I got the reference.
0 likesReplies (1)
I also saw that flash of the Eye of Province. Before you say illuminati, that's not even a symbol of theirs. They used the Owl of Minerva.
0 likesYes no error where Einstein when you need him
0 likesSorry I was stuck thinking " WHAAAA.." And being comfused
0 likesThis video is Illuminati confirmed...
0 likesIiinnnteresstingg... HEADCANON ACCEPTED!!!
0 likes3:39 don't think I didn't see it
0 likesI think its another demension
0 likesIlluminati? Seriously? XD
0 likesDid anybody else seem something that I won't mention get confirmed? (Hint:illuminati)
0 likes3:39 You dropped your Illuminati.
0 likesLol pause really fast at 3:40 (illuminati confirmed)
0 likesokay so I'm really bored and currently without sound so I decided to turn on subtitles and either this vids weird of the subtitles are way off
0 likesNiGHTs into dreams much? XD
0 likesAMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (sorry you showed that pic) and dreams are definitely another dimension.
0 likes3:39 I saw that 😏
0 likesIlluminati Confimed!
0 likesMy fault😭 I did it I go in your dreams
0 likesI think it real i was see a youtubes she taik about her dream and her mom have her dream i think it was a nightmare becase she lost her dog and she got to a THING?
0 likes3:40 pause quick it's the illuminati xD
0 likesin a nother dimention :D
0 likesIlluminati symbol was in that weird triangle
0 likesilluminati confirmed 3:39
0 likesDifferent dimension
0 likesummmmm....... magic? idk
0 likesDid you see the illuminati in the triangle?
0 likesWow thats.. wow you are smart xD
0 likesI saw the illuminati ong😱
0 likesIt does exist because of lunna
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesomg i yus saw that the thing got sisers (cant type ) like from star vs forses of evil
0 likesI saw that illuminati in that triangle....
...uhh...😮... Oh ya I think it's a damention
0 likesAnother dimension
0 likeshmm this got me thinging what if its not only quratra rulls the dreams are another dimson what if in real life dreams are dimenisons two?
0 likesUgh The triangle represents the all see in eye this is not a cult beliefe many some including Christians believe in the all see in eye it just means a greater thing then us is watching are very movement
0 likesWait what I'm confused
0 likesYeah and I found another one in the video
0 likesA dimension
0 likesW--what....😐 I don't know
0 likesReplies (1)
I see it to the first time to
0 likesMy name on animal jam is saabworker I'm a arctic wolf and more animals
0 likes3:40 Pause at right time aannnnndddddddd ILLUMINATI
0 likesIs vinle mute?
0 likesilluminatie!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
0 likesWats the song in the background
0 likesdifferent dimenson
0 likes3:38 !!!!!!
0 likesILLUMINATI!!?!?!?!?!?! also There was a very disturbing but in the brain of the pony diagram
0 likes...i dont get it 😒
0 likesI PLAY ANIMAL JAM!!!!!
0 likesether theory theory expleaned
0 likesasparigo templer spy
0 likesdimension#
0 likesReplies (1)
@Alex Edinborough sorry about the #
0 likesI play AJ I'm lilcutie507
0 likes...idk
0 likesI have a different theory, and it's quite a long-winded one, but stick with me here. What if ponies dream like we do, but the monster described is actually a magical kind of Prion (a strange type of brain-virus). Let's remember that this monster was actually created by Luna to punish herself. So obviously she would create it to only be powerful enough to alter her senses and brain while it is in a much more vulnerable state, when she is sleeping. Also, in order to give it incentive to keep her dreams negative and about what she did as nightmare moon, she creates it to feed off of her own guilt. Now, one thing about Prions is that it's hard for them to spread. A virus trying to get into the brain of pony to the brain of another is quite a feat. But perhaps the white glowing connections gives it route to spread to other ponies. Perhaps in Luna's dreams, because she is the princess of the night, and along with that, dreams, when she dreams about somepony, for a moment, she actually shares a mental connection with them. The prion has way to spread from one pony to another. Now, that might explain how the virus affects other ponies dreams, but I can hear you asking, "Well, if that's the case how does it escape into the real world?" And my answer would be that it actually doesn't. At least, not in the literal sense. Think about it. In order for this virus to truly turn reality into a nightmare it would have to have chaotic power to rival Discord's, and, to be honest, I don't think Luna could create a creature like that. I think that as it is slowly gaining power from Luna's guilt. Almost to the point were it can start to control the brain in the much less vulnerable state of consciousness. It can trick ponies senses into seeing, hearing, and feeling things that just aren't there, effectively creating nightmares in the real world. Now, the reason Luna might have wanted to create shared dreams if this were the case was so she could help purge all the affected ponies at once, not one at a time which would be tedious and give the monster time get more powerful. Some of you might be asking, "If it is spreading, why do we only see one?" or "Why doesn't it affect all the Main 6's dreams at once if they all have the virus?" And my answer is that as we saw, while the virus is around corrupting dreams it is also vulnerable to Luna's attacks. When it sees the real Luna who has materialized herself in a dream it flees to keep from being attacked. This of course would be why creating a large shared dream would have been the best course of action, sense everypony infected was in the dream, the Prion had no other unconscious mind to run to, it would have to stay within the realms of this shared consciousness. But as it slowly gained more power, it almost got to the point where it could break out of the unconscious realm entirely, and affect ponies while they're awake as well.
2 likesI think I have explained my thoughts well enough, and my reasons as to why this will simply be my headcannon until evidence comes along to help prove or disprove it. But as for now, it's just a theory.
A PONY theory.
Thanks for reading.
My theory was that the Tantabus escaping into the real world was just part of Luna's nightmare. That couldn't really happen, Luna just believed it could, because she was letting her fears control her, and the nightmare was simply reacting to those fears.
1 likeThe other possibility is that, as a creature of the mind, the Tantabus's powers would affect only the minds of ponies in the waking world if it escaped. They might see the Tantabus there, but in reality it would only exist in their minds. That is not to say the effect would not be just as devastating though. A "living nightmare" is a pretty serious problem whether it exists only in your head or not.
Maybe life is just a dream and our dreams are our real lives, explaining why I always 'wake up' when I'm about to get killed in a dream (my 'dream life' ends when I die, just like in real life). Plus it also explains why I sometimes have multiple dreams in the same 'dream location'.
2 likesBut that's just a theory - A GAME THEORY (sorry I had to do that).
I actually came up with a theory like this a wile ago.
1 likeI was writing a story full of mythical creatures and magic where there was a dream realm held together by one witch.
It would be interesting if the staff at MLP had the same idea i did.
You forgot one major detail; ponies are magical. This means that the Tantibus doesn't have to actually exists to enter the waking world, but instead, the ponies magic brings it to life. This would also explain why Luna guards dreams in the first place, to keep nightmare's from manifesting in the real world. Perhaps this is also the origin of Nightmare Moon?
0 likesI know this isn't connected to the video, but I got this idea that what if there are more than one way for dragons to grow up? The greed is just the easiest way to grow up. What if dragons could grow up with wisdom and bravery? But that takes much more time and effort to do, so most of the dragons choose greed? It would be awesome if this was real. :3
1 likeThe way I saw it, the "Dream dimension" was less of a separate dimension and more of a different plain of existance in this dimension, co-created by the minds of everypony and managed by Luna (the shared one) that is unstable.
0 likesIf you saw the "Dr Strange" animated movie (and if you didn't go watch it, it's AWESOME!!!) think of the war Dorma Mu is trying to enter our dimension.
I can't exactly explain how real Luna is seen from the dreamscape, but I believe that the reason the Tentabus can escape it is because it was given enough power to materialise outside of it. It was gived semi-sentience by luna (or is a manifestation of part of her own consiouns) and it can exist on it's own it seems.
I have an OC and a whole series of stories based around my concept of the dream world. My concept is that the dream world is a pocket universe of sorts, connected to all dimensions like the boughs of a tree -- like the Norse Tree of Life, if you will -- but still separate from them. It contains its own sort of magic, but it thrives on the magic of those who touch it in their sleep (dreamers), acting as a benign parasite; and, in drawing upon dreamers' magic, the dream world is affected by the dreamers' imaginations, creating an ever-changing landscape, tiny portions of which are each contorted and dictated by an individual dreamer.
0 likesNormally, the dream and waking worlds remain separate, and, clearly, it's safest for everyone if they stay that way. The only way for someone to touch the dream world is by going to sleep and dreaming. However, there are a few who can physically visit the dream world, if they possess the ability, such as Princess Luna; these are called dreamwalkers, and, while dreamers wouldn't be in any real danger from whatever they may see or create in their dreams, dreamwalkers could potentially be harmed while within the dream world, just as anyone could normally in the waking world.
Also, because the dream world is so malleable, the various forms it has been given in the show are all perfectly accurate. Sweetie Belle wouldn't imagine the dream world in the same way as Scootaloo, nor as Apple Bloom. Even the way Princess Luna perceives the dream world is not set in stone, as she can also imagine her surroundings to suit her desires. Glimpsing the "celestial zone" through cracks in the dream world, traveling from one dream to another via doors and blossoming apples and birdhouses, and even the "hall of doors"/"Monsters, Inc." reference scene from "Bloom and Gloom" are all plausible, and they can change from episode to episode without a break in continuity.
So, in answer to your prompt, I believe the dream world is DEFINITELY a separate world/dimension/pocket universe all its own.
I think that the Tantabus is different then actual dreams, since it was created with magic, whereas in dreams, the ponies and their minds exist within the real world, and the things that happen inside the dreams are the ponies' minds working. I think that the dream world being a different dimension is a plausible theory, but I think it's only the Tantabus that can exit it. Also, I believe that the wire-thing that leads to ponies' heads only appears when Luna has to reach the dreams of more then, maybe, three, and that it doesn't appear either after a while or in the pony's dream. I believe it only appeared in the shared dream because Luna had to create that dream for everyone in Ponyville and maybe even more, considering how many ponies Pinkie Pie knows. That was a huge strain on her magic, and so the physical appearance of Luna at that moment showed up in the dream.
0 likesI personally feel like a small piece of the dimension is within the minds of those ponies. I mean, it makes sense. Luna's magic strings could be like Discord's claw mark to that puppet dimension.
0 likeswhat I always believed that when someone dreams I is just a collection of electrons that gather creating a big ball of energy. depending on how strong the waves are it can manifest itself into the real world. goes with nightmares believe in it too much it will become. scary. lol that is just the tip of what I believe. that's just what I think anyway. love your videos.
0 likesTechnically our mind connects to the dream realm where our dreams and everyone is connected somehow. It's like an afterlife but where dreams appear. We don't pick our dreams. It's like the dream dimension is connected to what we are scared of really that is how we have nightmares. Luna can penetrate the dream realm to help us with our fears of our own dimension.
0 likesHmmm interesting theory. I think you're right about the real Luna in shared dream. I always headcannoned Luna's dream realm as another dimension. It's just... why only she can enter it. Maybe Discord can too but that's not the point. Why she has those powers? Can Celestia do it too? Some answers come with more questions.
0 likesWeirdly enough, this actually makes sense. I must be applying Homestuck logic again. Dammit! Anyway, I think that the shared dream that Luna created is similar to a dream bubble (if you don't know what that is, look in the Homestuck wiki) except that instead of entering a separate bubble, as in normal dreams, the ponies' "dreamselves" are all brought to a single bubble. And when Luna visits one pony's dream, she simply transports her "dreamself" between bubbles (and sweetie belle and scootaloo's in bloom and gloom).
0 likesI got so lost towards the end, but then I thought about what u said in pieces. I would believe that there is a dream dimension that all creatures (not only ponies) can enter. Luna just must be able to enter it through like a portal to physically be there and ponies and others enter through the mind.
0 likesI actually think that luna (being the only pony to visit ponies in their sleep) can also dreamwalk when asleep.
0 likesthink about it if somebody needed help waay past luna's sleeping patern she could as well sense this and travel to that dream without using much of her magic.
that would explain why she had such limited time in sleepless in ponyville.
I agree with you that dreams take place in alternate dimensions to our own, but i have my own twist to it. Let's start with Pinkie Pie (never a good sentence starter); i remember in a previous video you discussed the liability that Pinkie is psychic, and elsewhere you mentioned that maybe the human world has dreams about their pony counterparts, and may explain why Pinkie could tell every detail about the other world to the rest of the Mane 6 since she could be the anomalous exception to the humans who don't remember the dreams, because when isn't she the exception xD. That would also explain why they have their pony's Cutie Marks on their clothes, they saw the picture in a dream and wanted to wear it (though you also said that the mark appears on their clothes, which I wouldn't think is correct since humans have no magic besides the HuMane 6, and magic is what gives ponies Cutie Marks). Anyway, going back to dreams, I believe that when we dream, there isn't a separate dream dimension that we access through our unconscious minds, I believe that there are alternate universes, and that if you can think it, it is happening somewhere, even if in a parallel universe. In our dreams, we can see into these universes in such detail. I believe that applies to the real world, though in the series about magical ponies, I bet the dimension existing only for dreams that Luna can access through her dream walking is true. I might even take it a step further and say Luna created that dimension. Plus the Sharkboy and Lavagirl reference, I love you even more :D (sorry for so much typing, sometimes i can't help myself)
0 likesI think that if a person in a dream is able to realise that they are dreaming, will be freely able to control said dream. Given enough experience, they might experience something like in mlp. There is also the "endless hallway" type of nightmare, where all the doors are locked, and you can't get out. What if all those doors are just "doorways" to the dreams of other people? With Luna being the princess of dreams and the night, the doors would all be unlocked for her.
0 likesMy Theory:
0 likesDreams Do occur in other Dimensions why, because when a pony does to sleep their brains need time to process so it sends their self-conscious to the Dream Dimension which are usually Past Memories and Secret Wishes. The mind sends the Self-Conscious there so it can't slow down the process, process. So Dream Luna (Luna's sub-conscious, not self-) can go into ponies dreams and help them if needed. In this episode Physical Luna connects to all the ponies in Ponyville and defeats the Tartapus. If Physical Luna didn't have the force bubble around her in the Ponyville Dream it would probably break the boundaries of the Dimensions, cause the Dream Dimension to intersect with the Physical dimension, and allow all entities to roam each others world freely, but would cause havoc and a huge mental strain on Luna and the other Ponies. So the may long, strange, theory comment below your opinion and/or theories, - Winter Out!
This is my theory.
0 likesboth of it happens, both in the heads of pony's and a separate dimension.
Let me explain
when one pony sleeps he/she create a pocket reality in his/her own head of which luna can access separately and the tantabus can move from dream to dream from the visuals it has witnessed by seeing the ponies in the different dreams
but when luna made a united dream she actually created a seperate dimension and that could be why it drained her of strength and how the tantabus could get out. from this POV the tantabus seem quite actually really cunning, getting Luna to create a seperate dimension so It CAN escape into the real world by making a rift between the two dimensions like discord did.
The tantibus is a magical creature created by luna and feed off of her guilt. It would have the same abilities as luna and feed off of her guilt, not the power of the other ponies. This means that every time the tantibus moved from one dream to another and spread to other ponies, it wouldn't be the power from the other ponies, but luna's guilt that triggered it to grow. Of corse this is happening inside of everyone's head who is connected to the dream. If it was another dimension, then ponies would have interconnecting dreams without the need of luna and certainly more often. From what we know so far, ponies dreams will not clash because if it did, the main 6 dream about fixing luna in the first scene and that wouldn't likely have been the case.
0 likesYeah I think that ponies' dreams happen in a dream dimension :) I never thought about it until I saw your theory, great video :)
0 likesThat's deep man. I think dreams are exaggerated reality. We sometimes feel and understand dreams to be special but not all the time.
0 likesI just believe when we dream, we are in the mind of another being seeing his whole day but can only process snip and bits of it
0 likesHow does this dimension work? It's always different each night, right? And some ponies dream of the day, others dream of the night. Everyone in their dreams are different. When a pony isn't dreaming, does another personality take place of the body in the Dream Dimension, or does it sleep? Also, is it possible that the dimension was like a multiverse, and it wasn't until that night that it became one thing, but then afterward, it split? The Tantabus (Screw spelling fictional names correctly) only needed one person's dream after it would have gained enough power hopping from each dream. Wouldn't each pony have their own versions of every other pony in town? There are just so many questions to try to answer with any certainty.
0 likesI know this is kind of grasping at strings here, but do you think there could be some connection to the surreal dimension where Discord lives? If it's the ponies' minds that are influencing what we see in the dimension, maybe what we saw in 'Make New Friends and Keep Discord' was some kind of residue from when there were dreams there? I assume the mail man in that episode was there in his physical form/waking self, like Luna probably was when being the 'server'.
0 likesIdk, you're the expert! Oh, I'd also love to hear people's thoughts about Luna's dream at the very end of 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?'.
I wonder if Luna can go into the Astral Plain. Or if it's a place only Celestia can go. I mean, from what we've seen, the Relm of Sleep or "Dream Demention", looks a lot like the Astral Plain. Only Luna can go into it though (or at least have power in). So I wonder if it's the same with Celestia and the Astral Plain?
0 likesIt seems very possible for the dreams to be in another dimension and I think that if that really is true then because Luna is connecting so many dreams so has to physically be there to keep the dream together
0 likesI do agree with the idea that the Dream world I another dimension; makes sense. However, the dream is another world that exists within the mind. Reason being: anything can happen in the dream world. There are no limits so it is a world controlled by thought whereas the real world I controlled by science and equestrian magic. The tentabus can enter the other world due to the power it gained. It and Discord can travel through other dimensions because of the strength of their magic. Otherwise, interesting video and I can't wait for your next theory.
0 likesI believe in your theory because its logical and is possible!
0 likesWay to go!
WAIT A FEATHERY MOMENT! If the Tentapus made a portal to the real world from the dream from the amount of power it has, can't the ponies GIVE themselves the same power to open the rift in time and have whatever power he/she had in the dream?!?!
0 likesWell I think it is in the pony's heads and the tantipus feeds off of negitive energey. It probably converts it into dark magic and then uses that magic to fisicly put itself into the real world
0 likesI think it is both hear me out as we saw in the dream ep of cmc(forget name)there are doors. I think the doors are the minds(what's inside)and the corridor(the hallway of doors)is the dimsion but if there's a shared dream the doors dissaper so...there has to be a conntion to a dimssion (hits real Luna with the magic white streaks)
0 likesI think this ulter dimension and dream escape could actually play a role in the Equestrian Games sense season 5 has been building that up. Especially with the recent trailers.
0 likesTheir minds could be connected to the dream world and from there Luna can access individual dreams and small joint dreams though it explains her struggle to maintain a large amount of ponies dreams there fore not making her not able to use dream Luna.
0 likesI believe in a dream world and this theory was all awesome I love princess Luna and how her magic works wow I'm looking forward to more on this awesome channel Ty
0 likesNotion. The bubble was explained by Luna in the episode. It was the tatabus draining her power in order to leave the dream world.
0 likesI think the "Dream Dimension" is like a blank piece of paper that the ponies shape with their thoughts.
0 likesIsn't that exactly what all magic is though? Taking something that exists in the mind and transferring it to the real world?
0 likesI think it is another dimension but I think it it's kind of like in For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils where they were in that space with all the doors. I think Lunna herself can visit this space and is how she is able to just happen upon dreams.
0 likesThis is big. Well...I think you could be correct about the dream dimension. Maybe the dimension and the thoughts of other ponies are connected or one in the same! Luna can travel to other ponies minds with the dimension gate way to the dream world so...which dose mean she can enter their minds. I don't really know but I think they could be one in the same!
0 likesmaybe dreaming is just your consciousness in another body in another universe, meaning that your consciousness has to be bound by no dimension. Meaning that luna is bound by 2 or more dimensions... and magic is also bound by no dimension... hmmm... sort of like how a graviton is not bound by dimensions in string theory!
0 likesPersonal I think dreams show what we wish for or fear, but I have a problem where I don't dream and when I do its of the past or the next day. This leads me to believe that dreams might be connected to so form of nexus of sort. I say this because one time I dreamed a dream of an ancient battle of samurais that where speaking perfect japenses but I truly only know a handful of words, so those with strong wills or powerful minds can see other's dreams, and maybe this nexus records all dreams that take place. But that's just a personal theory.
0 likesI GOT IT!
0 likesLuna puts the dreams together and. When your in a dream you made you have to power it.
True but I have another idea (please notice me) Luna is so powerful she accidentally created a creature that could (from the dream world) enter the real world. That's another way to explain I'm not saying your theory is bad.
0 likesYo más bien pensaba al ver el episodio que como Luna es la unica que tiene el poder de entrar en los sueños de otros y ayudarlos tambien puede afectarlos de mala manera solo que en este caso todo se salio de control, imaginen que la pesadilla hubiera sido no de Luna sino de Applejack, es solo un ejemplo, no hubiera surtido el mismo efecto amenos que Luna tubiera algo que ver, creo nose solo digo.
0 likesIf you don't understand spanish go to Traductor Google pls
If you do enough astral traveling or lucid dreaming the answer is quite clear there are many other dimensions... well accordi g to some researchers.
0 likesMy guess is that the dream world is a bunch of pocket universes controlled by the pony's mind, accessible by only sleep (and Luna's magic). What Luna did was she simply strung those many pocket dimensions together while they were available in a form of "internet connection", as you were saying.
0 likesReplies (1)
@HeroOfTimelord Also, I understood the obscure reference, and I'm 14.
0 likesI guess you do still have some more of my secretes to give away;
1 likeI might as well tell you Equestria has 42 interconnected dimensions.
(please don't ask about 23 or 37)
The dreams have there own place that is connected to life
0 likesI think that the dream world is in a different dimension and that dream luna is only used to fix emotional problems.I also think real luna can warn ponies about threats,in their dreams.That might be why we saw luna, in the orb thing, with the strings still being used.
0 likesReplies (1)
one year later wow no replies....
0 likesThey dream in their heads but that's how they enter the alternative dimension!
0 likesWell if the real world is somehow connected to the dream world doesn't that mean that people can miraculously be brought to the real world? Commence the fanfics! Every universe in conceivability is connected and the dream world is a Hub. Ha, obscure references to a channel no longer existing! So anything can happen to the dream world and that means that lucid dreaming means we're IN the dream world!
0 likes1:52 I love that movie! X3 Shark Boy and Lava Girl (nearly types Llama Girl) is a super good movie
0 likesThis was my favorite episode.
0 likesI think that everything in that bubble is real and luna is just in between the two dimensions so she can communicate with the ponies in the dream
0 likesI think the dream realm is a prety clever way to explane it
0 likesthat is really something to think about also what if the whole pony world is just one big dream that is made up by some person's mind and each episode is each night and i saw that flash of illuminate
0 likesI think that it would happen in there heads because the string connects to there forehead and not a hole or mirror.
0 likesWell... I got lost keeping up. Wait... Doesn't Luna control the dreams? Ok... This is complicated. I need to write it down...
0 likesI was wondering if u (Brony) could make a video sometime about prince Blue blood. See, in the gala episode, the song "At The Gala" rarity's part, a portion of her part describes how prince Blue blood is her nephue (sorry for bad spelling) so if prince blue blood is her nephue, then does princess celestial and luna have third sibiling or is he princess lunas daughter?
0 likesi am really surprised that i could keep up and understand everything he just said
0 likesMy theory: Since she is the Princess
0 likesNight so she would be able to do this with her power.
wait, wait, wait a second, those white string thingies connected to the foreheads of the ponies for a reason? and if not, the "real" luna was in the bubble bcuz she's "real" then why were the white string thingies going upwards, where were they pointing to, more like, where were they? when luna was dream jumping (literally through the mane 6's dreams) they didnt have the white strings either, and luna didnt have the strings, but in the joined dread, since it was probs the real luna since the bubble and everything, the strings were there like the first time she did it to the mane 6 wherein it was the real her, in reality that had the lines, but where did the lines go in the joined dream? im pretty sure it was there
0 likesWell in shark boy and lava girl it was said dreams can become so powerful they become real. (or something like that) so if that's true then case solved? Idk.
0 likes"of course it's all happening in your head but why does that make it any less real."
0 likesIt is probably both. In their minds and in another dimension. A place that exist only because of the dreamers mind as it is given shape by the sleeping ponies. It might be just another form of magic and since equestria is full of it... maybe thats why its posible for the dream parasite to exist in both realities as they both share magic as an energy source. Dunno... HAHAHAHAHA!
0 likesI think only shared dreams are in a separate dimension and single dreams are not
0 likesThere has to be a dream demension. Otherwise, Luna would be the ultimate brain doctor XD
0 likesHow is it that I get almost all of your references, but hardly any for some youtubers? Doctor Who, the Princess Bride, Rhett and Link, even Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
0 likes1:20 I was thinking that same thing. Does this mean Gamer Luna is canon?
0 likesMaybe the tangabis (don't mind the spelling please) is moving from the dream to reality like Luna douse? But instead of connecting it's self to other ponies it's pulling away
0 likesWell if the dream Luna can go into the real world and the real Luna can go into the dream world then shouldn't dreams b in dimensions? But then again Luna is the princess of the night so it would make sense for her....
0 likesWhen Luna is in the dream world she does have the wires, but they aren't connected to any of the ponies in the dream. So what were the wires connected too?
0 likesI got the obscure reference. that's pretty similar to this
0 likesIt makes more sense for it to Be another dimension
1 likeit's probably a dream, luna did create it
0 likesI actually got the lava girl and shark boy reference
0 likesCan you please do a flash sentry video!! @The Brony Notion thank you
0 likesThis episode reminds me of Bill Cipher for some reason XD he is a dream demon after all
0 likesWhere do you get that list of episodes?
0 likesWhat was that thing I saw for a frame behind the impossible triangle?
0 likesThe Dream Realm, is like the fade in Dragon Age
0 likesIt's not complicated. It's the animators and writers getting lazy as they focus more on Brony references for $$$ rather than the damn story. I've been seeing a disturbing amount of that lately.
0 likesI think the dream world is a whole separate dimension
0 likesIf there is a Dream Dimension then why does only Luna access it?
0 likesWait...
Easy, the dream world acts like another dimention as a big Bubble of dream, the mind of ponies is like a little Bubble with ah individual dream, they can Connect to each other if Luna desires, a dream inside another dream, or a few dreams inside a big dream Bubble, and all the dream bubbles can get inside the dream world, as a huge dream Bubble with a lot of dreams inside
0 likesSHARKBOY AND LAVA GIRL! also, I agree with the dimension Theory. ;)
0 likesI understood perfectly
0 likes??? I didn't actually understand anything, but I understood a bit, but I have a question
0 likesThe share dream in "Bloom in gloom" when Luna made a share dream for scotaloo Apple bloom and sweetie belle she wasn't the real Luna, but in "Do princesses dream of magic sheep?" The real Luna was in the share dream, why? Why Luna in this episode was real in the dream and not real in bloom and gloom? Make sense?
So saying that this was actually what happened and the dream world is a dimension then if Pony Luna went into the dream then how did the mane six already know this was a dream? Where there Pony Side in the dream as well with Luna?
0 likesI think she connects it to someone's brain then brings it to the dream world.
0 likesreally hard to believe but it is a bit cool
0 likesWow, that is crazy.
0 likesI'm just wondering,how come you never get brony hate on your channel?i never see any comments about it.
0 likesOne word: MAGIC
0 likesAnd I totally saw that Illuminati symbol in the red triangle....
Oh I was thinking the same thing about the dream and the real world but kinda different from yours
0 likesInterresting thoughts but I really can't make much out of it
0 likesReplies (1)
@Renita Perrone also i freaked out with the princess bride reference and shark boy and lava girl
0 likesSeparate dimension and do you think this old be how we humans have dreams
0 likesDefinetly a dimension.
0 likesDreams happen in a different world
0 likesYou thought we wouldn't see that split second frame. I DID. YOU PROVED ILLUMINATI (or at least just showed it.) I SAW IT!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!!
0 likesSharkboy and Lavagirl. I win.
0 likesAlso, I think your theory is pretty much bang on. Yay headcanon ^^
My friend had this idea that button mash was the son of discord i was hopping uou could do a video on this like the things in comin like the coat the hat eyes why buttons train caught on fire so could bottom be the son of discord and adopted by pony?
0 likesI think it happens in another dimension
0 likesI say it's real but is a subdivision like Tartarus, Chaos Central and the Alicorn Nexus
0 likesGood theory
0 likesAlso did anyone else see the Illuminati symbol?Bill get out of the pony Dreamscape!How many Gravity Falls references are we packing in this episode.Oh and I bet your really happy that Rainbows favorite dream beating up changelings.Sarcasm you gotta loveit.
0 likesThere is a Mario game called "Mario and Luigi Dream Team" and it does some cool dream things in there, check it out. Spoiler alert. Mario enters dreams through a portal thingy.
0 likesCant cranky get his hair back from zacora potions
0 likesmy ideal is that both dimension are conneted to gother
0 likesMlp should make "Sharkcolt and Lavamare"! XD
0 likesWhy does berry have wings?
0 likesMaybe when Luna is sleeping, she can go to Pony's Dream but, she was not asleep she was a wake that's why she was crying and tired that magic means she's forcing her self to go to their dreams without making herself asleep... or maybe?
0 likesI died from sharkboy and lava girl. Best movie ever
0 likesSharkboy and Lavagirl is an obscure reference. Dang.
0 likesBut just think about it... Its a show for kids nothing is deeply thought in this show (3:24 reference lol)
0 likesDid any of you catch all of that?
I have a question: where the hoof are twilight's parents
0 likesI think it is a dream world
0 likesAhhh I hate Netflix the new mlp episodes haven't come out yet and I keep getting spoilers :c
0 likesThe horn mlp fim is magic right and they have unicorns maybe the dream is like a diemenion but inside the cause is well horn have magic but how about sweetie bell well sweetie bell can use magic to levite
0 likesobjects right.
CatDog reference!
0 likesLumiodi confirmed!!! 3:39
0 likes😶 I'm speechless
0 likes0:57
0 likesFrickin Amy Pond in the Pandorica!
After that my attention span to anything else got real small.
If she cratied the tantebus to have the same nightmare why did she dream of the main 6 Sarah
0 likesWhy does trixie look like rarity
0 likes3:39 I SAW THAT!!!
0 likesCool theory
0 likesShark bou and lava girl.....so 1980's
0 likesit happen sin dimesion that Luna created so she could talk to ponies personaly. thats why nopony else can acsess the dreams.
0 likesWho else saw the Illuminati symbol for that one frame?
0 likes+The Brony Notion can you do a vid on why Starlight appeared in amending fences
I'm like a dream to mention all your day going on probably a pleasant dreams to mention do makes you like it
0 likesNyxes create the dreams.
0 likesum, well. uuuuuuh, i didn't see this episode, but i am confused as fuck. you are brilliant!
0 likesAm I the only one who saw the flash of the illuminate????
0 likesthis is so confusing!
0 likeswell....if you start clicking on 6:40 you will see a quick animation of illuminati...AWESOME :D
0 likesSorry if I ask, but can you make at least one video without using your OC and do like a webcam or something?
0 likesTrailer 2 for friendship games is out cadence is in it watch it plz :-/)
0 likesI believe different diminchions
0 likesI think its in their heads
0 likesI'm way to confused to even think,u know?!i'm gonna stop doing YouTube related things now
0 likesI thout it was night meat moon because I herd that she was coming back so I though that was her... :(
0 likesDang it i came here for a freddy Kruger reference
0 likesOnly in mlp though. Not in real life :P
0 likesHow old is the princess?
0 likesIdk it's probably a 50 50 chance it's possible there is a dream dimension but it is also a possibility that it is just something to do with are brain
0 likesthis screwed with my head >_<
0 likesWow just wow........
0 likesI am STILL confused
0 likesThe head because dreams come from that
0 likesI saw illuminatie in the triangle!
0 likesEver since you posting a video of illuminati on mlp fim
0 likesIt begins to haunt you LOL :0
0 likesYes
0 likesi blacked out after 3 minutes from confusion
0 likesI like were you are thinking at😊
0 likesso kinda like tardis?
0 likesWho's knows, you lost me a long time ago.
1 like3:39 more illuminati? Wow XD
0 likesWhy must you flash illuminati? ;3
0 likesWhy is everyone talking about the illuminati a lot now ( is it cuz of gravity falls coming bak out)
0 likesNice illuminati flash... 😏
0 likesBig mac is Best Princess
0 likesI would never understand
0 likes* how prince Blue blood is princess celestia's nephue , sorry :P
0 likessomeone help illuminati is invading [spelled wrong] youtube
0 likes#iluminaticomfirmed
0 likestbh i didn't understand anything owo
0 likessharkboy and lavagirl XD
0 likesI saw that Illuminati
0 likesSharkboy and Lavagirl is obscure?
0 likesOh come on, again #ILLUMINATI in 3:40 ?
0 likesHa. You think that Sharkboy and Lavagirl is an obscure reference.
0 likesILLUMINATI sneaky
0 likesBoth
0 likesI saw that illuminati
0 likesLol shark boy and lava girl
0 likesDid anyone see the illuminati?
0 likesRunning comment chain from last vid has a disabled comment section. Continuing with it here. Just wanted to get my thoughts out to @Raspberries Rrandom
1 likeReplies (1)
My two best friends ever ended up trying to destroy my reputation. I totally know how you feel. In more ways than one. Actually, this isn't the only example - my entire family deals with that sort of thing a lot.
1 likeI can't answer whether or not to continue being a brony. Watch the show's most recent episodes, and decide if you still like the show for yourself. However, I d o have some advice for you.
Honesty is the best policy; don't pretend to like or dislike something, just be yourself. Just say what you feel and be honest about who you are. In a nice way - being honest and rude are different - but don't just lie because you think others won't like the answer. There's always going to be the bullies, and they're going to be looking for a person to pick on and a reason to pick on them, but there's always going to be the nice people too. Those people will respect you fxor who you are, so long as you take the time to let them know who you are, and choose to be honest about it. There's no way around encountering opposition, it's how you handle it that matters most.
The best way to handle cruelty is with kindness. I know this seems counterintuitive, and I'm not saying give them a present for their actions. No, I'm saying the worst way to handle bullies is to be a bully back. If they get out of hand, you should stand up to them, but if they're just picking on you, show them it doesn't phase you, and don't let it phase you. Part of bullying is allowing yourself to BE bullied. Just let it fall off your shoulder, and if the bully doesn't stop, your friends and family will be there for you. If a bully, someone who you don't like, genuinely needs help or advice, give it to them, even if they're your worst annoyance. "A friend can make a great enemy but an enemy can make an even greater friend." - no idea who the quote is by, sorry :/. If they need help, help, if they aren't bothering you any, you just shouldn't care, if they are bothering you than people can help you handle it, and you can usually just tell them to stop - firmly but not rudely, in a respectful manner - and they will. If someone you don't like genuinely needs help, just help them. Finally, if a bully is mean "in a nice way", smile and all, just smile and be nice back. Trust me, this works.
The past is what brought you here, but it's not a definition of who you are right now. Don't dwell on the past, and don't harp on the future. Whatever's already happened has already happened, all that matters is what you do now. Don't let the past bind you. Don't spend so much time preparing for the future that you never live in the present. Sure, there is always things you can prepare for, and should, but in the end you really can't predict what happens and you really can't change what has already happened. What matters most is that you try in the right here and now. Just do your best, and whatever happens, happens. If you don't achieve the goals you set out for yourself, you haven't failed. Nobody will blame you for trying - they will praise you for it, and try to help you through whatever problems you face. But I have no doubt that your short term goals, make new friends and a new, better existence for yourself. In everything you do - school, relationships, what you like, purely random events - all you can ever do is try, but that's all you really should do.
I can't say how your friend was, or who she was, or what she felt, or what you felt, or really what happened, but I can say one thing, right now. You got to have this experience, and it will only serve you well in the future. Don't get yourself into a situation like that again, sometimes the most helpful thing you can say to someone is a simple no. However, you both learned and grew from it, and you'll both come out all the better for it. Embrace your time with your friend, and be glad it's over now. I can't claim to know anything about her or you, but I know that the experience will serve you both very well, and I give you both the best wishes for your future.
I can't claim to follow this advice myself - I haven't told much of anyone about my brony status, and I'm awful at making friends, and I dwell on things a bit much myself, but very often the best people to give advice are those who need it themselves. I can't tell you where to go or what decisions to make, but I have no doubt you'll make the right ones. I'm going into college in the fall myself, so it'll be a time of change for me too. I'm anxious about what might come in my way, but I'm too excited about what will come next to worry about what I didn't achieve in my past. I wish you the best of luck in your new high school, and in everything you do. I can see you have the capability to become a wonderful person, and I'm glad I got to be a part if that.
@Raspberries Rrandom
0 likesYea
0 likesIlluminitati canfomed
0 likesDemenction
0 likesLol illuminati triangle
0 likesInseption?
0 likesDo yoh can make video: Who is most popular qirl in canterlot high.... Rarity, Rainbow dash, Aplejack, Fluthershy, Pinky pie, or Sunet Shimmer... Please anwser..... 😅😊😀😁
1 likeReplies (1)
Do you no Do yoh
0 likesNothr demenshon sorry for my bad righting
0 likes?????????????????? What a worrying what are you talking about
1 likeHello 2015 im from 2021
0 likes#3.40
0 likesAs I see the way dimensions work in the mlp verse is that all the "reality" dimensions exist above the even larger dream dimension. The dream dimension would act like a lower dimension to all that enter it. Essentially making all of them pseudo gods (Maybe discord comes from a higher dimension then) and manipulate the own small piece of the world. I think that is where twilight went when she ascended so she could bypass the natural laws of magic in her world.
1 likeCool theory! This really helps explain some things referring to dreams. Thanks for another great video!
0 likesI like to think of it as a big giant dream dimension where everypony has there own bubble. Inside those bubbles, everpony has there own patch of the dimension where anything can happen. Luna can combine bubbles (dreams), so that ponies can have shared dreams. There can also be wacky ways to transport from one dream to another as shown in "sweetie bell toils".
0 likesThis was a cool video to go along with a pretty good episode.
0 likesThe only thing is, I'm not sure the writers thought this far ahead, because remember back to the season 4 finale, the first part to be precise, We see Celestia sleeping for a moment, tossing and turning and then waking up and Luna rushes in, we know that Luna was watching her dream and that's why there's a big fuss because some old Jedi Centaur dude is coming to suck. But the actual point I'm making is that Celestia didn't have a white string thing on her forehead when Luna was watching her dream. So I do believe your theory, I just don't think it was always true, but I'm fine if the cannon of the show changes every now and then.
I still think that it's in our heads, considering that the connection reached their foreheads, and that it's been scientifically proven that only certain areas of the brain can participate in dreams, and not the entire brain. Although this would seem to interfere with the actions which you can do in the "Dream World", all you're doing is imagining yourself doing that action.
0 likesFor me this is easy to keep track of (I watch game theory so that is why xD) I will say that all dreams happen in another dimension. It seems the most "logical" and would explain a lot of different things in my opinions. Nice video btw :)
0 likesI just wanna say that I love your channel and how much I love your theory's but this one really made me think...... While I was watching the video I started to really thinkin about what you said, it all made sense. I did feel like you missed a less literal piece. When you think about it, the way dreams get in the real world is if you did it your self, for example : many artist such as TV show creators dream things and find them so amazing, they decide to actually incorporate it with the show, which I think makes sense to the world we live in right now but how ever for what you were talking about during the video, made total sense to me and and gives me a such deeper meaning of this show so THX. 😊
0 likesI actually thought of this before. There are several dimensions (we also saw the one discord opened at the gala) and just a few magical creatures have the ability to switch between these dimensions.
0 likesThe dream Dimension is a place that is copied from a pony's mind that's why most Dreams arw forgotton when the pony wakes up, because it wasn't physically there.
Luna has the ability to connect them and enter them. To See a physically existing pony with a strong bond to the real world, a pony is able to remember the dream.
My OC's magic works the exact opposite way than Luna's. She can't enter the dream world herself, she can just see it and take things out of it like we can for example print a data that only exists on our computer.
Also note that in shared dreams, the location thus far seems to be a shared location. I am thinking that when luna creates shared dreams she draws the dream world closer to the depicted location. And since so many strings were drawn, perhaps the worlds were drawn to a point in which they overlap in some places. Thus Luna was both in the physical world and the dream world.
0 likesOkay, if I mention some points of your theory here, don't mind it. I'm just trying to keep track of what you're saying and add some points of my own theory.
0 likesLuna entering dreams is what I might call astral projection, I think. I don't think she had to keep track of everypony's actions during the shared dream and I also doubt that made her tiring. In fact, dreaming itself is tiring because it keeps the brain active even in sleep.
In real life dreaming, lucid dreaming can be done to control nightmares. If someone experiences a nightmare and and gets very frightened, the experience will increase in intensity so that means he/she is literally feeding the nightmare fear. That might be the cause of why the nightmare thingy in the episode gets stronger and stronger.
But then the ponies were sharing the SAME DREAM and that means they might be ASTRAL TRAVELLING. Astral travelling is when a person enters the spirit realm. I think this is how the nightmare ripped through the realms and entered the real world because the spirit realm and reality are connected. For example, people experiencing supernatural events.\
How can something in a dream pass in real life? I think it's because some people can actually PROPHETIC DREAM.
Your dream-dimension can make sense but then, like I have mentioned earlier, this might we what we call astral travelling. Now, you said that the real physical Luna might be the Luna with the connecting wires things in her horn during the shared dream. For me, it's unlikely because you can't PHYSICALLY enter a dream or the spirit realm. Luna controls her dreamself like any other pony does and it just may be the dream luna who is Lucid Dreaming to keep the connections active.
Anyways, to answer your final question, there are two kinds of dreaming we can classify into either happening in individual ponies' heads and the spirit realm where spirits can connect to each other like a server: Ordinary dream [with individual lucid dreaming] is classified into an individual's dream, astral travelling and prophetic dreaming which is classified into the spirit realm. One type of dreaming can mix and connect the two types: LUCID DREAMING.
Everything begins as mere thought, until we make it real. If the tantibus was simply the result of a spell that affected dreams then the tantibus, by accessing the magic of enough ponies, could copy itself into another spell and make itself manifest in physical space.
0 likesThe stuff around Luna are artistic, things look different in dreams than they do IRL. As such, perhaps Luna couldn't help but manifest herself as she actually looked at that moment, took too much concentration to manifest otherwise. Thus we see Luna without the glow and stuff when she doesn't need to concentrate all that hard, and we do see it when she does need to concentrate.
Also, I suspect that Luna wanted a more... secure connection... when connecting to the mane-six, so that's why there were all those lines. Otherwise the only reason she could have known that AB, SB and Scootaloo were having nightmares at all was if she was already connected to them before they started having them.
And that just starts getting REALLY creepy.
With the proper existence of magic in the MLP canon, I would say that dreams residing in another dimension is entirely plausible.
0 likesMy favorite part of the episode was when huge derpy meowed. That, and when S.A.S.D. and Lyra were one pony. It was literally the most (and loudest!) I'd laughed while watching an episode ever.
0 likesI would say, expanding the SB&LG reference, "Some dreams are so powerful that they become real." Buddhism would support this belief with the concept of emptiness. In a nutshell, emptiness means that reality, as we know it, is just the collective sum of our thoughts. When you focus on a thought hard and long, it often becomes reality. That's why the tantabus threatened to escape into the real world, because it was a mystical manifestation of Luna's fear and guilt, which she had been focusing on and nurturing for years.
0 likesI always wondered that about dreams. I think that maybe dreams are actually another world and we control a small part of it. And the reason we wake up in the morning feeling better than before we went to sleep (if we had a good sleep) is that we got energy from that world. I like your thearoy! ;)
0 likesI think it's a combined effort because our thoughts become what we call dreams as we sleep but then what we think as we sleep go into a dream dimension and that is how we are able to say fly through the air without wings or do stunts you could never do unless you were professionally trained or had the proper equipment.
0 likesThat's my take on this week's theory, I hope it helped you Brony Notion and anyone out there get a slightly better understanding.
I think that the pony actually leaves their body and go to the dream realm, and they also gain the ability to defy logic.
1 likeOne thing that irked me about the episode was how empty the 'shared dream' seemed, considering all the ponies we saw. There was at least one fully grown pony, and a multitude of different personalities. Even taking into account that this is a kids show, I would expect there to be more than just a giant derpy, a Lyra - bon bon thing and flying muffins.
0 likesThis episode reminded me of Inception. Dreamshare. Luna is taking the roe of the PASIV Devce and linking them all. You have no idea how many story ideas invaded my mind when watching the actions of the ponies in the dream Big Mac an alicorn? Forging. Filthy Rich flying on coins? Creating tools.
0 likesNow, excuse me. I must go and write this crossover and never finish it due to more ideas for new stories.
Everypony has its own dimension of dreams, so maybe the "ultimate shared dream" that luna created was going on on her own dream dimension, that maybe explains why she had the glowing ball around her, because she connected everypony's minds to her own creating a shared dream really hard to keep on.
0 likesIt does make sense that it would be in another dimension but also the rules of this dimension seem to be drastically different from the rules of our world. It the Dream Dimension you can create anything from you imagination whereas in the real world you cannot. Also the Tantibus could be an alternate version of Luna to emphasise this point there is a scene where the Tantibus returns to Luna and becomes part of her. My theory is that the Tantibus is just Lunas guilt manifested in the form of the blue smoke. This would also explain why it gets bigger when she feels more guilt but also why it is in the form of blue smoke. The blue smoke could be reference to the blue smoke that Nightmare Moon transformed into in episodes 1 and 2. It would also explain why in the forest scene why she was able to turn the trees into something scary. So what I believe is that the Tantibus is just a part of Nightmare moon that was either left over or re-created.
0 likesWhat if every dream had it's own separate dimension? I mean, I haven't watched this episode yet, but would it be possible?
0 likesWell the Blue Smoke Thing ( Forgot what it's called) started out in Luna's dream because of her fear of nightmare moon. But in Luna's dream she sees the mane 6 so it makes all 7 dream the same dream.
0 likesAnd most of the time when we have dreams or nightmares it's usually something in the real world. And since Nightmare Moon is or was real the dream could escape into the real world. In the episode "Sleepless in Ponyville" Luna says that you have to face your fears or the nightmares will continue, and since Luna lives in fear of Nightmare Moon she could only stop the Blue Smoke by forgiving herself for her past self. But if Luna were to continue fearing Nightmare Moon then the Blue Smoke would grow stronger and stronger until it could escape the real world and affect the ponies in all equestria.
(This is just a thought don't hate)
Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second. Do you guys recall the forest clearing from Applebloom's dream in Bloom and Gloom? And do you recall that same clearing appearing in the trailer for the new Equestrian Girls movie, apparently through the portal discovered by human Twilight? Is the perhaps some kind of connection here, especially if dreams really are alternate dimensions?
0 likesI think shared dream Luna allowed herself to be seen with the dream strings so the rest of Ponyville could understand what was happening. Think about it:
0 likesThe Mane 6 knew in advance of what was going to happen regarding Luna and the dreams, so no explanation was necessary. Ponyville, on the other hoof, didn't. Appearing like this would give the other ponies a better idea of what was happening (as well as expedience).
Maybe that's also why Luna couldn't defeat the Tantabus in the Mane 6's dreams. So much effort was going into monitoring the dreams, coupled with the fact that she didn't want help, that she wasn't strong enough. And by the time we got to the shared dream and the Mighty Morphin' Power Ponies were helping it had gotten too strong.
Anyway, that's my take on it.
Bro Hoof
You're 3/4 right. The dream world isn't another dimension, but a different level of the same universe. Sort of like a pocket dimension, but, different slightly.
0 likesIt's like the rungs of a ladder. The ladder being the dimension and the rungs being different levels. they live in the waking world on one rung of the ladder, but when they fall asleep, it's like they're reaching up to a higher rung without being able to fully step to it.
The reason things could pass from the dream world to the real one is that if they have enough power they can step from one rung to the next, though the higher up the ladder you go, the bigger the spacing and more energy required to go from one to the next.
This does raise a question. If beings of higher power can go from one level to the next, could they use that ability to travel large distances? Time doesn't need to be linear in the dream world, it can slow down so much that it could be an instant in the real world.
so, in theory, luna/celestia could go to the dream world and make it so that time moves differently and think out decisions that would take a really long time.
I don't know, but it sure is a good idea.
i think that the doors apple bloom saw in her dreams were doors that lead to other pony's dreams. Luna creates shared dreams buy removing the doors so they all see the same things. that is why it's hard for her to keep the dream together, the doors want to come back and divide the dreams again
0 likesSilly Notion, don't you get it that it's both!! When we are asleep, our minds are constantly sending out neural transmissions signifying that we definitely have activity going on while we are asleep. Our connection to the 'dream dimension' is WITH our brains (which are inside our heads!!), not unlike how Luna connected herself to the Dreams of the Mane Six so her Dream self could move about them individually. However, connecting dreams is something much more difficult to do with just the human mind(s). Luna's connection to every dream means she must have an anchor point, I.E. her bubble AND the energy strings she's using. Having everypony in town connected to the same dream, she needed to BE the anchor point, and as such, a Dream Luna couldn't be possible to manifest... she was utilizing a good majority of her power just to keep the ponies connected, let alone being able to do anything herself against the tantabis, which I like to call NMM's spirit. It's a theory shared by many that Luna and NMM are two separate consciousnesses, and this episode doesn't do much to debunk it. Remember the shape it was taking on as it grew? That was NMM's shape, and thus could be the manifestation of NMM THROUGH Luna's guilt and self-blame.
0 likesJust a theory!!
i think its real. i mean, that would be awesome, because every pony with enough knowledge and power could enter other pony´s dreams.
0 likesor just use a sould traveling spell and follow them the way they took, so it doesnt cost that much energy. :)
anyway, does anyone here know how to animate? i may need an animator for a project of mine. its called Steam Ponies: Bearers of the Elements, and takes place in Equestria 2000 years from now. the mane six fused with the element of harmony gems and cant use them anymore, so the OCs of everyone who is involved need to find the new bearers. it is pretty cool, one hell of a adventure and im pretty sure by the end of the first episode, u gonna be incredibly confused. well, here is the point: because i dont wanna be sued, i dont use any canon characters, allowing everyone´s OC to be part of this. mostly just background characters because i already got the mane cast, but u know.
Well I think this is more simple to be honest... the tentabus was originally created by luna... the real one, so it was a creature created in the real world... so maybe luna sealed in its dreams to accomplish its primary function... but been a part of luna itself means they have the same abilities as luna... ergo... have more energy... create more nightmares... more nightmares more energy...and so on they create the big one mother of all nightmares... but first they need to free itself from the dreams realm and that is only possible with the power of a alicorn or something as powerfull as them...they have the lunas remorse so they gather enough energy to break the sealed from the dream realm, and then they can give nightmares to everyone else... not like the tentabus is bad...its neither good but it is they function... so i see this little thing more like a machine or well... a spell... a summon for be more precise with a primitive inteligence... who goes overloaded by luna...lesson of the day, always be more specific when you create a entity and remember, do not give your skills to travel between dreams...it can become a ture nightmare
0 likesI think that the ponies enter the dream world through their minds and end up creating their own room in the dream world were they can have their separate dream, But if the walls are broken then they have a shared dream. But what if the walls have to rebuild themselves therefore the reason Luna was having trouble maintaining the connection because it wasn't a connection of natural causes and she had to keep breaking those walls when they have to be rebuilt. To the ponies they are just in a dream together.
0 likeshas any one ever heard of tulpa they are an entity that you make using your mind aaaannnd once strong enough (the more that people/ person believes in it the stronger it gets) it can effect physical objects this would make more sense with this episode and luna seems more of a dream weaver
0 likesYes Notion. This very well could be another dimension where ponies imagined realities come true. BUT! It also could be all imaginary. It IS very mindboggling.
0 likes@The Brony Notion this is actually a very interesting theory you had but like you said:its complicated.
0 likesYour theories are very logical that it is difficult to argue about them ^^'
The triangle..... Never mind no time for that.
0 likesThe dreams are actually in a dream dimension because if you carefully paid attention the the show Phineas and Ferb, in one of their movies (I think) they travel trough different dimensions. Through every dimension they travel in, the world in there have different perspectives, personalities, and properties. Otherwise know as the 3 p's. So basically it was a dimension of dreams. Wait, is this cannon, idk. Hope you enjoy reading this comment. Or not. Lol.
The dream dimension is a good and easy explaination :)
0 likesI think you are right, that there is another dimension like dream dimension, only because whenever I go to sleep I tell myself to try to misbehave, or do another crazy thing because it is just a dream. But I can never do that. Here all the ponies could control themselves in a way, e.g spike becoming big and powerful, Big Mac became an alicorn, etc. I know that what I'm saying is complicated, but just as you said, I'm just as confused as you are.
0 likesI agree with notion here, except I think she only does the head string thing when she is trying make her energy use efficient.
0 likesalso to answer your question i think a dream is a dimension in itself for example i think a story/fanfic or whatever we create is a dimension we can only access with our minds with the exception of Luna and others with possibly some similar magic,psychic ability, technology, or a magic mirror and like the Tantibus if we give it enough power it could come to our world but that's my theory
0 likesThe tantabus could be a form of poltergeist , poltergeist are spirits formed by psychokinetic energy' aka mind energy,specifically anger and anxitey , they also need this to feed this energy to keep , keep a metaphysical form in the real world , so the tantabus could be a poltergeist trying to keep a metaphysical form by creating nightmares and anxitey in order to enter our world.
0 likesMy personal headcanon is that Luna and Celestia are able to travel in and out of a specific dimension (or it's an in between the worlds sort of dimension, I haven't determined). This dimension is the dimension of the mind. I always thought that the place Celestia met Twilight in Magical Mystery Cure (and where we got the illustrious Twilicorn) looked a lot like where Luna took the CMC in their dreams (well, at least Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom). So that vast starry dimension is, in my head, the dimension of the mind. Celestia used it to show Twilight her memories, and Luna uses it to show people their dreams (past vs future, possibly?). Both dreams and memories are products of the mind.
0 likesDamn that's hell of a weird yet still brilliant theory !
0 likes@The Brony Notion What if especially vivid dreamers could travel within the dream dimension the way Luna does, even to the point of accessing the Rift-like hallway? Of course, there should be a certain level of vividness required. Even though, for example, I have vivid dreams, I still know them as dreams because of the way they feel and progress. And also because, as I say here (http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/513334/spotlight-review-on-dreams-do-princesses-dream-of-magic-sheep) I tend to have powers or unlikely tech in my dreams. But if we could travel to others' dreams as long as we had enough brain power and dreamed vividly enough, then we might become transcended beings similar to Luna. Suddenly I feel very thankful that none of us do.
0 likesI like your theory at 2:00. that could be referred to as The Celestial plane in the fan animation Dinky's Destiny (Prologue). "The plane of existence, between reality and imagination, the plane where Luna enters dreams of ponies." Like another dimension.
0 likesI think it's more a bit of both. Luna could have slammed all the dreams of the ponies together and formed a more solid pocket dimension where normally the dreams would run individually into each pony's head. That's not saying that shared dreams itself doesn't exist.
0 likesWhen they was all fighting the tanabus (spelling?) in Ponyville and Luna had a bubble around her I think that was her in the "Real World" using a bubble shield to break into this "Dream World" to keep open communications and keep an eye on the situtation probably because she didn't have enough power to project herself.
The reason for the bubble is more of a firewall/shielding type thing so the dimensions don't bleed into each other. This is much like how you'd have to have a shield to jump into hyperspace with warp drive otherwise you'd blow the ship apart.
As for the white wires and strings I think she doesn't need them exactly. I think she is like a computer with a wifi antenna and a ethernet port. She can connect over wifi but for a really good solid connection which is what she need had to use a "wired" connection.
If you're gonna think about it as a whole new dimension thingy going in there then maybe it is true. I have this headcanon that the ponies have like these dream-selves and they only wake up in the dream-dimension when the real body is asleep and vice versa. But like what you said it is possible to create a rip in space to travel between dimensions.
0 likesAm I the only one that thought the...blue wisp thing with a name I can't spell, was a fragment of Nightmare Moon that survived(at least until Luna explained what it was)?
0 likesHold it!
0 likesAre you saying that if something lethal happens in that alternate dimension, those ponies could have actually died?
I think it may be both.
0 likesThe ponies' heads could be a gateway to another dimension, like the dream dimension. It's happening in their heads, but at the same time in another dimension.
the writers never thought of that idea and cause of that its hard to think of what it is in that world unlike other theories.
0 likesWell i don't know about luna but i think its just that it escapes into the real world by, well... escaping from the dream, the the tantipus isn't just something that the ponies are dreaming about, well i guess it kinda is but the tantipus is an actual creature that luna actually created not from her dreams but just by creating it but your theory about how luna enters dreams is good.
0 likesI think the ponies dream in another dimension. Think about it: In the Bloom And Gloom, Luna and Apple Bloom were walking IN a Dream Dimension. Each door represents a dream. That means all the ponies in ponyville walked into the same door. Without the Dream Dimension, nopony could ever dream in Equestria. No Dreams, no Nightmares, and No Day-Dreaming. Then probably, their will be no moon and always day because nopony will ever sleep.
0 likeswell do hear that some dreams are so powerful they become real so i think there is a dream world or dimension in this world too.
0 likesMaybe a little of both? Hear me out. "The dream world" is like a corridor filled with doors, all the doors lead to the minds of ponies, but only if they are sleeping. Or maybe it's like a room/sky filled with stars that represent minds/dreams. Either way, all this is possible because all the ponies have magic. Now, when Luna makes a shared dream she makes a new room/star, then creates a path to that room/star that only her chosen ponies can go. However, since the room/star isn't natural it can disappear even if the ponies in it are still asleep. The more ponies in that room the more likely it is to fall apart.
0 likesit happens in another dimesion made by teh pony's minds like u said but, Luna could have created this dimesion to look after the ponies in equestria personaly. this would explain how Luna can easily travel through dreams, its her dimesion.
0 likesAnybody else noticed that the Mane Six didn't think to summon the Elements of Harmony or use Rainbow Powa within the dream?
0 likesEven though they had it in the beginning scene of the episode.
In Equestra, dreams could very well be a means of dimension traveling. But what if it all was in their heads? Then the Tantabus would've ripped multiple holes in all of their subconsciouses! Ahh! 😱 Mind ripped up and blown to pieces!
0 likesReplies (1)
Their minds ripped. Mine blown.
0 likesWell, it doesn't conflict with current cannon, but that leaves this open: why can't Celestia do it?
0 likesIf the comics are to be believed, in a great arc we have Starswirl and Celestia dimension-hopping to their heart's content. If the dreamworld was a normal dimension, wouldn't they have tried on Luna's ability for size?
Or, perhaps, it is in their minds, but instead of her going to all of them in the shared dream; she's pulling /them/ to /her/, so the real her is manifested.
ShrugsFun tidbit, bro, as always.I think it's both, like in the brain there is a dimension to the dream world, so when Luna goes into the dreams she goes into the dimension to get into the mind-just a theory
0 likeseach ponies have their own dream dimension(the reason why there's so many doors leading to other dreams) when luna made the wire conection thingy she made all the dream dimensions of everypony in ponyville
0 likesas for why was the real world luna was visible in the dream well i would say it would have taken more magic to keep her dream form
idk if i made sense
I have a theory, reality is a dream and a dream is, well, a dream. And when you die, you are mature enough to go into the real world.
0 likesIf the dream world is another dimension, then why would Luna need those strings on the pony's foreheads to see their dreams? I think it's a mix of both, a dimension and part of the pony's head. The dream world is in the pony's head, so if there is no pony, the dimension is gone.That's why Luna was in the same dream world with Ponyville. She was asleep as well. So to control the dream world, Luna needs to sleep as well.
0 likesi think there's a diffrent dimension for the dream world, seems more possible than just being in a pony's head.
0 likesI think all of this happened inside Lunas' head. She just connected everyone through herself. Remember, it became harder to keep up with everyone giving themselves new powers?
0 likesOkay. In the very beginning,it was just celestia. She ruled but day and night. She was not meant to rule the night so that's when luna came along. She created the dream world and ruled it throughout the night. When she was nightmare moon, she could give ponies nightmares.
0 likesDreams happen in the dream world, a world that is beyond ours.
0 likesGood theory :) I loved that episode btw
0 likesi thought of your theory before i got in to the show but i'm glad i'm not the only one who thought of it :)
0 likesI also thought because Luna believed it would enter the real world it might not have we never saw it actually go into the real world just exiting through a hole. Also one question would be why did the tantalus just give up once Luna came to acceptance if it actually stored power. Unless the tantalus was somehow connected to Luna magically like a dream Luna? Idk anyone wanna pitch in?
0 likesIf I could control my dream, I would never wake up and if I did, I would drink night quil to fall back asleep.
0 likesIsn't a theory: It said in the episode that Luna created the monster thingy to punish her self for what she did as nightmare moon, but why would she give it the power to jump into other dream, or jump into the real world and destroy everything, she kinda brought it upon herself
0 likesI think there's a dream dimensions, that we can connect it. Anyway, MIND BLOW!!! :)
0 likes@The Brony Notion Celestia Also Controls A Different World That's when twighlight got her wings then if luna controls The Dream World That Means That when the creature that luna created could go to the real world because it fed off of luna's guilt so it just got bigger when luna felt bad she made it but she was the only one to stop it but yes the dream world is another world so there are more worlds then equestria maybe other creatures are in the dream world that can ruin ponyville and equestria.
0 likesAnswer to everything: magic.
2 likesSome dreams are so powerful they became real
0 likesMLP wouldn't be the first to introduce dreams as another dimension I know for a fact that the show Ultimate Spider-Man has the same thing with dreams as a dimension.
0 likesHow can something from the mind get into real life? The Matrix.
0 likesme and my friend had the same dream once. and we both remeber the conversation
0 likes"Of course it is happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" -Dumbledore
0 likesMaybe the inherent magic every pony in Equestria is what allows them to have a presence in the dream dimension o3o
0 likesWhat if the whole episode was a dream?
0 likesI have a question if Luna can walk through dreams whenever ponies r sleeping then what can celestia do
0 likesI think the dreams happen just how you said in an another dimension also you should do a video about the trailers of the 3rd my little pony equestria girls I think its called friendship games but the trailers look awesome
0 likesEver pony has magic, and the mind uses that magic to make dream version of the pony.
0 likesThe dream world is another dimension. Not all in the ponies mind. My question: how are they brought there every night?
0 likesBut if the string thingies were present in the dream shouldn't there have been a portal to constantly connect them to the real world? And if so, why didn't the Tantabus use that portal?
0 likesAlternate dimensions are cool, so that's what i'm going with
0 likesit's klefky and darkrai
0 likesone remember what i said about Giratina Palkia and Dialga it's the same as discord
two i realised that Klefky can hold different keys i saw pikachu's adventures and can unlock different doors
three darkrai can send anyone to the nightmares and can see what happens in the future and the present
and four i believe it's the sea crown i saw one the same thing
With all of that, I think it could be both.
0 likesYa I agree tbn I think it is in the dream word
0 likesP.S awesome theory lol
Can anyone tell me what that eye flash in the triangle was?
0 likesDetails please!
Magic. If everything else in Equestria has some connection to magic, why not dreams? An alteration on your dimension theory is that every dreamer's dream exists within its own magical realm external to normal reality. Perhaps there is a realm within which all dreams exist in pockets or bubbles, each new night of dreaming or even each new dream making a new bubble, and that bubble "popping" once the dream is over. Luna has the ability to pass (or project an avatar) into this dream realm and access a dream bubble, but must use her "dream door directory" before she can target another dream bubble unless the dreams were linked before she went in. The Tantabus, however, being a creature made in and for the dream realm, can pass between dream bubbles through the link of a thought about somepony else. It can also, (being a piece of Tim Taylor Technology) with more power, pass backwards out of the dream realm in a similar manner to Luna entering it.
0 likesHere's something: what if the tantabus was never real in the first place? It never actually entered the real world. So we can never be sure. And I wouldn't made an inception reference in ur video.
0 likesyay! I got the "obscure reference time"picture! Sharkboy and Lavagirl!
1 likei think the dream world is like the dream scape in gravity falls
0 likesI believe that the dream world is another dimension. I also think that is the same for us in our world.
0 likes@The Brony Notion think it would most likely be a new dimension as Luna did say she was the only one able to go into other ponies minds to see their dreams, so the ponies couldn't have had them in their heads because of this reason.
0 likesAlso when i saw this video, the dream world weirdly reminded me of the episode where Celestia took Twilight when she became a princess with all her memories....... Any explanations?
Replies (1)
@Anna Rivaille Ackerman McFadden Magical Mystery Cure . . . I don't think that was a dream world.
0 likes“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” - Dumbledor
0 likesi think its a dif dimension that would be awesome luna is my fave and would love 2 c an ep for that
0 likesWhat if some pony's dream version went through the portal and ended up in ponyville? Like for The Brony Notion to do a theory!
0 likesThe dream dimension is called the Dreamscape
0 likesCan't be in there minds because when the tantivis cut through the dream world that means it's cutting through there minds which would hurt a lot
0 likesIt's in another dimension, why? Luna said herself that Celestial had no power in... "DA REALM OF SLEEP!"
0 likesWhy didn´t they just wake everyone in ponyville,and have one pony sleeping so Luna could catch the..thing
0 likes@The Brony Notion i guess u are right. the dream world must be another dimension
0 likesi mean just look at all the other dimensions if those exist then why not a dream dimension? the thing that really is stuck in my mind is that luna is a server and all the ponies the string thing was attached to was a player having a computer :3
Im sorta worried that the Tantabus might be with the changelings! Because Rainbow Dash dreamed about them.
0 likesThis episode in mlp is like the episode dreamscapes from gravity falls
0 likesI think they all were in Luna's dream not in their individual dream
0 likesDreams occur in a different dimension. And the Tantabus is created in that dimension.
0 likesYou might be right cause only discord can access that sock puppet world well maybe also pinky but ya I'm not thinking to hard on that part cause I will go brain dead but in this episode luna does say to the mane six that Celestia can't not help or enter the dreams of others like she can so I believe it is another dimension that only Luna can enter at will then with that bubble I think cause she is connecting so many dreams to one big dream that possibly could mean there be multiple Lunas in that big dream so that bubble is keeping all them to one body instead of being in multiple places which might cut Luna's magic in half so she be weak and not be able to hold the dreams together and for all those that say what about discords home dimension (aka chaos dimension) that the mail pony got in that could be cause of a special door that discord made for mail to get to his chaos world home that or discord did get the invite from Celestia so she might have been able to send him with discord reformed if celestia needed discord or needed to check on him in that world she was probably able to go back and for therefore sending the mail pony in there with the invite to the gala
0 likesoh just great, thanks to you @The Brony Notion NOW MY MIND IS BLOWN
0 likesI think tht it is in another demission because luna did say in tht episode tht its another realm tht celestia would have no power in so if its another realm i would believe it's in another demission to
0 likesWas it just me or was it really easy to understand not confusing at all
0 likesi think when a pony dreams they enter a dream dimension. this dimension can be accessed by luna and maybe she created this dream world so she could watch over and protect every pony
0 likesidk its my gues @The Brony Notion
Nice reference to Shark boy and Lava Girl. That is a very obscure reference.
0 likesIt happens in there heads but they dream in the other dimension
0 likesYay you referenced shark boy and lava girl 😀
0 likesI some how kept up WOW!!!????!!!! your theory is (to me) is right mostly because of the luna thing.
0 likesI fell like luna made the dream world so that why she can switch between the real world and the dream world
0 likesI think that it might be in another dimension
0 likesHere's a theory for you: Magic
0 likes"Of course this is happening in your head Harry. Why does that have to mean that it's not real?" Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
0 likesi say a dream is a temporary dimension
0 likesthe dream world is real but mental engery from the mind is stronger in that world that why your mind can effect
0 likes2 things
0 likes1. I agree with you :3
2. I saw that illuminati in the triangle >:)
And what ever they think will come true in the episode dreamscapers from gravity falls
0 likesLuna just made it up xD But that blue magic is real I think...
0 likesReplies (1)
@Yay Celestia lol don't judge luna
0 likesSo what you're saying is that ponies enter the Fade? (DRAGON AGE REFERENCE)
0 likesThat makes 6 dimensions
0 likesOurs
Pomans? Hunies?
Sock puppets (possibly our dreams?)
Pony dreams
PomanHuny dreams
How can luna dreaming? Wich pony(creature) controll her dreams?
0 likesReplies (1)
@The Brony Notion I don't understand anything of you're videos, BUT I look it (I speak germany and russian)! XD
0 likes3:39 I see what you did there...
0 likes@The Brony Notion Do you have any thoughts on Rainbow Factory? Because I think there is quite a big possibility that it is real (of course never shown in a kids show) +1 this comment if you agree.
2 likesReplies (5)
Yes because I wanna kill the Pegasus XD °V° today will be der doom °#° XD
0 likesOk, the rainbow factory is a FANFICTION
0 likes@xPixelMeGamerx Who cares?!
0 likes@Yutendo8879 Beyblade I know righ
0 likesRight*
0 likesYou're awesome... that is all
0 likesTantibu... tanibis... How do you spell it? I'm trying to get as much information on this creature and been looking since the episode aired but can't find anything. Not counting a comic book publisher. Is this a new creature created for the mlp universe or is there a lore of it somewhere I can't find? I know mlp mostly uses creatures from Greek mythology but nothing other than Anubis and Hermanubis. I've gotta be missing something, but what?
0 likesReplies (5)
My advice? Check the mlp wiki ( yes theres an unoffical wiki for the show)
0 likesIf its based on anything from mythology someones bound to have listed it there
@ijones36 I did and couldn't find anything. I think I might have spelled it wrong... either way I'll keep looking into it but I'm beginning to think that they created it for the show.
0 likes@Original_NoLifeGamer
0 likesTranslate "nightmare" in latin. At least that's what I heard. Also there is a blurb on the Tantabus on the MLPwiki ->
@Zminator1986 How did I miss that I thought I looked at everything... huh. Unfortunately there's no lore on it :/ just the episode description lol I was hoping for something like originated in ancient Greek mythology as a daemon that'll kill you in your sleep like freddie kruger or something. Thank you tho :) glad to see there's something on it :D
0 likes@Original_NoLifeGamer
0 likesTantabus was created by Luna's sub-conscious as a form self punishment. That's about it. While I enjoy the inspirations of classical mythologies, I do like that this is, at least, something original and brand new.
I'm pretty sure there are some servers called Luna out there.
0 likes^_^ that was confusing lol
0 likesIn real life our soul or our ghost inside our body is travelling to its own world and we see it as dream. But in pony ville or in equestrian I don't have aaaaaaaaannny idea :D. Don't feel like I hurt your mind brony notion if it does I'm sorry
0 likespause at 3:12 anyone notice berry punch has wings?
0 likesI think that the dreams do happen in po ies heads. Necause thats Equestria not real life. Your explabation make too much sense for oir world, and in a few videos you said that Equestria isnt real life. And the dream realm
0 likes/dimension is in the ponies heads. The parts of the dimension/realm are separeted within small parts between every single pony. So this means that your explanation and mine collide with eich other. Yeah that makes sense in Equestria.
Like there magic lets them go to the other dimension. Because there mind cast a spell to make them go to the dimension
0 likesperhaps its mot a dream i mean luna has magic and all but we would she go in a another dimension, but my theory is that she probably make illusions for ponies so they THINK they are dreaming >>.<<
0 likesI think another dimension. I mean, come on its mlp anything can happen.
0 likescue inception music 3:39 Ilu Imari controls dreams XD
0 likesBring notion, I was wondering, why is your background always the apple orchard .
0 likesdimsenoin mlp eg 5 should be about human sunset entering dreams XD
0 likesIn the triangle there was an eye for a second
0 likesWow that video was Trippy lol
0 likes3:38 in .25 speed Illuminati confirmed
0 likesIt could happen in another dimension because mlp
0 likesI think our making perfect sense
0 likesWell luna is the only one who can enter the dream dimension be cause she is the pony of the night but to every poky els it's in there mind that's why Lina had to connect to the head
0 likesI agree
0 likesmaybe it's a dimension or it came from pony's heads who knows i certianly don't :(
0 likessorry
The brony notion's cutie mark represents a " minecraft?" Music note
0 likesI'm not a fan of btb...first thing that popped in my mind
Really?! I saw that freakin illuminati symbol!
0 likesIt's probably a little bit of both.
0 likesWho exactly is queen chrysalis
0 likes3:38 #Illuminaticonfirmed
1 likeRainbowdash changeling dream
0 likesNuff said
if you haven'y already looked in the discussion box on your chanel.. maybe.. i said that i have a idea for the new song that came out from SDCC this year and wanted to know if you wanted to hear it. respond back please so i know its alright to tell you... k?
0 likesmakes no sense
0 likesIlluminated confirmed ! ;)
0 likesPlease don't use anymore Tim and Eric awesome show great job clips or references, or anything related to it. Because it really is a terrible show.
0 likes:goes two tailed beast state: COME AT ME TANTABUS
0 likesInteresting
0 likesGo Luna
0 likesWitch episode and season tell me pleaze?
0 likesAnything goes in Equestria, m8.
0 likesum dude if theres dream luna in sweety belles dream right princess luna come to sweaty belle to fix the hat
0 likesIlluminati confirmed.
0 likes3:39 was i the only one that saw illuminati
0 likesI am saying another dimension.
0 likesI don't really think so about the strings when the threes kids sorry I forgot there names but she can do this when she sleep to you know
2 likesReplies (2)
Illuminati for one second in the red triangle!...mind blown jajaja
0 likesthis was weird! still people need to explain the being that took over luna
0 likesno... mind.. broken...
0 likesLike in Dragon age
0 likes00:57 Doctor Who refrance.
0 likesReplies (3)
0 likesHa, everyone else is pointing out the Illuminati refrance while I point out the Doctor Who refrance.
0 likesReference I meant.
0 likesI'm not even going to try !!!!
0 likesHeh shark boy and lava girl XD
0 likesIlluminati confirmed
0 likesWell i agree whith u cuss i didnt know what whas happing
0 likesSo berry dremt she was a peguses...
0 likesWoah
0 likes#dejavu
0 likesIlluminati at 3:40 mate
1 likeboth
0 likesGiant lovely headache
0 likesToo much egghead stuff......
0 likesI couldn't keep up.
1 like#illuminati
0 likesI say demention
0 likesOder dimension:3
1 likeLol you and illuminati :D
0 likesDuring the ambiance big big message with 110 industries dennis dillon 27 francis file i was in texas princess luna plindustrial avengers at night maryland nightmare molasses the process walmart in her ham to the mall and the highgate get back sam's well nice name againtwilight another homemade you there and processes last time that is the morn is back to the keswick to the slave again