I may not want to talk time travel, but I do have more to speak of with you in the future. Just no wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff. Now, I have work to do.
@The Nameless One Well have I got some news for you about who had just arrived in SSBU to have a reunion with Cloud Strife. Guess who’s finally in Super Smash Bros Ultimate back in December 10, 2020? Here’s a hint with lyrics: Estuans interius ira vehementi, estuans interius ira vehementi!
@The Nameless Oneso you you say you hate time travel well that's too bad because I'm just going to do this basically. *yeets "The Nameless One" through the dimensional timelines of "Multiverse Sonic" and his friends, "twomanyraptors", "The Rift Cafe" and "The Secret Rift", "Lighting Bliss" and her friends, "Scribbler" and her friends, "Hunter's World Gaming" and his friends, "Hunter's World Nightmare" and his friends, "Record Guy 626" and his friends, "BRRGames", "Daimondo", "Herobrine Demon [The Unstoppable Demon]", "Seelkadoom The Hedgehog", "Ultimate Omniversal Seelkadoom", "SMG4", "SMG3", "MarioMario54321", "Mastered UI Kostas", and "JaisKoiz" along with some dimensions like team fortress 2, team fortress classic, pre-fortress 2, team fortress 2 classic, open fortress 2, pony fortress 2, portal 1-3+more, g-mod, g-mod 2, sfm, sfm 2, sandbox, "vrchat", "hammer editor", "unity", "fnf", "ddlc", "spyro", "skylanders", "mmd", "undertale", "deltarune", "phoenix write", "latin puzzle video game", "elements of insanity", "fallout equestria", "half life 1-3", ytp, mlp ytp gen 1-5, and mlp gen. 1-5 at the same time in a infinite unlimited endless never ending loop with no loopholes at all no matter what with no escape at all no matter what which completely causes all of the dimensions to completely collide and merge no matter what completely permamently forever successfully.*
Justice league! Os please tell me atleast that you want to be a alicorn and do magic?! And if I became a alicorn I will have a lot of things to learn like flying and magic stuffy buffy
What about the Human world. Sunset visit them after season 5. What if it was a loop like in season 6. What if Twilight from copy world travel in time to original world and original Twilight travel to copy world?
This may be true... After all, the magic went into the crystals. Twilight was never there. Maybe that's how she was lost in the movie. She didn't die, she just... Vanished
Didn't he do a time loop episode already. Plus would the answer to his time travel question be twilight and starlight were always there to witness the rainboom in the past.
I think the MLP community is too saturated with theory videos for him to want to mess with this series. He's most likely leaving it to the actual experts: the fans that have already been passionately watching since the beginning. Otherwise, it'll be his Pheonix Wright theory all over again.
I thought that would happen at some point but it didn’t. Mlp is the kids equivalent of fnaf. without the dead kids of course. They both have time travel.
I am a person2021-07-23 17:53:05 (edited 2021-07-23 17:53:19 )
@Alexander Prime He doesn’t seem particularly interested, from what he’s talked of it he even seems a little weirded out by the fanbase (although this could have changed with time like some of the other jokes he’s made in the past).
Another factor is by the time he made Film Theory (2014-2015), MLP’s popularity was waning, it was still successful but it wasn’t the monolith it was in the early 2010’s.
I just don’t think it’s his cup of tea and there’s not a huge demand for it, so he really doesn’t have a reason to.
@Dutch ball If you don’t know who he is you’ve probably seen his stuff in your recommendations. He runs Game Theory, Film Theory, and Food Theory, which are centered around making theories about said topics.
Well since I’m on of the fans of MatPat and you want him to make a theory about MLP so much I would love to see that happen. For my answer is yes. Sweet Celestia Yes I would love to see MatPat make a theory about MLP FIM! That’s one of my secrets: I’m apart of the Game Theorist, Film Theorist, and Food Theorist fandom!
Hate to break it to you, but MatPat doesn't seem to be doing any pony theories anytime soon...Unless the fourth circle thing in his wheel ends up being Pony Theory!
Here's a thought: Queen Chrysalis would totally take Twilight's place (with another changeling for Spike), imagine all the love she can feed on when dear Princess Twilight returns to her beloved friends and family! She can do anything from there with Twilight's image
Without the main six Celestia Luna them self would have to go to T-wait a minute oh Cody told them about that so she’d probably say to investigate Ponyville to make sure that TREC didn’t get out well they were gone they would take the device twilight used to raise the sun and the moon because magic would be gone by the time they actually thought of actually going to wear TREC is magic would probably be gone because of that cozy is in charge because people would trust her she’s become the empires of friendship but actually having that power saying how friendly it can be she might just go ahead and decide
The ponies of equestria would find out sooner or later though, the elements of harmony wouldn't work with chrysalis as she had no real bond with the other 5.
@Lonely the Onely She probably had changeling spies keeping tabs on the main 7 after being defeated the first time so she probably knows enough to take Twilight's place. Changelings can become literally any living creature. Chrysalis would know almost if not everything about Twilight and the others. It seems smart to learn as much about the enemy as you can
@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon because if twilight was not there the mane 5 couldn’t handle all the tribes and the tribes split apart and there the new generation was brought up
@Simply_SMILE But in the new Generation there was a cutie mark of Twilight in the glass window, if Twilight wasn't there why would her cutie mark exist in that painting?
@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon That’s a good point I guess they might have just been remembering the times where the mane 6 where still United because Sunny really likes the mane 6 and maybe she just wanted to remember those moments but this is just a theory so who knows
in a twilight-less world Cozy Glow could gather attempt to destroy magic like she did in the show, and the rest of the mane group wouldn't have been able to defeat her (no element of magic means the elements of harmony would fail) in a last ditch to save magic the other three alicorns would work together to create the crystals from the g5 movie, maybe in trust them to the rest of the mane group? then like sawtooth said, when flurry heart was born, she broke the crystal heart, sending equstria into an ice age. maybe the windigos showed up (ie end of serires) and caused all the groups to split and travel south to warmer lands? also without equestrian magic could tirek, cozy, and chrisalis still show up? lack of equestrian magic shouldn't affect chrisalis so she could still sow distrust to the pony races. Add that to the mini ice age and possibly windigos and you get g5. Than in g5 maybe sunny's dad had been researching twilight's disappearence and maybe had an idea about the loss of magic (he doesn't believe the evil unicorn or pegasi thing) but doesn't tell sunny about the loss of magic to keep her innocent. Maybe he was hoping to solve her disappearence and hoped that finging the answer would solve the mgaic porblem?
I thought so too, but how would you explain the stained glass? It specifically shows twilight’s cutie mark creating the earth, unicorn, and Pegasus crystals.
the crystals may have been made to preserve the magic of the different races, but they were meant to stay together promoting friendship in twilight's memory
@[The Trio] well I guess the original sawtooth is gone.
Book Thoughts2021-11-27 02:34:47 (edited 2021-11-27 02:37:18 )
Actually not really. Who created the crystals then if not Twilight, whose cutie mark was depicted on the stained glass window in G5? I don't feel like anyone else did. Great theory, but implausible, in my opinion.
But that would contradict the video Twilight Sparkle's fate, because in that video, he said that old twilight sacrificed herself to make the 3 crystals.
@Book Thoughts What if Twilight never created the crystals. This maybe a long thetched theory, but we have seen time and time again that friendship is superior to all magic. What if after discovering she went missing, the mane 5 sacraficed themselves to make the crystals. After all, it wasnt an alicorn who made the tree of harmony, it was 3 races coming together. We dont know when the glass painting was made, but the mane 5 could have easily done the job in honor of Twilights memory or hoped that she would somehow see it and return. Meaning, that this theory could very well be what happened. But knowing the writers they probably went with something simpler like the memory stone got in their world or something of that sorts.
@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon The rest of the mane 5 would have known what twilight's cutie marked looked like because she had originally been there. That was the world they met and twilight became a princess. it was the other worlds where they hadn't met (ie the chrasilis world or the sombra world) in this case the original/abandoned world was the world we watched from season 1 all the way to the cutie remark episode. the ending of the cutie remark episodes was the beginning of the new world
@Belladonna Everything happened the same before Starlight changed the past, so this it would be a world where Twilight dont exist anymore, but existed once and everypony still remebers her
I think this theory fits because maybe when Twilight disappeared, all thoughts of friendship were hard to remember and the world split apart, possibly believing that it would be better to split apart or else it might happen again
I mean... that would make sense. Without twilight the friendship will slowly vanish, and in new generation the ponys are friends only with their own kind so, good point.
im late but idc but if twilight did abandon the original timeline but didn't know it. it still wouldn't lead up to the new generation because if the original timeline was abandoned then twilight wouldn't be the new crowned ruler because twilight isn't in the abandoned world. and in g5 twilight IS the new crowned ruler of Equestria hence the window pane in on of the scenes.
@Jessica Touvell Yeah, i thunk that might be the answer or it’s just simply that he goes on an adventure into the Everfree Forest and just got missing and never came back, The EverFree Forest is full of dangerous stuff u know
@Nothing._.Here! My thought is that maybe he went out to look for answers as to why magic disappeared. Considering he was the only pony to not fall in line with the 'unicorns and pegasi are evil' mantra, he was likely the only one researching Twilight and the mane 6 from g4. Perhaps he felt the need to look for places from g4 (like Ponyville or Canterlot) Perhaps, he had the foreknowledge of knowing that he may not return, which is why he left his regular glasses, his pendant and his notes at home, so Sunny could continue his work. Hopefully we get some answers eventually, but I doubt it.
Now there's an interesting and scary idea. However, since there aren't any doubles of Twilight, Spike, or Starlight, I think the three returned to their original timeline. The Map and the Tree of Harmony were connected to the time travel spell, so they could have pulled the trio back to their correct reality to keep things harmonious. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Sawtooth! ^_^
What about the twilight, starlight, and spike of the timeline they went to? They would still be there and there would be two twilights, spikes, and starlights.
@Serafin Malaluan There were probably alternate Twilights and Starlights in the other timelines even if they didn't make an appearance onscreen. And though Spike wouldn't have been born without the sonic rainboom, Spike's egg would have still existed in each world. What I was saying in my previous comment is that there are no doubles of Twilight, Spike, or Starlight in the FINAL timeline they return to at the very end of the episode. I hope this clears things up a bit.
Or the Starlight in that timeline was much like the original Starlight and took her Twilight and Spike back in time and either they ended up never coming back or they ended up in another timeline similar to the one that the twilight, Spike, and Starlight that we know ended up in. Our time traveling trio just affected their timeline, they affected a different one, where another time traveling trio of the same people either didn't or did go back in time and if they didn't, they met the second trio or if they did, they affected a different timeline similar. If I kept going I would probably create a loop of this so imma stop before I give myself a headache.
There is a weird time traveling rule, which was used in the "Back to the Future" films: a time traveler returning to the present, from the past, completely replaces their counterpart in the altered present. As long as the past isn't so severely altered that the time traveler ceases to exist, then their counterpart is replaced, even if the original time traveler is a completely different person from their counterpart, with different memories, a different physique, and a different personality. Somehow, their counterpart ceases to exist. The counterpart that possibly did not even travel back into the past themselves, to produce their version of the present.
This rule mostly applies to settings that use "soft" time travel, which doesn't need to follow any sort of strict logic.
@MrNobody Ah, I'm familiar with that idea! I love the Back to the Future films, but the time travel logic is a little confusing. I wonder why Marty didn't get a new set of memories. He almost disappeared after he stopped his parents from getting together, so other changes to the timeline should have affected him as well. In a rewritten timeline scenario, Twilight and company might have been protected from any changes by Starlight's spell or the Tree of Harmony. Or maybe just traveling through time somehow gave them immunity to timeline alterations. Or maybe Starlight somehow combined time travel with a reality-rewriting spell. Hmm…
assuming the second timeline they hypothetically went to had the same problems as the original one, then the second timeline's trio would have went to a third timeline, and itd continue from there, with this paradox lasting forever
That's cool to think about! It shows just how powerful the tree of harmony and the magic of freindship is! Or mabye in the slightly different timeline starlight, twilight, and spike all died. (Just kidding)
I personally think it's the same time line and, at the very least, they do merge back into one. HOWEVER, I think your theory would make an "awesome" grim dark fanfiction
@Alethea Syna San Jose This was written a year ago and I can't really remember in depth what I was talking about until I rewatch the video. But just watching the first few seconds, it's the same time line because, aside from twilight and Starlight being in the background, everything was put back to normal with no changes. At the most the only thing that would make it 'different' is that others might have seen them and talked about it? I'm still have asleep as I only woke up 30 minutes ago so I don't know. I need to watch the full video again
The idea of that timeline being abandoned & falling into ruin is scary. It also is a bit scary to think about other timelines besides our very own in real life
If they were two different timelines with the only difference being a few extra spectators then the only explanation for why there aren't two Twilights, Starlights, and Spikes afterwards would be that the second universe's versions also went back in time, resulting in a timeline where there are two of each and probably a huge mess of other timelines, all with at least two extremely talented magic users having access to a map that can seemingly transport itself between timelines (and which seemingly didn't follow them to the last timeline), and that sounds like a pretty good way to guarantee that a spell for interdimensional travel gets figured out to me.
There’s another event you left out by accident. In that abandoned Timeline, Spike wouldn’t attend the Gauntlet of Fire. Thus Ember might not succeed in becoming the Dragon Lord, but Garble might
Also, if you're bound and determined to cast Twilight Sparkle in the worst possible light ever, you should also consider the FACT that rather than "stay" and help each of the "wrong timelines" and get them back on track, she "abandoned" them just as you're saying she did to the pre-time-spell universe. So it isn't just ONE timeline that she abandoned. It's all SEVEN that she "Abandoned" just so she can go back to her "original world". But. This is also a KID'S show with only half-hour segments. If you truly want more exposition... should probably look into the novels and comics. I'm just saying.
5:18 I think the other timeline could’ve disappeared, since Twilight is the main character. Having a show purposely focused on one character without that one character would have no purpose, so that timeline just no longer exist. (just a thought, don’t hate me)
Technically it's possible that the timeline with the three extra spectators could be the original to begin with. It's a paradox belief that the past isn't as possible to change as you might think. Stopping the Rainboom was a massive change which was impossible to ignore. Rainbow never once talked about the spectators at the race that got her cutie mark so it's possible that the timeline before and after Starlight finished Starswirl's time spell might be one and the same
You forgot about the possibility of a time paradox. Starlight using the spell and Twilight bringing her back could be a fixed in time, meaning it would have happened in the "original" timeline with the rain-boom prior. It's a loop, and given the theme of destiny's through the show- as well as the episode where Twilight visits her past self ("Its about time") its shown you can't truly change the future- Meaning those alternate timelines very well could be set in our time as well. Similar to an illusion, a vision of what could be perhaps?? Idk, just that you forgot about the possibility of a paradox.
The map showed some level of consciousness or awareness of reality manipulation and had the capability to transpose itself across timelines to always be with twilight and spike. I think its fair to say that the tree of harmony or whatever consciousness that was would not want to separate twilight from her friends especially after gaining a new one.
Can't be. It's the present. And it's about when Twilight left. Wasteland is if Twilight never meet mane 5. But this is if Twilight, Starlight and Spike left. So everything undtil now is normal.
Dude, that video reminds me of the "A Sound of Thunder" short story by Ray Bradbury. Basically, the same thing about going back in time, but (almost) without changing it. My guess - it's the same timeline. Even if they create different timelines, these three could have been at the Rainboom at that time and haven't been shown to us due to... I dunno, unexistance of this plot twist? That's the basic time loop, just as the one in "It's all about time" episode.
The Map and the Tree of Harmony were connected to the time travel spell, so more than 99% the trio was pulled back to their correct reality to keep things as they should be.
This what I always thought when I was younger, not about mlp though. Like when I was probably 7, I always used to think when someone time travels and go back to their timeline, they aren't onto their timeline. Like what you said "being there is already a change" I didn't think about that for a while until I saw this video lol. I know exactly what you are saying
If you ever saw Back to the Future, when the main guy returns to his time, it’s not the same as when he left. He changed his parents personalities while he was in the past so he basically returns to a house of strangers. It’s crazy thinking everyone you knew is technically dead because of changes made to timelines.
Amazing! There are so many timelines that Starlight had created and it’s getting confusing for me. Luckily you made this video and now I know about it more clearly. I liked 👍🏻 the video!
I have a theory that it was all in 2 timelines, let me explain so starlight was trying to go back in time to stop the rainboom and ruin twilights friendship but without realizing she ends up making a new timeline and preventing the rainboom so then nightmare moon could take over equestria but discords spell still wares off and takes over equestria because well he's more powerful. After discord took over chrysalis takes over by turning in to something immortal and overthrowing discord but sombra returns and starts a war and while the war was going chrysalis transformed into celestia for whatever reason maybe to trick sombra and it was changelings working the entire time then flim and flam just randomly start removing trees in the sombra timeline because they take like nothing seriously then tirek steals all the magic in equestria including sombras magic and starts destroying equestria until it turns into the final timeline where everything is destroyed then in the end they return to the 1st timeline and the second timeline practically doesn't exist anymore because its just well you've seen it
@Puppyz I get that, it just makes it hard to read for people lmao Sometimes it just is helpful to add a period or 2 to help people w/ dyslexica (like me) to read it without having a stroke-
@scarlet.leaves eh yeah I've lived my life with Aspersers syndrome and ADHD I get the whole mental scene but I didn't expect this comment to get 84 likes lol
Tony Lopez2021-12-10 08:21:43 (edited 2021-12-11 03:42:12 )
@Puppyz 89 likes now. Good job simplifying the fracturing inter-reality boundaries! 😀 Marvel's Immortus would approve. Personally, I like the way the comment was written, with minimal punctuation and no line breaks. It came off as a hectic and energetic thought stream, and I heard it in my head almost as if Puppyz had said it all in one long breath, which is appropriate, as it would be one very long, painful timeline. 😮 😊
What if the abandoned timeline became the new generation timeline? Cozy was successful in gathering the crystals that power all of equestria, and spreading distrust in each of the species. This explains why we don’t see another species of creature in the new generation. Another tiny detail, is that we never see a picture or toys of twilight as a fully grown princess, nor the other mane 6 as their older selves. This is just a theory, but without a doubt it’s very fun to think about
Believe it or not, I am the kind of person who tries her best to look at a video from a positive angle. But if you piss me off, you'll get nothing but negative comments.
@WOLF OF NIGHT FIRE its okay man. These fellas here just trying to correct you. But i don't think there is anything wrong with your comment sir. You're allowed to call people however you pleased, as long as it isn't mocking or being rude (and also still make sense, like calling male gender with 'he' and vice versa)
I'm A Bagel2021-07-23 17:42:47 (edited 2021-07-23 17:45:08 )
@Hiccy69 Sawtooth stated on their bio that they want to be referred to by they/them pronouns, it’s rude to refer to them by anything else. I know you aren’t trying to be disrespectful, but you should keep in mind that misgendering someone is rude and can be hurtful
@WOLF OF NIGHT FIRE I know that you were trying to be nice. And I really like the nice comment that you wrote. I was just saying that I usually look at a video from a positive angle and also sometimes I give comments similar to the one that you gave. That also lead me to saying that if something in the video makes me angry I give negative comments. I was never trying to be rude nor was I angry. Sorry if you felt offended by my reply.
@Hiccy69 That's not how gender works, Sawtooth specifically goes by they/them, so we refer to them as such. Intentionally misgendering someone because "I can do whatever I want" is ignorant at best.
@Hiccy69 you don't get to give someone permission to misgender someone else, sawtooth has said that they wanted to be referred to by they/them. Im pretty sure that this person just didn't know sawtooth's pronouns and calling them "he" was just an accident especially since they recently came out but it doesnt hurt letting them know
@Rosella im pretty certain that this person just made an honest mistake and didn't know sawtooth's pronouns, you don't have to be so mean to them - a non binary person
@Tamayako tbh, i don't really cared about this whole non-binary thing. As long as you calling someone in a logical sense and not being rude, i don't see anything wrong with it. You and i have different way of seeing things, but i do respect you and your perspective
@Duffy✨ i mean, if Sawtooth didn't really give much of a care about how he/them was called, i don't see anything wrong about it. He even gave a love to the commenter
@Jenkins no one cares about what i think? Then why the hell all of these people replied to me? I wasn't being rude or anything. I'm just trying to defend the commenter because from my perspective, he has done nothing wrong
@Hiccy69 Regardless of how you put it, it's VERY rude to just say "I don't care what this person's gender is, I'm going call them 'he' anyway." This isn't a debate of "cats or dogs", it's about misgendering an individual. Nobody was getting mad at OP for misgendering Sawtooth because it was accidental, but you keep insisting that "well I can call them whatever I want, I don't care if they're non-binary" which is shitty no matter how nicely you word it.
@Hiccy69 and im saying your 'perspective' doesnt matter?? this isn't a debate this is MISGENDERING and you dont just get to give your ""opinion"" on a free individuals gender. if sawtooth says they're non binary theyre non binary.
@Tamayako fine, i'm sorry about that. Can we please put this thing to rest? The commenter gave a nice comment and made only a simple mistake. Thats all.
Y’all really wanna cause a rant for someone not having a stupid gender? Y’all gotta stop getting offended for no good stupid reason, Just because someone was “ rude “ to someone who is Pride or whatever that doesn’t make them anything it makes u sound dumb It’s like religion, if you don’t believe in something saying you don’t doesn’t make You barbaric GET THAT OUT OF YOUR HEADS YOU 5 YEARS OLDS
well no you cant merge time lines even if you go in time and and just being there, and the time line look so similar to the original timeline, the timeline cant be merge, the deed already been done and if the timeline merge the time it self will be destroyed and maybe also the universe bc the timeline cant connect with something different its like mixing salt and sugar in a coffee, the sugar and the salt represent the timeline and the coffee represent the universe, the sad truth is the abandon timeline is doomed just like zecora said "time is a river where even the tiniest changes seen" "can lead to a cascade of effects downstream" honestly i wonder how many hours did they take to make a whole line for zekora
I like the idea that fanfics are also alternate timelines. In my case, my character and his friends got sucked into Equestria. Just being there created its own timeline because the characters interacted with the character in question. However, fanfics never affect the main timeline so whatever happens in the other timelines is exclusive to that one.
I really like this idea. I saw another theory that was somewhat similar to this about the way we get to the g5 movie. Maybe our new generation is meant to be the continuation of the first timeline from the show? Whatever it is, it'd be super cool to see more on this idea!
Well it’s not really forgotten Just we don’t know if it exists, twilight, spike and starlight, would have thought they were in the same timeline,and the old one would be forgot as if it never existed, because they think they’re in the same timeline (sorry if this is confusing)
@Pixel Bolt Kai you sound just like Azmodius praising Iruma ( you'll understand what I'm saying if you have watched the show "Welcome to Demon school Iruma-kun")
@Rosella nah. The person I tagged pointed out that their like was the 666th like. And Sawtooth used the first letters of Lauren Faust to create the number 666 as their final proof.
@Rosella I just watched that video a lot of times cause I think it's really funny, so I ended up remembering almost the whole video....... But I haven't watched it in a while, so I couldn't tell you the exact order of their proof and all of it, probably.... Maybe I should watch it again.
MLP is just a TV show featuring the celebrities of Equestria and beyond. Equestria Girls is filmed in the other universe but everyone we see on the show is a paid actor
A good addition to this theory is what would have happened when the storm king arrived and Twilight wasn't there to help power his staff, would it still work or not and how different would the events be assuming there wouldn't even be a festival because of Chrysalis taking over, only more questions appear...
When it comes to the abandoned timeline I think it may fix itself into something similar to our current timeline you mentioned Celestia finding a replacement element of magic but didn't elaborate much I think in terms of who the replacement could be without twilight or starlight (or spike but that doesn't matter) the best candidates I could think of would be either sunset but she has a role in the human world or Sunburst sure he may not have much magical talent but his knowledge may be enough for him to earn that spot in which case the crystal empire would be ok and then the second invasion may happen but I think a completely unexpected factor may come to light The princesses all three may be able to overcome the invasion with thorax and then that will be resolved now the school of friendship becoming a thing is debatable but possible and then cozy could still be stopped by the exact same way and in this timeline I don't think discord would even bring back Tirek, Cozy, Chrysalis and Sombra and the only known difference from there may be either the sisters not retiring or them finding another replacement.
I think that we were seeing that timeline (the "second" one) to begin with. Sure, you never see Starlight, Twilight, and Spike in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, but you can boil that down to the writers/storyboarders/etc. not having that planned yet (which it wasn't) or that our view of the events just quietly skirted Starlight and Twilight's confrontation, as the events were being told by distracted narrators who likely didn't notice either, so we just didn't see it then. I still feel that it was there, and that we've been seeing that timeline unfold all along. Whether there really is an abandoned timeline out there somewhere is another story... they do say that every small choice we make branches off into a new path (Zecora even points it out in the Chrysalis timeline) so if that theory is correct, then I'd venture to guess there are a multitude of other doomsday scenarios beyond what can even be imagined. Anyway, great video!
Has anyone thought that since Nightmare Moon(Luna) has a idea time travel magic exists, she might try to look everywhere for a spell or something? Especially since Luna is Starswirl's student and I'm pretty sure she'd look in his stuff first because he's well-known to have made a ton of spells
Alright, I took some time to think this over and the conclusion I came too is that there is no 9th timeline.
Simply put. For there to have been any significant changes in the flow of time, something significant would have had to have happened to one of the main players. The premise for the 9th timeline is that three new people saw an event happen.
What exactly did that change or effect in such a significant manner that it would cause a rift in the timeline? Three beings that existed elsewhere in the world at the same time where still doing their thing and anyone who saw those three could easily be convinced that they were just seeing things.
On top of that, most people believe this "little events can change the way the world continues" thing due to the butterfly effect and an incorrect association of the "equal and opposite reaction" law (Newton?)
The premise of the butterfly effect has doubts cast immediately as the death of any being on this planet is truly insignificant to the overall span of the planet and the fact that there are an increasing large number of animals to dot he thing that one dead bug could have done; making its death pointless to the flow of time.
As an science major will tell you, the equal and opposite reaction law has no bearing on anything pressure related forces. Look it up to find more details, but the long and short of it is that when you step on the ground, the pressure you put on the ground is also being applied back to your foot while also being distributed into the ground around where your foot touches. Nothing to do with time or time travel and stretching it to try and apply it to time travel has no logical basis.
Sawtooth. Have you noticed that every time before twilight got her castle, she got the same spark like in season 1 episode 2? It's an interesting detail.
What if, while time-travelling, you can go back to a timeline you've been to, but Twilight and Spike kept coming into a different timeline from where they'd been before? But that when they went with Starlight they happened to come back in the original. We will never know...
You're right Sawtooth, it's not just the events you interfere with or the people you interact with that changes the timeline, the fact that you're in the past period could be enough to change something in the timeline, in fact when Twilight, Spike and Starlight returned to the restored timeline, i'm surprised that they didn't do a part where Rainbow Dash says "Welcome back." because you know since both Twilight and Starlight interacted with Filly RD you would think she would've remembered them and all that.
Also, you have to consider the environment. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight most likely displaced particles of air when they fell into the past. That displacement of air could influence the path that a butterfly flies. That different flap might have prevented a storm or have been the cause of the storm
@Double Monk 05 06 07 Of course. That's why it's called the Butterfly Effect. I remember reading a story that employed the Butterfly Effect by a man crushing something under foot by straying off the beaten path while he was in the past tagging a dinosaur (I forget if it was a butterfly or a dino egg he stepped on) and when he came back to his present, things had gotten much worse. So much so, that he couldn't return and correct the wrong he did. In a similar vein, Twilight, Starlight, and Spike returning to their own time after viewing Filly Dash's Rainboom when they shouldn't have even been there to begin with could have just made things a lot worse for the original timeline.
(For the record, the story I mentioned was one I read way back in high school, so I don't remember the specific details of it... Hehe...)
@The Stitch Man Thanks, man. And hey, glad to know that story is still being read for English classes in schools. I personally like to see that story as a reminder of its lesson, much in how COVID-19 that started in 2019, lead up to the shenanigans of today's world. The riots, the increased murder rates, the political scandals. All effects caused by one small Chinese Butterfly Effect.
To think all of This happened just bec starlight was trying to take revenge on twillight honestly i love starlight But the thought of the consequence that she did makes feel like she was not worth reddeming and it makes tirek and cozy glows .chriseles actions just a naghty games
@The Stitch Man It’s called “A Sound of Thunder”. Ah, I never thought I’d hear that story again. It brings back memories~ Edit: if anyone wants, I can tell ALL about how the story goes~ it’s still prominent in my memory. I even wrote a parallel short story from the butterfly’s perspective.
@The Stitch Man Nah “there was a sound of thunder”, which could mean the guy who screwed up and created the new timeline where the language is written differently and the OTHER guy won the election, who everyone hated, was shot dead by one of the guys leading the expedition.
If you meant my fan story, I remember ending it with “there was a sound of a breaking leaf”, because I thought it was clever to describe the sound of a butterfly being crushed the same way they described a gunshot; with nature sound equivalents.
I mean there's a doctor who reference meaning it more likely is similar to the Pompeii episode, where they can change some parts of the past but not majorly historic points.
Remeber It's About Time when Future Twilight time travel to the oast to tell her past self not to worry Twilight and Starlight use time travel to change something but later changed their mind.
There's also a huge change in that Twilight and Starlight were very young fillies at the time. A sudden adult Twilight and Starlight (who likely still was friends with Sunburst at the time) in this time line is a change that led to another reality. Even though they return to "normal", they were still there at this point. Its not as if it didn't happen anymore.
Even small changes have massive ramifications (butterfly effect), and in this time line, RD and Fluttershy have very distant memories of seeing two adult ponies fighting. RD remembers being frozen in a purple crystal while attempting the sonic rainboom. The changes are present, though the young fillies wouldn't realise that it was adult Twilight and Starlight fighting in mid air.
Something to Consider: The Tree of Harmony. We don't know much about it, just know it helps keep the Everfree Forest in check. We know it can create a hologram, and used said hologram, which took on the form of Twilight Sparkle, to communicate with the students of the school of Friendship... What if there is more to the tree than just what was shown? A Power capable of correcting paradoxes, so long as said paradox is minor?
Starlight messing with Rainbow Dash, thus preventing the Rainboom? Too powerful of a paradox.
Starlight, Twilight, and Spike being there to witness the rainboom? minor enough that the Paradox can be corrected, thus the tree does correct the paradox, because it would be the most harmonious outcome, allowing the three to return to the original timeline they left.
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Replies (1)
Night Sage2021-07-27 22:20:36 (edited 2021-07-27 22:22:24 )
Something else to keep in mind, now that I posted all that: The Map is born from the castle, which is born from the tree. Thus the Tree of Harmony is 100% in play during this time travel.
WHAT IF!!! They never did go back in time? Or at least, not in the way they think? The Tree of Harmony, upon recognizing a time travel spell being used on the map, made an alteration on the fly (again the tree can actively teach lessons itself, and convey those lessons by means of a Twilight Hologram Avatar, so it has some sentience...) put them in stasis, and gave them "What If Scenarios" to teach Starlight a lesson about what can happen when time is altered. They never physically went back in time, only mentally, by way of what if scenarios. The map needed Twilight and spike to help convey the lesson, which is why they were dragged through the what if scenarios too.
If you ever watched the Flash, he tried to save his mom once and things didn’t work very well. So he had to have her killed by someone he hated again! The timeline was never the same. You can break the timeline, but you can never truly fix it… like you can break a cup, and put the piece back in the broken part. You still see the crack. Congratulations, by the way. You read this. Hoo-ray. 👏👏👏
What a brilliant theory. The first: I think it's about how Starlight's spell works and not a time travel in general. The second: Celestia and Luna. I suppose they can and will prevent any danger until any of them find new "special pony" or group of ponies.
Have you seen the show Primeval? That worked with this kind of change to history at the end of the first series. A very minor change to the past caused elements of the world to be different. Although in that show's universe, it appears that once a timeline change has happened, the old reality doesn't exist anymore, which is how I interpreted The Cutue Re-Mark.
Honestly, I'd have to agree with this theory. It is similar to how The Flash went back in time to save his mother and when he lived his life with her, he decided to get back to his first timeline (letting his mother get murdered). When he let things happen, he managed to get back to the proper present but things weren't exactly the same as before.
This is a cool idea, but I've always thought of the timeline as a loop, kind of like in Harry Potter Idk I guess I've always imagined that when the rainboom was changed each time, the past timeline was just... erased, which likely isn't the case But for our main timeline, Twillight, Spike, and Starlight were always there, its just that since they were spectating away fromna crowd, no one really noticed them
The two patterns in time are simultaneous. One involves the others as well... If something changes in one, the other timelines branch off like a tree from a root, leaving chance of being in-between or a part of either timeline. Picture the cat in the box experiment, but never ending.
"Equestria lost its magic" you heard that right that means G5 would be in the previous timeline where all the magic it's lost and probably where the princesses were kept captive so there are no princesses anymore...
Here’s how it could’ve happened: Just when Twilight’s friends come to terms with the fact that she and Spike are gone, Chrysalis takes over Equestria. But she doesn’t rule forever, because Thorax seeks help from Trixie and Discord and eventually defeats Chrysalis, reforming the changelings like in the timeline we know. A while later, Cozy Glow writes to Tirek, who helps her absorb all the magic from Equestria. Without the School of Friendship, the student six don’t meet and therefore can’t pull the artifacts out preventing the magic from being drained. (This also explains why there are no other creatures seen in G5, the School of Friendship is the reason so many other creatures started living in Equestria in the first place) Twilight’s friends, Discord, and the princesses try to stop Cozy Glow, but she throws them all into the magic bubble which pulls them into the ether once the three days have passed. Without magic, the protectors of Equestria, or the rulers of Equestria, the three types of ponies start to resent each other, each blaming the other two tribes for what happened. This causes them all to split off into different parts of Equestria.
Eons later, a group of five friends from the different tribes realize that the types of ponies are better off united. This ignites a friendship fire-like thing that pulls the magic out of the ether and back into Equestria. (This might bring the princesses, Discord, and Twilight’s friends back too, but it could also bring King Sombra back so…)
From what I remember, we never got to see the twilight of the other time-line's so it's possible that the twilight of the main time-line actually posested the bodys of her other selves every time she came back to the present so whenever she went to the past again the conscious of that time-line's actual twilight returned and her body was teleported to were it was before she was posested and the time-line continued as normal. In other words, even if twilight's consciousness left its original time-line there is still a twilight there. That goes for the rest of the time-lines as well. I would like to believe that after the twilight we khow left the other time-lines the people she met there went on to find the twilight of their time-lines as well as the unite the rest of the main six.
Love your therioes Sawthooth! Thanks for putting in so much time and effort. And Iove you editing style the visuals examples help me understand it better!
This theory also fundamentally falls apart if you factor Discord. The original timeline Discord would go “Where’s Twilight and Spike?” Probably around the time of the GGG. And probably pull them from whatever timeline they ended on. Discord being able to open dimensional rifts makes him capable of opening through timelines too theoretically, but since time magic is performable by Unicorns and Alicorns, he can probably do it too. If Discord was so oblivious as to not see it until the season 6 finale, then pulling Twilight and Starlight then before infiltrating the castle would make it gg easy. Of course this is mostly assuming there are two separate timelines.
If you look back at season 2 "A hoof in time", that episode showed what time travel truly is like, if you go to the past to change something, nothing will change, because since you're going to the past, that means you had already travelled back in time, so you had already done all of that. But then you ask "If it is like that, then shouldn't this event happen unaffect for you to have a reason to travel in time? Like we see in the show?", that is where the magic comes, like a tree can change itself to adept to the enviroment, or the elements of harmony change their shapes to represent their champions(?), same can happen to the timeline, it let the traveler do their changes, then infuse it with the timeline so things won't change, imagine when you trim a video to add something in the middle, then put video back where you made the trim
Btw there is a tenth timeline where Twilight, Spike and Starlight saw Sunburst getting his mark
what if it was possible that the original timeline actually still had twilight and starlight in it during the rainboom, and celestia was notified of twilight being an alicorn grown up, so celestia used that knowledge and made sure that nothing in the timeline would be changed.
@Starmic That's the whole point, creating a bootstrap paradox keeps the timeline safe, it's like a lock to make sure nothing can be changed so nothing bad can happen.
This could lead to some.other funny events such as.. The fact Sunburst was taken to the school with Starlight left behind in the first place. If Celestia is aware of what Starlight had done then she could have purposfully left her behind thinking it might prevent her from.getting the power to use those powerful spells... As well as having confirmation that the adorable Purple Pony trying to hatch an egg is indeed a blessed Savior.
It's been a year since this vid came out, but I gotta say this: My theory is that either star swirl or starlight had changed the spell to keep everything on one timeline, or time travel is just weird in mlp. Like when twilight went back in time, she couldn't change anything. So it seems to me that fate is fate and nothing can change it. And as I'm writing this, starlight and twilight could've reversed everything they did before they left, causing the broken off timelines to uh idk, become alternate universes? Or even a simpler solution, returning to the original timeline.
This video is a great idea for a fanfic, so I'm going to go write it. I remember thinking something like this when I watched the episode, but didn't dive too deep into it. 🤔
It could be that the original timeline was already part of the loop. Starlight and Twilight were always and will always have that battle before sealing the loop in that last moment. They have always and will always be extra spectators in that moment.
That is pretty interesting. I was wondering with that recent trip to that bill space, you would of thought of this topic. Hey maybe this could have something to to with the new generation coming out. Will you be discussing that?
Given how systems work, if you have the outcome to B, and it's similar enough to G, then you typically just merge them into one to simplify everything. Time is a system, whether it's typical or not is questionable. I'd say they merge. Especially, since you also need to ask "where is the second Twilight?"
time travel is complicated especially using magic. was it quantum magic, (where it's like cutting a piece of a mat and sewing on to another place.) or is it string where it's like a bed sheet patterns the times treaded together and cross no matter what. or the butterfly effect where their appearance was just enough to change the unknown time by them. or like a tree branch where they made it to their original time, yet still branched and created other variants.
The way I saw it, Twilight, Spike,a nd Starlight existed out of the time space during these moments, they could affect things and change time, but just existing in the past wouldn't directly cause any fluctuations.
Merging timelines would mean time itself did that, as most logically timelines would stay individual once they branch off, even if the same events happen after the Rainboom. With logic of timelines themselves, the ones shown in the show (Nightmare Moon/Chrysalis/King Sombra/Tirek etc. takes over) are the more drastic changes, while stuff like this are less drastic, like choosing if you want to get out of bed a few minutes early which doesn’t impact your day at all, which will create a new “timeline”. Merging the timelines would require having Starlight fail to stop the Rainboom, unite with Twilight and go to the present, which wipes out the past timeline, leaving the original universe’s events gone forever, with the exception of other timelines, but that would require different choices in the past without Starlight appearing at the race where the Rainboom happened. So, in theory, the original universe would be gone forever. Infinite timelines wouldn’t do anything, even with infinite choices, there would never be able to be the exact same copy of a timeline, because there is no use in the copy. It is possible, but there would be no use for merging it in logical ways. The disappearance of Twilight and Spike from the original timeline means, with identical timelines, they may have switched timelines, but the second timeline Twilight would not go to the original timeline, instead, to another, new one, and they cannot go back to the same timeline, causing another Chrysalis timeline and a forever gone Twilight. With the knowledge of the second timeline Twilight traveling to a completely new one, This creates something that seems like an infinite loop, infinite timelines branching out from when Starlight travelled to the past to attempt and stop the rainboom. It’s hard to wrap our minds around the concept of infinity, but this is not infinity by logic. There are only so many choices that can be made, even if there was a trillion years since ponies started to live consciously, that would not be infinite choices, and hell, some timelines may even end because of what, a tyrant somehow wiping out the universe with a book spell? Some timelines will not even have Starlight’s redemption, so only a few existing timelines. This creates a weird paradox, if this follows the no copy of timelines theory, where would the “last” timeline Twilight go? Wiped out from the universe permanently? That could be an answer, but it’s weird, as if they got erased permanently from the entire universe and everything living itself by time traveling to a non existent place, if that was even possible. The most logical thing is that they were transported to a timeline where another Twilight existed already, like some future Twilight thing but permanent. That would be insanely messy.
@Claire Glover I don't think it could be, cause another timelines were created by Starlight Glimmer after the time when Tirek's brother disagreed to take over the world with him
Wait, wait wait! That's an amazing analogy though the predictions you made may have been.. incorrect. The fact that Twilight, Starlight and Spike left an alternate timeline makes a lot of sense...kind of. You see, if that were to be the case, this really complicates things as in the new timeline, there should be another Twilight, Starlight and Spike, right just like in the Equestria Girls World? So, I think it's the same World...shaped in a different way. I don't think there is a timeline where the villains are ruling..the events of the past alter the present...one present. Not multiple presents. The only other present is the Equestria Girls world. But, even if we do consider what you say to be true because it could make sense, things won't exactly pan out the way you think they did/ You see, now we have seen that in these timelines, the characters are different too.... Starlight's gone. Twilight's gone....but some pony isn't....Sunset Shimmer. She hasn't gone to the Equestria Girls world and since personalities are different, she might take on the role of Twilight. Zecora might also become a much more important pony figure here. Now, what happens beyond that we can't really tell unless we literally get this alternate dimension MLP but this is a very cool idea to think about though to some extent, far fetched.
Hey Sawtooth, I might have an idea for a theory. I was listening to mlp music on spotify and got to What my Cutie Mark is telling me. The theory I came up with was what if that broken spell that Starswirl wrote had broken the protective magic around the tree of Harmony.
If you use Loki logic, they didn’t have significant variant activity from watching it happen so they could probably safely return to the original time like nothing happened
Ah so it’s like it was MEANT to happen and the flow of time wasn’t disrupted….or like that whole “resetting the timeline” thing in Loki, we see when twilight spike and starlight return…the time spell explodes into light…like it’s resetting their timeline
Out of all the theories, I think this one is the most likely: Twilight, Spike and Starlight were always there but unnoticed. It’s just a bootstrap paradox. Before the perfect paradox, several destruction happened, then when after Twilight convinced Starlight the paradox finally perfect, and that’s the only way that could save the timeline. The reason why I think that your theory is wrong is that in the “second” timeline, where is Twilight, Starlight and Spike
I mean Starlight had the spell specifically designed to go to the past at a certain time every time Twilight tried to. I presume this means the Twilight and Starlight appearances are overwritten in this way because there’s be 7 Twilight’s and Starlight’s duking it out while the Rainboom should happen. If Starlight has a final say on the timeline they end on, then potentially she made a restore point in the present as well in case any and every timeline was worse. She herself never really got to experience the timelines from what we saw until she was forced to see one.
I kind of agree with you! However, I think it goes more deeper in that. It might be a little bit confusing. It goes like this.
The timeline where two extra spectators are watching the sonic rainboom. Another Twilight is still there in the testing area. That Twilight when she grows up she will also face an alternate world Starlight Glimmer who will create alternate timelines. She leaves that timeline and goes to another to stop Starlight. Then, she ends up in a timeline different to the alternate timeline she was in. So basically what I am saying is that the different Twilights in each alternate universe left their universes to another. Maybe a Twilight from an alternate universe came to the main timeline!
Maybe in the new movie twilight did the same puzzle about the forgotten world and tried to go back there and succeeded, that is why sunny was the first alicorn after so long.
3:23 Maybe this time instead of making violent invasion Crysallis tries subtle approach by mimicking Twilight. Since all her friends are on edge they'll be more suspicious of the fake, and this time Chrissy's plan fails and instead of her invasion being done in the shadows wheee nobody knows what's going on, it's now open. Wonder if she will fail an active invasion or not
When I watched that episode for a second time years ago, I actually noticed that in the beginning Pinkiepie delivers a cake after they leave, then in the end the entire mane six shows up with no sign on the cake. Maybe their is something to the different timeline thing.
This reminds me of a book I read called Interworld. Not about time travel, but instead multiple universes. Basically, if there is a minor change, a new inverse will be created, but quickly merge back together. Only big changes have an impacts
This really is a paradox. It's kinda like that one twilight time travel episode. It really could be like that everytime a version of twilight,starlight and spike get back to "their original universe" (which is actually just a different timeline where they were present in the past),another version of the same event is happening and it's a constant loop. The only way to stop this loop is to alter and so it seems continuous
I feel like it's easy to say that, in true doctor who style, time was rewritten. instead of a new timeline, the same timeline just adapted to having 3 new people at the time of the rainboom.
A forgotten first timeline... That very well just might be the timeline the new G5 movie takes place on. It could explain why there is no longer magic there if Cosy Glow removed it all in the past. Why there are no alicorns left if Twilight was gone and Tia could not find a replacement before they retired. This could explain so much about the G5 world.
I've seen several people say this in the comments, yet it makes no sense. Friendship and unity = magic. Since there is no friendship between the races and most likely none amongst themselves, there is no magic whatsoever. The windigos were defeated in season 9, allowing the races to live on like this. The reason there are no alicorns is because alicorns are not immortal. Twilight sparkle was by no means immortal. They may have a prolonged lifetime, but eventually they kick the bucket when they served their purpose. The reason there are no Alicorns is because there's no magic. Twilight sparkle made herself into an alicorn. She had enough magic and friendship inside of her to do it, something that's not possible in the g5 world.
I think one thing we all have in mind is what twilight's reign will look when her friends aren't here anymore. Since she is the princess of friendship, she will either have the shortest reign maintain friendships with inmortal beings like discord (who i also worry for thinking about Fluttershy s death), or getting corrupted like nightmare moon.
If I can jump the gun a bit here, the only way we saw the rainboom before this whole thing was the flashback, which was from rainbow’s point of view. Twilight and starlight could’ve been there the whole time, we just couldn’t see them because rainbow never noticed them. Which means there might not be an abandoned, lost, original world, because we’re still in it.
If this was indeed true, then where was the original Twilight in the alternate universe? We know she does exist since the castle wouldn't have existed without Twilight... This makes me think that perhaps they swapped universes lol. But since there is still a Twilight in the current universe we started out in, nothing bad will happen in both universes...
This is like the Sunnie-dox as I have dubbed it. Basically not every world/timeline/universe matches up 100%. It could very well be that Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight are all variants of Twilight sent to the same universe as foals to play off each other so that one comes out on top and becomes an Alicorn to rival the Sisters.
Since the altered timeline twilight would've also gone through the time travel scenario, they ether would've merged by both returning to the same timeline at exactly the same time and space. Or created an infinite series of identical timelines, with the twilight from the altered timeline jumping into an identical duplicate timeline, the twilight from that one doing the same, ad infinitum.
It could also be possible that og twilight ended up back in the original timeline, and the altered timeline exists separately with it's own version of twilight.
Assuming it's actually branching time travel, instead of re-write time travel
Without knowing the exact rules of time travel in mlp its hard to speculate. It's even possible that the method of time travel used, different spells, possibly even the caster themselves, have different rules of time travel between them.
Maybe they were overwritten and just vanished after our twilight, starlight, and spike arrived. Or maybe in this universe they existed but were different. Maybe starlight was never the villain and twilight was still just a normal unicorn somewhere in the world. Same for spike. And when our princess twilight came it changed the memories of everyone she was close with and added the castle. And there opposites just somehow never found out. Maybe spike is living in with the rest of the dragons at that volcano and if starlight remand in her village weather she was evil or not, she likely couldn’t of found out either as even in the og world she didn’t know of princess twilight until she showed up. And twilight maybe ended up like moon dancer to focused on study’s, only going from her home to the library never actually paying attention or noticing her new look alike princess.
If you want to be an optimist about it, we can assume another Twilight from another branch returned to the "first" branch. It's not technically the same Twilight, but it's close enough.
What if the wasteland timeline is a result of the original timeline, I know you covered it in another video but I feel like both that theory and mine could both be a part of why it is the way it is.
I assumed the rainboom incident was close enough to the original for it to merge back into the first timeline. Mainly because I also went down this thought exercise and decided I dont want to think about a bad timeline 😅
I mean with the theory of quantum entanglement yes, it's very reasonable to suspect the timeline never re-merged and the old timeline continued without
I mean... Thinking about it, wouldn't each timeline have its own version of Twilight in the future? That should be no different for the "extra spectators" timeline. But there's no second Twilight in the future we see, so I think that it's more likely that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight returned to their own timeline, the original.
this theory is very good, but remember that the time travel spell that Starlight used is the same one that Twilight used and both are created by Star Swirl, the only difference is the date you can travel to and the duration of the spell. and as we know, Twilight found her version of the past and nothing bad happened when she came back, probably when Starlight used it to travel through time, the 2 ponies and spike were still in that timeline doing their thing so when they came back they should to have resumed the current present without any change
Vernon Kluender2021-11-16 10:07:54 (edited 2021-11-16 10:36:41 )
In the other timelines, we never met those realities' Twilight Sparkles in the present. How did Twilight Sparkle's life turn out if the failed the entrance exam - if Spike didn't hatch at that time. It seems the main timeline's Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were protected from the changes, but the might have been the possibility of observing their alternate selves if they chose to.
What if a Twilight Sparkle from one of the alternate timelines protected herself from the temporal changes and still exists in the restored or new main timeline.
The "abandoned" original timeline might explain some things. Like how the CMC's abilities differ between "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Growing Up is Hard to Do". Could one minor change lead them to be unable to use a train without adult supervision when they were fully capable before. Their parents, sisters, etc raised them just different enough that they weren't as independent.
What if the abandoned timeline is the timeline G5 is derived from? Everything fell apart after Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer vanished. Sunny's impression of the Main Six seems to be as they were before "the future" seen in "The Last Problem". What if the available artifacts on the Mane Six end at the end of Season 5? That was the last version of Twilight Sparkle known to exist. Where she ended up nopony knows? ...
I'm pretty sure that the forgotten timeline would end up turning into the mlp g5 . After all, it feels like in that timeline, all of the things Twilight said were thrown out the window and because we know alicorns live longer than normal earth ponies , pegasi and unicorns , I think that Twilight , if she was even there, would of changed the way everypony thought about one another but because her time there was cut short , ponies know who Twilight was but all of her speeches had been forgotten.
I personally think that time travel in mlp works a bit different. Notice that there seem to be no twilight from the alter universes. The way I see it work is, picture something like a future vision. There are many futures that exists, but only one becomes the true one. Now apply it to alternative timelines. There is only one true timeline, the others are just what "could have been if-". And the reason why there is no other twilight in this timeline is because there is only one twilight in one point of time... it would be easier to show it with a drawing or something, but imagine a line (timeline) but with a way thiner, empty line inside of it; next to this line there's a thin line that could fit perfectly in that empty spot but it’s not the one that is supposed to be there (it's our twilight, starlight and spike) these lines used to be connected at one point in time, but with sonic rainboom (or its absence) they split. I don't know if the way I'm explaining this is clear, but in short, there can exist only one timeline at a time, and you cannot add more to these timelines from other timelines, like more people. What do you guys think?
I like to think this is running on similar time travel rules to what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is using these days, but without infinity stones or a TVA to regulate anything. Of course, this would mean a rogue time traveler like, say, Starlight Glimmer in this case, would actually turn out to be quite inconsequential from the perspective of the world she left behind, but Twilight doesn’t necessarily know that, and there’s no reason to expect she should, prompting her to chase Starlight anyway.
It’s not the same rules because, among other things, they didn’t seem able to go back to their own “present”, but they also didn’t encounter themselves in subsequent transports back to Young Rainbow Dash’s Rainboom event.
… This is why time travel plots need to be handled with the utmost care…
There’s one reason I think the merged timelines theory (or any other theory where twilight spike and starlight comes back to the original timeline) is correct is because if they time traveled to a new timeline, then where is that timeline’s twilight starlight and spike? If a new timeline was made but with basically no changes to the original, then twilight starlight and spike would come back to a timeline where they already exist in the same way as the original. Also I just hope that they come back to the original timeline, bc the separate timeline with twilight spike and starlight disappearing is really sad ;-;
I admit it's a fun theory you've crafted, but I do have to throw one possible stray hair. There is a Bacon Haired former protoge that at this time Twilight would have already redeemed and could come back to fill in for the role. And in fact could cause things to alter even more drastically.
Well here's my thoughts on this. After Twilight, Starlight and Spike went back to the alternate time-line, a mysterious person casts a spell on ponyvill, a spell that turns ponies into anime humans. Strange, I know. After that, Celestia made another version of Twilight named Twi-Chan. And ever since then, everything was the same as the alternate time-line. So yeah....That's my thoughts are. Please correct me if I'm wrong 🙂.
Prompt for some theories: If you were to bring your phone into a different timeline and call someone who still has that number in that timeline, would it call the timeline that you came from or the timeline that you entered? Or both? What if in the timeline you entered, there was a different person with the same number?
I’m just going to go with, starlight, twilight and spike were always meant to be at the rainboom from the beginning they were always there and will always be there. Because it’s part of what happened. Kinda like when twilight went back to warn her past self, that event had to happen so that twilight could get worried about a disaster and go crazy to then end up trying to go back and warn herself not to worry which just makes it a loop. I feel like if starlight, spike and twilight were not present during the rainboom then a different timeline would occur. Because they were meant to be there having a feud changing timelines and ultimately not changing anything and going back to the present. Like that event in itself was always going to happen and will happen.
Omgosh I am so creeped out right now. I feel like that’s completely possible and the thought of what Equestria would look like without Twilight is scaring me.
Though I agree that the timeline they arrived at the end are not the one they left, but I don't think the original universes is left abandoned. There should be a loop here where the twilight and starlight in the current universes left this universe then the twilight and starlight from the other unvierse will arrive at this universe and replace them, this happen to every universe during this time and that may explain why we didn't found another twilight and starlight in the following episodes, because if they arrived at the universe where twilight and starlight didn't depart, there will be two twilight and starlight in the same universe, and since twilight are already friends with the other five main characters at this point, plus they live in the same place. two twilight will almost certainly notice the existence of each other. Since we didn't see a second twilight in the followings episodes, I believe they are the one and only in the universe, but probably not the one that belong to that universe.
What if celestia had a "vision" and saw the chaos about to acurr and, being celestia decided to let it happen but before starlight got the spell she altered it in a way that wouldnt affect their current timeline
And the time travel paradox? You know, it may be possible that grown Twilight, Starlight and Spike could have been in the original world. It is shown when Twilight tried to warn herself that everything was okey and she freaked out because she saw her future self. Of course, with Starlight's spell, the effects were longer.
1. Has Flim and Flam been reformed yet? The only thing I know is that they have because they helped the Mane Six from Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.
2. When you were talking about Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst being brother and sister and Luster Dawn having Sunburst and Trixie as parents, I think that Sunset is Luster's aunt.
Dave R2021-10-31 17:26:52 (edited 2021-10-31 18:05:24 )
Maybe the original timeline was well sort of distorted or abandoned due to 1 of the princesses vanishing from one timeline to another, and without the power of friendship and the friendship school, their nations COULD have been at war (Basically the dragons and possibly the yaks which get the ponies involved, and every other creature so that Equestria and places beyond them are just a wasteland, and going on, it would just be a total worry to Celestia. Nobody is there but possibly the 2 sisters, and their roles wouldn't matter. Here's why.) My theory on the reason dragons would go to war is because without Spike and Starlight having their special connection with Ember, she wouldn't probably even remember any of that. While Pinkie Pie would still be in the abandoned timeline, and the nations probably at war, she probably would have already been gone forever, (killed possibly) the yaks would go to war as well. That's just my theory, because without the magic of friendship, none of the stuff that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight did wouldn't have mattered. Now, continuing on..
Tirek could come back, Cozy Glow could as well, Chrysalis could become the changelings ruler again and make them turn back to the love-absorbing creatures they were, King Sombra could go back to ruling the Crystal Empire, and enslave the ponies, Starlight though..? Everything she did.. wouldn't make sense in that realm. None of anything she did would have mattered, because she flopped dimensions and so when one villain does, none of their remaining power stays. Also, without Twilight, her friends would be lost with what to do with Equestria, and wouldn't probably even THINK to spread friendship if the true leader of the subject was gone.. That's just what I think though. Anyone agree? (SORRY IT WAS SO LONG LOL)
I have a theory, with the metaphor of: Time is like a river, where the smallest change will change everything, but still recover with time. I imagine this like a kind of rock, Starlight stopping the Rainboom is like a gigant rock that made totally different timelines, but she and Twilight only standing there is like a very tiny rock, maybe Rainbow will only have a kind of deja vu with Twilight, Spike and Starlight becouse she saw them as a kid )?
Then there's considering that this time travel happened because of magic instead of physics, meaning the possible precise mechanics are likely pulling from a different list.
What if Twilight and Starlight being there was already accounted for in the timeline they were from? Maybe it works like the first time Twilight used Star Swirl's time spell and it actually doesn't make any difference.
I think that, since it’s not mentioned that anyone saw the three of them, I wouldn’t really affect anything. If an omniscient, unseen spectator went back in time but didn’t interact with anyone or anything, it wouldn’t change much of anything.
Yeah, plus then there would be some other groups that would largely be affected by the loss of Twilight, and Starlight.
My main example would be the human seven, as there are at least two occasions where Sunset heading to see either of them helped. Starlight was the main contributor to stopping Juniper Montage, and Twilight gave Sunset the information that helped her stop Wallflower.
So the human seven would either all be in prisoned in Juniper’s mirror forever, or Sunset would be shunned from the entirety of CHS and who knows what would happen from there.
Hang on a second, Sawtooth. If the new timeline that branches off from the rainbow ends up identical to the original forgotten timeline, then that timeline would still have it's own versions of Starlight and Twilight, meaning 1: The new timeline has 2 Starlights and 2 Twilights, which would only make sense since the forgotten timeline has 0 Starlights and 0 Twilights. If the new timeline doesn't merge with the original one, then it doesn't make sense that the new Starlight and Twilight merge with the old Starlight and Twilight, so these duplicates have to be out there somewhere. (One interesting idea is that, after having to go undercover because of their new selves arriving and taking their place, they might have discovered where they came from, decided to go there, and prevented the forgotten timeline from ever going south in the first place)
But more importantly...
2: Since this new timeline would have its own Starlight and Twilight anyway, they too would go through the exact same sequence of Starlight going back in time and Twilight trying to stop her. This means that the new Starlight and Twilight would also attempt to go back in time, only to encounter duplicate versions of their other selves in the original timeline attempting to do the same thing, which would only cause confusion and more multiversal mayhem.
Come to think of it, every timeline that Twilight visits will already have another version of Twilight in it somewhere, but in the timelines where the sonic rainboom was prevented somehow, this doesn't present any issue because the versions of Twilight in those timelines would have grown up in a way that drastically changes their destinies, so we can assume that the original Twilight didn't run into the other versions of herself simply because those other versions would be in some obscure locations. If you just so happen to see this comment, I think this would be a good topic for you to cover.
Everyone here seems to have forgotten about the table, a way for the Tree of Harmony to project it's will still being there, after Twilight returned to present, every time. Meaning no branching timelines, it was always one timeline, and the Tree was able to resist the change, or smthn.
Yes, but this is under the assumption that time splits into alternate universes- which is only one interpretation of time travel. If anything, I think MLP time travel works a lot like Harry Potter time travel with a few key differences, going off the ninja twilight episode. I think they just messed with one timeline, and caused the same timeline to warp. By changing how they affected the timeline, the changes also were affected, until they were left with a timeline that, for all intents and purposes, is the same.
I have another thing to bring to the table, what if, if they did in fact make a new timeline, but still went back to their own timeline, greatly affect that timeline still? they may not have done anything to change anything, however, the timeline where they were present for the rain boom could have still greatly affected said timeline. after all, seeing a unicorn in cloudsdale would be suspect enough, but to see a baby dragon AND a NEVER BEFORE SEEN ALICORN would alert someone right? Not to mention seeing them suddenly disappear into a vortex is not exactly helping. What would happen after that?
They'd find a way to stop the chaos in the abandoned timeline somehow, they still have the rest of the main 6, and maybe the 6 creatures that hoes to twilights school may become the new protectors?
I haven’t thought about that in a long time but I feel like the original timeline one of the villains Would’ve taken over the timeline in the original timeline but then at the same time it feels like a big difference happened because after the time travel episode it feels like The original timeline is now destroyed and all the ponies from that timeline would of turned into slaves or died Or something threatening or scary would of happened to all of those ponies:(
Also think about this, if they are in a new timeline, then the timeline they are in, already has a twilight. Or the two twilights happen to be doing the same thing the same time, making the two switch universes. That also means the universes the two twilights were in were indentical.
In my opinion, If anyone saw spike, starlight and/or twilight, the timeline they will go through would be different. However, if they weren't seen, they will come back to their original timeline.
This timeline theory sounds kinda similar to how time travel works in Back To The Future, and I say this because in the first movie after all that's happened during that entire week Marty spent in 1955 with him trying to reunite his parents so they can fall in love, get married and give birth to him and his older brother and sister, when he successfully got back to his own time in 1985 thanks to 1955 Doc Brown's assistance to help him catch and harness the bolt of lightning at the clock tower into the DeLorean's flux capacitor to power it up to send him back, the next morning after he woke up and walked around his house, he saw that everything including his parents, siblings and even Biff Tannen were quite different and in many ways a very significant upgrade from the mediocre, depressing mess that he remembered living in originally (and as well as the local mall's name being changed from Twin Pines Mall to Lone Pine Mall because he accidentally ran over one of Mr. Peabody's cherished pine trees while hurriedly driving away from his farm), however, the rest of Hill Valley and all the history that happened there, in the U.S. and the rest of the world seemed to play out exactly the same.
So if time travel in MLP and the world of Equestria operated in such a similar way, then that would mean that the changes would be relatively minor with only Twilght, Starlight and Spike noticing the biggest details but the rest of Equestria and everything that happened during their lifetimes remains exactly the same, but that's just the way I'm personally seeing this theory play out when I thought about such a scenario.
I just assumed it was a merge personally, or that from the get go, Twilight and Starlight and Spike were always there at the Rainboom Race because... Well that's what always happened. Absolutely chilling theory tho 10/10
there is one problem with this theory, if they moved to a different timeline, what happened to the original starlight twilight and spike of the different timeline?
I was just thinking the same thing, I doubt them coming back to the present would mean that the other version of them canceled out so where are they. If the other timeline of them are there we would have seen them by now so it can't be that. If the time travel sent them back to the present after that timelines twilight spike and starlight traveled back into the past does that mean that there is another set of timelines being made by that twilight, spike, and starlight; something is not adding up.
Maybe there weren‘t other starlights, twilights and spikes because the timeline didn‘t exist before. Maybe that timeline was basically the original timeline, but it diverged as soon as twilight, starlight and spine got there, which would maybe result in only one pair of them because if they were already there when the timeline was just created then there wouldn‘t have to be a second set because they have been there since the beginning of the timeline… idk
The original twilight, starlight and spike in the original timeline would probably have been there in the original timeline up until the season 5 finale but then they would have time travelled and became the twilight, starlight and spike that went to the alternate timeline
In other video Sawtooth talked about loops, so my guess is that this trio from alternate timeline wasn't replaced, they just went back in time like the original ones. Loop closed, original timeline still abandoned...
i feel like they didnt move per se to a new timeline, their actions during the time travel more like created that new timeline. or something? in just guessing here really but it seems like the most simple reason
Using the diagram he used in the video, the single original timeline basically split up into two, and created a "variant". If you watch the series Loki, I think he was using the logic from that show bc it's all about different timelines and universes being altered. I only watched the first few episodes so far and have a decent understanding
@Paige Animates They do because we've seen twilight time travel to warn herself not to worry in it's about time. Why would she stay existing in that timeline but not in this timeline? It just doesn't make sense
@KPo time travel seems to work differently in Its About Time than it does in The Cutie Re-Mark. It’s very confusing and any possible explanation for it results in endless problematic paradoxes and canon-shattering issues. There’s no right way to do it. Try coming up with any theory, and they’ll be a way to contradict it.
I think you’re right sawtooth Cause starlight made lots of changes to the timeline but being there was already a change so I think there is a forgotten timeline But I think that forgotten timeline may have been a cozy glow timeline because even with or without the school of friendship She may have penpal TRECk And gather enough artifacts to drain all the magic So with all that evidence the forgotten timeline is officially a Cozyglow timeline
Idk if there are branch timelines like in marvel, I think there’s probably just the one timeline that keeps getting altered by starlight- if the timeline was changed by them being at the race then the original timeline probably just doesn’t exist anymore
If the original one was supposedly forgotten would the elements really work in the alternate timeline? Yes Twilight is still the same pony,same for the other elements of harmony. But still,the elements should work with the actual holders,even if its just the same pony from a different timeline
Didn’t a large boom happen after they’d returned, and the scroll was absorbed into the time-travel-portal? I interpreted that as time having been restored… since none of the other universes/timelines did that.
I can see you turning this into your own original fanfic series called “The Ninth Timeline” where future Twilight, Spike & Starlight discover they been living in an alternative universe and not their original one.
Oh man, you could use this to explain G5. Twilight disappeared, and Cozy Glow drained all the magic from Equestria. The three tribes fought over who was responsible and they all split up.
I’m going to say this first… Your theory is good. Quite an interesting thought experiment. But I have my own thought experiment… one that says that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight all returned to the original timeline. Here’s my evidence:
Based on the events of the Doctor Who Monthly Audio Adventures (the 8th Doctor stories Storm Warning - The Girl Who Never Was), it’s possible to be down or up a person initially at a fixed point in time, and for the overall Prime timeline to continue on unabated. Let me explain the Doctor Who story “Storm Warning” by Alan Barnes.
In the events of that story, the British Airship R101 departs from England with a total occupancy crew of 54 persons. Among those onboard is Lord Tamworth the “Air Minister,” an undisclosed VIP (which brings the total passenger count to 56 because this VIP has a necessary doctor) and one Charlotte Pollard. Through the events of the story, the VIP, Charlotte at the last second, and Lord Tamworth leave the R101 and right around 2am, the ship suffers a breach of its Hydrogen airbags. While she stabilizes, it’s too late for the crew to save the ship. The R101 crashes into a hill in northern France, killing all those still onboard.
In the story, this leaves only 53 souls still on the ship at the time of crash, which should be a problem as it’s reported that all 54 were killed. Yet it’s revealed that time has continued to go on as if all 54 were dead.
Need I also mention the story “Scaredy-cat” where a virgin world in its early history suffers from a mass extinction event? In that story, The Doctor’s companion C’rizz (pronounced Kehrizz) gives the early colonists of the virgin world a vaccine to a deadly plague that was off world in origin. This should’ve altered the timeline, which goes on to show a civilization developing on the virgin world’s sister exobody. That civilization vows to never colonize their moon (the virgin world) out of an abundance of respect for the ecosystem of that world, and as a reminder of what they should strive for. But there wasn’t enough vaccine given. Time sorted out those kinks.
What I’m trying to get at is that sometimes, Time itself looks at these issues and brushes them under the rug. Three extra spectators are but a tiny detail that couldn’t make that much of a ripple in the time stream.
Idk if this makes sense, but my headcanon is that going back in time is like a reset, like they rewind everything that happens up until the point in the past which in this case is the race that caused the rainboom. Since Twilight and Starlight went through time using the spell, this memory wipe/reset had no effect on them. When nothing changed in the last reset except for the fact they were there, life just continued on as if you pressed play on the remote of the original timeline. A much less depressing theory even if it doesn’t make as much sense
I'd make a slight tweak. It's not that the original timeline is forgotten. The spell's implied to retain a connection to the point of origin. Rather, using the spell CREATED a timeline where they never returned. Just as much as there are the timelines where the friendships where never forged.
Wait, but in all the timelines possible from this, Twilight and Starlight were in them but as a fillies. And as for Spike, his egg was still laid, he would have still hatched. Starlight and Twilight would have been there in the ‘original timeline’. Things only started to change AFTER Starlight stopped the rain boom, and Twilight, Spike and Starlight existed at that point.
What makes you think Twilight, Spike, and Starlight weren't at the original timeline's Rainboom?
Remember that the unmodified spell creates a time loop that PREVENTS changes. If it's the same spell, just modified to ALLOW changes, then choosing to change nothing leads back to the self-sustaining time loop.
By this theory, then, because Starlight cast the spell, there exists no timeline where there were no witnesses to the event that could theoretically result in a Sonic Rainboom. Every version of the timeline includes the three people arriving there through a time portal. Starlight's modification allowed for a grandfather paradox by allowing her to change things such that nopony cast the spell in the new timeline's future, but it didn't prevent the past of the timeline in which she cast the spell from having always had her portal appear in its own past.
Are you telling me that the abandoned timeline turns Equestria into a place without magic, who possibly, let's say, eventually leads to other series of unfortunate events? For example.....becoming a world filled with "paranoia and distrust"? Sound familiar?
To also think that the main 6 or 5 without twilight, would be heartbroken. And also how many ponies would of perished in the snow, maybe even flurry and royal family themselves, or the royal sisters. God brining back old memories of those “sad” mlp complications-
Here's a dark theory: what if the final timeline we were shown was the forgotten one? Maybe Spike's irrational fear of a changeling-dragon war wasn't so irrational after all... Edit: just figured out this idea already exists, just ignore me.
Considering the amount of variation that can happen and the ruling that the multiverse creates branches when something happens that causes history to change course, there isn't going to be a new world created every time someone chooses what they want to eat for breakfast. No historical impact, the choices simply blend together into a single world. It could cause a dissonance of misremembering things, but would not create a new world
Even if this theory is correct, and I believe it is since I thought of this before, who's to say a new set of heros or the rest of the main 6 don't find a way to overcome these upcoming catastrophes. After all Equestria was fine for a thousand years since the banishment of Nightmare Moon without Twilight to intervene
You know this could be the reason the ponies in G5 are divided, maybe in the original timeline Twilight never returns, the rest of the Mane 6 find that she and Spike disappeared and even when they try their best to search all over Equestria. Twilight is never found, and without the Princess of Friendship things go south from there. Even if the rest of the Mane 6 tried their best to live up to Twilight’s element of magic they know that they can’t be the elements of harmony without her. And even if Celestia began to search for another student to take the path like Twilight, she knows nopony could surpass what Twilight had already done. And since it didn’t take much for ponies to turn onto each other, this caused the great divide among the tribes and friendship had failed. The rest of the Mane 6 couldn’t live forever, so they did what they could even if it was to the smallest degree. Perhaps the idea that alicorns don’t actually live with immortality and they eventually die like other ponies, perhaps Celestia and Luna were able to transfer their Alicorn magic into the three crystals one for Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi magic and sacrificing what little magic they could save. And in hope that somepony could bring back the power of friendship.
This is actually a really creepy idea. The sudden and inexplicable disappearance of an Equestrian princess would plunge the nation into shock and anguish, leaving it open to whatever dark threats lurk beyond their borders.
If this theory is true than wouldn't it mean that the sawtooth in that time line would've also been trapped in prison like the other sawtooth in the changeling timeline
Personally I do think that they returned to their original timeline because they had to come up with a spell to fix the map after starlight messed with it, so if they left one timeline and came back in another where they never left in the first place then they wouldn’t need to fix anything. Also there would’ve been a twilight, starlight, and spike of the new timeline that they would have run into.
There’s technically 16 timelines if we’re counting Equestria girls as a separate timeline right? Also did that change anything in that world, since they had not clue about magic at all right?
if it's another timeline, then there'd be 2 starlights, 2 twilights and 2 spikes. Since that isn't the case and everyone remembers their interpersonal relationships with those respective characters, clearly the timeline didn't branch off.
Yes but maybe the timeline was only just created as twilight, starlight and spike got sucked into it. Maybe before starlight used the spell, the timeline didn‘t exist and it was the same as the original timeline, and so if they were already in that timeline by the time it was created then there wouldn‘t be a second pair of them… but idk
In other video Sawtooth talked about loops, so my guess is that this trio from alternate timeline wasn't replaced, they just went back in time like the original ones. Loop closed, original timeline still abandoned...
Should the Twilight really left oryginal timeline all others we saw in special would been achievable, which creates a paradox which makes this theory correct
My question is, what were the main 6 and other ponies in equestria doing? How did they switch to different timelines? Were the original ones just left behind? Did twilight never come back to equestria in the other timeline?
I definitely agree that there is a multiverse and that there is an lost world too because every time twilight and spike came back to the time of the rainboom they never ran into themselves like in other tv shows. So, and at the time twilight convinced starlight to let the rainboom happen there was still no sign of them there before. So, every time they started a new timeline without even realizing it.
Plot twist : the wasteland timeline is the original timeline in the future only so I personally think there only 8 timelines but the theory of the 9th timeline could be truth and you make such great content sawtooth and go so deep in mlp I mean a thought of a 9th timeline gives me chills very great theory 👍
This is just a fun observation that I wanted to share. During the award ceremony in Rainbow Falls, look at the cloudstale team. Half way through, they lose their medals.
there's also the possibility that starlight did. kinda a reverse travel which made them travel back to where they started at the original. but that would also mean it could start a boot strap paradox. just time travel is mean
Wait, what if the abandoned timeline is the new generations timeline? After they disappeared, cozy glow ended up getting rid of magic, and due to her being a pegasus, all three tribes separated in fear of them uprising again. Causing a divide between the three? But Sunny's dad had found twilights journal that was left behind by the main 5 after they had given up hope and disappeared as well. He reinstilled the old ways in his daughter the way twilight had written about how she was taught through celestia. It sounds plausable!
It's interesting I kind of thought there was another way of this instead of the timeline continuing I thought because they left the timeline stopped it halted because if they went back into time at that exact point they wouldn't have been able to go back so if the timeline depended on them for the future because even a small little insignificant bug disappearing from a timeline could change everything a butterfly effect would it not have halted it cuz that's what I've always thought I figured that they didn't go to the same timeline I figured that that timeline just didn't exist it stopped it halted it pause the entire universe of it that's how I've always seen it but I don't know I could be wrong I'm probably wrong but I don't know
The same thing happened for the flash where he time traveled into the past to stop his mother from being killed but he had to fix it so he did and allowed the killer to kill his mom so when he came back to the present things were not the same it was a different timeline
Wait, what if you're right, and the original timeline ended up being the one of the new generation. That would explain why nobody remenbers anything about Twilight's legacy.
@Twilight sparkle The princess of friendship you do know that the elements of harmony are not interchangeable, right? Even after the cutie mark switch, the elements remained.
@Twilight sparkle The princess of friendship it's the similar, abandoned timeline, it works the same way and if I remember correctly the cutie mark switch happened before the time travel, so no it would not work like that
Sawtooth please read this: Its an idea but I think that what happened in "The Forgotten world" would have been a war between the villians, their territory, and the ponies the ruled over.
Unfortunately i think that there really is no going back because Starlight would not have reformed down the first timeline. This all causes the changes mentioned and possibly much more. It is kinda chilling to think about, BUT it’s still possible similar events could have taken place and saved everyone. That timeline might be fine. Who knows, maybe Starlight was there in the first timeline after all and everyone is still in timeline number one. The possibilities are endless.
I was thinking maybe it's possible that when the three of them came back to Twilight's castle, they ended up back in their original timeline. BUT, the 1st and 9th timeline versions of themselves were swapped, meaning that reformed Starlight is in the original world but evil Starlight is in the 9th timeline (since Starlight was bad until she reformed while in between timelines, not necessarily just in the 1st or 9th one). But if that were true, then wouldn't Starlight try the same thing again but as the 9th timeline version of her since nothing would have changed? Then 9th timeline and 10th timeline Starlight would switch, so there'd now be a good Starlight in the 9th timeline but that same bad one in the 10th. So like, a never-ending cycle that can eventually destroy the universe? Lmao
In the Comics, Starswirl the Bearded defeated the Sirens a different way, by using music of his own in a band competition of some sort, and in another comic Sombra was reformed and was no longer a smokey figure thing....
that was all in the other timeline that we saw in Seasons 1-5, and in the end when the timeline was reset, But with you saying that 'With Starlight, Spike and Twilight just BEING there during the rainboom' is a small change might be wrong.
This small change might have fixed the timeline, but not everything. in this new timeline, Starswirl defeated the Sirens with the Pillars instead of performing in a band competition thing, and Sombra was never reformed...
in the comics, robots destroy equestria after the bearers are all dead. maybe the original timeline was destroyed by those robots, and the one twilight went to won't have that apocalypse. we've seen technology improving massively in g5 due to a lack of magic, so it makes sense.
This is good and all. And I like the effor in the video but those two would’ve still existed in the change. So while they disappeared in that portion of time when Starlight takes them back in time they would return to that space as they haven’t actually altered anything by just being there. “You can’t really squash a butterfly if your not moving” kinda deal. Also not interacting with anyone in the past basically closes all the alternate timelines too. Because at that point whenever they went back it closed the previous one. Realistically it would always be the nightmare moon one because they wouldn’t be able to stop it regardless. But yes when they travel back to their timeline it closes the other alternates, and while just having three ponies would look like it would affect something. All the alternate timelines we see are a result of interacting. Even when Twilight goes back in time to talk to herself everything plays out as it should. Because she interacted. And while that last time travel did happen they didn’t interact and so the timeline hasn’t changed meaning that if we go by the multiverse theories then they would be in the original timeline regardless because if it continuously splits regardless of actions you can only ever return to your original timeline.
I hope this made a modicum of sense.
M Ramirez2021-07-28 01:00:16 (edited 2021-07-28 13:30:14 )
I believe there are 2 different timelines BECAUSE the thing that is different is that Rainbow Dash, the bullies she was racing, and everypony that was watching has the memory of seeing Twilight, Spike, and Starlight. This probably resulted in confusion as Twilight is an Alicorn. There were only 3 Alicorn princesses at the time because I think we can assume that Cadence obtained her wings during or, most likely before, she started babysitting for Twilight. I'm just going to point out that Twilight didn't get her cutie mark yet during when Cadence was her babysitter because I think Twilight would NOT say, "I'm just a regular old unicorn," (in the flash backs in the wedding arc at the end of season 2) IF she found out she was going to test to enroll in Celestia's School of Magic. Back to my original point, Seeing Twilight as a fourth Alicorn would confuse and possibly alarm the ponies that witnessed the race. It's not hard to imagine the ponies reporting sights of another Alicorn after that to the Princesses at the time. Fast forward to the last episode of season 3, there is a EXTREMELY high chance Celestia would know that Twilight was guaranteed her wings. Instead of saying "You've proven you're ready," Celestia would say something similar to I've been waiting for this moment since you've become my pupil. Twilight's friends would be surprised to learn that the purple pony they heard that's the 4th princess rumors about was Twilight. They would also have different reactions including recalling the rumors they heard. All this is only some proof that they are in another timeline. (The Twilight in said alternate timeline should be there but never appeared #unsolvedplothole) But hey, that's just a theory, A FiLm ThEoRy.
huh....this depressing timeline of twilight, Spike, And Starlight never returning and all the horrible things to the forgotten timeline could make a pretty good Creepypasta...Sadfic/Darkfic
What if time travel works both ways when you go to the past or the future the timeline has a 50% percent chance of making a new timeline same like the original or it has a 50% of going back to the original timeline, i hope this makes sense.
If I remember correctly, in Equestria Girls, Sunset attempted to destroy the portal to Equestria. But Twilight Saif that Equestria would find a way to survive without the magic element. Just pointing it out
Maybe somehow a new Twilight appeared, and the world kept going! Or… Twilight was clever enough to realize, so she went back but we didn’t see that episode!
Sawtooth you're amazing man! I mean I could have never seen MLP so deeply and with such a unique perspective! I mean hats off to you man! You're legit amazing!!
My main problem with this idea is is that it relies on "Multiverse Theory" over "Timeline Theory". Basically, what this video is suggesting is that we see 9 different *universes*, the original universe is left behind and we continue onto other universes. However, Timeline Theory would mean that they are changing the history of one universe and not visiting multiple. I think Timeline Theory applies here since Twilight and Spike always return to the same time of day, they even mention it when they visit the timeline where Nightmare Moon reigns, Spike says something along the lines of "shouldn't it be daytime?" Could be minor and not an actual point, but why not? Plus, Multiverse Theory has a harder time holding up against Timeline Theory since we have the Mirror portals, which take us to alternate universes. I'm pretty sure that the spell only affected their universe, and therefore falls under Timeline Theory, which means that the timelines we saw didn't come to fruition (in this universe, obviously they could have in an alternate universe). This kinda specualtion, while nice to talk about, isn't something that really should be talked about frequently, since there's no real way to prove either argument since it all comes down to speculation.
I have a theory about this (Firstly english isnt my main language so im really sorry if i made any mistakes or couldnt explain it properly) I think when you time travel, there's no such thing as multiple timelines existing like that because the past has only been altered. You only changed the past and that resulted in it being different, the timeline mustve gotten destroyed since the reason it exists was changed. You couldn't have created a different timeline that still exits. But if you add the multiverse theory, then there is a chance that those timelines still existed and them changing the past didnt actualy change it, it only put them to a different universe where those things happened. Then that would mean that the time travel spell wasn't exactly a time travel, it would be a spell where it puts you to different universes depending on your actions.
So 8.5 timelines, because they travel to multiple futures of what happen when the rainboom is stopped, but then to the part where one is formed you were definitely correct to the part where the two peices of the timelines merge into one because there was no interference with younger rainbowdash and the rainboom.
Okay, so, while this series completely derails what I would like to say, I do tell myself, that it is just a kid's show. I tend to go with the Grandfather Paradox. But that's just me.
I think that the timelines actually do end up merging. In the episode where they visit the multiverses, something caught my eye. Applejack said “what is SHE doing here?” Showing that she knew Starlight was a meany. How could she have known that if she didn’t go on the lost cutie mark adventure and meet starlight, if twilight, Starlight, and Spike never returned to the original world with the real Applejack who Twilight went on the adventure with?
I know I'm late to the party, but I think you're both over and under thinking this issue. The first thing you have to understand is HOW time travel magic works in Equestria. We know that normally, if you go into the past, your actions in the future will be preordained, and you will end up there before you even intended to go there, as shown with Twilight's own time travel adventures.
This suggests that Equestria has one fluid time line, and no branching multiverse. The issue comes with Starlight, and her Hax Mode ability to just break that established rule. When she goes into the past, she isn't creating a new timeline, she's legit rewriting history, using the Cutie Map as a anchor point to get back with, because for some reason it is a powerful enough artifact to survive a full rewrite of history, since it existed in timelines that it had no reason to be in.
So while the final timeline might have been changed in slight ways, it's still Twilight's first timeline, cause there is only the one timeline. Odds are that Twilight and Startlight's presence alone there really didn't mean anything, and they were like pebbles in the flow of time, not being big enough obstructions to actually make a difference, so long as they didn't interfere, or... just like with Twilight's original excursion in time travel, this was actually always happened, and it was just going through the motions, and RD and Fluttershy just didn't remember Twilight and Starlight being there cause they were so young. Regardless, it really seems like there is only one timeline, and all the other histories would be erased completely with each venture into the past.
What if the Abandoned Timeline was the complete destroyed empty timeline with no villain as I think sunburst would have come to ponyville because the crystal empire would be the ice age
Perhaps in the wake of the changling invasion, cozy glow would end up liberating pony kind from the changlings. in so doing instigating herself as either the ruler of equestria or celectia's next protégé destined to take her and luna's place. either way, it would be the cozy glow bad end timeline.
I know its off-topic but I wanted to share my thoughts. 4:00 I don't believe Cozy Glow wouldve befriended tirek, while the manipulating foal she is, she still is a FOAL. Without the school of friendship Cozy would not have learned of tirek, maybe she would have on her own but there's no evidence to support/deny it. I don't believe tirek would have known Cozy without the school. They only met because of the whole magic crisis so she would have no reason to turn to him. Perhaps she turned to more "local" villains such as Chrysalis, being that she isn't in Tartarus.
I know this is almost a year old But may I propose a theory What if the original Sonic Rainboom actually had Twilight, Spike, and Starlight as spectators? I mean it is definitely possible. Children are Sometimes not very observant when they are focused of things and they were out of the way of the race
I've never before thought about timeline branches merging. Assuming the theory that every event preceeds the formation of a new branch, I can imagine a branch where Twilight and Spike never returned from that extra-dimensional escapade. Fortunately, the branch they would have finally landed at retains the history they're used to. Some version of Twilight and Spike had left there, and some version of them returned.
It's even possible that some version of Twilight and Spike returned to that original branch. There may be some version of events where they never returned, but who's to say that that version is the original branch?
Wait, so how was the timeline where starlight, spike and twilight traveled to like? Because if they traveled from the abandoned one to the other one, they must’ve met themselves or something. If they didn’t, that means that all the events that occurred after starlight, spike and twilight, must’ve been different too. Like the abandoned timeline. If you don’t get it, I’m saying, what happened to the starlight, spike and twilight in the timeline they’re currently in after the abandoned timeline versions of them traveled to it? The past events before their time travel must’ve occurred differently, otherwise they would see themselves like twilight saw her friends in other timelines. My theory is that the three of them switched places.
it sure can be an abandoned world, 'cause no matter what, if you change a single thing, even move a cloud it can have several changes, and the fact of that twilight, starlight and spike being there may not affect directly to the rainboom or the mane 6, but do to other ponies, even if there's a minimal change, it can affect everyone
And there’s a big chance you accidentally change something,like what happened in back to future;the main guy(Marty) accidentally got to the past when his parents were just friends,but when he got home agian everything was different,and was basically a whole new person
Twilight, Spike and Starlight may have returned to the same timeline because anything that happens in the past at that time must have also happened in the original timeline.
I have three things to say about this… first… if starlight is never seen again, that’s not the only problem… not only equestria would see it’s fate, but the human world would also be taken over… juniper would capture the main seven in the mirror- and they would be lost forever… with no starlight to befriend her… she would take over…. Also the storm kings magic would consume the human world… so there goes that timeline… ONE THE OTHER HAND- they would have evidence- correct me if I’m wrong… but didn’t the map come with them when they traveled through time? The main 6 would notice the map was gone! Also… There would definitely be some point when the princesses noticed the time travel spell was gone! With that information… the main 6… or 5 in this case… COULD figure it out…. Who would ever do this? Have any enemies escaped? Were there any missing and vengeful ponies? Who is powerful enough to pull this spell off? Maybe someone powerful enough to remove your own destiny with magic… someone who escaped with a vengeful attitude… someone like starlight… She would definitely be powerful enough to tamper with a spell like that… ON THE OTHER HAND… there is a problem with this theory… the change wouldn’t matter because these are all new timelines with them being there… let me explain… the difference in history is big… but the problem is that twilight, spike, and starlight already existed in this timeline… so if they did change timelines with this one there would be two spikes twilights and starlights… and that wouldn’t work… so that means that they did return to the original timeline… because being there simply ADDED new timelines-
the way you're depicting it, each timeline is separate, they don't overwrite each other, and therefore the original one wouldn't be affected by the messing with time, only by the absence of twilight.
HOWEVER, starlight is supposed to be very good at magic. it would just be out of character for her to not understand what she was doing.
and you could be thinking that by dragging twilight out of the og timeline into a new one she is destroying that one's future. but that would leave room for error.
if spike hadn't touched the spell, the og timeline would be fine with only starlight missing (ofc this would result in the changeling take-over, but I'm ignoring that because that played no part in Starlights decision making here). and starlight isn't dumb, she would know that she had just one shot at getting them to follow her.
no, I think that she made the timeline overwrite itself. that would mean that regardless of if they followed or not, starlight could get her way.
idk though, i'm probably looking to deep into this
That always happened , the future star would always try and prevent the Sonic rainboom so they did go back to the og timeline and the reason we don't see starlight or twi is cause the og scene was focused on rainbow , not the things that happened when she wasn't around
Fun theory, maybe with twilight and spike gone, friendships slowly fade and lead to the time of G5 with how the three tribes have a dislike with one another assuming G5 is a continuation of G4
here's a new theory for you all, what if the MLP new generation movie time line takes place in the original abandoned time line in the mlp? it would explain quite alot technically thinking about it to the new generation movie story of events
I think I may know what it might look like. Go back to twilight s words "Or rather the present." What if that last time-line was the cause of not having twilight. The elements can't work anyway , if she's gone.
I would say you are right because of the Uncertanty Principle, the mere fact that they were there observing the Rainboom happen is a change to the timeline, so another alternate timeline is born, the problem is, where and when are the trio of that timeline? maybe while they had their own "Cutie-Remark" adventure they ended on some other alternate timeline.
Now excuse me while I go to write a grimdark fanfic about this idea.
There are different views on how time travel would work, mine is where if someone time traveled and changed something then there would be no different time lines but everyone would be affected
Here’s a theory that goes with this. This is how gen 5 came to be. The Crystal Empire is not shown in the map while the father is working on Sunny’s new thing, this is because winter swallowed it up. All Crystal ponies died, and it became an unexplored area, and nobody decided to see it. Meanwhile the magic being gone was because of Cozy. The main cast who stopped her, weren’t together. No school of friendship meant that all the other creatures would just move on. Her father had his ancestor’s knowledge of Twilight pass down onto him. Where he taught Sunny about her as well. Though, he never went into the darkness. The main six died of age. What about the vampire Chrysalis? She dies, and she might have motivated the tribes to disconnect. Luna and Cylestia are not immortal. Cyl could have never found a pony, and when she did, never got to finish training them. The new generation is this abandoned time line!
I feel like Sawtooth has been doing a lot of time travel videos...
Theory: Sawtooth Waves is a real time-traveller in real life. They’re trying to add secret symbolism in their videos, and keep an eye out everyone for said symbolism.
Wait, doesn’t this disprove a theory you made a while ago? In the video where you “solved Pinkie Pie” you said that the reason why she has all her weird magic abilities is because when she absorbed Discord’s chaos magic from Grogar’s Bell, all that magic spread out over her whole life. But in this video you basically say that the timeline where that happened isn’t the timeline where we met Pinkie Pie. While I suppose it’s possible it could still of happened in the original time line, it’s unlikely. Chrysalis could’ve very well succeeded in her uprising without Starlight to stand in her way. Even if that didn’t work, you said yourself it’s likely Cozy Glow would still make her grab for power, she probably would’ve succeeded without the Student Six-who only met because of Twilight’s School- to stop her. If either of these villain’s plans had worked, it’s likely Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis never would’ve came together. Which means Pinkie Pie likely wouldn’t have been there to absorb Discord’s chaos magic from the bell. So, if that never actually happened in the original timeline, and Pinkie Pie still has her weird physics defying powers, either this theory proves that one false or that theory proves this one false.
I think that Twilight didn't even need to follow Starlight to the past. That is because as soon as Starlight travelled to the past the present should change right away because past is long time away from the present but it hasn't changed. So it looked like Starlight has changed just and only a different timeline without any way comming back to the original one and forever living in the changed one. (Of course only if travelling to the original one was impossible)
I HAVE AN IDEA. What if, after they left the timeline turned into that mlp show (of which the name escapes me atm), where they just goof off carelessly? Like the first timeline recognized something important was missing (Twilight) and replaced it, somehow leading to the careless ponies we see in the show?
My thought [even though I don’t really want to talk about time traveling and stuff]:
•My thought is that, what if there was really no “Abandoned” sort of timeline? Maybe that “abandoned” timeline could be of a different story. [idk if you mentioned this part in the vid]. I think that ; ever since Twilight, Spike and Starlight left there own timeline and went into the other timeline. The story might’ve like changed or somethin’. But when they came back, they were probably in a completely different story. And then they just left it there. So, like you probably said but in MY own words, that other timeline could be abandoned. Just not completely in my POV•
My theory is that... When twilight became the ruler in the alternate time line... few days later The REAL twilight of alternate universe returns. At first they think that they changelings but, later Starlight realises all this time...they were in a alternate time line. They would a lot of research and then they destroy the multiverse and SET THINGS RIGHT in the original time line
Ah, but the thing is, if the new identical timeline was created WHEN starlight cast the spell, then the original timeline would remain the same, and the time travel would happen in the new timeline. So all of this NEVER happens to the original timeline, or any timeline for that matter. It's like this, if all this had happened, we would have seen the twilight from the new timeline. Also, I have a question, what if spike never even touched the spell parchment?
I think that because they left that timeline, that timeline died and then when it did the worlds got unbalanced so marched the lines to balance it again, in order to do so I think it would’ve meant either the original or new timeline ponies had to vanish from existence, because twilight is in the wrong timeline it could’ve got rid of new main 6 but got rid of old ponies in the background, as they never actually had any real connections with Twilight that travelled to the other timeline. I’m not a genius though so…
But wait! The "original timeline" you're talking about probably isn't the real original timeline. Because you made a video explaining the loop where Twilight got a visit from her future self and panicked about a desaster that never happened. If that theory is correct, then the timeline where something did go wrong that day would be the original timeline, wouldn't it?
Actually the timelines would re emerge since the events have been put back on course the timeline would continue down the path it would have initially gone to on it as if the time travel never happened.
Hey, wait, remember that principal cinch? From the battle of the bands? Leaving cadence as the vice principal, could cinch be the first princess before cadence?
Time is like a flower it can grow in many ways but what if twilight and Spike and starlight were already at the original time like making it a loop another thing is time works differently in every world meaning it has an infinite amount of ways to work so time is one of the most confusing things to talk about as it has so many different ways to work and it has many things to consider as well
I’m not sure that this theory would make sense. Their presence would change something but another alternate universe would be created, like how starlight made them. And even if what you said was the case, they could just go back to the place that they used to be couldn’t they? Because like I said, their presence would make an alternate universe
They returned to the worpd where Twilight, Spike, Starlight left, so them of new dimension returned to another dimension and it's Twilight,Starlight,Spike left eather and etc. If we think that our main timeline is the first to start this chain of movements between realities, than main timeline is abandoned, in other case another Twilight,Starlight,Spike just came there.
Do you think that since the world had its way of going it would’ve just replaced the answers with solutions like The main six had been the answer to solving most of the issues but if some are gone wouldn’t they had just been replaced Or would’ve the world had took a different turn into chaos If the world had lost an answer to a problem wouldn’t it had just been replaced with a solution so that the world could live on with its timeline Wouldn’t this just had been a bump in many like it Would all this happend the same like when sunset took out her other self so she could live in the human world? Or would it have just been a bump for the timeline and no one notice
im just going to pretend that I never saw this video because it makes me depressed inside- great theories though!! they really make you think deeper into what actually happened-
Here's a thought, what if the Sonic Rainboom isn't just a magical sonic boom? What if the power of the rainboom is caused by a spark of friendship? Sure, we know it has to be done by a strong and fast flyer, but no one had ever seen one until Rainbow Dash, the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, an element of friendship. That rainboom connected the mane six through their cutie marks, but what if it goes deeper? What if the rainboom was a direct result of their friendship? Twilight is the Princess of friendship, and her friends are what helped her to become who she was, and friendship is the most powerful magic there is, so what if Twilight getting through to Starlight was the last spark of magic needed to cause a sonic rainboom?
(I admit, there are some flaws but it's just something to think about)
I think they stayed in the same one because starlight just recently became friend with the mane 6, there was no history about it because it was a new thing. There wouldn’t be any other history ! There probably wouldn’t be another timeline about it
Wow I've ALWAYS thought about this kind of thing happening, not just in MLP but in other time travel stories too, and I never saw anyone talk about it, thanks.
But what if those three were always in the original timeline, just behind or above our vision of it? It could also be that they are not shown, as neither Flutters nor Dash remembered them.
@Sawtooth Waves, This is an interesting theory for the show and I would like to know what happens to the original timeline if it did change like what you said. But this is Hasbos we talking about and they make children's shows. So don't think too hard on time travel and the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff from Doctor Who. It may a core in Doctor Who which they themselves a family show. But I do like your prosrop on this show.
Cozy glow may have not tried her scheme because according to her when the main 6 came back according to Cozy glow she said that (you taught me that friendship is power)is they taught her that but the school of friendship had encouraged her to do it so she may have not tried her scheme
I'm glad that new theories and content is still showing up just as it was before the ending of the series. <3 Watching these videos fills with nostalgia
I think the timelines would still be different as probably someone would have definitely spotted a ALICORN with a DRAGON near that place were kid-pegases were flying in case any of them were injured somehow.
Well I think there are 2 ways to time travel: 1. Time Travel: Where you go to a different timeline and cause a change/glitch and it ends up different from what it was originally supposed to be.
2. Time....Travel: Where you go to a timeline, but you going to that timeline was supposed to happen all along, and you didn't change a thing the events of the timeline are just happening.
(Either of these could've happened to them, I think number 2)
i think they either merged back, or chrysalis took over, and banished all the alicorns but Flurryheart, without the knowledge she was one. with one remaining alicorn, Flurryheart used a spell to hide her wings and live among the unicorns. once old enough, she let down the spell and took on chrysalis, taking back the throne and restoring Equestria.
The timeline our twilight abandoned, I will label as AT, and the one we returned to will be RT. Possibly the Twilight, Spike, and Starlight from RT also went on a time travel escapade to prevent something that was important to the plot, and somehow balanced out the 3 extra spectators of the Rainboom. Maybe they had gone back on themselves to prevent them from going to the rainboom or something, I don't know. And now the RT Twi, spike and starlight are in AT and vise-versa. And now each timeline has a Twilight, Starlight and Spike.
I love this idea but that would suggest that in the new timeline, those 3 died somehow right? Unless the same events happened since everything was identical and those 3 version 2 went to the timeline they left behind.
News just in: princess twilight and her dragon friend Spike has recently disappeared out of thin air we are looking for them, but we have not found them yet. There are rumors that she has been kidnapped by someone we are looking for them but it might take a while and so far there has been no suspects.
News just in: we will have decided to close the search for princess twilight, there has been no evidence that she was kidnapped, lost, nor she ran away. We are going to have to live without her for now, you can make mini searches but it’s a 99.9% that you will find her. This could lead to the end of Equestria, for now, please be safe.
News just in: Princess Twilight Sparkle has been reported missing and has multiple search parties but none have been sucssesful the police have announced the case is closed and she is gone 2 others have been reported missing the 2 are ms.Starlight Glimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle's dragon Spike Ms.Apple Jack had this to say "she was in the castle 1 minute...than gone the next she disappeared out of thin air." Implying that she had been in the castle that day than was gone . We will contact her family Sorry..
News just in: Princess twilight and Spike the great and glorious Missing case has been a closed for a while but out of thin air they’re here again! What could this mean? This leads to more questions, Where were they for all this time? Where is The 2nd Pony? And why Do they act so different now? Princess twilight friends are worried, But all we can do is wait so, Tune in next time for the next news ( Ps: Changeling would have still existed )
For all we know, the original race with the Rainboom DID have Starlight, Twilight & Spike nearby! The flashback didn't show them, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. [oof, multi-negative grammar AND time traval!] Besides, the flashback showed an earth pony filly watching from a cloud, so it may have had other errors too!
Alright i have a crack theory. Remember when Twilight, Starlight, and Spike got teleported to that one timeline where there's literally nothing there? What if they got teleported to the FUTURE of the original timeline where the three of them gone for who knows how long?
Since her protege was no longer in Equestria, I think Princess Celestia and her sister would decide to go back to being Equestria's protectors. Twilight was no longer around to need experience being a princess, so there would no longer be any reason for them to take a back seat during emergencies. Same with Discord. By this time he was truly reformed due to his betrayal by Tirek, and he might decide to help defend Equestria, mainly because that's where Fluttershy lives and there's no way he'd let her come to harm.
I don't think there will be a change or dissapearance. I think Rainbowdash will just have a faint memory of seeing them while flying or smt. In mpl timetravel creates alternate timelines. But I always thought they could be removed by fixing the presence. But we don't know fore sure-
Well, I suppose both are possibilities. Although a sure-fire way to make sure none of them happen is to remember when you came up with the idea, go back in time and convince your past self not to do it in the first place. And, I just created a paradox, didn't I?
Eh, in any time travel story like this, assume Hypertime is at play...by that I mean basically just sit back and enjoy the ride, and don't think about it too hard.
I do have something i wana add to this theory. Pinky pie, rarity, rainbow dash, apple jack and flutter shy seem to all have some mixed up memories and or remember moments of those alternate tome lines. What i mean is when starlight, spike and twilight went to the past and starlight started changing it by stopping the rainboom the rest of the main six (from the og timeline) seemed to have also been effected. Think of it this way. When u walk on a sandy beach u leave foot prints behind u correct? Now think of those foot prints and scenes from all the individual time lines. Well the rest of the main six have a few of those foot prints (scenes) implanted in their memories now, so it seems like starlight changing the past and effect the main 6’s friendship she dragged the main 6 to this new time line (the one that is almost exactly the same as the og) with her. Reason why is because the main 6 not coming together by the rainboom it start a ripple of changes but the biggest change is on the main 6. We saw Twilight go with Starlight to the past and saw her go to al the alternative time lines but problem is, Twilight wasnt the only one effected by the rainboom being stopped, the rest of the main 6 have, so they were dragged to the new time line with them since they have memories of this change. Idk if i explained this properly but i tried my best. My proof on this theory is that the rest of the main 6 burst into the room after Starlight, Spike and Twilight returned questioning what happened giving us a sign that they might have been influenced and dragged to this timeline with them. Which means this abandoned time line doesnt just have a missing Twilight but the whole main 6 missing all together, causing lots of chaos since the main 6 can only use the elements to stop the villains but if all the main 6is gone, there’s legit 0 hope for equestria in that time line.
From what we know pre-release; could that forgotten timeline have enough of a foundation to the the home of Gen 5? Mentions of the Mane 6 but no mention of "Queen" Twilight, somehow no magic like Cozy Glow was successful, a divided Pony nation but no windigo... interesting enough or should we wait until the movie comes out in a few months?
Now this... I can already tell this one headcanon will be more satisfying and make more plausible sense than whatever hand-wave we're actually going to get on how the storylines are related. 😐
IMO, if the alternate timelines exist, then yes that's what happened. But I rather believe that the time travel cancels the timeline pure and simple. At the moment Starlight started to influence the past, their present didn't exist anymore.
I gueeeeess if I was wrong, then everytime Starlight came back to that moment, she'd see her previous attempt, we'd have several Starlight, Twilight and Spike simultaneously in the same place, fighting. After 3 I guess Twilight should have given up because so much chaos would have distracted all the foals and canceled the rainboom anyway.
Maybe the other timeline would heal itself. What I mean is it would carry on as if starlight had never cast the spell but had instead been stopped by twilight.
If its possible for loops to circle back on themselves, wouldn't this start one of those situations? They show up, change nothing, the cycle for them to show up happens again, and so on.
If this is true there’s one thing that you missed starlight was in the orb and Academy would be pretty much down and cozy might not have a place in the school but also the artifacts were never discovered
Who said that they travel to a different universe, after all,the spell is casted relatably to the map(tree of harmony),even if they were casting a spell which brought them back to a different timeline, wouldn't the map have tried to pull them to the correct timeline
But, in this case what happen to the twilight, spike and starlight from the new timeline? We didn't see them. If the original trio came to the new timeline, they would probably meet them.
What if..The abandoned one is the new generation and twilight is still living in the other universe and she made the artifacts because she figured that she might be in a different timeline and she tried to make contact with the original world and still tries today?
Louise Helgesson2021-10-03 19:23:03 (edited 2021-10-03 19:23:52 )
But don’t a Twilight and Starlight already exist in the other timeline ? They can’t just vanish into thin air.
pretty sure time traveling cant lead you to "another world" but i get what you mean, and if that was to be true then could it be that in g5 of mlp (how the magic of friendship disappears) could be because of this? like they just left the world and no one knew where they went
That could actually make sense. In the leaked photos (or it might have been the trailer idk) we saw that the mcs room had toys and figures of the mane six…. This suggests that they were forgotten as real ponies and their story was shaped into fiction, almost like a fairytale, for which toys and merchandise was produced.
@_tacos_101 _ But do you not remember that from a activity book it said that Sunny’s father made them, or was it a picture that showed it? Well which ever it was, my point still stands. Sunny’s father made the figures himself
If I've learned anything from Loki then what if we were to assume that the rainboom is an apocalyptic timeline where anything that happens during that time is meaningless since the rainboom would still continue on even with twilight, starlight and spyke being there. The rainboom is so impactful that it doesn't matter who is there since it would happen anyways even if there was a random dog in Vanhoover walking down the alleyway (just an example) so I think that the timeline either merged or stayed together when starlight gave up
Personally the only reason I disagree with this is because if it were true, the versions of Twilight, Spike and Starlight from the new timeline would surely be there
THANK YOU!!!!!! ever since the episode i've been thinking about this!
Twilight is gone from the original timeline, vanished into thin air. Nobody knows what happened to her and spike, they just seem as if they simply stopped existing.
Her friends would fall into a depression, they would search for her to no avail. Maybe celestia could figure out there are magical remnants in the air in the table room, but she would have no idea what happened. Did a spell go wrong? Did she teleport somewhere? Is she dead?
Equestria would fall into a panic without the sixth element, without their new princess. Perhaps even falling into hatred as their precious friendship princess abandoned her friends. Equestria would fall into a world of anger and hatred, maybe even the main six would start to blame Twilight. Maybe they won't see the point in their friendship anymore.
The two sisters would be helpless in watching this all happen, and perhaps they may be overthrown. The world will turn back to the pre-pillar ways, but this time, everyone will thrive enough to leave the world a bloody mess by their own hooves.
Wouldn't there be a new timeline everytime Twilight and/or Starlight entered one? For example, when they went to see Starlight's past with sunburst ... Wait no- When Twilight entered the changeling timeline, does that make two timelines in which she isn't there and one in which she appears? That would mean every timeline exists twice or even more times, hmm.. or am I just overthinking again?
i pointed this theory out to my friend about endgame, because tony, scott and cap where in 2012 when loki first attacked earth and cap fought himself and such, they DID NOT return to the timeline that they knew, but a different timeline. similar to the one that you pointed out in your video
Probably when the scroll was almost fully ripped apart and when the circle came the circle took them to the place where Starlight made the very first circle.
Perhaps in that abandoned timeline, a part of the elements of harmony chose other new carriers, or another species apart from the ponies managed to unite with the elements as seen with the young 6 or as seen in the comics of season 10 with the zebras
I don't really think that this would be the case. If they returned to the other timeline wouldn't there be the second Twilight from that timeline. If not then the second Twilight could return to the abandoned timeline and everything would work out the same. Btw here's a little side note: there is infinite number of timelines and alternative universes so I think that this, the video and every other theory is correct because everything had happened already.
What is when starlight didn't become friends with Twillight and Spike. It goes on and on and on. Because of that the forgotten world is possible and make sense, because Twillight, Spike and Starlight are 'catched' between all timelines
Hey Sawtooth. How’s this for a mlp theory? In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, there’s a mention of locusts that resemble horses & have other features. Is there any link between them and Changelings? I know it’s more likely a coincidence but you never know…
@IndoDINO Youtube Revelation is the last chapter of the bible. If you’re going to read it, there’s many things to keep in mind, but I’ll just leave it at, there’s more than one version/ edition of the text.
@IndoDINO Youtube Abaddon is given a key. In the show, it’s the main six who get keys to gain power to vanquish the demon to Tartarus, the Greek, not Hebrew, underworld. Hades is another word for the underworld but it’s mentioned after the 4th horsemen.
OMG! i got shivers thinking about whats happend in that world,such a great vid! keep up the good work and let me try something, Sawtooth Waves Sawtooth Waves Sawtooth Waves
I think the group have always been there and Celestia notice so she makes Twilight her special student Because if they return to a different timeline, where would the Starlight, Spike and Twilight of that timeline be
I think twighlight ,s friends well definitely look for twighlight but quit after they looked all over Equestria from Chloe Whittle P.S I love your show!
I always thought that twilight and starlights presence at the rainboom became a given the way future twilight kept visiting present twilight in season 2, we just didnt see it at the first mentions of the rainboom just because
You know the movie? Maybe that’s what happened after the time line was abandoned. Cause then everyone would fall apart and the species wouldn’t have come together
But here’s the thing even without twilight starlight and spike celestia would still technically have sunset shimmer and she could be the next element of magic and it could work honestly
But here’s the thing even without twilight starlight and spike celestia would still technically have sunset shimmer and she could be the next element of magic and it could work honestly
this only works if you believe in the theory of multiple universes. i highly doubt that it would be a thing in the my little pony universe though because twilight time traveled once before and the spell she cast said it would take her back to the original timeline i believe
It might explain the new generation and would explain why the g4s work in unity is still not in play and why there was only ponies and no other species there.
@Sawtooth Waves Couldn't Discord create like a particle accelerator or something, load in some dirt from the enviroment (which obviously isn't made out of magic) and then precisely take out the throne? (Use like a spying glass that can see through walls or something to locate it)
I think he will like help them keep the changelings quarantine or something like Equestria will probably gone once they move the green Crystal stuff in but yeah or who knows maybe they'll make a deal and t Fluttershy will go out and make a resistance
@Sawtooth Waves What about Grogar's bell? Thorax said the magic of the throne is ancient magic. Do does the bell. In Season 6 finale Discord problably couldn't go after the bell cause he couldn't let the team go on without him. But in this timeline he is all alone. No Starlight and Trixie, and no Thorax. Tirek: "Look's like the magic of friendship is your only weakness."
@Sawtooth Waves But here is what I don't get...Apple Jack's comment when the trio returned to the present timeline wouldn't make sense if they were from a different Timeline..."What is she doin' here"?
I get the feeling if he saw the invasion coming he would have just taken Fluttershy and her friends to his dimension and left equestria to it's fate. The only pony he cared about was Fluttershy for the most part, and a little bit about Twilight. He would bring Fluttershy's friends because he would want her to be happy, but as for the wide world of equestria? ...I don't think he would care.
It was Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax who told him where flutter shy was. Since Starlight wasn’t there to inform Trixie, both of them wouldn’t have a clue anything was wrong with the mane 6. Then again, discord may suspect something was up. But he couldn’t of guessed that they were all trapped in the changeling castle. But discord never walks anywhere. He could teleport to flutter shy and end up at the changeling palace. He might think it’s a malfunction with his magic about 20,942 times until he thinks that flutter shy may be at the changeling palace, but he wouldn’t know his way around and might easily inform the changelings he is in the castle, and eventually just get captured like what happened in the episode. He also may not be able to walk to the castle (without crying like a baby at least). He wouldn’t be able to find his way to the throne room either, if he did, there would be guards there. He couldn’t of distracted the guards. But maybe he could, it isn’t really hard to think of a distraction, the only thing that’s in his way is the changeling not falling for it. (They aren’t that smart though, so it may of been just as easy as it was in the episode) if he eventually made it to the throne room, he would of immediately been captured by queen crysalis. He couldn’t of broken the throne without catching attention, and he certainly doesn’t have the heart or brain process to make a whole entire speech about friendship.
Ok but like, did you ever wonder if Starlight, Twilight and Spike ever existed in the other timelines? Cause compared to the human universe wherein you can see their human selves, it’s never shown where Starlight, Twilight, and Spike are in the other timelines..
Depressing? Nah. This is a way to show if someone disappeared or never existed everything could go wrong. Everyone they love might be hurt or worse. The world could maybe even end. That's kinda inspiring
Ok. So here is the issue with your theory. Twilight may have not even affected the past by being there. The race went on as though nopony knew they were there. So what if they were there in the original timeline but it wasn't noticable. That means that they were destined to return to the past and leave an unchanged present. Like when twilight used a time spell to try to warn herself. It happened and it left the present unchanged. They were mostly where the racers (including Rainbow Dash) could see but they were too busy focused on the race to notice. I am sorry for doing this.
Simple, discord can travel between dimensions time and and space, dreams and timelines, fluttershy would beg discord to bring twilight and spike back and then when he does twilight will ask discord to bring starlight back and he will refuse until fluttershy ask him.
But if twilight, spike and starlight went into a different timeline that was identical then there would be 2 twilights, 2 spikes, and 2 starlight's. So I think that they went into the original timeline.
You think of timelines like they are parallel universes. I think they are not. Probably Starlight just changed original timeline several times. When Starlight and Twilight came back it still was the same universe but its past is a little bit different
This would probably be the timeline where nobody wins out. Keep in mind that, if Cozy and Tirek teamed up in a Chrysalis timeline, there could still be someone involved trying to stop them: the Changelings. Would they succeed, though? Maybe, maybe not. We know that Discord was affected, too...or was he? If I recall correctly, he didn't show up in School Raze at all. Who knows if he could have helped out the Changelings, since without the Season 6 finale happening, Discord would have no reason to find the Changelings to be a problem. This is the same guy who teamed up with Tirek, and Chrysalis and her army remained in unknown circumstances up until the Season 6 finale.
So here's the reason this mess happened: they really couldn't change the fact that they were there unless, Starlight did. And they didn't know this mess could happen. Simple right????
I think They actually were there in the Original Timeline. It’s just that Nobody ever noticed them, and we never saw them in the Flashback, but I bet they were just off screen. Rainbow Dash was too high on adrenaline to notice, so she never would’ve been able to relay the information to the modern day Twilight. There’s also the fact that Season 5 hadn’t been written by this point. So in all reality, we never actually left the original Timeline, aside from when Starlight stopped Rainbow Dash those 7 different times, leading to all the events we saw in the Episodes.
When starlight changed reality she MADE new timelines so there is no way that new one was sitting there wiith all the past already there, just an opinion
I personally think that them being at the rainbow was bound to happen no matter what and it’s kinda like those time loop thingys that I don’t like thinking about because they make me confused
0:48 >Unless we assume Starlight being there and Twilight talking her down was already part of the original timeline.
The Harry Potter franchise has a lot of logistical plot holes, but it handles time travel very cleanly. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and Serius are dying, but are then saved by future Harry, who traveled back in time. Present Harry survives (as the result of his future self's actions) and later in the story, travels back in time, becoming future Harry, who saves his past self. Basically, the actions of his future self were already part of the past. No alternate timelines exist because the original timeline required that he go back in time to ensure events would play out the way he experienced them.
And we have evidence that this is the same with Equestria's time travel. Exhibit A: "It's About Time," where Twilight travels back in time and (unintentionally) ensures the same course of events that caused her to travel back in time in the first place happen the way she experienced them. Future Twilight's appearance in past Twilight's library mandated that past Twilight's timeline would result in her becoming future Twilight and traveling back in time to maintain the timeline as it was supposed to happen.
There are way more than 9 timelines. Let's just say they leave the timeline of Rainboom. Twilight grows up founds the Mane 6 they do everything get to Starlight and the time travel part happens. Starlight and Twilight goes back in time and creates another universe with the same events as the AU the first Starlight created. The Original universe is probably in chaos, but there are more than 9 universes.
I think they went back but realized they couldn't see them so they went back but discovered that it was a timeline that has no Celestial or Luna so ponyvill was sad and disappointing so they went back and fixed everything and returned to there timeline
I like to think those timelines were just blips of possible timelines but nobody in them was real. It was just an illusion for understanding cause and effect so no alternative timelines were created, time was just paused as the 3 ventured through possibilities before they ended the illusion when starlight decided to go back.
Imma just say the reason she ended the illusion instead of the rest of the show being an illusion is just because she's just ultra overpowered with magic.
This is just what I tell myself to make less depressing. Take it if you want, leave it if you like the alternative worlds
And if we do go to this alt world I think they'd turn to sunset shimmer to figure out what happened to Twilight and everything. She could do it and she could probably find a solution somehow.
That theory couldn't be possible because eventually Twilight would run into the other Twilight from that universe and then they would know something is wrong.
well, Time Travel works when you interface with a certain someone from the past if you go back into the past without doing anything then things should seem normal, that forgotten world isn’t really there it’s still the first original world that the main 6 live in (if you get what i mean) that forgetten world would only exist if spike and twilight got stuck in one of the other time places they got sent to in my opinion
ik this isn't relevant to this but I was wondering if you had a theory on the different varieties of ponies like the sea poneys. also how that relates to the Umbra and what exactly are they
OR... It was all one timeline, that allowed itself to be temporary split. Almost like your destiny theory. So one fat line that split and came back to one big line
It think I know the change that would have happened. Someone saw Starlight, Spike and Twilight, and it could have messed with their head. So something could have happened between the time of the rainboom and the present
His voice ain’t helping the fact that it’s 12:42 am, and I decided to watch this for no reason. No offence to him, this was a nice video, so keep it up!
The way I see it, with The Magic of Friendship still being viable and all the removal of Twilight and Spike would mean someone else would end up filling their places somehow. Most if not all of their problems could still be overcome. I'm sure there is a lot that could have happened to compensate for their loss.
Yes but I think Luster or Flurry heart could be Twilights replacement Trixie might see sunburst since with snow covering his homeland he would have to move to some other land where trixie might meet up and relate to since she is a traveling magician then lister would happen and even though without Twilight to help her realize friendship is not useless her friends could tell old tales of their adventures and maybe she would realize it has worth and find other friends to help with chrysalis. On the other hoof remember when Twilight said Flurry was equestrias last hope if they failed? Flurry being the giggly hopeful child she is could gather other friends from other lands she could save the crystal empire beat chrysalis. Without twilight the world may still have luster and Flurry to save it. :)
I have not seen this episode, but I see how it would forcibly create another timeline. What happens in time travel does not matter, everything will and have happened (Twilight, Spike, and Starlight would have spontaneously not existed in one timeline, leading to the same tragedy).
if anything, their presence would be largely inconsequential. a few extra spectators wouldn't have much effect, and would likely be easily forgotten. it would be like going back in time to witness the cubs winning the 2016 world series in person. Yes, you get to see it happen, but apart from one extra ticket being sold, the only real change in the future would be that there was one extra person nobody paid any attention to. As a result, the future is largely the exact same, with the exception of a few bits of currency in different locations.
@Epik Gerbil Gaming Yes, even if you return to look at the first creature that came out from the sea to land and then return to the presence, you would return to different presence that could be exactly same ...
@Lunatic Flame i look at it like this: If you go back in time and move your car keys 5 inches to the left, everything from that point on would play out the exact same way because the change was so minor and inconsequential that the future played out the exact same way. the butterfly effect scales in correlation to the significance of the change, which is something i NEVER see anyone talk about. they always liken it to "moving a pebble 5years in the past will always result in the apocolypse in the present" or some asinine BS like that. because the restoration of the rainboom event was done in a way where their appearance would go largely unnoticed, the present was effectively reverted to the prime version.
I mean, if they couldn't merge back there would be one abandoned timeline and one timeline with 2 twilights, 2 starlights and 2 spikes? We have seen 2 twilights talk to each other in it's about time so why wouldn't that happen in this timeline?
Here's my theory if they want back in time then technically they're still version of herself so when they went all the way back then there would be two versions of herself and then they would be too but that isn't true so they probably did merge creating some super duper cool stuff
yes there's another timeline but think about it they went back in it but the scroll made a magical action doing a burst maybe the scroll turned then into the normal timeline idk how time travel works tho
When you talked about Sunburst being Sunset Shimmer's brother and Trixie and Sunburst being Luster's parents, could Luster be the niece of Sunset Shimmer?
I sure another comment has brought this up but! This would most likely wouldn’t do anything, as you said in the video the timeline likely merged as once changing it was alway like that.
Well, since we didn't know, what time itself is, we can't say what actually happen. But still, we didn't see original new timeline Twi, Spike and Glimmer, so It also could be old timeline.
Theory: there was also another twilight of the world twilight is in now so they switched places aka one twilight went to another world the twilight from that world went to hers then they would be identical places
I think that since there are no major changes that happened to affect anything majorly or even minimally that they still returned back into the same timeline also if they went into a new timeline where are the twilight starlight and spike of that other timeline? It just doesn’t add up or make sense so it was most likely since no major changes happened that they just returned back to the same timeline that they were from and everything just continued
If Twilight, Starlight and Spike abandoned the original timeline they should’ve find another Twilight, another Starlight and another Spike in the timeline they continued in
I've bin recently Going Back And watching stuff that I would always watch back when I was younger And rn I'm Going thru MLP stuff And damn it's bring me back a hole tone of nostalgia
3:56 she wouldnt have taken over as she took over for friendship, without Twilight then she wouldnt have met the small 6 and would have no reason to try and take over
A difference that MAKES no difference IS no difference. If nopony noticed Twilight, Starlight, and Spike and acted on it later, the two timelines would quickly merge. Even the butterfly effect relies on actions taking place (or not). Don't work yourself up over nothing.
But if they travelled to another timeline, twilight's friends recognised them so that means that theres another twilight, spike and starlight travelling to the original timeline so its like nothing changed (maybe)
4:08 I really don't like how you paint abandoned timeline as doom and gloom, how about this hypothetical, while Cozy Glow did still try her plan and succeeded, she unintentionally salvaged the timeline, sure no magic(like Gen 5 timeline... Hmmm) but atleast Chrysalis loses her magic as well. And since you buy the "butterfly effect" theory, how about this. Since timeline is so different, couldn't even cozy glow change? What if in this timeline she wants to drain magic to SAVE everyone, or atleast to spite Chrysalis.
Oh my god, I'm just recently getting back into My Little Pony since it ended and this right here? Wow very good analysis on the theory :) ❤️ (cries on the inside)
Doctor Hooves could've known about what happened if he stumbled upon it in his journeys, let the Mane 5 and Celestia know. But then does Doctor Hooves alter timeless when he goes in and out?......
But wouldn’t there but two copies of Twilight (albeit one is younger and the other is older) if the original stayed in the new timeline if they did stay there? The same can be said for Spike and Starlight
I actually think she changed the spell just to stop the rainboom so if they were there they would still go back to the time they returned to because she only wanted to stop the rainboom
I doubt this is the case now. In the My little manga comic a day in the life of equestria volume 3 (Which deals with an alternate timeline where the elements weren’t present with nightmare moon) Discord states that time corrects itself with these things and that mostly happens, well it turns into pony life. But still, them being there would have been even less of an correction, They probably got sent back.
After that twilight went to the equestria girl world and was remembered so I think that she might go to the same time line that she was in before or in the other time line you said
BLUE HUSH2021-07-23 16:20:50 (edited 2021-07-23 16:21:03 )
4:21 depressing and kinda engaging at the same time.
Technically if you are no time in Equestria then you should think about the beginning to the end of the show how long does it take to make all the seasons maybe then you'll know what
No defeance i think time treavel just work diffently.
Ex. WoW's WoD (video game. WoD = Warlords of Dranor) grarrsh hellscream time traveled and did some stuff to change the timeline of main timine but it never changed. It just crated it's own timeline and NEVER changed the main tyimline.
"The expansion is set after the events of Mists of Pandaria and takes place in an alternate universe on the world of Draenor, the original homeworld of the orcs as it appeared in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, prior to its destruction in the ending of that game and the creation of Outland as featured in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Legendary characters of Warcraft's past, such as Grommash Hellscream, Ner'zhul, Gul'dan, and Blackhand appear.[13]
At the end of Mists of Pandaria, Garrosh Hellscream is overthrown as Warchief of the Horde by a combined Alliance–Horde force and taken into custody by the Pandaren so that he can stand trial for the atrocities he committed in Pandaria. However, before he can be judged, Garrosh escapes captivity with the aid of Kairozdormu (a renegade bronze dragon) and travels to the orcish homeworld of Draenor 35 years in the past, prior to the rise of the Horde. As soon as they arrive Garrosh kills Kairoz then proceeds to change history by preventing his father Grommash from drinking the blood of the demon lord Mannoroth, which led to the orc's corruption by the Burning Legion and played a major role in the events of the first three Warcraft games. This interferes with history, creating an alternate timeline where the orcish clans unite into an "Iron Horde" by using technology Garrosh brought from his time. The Iron Horde begin a war of conquest on Draenor by killing Mannoroth and building a Dark Portal that allows them to travel through time and lay siege to the Azeroth of the present era.[14] The adventurers storm the Dark Portal and with the help of Khadgar fight back the Iron Horde Vanguard back into the alternate Draenor. The adventurers use the Iron Horde's own weaponry to destroy the Draenor side of the Dark Portal but are subsequently forced to flee in order to evade the full might of the Iron Horde. The Azeroth Vanguard flee to the docks and split into two ships; with the Alliance following the Draenei and the Horde joining the Frostwolf Clan. Afterwards, the Alliance and Horde establish bases with portals to Azeroth to bring in supplies and soldiers.
The Alliance and Horde and their Draenor allies fight back the Iron Horde and ultimately confront the escaped war criminal Garrosh Hellscream in Nagrand. Garrosh lashes back and the forces are saved by the intervention of Thrall who challenged Garrosh to mak'gora - a duel of honor that can lead to death. In the battle that follows, Garrosh initially has the upper hand and blames Thrall for his failures since Thrall picked him as Warchief, but Thrall countered that it was caused by his own choices. Thrall then kills Garrosh by using his elemental powers.
With the creator of the Iron Horde dead, the Alliance and Horde adventurers and their Draenor allies set to dismantle the Iron Horde. The adventurers storm into the Gorian Empire's capital of Highmaul to defeat the Iron Horde's allies. In the raid, the adventurers kill the Warlord of the Shattered Hand Clan, Kargath Bladefist. They proceed to slay the creations of the Gorian Empire, including the spellbreakers and the Sorcerer King Imperator Mar'Gok.
Later the Blackrock Clan, led by Warlord Blackhand, challenge the Horde and Alliance to assault their domain; the Blackrock Foundry. The adventurers take up the challenge by storming through the forge, destroying important Iron Horde machinery, and blocking further growth of the Iron Horde's weaponry. Finally, the adventurers arrive at Blackhand's crucible and slay him.
Next, Gul'dan confronts Grommash and the remnants of the Iron Horde. He again offers Grommash the blood of Mannoroth; Grommash not only refuses but also attacks Gul'dan but he is subdued by him. With Gul'dan's offer of ultimate power, Kilrogg Deadeye, the Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow Clan, ignores Grommash's warnings and drinks the demon blood. The fel blood corrupts Kilrogg, turning him into a monstrous fel orc. Gul'dan assumes control of the Iron Horde and Grommash is imprisoned. It is at this time that the adventurers, with the help of Khadgar, construct a naval fleet to invade Tanaan Jungle and take the fight to Hellfire Citadel to stop Gul'dan and his Iron Horde.
Throughout all this, Khadgar works alongside his bodyguard, the Night Elven Warden Cordana Felsong, to grant the Commander a powerful boon by helping them create a magical ring that will give them the edge they need to face Gul'Dan. Catching wind of their plan, Gul'Dan reveals that he has brainwashed the alternate version of Garona Halforcen and sends her to assassinate Khadgar and the Commander, but Garona is defeated and the spell over her is broken, allowing Khadgar and the Commander to not only gain her as a valuable ally, but also allow them to finish the ring. However, when the ring is finally completed, it is revealed that Cordana's doubts and frustrations with Khadgar's leadership, as well as corruption from a Shadow Orb she had recovered earlier, has allowed Gul'Dan to corrupt and brainwash her just as he did Garona, and the fallen Warden attempts to steal the ring on Gul'Dan's orders. The Commander defeats Cordana, but she escapes.
In the Hellfire Citadel raid, the adventurers slay Kilrogg and remnants of the Iron Horde. When confronted, Gul'dan resurrects Mannoroth only for the adventurers to kill him and free Grommash, who actually joins them. Gul'dan then summons Archimonde to invade Draneor and, with Yrel and Grommash's help, the adventurers kill him too. At the end of the battle, Archimonde in his final moment flings Gul'dan through a portal to Azeroth of the main timeline in order to fulfill his pact with the Legion, setting the stage for the next expansion."
"The alternate universe of the Warlords of Draenor expansion already existed prior to Kairoz and Garrosh's arrival. However, their arrival 35 years into the past of this universe has changed the course of history for this timeline."
I think that princess Celestia and princess Luna couldn't protect the land by them-selves, so in that case they would be powerless against the evil that is still in the land. speaking of that any pony at any time could become evil anywhere, it would be impossible for them to get to one side of the world to the other. So in my case of theory the land would become evil and sad, and it would be forgotten.
Hey sawtooth waves i got two theorys for you 1.if celestia, luna, cadence,twilight, and flurry heart are all considered princesses then whos the king and queen of equestira and can there be a king/prince so far in equestria history there has been no sign of a stallion ruler shure theres shining armor but other than him theres no good king/prince.
2. why is the human cadance the dean instead of princible after all pony cadance is ruler of the crystal empire and if the human pricible sinch is princible of crystal prep then what does that make the pony sinch.
I mean the only way they could of possibly split into the new timeline is if someone saw them and as a result their life was altered thats the only way that could possibly be possible
Wouldnt they asked discord? I think its safe to assume that discord would be their last resort if they didnt find twilight spike and starlight themselves?
No, twilight just time traveled back to the present. There is no posibility that twilight was gone in that alternated universe since they just time traveled back when they were just little foals so that multiverse is just doing as fine....
There’s one issue with this theory Where is the twilight, starlight and spike of the new timeline they came into? Because if the timeline they came into would have to be an exact copy so twilight, spike and starlight wouldn’t notice. So if they were a copy there would have to be a original twilight, spike and starlight in this timeline. What happned?
I honestly don’t think the Crystal Heart would be destroyed because first of all, Twilight offered she’d watch Flurry Heart with Pinkie and second she put both Pinkie and Flurry in a bubble because Flurry was flying around crazy and when she separated Pinkie and Flurry she started to cry which caused the heart to be destroyed but if Twilight wasn’t there, someone else would watch Flurry which might not cause her to destroy the Crystal Heart
technically all the stuff they did to try to fix it actually wouldn't make another timeline the only stuff that WOULD make a timeline is the major stuff when starlight prevented the rainboom all the stuff with twilight preventing it already happened to put it simply when you go back to the past and go back to the present nothing will change as you have already made those changes if that makes sense so when twilight persuaded starilight they would just go back to the same present
So if original Twilight ended up in alternate timeline number 9, where is the twilight from alternate timeline 9?
Power Girl2021-08-02 01:21:13 (edited 2021-08-02 01:23:35 )
Twilight other time line lives and also the reason discord was released from stone caused the main six Bonded with the Elements of Harmony so how did he escape in the new timeline
If there was a 9th timeline, there would be 2 twilights in the world, both would be alicorns cuz there is the castle and mane 6, so I'm pretty sure that there isn't a 9th timeline
(Spoiler alert) after I watched the episodes of Loki from avengers on Disney+ I noticed that there were time travel guards apparently??. But imagine if that happened with the ponies as well and with discord that would be a huge twist!
There's also nothing that says they dont travel to the original timeline. Sure, when heading to the future, we see multiple timelines, duh. But, this could be attributed to malice. Maybe there's some other half of the spell or so that shows that they returned to the original timeline. We don't know, because we can't really see it ourselves. What I propose is that the "Forgotten Timeline" Is the one they return to. Or, in other words, the only difference between the timelines is someone came from somewhere, then disappeared without another thought. Nothing more, nor less.
The Original Timeline stays the same, the one we see, the one we watch, etc. and it goes on with everyone at hand. The "Forgotten Timeline"- in my case, the top bar in his diagram- is the one with the extra three who appear and disappear for a few moments.
Honestly, I have a whole theory on timelines and universes and yahyahyah, but, too much for one comment, and especially since it doesn't fully relate to the video. But, perhaps at some point I can make a response, with art of m'own, just to discuss. It is an interesting topic, after all.
Also, to note, if it seems I trample over myself with the way I explained something, or if I come across as a broken record, I do apologize. ADHD is a helluva mental disorder, and it's hard to get my thoughts out properly 'cause of it.
Thank you for reading ze wall of text. Have a wonderful day/night/timezones're weird~! ~~Snowhead W. Blitz
Edit: I also forgot to say- and since TheStarryArcher1213 said it and reminded me- we see no doubles of Starlight, Twilight, or Spike, so that's a point to going back to the original timeline. The Tree Map also seemed to be connected to the spell, so it could be that the tree itself corrected where they would end up. It's called the Tree of Harmony, it probably has some play in the balance of time.
But at the crystaling pinkie was taken by twilight into a different bubble from fluffy heart, if twilight wasn’t there then they wouldn’t have been separated and the heart would not have been broken
I have a question for you. This has nothing to do with this video but something to do with the g5 movie ( had to comment on this because comments are turned off on the other one). What happened to all the different creatures? What happened to the dragons, hippogriffs, griffins, changlings, and all the others?
I figured out were all the elements of disharmony are. Ther in another dimension. The one were all the people are the opposite. So if everybody is opposite that means all the magic artifacts must be opposite
Another possibility is that they were there the entire time but we're never seen until now as time is a tricky and changing the past isn't truly possible unless you can perceive a way to prevent the impending paradox that comes with it cause if you change the past then you create an instance where you never needed to go back in time in the first place, if you see where I'm going with this then good on you, thus thus such an action would cause a distortion in reality, which may be what those alternate timelines are
If they went to a different timeline then where are the Twilight, Spike and Starlight from that timeline? Would they be in the timeline that was abandoned or smt- This is making me confused
The time chrysalis attached twilight was not a princess yet so this has nothing to do with this part because twilight would of disappeared after chrysalis tried to take over the crystal empire.
What if, the abandon world is the world we see in gen 6?! (Forgot If its 5 or 6) if magic was drained for equestrian by cozy glow? I don’t know how they would get the gems, but it’s just a theory 👌
Maybe other heroes would intervene , we have no parameters to tell all events would be the same or develop the same, maybe at the moment twilight disappear new heroes rise up.
Jeff Woods2021-08-05 23:26:41 (edited 2021-08-05 23:30:13 )
Ngl, this was really chilling to think about... The original world would've gone into chaos.. It's also to think about how Twilight's friends would finally figure out.
Edit: Wait! I just got a theory from a comment I saw. So, what if they went to another timeline like you said but the other Twilight & Starlight in the timeline they just went to, went to their timeline. (Aka, before the Starlight time travel thing) They had a big switch a woo because two of the same pony can't live in the same world
(Please don't point out Equestria Girls and that incident at the end of Friendship Games. I'm not really sure what happened after that)
What if this the timeline, the movie takes place in, Think about it. I would make sense, after the sisters' grew to old or passed on the once strong connections started to break and With Twilight's disappearance, they could very well grow warry of each other, heck Cozy glow could have become the leader of the Pegasus. And also why Sun has figures of Twilight as the same size as the other main six instead of her towering image, because she we last seen as that size.
We saw the effects of those three not being there eg. King sombra take over, the changlings with the other ponyville pony’s, that’s just a guess tho but it could have been true and only because Twilight visited those timelines she’s still known by her friends
what if mlp g5 takes place in the "forgetten world". I like the theory that u came up with in ur most recent video but what if the reason why the three pony tribes weren't together was because of twilight,spike and starlight being missing? It might be a stretch...
I just imagine are just doing their thing and then they find Twilight and Spike MISSING they put up posters all over Equestria but it doesn't matter they vanished Into Thin Air they learn to move on celestia can't find another Apprentice and that's the world that G5 is in it's really kind of dark if you think about it
Headcanon : the Last timeline wich had nothing and just empty space was the one they originally left and the rainboom had nothing To do with it. That is just the equestrua if twilight wasn't there
Time travel is very VEEEEEEEEERY different in the my little pony universe so yes they did connect back together and there is no ‘forgotten world’ how do I know this??? Because I watched it over and over again before I saw it it’s complicated to explain and also I’m saying this so nobody (ehem) or pony would get they’re childhood destroyed like blowed up by TNT so hope that helps :D
I think they go back to the original timeline when Twilight go to Canterlot High to response the Sunset Shimer call from the frienship games. Or this is the timeline where the Human Sunset Shimmer go, to equilibrate the twiligt absense. Even the human Starlight can be here in the abandoned timeline.
What if this is the timeline where cozy glow does drain magic from mlp world into equestria girls world and thats why they lost the magic in the new generation but they got magic back bc someone in equestria girls world went into mlp world?
Wait... Nameless? Timelines? Different worlds? You wouldn't have happened to have read the Crystal Ball Trilogy by RQK, have you? Edit: nevermind, saw the pinned comment, explained it to me (Though I would still recommend reading that trilogy as the 2nd story plays with the alternate timelines idea)
I can morph into you maybe I could add in the argument that the tarorous dog didn't give it powers at all because it had to be calmed down this would make a weak stat and the magic would have been easily taken by force twilight did that ofc and the gate guard dogs separated.
Here’s a theory! ( SPOILERS FOR THE MLP GEN 5 MOVIE!! ) so in the movie we figure out that something happened to the main six that made earth pony’s, unicorns, and Pegasus separated and lose their magic, blaming it on each other. So what if this movie wasn’t only taking place in the future but also in that abandoned universe? With out Twilight the other 5 wouldn’t have their six element and leader. Twilight won’t be able to rule of that universe like she did with the one we see her in, at the end of gen 4. In the movie we know that the main 6 had to have been famous for something as Sunny ( the protagonist in gen 5 ) has toy dolls of the main six, it would make sense that the main 6 would be famous even before this happened. God this is confusing 😅 sorry if the explanation is bad! I’m not so good at explaining <3
If twilight never went behind starlight , starlight would go to another time and everything will be the same BUT! without starlight equestria would be doomed😑🙄
Another bit of possible indication of that is. Starlight remembers Sunburst shoving her aside and when she showed Twilight he didn't. Either she exaggerated when retelling it to Spike, or time traveling to Sire's Hollow changed things.
What if the last timeline was THE FUTURE? I have my own little theory.
The dry, apocalyptic timeline? That was the future. Starlight is one of the most powerful unicorns. Equestria would no longer be. Instead, in G5, it was A DIFFERENT PLACE. After the apocalypse all the ponies left. How, exactly, did this apocalypse come? War. So, Twilight's dead in this last `timeline`. Sunset, instead, was the ruler. Princess Sunset still had that evil inside her... And it showed. She started a war with... Surprise! ALL THE OTHER SPECIES. Yeah. So the other species lost. All deceased. And by the evil that Sunset still had, the apocalypse was made. She decimated Equestria. So the ponies moved to a new place. New Equestria. And after that G5. Tell me what you think! Thank you for listening to my TED-Talk.
Maybe g5 is taking place in the original timeline? Like, the disapearence of the princess of friendship would drive all the pony races into paranoia and distrust? Idk
Imagen if that abandoned time line is where G5 play out. That's just a theory that came to my mind when I heard you said that about the abounded timeline. I just find it interesting and working if that was possible.
(This probably won't be noticed but if that could be a working theory I would liked to see a video about it if it's a possible theory)
Could the forgotten timeline have lead to the events of the next generation movie and the change of location on the map associated with it due to the events of the crystalline and potentially the frozen north spreading??? Just a thought.
If you are sad, i am too. But i have created a perfectly logical and short explanation of how they still came back to their original time line. Nopony saw them right? If so, the only thing that would really change is the hoof prints on the cloud. Which isnt a big deal. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I always wanted to see a timeline where Cozy glow, Tirek , and Queen Chrysalis took over Equestria and I think this might be it. Here me out, if Chrysalis took over Equestria Cozy glow would still most likely pen pal Tirek and have tried to drain all magic from Equestria. and maybe before she could finish she was discovered by a changeling guard/solder and taken to Chrysalis who allowed her to do it under the condition that changelings get to keep there magic or something and Cozy was successful and it allowed the changelings to keep an even more firm grip on the ponies now being the only ones with magic. As thanks Chrysalis let Cozy become her royal adviser and Cozy told her that Tirek had told her how to drain all magic from Equestria and Cozy now has a reason to break him out of Tartarus and bring him back. After that this mostly progress like in our timeline Cozy glow still forces them into a weird family dynamic and things go on as normal. Same ending, completely different circumstances. What do you think? 😊
SAWTOOTH I HAVE A QUESTION:"so in the episode where all of the cutie marks are switched pinkie has trouble on the farm.so how does she connect with earth?she's she's party planner but she is an earth pony that has nothing to do with land?pls do a video explaining this.
Oh my goodness dimensions don't work like that every dimension has its own present pass and future this is impossible I know a lot about stuff like this my dad claims to be from another dimention so I hear a lot about stuff like this
The "voice acting" ruins it, both in writing and in execution. Just tell us your case normally. Voice acting only works when you've got the experience to do it. This isn't the case.
If there was a second timeline then cozy glow wouldn’t want power and the magic of friendship because first we saw Cozy glow when she was crying by a tree asking for help cmc do you really think she will want that power
Yes she saw how powerful friendship is at twilight's school but if twilight wasn't there then even the school wouldn't be there I think and even the artifacts wouldn't be there in the school Sorry if I made any spelling mistakes
this is unrelated but in that one episode where pinkie pie made duplicates of herself and they had a test to find out whos the real one what if they brought away the wrong pinkie pie and the current pinkie isnt the pinkie from the beginning
Also don’t you think that in this different timeline where they were present wouldn’t there be 2 twilights 2 spikes and 2 starlights each doing what they were originally doing
or its part of the original time line that there is 3 more spectater there because lets be honest we are watching the rainboom from ranbowdashs perspective i dont think she will notice 3 spectaters while in a race also if it was a diffrent timeline the map will send them back it knows what its doing
I've seen something like this before. Have you played red alert in your childhood well the same thing happened. After WW2 in 1946 Einstein created a machine called the paradox device it's basically a Time machine, so what he did was kill Hitler in 1924 many years before his rise to power. By doing a hand shake with Hitler Einstein was sent back to 1946 his timeline but he accidentally created a new alternate universe The red alert timeline. In this new timeline WW2 happens but the Reich did not start the war but it was the Soviet union that started the war if you played the games and other Command and conquer games Tiberian and generals you will know.
Sawtooth: Nameless! Nameless: what is it? Sawtooth: if you go back in time and return without changing anything, does it still branch of into it's own timeline? Nameless: so you want to know the secrets of time itself now, huh? Do I look like a search engine to you? Oh! I have a time travel question. Let's NAMELESS it.
Wait a minute, sawtooth you are still in the first timeline so you should know if it changed since you and didn't go with twilight,Spike, and starlight . So if they are in your timeline than you will get your answer and don't need nameless to answer it . Sorry, I just thought about this after watching the video also your the best! 😅🙂
In the mirror thing when pinkie cloned herself they kill the real pinkie. Proof is- the pinkie that survived told the clone story that she went in the water to clone herself- the real pinkie pie never touched the water.. she pulled the clone out of the water…..
I was on the grind for two days, just so I could finish the Archon quests and even get to Inazuma. I'm finally there, and yeah, I took a break just to watch Saw's new vid. Worth it
probably not,if so where would the Twillight,Spike,and Starlight of this new timeline theyve arrived be?
Best case scenario:The timelines merged again. Worst case scenario:the spike,twilight,and starlight of this 9th AU are on the 1st universe OUR spike,twi,and starlight left from.
A little change in history can snow ball for future twilight said it herself clearly there is a wasteland time line a time line we’re there is nothing But what if it was the forgotten time line without the element of magics without twilight what could the world turn into well a wasteland There is more proof but the wasteland and forgotten timeline click together I know the forgotten timeline should include twilight sparkle ✨ Friends but what if they lose hope loosing a person who you care about so much they would pass away but without the main 6 the barriers Of the elements of harmony nobody stopping the villains that will come after the world will become a wasteland no princess celestia no Luna Because looking at there ruined world they would pass away even before passing away celestia could not have tried to look for new barriers The main6 were the only barriers in that time and the students in friendship school 🏫 could never be next in line to become the barriers So I think the forgotten timeline and wasteland timeline are one Sawtooth plz put this theory in the next video 😜😜😜😜
It's just a idea, but now that we've see the film, maybe the G5 is the timeline abandonned by Twilight, Spike and Starlight. In the movie, the three species of pony live apart and the magic is gone. Prehaps after the Twilight's demise, the Mane 6 failed to stabilize and federate friendship and has Twilight faded his element of harmony completely lost his magic causing the other in the process.
The proof, we don't even talk about the wendigos in the movie. They don't even seem to exist ! And we don't even know if a Unicorn can raises the moon or the sun ! We don't talk about it at all ! So, here's my theory : Maybe after the Twilight's demise, Equestria descends into chaos. But not one of Discord can create and control ! This chaos is none other than Fear. Keeping her cool to a minimum, Celestia ask to the Mane 6 and Discord to find Twilight. Several weeks, then months, then years pass. The purple alicorn and the little dragon are not found. Even Discord can't do it. Moreover, he noticed than the more time passes, the less he manages to control his magic.
In fact, it's not that he no longer control her, he loses her ! Other events are noticed too. Pegasus can no longer fly, land ponys lose their forces and Unicorns no longer have Magic. Even Celestia and Luna can not control the sun and the moon.
The stars are completely out of control, circling around Equestria without magical insistence. In addition, the Everfree forest begins to invade them ! Then looking the for clues, they all go to the tree of Harmony. If the other elements still works just a little. Twilight's element broke. Seeing no other solutions, the Princesses, the Mane 6 and Discord travel thé Cristal empire. They choose three cristals (when the cristals unite at the end of the movie, it looks like the Northern Light when the cristal heart activates.)
On Cadance advice, they shapes them and incorporates what remains of the Pegasus, terrestrial and Unicorns Magic. Celestia, Luna and Discord will die in the process.
Mane 6 then brings back the crystals and announces the death of the princesses. The fear is then much stronger and more present in Equestria, but the Mane 6 more or less manages to control all that. We Can imagine that one part or another Sunset and Tempest Shadow will join them for help. Sunset no longer to able to use magic in human World, would use the last shards she has to somehow get back to Equestria and get stuck here. Tempest, first sent by the Storm king to steal the magic, will notice that no longer exists and stay with the Mane 6 for protect the three crystals.
A semblance of Harmony is then established. But being afraid, the ponies no longer speaks to other creatures (goodbye yaks, dragons, griffins or other...). We Can imagine that the descendant of Mane 6 took over after a while and in turn protects the crystals. But conflicts begin to set in and more than once the crystals have been nearly stolen or destroyed. For more security, the descendant (Unicorn, Pegasus and terrestrials) decide to separate them, One species each taking its own and each settling in a different city.
The Unicorns moves to the ancient Ponyville, now covered to the Everfree forest. The Pegasus settled in the high Montains and rebuild the old Canterlot. And the terrestrials building a small town by thé sea. The centuries pass and the old Equestria, the Crystals and the Mane 6 are now only historys, and tales and legends that are told to the young foals. The three species have a boundless hatred towards each other. Only a stalion and his daugther Sunny still believe that friendship is possible between all ponies. So, begins the G5 movie ! So what do you think ? Do you think it's good ? Sorry for my vocabulory language, I am french 😅😊.
Well even if they did go back to a different one you're assuming a new timeline was created meaning there is another twilight there an that twilight just going to do the exact same thing and the twilight will keep moving universes,/timeline for every
Umm, mr sawtooth. Do you know that camp everfree has sunsets shimmers element? But in the actual pony world there is only 6 elements? Even though there just parralel universe
what about the original twiling spike and starling in the current timeline or the timeline they teleported to shoudnt there be another spike twiling and starling there
Not to mention, Equestria without Twilight is like the Whoniverse without the Doctor. Everything would fall apart as soon as these particular individuals were removed.
Manha Ali khan 2021-11-23 16:34:33 (edited 2021-11-23 16:39:07 )
I don't think there is a 9th time line. They are in their own time line. They are home
What if when spike, starlight and twilight we're gone Celestia would have to find a new replacement for Twilight and that is Sunset Shimmer so thats why in the equestria girls Sunset Shimmer is part of the six elements. :>
I understand this, but the world twilight traveled to, would have the same events that happened so, doesn’t that mean, that the world twilight originally came from, would have the twilight from the other world, if so nothing changed except different twilight’s would go into different worlds.
Well... one option is that no new future is created but the past itself is altered. Think loop movie. When finger is cut from young you the old one loses it but it may not have the memory or the memories come back depending on the person. Instead of new world the previous one is altered. Like in game setting game on peaceful and all hostile mosnsters buffed away. When you set normal back the monster you named Woll is back. Or turning between online and offline in dark souls, your friend is still your friend :^)
Btw u forgot that the new main six also wouldn’t come because twilight wouldn’t open the school and the tribes wouldn’t come and that concludes to no new tree house :(
But also it wouldn’t make sense because if it was a different time line then there would be another twilight unless the both twilights from both dimensions both traveled together and switched time line in that case everything would still be normal just twilight starlight and spike have swiped time lines
I think it turned to be g6 when all ponies split in to 3 tribes unicorn, earth pornies, and pegaside they all fought till sunny saved the tribes bye becoming a alicorn.
I think this theory is right, BUT I think that other twilight the twilight from a bit of the past went to the original timeline and all went the same with that it isn't the same twilight but there is one and our twilight is on another universe
if they went to the present of the alternate timeline in and the world is saved and everything's fine then where did the twilight from the alternate timeline go to?
How was Discord able to break free of his stone prison in the discord timeline since the reason he did break free was because the CMC were arguing which created enough chaos to set him free and the CMC would never form because they only did when they attended diamond tiara’s party which was hosted at the sugar cube corner which would be out of business without pinkie pie’s influence since the only reason she moved to ponyvile was to spread laughter to the citizens there. Ugh, guess I better Nameless it.
The timeline might be the wasteland.. with the villans, all the snow, and an element short.. the universe, the ponies, Equestria.. is destroyed. And G5 never exists..
Do you think all the villains would fight for who becomes equestrias ruler and then Princess celestia will have her chance to defeat the weakened villain that survived😳
SAWTOOTH I HAVE HUGE NEWS ABOUT HOW THE PORTAL TO THE HUMAN WORLD WORKS!!! THE DIAMOND DOGS THAT KIDNAPPED RARITY TURN INTO HUMANS IF THEY CROSS THE PORTAL!!!! I was rewatching the movie Rainbow Rocks and at time 28:41 I saw the dogs AS HUMANS!!!! PLSSSSS SEE THIS!!! I'm really shocked abt this cause i thought that they would just turn into dogs
nah that ain't happening, cuz there will be two twilights in this world - adult and kid, adult returned to the main timeline and twilight as a kid get's a cutie mark
OR the og timeline had the trio when the rainbow boom happened! they were returning to og timeline, branching it off on one moment. what if they were meant to go back there and do this, because thats what really happened?
I think if it would be true then there would be a other twilight bc maybe that twilight may have gone to the original if this theory is true and maybe they just switched places maybe
Hold on, if there are multiple alternate universe, wouldnt there be alternate timelines for the human world? If so i assume it has something to do with something happening to sunset as she brung the two worlds together. However it may have domething to do with the human worlds ORIGINAL sunset.
Well I don't think that the rainboom will bring them back to there own timeline because when starlight stop rainbow dash to make the rainboom the others have gone ahead and that will affect the timeline when they both of the rainbow from the original and the copied world they have make the rainboom in a different time. So that means they are still in the copied world but they just skip all the way to the to there original place in the copied world.
Wait that make me think do the copied timeline twilight went to the past just like the original twilight.
Normally I would comment on my main account, but I don't have access to it at the moment. When there's little to no variance in a, what do you call, timeline, we'll call them timeline A and timeline B, they do merge back together. This is because the divergence number hasn't changed significantly. Everything continues normal in both of them. You would perceive this as I merge. It's very difficult to explain this in a way individuals like yourself can understand it, but if you have any further questions don't hesitate to reach out to me
Idk but maybe Sunset Shimmer may replays Twilight but different wayyyyy different or somebody else that is like Twilight. It's a real head-scratcher for me.
I'm going to make my own scary timeline When the rain boom happen rainbow dash died from doing a super rainbow The other main five still get their cutie marks except for rainbow dash because she died from Sonic rainbow The other early quest area still stays the same This time the elements only has five they couldn't defending nightmare Moon without the other element Aand then nightmare Moon banned Celestia to the Moon And then nightmare Moon destroys Twilight library house and Spike died Discord doesn't break out of stone Twilight tries to figure out a plan to stop nightmare Moon and it's still sad after Spike's death And then Twilight tries to make this thing power and it's like this black thing and possesses you it's first host is Twilight sparkle And twilight kill nightmare moon
Damn sawtooth you ruined my childhood but if you watch other time travel things , they go back to the, timeline they were in so twilight went back which means probably g5 will be one of the other timelines . But these are all theories and I’m sure hasbro wouldn’t want to make it dark and crush our hearts into bits and pieces so we wouldn’t sue them
@SawtoothWaves I'm going to write a fanfiction about life in this forgotten world. I'm going to give credit to you for the idea, but could I use the thumbnail for the fanfic? It's okay if not.
Cidney Poshi
19 minutes ago
can you please make a video of the 7th alternate time line, the wasteland? What was the cause of this time line? I think it was Starlight Glimmer. Please make the video ASAP!
Sawtooth Waves, then what happened to the pony of shadow (in the real time)? Cause he actually banished in the human world but there is movie or news about that?
OR Twilight and the rest went to a timeline were that world's twilight went to another and the world they left behind was back to normal as a twilight from another timeline came to that world so on so fourth 😉
Maybe the timeline that when they were there in the rain boom is fine because starlight twilight and spike returned to the timeline that when they weren’t there the rain boom happend so everyone is safe
The 9th timeline could never be joined back with the old once it’s made you can’t go back and even if the timeline did join back wouldn’t aquestria have a lot of questions to ask like we’re they were
This gives me a lot of questions on the 7 universes how did apple jack get her original cutie mark without the rainbow to point her back how did pinkie bring the partie to her family how did rarity discover her love of fashion how did flutter shy realise her awsome controll over animals how did twilight still become a allicorn how did rainbow dash go at the speed she loved to realise her love of wining they might of had the same destiny but how did they figure it out
Wait... If the original timeline really is true was abandoned, then the new generation (The new season) might take place in that timeline since the new mlp looks very human-like? 'Cuz Unicorn has no magic, the three tribes aren't united like in Equestria does (Like how irl there are many races and it's an issue like there is racism and there is also a culture shock between races, like how the earth pony was shock and freaked out when they see unicorn and has many assumptions about them like we see on the trailer), the Crystal Empire might turn into Antarctica without the Crystal Heart, and the Mane 6 is just a legend in the new season. So in my theory if the original timeline was really abandoned, imo the new generation is from that timeline.
What if tirek destroyed the chest and the tree of harmony before the mane six got there what would happen because we saw tirek destroy the forest what if he hit the tree of harmony and the chest would the mane six still win or not would tirek steal the magic Pearl power hippogrifs and could tirek still the changelings magic or could he not because of the throne because if the mane six lost then the changeling never would of reformed so would the magic force Field give all the magic back or not because we saw that tirek can steal changeling magic could he steal the force field magic and steal all the changelings magic and keep going till he had all the magic or something else but what do you think sawtooth
I just started watching your vids so if you are right what happened to the abandoned world what happened to the starlight glimmer twilight and spike from the world we know??
Hi saw tooth i know this is a old video but yes flurry heart would be born but in the clip it looks like flurry started crying because pinkie pie stoped holding onto her so the mane 5 wouldn't have to go to Crystal empire pinkie pie wouldn't stop holding her because she wouldnt be there and crystalis wouldnt have been attracted to flurrys love and they would have been gone and without twilight the school of friend ship wouldnt be open and cozy glow wouldnt be crying by the crusaders tree house for twilights school test there for it would just be normal and the would just have to get used to not living with twilight
Maybe the Twilight from the new timeline went to the old timeline and the one from the old timeline went to the old timeline. •-• Or it's just the same timeline and I'm an idiot.
u r wrong bc then what happened to the twillightin the duplicated world starlight,spike and twilight returned to the main world that we know no other timeline was created due to this change but there is another fact we can look into so in the episode where twilight goes to tell her past self that something is very wrong in the future it does make a huge impact in the future so even if future twilight just went into that world for 1 second and past twillight saw her it would change how twilight thinks and make a huge impact in the future so I don't think that being present in the past does not make any difference I just think that it dosen't change the timeline thus it only makes a loop that keeps on happening instead of traveling to another realm and ending the loop
Maybe they came Back to the original world and left the world where they were for a short few seconds live the rest normally but some ponies would just feel a disturbance in the force
What if they ARE in the different timeline but its similiar situation as last time with twilight,new twilight from different timeline came into her place etc.
If there was a different but similar time line would 'nt there be a Different twilight sparkle who also tried to stop starlight from preventing the rainboom🤔🤔🤔🤔
When it rlly was like that.. wouldn't there be an ohter Spike,Starlight and Twillight? And when it would give them then it might gives some option's! Maybe they where going back in time too and then land in the Original dimension ,but where are they if they are real?
Holy shit that's sad I think that what you said would happen but something different with Celestia she and twilight were really close sending letters spending time together she was like her daughter and now she has to rule equestria I think that'd be enough to snap and you know what that means DAY BREAKER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 EQUSTRIA WOULD BURN TO THE GROUND
Sawtooth I'm a changeling as well I take place as an alicorn and I'm as powerful as flurry heart so I can go to divorce realm I think that's where the real statue.
Hey no one saw them In the past? No one could remember seeing them. What if they was there in the original. Just like the loop with future Twilight warning her past self about the future. No one saw them, so they weren't in the flashback
If its a seperate timeline, then where are the alternate spike twilight and starlight? Are they still there? Did they go back to the original timeline?
MLP s forgetten World is from future, Twilight Sparkle in finale has change to Real Alicorn but has later been to gone, And in new generation Sunset Shimmer has ruler of eqwestria?
Well that should mean in the first timeline twilight was lost because she went to other timelines and came to a new timeline where there exists no other twilight.. Then that timeline............. Must've been the first timeline she left! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If they really went back to that moment that means that in the origenal they were also there becuse that woud just mean that they were at 2 places at the same time but in diferent ages (What if in the origenal timeline they where also there)
I don’t think it is true because when they came back all of them was happy to see them and I don’t really think that makes kinda sense for me 😅 it’s not another world because if it was I feel like half the world would change
perhaps this is why in the new mlp movie gen 5? frenship lost its purpouse in another vid u mentioned perhaps winter drove poinies away sooooooo maybe the movie is set in the left behind timeline
Wait your wrong because they went back to the 1st world so the 2nd world wouldn't be abandoned because baby twilight was still in the world and if I was wrong there would be 2 twilight's in the same world
if a timeline it like a line of water it block with your hand witch time travel it redirect but water somehow find it way back together but if the route is too different then it never merge
Sawtooth waves make a theory about why dont tirek takes discord power in the end of the end when he takes it in princess twilight sparkle does grogars bells multiply power or something bc he said no being can handle discords power when he can
Its 10pm where I am and u maid me think😐 Also I watch alot of realistic syfi cinda programs aswell and by there logect at some point if there is 2 timelines they will collide🤯
Ok so what if your first theory is true wouldn't all the ponies be at war with each other and the villains. Like : windigoes, sombra, cozy, chriseles and terek
Umm sorry to delete your theory from the world of mlp Mr. waves, but this is not possible at all, and all thanks to Discord: You said yourself that he lives in between worlds so wouldn't he probably know if the 3 ended up in another world but we totally see discord acting as NORMAL as he can be, without a warning or even a surprised look next time he shows up.
Ok I commented on this before, but there’s 1 more I forgot to address. Sunset Shimmer. What if Sunset also got news that Twilight was gone in this abandoned timeline?
This doesn't make sense because then where are the original twilight and spike in the timeline they went to? If they somehow dissapeared the mane 6 would've had a reaction
Louise Driscoll2022-05-27 05:27:38 (edited 2022-10-15 07:19:21 )
Because I watched this I got recommended sunset shimmer sleeping asmr
What about when twilight become an alicorn at the end of season 3 ? She just teleport to celestia own world that she could turn normal unicorn into alicorn , i mean when twilight just teleport to celestia's world is morning in ponyville but when she came back is turn to night and her friend elements are gone. I just wonder why ik its weird to some people but it could be some detail you may not know or foget?
....... I left this fandom about 2 years ago(distracted by anime) ..... Now i returned..... WHEN DID PONIES TURNED THIS DARK??? Yeah sure the fananimations were creepy sometimes.... Khm rainbow factory... Smile song ect.... BUT this is a theory THAT IS SO CREEPY IN CANON.... AND. IT. IS. CANON....
True it’s probably Possible that the timeline split up but it is possible that the third timeline like a 10th timeline could’ve appeared due to result of this abandoned timeline because he’s gonna end up destroying the balance of everything so this could end up causing multiple timelines to start glitching out like a lotta bad stuff happening I don’t know I could be also reading too much into this
he is frogeting about one thing furry heart twilght didn't cure the heart furry heart did when furry heart grew up maybe she was the only hope in this timeline so furry heart probably had to learn the same things twilght did to become the new ruler of equrasita
I think it may have become the human world and Pinkie pie was stuck in there and then went back for the first time in the portal closed pinkie pie was stuck
Then how did Ash get back to the real world if he was in an different universe magic from the Pokémon there and yes there’s a Pokémon a reference if you don’t know Pokémon I’m fine with it
Lol my out dated ass has a perfect series for this video, here is my theories
entity can't just disappear in time/dimension regardless what, they simply moved on to the next dimension, and because dimensions all to getter forms circle, the twilight simply shifted one dimension upward and no entity Is lost, so no ne twilight replacement isneeded 😉 ya probbly no one will understand that
Without twilight shit would go down badly its probably not a very good timeline whatever its like or maybe they were always at the first rainboom so everything is just a loop
if you look at the discord timeline carfully you would have noticed that the tree of harmony would have died since discord did not tell the mane 6 but i notticed that not one of those timelines had somthing special somthing connected to the tree somthing the mane 6 use againts evil the elements
if your theory is true that means and if tirek cozy glowv and crysalis stil team up that means that their old world is ruled over by tirek cozy glow and crysalis
I don't believe this as this show is a kids show and they would not have any things depressing to think about in it. They wouldn't add a mystery we would have found out by now aswell.
Um Hey sawtooth can i ask something?i have a question....WHOS THE DARK PRINCESS?!?! I MEAN THERES FLURRY UEART YOU MADE A THEORY OF FLURRY BEING THE LIGHT PRINCESS....I MEAN clears throat ok its not luna..cuz if shes the dark princess wouldnt celesta be the princess of light plz solve this i have been trying to solve this mystery myself for months....
Or in that race raibow dash saw them and when he brought the storie to twilight they tell it to celestia and she us a special memory see spell and show their image and after that dash and twilight became much closser
Uh Sawtooth the way I see it the timelines wouldn't diverge ever heard of 2 timelines combining to become one in the same the way you are talking it wouldn't be an abandoned timeline it would be 2 timelines combined into one
The seventh world was when twilight starlight and spike went the fake world because when they left it became nothing with out twilight starlight and spike they would have no idea how to Defeat the bad guys.
Something doesn't feel quite right about this time travel problem the more I think of it. Maybe because I watched Doctor who, but I feel like there is a possibility of these seven timelines staying alive is hard.
Last I watched this episode its hard to say if Starlight stopped Rainbow Dash at the exact same time every attempt. There are a handful of problems with this that being at work causes problems to type fully. So I'll give brief points and a followup.
1) If Starlight stopped RD in multiple points in the race, then the problem is clear to see. If RD is stopped earlier in the race, she can't be stopped later due to never appearing. Thus that timeline can't be reborn or created
2) If they [the multiple Starlights] stop RD at the same time, then how did seven come to be? How can they all not see eachother and cause problems that way?
3) The time scroll was destroyed. How do we know that didn't act as a reset to ensure what happens, happens?
I'm sure I'm just overthinking it because I'm bouncing back and forth at work currently, but I feel like these are important to consider somehow.
I'll be as direct as possible. I quote Rick from Rick and Morty when I say everything exists in space. If you want the long answer, read on. It is just a matter of which numbered nigh-infinitesimal goes where it goes. Just don't ask me the difficult questions as I can't answer those. I'm better off not knowing for sure. I know you didn't ask me-- not exactly anyway; then again, I don't want to leave you hanging. Make your own call. If your level is high enough, in theory, you could just Plane Shift a whole Sub-plane. Again, it is just a matter of numbering each piece and putting them back in place. I can't say though that time would play /in reverse/ half of time's duration after time started as that makes a lot of assumptions about the rubber-band effect of actions and reactions. There is a possible D&D stat called Faith, and if someone used a Transformative check and call, one might not even need to do numeration hax of every single speck and could in theory bring something back exactly as they called it, but again, there is likely a callback to the influence and therefore no real turn back in equal kind. As for what kinds of magics would infer this to exist perfectly or an example of what kind of magic could lead to such a result, let's just say being told not to use someone as a search engine is not just a river in Egypt figure-skating. Use your imagination. I will warn that a Nat 20 will only bring the highest /reasonable/ result on a d20 for being... the highest roll you can get naturally on a d20. Say for example you jokingly told a King that you will declare proclamations in his/her alleged image for the next week. And you roll a Nat 20 for Charisma check. Congratulations, the King will not slaughter you. The King may even let you keep /one/ of your rights. Who knows how lucky I would get around a dragon if I rolled a Nat 20 for... any statistics? Not to mention the possibility that the dragon has stat-scrambling hax. Better to not pry.
I hate you, for having such good theories, you need to stop ruining mlp for me, because I will never be able to not think about this when watching mlp.
Idk this is a bit farfetched like mabe the 2 ponies and spike were their when it happened but when we saw it through rainbowdashes eyes she didn’t see them
Hmmm I think the forgotten world is not that bad think of it this way the. Ponies would do all that but when they lost hope fluttershy would probably tell discord and seeing how sad she is would probably go back in time to see what happened following twilight with some ghostly spell which will prevent her from seeing him. Then he would tell fluttershy. I'm not sure what would happen next but at least they would know what happened and try to solve it and who knows what really happened?
How would the other paradoxill world be the same if they didn’t have the main 3 to make it look like there world they live in than? Oulndt there be a ulternet Spike Twilight and the other one to make that diffrent time line be there and wouldn’t the other ponies in that time line have memory of them?
I am writing this while Doing mY homework cause my mom is in the Bath room And I get time to WriTe thaT' This weirdly Amazing theory is veryyyyyyyy likely '(Big brain me)🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😘😘😘
I think this means nothing. This could be another paradox like the (Its about time episode) that in the cutie marc chronicles maybe spike starlight and twailight is already in the clouds, another time paradox where shes already there, i mean the rainbow is diffrent cuz the rainbow in the prime timeline is horizontal not vertical so this could be a diffrent one but i still think its just a time paradox
i think the seventh aka the timeline where nothing is left maybe MAYBE daybreakers timeline as one of her lines said "i will destroy anyone who i see"or something like that
(I'm not from england so this is not maybe right) but anyway are twilight and Princess Luna some kind of cousins or something, because both of they colors are like night and twilight's dad has two moons in his cutiemark and Luna have one. Shining Armor has stars on his cutiemark twilight and her mum have too!!! And shining Armor and celestia have the same skin color. Luna, shining Armor and his mum have also blue eyes🤔🤔🤔
Sun cat Studios2021-10-15 17:24:53 (edited 2021-10-15 17:26:02 )
Yes you'd be right but it is possible that haff the villains would still attack but I would say that it's most likely it would be like twilight just never existed and instead some one else was the princess of magic though it is possible that after the fact of them coming home that time line would merge together but if they let's say we're not noticed then no nothing would change nothing would happen and every thing would be fine
I'm just thinking... You just explained the Bootstrap Paradox with Twilight going back to tell herself not to worry, just like The Doctor going back and telling himself which lever to pull. And here you talk about the "Original Timeline" when Starlight prevents the Rainboom, but.... That comes after It's About Time, and There! is the question... With all the zig-zagging in the timeline to get to the "self-fulfilling prophesy", is anything after that episode still the same timeline as when the girls defeated Nightmare Moon?
I wish twilight was back in the world because how are they gonna fight and then their friend is gone now I can't ask my little pony can you change it because it doesn't have the thing I can speak So I miss twilight sparkle at that world with their friends😨😭😢😰😱😥😓😅
I think Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were ALWAYS there from the start. We just never saw them there before. Think of Back To The Future and how the reason Doc lives is because Marty already went back, sure things do change at the end but Doc explains that as the ripple effect in part 2. I guess a better example would be Bill and Ted with how the broke the historical figures out of jail, the traps they set were already in place because they would go back in time later to set them. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were always there, them just doing nothing and going back simply kept the timeline on the original path is all.
Brian Shoubert2021-07-27 02:39:43 (edited 2021-07-27 02:55:06 )
The season 5 final episodes was the first MLP episodes I saw. With these episodes, I started watching the MLP series in 2016.
I love this two series! About different timelines: I think the Doctor Whooves with his TARDIS could help with the answer to the question of what is happening there in the alternate timelines.
I think everything boils down to three possible outcomes depending on what happens to the timelines: 1- the timelines reunite and everything goes on like usual 2- the timelines stay separated, meaning that the original timeline would end up magicless thanks to Cozy, which could lead to the extinction of the changelings and to the same settings se have for the beginning of the G5, only much sooner and with less info about Equestria's Legends (another possibility would be that this Is the ONLY timeline where we'll have G5) 3- the timelines merge again, only this time something goes wrong. The unifocation causes changes no one ever notices, bringing to the creation of the G4.5 or Pony Life
In all the other timelines, Twilight’s map still existed, like there’s an external force of magic that was trying to right itself. I think that Starlight’s redemption would be that external magic’s desired outcome, meaning it’d probably merge the timelines. But those are just my thoughts!
This sort of reminds me of this fanfic called Reflections where Twilight was taken to alternate timelines and lived in another timeline. In that story, though, her own timeline was destroyed and the Twilight in the timeline she resides now was killed.
Honestly I do think you're right, but be that as it may. Twilight traveled back in time to warn herself not to worry which ultimately became the time loop we all know and love. Perhaps they did travel to a different timeline in which they live on and the universe restored balance within itself by making a copy of that timeline. However I may be completely wrong and the timeline they left could just be a wasteland ruled by Chrysalis or even Tirek and Cosy Glow, but I like to believe balance was kept and they never truly abandoned their former home.
I didn't until I was teenager but then I realized yes way darker if you like dark stuff then wach the truth about my little pony but I don't recmened it if you don't like darkness and stuff
Most likely scenario is that it's another "It's about time" sort of time travel thing. It was inevitable that Starlight would be talked out of destroying the time spell by Twilight on this timeline.
Rainbow's cutie mark story as it was told in Season 1 has Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in it. They were just off screen and unnoticed. (They are pretty much retconned into it because FiM's story hadn't been written this far during Season 1.)
The dark part about this is that the show has been following the best possible timeline, whereas numerous other timelines exist where the villains rule.
I personally think both theories are right, actually There's still a total of 9 timelines the first 7 being the ones Starlight made by stopping the rainboom the 8th being the main one, which everyone returns to at the end of the episode and the 9th one is the one where the 3 were present, but made no actual changes keep in mind that if the 3 went into that timeline's present, coming from a different timeline, there likely woulda been some issues with the Twilight, Spike, & Starlight already from that timeline it's not like the ones we have just replaced the ones from that timeline
We've seen Time Travel in the show before. When Future Twi went back to warn Past Two to not worry. In that episode it became a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. It could be that those three were always there, but Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash forgot about them in the excitement, and in the correct timeline Fluttershy was too she to really notice. Plus Fluttershy being dropped from a cloud would be to scared to really pay attention. This leaving us with a version of the story that leaves out the unicorn that can walk on clouds, an Alicorn nobody heard of, and a Dragon.
What if the Twillight from the new time-line did the same thing and went to the first time-line. So now there's two time-lines that are pretty much exactly the same?
I think that it uses the back to the future timeline logic. whenever they go back, everything from that point is rewritten as though nothing after it actually happened. To an outsider looking in on twilight and starlight, they would have disappeared, and then just reappeared moments later after twilight convinced her to stop.
One time-travel variant has it that the traveler's presence was necessary to ensure that events happen as they were supposed to. Any "alternate" timelines disappear into the quantum foam or something.
Interesting. And yeah, it being another "chrysalis victory timeline" is somewhat believable, UNLESS the winter and snow taking the Crystal Empire changes it somehow, maybe making ponies more wary and now with more eyes with the crystal ponies probably joining them, causing more security to be raised, maybe needing either bigger swarm or too much stealth than Cryssi is able to gather/organize when considering her apparent ego. And yes Cozy is still a thing that might try something... But that's just me thinking at random.
I see two possible results. 1. Like when Twilight used the original version of the spell it created a closed timeloop, that in the original timeline Future Twilight was present for the Rainboom, Starlight time traveling was always destined to happen. Or 2. This alternate time line is the Equestria of G5, the alliance of creatures never happened and the school of friendship never opens. With out the princess of friendship the 3 tribes separate and the Element fad into Myths. I like the 1st idea best it fits with the effects the episode "It's About Time" showed, that you can't really alter the past, what you do you already did the first time. Also I explains why the portal destroyed the scroll, to close the loop, possibly sending a partly ruined version of the spell back in time for Starswril to in essence creating itself.
Not even considering villains being able to take over if Starlight, Twi and Spike disappeared from that timeline - imagine the absolute devastation felt by all who knew them (yes, even Starlight as her parents would have no idea where their daughter went as well). The Princesses, Shining Armor and their parents, the remaining Mane 6, Twi's Canterlot friends, and everyone else Twilight and Spike have helped over the years, would all be mortified. Imagining the pain and stress of knowing something awful must have happened to them would have an immense psychic impact on Equestria. Insane to think about.
Well now thats something im sure not many have thought of till now. Mind blown. Still depending on ones interpretation of time travel, probably a minor detail like that, doesn't effect much (also wouldn't that create a time loop? where they constantly go back and forth threw time?) im sure we are still seeing the original time line because everything carries on as normal thus the 2 merge when they return from the past.
I thought of a new theory. The 6th element isn't magic, it's hope. Why would a friendship need magic to function properly? Every other element is a key part of friendship. But if you think about "The Return of Harmony" part 1 and 2, when everypony turns the opposite of their element, Apple Jack starts lying, Pinky Pie becomes paranoid that everyone is laughing at her, Rairity becomes a selfish hoarder, Fluttershy becomes a cruel brute, Rainbow Dash becomes Unfaithful, and finally Twilight loses hope in her friends.
And in Twilight's Kingdom, Twilight gains her key from still having hope in Discord. instead of leaving him behind for betraying them she continues to have hope that Discord will try to stay on the path of good. Which inspires Discord to have hope in his friends once again, and offering Twilight the necklace that Tirek gave him.
And what's a key part of friendship, hope, you have hope in your friends, you believe the best out of them.
Hm, interesting theory. So now we have a timeline with no Crystal Heart, no Magic, and without magic, probably no Chrysalis or any specific pony to rule it all. Without the ability to shapeshift, I guarantee the changelings would be fought off. But still, dang. No magic all of a sudden? That must have been shocking... wait.
No magic? No single pony in charge? Full panic? That sounds oddly familiar. Almost sounds just like — no, it couldn't be... could it? Could this be where the new generation came from?! We know it's the future from the same universe, but we don't know for sure that it's the same time line. What if it's the future of the ORIGINAL timeline? The mane six, including Twilight, would still have existed, and their impact on friendship would have remained although it would have stopped at the moment Twilight left. When Twilight disappeared and the Crystal Heart shattered, the now Mane 5 might have shared the Friendship Journal to bring hope. Or even to just remember Twilight. But with worse things around the corner, all of this would come to failure. Eventually, Equestria would be pinned against itself, magicless, just like the new generation. This could even explain the lack of other creatures in the G5 world, as they only came along after Twilight defeated the Storm King.
Hold up. We completely forgot about the Storm King! Chrysalis would have NEVER been in charge with him around. And with the princesses frozen and ponies like Tempest and Cozy around, no WONDER ponies don't trust eachother! And with no trust AND the princesses being captured, the tribes would have no choice but to rule separately. This would also give Cozy another reason to destroy magic, as a way to rid Equestria of the Storm King. This would essentially lead to all the villains being powerless and the now separated Equestria could be relatively at peace, apart from major distrust and paranoia.
Or there's always the possibility that when the map zapped Starlight's time spell it undid any damage and mended the timeline together, explaining why the map was always present anyways. 🤷🏻♀️
How do we know that the three "observers" weren't there in the first time line? They simply could have been not noticed by any pony because the rainboom distracted everyone who was there. For that matter, maybe the rainboom would have never happened in the first place without Starlight interfering. Is it possible for certain incidents to be closed loops in time?
This is giving me a bunch of questions at the right time But both of the theories you told in the video are making sense well I don't know what now It's dark but cool when you think about it :)
More importantly, what happened to the Twilight from the new near identical timeline when original twilight appeared there? Or is she off to yet another near identical timeline with Starlight? If so, wouldn't that mean we have infinite paralel timelines that swapped through a few twi and starlights? In that case, are we certain the past with them in it wasn't the original from the start?
But of they were to go back to a different timeline like you said, what about the existing twilight in that world?
I think that personally, the timeline they fixed is the same as the one they used to be (like how you explained) Because if they went into that new timeline, where they're part of rd's backstory, then ponies would already know she's an alicorn, And fluttershy and or rainbow dash would've made the connection thst they've both seen the trio before That would mean their very first interaction would be very different Meaning it wouldn't turn out the same way And even if they created a new timeline with it, why would this new timeline conviently lack it's spike, it's twilight, and it's starlight? It's a strange coincidence to rely on, So I believe they returned to their proper timeline :)
I think your story makes sense. But I do see a happy ending after all. If there is a world without Twilight, there likely is a world with two Twilights. In that world, she will sooner or later meet her (younger) double. Because Twilight is smart, she will hopefully figure out that if there is a world with two of her, there must be a world with a void. She definitely is capable to figure out time travel. Whatever Starswirl the Bearded can do, Twilight can do and even surpass. So eventually she will go on another adventure, moving everypony back to their original worlds. That's a nice plot line for a fanfic actually: the heartbreaking reunion with her friends who were taken aback by her eerie disappearance.
Conclusion: if there is a world without her, she will be able to find it and be able to time- (or otherwise) jump to that place. Problem solved.
For who is interested in creating fiction and mixing in some (almost) real science, I posted a lengthy article here yesterday. I'm a fanfic writer myself and I can use some help in cracking nuts like these. Just reply or send me a PM. :) To sum it up: time travel is pseudo-science, but it's a great story device. If you like world building and want to use a background of real science for greater believability, you may find the the many-worlds-theory interesting. A basic knowledge of the theory of relativity can help you understand causality. Finally, graph theory tells about open and closed loops, which makes it easier to understand the reverberations of time- and multiverse jumps.
I completely understand where you're coming from and find that this is very observant of you!! However, i have two criticisms that unfortunately completely disprove this take. 1 being that since this is an alternate timeline there would have to be an alternate twilight as many others have already pointed out. This way of interpreting time travel would mean that there is a second twilight that grew up in the altered timeline. The only way to escape this is to adopt another timeline theory in which instead of alternate timelines the timeline is simply rewritten. But then the alternate world that twilight abandoned would no longer exist. The second issue being that that we have been shown time travel in the mlp series before and it showed that in this universe that is not how time travel works. Since we don't know how time travel would realistically work we can only guess at how it would affect our timeline. There are multiple theories but the one that you used that would result in an abandoned timeline is not the one the show used. In that episode where twilight was visited by her future self with a "doomsday warning" shows that in the mlp universe time is fixed and cannot be changed. This theory implies that the same thing will happen every time and no matter what you do to change it future you has done it too. Any time travel done in the mlp universe is on a loop. So it can only be that twilight starlight and spike were always there as spectators of the rainboom. But i love the idea that there could be an abandoned timeline i think that would be so interesting!!
Wouldn't that mean there should be an extra Twilight, Spike and Starlight in the timeline we witnessed after the end of season 5? Unless the native Twilight, Spike and Starlight from that timeline also failed to return to their own world and showed up in another. And again. And again.
Each new timeline means new ponies. I think everyone would notice if there were two princesses of friendship. I don't know how time travel works but I think they didn't really travel through timelines. It seems to be more of jumping back and forth one timeline, constantly changing it. So that's why we didn't see Twilight, Starlight or Spike in the alternative presents. Though, even with my rather poor knowledge, I know it'd born some problems I don't know how to solve. It's just a five minute theory
ok i think you forgot about the spike, twilight and starlight of the timeline they went into. what happened to them? would the trio we followed merge into them or would they switch places? and if they switched places how would it affect the original timeline? idk i mainly have questions but i like the thought behind this video
Twilight changing the past and stopping the rainboom happen could probably make her not meeting her friends and the mane 6 not meeting each other would mean destruction and darkness to equistria forever. Luna would not return to her good side and forgive her sister and she would take over equistria for good. Man this video and the time travel episode really made me think of stuff that I never thought of until now.
Interesting concept and such, but I do have a question for this theory. If Starlight, Spike, and Twilight were sent to a separate timeline created by their presence at the Rainboom… what happened to the original trio of that timeline? Let’s say everything else happened almost exactly the same, which would keep the timeline the same as well. But then Spike, Twilight, and Starlight still would’ve gone on that timeline adventure in the timeline where they were present back then. Which means that when that trio allowed the rainboom to occur, they would’ve returned to their timeline because it wouldn’t need to create a new one. Therefore I’d love to hear a theory on what happened to them, assuming that they didn’t just fail and end up in a horrible timeline.
Honestly, Time Travel both scares me and makes me curious. I mean, I know one of my ocs is really all about timelines, but when I think of it like this... it kinda scares me. I might have to get back into an MLP stage!
The abandoned timeline might be the timeline that the newest generation of ponies live in, this is just a fun thought, if all of what you said will happen did occur, then i would like to think that the ponies eventually found a way to fix the situation, but because of the traumatic event, everypony became distant and untrusting, and maybe Cozy Glow was the reason as to why all the magic was gone in the current world of gen5, that would explain why everypony suddenly started growing so distrustful and cold, because Twilight was gone, all the stories of the gen4 ponies would probably just remain a story, maybe a popular urban legend, or a fairytale (which is why they created toys n stuff)
This is why I prefer Back to the Future rules. If Twilight, Starlight, and Spike are in a new time-line now, what happened to them in that timeline? Is this just an endless stack of the same three characters constantly getting booted into alternative timelines in all eternities forever and always? This is too confusing. At some point the geometry of fourth dimensional manipulations just has to equal out to some ground truth and that just has to be the shape of reality. Otherwise it's all just fractals and continuity isn't even real anymore.
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Mary Rose Krouse2021-07-25 22:26:46 (edited 2021-07-25 22:27:09 )
I just thought Starlight and Twilight must have been there for the rainboom all along, but of course they just weren't shown there in earlier episodes featuring the same event!
The two timelines had to have merged. Else there would have already been a Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in the timeline they return to. Right? If it was a separate timeline, then what happened to the originals of that timeline they returned to? It's because of this that I believe the two timelines had to have merged into one.
Hello! So when you said that there is a 9th timeline that got me thinking... I think that there are like over a MILLION more timelines that we don't know of that have very little changes and that are extremely similar to the one we're in now or very different because of those very small changes. Even in the real world; there probably is a timeline in the real world where I am not writing this comment at all or one where I am writing a comment on here but not this one... If I(a 12 year old) can understand this, I hope you can too!
Hear me out here though, if there was 2 separate timelines, what the heck happens to the 2nd timelines doubles? They don't merge with the three that cross over, because if that happened the timeliens would've just merged, so are there now three characters from a alternate timeline who are gone? Or now have there own timeline? Confused
You don’t have to worry about it, there are no alternate timelines. We saw, when twilight used starswirl’s spell, that the world obeys terminator rules. Which do you suppose is more likely, that starlight, for the sake of vengeance, enacted a plan that could not possibly succeed (Twilight had unlimited tries to stop her,) using a spell that only the two greatest mages in the past millennium have performed, but not only improving on the range of the spell by multiple factors, but also uses the spell to change the very nature of the universe’s temporal causality? Or that Starlight, a pony known for mind control and deception, who wanted influence over a princess, hypnotized two people into thinking she was redeemed and now friends with them?
Hey, here's my theory on why Chrysalis wouldn't take over, discord after realizing magic doesn't work near the hive, could just kill all changelings that leave the hive preventing Chrysalis and her troops from ever leaving, though Twilight's friends and the princesses would be captured, the rest of the ponies would be fine, also even if Discord was dumb and charged into battle , Chrysalis would never start the attempt to capture the ponies if she hadn't caught Twilight because if Chrysalis has even a chance that Twilight will return she will keep looking for her to ensure the plan suceeds.
Wait so let’s say all of that is true, wouldn’t that mean that the episode It’s About Time, when Twilight went back in time, it wasn’t the original timeline that she went forward from? Didn’t that create another universe?
under this theory there would be each a twilight spike and starlight that would be simply gone from the multiverse and that would break the law of conservation of mass so it would stand to reason that the initial story line would branch out into their respective variants but the final one would then converge back with the initial one.
I think the timelines would have merged because why would the tree of harmony open a portal, fix everything, and even destroy the scroll but not be able to put them in the right timeline? I think it's just me wanting a happy ending but that is way more plausible.
0.0 ...A thought came to mind while watching this. What if "the abandoned timeline" is what leads up to G5!?
The sudden unexplained disappearance of the Princess of Friendship could possibly lead the other sentient races to investigate...and eventually suspect and distrust, the others (what with a lack of evidence to prove, nor disprove, their "guilt")... until paranoia and mistrust takes over the realm!
I don't think we have to worry about the original timeline being abandoned.
(For ease of discussion, let's call the pre-time travel timeline "timeline-1" and the characters that we follow moving forward the same way (so, Twilight-1, Starlight-1, and Spike-1), and the timeline they end up in (the one we follow from this point on) "timeline-9", ditto its native characters.
When Twilight-1 and Co. finish their time traveling, the Mane 6 from timeline-9 (no, we're avoiding that particular innuendo) don't react perceptively differently (either upon their immediate return or in subsequent episodes). Ergo, Twilight-9, Starlight-9, and Spike-9 must have led identical lives and also gone on their own time travel shenanigans.
We also don't see Twilight-9 and Co. come back to timeline-9. Since they're functionally identical to Twilight-1 and Co., I can't imagine their adventures concluding any differently (they wouldn't stop until reaching the same victory outcome that Twilight-1 achieved). And even if they ended up in, say, a hypothetical timeline-10 where timeline-10's Twilight-10 and Co. came back as well, that would just tell Twilight-9 and Co. to keep going until they get back to what would look like their own timeline.
I.e., I'm saying we probably have a "hermit-crab/switcheroo/Rick-and-Morty" thing going on. Timeline-1 has Twilight-9 and Co., and timeline-9 has Twilight-1 and Co (and we effectively don't see a difference). Or, an infinite number of timelines switched all their Twilights, Starlights, and Spikes by one (meaning timeline-1 might have ended up with Twilight-40K and Co.).
Or, the timelines re-merged and timeline-9 IS timeline-1, meaning nothing got abandoned.
Normally I like your theories, but this one just doesn’t work, imo. How does having a couple of extra spectators change the timeline or create a new almost identical one? What relevance does who was watching the race have to do with the Rainboom and how Twilight met her friends later on when she was older? Sorry, but it just doesn’t work, imo.
them being there to spectate didn't cause the change, it was the change. just being there may have been enough to split the timelines off depending on how time travel works. but i understand it's all theoretical. don't worry, my next video won't be about time travel (at least i don't think)
@Sawtooth Waves ok but imo her being there would have had to have some relevance as to why it would have split the timelines, let alone affected the present. This implies that what she did kept her trapped in the past and that what she went back to was just another version of everything else that already happened. It seems like a huge reach and sort of hurts my head to think about. No offense.
Assuming your theory is correct, if the Twilight, Starlight, and Spike from the OG timeline did go to another timeline after reforming Starlight, what happened to the Twilight, Starlight, and Spike from the timeline they went to? Just a thought-
What happened to the Twilight in the new timeline though? Did old Twilight just take her place, or did she just disappear due to the existence of new Twilight? If it works like Equestria Girls, where is the original Twilight of that universe? I have a theory that she may have gotten kidnapped or lost, and this timeline would have had the same fate as the old one unless other timeline Twilight came to replace her. Or maybe it's a loop, where og Twi from the new timeline is also battling Starlight, and goes into a new timeline, which starts another timeline for another Twi to replace the og one. Its kind of like the theory you made on the episode where twilight goes back in time to warn herself. I don't know if this was explained well enough, but I hope some of my point got across.
Easy. Each screenwriter describing the events of his episode is actually shown his own universe with slight deviations from the universes of other screenwriters, but with a clear bias towards the general plot. Sort of like Rick and Morty, but a little less crazy. (But wait, there's more!!) Thus, the original timeline is a story in which Twilight went through many adventures, never met Starlight and perhaps never even saw the Crystal Castle, and eventually became the princess of Equestria, replacing Celestia in her place, regardless of whether she became an alicorn or not. "Faust's Original Idea" timeline. So... It is better to imagine that Twilight returned to its own timeline, before the adventure with Starlight, because otherwise we will still need to consider where the original Twilight from the timeline we found ourselves in, and understand that in that timeline, from which we came, as in the Schrödinger's box, at the same time another Twilight appeared and did not appear. And the same with Starlight and Spike. That is, there are at least eight probabilities at the same time, which are simultaneously realized. So... Yeah, better to imagine that Twilight returned to its own timeline. (=
This theory doesn’t really make sense Sawtooth,but it kind of does. Let me explain: Spike, Starlight, and Twilight went to a different timeline but since Starlight ripped like almost the whole paper, that caused them to go back to a different timeline.
Maybe the original timeline is what goes into Gen 5. I mean without the glue(Twilight) to keep the friendship alive, Dash and Rarity would leave Ponyville. The Crystal Empire falling, would bring Cadance back to Canterlot. I could see Celestia taking a much firmer hoof on things, maybe even going after Chrysalis herself. Things could lead to an eventually splintering of the races without the Princess of Friendship. I mean you wouldn't have the school of friendship, so the other creatures wouldn't come together in friendship. There would be no bond with Ember of the dragons without Spike.
Hmm. Let me go out on a limb here. Do ya think the abandoned time line if it is ligit lead to what may have lead to what happened in g 5 with all the magic gone?
IMHO I don't think that the time travel in season 5 has a closed loop, like the one in season 2. In S5, Twilight, Spike and Starlight appear multiple times in a similar past. If it was a closed loop, each time jump would add a new copy of them. However, only one set of them is present at any time and the events that happen (the different ways in which Rainbow is prevented from starting a rainboom) cannot happen simultaneously.
A Back to the Future type of time rewriting could be possible, but only if each next jump goes back further in time. Otherwise, we would run into multiple copies again. I haven’t observed the episodes that precisely to be able to find clues about this. (Actually, I am/ we are probable overthinking it at this point: I don’t think that the story artists cared about the exact time setting of the sequence of jump arrivals.)
The many-worlds view removes all complications. It’s funny to see how it works as well in quantum mechanics as in MLP. But it comes with its own caveat: if this theory is true, the alternative timelines in S05 continued even after the three jumped back. I’m feeling bad about the Applejacks, the Fluttershies and all the others who were left behind in their respective misshapen worlds. What is the greater tragedy? The continuing misery of these unfortunate copies, or the potential disappearance of the princess of friendship from one of many, many universes?
If we’re talking about the different worlds I have my own theory about the mirror pool, so we know that when pinkie go to the mirror pool she came out at the opposite side. So is the mirror pool portal to the exactly same world but with the clones? I don’t know how to explain that but we know that twilight and others found the real pinkie but if they did, and there’s 2 worlds then that mean pinkie just disappear in one of the worlds and what would happen without her?(sorry for bad English)
We know these alternative universes do coexist because Twilight already disturbed time before (It's About Time)... oh man, if your theory is right, how many forgotten universes are there? Still, I am convinced that Twilight, Starlight, and Spike returned to the right world. The ORIGINAL original universe is... probably long gone, but because of their endless breach of time, they already sealed the fate of the universe, that being their presence at Rainbow's race was inevitable and they were there the entire time. This made no change to the universe, because "Future" Twilight ensured this would be the way the universe went. She was at Rainbow's race, and current Twilight was, too. So basically, Twilight saved her world unconsciously because of a stress alert.
if the normal timeline was abandoned think about how shining armor cadence and twilights paretnts will feel after knowing that twilight is GONE it will be a touching bedtime stroy for flurry atleast :(
what if it was intended to happen like that? like in harry potter, where hermione used the amulet to travel back in time and they almost met themselves in similar spots but were able to avoid direct contact? maybe that incident was the very first before it got repeated after that but somehow they never got to see each other maybe do to a slight timevaryation and if its only by mere 5 seconds before or after they theparted to another timerift? yeah, its getting reeeally weird and complicated
Maybe the original timeline is lacking in friendship. Maybe they've lost the magic of friendship. Maybe the ponies are divided by race and filled with distrust and xenophobia-- waaaaaaaaaaait a minute!
Nahh filly. The timeline is self fulfilling. That's why the table destroyed the spell at the end. Time was never broken and there were no timelines the map was just showing what would have happened to equestria without twilight fulfilling the elements of harmony. When Twi went back in time in season one it kinda proved it was self fulfilling too. And besides if it were true discord would know because he can sense magical imbalances. He's god. And even if twilight and spike and starlight were gone 5ever and multiverse was real discord would probably just recreate exact copys of the three and lesson learned. After all nothing even compares to Discords true power. He knew of Tirek at the beginning of season 4 and tested twilight in episode 1 & 2 and faked being sick to see if they were friends. He got the key for her from Tirek. Tirek never stole his magic because he basically didn't grow at all after 'absorbing' the magic and his eyes never changed color. He pretended to not be able to teleport to fluttershy because she was never in real danger. Chrysalis couldn't do anything. He had ponies create the elements to see if they could do it. Because why play games if you'll always win? He could have broken out whenever he wanted to. Why create them with a single snap when you could see if others could do it. Basically discord is the answer to any problem lol.
It would stop existing just like the other seven timelines never came into existence, at least if the MWI of Quantum mechanics is not true, in this case every single one of those realities (plus many more, but not infinitly more) would exist with twilight adn without her.
I think your alternate time line is the original time line as who is to say that starlight and twilight meeting and traveling through time wasn't destined as well. Also why isn't there a second twilight in that world? But that is only my opinion.
I think this may be the answer to your timeline question
If someone goes back in time and changes nothing and no-one sees the time-traveler then you will end up back in the same present timeline like the person never left the present
Same scenario but, if they change something, like the rainboom then all of the villain timelines will become the new present timeline and the person would never get back to the real present.
Now, if someone goes back in time and changes nothing but someone sees them, that will create a new present timeline with the person who saw the time-traveler most likely say “hey, haven’t i seen you before?” Nothing that dramatic will happen if it’s a person you’ve friended in the first present timeline, but if it’s a person someone has a disliking to that might not end well..
In the 2nd and final scenario’s the person will never be able to go back to the first timeline In the 1st scenario the person will always end up back to the first timeline
I have an idea! Why don’t you do one on sunset shimmer’s element? I think it’s courage, because she ponied up in legend of ever free while encouraging twilight
Ignoring that the same present can have different pasts leading towards it.
Abbandoned timeline Sunset Shimmer tries to contect Twilight after Friendship games. Portal connects with the new timeline while staying closed for the other timelines. We have an outside observer that can tell us the timelines reconnected.
but what if they were there? It was never mentioned, because nobody knew. But it is possible that in the original timeline, starlight, Twilight, and Spike were all there. And so, it didn’t make a new timeline, because it wasn’t different. It’s time travel. So that means that if they traveled back in time, it would be a point in history regardless. It’s the same as a time loop. Starlight spike and twilight were there. Twilight convinces Starlight to let the rain boom happen, and so it does. And they head back to the present. Because of this, twilight can get into the magic school to eventually become an alicorn and go on the adventure to stop Starlight from stopping the rain boom. It doesn’t seem like a loop, but it is. Just like when Twilight traveled to warn herself not to worry. So I think that they were there, and that’s how our timeline came to be in the first place wdyt?
Or they hopped from the new timeline the the original one but this would still leave a forgotten world the new timeline. So no happy ending but I think my idea is a bit more happy.
Sawtooth! My pony Au( Nova crystal a crystalbat-alicorn) She told me that when she time travelled ( yes sbe can) She ended up the parralel universe. But in it it was just like you explained.. spike,twilight and su set werent there and ponyville was comepletly destroyed... Nova said that when she returned, the universe after the rainboom is the one she livedin, Twilight seemed... edgy at night.. ( like the episode with the cursed doll)
Thats all but it might help! Tell me if yiu need Nova
How do we know that starlight, twilight, and spike weren’t already at the original rainboom if so then it is technically the same timeline we just don’t see them.
Crazy theory but one I like to entertain is that to take over chrysalis would have to also fight the storm less her food source die out and her children freeze so while fight the storm and taking care of ponies and her children she might learn love and be redeemed and stop the storm with her new love
what if it did branch and gen 5 is happening in the orignial timeline! it would make sense sense disharmony keeps everypony apart, so it would explain a lot for sure
But what if there was always those extra 3 spectators. That they where always meant to time travel. What i mean is that we see the past on the rainboom from Rainbow Dash perspective and she never notice those extra 3 there but they where there from the start as there was no option, the time travel was always going to happen and because of that, they are still on the same timeline.
Oh ho ho, if twilight arrives at this "new timeline," then where did the twilight from that timeline go off to? Are we to assume that this other twilight was sent to another new timeline as well? Either way there seems to be one twilight unaccounted for.
I have one variant to add the the theory: Discord. Okay okay, hear me out. We know he can go into different dimensions…but who’s to say those dimensions can’t also be different realities.
What about fussing the timelines together?… I saw it done in a game (tales of __ game series), and a lego toy series story… both with planets!… But what about time???
Zecora might of had some experience with time-paradoxes & time-manipulation,… but I do not believe a bunch of ponies would accept being erased from history or left behind… it’s almost like the Pinky-Clone-Annihilation-Controversy again!
And creating infinite realities could be too overpowering on plentiful resources or have unknown consequences later on reality…
But what if like the pillars could be pulled out of the limbo dimension/space, there was a paradox dimension/space with the atomic & molecular structures with no mass of most everything left from abandoned time-lines?… like a “time-paradox landfill/trash demension”?!?! All you would need are some atoms or mass & a way to pick things out of this dimension to have it exist permanently back in reality, like a “paradox-machine”
But what if this “time landfill dimension” was a world of its own, or had another one similar to it & time still moved forward? Then you would have a place where forgotten or left behind Equestrian creatures, environments & other things strived and/or struggled for a living… and either hade their own lives of peace & conflict or wanted it back!!! (Maybe even call it revenge?!)
Is it not wrong to fight to exist again… peacefully? Is it not moral to want to battle/fight for friends/family you lost or never knew from being taken from you? Is it not righteous to want to bring friends you know you might not know anymore but see in you dreams back from a time paradox!? even not wishing it on an enemy? (I know I would not, I rather see them in prison, but that’s just my opinion)… I think this could make for a lot of good “the magic of friendship vs. time-debates/opinions”.
The living Equestrian Creatures would be known as living “Time-Paradox Ponies”, or other creatures like a “Time-paradox Changeling”, or Dragon, etc…
And versions of yourself lost could be recover like lost memories, like an extension and/or fusion (better than killing your clone), but you couldn’t get too greedy, or selfish in order to avoid being driven mad…. Like learning to like 2 or more versions of a story & be thankful, but still valuing your own opinion keeps you in balance & control of the extra whole self of you freely! So you could be a very special hybrid/multi-memory/time single souled pony without what’s from other times of you being lost/taken from you & with no loss of freedom, free-will & choice… ( this would prevent you from brainwashes)
Just imagine all the stories/adventures about putting a friend first at all cost for peace ☮️… against all the other obstacles of greed, selfishness, angst, loneliness, grief, and revenge you could be fighting for!… Adventure of waring kingdoms, friends & sibling rivalry, even step-siblings praying for the others love & other awkward relations that they want in peace,… like fighting for the life & love of a brother, sister, or other family or friend because you care and want to show it no matter what!… or even what they say about you or them!
I’ve been dying for stories that resolve all this this that was left from “Starlight Glimmers Time-paradox landfill”, Twilight did not give up on friends when she was left with their switched cutie-marks. So I would love for them to be on Time-Paradox rescue adventures!
The fight for friendship more valuable than destiny you can’t control, because sometimes it’s destiny that you can’t control that makes your friends alive & have free will!… and they would finally be ready for a Adventurous Resolution to the disaster left from the time-shifts that got left behind.
I saw/heard it done in a “tales of ____ game series”, except it was not because of time travel, but so not one world contains all mana/magic to thrive while the other suffer for a time back & forth… the heroes figure to fuse the 2 planets into 1 so that they all had one world with no magic & world crisis… & it worked sorta… but I loved it… no one was sacrificed I think/believe… (not spoiling anything else)
P. S. : not to sound to entitled or demanding but… what do you & the others think of my idea(s) Sawtooth Waves 🌊???
(For as much as I like the idea of no Pony or friends left behind?)
O.o Wait what if G5 is the timeline where Twilight Sparkle disappeared from! That would mean that world there was no Starlight Glimmer to lead the group in Where and Back Again. What if G5 takes place in that universe. G5 is said that the Magic is missing, perhaps that's because Cozy Glow did take the magic. That lack of magic would even affect the changelings so Crystalis rule wouldn't be very long.
I think you should go back to the Alalacorn thing now that twilight has the magical wavy hair
Matthew Watson2021-07-25 10:40:38 (edited 2021-07-25 10:40:53 )
0but isn't their a tenth timeline. the Bootstrap paradox from when Twilight went back in time to stop herself worrying. doesn't the start of that paradox count as a seperate timeline.
I was rewatching mlp and 4:06 is when I stopped so that’s cool and cozy glow said that the magic will be sent to a different world like equrestria girls but cozy glow failed or did she maybe a little magic was sent there to and also what happened to stigeion shadow he was sent to limbo but well how did he got the shadow or can it praspar in limbo or what world this is just a theory
Hi, could u do a video about finnona applejacks dog bc you never see her at the barn u only see her on the ep where rainbow gets tank and when spike is taking care of all of the animals so I have been wondering what’s been happening
Well the following event might have comed of distrupting or changing time line but the following Time travel law states that if something is changed that made a bit of contact to that times going destiny and chain of events in this scenario the we’re talking and standing on clouds but touching clouds shouldn’t change any thing and as we see and admire nobody saw them in this timeline and by actually doing that they only changed the fellow timeline they went back at moment of twilights spikes and starlights going time place and created new time loop and bounded other twilights spikes and starlights to repeat same thing for eternity that’s the aspect of messing with time in their situation
Or which time it’s mystery no one will ever solve and it impossible to stop the loop is someone will not stop starlight but it still will change timeline so it’s better to repeat endlessly than make worse of the timeline
And shall on the endless no the starting time shall never change and keep making endless universes and timelines branching of into the oblivion of the multiverse of reality and space time nothing shall know of it other than one overlooking the true expansion and collapse of end and the beginning that’s what most likely happened it’s a paradox of endless times than an different timeline it reverted and made new making others just a memory of those who saw it...
What if the original timeline without twilight Starlight and spike is why the new movie exists, because as far as we know the pony kinds are all split up now and this could be because the princess of friendship vanished
4:20- I prefer that theory better plus filly Rainbow Dash was too busy racing to notice Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike the dragon and remeber It's About Time when Twilight Sparkle time travels to the past to tell her past self not to waste her time worrying both Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer use time travel to the past to change something but later changed their mind.
I don't agree with this yes starlight , twilight and spikes going to the past was something that can change but... I don't think so since they went back in time this can also mean that they were still there in the "original timeline" but no one noticed them that could be a possibility and i also have an issue with this theory what the heck happened to that starlight, twilight and spike like did they vanished out of existence or something?
Further proof that the world of equestria is linked with the Norse Mythos! The proof being that 9 is the most important number within the Norse Mythos. The 9th realm being the realm, of Chaos!
Ok so I'm doing a mini theory with the crystal empire couldn't be lost in the frozen north from my view flurry did the cry that broke the crystal heart was because cadence took her away from pinkie using TWILGHTS magic to carry her
I don't think your right about this every dimension has its own past present and future so she never left her dimension now a mother dimension would be Ares the human one wait what is there is a pony world or at least one with magic what is every myth we have is not a myth but is real in a mother dimetion that would mean the world as we know it is a lie😲
I personaly think if a time travel occurred, even if the traveler left right after away, the timeline was still altered by the sheer presense for that half second and thus creating a new timeline that is ALMOST like the original one. So, yeah, this is a NEW timeline that is ALMOST like the original one.
In a way if you did something for a reason and the reason doesn't exist, like the same thing you did in going through time not happening again after it could make a loop where a timeline is Able to be formed between the way it went and was but not stay changed since there was no change making every new timeline not having any change instead a loop of someone making the same mistake until one thing change it (23) to change the fate or you know knowing what would happen some how from the present and change something permanently that could be the only way making not a result of a change of someone never doing what happened. (22-23)
So the rainboom not happening means the main ones don’t get their cutie marks. But cheese sandwich got his cutie mark becaus of one of pinkies parties. So what would have happened to him if pinkie didn’t get her cutie mark. Also like the rainboom didn’t happen but a few of them had the same cutie mark how cause destiny maybe
1: the ponies wouldn't be too worried at first. Perhaps she had an emergency and didn't have time to tell them. Applejack would reckon that it wasn't their business to ask, and would say to trust that Twilight would eventually come back and explain everything.
2: a few days pass, still no word from Twilight. at this point, word is sent to the princesses, asking if Twilight had gone there. the reply, to everyone's shock, is no. Celestia says that she and Luna will keep an eye out, in case something happened.
3: by now, several weeks have passed. Everypony is in a panic over the sudden disappearance of Twilight and Spike. Princess Celestia is regularly sending search parties to cover the entirety of equestria, to no avail. a few ponies begin to wonder if Twilight was even still alive at this point.
4: it has been over a month. The mane 6 have begun to lose hope. Celestia encourages them to have faith, but even she is unsure at this point. Luna has to deal with the mane 6 having nightmares about Twilight's possible fate.
5: it has now been 6 months. the general assumption now is that Twilight had taken off somewhere in a rush, and lost her life somewhere along the way. Celestia asks other nations to keep an eye out for a purple alicorn and a baby purple-and-green dragon, to varying degrees of success.
6: a year has passed, and then some. The now "mane 5", the princesses, and all of twilight's friends and family gather at her palace to hold a memorial service. among these ponies is a disguised changeling. seeing how equestria is in a morally weakened state, they report to chrysalis, who decides that now is the time to take action. Chrysalis makes a move on equestria a few days later, and confronts the princesses directly. Celestia tells Luna to flee while she handles the changeling queen. Celestia then surrenders herself. deep down, she knows that Twilight is gone forever. Chrysalis kills Celestia with a maniacal laugh and plants herself on celestia's throne. Luna flees to ponyville to find the mane 5 and says she needs their help to save Celestia. Upon confronting Chrysalis, she reveals that princess celestia is no more. shocked, terrified, and defeated, Luna and the mane 5 flee to the deepest reaches of the everfree forest, gathering the CMC along the way. Zecora joins them after her guidance is seeked.
7: an all-out war has broken out against the changelings. The group has expanded, but at the same time, several ponies have been lost, among them being Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Derpy, and Apple Bloom. Applejack takes Apple Bloom's bow, now torn and dirty, and ties it to the end of her mane so her little sister will always be there in spirit. Luna and Zecora take the group to starswirl's place to look for some way to stop the changelings en masse. there, it is discovered by Luna that one of starswirl's scrolls is missing. Dr Hooves cross-references the scrolls with a list he found, and finds out that the time travel scroll is missing. Zecora comes to the conclusion that Twilight must have gone back in time, but doesn't know what. Suddenly, rainbow dash realizes that throughout all of this, starlight glimmer hasn't been seen at all. the group quickly pieces things together: Starlight Glimmer attended Twilight's speech, found and took the time travel scroll, confronted Twilight, and send the two of them back in time. Unfortunately, they can't do anything about it and have to wait it all out and hope Twilight will find her way back.
8: the changelings have won. the resistance has been crushed, and Chrysalis now stands over a dying princess luna. Chrysalis monologues about how she always knew the ponies would fall to her eventually, and asks if Luna has any last words. Luna's only response is a barely audible "twilight..." before the world suddenly goes dark.
I think it's more about the butterfly effect than time travelling itself, to be exact - I think she is still in her original timeline, the only difference is that starlight chose to destroy mane six with time travel, but twilight managed to stop it from happening, which then brings us to the timeline we know. Just like any other battle that happened - choice, chance, result
In the event that Twilight actually was in a separate timeline, I think you might be over looking a key piece. Granted everyone seems to. Discord. Even with a harmonious artifact like the map, twisted timelines are something Discord would feel. Is Twi and Spike were gone permanently I think he would know and, more than likely to spare Fluttershy's feeling rather than protecting Equestria, would make copies of the two to take their place. There's actually a fanfic similar to this that while fun gets dark fast.
Do you remember the Friendship map? The map that calls for certain characters to go to certain locations to solve friendship problems? Like Twilight said the map is directly connected to the Tree of Harmony. If it's magic is powerful enough to defeat or even reform most villains and if Starlight used her time spell on the map then it must have sent them back to the original timeline.
The "9th universe" should have then a similar trio making time-travel - and when each trio returned to the "wrong" universe, balance (and maybe chaos) merged things back into what they were.
The 1st and 9th parallel universes merged, because there was no need of two same universe. But would have the 9th universe Glimmer accepted to become the 9th universe Twilight's student ?
Ah! Overthinking over complicated stuff again. Feels great.
It would be really interesting to think of this hypothetical Chrysalis and Cozy Glow conquest timeline. Mostly because the two would eventually come into conflict with one another. I mean Cozy wants to control ponies via friendship which is a form of love which the changelings would want to exploit. They also definitely wouldn't want to lose their magic. Who knows, in this timeline the magic-sucking plot may be cozy's way of getting Chrysalis off her back since no magic=no magical love sucking and Chryssy ripping the benefits of Cozy's hard work. A confrontation between the one which sucks magic and the one which sucks love would be very, very interesting indeed.
Only problem with this is, if they did continue down an alternate timeline, wouldn't alternate twilight, spike, and starlight still be in that timeline? Cuz if so, I'm pretty sure celestia or 'someone' would notice, especially sense the timeline would be nearly identical except for rainbowdash finding twilight strangely familiar
I think the "abandoned" timeline would cease to exist since, like the other timelines, the cause for them never happened. So this is more of a what-if scenario. But for the sake of the hypothetical, I'll see how it can be broken down.
1. Flurry Heart and the Crystal Empire. Sure, Starlight wouldn't be there to support Sunburst, and wouldn't stop the Crystal Empire from freezing over. However, the cause of what made Flurry Heart cry and break the Crystal Heart in the first place most likely wouldn't be there either.
2. Thorax. Thorax most likely wouldn't go to the Crystal Empire anyway. But he wouldn't have befriended Spike, since he wouldn't be there. Also, I don't see why he couldn't befriend the Crystal Ponies, since they wouldn't have been around for the Changeling invasion in the first place. So they could still accept Thorax for who (and what) he is. Granted, if Cadance or Shining Armor found out, it wouldn't be as friendly. But they may be more focused on the fact that Twilight and Spike went missing. And considering how revered Spike is in the Crystal Empire, that could result in an entire empire as a search party. And if Thorax offered to help, though Shining and Cadance may be apprehensive, they may consider Twilight to be their primary focus and allow him to help. But he would be guarded though, for obvious reasons.
3. Chrysalis and the Changelings. This becomes a bit harder to predict due to how far it's diverging at this point. You could make the argument that in the chaos of Twilight and Spike going missing, it could make it easier for Chrysalis to take over. However, I could argue that Equestria would be more on high alert, making it harder. And being more on high alert, Thorax may have more incentive to warn the others of how Chrysalis could take advantage of the scenario. But I think that's exactly what she'd do, but in a way that not even Thorax would've predicted. Rather than being forward about it, Chrysalis will play the long game. She will take advantage of the fact that Twilight is missing and take her place. However, she'd put herself in a pod to be found so that she can use the excuse that she was taken by the changelings. This way, she can take over from the inside. I suppose that's what she did originally. But this makes things more convenient. Spike being missing would be questioned. But she could make the argument that they were separated and doesn't know where he is. Thorax may be suspicious about how easy it was to find her. But that might be ignored since they'd be focused on her being back.
They'd start to notice eventually that Twilight is acting differently. Pinkie however is oblivious to this... or is she? I think that Pinkie being Pinkie would know that it's not really Twilight and that she was Chrysalis trying to take over. Or at least, it will be "just a hunch". So why is she still being friendly? This is when Chrysalis starts to realize that she hasn't been hungry for a while. Eventually, Thorax would learn the truth, perhaps through a letter Pinkie sent to him asking if he knew that Twilight was actually Chrysalis, and asking why she hasn't been stealing their love. Then it clicks for Thorax why things were suspicious. But the mention of stealing love made him realize that he hasn't been hungry lately. Thorax then addresses his queen about it, pointed out that Pinkie knew she's Chrysalis, and asking her when the last time she was hungry. Chrysalis has that same realization. She hasn't been hungry, despite not stealing love. And after she learned that Pinkie knew, she probably would've started bonding with Pinkie, perhaps without even realizing it. But because she wasn't good, she was still planning a takeover. When the takeover happens, and Pinkie is a target, Chrysalis stops it to protect Pinkie. So perhaps at this point, Chrysalis admitting to herself that she cares for Pinkie and protected her would reform, which would also encourage the rest of the hive to reform. After all, Starlight isn't there to earn her ire, and Twilight, who already has her ire, is gone. She doesn't really have anyone to feel vengeful towards. This may even award her the Element of Magic.
4. The Pillars of Equestria and Pony of Shadows. Doesn't happen.
5. The Movie. Since you never addressed how the movie would be different. And I think this could really be fun. The "Festival of Friendship" would be very different. I could allow it to keep its name. But instead of a general celebration of friendship, it would be a celebration of the 1 Year Anniversary of the joining of ponies and changelings. It also acts as a memorial for Twilight and Spike, since at this point, though their closest friends haven't quite given up on them, even they understand that it's unlikely that they'll find her. Since Twilight's not there, the Storm King and Tempest Shadow have their sights on Flurry Heart as the 4th Princess. So the Mane 6 (Chrysalis at this point being fully accepted into the group of friends) take Flurry Heart and escape to find help. For this, let's say that Chrissy remembered stories about the hippogriffs (which means no confusion and no Hungry Hungry Hippos reference). The reason I don't have Chrysalis taken on Tempest is simply because of how those stone balls work. That and she's been unsure of herself ever since her reformation. Since Flurry Heart is going with them, I'd figure that Thorax would also come along, as well as Shining Armor (since it's his daughter and his wife that's involved). The could make for some amusing tension. And for the sake of it, Pharynx would come along too, since it's his queen and brother getting involved. This adventure will have an added subplot of Chrysalis' self-discovery, and truly learn how much she's changed... and perhaps how much she hasn't.
As the movie progresses, it will still hit the same key locations and characters. But the frustration will cause Chrysalis to begin to regress. Her more militant changeling queen personality coming out more. She doesn't regress back to evil. But the difference in personality is jarring to her friends. When it gets to Mt Erris and Seaquestria, rather than Chrsaylis trying to steal that giant pearl, they just leave. After all, Chrysalis wouldn't be as tempted to steal it considering that she already has the power to change shapes. This also means that Pinkie won't be sent to distract them. When they leave, that fight scene happens, just with Chrysalis replacing Twilight. They go their separate ways for alone time, Chrysalis being distraught that she yelled at the pony who was her first friend. Shining Armor will go with Chrysalis but will be harsher, pointing out that what she said was uncalled for. This is when you start to see Chrysalis crying, which throws him off his game. Shining would have also brought Flurry with him. The attack happens, Chrysalis in an attempt to protect Flurry gets herself and Flurry caught. Later, the "Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship." line happens. The rest of the movie will generally be the same. But since an attempt to steal the pearl never happened, Queen Novo and the rest of the hippogriffs agree to join and help. In the end, Chrysalis' self-discovery comes full circle when she offers friendship to Tempest.
6. Cozy Glow. Since Twilight's not there, the School of Friendship never happens (and no playset for Hasbro to sell). It's not exactly clear when Cozy Glow became pen pals with Tirek. But let's assume it happens. Without the School of Friendship, and by extension, the Princess of Friendship, she may be less encouraged to use friendship as a weapon. However, seeing the reformed Chrysalis may show her how powerful friendship can be. But I think that Cozy Glow would ultimately fail. Without the School of Friendship to learn friendship from and seeing how the changelings (who would most likely have merged with Equestria at this point) would most likely be able to determine that her friendship isn't genuine. And without Twilight and the School of Friendship, the artifacts would be harder to gather. Even though Twilight's not there to open up the School of Friendship, Celestia, with Chrsyalis' assistance, may open up better relations with other creatures, perhaps even making Ponyville itself the primary focal point. So the Young 6 will still be a thing.
7. The "Legion of Doom". Doesn't happen. Cozy Glow wasn't as much of a threat and Chrissy is on the others side. Without all 3, they'd be unsuccessful at getting Grogar's bell. And with no resurrection of Sombra, there's no destruction of the Tree of Harmony and no creation of the Treehouse of Harmony.
8. The Princesses Retirement. Celestia will retire. However, Luna will say as the primary ruler of Equestria. Chrysalis will take the role of secondary ruler alongside Luna. I'll choose not to address the Season 10 comics, since I simply don't know how to adapt them into this scenario, and they're also still ongoing. This also means that there may not be a Luster Dawn, although that could make for an interesting idea, having Chrysalis taking on the role of mentor to a pony.
Basically, I see the abandoned timeline in a very different way than you did. It has a good ending, just a very different story.
If Twilight, Starlight and Spike had arrived in a different timeline, there should be other versions of them. Unless they all travelled back in time and ended up on the other one, but in that case nothing would have changed. So these two timelines either merged together or were always one and the same. Or they are identical. But what if you were wrong from the beginning? When you started the theories about those timelines, you assumed that there was other versions of Twilight somewhere in them, but if that were to be true, then it would be different dimensions, not timelines. In this case, there is only one version of each of the characters and only Twilight and Spike remain unchanged because they are brought back to the present by the cutie map, which used to cast the spell. In the end, the original timeline wasn't left behind, but it just stopped existing the moment Starlight, Spike and Twilight arrived in the past, just like all the others.
Okay I agree with most of this but I don’t think Cozy Glow would have come into power, even if Crysalis or the Storm King didn’t take over. She learned how to take over Equestria by being at the school. If she did an upraising outside the current timeline it would be futile, but I don’t think she would knowing that she would fail for sure.
I'd like to see the Wasteland timeline touched upon. I mean we all automatically think of Fallout Equestria, but if you read the book you know that wasn't what caused that timeline to exist. But maybe we could have a fanfiction taking place in this Wasteland timeline. Probably no life exists though. Who knows?
@IndoDINO Youtube Tension between Ponies and Zebras. The Zebras in FOE represent China from Fallout. Nukes go off for the same reasons as in Fallout. Only its magical nukes instead of real ones. It branches off from the official timeline right after Season 2 of FIM. So Discord and everything after that isn't included.
Another things to consider: maybe in the abundant timeline Discord would not just sit around and still do some chaos, which might or might not stop Chrysalis depending on how she will operate. And I also think that in eather way Cozy Glow might not even started without seeing that much potential in magic of friendship... unless someone replaces Twilight. Discord for example. That would be ironic.
If it was a chrysalis timeline, but with Cozy Glow penpaling Tyrik, if the events line up correctly, her draining of magic could be used as a method to attack the changelings. Making her some kind of hero, boosting her into a high, respected position among the free ponies wouldn't it?
Ey, sick, I had the same kind of idea about this topic when I thought about how the other timelines might look after season 9. I also realized that Rainbow’s first rainboom wasn’t the only point in the past that they appeared in. When they visited Starlight’s childhood… ahem, ‘trauma’, they could’ve created another timeline split there too, which could’ve ended up creating a duplicate timeline that resulted in that alternate Starlight, Twilight and Spike going through their own Cutie Re-mark ordeal just to bump into/spot the original timelines group. Or just, you know, create a never ending series of copycat timelines that are just the entire show repeating over and over again.
Have you seen Loki? It also tackles this and no, the timeline wouldn’t branch off, they’d reunite. It doesn’t matter what they do there as long as the rainboom was there, everything would remain the same
Wouldn't THAT have been a ballsy ending if they explicitly confirmed that? We have that big song with Starlight being redeemed, then cut back to the original timeline where the rest of the friends are wondering where Twilight and Spike went. Then it just cuts to black and plays credits over complete silence.
mr. Sy2021-07-24 09:20:15 (edited 2021-07-24 09:28:36 )
I think I know what happened there. What if I told you that those two timelines intertwined more than once? And that this is not the only time we saw it happen. What if I told you that this is related to a certain draconequs, centaur and unicorn? And that we knew it from the very beginning of the show.
One theory about traveling to the past is that if you don't go out of your way to change things in the past to effect the present, then your actions might actually make things the way you experienced in the present. So, Spike, Starlight, and Twilight being in the past wouldn't have mattered to the way things are in the present, meaning there isn't a ninth timeline.
Well i'm quite partial to the idea that going back in time to change the past is impossible because what you're about to do has already happened. so Starlight Twilight and Spike were always there when Rainbow Dash did the rainboom, it's just that no one saw them or really took notice of them. they would always go back and make all those alternate timelines. and they'd end up back in the same timeline because technically they never left.
this is actually explored a little in Issue #24 of the IDW comics where Discord himself states this to be true.
I don’t think that Cozy Glow would still try to get rid of all the magic in equestria because she wouldn’t have learned about friendship. She would have still been wherever she was. She probably wouldn’t have became pen pals with tirek because she didn’t believe in friendship. She would stay wherever she was and wouldn’t learn about friendship. This is just what I think, if you have any other opinions please tell me!
Ahh, but we can go deeper! If every instance of time travel creates another parallel timeline, we haven't been in the original timeline since season 2's It's About Time, which could spin on its own even further, as that creates a timeline where Cerberus might never leave his post, which means Tirek would never escape, which would mean Twilight would have to find another way to get her key to unlock the Tree of Harmony's chest. It could also mean a world where the Twilight-obsessed Starlight never learns of Twilight's time travel misadventures and so never gets the idea to use time travel herself.
Wrong because there would be another Twilight, starlight and Spike in the timeline Twilight returned to.
"But In THAT timeline, things went exactly as they did in the abandoned timeline."
That would mean the original twilight of THAT new timeline also abandoned it, basically replacing the old twilight with the same Twilight... So where did that old twilight go? Is this a paradox, or did Twilight really did just return to the one she just abandoned?
Hey Sawtooth. What if the abandoned Timeline is the one that leads into G5? In G5 the magic is gone. and you mentioned that cozy would of still found away to drain Equestria of magic. What if she did and it lead to the three pony tribes splitting off. Thus ending the harmony. just a random thought that crossed my mind.
This Got me Thinking, and it Hit Different. But I Think that they Went back to their Own Timeline because they weren't gone long enough for anything to take Effect. They may have been Present there, but they Didn't change how Life Went on. Causing them to return Safely back to their Timeline.
Sunset might come back and take Twilights place. Think about it. It was during the whole time traveling escapade that Sunset was participating in the friendship games. Twilight was already not answering he pleas for help because she was already gone. Eventually Sunset would have gone to see if Twilight was alright. Apon finding out Twilight disappeared she would help consol the mane 6 and princess Celestia. After awhile seeing that Equestria was endanger Sunset would step it and maby take up the place of the element of magic.
Just think 'bout Twilight perfect loop when she thought the world is ending. She travelled to past her and came back to present timeline. She haven't created new one, she just talked to her past self and boom, back to her times. This moment became part of that timeline but did not create new one.
What if the original timeline was actually the "almost identical to the original timeline", and everything they did CREATED the timeline they were from? Therefore only eight exist?
The og one could easily go in to gen 5 if cozy did take all the magic and if you think about it it would be super easy for for crystals to replace twilight I think the second she knows shes missing she's going to take action
It is possible for the time line to merge itself... I sorta veiw in the same situation as the doctors meeting each other after everything has been solved they don't remember seeing each other or what even happened. I can imagine the same being for Spike starlight and twilight as I'm sure most of the ponies would be focused on the race or doing other things meening no one would see them. However if the time line did change I think it would become something like fallout equestria with twilight gone I can imagine some dispute could go horribly wrong causing some sort of chaotic war (basically just what fallout equestria is). Idk it's just my thoughts and theories and limited knowledge of time wimey time travel stuff.
Perhaps in the forgotten time line they either found a replacement for Twilight or the time line created a new alternative twilight that didn't go in the porthole Peabody and Sherman still who knows?
If twilight didn't follow starlight into the past. They would've just lived further without her. She would've been trapped in alternate timelines without twilight to save her.
wait wait wait.. while i enjoyed and agreed with this.. wouldn’t that mean there would be 2 twilight, spike, and starlight’s in “our” timeline? or would’ve this been a endless loop of creating timelines to which just end up getting the different 3 from another timeline with no one realizing…
Maybe you can try to do a alternate timeline where a canterlot wedding ended into a civil war with twilight leading this army with the intention of killing the princesses and her old friends P.S can the nameless one help you with this idea and maybe dr.wolf too?
I think this theory is a bit extreme. Twilight, Spike and Starlight might not end up in a new timeline at all. Them going back in time could have been part of the same timeline. There is order in the chaos of the universe, so i think even if there was a minor change, it would fix itself. The only reason the other timelines exist is cause Starlight threw a big wrench into the fabric of time. Think of the flow of time like a river. If you throw a big rock in, you'll get a huge ripple and a big splash. Throw in a pebble, only a small ripple. Not enough to branch the timeline, though it could cause a couple minor hiccups in it
What if the 2 different human time lines came into play somehow and the human world which we saw from the first timeline have some to do with it , as we know that when twilight went back in time sunset was already reformed in both the human timeline of both worlds,we have seen the continuation from the 2nd timeline but not the first,and after sunset's reformation finding twilight and going for the camp was pretty independent of the pony world,so what if they stepped in while crysalis took over,we do know that the legend of everfree takes simultaneously and hence right after that,the 1st human world which we visited with the 1st timeline may step in and have a completely different future? They did her the necklace thingy which act like the elements and they do embody the elements even without the elements actually being present seen in the season finale and the rainbow rocks
The difference I can think of in the two timelines are that rainbow remembers twilight from when she did the rainboom.... Its just that rainbow has'nt really mentioned the rainboom much so I guess we'll never know
I think that the rest of the mane 6 would freak out more because the element of magic is gone and they still think the elements give them there power and friendship
Here’s a more Lovecraftian and Multiversual theory. What if Discord is responsible for creating the new timeline after his second release? What if all the fillers (subjectively) throughout the series, including Equestria Girls, new characters especially main characters, like Starlight, and other things Lauren Faust became upset, like Twilicorn, because Discord ‘writes’ the show like a kid playing with his toys, while the other timeline was Lauren’s timeline that was never shown to the public, because Discord symbolizes the Hasbro higher ups that denied Lauren’s creativity? What if Discord was ‘reformed’, because the canon of the show is his world now?
Perhaps Fluttershy would have been Celestia's next successor, she was given motivational talks from the Princess and with Discord they would have been a strong duo. Moon Dancer would have taken the knowledgable role at Celestia's prompting, maybe even bringing Sunset Shimmer back.
I'm currently still trying to get the two possibilities straight since I get confused easily and forget factors quite as much...
r a i n 雨2021-07-24 19:03:03 (edited 2021-07-24 19:04:21 )
Timelines are in a loop though, so what we’re watching has technically happened before?? For all we know, present Twilight, Spike and Starlight could’ve been in past Cloudsdale in the original timeline without anyone noticing (in the redemption scene they don’t talk with filly RD or anyone else). Them being in cloudsdale technically actually happened before everything else, them being in cloudsdale is part of the original timeline. So the timeline they came back to is still the original?? does that make sense, idk how to explain my thoughts-
But what about Discord? He might stop Crystalis and Cozy Glow with his powers. It will be ironic if the chaos lord would become the new magic element of harmony.
So i came to a similar conclusion arguing with an anon over on /mlp/.
The argument was over whether or not the show beyond The Cutie Re-Mark took place in a separate reality from the one we started in. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that the table, the map never took Twilight and Starlight back to the rainboom we saw in the Cutie Mark Chronicles.
We came to the conclusion that it sent them to a number of different realities, but not once did they ever return to the original.
Starlight, Spike, and Twilight aren’t visible in the original CMC episode. We know WHY this is, obviously the writers never planned this far out. However because of that fact, we can only assume that the trio were never there to begin with.
So once they left, there was no chance of them ever TRULY returning.
Basically any way you look at it, this is hardly a theory. Our original timeline is not the one we ended the show with.
How do you know they were not suppose to be there... like your previous video about future twilight time loop, maybe this one's the same... they were always there for the sonic rainboom, but since it eventualy occur without intervention, no one saw them... the first occurrence factor is troubling, but it might as well be Starlight!
Me: Hey what do you know, an OC that specializes in fixing time travel anomalies. Pity she wants to remain anonymous in the original timeline. Dark Watch: 'Good, nobody knows that I'm even part of it. Let's keep it that way you numb scull.'
This is the saddest theory that you have given and your voice is sooo sad that it makes me more sad (Did anyone understand that whatever l said) And l appreciate that you still make videos even if the franchise has ended.
What if the original timeline is the 8th timeline Starlight, Twilight and Spike travel thru when they kept going thru timelines like the Chrysalis ruling timeline. Seeing what would have happened if the Rainboom never happened. There was a timeline were there was just a grey desert. And Sawtooth did say the OG timeline would be unrecognizable. This could mean the OG timeline might be the 8th disastrous timeline of when the Rainboom never happened!
So there are 2 versions of twilight starlight and spike in the past, the older and younger So if this isn't their time line that means when they go back to the present there should be them aslwel as the younger ones that grew up, but there is only one group. That means it's the same group and the same timeline
not possible, as G5 mentions Twilight and her friends, plus pegasi can still fly and unicorns still have magic (to an extent), plus the synopsis mentions that the races all split up again.
It is most certainly a possibly. There could be another timeline where the Crystal Empire is covered in snow and Chrysalis eventually took over. iWorks like some stories on that…
I’m wondering about the twilight from the alternate timeline since she had to have gone somewhere for the original timeline twilight to take her place.
What happens when celestia realized twilight was missing and then went back in time to help twilight with the situation would the original timeline still be there
Sawtooth, how do you know if starlight, twilight and spike weren’t there in the time line we know, who said that they weren’t even there in the first place; remember last video you explained how twilight time traveled to give past twilight a warning, that could’ve happened there. What If in the timeline we know of the rainboom event future twilight, starlight and spike were there trying to solve the same problem present twilight starlight and spike...
I think tia(celestia) would find a replacement for Twilight I think of one of the mane six rainbow dash or rarity maybe I don't know but after that I think everything would be fine
Dsepite the unnerving music it's kinda hard to feel unconfortable with pink petals falling, a sunny background and pastel coloured ponies and their young and harmless dragon haha
Maybe the original timeline have Starlight, Twilight, and Spike when the rainboom happened, maybe Twilight stop Starlight so the rainboom happened, and the same thing also happened.
This reminds me of a Steven universe episode In this episode a bunch Stevens came from different timelines so our Steven went back in time to stop himself from picking up a special artifact that would cause all this to happen, then all the Stevens follow our Steven, they went back in time but then all the Stevens die, except for one Steven but it isn’t our Steven
Probably with all those villains probably all the villains are just standing in the middle of nowhere arguing about who should rule all that nothingness that they’ve caused
Everyone speaks about the timeline split at the rainboom, yet no one is seeing the obvious truth: without the rainboom Cheese Sandwich wouldn't have gotten his cutie mark either. Equestria depends on Weird Al Yankovic.
This wouldnt be true, because they still have the elements of harmony, trixie would still be there and she and starlight still have the same memories. Celestia still would know all about twilight becoming an alicorn
I have a question, in friendship games, when Sci-Twi is "stealing" magic from the portal or Sunset Shimmer (idk), does it makes something bad to equestria ? And if it does, was it in the actual world or in the abodonned world ? (Srry for bad grammar-)
I think you’re kind of like twilight spike in starlight would go back to their original timeline I’m just happy that we will see them again and they’re all the time
So there should've been a Twilight Sparkle in that world that they ended up in. A Twilight Sparkle who grew up to be a friendship student and princess, and then this impostor shows up out of nowhere and starts acting like hot shit. What did they do about the native Twilight, Starlight, and Spike?
Question/Video Idea:When human Twilight went to Equestria she wasn't an alicorn just a unicorn but when she transformed in the human world she has wing.HOWWW???😯😳⁉️⁉️⁉️
Hey sawtooth , I have a question , where is the twilight spike and starlight of the timeline which they are right now ? There's a twilight spike and starlight in that timeline right ?
I don’t think there were 9 time line I think in the 1st time line Starlight,Twilight,and Spike were there when the Sonic rain boom happened,why do I think that because if they came to the 9 time line there would be 2 Twilights.And I love your videos!❤️And I’m 8 years old.
There are actually not 9, but (7+(A+infinity+B)×infinity)+A+infinity+C With A being an amount of times Twilight went back in time before the flow of exactly the same timelines, B for an amount of loops Shimmer went back in time in every new timeline and C for the amount of times Shimmer went back in time in the abundant timeline (might or might not = B depending mostly on wheather that happened before or after Starlight spell)
What if the one with nothing but dirt and stone, was the original timeline.. Without the full of the Main 6, villains could take over, if they all did it together the two royal sisters could be defeated.. Even if it does become a chrysalis timeline, and also to think the storm king would probably never get the power of the staff since it was necessarily to have all 4 princesses magic, maybe he would of taken over equestria instead of chrysalis, as he did seem to be able capture everyone even without the power of the staff. All just because of one spell 😰 I never actually thought about this until now, it is kind of scary to wonder what equestria would become without twilight, starlight and spike..
It may be that Celestia and Luna have flowing hair because their older than twilight and cadence and flurry are not as old as celestia so I think when they grow up they will get flowing hair
Wait... how could Flurry break the crystal heart? The reason why she broke it was because she was separated from pinkie pie from the bubble twilight created but maybe I’m wrong
I like to think similar timelines will eventually merge together. The idea that the universe and the multiverse are infinite, is something I can't help but scoff at due to the fact we all know that everything on this planet is finite. It blows the mind to think anything could be infinite. But this may also explain the mandela effect. It's not that you remembered something wrong, but that thing was overwritten by a merging timeline.
The implication from the episode is there aren't alternate timelines, there's only one and changing the past is simply rewriting that one. Which has it's own dark implications, since everyone Twilight meets in those alternate timelines is dead (or rather never existed) the moment she goes back and changes something again. I base this assumption on Zecora's line about how her timeline isn't meant to be. If we assume the many-worlds interpretation then there's no such thing as a timeline that wasn't meant to be. Zecora even demonstrates with a stream of water that changing the path of the water results not in multiple streams but one redirected stream. Now yes that could be taken to mean the path of the traveler rather than time as a whole, but combine it with the previous line about how they shouldn't be and its meaning is pretty clear.
The many-worlds interpretation is problematic in general when we consider time travel, since every single possible action has already happened. If we assume MWI then both Starlight's and Twilight's actions are pointless. Twilight could have stayed where she was and not followed Starlight back in time, because her timeline would not have changed. And there was no point in Starlight going back to stop the rainboom, because there are already innumerable timelines where the rainboom failed to happen all on its own. MWI robs any time travel plot of so much of its tension that one simply must assume the Copenhagen Interpretation in any plot that hangs its tension on the changing of the past.
The only way to use MWI in a time travel plot and still maintain dramatic tension is the way the MCU recently did it, where they needed a resource that no longer existed in the present to save the day. They thus went back in time to get that resource when it did exist, with the understanding that nothing they did back then mattered to their time line. Though the MCU managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with that final scene of Old Cap on the bench, since MWI wouldn't allow for that. There are ways to force that scene to fit with MWI, but they're complicated and clunky.
Well,about this...means Princesses death...If Twilight never was there Storm king would make all princesses stone without Twilight save them and find the hippogriffs so maybe this was the end of Equestria in the original world,who knows but if you right for Chrysalis all this is a war,a war vs Queen Chrysalis,Storm king and King Sombra,those villains fight for who will be the leader...a war that will make Equestria this that Twilight was show to Starlight......BUT of course we see that starlight didn't nothing at the end,she was aggreed with Twilight back to their reall home,the original Equestria and + that inthe first episode that you was show Nameless one in your chanell he said that your Equestria is the original one so you can see what is happening right now in the "forgotten"world,right?But if this is true mane five would NEVER EVER understand that Starlight is good now,they thing she is a lost villain,maybe they will mix it with Twilight and Spike that missing,mane five will never see Twilight again,never see Stigian or the pillars,Flurry or Sunberst,even Thorax,or Tempest or Capper,they would never seen Cozy glow or young six everything will change in equestria the original Equestria is nothing more than a lost memory...Twilight is a lost memory...Starlight is missing villain. Mane five have the hope that twilight and Spike will come back again but everything are just broken nothing is the same,the love is lost princesses are lost even Starlight is lost,this is the end.of Equestria Twilight is the one that holding equestria alive without Twilight nothing is the same...
I was spying on Sawtooth because of his resent time travel mischief and was planning to prevent him from doing it again… Forever But… if what he said is true… I need to do something.
aw crap, its Zamatsu all over again...you know, Goku black and all that if you're familiar with somewhat recent Dragon Ball Z events. But actually I think its just a case of things returning to their own timeline. After all, the original order of events happened, no one noticed Spike, Starlight, or Twilight, and nothing was permantly changed, lost, or otherwise tampered with. That was the whole point of Twilight making sure the Rainboom happened after all. If she had failed....well, you saw the wasteland.
THAT SAID: messing with time, if possible AT ALL, is a BIG no-no....messing with stuff only God has real access to...the Grandfather paradox? That's nothing...because it only deals with the past leading up to the present...imagine ramifications on the future because...well, people who were supposed to be present and events that were supposed to happen, weren't and couldn't. Do you have ANY idea how huge that is? granted, things meant to happen will happen one way or another, but still...it could make things go all screwy just the same.
@Christopher Jones Travel to different dimensions is safer then time travel. You can’t change the future unless you try to. Plus you get to meet legendary heroes, I have almost lost count of the things I took part in…
so there is no such thing as different timelines if no one changed the past. And no one did when twilight became friends with starlight ans they came back to the same timeline cause no one caused anything different nopony was probably looking them and were amazed of that portal witch chanced the past so nothing changed
Great just great sawtooth is turning mlp into a another TIMELINE Don’t you have a problem with the mane six . First Twilight being a dictator , pinkie pie is a chaos creature, rainbow dash does not deserve her element, Apple jack is stupid 😔. Why
i think if there is an abanded timeline than no one would even now cosyglow and the ponys would yust go to the human world till they find starbucks but when they come back they see that zombra has taken over
i think the world that has been forgotten everyone is gone or just living without twillight starlight ans spike wait how about sunset she also has gone thrue diffrent universes she can maybe replac twilligt
When there can to the past of rain boom every thing was same by Been there so your who know there was past twilight starlight and spike but rainbow dash not them
There is a thing in star trek that may mean it never branched off. Meaning, the sonic rainboom ALWAYS had those three extra viewers because the time travel event always happened. Its a perfect circle. Or, as its properly called. A Pre-destined paradox. Also look at it like futurama, Fry being his own grandpa. Always was meant to happen and therefor always happened that way.
My therories is that time already have have a futur what i mean is that for example now when im typing right here time already know what im gonna do next and so as in the mlp world so if you do a time travel that means you destroy the future time has made for you imagen that time is river if the river already flows and you go back to when the river just start like a bit and make new path there you just make time creat you another future but so it means you created a new world which is most called as pararel world just if stalight and the others go back to the place where before they watch the rainbom and take them away or twilight or starlight can cast a spell to make them invisible they can go bsck to the real world but so they just creat a new world this maybe dangerous cause rainbow dash or whoever watch the rainbom that see starlight and twilight might has a memory of them what if who watched starlight and twilight was a child and when theyre big they became a vilain then they saw twilight and starlight again at the same age they would think that starlight and twilight do time travel and they ended up alternating starswirl spell to go back in time and creat another timeline/pararel world that is so dangerous. This is my theori ~Adi Satia
I believe that they were already there, even in the first rain boom. A good example of this is in Harry Potter book 3 where Harry and Hermione went back in time with the time turner and Harry used the patronous charm to save past Harry, which Harry saw thinking it was his Father. However, I believe Spike, starlight, and twilight were there but were unnoticed, somehow. Therefore the world is the same as it was suppose to happen. This is similar when Twilight when to inform her past self about a danger not to worry about, but in this instance it was indirect instead of being direct, BUT that is just a theory
i know this is random buuuuut- now that this theory came into play i may be able to fit my fanfic inside the canon. yay, more writing for me! thanks sawtooth! 🤍
Scott Williams2021-07-24 01:46:57 (edited 2021-09-29 13:22:36 )
Alright then. You agree with my first thoughts on the episode. My next question is "What about our current timeline's original Twilight and Spike?" What happened to them? Wouldn't the inhabitants of that timeline notice two Twilights? Or say that Twilight went back in time. Her personality is almost guaranteed to be at least slightly different than ours. Wouldn't they notice the difference? And if that Twilight time travelled, what about the alternate universes/timelines they created? And what about the one they finally ended up in? The exact same set of questions apply here too.
I didn't watch until you asked what we think before posting. I think they don't merge because the ponies present at the rainboom will have a memory of Twilight and company being there. It will nag at some of them forever, gauranteed. It's like leaving a watermelon on someone's doorstep in the middle of the night.
Sawtooth! Did you ever think about the fact that MAYBE twilight, Starlight, and Spike WERE there originally? Like maybe the event of them going back in time was meant to happen? Think about it, if it wasn’t meant to, starlight wouldn’t have reformed, reunited with sunburst, became friends with Trixie, or thorax, and equestria would have fallen to chrysalis anyways, I think this was a time loop sort of event that was meant to happen no matter what, think about it, if it’s meant to happen, and say young rainbow dash saw them, she wouldn’t remember them being their way in the future when she meets twilight, otherwise she would have told twilight she looked familiar upon their meeting, I’m guessing that rainbow and fluttershy are about 6-7 years old when this happens, they wouldn’t remember elder ponies that they get a glimpse of, and never see again, think of it like Re-meeting a family member at a Christmas party who you haven’t seen since you were 6, you don’t ever remember them
I would personally imagine they always had been at the rainboom. My personal interpretation if time travel is that if it's happened, it's happened. That everything within a timeline is closed off within the timeline. For example, if Bob goes back to 2000, it's already happened. All his actions have already happened. So personally, I think that Starlight and Twilight were always there, we just didn't get to see or Rainbow's memory was distorted because of how long ago it was.
You make a good argument, but there's something that was bugging me with the theory. Wouldn't there be another Twilight in the present they returned to if it was not the original? For example, in the alternate timelines where the villains reined, although we never see the Twilight and Spike from those timelines, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's not a version of them that already exists that fit the alternate timelines. So wouldn't that disprove the theory that the timeline they returned to is not the original? Because if it was not the original, there would be another Twilight, Spike, and (maybe) Starlight?? So I guess it's just pure speculation since we never see another Twilight or Spike in the villain timelines, but when Twilight time traveled by herself to warn her past self, there were 2 Twilights in the same timeline. It's just something that I thought about and my thoughts are kind of all over the place so I hope I'm still (somehow) making sense.
This is an interesting theory with good evidence! However, I think I might have some that will discredit it. The only problem I found with this theory is how it ties into Equestria girls. Specially Forgotten Friendship, Spring Breakdown, and The Friendship Games. At least the first 3 movies are held in the original timeline. In the final scene of the Friendship Games, Twilight goes to the human world through the portal after the fight with Starlight. If she, Spike, and Starlight had started a new timeline and went there, the human 7 in that timeline wouldn't know who she is. Even if they did, because the mane 6 knew as stated in the video, then the Equestria Girls movies would be on different timelines. Assuming it is all on the same timeline, starting a new one would screw up the human world. In FF, Sunset wouldn't be able to go back to Equestria to ask Celestia for forgiveness and find out information about the memory stone. In SB, Rainbow, Sunset, and Twilight couldn't travel to Equestria because there would no Princess Twilight to go to.
I would say the timelines merged back. If they didn't, then there's an extra Spike, Twilight, and Starlight running around somewhere they might run into. Shame...I do enjoy the idea Chrysalis gets another timeline. She deserves it after what happens at the end.
I was going to say myself that I thought along the lines of that timeline merge, where the insignificant event in the past changes the whole timeline but not to recognizable amount. I would have also suggested that maybe it would have already been in place in that timeline to begin with: even though it was unseen, the two would have made their time-cutting appearance at that time and they were just fulfilling their destiny to do so in the past of their own timeline. But at that rate of continuity it would also raise question of why that wouldn't happen with everytime starlight and twilight returned to that moment in the past, and ended up with several copies of each other at that one moment too, as that would already break the continuity of them skipping back to the same moment in time over and over, although at that point the whole premise of time traveling falls apart into paradox anyways...
i actually got physical chills when you started talking about the original timeline being left behind, this theory is amazing i can’t believe ur the first i’ve heard to pick up on how it’s probably not the same timeline :0
God, imagine: Flurry Heart,the queen of a broken changeling empire. I'm just imagining the changelings enslaving the ponies and farming their love like animals while Tireck and all the other villains still wreak havoc, the Crystal empire still in snow. I'm also imagining a war between Crysalis and Sombra for control of the empire, one which Chrysalis would indoubtably win. Also, I think the storm king would still try and take over Equestria too til the whole mlp world is engulfed in war between Chrysalis/Flurry Heart and the Storm King. As if that wasn't enough, the original six are still in limbo! How sad us that? Also, I 100% agree with the abandoned world theory.
In the anime Stiens gate there was a force that kept certain events from happening as if fated. They described it as a world line. an event that had such certainty to happen that even large changes to the past would not change the result. Sort of like attempting to change the flow of a river. you can change the direction of a river to a point but it will always flow generally towards the nearest sea unless something more drastic like an entire mountain is moved. hence why I would believe it is the original time line as the change was not enough to shift the resulting flow of events.
5:15 As a Chronomancer And Time Traveller I Can Say Doing Nothing But Doing The Time Travel Spell Still Creates New Dimension So That Means We Have a Total of 19 Different Timelines
It's also possible that Twilight, Starlight, and Spike switched places with another group of the same trio. Say for instance there were multiple of these groups performing time travel at around the same time, it could have been like a "ring around the rosie" sort of situation. Or it could have even just been two groups - notice that in the "new timeline", there was never any trouble with duplicates of any of the three of them. Being public figures something like that would have been noticed, so it's possible that the trio from the new timeline swapped places with the ones of old, and just like everyone in the new timeline, most likely no one in the old timeline would have known the difference.
What about the map though? Didn't it stay consistent throughout the different timelines? If it had the power to ensure none of the other timelines came to be, surely it would be able to sense and return to the original timeline so that one does not mess up? I mean Starlight used her own twist on the spell and casted it directly on the map, so it may have worked differently than other cases of time travel in the show.
Also, if time travel loops, is it not possible that Twilight, Starlight and Spike were all originally there but since on the last trip before Starlight's redemption they do not do much to draw attention other than talking, no-one paid attention to them and it was not noted in their history or memories? So in short, it may be more likely the show continued in the original time line?
Wait a minute, didn’t you cover this in the Twilight Paradox video? Their choices through time rewrote how time was meant to go each time the went back, to the point they could still be there and time would go as it without them.
If Twilight disappeared and couldn't be found in Equestria, the next place they would look is the human world. Once the humain seven were alerted that Twilight was missing, they would also join the search. On one of their many trips to Equestria to search for Twilight, they would discover the main five acting off. The humain seven will uncover the invasion plot, and Sunset will strip as much information about the changelings from the invaders' minds as possible. The humain seven will then be the ones to defeat the changelings and save everypony, but there will be no reformation. From that day forward, the humain seven will be the ones called whenever Equestria is in danger, until a new element of magic can be found.
I'm pretty sure they went back to the original timeline because (when Twilight made Starlight understand that she was being delusional about cutie marks and friendship and when Starlight showed Twilight and Spike what caused her to put all those dangerous delusions in her head) they did not make any "major" changes to either past, so at least most of everything most likely ended up staying the same. Also after they went back to the present, after Starlight's reformation, the Time Traveling Scroll disappeared into the time void. If the did end up going to another alternate timeline instead of the original, then the original timeline would have ended up looking the wasteland timeline because of not just Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, but also many other villains they shown in the comic books and the movie.
The one thing I would have like to know most about Starlight was how she got her cutie mark and her talent in manipulating everything with her magic and her own free will.
I think the timeline Twilight, Starlight and Spike returned to is the original timeline. They didn't change anything and just being there in theory shouldn't count as a change unless someone noticed them, and since nopony noticed them in the past it probably doesn't count as a change. Think of it this way, if you take a walk through a park for example and Noone notices you or pays any attention to you, and if you don't interact with anyone will that change there plans or what happens to them after that, no. That's what I think.
Ooh! This was so interesting! I never thought about this b4! Spoilers for the VIDEO! READ AFTER WATCHING!!!!
I really hope that they did merge into one….That would be SO DARK (and super interesting) if they stayed 2 separate timelines! With Twilight and Spike just proofing out of nowhere into a different timeline and just vanishing into thin air, What would they do? There’s just so many possibilities!!!
And so, Hasbro created the PVA, The Pony Variance Authority, to keep a Sacred timeline
(I know someone already made a similar comment but I couldn't resist)
I would say that Twilight Starlight and Spike head to the future of a new timeline which is mostly the same(made fully the same if nopony noticed them in the past during that last timeline), and the other timeline just...ceased to exist. So basically like normal time travel.
If the original timeline were truly abandoned, then it should follow there are 2 sets of Twi, Spike and Starlight in the final timeline, unless the originals of the ninth timeline abandoned their own for some unknown timeline, in which case, why couldn't some trio of time travelers have replaced the three we followed in the original first timeline? Doesn't seem likely it was abandoned.
If it happened how you said then there would be extras of the three rather than thinking of timelines as fine lines think of them as streams of water but the change was small enough to be irrelevant.
Technically going by what you said they did return to the original timeline. Starlight, spike and twilight just became apart of the history and starlight didn’t stop it. And when they left to go back into the original timeline they left the history alone. So they never really affected it in the first place. But that’s just my theory.
The only problem I see with this is where did the new timelines Starlight and Twilight go especially if this is a timeline where starlight doesn't disrupt time I can only assume the other timelines get erased
I think the two merged together. My reasoning is actually based on a real life phenomenon that I don’t remember the name of. Ever heard of the Barenstain Bears? No? Well maybe you're more familiar with its alternate name, the Barenstein Bears. Most people remember Barenstein bears, but records only show Barenstain. Why is this? Well, people have talked about the possibility of two different, yet very similar timelines merging into one single timeline. I myself actually have been saying Barenstein Bears my whole life. Very interesting stuff. You should look into it.
I think it would be a much more militant timeline. A princess as high profile as Twilight disappearing, seemingly without a trace would trigger massive searches for months, if not years. First they would search all of Equestria for the whereabouts of Twilight, the whole time the princesses, the element bearers and Twilight's parents becoming more and more fearful and paranoid. Questions would be circulating about who could have taken a princess without any signs of a struggle and who would benefit the most from it. Then the searches would be expanded to the neighboring countries, then to countries further afield. Eventually that would lead to an open conflict with the changelings, and as powerful as Chrysalis is, she would be no match in an open field of combat against three literal demigoddesses, the war would last for a couple of years, and even though there would be a lot of ponies killed, the changelings would be pushed to the drink of extinction. The whole time Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Shining Armor would never stop their search, even sending out secret agents to try and find any evidence of what happened to the missing princess. The plans of the Storm King would get uncovered prematurely which would trigger a massive military buildup from both Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and they would launch a massive preemptive strike against the Storm Lands and its satellite states, forcefully deposing the Storm King and installing a puppet government in its stead. That would trigger all the other nations to either sign non-aggression pacts with Equestria or sign mutual defense pacts in the hopes of protecting their own homelands and interests. This would trigger Equestria to sign mutual defense pacts with countries and it would cause the world to descend into a period of cold war.
Actually, the possible forgotten universe might not live in vain like the others, this is a show about friendship. And even though in all the other timelines hope was lost since the mane 6 never met, but in the forgotten universe.. the mane 6 already did. So even if twilight wasn't there anymore, along with starlight and spike, it wouldn't be the end of that universe, because their would be a slimmer of hope..and maybe a different universes.
After the three disappear, I imagine that celestia would make a funeral regarding the three, despite the fact they weren't known to be dead.. it's still custom to make a funeral if someone is missing for so long and would be marked as dead. Twilight would be known in the history books as the youngest alicorn princess to die/disappear. Her letters to the princess and all she had learned, would be in its own personal archives like starswirl had, and she would be idolized for centuries to come. Her castle would become a historical land point (until later on...) Celestia and luna would look at twilight the same as starswirl, an amazing unicorn with great potential that disappeared from the world itself, but left behind alot for future generations. (I'll reply to this comment later on to continue my theory, please let me know what you think of this story build up)
What if Twilight, Starlight and Spike were always meant to be there to begin with? (the original timeline of you will). Yes, I’m suggesting that at some point in Twilight’s childhood, she coexisted with her future self without realizing it so she (referring to future Twilight) could fulfill Starlight’s redemption.
It’s important to consider how Starlight started out, you know, Sunburst left and she became a communist. As far as we know, nothing in Starlight’s life/ personal timeline has changed when they traveled back in time, granted it’s the fate of all of equestria but the point is Sunburst still would’ve left and she still would’ve became a communist because the main 6’s lives do not directly affect her at this point in time (as they first cross paths in season 5, obvi).
This is confusing so I’ll try to water it down lol. Starlight’s life initially led up to the moment where she decided to go back in time which led to her redemption with Twilight’s help and that creates what I’ll be referring to as the “Glimmer-re-mark” paradox. They (Twilight, Spike and Starlight) were always meant to be there when the Rainboom occurred.
I've just watched this video and realized if starlight glimmer wasn't there to be apart of cozy glow's magic drain,cozy glow wouldn't have been able to drain all the magic and takeover all of Equestria
I mean, if they switched timelines, what happened to the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike in the timeline they ended up in? Maybe they traded places and everything went okay after all? Or does that create a 10th timeline? And if so, what happened to the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike of the 10th timeline? Does it make an 11th timeline? Or does the similarities in both 9th and 10th timeline make them merge together? *screaming in confusion*
Interesting... But Starlight, Spike, and Twilight went back into the past, not into a different universe. So, when they came back, they probably didn't end up in a different universe and that means nothing really changed except for the fact that Spike, Twilight, and Starlight were there to see the rainboom. I don't know if this makes sense but that's what I think.
well, going by Back to the Future rules, the most commonly accepted and seemingly fitting ruleset for this episode, they WOULD be back in the original.
I believe that Twilight, Starlight, and spike being there would not have made a different timeline because just them seeing the race is not a big difference so it may just lead to the same timeline Idk though I may just be trying to make sense of it.
Wouldn't there be two Twilight's in the same universe? Since there would be Twilight from that universe and the "new" one. Unless the Twilight teleprted away creating a loop. Or maybe in that loop she jumpes between the two universes and "exchanges" Twilights.
Let say you are right. Let's also say that Crysalis does take over Equestria. Cozyglow would definitely notice this, but she may not think that friendship is power. After all, she said Twilight taught her that. But let's just say that Tirek teaches her that instead. She would use what Tirek tells her about magic to wipe away magic in Equestria to "save" them from Crysalis. And because Twilight isn't there, and there's no Young 6 and the Pillars are still in Limbo, Cozy will succeed. After successfully getting rid of all magic, Cozyglow will go on to try and take over Equestria. Whether or not she succeeds at that, is up for debate. Because not only will Cozyglow have to try and fight the whole of the Earth ponies and Pegasi of the royal guard, she will also have to try and fight Celestia and Luna, who aren't going to give up so easily. Likely Cozy will be beaten and locked away in the Canterlot dungeon for life. And then Equestria will still have to deal with the loss of Twilight and ALL magic. But Cozy will also have to find a way to get the artifacts from the other creatures Kingdoms as well. Because without the school, the wouldn't be right at her hooves.
If the timeline they transferred into was exactly the same , then in that timeline there would have been another spike, another starlight, and another twilight sparkle doing the exact same thing , I'm going to call the abandoned time line that twi left , timeline2, the one the went into is timeline3 , so twilight , starlight and spike unknowingly left timeline2 and joined timeline3,but the twi,star, and spike from timeline3 would have joined timeline4( etc.) So our orgianal twi left timeline2 but there must have been a twilight from timeline1 that joined timeline 2 , so the abandoned timeline would have survived , sure it lost its orgianal twilight , but a new one arrived to help.
I actually think that maybe Twilight, Starlight, and Spike were in the background during the Rainboom. In The Cutie-Mark Chronicles, they may have been somewhere we couldn't see them so that we wouldn't suspect it.
No you have to have one to take one. When Twilight went back in time Twilight equals 0 in the original timeline the universe is not happy. Once Twilight fix the old timeline and went back to the original timeline Twilight e41 in both timelines so the universe was happy. Pence it's the same timeline
Speaking of Starlight...there’s someone who looks similar to Starlight If you watch rainbow rocks and the season 5 premier,you’ll see that someone looks similar to Starlight
I believe Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were at the original timeline race where Dash performed the Rainboom, we just didn't realize until the season 5 finale.
When they left that timeline they were at the moment of the rainboom, the younger Twilight from that timelime could still be there and everything would have been the same, except for the other Twilight, Spike and Starlight
I think you're wrong, unless the two Rainboom timelines did indeed merge.
Two words: Sunset Shimmer.
The portal at CHS is linked to the original timeline, so it shouldn't have led to a new timeline where Twilight Starlight and Spike returned to, but the original one in which those 3 no longer exist, but that isn't the case.
When Twilight runs through the portal at the end of Friendship Games she mentioned the Time Loop, meaning either the two Rainboom timelines merged or the portal, for unexplained reasons, disconnected from the original timeline after Sci-Twi stoll its magic and reconnected to the new timeline after the fact... which wouldn't actually work out because that wouldn't explain why the naturally occurring portal from Spring Breakdown connects to the new timeline as well.
Surprised that no-one is pointing this out. If Starlight, Spike and Twilight returned to a timeline that already existed then wouldn't there be versions of them there already?
To whoever read this comment, Starlight was never intention to destory the timeline; she just went to the past to keep the Mane 6 away for ruined her village and she is not a communism. This is literal basic mistake whenever people have the power go back to time, they think it fix their problem it only make thing even worst than the original time line. For why Twilight friends didn't look for her, because they actually only gone for a few minutes inside the time loop.
This is why you should never time travel, it only leads to confusion and the destruction of the past , present and future and if this is not the case it might lead to permanent changes.
Cozy Glow drains magic from Equestria in the forgotten Timeline without anyone stopping her and in MLP G5 magic is gone from Equestria so we will return to that timeline and see what happened with Twilight, Starlight and Spike gone
It sounded very creepy..... the kinda forgoten timeline, the original one been banded... only IF it actualy works the timeline way we have in our minds
maybe the rest of the main six in the new timeline wind up taking the place of twilight , starlight and spike. who do you think would have replaced them and in what?
like who would be the princess, who would help stop the winter, who would stop the changelings, would the collage of friendship happen or not , if so how would the new six meet? I feel like this would be a fun writing prompt.
i think this wouldn't happen because if they switched timeline then what happened to the group that already was in that timeline, there would have been 2 of twilight spike and the other one I forgot the name of. i think that they always went back in time and stayed in the same timeline just they fulfilled them going back in time. just no one ever noticed they were there. just like how in the first case of time travel twilight ended up fulfilling the time travel by still warning herself and ended up saying the same stuff that past future twilight said. sorry if this doesn't make sense but it makes sense in my head. I tried to explain it best i could.
As we all knows Starlight and Twilight went back in time but since Starlight altered so many ultimate realities and then when they went back the final time they did nothing it’s completely possible that they went there before the original then boom did have them there and it ended with them doing nothing it’s a theory but could work like if you go back to watch an event and do nothing in the future you’ll still do that as time goes on probably only a theory a my little pony theory
What if twilight, spike and starlight was there in first/real timeline but nobody noticed them because they didn't cause any thing and that's why they aren't in history. Now you might say 'there can't be 2 twilights spikes and starlights in one timeline' but they time traveled from the future so technically they can be there. Atleast that's how I think time travel works🤨
This is probably a bad idea because I’m only at the 2:02 mark but does that mean….there were other outcomes?! Like Chrysalis was successful in the equivalent moment of season 6 or the storm king conquered Equestria without a fight?!
They did not return to a new timeline. Because that timeline did not have an "original" TS, Spike, and SG in it. Which is not possible given that it is identical.
I have a theory that friendship is magic and pony life two different timelines, I will list my reasoning down below: 1. Alternate timelines and universes is cannon; we see this accure when Starlight glimmer prevented the sonic rainboom, causing twilight and spike to trave to other realities. 2. Modern technology; in pony life cellphones and laptops are present, but friendship is magic has a mid-evil feel to it 3. Different landscape; pony life has sugarcube corner on the edge of a cliff and a rainbow potion lake, while friendship is magic has constant landscape (excluding the construction of twilight's castle and the friendship school) 4. Character design; every character in friendship is magic was well detailed as main character or background character, but pony life makes the cutiemarks and characters overly simple
Wait, if Cozy Glow drained the all the magic from equestria, wouldn't chrysalis be powerless? She would probably be taken down without any magic to protect her. Without magic the only thing that would matter was money and connections. So Cozy would probably rise to the top eventually, as she good at manipulating ponies to get what she wants. Though if anypony found out what she was doing it would be just as easy to defeat her as it was chrysalis. They both had armies, one a group of changelings and the other a group of tricked ponies.
I think that maybe no one noticed spike twilight and starlight and because of that it was a forgotten part of rainbows memory and nothing would change because in the episode of how everypony got their cutie mark we don’t see the cloud the 3 are on so it might be the original time line but because as we get older we forget small details rainbow might not have payed too much attention to them. Tell me what you think of this conclusion. And does anyone agree?
cough The original Abandoned Timeline ended in Generation 5 and is somehow the reason, why the three races broke with each other AND the Crystal Empire wasn't mentioned somewhere in the Previews. cough Just a quick theory xD
Hold on if Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer went into the new timeline what happened to the Twilight, Spike and Starlight that already were in it?
There would be three timelines: our current one, the OG and the one were they return to the OG.
Lasse Grotkjær2021-07-23 22:43:29 (edited 2021-07-23 23:43:15 )
I alwas considert it like the original timeline Alwas had Starlight, Twilight and Spike on the cloud, because at that point in the timeline Starlights destiny had alredy been set in Stone, and she had alredy done it in the future. (Just like With the normal MLPFIM time trawel) The timeline were only tranged because they actively interferd, in other Words by doing exactly nothing While bieng in the the past, they created the original timeline we have all followt Them in since episode one. (Relly hope this is a good explanation)
Olso: are we just tottaly gonna ignore the end scene in equestria girls frindship games, i mean IF... that movie takes place in the same timeline as the two previous Movies, and we go With Sawtooth Waws logic, Twilight wouldent show op... ok now that im thinking about it, that propleply depends if the two worlds are parallel ore not... You know what, i will lead it to you guess, what do you Think would happend in the Human world?
Well then where is the Twilight Spike and Starlight from the new timeline they created? Wouldnt that mean that there should be another set of them unless they went back to the original
But—then if your theory is right, where are the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike in this, if they return to a new timeline, they should have their past duplicates or, if not, the other mane five, shouldn’t recognize them
Wait what would of happened to the Twilight in the new timeline before Spike, Twilight and Starlight time traveled there!? Would she of also time traveled and maybe ended up in the old timeline..?
Nobody noticed Twilight, Starlight, and Spike in that final timestream that had them ending up back in their timeline that we know of, but even still it might not have the effects that you brought up in this video. But that's just more confusing time mumbo jumbo I'm too tired to delve in to.
I dont think thats the case. Cus time is a straight line and if someone time travels back in time, when they go back to their own time, its in the same timeline/universe. Always. Especially that the rainboom didnt change and so everyone gets their cutiemarks as usual and everything. And so it means that a future Twilight, Spike and Starlight witnessed the rainboom all along. What I mean is, in the timeline of the show when it first started, there was the argument of Twilight and Starlight in the background. Its just that we didnt see it in Season 1. I hope you understand what I mean ^^'
Following the new series "Loki" logic, only if its a big change like what He who remains said only the major branched timelines would be pruned so his variant (Kang) will not start a multiversal war.
@Sawtooth Waves Hey maybe you can make a video about if 🦄s can use their magic to regrow their broken horns! Or what happens if a 🦄’s horn brakes, will it die? 🤔 about it.
What if the last timeline we saw where twilight spike and starlight were there talking and twilights talked about how important she and her friends r to equestrian was this timeline were twilight spike and starlight r not existing in it ? Twilight was an important pony to equestrian and all this happening is reasonable to that timeline I mentioned, but then that would affect chrysalis’s attack and somehow something else would have come on their way and not chrysalis,maybe storm king ?
Making a children's cartoon dark? Oof thought Rick and morty was confusing when it comes to time lines although final space is even more confusing in the same matter
with no magic, pegasus ponies can't clear the sky and control the weather, unicorns can't control magical artifacts or anything related to magic, earth ponies can't grow and produce food for everyone else, and even the sisters wouldn't be able to raise the sun and moon. even cadence wouldn't be able to protect the empire, as the crystal heart would've been drained of magic, letting the arctic cold into the empire.
OK hear me out what if it didn't branch off into a different timeline because twighlight and starlight and spike were all supposed to be there they were supposed to go back in time bc that was the only way starlight would learn friendship
For everyone asking if there would be two twilights and starlights, I have a potential explanation.
The Starlight and Twilight of the new timeline would have also time traveled and created basically duplicate timelines of the bad futures, while og twilight and starlight basically replaced them.
Time loop ig…wait…thats not the rigjt word for it…
I think that MatPat has already made this video since I know that this channel is a sister YouTube channel to The Game Theorist/The Film Theorist/The Food Theorist/GTLive. And I know who is voice acting Sawtooth Waves. Isn’t that right The Brony Theorist?
So if anyone watched avengers endgame they would know that if you go back in time and fix what you did so in their case the rain boom everything would be fixed no variant timeline but if something was changed like a person saw them who wasn’t meant to that would cause a variant timeline but no pony did so their time would’ve branched multiple times but been fixed and they would’ve returned to their timeline since the fixed everything like the ancient one said in avengers endgame if you take one infinity stone it may benefit your timeline but not my new timeline but since twilight spike and starlight returned and fixed timeline they returned to their own time line
Sawtooth I want to ask if luster dawn is the new pony of generasion of the mane 6 did she will be a queen one time just like Twilight or flurry heart will be the queen I just wonder
heres my theory : if starlight, twilight and spike went into the past, in the time of the sonic rainboom there would be two twilights, a spike, a spike in the egg and mabye even two starlights. For example when twilight went back in time in 'its about time' there were two twilights that saw each other. So if this time when starlight and twilight went back in time they would just be copies of the twilight spike and starlight of that time, no changes when she left .Except mabye rainbow dash remembering that there was an alacorn twilight spectator watching her make the sonic rainboom.
In the season 9 episode daring doubt awizoto mentions other guardians so what if awizoto was guardian of the jungle a the pony eating yeti was the gaurdian of the mountains
WAIT HOly heck WAIT G5 supposedly takes places thousands of years after g4 does right? WHAT IF g5 is the ogrinal Timeline? Not only would it explain why the heck twilight wouldn’t be present (I’m 90% sure she’s not gonna be there at this point tbh) with twilights sudden disappearance what if the tribes start to blame each other and sicne there’s no pony to stop them what if Cozy glow succeeds in draining all magic defeating chyriases second rain but no pony sees her doing this which leads to them blaming each other even more eventually spitting apart
My Thoughts: Just because Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were present on the sidelines for the historic rain-boom, that does NOT actually change anything. That rain-boom happened without them interacting with Rainbow Dash at all. As far as we know, Rainbow Dash didn’t even see them. The rain-boom was completed, thereby connecting the main six’s cutie marks and mutual destiny. Nothing was changed, and the timeline they returned to is the exact same timeline that they left at the beginning of the episode.
I love your content, man; I just don’t buy into this particular theory. That’s just my opinion though, and I completely respect anyone else who decides that this theory is a valid addition to their personal cannon(s). Best wishes, take care, and I look forward to your next video~
that's definitely the best case scenario that I'd hope is true! lots of other time travel media takes a stricter "butterfly affect" approach where every change counts. i can't say confidently which is more likely though. glad you like my videos in general tho!!
@Sawtooth Waves There's almost certainly some difference. The real question is if rewriting the past deletes the current timeline (to quote Zecora: "it is we who should not be"). Though that brings up other questions, similar to Clone Genocide...
i’m not sure I could be completely wrong but since the new GEN five have to completely like redo the power of friendship because the species are so distanced LOL I guess I don’t know but maybe that’s why they have to redo everything because twilight was lost in that original timeline you know what I mean so the progress of twilight and everybody made wasn’t actually there.
mmmm if this theory is right then if it was the same time line then they handed both twilight sparkle so the both twilight sparkles went in the overs time line thats why the the 5 knows twilight in the same time line
May be there is another time line that pony sow twilight like rainbow dash another alicorn and tell celestia there is another alicorn, What is this time line so post to be sawtooh what happened in this time line please make this next video.
Find it all the time now I remember what I said to Valdo timeline maybe nothing is it remember they said that some on the timeline is nothing sister maybe maybe he just create a few maybe she didn’t create out by that one I don’t think that timeline is safe
Well I wouldn't be like that is completely different one did in just make the same one and then just go back and in one time line but they went in different ones
So you are telling me that my little pony did a fucking Rick and morty I mean when you think about the Rick and morty one took place in episode 6 this one took place in season 6
Wait i just realized if your theory is right, thats another possible explaination for the new gen of mlp,
The realities was now split into 2. What if the ending we know in the previous mlp series just ended there and now the new gem of mlp is the continuation of the original(abandoned) au of mlp where twilight or even the main 6 might be unknown anymore bc of twilight dissapearing and everything falls to disharmony?
I know this is kinda supposed to be a joke but are you see what Im seeing... or its just me? ._.
There is one question that came to my mind after watching this. Your theory seems very believable, but there were a few loose ends which weren't addressed. Like as you said, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer got delivered into another universe by just existing in the past which created another timeline, branching away from the original timeline-where they weren't present in the past. Then their original timeline would be with no Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Spike and the rest of the main six gang would figure about their disappearance and other stuff happens..blah..blah..blah. But you seem to have forgotten about the new timeline where they got delivered into. Wouldn't that timeline also have their own version of Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer? Then where are those ponies? And if these versions aren't there in that other universe then how did they just poof out of existence? Those versions of Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer have to stop existing to make your theory work. Tho it is quite boring to believe that the trio were pulled back into their own timeline..
Lol i've got sum idea.. what if the generation 5 that we will see in september, is actually like happening in the forgotten world like twilight spike and starlight are gone, and maybe after the mane 6 will be gone...equestria would fall and the 3 diffrent types of ponies seperate like Celestia find someone to replace twilight and she will become the queen or something, and she would be like bad and because of her equestria would fall apart- idk it just got into my mind and it's weird but yeah
This theory depends on the kind of time traveling we see in the MCU: changing the past creates alternate timelines while the timeline where the time travellers were from remains intact. If we go for the traditional time travel format, then the timeline the traveller is from becomes affected by the changes in the past. This is the format MLP actually uses, as evidenced by Twilight's paradox spell. Regardless, the theory of alternate timelines is an interesting thought experiment nonetheless
I just wanna say how with all these alternative time line videos, I'm realizing that chrysalis is probably the most powerful villain. Maybe not in strength alone but after twilight and spike are removed from the picture, she's the one who's most likely to come to power. If you remove one thing from the equation, chrysalis is most likely to take control of Equestria.
I agree with this. Asides from Chrysalis, I would also say cozy glow would be the second most powerful villain because she always seems to find a method used to take over. Also, she tricks people with how she looks like since she’s just a filly.
Well, given how in the og timeline, things rely on Twilight, the catastrophic things Sawtooth suggested might happen. The realm would look different if this actually did split off from the original.
You know, this is why I like theories like these. They really make you stop and think about the what if’s the writers probably didn’t think themselves.
Starlight's ability to change fate (i.e. changing/removing cutie marks) makes her the most dangerous villain in the series. Notice how she always remained behind until the final jump forward. Remaining in the past might have been vital to keeping the alternate timelines in existence, so when she joined Twilight traveling forward it destroyed the spell.
What would have happened if Twilight didn't try to steal the hippogriff's pearl in the movie? It would be very interesting to know what would have happened.
4:28 as much as i adore this creepy theory, i feel like this exact thing happened. During the final conversation between starlight and twilight (the one where twilight convinces starlight to not destroy the world) we can clearly see that nobody in cloudsdale has seen them. It's like they weren't even there. They probably were in the original timeline too, but we didn't see them because season 5 wasn't planned at the time, the show was planned to have only 3 seasons. If the entire series had already been planned, we probably would have seen a frame where twilight and starlight are conversating, forshadowing what would have happened 4 seasons later. Still, this theory is wonderful, i love it so much, i will for sure make a headcanon based off it!
True but it's rainbow's POV of how she did the rainboom3 so of she didn't see them, then we wouldn't have seen her (same for fluttershy when she was in the race, if she didn't see them, then we as the viewers would see them too) and it wouldn't make sense if we (as the viewers) see them from another pony's POV since they aren't important to anything
True but it's rainbow's POV of how she did the rainboom3 so of she didn't see them, then we wouldn't have seen her (same for fluttershy when she was in the race, if she didn't see them, then we as the viewers would see them too) and it wouldn't make sense if we (as the viewers) see them from another pony's POV since they aren't important to anything
i think this is a really interesting line of thought, and certainly would be an interesting concept for fanfiction and stuff, but i dont really think that thats what happened. if they were still in a different timeline, then when they go back to the present, wouldnt there still be another twilight? i think they wouldve been able to tell if it was different.
Which also brings up the questions… 1. Are their now two Spikes, Starlights, and Twilights in the new timeline?
2. Did the original Spike, Starlight, and Twilight replace the alternate version after a complication with the spell, that prevented them from coming back?
But hear me out: Twilight met other versions of her pony friends in each timeline, but not herself (or Spike or Starlight) right? So I think that also a Version of her exists in each timeline, but as she travels to one timeline, her version from this timeline travels to the timeline Twilight came from. So the Original timeline has a version of Twilight that will (hopefully) be able to figure things out and stay in the original timeline. Gosh I hope this makes sense at all
As much as I like this theory I believe it isnt accurate. If we're assuming the time traveling ponies are disappearing from the OG timeline then we should definitely see their duplicates in the other timelines. We know that the OG ponies aren't replacing their past selves and as such we would see some interaction with them. I personally think that they were changing their own timeline and eventually kept it the same as before
There is only one timeline that Starlight , Twilight and Spike returned to. This is because the rainboom not happening created other timelines where the mane six were never there so the ponies themselves don’t change the timeline. This time the rainboom happened which means that the young mane six would meet each other and everything would happen as it has so they return back to their present timeline.
While fun to think about, I don't think it's possible for the 3 time travellers to just disappear from the original timeline. Especially considering there's only one of each of them in the final timeline we do know. Even among the multiverse, mass can not be created nor destroyed. Theoretically, no timeline will result in their absences if a given timeline has no duplicate ponies
Here's an interesting crack theory, what if the destroyed, apocalyptic timeline Twilight took Starlight to show her what could happen if the rainboom never occurred WAS the original timeline? We never actually saw anypony from that world or any indication of what happened for that matter and considering all the chaos Twilight, Spike, and Starlight all stopped I can totally see the world falling into utter destruction without them. Not to mention how the main six would've dealt with anything with out Twi there to lead them. I'm sure they could've continued living their lives but for the elements to truly be at their strongest they needed all of them together or knowing they were together even apart from the others physically. Chrysalis would've taken over only for Cozy Glow to take away all magic in Equestria like you said in the video. Without magic and Chrysalis ruling over everything, the world would be doomed for complete annihilation, probably tearing itself apart until nothing but a dead decaying wasteland was left behind like we saw in canon. It's just a quick crack theory I thought up and i'm sure there's tons of plot holes if you took more than 10 seconds to think on it but I thought it would be an interesting idea given the context of your theory.
Well this Theory got dark really quickly, you were really channeling your inner Matpat here. Also to add my own two cents on the matter, from what I've seen from most other media that deals with time travel, if you go back in time but don't change anything then the timeline you left will stay the same and there won't be a huge branch, in fact the timeline will merge with the original timeline like you said. Between the two outcomes for the original timeline more willing to believe the the 2nd idea more than the 1st of the original timeline becoming another Chrysalis and/or Cozy Glow timeline.
Now I'm wondering if different dimensions share the same timeline or not because Twilight couldn't answer Sunset's magic book call in Friendship Games because, as she said herself, she was stuck in the time travel loop.
It is quite possible, with a specific set of time travel logic, that the first world and the one they end up in is simply the same. It is quite possible that their time travel was always supposed to happen and in fact did take place in the same world where we assume they never went back in time, which would lead them to go back in time reagrdles, it is a never ending loop that would constantly replay itself in the past.
Another awesome video, i always look forward to your videos
Colin Moore2021-07-23 19:08:34 (edited 2021-07-23 19:17:53 )
Unless we have a time loop! Starlight and co WERE there, and were always MEANT to be there. I don't think it qualifies as a bootstrap paradox, but what if the little bit of extra magic in the world, caused by the presence of an extra alicorn and a unicorn , both of whom are temporal duplicates (means that they exist twice due to time travel) and in close proximity is what gave Rainbow Dash just enough of a boost for her sonic first rainboom? If they weren't there the first time then there might not have been a rainboom so they wouldn't be able to go back to stop the rainboom so it would have happened then wouldn't have happened there the second time...which is also the first time...I have a headache... So maybe they had to be there forthere to be a sonic rainboom in the first place. Time has a way of reclaiming it's own, and she will teach a harsh lesson if need be! (may have watched too much Dr Who at this point.) Time, like Death War and Pestilence etc is a living being (again may have read too much Terry Pratchett...nope not possible!)
This is a cool idea. I personally think if they didn't do anything to cause any major changes, things would probably go back to being the same, or the timelines would merge. UNLESS... If there was even ONE curious colt/filly at the Cloudsdale school that happened to see the trio, they may approach a teacher about it. If the teachers took them seriously, that might lead to a search/lockdown/whatever if the school assumes any intruders on the school campus would have malicious intent. The kids might go home and tell their parents about it, they may get concerned and talk amongst each other, causing a mass panic or encouraging any authority to try and take extra precautions around the school, which may have other repercussions. If any kind of talk like that made it to the surface... Well, THEN we may have another timeline...
Well........ Seeing as how they returned to a timeline in wich they departed there is no reason to believe (in my mind) that this timeline is a different one from that which Starlight initially cast the spell. The only "original timeline" would be one in which no spell was cast. For this timeline to exist there must be a sequence where Starlight fails but Twilight is effectively removed.
I like your flowers :3 I don't think that there is an abandoned timeline. I think that the rainboom brought them back into the main time line. I also think that, because they always returned to stop or make the rainboom happen, deleted the future of this time line, because it was kinda rebooted.
I was writing my comment and thinking about it in the same time, and I discovered it goes even deeper! Here is my whole thinking process as I wrote it
That's... Right... There is no reason this time travel works differently than the previous ones, so it must have opened a new timeline too...
But wait, if the time travelers ended up in a timeline that isn't theirs... Where are their alter egos from this timeline?
Oooooh... o-o They traveled in time too! O-O So the Starlight, Twilight and Spike of this new timeline traveled in time just the same as in the original timeline. So they created new timelines too! It's a time split turning into a timeloop creating time splits! So there is an infinite number of timelines opened at this point! An infinite number of Chrysalis timelines, an infinite number of Nightmare Moon timelines, an infinite number of Sombra timelines, an infinite number of this new unexpected timeline...
But still, only one of the original and forgotten timeline.
That's terrifying
Let's just consider there is a Superior Entity of Time who decided to stop this mess and to not open a new timeline when they didn't try to prevent the Rainboom.
1 like
No One2021-07-23 17:50:47 (edited 2021-07-23 17:58:15 )
Sadly, I think that you were right with your first assumption. I don't think that timelines can be corrected once their past’s have been differentiated so I believe that it wouldn’t have been fixed because its past was already altered by Starlight, Spike, and Twilight being there and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to wonder what might have happened in that unknowable timeline because Pinkie Pie would still be in it and who knows what she's really capable of. Maybe she just deflated after the loss of a good friend and maybe she...hmm..how can I say this...oh yeah, ...didn’t
love the theory but then it begs the question as to what happened to twilight spike and starlight of the new (non abandoned timeline) because obviously there werent two of each of these characters when the 3 returned. My theory is that the 3 from the abandoned timeline went to the new timelne while the 3 form the new timeline went to the abandoned timeline. So essentially they just switched timeline i suppose lol
Winter would have consumed the Crystal Empire but they would probably have just abandoned it, or Equestria could have put their resources and knowledge into fixing things. The Chrysalis second invasion is more interesting, as people would have noticed. Imagine a party made up of Discord, Maud, and the CMC. The Changelings wouldn't have reformed (unless Thorax got involved a different way) but Maud definitely could have broken the throne without any magic, leaving Discord free to easily win the day. Cozy's no threat (yet) without the school as I have a theory she didn't even begin to form her plan until she met the CMC. None of S9 happens at all. The one thing that genuinely a threat to Equestria without Twilight or Starlight? Celestia and Luna's issues from Royal Problem.
Here are other things to think about. With Fluttershy gone Discord would try to take her back and fail, even if he doesn’t go to the hive when Cozyglow goes through with her plan his magic would be gone. Maybe instead of learning about the magic relics from twilight’s school she could find the items of the pillars. Or even without spike maybe there would be a dragon changeling war.
In the abandon timeline cosyglow could be a good guy part of the Rebellion and will use that type of magic to get rid of magic to save a questionnaire from changelings without their magic they couldn't transform making them easy to fine
I was wondering which could be very very wrong but what if when they entered a new timeline, the memories they had made with ponies there disappeared meaning when they abandoned them, it would seem as if they never existed in their original timeline in the first place?
Maybe whoever Celestia finds to replace Twilight will end up doing almost all the same things and so the timeline remains stable (no pun intended. ...okay sure, pun intended). This is when the trope of fate might come in...if the fated one is removed, is the nature of fate such that fate will find another way, aka another fated one? Unless, of course, it was fated that the fated one would be removed and thus all their doings fail... 0.0
If Chrysalis took over, Discord would've tried to stop her. Hard to tell who'd would win that considering Chrysalis' hive cancels out even his powerful magic. If he failed then following that The Storm King may have tried to go to war with the Changelings. Or even the dragons or yaks.
Wait! Wait! Wait! If this happened... what happened to the twilight, starlight and spike of that universe that our twilight spike and starlight ended up in. Surely it would eventually end up with a perfect loop? Which could make the forgotten timeline invalid in the universe?
What if gen 5 is that forgotten timeline with no more magic? We know the new main 5 are awear the main 6 existed, but there hasn't been any proof yet that Twilight was crowned the new ruler. So, we don't know what happened to her in the gen 5 timeline or if alicorns still exist there.
4:40 People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect: But actually, from a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint, It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, stuff. But in all seriousness, timetravel is infinitely complex, so it's easier to just handwave this and say it's ok. But what I want to know is, what's the history of the "Wasteland timeline"? I've always thought of it as a nod to the Fallout:Equestria fanfic, but could it be something different?
After Chrysilis took over, Cosy Glow explained her ideas to get rid of the magic of the last ponies. Chrysilis would do just that. She would take the last ponies as slaves, even Cosy. Eventually, ponies will go extincted. Thorax and you would be found and slain. Without pony magic, Tirek, and eventually Grogar, would escape. That future would look like the apocolypse world in only a few years. If not the apocolypse world, then a "Grogar took over" world. Either way, changelings would also get driven to extinction. The hybrids would take over in the Grogar world. No trace of pony kind will remain. Equestria would vanish. Nothing of the past remains.
I do bring up the fact that twilight's friends didn't seem surprised that Twilight and Spike were suddenly there. Then is there another Twilight in this timeline that got displaced?
Soooo the timeline in which AN ALICORN and A DRAGON were assisting RD's rainboom would be the one we were following but what did that change ? Ponies who saw Twilight during the rainboom might remember her being there
If every alternative timeline still exist separetly then original is not the darkest one. Ponies still live their normal lives without knowing what happened.
Is it impossible that the wasteland future we see is actually the abandoned timeline, like they somehow jumped a bit further into the future? With Twilight and Starlight absent from the Universe, you lose the final Element of Harmony and one of the most powerful Unicorns ever. Most likely there will be war in Equestria from all the prevailing villains we see making returns in Seasons 6-9, mainly between Chrysalis and Sombra, but then you have the Storm King. We don't know exactly what he and his forces are capable of against the villains from the show, but the rest of the world outside of Equestria is under his domain. If he's able to take over the whole world and Equestria seems to be easy to take over as well, maybe this is what it's like under his rule when you don't have the Elements of Harmony in totality to fend off from evil, it eventually results in something unsustainable. Those petrifying orbs could be used against everyone that poses a threat, even Discord and Tirek if you are able to sneak up on them. You may have revolt from within the ranks, but now that's Civil War with everyone fighting yet again, further destroying everything. There's no guarantee that even the Hippogryphs/Seaponies would even be safe as the oceans still rely on the land and air to function properly, and given what we see, it's nothing but desolation, a world blanketed in ash everywhere, the plants aren't getting enough sun (Is it even moving?) in order for the food chain to be replenished, it will just become predators eating each other to extinction, and then what? All life has to start basically from scratch. The darkest timeline may be the one we saw since we have no reference for what caused it, and even the table was missing, meaning that Twilight and Starlight could have gone just a bit further down the timeline and didn't realize it. I know that's not how the spell had been working, but you know, what else would have caused all that? Each timeline showed a villain the Mane Six had faced before come to power, suggesting that nobody that wasn't defeated originally came before Starlight went back in time, any new villains showed up afterward. The new villains were never apprehensive to showing up to Equestria because of the Mane Six, they were going to show up regardless, they just showed up later. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the wasteland we see is a jump a little bit further into the future.
okay but here's a question, if the three truly did disappear from their timeline to another, shouldn't they already exist in this new timeline? How come they don't see the other them like when past twilight saw future twilight that time or when twilight met the human version of her. Matter of fact how come we've never seen twilight, spike, or starlight in the timelines she created? Could that have something to do with the spell, but as far as i know time travel should allow you to still exist in another timeline just like past and future twilight except if both were in the same timeline.........i'm confusing
Wait a sec. That timeline could be the one that starts the Fallout: Equestria world... That's dark. But I think th timelines did merge somehow. That kinda make a lot of sense.
Technically we don't actually know 100% they weren't there. Maybe the timeline we've been watching this whole time was one where a loop already started. Similar to the Twilight overreaction thing we were already in the timeline where the loop began nothing says we weren't already in the timeline starlights loop began
Yes, but also remember that the only time we saw when the rainboom occurred was from rainbow dash's memories and obviously when starlight time travelled. Because this was one of rainbow dash's memories rainbow dash obviously didn't see starlight and twilight, meaning because rainbow dash was telling this... That starlight and twilight could have always been there in the first place... Meaning that there might not have been that timeline in there first place?
What if the wasteland time line was the original timeline because if twilight wasn't there the crystal empire would have been distroyed , no one would have been able to use the elements of harmony so any threats to Equestria probably couldn't be combated so with enough time villains would eventually distroy Equestria.
What if Twilight , Spicke and Starlight did went to another timeline and stayed there but what if in the original timeline another Twilight , spicke and starlight stayed there thinking that it was there timeline . Its like a cicle of different Twilights , spickes and Starlights went into the other timelines of the other Twilight , Spicke and Starlignts timeline (Its like more of a happy ending:)
I think in the original timeline twi, star and spike still returned, in that timeline star, twi and spike never were in rainbow's past and in a different timeline they returned BUT rainbow did have them in her past, but let's just say that everyone (in that past) forgot about them (not to mention that this isn't much of a timeline anymore, but an AU)
He wants to learn about time? Go to the door of space and time and find the Doors keeper guardian of the underworld, sailor Pluto, who has time powers, but it's forbidden to go there, so oop
but what if this was the same situation when Twilight wanted to warn herself ? What if even when they are in that timeline nothing changed, bcs they were there in the 1st place ?
hey sawtooth! i was just wondering, if youd like some new oc art to spice things up a little in your videos, id be more than happy to draw you some for free! ive got art examples up on instagram @anjariiwastaken if youre interested!!
As someone who once argue for three day on the fact you can save yourself if you get stuck in the past with a broken time machine by have a future version of you bringing you a working one. I can get my head around time travel. Like in your video of twilight time paradox that just a causal loop where a future events affect a past event that result in the future to affect that same event . This time travel can be explained by two way one how you explained it this is a different timeline as they never was at the rainboom originally or you can explain it as they where alway at the original rainboom and the spilt happen then it the timeline twilight convinces starlight not to affect it could be the original one
👁 👁 I’m really interested in the one with nothing but dust can u pls do a theory on it
Gazi Asker 762021-07-23 17:31:22 (edited 2022-01-31 10:07:41 )
I thought about it when im first watched season 5 finale if they are coming back to timeline then why pinkie doesn't there? If you didn't get what i mean then watch season 5 finale again it makes sense with this theory by the way great theory
Cozy glow wouldn't have done anything in the original starlight, because she only done tge plan of draining magic because she studied in the friendship school, learning that friendship is power and she would want to erase all other magic
Even Twilight is not present, is possible the rest of the 5 mares try to do his best to fix things, they have Discord in his side, and despite how he is, he do everything to protect Fluttershy
What if you did a theory on how Celestia got her rainbow hair ? Cause we a lot of pictures with celestia haveing pink hair but what if when she used the eliments together instead of separat like the main 6 it change her hair Permanently.
But in the new timeline twilight,starlight and spike were in ,there would be another twilight, starlight and spike or maybe they just went back to the original timeline they came from and did not travel forward in time😕
I know where the abandoned timeline is. It’s G5!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe cozy glow did take over the magic and sent it away. It would explain why there are unicorn toys of Twilight but no Alicorn toys. After Equestria falls to both chritlsis and she falls to Cozy glow ponies start blaming the events on Twilight. Upset at this because she was a unicorn first unicorn shut the Pegasus and earth ponies out. Upset at the refusal both Pegasus and earth ponies do the same. Desperate to save everyone Celestia cast a mega spell or even become daybreaker killing all windegos. Unfortunately it is too late and Equestria is divided once more.
But if the main 6 in the original timeline still have the elements of harmony they would just need to fine a kanddidt to acatiavat them and bing bang boom problem solved
well I don't think this is the case bc if they did go to a different universe I'm sure there would be a 2nd twilight spike and sunset how would just being there would get rid of them
Cuz different timelines aren’t different physical universes like the equestria girls world They’re just different timelines so there’d only be one twilight etc for all timelines
I agree sort of! I believe because they fixed the time line right? The rainboom still happened! So the original equestria would be replaced ish but everything was carried over!! So the original equestria would have Twilight spike and starlight! (I know my version sounds very similar but I think it's true!) Like I said the original would be gone BUT it turned into the new equestria! So the nightmare moon defeat would of happened in the replacement equestria! If you know what i mean! Btw I love your videos I love mlp and I find this stuff so intresting! :))
i think that they went back to their time line if they didnt then there would be two of all of them walking around but technically they did change something so it did make another timeline other ponies could have seen them they may not have changed much but if a pony saw an alicorn twilight and then years later remembered it and met unicorn twilight they would know she became a princess so there could be another timeline were rainbowdash knows twilight is destined to be a princess
IS THERE EVER A TIME U DON'T MAKE SENSE ?? edit: i did not realize the caps lock was turned on I was not being sarcastic i really meant that i mean u always make sense and my mind i blows off when ur video ends U R "THE" MLP GENIUS Double edit: U r the best MLP fan normally people call themselves the biggest fan of what they love but i say u r a better MLP fan anyone could be !!! U R THE BEST SAWTOOTH!!! ❤ WE ALL LOVE UR VIDS !!!
if they went to a completely different timeline where is the twilight, spike, and starlight from the second timeline? I think they probably came back together or its the whole thing similar to twilight going back in time in its about time. though when they went back in time no one including rainbow dash and fluttershy noticed them and thats why their presence is not mentioned or shown in the episode the cutie mark chronicles.
No i think that rainbow dash would of seen twilight and became friends years later, but forgot she saw twilight in the past. But it's a good theory sawtooth.
I don’t think you right wouldn’t there bin a pony who will search for all possibilities and will come on time travel and found the spell is missing and find out?
Funniest thing I have heard all day Nameless: do I look like a search Engine to you, oh I have a time travel question why don’t I just NAMELESS IT. Me: trying not to die of laughter
It is an interesting idea I won't deny it but once saying doesn't make sense to me is. Why did a tag go back to that timeline we see them went to the other timeline so possible to go back to that one. I still like the video🙂
I think you got Regular time travel and Multiverse travel mix up. if it is Multiverse travel, if you have interfere it, those timeline are still going to continue on. but if it is Rerular time trave , what you did to interfere it will overwrite the timeline like a save file. such as, if you go back in time to help someone become artist, bam! history is overwrited. it is still your world but lot of thing will be change. So each time starlight prevent the Rainboom, she not create new timeline, she overwrite those timeline you talk about. and of course, Twiligh Spike and Starlight being there and do noting will be part of it history too.
This might be the Creepist Video you have Ever made if your right then this changes how i feel about the show as a Whole knowing this i never even thought of this it never came to me i mean we still have the Ogrinal Twilight and she just happens to be my fav is the Og Pinkie Rainbow Fluttershy Rarety are just Gone thats so creepy i hope your wrong for the Mane 6s sake im Shocked you did not Mention how Diffrent EqG Forgotten Friendship would be sinces Susnet would never know about the Mind stone
You know in the real world you know of my little pony who is the Real sunset glimmer Because we know sunset glimmer comes from the pony world shouldn’t there be another sunset glimmer in the real world ?
Sawtooth can you make Miss Cinch evil plan for the wole time and the Time Sphare pls ??????
Anii Saddler2021-07-23 18:09:31 (edited 2021-07-23 18:15:26 )
I got one what the EG would be like without Twilight sunset will go into all of the other dimensions and might even go to the one with Twilight starlight and Spike! 😱😰! And the main five wouldn't have power up without Twilight and the other Twilight from Crystal prep would be the new Twilight but understand sunset control they would be the mean 7 and make a unstoppable team! 😭 Time travel is scary! 😥
If you think about it Without Starlight going to the human world she wouldn't be able to freed the others from the magical mirror And without Twilight, Sunset probably wouldn't be able to recover the memories of the Canterlot High students in time
maybe it'd just be a forever loop like it started with the rainboom, then all that other stuff, and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom then the rainboom happened again and all that other stuff and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom then the rainboom happened again and all that other stuff and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom
see where i'm going with this?
Hello! There’s this cool AU called the bad ending AU by lilezbean on instergram and there TikTok is lil_gay_looser is about what if twilight died (well every pony thinks she’s dead)from the power the princess gave her to fight tereck it’s a little bit confusing to type it all out but if u follow them they tall the AU better then I do 😅
I think they wen’t back to there timeline. And I have proof. Think about if say Twilight, Spike, and Starlight did go to a new timeline then what happened to the Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in that world? Would they stay or would they go to Twilight, Spike, and Starlight original timeline. And sure maybe there were no Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in that timeline but then how was the castle there and how would the mane five know them. That’s why I think they wen’t back to there timeline.
What if you were wrong!! What if Twilight,Spike,Starlight were always there but because when we saw Rainbow get her cutie mark it was foc used we didn't see them.
I don't think that would be true because where are this timeliness original twilight, spike, and starlight then because them just being there would not just delete twilight, spike, and starlight because there was two of them at that time.
But hold on... if this is a second timeline, where are the second Twilight, Starlight or Spike? Oh, of course! Since nothing is changed, they travelled back in time and were essentially replaced with the trio from the first timeline, but then they branched off into a third timeline, the trio from that timeline branched off into another timeline, and now we have another stable time loop with an unlimited number of alternate universes, but only one forgotten world.
sawtooth wave's you should do a video of why sunset shimmer does not have to people of her self 1st pony version 2nd equestria girls because there is 2 twilight sparkles
Good theorie but there another thing(it doesnt have to so with this theorie)In the legend of everfree human twilight haved alicorn wings but when Sunset,human rainbow dash and human twilight got trapped in equestria(human twilight didnt have her wings)
Nothing has changed only thing that has changed is the one little part will still a glamorous bike in Twilight sparkle theme there is nothing you change the was just that when I saw them there may be no phone even saw them there nothing changed but somebody did see them may be in their mind there will still be there but this is just like the timeless style like didn't go and just tried to stop the rain Boom
What to say is true about the timelines and realities create a Nest offense maybe could be the Multiverse or another Ultra reality who knows maybe Twilight her friends discovered all the mythology like Norse mythology Greek mythology Irish mythology All mythologys
What hapend to the 3 in the new timline what if its just a loop Like rhe timline that we know in the original timline they go in to another one but what hapend to the rest of them the 3 don't see themselves wich means thay ither dide or... its just a large loop
Wel;l they returned and since they did they didnt change any thing but that does mean rainbow dash will be confused 🤔 but at leasat since there weren’t any vilons staking but as we all know they returned so non of this happen at all preaty confusing right?
Hey! I think the true world would be horrible, worst of all, the elements of harmony would not work, for no one will wear the element of magic! And remember when rarity said they’d be lost without her, easy to think, but they WILL be lost!!! It might be crazy! 😥😥😥😥
It's a shame they didnt think ahead like in futurama. But this is a good example of a closed loop system. The rainboom has to happen in order for Starlight to go back in the first place. The rainboom has to be completed for the world to return. So their shenanigans are within a closed loop.
If they planned ahead, they could have snuck in twi,star and spike in the background of the rainboom cutiemark episode.
W-wait Rainbow is the reason why twilight became an alicorn why she do not become an alicorn you said if the rainboom dont happen all of the things we know is imposible to happen.......If you have a comment notify me i get the wrong spelling😇😇😇😇😇😂😂😂😂🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Causing not only a cutiemark but new horn causing a alicorn that looks like the alicorn I morphed into just like you did when u abandoned the hive so did I this new alicorn might have a new barrier if you could therise it for me or if the nameless one does it for me because I'm a getting a headache try to do it..
i don’t know what it is but every theory/analysis you do sounds canon. maybe it’s the production or how in depth you go but it sounds like it’s canon and it’s all gorgeous. i love your videos 😍
This is a nice theory, but it falls apart when you consider there has to be another pair of Twilight /Starlight /Spike if we assume this is not their original timeline as it is so similar . Because there is only one pair of Twilight /Starlight /Spike it implies they returned to their own timeline or just traded places with their counterparts.
It wouldn't be a huge leap of logic to think that Starlight has enough power and skill to pull off a return trip to a specific timeline instead of another one. But let's assume for a moment that she doesn't... IF it isn't the original timeline then the question becomes where did the Twilight /Starlight /Spike from the new timeline go ? And If there never was a Twilight /Starlight /Spike in the new timelines past, it would not be that similar as the others would not recognise them.
If we assume that Twilight /Starlight /Spike ended up in a new timeline, then the Twilight /Starlight /Spike from this new timeline has to have gone somewhere too . Since we don't see a bunch of time travelling versions of Twilight /Starlight /Spike it's likely they returned home to their own timeline or that they just ended up in a timeline so similar they themselves never noticed the difference and life carries on with the difference so small nobody notices.
The act of Twilight /Starlight /Spike going back in time and moving around a few clouds could make a new timeline, but the difference is likely minor. Unless of course, the butterfly effect kicks into overdrive as a few clouds in the wrong place is unlikely to have a huge impact on its own. Regardless if they return to their own timeline or not, there would most likely not be a timeline where Twilight /Starlight /Spike disappeared. ( unless they somehow got stuck in time for another reason, but at that point, we are going into a 10th timeline and not a 9th. ) At that point, anything can happen as we have moved into " what if " territory and are making assumptions outside of what we can see in the original show.
Some of the biggest questions I've always had about this two-parter, was, how did the others get their cutie marks? They seem to be doing what they were doing in the main timeline, just more dark, but how did they figure that out? How didn't they end up in Ponyville together, assuming their cutie marks are the same in the other timelines? and, where is Twilight? Did she still get a magic cutie mark even though she's didn't get in magic school? And, did any of them try to take over the human world, and what came of that? One of them had to find the portal, it was in the Canterlot Castle before being moved.
Interesting. I guess with the first theory it means twilight starlight and spike are the most important ones to the timeline And nameless is now being taken for granted
I feel like in Twilight's absence at least some stuff could change for the better, Trixie, no longer having anyone to one-up could take on a more Twilight esc. role.
Discord, knowing that the world won't be the same without Twilight could help the Mane 6 with their battles, perhaps out of obligation to Fluttershy.
Who knows, maybe in a trip for guidance, Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria. And seeing how it's fallen in Twilights absence could start living in both realms, maybe rising to Alicorn status herself and regaining her position as Celestias apprentice.
We really don't know but it's really cool to think about other characters reactions to Twilight, Spike, and Starlights disappearance.
It would make a lot of sense if that dark eventual timeline would happen to the first timeline but I kind of think that wouldn't work because despite the small difference, everything that happened after the Rainboom that Starlight, Spike and Twilight witnessed, everything must've a lined afterwards.
Wow! You just blew my mind! That might isn't the original timeline after the S5 finale anymore! But the definite answer still depends on how exactly time travel works. (Theoretically the answer should be "It doesn't")
I have a question: Wouldn't the alternate-timeline/new-primary-timeline have a Twilight too? Does that one travel away or are there 2 Twilights now? Wait wouldn't it be that way that each Twilight from these almost-identical-timelines gets "offset" by one timeline then? (Because Starlight time travelling most likely would still happen)
However, I am still not that convinced that Equestria's fate depends on just 6 ponies. There would be far too many problems for them to handle, Equestria probably has many other protection measurements which we just haven't seen.
I think that Starlight, Twilight, and Spike were always present at the event of the rainboom, even before Starlight cast the spell. I just believe that’s how time travel would work: if you were there, you were there, even if you haven’t yet made the decision that would cause you to be there.
What do you think about Chrysalis ex-alicorn theory? What if I would say that princess in the CMC's (love poison legend) book was nopony else but Chrysalis herself. After she was afected by the potion for to long so the spell was impossible to reverse (like happened to Big Mac and Cherile) someone tried to seperate them anyway. Who knows, mabe even Celestia herself had to interfere (that would explain why they looked like if they had known each other for so long and so on...). That explains why she is so starved for love :3
Considering that the bootstrap paradox is completely functional in this timeline; implying that this world is based less on free will and more on destiny, so I don't think any of the parallel timeliness ever really existed...
Hm, interesting. That makes me wonder how exactly things did go down in that other timeline. I'm just thinking that someone would've convinced Discord to try and help and Chrysalis wouldn't have succeeded.
Edit: but then again, they'd be completely reliant on Discord. Is that such a good plan?
Uhm. I'm sorry. My biggest issue with this theory... if it's another timeline where's this new time line's Twilight and them?
Three characters who would've went unnoticed wouldn't have done anything to this world's timeline as they've not interacted with the past in any meaningful way.
If Im going with Loki's Theory(From Loki the Tv show), If you go back in time and youre presence doesnt really do anything to make a change, then the world Twilight and the others came back too could still be the same.
Interesting and chilling theory, but I don't agree with it. I just think in the original timeline they simply reappeared from the future and then went back to the present day from everypony else's point of view, but Twilight, Spike, and Starlight, are the only ones that went through that entire adventure of time travel and alternate timelines.
The timelines merged, or at least formed a stable loop. Proof? What happened to 2nd timeline Spike, Twilight, and Starlight? Probably went "out" of time, same as "ours"...so they probably rested in another "new" timeline formed after viewing the rainboom. So the "original" timeline probably either received it's original S, S, and T, or a previous copy that looped back from saving different timelines.
You have a point actually. There could have been a possiblity that Twilight, Spike and Starlight didn’t come back to the same dimention…But in another universe they would have….. Wich actually asks me in the universe that Twilight Spike and Starlight went back to… Would they have known about Starlight and knew why she didn’t come back? Would equestria still suffer because there not here? Well actually I dont think so. I think the main six-I mean five would have known that Twilight wouldn’t want to see equestria like this so they would still stop the vilians. Leaving to who would be Celestias student well I think it should be none other than…. Sunset Shimmer.
If your first idea of a new time line came true then Flurry would be chosen to be the next ruler of equestria scenes she’s clearly alicorn worthy, and if chrysalis plans truly have to unfold Thorax would have decided enough is enough and join equestria to help stop chrysalis which would lead into a war between Equestria and the Hive
sooo, the original timeline would end up without magic.. and the G5 apparently has no magic. would that mean that G5 will be the same as the original timeline where Twilight, Spike and Starlight vanished?
Maybe the rest of the mane 6 would be the one turning to stone, and Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow would’ve successfully taken over Equestria since friendship wouldn’t be strong enough without Twilight, Starlight, and Spike.
I have a feeling that after Twilight, Starlight and spike left the rest of the main 6 became there creepypasta selfs and pinkie met flippy that's where I think it went down hill with Pinkie turning her friends into cupcakes
I mean yeah, as I said in the last video, if you change something in the past, the future also changes. So basically I’m the ‘original’ time line pretty sure the forgotten about twilight, starlight and spike and there was no ‘princess of friendship’ and maybe there was another princess who had been princess of something to manage things and it would be very different from the timeline which was not “original”
I mean..even though the theory is depressing..it makes more sense for there to now be two canonical timelines.. almost as if you chose to either not look both ways while crossing the street or looking both ways when you cross the street..it’s small but now there’d be a possible timeline in which you got hit by a car and everyone has to live on w/o you vs the you who will continue living on..a small change is still a change nonetheless..BUT in mlp..they kept going to the same original spot.. and the table was still there for no specific reason when none of the timelines should’ve had that table present to even begin with…so.. honestly even if it makes sense in the real world..they probably just ended up coming back to the original timeline..cuz..wibbly wobbly timey wimey…stuff..
I think there would still be 8 timelines because no one in equestria would have a memory of them and if they DID go to an alternate timeline Starlight, Twilight, and Spike would have clones and since two of you couldn’t exist, either way It would still be the same so, yeah, there are still 8 timelines
I think I have an answer to your question. you remember how when Twilight went back in time and saw all those different timelines what if they became what the future is in that world you know the one were Twilight Spike in Starlight weren't there for the rainbow boom think about it there series of events that happened so anything that was in the past wasn't changed but anything that happened that we know of still would have happened the changelings still would have taken over cozy glow and the villains wouldn't have been turned two Stone but the in Timeline the dust one I think is what happened if your theory is right but there is no way to know
The original timeline would be like: Cozy Glow would be the empress of friendship, and rule Equestria. There would be no magic cause of Cozy Glow. Tirek would still be trapped in Tartarus. Chrysalis where abouts may be unknown, or she is enslaved by Cozy Glow But, this could all be wrong if discord prevented it, but I don’t think discord would know who Cozy Glow even is in the timeline. Also can you do a theory of what it’s like in the mirror pool?
This video had got me thinking now, and Nameless is now just fed up with Sawtooth XD Anyway, I do wonder now what would Equestria be like if the mane 6 couldn’t stop the Pony of Shadows with the Pillars assistance
It might have been that the tree of harmony also decided to return them back to their original timeline since they didn't really do anything wrong and to prevent the bad things
Spoilers for bnha heroes rising movie It's kind of like how when Deku transferred one for all to bakugo and then the previous 'ancestors' of one for all decided to return it to him because he risked his Life to save the island. That's how I look at it at least
Confirmed, Because when Starlight first casted the spell, Pinkie Pie was walking into the room with deserts when Spike and Twilight was sucked, But when they returned, The other girls was there and there was no sign of the cake
If it was true then it wouldn't just be queen chrysalis, cozy glow, or lord tirek it also be the father of monsters grogar himself returning from the shadows from which he escaped and equestria would be in grave danger.
What if the original timeline did get a vist from twilight, spike and starlight? What if it was the destroyed timeline? All the villains after the time traveling event could have gone rouge and destroyed everything and everyone they’d please. Until there was nothing for them to survive on. It might be a stretch because of the shortness of the episode but time might work differently ,so who knows?
There's the infinite timeliness theory from Futurama where it becomes a loop where 1 and 7 timeliness go into 14 and 21 timeliness etc and loops back to timeline1
I mean the previous flashback episode where we see how they got their cutie marks and it’s all connected. Are we sure that this isn’t another loop thing. Where either rainbow fails or twilight watches her succeed.
Oh heck, I never thought about that. Personally I think the timelines probably merged after the loop was closed, though I obviously can't say for sure.
That said, if the old universe is still out there, that would explain why the time-travel scroll disappeared into the portal. It would've returned to the old timeline.
What about Sunset Shimmer? Could they not have tried to contact her in the other world, since she could very well be the element of magic they could still use the elements
Do one about the chalkboard in cheeralees classroom having the same mathematical proof of god as that one formula Homer made when he removed the crayon from his head.
It is a great idea but I feel that if it happened Celestia and luna would try and might be able to cast a spell to bring them back because they are alicorns and would also say Star Swirl could also help them but this is before the mane six helped the Pillars escape from limbo and also if this is true what if in the new my little pony movie is about that and in the trailer we see little stuff in the background of the mane six.
The desert wasteland is probably She demon Sunset Shimmer’s dimension! Do how human Twilight aka Sci-Twi has wings but in spring breakdown she’s a unicorn
The past of that timeline has become the past, because of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight traveling to the future of the past, leaving that timeline behind, in which it no longer has a future. In its place, that timeline now has a horrible new future.
Actually this h Theory has a hole in the crystal heart break part yes flurry still would have been born buuuuut the only reason flurry did that crazy yell thing was because cadance seperated her from pinkie and if not twilight they wouldnt have gone and no not the hole theory just that part😊
this is true, the cloud they were on may have just been out of view. it depends on how time travel works. we only have one other instance to draw upon, but starlight had altered that spell, so it's unclear.
@scifi DINO we dont know how powerful celestial truly is, but I highly doubt she would be able to take on a whole army of dragons, sure she might take some down, but she would be overwhelmed
I don’t think the rain boom timeline I think that emerged in that sounds really weird I don’t know why it’s a horrifying thing to look at and feels weird just thinking about it
It reminds me of my vr game and dream and my game had missions happened like my most popular map missions like the final battle of my little pony equestrian girls movie friendship games rainbow rocks and the storming battle anyway and some unpopular 1 like skynet core the changelings dimension and Egypt mission city the ocean and finally the core hub of the ppdc
HEEEYYY i would like to say something about a different video: how you said that cadence was the alicorns in the book in the episode about tbe love spells daughter, but there are mlp books and in "twilight sparkle and the chrystal heart spell" cadance says that 'she was a pegasus and was takin in by celestia and luna when she was young' and yes this is not that video and i dont know if youve made a video about that after and this may not be helpfull but still i had to say it
Well its time so if they went to the past ranbow might have seen them teleport but for got
Random Ghost2021-07-23 16:41:48 (edited 2021-07-23 17:05:54 )
Ok,my comment is not related to this video but I have one doubt, starlight traveled through time and stopped the rainboom and why didn't rainbow dash tell that in her cutie mark story? And this is my doubt sorry if it's to complicated but I hope someone would solve it or sawtooth would solve my doubt.Thank you.
This doesn't make sense. The timeline doesn't seem abandoned. The "new" one is just the same, suggesting time in Equestria doesn't go off of small events, but only big ones.
:0 wow but also think: this could also have happened to us- there is no way to confirm anything becuase not everthing follows rules, so there is nothing that can confirm anything. Meaning nothing is true but nothing is wrong either. You can just pick what is truth in ur eyes and it will be truth in your reality. sorry the video made me think more. but also if the theory is true there no way to go back..becuase then you change the timeline again becuase you shouldnt be there. but also congrats on 394k! dang..i haventtyped something this long is forever-
@Raptor Zeraora Statistically your original time line and altered one are the same on, if you leave your world and go to the altered world your really just coming back to your own world and after you change it everything around it change there's no time line for altercation of the altered world. The other timelines that were altered around you they would actually be erased never to be existed. So the theory of the mlp forgotten world should never have been created because it would never exist since it would've been erased the moment you set everything straight
I guess your right there might me a different timeline not. Because it connects my last comment ( ok I’d does ) but think about my last comment and this and the last video connects I think ?
Ya it does time travel it complicated and all but I don’t believe about the abandoned timeline cuz maby starlight and Twilight was there this hole time like maby Rainbow dash never noticed her older future friends and ya I can say that like the episode of a nother channel of Minecraft call stampy cat he made a episodes involving time call cat to the future and the other episodes I can’t remember the name cuz as well it involves timetravel when stampy same himself and he was meant to be there and and as for the cat to the future when the episode start you see for a sec you see the future stampy cat and he didn’t notice him soo maby rainbow dash never noticed twilight and starlight in the cloud and everybody maby didn’t notice and ya maby that normal maby they where meant to be there and the future they have still the same no time split nothing at all and ya I do not think that time split ever happen I don’t think the abandon timeline don’t exist
I think this could be possibly because since kid rainbow and fluttershy and the other three saw starlight wouldn’t that make a timeline that soon enough would twilight spike and starlight gone to
There's a 9th timeline I know Even if u were wrong you know that littke pink pony who saw them this e s could have started a new timeline think of this Pegasus would want to learn magic that twilight and starlight used causing a diffrent timeline the final one this is where things sperate, this Pegasus would want to
learn this would make them want to go to avid school this would make celastia have to choose this pony as well to be an alicorn as well causing the difference.. I wouldn't be surprised if celestia and line go there cutie marks when they got there wings this would happen to the pegusaus but they would gain a horn surprisingly enough that it would look like my pony I made as myself pony form
Oh that’s so sad sad sad day chilling inside and make this a beer oh well I have a I have a cow need to make you feel better but the sour candies can I help you feel better just let it keep looking at it and they need toilet brush really really good taste tax in the back please come
Receipt interdimensional traveling results in alternate timeline molecular deconstructing events otherwise known as a class 5 reality bending event thanks to these events scp are beginning to manifest in your you want getting the more time traveling lines you'll be getting off then you travel to the interdimensional time loop closing into dimensional time restructuring event basically is like several containment breaches in one a breach of reality a preaching of absorbability and a breach I was 69 proportions world miracular deep world deconstructing events happen on a daily basis in the content they're trying traveling is added when you go out of the room to reality one's mind is never the same again traveling from the interlay dimensional infinite boy in the room space the reincarnated causes Marine depending anomaly to be born into this world no it's down there left to influence standing around like where you can structure of the timeline any multiple sub timelines where they events either did or did not happen
You technically think that but due to a timely spending anomaly it can create two other sometimes creating infinite loop of sub timeline space continuing ruptures classified restructuring event then the leader of all the known multiverse otherwise known as starlight one the very first starlight ever born in this time loop says from her line was words does the starlight with the gray eyes are dimensional beans of the zones
Reality is reality bending and beans the reincarnate beans overall energy and power be in heading to these alternate timelines SCP which refers to itself as the time watcher strike up every dimension multiverse anything across every single go fandom reality being everything for any destructions in the timeline Wendy's disruptions in the timeline get too unstable epsilon 88 known as the time clean up crew mobile task force or forced to come this alternate timeline
Time travel works in mysterious ways creating multiple alternate universes making making the untenable normally of this universe the timekeeper for vote which watch is over all of time and the space time continuum
I may not want to talk time travel, but I do have more to speak of with you in the future. Just no wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff. Now, I have work to do.
3538 likesReplies (97)
Red dragon logs: I don’t like time travel anyway, but if you want to talk multiverse well…
40 likesI will watch for those conversations ;)
Alright extremely cool and powerful creature im still curios on how to make a deep fried ice cream
13 likesNameless you work for the TVA Don’t you? XD
16 likesHey I’ve got a question about time travel
9 likesI want the nameless search engine
18 likesIm namelessing now
11 likes@HoneyComb_Dreams I don't, I just don't like time travel
11 likes@Cxddly May I refer you to Dr. Whooves
14 likesMhm,
4 likesidk man, kinda sus
4 likesAHA LOL
4 likesWhat work by the way 👀 ?
2 likesHi
2 likesDr. Who
3 likesI am the 430th like
0 likes@Garvityツ and I am 509th😉😉😉
0 likesI don’t think the chrysalis could have won if the storm took over or at least have difficulty doing so
0 likesgood Doctor Who ref there Nameless, XD (your name wouldn't happen to be ref too, would it?)
2 likes@Miki Stenbeck No, not my lack of a name
1 like@The Nameless One cryptic, hm...
1 like@HoneyComb_Dreams LOKIIIIIIII OwO
1 like@Alice & Calico YESSSS
1 like@The Nameless One Well have I got some news for you about who had just arrived in SSBU to have a reunion with Cloud Strife. Guess who’s finally in Super Smash Bros Ultimate back in December 10, 2020? Here’s a hint with lyrics: Estuans interius ira vehementi, estuans interius ira vehementi!
0 likes@The Nameless Oneso you you say you hate time travel well that's too bad because I'm just going to do this basically. *yeets "The Nameless One" through the dimensional timelines of "Multiverse Sonic" and his friends, "twomanyraptors", "The Rift Cafe" and "The Secret Rift", "Lighting Bliss" and her friends, "Scribbler" and her friends, "Hunter's World Gaming" and his friends, "Hunter's World Nightmare" and his friends, "Record Guy 626" and his friends, "BRRGames", "Daimondo", "Herobrine Demon [The Unstoppable Demon]", "Seelkadoom The Hedgehog", "Ultimate Omniversal Seelkadoom", "SMG4", "SMG3", "MarioMario54321", "Mastered UI Kostas", and "JaisKoiz" along with some dimensions like team fortress 2, team fortress classic, pre-fortress 2, team fortress 2 classic, open fortress 2, pony fortress 2, portal 1-3+more, g-mod, g-mod 2, sfm, sfm 2, sandbox, "vrchat", "hammer editor", "unity", "fnf", "ddlc", "spyro", "skylanders", "mmd", "undertale", "deltarune", "phoenix write", "latin puzzle video game", "elements of insanity", "fallout equestria", "half life 1-3", ytp, mlp ytp gen 1-5, and mlp gen. 1-5 at the same time in a infinite unlimited endless never ending loop with no loopholes at all no matter what with no escape at all no matter what which completely causes all of the dimensions to completely collide and merge no matter what completely permamently forever successfully.*
2 likes@Nathan Meersman this isn't how that works.
2 likesYou to has cross over a lot recently. Maybe you should merge you’re channels.
0 likesUm ok
0 likesIf nameless sees this reply do you think if this theory is true discord wouldn’t have done anything
0 likesXd
0 likesVery true
0 likesYass king uwu
0 likes@Cxddly I watch ur videos and think they are beautifully amazing!
0 likesTime is a big ball of wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey stuff.
1 likeKk nameless
1 likeYou two should merge.
0 likes@The American Girl Doll Film Channel he and I do very different content
0 likesI was joking about the fact that you guys keep crossing over in this channel.
0 likes@The American Girl Doll Film Channel He and I are good friends
0 likes@The Nameless Oneare you sure about that because I just denied logic.
1 like@Nathan Meersman I'm positive. Denying logic or not, that's not how this works.
1 like@The Nameless Onewell too bad because I'm just going to screw logic by dividing 0 by 0 and how I'm going to do it is by "namelessing" it basically.
2 likesWell, what about time travel talk that has nothing to do with Doctor Who?
1 likeJust nameless it UwU
1 likeNot sure why Sawtooth just didn't try and talk to doctor hooves instead.
0 likesWhy do you not like time travel?
0 likesAre you a universe worker?
0 likesJustice league! Os please tell me atleast that you want to be a alicorn and do magic?! And if I became a alicorn I will have a lot of things to learn like flying and magic stuffy buffy
0 likesYes please
0 likesWhat about the Human world. Sunset visit them after season 5. What if it was a loop like in season 6. What if Twilight from copy world travel in time to original world and original Twilight travel to copy world?
0 likesOK
0 likes@theboneisin what about saw tooth did he stop existing?
0 likesNameless since you don't like what sawtooth wants why didn't you tell you want?.
0 likes@ostenfeld66 you're right but to have some variety in your life otherwise you will think It was useless.
0 likesit would be my pledger oh nameless one.
0 likesbut nameless child you a great gamer dear little darling.
0 likesyou are so helpful dear baby.
0 likesso don't worry my little sugarcube.
0 likesso darling baby you are a great person.
0 likesHi
0 likes@o͎-͎ᴛʜᴀᴛ1ʀᴀᴠᴇɴ-͎o͎ sawtooth is so magical and charming in fact he is a great star celbrity.
0 likes@o͎-͎ᴛʜᴀᴛ1ʀᴀᴠᴇɴ-͎o͎ did you know that sawtooth is a changeling?
0 likesHappy holidays.
0 likesC
TIMEY WIMEY :( Do you watch doctor who or is that a coincidence
0 likesDr British.
0 likesNameless right you are.
0 likesMy mommy's a changeling.
0 likesMy daddy's a bug
0 likesMy sister's a snail.
0 likesWho are you? And why do you sound like Vergil?
0 likesWhat nameless it?
0 likesAh… yes… timelines… I understand how you feel about those. I think about them often, and when I do I immediately start panicking and stop.
0 likes@The Nameless One that’s— that’s true.
0 likes@Revvmew_Ravenpaw hah
0 likes@HoneyComb_Dreams I Haven A Question? What is the TVA?
0 likesI think the original timeline may have been a cozyglow timeline
0 likes@Tyquan Cleckley the old one is gone
0 likesЧто ты за Лич Кел ту Зад....
0 likesOK
0 likes@Zeyan Bayash well I guess so.
0 likesSawtooth is the matpat of bronies
0 likeswhat's your name nameless or do you not have 1
0 likesSomethings are better not Namelessed
1 like@Mochi 🏰👑 sawtooth is so a royal prince in their little castle.
0 likesI Agree
0 likesHello fellow whovian
0 likes@Kája Mája nope
1 like@The Nameless One why do you just ask me , ponyhorse and my assistant muledonkey?
0 likesThis may be true... After all, the magic went into the crystals. Twilight was never there. Maybe that's how she was lost in the movie.
0 likesShe didn't die, she just... Vanished
@The Nameless One " Hey I've got a question about time travel. Let's just NAMELESS it!" That cracked me up! 😂
1 like@One Of HIS Flock doctor who references? I'm in!
0 likes@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 MLB references? You are not plagg. You are...
0 likesPonyhorse & muledonkey? Ok then
@ponyhorse & muledonkey.🐎🐴 yes
0 likesReferences 100
0 likesDidn't he do a time loop episode already. Plus would the answer to his time travel question be twilight and starlight were always there to witness the rainboom in the past.
0 likesWas waiting for MatPat to make a theory about MLP but this is better
3095 likesReplies (81)
Same 🙃
40 likesSame
29 likesSame
26 likesFr
14 likesYep same here
12 likesGuess i'm not the only one
15 likesI think the MLP community is too saturated with theory videos for him to want to mess with this series. He's most likely leaving it to the actual experts: the fans that have already been passionately watching since the beginning. Otherwise, it'll be his Pheonix Wright theory all over again.
69 likesIm saying
6 likesUhh yes?
@Newbie Gamelover c'mon
6 likesJust one?
yes but imagine in another Timeline hes matpat too
15 likes@Newbie Gamelover this will be different
4 likesMatpad could make like dozens of theories on mlp, mlb mha and others
8 likesYeah me to
2 likes@Neetu Gupta yeah
3 likesJust ask the fans what he should do
Same lol
4 likesI wish they did a colab!
5 likes@That dragon drawer me too
3 likesYeh
2 likesEither way, both are good
3 likesSame. We need matpat to do an mlp theory. I also kinda want some Ninjago and TMNT ones too
7 likesI thought that would happen at some point but it didn’t. Mlp is the kids equivalent of fnaf. without the dead kids of course. They both have time travel.
7 likes@Alexander Prime He doesn’t seem particularly interested, from what he’s talked of it he even seems a little weirded out by the fanbase (although this could have changed with time like some of the other jokes he’s made in the past).
7 likesAnother factor is by the time he made Film Theory (2014-2015), MLP’s popularity was waning, it was still successful but it wasn’t the monolith it was in the early 2010’s.
I just don’t think it’s his cup of tea and there’s not a huge demand for it, so he really doesn’t have a reason to.
Who’s matpat ohh i know i also was waiting for that but sawtooth is even beter in destroying my childhood
1 like@Dutch ball If you don’t know who he is you’ve probably seen his stuff in your recommendations. He runs Game Theory, Film Theory, and Food Theory, which are centered around making theories about said topics.
4 likesOmg same
2 likes@Newbie Gamelover yeah, I mean look at what he did with Hazbin Hotel, better stay away from that
2 likesThis is matpat, but make it mlp
2 likesif he did it would probably be like "mlp are they actually pony's?!?!"
4 likesEeyup. Same.
1 likeYep same here. Still waiting
1 likeMeeeeeee toooo
1 likeSorry
But ya me to
Well since I’m on of the fans of MatPat and you want him to make a theory about MLP so much I would love to see that happen. For my answer is yes. Sweet Celestia Yes I would love to see MatPat make a theory about MLP FIM! That’s one of my secrets: I’m apart of the Game Theorist, Film Theorist, and Food Theorist fandom!
1 likeSame
0 likesSame
0 likesTru
0 likesThanks
0 likes@I am a person thank’s now i know who you mean
1 likeHmmmmmmmmm
0 likesThat’s me
0 likesSame here but he would have turned the whole show to the dark side
0 likesMatPat's theories aint shit. Besides, Sawtooth makes great theories that could trample his.
1 like◇♡☆SAME☆♡◇
0 likesI don't think We want Matpat to do a thereoy on MLP
0 likesSame
0 likesI’m not because just no but it’s fun watching these all the time.
0 likesSame here 😀
0 likesLet’s try to get them to make a collab
0 likesAy yes Matt
1 likePonyPat
0 likesSaame
0 likesIKR??
0 likesAs cool as that would be, I highly doubt that would happen.
0 likesMy little patrick!
0 likesYe
0 likesFilm theory on the way
0 likes@Featherstar that team is going to have a field year
0 likesIt's because of all of the brony haters. If he makes a pony video, people will assume that he's a brony and he will probably lose some subs
0 likesYou meant the game theory
0 likesYep 🥲
0 likeswe can only hope he does at one point Hax,
0 likesIkr!
0 likesSeriously
0 likesYup
0 likesLOL
0 likesYeah but matpat good he is good
0 likesyou are here
0 likesStill waiting on it
0 likesSame
0 likesHaha
0 likesMatPat made a MLP theory?
0 likesYes but the intro will be toooo long.
0 likesHate to break it to you, but MatPat doesn't seem to be doing any pony theories anytime soon...Unless the fourth circle thing in his wheel ends up being Pony Theory!
0 likesstop being everywhere
0 likes@Qwertyuiop Lkjhgfdsa Sorry.😔
0 likes@Neetu Gupta miraculous ladybug? The show without lore?
0 likesSame
0 likesSame
0 likesSame
1 likeHonestly sawtooth is the best detective for mlp
0 likesSo
Me too😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
1 like@Glaceongirl AKA Susie FNAF is the kid equivalent of FNAF. It's family-friendly horror, and the community is plenty-centered around younger fans.
0 likesHere's a thought: Queen Chrysalis would totally take Twilight's place (with another changeling for Spike), imagine all the love she can feed on when dear Princess Twilight returns to her beloved friends and family! She can do anything from there with Twilight's image
1294 likesReplies (9)
Huh, never... thought of it that way...
64 likesNice theory.
Without the main six Celestia Luna them self would have to go to T-wait a minute oh Cody told them about that so she’d probably say to investigate Ponyville to make sure that TREC didn’t get out well they were gone they would take the device twilight used to raise the sun and the moon because magic would be gone by the time they actually thought of actually going to wear TREC is magic would probably be gone because of that cozy is in charge because people would trust her she’s become the empires of friendship but actually having that power saying how friendly it can be she might just go ahead and decide
14 likesTo give back magic releasing everyone she’s probably trapped because they wanted magic and They that she had it
10 likesThe ponies of equestria would find out sooner or later though, the elements of harmony wouldn't work with chrysalis as she had no real bond with the other 5.
26 likesWhat nameless it?
3 likesChrysalis learns about friendship and ends up becoming the ruler of equestria, but a good one.
17 likes@Dragonfox I wish
5 likeswb twilight? would chrysalis even know all the things the mane 6 have done??
1 like@Lonely the Onely She probably had changeling spies keeping tabs on the main 7 after being defeated the first time so she probably knows enough to take Twilight's place. Changelings can become literally any living creature. Chrysalis would know almost if not everything about Twilight and the others. It seems smart to learn as much about the enemy as you can
0 likesmaybe the abandoned world was the world of the new generation
2667 likesReplies (104)
Oh good idea
190 likesThat makes sense I haven’t thought about that
219 likesAnd because of all the bad things that would have happened if twilight wasn’t there, the pony tribes all separated
286 likesWhat? Why? Please explain
37 likes@Astrinomicall yes
33 likes@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon because if twilight was not there the mane 5 couldn’t handle all the tribes and the tribes split apart and there the new generation was brought up
140 likes@Simply_SMILE
22 likesAh okay,
51 likesBut in the new Generation there was a cutie mark of Twilight in the glass window, if Twilight wasn't there why would her cutie mark exist in that painting?
@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon That’s a good point I guess they might have just been remembering the times where the mane 6 where still United because Sunny really likes the mane 6 and maybe she just wanted to remember those moments but this is just a theory so who knows
80 likes@Simply_SMILE
18 likesOk, thanks for explaining and answering my questions
@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon no problem
9 likesin a twilight-less world Cozy Glow could gather attempt to destroy magic like she did in the show, and the rest of the mane group wouldn't have been able to defeat her (no element of magic means the elements of harmony would fail) in a last ditch to save magic the other three alicorns would work together to create the crystals from the g5 movie, maybe in trust them to the rest of the mane group? then like sawtooth said, when flurry heart was born, she broke the crystal heart, sending equstria into an ice age. maybe the windigos showed up (ie end of serires) and caused all the groups to split and travel south to warmer lands? also without equestrian magic could tirek, cozy, and chrisalis still show up? lack of equestrian magic shouldn't affect chrisalis so she could still sow distrust to the pony races. Add that to the mini ice age and possibly windigos and you get g5. Than in g5 maybe sunny's dad had been researching twilight's disappearence and maybe had an idea about the loss of magic (he doesn't believe the evil unicorn or pegasi thing) but doesn't tell sunny about the loss of magic to keep her innocent. Maybe he was hoping to solve her disappearence and hoped that finging the answer would solve the mgaic porblem?
34 likesOh my, I love that
9 likesthat would be an incredible foresight by the movie's writers, but i doubt they thought of anything that insanely clever
25 likesI thought so too, but how would you explain the stained glass? It specifically shows twilight’s cutie mark creating the earth, unicorn, and Pegasus crystals.
7 likesthe crystals may have been made to preserve the magic of the different races, but they were meant to stay together promoting friendship in twilight's memory
18 likesThat’s what I thought
1 likeThat’d actually make sense
4 likes@Astrinomicall ✨YES✨
3 likesLike you
3 likes@[The Trio] well I guess the original sawtooth is gone.
2 likesActually not really. Who created the crystals then if not Twilight, whose cutie mark was depicted on the stained glass window in G5? I don't feel like anyone else did. Great theory, but implausible, in my opinion.
4 likes@Book Thoughts really
1 like@Lil KiSsEs Thay's exactly what I though watching this video!
1 likeThat could be…. It would make since.
0 likesOh.....god then that's just super dark
0 likesBut what about the crystals? It's quite obvious that the crystals were created by twilight sooo.....
0 likesBut that would contradict the video Twilight Sparkle's fate, because in that video, he said that old twilight sacrificed herself to make the 3 crystals.
0 likesYea
0 likes@Book Thoughts What if Twilight never created the crystals. This maybe a long thetched theory, but we have seen time and time again that friendship is superior to all magic. What if after discovering she went missing, the mane 5 sacraficed themselves to make the crystals. After all, it wasnt an alicorn who made the tree of harmony, it was 3 races coming together. We dont know when the glass painting was made, but the mane 5 could have easily done the job in honor of Twilights memory or hoped that she would somehow see it and return. Meaning, that this theory could very well be what happened. But knowing the writers they probably went with something simpler like the memory stone got in their world or something of that sorts.
3 likesYeah that thought come to mind too, that the abondoned World was the world of the mlp new generation😅
0 likesOh hello lil kisses!
0 likesOmg lil kisses you watch sawtooth too..
1 likeOhh
0 likes@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon The rest of the mane 5 would have known what twilight's cutie marked looked like because she had originally been there. That was the world they met and twilight became a princess. it was the other worlds where they hadn't met (ie the chrasilis world or the sombra world) in this case the original/abandoned world was the world we watched from season 1 all the way to the cutie remark episode. the ending of the cutie remark episodes was the beginning of the new world
3 likes@Lil KiSsEs I didn't expect you to be here 💀 hi!
0 likesThat makes so much sense
1 like@Belladonna Everything happened the same before Starlight changed the past, so this it would be a world where Twilight dont exist anymore, but existed once and everypony still remebers her
3 likes@mikasophs #Road to 100! She probably lost after losing all of her magic for Cozy Glow
0 likesI hate the new generation so best theory ever
0 likes@sso.snakey geez
0 likesNo is not m5 maett older and older people
0 likes@y/n baby panda / heryza and my sister noo is not
0 likes@halmittens yeah so?
0 likesi watch your channel Lil KiSsEs.
1 likeI was actually thinking this
0 likesI think this theory fits because maybe when Twilight disappeared, all thoughts of friendship were hard to remember and the world split apart, possibly believing that it would be better to split apart or else it might happen again
0 likesLil wtf are u doing here xD
0 likesYes, then it makes sense that the crystals would be created, the ponies wouldn't have twilight and so on.
0 likeskinda sus but true but not 100% sure but it can have 50% chance that its timeline of new genration
0 likesThat's probably true
0 likesOMG hiiiiii
0 likesWait lil kissie !? Omg
0 likesYES
0 likesInteresting thought, but like many theories on this channel, I highly doubt it, too complex for MLP lol
0 likesThat's what I was thinking 😅😜
0 likesHi Little Kisses!!!!!
0 likesThat's exactly what I was thinking
0 likesmakes sense :0
0 likesOh nice.
0 likesThat's what I was thinking!
0 likesWhy does this make so much sense? 🤔
0 likesOoooh interesting
0 likes@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon ya
0 likesIf it was sunny would not know about twilight
0 likesmmh i don't know about that
0 likes@Funtime Freddy and hand puppet Bon bon f n a f ?
0 likesThat actually makes complete sense, what with the Crystal Heart shattering and friendship vanishing from Equestria.
1 likeHang on. What if the crystals from G5 are actually fragments from the Crystal Heart?
0 likesOmg yes
0 likes@Jessica Touvell O MY GOD YOUR COMMENTT IS SO LONG HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO TYPE THAT but anywqys i agree
0 likesI mean... that would make sense. Without twilight the friendship will slowly vanish, and in new generation the ponys are friends only with their own kind so, good point.
0 likesI thought the same XD it could be interesting and it could have a lot of sense...
0 likesim late but idc but if twilight did abandon the original timeline but didn't know it. it still wouldn't lead up to the new generation because if the original timeline was abandoned then twilight wouldn't be the new crowned ruler because twilight isn't in the abandoned world. and in g5 twilight IS the new crowned ruler of Equestria hence the window pane in on of the scenes.
0 likesOh my-
0 likesYah of course has no one except us 2 suspected that
0 likes@Mia shut up no going wtf
0 likesThat is such a good hypothesis-
0 likesAgreed it makes much sense ponies blamed each other about twilights disappearing
0 likes@Jessica Touvell But what happened to Sunny’s Dad tho
0 likes@Lil KiSsEs :O you also watch mlp/sawtooth waves?!?!
0 likes@Jessica Touvell Yeah, i thunk that might be the answer or it’s just simply that he goes on an adventure into the Everfree Forest and just got missing and never came back, The EverFree Forest is full of dangerous stuff u know
2 likesI love that idea 💡its so awesome and creative 😍
0 likesThis was exactly what I was gonna say so it gets another upvote from me. XD
0 likesIt’s a very good theory. You’re so smart!
0 likesThat makes sense! Maybe that’s why the pony tribes were divided…they all thought each other tribe kidnapped them!!
0 likesI like that idea, it makes sense
0 likes@Simply_SMILE Sorry to put a hole in the theory but the crystals? And why is twilight with the crystals? I’m not hating just pointing that out hehe
0 likes@Nora I typed it on my laptops Notes app, then copy and paste to here. Took about 20 minutes or so to get it worded the way I wanted lol
0 likes@Nothing._.Here! My thought is that maybe he went out to look for answers as to why magic disappeared. Considering he was the only pony to not fall in line with the 'unicorns and pegasi are evil' mantra, he was likely the only one researching Twilight and the mane 6 from g4. Perhaps he felt the need to look for places from g4 (like Ponyville or Canterlot) Perhaps, he had the foreknowledge of knowing that he may not return, which is why he left his regular glasses, his pendant and his notes at home, so Sunny could continue his work. Hopefully we get some answers eventually, but I doubt it.
1 like@Nothing._.Here! True, especially for someone who has no idea about the dangers or how to protect yourself. Perhaps he ran into a cockatrice?
1 likeThat is a good one...buttttt the new trailer proves it wrong
0 likesOh good idea
0 likesOoohhh…
0 likesNo wonder why it sucks.
No wait that makes sense
0 likestbh abandoning it was a good decision then
0 likes@multishipping trash DAMN-
0 likesI like how this is disclosed now
0 likesNow there's an interesting and scary idea. However, since there aren't any doubles of Twilight, Spike, or Starlight, I think the three returned to their original timeline. The Map and the Tree of Harmony were connected to the time travel spell, so they could have pulled the trio back to their correct reality to keep things harmonious.
909 likesThanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Sawtooth! ^_^
Replies (7)
What about the twilight, starlight, and spike of the timeline they went to? They would still be there and there would be two twilights, spikes, and starlights.
14 likes@Serafin Malaluan There were probably alternate Twilights and Starlights in the other timelines even if they didn't make an appearance onscreen. And though Spike wouldn't have been born without the sonic rainboom, Spike's egg would have still existed in each world.
44 likesWhat I was saying in my previous comment is that there are no doubles of Twilight, Spike, or Starlight in the FINAL timeline they return to at the very end of the episode. I hope this clears things up a bit.
Or the Starlight in that timeline was much like the original Starlight and took her Twilight and Spike back in time and either they ended up never coming back or they ended up in another timeline similar to the one that the twilight, Spike, and Starlight that we know ended up in. Our time traveling trio just affected their timeline, they affected a different one, where another time traveling trio of the same people either didn't or did go back in time and if they didn't, they met the second trio or if they did, they affected a different timeline similar. If I kept going I would probably create a loop of this so imma stop before I give myself a headache.
4 likesThere is a weird time traveling rule, which was used in the "Back to the Future" films: a time traveler returning to the present, from the past, completely replaces their counterpart in the altered present. As long as the past isn't so severely altered that the time traveler ceases to exist, then their counterpart is replaced, even if the original time traveler is a completely different person from their counterpart, with different memories, a different physique, and a different personality. Somehow, their counterpart ceases to exist. The counterpart that possibly did not even travel back into the past themselves, to produce their version of the present.
8 likesThis rule mostly applies to settings that use "soft" time travel, which doesn't need to follow any sort of strict logic.
@MrNobody Ah, I'm familiar with that idea! I love the Back to the Future films, but the time travel logic is a little confusing. I wonder why Marty didn't get a new set of memories. He almost disappeared after he stopped his parents from getting together, so other changes to the timeline should have affected him as well.
5 likesIn a rewritten timeline scenario, Twilight and company might have been protected from any changes by Starlight's spell or the Tree of Harmony. Or maybe just traveling through time somehow gave them immunity to timeline alterations. Or maybe Starlight somehow combined time travel with a reality-rewriting spell. Hmm…
assuming the second timeline they hypothetically went to had the same problems as the original one, then the second timeline's trio would have went to a third timeline, and itd continue from there, with this paradox lasting forever
2 likesThat's cool to think about! It shows just how powerful the tree of harmony and the magic of freindship is! Or mabye in the slightly different timeline starlight, twilight, and spike all died. (Just kidding)
0 likesI personally think it's the same time line and, at the very least, they do merge back into one. HOWEVER, I think your theory would make an "awesome" grim dark fanfiction
396 likesReplies (6)
Yeah i think so too😊
5 likes@Alice_ 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 Same
2 likesCreepy
2 likesYooooo! I'm writing a fanfiction just of that!
3 likesWhat ? Ok then how is it the same time line huh?????
0 likes@Alethea Syna San Jose This was written a year ago and I can't really remember in depth what I was talking about until I rewatch the video. But just watching the first few seconds, it's the same time line because, aside from twilight and Starlight being in the background, everything was put back to normal with no changes. At the most the only thing that would make it 'different' is that others might have seen them and talked about it? I'm still have asleep as I only woke up 30 minutes ago so I don't know. I need to watch the full video again
0 likesThe idea of that timeline being abandoned & falling into ruin is scary. It also is a bit scary to think about other timelines besides our very own in real life
86 likesReplies (3)
I agree What if was multiple timelines in our world?
3 likes@Alice_ 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 I’d want to meet myself from another timeline 😁
1 likeDon't worry, following time travel rules that didn't happen
3 likesIf they were two different timelines with the only difference being a few extra spectators then the only explanation for why there aren't two Twilights, Starlights, and Spikes afterwards would be that the second universe's versions also went back in time, resulting in a timeline where there are two of each and probably a huge mess of other timelines, all with at least two extremely talented magic users having access to a map that can seemingly transport itself between timelines (and which seemingly didn't follow them to the last timeline), and that sounds like a pretty good way to guarantee that a spell for interdimensional travel gets figured out to me.
0 likesThere’s another event you left out by accident. In that abandoned Timeline, Spike wouldn’t attend the Gauntlet of Fire. Thus Ember might not succeed in becoming the Dragon Lord, but Garble might
34 likesReplies (1)
Ooooh, THAT'S what the wasteland was...
4 likesYou clearly went with the multiverse aproach, I always just assumed they were rewriting the timeline everytime they went back in time
112 likesReplies (2)
Also, if you're bound and determined to cast Twilight Sparkle in the worst possible light ever, you should also consider the FACT that rather than "stay" and help each of the "wrong timelines" and get them back on track, she "abandoned" them just as you're saying she did to the pre-time-spell universe. So it isn't just ONE timeline that she abandoned. It's all SEVEN that she "Abandoned" just so she can go back to her "original world".
7 likesBut. This is also a KID'S show with only half-hour segments. If you truly want more exposition... should probably look into the novels and comics. I'm just saying.
1 likeDid you reply to the wrong person?
5:18 I think the other timeline could’ve disappeared, since Twilight is the main character. Having a show purposely focused on one character without that one character would have no purpose, so that timeline just no longer exist.
0 likes(just a thought, don’t hate me)
Technically it's possible that the timeline with the three extra spectators could be the original to begin with. It's a paradox belief that the past isn't as possible to change as you might think. Stopping the Rainboom was a massive change which was impossible to ignore. Rainbow never once talked about the spectators at the race that got her cutie mark so it's possible that the timeline before and after Starlight finished Starswirl's time spell might be one and the same
7 likesYou forgot about the possibility of a time paradox. Starlight using the spell and Twilight bringing her back could be a fixed in time, meaning it would have happened in the "original" timeline with the rain-boom prior. It's a loop, and given the theme of destiny's through the show- as well as the episode where Twilight visits her past self ("Its about time") its shown you can't truly change the future- Meaning those alternate timelines very well could be set in our time as well. Similar to an illusion, a vision of what could be perhaps?? Idk, just that you forgot about the possibility of a paradox.
0 likesThe map showed some level of consciousness or awareness of reality manipulation and had the capability to transpose itself across timelines to always be with twilight and spike. I think its fair to say that the tree of harmony or whatever consciousness that was would not want to separate twilight from her friends especially after gaining a new one.
19 likesPlot twist: the original timeline is the one that looked like a waste land.
1809 likesReplies (53)
Oh... oh no. 😰
160 likesyou may have a point there
127 likesHhmhmhmhhm im scared😰
53 likesThat’s probably the truth actually, because the only way to defeat most villains and stuff is with Twilight.
174 likesWAIT OH NO
33 likesOh no 😱
22 likesI think you might be right but it's a disturbing idea
53 likesHere my version human came here and bring nuclear bomb exploded it and that the wastleland
22 likesWhat if they were where the Crystal Empire used to be?
16 likesFallout Equestria is canon then
23 likesyeah because Starlight didn't help Celestia and Luna and maybe they both went on a rampage as Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon
30 likesstarts crying
8 likes@Bo Braekevelt That's actually quite likely...
8 likes@Red Fox339 and no one really knows as much as twilight knows maybe celestia but she can't control the elements of harmony anymore
11 likesThat’s impossible, because in the wasteland, the Rainboom never occurred, while in the original timeline, it did happen.
9 likes@Bo Braekevelt that true-
3 likes@Bo Braekevelt that is possible
3 likesThat could be true...
3 likesI was thinking that too
2 likes@Abigail Smith nah,the map was only placed in twily town
1 likeHoly Frick
1 likeOOF that would suck
1 likeTrue 😨
1 likePlot twist: the original first timeline is what eventually led to the events of G5
5 likesI love this theory!!!!
1 likeOh my god
1 like@Abigail Smith wouldnt it be in ice?
1 likeOof
2 likesOh shi-
3 likesMight be true!
2 likesthat’s the truth cuz if you remember in the episodes the ending of the end, i think tirek or chrysalis told that equestria would be a "wasteland"
2 likesAre you sure? WHere did you know this from+
2 likesOml ur right!
2 likes@ostenfeld66 i got this from the ending of the end episodes
1 likeseason 9 episode 24-25
2 likesLike me
3 likestheir off but they got a point
2 likes@noob wow makes sence
1 likeyes and everybody is DEAD
1 likeOutrageous
1 likeThat makes sense
1 likeCan't be. It's the present. And it's about when Twilight left. Wasteland is if Twilight never meet mane 5. But this is if Twilight, Starlight and Spike left. So everything undtil now is normal.
1 like@Symphony the return of harmony
1 likeYeah because it would be a war against all of the villains and discord probably just watch
1 likeOuch
2 likesThat would make sense but aren't the timeline supposed to be at the same time but in different universes? 😅
1 likeI was thinking that to Lol
1 likeI think that seems more likely than most people want to think
1 like@spaceman022 Q^Q
0 likes@Bo Braekevelt That could be what happened
0 likes… NOOOOOOOO
2 likesWithout twilight the cast is doomed? 😢
2 likesHey
0 likesI wonder if this was later in the show
What would a cozy glow timeline look like
Or one where all the villans ruled
Time Traveler: *Moves a chair*
1 likeTheorists: Well the timeline is entirely different now because in the original timeline no one moved that chair
Dude, that video reminds me of the "A Sound of Thunder" short story by Ray Bradbury. Basically, the same thing about going back in time, but (almost) without changing it. My guess - it's the same timeline. Even if they create different timelines, these three could have been at the Rainboom at that time and haven't been shown to us due to... I dunno, unexistance of this plot twist? That's the basic time loop, just as the one in "It's all about time" episode.
0 likesThis went waaay deeper than i thought it would, holy crap.
29 likesI personally love the Fallout Equestrian series and totally could picture the forgotten timeline being the same timeline!!
6 likesThe Map and the Tree of Harmony were connected to the time travel spell, so more than 99% the trio was pulled back to their correct reality to keep things as they should be.
8 likesBy that logic, shouldn't there be another Twilight, Starlight, and Spike in the current timeline?
0 likesThis what I always thought when I was younger, not about mlp though. Like when I was probably 7, I always used to think when someone time travels and go back to their timeline, they aren't onto their timeline. Like what you said "being there is already a change" I didn't think about that for a while until I saw this video lol. I know exactly what you are saying
35 likesReplies (1)
If you ever saw Back to the Future, when the main guy returns to his time, it’s not the same as when he left. He changed his parents personalities while he was in the past so he basically returns to a house of strangers. It’s crazy thinking everyone you knew is technically dead because of changes made to timelines.
3 likesSee, this is why we gotta protect the sacred timeline.
1709 likesReplies (48)
@Olle Selin Loki
29 likes@Olle Selin loki
25 likesFor all Time, Always
49 likesThe TVA
21 likesTVA
14 likesI understood that reference
24 likesHaha Loki
12 likesWhelp, time to prune it.
23 likesLoki ;)
9 likesYep
5 likesId like to see a Mlp fanfic based off of the Loki series with Starlight in Loki's role.
18 likesFreeze! Variant.
9 likesEverybody be saying Loki reference when the time police has existed in all forms of fan fiction long before Loki!
4 likesNow I just realize what if The Nameless one , is one of the "He who remains" variants.
8 likesNice try, Kang.
5 likes@Brand Fish T V A
2 likesYou read my mind!
3 likesI was literally gonna comment something similar
2 likes*Loki wants to know your location* Joke :D
3 likes@Robot Animals it's the popular thing now...
1 likeLol
1 likeWhere are the Temporal Police or The Doctor when you need them
2 likesNah, let the tree lose and make it's own branches2
2 likesAlrighht we gota loki fann
1 like@Isabell Pascual HA you're a true marvel fan
1 likeYa XD
0 likesI wonder if something will happen in the futre of the Avengers baced off the end of that show
0 likes@Matthais' Media Mashups with Sawtooth Waves as Mobius lol
0 likesEven against cute alligators in golden horn crowns?
2 likes@Isabell Pascual flying monkeys?
0 likesLol yesss Loki
0 likesThis is the way! Wait that’s the mandolorian
1 likeLoki reference
0 likesTots
0 likesI agree
0 likesLOKI!
0 likesYep
0 likesI agree
0 likesI agree
1 likeTVA
0 likesTVA! OPEN UP!!!
0 likesHow funny is Tara Stong also voice Miss Minutes in Loki series 🤣🤣
0 likesYep…
0 likesLoki theme intensifies
0 likesFor all time always
0 likesyeah no im still going for the multiverse
0 likesThank you for visiting the TVA!
0 likeshaha, the TPA
0 likesAmazing! There are so many timelines that Starlight had created and it’s getting confusing for me. Luckily you made this video and now I know about it more clearly. I liked 👍🏻 the video!
7 likesI have a theory that it was all in 2 timelines, let me explain so starlight was trying to go back in time to stop the rainboom and ruin twilights friendship but without realizing she ends up making a new timeline and preventing the rainboom so then nightmare moon could take over equestria but discords spell still wares off and takes over equestria because well he's more powerful. After discord took over chrysalis takes over by turning in to something immortal and overthrowing discord but sombra returns and starts a war and while the war was going chrysalis transformed into celestia for whatever reason maybe to trick sombra and it was changelings working the entire time then flim and flam just randomly start removing trees in the sombra timeline because they take like nothing seriously then tirek steals all the magic in equestria including sombras magic and starts destroying equestria until it turns into the final timeline where everything is destroyed then in the end they return to the 1st timeline and the second timeline practically doesn't exist anymore because its just well you've seen it
121 likesReplies (9)
This is cool
4 likesI had to read this 3 times before I understood it.
2 likes@LegendaryGodzilla14 lol
0 likesAnd, kids, this is why paragraph breaks and frequent punctuation are used. Interesting theory though!
5 likes@scarlet.leaves do you think I care about punctuation in a YouTube comment? I’m not in English class lol
1 like@Puppyz I get that, it just makes it hard to read for people lmao
2 likesSometimes it just is helpful to add a period or 2 to help people w/ dyslexica (like me) to read it without having a stroke-
@scarlet.leaves eh yeah I've lived my life with Aspersers syndrome and ADHD I get the whole mental scene but I didn't expect this comment to get 84 likes lol
0 likesnot bad
0 likes@Puppyz 89 likes now. Good job simplifying the fracturing inter-reality boundaries! 😀 Marvel's Immortus would approve.
0 likesPersonally, I like the way the comment was written, with minimal punctuation and no line breaks. It came off as a hectic and energetic thought stream, and I heard it in my head almost as if Puppyz had said it all in one long breath, which is appropriate, as it would be one very long, painful timeline. 😮 😊
What if the abandoned timeline became the new generation timeline? Cozy was successful in gathering the crystals that power all of equestria, and spreading distrust in each of the species. This explains why we don’t see another species of creature in the new generation. Another tiny detail, is that we never see a picture or toys of twilight as a fully grown princess, nor the other mane 6 as their older selves. This is just a theory, but without a doubt it’s very fun to think about
3 likesFuture thought about G5: What if that abandoned world actually became G5?
0 likesCan we appreciate how he spends time making these videos for us and he makes the best high quality content videos and he makes our day even better!
668 likesReplies (38)
Hey just letting you know that they’re pronouns are they/them! /nm
37 likeshow they* :D
12 likesSawtooth goes by they/them
15 likesYes, i do appreciate it. And i'm not going to make much of a trouble about how you called Sawtooth. You may called HIM however you pleased
4 likesBelieve it or not, I am the kind of person who tries her best to look at a video from a positive angle. But if you piss me off, you'll get nothing but negative comments.
4 likesAnd incase you didn't know, Sawtooth is a non-binary. So instead of he/him you should say they/them.
13 likes@Rosella huh? I was only trying to be nice
0 likes@WOLF OF NIGHT FIRE its okay man. These fellas here just trying to correct you. But i don't think there is anything wrong with your comment sir. You're allowed to call people however you pleased, as long as it isn't mocking or being rude (and also still make sense, like calling male gender with 'he' and vice versa)
2 likes@Hiccy69 Sawtooth stated on their bio that they want to be referred to by they/them pronouns, it’s rude to refer to them by anything else. I know you aren’t trying to be disrespectful, but you should keep in mind that misgendering someone is rude and can be hurtful
17 likesYeah they work so hard for us even though the show already ended :)
6 likes@WOLF OF NIGHT FIRE I know that you were trying to be nice. And I really like the nice comment that you wrote. I was just saying that I usually look at a video from a positive angle and also sometimes I give comments similar to the one that you gave. That also lead me to saying that if something in the video makes me angry I give negative comments. I was never trying to be rude nor was I angry. Sorry if you felt offended by my reply.
3 likes@I'm A Bagel I was just going to write a similar reply to him but you did it for me, so thanks 😊😊😊
3 likes@Hiccy69 That's not how gender works, Sawtooth specifically goes by they/them, so we refer to them as such. Intentionally misgendering someone because "I can do whatever I want" is ignorant at best.
10 likes@Hiccy69 They decide what to be called, that's not your choice.
6 likes@Hiccy69 you don't get to give someone permission to misgender someone else, sawtooth has said that they wanted to be referred to by they/them. Im pretty sure that this person just didn't know sawtooth's pronouns and calling them "he" was just an accident especially since they recently came out but it doesnt hurt letting them know
5 likes@Rosella im pretty certain that this person just made an honest mistake and didn't know sawtooth's pronouns, you don't have to be so mean to them - a non binary person
0 likes@Tamayako tbh, i don't really cared about this whole non-binary thing. As long as you calling someone in a logical sense and not being rude, i don't see anything wrong with it. You and i have different way of seeing things, but i do respect you and your perspective
0 likes@Duffy✨ i mean, if Sawtooth didn't really give much of a care about how he/them was called, i don't see anything wrong about it. He even gave a love to the commenter
0 likes@Hiccy69 it’s just the fact the they go as they/them not he/they
4 likes@Hiccy69 That's still not how it works. You can't just "not care" about someone's identity.
5 likes@Hiccy69 literally no one cares about what you think. someone elses gender isn't your choice.
4 likes@Jenkins no one cares about what i think? Then why the hell all of these people replied to me? I wasn't being rude or anything. I'm just trying to defend the commenter because from my perspective, he has done nothing wrong
0 likes@Tamayako the point is, i respect your perspective of this situation. I'm just trying to give my perspective too without being rude or disrespectful
0 likes@Weili R I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just pointing out an honest mistake. There is nothing more to it than that.
2 likes@Hiccy69 Regardless of how you put it, it's VERY rude to just say "I don't care what this person's gender is, I'm going call them 'he' anyway." This isn't a debate of "cats or dogs", it's about misgendering an individual. Nobody was getting mad at OP for misgendering Sawtooth because it was accidental, but you keep insisting that "well I can call them whatever I want, I don't care if they're non-binary" which is shitty no matter how nicely you word it.
3 likes@Hiccy69 THEY are non-binary and do not use he/him pronouns.
4 likes@Hiccy69 and im saying your 'perspective' doesnt matter?? this isn't a debate this is MISGENDERING and you dont just get to give your ""opinion"" on a free individuals gender. if sawtooth says they're non binary theyre non binary.
1 like@Tamayako fine, i'm sorry about that. Can we please put this thing to rest? The commenter gave a nice comment and made only a simple mistake. Thats all.
0 likes@Hiccy69 found the transphobe
3 likes@Just An Art Gremlin wait really? :o
1 like@Duffy✨ actually we are the ones with the keyboards/device so yes we do get a choice-
0 likes@Hiccy69 you are smart and you finally knock sense to this bots
0 likes@Tamayako I don’t care about this guys identity 💀 I don’t even know him and nor do you
0 likes@Tamayako so your putting cats and dogs below humans now. 💀
0 likesDogs and cats are better than 💯 percent of the replies here
@a candy bar bot
0 likesY’all really wanna cause a rant for someone not having a stupid gender?
1 likeY’all gotta stop getting offended for no good stupid reason,
Just because someone was “ rude “ to someone who is
Pride or whatever that doesn’t make them anything it makes u sound dumb
It’s like religion, if you don’t believe in something saying you don’t doesn’t make
@Monica edits how the fuck is someone watching a my little pony youtuber gonna be transphobic
0 likes@a candy bar shut up you candy bar all this guy said was to appreciate him you can’t call him anything
0 likesAlternative idea: it’s a time loop so there was no alternate timeline to begin with :)
30 likesBro this feels like a creepy pasta but a light version of that at least the way you explained it from the beginning 😮? Anyone else agree ?
0 likeswell no you cant merge time lines
0 likeseven if you go in time and and just being there, and the time line look so similar to the original timeline, the timeline cant be merge, the deed already been done
and if the timeline merge the time it self will be destroyed and maybe also the universe bc the timeline cant connect with something different its like mixing salt and sugar in a coffee, the sugar and the salt represent the timeline and the coffee represent the universe,
the sad truth is the abandon timeline is doomed just like zecora said
"time is a river where even the tiniest changes seen"
"can lead to a cascade of effects downstream"
honestly i wonder how many hours did they take to make a whole line for zekora
I like the idea that fanfics are also alternate timelines. In my case, my character and his friends got sucked into Equestria. Just being there created its own timeline because the characters interacted with the character in question. However, fanfics never affect the main timeline so whatever happens in the other timelines is exclusive to that one.
1 likeIs it just me or is Sawtooth's voice so calming in this video
195 likesReplies (1)
@Navita Dashore maybe talk to a therapist instead of looking at YouTube? Sawtooth is amazing but this video will just make u more depressed
1 likeBro this feels like a creepy pasta but a light version of that 😮? Anyone else agree ?
0 likestbh this is a really interesting fanfic idea!
0 likesI really like this idea. I saw another theory that was somewhat similar to this about the way we get to the g5 movie. Maybe our new generation is meant to be the continuation of the first timeline from the show? Whatever it is, it'd be super cool to see more on this idea!
1 likeWow after all those years. Your still doing Mlp.
0 likesIf the world is forgotten, how does Sawtooth know this?!
1634 likesReplies (52)
Well it’s not really forgotten
86 likesJust we don’t know if it exists, twilight, spike and starlight, would have thought they were in the same timeline,and the old one would be forgot as if it never existed, because they think they’re in the same timeline (sorry if this is confusing)
10 likes*IN A GODLY VOICE* Sawtooth has been blessed with unlimited knowledge about the world of MLP
39 likes@Rosella or the nameless one told him
15 likesHe watched friendship is magic
11 likes@Lucy Randomness and had a lot of time to think about stuff like this
6 likes@The Phoenix 3000 ok
2 likes@The Phoenix 3000 in that case, *IN A GODLY VOICE* The Nameless one has been blessed with unlimited knowledge of the world of MLP.
6 likes@The Phoenix 3000 or they figured it out on their own.
3 likes@The Phoenix 3000 and Sawtooth is a non-binary. So it's they/them.
4 likes@Lucy Randomness it's they/them for Sawtooth.
4 likesHe's magical 😍🤯
3 likes@Rosella uhhh ok?
2 likeshe remembered.
1 like@Rosella oops
1 like@Lucy Randomness incase you are confused, Sawtooth is a non-binary.
2 likes@The Phoenix 3000 everyone makes mistakes, am I right?
3 likes@Rosella ok
1 like@Rosella I know
1 likesawthooth is all knowing
4 likes@Alwaaysflamingo Time travel is confusing, so this is the perfect explanation.
3 likesIt's a theory so nobody knows if it's true or not
4 likestheir knowledge goes beyond everything in the known universe. Sawtooth is too powerful for our feeble minds to comprehend..
4 likes@The Phoenix 3000 *them
2 likesHe doesn’t know
1 like@-Cethia•the Doll- *they
1 likeBecause they’re magical
3 likes@poptart cat yas
1 likeMagik
0 likesIt's A Theory.
4 likesAnd it's not Confirmed.
And probably won't be.
Ur right
0 likesWelp
0 likes@Pixel Bolt Kai I was already corrected, but thanks
0 likesHeh 666 likes
2 likes@MelBurnsAtEverything do you remember that one video where Lauren faust apparently made a deal with the devil and twilight was the antichrist?
0 likesYay good Point.
0 likesYay good point.
0 likesLol true
2 likesHe isn't a actual pony he's a Human
1 like@Rosella he does
1 like@The Phoenix 3000 If I remember correctly, it was an April's fool's Day prank video and even Sawtooth himself didn't believe it. And I don't either.
1 like@Pixel Bolt Kai you sound just like Azmodius praising Iruma ( you'll understand what I'm saying if you have watched the show "Welcome to Demon school Iruma-kun")
2 likes@Rosella lol me either just cause they said 666
0 likes@The Phoenix 3000 um, does that have anything to do with it?
1 like@Rosella nah.
0 likesThe person I tagged pointed out that their like was the 666th like. And Sawtooth used the first letters of Lauren Faust to create the number 666 as their final proof.
@The Phoenix 3000 oh yeah. I guess I forgot about that 😅😅😅
1 like@Rosella I just watched that video a lot of times cause I think it's really funny, so I ended up remembering almost the whole video....... But I haven't watched it in a while, so I couldn't tell you the exact order of their proof and all of it, probably....
0 likesMaybe I should watch it again.
Great question
1 likeI’m going to guess nameless might have told sawtooth
0 likesVSause music intensifies
0 likes@Rosella Imagines it in Celestia's voice
0 likesMLP is just a TV show featuring the celebrities of Equestria and beyond. Equestria Girls is filmed in the other universe but everyone we see on the show is a paid actor
0 likesA good addition to this theory is what would have happened when the storm king arrived and Twilight wasn't there to help power his staff, would it still work or not and how different would the events be assuming there wouldn't even be a festival because of Chrysalis taking over, only more questions appear...
4 likesWhen it comes to the abandoned timeline I think it may fix itself into something similar to our current timeline you mentioned Celestia finding a replacement element of magic but didn't elaborate much I think in terms of who the replacement could be without twilight or starlight (or spike but that doesn't matter) the best candidates I could think of would be either sunset but she has a role in the human world or Sunburst sure he may not have much magical talent but his knowledge may be enough for him to earn that spot in which case the crystal empire would be ok and then the second invasion may happen but I think a completely unexpected factor may come to light The princesses all three may be able to overcome the invasion with thorax and then that will be resolved now the school of friendship becoming a thing is debatable but possible and then cozy could still be stopped by the exact same way and in this timeline I don't think discord would even bring back Tirek, Cozy, Chrysalis and Sombra and the only known difference from there may be either the sisters not retiring or them finding another replacement.
0 likesI think that we were seeing that timeline (the "second" one) to begin with. Sure, you never see Starlight, Twilight, and Spike in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, but you can boil that down to the writers/storyboarders/etc. not having that planned yet (which it wasn't) or that our view of the events just quietly skirted Starlight and Twilight's confrontation, as the events were being told by distracted narrators who likely didn't notice either, so we just didn't see it then. I still feel that it was there, and that we've been seeing that timeline unfold all along. Whether there really is an abandoned timeline out there somewhere is another story... they do say that every small choice we make branches off into a new path (Zecora even points it out in the Chrysalis timeline) so if that theory is correct, then I'd venture to guess there are a multitude of other doomsday scenarios beyond what can even be imagined. Anyway, great video!
1 likeHas anyone thought that since Nightmare Moon(Luna) has a idea time travel magic exists, she might try to look everywhere for a spell or something? Especially since Luna is Starswirl's student and I'm pretty sure she'd look in his stuff first because he's well-known to have made a ton of spells
1 likeEven if time-travel confuses me sometimes, Sawtooth still manages to make their timeline videos thoroughly entertaining.
161 likesAlright, I took some time to think this over and the conclusion I came too is that there is no 9th timeline.
1 likeSimply put. For there to have been any significant changes in the flow of time, something significant would have had to have happened to one of the main players. The premise for the 9th timeline is that three new people saw an event happen.
What exactly did that change or effect in such a significant manner that it would cause a rift in the timeline? Three beings that existed elsewhere in the world at the same time where still doing their thing and anyone who saw those three could easily be convinced that they were just seeing things.
On top of that, most people believe this "little events can change the way the world continues" thing due to the butterfly effect and an incorrect association of the "equal and opposite reaction" law (Newton?)
The premise of the butterfly effect has doubts cast immediately as the death of any being on this planet is truly insignificant to the overall span of the planet and the fact that there are an increasing large number of animals to dot he thing that one dead bug could have done; making its death pointless to the flow of time.
As an science major will tell you, the equal and opposite reaction law has no bearing on anything pressure related forces. Look it up to find more details, but the long and short of it is that when you step on the ground, the pressure you put on the ground is also being applied back to your foot while also being distributed into the ground around where your foot touches. Nothing to do with time or time travel and stretching it to try and apply it to time travel has no logical basis.
Sawtooth. Have you noticed that every time before twilight got her castle, she got the same spark like in season 1 episode 2? It's an interesting detail.
1 likeIt would actually be a lot nicer if the time lines merged back together
1 likeWhat if, while time-travelling, you can go back to a timeline you've been to, but Twilight and Spike kept coming into a different timeline from where they'd been before? But that when they went with Starlight they happened to come back in the original. We will never know...
0 likesYou're right Sawtooth, it's not just the events you interfere with or the people you interact with that changes the timeline, the fact that you're in the past period could be enough to change something in the timeline, in fact when Twilight, Spike and Starlight returned to the restored timeline, i'm surprised that they didn't do a part where Rainbow Dash says "Welcome back." because you know since both Twilight and Starlight interacted with Filly RD you would think she would've remembered them and all that.
459 likesReplies (14)
Also, you have to consider the environment. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight most likely displaced particles of air when they fell into the past. That displacement of air could influence the path that a butterfly flies. That different flap might have prevented a storm or have been the cause of the storm
71 likes@Double Monk 05 06 07 Of course. That's why it's called the Butterfly Effect. I remember reading a story that employed the Butterfly Effect by a man crushing something under foot by straying off the beaten path while he was in the past tagging a dinosaur (I forget if it was a butterfly or a dino egg he stepped on) and when he came back to his present, things had gotten much worse. So much so, that he couldn't return and correct the wrong he did. In a similar vein, Twilight, Starlight, and Spike returning to their own time after viewing Filly Dash's Rainboom when they shouldn't have even been there to begin with could have just made things a lot worse for the original timeline.
37 likes(For the record, the story I mentioned was one I read way back in high school, so I don't remember the specific details of it... Hehe...)
@Becky Deitz it was a butteffly. My school just read it this year but I dont remeber the name.
10 likes@The Stitch Man Thanks, man. And hey, glad to know that story is still being read for English classes in schools. I personally like to see that story as a reminder of its lesson, much in how COVID-19 that started in 2019, lead up to the shenanigans of today's world. The riots, the increased murder rates, the political scandals. All effects caused by one small Chinese Butterfly Effect.
10 likesTo think all of This happened just bec starlight was trying to take revenge on twillight honestly i love starlight But the thought of the consequence that she did makes feel like she was not worth reddeming and it makes tirek and cozy glows .chriseles actions just a naghty games
9 likes@The Stitch Man It’s called “A Sound of Thunder”. Ah, I never thought I’d hear that story again. It brings back memories~
7 likesEdit: if anyone wants, I can tell ALL about how the story goes~ it’s still prominent in my memory. I even wrote a parallel short story from the butterfly’s perspective.
@PizzaMLPop Did it end with a *Crunch*?
2 likes@The Stitch Man Nah “there was a sound of thunder”, which could mean the guy who screwed up and created the new timeline where the language is written differently and the OTHER guy won the election, who everyone hated, was shot dead by one of the guys leading the expedition.
5 likesIf you meant my fan story, I remember ending it with “there was a sound of a breaking leaf”, because I thought it was clever to describe the sound of a butterfly being crushed the same way they described a gunshot; with nature sound equivalents.
If I misunderstood the comment, I apologise.
@PizzaMLPop I meant your version of the story but its ok, no problem.
4 likesFilly Dash was too busy racing too notice Twilight, Starlight, and Spike.
1 likeSylvie: Well yes but actually no
0 likesI mean there's a doctor who reference meaning it more likely is similar to the Pompeii episode, where they can change some parts of the past but not majorly historic points.
2 likesRemeber It's About Time when Future Twilight time travel to the oast to tell her past self not to worry Twilight and Starlight use time travel to change something but later changed their mind.
0 likesThere's also a huge change in that Twilight and Starlight were very young fillies at the time. A sudden adult Twilight and Starlight (who likely still was friends with Sunburst at the time) in this time line is a change that led to another reality.
0 likesEven though they return to "normal", they were still there at this point. Its not as if it didn't happen anymore.
Even small changes have massive ramifications (butterfly effect), and in this time line, RD and Fluttershy have very distant memories of seeing two adult ponies fighting. RD remembers being frozen in a purple crystal while attempting the sonic rainboom. The changes are present, though the young fillies wouldn't realise that it was adult Twilight and Starlight fighting in mid air.
Something to Consider: The Tree of Harmony. We don't know much about it, just know it helps keep the Everfree Forest in check. We know it can create a hologram, and used said hologram, which took on the form of Twilight Sparkle, to communicate with the students of the school of Friendship... What if there is more to the tree than just what was shown? A Power capable of correcting paradoxes, so long as said paradox is minor?
1 likeStarlight messing with Rainbow Dash, thus preventing the Rainboom? Too powerful of a paradox.
Starlight, Twilight, and Spike being there to witness the rainboom? minor enough that the Paradox can be corrected, thus the tree does correct the paradox, because it would be the most harmonious outcome, allowing the three to return to the original timeline they left.
Replies (1)
Something else to keep in mind, now that I posted all that: The Map is born from the castle, which is born from the tree. Thus the Tree of Harmony is 100% in play during this time travel.
1 likeWHAT IF!!! They never did go back in time? Or at least, not in the way they think? The Tree of Harmony, upon recognizing a time travel spell being used on the map, made an alteration on the fly (again the tree can actively teach lessons itself, and convey those lessons by means of a Twilight Hologram Avatar, so it has some sentience...) put them in stasis, and gave them "What If Scenarios" to teach Starlight a lesson about what can happen when time is altered. They never physically went back in time, only mentally, by way of what if scenarios. The map needed Twilight and spike to help convey the lesson, which is why they were dragged through the what if scenarios too.
Maybe the last timeline they went to is the one your talking about
0 likesIf you ever watched the Flash, he tried to save his mom once and things didn’t work very well. So he had to have her killed by someone he hated again! The timeline was never the same. You can break the timeline, but you can never truly fix it… like you can break a cup, and put the piece back in the broken part. You still see the crack. Congratulations, by the way. You read this. Hoo-ray. 👏👏👏
5 likesWhat a brilliant theory. The first: I think it's about how Starlight's spell works and not a time travel in general. The second: Celestia and Luna. I suppose they can and will prevent any danger until any of them find new "special pony" or group of ponies.
0 likesHave you seen the show Primeval? That worked with this kind of change to history at the end of the first series. A very minor change to the past caused elements of the world to be different. Although in that show's universe, it appears that once a timeline change has happened, the old reality doesn't exist anymore, which is how I interpreted The Cutue Re-Mark.
0 likesHonestly, I'd have to agree with this theory. It is similar to how The Flash went back in time to save his mother and when he lived his life with her, he decided to get back to his first timeline (letting his mother get murdered). When he let things happen, he managed to get back to the proper present but things weren't exactly the same as before.
0 likesThis is a cool idea, but I've always thought of the timeline as a loop, kind of like in Harry Potter
0 likesIdk I guess I've always imagined that when the rainboom was changed each time, the past timeline was just... erased, which likely isn't the case
But for our main timeline, Twillight, Spike, and Starlight were always there, its just that since they were spectating away fromna crowd, no one really noticed them
The two patterns in time are simultaneous. One involves the others as well... If something changes in one, the other timelines branch off like a tree from a root, leaving chance of being in-between or a part of either timeline. Picture the cat in the box experiment, but never ending.
0 likes"Equestria lost its magic" you heard that right that means G5 would be in the previous timeline where all the magic it's lost and probably where the princesses were kept captive so there are no princesses anymore...
802 likesReplies (15)
I never thought of it like that.
32 likesThat means that's the original timeline their in with no twilight of starlight or spike G5 might be in that original timeline THATS DARK
80 likesoh my god
15 likesHere’s how it could’ve happened:
58 likesJust when Twilight’s friends come to terms with the fact that she and Spike are gone, Chrysalis takes over Equestria. But she doesn’t rule forever, because Thorax seeks help from Trixie and Discord and eventually defeats Chrysalis, reforming the changelings like in the timeline we know. A while later, Cozy Glow writes to Tirek, who helps her absorb all the magic from Equestria. Without the School of Friendship, the student six don’t meet and therefore can’t pull the artifacts out preventing the magic from being drained. (This also explains why there are no other creatures seen in G5, the School of Friendship is the reason so many other creatures started living in Equestria in the first place) Twilight’s friends, Discord, and the princesses try to stop Cozy Glow, but she throws them all into the magic bubble which pulls them into the ether once the three days have passed. Without magic, the protectors of Equestria, or the rulers of Equestria, the three types of ponies start to resent each other, each blaming the other two tribes for what happened. This causes them all to split off into different parts of Equestria.
Eons later, a group of five friends from the different tribes realize that the types of ponies are better off united. This ignites a friendship fire-like thing that pulls the magic out of the ether and back into Equestria. (This might bring the princesses, Discord, and Twilight’s friends back too, but it could also bring King Sombra back so…)
@Alicorns_of_Harmony Oh my goodness, this makes SO MUCH SENSE! I'M FREAKING OUT EVERYPONY! No, more than that, I'M TWILIGHTING!
20 likesnow hold on a minute...
6 likes@Alicorns_of_Harmony It wouldn't necessarly work since the history that sunny starscount recounts still seems like the new timeline.
7 likesThey had a twilight doll in the movie so i doubt it
2 likesThat would explain a lot with G5 and it would make the most sense
2 likesHow do you know that? Are you sure?
0 likes@Fionamation oh i never thought of that
0 likesOMG that makes so much sense
1 like@Idk what name to pick twilight existed in the og timeline for a lot of events, then she disapeared. She would still be remembered
4 likes@Idk what name to pick exactly
0 likes@Lidia but wouldn’t she be viewed as the one who disappeared and seem irrelevant to the catastrophe that left equestria with no magic??
1 likeFrom what I remember, we never got to see the twilight of the other time-line's so it's possible that the twilight of the main time-line actually posested the bodys of her other selves every time she came back to the present so whenever she went to the past again the conscious of that time-line's actual twilight returned and her body was teleported to were it was before she was posested and the time-line continued as normal. In other words, even if twilight's consciousness left its original time-line there is still a twilight there. That goes for the rest of the time-lines as well. I would like to believe that after the twilight we khow left the other time-lines the people she met there went on to find the twilight of their time-lines as well as the unite the rest of the main six.
0 likesLove your therioes Sawthooth! Thanks for putting in so much time and effort. And Iove you editing style the visuals examples help me understand it better!
0 likesThis theory also fundamentally falls apart if you factor Discord. The original timeline Discord would go “Where’s Twilight and Spike?” Probably around the time of the GGG. And probably pull them from whatever timeline they ended on. Discord being able to open dimensional rifts makes him capable of opening through timelines too theoretically, but since time magic is performable by Unicorns and Alicorns, he can probably do it too. If Discord was so oblivious as to not see it until the season 6 finale, then pulling Twilight and Starlight then before infiltrating the castle would make it gg easy. Of course this is mostly assuming there are two separate timelines.
1 likeIf you look back at season 2 "A hoof in time", that episode showed what time travel truly is like, if you go to the past to change something, nothing will change, because since you're going to the past, that means you had already travelled back in time, so you had already done all of that. But then you ask "If it is like that, then shouldn't this event happen unaffect for you to have a reason to travel in time? Like we see in the show?", that is where the magic comes, like a tree can change itself to adept to the enviroment, or the elements of harmony change their shapes to represent their champions(?), same can happen to the timeline, it let the traveler do their changes, then infuse it with the timeline so things won't change, imagine when you trim a video to add something in the middle, then put video back where you made the trim
1 likeBtw there is a tenth timeline where Twilight, Spike and Starlight saw Sunburst getting his mark
what if it was possible that the original timeline actually still had twilight and starlight in it during the rainboom, and celestia was notified of twilight being an alicorn grown up, so celestia used that knowledge and made sure that nothing in the timeline would be changed.
333 likesReplies (6)
Good theory. I never thought of it that way 😊😊😊
25 likesThat does make a lot of sense
20 likesDoesn't that cause a new bootstrap paradox like in It's About Time?
16 likesI actually really like this theory!
5 likes@Starmic That's the whole point, creating a bootstrap paradox keeps the timeline safe, it's like a lock to make sure nothing can be changed so nothing bad can happen.
13 likesThis could lead to some.other funny events such as..
9 likesThe fact Sunburst was taken to the school with Starlight left behind in the first place. If Celestia is aware of what Starlight had done then she could have purposfully left her behind thinking it might prevent her from.getting the power to use those powerful spells...
As well as having confirmation that the adorable Purple Pony trying to hatch an egg is indeed a blessed Savior.
It's been a year since this vid came out, but I gotta say this: My theory is that either star swirl or starlight had changed the spell to keep everything on one timeline, or time travel is just weird in mlp. Like when twilight went back in time, she couldn't change anything. So it seems to me that fate is fate and nothing can change it. And as I'm writing this, starlight and twilight could've reversed everything they did before they left, causing the broken off timelines to uh idk, become alternate universes? Or even a simpler solution, returning to the original timeline.
1 likeThis video is a great idea for a fanfic, so I'm going to go write it. I remember thinking something like this when I watched the episode, but didn't dive too deep into it. 🤔
3 likesIt could be that the original timeline was already part of the loop. Starlight and Twilight were always and will always have that battle before sealing the loop in that last moment. They have always and will always be extra spectators in that moment.
0 likesThat is pretty interesting. I was wondering with that recent trip to that bill space, you would of thought of this topic. Hey maybe this could have something to to with the new generation coming out. Will you be discussing that?
0 likesI feel like everything Sawtooth talks about, I actually believe it was canon in the show. These videos are awesome and I’m glad I subscribed :)
38 likesGiven how systems work, if you have the outcome to B, and it's similar enough to G, then you typically just merge them into one to simplify everything. Time is a system, whether it's typical or not is questionable. I'd say they merge. Especially, since you also need to ask "where is the second Twilight?"
0 likestime travel is complicated especially using magic. was it quantum magic, (where it's like cutting a piece of a mat and sewing on to another place.) or is it string where it's like a bed sheet patterns the times treaded together and cross no matter what. or the butterfly effect where their appearance was just enough to change the unknown time by them. or like a tree branch where they made it to their original time, yet still branched and created other variants.
0 likesThe way I saw it, Twilight, Spike,a nd Starlight existed out of the time space during these moments, they could affect things and change time, but just existing in the past wouldn't directly cause any fluctuations.
0 likesMerging timelines would mean time itself did that, as most logically timelines would stay individual once they branch off, even if the same events happen after the Rainboom. With logic of timelines themselves, the ones shown in the show (Nightmare Moon/Chrysalis/King Sombra/Tirek etc. takes over) are the more drastic changes, while stuff like this are less drastic, like choosing if you want to get out of bed a few minutes early which doesn’t impact your day at all, which will create a new “timeline”. Merging the timelines would require having Starlight fail to stop the Rainboom, unite with Twilight and go to the present, which wipes out the past timeline, leaving the original universe’s events gone forever, with the exception of other timelines, but that would require different choices in the past without Starlight appearing at the race where the Rainboom happened. So, in theory, the original universe would be gone forever. Infinite timelines wouldn’t do anything, even with infinite choices, there would never be able to be the exact same copy of a timeline, because there is no use in the copy. It is possible, but there would be no use for merging it in logical ways.
0 likesThe disappearance of Twilight and Spike from the original timeline means, with identical timelines, they may have switched timelines, but the second timeline Twilight would not go to the original timeline, instead, to another, new one, and they cannot go back to the same timeline, causing another Chrysalis timeline and a forever gone Twilight. With the knowledge of the second timeline Twilight traveling to a completely new one, This creates something that seems like an infinite loop, infinite timelines branching out from when Starlight travelled to the past to attempt and stop the rainboom. It’s hard to wrap our minds around the concept of infinity, but this is not infinity by logic. There are only so many choices that can be made, even if there was a trillion years since ponies started to live consciously, that would not be infinite choices, and hell, some timelines may even end because of what, a tyrant somehow wiping out the universe with a book spell? Some timelines will not even have Starlight’s redemption, so only a few existing timelines. This creates a weird paradox, if this follows the no copy of timelines theory, where would the “last” timeline Twilight go? Wiped out from the universe permanently? That could be an answer, but it’s weird, as if they got erased permanently from the entire universe and everything living itself by time traveling to a non existent place, if that was even possible. The most logical thing is that they were transported to a timeline where another Twilight existed already, like some future Twilight thing but permanent. That would be insanely messy.
What if there was an alternate universe where tireks brother agreed to take over equestria with him
703 likesReplies (10)
That universe should exist out there somewhere
33 likes@Hayami Hinata it definitely does exist.
18 likesHe should make a video about that
13 likesWhy would he
1 likeIdk
2 likesBig oof
0 likestahts a really smart idea-
0 likesIk
0 likesWhat if it’s the desert one it makes some sense
1 like@Claire Glover I don't think it could be, cause another timelines were created by Starlight Glimmer after the time when Tirek's brother disagreed to take over the world with him
0 likesHey, Sawtooth. Bit of a long-time fan here. I've been wondering. Do you make your own sprites, or does someone else do that?
0 likesWait, wait wait! That's an amazing analogy though the predictions you made may have been.. incorrect.
0 likesThe fact that Twilight, Starlight and Spike left an alternate timeline makes a lot of sense...kind of. You see, if that were to be the case, this really complicates things as in the new timeline, there should be another Twilight, Starlight and Spike, right just like in the Equestria Girls World? So, I think it's the same World...shaped in a different way. I don't think there is a timeline where the villains are ruling..the events of the past alter the present...one present. Not multiple presents. The only other present is the Equestria Girls world. But, even if we do consider what you say to be true because it could make sense, things won't exactly pan out the way you think they did/ You see, now we have seen that in these timelines, the characters are different too.... Starlight's gone. Twilight's gone....but some pony isn't....Sunset Shimmer. She hasn't gone to the Equestria Girls world and since personalities are different, she might take on the role of Twilight. Zecora might also become a much more important pony figure here. Now, what happens beyond that we can't really tell unless we literally get this alternate dimension MLP but this is a very cool idea to think about though to some extent, far fetched.
I think it would be more like the Twilight paradox, where the universe would alter itself to where it has always been that way
0 likesHey Sawtooth, I might have an idea for a theory. I was listening to mlp music on spotify and got to What my Cutie Mark is telling me. The theory I came up with was what if that broken spell that Starswirl wrote had broken the protective magic around the tree of Harmony.
0 likesIf you use Loki logic, they didn’t have significant variant activity from watching it happen so they could probably safely return to the original time like nothing happened
302 likesReplies (2)
Ah so it’s like it was MEANT to happen and the flow of time wasn’t disrupted….or like that whole “resetting the timeline” thing in Loki, we see when twilight spike and starlight return…the time spell explodes into light…like it’s resetting their timeline
13 likes@The Crap Nest Good theories yall and LOVE Loki!
0 likesOut of all the theories, I think this one is the most likely:
0 likesTwilight, Spike and Starlight were always there but unnoticed. It’s just a bootstrap paradox.
Before the perfect paradox, several destruction happened, then when after Twilight convinced Starlight the paradox finally perfect, and that’s the only way that could save the timeline. The reason why I think that your theory is wrong is that in the “second” timeline, where is Twilight, Starlight and Spike
We need more MLP
0 likesMultiverse!
I mean Starlight had the spell specifically designed to go to the past at a certain time every time Twilight tried to. I presume this means the Twilight and Starlight appearances are overwritten in this way because there’s be 7 Twilight’s and Starlight’s duking it out while the Rainboom should happen. If Starlight has a final say on the timeline they end on, then potentially she made a restore point in the present as well in case any and every timeline was worse. She herself never really got to experience the timelines from what we saw until she was forced to see one.
0 likesI kind of agree with you! However, I think it goes more deeper in that. It might be a little bit confusing. It goes like this.
0 likesThe timeline where two extra spectators are watching the sonic rainboom. Another Twilight is still there in the testing area. That Twilight when she grows up she will also face an alternate world Starlight Glimmer who will create alternate timelines. She leaves that timeline and goes to another to stop Starlight. Then, she ends up in a timeline different to the alternate timeline she was in. So basically what I am saying is that the different Twilights in each alternate universe left their universes to another. Maybe a Twilight from an alternate universe came to the main timeline!
alternitive possibility, twilight spike and starlight were always there but unnoticed.
231 likesReplies (3)
Thats what i had been thinking, ever since i saw it fore the first time.
18 likesYeah, I thought of that too, maybe it's a time paradox.
6 likesThe Depressing Ending
1 likeI love the flower in your mane, very pretty! ^^
0 likesNice background btw
Maybe in the new movie twilight did the same puzzle about the forgotten world and tried to go back there and succeeded, that is why sunny was the first alicorn after so long.
2 likes3:23 Maybe this time instead of making violent invasion Crysallis tries subtle approach by mimicking Twilight.
1 likeSince all her friends are on edge they'll be more suspicious of the fake, and this time Chrissy's plan fails and instead of her invasion being done in the shadows wheee nobody knows what's going on, it's now open.
Wonder if she will fail an active invasion or not
When I watched that episode for a second time years ago, I actually noticed that in the beginning Pinkiepie delivers a cake after they leave, then in the end the entire mane six shows up with no sign on the cake. Maybe their is something to the different timeline thing.
2 likesI love how even after MLP ended you still continue making theories and videos about it!
61 likesThis reminds me of a book I read called Interworld. Not about time travel, but instead multiple universes. Basically, if there is a minor change, a new inverse will be created, but quickly merge back together. Only big changes have an impacts
0 likesWell, if time traveling worked this way, we would have two Twilights, two Starlights and two Spikes in the current timeline
0 likesThis really is a paradox. It's kinda like that one twilight time travel episode. It really could be like that everytime a version of twilight,starlight and spike get back to "their original universe" (which is actually just a different timeline where they were present in the past),another version of the same event is happening and it's a constant loop. The only way to stop this loop is to alter and so it seems continuous
0 likesI feel like it's easy to say that, in true doctor who style, time was rewritten. instead of a new timeline, the same timeline just adapted to having 3 new people at the time of the rainboom.
0 likesA forgotten first timeline... That very well just might be the timeline the new G5 movie takes place on. It could explain why there is no longer magic there if Cosy Glow removed it all in the past. Why there are no alicorns left if Twilight was gone and Tia could not find a replacement before they retired. This could explain so much about the G5 world.
53 likesReplies (4)
4 likesI've seen several people say this in the comments, yet it makes no sense. Friendship and unity = magic. Since there is no friendship between the races and most likely none amongst themselves, there is no magic whatsoever. The windigos were defeated in season 9, allowing the races to live on like this. The reason there are no alicorns is because alicorns are not immortal. Twilight sparkle was by no means immortal. They may have a prolonged lifetime, but eventually they kick the bucket when they served their purpose. The reason there are no Alicorns is because there's no magic. Twilight sparkle made herself into an alicorn. She had enough magic and friendship inside of her to do it, something that's not possible in the g5 world.
7 likes@AnnaBell Flurry Heart could still since she was just a child during g4
0 likes@TriggerHappyEeveewhat is g4
0 likesI think one thing we all have in mind is what twilight's reign will look when her friends aren't here anymore. Since she is the princess of friendship, she will either have the shortest reign maintain friendships with inmortal beings like discord (who i also worry for thinking about Fluttershy s death), or getting corrupted like nightmare moon.
0 likesIt’s not a mistake, ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨
0 likesThere's also the possiblity that them going back in time was part of the main timeline, sort of like a paradox. They're there, they always were.
0 likesIf I can jump the gun a bit here, the only way we saw the rainboom before this whole thing was the flashback, which was from rainbow’s point of view. Twilight and starlight could’ve been there the whole time, we just couldn’t see them because rainbow never noticed them. Which means there might not be an abandoned, lost, original world, because we’re still in it.
1 likeIf this was indeed true, then where was the original Twilight in the alternate universe? We know she does exist since the castle wouldn't have existed without Twilight... This makes me think that perhaps they swapped universes lol. But since there is still a Twilight in the current universe we started out in, nothing bad will happen in both universes...
388 likesReplies (7)
Yea, I’d rather that idea better be right
20 likesThis is like the Sunnie-dox as I have dubbed it. Basically not every world/timeline/universe matches up 100%. It could very well be that Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight are all variants of Twilight sent to the same universe as foals to play off each other so that one comes out on top and becomes an Alicorn to rival the Sisters.
18 likes@John Harris Better hope they don't get pruned by the TVA.
3 likesSince the altered timeline twilight would've also gone through the time travel scenario, they ether would've merged by both returning to the same timeline at exactly the same time and space. Or created an infinite series of identical timelines, with the twilight from the altered timeline jumping into an identical duplicate timeline, the twilight from that one doing the same, ad infinitum.
18 likesIt could also be possible that og twilight ended up back in the original timeline, and the altered timeline exists separately with it's own version of twilight.
Assuming it's actually branching time travel, instead of re-write time travel
Without knowing the exact rules of time travel in mlp its hard to speculate. It's even possible that the method of time travel used, different spells, possibly even the caster themselves, have different rules of time travel between them.
Yeah I will go with this theory!
0 likesMaybe they were overwritten and just vanished after our twilight, starlight, and spike arrived. Or maybe in this universe they existed but were different. Maybe starlight was never the villain and twilight was still just a normal unicorn somewhere in the world. Same for spike. And when our princess twilight came it changed the memories of everyone she was close with and added the castle. And there opposites just somehow never found out. Maybe spike is living in with the rest of the dragons at that volcano and if starlight remand in her village weather she was evil or not, she likely couldn’t of found out either as even in the og world she didn’t know of princess twilight until she showed up. And twilight maybe ended up like moon dancer to focused on study’s, only going from her home to the library never actually paying attention or noticing her new look alike princess.
1 likeIf you want to be an optimist about it, we can assume another Twilight from another branch returned to the "first" branch. It's not technically the same Twilight, but it's close enough.
0 likesWhat if the wasteland timeline is a result of the original timeline, I know you covered it in another video but I feel like both that theory and mine could both be a part of why it is the way it is.
1 likeI assumed the rainboom incident was close enough to the original for it to merge back into the first timeline. Mainly because I also went down this thought exercise and decided I dont want to think about a bad timeline 😅
0 likesI mean with the theory of quantum entanglement yes, it's very reasonable to suspect the timeline never re-merged and the old timeline continued without
0 likesI mean... Thinking about it, wouldn't each timeline have its own version of Twilight in the future? That should be no different for the "extra spectators" timeline. But there's no second Twilight in the future we see, so I think that it's more likely that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight returned to their own timeline, the original.
0 likesthis theory is very good, but remember that the time travel spell that Starlight used is the same one that Twilight used and both are created by Star Swirl, the only difference is the date you can travel to and the duration of the spell. and as we know, Twilight found her version of the past and nothing bad happened when she came back, probably when Starlight used it to travel through time, the 2 ponies and spike were still in that timeline doing their thing so when they came back they should to have resumed the current present without any change
0 likesIn the other timelines, we never met those realities' Twilight Sparkles in the present. How did Twilight Sparkle's life turn out if the failed the entrance exam - if Spike didn't hatch at that time. It seems the main timeline's Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were protected from the changes, but the might have been the possibility of observing their alternate selves if they chose to.
0 likesWhat if a Twilight Sparkle from one of the alternate timelines protected herself from the temporal changes and still exists in the restored or new main timeline.
The "abandoned" original timeline might explain some things. Like how the CMC's abilities differ between "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Growing Up is Hard to Do". Could one minor change lead them to be unable to use a train without adult supervision when they were fully capable before. Their parents, sisters, etc raised them just different enough that they weren't as independent.
What if the abandoned timeline is the timeline G5 is derived from? Everything fell apart after Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer vanished.
Sunny's impression of the Main Six seems to be as they were before "the future" seen in "The Last Problem". What if the available artifacts on the Mane Six end at the end of Season 5? That was the last version of Twilight Sparkle known to exist. Where she ended up nopony knows? ...
I'm pretty sure that the forgotten timeline would end up turning into the mlp g5 . After all, it feels like in that timeline, all of the things Twilight said were thrown out the window and because we know alicorns live longer than normal earth ponies , pegasi and unicorns , I think that Twilight , if she was even there, would of changed the way everypony thought about one another but because her time there was cut short , ponies know who Twilight was but all of her speeches had been forgotten.
1 likeMoral of the Story: Never, Ever, No Matter What, Use Time Travel.
156 likesReplies (6)
It's just a theory.
1 like@VOYAGEURS TV We know
1 like@VOYAGEURS TV A Game Theory!
1 likeThe Chronotrigger episode called, they want their timetravel back.
0 likesExcept If it's turn into a loop timeline
An mlp theory
3 likesLOVE THIS
1 likeBut if they went to the future of the “new” future, wouldn’t there be 2 twilight’s?
6 likesI personally think that time travel in mlp works a bit different. Notice that there seem to be no twilight from the alter universes. The way I see it work is, picture something like a future vision. There are many futures that exists, but only one becomes the true one. Now apply it to alternative timelines. There is only one true timeline, the others are just what "could have been if-". And the reason why there is no other twilight in this timeline is because there is only one twilight in one point of time... it would be easier to show it with a drawing or something, but imagine a line (timeline) but with a way thiner, empty line inside of it; next to this line there's a thin line that could fit perfectly in that empty spot but it’s not the one that is supposed to be there (it's our twilight, starlight and spike) these lines used to be connected at one point in time, but with sonic rainboom (or its absence) they split. I don't know if the way I'm explaining this is clear, but in short, there can exist only one timeline at a time, and you cannot add more to these timelines from other timelines, like more people. What do you guys think?
0 likesI like to think this is running on similar time travel rules to what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is using these days, but without infinity stones or a TVA to regulate anything. Of course, this would mean a rogue time traveler like, say, Starlight Glimmer in this case, would actually turn out to be quite inconsequential from the perspective of the world she left behind, but Twilight doesn’t necessarily know that, and there’s no reason to expect she should, prompting her to chase Starlight anyway.
0 likesIt’s not the same rules because, among other things, they didn’t seem able to go back to their own “present”, but they also didn’t encounter themselves in subsequent transports back to Young Rainbow Dash’s Rainboom event.
… This is why time travel plots need to be handled with the utmost care…
There’s one reason I think the merged timelines theory (or any other theory where twilight spike and starlight comes back to the original timeline) is correct is because if they time traveled to a new timeline, then where is that timeline’s twilight starlight and spike? If a new timeline was made but with basically no changes to the original, then twilight starlight and spike would come back to a timeline where they already exist in the same way as the original.
0 likesAlso I just hope that they come back to the original timeline, bc the separate timeline with twilight spike and starlight disappearing is really sad ;-;
I admit it's a fun theory you've crafted, but I do have to throw one possible stray hair. There is a Bacon Haired former protoge that at this time Twilight would have already redeemed and could come back to fill in for the role. And in fact could cause things to alter even more drastically.
0 likesLove these timeline videos
0 likesWell here's my thoughts on this. After Twilight, Starlight and Spike went back to the alternate time-line, a mysterious person casts a spell on ponyvill, a spell that turns ponies into anime humans. Strange, I know. After that, Celestia made another version of Twilight named Twi-Chan. And ever since then, everything was the same as the alternate time-line. So yeah....That's my thoughts are. Please correct me if I'm wrong 🙂.
0 likesPrompt for some theories: If you were to bring your phone into a different timeline and call someone who still has that number in that timeline, would it call the timeline that you came from or the timeline that you entered? Or both? What if in the timeline you entered, there was a different person with the same number?
0 likesThere's still a remaining timeline that wasn't uncovered yet, the timeline where Starlight wins, where Equality rules.
111 likesReplies (1)
Gen 5 could potentialy be this timeline
9 likesI’m just going to go with, starlight, twilight and spike were always meant to be at the rainboom from the beginning they were always there and will always be there. Because it’s part of what happened. Kinda like when twilight went back to warn her past self, that event had to happen so that twilight could get worried about a disaster and go crazy to then end up trying to go back and warn herself not to worry which just makes it a loop. I feel like if starlight, spike and twilight were not present during the rainboom then a different timeline would occur. Because they were meant to be there having a feud changing timelines and ultimately not changing anything and going back to the present. Like that event in itself was always going to happen and will happen.
1 likeOmgosh I am so creeped out right now. I feel like that’s completely possible and the thought of what Equestria would look like without Twilight is scaring me.
1 likeThough I agree that the timeline they arrived at the end are not the one they left, but I don't think the original universes is left abandoned. There should be a loop here where the twilight and starlight in the current universes left this universe then the twilight and starlight from the other unvierse will arrive at this universe and replace them, this happen to every universe during this time and that may explain why we didn't found another twilight and starlight in the following episodes, because if they arrived at the universe where twilight and starlight didn't depart, there will be two twilight and starlight in the same universe, and since twilight are already friends with the other five main characters at this point, plus they live in the same place. two twilight will almost certainly notice the existence of each other. Since we didn't see a second twilight in the followings episodes, I believe they are the one and only in the universe, but probably not the one that belong to that universe.
1 likeWhat if celestia had a "vision" and saw the chaos about to acurr and, being celestia decided to let it happen but before starlight got the spell she altered it in a way that wouldnt affect their current timeline
10 likesAnd the time travel paradox? You know, it may be possible that grown Twilight, Starlight and Spike could have been in the original world. It is shown when Twilight tried to warn herself that everything was okey and she freaked out because she saw her future self. Of course, with Starlight's spell, the effects were longer.
0 likesTwo Theories
0 likes1. Has Flim and Flam been reformed yet? The only thing I know is that they have because they helped the Mane Six from Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.
2. When you were talking about Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst being brother and sister and Luster Dawn having Sunburst and Trixie as parents, I think that Sunset is Luster's aunt.
Maybe the original timeline was well sort of distorted or abandoned due to 1 of the princesses vanishing from one timeline to another, and without the power of friendship and the friendship school, their nations COULD have been at war (Basically the dragons and possibly the yaks which get the ponies involved, and every other creature so that Equestria and places beyond them are just a wasteland, and going on, it would just be a total worry to Celestia. Nobody is there but possibly the 2 sisters, and their roles wouldn't matter. Here's why.) My theory on the reason dragons would go to war is because without Spike and Starlight having their special connection with Ember, she wouldn't probably even remember any of that. While Pinkie Pie would still be in the abandoned timeline, and the nations probably at war, she probably would have already been gone forever, (killed possibly) the yaks would go to war as well. That's just my theory, because without the magic of friendship, none of the stuff that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight did wouldn't have mattered. Now, continuing on..
1 likeTirek could come back, Cozy Glow could as well, Chrysalis could become the changelings ruler again and make them turn back to the love-absorbing creatures they were, King Sombra could go back to ruling the Crystal Empire, and enslave the ponies, Starlight though..? Everything she did.. wouldn't make sense in that realm. None of anything she did would have mattered, because she flopped dimensions and so when one villain does, none of their remaining power stays. Also, without Twilight, her friends would be lost with what to do with Equestria, and wouldn't probably even THINK to spread friendship if the true leader of the subject was gone.. That's just what I think though. Anyone agree? (SORRY IT WAS SO LONG LOL)
dude, i absolutely love theories like this
0 likesI have a theory, with the metaphor of: Time is like a river, where the smallest change will change everything, but still recover with time. I imagine this like a kind of rock, Starlight stopping the Rainboom is like a gigant rock that made totally different timelines, but she and Twilight only standing there is like a very tiny rock, maybe Rainbow will only have a kind of deja vu with Twilight, Spike and Starlight becouse she saw them as a kid )?
199 likesI don't know is just me making stupid theories xD
Replies (9)
Yes I love this! 💖💖💖
4 likes@Scarlet-Nicole Thanks :"D
1 likeIt makes SO much sense
1 like@SparkleMaggie Thank you so much :`)
0 likesThis makes sense. More sense than you probably thought
2 likes@Connor Bunnsworth Lol thanks :D
0 likesMaYbE sHe FoRgOt
0 likesi just wanna say zecora said something like this in one of the other timelines lol
1 likeIts not stupid
0 likesThen there's considering that this time travel happened because of magic instead of physics, meaning the possible precise mechanics are likely pulling from a different list.
0 likesWhat if Twilight and Starlight being there was already accounted for in the timeline they were from? Maybe it works like the first time Twilight used Star Swirl's time spell and it actually doesn't make any difference.
0 likesThere's always the other probability of them being stuck in a paradox.
0 likesThat they were always there to see the rainboom in the first place
I think that, since it’s not mentioned that anyone saw the three of them, I wouldn’t really affect anything. If an omniscient, unseen spectator went back in time but didn’t interact with anyone or anything, it wouldn’t change much of anything.
0 likesWatch out! Here comes the fan fics about the lost timeline!
224 likes...Actually that would be pretty interesting though
Replies (4)
Yeah, plus then there would be some other groups that would largely be affected by the loss of Twilight, and Starlight.
17 likesMy main example would be the human seven, as there are at least two occasions where Sunset heading to see either of them helped. Starlight was the main contributor to stopping Juniper Montage, and Twilight gave Sunset the information that helped her stop Wallflower.
So the human seven would either all be in prisoned in Juniper’s mirror forever, or Sunset would be shunned from the entirety of CHS and who knows what would happen from there.
@Hayami Hinata actually, that's a cool thought. Would creating a new timeline is Equestria's universe also create a new timeline in CHS's universe?
8 likes@Juliet Hartshorn Who knows, like would there be more than one mirror world? Or is there just one world, because I have no idea
4 likesopens up wattpad ILL GET RIGHT ON IT-
1 likePerhaps it's a paradox, where Twilight, Starlight, and Spike were ALWAYS in the original timeline. That's the answer I came up with, personally.
0 likesHang on a second, Sawtooth. If the new timeline that branches off from the rainbow ends up identical to the original forgotten timeline, then that timeline would still have it's own versions of Starlight and Twilight, meaning
0 likes1: The new timeline has 2 Starlights and 2 Twilights, which would only make sense since the forgotten timeline has 0 Starlights and 0 Twilights. If the new timeline doesn't merge with the original one, then it doesn't make sense that the new Starlight and Twilight merge with the old Starlight and Twilight, so these duplicates have to be out there somewhere. (One interesting idea is that, after having to go undercover because of their new selves arriving and taking their place, they might have discovered where they came from, decided to go there, and prevented the forgotten timeline from ever going south in the first place)
But more importantly...
2: Since this new timeline would have its own Starlight and Twilight anyway, they too would go through the exact same sequence of Starlight going back in time and Twilight trying to stop her. This means that the new Starlight and Twilight would also attempt to go back in time, only to encounter duplicate versions of their other selves in the original timeline attempting to do the same thing, which would only cause confusion and more multiversal mayhem.
Come to think of it, every timeline that Twilight visits will already have another version of Twilight in it somewhere, but in the timelines where the sonic rainboom was prevented somehow, this doesn't present any issue because the versions of Twilight in those timelines would have grown up in a way that drastically changes their destinies, so we can assume that the original Twilight didn't run into the other versions of herself simply because those other versions would be in some obscure locations. If you just so happen to see this comment, I think this would be a good topic for you to cover.
Everyone here seems to have forgotten about the table, a way for the Tree of Harmony to project it's will still being there, after Twilight returned to present, every time.
0 likesMeaning no branching timelines, it was always one timeline, and the Tree was able to resist the change, or smthn.
Yes, but this is under the assumption that time splits into alternate universes- which is only one interpretation of time travel. If anything, I think MLP time travel works a lot like Harry Potter time travel with a few key differences, going off the ninja twilight episode. I think they just messed with one timeline, and caused the same timeline to warp. By changing how they affected the timeline, the changes also were affected, until they were left with a timeline that, for all intents and purposes, is the same.
0 likesYeah, can never be missing in some multiverse, the darkest and most secret line
85 likesReplies (1)
2 likesI have another thing to bring to the table, what if, if they did in fact make a new timeline, but still went back to their own timeline, greatly affect that timeline still? they may not have done anything to change anything, however, the timeline where they were present for the rain boom could have still greatly affected said timeline. after all, seeing a unicorn in cloudsdale would be suspect enough, but to see a baby dragon AND a NEVER BEFORE SEEN ALICORN would alert someone right? Not to mention seeing them suddenly disappear into a vortex is not exactly helping. What would happen after that?
0 likesThey'd find a way to stop the chaos in the abandoned timeline somehow, they still have the rest of the main 6, and maybe the 6 creatures that hoes to twilights school may become the new protectors?
1 likeHonestly nameless's non-answer tells a lot. "Some things are better left unknown" sounds a lot like "you wouldn't like the answer" to me
0 likesI haven’t thought about that in a long time but I feel like the original timeline one of the villains Would’ve taken over the timeline in the original timeline but then at the same time it feels like a big difference happened because after the time travel episode it feels like The original timeline is now destroyed and all the ponies from that timeline would of turned into slaves or died Or something threatening or scary would of happened to all of those ponies:(
1 likeMoral of the Story: Don't time travel
55 likesReplies (1)
Its a theory.
0 likesDude...This could be a ground breaking theory! Or maybe even a fan world
0 likesMLP Is one of my most favorite shows (it's wierd since i'm 13) And i almost started to cry how depressing IT was
0 likesIf this was true, wouldn’t the timeline Sunset went to with all her friends have no Twilight?
1 likeAlso think about this, if they are in a new timeline, then the timeline they are in, already has a twilight. Or the two twilights happen to be doing the same thing the same time, making the two switch universes. That also means the universes the two twilights were in were indentical.
0 likesLet that sink in (not being rude).
In my opinion, If anyone saw spike, starlight and/or twilight, the timeline they will go through would be different. However, if they weren't seen, they will come back to their original timeline.
0 likesMaybe they always went back in time, so them standing there didn't create anything new. This would solve the depressing timeline dilemma
0 likesThis timeline theory sounds kinda similar to how time travel works in Back To The Future, and I say this because in the first movie after all that's happened during that entire week Marty spent in 1955 with him trying to reunite his parents so they can fall in love, get married and give birth to him and his older brother and sister, when he successfully got back to his own time in 1985 thanks to 1955 Doc Brown's assistance to help him catch and harness the bolt of lightning at the clock tower into the DeLorean's flux capacitor to power it up to send him back, the next morning after he woke up and walked around his house, he saw that everything including his parents, siblings and even Biff Tannen were quite different and in many ways a very significant upgrade from the mediocre, depressing mess that he remembered living in originally (and as well as the local mall's name being changed from Twin Pines Mall to Lone Pine Mall because he accidentally ran over one of Mr. Peabody's cherished pine trees while hurriedly driving away from his farm), however, the rest of Hill Valley and all the history that happened there, in the U.S. and the rest of the world seemed to play out exactly the same.
0 likesSo if time travel in MLP and the world of Equestria operated in such a similar way, then that would mean that the changes would be relatively minor with only Twilght, Starlight and Spike noticing the biggest details but the rest of Equestria and everything that happened during their lifetimes remains exactly the same, but that's just the way I'm personally seeing this theory play out when I thought about such a scenario.
I just assumed it was a merge personally, or that from the get go, Twilight and Starlight and Spike were always there at the Rainboom Race because... Well that's what always happened. Absolutely chilling theory tho 10/10
0 likesthere is one problem with this theory, if they moved to a different timeline, what happened to the original starlight twilight and spike of the different timeline?
227 likesReplies (16)
I was just thinking the same thing, I doubt them coming back to the present would mean that the other version of them canceled out so where are they. If the other timeline of them are there we would have seen them by now so it can't be that. If the time travel sent them back to the present after that timelines twilight spike and starlight traveled back into the past does that mean that there is another set of timelines being made by that twilight, spike, and starlight; something is not adding up.
22 likesEventually, we end up with a universe with a Human Sunset Shimmer.
12 likesMaybe there weren‘t other starlights, twilights and spikes because the timeline didn‘t exist before. Maybe that timeline was basically the original timeline, but it diverged as soon as twilight, starlight and spine got there, which would maybe result in only one pair of them because if they were already there when the timeline was just created then there wouldn‘t have to be a second set because they have been there since the beginning of the timeline… idk
14 likesand all the others......
2 likesIn my opinions. Each timelines twilight, starlight, and spike swapped. And each timeline continued as normal
3 likesThe original twilight, starlight and spike in the original timeline would probably have been there in the original timeline up until the season 5 finale but then they would have time travelled and became the twilight, starlight and spike that went to the alternate timeline
1 likeIn other video Sawtooth talked about loops, so my guess is that this trio from alternate timeline wasn't replaced, they just went back in time like the original ones. Loop closed, original timeline still abandoned...
0 likesMusical chairs
1 likeThey travelled back in time and never returned
0 likesi feel like they didnt move per se to a new timeline, their actions during the time travel more like created that new timeline. or something? in just guessing here really but it seems like the most simple reason
0 likesUsing the diagram he used in the video, the single original timeline basically split up into two, and created a "variant". If you watch the series Loki, I think he was using the logic from that show bc it's all about different timelines and universes being altered. I only watched the first few episodes so far and have a decent understanding
0 likesCuz it was basically the same timeline so they still went on that crazy adventure
0 likesTrue. That confirms that the two timelines merged back together
1 likeThey don’t exist because they came from the past. Don’t ask any further questions because my brain might explode
0 likes@Paige Animates They do because we've seen twilight time travel to warn herself not to worry in it's about time. Why would she stay existing in that timeline but not in this timeline? It just doesn't make sense
0 likes@KPo time travel seems to work differently in Its About Time than it does in The Cutie Re-Mark. It’s very confusing and any possible explanation for it results in endless problematic paradoxes and canon-shattering issues. There’s no right way to do it. Try coming up with any theory, and they’ll be a way to contradict it.
0 likesI think you’re right sawtooth Cause starlight made lots of changes to the timeline but being there was already a change so I think there is a forgotten timeline But I think that forgotten timeline may have been a cozy glow timeline because even with or without the school of friendship She may have penpal TRECk And gather enough artifacts to drain all the magic So with all that evidence the forgotten timeline is officially a Cozyglow timeline
0 likesIdk if there are branch timelines like in marvel, I think there’s probably just the one timeline that keeps getting altered by starlight- if the timeline was changed by them being at the race then the original timeline probably just doesn’t exist anymore
1 likeIf the original one was supposedly forgotten would the elements really work in the alternate timeline? Yes Twilight is still the same pony,same for the other elements of harmony. But still,the elements should work with the actual holders,even if its just the same pony from a different timeline
0 likesDidn’t a large boom happen after they’d returned, and the scroll was absorbed into the time-travel-portal? I interpreted that as time having been restored… since none of the other universes/timelines did that.
0 likesI can see you turning this into your own original fanfic series called “The Ninth Timeline” where future Twilight, Spike & Starlight discover they been living in an alternative universe and not their original one.
24 likesReplies (2)
OMG I would read that!
2 likesI would read it
1 likeOh man, you could use this to explain G5. Twilight disappeared, and Cozy Glow drained all the magic from Equestria. The three tribes fought over who was responsible and they all split up.
0 likesI’m going to say this first… Your theory is good. Quite an interesting thought experiment. But I have my own thought experiment… one that says that Twilight, Spike, and Starlight all returned to the original timeline. Here’s my evidence:
0 likesBased on the events of the Doctor Who Monthly Audio Adventures (the 8th Doctor stories Storm Warning - The Girl Who Never Was), it’s possible to be down or up a person initially at a fixed point in time, and for the overall Prime timeline to continue on unabated. Let me explain the Doctor Who story “Storm Warning” by Alan Barnes.
In the events of that story, the British Airship R101 departs from England with a total occupancy crew of 54 persons. Among those onboard is Lord Tamworth the “Air Minister,” an undisclosed VIP (which brings the total passenger count to 56 because this VIP has a necessary doctor) and one Charlotte Pollard. Through the events of the story, the VIP, Charlotte at the last second, and Lord Tamworth leave the R101 and right around 2am, the ship suffers a breach of its Hydrogen airbags. While she stabilizes, it’s too late for the crew to save the ship. The R101 crashes into a hill in northern France, killing all those still onboard.
In the story, this leaves only 53 souls still on the ship at the time of crash, which should be a problem as it’s reported that all 54 were killed. Yet it’s revealed that time has continued to go on as if all 54 were dead.
Need I also mention the story “Scaredy-cat” where a virgin world in its early history suffers from a mass extinction event? In that story, The Doctor’s companion C’rizz (pronounced Kehrizz) gives the early colonists of the virgin world a vaccine to a deadly plague that was off world in origin. This should’ve altered the timeline, which goes on to show a civilization developing on the virgin world’s sister exobody. That civilization vows to never colonize their moon (the virgin world) out of an abundance of respect for the ecosystem of that world, and as a reminder of what they should strive for. But there wasn’t enough vaccine given. Time sorted out those kinks.
What I’m trying to get at is that sometimes, Time itself looks at these issues and brushes them under the rug. Three extra spectators are but a tiny detail that couldn’t make that much of a ripple in the time stream.
Idk if this makes sense, but my headcanon is that going back in time is like a reset, like they rewind everything that happens up until the point in the past which in this case is the race that caused the rainboom. Since Twilight and Starlight went through time using the spell, this memory wipe/reset had no effect on them. When nothing changed in the last reset except for the fact they were there, life just continued on as if you pressed play on the remote of the original timeline. A much less depressing theory even if it doesn’t make as much sense
0 likesI'd make a slight tweak. It's not that the original timeline is forgotten. The spell's implied to retain a connection to the point of origin. Rather, using the spell CREATED a timeline where they never returned. Just as much as there are the timelines where the friendships where never forged.
0 likesWait, but in all the timelines possible from this, Twilight and Starlight were in them but as a fillies. And as for Spike, his egg was still laid, he would have still hatched. Starlight and Twilight would have been there in the ‘original timeline’. Things only started to change AFTER Starlight stopped the rain boom, and Twilight, Spike and Starlight existed at that point.
113 likesLove these videos :3
0 likes"Do I look like a search engine to you?" Best line ever 😃
0 likesWhat makes you think Twilight, Spike, and Starlight weren't at the original timeline's Rainboom?
0 likesRemember that the unmodified spell creates a time loop that PREVENTS changes. If it's the same spell, just modified to ALLOW changes, then choosing to change nothing leads back to the self-sustaining time loop.
By this theory, then, because Starlight cast the spell, there exists no timeline where there were no witnesses to the event that could theoretically result in a Sonic Rainboom. Every version of the timeline includes the three people arriving there through a time portal. Starlight's modification allowed for a grandfather paradox by allowing her to change things such that nopony cast the spell in the new timeline's future, but it didn't prevent the past of the timeline in which she cast the spell from having always had her portal appear in its own past.
Are you telling me that the abandoned timeline turns Equestria into a place without magic, who possibly, let's say, eventually leads to other series of unfortunate events? For example.....becoming a world filled with "paranoia and distrust"? Sound familiar?
0 likesBecause to me, it sounds like G5.
To also think that the main 6 or 5 without twilight, would be heartbroken.
50 likesAnd also how many ponies would of perished in the snow, maybe even flurry and royal family themselves, or the royal sisters.
God brining back old memories of those “sad” mlp complications-
Here's a dark theory: what if the final timeline we were shown was the forgotten one? Maybe Spike's irrational fear of a changeling-dragon war wasn't so irrational after all...
0 likesEdit: just figured out this idea already exists, just ignore me.
Considering the amount of variation that can happen and the ruling that the multiverse creates branches when something happens that causes history to change course, there isn't going to be a new world created every time someone chooses what they want to eat for breakfast. No historical impact, the choices simply blend together into a single world. It could cause a dissonance of misremembering things, but would not create a new world
0 likesEven if this theory is correct, and I believe it is since I thought of this before, who's to say a new set of heros or the rest of the main 6 don't find a way to overcome these upcoming catastrophes. After all Equestria was fine for a thousand years since the banishment of Nightmare Moon without Twilight to intervene
0 likesYou know this could be the reason the ponies in G5 are divided, maybe in the original timeline Twilight never returns, the rest of the Mane 6 find that she and Spike disappeared and even when they try their best to search all over Equestria. Twilight is never found, and without the Princess of Friendship things go south from there. Even if the rest of the Mane 6 tried their best to live up to Twilight’s element of magic they know that they can’t be the elements of harmony without her. And even if Celestia began to search for another student to take the path like Twilight, she knows nopony could surpass what Twilight had already done. And since it didn’t take much for ponies to turn onto each other, this caused the great divide among the tribes and friendship had failed. The rest of the Mane 6 couldn’t live forever, so they did what they could even if it was to the smallest degree. Perhaps the idea that alicorns don’t actually live with immortality and they eventually die like other ponies, perhaps Celestia and Luna were able to transfer their Alicorn magic into the three crystals one for Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi magic and sacrificing what little magic they could save. And in hope that somepony could bring back the power of friendship.
0 likesThis is actually a really creepy idea. The sudden and inexplicable disappearance of an Equestrian princess would plunge the nation into shock and anguish, leaving it open to whatever dark threats lurk beyond their borders.
17 likesYou refer to the eight shown, but it’s possible that there were many not seen on screen.
0 likesAlso: What happened to the Twilight and Starlight that are already in the new alternative main timeline in this theory?
If this theory is true than wouldn't it mean that the sawtooth in that time line would've also been trapped in prison like the other sawtooth in the changeling timeline
1 likePersonally I do think that they returned to their original timeline because they had to come up with a spell to fix the map after starlight messed with it, so if they left one timeline and came back in another where they never left in the first place then they wouldn’t need to fix anything. Also there would’ve been a twilight, starlight, and spike of the new timeline that they would have run into.
0 likesThere’s technically 16 timelines if we’re counting Equestria girls as a separate timeline right?
1 likeAlso did that change anything in that world, since they had not clue about magic at all right?
if it's another timeline, then there'd be 2 starlights, 2 twilights and 2 spikes. Since that isn't the case and everyone remembers their interpersonal relationships with those respective characters, clearly the timeline didn't branch off.
94 likesReplies (3)
yeah, i was about to write this
1 likeYes but maybe the timeline was only just created as twilight, starlight and spike got sucked into it. Maybe before starlight used the spell, the timeline didn‘t exist and it was the same as the original timeline, and so if they were already in that timeline by the time it was created then there wouldn‘t be a second pair of them… but idk
1 likeIn other video Sawtooth talked about loops, so my guess is that this trio from alternate timeline wasn't replaced, they just went back in time like the original ones. Loop closed, original timeline still abandoned...
1 likeI never thought about it like that...
0 likesoh my god...
that timeline's doomed...
Should the Twilight really left oryginal timeline all others we saw in special would been achievable, which creates a paradox which makes this theory correct
0 likesMy question is, what were the main 6 and other ponies in equestria doing? How did they switch to different timelines? Were the original ones just left behind? Did twilight never come back to equestria in the other timeline?
0 likesGood video though :)
Replies (1)
I rewatched the video and some lf my questions were answered lol
0 likesI definitely agree that there is a multiverse and that there is an lost world too because every time twilight and spike came back to the time of the rainboom they never ran into themselves like in other tv shows. So, and at the time twilight convinced starlight to let the rainboom happen there was still no sign of them there before. So, every time they started a new timeline without even realizing it.
0 likesThis systematically made and ruined my day. The despair hit me like a wrecking ball
86 likesReplies (1)
1 likePlot twist : the wasteland timeline is the original timeline in the future only so I personally think there only 8 timelines but the theory of the 9th timeline could be truth and you make such great content sawtooth and go so deep in mlp I mean a thought of a 9th timeline gives me chills very great theory 👍
1 likeThis is just a fun observation that I wanted to share. During the award ceremony in Rainbow Falls, look at the cloudstale team. Half way through, they lose their medals.
0 likesthere's also the possibility that starlight did. kinda a reverse travel which made them travel back to where they started at the original. but that would also mean it could start a boot strap paradox. just time travel is mean
0 likesWait, what if the abandoned timeline is the new generations timeline? After they disappeared, cozy glow ended up getting rid of magic, and due to her being a pegasus, all three tribes separated in fear of them uprising again. Causing a divide between the three? But Sunny's dad had found twilights journal that was left behind by the main 5 after they had given up hope and disappeared as well. He reinstilled the old ways in his daughter the way twilight had written about how she was taught through celestia. It sounds plausable!
1 likeIt's interesting I kind of thought there was another way of this instead of the timeline continuing I thought because they left the timeline stopped it halted because if they went back into time at that exact point they wouldn't have been able to go back so if the timeline depended on them for the future because even a small little insignificant bug disappearing from a timeline could change everything a butterfly effect would it not have halted it cuz that's what I've always thought I figured that they didn't go to the same timeline I figured that that timeline just didn't exist it stopped it halted it pause the entire universe of it that's how I've always seen it but I don't know I could be wrong I'm probably wrong but I don't know
0 likesThe same thing happened for the flash where he time traveled into the past to stop his mother from being killed but he had to fix it so he did and allowed the killer to kill his mom so when he came back to the present things were not the same it was a different timeline
0 likesI love your videos about MLP!
0 likesWait, what if you're right, and the original timeline ended up being the one of the new generation. That would explain why nobody remenbers anything about Twilight's legacy.
0 likesI love how the Nameless one by now got annoyed at all the endless questions xD
54 likesSawtooth's questions are infinite
Replies (7)
2 likes@Navita Dashore maybe rainbow dash became a alicorm in the aband timeline and mature into great leader maybe replace twilight in that timeline
0 likes@Twilight sparkle The princess of friendship still, she can't represent the element of magic, as she is originally a Pegasus
0 likes@Navita Dashore you don't need to be a unicorn to be a element of magic The element of harmony and the tree of harmony doesn't discriminant
1 like@Twilight sparkle The princess of friendship you do know that the elements of harmony are not interchangeable, right? Even after the cutie mark switch, the elements remained.
0 likes@Navita Dashore it a different timeline and the possibilities are endless a timeline where twilight didn't exist
0 likesIt could anyone
@Twilight sparkle The princess of friendship it's the similar, abandoned timeline, it works the same way and if I remember correctly the cutie mark switch happened before the time travel, so no it would not work like that
0 likesSawtooth please read this: Its an idea but I think that what happened in "The Forgotten world" would have been a war between the villians, their territory, and the ponies the ruled over.
0 likesI mean yah. We could do without Starlight for the most part but Twi is the only ruler that actually puts in maximum effort.
0 likesUnfortunately i think that there really is no going back because Starlight would not have reformed down the first timeline. This all causes the changes mentioned and possibly much more. It is kinda chilling to think about, BUT it’s still possible similar events could have taken place and saved everyone. That timeline might be fine. Who knows, maybe Starlight was there in the first timeline after all and everyone is still in timeline number one. The possibilities are endless.
0 likesI was thinking maybe it's possible that when the three of them came back to Twilight's castle, they ended up back in their original timeline. BUT, the 1st and 9th timeline versions of themselves were swapped, meaning that reformed Starlight is in the original world but evil Starlight is in the 9th timeline (since Starlight was bad until she reformed while in between timelines, not necessarily just in the 1st or 9th one). But if that were true, then wouldn't Starlight try the same thing again but as the 9th timeline version of her since nothing would have changed? Then 9th timeline and 10th timeline Starlight would switch, so there'd now be a good Starlight in the 9th timeline but that same bad one in the 10th. So like, a never-ending cycle that can eventually destroy the universe? Lmao
0 likesIf they didn't change anything, they're just hanging out in the background while the events as we know them unravel. It's more likely it's a merge.
175 likesThis might also explain the Comics!
0 likesIn the Comics, Starswirl the Bearded defeated the Sirens a different way, by using music of his own in a band competition of some sort, and in another comic Sombra was reformed and was no longer a smokey figure thing....
that was all in the other timeline that we saw in Seasons 1-5, and in the end when the timeline was reset, But with you saying that 'With Starlight, Spike and Twilight just BEING there during the rainboom' is a small change might be wrong.
This small change might have fixed the timeline, but not everything. in this new timeline, Starswirl defeated the Sirens with the Pillars instead of performing in a band competition thing, and Sombra was never reformed...
in the comics, robots destroy equestria after the bearers are all dead. maybe the original timeline was destroyed by those robots, and the one twilight went to won't have that apocalypse. we've seen technology improving massively in g5 due to a lack of magic, so it makes sense.
0 likesThis is good and all. And I like the effor in the video but those two would’ve still existed in the change. So while they disappeared in that portion of time when Starlight takes them back in time they would return to that space as they haven’t actually altered anything by just being there. “You can’t really squash a butterfly if your not moving” kinda deal. Also not interacting with anyone in the past basically closes all the alternate timelines too. Because at that point whenever they went back it closed the previous one. Realistically it would always be the nightmare moon one because they wouldn’t be able to stop it regardless. But yes when they travel back to their timeline it closes the other alternates, and while just having three ponies would look like it would affect something. All the alternate timelines we see are a result of interacting. Even when Twilight goes back in time to talk to herself everything plays out as it should. Because she interacted. And while that last time travel did happen they didn’t interact and so the timeline hasn’t changed meaning that if we go by the multiverse theories then they would be in the original timeline regardless because if it continuously splits regardless of actions you can only ever return to your original timeline.
0 likesI hope this made a modicum of sense.
I believe there are 2 different timelines BECAUSE the thing that is different is that Rainbow Dash, the bullies she was racing, and everypony that was watching has the memory of seeing Twilight, Spike, and Starlight. This probably resulted in confusion as Twilight is an Alicorn. There were only 3 Alicorn princesses at the time because I think we can assume that Cadence obtained her wings during or, most likely before, she started babysitting for Twilight. I'm just going to point out that Twilight didn't get her cutie mark yet during when Cadence was her babysitter because I think Twilight would NOT say, "I'm just a regular old unicorn," (in the flash backs in the wedding arc at the end of season 2) IF she found out she was going to test to enroll in Celestia's School of Magic. Back to my original point, Seeing Twilight as a fourth Alicorn would confuse and possibly alarm the ponies that witnessed the race. It's not hard to imagine the ponies reporting sights of another Alicorn after that to the Princesses at the time. Fast forward to the last episode of season 3, there is a EXTREMELY high chance Celestia would know that Twilight was guaranteed her wings. Instead of saying "You've proven you're ready," Celestia would say something similar to I've been waiting for this moment since you've become my pupil. Twilight's friends would be surprised to learn that the purple pony they heard that's the 4th princess rumors about was Twilight. They would also have different reactions including recalling the rumors they heard. All this is only some proof that they are in another timeline. (The Twilight in said alternate timeline should be there but never appeared #unsolvedplothole) But hey, that's just a theory, A FiLm ThEoRy.
1 likehuh....this depressing timeline of twilight, Spike, And Starlight never returning and all the horrible things to the forgotten timeline could make a pretty good Creepypasta...Sadfic/Darkfic
148 likesReplies (1)
chrysalis has a gold mine of love if she becomes twilight and have another changeling be spike
12 likesWhat if time travel works both ways when you go to the past or the future the timeline has a 50% percent chance of making a new timeline same like the original or it has a 50% of going back to the original timeline, i hope this makes sense.
0 likesIf I remember correctly, in Equestria Girls, Sunset attempted to destroy the portal to Equestria. But Twilight Saif that Equestria would find a way to survive without the magic element. Just pointing it out
0 likesMaybe they were always there
0 likesMaybe somehow a new Twilight appeared, and the world kept going! Or… Twilight was clever enough to realize, so she went back but we didn’t see that episode!
0 likesSawtooth you're amazing man! I mean I could have never seen MLP so deeply and with such a unique perspective! I mean hats off to you man! You're legit amazing!!
22 likesTime tends to fix itself. I believe it was merged back. Or that it was always like that.
0 likesMy main problem with this idea is is that it relies on "Multiverse Theory" over "Timeline Theory". Basically, what this video is suggesting is that we see 9 different *universes*, the original universe is left behind and we continue onto other universes. However, Timeline Theory would mean that they are changing the history of one universe and not visiting multiple. I think Timeline Theory applies here since Twilight and Spike always return to the same time of day, they even mention it when they visit the timeline where Nightmare Moon reigns, Spike says something along the lines of "shouldn't it be daytime?" Could be minor and not an actual point, but why not? Plus, Multiverse Theory has a harder time holding up against Timeline Theory since we have the Mirror portals, which take us to alternate universes. I'm pretty sure that the spell only affected their universe, and therefore falls under Timeline Theory, which means that the timelines we saw didn't come to fruition (in this universe, obviously they could have in an alternate universe). This kinda specualtion, while nice to talk about, isn't something that really should be talked about frequently, since there's no real way to prove either argument since it all comes down to speculation.
0 likesI have a theory about this
0 likes(Firstly english isnt my main language so im really sorry if i made any mistakes or couldnt explain it properly)
I think when you time travel, there's no such thing as multiple timelines existing like that because the past has only been altered. You only changed the past and that resulted in it being different, the timeline mustve gotten destroyed since the reason it exists was changed. You couldn't have created a different timeline that still exits. But if you add the multiverse theory, then there is a chance that those timelines still existed and them changing the past didnt actualy change it, it only put them to a different universe where those things happened. Then that would mean that the time travel spell wasn't exactly a time travel, it would be a spell where it puts you to different universes depending on your actions.
So 8.5 timelines, because they travel to multiple futures of what happen when the rainboom is stopped, but then to the part where one is formed you were definitely correct to the part where the two peices of the timelines merge into one because there was no interference with younger rainbowdash and the rainboom.
0 likesWho else clicked like without watching the video?
176 likesBecause we all know all of your videos are amazing 💕
Replies (10)
0 likesMeeeee!!!!
2 likesI did! I know this will get a lot of likes. I was your 12th like btw.
4 likesme lmao
2 likesI do that on literally every video ngl
1 likeall hail sawtooth!!! 🐴
0 likesMe lol
0 likesI do that ALWAYS!
Me of course
0 likesMe.
0 likesYa know what would be fun, if the original Universe is where the new generation is in!
0 likesOkay, so, while this series completely derails what I would like to say, I do tell myself, that it is just a kid's show.
0 likesI tend to go with the Grandfather Paradox. But that's just me.
I think that the timelines actually do end up merging. In the episode where they visit the multiverses, something caught my eye. Applejack said “what is SHE doing here?” Showing that she knew Starlight was a meany. How could she have known that if she didn’t go on the lost cutie mark adventure and meet starlight, if twilight, Starlight, and Spike never returned to the original world with the real Applejack who Twilight went on the adventure with?
0 likesI know I'm late to the party, but I think you're both over and under thinking this issue. The first thing you have to understand is HOW time travel magic works in Equestria. We know that normally, if you go into the past, your actions in the future will be preordained, and you will end up there before you even intended to go there, as shown with Twilight's own time travel adventures.
0 likesThis suggests that Equestria has one fluid time line, and no branching multiverse. The issue comes with Starlight, and her Hax Mode ability to just break that established rule. When she goes into the past, she isn't creating a new timeline, she's legit rewriting history, using the Cutie Map as a anchor point to get back with, because for some reason it is a powerful enough artifact to survive a full rewrite of history, since it existed in timelines that it had no reason to be in.
So while the final timeline might have been changed in slight ways, it's still Twilight's first timeline, cause there is only the one timeline. Odds are that Twilight and Startlight's presence alone there really didn't mean anything, and they were like pebbles in the flow of time, not being big enough obstructions to actually make a difference, so long as they didn't interfere, or... just like with Twilight's original excursion in time travel, this was actually always happened, and it was just going through the motions, and RD and Fluttershy just didn't remember Twilight and Starlight being there cause they were so young. Regardless, it really seems like there is only one timeline, and all the other histories would be erased completely with each venture into the past.
What if the Abandoned Timeline was the complete destroyed empty timeline with no villain as I think sunburst would have come to ponyville because the crystal empire would be the ice age
157 likesReplies (1)
True so true
0 likesPerhaps in the wake of the changling invasion, cozy glow would end up liberating pony kind from the changlings. in so doing instigating herself as either the ruler of equestria or celectia's next protégé destined to take her and luna's place. either way, it would be the cozy glow bad end timeline.
0 likesI know its off-topic but I wanted to share my thoughts. 4:00
0 likesI don't believe Cozy Glow wouldve befriended tirek, while the manipulating foal she is, she still is a FOAL. Without the school of friendship Cozy would not have learned of tirek, maybe she would have on her own but there's no evidence to support/deny it. I don't believe tirek would have known Cozy without the school. They only met because of the whole magic crisis so she would have no reason to turn to him. Perhaps she turned to more "local" villains such as Chrysalis, being that she isn't in Tartarus.
I know this is almost a year old
0 likesBut may I propose a theory
What if the original Sonic Rainboom actually had Twilight, Spike, and Starlight as spectators?
I mean it is definitely possible. Children are Sometimes not very observant when they are focused of things and they were out of the way of the race
Thank god you said the timelines could have merged I was about to start crying
0 likesI've never before thought about timeline branches merging. Assuming the theory that every event preceeds the formation of a new branch, I can imagine a branch where Twilight and Spike never returned from that extra-dimensional escapade. Fortunately, the branch they would have finally landed at retains the history they're used to. Some version of Twilight and Spike had left there, and some version of them returned.
9 likesIt's even possible that some version of Twilight and Spike returned to that original branch. There may be some version of events where they never returned, but who's to say that that version is the original branch?
Wait, so how was the timeline where starlight, spike and twilight traveled to like? Because if they traveled from the abandoned one to the other one, they must’ve met themselves or something. If they didn’t, that means that all the events that occurred after starlight, spike and twilight, must’ve been different too. Like the abandoned timeline. If you don’t get it, I’m saying, what happened to the starlight, spike and twilight in the timeline they’re currently in after the abandoned timeline versions of them traveled to it? The past events before their time travel must’ve occurred differently, otherwise they would see themselves like twilight saw her friends in other timelines. My theory is that the three of them switched places.
2 likesit sure can be an abandoned world, 'cause no matter what, if you change a single thing, even move a cloud it can have several changes, and the fact of that twilight, starlight and spike being there may not affect directly to the rainboom or the mane 6, but do to other ponies, even if there's a minimal change, it can affect
0 likeseveryone
And there’s a big chance you accidentally change something,like what happened in back to future;the main guy(Marty) accidentally got to the past when his parents were just friends,but when he got home agian everything was different,and was basically a whole new person
0 likesTwilight, Spike and Starlight may have returned to the same timeline because anything that happens in the past at that time must have also happened in the original timeline.
0 likesI love how this man tries to understand how time travel functions. At the end of the day, it is all confusing, and I have to comend his efforts.
7 likesI have three things to say about this… first… if starlight is never seen again, that’s not the only problem… not only equestria would see it’s fate, but the human world would also be taken over… juniper would capture the main seven in the mirror- and they would be lost forever… with no starlight to befriend her… she would take over…. Also the storm kings magic would consume the human world… so there goes that timeline…
1 likeONE THE OTHER HAND- they would have evidence- correct me if I’m wrong… but didn’t the map come with them when they traveled through time? The main 6 would notice the map was gone! Also… There would definitely be some point when the princesses noticed the time travel spell was gone! With that information… the main 6… or 5 in this case… COULD figure it out…. Who would ever do this? Have any enemies escaped? Were there any missing and vengeful ponies? Who is powerful enough to pull this spell off? Maybe someone powerful enough to remove your own destiny with magic… someone who escaped with a vengeful attitude… someone like starlight… She would definitely be powerful enough to tamper with a spell like that…
ON THE OTHER HAND… there is a problem with this theory… the change wouldn’t matter because these are all new timelines with them being there… let me explain… the difference in history is big… but the problem is that twilight, spike, and starlight already existed in this timeline… so if they did change timelines with this one there would be two spikes twilights and starlights… and that wouldn’t work… so that means that they did return to the original timeline… because being there simply ADDED new timelines-
it can't work that way though.
0 likesthe way you're depicting it, each timeline is separate, they don't overwrite each other, and therefore the original one wouldn't be affected by the messing with time, only by the absence of twilight.
HOWEVER, starlight is supposed to be very good at magic. it would just be out of character for her to not understand what she was doing.
and you could be thinking that by dragging twilight out of the og timeline into a new one she is destroying that one's future. but that would leave room for error.
if spike hadn't touched the spell, the og timeline would be fine with only starlight missing (ofc this would result in the changeling take-over, but I'm ignoring that because that played no part in Starlights decision making here). and starlight isn't dumb, she would know that she had just one shot at getting them to follow her.
no, I think that she made the timeline overwrite itself. that would mean that regardless of if they followed or not, starlight could get her way.
idk though, i'm probably looking to deep into this
You know this theory makes a lot of sense… there’s three different methods time works and both of them are options
0 likesThat always happened , the future star would always try and prevent the Sonic rainboom so they did go back to the og timeline and the reason we don't see starlight or twi is cause the og scene was focused on rainbow , not the things that happened when she wasn't around
1 likeIf they really came back in a different time line then why did the new one looks exactly the same?🧐
1 likeFun theory, maybe with twilight and spike gone, friendships slowly fade and lead to the time of G5 with how the three tribes have a dislike with one another assuming G5 is a continuation of G4
0 likeshere's a new theory for you all, what if the MLP new generation movie time line takes place in the original abandoned time line in the mlp? it would explain quite alot technically thinking about it to the new generation movie story of events
0 likesI think I may know what it might look like.
0 likesGo back to twilight s words
"Or rather the present."
What if that last time-line was the cause of not having twilight.
The elements can't work anyway , if she's gone.
Your videos always creep me out, I love it!!!!
0 likesI would say you are right because of the Uncertanty Principle, the mere fact that they were there observing the Rainboom happen is a change to the timeline, so another alternate timeline is born, the problem is, where and when are the trio of that timeline? maybe while they had their own "Cutie-Remark" adventure they ended on some other alternate timeline.
0 likesNow excuse me while I go to write a grimdark fanfic about this idea.
There are different views on how time travel would work, mine is where if someone time traveled and changed something then there would be no different time lines but everyone would be affected
0 likesHere’s a theory that goes with this. This is how gen 5 came to be.
0 likesThe Crystal Empire is not shown in the map while the father is working on Sunny’s new thing, this is because winter swallowed it up. All Crystal ponies died, and it became an unexplored area, and nobody decided to see it. Meanwhile the magic being gone was because of Cozy. The main cast who stopped her, weren’t together. No school of friendship meant that all the other creatures would just move on.
Her father had his ancestor’s knowledge of Twilight pass down onto him. Where he taught Sunny about her as well. Though, he never went into the darkness. The main six died of age. What about the vampire Chrysalis? She dies, and she might have motivated the tribes to disconnect.
Luna and Cylestia are not immortal. Cyl could have never found a pony, and when she did, never got to finish training them. The new generation is this abandoned time line!
Do you think so?
I feel like Sawtooth has been doing a lot of time travel videos...
45 likesTheory: Sawtooth Waves is a real time-traveller in real life. They’re trying to add secret symbolism in their videos, and keep an eye out everyone for said symbolism.
Replies (5)
2 likes:0
1 likeOr he just likes the topic who knows
2 likesAre you kidding
1 like@Nazi zaidi Yes.
0 likesWait, doesn’t this disprove a theory you made a while ago? In the video where you “solved Pinkie Pie” you said that the reason why she has all her weird magic abilities is because when she absorbed Discord’s chaos magic from Grogar’s Bell, all that magic spread out over her whole life. But in this video you basically say that the timeline where that happened isn’t the timeline where we met Pinkie Pie. While I suppose it’s possible it could still of happened in the original time line, it’s unlikely. Chrysalis could’ve very well succeeded in her uprising without Starlight to stand in her way. Even if that didn’t work, you said yourself it’s likely Cozy Glow would still make her grab for power, she probably would’ve succeeded without the Student Six-who only met because of Twilight’s School- to stop her. If either of these villain’s plans had worked, it’s likely Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis never would’ve came together. Which means Pinkie Pie likely wouldn’t have been there to absorb Discord’s chaos magic from the bell. So, if that never actually happened in the original timeline, and Pinkie Pie still has her weird physics defying powers, either this theory proves that one false or that theory proves this one false.
0 likesI think that Twilight didn't even need to follow Starlight to the past. That is because as soon as Starlight travelled to the past the present should change right away because past is long time away from the present but it hasn't changed. So it looked like Starlight has changed just and only a different timeline without any way comming back to the original one and forever living in the changed one. (Of course only if travelling to the original one was impossible)
0 likesI totally agree with you about the different timeline thing, but the theory sounds far-fetched and very, very, very depressing.
0 likesisnt it canon though that celestia can solve literally every problem, and just doesnt
0 likesSomeone quickly make a fanfic out of this theory
159 likesReplies (10)
5 likes@RandomShadow555 post it on Fimfiction!!!
3 likesWhat if it were G5?
4 likes@Ganymede the Corgi-Cat! I'll do it on Wattpad, ok?
2 likes@RandomShadow555 What’s the title?
0 likes@RandomShadow555 title?
0 likes@Red Fox339 I haven't done it yet. I'll let you know.
0 likesI can make a gacha story of it!
0 likes@aycc-nbh72 THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE!
0 likesI HAVE AN IDEA. What if, after they left the timeline turned into that mlp show (of which the name escapes me atm), where they just goof off carelessly? Like the first timeline recognized something important was missing (Twilight) and replaced it, somehow leading to the careless ponies we see in the show?
0 likesMy thought [even though I don’t really want to talk about time traveling and stuff]:
0 likes•My thought is that, what if there was really no “Abandoned” sort of timeline? Maybe that “abandoned” timeline could be of a different story. [idk if you mentioned this part in the vid]. I think that ; ever since Twilight, Spike and Starlight left there own timeline and went into the other timeline. The story might’ve like changed or somethin’. But when they came back, they were probably in a completely different story. And then they just left it there. So, like you probably said but in MY own words, that other timeline could be abandoned. Just not completely in my POV•
My theory is that...
1 likeWhen twilight became the ruler in the alternate time line... few days later
The REAL twilight of alternate universe returns. At first they think that they changelings but, later Starlight realises all this time...they were in a alternate time line. They would a lot of research and then they destroy the multiverse and SET THINGS RIGHT in the original time line
So, without Twilight's element of harmony the other mane 5 can't use their respected element of harmony, thus, they won't have their means of defense
0 likesAh, but the thing is, if the new identical timeline was created WHEN starlight cast the spell, then the original timeline would remain the same, and the time travel would happen in the new timeline. So all of this NEVER happens to the original timeline, or any timeline for that matter. It's like this, if all this had happened, we would have seen the twilight from the new timeline. Also, I have a question, what if spike never even touched the spell parchment?
40 likesI think they would've merged. Since nothing was changed, and no one knowingly noticed the two, I think the timelines would have merged.
0 likesHere's My Theory: The Original Time line is the one that looked like a Waste land
1 likeI think that because they left that timeline, that timeline died and then when it did the worlds got unbalanced so marched the lines to balance it again, in order to do so I think it would’ve meant either the original or new timeline ponies had to vanish from existence, because twilight is in the wrong timeline it could’ve got rid of new main 6 but got rid of old ponies in the background, as they never actually had any real connections with Twilight that travelled to the other timeline. I’m not a genius though so…
0 likesWhat if that first abandoned timeline is where the new generation is playing, it would then make sense why Twilight Disappeared
1 likeAm I the only one who thinks that Sawtooth has the best narrator/storyteller voice? It’s perfect!
7 likesReplies (1)
I agree!
0 likesBut wait! The "original timeline" you're talking about probably isn't the real original timeline. Because you made a video explaining the loop where Twilight got a visit from her future self and panicked about a desaster that never happened. If that theory is correct, then the timeline where something did go wrong that day would be the original timeline, wouldn't it?
0 likesWouldn't they have swapped timelines with another trio? Otherwise there would be double ups in the new timeline.
0 likesActually the timelines would re emerge since the events have been put back on course the timeline would continue down the path it would have initially gone to on it as if the time travel never happened.
0 likesHey, wait, remember that principal cinch?
0 likesFrom the battle of the bands? Leaving cadence as the vice principal, could cinch be the first princess before cadence?
If no one adopted the previous timeline, temporal scavengers would attack. There would be a version of Discord there who might adopt it.
1 likeTime is like a flower it can grow in many ways but what if twilight and Spike and starlight were already at the original time like making it a loop another thing is time works differently in every world meaning it has an infinite amount of ways to work so time is one of the most confusing things to talk about as it has so many different ways to work and it has many things to consider as well
0 likes"Can you make an episode about what limbo looks like? Do you just disappear into outer space? Do you go into a specific universe? Or something else?"
0 likes-my five year old who loves your channel
I’m not sure that this theory would make sense. Their presence would change something but another alternate universe would be created, like how starlight made them. And even if what you said was the case, they could just go back to the place that they used to be couldn’t they? Because like I said, their presence would make an alternate universe
1 likeEvery other Friday I get so excited for Sawtooth's vids ❤️
13 likesReplies (3)
Yes it’s so exciting
3 likesLove your profile picture.🏳️🌈
2 likes@RBlooBloo Thank you 😊
1 likeSawtooth waves: this timeline is even creepier than everything else. Me: This is the most saddest timeline ever!!!!
0 likesWouldn't fixing the timeline bring you back to the moment before you started messing with it first?
0 likesThey returned to the worpd where Twilight, Spike, Starlight left, so them of new dimension returned to another dimension and it's Twilight,Starlight,Spike left eather and etc.
1 likeIf we think that our main timeline is the first to start this chain of movements between realities, than main timeline is abandoned, in other case another Twilight,Starlight,Spike just came there.
Do you think that since the world had its way of going it would’ve just replaced the answers with solutions like
0 likesThe main six had been the answer to solving most of the issues but if some are gone wouldn’t they had just been replaced
Or would’ve the world had took a different turn into chaos
If the world had lost an answer to a problem wouldn’t it had just been replaced with a solution so that the world could live on with its timeline
Wouldn’t this just had been a bump in many like it
Would all this happend the same like when sunset took out her other self so she could live in the human world?
Or would it have just been a bump for the timeline and no one notice
im just going to pretend that I never saw this video because it makes me depressed inside- great theories though!! they really make you think deeper into what actually happened-
0 likesHere's a thought, what if the Sonic Rainboom isn't just a magical sonic boom? What if the power of the rainboom is caused by a spark of friendship? Sure, we know it has to be done by a strong and fast flyer, but no one had ever seen one until Rainbow Dash, the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, an element of friendship. That rainboom connected the mane six through their cutie marks, but what if it goes deeper? What if the rainboom was a direct result of their friendship? Twilight is the Princess of friendship, and her friends are what helped her to become who she was, and friendship is the most powerful magic there is, so what if Twilight getting through to Starlight was the last spark of magic needed to cause a sonic rainboom?
0 likes(I admit, there are some flaws but it's just something to think about)
I think they stayed in the same one because starlight just recently became friend with the mane 6, there was no history about it because it was a new thing. There wouldn’t be any other history ! There probably wouldn’t be another timeline about it
0 likesJust say,"Because, magic". Otherwise, you are going to have 2 sets of time travelers in one world, and none in the other.
0 likesWow I've ALWAYS thought about this kind of thing happening, not just in MLP but in other time travel stories too, and I never saw anyone talk about it, thanks.
3 likesBut what if those three were always in the original timeline, just behind or above our vision of it? It could also be that they are not shown, as neither Flutters nor Dash remembered them.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves, This is an interesting theory for the show and I would like to know what happens to the original timeline if it did change like what you said. But this is Hasbos we talking about and they make children's shows. So don't think too hard on time travel and the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff from Doctor Who. It may a core in Doctor Who which they themselves a family show. But I do like your prosrop on this show.
0 likesCozy glow may have not tried her scheme because according to her when the main 6 came back according to Cozy glow she said that (you taught me that friendship is power)is they taught her that but the school of friendship had encouraged her to do it so she may have not tried her scheme
0 likesThat explains the major changes in MLP: FiM.
0 likesI'm glad that new theories and content is still showing up just as it was before the ending of the series. <3
13 likesWatching these videos fills with nostalgia
I think the timelines would still be different as probably someone would have definitely spotted a ALICORN with a DRAGON near that place were kid-pegases were flying in case any of them were injured somehow.
0 likes"I hate temporal mechanics!"
1 likeThat is all
Don't you think that Twilight, Starlight and Spyke could from new timeline go to old timeline and oppositively.
0 likesWell I think there are 2 ways to time travel:
0 likes1. Time Travel: Where you go to a different timeline and cause a change/glitch and it ends up different from what it was originally supposed to be.
2. Time....Travel: Where you go to a timeline, but you going to that timeline was supposed to happen all along, and you didn't change a thing the events of the timeline are just happening.
(Either of these could've happened to them, I think number 2)
Breaking news Sawtooth has now posted so let’s start watching
230 likesReplies (2)
0 likes@Musical Crafts lol
0 likesi think they either merged back, or chrysalis took over, and banished all the alicorns but Flurryheart, without the knowledge she was one. with one remaining alicorn, Flurryheart used a spell to hide her wings and live among the unicorns. once old enough, she let down the spell and took on chrysalis, taking back the throne and restoring Equestria.
0 likesThe timeline our twilight abandoned, I will label as AT, and the one we returned to will be RT.
0 likesPossibly the Twilight, Spike, and Starlight from RT also went on a time travel escapade to prevent something that was important to the plot, and somehow balanced out the 3 extra spectators of the Rainboom. Maybe they had gone back on themselves to prevent them from going to the rainboom or something, I don't know. And now the RT Twi, spike and starlight are in AT and vise-versa. And now each timeline has a Twilight, Starlight and Spike.
I love this idea but that would suggest that in the new timeline, those 3 died somehow right? Unless the same events happened since everything was identical and those 3 version 2 went to the timeline they left behind.
0 likesMy head hurt
I like the time loop theory, where they can't back because they were originally there because changing time loops, like your video on the time paradox
0 likesNews just in: princess twilight and her dragon friend Spike has recently disappeared out of thin air we are looking for them, but we have not found them yet. There are rumors that she has been kidnapped by someone we are looking for them but it might take a while and so far there has been no suspects.
87 likesReplies (4)
News just in: we will have decided to close the search for princess twilight, there has been no evidence that she was kidnapped, lost, nor she ran away. We are going to have to live without her for now, you can make mini searches but it’s a 99.9% that you will find her. This could lead to the end of Equestria, for now, please be safe.
13 likesNews just in: Princess Twilight Sparkle has been reported missing and has multiple search parties but none have been sucssesful the police have announced the case is closed and she is gone 2 others have been reported missing the 2 are ms.Starlight Glimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle's dragon Spike Ms.Apple Jack had this to say "she was in the castle 1 minute...than gone the next she disappeared out of thin air." Implying that she had been in the castle that day than was gone . We will contact her family Sorry..
4 likesNews just in: Princess twilight and Spike the great and glorious Missing case has been a closed for a while but out of thin air they’re here again! What could this mean? This leads to more questions, Where were they for all this time? Where is The 2nd Pony? And why Do they act so different now? Princess twilight friends are worried, But all we can do is wait so, Tune in next time for the next news ( Ps: Changeling would have still existed )
3 likesNews just in: we just discovered that it turns out twilight and spike are changelings—OH GOD THE CHANGELINGS ARE AT—*beeb*
2 likesHmmm... could Discord find Twilight, Spike and Starlight in the alternate timeline and bring them back to the original?
0 likesFor all we know, the original race with the Rainboom DID have Starlight, Twilight & Spike nearby! The flashback didn't show them, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. [oof, multi-negative grammar AND time traval!]
0 likesBesides, the flashback showed an earth pony filly watching from a cloud, so it may have had other errors too!
Alright i have a crack theory.
0 likesRemember when Twilight, Starlight, and Spike got teleported to that one timeline where there's literally nothing there? What if they got teleported to the FUTURE of the original timeline where the three of them gone for who knows how long?
Since her protege was no longer in Equestria, I think Princess Celestia and her sister would decide to go back to being Equestria's protectors. Twilight was no longer around to need experience being a princess, so there would no longer be any reason for them to take a back seat during emergencies. Same with Discord. By this time he was truly reformed due to his betrayal by Tirek, and he might decide to help defend Equestria, mainly because that's where Fluttershy lives and there's no way he'd let her come to harm.
0 likesThis gave me chills…….😥
17 likesI mean it's possible that Starlight, Twilight and Spike were always there, kind of like Prisoner of Azkaban movie style.
0 likesI don't think there will be a change or dissapearance. I think Rainbowdash will just have a faint memory of seeing them while flying or smt. In mpl timetravel creates alternate timelines. But I always thought they could be removed by fixing the presence. But we don't know fore sure-
0 likesMaybe Twilight, Starlight and Spike were there along. Maybe that whole time travel thing was supposed to happen.
0 likesWell, I suppose both are possibilities. Although a sure-fire way to make sure none of them happen is to remember when you came up with the idea, go back in time and convince your past self not to do it in the first place. And, I just created a paradox, didn't I?
0 likesEh, in any time travel story like this, assume Hypertime is at play...by that I mean basically just sit back and enjoy the ride, and don't think about it too hard.
0 likesI do have something i wana add to this theory. Pinky pie, rarity, rainbow dash, apple jack and flutter shy seem to all have some mixed up memories and or remember moments of those alternate tome lines. What i mean is when starlight, spike and twilight went to the past and starlight started changing it by stopping the rainboom the rest of the main six (from the og timeline) seemed to have also been effected. Think of it this way. When u walk on a sandy beach u leave foot prints behind u correct? Now think of those foot prints and scenes from all the individual time lines. Well the rest of the main six have a few of those foot prints (scenes) implanted in their memories now, so it seems like starlight changing the past and effect the main 6’s friendship she dragged the main 6 to this new time line (the one that is almost exactly the same as the og) with her. Reason why is because the main 6 not coming together by the rainboom it start a ripple of changes but the biggest change is on the main 6. We saw Twilight go with Starlight to the past and saw her go to al the alternative time lines but problem is, Twilight wasnt the only one effected by the rainboom being stopped, the rest of the main 6 have, so they were dragged to the new time line with them since they have memories of this change. Idk if i explained this properly but i tried my best. My proof on this theory is that the rest of the main 6 burst into the room after Starlight, Spike and Twilight returned questioning what happened giving us a sign that they might have been influenced and dragged to this timeline with them. Which means this abandoned time line doesnt just have a missing Twilight but the whole main 6 missing all together, causing lots of chaos since the main 6 can only use the elements to stop the villains but if all the main 6is gone, there’s legit 0 hope for equestria in that time line.
1 likeOr the TVA showed up to fire off one of their reset bombs to wipe out that alternate timeline to prevent a nexus event.
3 likesWait wrong show...
OR IS IT!? Dun dun duuuuuuun
Doesn't the show imply they just overright their timeline, not create entirely new timelines that exist independently?
0 likesFrom what we know pre-release; could that forgotten timeline have enough of a foundation to the the home of Gen 5? Mentions of the Mane 6 but no mention of "Queen" Twilight, somehow no magic like Cozy Glow was successful, a divided Pony nation but no windigo... interesting enough or should we wait until the movie comes out in a few months?
10 likesReplies (2)
Now this... I can already tell this one headcanon will be more satisfying and make more plausible sense than whatever hand-wave we're actually going to get on how the storylines are related. 😐
1 likeThe windigos were defeated in season 9. If g5 were to stem from the "original" timeline, there would have been windigos.
1 likeIMO, if the alternate timelines exist, then yes that's what happened. But I rather believe that the time travel cancels the timeline pure and simple. At the moment Starlight started to influence the past, their present didn't exist anymore.
0 likesI gueeeeess if I was wrong, then everytime Starlight came back to that moment, she'd see her previous attempt, we'd have several Starlight, Twilight and Spike simultaneously in the same place, fighting. After 3 I guess Twilight should have given up because so much chaos would have distracted all the foals and canceled the rainboom anyway.
Congrats for coming out saw :)
0 likesMaybe the spell for the magic was meant to put you back to the timeline you used it
0 likesMaybe the other timeline would heal itself. What I mean is it would carry on as if starlight had never cast the spell but had instead been stopped by twilight.
0 likesIf its possible for loops to circle back on themselves, wouldn't this start one of those situations? They show up, change nothing, the cycle for them to show up happens again, and so on.
5 likesIf this is true there’s one thing that you missed starlight was in the orb and Academy would be pretty much down and cozy might not have a place in the school but also the artifacts were never discovered
0 likesWho said that they travel to a different universe, after all,the spell is casted relatably to the map(tree of harmony),even if they were casting a spell which brought them back to a different timeline, wouldn't the map have tried to pull them to the correct timeline
0 likesBut, in this case what happen to the twilight, spike and starlight from the new timeline? We didn't see them. If the original trio came to the new timeline, they would probably meet them.
0 likesThis timeline might have turned into the generation 8 somehow, and that's why all the ponies are separated now
0 likesWhat if..The abandoned one is the new generation and twilight is still living in the other universe and she made the artifacts because she figured that she might be in a different timeline and she tried to make contact with the original world and still tries today?
0 likesBut don’t a Twilight and Starlight already exist in the other timeline ? They can’t just vanish into thin air.
0 likesI think you’re right but sometime in the future they merge back together!
0 likespretty sure time traveling cant lead you to "another world" but i get what you mean, and if that was to be true then could it be that in g5 of mlp (how the magic of friendship disappears) could be because of this? like they just left the world and no one knew where they went
0 likesOMG if the 'forgotten timetime' actually existed then would it be the future Generation 5 of my little pony
16 likesReplies (4)
That could actually make sense. In the leaked photos (or it might have been the trailer idk) we saw that the mcs room had toys and figures of the mane six…. This suggests that they were forgotten as real ponies and their story was shaped into fiction, almost like a fairytale, for which toys and merchandise was produced.
5 likes@_tacos_101 _ But do you not remember that from a activity book it said that Sunny’s father made them, or was it a picture that showed it? Well which ever it was, my point still stands. Sunny’s father made the figures himself
1 likeAlana Ferguson oh I haven’t seen the book yet
0 likesExactly what I was thinking!
0 likesIf I've learned anything from Loki then what if we were to assume that the rainboom is an apocalyptic timeline where anything that happens during that time is meaningless since the rainboom would still continue on even with twilight, starlight and spyke being there. The rainboom is so impactful that it doesn't matter who is there since it would happen anyways even if there was a random dog in Vanhoover walking down the alleyway (just an example) so I think that the timeline either merged or stayed together when starlight gave up
0 likesSince when we started from funny colorful ponies to tragic and depressing alternative timelines
0 likesTheory on top of this theory: 1st timeline is how MLP: a new generation happened.
0 likesPersonally the only reason I disagree with this is because if it were true, the versions of Twilight, Spike and Starlight from the new timeline would surely be there
0 likesTHANK YOU!!!!!! ever since the episode i've been thinking about this!
3 likesTwilight is gone from the original timeline, vanished into thin air. Nobody knows what happened to her and spike, they just seem as if they simply stopped existing.
Her friends would fall into a depression, they would search for her to no avail. Maybe celestia could figure out there are magical remnants in the air in the table room, but she would have no idea what happened. Did a spell go wrong? Did she teleport somewhere? Is she dead?
Equestria would fall into a panic without the sixth element, without their new princess. Perhaps even falling into hatred as their precious friendship princess abandoned her friends. Equestria would fall into a world of anger and hatred, maybe even the main six would start to blame Twilight. Maybe they won't see the point in their friendship anymore.
The two sisters would be helpless in watching this all happen, and perhaps they may be overthrown. The world will turn back to the pre-pillar ways, but this time, everyone will thrive enough to leave the world a bloody mess by their own hooves.
Now that's weird because if this is StarSwirl's secret then he's used it before but he still lives on the same timeline!
0 likesWouldn't there be a new timeline everytime Twilight and/or Starlight entered one? For example, when they went to see Starlight's past with sunburst ...
0 likesWait no-
When Twilight entered the changeling timeline, does that make two timelines in which she isn't there and one in which she appears? That would mean every timeline exists twice or even more times, hmm.. or am I just overthinking again?
i pointed this theory out to my friend about endgame, because tony, scott and cap where in 2012 when loki first attacked earth and cap fought himself and such, they DID NOT return to the timeline that they knew, but a different timeline.
0 likessimilar to the one that you pointed out in your video
Probably when the scroll was almost fully ripped apart and when the circle came the circle took them to the place where Starlight made the very first circle.
0 likesPerhaps in that abandoned timeline, a part of the elements of harmony chose other new carriers, or another species apart from the ponies managed to unite with the elements as seen with the young 6 or as seen in the comics of season 10 with the zebras
13 likesI’m choosing to pretend this theory can’t be true 😍
0 likesI don't really think that this would be the case. If they returned to the other timeline wouldn't there be the second Twilight from that timeline. If not then the second Twilight could return to the abandoned timeline and everything would work out the same. Btw here's a little side note: there is infinite number of timelines and alternative universes so I think that this, the video and every other theory is correct because everything had happened already.
0 likesWhat is when starlight didn't become friends with Twillight and Spike. It goes on and on and on. Because of that the forgotten world is possible and make sense, because Twillight, Spike and Starlight are 'catched' between all timelines
0 likesI love you ideas sawtooth and I can't wait for what you are going to upload next
0 likesHey Sawtooth. How’s this for a mlp theory? In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, there’s a mention of locusts that resemble horses & have other features. Is there any link between them and Changelings? I know it’s more likely a coincidence but you never know…
23 likesReplies (9)
hahahaha i love that
5 likesWait what chapter of Revelation is this in???
0 likes@IndoDINO Youtube Revelation is the last chapter of the bible. If you’re going to read it, there’s many things to keep in mind, but I’ll just leave it at, there’s more than one version/ edition of the text.
0 likes@Erango The Wise What I'm asking is where in Revelation? I've studied Revelation before and I don't remember this but I may have missed it.
0 likes@IndoDINO Youtube 9:7 in my version
1 like@Erango The Wise WOAH! How did I miss that?! It really DOES sound like a changeling! 😱
1 like@IndoDINO Youtube Abaddon is given a key. In the show, it’s the main six who get keys to gain power to vanquish the demon to Tartarus, the Greek, not Hebrew, underworld. Hades is another word for the underworld but it’s mentioned after the 4th horsemen.
1 likeJesus Is King uwu
1 like@Fionamation AMEN!!!
1 likeOMG! i got shivers thinking about whats happend in that world,such a great vid! keep up the good work and let me try something, Sawtooth Waves Sawtooth Waves Sawtooth Waves
1 likeI think the group have always been there and Celestia notice so she makes Twilight her special student
0 likesBecause if they return to a different timeline, where would the Starlight, Spike and Twilight of that timeline be
I think twighlight ,s friends well definitely look for twighlight but quit after they looked all over Equestria from Chloe Whittle P.S I love your show!
1 likeFrankly, I hope your wrong. Childhood, crushed. 😂
2 likesI always thought that twilight and starlights presence at the rainboom became a given the way future twilight kept visiting present twilight in season 2, we just didnt see it at the first mentions of the rainboom just because
0 likesYou know the movie? Maybe that’s what happened after the time line was abandoned. Cause then everyone would fall apart and the species wouldn’t have come together
1 likeRemember, the 6th element appears when the other 5 are present, so all they have to do is be present
I think Starlight, Spike and Twilight were meant to do this in the first place. So they went extras.
0 likesBut here’s the thing even without twilight starlight and spike celestia would still technically have sunset shimmer and she could be the next element of magic and it could work honestly
0 likesBut here’s the thing even without twilight starlight and spike celestia would still technically have sunset shimmer and she could be the next element of magic and it could work honestly
0 likesthis only works if you believe in the theory of multiple universes. i highly doubt that it would be a thing in the my little pony universe though because twilight time traveled once before and the spell she cast said it would take her back to the original timeline i believe
0 likesIt might explain the new generation and would explain why the g4s work in unity is still not in play and why there was only ponies and no other species there.
1 likeWhat about Discord? Wouldn't he stop the Changelings? Fluttershy haves tea with him every week.
132 likesReplies (16)
discord relied heavily on the other three. he's heavily impaired without his magic, which chrysalis' throne blocked
59 likes@Sawtooth Waves Couldn't Discord create like a particle accelerator or something, load in some dirt from the enviroment (which obviously isn't made out of magic) and then precisely take out the throne? (Use like a spying glass that can see through walls or something to locate it)
16 likes@scifi DINO to be fair, i don't think Discord is THAT smart. He may be the lord of chaos, but he was never the god of science
23 likes@Sawtooth Waves i like to think that discord would hold them off at least out of equestria creating a stalemate kinda like in the sombra timeline
17 likesI think he will like help them keep the changelings quarantine or something like Equestria will probably gone once they move the green Crystal stuff in but yeah or who knows maybe they'll make a deal and t Fluttershy will go out and make a resistance
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves What about Grogar's bell? Thorax said the magic of the throne is ancient magic. Do does the bell. In Season 6 finale Discord problably couldn't go after the bell cause he couldn't let the team go on without him. But in this timeline he is all alone. No Starlight and Trixie, and no Thorax.
6 likesTirek: "Look's like the magic of friendship is your only weakness."
Yay yay yay.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves But here is what I don't get...Apple Jack's comment when the trio returned to the present timeline wouldn't make sense if they were from a different Timeline..."What is she doin' here"?
3 likesI get the feeling if he saw the invasion coming he would have just taken Fluttershy and her friends to his dimension and left equestria to it's fate. The only pony he cared about was Fluttershy for the most part, and a little bit about Twilight. He would bring Fluttershy's friends because he would want her to be happy, but as for the wide world of equestria? ...I don't think he would care.
4 likes@Forest Grump But, it would be because of Fluttershy that he wouldn't abandon anypony else though
2 likes@Brooke K I don’t think that’s true… Fluttershy would recover from the loss
1 likeEven Discord's magic doesn't work in the Changeling hive, remember. The throne sucks up all non changeling magic.
0 likes@awesometacular You have a point there, but with Queen Chrysalis' line about the shard to Cozy Glow is kind of sketchy
0 likesDiscord didn’t know
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves What about the Storm King?
1 likeAlso I added some interesting theories in a comment of my own connecting this idea with G5 if you're interested. 😉
It was Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax who told him where flutter shy was. Since Starlight wasn’t there to inform Trixie, both of them wouldn’t have a clue anything was wrong with the mane 6. Then again, discord may suspect something was up. But he couldn’t of guessed that they were all trapped in the changeling castle. But discord never walks anywhere. He could teleport to flutter shy and end up at the changeling palace. He might think it’s a malfunction with his magic about 20,942 times until he thinks that flutter shy may be at the changeling palace, but he wouldn’t know his way around and might easily inform the changelings he is in the castle, and eventually just get captured like what happened in the episode. He also may not be able to walk to the castle (without crying like a baby at least). He wouldn’t be able to find his way to the throne room either, if he did, there would be guards there. He couldn’t of distracted the guards. But maybe he could, it isn’t really hard to think of a distraction, the only thing that’s in his way is the changeling not falling for it. (They aren’t that smart though, so it may of been just as easy as it was in the episode) if he eventually made it to the throne room, he would of immediately been captured by queen crysalis. He couldn’t of broken the throne without catching attention, and he certainly doesn’t have the heart or brain process to make a whole entire speech about friendship.
3 likesOk but like, did you ever wonder if Starlight, Twilight and Spike ever existed in the other timelines? Cause compared to the human universe wherein you can see their human selves, it’s never shown where Starlight, Twilight, and Spike are in the other timelines..
0 likesDepressing? Nah. This is a way to show if someone disappeared or never existed everything could go wrong. Everyone they love might be hurt or worse. The world could maybe even end. That's kinda inspiring
0 likesWait a sec... if they went to a different timeline, wouldn't they run into that timeline's version of them?
0 likesOk. So here is the issue with your theory. Twilight may have not even affected the past by being there. The race went on as though nopony knew they were there. So what if they were there in the original timeline but it wasn't noticable. That means that they were destined to return to the past and leave an unchanged present. Like when twilight used a time spell to try to warn herself. It happened and it left the present unchanged. They were mostly where the racers (including Rainbow Dash) could see but they were too busy focused on the race to notice.
0 likesI am sorry for doing this.
Simple, discord can travel between dimensions time and and space, dreams and timelines, fluttershy would beg discord to bring twilight and spike back and then when he does twilight will ask discord to bring starlight back and he will refuse until fluttershy ask him.
0 likesBut if twilight, spike and starlight went into a different timeline that was identical then there would be 2 twilights, 2 spikes, and 2 starlight's. So I think that they went into the original timeline.
0 likesYou think of timelines like they are parallel universes. I think they are not. Probably Starlight just changed original timeline several times. When Starlight and Twilight came back it still was the same universe but its past is a little bit different
0 likesprobably the timeline where twilight starlight and spike came from just stopped existing, or just like you said it was reconnected after the rain-boom
0 likesIf they got teleported to another identical timeline, wouldn’t there be other versions of twilight and starlight?
16 likesReplies (2)
The other versions of them are them.
0 likesThey didn't join a timeline they moved forward in to a timeline, there would never be 2 of them in this time travel design
0 likesThis would probably be the timeline where nobody wins out. Keep in mind that, if Cozy and Tirek teamed up in a Chrysalis timeline, there could still be someone involved trying to stop them: the Changelings. Would they succeed, though? Maybe, maybe not. We know that Discord was affected, too...or was he? If I recall correctly, he didn't show up in School Raze at all. Who knows if he could have helped out the Changelings, since without the Season 6 finale happening, Discord would have no reason to find the Changelings to be a problem. This is the same guy who teamed up with Tirek, and Chrysalis and her army remained in unknown circumstances up until the Season 6 finale.
0 likesIf this is true than the 9th timeline can be the timeline where everything is broken and destroyed
0 likesSo here's the reason this mess happened: they really couldn't change the fact that they were there unless, Starlight did. And they didn't know this mess could happen. Simple right????
0 likesI think They actually were there in the Original Timeline. It’s just that Nobody ever noticed them, and we never saw them in the Flashback, but I bet they were just off screen. Rainbow Dash was too high on adrenaline to notice, so she never would’ve been able to relay the information to the modern day Twilight. There’s also the fact that Season 5 hadn’t been written by this point. So in all reality, we never actually left the original Timeline, aside from when Starlight stopped Rainbow Dash those 7 different times, leading to all the events we saw in the Episodes.
1 likeWait a minute, now that I think about it, if that’s how the time travel works, wouldn’t there be multiple twilights in some timelines?
7 likesWhen starlight changed reality she MADE new timelines so there is no way that new one was sitting there wiith all the past already there, just an opinion
0 likesMaybe they managed to save the world without twilight spike in the other girl they are strong and learned a lot
1 likeOh, thanks. Now I can’t forget this.
0 likesI personally think that them being at the rainbow was bound to happen no matter what and it’s kinda like those time loop thingys that I don’t like thinking about because they make me confused
0 likes0:48
6 likes>Unless we assume Starlight being there and Twilight talking her down was already part of the original timeline.
The Harry Potter franchise has a lot of logistical plot holes, but it handles time travel very cleanly. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and Serius are dying, but are then saved by future Harry, who traveled back in time. Present Harry survives (as the result of his future self's actions) and later in the story, travels back in time, becoming future Harry, who saves his past self. Basically, the actions of his future self were already part of the past. No alternate timelines exist because the original timeline required that he go back in time to ensure events would play out the way he experienced them.
And we have evidence that this is the same with Equestria's time travel. Exhibit A: "It's About Time," where Twilight travels back in time and (unintentionally) ensures the same course of events that caused her to travel back in time in the first place happen the way she experienced them. Future Twilight's appearance in past Twilight's library mandated that past Twilight's timeline would result in her becoming future Twilight and traveling back in time to maintain the timeline as it was supposed to happen.
This broke my heart when I heard this
0 likesThere are way more than 9 timelines. Let's just say they leave the timeline of Rainboom. Twilight grows up founds the Mane 6 they do everything get to Starlight and the time travel part happens. Starlight and Twilight goes back in time and creates another universe with the same events as the AU the first Starlight created. The Original universe is probably in chaos, but there are more than 9 universes.
0 likesI think they went back but realized they couldn't see them so they went back but discovered that it was a timeline that has no Celestial or Luna so ponyvill was sad and disappointing so they went back and fixed everything and returned to there timeline
0 likesI like to think those timelines were just blips of possible timelines but nobody in them was real. It was just an illusion for understanding cause and effect so no alternative timelines were created, time was just paused as the 3 ventured through possibilities before they ended the illusion when starlight decided to go back.
0 likesImma just say the reason she ended the illusion instead of the rest of the show being an illusion is just because she's just ultra overpowered with magic.
This is just what I tell myself to make less depressing. Take it if you want, leave it if you like the alternative worlds
And if we do go to this alt world I think they'd turn to sunset shimmer to figure out what happened to Twilight and everything. She could do it and she could probably find a solution somehow.
I am simple girl, I see sawtooth has a new theory I click
15 likesBoi i want a remembrance scale series of this concept
0 likesHow would “new” mane 6 know Starlight?
0 likesThat theory couldn't be possible because eventually Twilight would run into the other Twilight from that universe and then they would know something is wrong.
0 likesI think when they went in a different time line they got replaced with fake versions of themselves
1 likewell, Time Travel works when you interface with a certain someone from the past if you go back into the past without doing anything then things should seem normal, that forgotten world isn’t really there it’s still the first original world that the main 6 live in (if you get what i mean) that forgetten world would only exist if spike and twilight got stuck in one of the other time places they got sent to in my opinion
19 likesik this isn't relevant to this but I was wondering if you had a theory on the different varieties of ponies like the sea poneys. also how that relates to the Umbra and what exactly are they
0 likesOR... It was all one timeline, that allowed itself to be temporary split. Almost like your destiny theory. So one fat line that split and came back to one big line
1 likeEdit: guess I didn’t watch the whole video
It think I know the change that would have happened.
0 likesSomeone saw Starlight, Spike and Twilight, and it could have messed with their head. So something could have happened between the time of the rainboom and the present
And the original world thinks starlight is evil because she WAS evil when she went to the time machine.
1 like.... Sits in corner having an MLP thought crisis
44 likesJust a theory, but what if the G5 new generation we’re seeing is the “abandoned” timeline? Thoughts?
0 likesLol MLP brings me back to the 2012 days good times
0 likesHis voice ain’t helping the fact that it’s 12:42 am, and I decided to watch this for no reason. No offence to him, this was a nice video, so keep it up!
1 likeI disagree but you do have a Point about two different timelines but I think they would merge back together.
0 likesBut doesn’t that mean there has to be another Twilight in the “new” timeline?
9 likesReplies (3)
My thought as well!
0 likesThe new timelines twi and star probably also time traveled and got sent to another timeline and it kept repeating….the main timeline is lonely
2 likesI figure the main timeline is just as likely to get a replacement set of time travelers as the new timelines.
1 likeI think how time travel works is a by changing things back and causing a New Rainboom
0 likesIt becomes a Paradoxical phenomenon as the original Rainboom would've "NEVER" happened Because of Starlight
The timeline they return to is the future after the Rainboom they caused
The Original Rainboom timeline isn't Abandoned
But, Erased
I don't think MLP time travel is that complicated.
0 likesThe way I see it, with The Magic of Friendship still being viable and all the removal of Twilight and Spike would mean someone else would end up filling their places somehow. Most if not all of their problems could still be overcome. I'm sure there is a lot that could have happened to compensate for their loss.
0 likesEven though I want to bileve that you’re wrong, you’re too smart lmao you convinced me. They left that timeline
0 likesYour vids are legendary
7 likesHey, Sawtooth! I know I shouldn't be pushy, but could you please do a video on that clip where apple bloom is a crystal pony?
1 likeReplies (1)
i think that was just her imagination
0 likesYes but I think Luster or Flurry heart could be Twilights replacement Trixie might see sunburst since with snow covering his homeland he would have to move to some other land where trixie might meet up and relate to since she is a traveling magician then lister would happen and even though without Twilight to help her realize friendship is not useless her friends could tell old tales of their adventures and maybe she would realize it has worth and find other friends to help with chrysalis. On the other hoof remember when Twilight said Flurry was equestrias last hope if they failed? Flurry being the giggly hopeful child she is could gather other friends from other lands she could save the crystal empire beat chrysalis. Without twilight the world may still have luster and Flurry to save it. :)
0 likesI have not seen this episode, but I see how it would forcibly create another timeline. What happens in time travel does not matter, everything will and have happened (Twilight, Spike, and Starlight would have spontaneously not existed in one timeline, leading to the same tragedy).
0 likesOh! What if Gen 5 took place in the abandoned timeline?
0 likesThey could't merge back into one timeline because Butterfly Effect. Their presence was a change at the beginning...
19 likesI took it as a fact from the beginning and didn't really think about it much, because I spent an awful lot of time on the topic of time travel.
Replies (5)
if anything, their presence would be largely inconsequential. a few extra spectators wouldn't have much effect, and would likely be easily forgotten. it would be like going back in time to witness the cubs winning the 2016 world series in person. Yes, you get to see it happen, but apart from one extra ticket being sold, the only real change in the future would be that there was one extra person nobody paid any attention to. As a result, the future is largely the exact same, with the exception of a few bits of currency in different locations.
1 like@Epik Gerbil Gaming Yes, even if you return to look at the first creature that came out from the sea to land and then return to the presence, you would return to different presence that could be exactly same ...
0 likes@Lunatic Flame i look at it like this: If you go back in time and move your car keys 5 inches to the left, everything from that point on would play out the exact same way because the change was so minor and inconsequential that the future played out the exact same way. the butterfly effect scales in correlation to the significance of the change, which is something i NEVER see anyone talk about. they always liken it to "moving a pebble 5years in the past will always result in the apocolypse in the present" or some asinine BS like that. because the restoration of the rainboom event was done in a way where their appearance would go largely unnoticed, the present was effectively reverted to the prime version.
1 like@Epik Gerbil Gaming It should be noted that these are all just theories. We can't argue about it because time travel is not possible yet...
1 likeI mean, if they couldn't merge back there would be one abandoned timeline and one timeline with 2 twilights, 2 starlights and 2 spikes? We have seen 2 twilights talk to each other in it's about time so why wouldn't that happen in this timeline?
0 likesPlot twist: the original timeline without Spike, Twilight and Starlight is the world without friendship, the world "The new generation" tells about🤔
0 likesI have two requests for theory videos
2 likes1) what happened to gallus's family
2) the story behind the young 6's window
Replies (2)
fraid there's not enough information on either! my guess for the window was it depicts the student six making first contact with an alien civilization
1 like@Sawtooth Waves thanks for reading and responding to my comment you really made my day☺️
1 likeHere's my theory if they want back in time then technically they're still version of herself so when they went all the way back then there would be two versions of herself and then they would be too but that isn't true so they probably did merge creating some super duper cool stuff
0 likesyes there's another timeline but think about it they went back in it but the scroll made a magical action doing a burst maybe the scroll turned then into the normal timeline idk how time travel works tho
0 likesWhen you talked about Sunburst being Sunset Shimmer's brother and Trixie and Sunburst being Luster's parents, could Luster be the niece of Sunset Shimmer?
0 likesThis is making me cry so much!
0 likesBut, this should mean there is two Twilight's in the Timeline with Twilight, Spike, & Starlight.
0 likesI sure another comment has brought this up but! This would most likely wouldn’t do anything, as you said in the video the timeline likely merged as once changing it was alway like that.
0 likesIdk just some thoughts, great video!!!
Whenever Sawtooth posts videos, it makes my day. :)
3 likesi like your theory but i think its the same timeline since the spell vanished after i hope so at least :)
0 likesThis kind of reminds me of terminator set the timelines are a little difficult
0 likesWell, since we didn't know, what time itself is, we can't say what actually happen. But still, we didn't see original new timeline Twi, Spike and Glimmer, so It also could be old timeline.
1 likeTheory: there was also another twilight of the world twilight is in now so they switched places aka one twilight went to another world the twilight from that world went to hers then they would be identical places
0 likesWow Mind blown as always great theory!
9 likesHow dare you... Now I need an audio version of this end like Bride and Daughter of Discord.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesBut if Starlight, Twilight, and Spike went to another timeline, wouldn’t there be other versions of them?
0 likesI think the new time line they came back too over rights the old one. Where it still happened but doesn't exists any more.
1 likeI think this definitely has fanfic potential
0 likesSawtooth, you're giving me chills up my spine!
6 likesI think that since there are no major changes that happened to affect anything majorly or even minimally that they still returned back into the same timeline also if they went into a new timeline where are the twilight starlight and spike of that other timeline? It just doesn’t add up or make sense so it was most likely since no major changes happened that they just returned back to the same timeline that they were from and everything just continued
0 likesIf Twilight, Starlight and Spike abandoned the original timeline they should’ve find another Twilight, another Starlight and another Spike in the timeline they continued in
0 likesI have an idea for the 7th timeline : What If In This Timeline, the storm king Came Early, And Caused that storm Not Likely, but just a thought
0 likesmaybe the other timeline was created, but starlight, spike, and twilight continued on in the original timeline. so the other timeline was forgotten
0 likesI've bin recently Going Back And watching stuff that I would always watch back when I was younger And rn I'm Going thru MLP stuff And damn it's bring me back a hole tone of nostalgia
3 likeswhat if the "desert" IS the forgotten timeline
1 likeCreepy to thing about am i right
Sawtooth a time line can't be abandoned.
0 likesheres another question what if what starlight did was ment to happen and what we saw in the past was what truely happened?
0 likesI think it's more of an avengers type deal where them going back in time was supposed to happen.
0 likes3:56 she wouldnt have taken over as she took over for friendship, without Twilight then she wouldnt have met the small 6 and would have no reason to try and take over
5 likesA difference that MAKES no difference IS no difference. If nopony noticed Twilight, Starlight, and Spike and acted on it later, the two timelines would quickly merge. Even the butterfly effect relies on actions taking place (or not). Don't work yourself up over nothing.
0 likesBut if they travelled to another timeline, twilight's friends recognised them so that means that theres another twilight, spike and starlight travelling to the original timeline so its like nothing changed (maybe)
0 likes4:08 I really don't like how you paint abandoned timeline as doom and gloom, how about this hypothetical, while Cozy Glow did still try her plan and succeeded, she unintentionally salvaged the timeline, sure no magic(like Gen 5 timeline... Hmmm) but atleast Chrysalis loses her magic as well. And since you buy the "butterfly effect" theory, how about this. Since timeline is so different, couldn't even cozy glow change? What if in this timeline she wants to drain magic to SAVE everyone, or atleast to spite Chrysalis.
0 likesi don’t think this is what happened but it’d make for a great creepypasta
1 likeOh my god, I'm just recently getting back into My Little Pony since it ended and this right here? Wow very good analysis on the theory :) ❤️ (cries on the inside)
3 likesmaybe they were totally supposed to do that, like a time loop the same thing as the "It's about time" episode.
0 likesI think the wasteland one is just when I had no Idea what I was doing in EAW and ended up getting everyone killed
0 likesWow. Creepy, but nice theory :3
0 likesWhat about starlight, twilight, and spike from the new timeline? Surely there would be a paradox
0 likesI can't watch a single video of yours and not end up completely mind blown...🤯
3 likesDoctor Hooves could've known about what happened if he stumbled upon it in his journeys, let the Mane 5 and Celestia know. But then does Doctor Hooves alter timeless when he goes in and out?......
0 likesThis is like the meme,
0 likesTime traveler moves a chair a centimeter:
The timeline:
But wouldn’t there but two copies of Twilight (albeit one is younger and the other is older) if the original stayed in the new timeline if they did stay there? The same can be said for Spike and Starlight
0 likesI have channeled aliens and they described time as an ocean with currents. Yes, the 9th timeline would happen.
0 likesI Like How This Channel Goes Real Deep Into Some Stuff In MLP. I Really Do.
4 likesI actually think she changed the spell just to stop the rainboom so if they were there they would still go back to the time they returned to because she only wanted to stop the rainboom
0 likesThe time lines go back together end of story
0 likesI miss you mlp❤❤❤
0 likesI doubt this is the case now. In the My little manga comic a day in the life of equestria volume 3 (Which deals with an alternate timeline where the elements weren’t present with nightmare moon) Discord states that time corrects itself with these things and that mostly happens, well it turns into pony life. But still, them being there would have been even less of an correction, They probably got sent back.
0 likesI Love it 👍👏👏👏
4 likesThere must be a twilight in that dimension so they must've swapped places
0 likesImagine the first timeline was the reason mlp g5 world is the way it is now
0 likesWhat if the original timeline turned into G5?
1 likeAfter that twilight went to the equestria girl world and was remembered so I think that she might go to the same time line that she was in before or in the other time line you said
0 likes4:21 depressing and kinda engaging at the same time.
23 likesReplies (1)
2:22 the sad music starts and I nearly cry again, great. rip original timeline, you will be missed
2 likesTechnically if you are no time in Equestria then you should think about the beginning to the end of the show how long does it take to make all the seasons maybe then you'll know what
0 likesYou forgot one thing, without starlight maybe the princesses would become evil, also maybe the “Worlds” we saw was the WORLD they left behind.
0 likesEdit: also I forgot to say this, maybe the lost element of harmon is the element of time?
Because: where was twilight sparkle in those timelines?
Shouldn't there be another Twilight and the gang if they're in a new timeline? What are they doing?
1 likebro I've always thought about this since the first time I saw this episode, like: "what? but what about the fucking original timeline?"
1 likethanks for answering my question
I just got back to watching these and I forgot how relaxing there voice is.
8 likesReplies (1)
Honestly 😭
1 likeNo defeance i think time treavel just work diffently.
1 likeEx. WoW's WoD (video game. WoD = Warlords of Dranor) grarrsh hellscream time traveled and did some stuff to change the timeline of main timine but it never changed. It just crated it's own timeline and NEVER changed the main tyimline.
"The expansion is set after the events of Mists of Pandaria and takes place in an alternate universe on the world of Draenor, the original homeworld of the orcs as it appeared in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, prior to its destruction in the ending of that game and the creation of Outland as featured in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Legendary characters of Warcraft's past, such as Grommash Hellscream, Ner'zhul, Gul'dan, and Blackhand appear.[13]
At the end of Mists of Pandaria, Garrosh Hellscream is overthrown as Warchief of the Horde by a combined Alliance–Horde force and taken into custody by the Pandaren so that he can stand trial for the atrocities he committed in Pandaria. However, before he can be judged, Garrosh escapes captivity with the aid of Kairozdormu (a renegade bronze dragon) and travels to the orcish homeworld of Draenor 35 years in the past, prior to the rise of the Horde. As soon as they arrive Garrosh kills Kairoz then proceeds to change history by preventing his father Grommash from drinking the blood of the demon lord Mannoroth, which led to the orc's corruption by the Burning Legion and played a major role in the events of the first three Warcraft games. This interferes with history, creating an alternate timeline where the orcish clans unite into an "Iron Horde" by using technology Garrosh brought from his time. The Iron Horde begin a war of conquest on Draenor by killing Mannoroth and building a Dark Portal that allows them to travel through time and lay siege to the Azeroth of the present era.[14] The adventurers storm the Dark Portal and with the help of Khadgar fight back the Iron Horde Vanguard back into the alternate Draenor. The adventurers use the Iron Horde's own weaponry to destroy the Draenor side of the Dark Portal but are subsequently forced to flee in order to evade the full might of the Iron Horde. The Azeroth Vanguard flee to the docks and split into two ships; with the Alliance following the Draenei and the Horde joining the Frostwolf Clan. Afterwards, the Alliance and Horde establish bases with portals to Azeroth to bring in supplies and soldiers.
The Alliance and Horde and their Draenor allies fight back the Iron Horde and ultimately confront the escaped war criminal Garrosh Hellscream in Nagrand. Garrosh lashes back and the forces are saved by the intervention of Thrall who challenged Garrosh to mak'gora - a duel of honor that can lead to death. In the battle that follows, Garrosh initially has the upper hand and blames Thrall for his failures since Thrall picked him as Warchief, but Thrall countered that it was caused by his own choices. Thrall then kills Garrosh by using his elemental powers.
With the creator of the Iron Horde dead, the Alliance and Horde adventurers and their Draenor allies set to dismantle the Iron Horde. The adventurers storm into the Gorian Empire's capital of Highmaul to defeat the Iron Horde's allies. In the raid, the adventurers kill the Warlord of the Shattered Hand Clan, Kargath Bladefist. They proceed to slay the creations of the Gorian Empire, including the spellbreakers and the Sorcerer King Imperator Mar'Gok.
Later the Blackrock Clan, led by Warlord Blackhand, challenge the Horde and Alliance to assault their domain; the Blackrock Foundry. The adventurers take up the challenge by storming through the forge, destroying important Iron Horde machinery, and blocking further growth of the Iron Horde's weaponry. Finally, the adventurers arrive at Blackhand's crucible and slay him.
Next, Gul'dan confronts Grommash and the remnants of the Iron Horde. He again offers Grommash the blood of Mannoroth; Grommash not only refuses but also attacks Gul'dan but he is subdued by him. With Gul'dan's offer of ultimate power, Kilrogg Deadeye, the Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow Clan, ignores Grommash's warnings and drinks the demon blood. The fel blood corrupts Kilrogg, turning him into a monstrous fel orc. Gul'dan assumes control of the Iron Horde and Grommash is imprisoned. It is at this time that the adventurers, with the help of Khadgar, construct a naval fleet to invade Tanaan Jungle and take the fight to Hellfire Citadel to stop Gul'dan and his Iron Horde.
Throughout all this, Khadgar works alongside his bodyguard, the Night Elven Warden Cordana Felsong, to grant the Commander a powerful boon by helping them create a magical ring that will give them the edge they need to face Gul'Dan. Catching wind of their plan, Gul'Dan reveals that he has brainwashed the alternate version of Garona Halforcen and sends her to assassinate Khadgar and the Commander, but Garona is defeated and the spell over her is broken, allowing Khadgar and the Commander to not only gain her as a valuable ally, but also allow them to finish the ring. However, when the ring is finally completed, it is revealed that Cordana's doubts and frustrations with Khadgar's leadership, as well as corruption from a Shadow Orb she had recovered earlier, has allowed Gul'Dan to corrupt and brainwash her just as he did Garona, and the fallen Warden attempts to steal the ring on Gul'Dan's orders. The Commander defeats Cordana, but she escapes.
In the Hellfire Citadel raid, the adventurers slay Kilrogg and remnants of the Iron Horde. When confronted, Gul'dan resurrects Mannoroth only for the adventurers to kill him and free Grommash, who actually joins them. Gul'dan then summons Archimonde to invade Draneor and, with Yrel and Grommash's help, the adventurers kill him too. At the end of the battle, Archimonde in his final moment flings Gul'dan through a portal to Azeroth of the main timeline in order to fulfill his pact with the Legion, setting the stage for the next expansion."
Replies (2)
"The alternate universe of the Warlords of Draenor expansion already existed prior to Kairoz and Garrosh's arrival. However, their arrival 35 years into the past of this universe has changed the course of history for this timeline."
1 likeBut never changed the main timeline.
i know my cross revaing two complately worlds but this was my best thought of time travel and how it would nopt change the timeline
1 likeI think that princess Celestia and princess Luna couldn't protect the land by them-selves, so in that case they would be powerless against the evil that is still in the land. speaking of that any pony at any time could become evil anywhere, it would be impossible
0 likesfor them to get to one side of the world to the other. So in my case of theory the land would become evil and sad, and it would be forgotten.
Hey sawtooth waves i got two theorys for you
0 likes1.if celestia, luna, cadence,twilight, and flurry heart are all considered princesses then whos the king and queen of equestira and can there be a king/prince so far in equestria history there has been no sign of a stallion ruler shure theres shining armor but other than him theres no good king/prince.
2. why is the human cadance the dean instead of princible after all pony cadance is ruler of the crystal empire and if the human pricible sinch is princible of crystal prep then what does that make the pony sinch.
I mean the only way they could of possibly split into the new timeline is if someone saw them and as a result their life was altered thats the only way that could possibly be possible
0 likesWould flurry heart still break the crystal heart if twilight spike and starlight were gone?
0 likesA prediction that is wanting us to protect the sacred timeline
0 likesI think they returned into the normal timeline because it’s impossible for them not just to return
0 likesI've been thinking
0 likeswhat if g5 is in the first timeline and that's why ponies live separately from each other, because there is no Twilight anymore
I never even thought of this, this is so sad :((
31 likeswhy don't I just nameless it
Wouldnt they asked discord? I think its safe to assume that discord would be their last resort if they didnt find twilight spike and starlight themselves?
0 likesAw heck yeah! Double bug Queen timeline.
0 likes“celestia would have to find a replacement for twilight” thoughts abt sunset shimmer
0 likesNo, twilight just time traveled back to the present. There is no posibility that twilight was gone in that alternated universe since they just time traveled back when they were just little foals so that multiverse is just doing as fine....
0 likesI just figured it was similar to how Marvel did their time travel
0 likesThere’s one issue with this theory
0 likesWhere is the twilight, starlight and spike of the new timeline they came into? Because if the timeline they came into would have to be an exact copy so twilight, spike and starlight wouldn’t notice. So if they were a copy there would have to be a original twilight, spike and starlight in this timeline. What happned?
1 likeI honestly don’t think the Crystal Heart would be destroyed because first of all, Twilight offered she’d watch Flurry Heart with Pinkie and second she put both Pinkie and Flurry in a bubble because Flurry was flying around crazy and when she separated Pinkie and Flurry she started to cry which caused the heart to be destroyed but if Twilight wasn’t there, someone else would watch Flurry which might not cause her to destroy the Crystal Heart
0 likes“Just being there could change the timeline.”
35 likesFlash intensifies
This looks really deep and sad ..
0 likesThey shouldve gone back and edited the original episode, making it so in a flash in the background u can see the three standing on a cloud
0 likestechnically all the stuff they did to try to fix it actually wouldn't make another timeline the only stuff that WOULD make a timeline is the major stuff when starlight prevented the rainboom
0 likesall the stuff with twilight preventing it already happened to put it simply when you go back to the past and go back to the present nothing will change as you have already made those changes if that makes sense so when twilight persuaded starilight they would just go back to the same present
Whell that is one of the Darkest things or Theories or possibilities I've ever heard dame.
0 likesThat's actually pretty dark sawtooth.
9 likesNow i understand why Equestria lost the magic in the next movie))
0 likesHear me out in my little pony a new generation the unicorns magic is gone If cozy glow succeeded could that be the reason the magic is gone
0 likesWhat if the other world have a new mane six?
1 likeThe thumbnail gives me the shivers.
0 likesI'm just waiting for the TVA to come pick up Starlight Glimmer for crimes against the sacred timeline
6 likesDoes that make the original timeline is now a alternate universe?
0 likesSci-twi would probably take Twilight’s place
0 likesthis can be easily a creepypast
0 likesBut if that's true, then the alternated timeline should have two Twilight, Starlight, and Spike
0 likesAmazing!! Your theories are the best!!!
3 likesThe 1st would become what we know as a rogue world as the temp goes lower and lower below -100 C
0 likesSo if original Twilight ended up in alternate timeline number 9, where is the twilight from alternate timeline 9?
0 likesTwilight other time line lives and also the reason discord was released from stone caused the main six Bonded with the Elements of Harmony so how did he escape in the new timeline
1 likeThis is where Disney got ideas for the Loki series 💅
1 likeI can’t believe I didn’t notice this-
15 likesTHANK YOU
Replies (2)
Yeah but its just a theory.
0 likesIf there was a 9th timeline, there would be 2 twilights in the world, both would be alicorns cuz there is the castle and mane 6, so I'm pretty sure that there isn't a 9th timeline
1 likeSawtooth: Explains theory
1 likeMe: ….
I wanna write a fanfic about the abandoned timeline now...
1 likeReplies (1)
Plz doooo I'd read it in a heartbeat
0 likes"oh I have a time travel question why don't I just Nameless it" 😂😂😂😂😂 I died laughing
0 likesI like to think it’s another “Bootstrap Paradox” type deal again.
22 likesSawtooth Starlight was in Cozy Glow’s plan bc she was trapped in the orb thingy
0 likesAhahaha oh man I love Nameless just showing up annoyed like LEAVE ME ALONE
0 likes(Spoiler alert) after I watched the episodes of Loki from avengers on Disney+ I noticed that there were time travel guards apparently??. But imagine if that happened with the ponies as well and with discord that would be a huge twist!
0 likesA cozy glow timeline
0 likesThere's also nothing that says they dont travel to the original timeline. Sure, when heading to the future, we see multiple timelines, duh. But, this could be attributed to malice. Maybe there's some other half of the spell or so that shows that they returned to the original timeline. We don't know, because we can't really see it ourselves.
0 likesWhat I propose is that the "Forgotten Timeline" Is the one they return to. Or, in other words, the only difference between the timelines is someone came from somewhere, then disappeared without another thought. Nothing more, nor less.
The Original Timeline stays the same, the one we see, the one we watch, etc. and it goes on with everyone at hand.
The "Forgotten Timeline"- in my case, the top bar in his diagram- is the one with the extra three who appear and disappear for a few moments.
Honestly, I have a whole theory on timelines and universes and yahyahyah, but, too much for one comment, and especially since it doesn't fully relate to the video. But, perhaps at some point I can make a response, with art of m'own, just to discuss. It is an interesting topic, after all.
Also, to note, if it seems I trample over myself with the way I explained something, or if I come across as a broken record, I do apologize. ADHD is a helluva mental disorder, and it's hard to get my thoughts out properly 'cause of it.
Thank you for reading ze wall of text. Have a wonderful day/night/timezones're weird~!
~~Snowhead W. Blitz
Edit: I also forgot to say- and since TheStarryArcher1213 said it and reminded me- we see no doubles of Starlight, Twilight, or Spike, so that's a point to going back to the original timeline. The Tree Map also seemed to be connected to the spell, so it could be that the tree itself corrected where they would end up. It's called the Tree of Harmony, it probably has some play in the balance of time.
But at the crystaling pinkie was taken by twilight into a different bubble from fluffy heart, if twilight wasn’t there then they wouldn’t have been separated and the heart would not have been broken
0 likesCould gen 5 be the abandon timeline?
0 likesThe "bad future" idea remined me of a very old game... Sonic CD.
0 likes“Do I look like a search engine? Oh I have a time traveling question let’s just nameless it”
8 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWhat if it was the same and starlight with the scroll can make them invisible?
0 likesi think hasbro just put how we understand time travel concept back in when we were kids, since this show is made for kids
0 likesA cozy glow timeline
0 likesI have a question for you. This has nothing to do with this video but something to do with the g5 movie ( had to comment on this because comments are turned off on the other one). What happened to all the different creatures? What happened to the dragons, hippogriffs, griffins, changlings, and all the others?
68 likesReplies (9)
I'm more of an alicorn princess really 🤔
41 likes@Sawtooth Waves lolll
7 likes@Sawtooth Waves ok😂
7 likes@Sawtooth Waves Lol
4 likes@Sawtooth Waves OO OO I, as a nonbinary, MADE A NONBINARY TERM FOR KING/QUEEN!!
5 likesZing
6 likes@Sawtooth Waves the Storm King
4 likes@Alexander Prime Y e s
2 likes@Alexander Prime pretty much!
1 likeI figured out were all the elements of disharmony are. Ther in another dimension. The one were all the people are the opposite. So if everybody is opposite that means all the magic artifacts must be opposite
0 likesAnother possibility is that they were there the entire time but we're never seen until now as time is a tricky and changing the past isn't truly possible unless you can perceive a way to prevent the impending paradox that comes with it cause if you change the past then you create an instance where you never needed to go back in time in the first place, if you see where I'm going with this then good on you, thus thus such an action would cause a distortion in reality, which may be what those alternate timelines are
0 likesWait- this is very random but-
1 likeIf they went to a different timeline then where are the Twilight, Spike and Starlight from that timeline?
Would they be in the timeline that was abandoned or smt-
This is making me confused
The time chrysalis attached twilight was not a princess yet so this has nothing to do with this part because twilight would of disappeared after chrysalis tried to take over the crystal empire.
1 likeDear Celestia, this is darker than Nightmare Moon's night 😐😥
3 likesWhat if, the abandon world is the world we see in gen 6?! (Forgot If its 5 or 6) if magic was drained for equestrian by cozy glow? I don’t know how they would get the gems, but it’s just a theory 👌
0 likesThere is a series I'm reading where Rainbow Dash Saw the Trio of time travelers Everything changed. Little Glimpses
1 likeMaybe other heroes would intervene , we have no parameters to tell all events would be the same or develop the same, maybe at the moment twilight disappear new heroes rise up.
0 likesNgl, this was really chilling to think about... The original world would've gone into chaos.. It's also to think about how Twilight's friends would finally figure out.
0 likesEdit: Wait! I just got a theory from a comment I saw. So, what if they went to another timeline like you said but the other Twilight & Starlight in the timeline they just went to, went to their timeline. (Aka, before the Starlight time travel thing) They had a big switch a woo because two of the same pony can't live in the same world
(Please don't point out Equestria Girls and that incident at the end of Friendship Games. I'm not really sure what happened after that)
This is the only theory where I hope to Luna that you’re wrong
10 likesReplies (2)
Honestly, same.
1 likeSame!
1 likeWhat if the past timeline was already in the present timeline that made the future-present timeline
0 likesCan king sombra's future still look bright?
0 likesOk so I love to draw MLP stuff from bases and stuff so im making that the main 5 would look like after twi glimmer and spike went missing
0 likesI believe it is the time line were everything is gone,the event already took place
0 likesThat thumbnail jump scared me LMAOOOO 😂😂😂
28 likesReplies (1)
It's freaking me out right now, and I was trying to go to sleep now😂🥲
0 likesFlurry wouldnt have cried and killed the crystal heart because she cried cause she was separated from pinky, just an opinion
0 likesdiscord couldve stepped up in the first timeline if it was abandoned, hes like s god he can fix anything lmao
0 likesWhat if the new generation is that time line...
0 likesIt could explain the plot for the new movie
0 likesWhat if this the timeline, the movie takes place in, Think about it. I would make sense, after the sisters' grew to old or passed on the once strong connections started to break and With Twilight's disappearance, they could very well grow warry of each other, heck Cozy glow could have become the leader of the Pegasus. And also why Sun has figures of Twilight as the same size as the other main six instead of her towering image, because she we last seen as that size.
0 likesI think that in the original timeline... there were three extra spectators.
0 likesWe saw the effects of those three not being there eg. King sombra take over, the changlings with the other ponyville pony’s, that’s just a guess tho but it could have been true and only because Twilight visited those timelines she’s still known by her friends
0 likeswhat if mlp g5 takes place in the "forgetten world". I like the theory that u came up with in ur most recent video but what if the reason why the three pony tribes weren't together was because of twilight,spike and starlight being missing? It might be a stretch...
0 likesDaaannnng…
7 likesNever thought of it like that…
Didn’t even realize they technically left their old timeline
Replies (2)
I just imagine are just doing their thing and then they find Twilight and Spike MISSING they put up posters all over Equestria but it doesn't matter they vanished Into Thin Air they learn to move on celestia can't find another Apprentice and that's the world that G5 is in it's really kind of dark if you think about it
1 like@Fionamation Yeah it’s kinda sad
0 likesI know a new timeline
0 likesWhere the pink Pegasus is desperate as twilight was when she wants to learn magic
Headcanon : the Last timeline wich had nothing and just empty space was the one they originally left and the rainboom had nothing To do with it. That is just the equestrua if twilight wasn't there
0 likesTime travel is very VEEEEEEEEERY different in the my little pony universe so yes they did connect back together and there is no ‘forgotten world’ how do I know this??? Because I watched it over and over again before I saw it it’s complicated to explain and also I’m saying this so nobody (ehem) or pony would get they’re childhood destroyed like blowed up by TNT so hope that helps :D
0 likesI think they go back to the original timeline when Twilight go to Canterlot High to response the Sunset Shimer call from the frienship games.
0 likesOr this is the timeline where the Human Sunset Shimmer go, to equilibrate the twiligt absense. Even the human Starlight can be here in the abandoned timeline.
I love it how you upload right as I get in bed to chill
7 likesBrb getting my snacks too 💕
What if this is the timeline where cozy glow does drain magic from mlp world into equestria girls world and thats why they lost the magic in the new generation but they got magic back bc someone in equestria girls world went into mlp world?
0 likesWait... Nameless? Timelines? Different worlds? You wouldn't have happened to have read the Crystal Ball Trilogy by RQK, have you?
1 likeEdit: nevermind, saw the pinned comment, explained it to me
(Though I would still recommend reading that trilogy as the 2nd story plays with the alternate timelines idea)
Replies (2)
Is it on YouTube
0 likesas a reading? I'm not sure but I don't think so. You can find it here: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/208413/RQK/stories starting with "Feedback"
0 likesThe original timeline if there is one it would be the timeline of the new generation because twilight sacraficed herself but it could be just a myth.
0 likesLove ur vedios ❤️
7 likesI can morph into you maybe I could add in the argument that the tarorous dog didn't give it powers at all because it had to be calmed down this would make a weak stat and the magic would have been easily taken by force twilight did that ofc and the gate guard dogs separated.
0 likesHere’s a theory! ( SPOILERS FOR THE MLP GEN 5 MOVIE!! ) so in the movie we figure out that something happened to the main six that made earth pony’s, unicorns, and Pegasus separated and lose their magic, blaming it on each other. So what if this movie wasn’t only taking place in the future but also in that abandoned universe? With out Twilight the other 5 wouldn’t have their six element and leader. Twilight won’t be able to rule of that universe like she did with the one we see her in, at the end of gen 4. In the movie we know that the main 6 had to have been famous for something as Sunny ( the protagonist in gen 5 ) has toy dolls of the main six, it would make sense that the main 6 would be famous even before this happened. God this is confusing 😅 sorry if the explanation is bad! I’m not so good at explaining <3
0 likesimagine this connects to generation 5 XD
0 likesThats a really good and interesting theory.
0 likesWait if that’s the 9 world, how do her friends know who starlight and twilight are? 🤔
3 likesReplies (1)
Everything else is the same, so maybe they just got dumped into a reality where the spell just killed their counterparts.
0 likesIf twilight never went behind starlight , starlight would go to another time and everything will be the same BUT! without starlight equestria would be doomed😑🙄
0 likesThere may be a 10th timeline as well. Since Starlight also traveled to when she was a filly
0 likesReplies (1)
Another bit of possible indication of that is. Starlight remembers Sunburst shoving her aside and when she showed Twilight he didn't. Either she exaggerated when retelling it to Spike, or time traveling to Sire's Hollow changed things.
0 likesThat explains why Sombra sounds so bad in the newer episodes
0 likesI love this it sounds so realistic but it scared me so much like bro
1 likeI love your vids!!
4 likesReplies (1)
Also, at 3:11 isn’t starlight missing as well? From the forgotten time line?
0 likesBut wouldnt there be an alternate twilight when they made the copy timeline-
0 likesWhat if the last timeline was THE FUTURE? I have my own little theory.
0 likesThe dry, apocalyptic timeline? That was the future. Starlight is one of the most powerful unicorns. Equestria would no longer be. Instead, in G5, it was A DIFFERENT PLACE. After the apocalypse all the ponies left. How, exactly, did this apocalypse come? War. So, Twilight's dead in this last `timeline`. Sunset, instead, was the ruler. Princess Sunset still had that evil inside her... And it showed. She started a war with... Surprise! ALL THE OTHER SPECIES. Yeah. So the other species lost. All deceased. And by the evil that Sunset still had, the apocalypse was made. She decimated Equestria. So the ponies moved to a new place. New Equestria. And after that G5.
Tell me what you think! Thank you for listening to my TED-Talk.
Ben 10 Omniverse: Only we had guts to imply that the original timeline is dead/long forgotten
0 likesMLP S6 Finale: Hold my hay
The first one is correct cuz if she did come back to the same timeline she would be old because she was all fully grown in that time so ur correct...
0 likesI never even thought about it like that…woah. That’s pretty deep..
5 likesImagine he jus figured out why G5 has only 5 main characters,
1 likeMaybe the completely barren one we saw might be the one they left behind
0 likesdo a best stallion pls love ur theories
1 likeMaybe g5 is taking place in the original timeline? Like, the disapearence of the princess of friendship would drive all the pony races into paranoia and distrust? Idk
0 likesImagen if that abandoned time line is where G5 play out. That's just a theory that came to my mind when I heard you said that about the abounded timeline. I just find it interesting and working if that was possible.
3 likes(This probably won't be noticed but if that could be a working theory I would liked to see a video about it if it's a possible theory)
Maybe time travel will literally just put in three identical clones and everything goes on the same
0 likesThey will found out that Starswirl's spell has been stolen
0 likesIf princess celestia had to found a new student I believe she would choose moon dancer
0 likesNameless really said: NOPE 🏃🏽♀️💨
1 likewho else loves sawtooth videos
10 likesReplies (5)
3 likesOf course
3 likesMe
1 likeMe, my friends, not to mention MY BOYFRIEND
2 likes@RandomShadow555 your boyfriend to!?That's so cool!
0 likesDear sawtooth did you know there are 195 episodes in MLP on Netflix
0 likesOne of the laws of quantum mechanics says that just observing an event will change the event so...probably. just look at dragon ball
0 likesCould the forgotten timeline have lead to the events of the next generation movie and the change of location on the map associated with it due to the events of the crystalline and potentially the frozen north spreading??? Just a thought.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesIf you are sad, i am too. But i have created a perfectly logical and short explanation of how they still came back to their original time line.
0 likesNopony saw them right? If so, the only thing that would really change is the hoof prints on the cloud. Which isnt a big deal. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I always wanted to see a timeline where Cozy glow, Tirek , and Queen Chrysalis took over Equestria and I think this might be it. Here me out, if Chrysalis took over Equestria Cozy glow would still most likely pen pal Tirek and have tried to drain all magic from Equestria. and maybe before she could finish she was discovered by a changeling guard/solder and taken to Chrysalis who allowed her to do it under the condition that changelings get to keep there magic or something and Cozy was successful and it allowed the changelings to keep an even more firm grip on the ponies now being the only ones with magic. As thanks Chrysalis let Cozy become her royal adviser and Cozy told her that Tirek had told her how to drain all magic from Equestria and Cozy now has a reason to break him out of Tartarus and bring him back. After that this mostly progress like in our timeline Cozy glow still forces them into a weird family dynamic and things go on as normal. Same ending, completely different circumstances. What do you think? 😊
4 likesReplies (1)
I'd love a comeback of Cozy Glow, Tirek and Queen Chrysalis no matter how it happens. Chrysalis is such a delightful evil queen.
0 likesWhat about twilight being an alicorn wouldn’t everyone freak out about the 4th Allicorn not counting flurry
0 likesSAWTOOTH I HAVE A QUESTION:"so in the episode where all of the cutie marks are switched pinkie has trouble on the farm.so how does she connect with earth?she's she's party planner but she is an earth pony that has nothing to do with land?pls do a video explaining this.
0 likesOh my goodness dimensions don't work like that every dimension has its own present pass and future this is impossible I know a lot about stuff like this my dad claims to be from another dimention so I hear a lot about stuff like this
0 likesWhat if there was a timeline with cozy glow and nightmare rarity
0 likesLove your vids
11 likesnightmare moon wouldnt have been stopped and celestia would still be in the moon
0 likesUnless a timeline where they weren't there to see the rainboom never existed and this was always destined to happen
0 likesI think the forgotten world ends up as the barren wasteland world where there is nothing
0 likesThe thing I don’t get about this is that if they were in a different world where is that world’s twilight, starlight, and, spike
1 likeSo good
4 likesThe studio that only made a kids show without thinking of anything: AHHHHH- (Inspired by another comment)
0 likesThe original timeline branched off into Gen 5
0 likesWhat if I told you that that was how the rainboom happens all along
1 likeThe "voice acting" ruins it, both in writing and in execution. Just tell us your case normally. Voice acting only works when you've got the experience to do it. This isn't the case.
0 likesIf there was a second timeline then cozy glow wouldn’t want power and the magic of friendship because first we saw Cozy glow when she was crying by a tree asking for help cmc do you really think she will want that power
3 likesReplies (1)
Yes she saw how powerful friendship is at twilight's school but if twilight wasn't there then even the school wouldn't be there I think and even the artifacts wouldn't be there in the school
0 likesSorry if I made any spelling mistakes
Maybe someone else saved the crystal empire?
0 likesWhat if in the original universe, twilight and starlight were there, like it was supposed to happen or something, idk
0 likesthis is unrelated but in that one episode where pinkie pie made duplicates of herself and they had a test to find out whos the real one what if they brought away the wrong pinkie pie and the current pinkie isnt the pinkie from the beginning
0 likesWhat if the og timeline is when MLP a new generation takes place....just a thought
0 likesNameless: “ Just nameless it” love it!
3 likesThat timeline is already deleted from existence
0 likesAlso don’t you think that in this different timeline where they were present wouldn’t there be 2 twilights 2 spikes and 2 starlights each doing what they were originally doing
0 likesor its part of the original time line that there is 3 more spectater there because lets be honest we are watching the rainboom from ranbowdashs perspective i dont think she will notice 3 spectaters while in a race also if it was a diffrent timeline the map will send them back it knows what its doing
0 likesI've seen something like this before. Have you played red alert in your childhood well the same thing happened. After WW2 in 1946 Einstein created a machine called the paradox device it's basically a Time machine, so what he did was kill Hitler in 1924 many years before his rise to power. By doing a hand shake with Hitler Einstein was sent back to 1946 his timeline but he accidentally created a new alternate universe The red alert timeline. In this new timeline WW2 happens but the Reich did not start the war but it was the Soviet union that started the war if you played the games and other Command and conquer games Tiberian and generals you will know.
0 likesi love your vids
0 likesWhat if the three from the new timeline got put in the old timeline.
0 likesBut what if it was all destined to happen, because they are in the timeline with the spectators from begin with.
0 likesIt’s just a loop.
The thing is, where did the twilight spike and starlight from the “new and current” timeline?
0 likesSawtooth: Nameless!
19 likesNameless: what is it?
Sawtooth: if you go back in time and return without changing anything, does it still branch of into it's own timeline?
Nameless: so you want to know the secrets of time itself now, huh? Do I look like a search engine to you? Oh! I have a time travel question. Let's NAMELESS it.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It was sooooo funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Replies (3)
I guess verbing people is just a thing now.
1 like*insert Twilighting joke here*
1 likeWhat about when their name is already a verb?
1 likeI've Rainbow Dashed myself into some tight spots before...
What if the last timeline we saw was the first timeline result of no twilight spike and starlight
0 likesWait a minute, sawtooth you are still in the first timeline so you should know if it changed since you and didn't go with twilight,Spike, and starlight . So if they are in your timeline than you will get your answer and don't need nameless to answer it . Sorry, I just thought about this after watching the video also your the best! 😅🙂
0 likesIn the mirror thing when pinkie cloned herself they kill the real pinkie. Proof is- the pinkie that survived told the clone story that she went in the water to clone herself- the real pinkie pie never touched the water.. she pulled the clone out of the water…..
1 likeYour theories are so good I suggest you make theories of miraculous ladybug (short form mlb )
1 likeReplies (1)
As they say even the smallest things done in miraculous is done for a reason
0 likesInazuma can wait, this is important
37 likesReplies (7)
0 likesCan*
0 likes@Raptor Zeraora thank you lmao I typed too fast
0 likesI was on the grind for two days, just so I could finish the Archon quests and even get to Inazuma. I'm finally there, and yeah, I took a break just to watch Saw's new vid. Worth it
0 likes@Dielle Dragon Lord yesss as we should
0 likes@~lizzie~ ???
0 likesAbout to start get ayaka she can wait this is more important
0 likesprobably not,if so where would the Twillight,Spike,and Starlight of this new timeline theyve arrived be?
0 likesBest case scenario:The timelines merged again.
Worst case scenario:the spike,twilight,and starlight of this 9th AU are on the 1st universe OUR spike,twi,and starlight left from.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
0 likesI will never see mlp the same way again
0 likesI think that they did a reverse spell to redo and then,it's still the same timeline/world
0 likesBut if they are now in a new timeline then what about the spike twilight and starlight of this new timeline?
4 likesReplies (1)
Seems just as likely another some and Twilight could have replaced them in the original timeline. Still interesting fiction fuel
2 likesA little change in history can snow ball for future twilight said it herself clearly there is a wasteland time line a time line we’re there is nothing
0 likesBut what if it was the forgotten time line without the element of magics without twilight what could the world turn into well a wasteland
There is more proof but the wasteland and forgotten timeline click together I know the forgotten timeline should include twilight sparkle ✨
Friends but what if they lose hope loosing a person who you care about so much they would pass away but without the main 6 the barriers
Of the elements of harmony nobody stopping the villains that will come after the world will become a wasteland no princess celestia no Luna
Because looking at there ruined world they would pass away even before passing away celestia could not have tried to look for new barriers
The main6 were the only barriers in that time and the students in friendship school 🏫 could never be next in line to become the barriers
So I think the forgotten timeline and wasteland timeline are one
Sawtooth plz put this theory in the next video
I think it is all spikes fault if he had not picked star swirls magic spell than... everything whould go just fine
0 likesBut... I think they went back to the present... because... the events went as it went at the end. So their present is the same.
0 likesTime travel is officially the thing that give you ever you want to go 5
0 likesayyyyye!! this one's lookin good
3 likesIt's just a idea, but now that we've see the film, maybe the G5 is the timeline abandonned by Twilight, Spike and Starlight.
0 likesIn the movie, the three species of pony live apart and the magic is gone. Prehaps after the Twilight's demise, the Mane 6 failed to stabilize and federate friendship and has Twilight faded his element of harmony completely lost his magic causing the other in the process.
Replies (7)
The proof, we don't even talk about the wendigos in the movie. They don't even seem to exist ! And we don't even know if a Unicorn can raises the moon or the sun ! We don't talk about it at all !
0 likesSo, here's my theory :
Maybe after the Twilight's demise, Equestria descends into chaos. But not one of Discord can create and control ! This chaos is none other than Fear. Keeping her cool to a minimum, Celestia ask to the Mane 6 and Discord to find Twilight. Several weeks, then months, then years pass. The purple alicorn and the little dragon are not found. Even Discord can't do it. Moreover, he noticed than the more time passes, the less he manages to control his magic.
In fact, it's not that he no longer control her, he loses her ! Other events are noticed too. Pegasus can no longer fly, land ponys lose their forces and Unicorns no longer have Magic. Even Celestia and Luna can not control the sun and the moon.
0 likesThe stars are completely out of control, circling around Equestria without magical insistence.
0 likesIn addition, the Everfree forest begins to invade them ! Then looking the for clues, they all go to the tree of Harmony. If the other elements still works just a little. Twilight's element broke. Seeing no other solutions, the Princesses, the Mane 6 and Discord travel thé Cristal empire. They choose three cristals (when the cristals unite at the end of the movie, it looks like the Northern Light when the cristal heart activates.)
On Cadance advice, they shapes them and incorporates what remains of the Pegasus, terrestrial and Unicorns Magic. Celestia, Luna and Discord will die in the process.
0 likesMane 6 then brings back the crystals and announces the death of the princesses. The fear is then much stronger and more present in Equestria, but the Mane 6 more or less manages to control all that. We Can imagine that one part or another Sunset and Tempest Shadow will join them for help. Sunset no longer to able to use magic in human World, would use the last shards she has to somehow get back to Equestria and get stuck here. Tempest, first sent by the Storm king to steal the magic, will notice that no longer exists and stay with the Mane 6 for protect the three crystals.
0 likesA semblance of Harmony is then established. But being afraid, the ponies no longer speaks to other creatures (goodbye yaks, dragons, griffins or other...). We Can imagine that the descendant of Mane 6 took over after a while and in turn protects the crystals. But conflicts begin to set in and more than once the crystals have been nearly stolen or destroyed. For more security, the descendant (Unicorn, Pegasus and terrestrials) decide to separate them, One species each taking its own and each settling in a different city.
0 likesThe Unicorns moves to the ancient Ponyville, now covered to the Everfree forest. The Pegasus settled in the high Montains and rebuild the old Canterlot. And the terrestrials building a small town by thé sea.
0 likesThe centuries pass and the old Equestria, the Crystals and the Mane 6 are now only historys, and tales and legends that are told to the young foals.
The three species have a boundless hatred towards each other.
Only a stalion and his daugther Sunny still believe that friendship is possible between all ponies. So, begins the G5 movie !
So what do you think ? Do you think it's good ?
Sorry for my vocabulory language, I am french 😅😊.
Well even if they did go back to a different one you're assuming a new timeline was created meaning there is another twilight there an that twilight just going to do the exact same thing and the twilight will keep moving universes,/timeline for every
0 likesAnd things were never the same again.....
0 likesfanfic writers you know what to do
52 likesOh hell! What if the Original Timeline is G5?!
0 likesUmm, mr sawtooth. Do you know that camp everfree has sunsets shimmers element? But in the actual pony world there is only 6 elements? Even though there just parralel universe
0 likes...welp, time to scrounge fimfiction for the continued original timelime
1 likeWhat if in the original timeline Twilight sparkle spike and starlight were there.
1 likewhat about the original twiling spike and starling in the current timeline or the timeline they teleported to shoudnt there be another spike twiling and starling there
Not to mention, Equestria without Twilight is like the Whoniverse without the Doctor. Everything would fall apart as soon as these particular individuals were removed.
I don't think there is a 9th time line. They are in their own time line. They are home
1 likePlot twist: The abandoned world was actually the world of the new MLP generation, G5.
1 likeWhat if the other same timelines twilight‚starlight and sike came into the original timeline
0 likesYesss love youuu I’m exited to watch
8 likesThe original time line is the New mlp series! Generation 5 😱
0 likesTime travel makes me so confused
0 likesWhat if when spike, starlight and twilight we're gone Celestia would have to find a new replacement for Twilight and that is Sunset Shimmer so thats why in the equestria girls Sunset Shimmer is part of the six elements. :>
1 likeI understand this, but the world twilight traveled to, would have the same events that happened so, doesn’t that mean, that the world twilight originally came from, would have the twilight from the other world, if so nothing changed except different twilight’s would go into different worlds.
0 likesOH GOODNESS!!!!!! YAY!!! YOU POSTED!!
4 likesThis vid:sawtooth asks nameless about time travel
0 likes100moons before G5:"pinkie seems to be pinkie regardless "sawtooth said
Well... one option is that no new future is created but the past itself is altered. Think loop movie. When finger is cut from young you the old one loses it but it may not have the memory or the memories come back depending on the person. Instead of new world the previous one is altered. Like in game setting game on peaceful and all hostile mosnsters buffed away. When you set normal back the monster you named Woll is back. Or turning between online and offline in dark souls, your friend is still your friend :^)
0 likesBtw u forgot that the new main six also wouldn’t come because twilight wouldn’t open the school and the tribes wouldn’t come and that concludes to no new tree house :(
0 likesBut also it wouldn’t make sense because if it was a different time line then there would be another twilight unless the both twilights from both dimensions both traveled together and switched time line in that case everything would still be normal just twilight starlight and spike have swiped time lines
0 likesWow
4 likesI think it turned to be g6 when all ponies split in to 3 tribes unicorn, earth pornies, and pegaside they all fought till sunny saved the tribes bye becoming a alicorn.
0 likesI think this theory is right, BUT I think that other twilight the twilight from a bit of the past went to the original timeline and all went the same with that it isn't the same twilight but there is one and our twilight is on another universe
0 likesif they went to the present of the alternate timeline in and the world is saved and everything's fine then where did the twilight from the alternate timeline go to?
0 likesWouldn't there be another twilight in the new time line twilight is in
0 likesyayyyyyyy
4 likessawtooth i love ur videos so much
How was Discord able to break free of his stone prison in the discord timeline since the reason he did break free was because the CMC were arguing which created enough chaos to set him free and the CMC would never form because they only did when they attended diamond tiara’s party which was hosted at the sugar cube corner which would be out of business without pinkie pie’s influence since the only reason she moved to ponyvile was to spread laughter to the citizens there. Ugh, guess I better Nameless it.
0 likesHow does the Friendship Map work?
0 likesMaybe you can do a theory on the mlp after life?
0 likesThe timeline might be the wasteland.. with the villans, all the snow, and an element short.. the universe, the ponies, Equestria.. is destroyed. And G5 never exists..
0 likesLol now that is logic
13 likesThen that time line is gone.
0 likesBut were are the originals Twilights? I mean in each Timeline is a Twilight, right?
1 likeDo you think all the villains would fight for who becomes equestrias ruler and then Princess celestia will have her chance to defeat the weakened villain that survived😳
0 likesThe real time line must be a queen chrysalis time line how I didn’t know that that time line was a fake time line?
0 likesI like your video sawtooth
4 likesIt’s to sad to believe this and i don’t believe this theory I believed every other theory except for this I think they went back to the original world
1 like9 Universes... 9 seasons. Coincidence? Probably
0 likes"why dont I just NAMELESS it"
0 likes(I swear that made me laugh- nameless is a master of sarcasm-)
This scares me thinking about it :((
0 likesYAS Sawtooth posted
4 likesmaybe the abandon world could be the place where the new generation starts with sunny , pip, hich ... who knows
0 likesSAWTOOTH I HAVE HUGE NEWS ABOUT HOW THE PORTAL TO THE HUMAN WORLD WORKS!!! THE DIAMOND DOGS THAT KIDNAPPED RARITY TURN INTO HUMANS IF THEY CROSS THE PORTAL!!!! I was rewatching the movie Rainbow Rocks and at time 28:41 I saw the dogs AS HUMANS!!!! PLSSSSS SEE THIS!!! I'm really shocked abt this cause i thought that they would just turn into dogs
1 likenah that ain't happening, cuz there will be two twilights in this world - adult and kid, adult returned to the main timeline and twilight as a kid get's a cutie mark
0 likesWell what happened to the new timeline’s twilight,starlight and spike? Did they also make new timelines?
0 likesInTerEStInG
4 likesOR the og timeline had the trio when the rainbow boom happened! they were returning to og timeline, branching it off on one moment. what if they were meant to go back there and do this, because thats what really happened?
0 likesWait wait wait sometimes time travel is twisted so he could be right….
0 likesI think this connects to the lost pinkie pie, think about it maybe she was sent there? Just a theory! :)
0 likesEdit talking about the missing pinkie pie theory
Starlight is dead? that might actually be good news. but Twilight and Spike? Equestria needs those two...
0 likesNice
8 likesI think if it would be true then there would be a other twilight bc maybe that twilight may have gone to the original if this theory is true and maybe they just switched places maybe
0 likesWhat about the friendship games? OUR twilight came through the EQG portal and told the humane six+human twilight about her time traveling adventure.
0 likesOoof. How's Twilight gonna fare?
0 likesThat does sound scary.
0 likesWhat about sunset shimmer what about equestria girls
3 likesJust image flutter she’s face when she realizes that their gone
0 likesWait, idk about spike, but little Twilight and Starlight was already at that timeline, so wouldn’t there be two of them each?
0 likesBut then there would be 2 Twilights in that timeline.
0 likesMy favorite quote "why don't I just Nameless it?!"
0 likesHi Sawtooth!
4 likesthe "original" timeline just may not exist because how could it exist if it's past didn't happen
0 likesHold on, if there are multiple alternate universe, wouldnt there be alternate timelines for the human world? If so i assume it has something to do with something happening to sunset as she brung the two worlds together. However it may have domething to do with the human worlds ORIGINAL sunset.
0 likesI am late, but I got a Loki add before this video, maybe Equestria needs a TPA (Time Pony Authority) to get rid of those extra timeline
0 likesWell I don't think that the rainboom will bring them back to there own timeline because when starlight stop rainbow dash to make the rainboom the others have gone ahead and that will affect the timeline when they both of the rainbow from the original and the copied world they have make the rainboom in a different time. So that means they are still in the copied world but they just skip all the way to the to there original place in the copied world.
1 likeWait that make me think do the copied timeline twilight went to the past just like the original twilight.
7 likesNormally I would comment on my main account, but I don't have access to it at the moment. When there's little to no variance in a, what do you call, timeline, we'll call them timeline A and timeline B, they do merge back together. This is because the divergence number hasn't changed significantly. Everything continues normal in both of them. You would perceive this as I merge. It's very difficult to explain this in a way individuals like yourself can understand it, but if you have any further questions don't hesitate to reach out to me
0 likesAt first I was like
0 likesOk, kind of a reach, the video ends in the first 20 seconds.
But then I was like
What would happen to sunset shimmer???
0 likesFor god's sake she's the best character and she literally travel's between time and space!😤💔
Idk but maybe Sunset Shimmer may replays Twilight but different wayyyyy different or somebody else that is like Twilight. It's a real head-scratcher for me.
0 likesCookies?🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
12 likesReplies (3)
Yes please! 😋
0 likes@IndoDINO Youtube 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
1 like@♡Veclipse♡ Yay! 😄
0 likesThis is how we got to G5!
0 likesTime Travels are complicated
0 likesWhat if, in the past they were there, but not noticed?
0 likesI'm going to make my own scary timeline
0 likesWhen the rain boom happen rainbow dash died from doing a super rainbow
The other main five still get their cutie marks except for rainbow dash because she died from Sonic rainbow
The other early quest area still stays the same
This time the elements only has five they couldn't defending nightmare Moon without the other element
Aand then nightmare Moon banned Celestia to the Moon
And then nightmare Moon destroys Twilight library house and Spike died
Discord doesn't break out of stone
Twilight tries to figure out a plan to stop nightmare Moon and it's still sad after Spike's death
And then Twilight tries to make this thing power and it's like this black thing and possesses you it's first host is Twilight sparkle
And twilight kill nightmare moon
7 likesWhat if generation 4 is the original?
0 likesI was saw that episode I was so confused I was like there is no way they're in the right world
0 likesI though you were going to say the creepy pasta time line yes that's real!
0 likes………… I’m still in my childhood and you killed it
0 likesI loved my little pony
You ruined it
Hi how are you
5 likesI think you’re right I think that time line was the final time line
0 likesDamn sawtooth you ruined my childhood but if you watch other time travel things , they go back to the, timeline they were in so twilight went back which means probably g5 will be one of the other timelines . But these are all theories and I’m sure hasbro wouldn’t want to make it dark and crush our hearts into bits and pieces so we wouldn’t sue them
0 likes@SawtoothWaves I'm going to write a fanfiction about life in this forgotten world. I'm going to give credit to you for the idea, but could I use the thumbnail for the fanfic? It's okay if not.
0 likesCidney Poshi
0 likes19 minutes ago
can you please make a video of the 7th alternate time line, the wasteland? What was the cause of this time line? I think it was Starlight Glimmer. Please make the video ASAP!
6 likesSawtooth Waves, then what happened to the pony of shadow (in the real time)? Cause he actually banished in the human world but there is movie or news about that?
1 likeThat abandoned timeline is the Gen 5 world
0 likes"Nameless it " funnys line ever
0 likesif there is a change between those worlds,Does it relate to that ladybugs in equestria's change?!
0 likesEarly
5 likesme realizing this cool multiverse thing can go horribly wrong:OH MY F.ING GOD
0 likesMaybe sunset comes back in that timeline.
1 likeThe spooky tone in your voice just made me feel like laughing the whole time im sorry
1 likeThe mane 5 would think that Twilight just abandoned them
0 likes1 min ago!!
5 likesSawtooth I love ur vids I know everyone says this but I watch ur vids on the hour
0 likesUnless the 7th wasteland timeline was the original timeline.
0 likesThen Twilight become part of the organization to protect the timeline as Ms.Minutes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likes(Just voice actress joke Haha)
I think it's the same timeline because if it's a different timeline wouldn't we have see a clone of Twilight??? but it's just my theory
0 likesFirst!
5 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThe timeline now is nonexistent
0 likesThis actually scares me
1 likethe creators of mlp = This human knows too much.
0 likesOR Twilight and the rest went to a timeline were that world's twilight went to another and the world they left behind was back to normal as a twilight from another timeline came to that world so on so fourth 😉
0 likesHello
5 likesBut if it was a different timeline then there would be 2 twilights
0 likesOk this is sad I'm gotta cry :(
0 likesHonestly, I understand the theory, I still don't believe it.
0 likesHello!
5 likesWhat if the forgot time line is the time line that gen 5 is in
0 likesHoly cow!
0 likesplot twist it is the new my little pony time line.
0 likesI'm here
3 likesI think we saw this timeline...what if that seven one was the one twilight left......
0 likesHow does that happen with them just being there, im so confused
0 likesDude I was waiting for sequel of MLP of starlight traveling through the muliverse with doctor whooves and tixie and the gray pony
0 likesMaybe the timeline that when they were there in the rain boom is fine because starlight twilight and spike returned to the timeline that when they weren’t there the rain boom happend so everyone is safe
0 likes31th
3 likesBut what happened to the twilight and spike of the timeline they went into?
0 likesI think there in the place where they meant to be , original equestria.
0 likesThe 9th timeline could never be joined back with the old once it’s made you can’t go back and even if the timeline did join back wouldn’t aquestria have a lot of questions to ask like we’re they were
0 likesReplies (1)
This gives me a lot of questions on the 7 universes how did apple jack get her original cutie mark without the rainbow to point her back how did pinkie bring the partie to her family how did rarity discover her love of fashion how did flutter shy realise her awsome controll over animals how did twilight still become a allicorn how did rainbow dash go at the speed she loved to realise her love of wining they might of had the same destiny but how did they figure it out
0 likesPlot Twist: The MLP G5 Takes place in the Abandoned Timeline
0 likesThis kinda reminds me of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment
0 likesSawtooth you've been on youtube for years WHEN ARE YOU DOING A FACE REVEAL
1 likeNameless I demand to see the elements of neutral
0 likesi think it is the same timeline because there is possibility that in the original timeline they were present but we did not see
0 likesMordetwi is on S T O N K right now civilian. -optimus
0 likesI just noticed sawtooth has a bi flag in his pfp we love a bisexual king 🥰
1 likeReplies (1)
or queen 💅 but tysm!!!
0 likesWait... If the original timeline really is true was abandoned, then the new generation (The new season) might take place in that timeline since the new mlp looks very human-like? 'Cuz Unicorn has no magic, the three tribes aren't united like in Equestria does (Like how irl there are many races and it's an issue like there is racism and there is also a culture shock between races, like how the earth pony was shock and freaked out when they see unicorn and has many assumptions about them like we see on the trailer), the Crystal Empire might turn into Antarctica without the Crystal Heart, and the Mane 6 is just a legend in the new season. So in my theory if the original timeline was really abandoned, imo the new generation is from that timeline.
0 likesWe call this the Fluttershy affect
0 likesI bet the new world is the new generation. That's why all the races separated. Lack of the magic of friendship.
1 likeWhat if tirek destroyed the chest and the tree of harmony before the mane six got there what would happen because we saw tirek destroy the forest what if he hit the tree of harmony and the chest would the mane six still win or not would tirek steal the magic Pearl power hippogrifs and could tirek still the changelings magic or could he not because of the throne because if the mane six lost then the changeling never would of reformed so would the magic force Field give all the magic back or not because we saw that tirek can steal changeling magic could he steal the force field magic and steal all the changelings magic and keep going till he had all the magic or something else but what do you think sawtooth
1 likeI just started watching your vids so if you are right what happened to the abandoned world what happened to the starlight glimmer twilight and spike from the world we know??
0 likesMaybe they WERE supposed to be there. Even if we didn’t see them.
0 likesi think the original timeline would have been wiped out of the grandfather clock thing people are talking about.
0 likesHi saw tooth i know this is a old video but yes flurry heart would be born but in the clip it looks like flurry started crying because pinkie pie stoped holding onto her so the mane 5 wouldn't have to go to Crystal empire pinkie pie wouldn't stop holding her because she wouldnt be there and crystalis wouldnt have been attracted to flurrys love and they would have been gone and without twilight the school of friend ship wouldnt be open and cozy glow wouldnt be crying by the crusaders tree house for twilights school test there for it would just be normal and the would just have to get used to not living with twilight
0 likesMaybe the Twilight from the new timeline went to the old timeline and the one from the old timeline went to the old timeline. •-• Or it's just the same timeline and I'm an idiot.
0 likesu r wrong bc then what happened to the twillightin the duplicated world starlight,spike and twilight returned to the main world that we know no other timeline was created due to this change but there is another fact we can look into so in the episode where twilight goes to tell her past self that something is very wrong in the future it does make a huge impact in the future so even if future twilight just went into that world for 1 second and past twillight saw her it would change how twilight thinks and make a huge impact in the future so I don't think that being present in the past does not make any difference I just think that it dosen't change the timeline thus it only makes a loop that keeps on happening instead of traveling to another realm and ending the loop
0 likesMaybe they came Back to the original world and left the world where they were for a short few seconds live the rest normally but some ponies would just feel a disturbance in the force
0 likesi think the abandoned world went to the human world and turned into the mlp humans that we see today in the humanworld
0 likes1:26 😂 my earbuds died here and I thought he just ended the video with: "nothing."
0 likesMaybe the original timeline had them but we couldn't see
0 likesmabye in the other one sunset comes back after hearing twilight went missing! just a thought
0 likesim gunna see things in different ways
0 likesWhat about The Storm King Timeline;)?
1 likeWhat if in the 1 world they saw all 3 of them dead ☠️
0 likesWhen you and the Nameless guy talk I think it’s funny
0 likesWhat if they ARE in the different timeline but its similiar situation as last time with twilight,new twilight from different timeline came into her place etc.
0 likesSawtooth your always right accept this time you are wrong
0 likesIf there was a different but similar time line would 'nt there be a Different twilight sparkle who also tried to stop starlight from preventing the rainboom🤔🤔🤔🤔
0 likes"MLP can't be deep'
0 likesthis video
funniest thing ever "oh i have a time travel question why don't i just NAMELESS it?!
0 likesCan you do a video about Kirin?
0 likestbh this scared me along side it was night time
1 likeWhen it rlly was like that.. wouldn't there be an ohter Spike,Starlight and Twillight? And when it would give them then it might gives some option's! Maybe they where going back in time too and then land in the Original dimension ,but where are they if they are real?
0 likesTheory the next generation
1 likeOf pony live there this explaining why there's no magic it's cozy glow
This can’t be. if it was then where is the Twilight from this timeline. they were just yours there is another Twilight Who found the man six.
1 likeMe at 2:20: sir you need to start narrating creepy pastas your voice just BRIH
1 likeIts not how time travel works
0 likesThe last one the completely destroyed timeline when they stopped the rain boom it would only take a matter of time
0 likesHoly shit that's sad I think that what you said would happen but something different with Celestia she and twilight were really close sending letters spending time together she was like her daughter and now she has to rule equestria I think that'd be enough to snap and you know what that means DAY BREAKER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 EQUSTRIA WOULD BURN TO THE GROUND
0 likesSawtooth I'm a changeling as well I take place as an alicorn and I'm as powerful as flurry heart so I can go to divorce realm I think that's where the real statue.
0 likesrainbow dash probably have a memory of those three being there
0 likesHey no one saw them In the past? No one could remember seeing them. What if they was there in the original. Just like the loop with future Twilight warning her past self about the future.
0 likesNo one saw them, so they weren't in the flashback
How is he so smart…..
0 likesIf its a seperate timeline, then where are the alternate spike twilight and starlight? Are they still there? Did they go back to the original timeline?
0 likesI only disliked this because I am heartbroken, shocked, and in disbelief. And now I am depressed.
0 likesYou are right sawtooth The world of pony Vill is a wreck
0 likesHey can you plz do a vid of what would happen if celesta was day breaker and Luna ruled and how different everything would be
0 likesI like the merging in the end ideas better then that... depressing ideas
0 likesWhat if there is a tat imagine where there’s capitalize Queen and fire queen because of the night the moon is cold enough to date hot
0 likesNow that's sad ;<;
0 likesayo i remember when u were called the brony notion. i used to binge watch your videos as a kid cus i was cool :D
0 likesI will never like theories like this
0 likesI don't think any of this happened since, well, it's a kids show, it's not supposed to be this complicated/deep
I just noticed that the student 6 will not take the main 6 element of harmony they will make there one
0 likesThis is why i hate/scared of time travel-
0 likesHe got point 😨
2 likesImagine they go again in a time line and go tot he abandonded one
0 likeshasbro watches be likes: WE CAN EXPLAIN!!!
0 likesThis is a very cool theory
0 likesMLP s forgetten World is from future, Twilight Sparkle in finale has change to Real Alicorn but has later been to gone, And in new generation Sunset Shimmer has ruler of eqwestria?
1 likeThe way you said all this stuff gave me chills, you did a great job, same for the nameless one
1 likeWell that should mean in the first timeline twilight was lost because she went to other timelines and came to a new timeline where there exists no other twilight.. Then that timeline............. Must've been the first timeline she left! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
0 likesLost time line sawtooth.
0 likesIf they really went back to that moment that means that in the origenal they were also there becuse that woud just mean that they were at 2 places at the same time but in diferent ages
0 likes(What if in the origenal timeline they where also there)
Sorry for bad grammar😅
I don’t think it is true because when they came back all of them was happy to see them and I don’t really think that makes kinda sense for me 😅 it’s not another world because if it was I feel like half the world would change
0 likesI’m pretty sure that The real World doesn’t exist anymore The Real timeline it’s gone
0 likesNew sub 👍
0 likesI really hope your wrong because it real sad 😔 and starlight would spend her life in tarderis if they get back but hopefully they merge back together
1 likeperhaps this is why in the new mlp movie gen 5? frenship lost its purpouse in another vid u mentioned perhaps winter drove poinies away sooooooo maybe the movie is set in the left behind timeline
0 likesWait your wrong because they went back to the 1st world so the 2nd world wouldn't be abandoned because baby twilight was still in the world and if I was wrong there would be 2 twilight's in the same world
1 likeThat was depressing
0 likesWhat happened to the uplifting fun voice you had when you started I want that sawtooth back
0 likesTVA'S Answer:
0 likes....''Thats classified.''
Nope, there would be 2 of each one of those 3... It's "magic".
0 likesReplies (1)
New subscriber, thanks for sharing, I MISS M.L.P. F.I.M.!
0 likesIf it was a different universe when their twilight
0 likesKumala Kumala Celestia!
0 likescan you please check out your did celestia bailed out night mare moon. In the comments I think I found out who bailed her out.
0 likesCelestia would replace twighlight with rainbow dash probably because they act similar even though Pegasus she might turn alicorn
0 likesThis actually fricked me out
0 likeswhat happens if they were there in the original au so nothing happens
0 likesif a timeline it like a line of water it block with your hand witch time travel it redirect but water somehow find it way back together but if the route is too different then it never merge
0 likesI was just watching another video and what if flurry heart ruled the dream realm
0 likesI think the allacorns name shud be princess crystal.
0 likesThorax was cold hearted changeling killer.
0 likesI would just get a puddle, put a little toothpick and see if anything changes, nothing changes then yay..something changes, oh no-
0 likes🤯woh mind blown
0 likesWhile sunset shimmer just relaxing in the other dimension
0 likesThe tree is harmony was in control of where they went right? Therefore it would think of things like this and avoid them
0 likesHmmm Time traveling how can I time travel? Oh wait you’re not gonna answer that are ya?
0 likesSawtooth waves make a theory about why dont tirek takes discord power in the end of the end when he takes it in princess twilight sparkle does grogars bells multiply power or something bc he said no being can handle discords power when he can
0 likesIts 10pm where I am and u maid me think😐
2 likesAlso I watch alot of realistic syfi cinda programs aswell and by there logect at some point if there is 2 timelines they will collide🤯
Ok so what if your first theory is true wouldn't all the ponies be at war with each other and the villains. Like : windigoes, sombra, cozy, chriseles and terek
0 likesUmm sorry to delete your theory from the world of mlp Mr. waves, but this is not possible at all, and all thanks to Discord: You said yourself that he lives in between worlds so wouldn't he probably know if the 3 ended up in another world but we totally see discord acting as NORMAL as he can be, without a warning or even a surprised look next time he shows up.
1 likeMaybe the original timeline is G5?
0 likesMaybe Generation 6 is the abandoned timeline
0 likesOk I commented on this before, but there’s 1 more I forgot to address. Sunset Shimmer. What if Sunset also got news that Twilight was gone in this abandoned timeline?
0 likesgah spike twilight and starlight did return to the main timeline Sawtooth Waves!
0 likeswake up twilight sparkle, wake up
0 likesI think you might be right that was not the real time line
0 likesThanks a lot you ruined my childhood and I'm only 10 years old I was just about to watch My Little Pony
0 likesI hope ur wrong lol. That was pretty logical but so depressing I don't wanna belive it :(
2 likesNot cozy glow because she wouldn't be evil because she would see so much magic she would be a kind helper
0 likesThis doesn't make sense because then where are the original twilight and spike in the timeline they went to? If they somehow dissapeared the mane 6 would've had a reaction
0 likesBecause I watched this I got recommended sunset shimmer sleeping asmr
0 likesIf this happened it will be sad
0 likesstarlight should be punished for what she did
0 likesMade that empty world of nothing was the original universe
0 likesNo, I love you theories & think about all of them, but…please no. NOT LAUREN FAUST CONFIRMEEDDD!!!!!!!! Edit: Ok thank god… never mind.
1 likeWhat about when twilight become an alicorn at the end of season 3 ? She just teleport to celestia own world that she could turn normal unicorn into alicorn , i mean when twilight just teleport to celestia's world is morning in ponyville but when she came back is turn to night and her friend elements are gone. I just wonder why ik its weird to some people but it could be some detail you may not know or foget?
0 likesI think Grogar switched time (message from Marianne, age 6)
0 likes....... I left this fandom about 2 years ago(distracted by anime) ..... Now i returned..... WHEN DID PONIES TURNED THIS DARK??? Yeah sure the fananimations were creepy sometimes.... Khm rainbow factory... Smile song ect.... BUT this is a theory THAT IS SO CREEPY IN CANON.... AND. IT. IS. CANON....
0 likesOmg... I Nevers see it like that!
0 likesI have a question about time
0 likesI'll just Nameless it :3
No starlight got another twilight from another universe so that's not the real twilight
0 likesOoh 🤔🧐 that cool 🙂
0 likesmlp is homestuck confirmed
0 likesTrue it’s probably Possible that the timeline split up but it is possible that the third timeline like a 10th timeline could’ve appeared due to result of this abandoned timeline because he’s gonna end up destroying the balance of everything so this could end up causing multiple timelines to start glitching out like a lotta bad stuff happening I don’t know I could be also reading too much into this
0 likesTIME LOOP!!!!!
0 likesHey Gen5 may be the forgotten time-line
0 likesNo the nameless one I have all of those covered already
0 likesIf the other one exist then and yeah probably it's going to be a total wasteland!
0 likesThey were cloned, nothing changed.
0 likesNo one:
0 likesAbsolutely no one:
Youtube:ViEtNaMeSe CaPtIoNs
Mm,Yes the Floor here is made of floor
I didn't need to know any of this... 😔
0 likeshe is frogeting about one thing
0 likesfurry heart
twilght didn't cure the heart furry heart did
when furry heart grew up maybe she was the only hope in this timeline
so furry heart probably had to learn the same things twilght did to become the new ruler of equrasita
I think it may have become the human world and Pinkie pie was stuck in there and then went back for the first time in the portal closed pinkie pie was stuck
0 likestheory: this is how G5 happened
0 likesThe abandoned one the pony’s they all die… I know it’s brutal and gruesome sorry tho!! :D
1 likeThen how did Ash get back to the real world if he was in an different universe magic from the Pokémon there and yes there’s a Pokémon a reference if you don’t know Pokémon I’m fine with it
0 likeswhat if they WERE already there im the original timeline
0 likesBrrr… the very thought makes me shiver. DELTARUNE SNOWGRAVE I NO LONGER FEAR TO GO YOUR PATH
0 likesWhat if g5 is the original timeline
0 likesThis got dark quick.
0 likesI don’t think so because where would the other twilight be.
1 likeThumbnail, DO YOU SEE THE SHIP
0 likesI wonder how matpat say about this theory!
0 likesThere was a person on the over side of things then the twilights swiped
0 likesWhy is no one talking about the storm king's invasion
0 likesLol my out dated ass has a perfect series for this video, here is my theories
1 likeentity can't just disappear in time/dimension regardless what, they simply moved on to the next dimension, and because dimensions all to getter forms circle, the twilight simply shifted one dimension upward and no entity Is lost, so no ne twilight replacement isneeded 😉 ya probbly no one will understand that
think, what if the new gen 5 movie is the forgotten timeline??????
0 likesI think you’re right oh I think twilight friends will go and they will never meet again
0 likesOh...
0 likesO-oh, oh dear God... now that I think of it... this is disturbing.
I just thought they were never on camera
0 likesThis is why the TVA exists
0 likesNameless best search engine
0 likesI think they return to the present
0 likesPfftt what if the abandoned timeline was the timeline where the new mlp movie was in xDD
0 likesWait a minute but what would happens with the storm king
0 likesWon't the abandoned already have them it will make a loop plus there would be two twilights spikes and starlight glimmers
0 likesSawtooth who is the pony of shadows in the old castle
0 likesAnd that's what "bus factor" is kids!
0 likesWithout twilight shit would go down badly its probably not a very good timeline whatever its like or maybe they were always at the first rainboom so everything is just a loop
0 likesWait hold up in the original timeline is like this THAN WHERE WAS DISCORD WHEN THEY NEEDED HIM THE MOST .-.
0 likesI think it can’t be because there would be two Twillights and spikes and an evil starlight and good starlight
1 likeMakes sense -
0 likesMaybe the G5 MLP is the ORIGINAL TIMELINE!😲 jus maybe! Can you pls do one theory about this?
0 likesReplies (1)
Cuz there is NO MAGIC!
0 likeswhat is that burnt timeline that we saw in that episode was the original timeline they just didn't recognize it
0 likesSo is there new at the abandoned time line. Or no
0 likesWhat do you gain from this
0 likestell me why thorax is not saw tooth's uncle.
0 likesgone i think it’s gone nothing left of equestria
0 likesIf you’re right then they would be as old as Granny Smith
0 likesthe original one would stop existing
0 likesMLP's forgotten world = Nürburgring Südschleife
0 likesif you look at the discord timeline carfully you would have noticed that the tree of harmony would have died since discord did not tell the mane 6
0 likesbut i notticed that not one of those timelines had somthing special somthing connected to the tree somthing the mane 6 use againts evil
the elements
Replies (1)
im using my sisters accont
0 likesThis is depressing
0 likesif your theory is true that means and if tirek cozy glowv and crysalis stil team up that means that their old world is ruled over by tirek cozy glow and crysalis
0 likesWhat about discord he is god after all well i think he is. Can’t he just open a portal and get twilight and the others?
0 likesThe theory is interesting
0 likesI don't believe this as this show is a kids show and they would not have any things depressing to think about in it. They wouldn't add a mystery we would have found out by now aswell.
0 likesI haven't watcged this channel in years and thought it's name is still brony nation :X
0 likesYou forgot about starnlight
0 likesUm Hey sawtooth can i ask something?i have a question....WHOS THE DARK PRINCESS?!?! I MEAN THERES FLURRY UEART YOU MADE A THEORY OF FLURRY BEING THE LIGHT PRINCESS....I MEAN clears throat ok its not luna..cuz if shes the dark princess wouldnt celesta be the princess of light plz solve this i have been trying to solve this mystery myself for months....
1 likeReplies (1)
maybe im the dark alicorn princess
0 likesOr in that race raibow dash saw them and when he brought the storie to twilight they tell it to celestia and she us a special memory see spell and show their image and after that dash and twilight became much closser
0 likesWhat if in the original timeline is the same as the the one the return to beacuse it is a timeloop.
0 likesWhat if they where there in the og timeline but no noticed them
0 likesTwilight on he thumbnail is giving me nightmares
0 likesWhat happens if they were there at the normal rain boom then it won't be true......🤔🤔
0 likesWdym spike and twilight and starlight would gone it does make since but you said the “abandoned timeline” would play out mostly the same
0 likesI hope the second is real .. ( or the last part 8 meant )
0 likesMagic is cool
0 likesSombra and christalist would fight each other
0 likesUh Sawtooth the way I see it the timelines wouldn't diverge ever heard of 2 timelines combining to become one in the same the way you are talking it wouldn't be an abandoned timeline it would be 2 timelines combined into one
0 likesi am pretty sure they merge back if not than that's just upseting
0 likesWhat is the abandoned timeline is where the new mlp generation movie is👀
0 likesD E A D
0 likesmaybe forgotten meens is lost the timelane
0 likesPlease don't say negative things
1 likeEquestria is in trouble.
0 likesOne question when pony Twilight go to human she got wings but when a Twilight come to pony world human Twilight not get wings
0 likesIt's a paradox
0 likesOk I totally agree
0 likesthe old timeline is probably DeRp
0 likesThe seventh world was when twilight starlight and spike went the fake world because when they left it became nothing with out twilight starlight and spike they would have no idea how to Defeat the bad guys.
0 likesMy the new movie/series the new generation is the abandoned world since in mlp there is always a good ending
0 likesThe original timeline is the movie???
0 likesBut how did sunset shimmer meet twilight again when she'd go back to Equestria in forgotten friendship episode
0 likesSomething doesn't feel quite right about this time travel problem the more I think of it. Maybe because I watched Doctor who, but I feel like there is a possibility of these seven timelines staying alive is hard.
1 likeLast I watched this episode its hard to say if Starlight stopped Rainbow Dash at the exact same time every attempt. There are a handful of problems with this that being at work causes problems to type fully. So I'll give brief points and a followup.
1) If Starlight stopped RD in multiple points in the race, then the problem is clear to see. If RD is stopped earlier in the race, she can't be stopped later due to never appearing. Thus that timeline can't be reborn or created
2) If they [the multiple Starlights] stop RD at the same time, then how did seven come to be? How can they all not see eachother and cause problems that way?
3) The time scroll was destroyed. How do we know that didn't act as a reset to ensure what happens, happens?
I'm sure I'm just overthinking it because I'm bouncing back and forth at work currently, but I feel like these are important to consider somehow.
your probably wrong because then the time that they are in right now they would be another twilight
0 likesI'll be as direct as possible. I quote Rick from Rick and Morty when I say everything exists in space. If you want the long answer, read on. It is just a matter of which numbered nigh-infinitesimal goes where it goes. Just don't ask me the difficult questions as I can't answer those. I'm better off not knowing for sure. I know you didn't ask me-- not exactly anyway; then again, I don't want to leave you hanging. Make your own call. If your level is high enough, in theory, you could just Plane Shift a whole Sub-plane. Again, it is just a matter of numbering each piece and putting them back in place. I can't say though that time would play /in reverse/ half of time's duration after time started as that makes a lot of assumptions about the rubber-band effect of actions and reactions. There is a possible D&D stat called Faith, and if someone used a Transformative check and call, one might not even need to do numeration hax of every single speck and could in theory bring something back exactly as they called it, but again, there is likely a callback to the influence and therefore no real turn back in equal kind. As for what kinds of magics would infer this to exist perfectly or an example of what kind of magic could lead to such a result, let's just say being told not to use someone as a search engine is not just a river in Egypt figure-skating. Use your imagination. I will warn that a Nat 20 will only bring the highest /reasonable/ result on a d20 for being... the highest roll you can get naturally on a d20. Say for example you jokingly told a King that you will declare proclamations in his/her alleged image for the next week. And you roll a Nat 20 for Charisma check. Congratulations, the King will not slaughter you. The King may even let you keep /one/ of your rights. Who knows how lucky I would get around a dragon if I rolled a Nat 20 for... any statistics? Not to mention the possibility that the dragon has stat-scrambling hax. Better to not pry.
0 likesi doubt that cuz the tree wouldn't be hanged up right?
0 likesHow about you talk about my little pony a new generation
0 likesI hate you, for having such good theories, you need to stop ruining mlp for me, because I will never be able to not think about this when watching mlp.
0 likesIdk this is a bit farfetched like mabe the 2 ponies and spike were their when it happened but when we saw it through rainbowdashes eyes she didn’t see them
0 likesthe original may not even be the original who knows
0 likesMaybe Discord ( from original timeline ) would discover what happened to Twilight and he would prevent other disasters in Equestria.
0 likesCan I actually make this an au or something?
0 likesJw
Hmmm I think the forgotten world is not that bad think of it this way the. Ponies would do all that but when they lost hope fluttershy would probably tell discord and seeing how sad she is would probably go back in time to see what happened following twilight with some ghostly spell which will prevent her from seeing him. Then he would tell fluttershy. I'm not sure what would happen next but at least they would know what happened and try to solve it and who knows what really happened?
0 likes4:58 LOLLLL
1 likeMaybe it’s original history starlight was there
0 likesI have zero Questions 😂
1 likeThen where is twilight in the copy if she was there?
0 likesI thought the same few years ago
0 likesSo when I was watching the video I stopped at the time you should the two pictures, I looked at it and I small differences in the clouds 😳😳😳
0 likesSchrödinger's timeline.
0 likesThis makes me so maaaaad
0 likesHappy holidays.
0 likesOn maybe they were there the entire time.
1 likeThe sky is a pitch-black the quads are blue everything has been corrupted
0 likesGrimdark ideas anyone?
0 likesOk telling you that when twilight come to the actual world I will know that you come to the wrong was because then how did the mane 6 the door open
0 likesI’m So Glad This Is Isn’t Confirmed And Thus, Not Canon
0 likesMe : nooooot another childhood ruined.
0 likesI know maybe in the world they will not be friends again then the villains win then the world is forgotten
0 likeswhat if its g5 eqzesria?
0 likesI think that is all broke aparte
0 likesHow would the other paradoxill world be the same if they didn’t have the main 3 to make it look like there world they live in than? Oulndt there be a ulternet Spike Twilight and the other one to make that diffrent time line be there and wouldn’t the other ponies in that time line have memory of them?
0 likesI am writing this while Doing mY homework cause my mom is in the Bath room And I get time to WriTe thaT' This weirdly Amazing theory is veryyyyyyyy likely '(Big brain me)🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😘😘😘
0 likesI think this means nothing. This could be another paradox like the (Its about time episode) that in the cutie marc chronicles maybe spike starlight and twailight is already in the clouds, another time paradox where shes already there, i mean the rainbow is diffrent cuz the rainbow in the prime timeline is horizontal not vertical so this could be a diffrent one but i still think its just a time paradox
0 likesoh no sawtooth king thorax told you not to.
0 likesAnd make another video about human Sombra
0 likesThis video made me sad
0 likesi think the seventh aka the timeline where nothing is left maybe MAYBE daybreakers timeline as one of her lines said "i will destroy anyone who i see"or something like that
0 likesReplies (1)
Did you even watch the day breaker episode? Daybreaker was just a figment of starlights dream 🤦.
0 likesi will never be the same again oh my GOD /hj
0 likeswhy with your voice it sounds like a creepypasta omg haha
0 likes(I'm not from england so this is not maybe right) but anyway are twilight and Princess Luna some kind of cousins or something, because both of they colors are like night and twilight's dad has two moons in his cutiemark and Luna have one. Shining Armor has stars on his cutiemark twilight and her mum have too!!! And shining Armor and celestia have the same skin color. Luna, shining Armor and his mum have also blue eyes🤔🤔🤔
0 likesThis video just ruined my childhood:( PS: Can someone plsssssss tell me where to watch season 9
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesYou are right
0 likesYoure right no one nows my little pony!
0 likesCool
0 likesEvil au tho👀
0 likesno i cant sleep tonight T-T
0 likesYes you'd be right but it is possible that haff the villains would still attack but I would say that it's most likely it would be like twilight just never existed and instead some one else was the princess of magic though it is possible that after the fact of them coming home that time line would merge together but if they let's say we're not noticed then no nothing would change nothing would happen and every thing would be fine
0 likesReplies (1)
I would like to say that cozy glow would never be evil but that's just a theory of mine
0 likesI'm just thinking... You just explained the Bootstrap Paradox with Twilight going back to tell herself not to worry, just like The Doctor going back and telling himself which lever to pull. And here you talk about the "Original Timeline" when Starlight prevents the Rainboom, but.... That comes after It's About Time, and There! is the question... With all the zig-zagging in the timeline to get to the "self-fulfilling prophesy", is anything after that episode still the same timeline as when the girls defeated Nightmare Moon?
1 likemaybe there will be no mane six
0 likesI wish twilight was back in the world because how are they gonna fight and then their friend is gone now I can't ask my little pony can you change it because it doesn't have the thing I can speak So I miss twilight sparkle at that world with their friends😨😭😢😰😱😥😓😅
0 likesMLP What IF >>> Marvel What IF
0 likesInteresting
0 likesOkay dude your being dramatic maybe they came back right after they left time travel is weird okay dude
1 likedon't forget she's an alicorn she has dutie thats selfish i'm hugging mu twiligh sprkle doll
0 likesI think Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were ALWAYS there from the start. We just never saw them there before. Think of Back To The Future and how the reason Doc lives is because Marty already went back, sure things do change at the end but Doc explains that as the ripple effect in part 2. I guess a better example would be Bill and Ted with how the broke the historical figures out of jail, the traps they set were already in place because they would go back in time later to set them. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were always there, them just doing nothing and going back simply kept the timeline on the original path is all.
0 likesThis is a kids show theres no deeper meaning, people dont get this
0 likesI agree in the triangle😁😁🍓🍓
0 likesThe real time is ok
0 likesYou seriously almost ruin MLP for me but then you change it and it’s not ruined but you have come so close to ruining it for me SO MANY TIMES!!!!
0 likesIs it just me or does the thumbnail kinda creep me out
0 likesNice!
1 likeKeep up the great work and the awesome job.
The season 5 final episodes was the first MLP episodes I saw. With these episodes, I started watching the MLP series in 2016. I love this two series!
0 likesAbout different timelines: I think the Doctor Whooves with his TARDIS could help with the answer to the question of what is happening there in the alternate timelines. )))
I think everything boils down to three possible outcomes depending on what happens to the timelines:
0 likes1- the timelines reunite and everything goes on like usual
2- the timelines stay separated, meaning that the original timeline would end up magicless thanks to Cozy, which could lead to the extinction of the changelings and to the same settings se have for the beginning of the G5, only much sooner and with less info about Equestria's Legends (another possibility would be that this Is the ONLY timeline where we'll have G5)
3- the timelines merge again, only this time something goes wrong. The unifocation causes changes no one ever notices, bringing to the creation of the G4.5 or Pony Life
In all the other timelines, Twilight’s map still existed, like there’s an external force of magic that was trying to right itself. I think that Starlight’s redemption would be that external magic’s desired outcome, meaning it’d probably merge the timelines. But those are just my thoughts!
0 likesThis sort of reminds me of this fanfic called Reflections where Twilight was taken to alternate timelines and lived in another timeline. In that story, though, her own timeline was destroyed and the Twilight in the timeline she resides now was killed.
0 likesI think this makes so much sense! And it would make a really good story concept
1 likeHonestly I do think you're right, but be that as it may. Twilight traveled back in time to warn herself not to worry which ultimately became the time loop we all know and love. Perhaps they did travel to a different timeline in which they live on and the universe restored balance within itself by making a copy of that timeline. However I may be completely wrong and the timeline they left could just be a wasteland ruled by Chrysalis or even Tirek and Cosy Glow, but I like to believe balance was kept and they never truly abandoned their former home.
0 likesI always knew that if you look deeper into the MLP universe, it's way darker than it seems.
1 likeReplies (1)
I didn't until I was teenager but then I realized yes way darker if you like dark stuff then wach the truth about my little pony but I don't recmened it if you don't like darkness and stuff
0 likesMost likely scenario is that it's another "It's about time" sort of time travel thing. It was inevitable that Starlight would be talked out of destroying the time spell by Twilight on this timeline.
0 likesRainbow's cutie mark story as it was told in Season 1 has Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in it. They were just off screen and unnoticed. (They are pretty much retconned into it because FiM's story hadn't been written this far during Season 1.)
The dark part about this is that the show has been following the best possible timeline, whereas numerous other timelines exist where the villains rule.
I personally think both theories are right, actually
0 likesThere's still a total of 9 timelines
the first 7 being the ones Starlight made by stopping the rainboom
the 8th being the main one, which everyone returns to at the end of the episode
and the 9th one is the one where the 3 were present, but made no actual changes
keep in mind that if the 3 went into that timeline's present, coming from a different timeline, there likely woulda been some issues with the Twilight, Spike, & Starlight already from that timeline
it's not like the ones we have just replaced the ones from that timeline
We've seen Time Travel in the show before. When Future Twi went back to warn Past Two to not worry. In that episode it became a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. It could be that those three were always there, but Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash forgot about them in the excitement, and in the correct timeline Fluttershy was too she to really notice. Plus Fluttershy being dropped from a cloud would be to scared to really pay attention. This leaving us with a version of the story that leaves out the unicorn that can walk on clouds, an Alicorn nobody heard of, and a Dragon.
0 likesWhat if the Twillight from the new time-line did the same thing and went to the first time-line. So now there's two time-lines that are pretty much exactly the same?
2 likesI think that it uses the back to the future timeline logic. whenever they go back, everything from that point is rewritten as though nothing after it actually happened. To an outsider looking in on twilight and starlight, they would have disappeared, and then just reappeared moments later after twilight convinced her to stop.
0 likesOne time-travel variant has it that the traveler's presence was necessary to ensure that events happen as they were supposed to. Any "alternate" timelines disappear into the quantum foam or something.
0 likesInteresting. And yeah, it being another "chrysalis victory timeline" is somewhat believable, UNLESS the winter and snow taking the Crystal Empire changes it somehow, maybe making ponies more wary and now with more eyes with the crystal ponies probably joining them, causing more security to be raised, maybe needing either bigger swarm or too much stealth than Cryssi is able to gather/organize when considering her apparent ego. And yes Cozy is still a thing that might try something...
0 likesBut that's just me thinking at random.
I see two possible results. 1. Like when Twilight used the original version of the spell it created a closed timeloop, that in the original timeline Future Twilight was present for the Rainboom, Starlight time traveling was always destined to happen. Or 2. This alternate time line is the Equestria of G5, the alliance of creatures never happened and the school of friendship never opens. With out the princess of friendship the 3 tribes separate and the Element fad into Myths. I like the 1st idea best it fits with the effects the episode "It's About Time" showed, that you can't really alter the past, what you do you already did the first time. Also I explains why the portal destroyed the scroll, to close the loop, possibly sending a partly ruined version of the spell back in time for Starswril to in essence creating itself.
0 likesNot even considering villains being able to take over if Starlight, Twi and Spike disappeared from that timeline - imagine the absolute devastation felt by all who knew them (yes, even Starlight as her parents would have no idea where their daughter went as well). The Princesses, Shining Armor and their parents, the remaining Mane 6, Twi's Canterlot friends, and everyone else Twilight and Spike have helped over the years, would all be mortified. Imagining the pain and stress of knowing something awful must have happened to them would have an immense psychic impact on Equestria. Insane to think about.
0 likesWell now thats something im sure not many have thought of till now. Mind blown. Still depending on ones interpretation of time travel, probably a minor detail like that, doesn't effect much (also wouldn't that create a time loop? where they constantly go back and forth threw time?) im sure we are still seeing the original time line because everything carries on as normal thus the 2 merge when they return from the past.
0 likesI thought of a new theory. The 6th element isn't magic, it's hope. Why would a friendship need magic to function properly? Every other element is a key part of friendship. But if you think about "The Return of Harmony" part 1 and 2, when everypony turns the opposite of their element, Apple Jack starts lying, Pinky Pie becomes paranoid that everyone is laughing at her, Rairity becomes a selfish hoarder, Fluttershy becomes a cruel brute, Rainbow Dash becomes Unfaithful, and finally Twilight loses hope in her friends.
1 likeAnd in Twilight's Kingdom, Twilight gains her key from still having hope in Discord. instead of leaving him behind for betraying them she continues to have hope that Discord will try to stay on the path of good. Which inspires Discord to have hope in his friends once again, and offering Twilight the necklace that Tirek gave him.
And what's a key part of friendship, hope, you have hope in your friends, you believe the best out of them.
Hm, interesting theory. So now we have a timeline with no Crystal Heart, no Magic, and without magic, probably no Chrysalis or any specific pony to rule it all. Without the ability to shapeshift, I guarantee the changelings would be fought off. But still, dang. No magic all of a sudden? That must have been shocking... wait.
0 likesNo magic? No single pony in charge? Full panic? That sounds oddly familiar. Almost sounds just like — no, it couldn't be... could it? Could this be where the new generation came from?! We know it's the future from the same universe, but we don't know for sure that it's the same time line. What if it's the future of the ORIGINAL timeline? The mane six, including Twilight, would still have existed, and their impact on friendship would have remained although it would have stopped at the moment Twilight left. When Twilight disappeared and the Crystal Heart shattered, the now Mane 5 might have shared the Friendship Journal to bring hope. Or even to just remember Twilight. But with worse things around the corner, all of this would come to failure. Eventually, Equestria would be pinned against itself, magicless, just like the new generation. This could even explain the lack of other creatures in the G5 world, as they only came along after Twilight defeated the Storm King.
Hold up. We completely forgot about the Storm King! Chrysalis would have NEVER been in charge with him around. And with the princesses frozen and ponies like Tempest and Cozy around, no WONDER ponies don't trust eachother! And with no trust AND the princesses being captured, the tribes would have no choice but to rule separately. This would also give Cozy another reason to destroy magic, as a way to rid Equestria of the Storm King. This would essentially lead to all the villains being powerless and the now separated Equestria could be relatively at peace, apart from major distrust and paranoia.
Or there's always the possibility that when the map zapped Starlight's time spell it undid any damage and mended the timeline together, explaining why the map was always present anyways. 🤷🏻♀️
Hey Sawtooth, just a question are you ever planning to make a video on MLP G5 when it comes out, or are you just going to stick with G4?
1 likeThe extra spectators DEFINATELY wouldn't cause enough variance to branch the timeline.
1 likeHow do we know that the three "observers" weren't there in the first time line? They simply could have been not noticed by any pony because the rainboom distracted everyone who was there. For that matter, maybe the rainboom would have never happened in the first place without Starlight interfering. Is it possible for certain incidents to be closed loops in time?
0 likesThis is giving me a bunch of questions at the right time
1 likeBut both of the theories you told in the video are making sense well I don't know what now
It's dark but cool when you think about it :)
More importantly, what happened to the Twilight from the new near identical timeline when original twilight appeared there? Or is she off to yet another near identical timeline with Starlight? If so, wouldn't that mean we have infinite paralel timelines that swapped through a few twi and starlights? In that case, are we certain the past with them in it wasn't the original from the start?
0 likesBut of they were to go back to a different timeline like you said, what about the existing twilight in that world?
1 likeI think that personally, the timeline they fixed is the same as the one they used to be (like how you explained)
Because if they went into that new timeline, where they're part of rd's backstory, then ponies would already know she's an alicorn,
And fluttershy and or rainbow dash would've made the connection thst they've both seen the trio before
That would mean their very first interaction would be very different
Meaning it wouldn't turn out the same way
And even if they created a new timeline with it, why would this new timeline conviently lack it's spike, it's twilight, and it's starlight?
It's a strange coincidence to rely on,
So I believe they returned to their proper timeline :)
if ur confused leave questions in the replies
I think your story makes sense. But I do see a happy ending after all. If there is a world without Twilight, there likely is a world with two Twilights. In that world, she will sooner or later meet her (younger) double. Because Twilight is smart, she will hopefully figure out that if there is a world with two of her, there must be a world with a void.
0 likesShe definitely is capable to figure out time travel. Whatever Starswirl the Bearded can do, Twilight can do and even surpass. So eventually she will go on another adventure, moving everypony back to their original worlds.
That's a nice plot line for a fanfic actually: the heartbreaking reunion with her friends who were taken aback by her eerie disappearance.
Conclusion: if there is a world without her, she will be able to find it and be able to time- (or otherwise) jump to that place. Problem solved.
For who is interested in creating fiction and mixing in some (almost) real science, I posted a lengthy article here yesterday. I'm a fanfic writer myself and I can use some help in cracking nuts like these. Just reply or send me a PM. :)
To sum it up: time travel is pseudo-science, but it's a great story device. If you like world building and want to use a background of real science for greater believability, you may find the the many-worlds-theory interesting. A basic knowledge of the theory of relativity can help you understand causality. Finally, graph theory tells about open and closed loops, which makes it easier to understand the reverberations of time- and multiverse jumps.
I completely understand where you're coming from and find that this is very observant of you!! However, i have two criticisms that unfortunately completely disprove this take. 1 being that since this is an alternate timeline there would have to be an alternate twilight as many others have already pointed out. This way of interpreting time travel would mean that there is a second twilight that grew up in the altered timeline. The only way to escape this is to adopt another timeline theory in which instead of alternate timelines the timeline is simply rewritten. But then the alternate world that twilight abandoned would no longer exist. The second issue being that that we have been shown time travel in the mlp series before and it showed that in this universe that is not how time travel works. Since we don't know how time travel would realistically work we can only guess at how it would affect our timeline. There are multiple theories but the one that you used that would result in an abandoned timeline is not the one the show used. In that episode where twilight was visited by her future self with a "doomsday warning" shows that in the mlp universe time is fixed and cannot be changed. This theory implies that the same thing will happen every time and no matter what you do to change it future you has done it too. Any time travel done in the mlp universe is on a loop. So it can only be that twilight starlight and spike were always there as spectators of the rainboom. But i love the idea that there could be an abandoned timeline i think that would be so interesting!!
0 likesWouldn't that mean there should be an extra Twilight, Spike and Starlight in the timeline we witnessed after the end of season 5? Unless the native Twilight, Spike and Starlight from that timeline also failed to return to their own world and showed up in another. And again. And again.
0 likesTurtles all the way down, in other words.
Each new timeline means new ponies. I think everyone would notice if there were two princesses of friendship.
0 likesI don't know how time travel works but I think they didn't really travel through timelines. It seems to be more of jumping back and forth one timeline, constantly changing it. So that's why we didn't see Twilight, Starlight or Spike in the alternative presents.
Though, even with my rather poor knowledge, I know it'd born some problems I don't know how to solve. It's just a five minute theory
This is something I've thought way too much about ever since seeing that episode, and honestly? It makes my brain hurt.
0 likesok i think you forgot about the spike, twilight and starlight of the timeline they went into. what happened to them? would the trio we followed merge into them or would they switch places? and if they switched places how would it affect the original timeline? idk i mainly have questions but i like the thought behind this video
0 likesTwilight changing the past and stopping the rainboom happen could probably make her not meeting her friends and the mane 6 not meeting each other would mean destruction and darkness to equistria forever. Luna would not return to her good side and forgive her sister and she would take over equistria for good. Man this video and the time travel episode really made me think of stuff that I never thought of until now.
0 likesInteresting concept and such, but I do have a question for this theory. If Starlight, Spike, and Twilight were sent to a separate timeline created by their presence at the Rainboom… what happened to the original trio of that timeline? Let’s say everything else happened almost exactly the same, which would keep the timeline the same as well. But then Spike, Twilight, and Starlight still would’ve gone on that timeline adventure in the timeline where they were present back then. Which means that when that trio allowed the rainboom to occur, they would’ve returned to their timeline because it wouldn’t need to create a new one. Therefore I’d love to hear a theory on what happened to them, assuming that they didn’t just fail and end up in a horrible timeline.
0 likesHonestly, Time Travel both scares me and makes me curious. I mean, I know one of my ocs is really all about timelines, but when I think of it like this... it kinda scares me. I might have to get back into an MLP stage!
0 likesEdit: kinda already am XD about a month later
The abandoned timeline might be the timeline that the newest generation of ponies live in, this is just a fun thought, if all of what you said will happen did occur, then i would like to think that the ponies eventually found a way to fix the situation, but because of the traumatic event, everypony became distant and untrusting, and maybe Cozy Glow was the reason as to why all the magic was gone in the current world of gen5, that would explain why everypony suddenly started growing so distrustful and cold, because Twilight was gone, all the stories of the gen4 ponies would probably just remain a story, maybe a popular urban legend, or a fairytale (which is why they created toys n stuff)
0 likesThis is why I prefer Back to the Future rules. If Twilight, Starlight, and Spike are in a new time-line now, what happened to them in that timeline? Is this just an endless stack of the same three characters constantly getting booted into alternative timelines in all eternities forever and always? This is too confusing. At some point the geometry of fourth dimensional manipulations just has to equal out to some ground truth and that just has to be the shape of reality. Otherwise it's all just fractals and continuity isn't even real anymore.
1 likeI just thought Starlight and Twilight must have been there for the rainboom all along, but of course they just weren't shown there in earlier episodes featuring the same event!
0 likesThe two timelines had to have merged. Else there would have already been a Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in the timeline they return to. Right? If it was a separate timeline, then what happened to the originals of that timeline they returned to? It's because of this that I believe the two timelines had to have merged into one.
0 likesHello! So when you said that there is a 9th timeline that got me thinking... I think that there are like over a MILLION more timelines that we don't know of that have very little changes and that are extremely similar to the one we're in now or very different because of those very small changes. Even in the real world; there probably is a timeline in the real world where I am not writing this comment at all or one where I am writing a comment on here but not this one... If I(a 12 year old) can understand this, I hope you can too!
1 likeHear me out here though, if there was 2 separate timelines, what the heck happens to the 2nd timelines doubles? They don't merge with the three that cross over, because if that happened the timeliens would've just merged, so are there now three characters from a alternate timeline who are gone? Or now have there own timeline? Confused
0 likesIf they did nothing, we'll be back in the original line.
1 likeAny different thought leads into a contradiction.
You don’t have to worry about it, there are no alternate timelines. We saw, when twilight used starswirl’s spell, that the world obeys terminator rules. Which do you suppose is more likely, that starlight, for the sake of vengeance, enacted a plan that could not possibly succeed (Twilight had unlimited tries to stop her,) using a spell that only the two greatest mages in the past millennium have performed, but not only improving on the range of the spell by multiple factors, but also uses the spell to change the very nature of the universe’s temporal causality? Or that Starlight, a pony known for mind control and deception, who wanted influence over a princess, hypnotized two people into thinking she was redeemed and now friends with them?
0 likesHey, here's my theory on why Chrysalis wouldn't take over, discord after realizing magic doesn't work near the hive, could just kill all changelings that leave the hive preventing Chrysalis and her troops from ever leaving, though Twilight's friends and the princesses would be captured, the rest of the ponies would be fine, also even if Discord was dumb and charged into battle , Chrysalis would never start the attempt to capture the ponies if she hadn't caught Twilight because if Chrysalis has even a chance that Twilight will return she will keep looking for her to ensure the plan suceeds.
0 likesIn case that worked, Starlight, Twilight, and Spike would have met their versions from the alternate timeline
0 likesWait so let’s say all of that is true, wouldn’t that mean that the episode It’s About Time, when Twilight went back in time, it wasn’t the original timeline that she went forward from? Didn’t that create another universe?
0 likesunder this theory there would be each a twilight spike and starlight that would be simply gone from the multiverse and that would break the law of conservation of mass so it would stand to reason that the initial story line would branch out into their respective variants but the final one would then converge back with the initial one.
0 likesI think the timelines would have merged because why would the tree of harmony open a portal, fix everything, and even destroy the scroll but not be able to put them in the right timeline? I think it's just me wanting a happy ending but that is way more plausible.
0 likes0.0 ...A thought came to mind while watching this. What if "the abandoned timeline" is what leads up to G5!?
0 likesThe sudden unexplained disappearance of the Princess of Friendship could possibly lead the other sentient races to investigate...and eventually suspect and distrust, the others (what with a lack of evidence to prove, nor disprove, their "guilt")... until paranoia and mistrust takes over the realm!
Nailed/Snailed it!? o.0
Can you do a video just about Luna? Like why she is so important to the lore.
0 likesWouldent the theory require that the timeline that was returned too had a set of them also leave? Basing on that id say that the timelines re merged.
0 likesMakes sense that it would be nearly identical, but I doubt that would be how time travel works.
0 likesI don't think we have to worry about the original timeline being abandoned.
0 likes(For ease of discussion, let's call the pre-time travel timeline "timeline-1" and the characters that we follow moving forward the same way (so, Twilight-1, Starlight-1, and Spike-1), and the timeline they end up in (the one we follow from this point on) "timeline-9", ditto its native characters.
When Twilight-1 and Co. finish their time traveling, the Mane 6 from timeline-9 (no, we're avoiding that particular innuendo) don't react perceptively differently (either upon their immediate return or in subsequent episodes). Ergo, Twilight-9, Starlight-9, and Spike-9 must have led identical lives and also gone on their own time travel shenanigans.
We also don't see Twilight-9 and Co. come back to timeline-9. Since they're functionally identical to Twilight-1 and Co., I can't imagine their adventures concluding any differently (they wouldn't stop until reaching the same victory outcome that Twilight-1 achieved). And even if they ended up in, say, a hypothetical timeline-10 where timeline-10's Twilight-10 and Co. came back as well, that would just tell Twilight-9 and Co. to keep going until they get back to what would look like their own timeline.
I.e., I'm saying we probably have a "hermit-crab/switcheroo/Rick-and-Morty" thing going on. Timeline-1 has Twilight-9 and Co., and timeline-9 has Twilight-1 and Co (and we effectively don't see a difference). Or, an infinite number of timelines switched all their Twilights, Starlights, and Spikes by one (meaning timeline-1 might have ended up with Twilight-40K and Co.).
Or, the timelines re-merged and timeline-9 IS timeline-1, meaning nothing got abandoned.
Normally I like your theories, but this one just doesn’t work, imo. How does having a couple of extra spectators change the timeline or create a new almost identical one? What relevance does who was watching the race have to do with the Rainboom and how Twilight met her friends later on when she was older? Sorry, but it just doesn’t work, imo.
1 likeReplies (2)
them being there to spectate didn't cause the change, it was the change. just being there may have been enough to split the timelines off depending on how time travel works. but i understand it's all theoretical. don't worry, my next video won't be about time travel (at least i don't think)
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves ok but imo her being there would have had to have some relevance as to why it would have split the timelines, let alone affected the present. This implies that what she did kept her trapped in the past and that what she went back to was just another version of everything else that already happened. It seems like a huge reach and sort of hurts my head to think about. No offense.
0 likesYou should do a video that explains that original timeline in more detail
0 likesEveryone: There are eight planets
1 likeMe still wanting Pluto to be included: “But what if told you there was a ninth.”
Everyone: No
Replies (1)
Pluto is the best planet.
0 likesWhat if this were how G5 started? This sort of phenomenon is actually how “The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker” got its story.
0 likesI might be super dumb missing the point but...
0 likesAssuming your theory is correct, if the Twilight, Starlight, and Spike from the OG timeline did go to another timeline after reforming Starlight, what happened to the Twilight, Starlight, and Spike from the timeline they went to? Just a thought-
What if the 7th timeline is the Equestria that Starlight,Twilight and Spike left behind?
1 likesawtooth I agree but the main question is if twilight went to a timeline which looked original then would there be another twilight????????????
1 likeWhat happened to the Twilight in the new timeline though? Did old Twilight just take her place, or did she just disappear due to the existence of new Twilight? If it works like Equestria Girls, where is the original Twilight of that universe? I have a theory that she may have gotten kidnapped or lost, and this timeline would have had the same fate as the old one unless other timeline Twilight came to replace her. Or maybe it's a loop, where og Twi from the new timeline is also battling Starlight, and goes into a new timeline, which starts another timeline for another Twi to replace the og one. Its kind of like the theory you made on the episode where twilight goes back in time to warn herself. I don't know if this was explained well enough, but I hope some of my point got across.
0 likesEasy. Each screenwriter describing the events of his episode is actually shown his own universe with slight deviations from the universes of other screenwriters, but with a clear bias towards the general plot. Sort of like Rick and Morty, but a little less crazy. (But wait, there's more!!)
0 likesThus, the original timeline is a story in which Twilight went through many adventures, never met Starlight and perhaps never even saw the Crystal Castle, and eventually became the princess of Equestria, replacing Celestia in her place, regardless of whether she became an alicorn or not. "Faust's Original Idea" timeline.
So... It is better to imagine that Twilight returned to its own timeline, before the adventure with Starlight, because otherwise we will still need to consider where the original Twilight from the timeline we found ourselves in, and understand that in that timeline, from which we came, as in the Schrödinger's box, at the same time another Twilight appeared and did not appear. And the same with Starlight and Spike. That is, there are at least eight probabilities at the same time, which are simultaneously realized. So... Yeah, better to imagine that Twilight returned to its own timeline. (=
This theory doesn’t really make sense Sawtooth,but it kind of does. Let me explain: Spike, Starlight, and Twilight went to a different timeline but since Starlight ripped like almost the whole paper, that caused them to go back to a different timeline.
0 likesMaybe the original timeline is what goes into Gen 5. I mean without the glue(Twilight) to keep the friendship alive, Dash and Rarity would leave Ponyville. The Crystal Empire falling, would bring Cadance back to Canterlot. I could see Celestia taking a much firmer hoof on things, maybe even going after Chrysalis herself. Things could lead to an eventually splintering of the races without the Princess of Friendship. I mean you wouldn't have the school of friendship, so the other creatures wouldn't come together in friendship. There would be no bond with Ember of the dragons without Spike.
0 likesHmm. Let me go out on a limb here. Do ya think the abandoned time line if it is ligit lead to what may have lead to what happened in g 5 with all the magic gone?
0 likesIMHO I don't think that the time travel in season 5 has a closed loop, like the one in season 2. In S5, Twilight, Spike and Starlight appear multiple times in a similar past. If it was a closed loop, each time jump would add a new copy of them. However, only one set of them is present at any time and the events that happen (the different ways in which Rainbow is prevented from starting a rainboom) cannot happen simultaneously.
0 likesA Back to the Future type of time rewriting could be possible, but only if each next jump goes back further in time. Otherwise, we would run into multiple copies again. I haven’t observed the episodes that precisely to be able to find clues about this.
(Actually, I am/ we are probable overthinking it at this point: I don’t think that the story artists cared about the exact time setting of the sequence of jump arrivals.)
The many-worlds view removes all complications. It’s funny to see how it works as well in quantum mechanics as in MLP. But it comes with its own caveat: if this theory is true, the alternative timelines in S05 continued even after the three jumped back. I’m feeling bad about the Applejacks, the Fluttershies and all the others who were left behind in their respective misshapen worlds.
What is the greater tragedy? The continuing misery of these unfortunate copies, or the potential disappearance of the princess of friendship from one of many, many universes?
If we’re talking about the different worlds I have my own theory about the mirror pool, so we know that when pinkie go to the mirror pool she came out at the opposite side. So is the mirror pool portal to the exactly same world but with the clones? I don’t know how to explain that but we know that twilight and others found the real pinkie but if they did, and there’s 2 worlds then that mean pinkie just disappear
1 likein one of the worlds and what would happen without her?(sorry for bad English)
Nice Theory but I thought 💭 if they were in another timeline just like theirs,then it should be having another twilight, starlight & spike.
0 likesReplies (1)
Exactly my thought. A world without Twilight is not the end because there also must be a world with two Twilights who will figure things out.
0 likesIf Celestial raises the sun and Luna raises the moon does that mean the earth is flat?
1 likeIn short, you say they went to a parallel world and their original world was forgotten
0 likesWouldn't the abandoned timeline just be the crystalize timeline and she erased their memories?
0 likesWe know these alternative universes do coexist because Twilight already disturbed time before (It's About Time)... oh man, if your theory is right, how many forgotten universes are there? Still, I am convinced that Twilight, Starlight, and Spike returned to the right world. The ORIGINAL original universe is... probably long gone, but because of their endless breach of time, they already sealed the fate of the universe, that being their presence at Rainbow's race was inevitable and they were there the entire time. This made no change to the universe, because "Future" Twilight ensured this would be the way the universe went. She was at Rainbow's race, and current Twilight was, too. So basically, Twilight saved her world unconsciously because of a stress alert.
0 likesif the normal timeline was abandoned think about how shining armor cadence and twilights paretnts will feel after knowing that twilight is GONE it will be a touching bedtime stroy for flurry atleast :(
0 likeswhat if it was intended to happen like that? like in harry potter, where hermione used the amulet to travel back in time and they almost met themselves in similar spots but were able to avoid direct contact? maybe that incident was the very first before it got repeated after that but somehow they never got to see each other maybe do to a slight timevaryation and if its only by mere 5 seconds before or after they theparted to another timerift? yeah, its getting reeeally weird and complicated
0 likesMaybe the original timeline is lacking in friendship. Maybe they've lost the magic of friendship. Maybe the ponies are divided by race and filled with distrust and xenophobia-- waaaaaaaaaaait a minute!
0 likesNahh filly. The timeline is self fulfilling. That's why the table destroyed the spell at the end. Time was never broken and there were no timelines the map was just showing what would have happened to equestria without twilight fulfilling the elements of harmony. When Twi went back in time in season one it kinda proved it was self fulfilling too. And besides if it were true discord would know because he can sense magical imbalances. He's god. And even if twilight and spike and starlight were gone 5ever and multiverse was real discord would probably just recreate exact copys of the three and lesson learned. After all nothing even compares to Discords true power. He knew of Tirek at the beginning of season 4 and tested twilight in episode 1 & 2 and faked being sick to see if they were friends. He got the key for her from Tirek. Tirek never stole his magic because he basically didn't grow at all after 'absorbing' the magic and his eyes never changed color. He pretended to not be able to teleport to fluttershy because she was never in real danger. Chrysalis couldn't do anything. He had ponies create the elements to see if they could do it. Because why play games if you'll always win? He could have broken out whenever he wanted to. Why create them with a single snap when you could see if others could do it. Basically discord is the answer to any problem lol.
0 likesDo you think immortal characters such as discord appear in gen 5?
1 likeIt would stop existing just like the other seven timelines never came into existence, at least if the MWI of Quantum mechanics is not true, in this case every single one of those realities (plus many more, but not infinitly more) would exist with twilight adn without her.
0 likesI think your alternate time line is the original time line as who is to say that starlight and twilight meeting and traveling through time wasn't destined as well. Also why isn't there a second twilight in that world? But that is only my opinion.
0 likesI think this may be the answer to your timeline question
0 likesIf someone goes back in time and changes nothing and no-one sees the time-traveler then you will end up back in the same present timeline like the person never left the present
Same scenario but, if they change something, like the rainboom then all of the villain timelines will become the new present timeline and the person would never get back to the real present.
Now, if someone goes back in time and changes nothing but someone sees them, that will create a new present timeline with the person who saw the time-traveler most likely say “hey, haven’t i seen you before?” Nothing that dramatic will happen if it’s a person you’ve friended in the first present timeline, but if it’s a person someone has a disliking to that might not end well..
In the 2nd and final scenario’s the person will never be able to go back to the first timeline
In the 1st scenario the person will always end up back to the first timeline
I have an idea! Why don’t you do one on sunset shimmer’s element? I think it’s courage, because she ponied up in legend of ever free while encouraging twilight
0 likesyou just send the goosebumps when you said it really creepy
0 likesSunset is the last remaning hope for Equestria in the Abandoned Timeline...
2 likesReplies (2)
But she’s still in the mirror world, and evil tho
1 like@Red Fox339 WERE DOOMED!!!
0 likesIgnoring that the same present can have different pasts leading towards it.
0 likesAbbandoned timeline Sunset Shimmer tries to contect Twilight after Friendship games. Portal connects with the new timeline while staying closed for the other timelines.
We have an outside observer that can tell us the timelines reconnected.
but what if they were there? It was never mentioned, because nobody knew. But it is possible that in the original timeline, starlight, Twilight, and Spike were all there. And so, it didn’t make a new timeline, because it wasn’t different. It’s time travel. So that means that if they traveled back in time, it would be a point in history regardless. It’s the same as a time loop. Starlight spike and twilight were there. Twilight convinces Starlight to let the rain boom happen, and so it does. And they head back to the present. Because of this, twilight can get into the magic school to eventually become an alicorn and go on the adventure to stop Starlight from stopping the rain boom. It doesn’t seem like a loop, but it is. Just like when Twilight traveled to warn herself not to worry. So I think that they were there, and that’s how our timeline came to be in the first place wdyt?
0 likesI don't think so. Three more spectators couldn't change the timeline that much
0 likesOr they hopped from the new timeline the the original one but this would still leave a forgotten world the new timeline. So no happy ending but I think my idea is a bit more happy.
0 likesSawtooth! My pony Au( Nova crystal a crystalbat-alicorn) She told me that when she time travelled ( yes sbe can) She ended up the parralel universe. But in it it was just like you explained.. spike,twilight and su set werent there and ponyville was comepletly destroyed... Nova said that when she returned, the universe after the rainboom is the one she livedin, Twilight seemed... edgy at night.. ( like the episode with the cursed doll)
0 likesThats all but it might help! Tell me if yiu need Nova
Man this made me cry for some reason
0 likesHow do we know that starlight, twilight, and spike weren’t already at the original rainboom if so then it is technically the same timeline we just don’t see them.
0 likesCozy Glow succeeded and mlp: the next generation is the original time-line. I think, maybe, idk.
0 likesCrazy theory but one I like to entertain is that to take over chrysalis would have to also fight the storm less her food source die out and her children freeze so while fight the storm and taking care of ponies and her children she might learn love and be redeemed and stop the storm with her new love
0 likesCan we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
1 likeI could really use a wish right now wish right now
I hope the original timeline is one where chryssi reigns supreme she is the best waifu in mlp no question
1 likeWait if this theory was true wouldn't that make the new generation season of mlp make sense? Cuz in that trailer there's no more magic?
0 likeswhat if it did branch and gen 5 is happening in the orignial timeline! it would make sense sense disharmony keeps everypony apart, so it would explain a lot for sure
0 likesActually we did see the abandoned timeline, and it was the last timeline.
0 likesI think Starlight created a Time paradox
0 likesThis- I- this made me look at mlp in a different way... I’m scared-
2 likesIt's MY fanfic, and I'LL choose the timeline!
0 likesBut what if there was always those extra 3 spectators. That they where always meant to time travel. What i mean is that we see the past on the rainboom from Rainbow Dash perspective and she never notice those extra 3 there but they where there from the start as there was no option, the time travel was always going to happen and because of that, they are still on the same timeline.
0 likesOh ho ho, if twilight arrives at this "new timeline," then where did the twilight from that timeline go off to? Are we to assume that this other twilight was sent to another new timeline as well? Either way there seems to be one twilight unaccounted for.
0 likesMLPS backstory is really sad
0 likesif this is right, what happened to the twilight of the new timeline?
0 likesWhat is the song at the end of your videos? Would love to listen to more of it.
0 likesReplies (1)
Yoooo, you added it to the description. Thanks!
0 likesIm the words of the smartest man in the universe...
0 likes"What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer Morty? The answer is don't think about it!"
I have one variant to add the the theory: Discord. Okay okay, hear me out. We know he can go into different dimensions…but who’s to say those dimensions can’t also be different realities.
0 likesWhat about fussing the timelines together?… I saw it done in a game (tales of __ game series), and a lego toy series story… both with planets!… But what about time???
0 likesZecora might of had some experience with time-paradoxes & time-manipulation,… but I do not believe a bunch of ponies would accept being erased from history or left behind… it’s almost like the Pinky-Clone-Annihilation-Controversy again!
And creating infinite realities could be too overpowering on plentiful resources or have unknown consequences later on reality…
But what if like the pillars could be pulled out of the limbo dimension/space, there was a paradox dimension/space with the atomic & molecular structures with no mass of most everything left from abandoned time-lines?… like a “time-paradox landfill/trash demension”?!?! All you would need are some atoms or mass & a way to pick things out of this dimension to have it exist permanently back in reality, like a “paradox-machine”
But what if this “time landfill dimension” was a world of its own, or had another one similar to it & time still moved forward? Then you would have a place where forgotten or left behind Equestrian creatures, environments & other things strived and/or struggled for a living… and either hade their own lives of peace & conflict or wanted it back!!! (Maybe even call it revenge?!)
Is it not wrong to fight to exist again… peacefully? Is it not moral to want to battle/fight for friends/family you lost or never knew from being taken from you? Is it not righteous to want to bring friends you know you might not know anymore but see in you dreams back from a time paradox!? even not wishing it on an enemy? (I know I would not, I rather see them in prison, but that’s just my opinion)… I think this could make for a lot of good “the magic of friendship vs. time-debates/opinions”.
The living Equestrian Creatures would be known as living “Time-Paradox Ponies”, or other creatures like a “Time-paradox Changeling”, or Dragon, etc…
And versions of yourself lost could be recover like lost memories, like an extension and/or fusion (better than killing your clone), but you couldn’t get too greedy, or selfish in order to avoid being driven mad…. Like learning to like 2 or more versions of a story & be thankful, but still valuing your own opinion keeps you in balance & control of the extra whole self of you freely! So you could be a very special hybrid/multi-memory/time single souled pony without what’s from other times of you being lost/taken from you & with no loss of freedom, free-will & choice… ( this would prevent you from brainwashes)
Just imagine all the stories/adventures about putting a friend first at all cost for peace ☮️… against all the other obstacles of greed, selfishness, angst, loneliness, grief, and revenge you could be fighting for!… Adventure of waring kingdoms, friends & sibling rivalry, even step-siblings praying for the others love & other awkward relations that they want in peace,… like fighting for the life & love of a brother, sister, or other family or friend because you care and want to show it no matter what!… or even what they say about you or them!
I’ve been dying for stories that resolve all this this that was left from “Starlight Glimmers Time-paradox landfill”, Twilight did not give up on friends when she was left with their switched cutie-marks. So I would love for them to be on Time-Paradox rescue adventures!
The fight for friendship more valuable than destiny you can’t control, because sometimes it’s destiny that you can’t control that makes your friends alive & have free will!… and they would finally be ready for a Adventurous Resolution to the disaster left from the time-shifts that got left behind.
I saw/heard it done in a “tales of ____ game series”, except it was not because of time travel, but so not one world contains all mana/magic to thrive while the other suffer for a time back & forth… the heroes figure to fuse the 2 planets into 1 so that they all had one world with no magic & world crisis… & it worked sorta… but I loved it… no one was sacrificed I think/believe… (not spoiling anything else)
P. S. : not to sound to entitled or demanding but… what do you & the others think of my idea(s) Sawtooth Waves 🌊???
(For as much as I like the idea of no Pony or friends left behind?)
O.o Wait what if G5 is the timeline where Twilight Sparkle disappeared from! That would mean that world there was no Starlight Glimmer to lead the group in Where and Back Again. What if G5 takes place in that universe. G5 is said that the Magic is missing, perhaps that's because Cozy Glow did take the magic. That lack of magic would even affect the changelings so Crystalis rule wouldn't be very long.
0 likesWhat if they made it so they didn't see as they made sure it wasn't changed.
0 likesWhat would happen if spike didn't do the gauntlet of fire and another dragon won and then the world would have probably been burnt to a crisp
0 likesi actually thought about this when i saw that episode. because its obvi a change
0 likesI think you are! I paused and guessed to myself that the original timeline would exist still
0 likes"Why don't I just NAMELESS it?"
1 likeI think you should go back to the Alalacorn thing now that twilight has the magical wavy hair
0 likes0but isn't their a tenth timeline. the Bootstrap paradox from when Twilight went back in time to stop herself worrying. doesn't the start of that paradox count as a seperate timeline.
0 likesThe way I see it. It was a small change then the timeline went back to the og.
0 likesI was rewatching mlp and 4:06 is when I stopped so that’s cool and cozy glow said that the magic will be sent to a different world like equrestria girls but cozy glow failed or did she maybe a little magic was sent there to and also what happened to stigeion shadow he was sent to limbo but well how did he got the shadow or can it praspar in limbo or what world this is just a theory
1 likeWhat's that physics experiment where simply being an observer changed the results.
0 likesOmg you just made my mind blow
0 likesHi, could u do a video about finnona applejacks dog bc you never see her at the barn u only see her on the ep where rainbow gets tank and when spike is taking care of all of the animals so I have been wondering what’s been happening
1 likeI also thought about it out, and I intently plan to build a mathematical computation model for this. But I’m late, you made a video about it first.
0 likesMaybe that is the timeline where the generation 5 plays
0 likesWait the new my little pony's coming out might be the forgotten dimension as it is deprived of magic like it would be if twilight left
0 likesWell the following event might have comed of distrupting or changing time line but the following Time travel law states that if something is changed that made a bit of contact to that times going destiny and chain of events in this scenario the we’re talking and standing on clouds but touching clouds shouldn’t change any thing and as we see and admire nobody saw them in this timeline and by actually doing that they only changed the fellow timeline they went back at moment of twilights spikes and starlights going time place and created new time loop and bounded other twilights spikes and starlights to repeat same thing for eternity that’s the aspect of messing with time in their situation
1 likeReplies (5)
Does my proposal make sense I thought of it when i watched that episode 4th time
1 likeAnd my theory is backed up by twilights paradox on which you made video on
1 likeAnd who know was that the first time?
1 likeOr which time it’s mystery no one will ever solve and it impossible to stop the loop is someone will not stop starlight but it still will change timeline so it’s better to repeat endlessly than make worse of the timeline
1 likeAnd shall on the endless no the starting time shall never change and keep making endless universes and timelines branching of into the oblivion of the multiverse of reality and space time nothing shall know of it other than one overlooking the true expansion and collapse of end and the beginning that’s what most likely happened it’s a paradox of endless times than an different timeline it reverted and made new making others just a memory of those who saw it...
1 likeWhat if the original timeline without twilight Starlight and spike is why the new movie exists, because as far as we know the pony kinds are all split up now and this could be because the princess of friendship vanished
0 likesWhere can I watch the 9th season of my little pony I've been looking everywhere
0 likeswhy not just use the time travel logic you used with twilight in your previous video?
0 likesWhen I was watching I was very surprised and was like wow just wow
0 likes2:19 😳 Wow, I didn’t even think of that!
0 likes4:20- I prefer that theory better plus filly Rainbow Dash was too busy racing to notice Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike the dragon and remeber It's About Time when Twilight Sparkle time travels to the past to tell her past self not to waste her time worrying both Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer use time travel to the past to change something but later changed their mind.
0 likesAt this point the TVA should arrest Starlight for her shenanigans...
0 likesI don't agree with this yes starlight , twilight and spikes going to the past was something that can change but... I don't think so since they went back in time this can also mean that they were still there in the "original timeline" but no one noticed them that could be a possibility and i also have an issue with this theory what the heck happened to that starlight, twilight and spike like did they vanished out of existence or something?
0 likesFurther proof that the world of equestria is linked with the Norse Mythos! The proof being that 9 is the most important number within the Norse Mythos. The 9th realm being the realm, of Chaos!
0 likesIf Starlight succeeded wood the mean 6 have their cutie marks and if what would they look like
0 likesThen what happened to the other Twilight from from the abandoned timeline
1 likeYou may have a point there.
0 likesIts the butterfly effect - OH this is MLP Fluttershy effect
0 likesSo this is like a rick and morty situation
0 likesI think that is to dark for kids show so I think ended up in same timeline🤔😁
0 likesYOOOO WAIT what if this is the setup for g5 and this is how they lost the magic 😳😳😳😳
0 likesno one:
0 likesMe: why is it raining anime throughout the entire video
Swatooth.... Go to your room! No Marvel stuff allowed!
0 likesBut what about the twilight spike and starlight from the universe they returned to
0 likesactually idt flurry would have been born the reason cadence married shining is because of twilight
0 likesI like that nameless character
0 likesOk so I'm doing a mini theory with the crystal empire couldn't be lost in the frozen north from my view flurry did the cry that broke the crystal heart was because cadence took her away from pinkie using TWILGHTS magic to carry her
0 likesHey, could be the timeline g5 takes place in
0 likesThe flower in your hair cracks me up
0 likesBut if its different time line then there need to be 2spike 2twilight 2starlight?
0 likesbruh this video appeared in my recommendation idk why, i don't even watch MLP
2 likesReplies (2)
you do now, embrace your fate
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves i don't have much time to watch this video, there is so much children in my restaurant, if you know what i mean
0 likesomg wait i used to watch ur videos years ago
0 likesi cant believe that u still post
I got a equestria girls theory where is the real sunset shimmer in human world. So there’s 2 sunsets
0 likesDo you remember Schrödinger?
0 likesHave fun!!
I don't speak English, could you translate the video with subtitles? ;;-
0 likesThere must be 2 twilights then
0 likesmlp show: ha hah cute pony
0 likesmlp lore:
nameless is NOT GOOGLE STOP ASKING HIM ABOUT TIME TRAVEL MAN but yea i still kinda agree with what you say BUT HE IS NOT GOOGLE
1 likeoff topic but that thumbnail is creeping me out😨
0 likesI don't think your right about this every dimension has its own past present and future so she never left her dimension now a mother dimension would be Ares the human one wait what is there is a pony world or at least one with magic what is every myth we have is not a myth but is real in a mother dimetion that would mean the world as we know it is a lie😲
0 likesDang thats dark...
0 likesAnd thus G5 happens
0 likesThe new timeline is:
Sawtooth I love you
0 likesI think the captions are having a stroke right now, I can't even understand a single word LOL
0 likesWhat is the My Little Ponies forgotten world?
0 likesNooo twilight!!!
0 likesBut another starlight should of been there another twilight
0 likesOof this is creepy
0 likesI personaly think if a time travel occurred, even if the traveler left right after away, the timeline was still altered by the sheer presense for that half second and thus creating a new timeline that is ALMOST like the original one.
0 likesSo, yeah, this is a NEW timeline that is ALMOST like the original one.
I turned on the subtitles and I’m very confused
0 likesI going to be a pony now soon it takes a long time to morph:D of course I am still going to be having clause or else I wouldn’t be mean!
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesClwz
0 likesA goth midnight.
0 likesThis vid made me scared for some reason why-
0 likesBut if they are in another world or time then wheres the old or new or Other twilight
0 likesHey sawtooth I saw your pride pfp are you non-binary if you are that's aweosme
0 likesI think u are right
0 likesThe 9th time-line
0 likesCool
0 likesIn a way if you did something for a reason and the reason doesn't exist, like the same thing you did in going through time not happening again after it could make a loop where a timeline is Able to be formed between the way it went and was but not stay changed since there was no change making every new timeline not having any change instead a loop of someone making the same mistake until one thing change it (23) to change the fate or you know knowing what would happen some how from the present and change something permanently that could be the only way making not a result of a change of someone never doing what happened. (22-23)
0 likesoh god
0 likesSo the rainboom not happening means the main ones don’t get their cutie marks. But cheese sandwich got his cutie mark becaus of one of pinkies parties. So what would have happened to him if pinkie didn’t get her cutie mark. Also like the rainboom didn’t happen but a few of them had the same cutie mark how cause destiny maybe
0 likesIs the original timeliness the crisalis timelines we saw
0 likeswow sad
0 likesWhat about the little twilights
0 likesHhm
0 likesSoo the original timeline
Gen 5 wouldn't happen
The thumbnail
0 likesLook at twilight shes black and sad like luna
0 likesQUE LE PASÓ A TU VOZ😭😭😭😭😭
0 likeswhy would you think that?
0 likesHey nameless dude? Nameless: what is it!?
0 likesOmg that is gonna make me cry poor rainbow dash pinkie pie flutter shy and everybody else
0 likesReally nameless
0 likesur right there in different timeline ur not wrong see inanimate insanity
0 likesthings would unfold like this in my head:
1 like1: the ponies wouldn't be too worried at first. Perhaps she had an emergency and didn't have time to tell them. Applejack would reckon that it wasn't their business to ask, and would say to trust that Twilight would eventually come back and explain everything.
2: a few days pass, still no word from Twilight. at this point, word is sent to the princesses, asking if Twilight had gone there. the reply, to everyone's shock, is no. Celestia says that she and Luna will keep an eye out, in case something happened.
3: by now, several weeks have passed. Everypony is in a panic over the sudden disappearance of Twilight and Spike. Princess Celestia is regularly sending search parties to cover the entirety of equestria, to no avail. a few ponies begin to wonder if Twilight was even still alive at this point.
4: it has been over a month. The mane 6 have begun to lose hope. Celestia encourages them to have faith, but even she is unsure at this point. Luna has to deal with the mane 6 having nightmares about Twilight's possible fate.
5: it has now been 6 months. the general assumption now is that Twilight had taken off somewhere in a rush, and lost her life somewhere along the way. Celestia asks other nations to keep an eye out for a purple alicorn and a baby purple-and-green dragon, to varying degrees of success.
6: a year has passed, and then some. The now "mane 5", the princesses, and all of twilight's friends and family gather at her palace to hold a memorial service. among these ponies is a disguised changeling. seeing how equestria is in a morally weakened state, they report to chrysalis, who decides that now is the time to take action. Chrysalis makes a move on equestria a few days later, and confronts the princesses directly. Celestia tells Luna to flee while she handles the changeling queen. Celestia then surrenders herself. deep down, she knows that Twilight is gone forever. Chrysalis kills Celestia with a maniacal laugh and plants herself on celestia's throne. Luna flees to ponyville to find the mane 5 and says she needs their help to save Celestia. Upon confronting Chrysalis, she reveals that princess celestia is no more. shocked, terrified, and defeated, Luna and the mane 5 flee to the deepest reaches of the everfree forest, gathering the CMC along the way. Zecora joins them after her guidance is seeked.
7: an all-out war has broken out against the changelings. The group has expanded, but at the same time, several ponies have been lost, among them being Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Derpy, and Apple Bloom. Applejack takes Apple Bloom's bow, now torn and dirty, and ties it to the end of her mane so her little sister will always be there in spirit. Luna and Zecora take the group to starswirl's place to look for some way to stop the changelings en masse. there, it is discovered by Luna that one of starswirl's scrolls is missing. Dr Hooves cross-references the scrolls with a list he found, and finds out that the time travel scroll is missing. Zecora comes to the conclusion that Twilight must have gone back in time, but doesn't know what. Suddenly, rainbow dash realizes that throughout all of this, starlight glimmer hasn't been seen at all. the group quickly pieces things together: Starlight Glimmer attended Twilight's speech, found and took the time travel scroll, confronted Twilight, and send the two of them back in time. Unfortunately, they can't do anything about it and have to wait it all out and hope Twilight will find her way back.
8: the changelings have won. the resistance has been crushed, and Chrysalis now stands over a dying princess luna. Chrysalis monologues about how she always knew the ponies would fall to her eventually, and asks if Luna has any last words. Luna's only response is a barely audible "twilight..." before the world suddenly goes dark.
I think it's more about the butterfly effect than time travelling itself, to be exact - I think she is still in her original timeline, the only difference is that starlight chose to destroy mane six with time travel, but twilight managed to stop it from happening, which then brings us to the timeline we know. Just like any other battle that happened - choice, chance, result
0 likesYour contents are always awesome in a theoretical way.
0 likesIn the event that Twilight actually was in a separate timeline, I think you might be over looking a key piece. Granted everyone seems to. Discord.
0 likesEven with a harmonious artifact like the map, twisted timelines are something Discord would feel. Is Twi and Spike were gone permanently I think he would know and, more than likely to spare Fluttershy's feeling rather than protecting Equestria, would make copies of the two to take their place.
There's actually a fanfic similar to this that while fun gets dark fast.
Do you remember the Friendship map? The map that calls for certain characters to go to certain locations to solve friendship problems? Like Twilight said the map is directly connected to the Tree of Harmony. If it's magic is powerful enough to defeat or even reform most villains and if Starlight used her time spell on the map then it must have sent them back to the original timeline.
0 likesHi Sawtooth! If all the timelines had villains, maybe the empty timeline was COZY GLOW"S TIMELINE!
1 likeThe "9th universe" should have then a similar trio making time-travel - and when each trio returned to the "wrong" universe, balance (and maybe chaos) merged things back into what they were.
0 likesThe 1st and 9th parallel universes merged, because there was no need of two same universe.
But would have the 9th universe Glimmer accepted to become the 9th universe Twilight's student ?
Ah! Overthinking over complicated stuff again. Feels great.
It would be really interesting to think of this hypothetical Chrysalis and Cozy Glow conquest timeline. Mostly because the two would eventually come into conflict with one another. I mean Cozy wants to control ponies via friendship which is a form of love which the changelings would want to exploit. They also definitely wouldn't want to lose their magic. Who knows, in this timeline the magic-sucking plot may be cozy's way of getting Chrysalis off her back since no magic=no magical love sucking and Chryssy ripping the benefits of Cozy's hard work. A confrontation between the one which sucks magic and the one which sucks love would be very, very interesting indeed.
0 likesAnother possibility, perhaps we were always in the timeline where they went back in time, and Starlight's reformation was a cosmic inevitability
0 likesOnly problem with this is, if they did continue down an alternate timeline, wouldn't alternate twilight, spike, and starlight still be in that timeline? Cuz if so, I'm pretty sure celestia or 'someone' would notice, especially sense the timeline would be nearly identical except for rainbowdash finding twilight strangely familiar
1 likeI think the "abandoned" timeline would cease to exist since, like the other timelines, the cause for them never happened. So this is more of a what-if scenario. But for the sake of the hypothetical, I'll see how it can be broken down.
0 likes1. Flurry Heart and the Crystal Empire. Sure, Starlight wouldn't be there to support Sunburst, and wouldn't stop the Crystal Empire from freezing over. However, the cause of what made Flurry Heart cry and break the Crystal Heart in the first place most likely wouldn't be there either.
2. Thorax. Thorax most likely wouldn't go to the Crystal Empire anyway. But he wouldn't have befriended Spike, since he wouldn't be there. Also, I don't see why he couldn't befriend the Crystal Ponies, since they wouldn't have been around for the Changeling invasion in the first place. So they could still accept Thorax for who (and what) he is. Granted, if Cadance or Shining Armor found out, it wouldn't be as friendly. But they may be more focused on the fact that Twilight and Spike went missing. And considering how revered Spike is in the Crystal Empire, that could result in an entire empire as a search party. And if Thorax offered to help, though Shining and Cadance may be apprehensive, they may consider Twilight to be their primary focus and allow him to help. But he would be guarded though, for obvious reasons.
3. Chrysalis and the Changelings. This becomes a bit harder to predict due to how far it's diverging at this point. You could make the argument that in the chaos of Twilight and Spike going missing, it could make it easier for Chrysalis to take over. However, I could argue that Equestria would be more on high alert, making it harder. And being more on high alert, Thorax may have more incentive to warn the others of how Chrysalis could take advantage of the scenario. But I think that's exactly what she'd do, but in a way that not even Thorax would've predicted. Rather than being forward about it, Chrysalis will play the long game. She will take advantage of the fact that Twilight is missing and take her place. However, she'd put herself in a pod to be found so that she can use the excuse that she was taken by the changelings. This way, she can take over from the inside. I suppose that's what she did originally. But this makes things more convenient. Spike being missing would be questioned. But she could make the argument that they were separated and doesn't know where he is. Thorax may be suspicious about how easy it was to find her. But that might be ignored since they'd be focused on her being back.
They'd start to notice eventually that Twilight is acting differently. Pinkie however is oblivious to this... or is she? I think that Pinkie being Pinkie would know that it's not really Twilight and that she was Chrysalis trying to take over. Or at least, it will be "just a hunch". So why is she still being friendly? This is when Chrysalis starts to realize that she hasn't been hungry for a while. Eventually, Thorax would learn the truth, perhaps through a letter Pinkie sent to him asking if he knew that Twilight was actually Chrysalis, and asking why she hasn't been stealing their love. Then it clicks for Thorax why things were suspicious. But the mention of stealing love made him realize that he hasn't been hungry lately. Thorax then addresses his queen about it, pointed out that Pinkie knew she's Chrysalis, and asking her when the last time she was hungry. Chrysalis has that same realization. She hasn't been hungry, despite not stealing love. And after she learned that Pinkie knew, she probably would've started bonding with Pinkie, perhaps without even realizing it. But because she wasn't good, she was still planning a takeover. When the takeover happens, and Pinkie is a target, Chrysalis stops it to protect Pinkie. So perhaps at this point, Chrysalis admitting to herself that she cares for Pinkie and protected her would reform, which would also encourage the rest of the hive to reform. After all, Starlight isn't there to earn her ire, and Twilight, who already has her ire, is gone. She doesn't really have anyone to feel vengeful towards. This may even award her the Element of Magic.
4. The Pillars of Equestria and Pony of Shadows. Doesn't happen.
5. The Movie. Since you never addressed how the movie would be different. And I think this could really be fun. The "Festival of Friendship" would be very different. I could allow it to keep its name. But instead of a general celebration of friendship, it would be a celebration of the 1 Year Anniversary of the joining of ponies and changelings. It also acts as a memorial for Twilight and Spike, since at this point, though their closest friends haven't quite given up on them, even they understand that it's unlikely that they'll find her. Since Twilight's not there, the Storm King and Tempest Shadow have their sights on Flurry Heart as the 4th Princess. So the Mane 6 (Chrysalis at this point being fully accepted into the group of friends) take Flurry Heart and escape to find help. For this, let's say that Chrissy remembered stories about the hippogriffs (which means no confusion and no Hungry Hungry Hippos reference). The reason I don't have Chrysalis taken on Tempest is simply because of how those stone balls work. That and she's been unsure of herself ever since her reformation. Since Flurry Heart is going with them, I'd figure that Thorax would also come along, as well as Shining Armor (since it's his daughter and his wife that's involved). The could make for some amusing tension. And for the sake of it, Pharynx would come along too, since it's his queen and brother getting involved. This adventure will have an added subplot of Chrysalis' self-discovery, and truly learn how much she's changed... and perhaps how much she hasn't.
As the movie progresses, it will still hit the same key locations and characters. But the frustration will cause Chrysalis to begin to regress. Her more militant changeling queen personality coming out more. She doesn't regress back to evil. But the difference in personality is jarring to her friends. When it gets to Mt Erris and Seaquestria, rather than Chrsaylis trying to steal that giant pearl, they just leave. After all, Chrysalis wouldn't be as tempted to steal it considering that she already has the power to change shapes. This also means that Pinkie won't be sent to distract them. When they leave, that fight scene happens, just with Chrysalis replacing Twilight. They go their separate ways for alone time, Chrysalis being distraught that she yelled at the pony who was her first friend. Shining Armor will go with Chrysalis but will be harsher, pointing out that what she said was uncalled for. This is when you start to see Chrysalis crying, which throws him off his game. Shining would have also brought Flurry with him. The attack happens, Chrysalis in an attempt to protect Flurry gets herself and Flurry caught. Later, the "Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship." line happens. The rest of the movie will generally be the same. But since an attempt to steal the pearl never happened, Queen Novo and the rest of the hippogriffs agree to join and help. In the end, Chrysalis' self-discovery comes full circle when she offers friendship to Tempest.
6. Cozy Glow. Since Twilight's not there, the School of Friendship never happens (and no playset for Hasbro to sell). It's not exactly clear when Cozy Glow became pen pals with Tirek. But let's assume it happens. Without the School of Friendship, and by extension, the Princess of Friendship, she may be less encouraged to use friendship as a weapon. However, seeing the reformed Chrysalis may show her how powerful friendship can be. But I think that Cozy Glow would ultimately fail. Without the School of Friendship to learn friendship from and seeing how the changelings (who would most likely have merged with Equestria at this point) would most likely be able to determine that her friendship isn't genuine. And without Twilight and the School of Friendship, the artifacts would be harder to gather. Even though Twilight's not there to open up the School of Friendship, Celestia, with Chrsyalis' assistance, may open up better relations with other creatures, perhaps even making Ponyville itself the primary focal point. So the Young 6 will still be a thing.
7. The "Legion of Doom". Doesn't happen. Cozy Glow wasn't as much of a threat and Chrissy is on the others side. Without all 3, they'd be unsuccessful at getting Grogar's bell. And with no resurrection of Sombra, there's no destruction of the Tree of Harmony and no creation of the Treehouse of Harmony.
8. The Princesses Retirement. Celestia will retire. However, Luna will say as the primary ruler of Equestria. Chrysalis will take the role of secondary ruler alongside Luna. I'll choose not to address the Season 10 comics, since I simply don't know how to adapt them into this scenario, and they're also still ongoing. This also means that there may not be a Luster Dawn, although that could make for an interesting idea, having Chrysalis taking on the role of mentor to a pony.
Basically, I see the abandoned timeline in a very different way than you did. It has a good ending, just a very different story.
I feel like this would make for an interesting MLP horror story
0 likesIf Twilight, Starlight and Spike had arrived in a different timeline, there should be other versions of them. Unless they all travelled back in time and ended up on the other one, but in that case nothing would have changed. So these two timelines either merged together or were always one and the same. Or they are identical.
0 likesBut what if you were wrong from the beginning? When you started the theories about those timelines, you assumed that there was other versions of Twilight somewhere in them, but if that were to be true, then it would be different dimensions, not timelines. In this case, there is only one version of each of the characters and only Twilight and Spike remain unchanged because they are brought back to the present by the cutie map, which used to cast the spell. In the end, the original timeline wasn't left behind, but it just stopped existing the moment Starlight, Spike and Twilight arrived in the past, just like all the others.
Okay I agree with most of this but I don’t think Cozy Glow would have come into power, even if Crysalis or the Storm King didn’t take over. She learned how to take over Equestria by being at the school. If she did an upraising outside the current timeline it would be futile, but I don’t think she would knowing that she would fail for sure.
0 likesI'd like to see the Wasteland timeline touched upon. I mean we all automatically think of Fallout Equestria, but if you read the book you know that wasn't what caused that timeline to exist. But maybe we could have a fanfiction taking place in this Wasteland timeline. Probably no life exists though. Who knows?
2 likesReplies (2)
What caused it in the books?
0 likes@IndoDINO Youtube Tension between Ponies and Zebras. The Zebras in FOE represent China from Fallout. Nukes go off for the same reasons as in Fallout. Only its magical nukes instead of real ones. It branches off from the official timeline right after Season 2 of FIM. So Discord and everything after that isn't included.
0 likesAnother things to consider: maybe in the abundant timeline Discord would not just sit around and still do some chaos, which might or might not stop Chrysalis depending on how she will operate. And I also think that in eather way Cozy Glow might not even started without seeing that much potential in magic of friendship... unless someone replaces Twilight. Discord for example. That would be ironic.
0 likesIf it was a chrysalis timeline, but with Cozy Glow penpaling Tyrik, if the events line up correctly, her draining of magic could be used as a method to attack the changelings. Making her some kind of hero, boosting her into a high, respected position among the free ponies wouldn't it?
0 likesEy, sick, I had the same kind of idea about this topic when I thought about how the other timelines might look after season 9.
0 likesI also realized that Rainbow’s first rainboom wasn’t the only point in the past that they appeared in. When they visited Starlight’s childhood… ahem, ‘trauma’, they could’ve created another timeline split there too, which could’ve ended up creating a duplicate timeline that resulted in that alternate Starlight, Twilight and Spike going through their own Cutie Re-mark ordeal just to bump into/spot the original timelines group. Or just, you know, create a never ending series of copycat timelines that are just the entire show repeating over and over again.
Well, splitting and merging of timelines is supposedly a real thing, according to quantum physics.
0 likesHave you seen Loki? It also tackles this and no, the timeline wouldn’t branch off, they’d reunite. It doesn’t matter what they do there as long as the rainboom was there, everything would remain the same
0 likesWouldn't THAT have been a ballsy ending if they explicitly confirmed that? We have that big song with Starlight being redeemed, then cut back to the original timeline where the rest of the friends are wondering where Twilight and Spike went. Then it just cuts to black and plays credits over complete silence.
0 likesI think I know what happened there.
0 likesWhat if I told you that those two timelines intertwined more than once? And that this is not the only time we saw it happen.
What if I told you that this is related to a certain draconequs, centaur and unicorn? And that we knew it from the very beginning of the show.
This poses a good question, if one of the carriers of the elements of harmony dies or is unable to 7se the elements, dose it transfer to another?
0 likesI take it that after Hours upon Hours of watching the first season of Loki, you came up with this didn't you, Sawtooth?
0 likesOne theory about traveling to the past is that if you don't go out of your way to change things in the past to effect the present, then your actions might actually make things the way you experienced in the present. So, Spike, Starlight, and Twilight being in the past wouldn't have mattered to the way things are in the present, meaning there isn't a ninth timeline.
0 likesWell i'm quite partial to the idea that going back in time to change the past is impossible because what you're about to do has already happened. so Starlight Twilight and Spike were always there when Rainbow Dash did the rainboom, it's just that no one saw them or really took notice of them. they would always go back and make all those alternate timelines. and they'd end up back in the same timeline because technically they never left.
0 likesthis is actually explored a little in Issue #24 of the IDW comics where Discord himself states this to be true.
Because of crysalis' timeline, i feel like zacora would be able to figure out what's going on.
0 likesAnd celestia might have access to the time spell
I don’t think that Cozy Glow would still try to get rid of all the magic in equestria because she wouldn’t have learned about friendship. She would have still been wherever she was. She probably wouldn’t have became pen pals with tirek because she didn’t believe in friendship. She would stay wherever she was and wouldn’t learn about friendship.
0 likesThis is just what I think, if you have any other opinions please tell me!
I don’t even watch mlp anymore but i still love these videos.
0 likesAhh, but we can go deeper! If every instance of time travel creates another parallel timeline, we haven't been in the original timeline since season 2's It's About Time, which could spin on its own even further, as that creates a timeline where Cerberus might never leave his post, which means Tirek would never escape, which would mean Twilight would have to find another way to get her key to unlock the Tree of Harmony's chest. It could also mean a world where the Twilight-obsessed Starlight never learns of Twilight's time travel misadventures and so never gets the idea to use time travel herself.
0 likesWrong because there would be another Twilight, starlight and Spike in the timeline Twilight returned to.
1 like"But In THAT timeline, things went exactly as they did in the abandoned timeline."
That would mean the original twilight of THAT new timeline also abandoned it, basically replacing the old twilight with the same Twilight... So where did that old twilight go? Is this a paradox, or did Twilight really did just return to the one she just abandoned?
This makes sense, but do you really think the writers of MLP would put sooo much thought into 2 episodes?
0 likesHey Sawtooth. What if the abandoned Timeline is the one that leads into G5? In G5 the magic is gone. and you mentioned that cozy would of still found away to drain Equestria of magic. What if she did and it lead to the three pony tribes splitting off. Thus ending the harmony. just a random thought that crossed my mind.
0 likesThis Got me Thinking, and it Hit Different. But I Think that they Went back to their Own Timeline because they weren't gone long enough for anything to take Effect. They may have been Present there, but they Didn't change how Life Went on. Causing them to return Safely back to their Timeline.
2 likesSunset might come back and take Twilights place. Think about it. It was during the whole time traveling escapade that Sunset was participating in the friendship games. Twilight was already not answering he pleas for help because she was already gone. Eventually Sunset would have gone to see if Twilight was alright. Apon finding out Twilight disappeared she would help consol the mane 6 and princess Celestia. After awhile seeing that Equestria was endanger Sunset would step it and maby take up the place of the element of magic.
0 likesim pretty sure you are right. I agree. if you ever watched PoA in Hp you would say they are the same kind of time travel with different ways
0 likesJust think 'bout Twilight perfect loop when she thought the world is ending. She travelled to past her and came back to present timeline. She haven't created new one, she just talked to her past self and boom, back to her times. This moment became part of that timeline but did not create new one.
0 likesAh.
0 likesAnother one to fix.
I'll put it on the list.
-Find the Empty World (I named it myself)
-Thaw the crystal empire
-Bonk Chrysalis over the head
Got it.
What if the original timeline was actually the "almost identical to the original timeline", and everything they did CREATED the timeline they were from? Therefore only eight exist?
0 likesThe og one could easily go in to gen 5 if cozy did take all the magic and if you think about it it would be super easy for for crystals to replace twilight I think the second she knows shes missing she's going to take action
0 likesIt is possible for the time line to merge itself... I sorta veiw in the same situation as the doctors meeting each other after everything has been solved they don't remember seeing each other or what even happened. I can imagine the same being for Spike starlight and twilight as I'm sure most of the ponies would be focused on the race or doing other things meening no one would see them. However if the time line did change I think it would become something like fallout equestria with twilight gone I can imagine some dispute could go horribly wrong causing some sort of chaotic war (basically just what fallout equestria is). Idk it's just my thoughts and theories and limited knowledge of time wimey time travel stuff.
0 likesPerhaps in the forgotten time line they either found a replacement for Twilight or the time line created a new alternative twilight that didn't go in the porthole Peabody and Sherman still who knows?
0 likesSawtooth you nailed it
0 likesIf twilight didn't follow starlight into the past. They would've just lived further without her. She would've been trapped in alternate timelines without twilight to save her.
0 likeswait wait wait.. while i enjoyed and agreed with this.. wouldn’t that mean there would be 2 twilight, spike, and starlight’s in “our” timeline? or would’ve this been a endless loop of creating timelines to which just end up getting the different 3 from another timeline with no one realizing…
1 likeOne Cannot travel in time without changing something
1 likeMaybe you can try to do a alternate timeline where a canterlot wedding ended into a civil war with twilight leading this army with the intention of killing the princesses and her old friends
1 likeP.S can the nameless one help you with this idea and maybe dr.wolf too?
I think this theory is a bit extreme. Twilight, Spike and Starlight might not end up in a new timeline at all. Them going back in time could have been part of the same timeline. There is order in the chaos of the universe, so i think even if there was a minor change, it would fix itself. The only reason the other timelines exist is cause Starlight threw a big wrench into the fabric of time. Think of the flow of time like a river. If you throw a big rock in, you'll get a huge ripple and a big splash. Throw in a pebble, only a small ripple. Not enough to branch the timeline, though it could cause a couple minor hiccups in it
0 likesWhat if the 2 different human time lines came into play somehow and the human world which we saw from the first timeline have some to do with it , as we know that when twilight went back in time sunset was already reformed in both the human timeline of both worlds,we have seen the continuation from the 2nd timeline but not the first,and after sunset's reformation finding twilight and going for the camp was pretty independent of the pony world,so what if they stepped in while crysalis took over,we do know that the legend of everfree takes simultaneously and hence right after that,the 1st human world which we visited with the 1st timeline may step in and have a completely different future? They did her the necklace thingy which act like the elements and they do embody the elements even without the elements actually being present seen in the season finale and the rainbow rocks
0 likesThe difference I can think of in the two timelines are that rainbow remembers twilight from when she did the rainboom.... Its just that rainbow has'nt really mentioned the rainboom much so I guess we'll never know
0 likesI think that the rest of the mane 6 would freak out more because the element of magic is gone and they still think the elements give them there power and friendship
0 likesSuch an awesome channel
0 likesHere’s a more Lovecraftian and Multiversual theory. What if Discord is responsible for creating the new timeline after his second release? What if all the fillers (subjectively) throughout the series, including Equestria Girls, new characters especially main characters, like Starlight, and other things Lauren Faust became upset, like Twilicorn, because Discord ‘writes’ the show like a kid playing with his toys, while the other timeline was Lauren’s timeline that was never shown to the public, because Discord symbolizes the Hasbro higher ups that denied Lauren’s creativity? What if Discord was ‘reformed’, because the canon of the show is his world now?
0 likesPerhaps Fluttershy would have been Celestia's next successor, she was given motivational talks from the Princess and with Discord they would have been a strong duo. Moon Dancer would have taken the knowledgable role at Celestia's prompting, maybe even bringing Sunset Shimmer back.
0 likesI'm currently still trying to get the two possibilities straight since I get confused easily and forget factors quite as much...
0 likesTimelines are in a loop though, so what we’re watching has technically happened before?? For all we know, present Twilight, Spike and Starlight could’ve been in past Cloudsdale in the original timeline without anyone noticing (in the redemption scene they don’t talk with filly RD or anyone else). Them being in cloudsdale technically actually happened before everything else, them being in cloudsdale is part of the original timeline. So the timeline they came back to is still the original?? does that make sense, idk how to explain my thoughts-
0 likesBut what about Discord? He might stop Crystalis and Cozy Glow with his powers. It will be ironic if the chaos lord would become the new magic element of harmony.
0 likesNever took this this seriously until this video. Just watch for relaxation. LOL.
0 likesThe Storm King would've annexed Equestria no problem if it didn't already belong to Chrysalis
1 likewait.... would twilight not exist in the "good" timeline??
0 likesthen how would the rest of the mane 6 know about twilight
So i came to a similar conclusion arguing with an anon over on /mlp/.
0 likesThe argument was over whether or not the show beyond The Cutie Re-Mark took place in a separate reality from the one we started in. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that the table, the map never took Twilight and Starlight back to the rainboom we saw in the Cutie Mark Chronicles.
We came to the conclusion that it sent them to a number of different realities, but not once did they ever return to the original.
Starlight, Spike, and Twilight aren’t visible in the original CMC episode. We know WHY this is, obviously the writers never planned this far out. However because of that fact, we can only assume that the trio were never there to begin with.
So once they left, there was no chance of them ever TRULY returning.
Basically any way you look at it, this is hardly a theory. Our original timeline is not the one we ended the show with.
I love all of the Nameless cameos
0 likesHow do you know they were not suppose to be there... like your previous video about future twilight time loop, maybe this one's the same... they were always there for the sonic rainboom, but since it eventualy occur without intervention, no one saw them... the first occurrence factor is troubling, but it might as well be Starlight!
0 likesi'd like to think that the rest of the Mane 5 became the villain in that timeline.
0 likesMe: Hey what do you know, an OC that specializes in fixing time travel anomalies. Pity she wants to remain anonymous in the original timeline.
0 likesDark Watch: 'Good, nobody knows that I'm even part of it. Let's keep it that way you numb scull.'
This is the saddest theory that you have given and your voice is sooo sad that it makes me more sad
0 likes(Did anyone understand that whatever l said) And l appreciate that you still make videos even if the franchise has ended.
Thanks for this great video.
0 likesI love his face at 4:53 XD
1 likeWhat if the original timeline is the 8th timeline Starlight, Twilight and Spike travel thru when they kept going thru timelines like the Chrysalis ruling timeline. Seeing what would have happened if the Rainboom never happened. There was a timeline were there was just a grey desert. And Sawtooth did say the OG timeline would be unrecognizable. This could mean the OG timeline might be the 8th disastrous timeline of when the Rainboom never happened!
0 likesWhat do you think why did the magic disappeared for G5? Because Twilight wasn't there to stop Cozy?
0 likesSo there are 2 versions of twilight starlight and spike in the past, the older and younger
0 likesSo if this isn't their time line that means when they go back to the present there should be them aslwel as the younger ones that grew up, but there is only one group.
That means it's the same group and the same timeline
I could tell from the title this was gonna be a juicy one
0 likesTime traveling is dangerous and outlawed.
0 likesWhat if G5 is the abandoned timeline. Cozyglow having succeeded at draining the magic from the world.
0 likesReplies (1)
not possible, as G5 mentions Twilight and her friends, plus pegasi can still fly and unicorns still have magic (to an extent), plus the synopsis mentions that the races all split up again.
0 likesHey Sawtooth what if the forgotten timeline was the generation5 of mlp?
1 likeIt is most certainly a possibly. There could be another timeline where the Crystal Empire is covered in snow and Chrysalis eventually took over. iWorks like some stories on that…
0 likesthats what I thought too, that they wouldnt go back to their original timeline lol
1 likeI’m wondering about the twilight from the alternate timeline since she had to have gone somewhere for the original timeline twilight to take her place.
0 likesWhat happens when celestia realized twilight was missing and then went back in time to help twilight with the situation would the original timeline still be there
1 likeReplies (1)
Celestia would've needed the time travel spell, and since Starlight took it with her when she left, Celestia wouldn't have been able to go after them.
1 likeAwesome and cool!
0 likesSawtooth, how do you know if starlight, twilight and spike weren’t there in the time line we know, who said that they weren’t even there in the first place; remember last video you explained how twilight time traveled to give past twilight a warning, that could’ve happened there. What If in the timeline we know of the rainboom event future twilight, starlight and spike were there trying to solve the same problem present twilight starlight and spike...
0 likesI think tia(celestia) would find a replacement for Twilight I think of one of the mane six rainbow dash or rarity maybe I don't know but after that I think everything would be fine
0 likesDsepite the unnerving music it's kinda hard to feel unconfortable with pink petals falling, a sunny background and pastel coloured ponies and their young and harmless dragon haha
0 likesNow, Bronies, we shall all watch Loki and figure out how timelines work
0 likesmaybe time travel works differently in mlp world
0 likesMaybe the original timeline have Starlight, Twilight, and Spike when the rainboom happened, maybe Twilight stop Starlight so the rainboom happened, and the same thing also happened.
0 likesThis reminds me of a Steven universe episode
0 likesIn this episode a bunch Stevens came from different timelines so our Steven went back in time to stop himself from picking up a special artifact that would cause all this to happen, then all the Stevens follow our Steven, they went back in time but then all the Stevens die, except for one Steven but it isn’t our Steven
No this isn’t a creepy pasta it’s an episode
Probably with all those villains probably all the villains are just standing in the middle of nowhere arguing about who should rule all that nothingness that they’ve caused
0 likesEveryone speaks about the timeline split at the rainboom, yet no one is seeing the obvious truth: without the rainboom Cheese Sandwich wouldn't have gotten his cutie mark either. Equestria depends on Weird Al Yankovic.
0 likesThis wouldnt be true, because they still have the elements of harmony, trixie would still be there and she and starlight still have the same memories. Celestia still would know all about twilight becoming an alicorn
0 likeslove the video :3
0 likesDamn, the TVA would have set everything right! Where were they anyways?
0 likesAll hail alicorn princess Sawtooth!
0 likesAwesome
1 likeI have a question, in friendship games, when Sci-Twi is "stealing" magic from the portal or Sunset Shimmer (idk), does it makes something bad to equestria ? And if it does, was it in the actual world or in the abodonned world ? (Srry for bad grammar-)
0 likesReplies (1)
I hope someone will understand what I just said
0 likesDude Princess Twilight, Spike and Starlight have always been in the past watching the rainboom happen.
0 likesThat timeline no longer exists...
0 likesI think you’re kind of like twilight spike in starlight would go back to their original timeline I’m just happy that we will see them again and they’re all the time
1 likeSo there should've been a Twilight Sparkle in that world that they ended up in. A Twilight Sparkle who grew up to be a friendship student and princess, and then this impostor shows up out of nowhere and starts acting like hot shit. What did they do about the native Twilight, Starlight, and Spike?
0 likes*have you ever thought of a world where every thing was the same
0 likes*except you didn't exist?
Question/Video Idea:When human Twilight went to Equestria she wasn't an alicorn just a unicorn but when she transformed in the human world she has wing.HOWWW???😯😳⁉️⁉️⁉️
1 likeThis Theory is like that one rick and morty episode where rick and morty leave there original universe and go to another universe.
0 likesHey sawtooth , I have a question , where is the twilight spike and starlight of the timeline which they are right now ? There's a twilight spike and starlight in that timeline right ?
0 likesI think they went in a defrerent time line but went back to normal
0 likesMake a video about how advance pony/equestrian technology is
0 likesThere wouldn’t be any starlight either because starlight was the one who made the time travel so yeah she went with
0 likesI don’t think there were 9 time line I think in the 1st time line Starlight,Twilight,and Spike were there when the Sonic rain boom happened,why do I think that because if they came to the 9 time line there would be 2 Twilights.And I love your videos!❤️And I’m 8 years old.
0 likesThere are actually not 9, but
0 likes(7+(A+infinity+B)×infinity)+A+infinity+C
With A being an amount of times Twilight went back in time before the flow of exactly the same timelines, B for an amount of loops Shimmer went back in time in every new timeline and C for the amount of times Shimmer went back in time in the abundant timeline (might or might not = B depending mostly on wheather that happened before or after Starlight spell)
Replies (1)
Or if you are using the pocket timelines system
0 likes8+A-1 normal timelines and 2+B pocket timelines
What if the one with nothing but dirt and stone, was the original timeline..
0 likesWithout the full of the Main 6, villains could take over, if they all did it together the two royal sisters could be defeated..
Even if it does become a chrysalis timeline, and also to think the storm king would probably never get the power of the staff since it was necessarily to have all 4 princesses magic, maybe he would of taken over equestria instead of chrysalis, as he did seem to be able capture everyone even without the power of the staff. All just because of one spell 😰
I never actually thought about this until now, it is kind of scary to wonder what equestria would become without twilight, starlight and spike..
It may be that Celestia and Luna have flowing hair because their older than twilight and cadence and flurry are not as old as celestia so I think when they grow up they will get flowing hair
0 likesThis theory makes sense.
0 likesSo, basically, you're doing ASMR now
0 likesEveryone’s probably dead in the original timeline maybe the desert timeline they went to was the original timeline
0 likesOr they could've just been there and we just didn't see them in The Cutie Mark Chronicles
0 likesWait... how could Flurry break the crystal heart? The reason why she broke it was because she was separated from pinkie pie from the bubble twilight created but maybe I’m wrong
0 likesWhat if they were originally there though??
0 likesWaiting for someone to write a fanfiction about this, grimdark, darkfic, sadfick?
0 likesOmg makes so much sense 😢 that's sad 😭
0 likesHumm i wonder what happens on the timeline, maybe Thorax is still good and he finds another way, another story
0 likesI like to think similar timelines will eventually merge together. The idea that the universe and the multiverse are infinite, is something I can't help but scoff at due to the fact we all know that everything on this planet is finite. It blows the mind to think anything could be infinite. But this may also explain the mandela effect. It's not that you remembered something wrong, but that thing was overwritten by a merging timeline.
2 likesThe implication from the episode is there aren't alternate timelines, there's only one and changing the past is simply rewriting that one. Which has it's own dark implications, since everyone Twilight meets in those alternate timelines is dead (or rather never existed) the moment she goes back and changes something again. I base this assumption on Zecora's line about how her timeline isn't meant to be. If we assume the many-worlds interpretation then there's no such thing as a timeline that wasn't meant to be. Zecora even demonstrates with a stream of water that changing the path of the water results not in multiple streams but one redirected stream. Now yes that could be taken to mean the path of the traveler rather than time as a whole, but combine it with the previous line about how they shouldn't be and its meaning is pretty clear.
0 likesThe many-worlds interpretation is problematic in general when we consider time travel, since every single possible action has already happened. If we assume MWI then both Starlight's and Twilight's actions are pointless. Twilight could have stayed where she was and not followed Starlight back in time, because her timeline would not have changed. And there was no point in Starlight going back to stop the rainboom, because there are already innumerable timelines where the rainboom failed to happen all on its own. MWI robs any time travel plot of so much of its tension that one simply must assume the Copenhagen Interpretation in any plot that hangs its tension on the changing of the past.
The only way to use MWI in a time travel plot and still maintain dramatic tension is the way the MCU recently did it, where they needed a resource that no longer existed in the present to save the day. They thus went back in time to get that resource when it did exist, with the understanding that nothing they did back then mattered to their time line. Though the MCU managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with that final scene of Old Cap on the bench, since MWI wouldn't allow for that. There are ways to force that scene to fit with MWI, but they're complicated and clunky.
sounds like the new seson 5 coming up
0 likesWell,about this...means Princesses death...If Twilight never was there Storm king would make all princesses stone without Twilight save them and find the hippogriffs so maybe this was the end of Equestria in the original world,who knows but if you right for Chrysalis all this is a war,a war vs Queen Chrysalis,Storm king and King Sombra,those villains fight for who will be the leader...a war that will make Equestria this that Twilight was show to Starlight......BUT of course we see that starlight didn't nothing at the end,she was aggreed with Twilight back to their reall home,the original Equestria and + that inthe first episode that you was show Nameless one in your chanell he said that your Equestria is the original one so you can see what is happening right now in the "forgotten"world,right?But if this is true mane five would NEVER EVER understand that Starlight is good now,they thing she is a lost villain,maybe they will mix it with Twilight and Spike that missing,mane five will never see Twilight again,never see Stigian or the pillars,Flurry or Sunberst,even Thorax,or Tempest or Capper,they would never seen Cozy glow or young six everything will change in equestria the original Equestria is nothing more than a lost memory...Twilight is a lost memory...Starlight is missing villain. Mane five have the hope that twilight and Spike will come back again but everything are just broken nothing is the same,the love is lost princesses are lost even Starlight is lost,this is the end.of Equestria Twilight is the one that holding equestria alive without Twilight nothing is the same...
0 likesThink on back to the future part 1 and 2 and you get your answer there. And meet the Robinsons.
0 likesRed dragon logs: …
0 likesI was spying on Sawtooth because of his resent time travel mischief and was planning to prevent him from doing it again… Forever
But… if what he said is true…
I need to do something.
Replies (4)
aw crap, its Zamatsu all over again...you know, Goku black and all that if you're familiar with somewhat recent Dragon Ball Z events. But actually I think its just a case of things returning to their own timeline. After all, the original order of events happened, no one noticed Spike, Starlight, or Twilight, and nothing was permantly changed, lost, or otherwise tampered with. That was the whole point of Twilight making sure the Rainboom happened after all. If she had failed....well, you saw the wasteland.
0 likesTHAT SAID: messing with time, if possible AT ALL, is a BIG no-no....messing with stuff only God has real access to...the Grandfather paradox? That's nothing...because it only deals with the past leading up to the present...imagine ramifications on the future because...well, people who were supposed to be present and events that were supposed to happen, weren't and couldn't. Do you have ANY idea how huge that is? granted, things meant to happen will happen one way or another, but still...it could make things go all screwy just the same.
@Christopher Jones Agreed, I have avoided time traveling at all cost, I leave that to one of my others. I prefer multiverse travel.
0 likes@Silly gamer Multiverse? Different Dimensonal travel? You crazed bro?
0 likes@Christopher Jones Travel to different dimensions is safer then time travel. You can’t change the future unless you try to. Plus you get to meet legendary heroes, I have almost lost count of the things I took part in…
1 likeor the friends I lost…
Damn I had not even thought about that
0 likesso there is no such thing as different timelines if no one changed the past. And no one did when twilight became friends with starlight ans they came back to the same timeline cause no one caused anything different nopony was probably looking them and were amazed of that portal witch chanced the past so nothing changed
0 likesThe time spell ate itself in the so logically it erased the events starlight’s created tampering
0 likesReplies (1)
Plus since the spell was used in conjunction with the cutie map so it is possible that the tree of Harmony created an artificial reality like izanami
0 likesDude ur hurting my brain with time travel and dimensional travel, LOL I can process it but it takes quite a bit too XD
1 likeBecause maybe it got detroyed without twilight
0 likesI’m scared for MLP
0 likesGreat just great sawtooth is turning mlp into a another TIMELINE Don’t you have a problem with the mane six . First Twilight being a dictator , pinkie pie is a chaos creature, rainbow dash does not deserve her element, Apple jack is stupid 😔. Why
0 likesmy guess is that the origonap time line is now a apocolypse
0 likesAnd the new mlp generation there's no magic maybe this is the other world
0 likesSomeone call the TVA! XD
0 likesah yes, the Dashpoint event...
0 likesIs G5 based on the original timeline then?
0 likesif it was another timeline than there would be there will be two twilights spikes and starlights the different timeline
0 likesWhat if the original timeline is what becomes G5???
0 likesReplies (1)
nope. G5 mentions the Mane 6 and Princess Twilight.
0 likesAnd that is why the TVA exists
0 likes4:04 she know them in the school
0 likesi don't think she can do something
Yes but that would mean there is 2 Twilight, spike, and Starlight, and there is not
0 likesIdk why but I always think that someone is missing and idk why
0 likesgod damn sawtooth- edgy much??
0 likesi also think even if cosyglow pen palled tirek she would not make it
1 likefor kids show mlp can be a little creppy once you look deeper into it
0 likesNice theory but I don't think it's cannon lol I don't want it to be cannon it's to sad
0 likesI think you're right
0 likesThe music makes it creepy.
0 likesWhere is the TVA when u need it
0 likesThat thumbnail scared me. I hate to see an evil/broken smiley face in black n white.... brrrr
0 likesI think the black timeline is the original one
0 likesi think if there is an abanded timeline than no one would even now cosyglow and the ponys would yust go to the human world till they find starbucks but when they come back they see that zombra has taken over
0 likesWell nothing happened ik even the teensiest thing could change it maybe by mistake but there was no mistake
0 likesi think the world that has been forgotten everyone is gone or just living without twillight starlight ans spike wait how about sunset she also has gone thrue diffrent universes she can maybe replac twilligt
0 likesI am soooooo sad now
0 likesHmmmmmm somethings off ,……..what about the starlight and twilight in the 9th universe 😐 just a question
0 likesIs celestia the queen or prinses and if she’s the princess who’s the queen?
0 likessawtooh why are you so smart? btw i love your vidoe
0 likeswow who the heck know there is a millions of therios and infinite universe
0 likesIt is a waist land of horror
0 likesNice VIDEO
0 likesur right this is creepy
0 likes5:32 That’s me!
1 likelet’s just hope you were wrong
0 likes4:44 i feel you will call hem xD
0 likesI think it still the same
0 likesOh and probably all the ponies and everyone is probably dead except for the villains
0 likesI think they went back memory wiped by next day feel better but needs rest for its horn
0 likesI am scared👍🏻👻👻 I told you my little ponies curse👻💀
0 likesNow I egt why hermione said that her and Harry can't be seen-because thIs
0 likesNo they were there but gone before anypony noticed them
0 likesThat mean time line they go there will another alicorn princesse of friendship
0 likesYou know this is FAKE right?
0 likesits strange
0 likesthat thumbnail creeps me out
0 likesDiscord would still be bad
0 likesCreepy
0 likesHow do you put a sad song
0 likesomg star lord got the suaaea
0 likesThorax killed chrysalis.
0 likesHmm Maybe the original timeline is the new mlp generation… wait people have already posted comments like this… Uhhhh kindred spirits?
0 likesCosy glow. is RadissOn
You now know what sawtooth your story was nice but insane kind of real but a fake any way I like your story but still it's fake
0 likesHmmmmmmm. That's very interesting but I'm not sure which way to lean. Separate timeline or merged timeline. Oo.
0 likesYou should not scare people like this 😡
0 likesWhen there can to the past of rain boom every thing was same by Been there so your who know there was past twilight starlight and spike but rainbow dash not them
0 likesIt's not possible cuz after rainboom portal opened it self it's a part
1 likeReplies (1)
Yea true spirit of harmony knewed GG
2 likes:3
0 likesStarlight have a spell
0 likesWell actually nothing did happen because this is all a cartoon
0 likesThere is a thing in star trek that may mean it never branched off. Meaning, the sonic rainboom ALWAYS had those three extra viewers because the time travel event always happened. Its a perfect circle. Or, as its properly called. A Pre-destined paradox. Also look at it like futurama, Fry being his own grandpa. Always was meant to happen and therefor always happened that way.
0 likesI think its would be like hell like monsters evil and creepy things pony dead and ya
0 likesI really wanted to know
0 likesWhat is the twilights in both universe in both just swapped
0 likesMy therories is that time already have have a futur what i mean is that for example now when im typing right here time already know what im gonna do next and so as in the mlp world so if you do a time travel that means you destroy the future time has made for you imagen that time is river if the river already flows and you go back to when the river just start like a bit and make new path there you just make time creat you another future but so it means you created a new world which is most called as pararel world just if stalight and the others go back to the place where before they watch the rainbom and take them away or twilight or starlight can cast a spell to make them invisible they can go bsck to the real world but so they just creat a new world this maybe dangerous cause rainbow dash or whoever watch the rainbom that see starlight and twilight might has a memory of them what if who watched starlight and twilight was a child and when theyre big they became a vilain then they saw twilight and starlight again at the same age they would think that starlight and twilight do time travel and they ended up alternating starswirl spell to go back in time and creat another timeline/pararel world that is so dangerous. This is my theori
1 like~Adi Satia
I believe that they were already there, even in the first rain boom. A good example of this is in Harry Potter book 3 where Harry and Hermione went back in time with the time turner and Harry used the patronous charm to save past Harry, which Harry saw thinking it was his Father. However, I believe Spike, starlight, and twilight were there but were unnoticed, somehow. Therefore the world is the same as it was suppose to happen. This is similar when Twilight when to inform her past self about a danger not to worry about, but in this instance it was indirect instead of being direct,
1 likeBUT that is just a theory
Thats been a burning question in the back of my head since the season 5 finale, thanks for answering it Sawtooth!
2 likesThis is another reason why I have watched mlp for too long. Which is another reason why I love it so much.
2 likesi know this is random buuuuut-
2 likesnow that this theory came into play i may be able to fit my fanfic inside the canon. yay, more writing for me!
thanks sawtooth! 🤍
Alright then. You agree with my first thoughts on the episode. My next question is "What about our current timeline's original Twilight and Spike?" What happened to them? Wouldn't the inhabitants of that timeline notice two Twilights? Or say that Twilight went back in time. Her personality is almost guaranteed to be at least slightly different than ours. Wouldn't they notice the difference? And if that Twilight time travelled, what about the alternate universes/timelines they created? And what about the one they finally ended up in? The exact same set of questions apply here too.
0 likesI didn't watch until you asked what we think before posting. I think they don't merge because the ponies present at the rainboom will have a memory of Twilight and company being there. It will nag at some of them forever, gauranteed. It's like leaving a watermelon on someone's doorstep in the middle of the night.
Nice that he's still making videos even though MLP has ended.
1 likeSawtooth! Did you ever think about the fact that MAYBE twilight, Starlight, and Spike WERE there originally? Like maybe the event of them going back in time was meant to happen? Think about it, if it wasn’t meant to, starlight wouldn’t have reformed, reunited with sunburst, became friends with Trixie, or thorax, and equestria would have fallen to chrysalis anyways, I think this was a time loop sort of event that was meant to happen no matter what, think about it, if it’s meant to happen, and say young rainbow dash saw them, she wouldn’t remember them being their way in the future when she meets twilight, otherwise she would have told twilight she looked familiar upon their meeting, I’m guessing that rainbow and fluttershy are about 6-7 years old when this happens, they wouldn’t remember elder ponies that they get a glimpse of, and never see again, think of it like Re-meeting a family member at a Christmas party who you haven’t seen since you were 6, you don’t ever remember them
2 likesI would personally imagine they always had been at the rainboom. My personal interpretation if time travel is that if it's happened, it's happened. That everything within a timeline is closed off within the timeline. For example, if Bob goes back to 2000, it's already happened. All his actions have already happened. So personally, I think that Starlight and Twilight were always there, we just didn't get to see or Rainbow's memory was distorted because of how long ago it was.
0 likesYou make a good argument, but there's something that was bugging me with the theory. Wouldn't there be another Twilight in the present they returned to if it was not the original? For example, in the alternate timelines where the villains reined, although we never see the Twilight and Spike from those timelines, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's not a version of them that already exists that fit the alternate timelines. So wouldn't that disprove the theory that the timeline they returned to is not the original? Because if it was not the original, there would be another Twilight, Spike, and (maybe) Starlight?? So I guess it's just pure speculation since we never see another Twilight or Spike in the villain timelines, but when Twilight time traveled by herself to warn her past self, there were 2 Twilights in the same timeline. It's just something that I thought about and my thoughts are kind of all over the place so I hope I'm still (somehow) making sense.
0 likesokay, the way you talked really settled the atmosphere of the video, do something like this please!
1 likeoh yea, and this theory makes a lot of sense, but just like you said, time travel probably works differently because of Starswirl's modified spell
This is an interesting theory with good evidence! However, I think I might have some that will discredit it. The only problem I found with this theory is how it ties into Equestria girls. Specially Forgotten Friendship, Spring Breakdown, and The Friendship Games. At least the first 3 movies are held in the original timeline. In the final scene of the Friendship Games, Twilight goes to the human world through the portal after the fight with Starlight. If she, Spike, and Starlight had started a new timeline and went there, the human 7 in that timeline wouldn't know who she is. Even if they did, because the mane 6 knew as stated in the video, then the Equestria Girls movies would be on different timelines. Assuming it is all on the same timeline, starting a new one would screw up the human world. In FF, Sunset wouldn't be able to go back to Equestria to ask Celestia for forgiveness and find out information about the memory stone. In SB, Rainbow, Sunset, and Twilight couldn't travel to Equestria because there would no Princess Twilight to go to.
0 likesI would say the timelines merged back. If they didn't, then there's an extra Spike, Twilight, and Starlight running around somewhere they might run into.
2 likesShame...I do enjoy the idea Chrysalis gets another timeline. She deserves it after what happens at the end.
Replies (1)
Wouldn't it really be a Storm King timeline tho?
0 likesI was going to say myself that I thought along the lines of that timeline merge, where the insignificant event in the past changes the whole timeline but not to recognizable amount.
0 likesI would have also suggested that maybe it would have already been in place in that timeline to begin with: even though it was unseen, the two would have made their time-cutting appearance at that time and they were just fulfilling their destiny to do so in the past of their own timeline. But at that rate of continuity it would also raise question of why that wouldn't happen with everytime starlight and twilight returned to that moment in the past, and ended up with several copies of each other at that one moment too, as that would already break the continuity of them skipping back to the same moment in time over and over, although at that point the whole premise of time traveling falls apart into paradox anyways...
i actually got physical chills when you started talking about the original timeline being left behind, this theory is amazing i can’t believe ur the first i’ve heard to pick up on how it’s probably not the same timeline :0
0 likesGod, imagine: Flurry Heart,the queen of a broken changeling empire. I'm just imagining the changelings enslaving the ponies and farming their love like animals while Tireck and all the other villains still wreak havoc, the Crystal empire still in snow. I'm also imagining a war between Crysalis and Sombra for control of the empire, one which Chrysalis would indoubtably win. Also, I think the storm king would still try and take over Equestria too til the whole mlp world is engulfed in war between Chrysalis/Flurry Heart and the Storm King. As if that wasn't enough, the original six are still in limbo! How sad us that?
1 likeAlso, I 100% agree with the abandoned world theory.
I like how Sawtooth is asking The Nameless One now like he truly knows all the answers...
0 likesI love the different Fimfics that cover some of those other timelines... but this.... this would be very sad to read about.
1 likeIn the anime Stiens gate there was a force that kept certain events from happening as if fated. They described it as a world line. an event that had such certainty to happen that even large changes to the past would not change the result. Sort of like attempting to change the flow of a river. you can change the direction of a river to a point but it will always flow generally towards the nearest sea unless something more drastic like an entire mountain is moved. hence why I would believe it is the original time line as the change was not enough to shift the resulting flow of events.
0 likesWell, considering what Twilight did is very similar to the TVA, I would say the timeline would heal itself and the branch would reset.
0 likes5:15
1 likeAs a Chronomancer And Time Traveller I Can Say Doing Nothing But Doing The Time Travel Spell Still Creates New Dimension So That Means We Have a Total of 19 Different Timelines
Now this theories are getting to Film Theory levels, and i love it
1 likeIt's also possible that Twilight, Starlight, and Spike switched places with another group of the same trio. Say for instance there were multiple of these groups performing time travel at around the same time, it could have been like a "ring around the rosie" sort of situation. Or it could have even just been two groups - notice that in the "new timeline", there was never any trouble with duplicates of any of the three of them. Being public figures something like that would have been noticed, so it's possible that the trio from the new timeline swapped places with the ones of old, and just like everyone in the new timeline, most likely no one in the old timeline would have known the difference.
0 likesWhat about the map though? Didn't it stay consistent throughout the different timelines? If it had the power to ensure none of the other timelines came to be, surely it would be able to sense and return to the original timeline so that one does not mess up? I mean Starlight used her own twist on the spell and casted it directly on the map, so it may have worked differently than other cases of time travel in the show.
0 likesAlso, if time travel loops, is it not possible that Twilight, Starlight and Spike were all originally there but since on the last trip before Starlight's redemption they do not do much to draw attention other than talking, no-one paid attention to them and it was not noted in their history or memories? So in short, it may be more likely the show continued in the original time line?
Awesome theory though! :D
Wait a minute, didn’t you cover this in the Twilight Paradox video? Their choices through time rewrote how time was meant to go each time the went back, to the point they could still be there and time would go as it without them.
0 likesAfter they returned the scroll left out a burst of light. I think the scroll restored everything, otherwise the tree of harmony would have noticed :D
1 likeIf Twilight disappeared and couldn't be found in Equestria, the next place they would look is the human world. Once the humain seven were alerted that Twilight was missing, they would also join the search.
0 likesOn one of their many trips to Equestria to search for Twilight, they would discover the main five acting off. The humain seven will uncover the invasion plot, and Sunset will strip as much information about the changelings from the invaders' minds as possible. The humain seven will then be the ones to defeat the changelings and save everypony, but there will be no reformation.
From that day forward, the humain seven will be the ones called whenever Equestria is in danger, until a new element of magic can be found.
I think the original timeline would become the cozy glow timeline but a bit different
2 likesI wonder are there more timelines. Soon maybe Sawtooth may just make a whole YouTube channel dedicated to the Multiverse and different mlp timelines.
0 likesI'm pretty sure they went back to the original timeline because (when Twilight made Starlight understand that she was being delusional about cutie marks and friendship and when Starlight showed Twilight and Spike what caused her to put all those dangerous delusions in her head) they did not make any "major" changes to either past, so at least most of everything most likely ended up staying the same. Also after they went back to the present, after Starlight's reformation, the Time Traveling Scroll disappeared into the time void. If the did end up going to another alternate timeline instead of the original, then the original timeline would have ended up looking the wasteland timeline because of not just Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, but also many other villains they shown in the comic books and the movie.
0 likesThe one thing I would have like to know most about Starlight was how she got her cutie mark and her talent in manipulating everything with her magic and her own free will.
I think the timeline Twilight, Starlight and Spike returned to is the original timeline. They didn't change anything and just being there in theory shouldn't count as a change unless someone noticed them, and since nopony noticed them in the past it probably doesn't count as a change. Think of it this way, if you take a walk through a park for example and Noone notices you or pays any attention to you, and if you don't interact with anyone will that change there plans or what happens to them after that, no. That's what I think.
1 likeOoh! This was so interesting! I never thought about this b4!
1 likeSpoilers for the VIDEO! READ AFTER WATCHING!!!!I really hope that they did merge into one….That would be SO DARK (and super interesting) if they stayed 2 separate timelines! With Twilight and Spike just proofing out of nowhere into a different timeline and just vanishing into thin air, What would they do? There’s just so many possibilities!!!
And so, Hasbro created the PVA, The Pony Variance Authority, to keep a Sacred timeline
1 like(I know someone already made a similar comment but I couldn't resist)
I would say that Twilight Starlight and Spike head to the future of a new timeline which is mostly the same(made fully the same if nopony noticed them in the past during that last timeline), and the other timeline just...ceased to exist. So basically like normal time travel.
If the original timeline were truly abandoned, then it should follow there are 2 sets of Twi, Spike and Starlight in the final timeline, unless the originals of the ninth timeline abandoned their own for some unknown timeline, in which case, why couldn't some trio of time travelers have replaced the three we followed in the original first timeline? Doesn't seem likely it was abandoned.
0 likesIf it happened how you said then there would be extras of the three rather than thinking of timelines as fine lines think of them as streams of water but the change was small enough to be irrelevant.
1 likeTechnically going by what you said they did return to the original timeline. Starlight, spike and twilight just became apart of the history and starlight didn’t stop it. And when they left to go back into the original timeline they left the history alone. So they never really affected it in the first place. But that’s just my theory.
0 likesIt's too depressing to think about, but I think it's ABSOLUTELY correct...
1 likeThis is an AMAZING theory i never thought of. This it may have changed equestria forever...
0 likesThe only problem I see with this is where did the new timelines Starlight and Twilight go especially if this is a timeline where starlight doesn't disrupt time I can only assume the other timelines get erased
0 likesI think the two merged together. My reasoning is actually based on a real life phenomenon that I don’t remember the name of. Ever heard of the Barenstain Bears? No? Well maybe you're more familiar with its alternate name, the Barenstein Bears. Most people remember Barenstein bears, but records only show Barenstain. Why is this? Well, people have talked about the possibility of two different, yet very similar timelines merging into one single timeline. I myself actually have been saying Barenstein Bears my whole life. Very interesting stuff. You should look into it.
0 likesDeep, very deep!
1 likeNow whenever I watch this, this’ll be in mind.
I think it would be a much more militant timeline. A princess as high profile as Twilight disappearing, seemingly without a trace would trigger massive searches for months, if not years. First they would search all of Equestria for the whereabouts of Twilight, the whole time the princesses, the element bearers and Twilight's parents becoming more and more fearful and paranoid. Questions would be circulating about who could have taken a princess without any signs of a struggle and who would benefit the most from it. Then the searches would be expanded to the neighboring countries, then to countries further afield. Eventually that would lead to an open conflict with the changelings, and as powerful as Chrysalis is, she would be no match in an open field of combat against three literal demigoddesses, the war would last for a couple of years, and even though there would be a lot of ponies killed, the changelings would be pushed to the drink of extinction. The whole time Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Shining Armor would never stop their search, even sending out secret agents to try and find any evidence of what happened to the missing princess. The plans of the Storm King would get uncovered prematurely which would trigger a massive military buildup from both Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and they would launch a massive preemptive strike against the Storm Lands and its satellite states, forcefully deposing the Storm King and installing a puppet government in its stead. That would trigger all the other nations to either sign non-aggression pacts with Equestria or sign mutual defense pacts in the hopes of protecting their own homelands and interests. This would trigger Equestria to sign mutual defense pacts with countries and it would cause the world to descend into a period of cold war.
0 likesThese videos are amazing and suspense building and interesting and very wow
1 likeActually, the possible forgotten universe might not live in vain like the others, this is a show about friendship. And even though in all the other timelines hope was lost since the mane 6 never met, but in the forgotten universe.. the mane 6 already did. So even if twilight wasn't there anymore, along with starlight and spike, it wouldn't be the end of that universe, because their would be a slimmer of hope..and maybe a different universes.
0 likesAfter the three disappear, I imagine that celestia would make a funeral regarding the three, despite the fact they weren't known to be dead.. it's still custom to make a funeral if someone is missing for so long and would be marked as dead.
Twilight would be known in the history books as the youngest alicorn princess to die/disappear.
Her letters to the princess and all she had learned, would be in its own personal archives like starswirl had, and she would be idolized for centuries to come. Her castle would become a historical land point (until later on...)
Celestia and luna would look at twilight the same as starswirl, an amazing unicorn with great potential that disappeared from the world itself, but left behind alot for future generations.
(I'll reply to this comment later on to continue my theory, please let me know what you think of this story build up)
What if Twilight, Starlight and Spike were always meant to be there to begin with? (the original timeline of you will). Yes, I’m suggesting that at some point in Twilight’s childhood, she coexisted with her future self without realizing it so she (referring to future Twilight) could fulfill Starlight’s redemption.
0 likesIt’s important to consider how Starlight started out, you know, Sunburst left and she became a communist. As far as we know, nothing in Starlight’s life/ personal timeline has changed when they traveled back in time, granted it’s the fate of all of equestria but the point is Sunburst still would’ve left and she still would’ve became a communist because the main 6’s lives do not directly affect her at this point in time (as they first cross paths in season 5, obvi).
This is confusing so I’ll try to water it down lol. Starlight’s life initially led up to the moment where she decided to go back in time which led to her redemption with Twilight’s help and that creates what I’ll be referring to as the “Glimmer-re-mark” paradox. They (Twilight, Spike and Starlight) were always meant to be there when the Rainboom occurred.
I've just watched this video and realized if starlight glimmer wasn't there to be apart of cozy glow's magic drain,cozy glow wouldn't have been able to drain all the magic and takeover all of Equestria
0 likesits kinda funny how i made a harmless joke about the last episode in season five a few years ago
2 likesafter twilight, starlight and spike made it back, i said
now i'm actually kinda worried-
I mean, if they switched timelines, what happened to the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike in the timeline they ended up in? Maybe they traded places and everything went okay after all? Or does that create a 10th timeline? And if so, what happened to the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike of the 10th timeline? Does it make an 11th timeline? Or does the similarities in both 9th and 10th timeline make them merge together?
0 likes*screaming in confusion*
The problem with the time is that is works differently in other dimensions/multiverse, our laws of phisycs dont apply to their world.
0 likesInteresting... But Starlight, Spike, and Twilight went back into the past, not into a different universe. So, when they came back, they probably didn't end up in a different universe and that means nothing really changed except for the fact that Spike, Twilight, and Starlight were there to see the rainboom. I don't know if this makes sense but that's what I think.
0 likeswell, going by Back to the Future rules, the most commonly accepted and seemingly fitting ruleset for this episode, they WOULD be back in the original.
0 likesI believe that Twilight, Starlight, and spike being there would not have made a different timeline because just them seeing the race is not a big difference so it may just lead to the same timeline
0 likesIdk though I may just be trying to make sense of it.
Wouldn't there be two Twilight's in the same universe? Since there would be Twilight from that universe and the "new" one. Unless the Twilight teleprted away creating a loop. Or maybe in that loop she jumpes between the two universes and "exchanges" Twilights.
1 likeLet say you are right.
0 likesLet's also say that Crysalis does take over Equestria.
Cozyglow would definitely notice this, but she may not think that friendship is power. After all, she said Twilight taught her that. But let's just say that Tirek teaches her that instead. She would use what Tirek tells her about magic to wipe away magic in Equestria to "save" them from Crysalis. And because Twilight isn't there, and there's no Young 6 and the Pillars are still in Limbo, Cozy will succeed. After successfully getting rid of all magic, Cozyglow will go on to try and take over Equestria. Whether or not she succeeds at that, is up for debate.
Because not only will Cozyglow have to try and fight the whole of the Earth ponies and Pegasi of the royal guard, she will also have to try and fight Celestia and Luna, who aren't going to give up so easily. Likely Cozy will be beaten and locked away in the Canterlot dungeon for life. And then Equestria will still have to deal with the loss of Twilight and ALL magic.
But Cozy will also have to find a way to get the artifacts from the other creatures Kingdoms as well. Because without the school, the wouldn't be right at her hooves.
If the timeline they transferred into was exactly the same , then in that timeline there would have been another spike, another starlight, and another twilight sparkle doing the exact same thing , I'm going to call the abandoned time line that twi left , timeline2, the one the went into is timeline3 , so twilight , starlight and spike unknowingly left timeline2 and joined timeline3,but the twi,star, and spike from timeline3 would have joined timeline4( etc.) So our orgianal twi left timeline2 but there must have been a twilight from timeline1 that joined timeline 2 , so the abandoned timeline would have survived , sure it lost its orgianal twilight , but a new one arrived to help.
0 likes( I know this is complicated )
I actually think that maybe Twilight, Starlight, and Spike were in the background during the Rainboom. In The Cutie-Mark Chronicles, they may have been somewhere we couldn't see them so that we wouldn't suspect it.
0 likesNo you have to have one to take one. When Twilight went back in time Twilight equals 0 in the original timeline the universe is not happy. Once Twilight fix the old timeline and went back to the original timeline Twilight e41 in both timelines so the universe was happy. Pence it's the same timeline
0 likesSpeaking of Starlight...there’s someone who looks similar to Starlight
1 likeIf you watch rainbow rocks and the season 5 premier,you’ll see that someone looks similar to Starlight
Replies (1)
Think about it after you watch them
1 likeThey have the same eye,coat and mane colors
They know a lot of people (or ponies)
And they know how to manipulate
I believe Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were at the original timeline race where Dash performed the Rainboom, we just didn't realize until the season 5 finale.
0 likesWhen they left that timeline they were at the moment of the rainboom, the younger Twilight from that timelime could still be there and everything would have been the same, except for the other Twilight, Spike and Starlight
0 likesIt's also possible that Twilight Starlight and Spike were actually there in that original scene but we just didn't know it so nothing actually changed
0 likesthat honestly sounds like it could be g5's timeline
1 likeTbh i hate how they made mlp new generation without completing this one and left us with a gigantic amount of questions
0 likesI think you're wrong, unless the two Rainboom timelines did indeed merge.
0 likesHow?
Two words: Sunset Shimmer.
The portal at CHS is linked to the original timeline, so it shouldn't have led to a new timeline where Twilight Starlight and Spike returned to, but the original one in which those 3 no longer exist, but that isn't the case.
When Twilight runs through the portal at the end of Friendship Games she mentioned the Time Loop, meaning either the two Rainboom timelines merged or the portal, for unexplained reasons, disconnected from the original timeline after Sci-Twi stoll its magic and reconnected to the new timeline after the fact... which wouldn't actually work out because that wouldn't explain why the naturally occurring portal from Spring Breakdown connects to the new timeline as well.
So, merged timeline is most likely there
Surprised that no-one is pointing this out. If Starlight, Spike and Twilight returned to a timeline that already existed then wouldn't there be versions of them there already?
0 likesTo whoever read this comment, Starlight was never intention to destory the timeline; she just went to the past to keep the Mane 6 away for ruined her village and she is not a communism. This is literal basic mistake whenever people have the power go back to time, they think it fix their problem it only make thing even worst than the original time line. For why Twilight friends didn't look for her, because they actually only gone for a few minutes inside the time loop.
0 likesThis is why you should never time travel, it only leads to confusion and the destruction of the past , present and future and if this is not the case it might lead to permanent changes.
0 likeswait. is there actually a scene from the cutie mark episode that definitively proves this theory true? if so im genuinely upset
0 likesThis was a problem I was boggled since Cutie Re-Mark
0 likesI'm so glad you talked about this
Cozy Glow drains magic from Equestria in the forgotten Timeline without anyone stopping her and in MLP G5 magic is gone from Equestria so we will return to that timeline and see what happened with Twilight, Starlight and Spike gone
0 likesIt sounded very creepy..... the kinda forgoten timeline, the original one been banded... only IF it actualy works the timeline way we have in our minds
2 likesBecause of the spell that timeline would technically be destroyed because of the changes, time travel is it’s own confusion
0 likesIf thats a different timeline then where is that timeline's Twilight, Starlight, and Spike?
2 likesmaybe the rest of the main six in the new timeline wind up taking the place of twilight , starlight and spike. who do you think would have replaced them and in what?
0 likesReplies (1)
like who would be the princess, who would help stop the winter, who would stop the changelings, would the collage of friendship happen or not , if so how would the new six meet? I feel like this would be a fun writing prompt.
0 likesi think this wouldn't happen because if they switched timeline then what happened to the group that already was in that timeline, there would have been 2 of twilight spike and the other one I forgot the name of. i think that they always went back in time and stayed in the same timeline just they fulfilled them going back in time. just no one ever noticed they were there. just like how in the first case of time travel twilight ended up fulfilling the time travel by still warning herself and ended up saying the same stuff that past future twilight said. sorry if this doesn't make sense but it makes sense in my head. I tried to explain it best i could.
1 likeThe horrifying part is that there probably is another sawtooth there
0 likesIncluding his Clones who (funfact) never blink
Reality is doomed
As we all knows Starlight and Twilight went back in time but since Starlight altered so many ultimate realities and then when they went back the final time they did nothing it’s completely possible that they went there before the original then boom did have them there and it ended with them doing nothing it’s a theory but could work like if you go back to watch an event and do nothing in the future you’ll still do that as time goes on probably only a theory a my little pony theory
0 likesWhat if twilight, spike and starlight was there in first/real timeline but nobody noticed them because they didn't cause any thing and that's why they aren't in history. Now you might say 'there can't be 2 twilights spikes and starlights in one timeline' but they time traveled from the future so technically they can be there. Atleast that's how I think time travel works🤨
1 likeThis is probably a bad idea because I’m only at the 2:02 mark but does that mean….there were other outcomes?! Like Chrysalis was successful in the equivalent moment of season 6 or the storm king conquered Equestria without a fight?!
1 likeThey did not return to a new timeline. Because that timeline did not have an "original" TS, Spike, and SG in it. Which is not possible given that it is identical.
0 likesThis is an interesting theory, how I couldn't noticed this things before!
0 likesI think in the real rainboom time line,there was that future starlight and spike,twilight. so the future became true when the real time occured
1 likeIf it just becomes another Crysalis timeline i think the nuculear war wastland would still win the creepiest.
1 likeI have a theory that friendship is magic and pony life two different timelines, I will list my reasoning down below:
0 likes1. Alternate timelines and universes is cannon; we see this accure when Starlight glimmer prevented the sonic rainboom, causing twilight and spike to trave to other realities.
2. Modern technology; in pony life cellphones and laptops are present, but friendship is magic has a mid-evil feel to it
3. Different landscape; pony life has sugarcube corner on the edge of a cliff and a rainbow potion lake, while friendship is magic has constant landscape (excluding the construction of twilight's castle and the friendship school)
4. Character design; every character in friendship is magic was well detailed as main character or background character, but pony life makes the cutiemarks and characters overly simple
This would mean that all the other timelines wouldn't get erased after they fixed the rain boom. What if they all just never existed idk
1 likeDidn’t cozy glow become evil because she went to the school of friendship?
2 likesReplies (1)
no, she was already evil before she got there.
0 likesWait, if Cozy Glow drained the all the magic from equestria, wouldn't chrysalis be powerless? She would probably be taken down without any magic to protect her. Without magic the only thing that would matter was money and connections. So Cozy would probably rise to the top eventually, as she good at manipulating ponies to get what she wants. Though if anypony found out what she was doing it would be just as easy to defeat her as it was chrysalis. They both had armies, one a group of changelings and the other a group of tricked ponies.
0 likesI think that maybe no one noticed spike twilight and starlight and because of that it was a forgotten part of rainbows memory and nothing would change because in the episode of how everypony got their cutie mark we don’t see the cloud the 3 are on so it might be the original time line but because as we get older we forget small details rainbow might not have payed too much attention to them. Tell me what you think of this conclusion. And does anyone agree?
1 likecough The original Abandoned Timeline ended in Generation 5 and is somehow the reason, why the three races broke with each other AND the Crystal Empire wasn't mentioned somewhere in the Previews. cough
1 likeJust a quick theory xD
Sawtooth is the MatPat of the MLP Fandom
2 likesBut better
@Sawtooth Waves Hey maybe you can make a video about Tempest shadow, and how was she able to control her magic!
0 likesHold on if Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer went into the new timeline what happened to the Twilight, Spike and Starlight that already were in it?
0 likesThere would be three timelines: our current one, the OG and the one were they return to the OG.
0 likesI alwas considert it like the original timeline Alwas had Starlight, Twilight and Spike on the cloud, because at that point in the timeline Starlights destiny had alredy been set in Stone, and she had alredy done it in the future. (Just like With the normal MLPFIM time trawel) The timeline were only tranged because they actively interferd, in other Words by doing exactly nothing While bieng in the the past, they created the original timeline we have all followt Them in since episode one. (Relly hope this is a good explanation)
0 likesOlso: are we just tottaly gonna ignore the end scene in equestria girls frindship games, i mean IF... that movie takes place in the same timeline as the two previous Movies, and we go With Sawtooth Waws logic, Twilight wouldent show op... ok now that im thinking about it, that propleply depends if the two worlds are parallel ore not... You know what, i will lead it to you guess, what do you Think would happend in the Human world?
Well then where is the Twilight Spike and Starlight from the new timeline they created? Wouldnt that mean that there should be another set of them unless they went back to the original
0 likesBut—then if your theory is right, where are the original Starlight, Twilight and Spike in this, if they return to a new timeline, they should have their past duplicates or, if not, the other mane five, shouldn’t recognize them
0 likesWait what would of happened to the Twilight in the new timeline before Spike, Twilight and Starlight time traveled there!? Would she of also time traveled and maybe ended up in the old timeline..?
0 likesi am pretty sure there are endless versions of dimensions ! let me nameless it !
0 likesNobody noticed Twilight, Starlight, and Spike in that final timestream that had them ending up back in their timeline that we know of, but even still it might not have the effects that you brought up in this video. But that's just more confusing time mumbo jumbo I'm too tired to delve in to.
0 likesThe seven different worlds represent the main six and spike so if the world is forgotten are the events still going on in that forgotten world?
1 like"Why dont I nameless it?"😂 but also ive had this same theory but I never considered the futer of the other timeline😟
0 likesI dont think thats the case. Cus time is a straight line and if someone time travels back in time, when they go back to their own time, its in the same timeline/universe. Always. Especially that the rainboom didnt change and so everyone gets their cutiemarks as usual and everything.
0 likesAnd so it means that a future Twilight, Spike and Starlight witnessed the rainboom all along. What I mean is, in the timeline of the show when it first started, there was the argument of Twilight and Starlight in the background. Its just that we didnt see it in Season 1. I hope you understand what I mean ^^'
I think King Sombra came from the same village Mistmane came, as they have curved horns like Sombra
0 likesReplies (1)
sombra didn't come from Mistmane's village, and the only reason he has a curved horn is because he was corrupted by dark magic.
0 likesDude I love this video lol it’s so creepy tho…
0 likesI want a sad fanfiction about the original timeline mane 6 now
0 likesThey merged back into the same timeline. I think you are reading too much into it
0 likesFollowing the new series "Loki" logic, only if its a big change like what He who remains said only the major branched timelines would be pruned so his variant (Kang) will not start a multiversal war.
0 likes4:28 i think it is that, otherwise, what append to the young spike, starlight and twilight? there would be twice in the same universe
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Hey maybe you can make a video about if 🦄s can use their magic to regrow their broken horns! Or what happens if a 🦄’s horn brakes, will it die? 🤔 about it.
0 likesWhat if the last timeline we saw where twilight spike and starlight were there talking and twilights talked about how important she and her friends r to equestrian was this timeline were twilight spike and starlight r not existing in it ?
0 likesTwilight was an important pony to equestrian and all this happening is reasonable to that timeline I mentioned, but then that would affect chrysalis’s attack and somehow something else would have come on their way and not chrysalis,maybe storm king ?
Making a children's cartoon dark? Oof thought Rick and morty was confusing when it comes to time lines although final space is even more confusing in the same matter
0 likesI’m calling Google, Nameless now. Thanks OwO
1 likeFriends don't let their friends write time travel stories.
0 likesI think it is only one time line. All that time lines never existed. It is only in the memory of Twilight and Spike.
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Hey maybe you can make a video to find out what happened to Gallus’s parents and family!
0 likesCould you come out with what the world would look like if cozy glow won
0 likesReplies (1)
with no magic, pegasus ponies can't clear the sky and control the weather, unicorns can't control magical artifacts or anything related to magic, earth ponies can't grow and produce food for everyone else, and even the sisters wouldn't be able to raise the sun and moon. even cadence wouldn't be able to protect the empire, as the crystal heart would've been drained of magic, letting the arctic cold into the empire.
0 likesLove the theory
1 likeLet's just "Nameless it" lmao
1 likeNice video this is the mistey that never being solved by hasbro , nice video
0 likesI think you’re right but the twilights different universe just swap
0 likeswhat if you force nameless to go to that timeline you said to him
1 likeOK hear me out what if it didn't branch off into a different timeline because twighlight and starlight and spike were all supposed to be there they were supposed to go back in time bc that was the only way starlight would learn friendship
0 likesThe lost timeline = g5 since magic has faded from the world in g5
0 likesJust throw another Twilight of the current timelin to the original
0 likesAh yes, Nameless, my standard search engine
0 likesFor everyone asking if there would be two twilights and starlights, I have a potential explanation.
0 likesThe Starlight and Twilight of the new timeline would have also time traveled and created basically duplicate timelines of the bad futures, while og twilight and starlight basically replaced them.
Time loop ig…wait…thats not the rigjt word for it…
What if in the real timeline twilight starlight and spike we’re just there
0 likesI think that MatPat has already made this video since I know that this channel is a sister YouTube channel to The Game Theorist/The Film Theorist/The Food Theorist/GTLive. And I know who is voice acting Sawtooth Waves. Isn’t that right The Brony Theorist?
0 likesReplies (1)
*Isn’t that right The Brony Theorist or should I say Mathew Patrick?
0 likesOr maybe they returned to the ‘original’ one?
0 likesbut what if they were there in the original time line and its all the same time line
0 likesSo if anyone watched avengers endgame they would know that if you go back in time and fix what you did so in their case the rain boom everything would be fixed no variant timeline but if something was changed like a person saw them who wasn’t meant to that would cause a variant timeline but no pony did so their time would’ve branched multiple times but been fixed and they would’ve returned to their timeline since the fixed everything like the ancient one said in avengers endgame if you take one infinity stone it may benefit your timeline but not my new timeline but since twilight spike and starlight returned and fixed timeline they returned to their own time line
0 likesCool video ;)
0 likesI see someone's been watching Loki.
0 likesI must write a fanfic about this >:D
0 likesSawtooth I want to ask if luster dawn is the new pony of generasion of the mane 6 did she will be a queen one time just like Twilight or flurry heart will be the queen I just wonder
0 likesWhelp, this got dark real fast-
1 like🤤🤤🤤🤤😨😨😨😰😰😰😱😱😱😵😵😵
I just thought of the what if Generation 5 that is coming out soon part of the original timeline?
0 likessawtooth, I think you touch a nerve there with the nameless one xDDu
1 like4:44 @sawtooth waves. What about Dr. Whooves the time traveler?
0 likesheres my theory :
1 likeif starlight, twilight and spike went into the past, in the time of the sonic rainboom there would be two twilights, a spike, a spike in the egg and mabye even two starlights. For example when twilight went back in time in 'its about time' there were two twilights that saw each other. So if this time when starlight and twilight went back in time they would just be copies of the twilight spike and starlight of that time, no changes when she left .Except mabye rainbow dash remembering that there was an alacorn twilight spectator watching her make the sonic rainboom.
The other timelines don't exist because they where found by the TVA and are now gone
0 likesuhm...how dare you make me question everything in my life? lol
0 likesIn the season 9 episode daring doubt awizoto mentions other guardians so what if awizoto was guardian of the jungle a the pony eating yeti was the gaurdian of the mountains
0 likesYeah.. I don't think this is gonna happen
0 likesOh my..........if that really happened then.....
2 likesI can already hear the typing of the fanfics
0 likesI don't like dark/serious Sawtooth voice, to spoopy 🙈
0 likesHold on i have a fiction to write
1 like“wE HAve tO pRotEcT thE SaCreD TimELinE”
0 likesWAIT HOly heck WAIT
0 likesG5 supposedly takes places thousands of years after g4 does right? WHAT IF g5 is the ogrinal
Timeline? Not only would it explain why the heck twilight wouldn’t be present (I’m 90% sure she’s not gonna be there at this point tbh) with twilights sudden disappearance what if the tribes start to blame each other and sicne there’s no pony to stop them what if Cozy glow succeeds in draining all magic defeating chyriases second rain but no pony sees her doing this which leads to them blaming each other even more eventually spitting apart
My Thoughts:
1 likeJust because Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were present on the sidelines for the historic rain-boom, that does NOT actually change anything. That rain-boom happened without them interacting with Rainbow Dash at all. As far as we know, Rainbow Dash didn’t even see them.
The rain-boom was completed, thereby connecting the main six’s cutie marks and mutual destiny. Nothing was changed, and the timeline they returned to is the exact same timeline that they left at the beginning of the episode.
I love your content, man; I just don’t buy into this particular theory. That’s just my opinion though, and I completely respect anyone else who decides that this theory is a valid addition to their personal cannon(s). Best wishes, take care, and I look forward to your next video~
Replies (2)
that's definitely the best case scenario that I'd hope is true! lots of other time travel media takes a stricter "butterfly affect" approach where every change counts. i can't say confidently which is more likely though. glad you like my videos in general tho!!
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves There's almost certainly some difference. The real question is if rewriting the past deletes the current timeline (to quote Zecora: "it is we who should not be"). Though that brings up other questions, similar to Clone Genocide...
0 likesDay three of asking sawtooth to talk about zecora and a possible zebra society
0 likesI am going to make a search engine called nameless.
0 likes"Hello, my name is Loki. This is my friend mobius, your volcano is about to erupt, I know this because we're from the future, I think."
0 likesBut atleas we got starlight now
0 likesI'm already working on the Fanfiction
0 likesCan you make a video titled “Are Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack Related?
0 likesReplies (1)
they're not.
0 likesi’m not sure I could be completely wrong but since the new GEN five have to completely like redo the power of friendship because the species are so distanced LOL I guess I don’t know but maybe that’s why they have to redo everything because twilight was lost in that original timeline you know what I mean so the progress of twilight and everybody made wasn’t actually there.
0 likesReplies (1)
obviously theres a million holes in this but 🤷♀️
0 likesmmmm if this theory is right then if it was the same time line then they handed both twilight sparkle so the both twilight sparkles went in the overs time line thats why the the 5 knows twilight in the same time line
0 likesfimfic based off this video when!
0 likesQuick question, Do you have pony town? I’m just wondering. Btw hello
0 likesif you mean that is 2 saparite timelins won't ther be 2 Twilights in the new timeline
0 likesHmm interesting 🧐
0 likescool
0 likesThis is scaryyy
0 likesI like no just no I can't except this
0 likeswbu when unicorn twilight time traveled? is there another forgotten uniserve?
0 likesI should report you to king thorax!
0 likesThe original is DEAD
0 likesI’m going on a vacation!! See you in August!
0 likes& the story. King would take over
0 likesme: HaHa Discord goes brrrr
0 likesYou made me sad
0 likesWhy sawtooth why!!!
0 likesDeath fire blood war would happen
0 likesMay be there is another time line that pony sow twilight like rainbow dash
1 likeanother alicorn and tell celestia there is another alicorn, What is this time line so post to be sawtooh what happened in this time line please make this next video.
Well I hope that the TVA dosent go looking for them because they were "altering the timeline" jaja.
0 likesThere is way more than 9.
1 likeWhat about discord? he can since magic may be he can help
1 likeReplies (2)
Discord is male.
0 likes@Reese sorry
0 likesWhen will you create a G5 video
0 likesWhat's with the flower in yur mane?
0 likeshen are you sending new videos???
0 likesFind it all the time now I remember what I said to Valdo timeline maybe nothing is it remember they said that some on the timeline is nothing sister maybe maybe he just create a few maybe she didn’t create out by that one I don’t think that timeline is safe
0 likesI think there invisible
0 likesOmg new vid
0 likesWell I wouldn't be like that is completely different one did in just make the same one and then just go back and in one time line but they went in different ones
0 likesSo you are telling me that my little pony did a fucking Rick and morty
0 likesI mean when you think about the Rick and morty one took place in episode 6 this one took place in season 6
What 😦 😦
1 likeWait i just realized if your theory is right, thats another possible explaination for the new gen of mlp,
0 likesThe realities was now split into 2. What if the ending we know in the previous mlp series just ended there and now the new gem of mlp is the continuation of the original(abandoned) au of mlp where twilight or even the main 6 might be unknown anymore bc of twilight dissapearing and everything falls to disharmony?
I know this is kinda supposed to be a joke but are you see what Im seeing... or its just me? ._.
Welp T^T
Yo uo rick and morty want it's theory back
0 likesThere is one question that came to my mind after watching this. Your theory seems very believable, but there were a few loose ends which weren't addressed. Like as you said, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer got delivered into another universe by just existing in the past which created another timeline, branching away from the original timeline-where they weren't present in the past. Then their original timeline would be with no Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Spike and the rest of the main six gang would figure about their disappearance and other stuff happens..blah..blah..blah. But you seem to have forgotten about the new timeline where they got delivered into. Wouldn't that timeline also have their own version of Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer? Then where are those ponies? And if these versions aren't there in that other universe then how did they just poof out of existence? Those versions of Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer have to stop existing to make your theory work. Tho it is quite boring to believe that the trio were pulled back into their own timeline..
0 likesReplies (1)
What if it happened in both timelines and they just switched
0 likesyou ruin my childhood
0 likesOwO
0 likesy do u have to make it sound dramatic / spoopy its not that much well someone who likes horror games
0 likesReplies (2)
honestly while watching i said duh nu nu nu NU! alot
0 likesi just noticed my gramar error ah well
0 likesSo u non-binary right, they/them? And a changeling, thembug.is what I’m calling u from now on
0 likesLol i've got sum idea.. what if the generation 5 that we will see in september, is actually like happening in the forgotten world like twilight spike and starlight are gone, and maybe after the mane 6 will be gone...equestria would fall and the 3 diffrent types of ponies seperate like Celestia find someone to replace twilight and she will become the queen or something, and she would be like bad and because of her equestria would fall apart- idk it just got into my mind and it's weird but yeah
0 likesThis theory depends on the kind of time traveling we see in the MCU: changing the past creates alternate timelines while the timeline where the time travellers were from remains intact. If we go for the traditional time travel format, then the timeline the traveller is from becomes affected by the changes in the past. This is the format MLP actually uses, as evidenced by Twilight's paradox spell. Regardless, the theory of alternate timelines is an interesting thought experiment nonetheless
0 likesI just wanna say how with all these alternative time line videos, I'm realizing that chrysalis is probably the most powerful villain. Maybe not in strength alone but after twilight and spike are removed from the picture, she's the one who's most likely to come to power. If you remove one thing from the equation, chrysalis is most likely to take control of Equestria.
1 likeReplies (1)
I agree with this. Asides from Chrysalis, I would also say cozy glow would be the second most powerful villain because she always seems to find a method used to take over. Also, she tricks people with how she looks like since she’s just a filly.
1 likeSawtooth's soft voice made this theory even more creepier
2 likesI love it
Well, given how in the og timeline, things rely on Twilight, the catastrophic things Sawtooth suggested might happen. The realm would look different if this actually did split off from the original.
0 likesYou know, this is why I like theories like these. They really make you stop and think about the what if’s the writers probably didn’t think themselves.
Starlight's ability to change fate (i.e. changing/removing cutie marks) makes her the most dangerous villain in the series. Notice how she always remained behind until the final jump forward. Remaining in the past might have been vital to keeping the alternate timelines in existence, so when she joined Twilight traveling forward it destroyed the spell.
0 likesWhen Sawtooth uploads you know it will be good ♥️
0 likesI havent been in the mlp fandom for a long time but I love always tuning in to watch your videos :]
0 likesWhat would have happened if Twilight didn't try to steal the hippogriff's pearl in the movie?
1 likeIt would be very interesting to know what would have happened.
4:28 as much as i adore this creepy theory, i feel like this exact thing happened.
1 likeDuring the final conversation between starlight and twilight (the one where twilight convinces starlight to not destroy the world) we can clearly see that nobody in cloudsdale has seen them. It's like they weren't even there. They probably were in the original timeline too, but we didn't see them because season 5 wasn't planned at the time, the show was planned to have only 3 seasons. If the entire series had already been planned, we probably would have seen a frame where twilight and starlight are conversating, forshadowing what would have happened 4 seasons later.
Still, this theory is wonderful, i love it so much, i will for sure make a headcanon based off it!
Replies (3)
True but it's rainbow's POV of how she did the rainboom3 so of she didn't see them, then we wouldn't have seen her (same for fluttershy when she was in the race, if she didn't see them, then we as the viewers would see them too) and it wouldn't make sense if we (as the viewers) see them from another pony's POV since they aren't important to anything
0 likesTrue but it's rainbow's POV of how she did the rainboom3 so of she didn't see them, then we wouldn't have seen her (same for fluttershy when she was in the race, if she didn't see them, then we as the viewers would see them too) and it wouldn't make sense if we (as the viewers) see them from another pony's POV since they aren't important to anything
0 likesWouldn't see them too*
0 likesWho else was getting chills when Sawtooth explained that the first five seasons world of the mane six together may be left behind and taken over.
0 likesi think this is a really interesting line of thought, and certainly would be an interesting concept for fanfiction and stuff, but i dont really think that thats what happened. if they were still in a different timeline, then when they go back to the present, wouldnt there still be another twilight? i think they wouldve been able to tell if it was different.
0 likesSorry Sawtooth. But there’s no way you’re right. The timeline is still here. Nothing bad has happened.
1 likeWith your cozyglow theory where she takes magic is reminding me somewhat of G5, and how all magic has vanished from equestria.
0 likesWhich also brings up the questions…
0 likes1. Are their now two Spikes, Starlights, and Twilights in the new timeline?
2. Did the original Spike, Starlight, and Twilight replace the alternate version after a complication with the spell, that prevented them from coming back?
But hear me out: Twilight met other versions of her pony friends in each timeline, but not herself (or Spike or Starlight) right? So I think that also a Version of her exists in each timeline, but as she travels to one timeline, her version from this timeline travels to the timeline Twilight came from. So the Original timeline has a version of Twilight that will (hopefully) be able to figure things out and stay in the original timeline.
0 likesGosh I hope this makes sense at all
As much as I like this theory I believe it isnt accurate. If we're assuming the time traveling ponies are disappearing from the OG timeline then we should definitely see their duplicates in the other timelines. We know that the OG ponies aren't replacing their past selves and as such we would see some interaction with them.
0 likesI personally think that they were changing their own timeline and eventually kept it the same as before
I came up with this exact headcanon myself to explain all the inconsistencies between the past MLP comics (up till #50) and the show!
0 likesThere is only one timeline that Starlight , Twilight and Spike returned to. This is because the rainboom not happening created other timelines where the mane six were never there so the ponies themselves don’t change the timeline. This time the rainboom happened which means that the young mane six would meet each other and everything would happen as it has so they return back to their present timeline.
2 likesWhile fun to think about, I don't think it's possible for the 3 time travellers to just disappear from the original timeline. Especially considering there's only one of each of them in the final timeline we do know. Even among the multiverse, mass can not be created nor destroyed. Theoretically, no timeline will result in their absences if a given timeline has no duplicate ponies
0 likesHere's an interesting crack theory, what if the destroyed, apocalyptic timeline Twilight took Starlight to show her what could happen if the rainboom never occurred WAS the original timeline? We never actually saw anypony from that world or any indication of what happened for that matter and considering all the chaos Twilight, Spike, and Starlight all stopped I can totally see the world falling into utter destruction without them. Not to mention how the main six would've dealt with anything with out Twi there to lead them. I'm sure they could've continued living their lives but for the elements to truly be at their strongest they needed all of them together or knowing they were together even apart from the others physically. Chrysalis would've taken over only for Cozy Glow to take away all magic in Equestria like you said in the video. Without magic and Chrysalis ruling over everything, the world would be doomed for complete annihilation, probably tearing itself apart until nothing but a dead decaying wasteland was left behind like we saw in canon. It's just a quick crack theory I thought up and i'm sure there's tons of plot holes if you took more than 10 seconds to think on it but I thought it would be an interesting idea given the context of your theory.
0 likesWell this Theory got dark really quickly, you were really channeling your inner Matpat here. Also to add my own two cents on the matter, from what I've seen from most other media that deals with time travel, if you go back in time but don't change anything then the timeline you left will stay the same and there won't be a huge branch, in fact the timeline will merge with the original timeline like you said. Between the two outcomes for the original timeline more willing to believe the the 2nd idea more than the 1st of the original timeline becoming another Chrysalis and/or Cozy Glow timeline.
0 likesNow I'm wondering if different dimensions share the same timeline or not because Twilight couldn't answer Sunset's magic book call in Friendship Games because, as she said herself, she was stuck in the time travel loop.
0 likesIt is quite possible, with a specific set of time travel logic, that the first world and the one they end up in is simply the same. It is quite possible that their time travel was always supposed to happen and in fact did take place in the same world where we assume they never went back in time, which would lead them to go back in time reagrdles, it is a never ending loop that would constantly replay itself in the past.
0 likesAnother awesome video, i always look forward to your videos
0 likesUnless we have a time loop! Starlight and co WERE there, and were always MEANT to be there. I don't think it qualifies as a bootstrap paradox, but what if the little bit of extra magic in the world, caused by the presence of an extra alicorn and a unicorn , both of whom are temporal duplicates (means that they exist twice due to time travel) and in close proximity is what gave Rainbow Dash just enough of a boost for her sonic first rainboom? If they weren't there the first time then there might not have been a rainboom so they wouldn't be able to go back to stop the rainboom so it would have happened then wouldn't have happened there the second time...which is also the first time...I have a headache... So maybe they had to be there forthere to be a sonic rainboom in the first place. Time has a way of reclaiming it's own, and she will teach a harsh lesson if need be! (may have watched too much Dr Who at this point.) Time, like Death War and Pestilence etc is a living being (again may have read too much Terry Pratchett...nope not possible!)
0 likesThis is a cool idea. I personally think if they didn't do anything to cause any major changes, things would probably go back to being the same, or the timelines would merge.
0 likesUNLESS...
If there was even ONE curious colt/filly at the Cloudsdale school that happened to see the trio, they may approach a teacher about it. If the teachers took them seriously, that might lead to a search/lockdown/whatever if the school assumes any intruders on the school campus would have malicious intent. The kids might go home and tell their parents about it, they may get concerned and talk amongst each other, causing a mass panic or encouraging any authority to try and take extra precautions around the school, which may have other repercussions. If any kind of talk like that made it to the surface...
Well, THEN we may have another timeline...
Well........ Seeing as how they returned to a timeline in wich they departed there is no reason to believe (in my mind) that this timeline is a different one from that which Starlight initially cast the spell. The only "original timeline" would be one in which no spell was cast. For this timeline to exist there must be a sequence where Starlight fails but Twilight is effectively removed.
0 likesSawtooth should make a playlist of this series of theories about time travel that feature nameless du-
1 likesorry, nameless one
Please do more of this thank you
0 likesDon't you think we already caught a glimpse of that abandoned world? Remember the one that had nothing in it. It was just a flat deserted place.
0 likesI like your flowers :3
0 likesI don't think that there is an abandoned timeline. I think that the rainboom brought them back into the main time line. I also think that, because they always returned to stop or make the rainboom happen, deleted the future of this time line, because it was kinda rebooted.
I was writing my comment and thinking about it in the same time, and I discovered it goes even deeper!
1 likeHere is my whole thinking process as I wrote it
There is no reason this time travel works differently than the previous ones, so it must have opened a new timeline too...
But wait, if the time travelers ended up in a timeline that isn't theirs... Where are their alter egos from this timeline?
Oooooh... o-o
They traveled in time too! O-O
So the Starlight, Twilight and Spike of this new timeline traveled in time just the same as in the original timeline. So they created new timelines too!
It's a time split turning into a timeloop creating time splits!
So there is an infinite number of timelines opened at this point! An infinite number of Chrysalis timelines, an infinite number of Nightmare Moon timelines, an infinite number of Sombra timelines, an infinite number of this new unexpected timeline...
But still, only one of the original and forgotten timeline.
That's terrifying
Let's just consider there is a Superior Entity of Time who decided to stop this mess and to not open a new timeline when they didn't try to prevent the Rainboom.
Sadly, I think that you were right with your first assumption. I don't think that timelines can be corrected once their past’s have been differentiated so I believe that it wouldn’t have been fixed because its past was already altered by Starlight, Spike, and Twilight being there and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to wonder what might have happened in that unknowable timeline because Pinkie Pie would still be in it and who knows what she's really capable of. Maybe she just deflated after the loss of a good friend and maybe she...hmm..how can I say this...oh yeah, ...didn’t
0 likesTimelinr theories are cool, and it's more cool when sathwooth talks about it
0 likeslove the theory but then it begs the question as to what happened to twilight spike and starlight of the new (non abandoned timeline) because obviously there werent two of each of these characters when the 3 returned. My theory is that the 3 from the abandoned timeline went to the new timelne while the 3 form the new timeline went to the abandoned timeline. So essentially they just switched timeline i suppose lol
0 likesThis is a pretty dark Theory……I love it.
1 likeWinter would have consumed the Crystal Empire but they would probably have just abandoned it, or Equestria could have put their resources and knowledge into fixing things. The Chrysalis second invasion is more interesting, as people would have noticed. Imagine a party made up of Discord, Maud, and the CMC. The Changelings wouldn't have reformed (unless Thorax got involved a different way) but Maud definitely could have broken the throne without any magic, leaving Discord free to easily win the day. Cozy's no threat (yet) without the school as I have a theory she didn't even begin to form her plan until she met the CMC. None of S9 happens at all. The one thing that genuinely a threat to Equestria without Twilight or Starlight? Celestia and Luna's issues from Royal Problem.
0 likesHere are other things to think about. With Fluttershy gone Discord would try to take her back and fail, even if he doesn’t go to the hive when Cozyglow goes through with her plan his magic would be gone. Maybe instead of learning about the magic relics from twilight’s school she could find the items of the pillars. Or even without spike maybe there would be a dragon changeling war.
0 likesIn the abandon timeline cosyglow could be a good guy part of the Rebellion and will use that type of magic to get rid of magic to save a questionnaire from changelings without their magic they couldn't transform making them easy to fine
0 likesI was wondering which could be very very wrong but what if when they entered a new timeline, the memories they had made with ponies there disappeared meaning when they abandoned them, it would seem as if they never existed in their original timeline in the first place?
0 likesMaybe whoever Celestia finds to replace Twilight will end up doing almost all the same things and so the timeline remains stable (no pun intended. ...okay sure, pun intended). This is when the trope of fate might come in...if the fated one is removed, is the nature of fate such that fate will find another way, aka another fated one?
0 likesUnless, of course, it was fated that the fated one would be removed and thus all their doings fail... 0.0
If Chrysalis took over, Discord would've tried to stop her. Hard to tell who'd would win that considering Chrysalis' hive cancels out even his powerful magic. If he failed then following that The Storm King may have tried to go to war with the Changelings. Or even the dragons or yaks.
0 likesWait! Wait! Wait! If this happened... what happened to the twilight, starlight and spike of that universe that our twilight spike and starlight ended up in. Surely it would eventually end up with a perfect loop? Which could make the forgotten timeline invalid in the universe?
0 likesIt would be awesome to see matpat make mlp theory’s
1 likeWhat if gen 5 is that forgotten timeline with no more magic? We know the new main 5 are awear the main 6 existed, but there hasn't been any proof yet that Twilight was crowned the new ruler. So, we don't know what happened to her in the gen 5 timeline or if alicorns still exist there.
1 like4:40 People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect: But actually, from a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint, It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, stuff.
1 likeBut in all seriousness, timetravel is infinitely complex, so it's easier to just handwave this and say it's ok.
But what I want to know is, what's the history of the "Wasteland timeline"? I've always thought of it as a nod to the Fallout:Equestria fanfic, but could it be something different?
yeah, i prefear the timeline where all things go KBOOM so hard than not even the power of friendship cant do shit
1 likeAfter Chrysilis took over, Cosy Glow explained her ideas to get rid of the magic of the last ponies. Chrysilis would do just that. She would take the last ponies as slaves, even Cosy. Eventually, ponies will go extincted. Thorax and you would be found and slain. Without pony magic, Tirek, and eventually Grogar, would escape. That future would look like the apocolypse world in only a few years. If not the apocolypse world, then a "Grogar took over" world. Either way, changelings would also get driven to extinction. The hybrids would take over in the Grogar world. No trace of pony kind will remain. Equestria would vanish. Nothing of the past remains.
0 likesI do bring up the fact that twilight's friends didn't seem surprised that Twilight and Spike were suddenly there. Then is there another Twilight in this timeline that got displaced?
0 likeswe mortals may not understand how time as a whole plays out, not in this realm of the existing universe
0 likesSoooo the timeline in which AN ALICORN and A DRAGON were assisting RD's rainboom would be the one we were following
0 likesbut what did that change ? Ponies who saw Twilight during the rainboom might remember her being there
I think the timelines could have merged and it would be a kind of Mandela effect situation.
0 likesIf every alternative timeline still exist separetly then original is not the darkest one. Ponies still live their normal lives without knowing what happened.
0 likesIs it impossible that the wasteland future we see is actually the abandoned timeline, like they somehow jumped a bit further into the future? With Twilight and Starlight absent from the Universe, you lose the final Element of Harmony and one of the most powerful Unicorns ever. Most likely there will be war in Equestria from all the prevailing villains we see making returns in Seasons 6-9, mainly between Chrysalis and Sombra, but then you have the Storm King. We don't know exactly what he and his forces are capable of against the villains from the show, but the rest of the world outside of Equestria is under his domain. If he's able to take over the whole world and Equestria seems to be easy to take over as well, maybe this is what it's like under his rule when you don't have the Elements of Harmony in totality to fend off from evil, it eventually results in something unsustainable. Those petrifying orbs could be used against everyone that poses a threat, even Discord and Tirek if you are able to sneak up on them. You may have revolt from within the ranks, but now that's Civil War with everyone fighting yet again, further destroying everything. There's no guarantee that even the Hippogryphs/Seaponies would even be safe as the oceans still rely on the land and air to function properly, and given what we see, it's nothing but desolation, a world blanketed in ash everywhere, the plants aren't getting enough sun (Is it even moving?) in order for the food chain to be replenished, it will just become predators eating each other to extinction, and then what? All life has to start basically from scratch. The darkest timeline may be the one we saw since we have no reference for what caused it, and even the table was missing, meaning that Twilight and Starlight could have gone just a bit further down the timeline and didn't realize it. I know that's not how the spell had been working, but you know, what else would have caused all that? Each timeline showed a villain the Mane Six had faced before come to power, suggesting that nobody that wasn't defeated originally came before Starlight went back in time, any new villains showed up afterward. The new villains were never apprehensive to showing up to Equestria because of the Mane Six, they were going to show up regardless, they just showed up later. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the wasteland we see is a jump a little bit further into the future.
0 likesWell this just changed the way I view time travel forever
0 likesokay but here's a question, if the three truly did disappear from their timeline to another, shouldn't they already exist in this new timeline? How come they don't see the other them like when past twilight saw future twilight that time or when twilight met the human version of her. Matter of fact how come we've never seen twilight, spike, or starlight in the timelines she created? Could that have something to do with the spell, but as far as i know time travel should allow you to still exist in another timeline just like past and future twilight except if both were in the same timeline.........i'm confusing
0 likesYikes. Well that´s depressing.....now, If you´ll excuse me, I´ll just go sit and cry in this dark corner for a couple of hours...
1 likeWait a sec. That timeline could be the one that starts the Fallout: Equestria world... That's dark. But I think th timelines did merge somehow. That kinda make a lot of sense.
0 likesTechnically we don't actually know 100% they weren't there. Maybe the timeline we've been watching this whole time was one where a loop already started. Similar to the Twilight overreaction thing we were already in the timeline where the loop began nothing says we weren't already in the timeline starlights loop began
0 likesI think the original timeline would become a wasteland with controlled ponies in it because all the villains would provail without twilight
0 likesI'd this theory is accurate, I wonder what that means in terms of the movie... Would we see a storm king invasion actually succeed?
0 likesYes, but also remember that the only time we saw when the rainboom occurred was from rainbow dash's memories and obviously when starlight time travelled. Because this was one of rainbow dash's memories rainbow dash obviously didn't see starlight and twilight, meaning because rainbow dash was telling this... That starlight and twilight could have always been there in the first place... Meaning that there might not have been that timeline in there first place?
0 likesDo you think sawtooth is in denial about the new my little pony or just waiting until the movie comes out to start speculating
0 likesI just assumed that they always were there in the past, so they just returned back to their timeline.
0 likesSaw my childhood flash before my eyes
0 likesWhat if the wasteland time line was the original timeline because if twilight wasn't there the crystal empire would have been distroyed , no one would have been able to use the elements of harmony so any threats to Equestria probably couldn't be combated so with enough time villains would eventually distroy Equestria.
0 likesI have a different theory
1 likeWhat if Twilight , Spicke and Starlight did went to another timeline and stayed there but what if in the original timeline another Twilight , spicke and starlight stayed there thinking that it was there timeline . Its like a cicle of different Twilights , spickes and Starlights went into the other timelines of the other Twilight , Spicke and Starlignts timeline (Its like more of a happy ending:)
I think in the original timeline twi, star and spike still returned, in that timeline star, twi and spike never were in rainbow's past and in a different timeline they returned BUT rainbow did have them in her past, but let's just say that everyone (in that past) forgot about them (not to mention that this isn't much of a timeline anymore, but an AU)
0 likesHe wants to learn about time?
0 likesGo to the door of space and time and find the Doors keeper guardian of the underworld, sailor Pluto, who has time powers, but it's forbidden to go there, so oop
but what if this was the same situation when Twilight wanted to warn herself ? What if even when they are in that timeline nothing changed, bcs they were there in the 1st place ?
0 likeshey sawtooth! i was just wondering, if youd like some new oc art to spice things up a little in your videos, id be more than happy to draw you some for free! ive got art examples up on instagram @anjariiwastaken if youre interested!!
1 likeThis is definitely an interesting thought
0 likesWhat if cozy glow took over and teamed up with Tirek and Chrysalis and brought back King Sombra back too
0 likesAs someone who once argue for three day on the fact you can save yourself if you get stuck in the past with a broken time machine by have a future version of you bringing you a working one.
0 likesI can get my head around time travel. Like in your video of twilight time paradox that just a causal loop where a future events affect a past event that result in the future to affect that same event .
This time travel can be explained by two way one how you explained it this is a different timeline as they never was at the rainboom originally or you can explain it as they where alway at the original rainboom and the spilt happen then it the timeline twilight convinces starlight not to affect it could be the original one
👁 👁 I’m really interested in the one with nothing but dust can u pls do a theory on it
0 likesI thought about it when im first watched season 5 finale if they are coming back to timeline then why pinkie doesn't there? If you didn't get what i mean then watch season 5 finale again it makes sense with this theory by the way great theory
1 likei wasn't expecting this to be a sad video-
0 likesWhy didn't luna have a student? Because Twilight would then wouldn't have to raise the sun and moon as the new queen.
0 likesThese are just my thoughts
if the old timeline that is abandoned is missing twilight spike and whatshername, then wouldn't the timelike their "returned to" have 2 of each then?
0 likesThe other timelines aren’t a problem because they’ve already been pruned.
2 likesReplies (1)
0 likesThis makes me wanna cry 😭🤚🏽
0 likesCozy glow wouldn't have done anything in the original starlight, because she only done tge plan of draining magic because she studied in the friendship school, learning that friendship is power and she would want to erase all other magic
0 likesPog Syannax is back on the good list. Whatever it was that went down those few months ago has finally been forgiven
0 likesI want to read a fanfic of this,what happened on the OG timeline and all that
0 likesLove your vids
0 likes🤯 how did I never think of this 🤯 and how do you think of such amazing theories 🤯
1 likeEven Twilight is not present, is possible the rest of the 5 mares try to do his best to fix things, they have Discord in his side, and despite how he is, he do everything to protect Fluttershy
0 likesWait, so if they created a new timeline, then what shouldn’t there be another twi? Or if there’s no other twi then wouldn’t the other be confused?
0 likesYay you posted! You’re my childhood lol
0 likesWhat if you did a theory on how Celestia got her rainbow hair ? Cause we a lot of pictures with celestia haveing pink hair but what if when she used the eliments together instead of separat like the main 6 it change her hair
1 likePermanently.
But in the new timeline twilight,starlight and spike were in ,there would be another twilight, starlight and spike or maybe they just went back to the original timeline they came from and did not travel forward in time😕
0 likesChilling original timeline 😬
0 likesit would make for a cool fanfic i know that. the abandoned timeline
0 likesWhat if we have seen the original timeline?
0 likesI know where the abandoned timeline is. It’s G5!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe cozy glow did take over the magic and sent it away. It would explain why there are unicorn toys of Twilight but no Alicorn toys. After Equestria falls to both chritlsis and she falls to Cozy glow ponies start blaming the events on Twilight. Upset at this because she was a unicorn first unicorn shut the Pegasus and earth ponies out. Upset at the refusal both Pegasus and earth ponies do the same. Desperate to save everyone Celestia cast a mega spell or even become daybreaker killing all windegos. Unfortunately it is too late and Equestria is divided once more.
I started following recently and finally you posted I didn't know 2 weeks are sooooooo long😦
1 likeHim: this timeline is forgotten and forever altered
0 likesMe: L o k I A p o c a l y p s e
Dang, I never thought about that😳
0 likesi relly love your videos
0 likesthey are great i allways watch one of them when i get in to youtube
But if the main 6 in the original timeline still have the elements of harmony they would just need to fine a kanddidt to acatiavat them and bing bang boom problem solved
0 likeswell I don't think this is the case bc if they did go to a different universe I'm sure there would be a 2nd twilight spike and sunset how would just being there would get rid of them
2 likesReplies (1)
Cuz different timelines aren’t different physical universes like the equestria girls world
0 likesThey’re just different timelines so there’d only be one twilight etc for all timelines
Note how he has been doing alot of time related vids recently.
0 likesSuspicious.......
I agree sort of! I believe because they fixed the time line right? The rainboom still happened! So the original equestria would be replaced ish but everything was carried over!! So the original equestria would have Twilight spike and starlight! (I know my version sounds very similar but I think it's true!)
0 likesLike I said the original would be gone BUT it turned into the new equestria! So the nightmare moon defeat would of happened in the replacement equestria! If you know what i mean!
Btw I love your videos I love mlp and I find this stuff so intresting! :))
Wait but if those two timelines we're identical shouldn't that Twilight do the same thing so there will be still a twilight in the Forgotten world
0 likesi think that they went back to their time line if they didnt then there would be two of all of them walking around but technically they did change something so it did make another timeline other ponies could have seen them they may not have changed much but if a pony saw an alicorn twilight and then years later remembered it and met unicorn twilight they would know she became a princess so there could be another timeline were rainbowdash knows twilight is destined to be a princess
1 likeedit: i did not realize the caps lock was turned on
I was not being sarcastic
i really meant that
i mean u always make sense and my mind i blows off when ur video ends
Double edit: U r the best MLP fan
normally people call themselves the biggest fan of what they love
but i say u r a better MLP fan anyone could be !!!
if they went to a completely different timeline where is the twilight, spike, and starlight from the second timeline? I think they probably came back together or its the whole thing similar to twilight going back in time in its about time. though when they went back in time no one including rainbow dash and fluttershy noticed them and thats why their presence is not mentioned or shown in the episode the cutie mark chronicles.
0 likesOcarina of time levels of woah.
0 likesRemembering your previous time travel theory. We are already in an altered timeline. So it's too late to dramatize!
Okay but like watching this broke me I- wow
0 likesNo i think that rainbow dash would of seen twilight and became friends years later, but forgot she saw twilight in the past. But it's a good theory sawtooth.
0 likesPlease after watching Loki I don't think what you're talking about is impossible-
0 likesHis storytelling-voice * chefs kiss *
1 likeI don’t think you right wouldn’t there bin a pony who will search for all possibilities and will come on time travel and found the spell is missing and find out?
0 likesNo matter what most MLP videos will be about G4 change my mind
0 likesMeh. I guess you ARE right about the forgotten world. Well, I hope there is: it would be a dream come true for me!
0 likesReplies (1)
No, I guess the those time thingies DID join back together. But I wish there WAS a forgotten world! Don't you?
0 likesFunniest thing I have heard all day
0 likesNameless: do I look like a search Engine to you, oh I have a time travel question why don’t I just NAMELESS IT.
Me: trying not to die of laughter
Replies (1)
I wonder if someone will make that a meme I mean the search engine
0 likesi still think the desolate one was the fallout equestria world
0 likesBut the paper with the Spell was destined gone so I think it’s still Normal
0 likesI wonder who celestias new star pupil would be
0 likesJust get Rick's portal gun and everything will be fine.
0 likesIt's just a theory. A PONY THEORY!!!
0 likesIt is an interesting idea I won't deny it but once saying doesn't make sense to me is. Why did a tag go back to that timeline we see them went to the other timeline so possible to go back to that one. I still like the video🙂
0 likesI think you got Regular time travel and Multiverse travel mix up. if it is Multiverse travel, if you have interfere it, those timeline are still going to continue on. but if it is Rerular time trave , what you did to interfere it will overwrite the timeline like a save file. such as, if you go back in time to help someone become artist, bam! history is overwrited. it is still your world but lot of thing will be change. So each time starlight prevent the Rainboom, she not create new timeline, she overwrite those timeline you talk about. and of course, Twiligh Spike and Starlight being there and do noting will be part of it history too.
0 likesI feel like half of the people in the comments are tweens and teens but still are obsessed with a cartoon meant for 4 year olds..
0 likesNow I can’t see mlp the same
1 likeThis might be the Creepist Video you have Ever made if your right then this changes how i feel about the show as a Whole knowing this i never even thought of this it never came to me i mean we still have the Ogrinal Twilight and she just happens to be my fav is the Og Pinkie Rainbow Fluttershy Rarety are just Gone thats so creepy i hope your wrong for the Mane 6s sake im Shocked you did not Mention how Diffrent EqG Forgotten Friendship would be sinces Susnet would never know about the Mind stone
2 likesWhat if there are altarnate Twilight, Spike and Starlight.
0 likesIt's just like Coraline's theory.. Very creepy.
0 likesSo starlight won afterall
1 likeIts creepy but its good
0 likesMy little pony: Into the Abandoned Pony Verse
1 likeYou know in the real world you know of my little pony who is the Real sunset glimmer Because we know sunset glimmer comes from the pony world shouldn’t there be another sunset glimmer in the real world ?
0 likesThat original timeline isn’t where Frostbolt is from. Unfortunately, it leads to JYC Rows Final Eclipse. Not good.
0 likesWhat about if the Dazzlings weren't defeated?
0 likesSawtooth can you make Miss Cinch evil plan for the wole time and the
0 likesTime Sphare pls ??????
I got one what the EG would be like without Twilight sunset will go into all of the other dimensions and might even go to the one with Twilight starlight and Spike! 😱😰! And the main five wouldn't have power up without Twilight and the other Twilight from Crystal prep would be the new Twilight but understand sunset control they would be the mean 7 and make a unstoppable team! 😭 Time travel is scary! 😥
1 likeIf there's a 9th timeline
0 likesWould it also affect the human world were Sunset Shimmer and her friends live
Replies (1)
If you think about it
0 likesWithout Starlight going to the human world she wouldn't be able to freed the others from the magical mirror
And without Twilight, Sunset probably wouldn't be able to recover the memories of the Canterlot High students in time
maybe it'd just be a forever loop
0 likeslike it started with the rainboom, then all that other stuff, and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom
then the rainboom happened again and all that other stuff and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom
then the rainboom happened again and all that other stuff and then twilight stopped starlight from stopping the rainboom
see where i'm going with this?
ya well this theory is deffinatily true like im right right
0 likesWhat if this has to do with G5 and G5 take place in the original world and this is why there's no magic in equastria
0 likesFor some reason, I thought about the Loki series.
0 likesAll I can think about is the flash in this
0 likesno wonder the rest of series wasn’t as good
0 likesReplies (1)
bro why did I say that on a public platform
0 likesHello! There’s this cool AU called the bad ending AU by lilezbean on instergram and there TikTok is lil_gay_looser is about what if twilight died (well every pony thinks she’s dead)from the power the princess gave her to fight tereck it’s a little bit confusing to type it all out but if u follow them they tall the AU better then I do 😅
1 likeWhat if starlight and twilight were already in the og rainboom the camera just didn’t film them
0 likesI think they wen’t back to there timeline. And I have proof. Think about if say Twilight, Spike, and Starlight did go to a new timeline then what happened to the Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in that world? Would they stay or would they go to Twilight, Spike, and Starlight original timeline. And sure maybe there were no Twilight, Spike, and Starlight in that timeline but then how was the castle there and how would the mane five know them. That’s why I think they wen’t back to there timeline.
0 likesYour theory is really good but it cannot be true for mlp
2 likesCause it's too creepy and l don't think that it is true
Replies (1)
Ya l think too
0 likesWhat if you were wrong!! What if Twilight,Spike,Starlight were always there but because when we saw Rainbow get her cutie mark it was foc used we didn't see them.
0 likesThe thumb nail is so cool! To cool its scaring me-
0 likesI'm gonna pretend I didn't watch this.
0 likesThat freaked me out.
0 likes1st world seasons 1 - 5 2nd world 6 - 9
0 likesThis has to be true sad but true
0 likesBut sawtooth what about the storm king, would there be a war between the storm king and the other villains
0 likesI thought the same exact same
1 likeI don't think that would be true because where are this timeliness original twilight, spike, and starlight then because them just being there would not just delete twilight, spike, and starlight because there was two of them at that time.
0 likesWe will never know
0 likesBut hold on... if this is a second timeline, where are the second Twilight, Starlight or Spike?
0 likesOh, of course! Since nothing is changed, they travelled back in time and were essentially replaced with the trio from the first timeline, but then they branched off into a third timeline, the trio from that timeline branched off into another timeline, and now we have another stable time loop with an unlimited number of alternate universes, but only one forgotten world.
When I realised that I was like OMG😬
0 likesIm going to say your wrong. Not because I have evidence otherwise, not because I disagree but to keep my sanity
0 likesand well this is sad
0 likessawtooth wave's you should do a video of why sunset shimmer does not have to people of her self 1st pony version 2nd equestria girls because there is 2 twilight sparkles
0 likesGood theorie but there another thing(it doesnt have to so with this theorie)In the legend of everfree human twilight haved alicorn wings but when Sunset,human rainbow dash and human twilight got trapped in equestria(human twilight didnt have her wings)
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesHow about you just ask nameless for you to go to the other Universe the see if you're right
0 likesReplies (1)
Wouldn't work since they must ask the writers to see if that was true, to get an answer first
0 likesWhat if my little pony and digimon meet eachother
0 likesReplies (1)
How all the my littel pony carecters react if tey see omegamon faight diaboromon to the death
0 likesThat's awesome theory but I do not think that episode of mlp does was not made like that 3 of them get forgot
0 likesTVA is gonna catch them
0 likesoh thats really creepy
1 likeNothing has changed only thing that has changed is the one little part will still a glamorous bike in Twilight sparkle theme there is nothing you change the was just that when I saw them there may be no phone even saw them there nothing changed but somebody did see them may be in their mind there will still be there but this is just like the timeless style like didn't go and just tried to stop the rain Boom
0 likesOh my God
0 likesMaybe we’ll get some more answers with g5
1 likeBut if they have go to the copie world than the clone Twillight starlight.. will show up
0 likesTotally Loki right here
0 likesHello again sawtooth waves👋
1 likeThis has become theories with rp
0 likesCd a traducao do portuges
1 likeWhat to say is true about the timelines and realities create a Nest offense maybe could be the Multiverse or another Ultra reality who knows maybe Twilight her friends discovered all the mythology like Norse mythology Greek mythology Irish mythology All mythologys
0 likesReplies (1)
what is this person talking about because I can't seem to figure out what this means basically.
1 likeYES
0 likesCreepy pasta
0 likesIS Star swirl Celestia Dad
0 likesSame day!
1 likeDo not mess up the mystery fo my Little pony okay???
0 likesWhat hapend to the 3 in the new timline what if its just a loop
0 likesLike rhe timline that we know in the original timline they go in to another one but what hapend to the rest of them the 3 don't see themselves wich means thay ither dide or... its just a large loop
So ur the matpat of mlp?
0 likesWel;l they returned and since they did they didnt change any thing but that does mean rainbow dash will be confused 🤔 but at leasat since there weren’t any vilons staking but as we all know they returned so non of this happen at all preaty confusing right?
0 likesYEET
1 likeIf you don’t like what they can do so in all the time like me but if she doesn’t remember they said they may not sick sick
0 likesHey! I think the true world would be horrible, worst of all, the elements of harmony would not work, for no one will wear the element of magic! And remember when rarity said they’d be lost without her, easy to think, but they WILL be lost!!! It might be crazy! 😥😥😥😥
0 likesThe forgten world is the abandoned world 😏⚘I am going to have a little baby sister she s cute 🍕I am eating pizza😋😍🙄😏
0 likesIt's a shame they didnt think ahead like in futurama. But this is a good example of a closed loop system. The rainboom has to happen in order for Starlight to go back in the first place. The rainboom has to be completed for the world to return. So their shenanigans are within a closed loop.
0 likesIf they planned ahead, they could have snuck in twi,star and spike in the background of the rainboom cutiemark episode.
Why do you have to put scary music on I’m not really long doing my homework and watching yeah
0 likesIF thER was A Similer but different TIMEIine WitH a SAWTOOTH making crazy theories THEY WouLD SURELY MeEt 😂😂😂😂🤔🤔😂😂😂😂🤫🤫🤫
0 likesW-wait Rainbow is the reason why twilight became an alicorn why she do not become an alicorn you said if the rainboom dont happen all of the things we know is imposible to happen.......If you have a comment notify me i get the wrong spelling😇😇😇😇😇😂😂😂😂🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
0 likesDo u ever go back to ur old theories
0 likesnot to be mean but I hope your wrong because that will be really sad I am even crying in real life 😭😭😭
0 likesCausing not only a cutiemark but new horn causing a alicorn that looks like the alicorn I morphed into just like you did when u abandoned the hive so did I this new alicorn might have a new barrier if you could therise it for me or if the nameless one does it for me because I'm a getting a headache try to do it..
0 likesNo u r not right about th rainboom time line
0 likesYour theories always are amazing! this theory makes me think a lot of different universes. And other possible ones.
2 likesI love Sawtooth! They are so great and their theories are amazing! 😊
0 likesi don’t know what it is but every theory/analysis you do sounds canon. maybe it’s the production or how in depth you go but it sounds like it’s canon and it’s all gorgeous. i love your videos 😍
0 likesThis is a nice theory, but it falls apart when you consider there has to be another pair of Twilight /Starlight /Spike if we assume this is not their original timeline as it is so similar .
1 likeBecause there is only one pair of Twilight /Starlight /Spike it implies they returned to their own timeline or just traded places with their counterparts.
It wouldn't be a huge leap of logic to think that Starlight has enough power and skill to pull off a return trip to a specific timeline instead of another one.
But let's assume for a moment that she doesn't... IF it isn't the original timeline then the question becomes where did the Twilight /Starlight /Spike from the new timeline go ?
And If there never was a Twilight /Starlight /Spike in the new timelines past, it would not be that similar as the others would not recognise them.
If we assume that Twilight /Starlight /Spike ended up in a new timeline, then the Twilight /Starlight /Spike from this new timeline has to have gone somewhere too .
Since we don't see a bunch of time travelling versions of Twilight /Starlight /Spike it's likely they returned home to their own timeline or that they just ended up in a timeline so similar they themselves never noticed the difference and life carries on with the difference so small nobody notices.
The act of Twilight /Starlight /Spike going back in time and moving around a few clouds could make a new timeline, but the difference is likely minor.
Unless of course, the butterfly effect kicks into overdrive as a few clouds in the wrong place is unlikely to have a huge impact on its own.
Regardless if they return to their own timeline or not, there would most likely not be a timeline where Twilight /Starlight /Spike disappeared.
( unless they somehow got stuck in time for another reason, but at that point, we are going into a 10th timeline and not a 9th. )
At that point, anything can happen as we have moved into " what if " territory and are making assumptions outside of what we can see in the original show.
I actually love the theory of a 9th timeline where the one we started with died with the others and the one the show ended in was another paradox
0 likesSome of the biggest questions I've always had about this two-parter, was, how did the others get their cutie marks? They seem to be doing what they were doing in the main timeline, just more dark, but how did they figure that out? How didn't they end up in Ponyville together, assuming their cutie marks are the same in the other timelines? and, where is Twilight? Did she still get a magic cutie mark even though she's didn't get in magic school? And, did any of them try to take over the human world, and what came of that? One of them had to find the portal, it was in the Canterlot Castle before being moved.
0 likesInteresting.
2 likesI guess with the first theory it means twilight starlight and spike are the most important ones to the timeline
And nameless is now being taken for granted
this entire thing had me like DAAYYYYYYUM :0
1 likeI did have a similar theory but never thought much about it. glad you did it and this is out now!! :D
I feel like in Twilight's absence at least some stuff could change for the better, Trixie, no longer having anyone to one-up could take on a more Twilight esc. role.
0 likesDiscord, knowing that the world won't be the same without Twilight could help the Mane 6 with their battles, perhaps out of obligation to Fluttershy.
Who knows, maybe in a trip for guidance, Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria. And seeing how it's fallen in Twilights absence could start living in both realms, maybe rising to Alicorn status herself and regaining her position as Celestias apprentice.
We really don't know but it's really cool to think about other characters reactions to Twilight, Spike, and Starlights disappearance.
It would make a lot of sense if that dark eventual timeline would happen to the first timeline but I kind of think that wouldn't work because despite the small difference, everything that happened after the Rainboom that Starlight, Spike and Twilight witnessed, everything must've a lined afterwards.
0 likesWell, if we consider Discord to be one for all universes and timelines, then the original timeline might go in whole different direction
1 likeWow! You just blew my mind!
0 likesThat might isn't the original timeline after the S5 finale anymore!
But the definite answer still depends on how exactly time travel works. (Theoretically the answer should be "It doesn't")
I have a question: Wouldn't the alternate-timeline/new-primary-timeline have a Twilight too? Does that one travel away or are there 2 Twilights now? Wait wouldn't it be that way that each Twilight from these almost-identical-timelines gets "offset" by one timeline then? (Because Starlight time travelling most likely would still happen)
However, I am still not that convinced that Equestria's fate depends on just 6 ponies. There would be far too many problems for them to handle, Equestria probably has many other protection measurements which we just haven't seen.
I think that Starlight, Twilight, and Spike were always present at the event of the rainboom, even before Starlight cast the spell. I just believe that’s how time travel would work: if you were there, you were there, even if you haven’t yet made the decision that would cause you to be there.
0 likesIt makes sense in the fact that time travel theoretically work so that every single action has an effect on the future
0 likesWow, that can actually explain why next seasons of mlp wasnt that good - it just was another timeline universe!
0 likesWhat do you think about Chrysalis ex-alicorn theory?
1 likeWhat if I would say that princess in the CMC's (love poison legend) book was nopony else but Chrysalis herself. After she was afected by the potion for to long so the spell was impossible to reverse (like happened to Big Mac and Cherile) someone tried to seperate them anyway. Who knows, mabe even Celestia herself had to interfere (that would explain why they looked like if they had known each other for so long and so on...).
That explains why she is so starved for love :3
You never fail us Sawtooth 😂
0 likesSeriously tho it videos are awesome 🤩
Considering that the bootstrap paradox is completely functional in this timeline; implying that this world is based less on free will and more on destiny, so I don't think any of the parallel timeliness ever really existed...
0 likesHm, interesting. That makes me wonder how exactly things did go down in that other timeline. I'm just thinking that someone would've convinced Discord to try and help and Chrysalis wouldn't have succeeded.
0 likesEdit: but then again, they'd be completely reliant on Discord. Is that such a good plan?
I’m genuinely curious how do you come up with these theories and ideas and answers
1 likeUhm. I'm sorry. My biggest issue with this theory... if it's another timeline where's this new time line's Twilight and them?
0 likesThree characters who would've went unnoticed wouldn't have done anything to this world's timeline as they've not interacted with the past in any meaningful way.
If Im going with Loki's Theory(From Loki the Tv show), If you go back in time and youre presence doesnt really do anything to make a change, then the world Twilight and the others came back too could still be the same.
0 likesI think the timelines didn't get created, but rather there is one timeline that has it's events constantly altered by Starlight.
0 likesOh gosh, this theory was really sad, but very interesting at the same time.
0 likesInteresting and chilling theory, but I don't agree with it. I just think in the original timeline they simply reappeared from the future and then went back to the present day from everypony else's point of view, but Twilight, Spike, and Starlight, are the only ones that went through that entire adventure of time travel and alternate timelines.
0 likesThe timelines merged, or at least formed a stable loop. Proof? What happened to 2nd timeline Spike, Twilight, and Starlight? Probably went "out" of time, same as "ours"...so they probably rested in another "new" timeline formed after viewing the rainboom. So the "original" timeline probably either received it's original S, S, and T, or a previous copy that looped back from saving different timelines.
0 likesYou have a point actually. There could have been a possiblity that Twilight, Spike and Starlight didn’t come back to the same dimention…But in another universe they would have….. Wich actually asks me in the universe that Twilight Spike and Starlight went back to… Would they have known about Starlight and knew why she didn’t come back? Would equestria still suffer because there not here?
1 likeWell actually I dont think so. I think the main six-I mean five would have known that Twilight wouldn’t want to see equestria like this so they would still stop the vilians. Leaving to who would be Celestias student well I think it should be none other than….
Sunset Shimmer.
This kinda feels like an Twilight Zone episode too me
0 likesWhen I came across this channel I didn't realize it would become one of my favourites on yt
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likesThe first video I watched on this channel was Reforming Chrysalis. I immediately subscribed after that.
1 likeHonestly I think they went back to the first timeline where they came together
0 likesLovely!
0 likesNameless salt is best salt! 😂
1 likeAn interesting theory which unfortunately I suppose we'll never know the answer to.
If your first idea of a new time line came true then Flurry would be chosen to be the next ruler of equestria scenes she’s clearly alicorn worthy, and if chrysalis plans truly have to unfold Thorax would have decided enough is enough and join equestria to help stop chrysalis which would lead into a war between Equestria and the Hive
0 likessooo, the original timeline would end up without magic.. and the G5 apparently has no magic. would that mean that G5 will be the same as the original timeline where Twilight, Spike and Starlight vanished?
0 likesNothing like procrastinating to a sawtooth video.
0 likesMaybe the rest of the mane 6 would be the one turning to stone, and Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow would’ve successfully taken over Equestria since friendship wouldn’t be strong enough without Twilight, Starlight, and Spike.
0 likesIf that is true then the moment pinkie enters the throne room just after they left is the saddest moment of the show
0 likesI have a feeling that after Twilight, Starlight and spike left the rest of the main 6 became there creepypasta selfs and pinkie met flippy that's where I think it went down hill with Pinkie turning her friends into cupcakes
1 likeI wonder what sawtooth actually looks like and if they'll ever do a face reveal 🤔
0 likesThis is depressing but OOZING with fanfiction potential
0 likesThe abandoned timeline might be the one that twighlight took starlight to!! We never did see what happened in that timeline
1 likeLove your videos dude, I keep up with them more than I keep up with university 😂
0 likesI mean yeah, as I said in the last video, if you change something in the past, the future also changes. So basically I’m the ‘original’ time line pretty sure the forgotten about twilight, starlight and spike and there was no ‘princess of friendship’ and maybe there was another princess who had been princess of something to manage things and it would be very different from the timeline which was not “original”
1 likeI mean..even though the theory is depressing..it makes more sense for there to now be two canonical timelines.. almost as if you chose to either not look both ways while crossing the street or looking both ways when you cross the street..it’s small but now there’d be a possible timeline in which you got hit by a car and everyone has to live on w/o you vs the you who will continue living on..a small change is still a change nonetheless..BUT in mlp..they kept going to the same original spot.. and the table was still there for no specific reason when none of the timelines should’ve had that table present to even begin with…so.. honestly even if it makes sense in the real world..they probably just ended up coming back to the original timeline..cuz..wibbly wobbly timey wimey…stuff..
0 likesI think there would still be 8 timelines because no one in equestria would have a memory of them and if they DID go to an alternate timeline Starlight, Twilight, and Spike would have clones and since two of you couldn’t exist, either way It would still be the same so, yeah, there are still 8 timelines
0 likesI think I have an answer to your question. you remember how when Twilight went back in time and saw all those different timelines what if they became what the future is in that world you know the one were Twilight Spike in Starlight weren't there for the rainbow boom think about it there series of events that happened so anything that was in the past wasn't changed but anything that happened that we know of still would have happened the changelings still would have taken over cozy glow and the villains wouldn't have been turned two Stone but the in Timeline the dust one I think is what happened if your theory is right but there is no way to know
1 likeSawtooth you should make a remix about luster dawn like about her future and stuff it would be super cool!
0 likesWhat if the old timeline would be the one we're magic disappeared?
1 likeAnd it's because of cozy glow?
I'm talking about g5
The original timeline would be like:
0 likesCozy Glow would be the empress of friendship, and rule Equestria.
There would be no magic cause of Cozy Glow.
Tirek would still be trapped in Tartarus.
Chrysalis where abouts may be unknown, or she is enslaved by Cozy Glow
But, this could all be wrong if discord prevented it, but I don’t think discord would know who Cozy Glow even is in the timeline.
Also can you do a theory of what it’s like in the mirror pool?
i think the timeline whould change if the kids racing saw her giving them a different memories then from the original timeline
0 likesThis video had got me thinking now, and Nameless is now just fed up with Sawtooth XD Anyway, I do wonder now what would Equestria be like if the mane 6 couldn’t stop the Pony of Shadows with the Pillars assistance
0 likesWhat if the timeline where there was nothing but a wasteland was the original timeline?
0 likesIt could also be possible that Twilight spike & starlight WERE there originally and they did go back to the original time line
0 likesI think its the same timeline because the staff wont do something that complicated
0 likesIt might have been that the tree of harmony also decided to return them back to their original timeline since they didn't really do anything wrong and to prevent the bad things
0 likesSpoilers for bnha heroes rising movie
It's kind of like how when Deku transferred one for all to bakugo and then the previous 'ancestors' of one for all decided to return it to him because he risked his Life to save the island. That's how I look at it at least
Confirmed, Because when Starlight first casted the spell, Pinkie Pie was walking into the room with deserts when Spike and Twilight was sucked, But when they returned, The other girls was there and there was no sign of the cake
1 likeReplies (1)
Pinkie Pie could have just ate the cake and cleaned the cake mess and left.
0 likesIf it was true then it wouldn't just be queen chrysalis, cozy glow, or lord tirek it also be the father of monsters grogar himself returning from the shadows from which he escaped and equestria would be in grave danger.
1 likeI guess we will never know how time rilly works.
0 likesI like the dark and depressing theory.
1 likeWhat if the original timeline did get a vist from twilight, spike and starlight? What if it was the destroyed timeline? All the villains after the time traveling event could have gone rouge and destroyed everything and everyone they’d please. Until there was nothing for them to survive on. It might be a stretch because of the shortness of the episode but time might work differently ,so who knows?
0 likesWell that escalated quickly
0 likesThere's the infinite timeliness theory from Futurama where it becomes a loop where 1 and 7 timeliness go into 14 and 21 timeliness etc and loops back to timeline1
1 likeI mean the previous flashback episode where we see how they got their cutie marks and it’s all connected. Are we sure that this isn’t another loop thing. Where either rainbow fails or twilight watches her succeed.
0 likesCan you do Cozy's plan?😇
1 likeOh heck, I never thought about that. Personally I think the timelines probably merged after the loop was closed, though I obviously can't say for sure.
1 likeThat said, if the old universe is still out there, that would explain why the time-travel scroll disappeared into the portal. It would've returned to the old timeline.
I love your videos
0 likesWhat if the 9th timeline is the newest mlp movie or show where no magic is there because of glow heart
1 likeWhat about Sunset Shimmer? Could they not have tried to contact her in the other world, since she could very well be the element of magic they could still use the elements
0 likesme: ugh, time to do some homework...
0 likessees sawtooth posted a new video
me: my homework can wait!
2:22 Chilling? I see it more as an open window of opportunities, that are waiting to be used. >:)
2 likesYes! After 2 weeks we have another sawtooth vid!
0 likesBut there is possibility that this is a time loop
1 likethey can't be diffrent timelines because if so there would have been two twilights
1 likeThe eighth timeline that we saw could be the timeline you talked about
0 likesDo one about the chalkboard in cheeralees classroom having the same mathematical proof of god as that one formula Homer made when he removed the crayon from his head.
0 likesThe portal to the human world connects to all of them, if your theory is true.
0 likesTheres a problem, if you're theory is true, then there would be 2 twilights, 2 spikes, and 2 starlights
0 likesWouldn't that depend on the spell?
0 likesi actualli never thought of this, but im not too sure about it, i mean, time travel is really hard..
0 likesFanfic writers go to your computers and write me a fanfic with this Theory. would be such an awesome story.
0 likesAnd maybe this abandoned timeline leads to the upcoming movie?
0 likesOH MY GOD
Well now I'm kind of Disturb..... Amazing theory though I really wouldn't never thought about that😌✋
0 likesit might be true. in the show madoka magica, thats what happens so it might happen in mlp
0 likesHOW do you get these ideas!?
1 likeI was looking forward to this I screamed lol when I found out u posted :)
0 likesIt is a great idea but I feel that if it happened Celestia and luna would try and might be able to cast a spell to bring them back because they are alicorns and would also say Star Swirl could also help them but this is before the mane six helped the Pillars escape from limbo and also if this is true what if in the new my little pony movie is about that and in the trailer we see little stuff in the background of the mane six.
0 likesSawtooth needs to do ASMR or something. /hj
0 likesWhat if the lost timeline is the origin of the gen5 timeline? :-o
0 likesThe desert wasteland is probably She demon Sunset Shimmer’s dimension! Do how human Twilight aka Sci-Twi has wings but in spring breakdown she’s a unicorn
0 likesI personally think you ARE right.
0 likesNow? I think that timeline is barren... nothing is left. It's... cold, somber. No question.
Replies (1)
The past of that timeline has become the past, because of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight traveling to the future of the past, leaving that timeline behind, in which it no longer has a future. In its place, that timeline now has a horrible new future.
0 likesThe only thing I can say: makes sense🤔
0 likesThe KING 👑👑 is here again the BEST little pony theorist
0 likesYour theory could be the last time line we saw
0 likesDay 2 of asking Sawtooth to read the Journal of the Two Sisters.
0 likesYou are a genius you know that
2 likesLast time I ditched my school work to watch your vid. This time I ditched my family 🤣
2 likesActually this h
0 likesTheory has a hole in the crystal heart break part yes flurry still would have been born buuuuut the only reason flurry did that crazy yell thing was because cadance seperated her from pinkie and if not twilight they wouldnt have gone and no not the hole theory just that part😊
this is now scary
1 likeThis do be making sense tho
1 likeBut we don't know that they weren't there during the original timeline
1 likeReplies (1)
this is true, the cloud they were on may have just been out of view. it depends on how time travel works. we only have one other instance to draw upon, but starlight had altered that spell, so it's unclear.
2 likesYou forgot about the dragons, garble wouldve won and became the dragon lord, then he would order the dragons to attack equestria
0 likesReplies (2)
And then all dragons would've gotten obliterated by Celestia (No, you wouldn't be able to eat the meat, it would be way too overroasted)
0 likes@scifi DINO we dont know how powerful celestial truly is, but I highly doubt she would be able to take on a whole army of dragons, sure she might take some down, but she would be overwhelmed
0 likesHasbro knew what they were doing too
0 likesGood video sawtooth
1 likeI don’t think the rain boom timeline I think that emerged in that sounds really weird I don’t know why it’s a horrifying thing to look at and feels weird just thinking about it
0 likesMe: About to post a video
0 likesSawtooth: Uploads
Me: Sees the notification SQREEEEEE clicks faster than you can say Sawtooth Waves
It reminds me of my vr game and dream and my game had missions happened like my most popular map missions like the final battle of my little pony equestrian girls movie friendship games rainbow rocks and the storming battle anyway and some unpopular 1 like skynet core the changelings dimension and Egypt mission city the ocean and finally the core hub of the ppdc
2 likesThis is so sad
1 likeHEEEYYY i would like to say something about a different video: how you said that cadence was the alicorns in the book in the episode about tbe love spells daughter, but there are mlp books and in "twilight sparkle and the chrystal heart spell" cadance says that 'she was a pegasus and was takin in by celestia and luna when she was young' and yes this is not that video and i dont know if youve made a video about that after and this may not be helpfull but still i had to say it
0 likesl Guess Equestria From The Original Timeline Would Be Like The Game "Fallout", But With Changelings.
0 likesReplies (4)
Or Discord would beat Chrysalis when she's out of the castle.
1 likePossibly Or Maybe Not... Keep In Mind That Chrysalis Can Suck All The Magic From Powerful Beings, So Defeating Discord Would Be Easy.
1 like@Kiko Squirrel Actually Chrysalis steals LOVE.
0 likes@DRAGOVID DAVIDAS And Power.. And What Does Discord? Love & Power
0 likesMy mind is blown
0 likesWhat about the twilight, spike and starlight from that timeline in which the original twilight,spike and starlight went ??????
0 likesLove you so much from Azerbaijan ❤🇦🇿
0 likesSee kids, this is why we don't f¨çk around wit time travel.
1 likeOnly Hermione can lol
The origanal is the three villas ruling together lol
0 likesYay another video
1 likeHow in the world do you think of this stuff 😹🤣
0 likesAnd that is why is time travel very dangerous, you don't know what can possible happend
0 likesWell its time so if they went to the past ranbow might have seen them teleport but for got
0 likesOk,my comment is not related to this video but I have one doubt, starlight traveled through time and stopped the rainboom and why didn't rainbow dash tell that in her cutie mark story? And this is my doubt sorry if it's to complicated but I hope someone would solve it or sawtooth would solve my doubt.Thank you.
0 likesThis doesn't make sense. The timeline doesn't seem abandoned. The "new" one is just the same, suggesting time in Equestria doesn't go off of small events, but only big ones.
0 likesSawtooth notifications showed up! I need to watch this first before doing other things
1 likeWow that I don’t know how to say this but I think that might be right. But going back in time is very confusing
0 likesNOICE
0 likesThey TVA'd it
0 likes:0 wow but also think: this could also have happened to us- there is no way to confirm anything becuase not everthing follows rules, so there is nothing that can confirm anything. Meaning nothing is true but nothing is wrong either. You can just pick what is truth in ur eyes and it will be truth in your reality. sorry the video made me think more. but also if the theory is true there no way to go back..becuase then you change the timeline again becuase you shouldnt be there. but also congrats on 394k! dang..i haventtyped something this long is forever-
0 likesNameless it? You made him a verb?
0 likesUh oh, call the TVA.
0 likesMaybe they were there in the original timeline butt it didn't show because it will be a spoiler
2 likesundertale vibesWow
0 likesYou should do ASMR
0 likesoh no..
0 likesPinkie pie-
I love your vidieos
0 likeswhy dont you ever make a face reval video
0 likesyaayyyyy new video
0 likesD a m n
0 likeswell im trying to eat not overthink abt timelines rnUGO AWK
0 likesScary .-.
0 likesI hope this is wrong I mean it's a good theory but this is just depressing
0 likesThat is not how time travel works so delete this and contact me so I can explain it to you
1 likeReplies (2)
Time travel works differently for each franchise
0 likes@Raptor Zeraora Statistically your original time line and altered one are the same on, if you leave your world and go to the altered world your really just coming back to your own world and after you change it everything around it change there's no time line for altercation of the altered world. The other timelines that were altered around you they would actually be erased never to be existed. So the theory of the mlp forgotten world should never have been created because it would never exist since it would've been erased the moment you set everything straight
0 likesare you kiding me, you were late for a week and you gives as this...WHERE IS YOUR EVIL CLONE THAT WANTS REVEGE FOR YOU FORGETTING HIM
0 likesSo I remember when I was 6 I made a fan art of you so pls heart this comment
0 likesMe comming back 2 this channle after like 2years wondering what in the world happends 2 ur voice!
0 likes😳😳😳 What!!!!
0 likesCan you make video about Luna black thingy of her....kudimark?...
0 likesI see Sawth's ntif I clcik
0 likesAvengers endgame
0 likesenraged g5 noises
0 likesgud mornin
0 likesOmg
0 likesWooo 6 minutes I'm earlyyyyyy😩
0 likesNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
1 likeWhat a drama 😑😑
0 likesWow wow isn't there ather twilight so that had to mean there twilight in this world
0 likesok why is there no spike twilight andand starlight in the new universe if not same universe
0 likesYour voice sounds a little weird i hope you youre not sick
0 likes3:43 what about discord?
1 likeAsk Doctor whooves abou time
1 likeYikes.
0 likesYou are lying In this video
0 likesHEHE I DON'T THINK THATS REALL HAHAH ok I'm so scared
0 likesi have so many thoughts rn, that i cant type it in comments oml
0 likesSo that’s why the later seasons are so bad /j
0 likes............im freekin out
0 likesSawwtooth friar I subscribe and I needed you were going to change it in the dracunaquus video
0 likesI am early this time :)
1 likeI don't think it is true
0 likesActually I think there was one variance something must have happened to the alternate reality twilight
0 likesyay im early for the first time ^^
0 likesI am confused
0 likesno no no noooooooooooooooooooo!
0 likesnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
0 likesthe megctec fodee be susfley deaade ciesasing of fusy heat and the heat? the folde i geve up
0 likesWell what about discord?
0 likesEverything be red fired doomed🙁🙁😯😯😵😵
0 likesI don't get it.🤨
0 likes22 mins late (CRIIIIIII......) btw i luv ur vids so much i luv u nor in the creepy way
1 likeWhat happened to the other twilight in this timeline?
0 likesStop im scared
1 likeno your wrong ...im just saying that beacase i dont want to think about it
0 likesI guess your right there might me a different timeline not. Because it connects my last comment ( ok I’d does ) but think about my last comment and this and the last video connects I think ?
0 likesYa it does time travel it complicated and all but I don’t believe about the abandoned timeline cuz maby starlight and Twilight was there this hole time like maby Rainbow dash never noticed her older future friends and ya I can say that like the episode of a nother channel of Minecraft call stampy cat he made a episodes involving time call cat to the future and the other episodes I can’t remember the name cuz as well it involves timetravel when stampy same himself and he was meant to be there and and as for the cat to the future when the episode start you see for a sec you see the future stampy cat and he didn’t notice him soo maby rainbow dash never noticed twilight and starlight in the cloud and everybody maby didn’t notice and ya maby that normal maby they where meant to be there and the future they have still the same no time split nothing at all and ya I do not think that time split ever happen I don’t think the abandon timeline don’t exist
0 likesI don't belive this
0 likesNooooo no no no it can't be no no noooooooo
0 likesI think this could be possibly because since kid rainbow and fluttershy and the other three saw starlight wouldn’t that make a timeline that soon enough would twilight spike and starlight gone to
0 likesReplies (1)
Because won’t some one have to see you for the future to be changed because it’s like a show if no one saw the show it never happened
0 likesThis only shows the absurdity of multiple universes based on personal choices.
0 likesBut how
0 likesYesss
0 likesThere's a 9th timeline I know Even if u were wrong you know that littke pink pony who saw them this e s could have started a new timeline think of this Pegasus would want to learn magic that twilight and starlight used causing a diffrent timeline the final one this is where things sperate, this Pegasus would want to
0 likesReplies (2)
learn this would make them want to go to avid school this would make celastia have to choose this pony as well to be an alicorn as well causing the difference.. I wouldn't be surprised if celestia and line go there cutie marks when they got there wings this would happen to the pegusaus but they would gain a horn surprisingly enough that it would look like my pony I made as myself pony form
0 likesShout me put of u make a theory about this I wouldn't wanna be thouer less its a combo of thoughtless and theory less pun inteaded
0 likesI don't know what to say
0 likesOh that’s so sad sad sad day chilling inside and make this a beer oh well I have a I have a cow need to make you feel better but the sour candies can I help you feel better just let it keep looking at it and they need toilet brush really really good taste tax in the back please come
0 likesYou are wrong
0 likesReceipt interdimensional traveling results in alternate timeline molecular deconstructing events otherwise known as a class 5 reality bending event thanks to these events scp
0 likesare beginning to manifest in your you want getting the more time traveling lines you'll be getting off then you travel to the interdimensional time loop closing into dimensional time restructuring event basically is like several containment breaches in one a breach of reality a preaching of absorbability and a breach I was 69 proportions world miracular deep world deconstructing events happen on a daily basis in the content they're trying traveling is added when you go out of the room to reality one's mind is never the same again traveling from the interlay dimensional infinite boy in the room space the reincarnated causes Marine depending anomaly to be born into this world no it's down there left to influence standing around like where you can structure of the timeline any multiple sub timelines where they events either did or did not happen
Replies (4)
You technically think that but due to a timely spending anomaly it can create two other sometimes creating infinite loop of sub timeline space continuing ruptures classified restructuring event then the leader of all the known multiverse otherwise known as starlight one the very first starlight ever born in this time loop says from her line was words does the starlight with the gray eyes are dimensional beans of the zones
0 likesReality is reality bending and beans the reincarnate beans overall energy and power be in heading to these alternate timelines SCP which refers to itself as the time watcher strike up every dimension multiverse anything across every single go fandom reality being everything for any destructions in the timeline Wendy's disruptions in the timeline get too unstable epsilon 88 known as the time clean up crew mobile task force or forced to come this alternate timeline
0 likesWell that is an interesting observation that means that there's technically attempt timeline or Tony glow took over
0 likesTime travel works in mysterious ways creating multiple alternate universes making making the untenable normally of this universe the timekeeper for vote which watch is over all of time and the space time continuum
0 likesOk what?
0 likesPls stop talking in that creapy way ok
0 likesIt’s the heck same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 like