. godine Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Gospa od Shalotta (16,24)
2. Kukavica (Izgubljeni ljubavni laburisti) (16,47)
3. Sutra (10:47)
4. Ljubav čeka Ljubavnika (7,58)
5. Kukavica (alternativna verzija iz 2002.*) (16:25)
Ukupno vrijeme 68:20
Bonus VCD
1. Video-zapis (20:47):
- a) Lady of Shalott (Videoclip) (1977)
- b) Me El-ma
- c) MIO Katalog
2. Objava (0:36)
3. Sutra (uživo u Beit Lessinu) (11:00)
4. Lady of Shalott (uživo na radiju Galei-Tzahal) (12:41)
5. Katarza (Iztopija) (7,46)
6. Noćna mora (Ja El-Ma) (6:31)
7. Toridtagitar (Me El-Ma) (5,22)
8. Dječji ples (Me El-Ma) (8:59)
Ukupno vrijeme 73:42
* Novi remiks s dodanim mellotronom i digitalnim efektima
Postava / Glazbenici
- Efrayim Barak / vokal
- Moti Fonseka / električne i akustične
gitare- Yuval Rivlin / klavijature
- Alon Nadel / bas
- Ami Lipner (kasnije Me El-Ma) / bubnjevi, udaraljke, klavijature (bonus 6-8), gitara i violina & celllo (bonus 6), vokal (bonus 7,8)
Atmosphera really made them me, since they were just kids when they recorded it, this is highly progressive rock with a lot of sensitivity, I have only a high appreciation for them, writing this music in those early years of life . Although I have a CD version that contains some other material like ami Lipner's remixes, which doesn't really have a place in this release, I have to judge this one by more than just the CD version. The two main compositions are what we are gathered here for. The stunning performance of everyone, the drums are accurate and simply amazing, the guitar is beautiful with some fiery solos, the bass is also stunning, and the keys are simply perfect. The music is very melodic with some jazz elements mixed with rock, very interesting. Both comppsositions easily flow from one part to the next as if it were a 4-minute song. although the sound is similar to YES they are not clones, I am amazed at how talented they are to write and perform it. This is my favorite Israeli prog and beats many releases of other great bands around the world.
CD 1 also contains some live distractions that are not as good as previous songs, I think mainly because of the terrible sound, the first live song that it was recorded with two main tracks would be just as good, but the garage sound destroys the song, and the next one which is the blues song. nice all in all.
CD 2 contains some live songs, and another song made by the band 'Istopy' which is a different version of the atmosphere, what a killer song it is!! it has an incredible climax, it starts with a slow scary atmosphere, a great piano, the killer keys they join the rest of the band, that's rather than returning to the main theme with jazzy bass and drums, and as the vocals become more aggressive and the rest of the band until it blows itself into crazy aggressive basses and drums with good vocals. the audience did not know what hit them!!
These things are hard to find in Israel in those days so all I have left is admiration. although this release is not constant due to poor recording and some live songs, studio songs make up for it and are only valid for the entire album.
I like him, and I'm going to give him five stars. Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC!!!
. Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Our Lady of Shalott (16:24)
2. Cuckoo (Lost Love Labour) (16:47)
3. Tomorrow (10:47)
4. Love Awaits Lover (7:58)
5. Cuckoo (2002 alternative version*) (16:25)
Total time 68:20
Bonus VCD
1. Video (20:47):
- a) Lady of Shalott (Videoclip) (1977)
- b) Me El-ma
- c) MIO Catalogue
2. Revelation (0:36)
3. Tomorrow (live in Beit Lessin) (11:00)
4. Lady of Shalott (live on Galei-Tzahal radio) (12:41)
5. Catharsis (Istopia) (7:46)
6. Nightmare (I El-Ma) (6:31)
7. Toridtagitar (Me El-Ma) (5:22)
8. Children's Dance (Me El-Ma) (8:59)
Total time 73:42
* New remix with added mellotron and digital effects
Lineup / Musicians
- Efrayim Barak / vocals
- Moti Fonseka / electric and acoustic
guitars- Yuval Rivlin / keyboards
- Alon Nadel / bass
- Ami Lipner (later Me El-Ma) / drums, percussion, keyboards (bonus 6-8), guitar and violin & celllo (bonus 6), vocals (bonus 7.8)
Atmosphera ih je stvarno učinila ja, budući da su bili samo djeca kad su ga snimili, ovo je visoko progresivni rock s puno osjetljivosti, imam samo visoku zahvalnost za njih, pišući ovu glazbu u tim ranim godinama života . Iako imam CD verziju koja sadrži neki drugi materijal poput remikseva Ami Lipnera, kojem zapravo nema mjesta u ovom izdanju, ovu moram suditi po više od samo cd verzije. Dvije glavne skladbe su ono zbog čega smo se ovdje okupili. Zapanjujuća izvedba svih, bubnjevi su točni i jednostavno nevjerojatni, gitara je lijepa s nekim vatrenim solažama, bas je također zapanjujući, a tipke su jednostavno savršene. Glazba je vrlo melodična s nekim jazz elementima pomiješanim s rockom, vrlo zanimljiva. Obje komppsosicije lako teku iz jednog dijela u drugi kao da je to pjesma od 4 minute. iako je zvuk sličan DA oni nisu klonovi, zapanjen sam koliko su talentirani da to pišu i izvode. ovo je moj omiljeni izraelski prog i pobjeđuje mnoga izdanja drugih sjajnih bendova širom svijeta.
CD 1 također sadrži neke live ometanje koje nije jednako dobro kao prethodne pjesme, mislim uglavnom zbog užasnog zvuka, prve live pjesme da je snimljena s dvije glavne skladbe bila bi jednako dobra, ali garažni zvuk uništava pjesmu, a sljedeća koja je blues pjesma. lijepo sve u svemu.
CD 2 sadrži neke live pjesme, i još jednu pjesmu koju je napravio bend 'Istopy' koji je drugačija verzija atmosfere, kakva je to ubojita pjesma!! ima nevjerojatan vrhunac, počinje s polaganom zastrašujućom atmosferom, odličnim klavirom, ubojitim ključevima pridružuju se ostatku benda, to nego da se vrati glavnoj temi s jazzy basom i bubnjevima, a kako vokal postaje agresivniji tako i ostatak benda dok se dobrim vokalom ne raznese u lude agresivne basove i bubnjeve. publika nije znala što ih je snašlo!!
Takve stvari je teško naći u Izraelu tih dana tako da mi ostaje samo divljenje. iako ovo izdanje nije konstantno zbog lošeg snimanja i nekih live pjesama, studijske pjesme to nadoknađuju i vrijede samo cijelog albuma.
Sviđa mi se i dat ću mu 5 zvjezdica.Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC!!!
Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glaybe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA
Studijski album, objavljen 1977
0 likes. godine Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Gospa od Shalotta (16,24)
2. Kukavica (Izgubljeni ljubavni laburisti) (16,47)
3. Sutra (10:47)
4. Ljubav čeka Ljubavnika (7,58)
5. Kukavica (alternativna verzija iz 2002.*) (16:25)
Ukupno vrijeme 68:20
Bonus VCD
1. Video-zapis (20:47):
- a) Lady of Shalott (Videoclip) (1977)
- b) Me El-ma
- c) MIO Katalog
2. Objava (0:36)
3. Sutra (uživo u Beit Lessinu) (11:00)
4. Lady of Shalott (uživo na radiju Galei-Tzahal) (12:41)
5. Katarza (Iztopija) (7,46)
6. Noćna mora (Ja El-Ma) (6:31)
7. Toridtagitar (Me El-Ma) (5,22)
8. Dječji ples (Me El-Ma) (8:59)
Ukupno vrijeme 73:42
* Novi remiks s dodanim mellotronom i digitalnim efektima
Postava / Glazbenici
- Efrayim Barak / vokal
- Moti Fonseka / električne i akustične
gitare- Yuval Rivlin / klavijature
- Alon Nadel / bas
- Ami Lipner (kasnije Me El-Ma) / bubnjevi, udaraljke, klavijature (bonus 6-8), gitara i violina & celllo (bonus 6), vokal (bonus 7,8)
- Ovadiya Aharony / vokal (3,4)
- Tsoof Philosof / bas (3,4)
- Yaron Bioch / vokal (bonus 5,6)
- Zeev Winstok / bas (bonus 5)
Objavljuje informacije
Snimljeno između 1975.-1977., restaurirano i remasterirano od strane Asafa Carmelija i Ereza Siaga
Umjetničko djelo: David Ezrati, Ozi Ezrati
CD + VCD MIO Records - MIO 020-021 (2002, Izrael) Bonus disk sa snimkama Atmosphere, Istopyja (1981.) i Me El-Ma solo (1984.-1987.)
LP Anazitisi Records - ARSLP 70-67F (2015., Grčka) Reizdanje samo pjesama 1 i 2...…….Ladislav&Z...
Atmosphera really made them me, since they were just kids when they recorded it, this is highly progressive rock with a lot of sensitivity, I have only a high appreciation for them, writing this music in those early years of life . Although I have a CD version that contains some other material like ami Lipner's remixes, which doesn't really have a place in this release, I have to judge this one by more than just the CD version. The two main compositions are what we are gathered here for. The stunning performance of everyone, the drums are accurate and simply amazing, the guitar is beautiful with some fiery solos, the bass is also stunning, and the keys are simply perfect. The music is very melodic with some jazz elements mixed with rock, very interesting. Both comppsositions easily flow from one part to the next as if it were a 4-minute song. although the sound is similar to YES they are not clones, I am amazed at how talented they are to write and perform it. This is my favorite Israeli prog and beats many releases of other great bands around the world.
0 likesCD 1 also contains some live distractions that are not as good as previous songs, I think mainly because of the terrible sound, the first live song that it was recorded with two main tracks would be just as good, but the garage sound destroys the song, and the next one which is the blues song. nice all in all.
CD 2 contains some live songs, and another song made by the band 'Istopy' which is a different version of the atmosphere, what a killer song it is!! it has an incredible climax, it starts with a slow scary atmosphere, a great piano, the killer keys they join the rest of the band, that's rather than returning to the main theme with jazzy bass and drums, and as the vocals become more aggressive and the rest of the band until it blows itself into crazy aggressive basses and drums with good vocals. the audience did not know what hit them!!
These things are hard to find in Israel in those days so all I have left is admiration. although this release is not constant due to poor recording and some live songs, studio songs make up for it and are only valid for the entire album.
I like him, and I'm going to give him five stars. Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC!!!
Studio album, released in 1977
0 likes. Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Our Lady of Shalott (16:24)
2. Cuckoo (Lost Love Labour) (16:47)
3. Tomorrow (10:47)
4. Love Awaits Lover (7:58)
5. Cuckoo (2002 alternative version*) (16:25)
Total time 68:20
Bonus VCD
1. Video (20:47):
- a) Lady of Shalott (Videoclip) (1977)
- b) Me El-ma
- c) MIO Catalogue
2. Revelation (0:36)
3. Tomorrow (live in Beit Lessin) (11:00)
4. Lady of Shalott (live on Galei-Tzahal radio) (12:41)
5. Catharsis (Istopia) (7:46)
6. Nightmare (I El-Ma) (6:31)
7. Toridtagitar (Me El-Ma) (5:22)
8. Children's Dance (Me El-Ma) (8:59)
Total time 73:42
* New remix with added mellotron and digital effects
Lineup / Musicians
- Efrayim Barak / vocals
- Moti Fonseka / electric and acoustic
guitars- Yuval Rivlin / keyboards
- Alon Nadel / bass
- Ami Lipner (later Me El-Ma) / drums, percussion, keyboards (bonus 6-8), guitar and violin & celllo (bonus 6), vocals (bonus 7.8)
- Ovadiya Aharony / vocals (3,4)
- Tsoof Philosof / bass (3,4)
- Yaron Bioch / vocals (bonus 5.6)
- Zeev Winstok / bass (bonus 5)
Publishes information
Taken between 1975-1977, restored and remastered by Asaf Carmeli and Erez Siag
Artwork: David Ezrati, Ozi Ezrati
CD + VCD MIO Records - MIO 020-021 (2002, Israel) Bonus disc with recordings atmosphere, Istopy (1981) and Me El-Ma solo (1984-87)
LP Anazitisi Records - ARSLP 70-67F (2015, Greece) Reissue only songs 1 and 2.............Ladislav&Z...
Atmosphera ih je stvarno učinila ja, budući da su bili samo djeca kad su ga snimili, ovo je visoko progresivni rock s puno osjetljivosti, imam samo visoku zahvalnost za njih, pišući ovu glazbu u tim ranim godinama života . Iako imam CD verziju koja sadrži neki drugi materijal poput remikseva Ami Lipnera, kojem zapravo nema mjesta u ovom izdanju, ovu moram suditi po više od samo cd verzije. Dvije glavne skladbe su ono zbog čega smo se ovdje okupili. Zapanjujuća izvedba svih, bubnjevi su točni i jednostavno nevjerojatni, gitara je lijepa s nekim vatrenim solažama, bas je također zapanjujući, a tipke su jednostavno savršene. Glazba je vrlo melodična s nekim jazz elementima pomiješanim s rockom, vrlo zanimljiva. Obje komppsosicije lako teku iz jednog dijela u drugi kao da je to pjesma od 4 minute. iako je zvuk sličan DA oni nisu klonovi, zapanjen sam koliko su talentirani da to pišu i izvode. ovo je moj omiljeni izraelski prog i pobjeđuje mnoga izdanja drugih sjajnih bendova širom svijeta.
0 likesCD 1 također sadrži neke live ometanje koje nije jednako dobro kao prethodne pjesme, mislim uglavnom zbog užasnog zvuka, prve live pjesme da je snimljena s dvije glavne skladbe bila bi jednako dobra, ali garažni zvuk uništava pjesmu, a sljedeća koja je blues pjesma. lijepo sve u svemu.
CD 2 sadrži neke live pjesme, i još jednu pjesmu koju je napravio bend 'Istopy' koji je drugačija verzija atmosfere, kakva je to ubojita pjesma!! ima nevjerojatan vrhunac, počinje s polaganom zastrašujućom atmosferom, odličnim klavirom, ubojitim ključevima pridružuju se ostatku benda, to nego da se vrati glavnoj temi s jazzy basom i bubnjevima, a kako vokal postaje agresivniji tako i ostatak benda dok se dobrim vokalom ne raznese u lude agresivne basove i bubnjeve. publika nije znala što ih je snašlo!!
Takve stvari je teško naći u Izraelu tih dana tako da mi ostaje samo divljenje. iako ovo izdanje nije konstantno zbog lošeg snimanja i nekih live pjesama, studijske pjesme to nadoknađuju i vrijede samo cijelog albuma.
Sviđa mi se i dat ću mu 5 zvjezdica.Ladislav&ZIVANOVIC!!!
Moje veliko postovanje posjetiteljima mog,Kanala i lijepi pozdravi,Stoga vas molim,pretplatite se na moj Kanal i ostavite lajk prilikom svakog pregleda,nemojte to zaboraviti,jetr je jako potrebno zbog gledanosti ovog Kanala,koji upucuje na glazbeno Orazovanje i uzitak razlicitosti postavki...Velika hvala,i uzivaj tre u ljepoti i glaybe i posebnih predjela koje nam je svoritelj ove plante majke zemlje podario+ZIVI DRAGI BOG I HVALA., MU ZA UVJEK+VAS LADISLAV&Z+CANADA!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/My great respect for the visitors of my channel and nice greetings, So please subscribe to my Channel and leave the lioness every time you review it, do not forget it, the liver is very necessary because of the ratings of this Channel, which points to the musical Orazing and the addition of different settings... A big thank you, and enjoy the beauty and music and special appetizers that the planner of this mother country has given us+Always Dear God and Thank You., TO HIM FOR ALWAYS+YOU LADISLAV&Z+CANADA
0 likesladislav zivanovic