I personally think there are no objects that represent them, but one living entity instead. Discord IS the spirit of disharmony. He is also cruel, greedy, deceptive, not exactly loyal, not the good type of laughter, and is for sure fueled with dark magic.
According to the My Little Pony Wiki: In the My Little Pony Guidebook: The Elements of Harmony, Lauren Faust comments in an interview where she toyed with the idea of Elements of Discord. It is possible that in an alternate world (we know alternate worlds in My Little Pony exist because of some of the comics) there is such a thing as the Elements of Disharmony (more specifically, elements of discord). Chrysalis was able to create the Mean 6 in later seasons (I think season 8?) and according to real world logic, you cant think of a face that doesn't exist, thus meaning that in some world, the mean 6 had to have been a thing, and Chryalis created clones of them. This means that, most likely, we already have the Elements of Discord. In my opinion, I dont think that Discord would be the embodiment of those elements, but more so the ruler of those elements. Twilight and her friends go under the guidance of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or Princess Cadence, so the Elements of Discord would probably go under the guidance of Discord in an alternate universe.
Elements of disharmony wouldn’t be independent instead it would be held together by hatred (if they exist for sure) so basically Harmony=friends Disharmony=enemies
The elements of harmony: Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, optimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of friendship.
The elements of disharmony: Greed, Deception, harshness, treachery, pessimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of enmity.
Ya she was no emotions but she gets happy sad mad embarrassed she just shows her feeling like saying it not by her facle expression she's like raven from teen Titans go
LOL I THINK THE ROYAL GUARD WOULD BE GLOOM true fact: remember the episode when Fluttershy took care of the phoenix rainbow tried to make royal guards laugh but they just stood there, in the end, they did laugh so not really but its a possibility
I don't think that without disharmony there would be no such thing as harmony . Flurry heart is princess of light so there will no disharmony . See the Crystal heart protects Crystal empire, princess flurry heart has a Crystal. I don't know which Crystal but we have to find it out okay
@Vanilla Milkshakes Well betrayal means you were have to be one of the group, then go against that group. But CozyGlow was never apart of that group, her intentions were to never associate with them. So, I'd like to think it would be deceit.
Honestly? Now that season 9 is over and done with (yes I'm aware this video was done during season 7), let me add that Twi said they're just symbols, powerful fruit of the Harmony Tree. As for the vilians, here's who I think is what:
Also known as the seventh element of disharmony. Since the seventh element of harmony would obviously be reconciliation. Betrayal would be the exact opposite of that.
@The Asprey Sisters true but even tho she was faking it, she still betrayed twilight and all that, cause they thought that she was good. So it checks our
Chris Evan Afton2022-10-19 21:41:46 (edited 2022-10-19 21:54:23 )
@Vanilla Milkshakes Cozy could be Deceit because she did lied to the hole school 🏫 the CMC and the student 6 as well as the mane 6 and I think Tirek fits betrayal more because he betrayed his family as for Chrysalis she would be greed or cruelty and sombra would be dark magic
@plut0ven ikr! I was watching mlp and when Silverstream popped up I was freaking out becuase of the warrior cat. And my family just looked at me like i was nits.
I have an idea Trixie had the alicorn amulet Rarity got a book of spells. The dazzling have the crystal necklaces. The other two are missing or were destroyed.
@XYZ lol shes just like "oops..." honestly imagine if cozy glow managed to take away all magic and the human world is the result i mean we are pretty disharmonious
@Jupiter Girl 6007 Not Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was never reformed. Luna was the one who was reformed. She left the dark side and repented, but Nightmare Moon is literally her evil side that can't be reversed. She has already transformed once, Nightmare Moon is still part of her, just her good side is much stronger.
@Fixielle wwell not entirely i mean sin is kinda like geometry the main reason you learn it (As far as i know) is to teach it its a thing that exists for itself sin exists cuz of itself say lying you lie sometimes for good purposes but those purposes could be cuz of a certain flaww in life like maybe you are hiding someone in your house to protect them you are forced to lie to the person searching for them cuz that person wants to harm them which is a sin if that person didnt wish harm you'd have no reason to hide the 1st person these things exist in some good ways simply cuz of the bad side so not really if there was no sin in the wworld no flaws it would technically be a perfect world although thats impossible not to meantion sin also exists cuz someone waanted to do something they knewww they shouldnt good or bad use of things everything sorta winds back into the fabric of the world affect and effect and such if that makes any sense
Well, there are a few problems with that. Nightmare moon is now Luna, discord is reformed queen chrysalis is turned to stone with lord tirek and cozy glow. And king Sombra died and starlight glimmer is reformed
@Kelsie Shelley I think there might be ‘seemingly harmful harmony’ (or some other name for that,) elements. Mentioned in tirek’s monologue, his brother scorpan ‘Warned celestia of tirek’s scheme,’ but of course, because he wasn’t a pony, nobody believed him. They could’ve thought he meant harm, but I’m guessing his element could be.. ‘Aching (or not) Truth?’
Nightmare Moon: She's back to Luna, woo! Discord: Reformed in some way? Chrysalis & Tirek: Turned to stone. Sombra: Dead. Starlight Glimmer: Reformed, she became good.
You know, in Season 2, The return of harmony part 1 and 2, Discord turns the main 6 into pretty much the opposite of themselves. What if the elements of disharmony are the main 6, but they just choose to show the harmony part of themselves. I haven't put much thought into this, it's just what I think goes with the vid. 😊
Basically the elements of harmony are the elements of disharmony. It just depends on how you use them.
Sh H2019-06-14 21:22:59 (edited 2019-06-14 21:24:10 )
There's the Elements of Insanity, but I NEED more Elements of DISharmony in the actual MLP:FiM episodes.
Am I the only one who loves how when Sawtooth does a video with EventHorizon they're fighting and insulting each other but with CC they're being so nice and disagreeing in the most peaceful way possible-
The elements of harmony: Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, optimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of friendship.
The elements of disharmony: Greed, Deception, harshness, treachery, pessimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of enmity.
There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force
@Berta Dellasala the element of disharmony makes me think of the element of insanity videos made by invertedshadow where brutalight is the element of brutality or insanity, rarifruit is greed, apple pills is the element of addiction, pinkis cupcake is the element of either madness or bloodlust, fluttershout is cruel and rainbine is cybernetics if I remember ^^💧
The alicorn amulet makes sense. The gem in the middle looks like the element of generosity’s gem. Also Trixie got it to get more power, The opposite of generosity.
Well when you were talking about the relics it could be another way of showing the elements of disharmony just like in season 8 when the different relics went to each of the main students as the color of the normal elements. This could be the same with the elements or relics of disharmony.
I would say cozy glow would be the elemant of dark magic. I mean, she acts to gets friends and she wants power. Sunset is from Canterlot in another world, shes now changed.
Thats my theory, what do u guys think? I like ur vids and theories Sawtooth waves! 😄
Edit: She would also make a good one for betrayal. Acting to get friends knowing that she wants power for herself = betrayal
Cruelty: King Sombra (He was a tyrant when he ruled the Crystal Empire)(IDK) Selfishness: Lord Tirek (He stole all the ponies' strength, flight, and magic(and Discord's powers)for himself)(The book from Inspiration Manifestation) Deception: Chrysalis (Pretends to be other ponies/creatures)(IDK) Treachery: Cozy Glow (Betrayed Mane 6 when she tried to take over the school)(IDK) Fear: Pony of Shadows (The Stygian part of him is reformed, but the shadow part they sent back to limbo made everyone scared of him like in the Castle Mane-ia episode)(IDK) Magic of Isolation/Dark Magic: Grogar(The REAL Grogar, not Discord!)(Created monsters and ruled over a young Equestria)(Alicorn Amulet)
Well, I go by which virtue defeats it... Chrysalis' throne would be anti-magic. It was destroyed by love/friendship. Alicorn Amulet: greed -- wearer must give it away. and the Book: deception - since the spell could ONLY be broken by truth. Eating the book didn't help - though that means it's not around anymore.
The elements of disharmony would be more phycological than a physical item, so depression would be gloom or something. After all, everything about the elements of disharmony are opposite of the element of harmony!
I might know but starlight glimmer’s cutie mark has a part that looks like Twilights cutie mark so what if starlight glimmer‘s cutie mark is basically the opposite of twilight’s crown So yeah that’s all I’m really guessing
I think the Anti element of Magic should be the Element of Power. Since the good ones have mostly magic, the evil people who absorb it or have it, they might call it Power
but we have already seen the 'Elements of Disharmony' (maybe) in 'the return of harmony' when Discord 'corrupts' the mane six right? the liar, the grump, the hoarder, the brute and selfish. (S.2 Ep.2)
And when Chrysalis makes the Mean Six. I think that if the Mean Six wore the Elements of Harmony, then they would turn into the Elements of Chaos/Disharmony.
Jade Ho you are right, but we still have no clue on what ARE the gems of the ‘Elements of Disharmony’? Probably this might be it: Alicorn Amulet- Opposite of Magic Rarity’s Book- Opposite of Generosity Sirens’ Necklaces- ??? Im not sure about the others though
@Sienna Frost thats true,,, however we learn that the elements are not necessarily always bound to a gem, and neither to just one person, but it is found in people who represent harmony... people who represent disharmony could simply be a group of people who do not work well together, e.g. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy glow at the end of the series.
Also the elements of disharmony dont have to be 'used for bad' for example, discord is literally DISCORD, but he is still a good person at heart, meaning well for the main six
OkAy thiS iS A biT diFFeREnT to WHAt i LAst suGGEsteD bUT;,, What if the "elements of disharmony" ARE the elements of harmony, hear me out-
As the Brony Notion quotes at 4:18 "in the light, there is a darkness and in the darkness, a light". Simply meaning one cannot exist without the other; 'A shadow is a darkness cast by an object blocking the light. If there were no light, then there could be no shadows'.
MAYBE, the elements of harmony literally mean "disharmony/bad" and "harmony/good" WORKING together in HARMONY to create forces such as friendship, love, sun/moon, and to protect Equestria.
Its hard to explain everything in one comment, so i'd love to see The Brony Notion do an updated version on this theory!! After all we have learnt so many things now that the show is finished.
If there was new ones where they are Cozy Glow:Munipulation Chrysalis: Liar (because she can change how she looks) Terik: abuse of power Irk about the rest
Since the elements of harmony are just symbols as stated in the ending of the end part 2, maybe the elements have the ability to symbolize disharmony if used for the wrong reasons which would explain why Twilight's own element turned Sunset Shimmer into a demon. I think the only reason why the elements didn't work on the mane 6 corrupted by Discord was because they weren't really interested in doing anything with the elements.
I think the evil elements would actually belong to (if they exist) Cruel : Sombra Selfish : Flim and flam Lying : Cozy glow Disloyal : Tirek Gloom: Chrysalis Evil magic: Grogar (I’m not counting anyone who got reformed)
here’s what i think: first, the elements of disharmony don’t need to be the exact opposite of the elements of harmony, since what the pillars represent are exactly synonymous with the elements of harmony second, i think that the elements of disharmony would be jealousy, greed, power, manipulation, fear, and chaos discord-chaos, cozy glow-manipulation, nightmare moon-jealousy, sombra-fear, chrysalis-greed and tyrek-power
Maybe the Elements of disharmony don't actually represent the exact opposite of the elements of Harmony. They're different, but similar. If it was the opposite then the alicorn amulet should have used the opposite of magic (whatever that may be).
Instead, they still represent the same elements, but they're taken to the extreme to the point that they become a force for Evil.
It would explain why Trixie was instead using magic for evil instead of for good like Twilight. And when Rarity used that book, she thought she was still being generous, but it was taken to the extreme, to the point that she was forcing her wants on others.
I have a theory to match ‘Five missing elements of Disharmony’….. in the first episode, there are five elements found first. With Disharmony, everything will probably be different including how many are missing. The alicorn amulet was the only supposed element of Disharmony known. With the elements of harmony, there are five that are known. What I’m basically saying is : Five missing elements of Disharmony - 1 known. One missing element of Harmony - 5 known. If they are opposites on other things, it makes sense for this to just be another ‘spark’ prophecy.
You know how after Sombra kapowed the harmony tree the spirit of harmony began showing up, well The Brony Notion did a video after this one saying Discord is the parallel to the harmony spirit as he represents chaos. Wouldn't it then make sense if there was a chaos tree of some sorts that was destroyed and Discord is the released spirit. The tree would've probably been destroyed a little before Celestia and Luna first banish Discord as they haven't seen him before. In addition, one could say that teh different animals discord is made up of are the species of teh chaos element barers . It'd make sense because the barers would work independently so discord is like a blend of them whereas twilight best represents all her friends qualities combined so the tree of harmony took her form.
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Red Reddish2019-04-01 12:54:30 (edited 2019-04-01 12:58:09 )
Elements of Harmony to Disharmony are : Magic-Evil Magic Generosity-Selfishness Kindness-Mean-ness? Honesty-Liying Loyalty-Faithlessness Laughter-Sadnees
dark doesn't always mean evil, its just dark. plus the elements of disharmony could be used by some of the protagonists as long as they embody the element
Actually, in the comics, there's another reality that balances Equestria by having all the characters on the opposite side (Sombra is good, Celestia is evil,...) so if the elements of disharmony exists, they'd rather be there.
I think friendship and teamwork, the kind of stuff that make evildoers unstoppable, would transform the elements of disharmony, because that's part of harmony! Even if they knew that they would be stronger together, they would probably also know that the power in those gems would dissolve if they used harmony to create disharmony.🤔
Maybe the elements of disharmony are trapped inside the elements of harmony and celestia and Luna thought that it would be safe since the barriers of the elements kept them safe
Oh! And then, when Nigthmare moon broke them, she released the elements of disharmoni! Because she would remember that they captured them when she was still Luna! That makes sense! (I think)
Bloodmoon and Midnight I have another idea! Maybe the elements of disharmony weren’t trapped in the elements but their power was.So the necklace that she bought didn’t have any power until Nightmare Moon broke it.Maybe I’m just being stupid....
The alicorn ambulet: element of corruption magic Rarity's spell book: the element of selfishness Siren' necklace: the first one dishonesty second unhappiness third greed
What if the elements of harmony could be turned into the elements of disharmony and back, but only the most powerful ponies could do it, like the alicorns, and what if the were turned into the elements of disharmony centuries ago and before they turned them back they used them to create dark magic items to keep the balance in the future and to keep the elements of harmony good.And what if starsworld the bearded translated ancient texts talking about alicorns, but he couldn’t figure out how to bring alicorns back and didn’t figure it out until clover the clever told him about her experience in the cave with the three leaders and their helpers.
Have you ever heard of My Little Pony the Movie? Yes, I watched it too. And after I watched it, as a gift, my relatives gave me a comic book; My Little Pony: The Prequel. I was intrigued by the book, it was entertaining, but I now realize... THAT THIS BOOK CONTAINED ONE OF THE ELEMENTS OF DISHARMONY Basically, the book revolved around this green jewel necklace called the ‘Misfortune Malachite’. It caused misfortune, suffering, and destruction to whoever held it. It was stolen from the castle of (I forget) and taken by the Storm King. The king and queen warned him of it’s power, but he didn’t listen and took it anyway, leaving the kingdom in ruins. This is also where Capper sneaks onto one of his ships. And so, the story progresses, changing the owners of the jewel, from Storm King, to Capper, then finally, to Tempest. This specific chapter shows Tempest decided to team up with the Storm King and him taking back the malachite. If you read this far and are interested yourself, please, go purchase My Little Pony the Movie: Prequel for yourself and see that this IS one of the Elements of Disharmony, most likely the opposite of laughter, misfortune. Or it may be the opposite of generosity. WHATEVER. Just thank you for reading this far. Have a nice day.
Ok, so this is a good theory but I have another one for you. Twilights element can work alone in the human world so I think it is the same with Trixies alicon thing. All of the element of disharmony are at Crystal Prep, and that neckalce somehow got into Equestria. It is the “leading” neckalce so it can work alone. And since the main one is in Equestria all of the other ones are useless.
In the first 2 episodes of season 2, when the ponies go through the maze, them and their elements turn into the elements of disharmony, they become opposites😯
Also I say the the crown sunset wore was the element of evil magic, the book from Rarity is the element of greed, the a alicorn amulet is the element of cruelty, the main sirens gem is the element of boredom, the left siren gem is the element of lyingness, and the right siren is the element of betrayal.
Here’s my theory: both the elements of harmony and disharmony exist, but as one physical item. If an element of harmony was worn by the bearer of the corresponding element of disharmony, it would either turn into or be used as an element of disharmony. Like what happened when sunset wore twilight’s crown
now you need to rework this theory with Starswirl’s tree of harmony in mind. i feel like this could create a good head canon since nothing can disprove it now
I think one of the elements of disharmony is king sombra's necklace armor jewel thing on his chest and he may have been good but it may have corrupted him
Well, yeah, Twilights element did turn Sunset Shimmer into something awful… but that’s only because she didn’t use it the way it was meant to be. The crown itself realized her true intentions and THATS what turned her into the demon she became.
Raritys book=lust makes more sense because the more rarity wanted something the more it took over oppite of genorosity Sirens jewels=wrath they spread there wrath of anger through equestria and then the jewles absorbed all of that wrath oppiste of kindness Alicorn amulet=Pride not evil magic trixie got more powerful the more pride she had and the minute she had loads of pride her eyes glowed red oppiste of magic Those are the crystals by can replace them all Oppiste of honesty is greed because they wont stop at nothing untl they get what they want even if it mean being dishonest and this flows perfectly with flim and flams charcter Oppiste of loyalty is sloth not caring to anyhting at all Oppiste of laghter is gluttony somebody who is a glutton for no laghter As you said jewles can hold magic but with raritys book or any of the other elemnts of disharmony they have to be summoned
I highly doubt the elements of disharmony could be used: they involve elements of disharmony (duh) which includes the inability to actually cooperate. If they could be used, it would be individually, with each causing a specific sort of damage, maybe Betrayal/Disloyalty being able to scatter groups of tightly bonded friends, or anger to cause chaos in groups.
The elements of disharmony would negate each other in the same way that the elements of harmony reinforce each other. Kind like matter and antimatter.
What if the Nightmare Moon VS. Celestia battle was different than what was showed? Instead of Nightmare Moon being stronger than Celestia, she was using the elements of disharmony against her. Celestia then would use the elements of harmony to banish Celestia to the moon. When Nightmare Moon returns, she doesn't show the elements directly but she still has them; but when she is destroyed, so are the elements of disharmony; except the Alicorn Amulet, of course.
Also, there is always an opposite universe. For example: when you decided to eat cereal instead of a donut for breakfast, there is a universe where you ate that donut for breakfast. So in another universe, the elements of disharmony do exist and are used very often and the elements of harmony are still to be fully discovered.
I believe that the elements of disharmony were shown in season 8 episode 13. when queen chrysalis turns trees into the main 6 they resemble the complete opposite of the elements of harmony so maybe they were the spirits of disharmony in the form of the main six?
Well of course the elements of disharmony(probably) exist! If nightmare moon was able to make a dark version of the wonderbolts, then she could create a dark version of the elements,right? And plus there was an episode for each pony where they weren't acting like their element but that episode is also the episode that they get the relic that turns into a key in season 4. So the elements of disharmony probably do exist as mentioned in the video,there are dark relics that turn a character evil like Trixie and the alicorn stone thingy or the book that gave rarity all of those speels to make things "pretty" etc. BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A FILM THEORY
Is it possible that discord may have transformed some of his magic into the necklace that trixie had used,I mean, discord is still the spirit of disharmony,right? Tough its now a long time later,the bell that tirek,cozy glow and crysalis used might be one sign of the disharmony?
I’m genuinely upset that the show didn’t even suggest the idea that the elements of disharmony. They could’ve done a season where they have to try and find the evil elements
SEASON NINE UPDATE Hi, just thought I'd give my two cents on the bearers themselves, I was never too sure on the element items themselves... As Twilight said in the end, the physical elements were just symbols! Here's the two sides of the coin in my opinion
ELEMENTS OF HARMONY The Pillars — Mane 6 — Student 6 Strength — Honesty — Determination | Yona Bravery — Loyalty — Reliability | Smolder Beauty — Generosity — Initiative | Ocellus Healing — Kindness — Empathy | Gallus Hope — Laughter — Joy/Optimism | Silverstream Sorcery — Magic — Unity | Sandbar (Gallus was the first kind Griffin we know of and Sandbar brought them together to the castle of the two sisters to be together)
ELEMENTS OF DISHARMONY Mane 6 - disharmony element | embodiment Laughter - Misery | Chrysalis Generosity - Avarice | Tirek Honesty - Deception | Cozy Glow Loyality - Betrayal | Tantabus [Nightmare Moon] Kindness - Cruelty | King Sombra Magic - Power | Grogar
I don't think there are elements of "disharmony" because "disharmony" goes by a more common name... Discord, literally defined as "a lack of Harmony". He is the spirit of chaos incarnate. Therefore, unlike the Elements of Harmony, which needs multiple individuals to come together, harmoniously, he best preforms alone.
Rewatching this now with the show ending I gots a theory u-u I think it's possible for the elements of disharmony to exist. However there should be certain things that have to happen like the elements of harmony and how they were created. Let's start with the tree of harmony. It was planted and therefore boom the elements were born. But maybe those that are corrupt could do the same just with dark power. Obviously- Next we have the question 'who would represent the dark elements?' Well it's simple. Grogar's little squad will take 5 of them: Grogar - Power (as he lead them all and wanted destruction of the mane 6) Chrysalis - Cruelty (she was mean to pretty much everyone like her hive sometimes and the mane 6) Cozy - Dishonesty (as she lied to everyone as we know) Tirek - Greed (he wants magic for himself right?) Sombra - Betrayed (this is because he was reluctant to work together and only focused on himself) But obviously that's only five. What about the sixth? Who will take that role? So basically I don't think it'll be discord. At the end of the show it seems he's been fully reformed or so it seems. However it couldn't have been him as if it was by now discord would've gotten some sort of punishment you'd think. So who is the replacement you wonder? Someone that's good. Yeah that's right. Maybe someone like the mane 6 or the princesses will become corrupt and aid the darker side. If not do this on purpose. Why I think that is simple. It seems to be very easy for someone to undergo a switchero from good to bad. Like how easy it was for the vines to kidnap celestia and luna. If it's taken the smallest event like starlight's past just because of one tiny thing it won't mean it'll cause damage. I don't think the designs will even look the same for the villains cus the elements we know of represent the mane 6's cutie marks. But this cannot follow the same trend for the new elements as most of the villains don't even have cutie marks. So instead it'll focus more on personality instead in my opinion.
We all know generosity is Rarity, and what I the opposite of generosity? Greed. That's why I think the book Rarity had found WAS an element of disharmony.
this is a video i keep coming back to for osme reason. i don't think that, if the elements of disharmony (i like to call them elements of dissonance) were to exist, they'd be PURELY evil - i think it comes from a misconception. the elements of harmony aren't 100% good and any of them in excess can be bad, that's why they need the others to 'harmonize' with to keep them in check: too much kindness can leave you vulnerable (which is why fluttershy had her whole arc about learning to assert herself when needed) too much generosity can make you forget to take care of yourself, living for others and not you (which i believe is why they chose rarity for it, as she's already confident) loyalty is only as good as whoever you're loyal to, and it's easy to lose yourself in it (without reaching to any tasteless real-world examples, wouldn't you say the pre-reformed changelings were extremely loyal to the hive? thorax (and you) were the exception, not the rule) honesty in excess can lead to easily hurt feelings, i think we all know someone who's a jerk and justifies it as 'i'm just being honest' laughter can be innapropiate in certain moments, and can be downright mean sometimes (evil villain laugh?) and as we know, magic can go both ways. we've seen both twilight and midnight sparkle.
i think if there's elements of disharmony, they would have to be opposite, yet similar - not 100% bad, but something that is bad in excess but good in small amounts. magic would be the same, of course, but i would hitnk they wouldn't just go for the seven sins either? just food for thought. also, given that the pillars of equestria had their own "elements" (sorcery, beauty, healing, hope, determination and bravery) it's not out of the question that they could be multiple sets
The Elements of Disharmony are real. Celestia and Luna destroyed their physical forms, but the spirits of the elements of disharmony were transferred into the elements of harmony yet the elements of harmony overpowered them and they lay dormant until something brings out the disharmony in the bearers. Evidence: the return of harmony.
The elements of harmony came from the tree of harmony and discord is the opposite of harmony. So from what I've heard discord who'd have to create the elements of disharmony. At least in a fiscal form like the tree did. But it doesn't matter because the power doesn't come from the gemstone there just catalysts for there power of harmony and/or disharmony. So I think the disharmony there is true but that may not have a fiscal form or they may have been destroyed so it's also possible that the Alicorn amulet is one of them
Ok so here's what I got, the red amulet thing is the OPPOSITE of the elements of harmony, so of there is a spell that makes a dark light if you do it in a room the other ones will appear. But just a thought.
I re watched this, and, didn't this already happened? When chrysalis and her army wanted to take revenge, the changelings, took the forms of the mane six, including spike. Although it wasn't the mane six who fought the changelings, it was starlight, discord, and Trixie.
I also remember another episode, where the mane six are separated, and was found by the other mane six, but complete opposite. Rarity, instead of being generous, was possible of a rock she found.
Did I make sense? Also, I'm a fan! I'm just commenting what I thought of.
Thats works out....but who would have the power to do that? MY Theory is that maybe Twi-Sparks turns evil and she uses the Alicorn Amulet to make Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash,Rarity and Applejack EVIL too! And casts the same spell on the Elements of Harmony.
LEAVE MAUD OUT OF THIS!!!! She's flat not sad. Her monatone is not a sad thing. Sometimes I TALK LIKE THAT!!!!! I'm not sad. Sometimes a voice Is just..... ---------- like that. And she loves ... sorry I just think someone else should be gloom... HUUUUUUUU = sound of inhale btw. .. TROUBLE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's perfect! !!
I don't think spitfire deserves a reputation being the element of betrayal. she actually works hard to make all her students elite flyers. and maud may have no personality, (no offence) she doesn't deserve the element of hate. because even though she is super dull, and has no expression, she loves her sister, and her family. she doesn't hate everything like an element of hate would. and diamond tiara got reformed, so she doesn't disserve her element either, but I agree with everything else
This is incredibly late, but I feel like the elements of disharmony do exist, but not in the physical matter as the ones of harmony do. I feel it’s also necessary to be told that I’m not even caught up to the finale of g4, but I’d still like to try and share my input. Proven by later videos, the disharmony elements wouldn’t have been made into gems in the first place for reasons not said in this particular video. I think that the bearers of the elements of harmony (mane 6), are also the bearers of disharmony. My reasoning is because the opposites of what they stand for are the ones most often used to tempt them. In addition to this, is that the balance based argument in this video would be supported. Because the mane 6’s elements are so closely tied to them, it makes sense that they would also have the internal struggle of staying on the harmony side. The balance is already off, so the temptation is trying to get the mane 6 to be equal in both harmony and disharmony. So basically, opposites attract, always fighting for equilibrium. Thus, my reasoning that go for this theory. But, in the end that’s all it really is: a theory. A GAME HORSE THEORY— okay I’m sorry I had to.
Watching back to these videos after season 8 i have a new theory for this. The elements of disharmony do exist but inside the elements of harmony hense why sunset shimmer was turned into a raging she demon because the element of disharmony magic was activated by her evil spirit we see this when the mean 6 perform the oposite actions of the elements of harmony around the elements of harmony
The elements of disharmony are real because on season 2 (first 2 episodes) Discord gave them the elements of harmony which was fake. The real one was at Twilights tree house. Also Discord is the spirit of not just cheos but also disharmony
Yeah! The fake elements turned them into their opposites too! But then again, queen chrysalis made fake versions of the ponies and they were the exact opposite, so yeah.
I think the disharmony version of magic is power. Cozy glow has proved that. Friendship is magic but if it fallen into the wrong hand, it become power
not a youtuber2021-03-13 20:21:03 (edited 2021-03-13 20:22:10 )
I think the other five elements of disharmony were destroyed by Starswirl or something, but they lost the Alicorn Amulet. Or maybe the siren's necklaces are fragments of one of the elements....
I'm about to go on a rant, so get prepared for a lot of reading. I kind of hopped on this theory about there being an elements of disharmony. I don't really understand the origins that much, but there is still some kind of the opposite of the main 6 here. On season 2 episode 2 discord reverse the main six, They all become themselves but opposite. Everything ends up fine in the end, but this is not the only time we've seen this. Season 8 episode 13 Chrysalis did just about the same thing but in a different way. She used a picture and a lock of their hair to summon the "mean 6". Chrysalis is version is all the same to discord's except twilight, but that can be easily explained. Twilight from season 2 to season 8 has developed more, as in twilight is now a princess, and twilight is an alicorn (as in a stronger and more powerful). So it's kind of is plausible that there could be a"mean 6", or elements of disharmony. Just wanted to bring that to light☺!
Hold up. There was the Alicorn Amulet only right? With five other elements missing? When the Elements Of Harmony where introduced in the first season, one, the element of Magic, was missing. The other five were there. Coincidence?
Hmm a little opinion The element of magic in the first EQ movie turned Sunset into a she demon because she was filled with negative emotions and evilness. But the Crystal's magic was different towards Twilight because her intentions are pure.
So IMO if the elements of harmony went to the wrong evil hands the magic in it will turn dark
Here what I think Dark magic - sunrise dull. Gloom- greyie cake Disloyalty - solid slow Greed- Commonity Dishonesty- Orangejill Cruelty- rushoutgping All of these are characters I came up with. They would be inverted in colors.
I wanted to tell you, don't you all know that Diamond Tiara and Sunset Shimmer are reformed? They can't fit the chain and become the bearers. Neither can Spitfire. So, here is the updated version of the bearers. Betrayal - Lightning Dust Cruelty - Sombra Evil Magic - The Dazzlings Just a Hunch.
i think the “mean six” episode already showed us that there is the element of disharmony. Imagine if the mean six get the elements of harmony,they really could turn into the elements of disharmony,right?
But if The elements of harmony was created by the tree of Harmony, planted by the pillars, how was the Element of disharmony created? Was there a tree of disharmony?
I've just had a brilliant idea. What if, because of the balance, the Element of magic would have been imbetween. As in, if the Element was infused with a good heart, it would be harmonious. Yet, when infused with a dark/evil heart, it would cause disharmony, which is why sunset turned into a 'raging she-demon'!
My Theory- Discord is the creation of the elements of disharmony and the only reason the alicorn amulet survived in a sence is because it's more powerful then the others!
realistic but it does kind of remind me of the 7 deadly sins i think wwhat if the 5 elements of disharmony based more around the 7 deadly sins for example lust(getting love without returning it) = chrysalis / trek = greed (or gluttony since he eats magic in a sense) / cozy glow: envy / nightmare moon=anger/ king sombra= pride/ think about it the elements are generousity loyalty kindness honesty and magic your thinking of more of direct opposite wwhen you think about it greed and gluttony are both the opposite of generousity / envy is the opposite of loyalty (since envy usually leads to betrayal)/ anger/wwraith is the opposite of kindness since kindness is forgiving and wwarm while anger is cold and stubborn (as shown in mending fences when twilight goes to meet old friends only to find one of them holds a grudge and infact shuts herself off) pride is the opposite of honesty (kind of) since usually people will lie to hide their flaws like that time rainbow dash was framed (i forgot who by) but that guy was willing to shame someone else to save his own pride and wwwell as for magic and lust idk but you can see it but another thing that maybe that makes the elements strong is that they can affect other ponies wwho harbor similar feelings wwhich means that even the mane 5 would have trouble due since they arent perfect but i can imagine the elements of harmony can sorta cure but its harder since they dont have a area affect i can also imagine that people harbor these feelings the strongest would also be drawwn to the these elements which is how they find them give me a like or a comment if you think if this is reasonable a dislike or comment if you think im more likely wwrong
Disharmony would be too much dark or to much light. Harmony is balance. So is harmony really good and disharmony really bad? We have already seen harmony literally every single time a villain turns good. Such as luna, discord, starlight glimmer, sunset shimmer, shadow, midnight sparkle, and gloriosa daisy. Where there is bad there is good. The only disharmony I have seen is when queen chrysalis is defeated and the Siren's gems are destroyed. Do you agree?
What if since Princess Celestia used the elements of harmony on NightMare moon, besides Twilight, Princess Celestia is the beholder of the elements of harmony, while NightMare Moon is the beholder of the elements of disharmony?
Good theory and I agree with almost everything, but I don't think that Diamond Tiara should be the element of cruelty just because she was only a filly who teased people. Also, the elements of HARMONY'S wielders are very close with each other and share a special bond. Those ponies have never met each other and hardly share the same intention. Hmm, yes, yes, we have seen dark crystals as well as good cryslals (elements of harmony). Also, from what I can remember King Sombra's crytstals didn't possess any special powers.
The Campbell Channel Let me give you and example. Sunset and Twilight, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, FF and Applejack, Maud and Pinkie Pie, and Rarity and Blue Bloods. I honestly don't know how Fluttershy relates to diamond tiara, so Ill let that one slide. All those combinations share at least a connection, and the villian has a faded version of the good version.
Well, disharmony is basically harmony with opposite rules, since the main 6 are always close, I’d expect that the wielders of disharmony don’t contact eachother that much. But I do agree that Diamond Tiara shouldn’t have the element of cruelty just because she makes fun of others... and she’s starting to be a little bit better personality wise.
The less the group know each other the less they will be able to relate creating more arguments and more disharmony and making the elements stronger. Also most of the time they would be used apart since they are stronger
The Campbell Channel it’s a great theory Season 8 spoilers below!!
In Season 8 Episode 13 “Mean 6” (one of my favorites) Queen Chrysalis makes clones of the mane 6 but in their opposite version! So we saw the tree of Harmony but I think when they hit the tree it was the tree of Harmony that sense in presence of Disharmony and I think it turned a backfire on the mean 6 turning them in wood! My theory no one has to agree lol
What your saying about them never meeting, The elements of disharmony would be completely opposite of the elements of harmony. So if the elements of harmony are close. Then the elements of disharmony they would have never met, Hence the answer to your question
btw the allicorn amulet has a diamond on it like rarity's necklace and Trixie was hungry\greedy for power so she would have more power from being away from the others and it representing what she used it for at the time.
Wait a minute, what if one of the elements of disharmony were actually in Rarity's book, and when Spike ate it, does that mean some villain who heard of such elements and their containers have to journey thru Spike's stomach to get the book?
I think these should be the people of the elements of disharmony Cruelty: Sombra Betrayal: Crysaliss (Idk how to spell it) Selfishness: Nightmare Moon Gloom: [Idk, give some ideas] Dark magic: Cozy Glow (I think it should be called Darkness) Deceit: [Idk, give some ideas]
@Olina Lin Yes but Rarity wasn’t generous, Applejack was a liar, Rainbow Dash betrayed her friends, Discord turned each of them to their opposites. So in that case, the mane six is the elements of disharmony.
Cruelty: sombra deceit: Queen chrysalis ( because she lied to the changelings lol) betrayal: cozy glow selfishness: blue blood / Gloom : ( BRO no is as gloomy as maud pie) maud pie. Evil magic: Daybreaker ( when Celestia is "evil" )
Deceit could be gladmane because he tricked all the other ponies at his resort into thinking he is their only friend so they can't drive the resort like it's a playhouse
What if the elements of disharmony are the elements itself, just think about it we seen moments where each pony are the opposite of their elements even though they pull it together in the end, but it would be a good balance. Think about it the tree of harmony would like to see balance in Equestra its like the ying and yang situation. Rainbow dash has shown disloyality before, Futtershy has been rude before(rarely but ya know), pinkie has been gloomy before, rarity has been selfish before, and applejack has been dishonest before, I don't have much to say on twilight tho cause how can she not show magic? But also remember when discord was evil and made them all opposite, what if he didn't change them he just brought out something that was always there just made it bigger if ya know what I mean, and for twilight well again there wasn't really much of a change it was just she was gloomy and forgot everything she learned about friendship tbh. so yea
Wel, I could debunk the element of evil magic at the start. Sunset shimmer is good now, isint she? So I think that, like the alicorn amulet, trixie should have The element of evil Magic.
there are some negative energy hidden around equestria. what if the elements of harmony itself, have a few negative energy in it. or maybe finding out more stuff that has bad magic (like rarity's book) may affect the elements of harmony. (example, when sunset shimmer turned into a demon) but plz pick me. i will subscribe if u do (see more stuff in the replies)
If the alicorn amulet is a element of disharmony it would be selfishness witch makes sense since it’s a diamond shape and rarity’s element is also diamond shape witch also means the writers thought that out and could mean they do exist
I agree with your theory as disharmony or discord isn't really evil just chaotic and harmony isn't totally good just orderly as explianed in the comics and as for that war you were talking about I think that war was between discord the spirit of chaos and his opposite harmony the spirit of order each created by the universe to try to coexist keeping each other in check but every so often one would attack the other unprovoked and when this happened they were each exiled to their own dimensions for a thousand years by the universe like discord would go to his chaos dimenion and harmony her Oder dimension. This would be the norm until one day discord got the upper hand and harmony was shattered and while discord was in exile peaces of harmony fell to equatorial either creating the elements of harmony the princesses or the first pony race explaining why they pretty much worship harmony why friendship is magic and why everyone tries to get along with discord even though he gets on their nerves
I don't think the element of betrayal really suits Spitfire. Yes she did lie about Soarin but she was quick to acknowledge her mistake and she does value loyalty.
In the comic "Of Kings and Changelings" theres acually a tree of disharmony after the alternate weilders of the elements (Chrysalis,Trixie,Derpy,Sunset Shimmer,Gilda,and Maud Pie) defeated the evil version of Cadence to save King Sombra. Go check it out
I think the elements of disharmony would be power for magic tears for laughter greed for generosity betrayal for loyalty cruelty for kindness deciving for honesty.
Here is what I think the ‘Elements of Disharmony’ are (or at least some of them) Evil Magic : Alicorn Amulet/The gems King Sombra makes Bearer: Grogar/King Sombra Greed/Selfishness : Rarity’s Book Bearer: Blue Blood Betrayal : Tirek’s Necklace (the one he gave to Discord) Bearer: Tirek/Lightning Dust/Cozy Glow Cruelty : Sirens’ Necklace Bearer: The Sirens Deceit : ? Bearer: Flim and Flam Gloom : ? Bearer: ? I’m not sure what else to add or exchange with, so if any of you have any other ideas, please tell me what they are. I know that MLP has ended, but I would just like to know what any of you guys think. Thanks!
Edit: I would love to add Queen Chrysalis here somewhere, but I don’t know where she fits here.
The element of cruelty would actually belong to cozy glow because diamond tiara changed same thing with sunset so the element of evil magic would belong to to teric or king sombra
my theory is that if the elements of disharmony exist they are the hearts of windigos. Windigos appeared when the pony tribes much conflict and hated each other. When the leaders and their number 2's were in the cave and the fire heart was created the windigos were gone but because hate is inevitable so the elements of disharmony were all thats left. The elements of disharmony were scattered to the edges of equestria and beyond.
I think the main villains might be the element of disharmony Magic- nightmare moon Generosity- crystalist Honesty- flimflam Loyalty- cozyglow Kindness- triek (cause he could of made friends with ponies as his brother but didn't) Laughter- I don't have one yet so you can say in the comments
After seeing sunset shimmer turn into a she demon i believe that there is no harmony or dishormony element at all let me explain we saw twilight turn into a powerful pony but more powerful help of her friends but sunset shimmer turned into a she demon why by a element harmony somehow it has disharmony in it . it means that the powerful gem's magic depends on wearer 's intentions like sunset shimmer 's intentions were evil but twiligth's intention's were good
The Elements of Disharmony theriosey by me! 1. They would have diffrent shaped gems EXAMPLE Dishonesty wouldn't have an Apple, but something to do with the bearer's cutie mark, not Applejack's. 2. Like you said, Discord could have been created because the Tree of Harmony was planted. So, with this therioy, the Elements of Disharmoney were created to oppose The Elements!
My theory is that Nightmare Moon created the elements of disharmony, except for the alicorn amulet and the crown or the spirits of the elements were in the people mentioned all along
Why should there be 6 elements of disharmony? There could be also only be 1 element of disharmony. I mean harmony is the opposite of disharmony. More is the opposite of less.
I know this was WAY before that, but Cozy Glow is THE REAL element of betray Edit: she could also be the element of evil magic, due to her knowlage about magic and teamwork
Dark Warrior2019-03-28 15:09:02 (edited 2019-03-28 15:33:02 )
I think discord would be the mane one incharge of elements of disharmony, another would have to be sombra with dark magic and slavery, tirek for greed (would also explain why he and discord know each other), maby crystalis with dishonesty, the shadow pony that took over luna would be opposite of joy, the pony of shadows betrayal Well that's what I think I mean the mane 6 elements of harmony mane villains elements of disharmony makes sense
I believe there should be balance in your social life you can't spend every second being social you'd stress yourself out or burn out but you also can't spend all day alone with your thoughts it leads to loneliness and suicidal thoughts in some cases
but IF there were the elements of disharmony that would be to much chaos because discord was made because the tree of harmony was made so there would have had to been even more of an equal amount of harmony to make the elements of disharmony.
What if instead of there being separate elements of disharmony, the same elements of harmony WHERE the elements of disharmony? Like since Apple Jack is always honest, if she where to lie her element would transform into the element of deseat ? Or if reraty where to think only of her self her element would turn into greed? And even in one epasode, with discord the first time he was menchond the main five had turned into they're oppasits! And I apologise for my bad spelling but I just thought of this! And since the old elements like hope brevary and straing and all the others since they could turn into lighter loyelty honesty why couldn't they too turn into weakness cowerdness and hopelessness?
what about Starlight's staff? The one that took everyone's cutie marks? And discords necklace? and didn't nightmare moon have the moon relic on her armor?
@TheNoobIncorporated he didn't know starlight glimmer but good point i would say more of the villains would be disharmony cuz like there bad and there adults but discord is not part of it cuz hes not a bad gut anymore BTW who likes fluttercord if u do go watch Bride Of Discord it is awesome
Ooh, that would be nice, seeing that Twilight and Starlight are opposites. Starlight says cutie marks are bad things, and strives to bring everypony to equality.
@TheNoobIncorporated For your information, since Twilight's element is the Element of Friendship (NOT magic) the corresponding Element of Disharmony/Chaos can not be "evil magic" at all. It has to be the Element of Feuding. Secondly, Sunset Shimmer would have been perfect for the Element of Feuding since it was her fault that the human Mane 6 were not friends when Twilight first went to their school. Sadly though, since Sunset Shimmer reformed she's now more representative of the Element of Redemption than the Element of Feuding.
@geekqueen2010 There are four counterarguments to that, but I don't know which one to take, so here's all three: 1.As Shelby Isawesome said, Starlight Glimmer doesn't believe in friendship. 2. In the first episode, I'm fairly certain they said the element was the element of magic 3. I thought she was the princess of friendship and the element of magic 4. the title of the show is "friendship is magic", which makes the two pretty much interchangeable in regard's to Twilight.
@TheNoobIncorporated I always thought that it wasn't so much that Starlight Glimmer didn't believe in friendship, but that she believed in it too much and had a skewed understanding of what it was.
SEVEN DEADLY SINS some of them already exist in mlp.(Nightmare moon as envy, Daybraker as pride, Chrysalis as Lust,Sombra as gluttony,Maniac Mayhem as greed, and Maud as sloth)
flim and flam weren’t fully lying because their machine could probably run day and night without stop so Idealy it would be better if they just used the machine properly
Spitfire... spitfire is a decent candidate so ok
and isn’t sunset supposed to be not canon and in another dimension?
the moral only works while it can make more profits for individual genetic selfishness than competitors. Mother nature only prefer creature that making more benefits for its own gene. Think about it: if ponies drop the one of upmost disharmony imoral crime -- racism, the feature can treat and classify creatures(even is the same specie in biology) into two of enemie and friendly specie, bad and good specie, dirty and pure specie, ugly and beautiful specie, harmony and discordy specie. Then the ponies might hardly to make any goods for its own individual genetic selfishness while doing the fights toward the carnivore specie during the disharmony circumstance of wartime.
Now that there are equestria girls I feel like there's a similar type of magic of course there is friendship the most powerful magic but in the first episode in a equestria girls when twilight and her friends blasted sunset shimmer the rainbow bend over her the same thing happened with the villains in equestria when the villains combined together anything similar
Don't forget when chrysalis was trying to get revenge on starlight glimmer and made clones of the element holders such as twilight fluttershy rarity apple jack and rainbow dash but evil anyway so when the clones of them were in the cave with the tree of harmony they were arguing making the elements on the tree go black in that period of time we saw the elements of disharmony
Twilight's element turned sunset shimmer into a demon... because sunset was not really kind... I think whoever uses the element... the element reflects the attitude of that person! (Sorrt about my bad english, it sounded better in my head)
My theory: The barriers of the Elements of Disharmony are the gray ponies that Discord caused would be the barriers. Here’s why, Discord would be the element of disharmony. And the gray ponies would be the other 5 barriers. When Discord takes over the main 6 would be changed into the elements of disharmony. So they only turn into the dark ponies when Discord takes over. But, when Discord takes over Twilight would be a backup like spike.
Okay now that you said it I realized something what if the elements of disharmony are hiding within the elements of harmony so when Sunset Shimmer put it on her head the element of disharmony was able to show but you couldn't see it
Harmony requires both parts, evil and good is not apply to harmony, so elements of disharmony never existed, they were already whole, and that explains why twilight's crown can be used for bad purposes
What is the opposite of all the elements of harmony/the main six good magic - evil magic loyalty - disloyalty laughter - no laughter kind - unkind and the rest
Also You know when you said that there is darkness in light and light in darkness? Well, Thorax is the only good changeling in the hive at one point. Sounds like light in darkness to me. Just wanted to mention him.
I agree with this whole vid...exempt maid is not gloomy, she's quiet and calm, does she ever seem sad?or just flat, grey yes but not sad. And I think there are 7 disharmony elements. In in of the my little pony comics, the mane six travel through the mirror, but into the opposite dimension. There were the stain glass windows. One had queen crisalis as love. So I think she's the element of hate or spite. Gloom sounds like...well u always forget get name. Oh and if u read the night mare rarity comic collection which I REALLY HOPE YOU GUYS DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #readit you see muffins as doctor hooves sidekick ... I think....... look closly... oh wait that's the kidnapping of the cutie mark crusaders well read that too. I think muffin is an element , but not of harmony or disharmony, she Is confusion . This is disharmony, it's also not evil.
I also have something to say about these disharmony elements. So we know they exist because in the grand galloping galla episode we see fluttershy being cruel to the animals. So we KNOW her cruelty disharmony element exists so the others must also have them. And if pinkie pie has chaos we know she has that because we saw her go crazy bonkers from the creepypasta AND and actual episode it the series! And Raritys is existing because we see her infect the whole pony Ville. So I'm still looking into twilight AJs and dashies and I'll let us know when I do.
When chrysalis's minions took form of twilight and her friends and then when they reached the tree of harmony and fought chrysalis the elements became black and the minions turned into wood does all of this have a connection with the elements of disharmony.
I think the dark magic element is human twilights device that turned her into midnight sparkle the dark magic element got into the human world but it was destroyed until twilight in the human world. Made a copy of it that sucks in all magic not just good magic but bad magic
I believe this is how it goes. Midnight sparkle is the element of power, pinkamena is the element of sadness, flutterbat is the element of cruelty, rainbow bash would be the element of betrayal, nightmare rarity would be the element of greed, Timberjack would be the element of dishonesty, starlight shatter would be the element of war, and sunset demon would be the element of humility. Now for the mane 8. Twilight sparkle is the element of magic, pinkie pie is the element of happiness, Fluttershy is the element of kindness, rainbow dash is the element of loyalty, rarity is the element of generosity, Applejack is the element of honesty, starlight glimmer is the element of peace and sunset shimmer is the element of empathy.
Super Stellar Stargazer maybe because she chose Rainbow Dash over her friend Soarin after he broke his wing and lied about him still being hurt just so Spitfire could get a better flier in her team (from the episode Rainbow Falls I think)
maybe it should be Tirek since he used discord to gain all of the magic from equestria, promising something greater than friendship in return, but betrayed him in the end ˘–˘
its the same thing with discord. there can't be harmony without any chaos or chaos without harmony. therefore the elements of disharmony must exist somewhere or somehow
Maybe if the element of magic gets hit with all the magic of all the villains it because evil magic.when it turns into a element of disharmony so dose the rest of the elements. I have no proof just a thought
hmm... none of them have been commiting something evil, although sunset shimmer has, but that doesn't mean that they should be it, there should be a reason.
sawtooth we already have seen disharmony remember when the queen of the changelings made clones of the mane - 6 they act the opposite of the mane - 6 so they would be the people connected to the elements of disharmony maybe or idk
I would like to add 1st the alicorn amulate shows a resembles raritys element wich is the element of generosity and this being "the dark side" it could mean the opposite selfishness because trixie showed selfishness when it took her over also 2nd I would like to point out celestia might know about those elements of disharmony cause she used to be sunsets teacher and sunset says in equestria girls don't you know what happens when you bring an element or somethin lkke that equestrian magic stuff into a different dimension wich made her turn into a raging she demon later sooooo celestia obviously had taught her about those elements of disharmony and it might have something to do with the different dimension thing so ya just wanted to give my opinion
Before Trixie and Starlight met, the Dazzlings payed a visit to Equestria and were confused on how instead of being sirens, they were ponies. The three met with Trixie and saw Rarity talking with Pinkie about the mirror pool and how Rarity tried it and her clone turned... evil which became the four’s friend. Sunset reversed time to when she was evil and tried to get rid of her by taking her to the pony world in Equestria and they all became the mean 6, not to be confused with Queen Chrysalis’ M6 clones from the MLP Season 8 episode “The Mean Six.” Trixie said that she was going over to the spa and as she did the “Mean 5” and Trixie got split as Trixie and Starlight met and bonded, very large. After a while, the 2 became best friends and evil Sunset was a mystery on where she is and what happened and the Dazzlings went back to the human world annoyed how Sonata thought the tacos in Ponyville were gross. Rarity actually got returned to the mirror pool by Twilight, Thew!
wait at one point in the war the two sides may have been fighting over the element of magic since it turned sunset into a "raging she demon" her words not mine
Sunset would work but isn't discord literally disharmony he is a spirt of pure chaos so maybe it would be discord having twilights and maybe changing a few others
Rather than Sunset Shimmer I would say that trixie should be the element of evil magic. Afterall Sunset showed that her power magic is stronger than Twilight's.
wait but if element of magic turned someone evil then were all those crystals harmony and disharmony simultaneously? and i am seeing a pattern in the flip side of misunderstood cutie marks...
I think if there were elements of disharmony they would be the elements of chaos cause discord is the spirit of chaos and twilight (in season 8) becomes the spirit of harmony like ying-yang
I agree with most of the elements of disharmonys match ups except one, sunset shimmer. I believe the element of dark magic/loneliness belongs to discord because I believe when luna and celestia defeat him with the elements of harmony it symbolizes the end of the war of good and evil, good having prevailed
+simon gamer Discord would make sense, because Starlight Glimmer doesn't cause chaos, i mean yes, she does take the MANE 6 cutie marks, but the Elements of DISharmony mainly sybolize chaos, and Discord is the King of Chaos, so I totally agree with you
@FantasticFox AJ It's a possibility that discord be it, but I think he's good now because he wants friendship. I think starlight glimmer is perfect for it, but season 5 finale episode might make her the good person but idk..lets find out!
@Ranun Nah, if she wasn't telling the truth there would be a few hints and she wouldn't go back to the villae soo.... but id like to see her become evil again
I think it would actually be nightmare moon because think about it, how did she act when she visited ponyville on nightmare night, she was lonely and sad
And I think Sunset is the element of forgiveness because if you do some thing Wong you need to forgive them just look at the movie when they said their bad things they done in the past they said can you ever forgive me
Friendship = Friends Harmony = Friendship Disharmony = Loneliness Friends = Multiple Loneliness = Singular Elements of HARMONY = Multiple people, being friends. Elements of DISHARMONY = One person.
What if i told you the elements of haromy are the elements of disharmony , cuz if the main 6 turn their opposite , it could means disharmony . Thats my belive or theory .
Cruelty: sombra selfishness: tirek flim flam correct betray :cozy gloom : chrysalis well she was upset and kinda gloomy after losing the hive and the evil magic : grogar
A pink magical potato insanity is just like elements of disharmony becuse they are just the opposite but the elements of insanity is just brutal and the elements of disharmony is not kind and they are just the opposite the elements of insanity has a more darker side then elements of disharmony there is like a line starts with elements of harmony and next is elements of disharmony and elements of insanity the most dark one
wouldnt twlights neck less be one of the disharmony thingys the neckless from the movie where they are humans and stuff also wouldmt twlights crown from that unvirse be one of those as well
꧁ Taro Le ꧂2019-06-01 18:05:15 (edited 2019-06-01 18:07:27 )
HOLD UP Sunset shimmer had the power to see their backstory like in that one equestrian movie of everfree She became nice a few episodes and in one, she came back to the pony world to I think forgive her mistakes She then became apart of the mane six, thus the name becoming the mane 7. In the friendship games movie she became a good person and save the equestrian twilight not the pony twilight that knew magic from being corrupted and opening the portal to the pony world. She may became a demon in the past but she is now good. Also diamond tiara, she wanted to forgive her sins and what she done to the cutiemark crusaders.(This May came before these so sorry)
whoa whoa whoa slow down sunset shimmer and diamond tiara changed.Maud pie is gloomy but not evil. spitfire isn't loyal but is not not loyal. she is neutral And how can two ponies share an element?other than that I agree.I also agree with flim and flam but I am not sure how they share an element . I think lightning dust is betrayal. Tirek should be evil magic.
0:55 in order (because I'm too lazy) I think it would go like this: Chancellor naysay, Prince Blueblood, Flim and Flam, Lightening Dust, Maud Pie and Maybe discord? Although he IS reformed, but I feel like Sunset is too far off..
i know i a little late or alot late but i just wanted say that we have seen the elements of disharmony not as elements but the ponies showing it in the episode the mean six we see the opposites of the elements of harmony and in return of harmony we see the mane 6 show the opposite of there element. :D these are just some things that i was thinking while watching the vid.
I would love to see a video analyzing the mlp season 5 trailers and season 5 spoiler. I am quite intrigued by the pony's equal sign cutie marks and curious to hear everypony's predictions!
@the shadowlink ninja if discord represents disharmony, does that mean the different body parts mean different disharmony elements? Also, if he represents disharmony, how is he capable of being good in previous episodes and feeling and being part of the magic of friendship in the season finale?
@The Brony Notion It's gotta be. Look at some of the screenshots. Every pony has the same cutiemark, the same haircut, their houses are EXACTLY the same, EVERYTHING is the same. If it's a moral about anything else other than the values of individuality, I'll be shocked.
@Evelin Peters sweetheart,honey discord is the element of disharmony he's all of them first check the meaning of his name then the name"discord" means element of disharmony and also in one episode its either in season 1 or 3 or whatever when discord got unfroze and then he put trouble to ponyville well that also shows that he's the elements of disharmony because he was able to make the many 6's elements to the exact opposite so they won't be friends anymore and also they won't save the day (including twilight) so it clearly shows that its discord
Yes I see your point. It's very valid. I just wanted to point out that you have to dig into the show to prove this. At first look you won't notice this. I was just saying there are no physical disharmony elements on the show(obviously)...
@Evelin Peters I think it's going to be about this pony who tricks other ponies into believing that being different will cause you to fight and have disharmony, and she says she'll take away their differences by removing their cutie marks, and then she takes away the cutie marks of the main 6 ponies, and then they manage to get them back and everyone finds out that she still has hers and she doesn't believe that having unique abilities is evil, but we never find out what her true intentions were.
@Evelin Peters what i want to see if there is a time line that the main 6 never came together to stop nightmare moon or discord are there any episode that can support this theory
If you ask me the elements if disharmony should belong to Sunset Shimmer and The Shadowbolts from The Friendship Games (Sugarcoat,Sunny Flare,Sour Sweet,Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap)
Spit fire, diamond tiara, and sunset shimmer would not be the bearers of the elements of disharmony because diamond tiara and sunset shimmer changed and spit fire is the captain of the wonder bolts and she has NEVER betrayed her team. She even made friends. Like if you agree
Well there's not only the owners this harmony with the elements of neutralizing neutral what can be described as neutral a pony or anyone with neutral standards neutral 50/50 the bad and good now if we take a close look at all the characters you can wait for that can be described that's neutral neutral people disarming one that's Harmony your favorite opinions are 50/50 their personality 50/50 so if we can find individual six individuals like this okay I just wanted and consider them into a neutral state
No it ain't technically like the general owner because there is free strands of magic good neutral and evil that's how every universe works so that means if that means enchanted or influenced by being of neutral
I think trixie's Item would be a element and it would make who ever where’s it a alicorn and if u take it off it where’s off and it would be the element Of POWER! And belong to trixie ...
Wait a minute.... We have elements of harmony and a spirit of disharmony... So if there was elements of disharmony... could that mean a spirit of harmony could also exist ?
Ok so if we have the elements and spirits of disharmony then that should mean that there are other elements too like elements of love the spirit would be cadence the princess but if we look back at discord he is trying to use his magic for good which can also means that the spirits could also be a disguise for something in particular like elements of love there must have to be elements of hate (or something like that) but we haven't seen a element of that yet we HAVE seen a spirit of that--diamond tiara but once again she has tryed to turn around and be good
Oh_Avery This theory works with the notion that alicorns represent positive aspects, and draconequi represent negative aspects. Like yin and yang, because, like Discord draconequi can use their powers for good and alicorns can thus use theirs for evil. So, just as Cadence can give love, she can take it away, similarly to Chrysalis. Had she done so, she would have taken on a more evil appearence. This happened to Luna when she became Nightmare Moon, and this could likely happen to Celestia as well, turning her into Daybreaker. As for Discord, I'm still working out the details.
Re-watch the second part of the first episode, the Mane Six are the spirits of the Elements of Harmony.
Twilight Sparkle: [gasp] You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here. Nightmare Moon: What? Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.
The story that you get told when you watch the first episode at the beginning well guess what there is an element of harm me a picture of the elements of harmony and there’s a green element who the heck is the bearer of this green element of Harmony that means a seventh element Existes
Ok I just want to come from the future and the elements of disharmony would probably be the mane six that crisheles (sorry idk how to spell her name) but still maybe those are the ones were the elements of disharmony
'Brony Notion'? Today it was more like 'Star Wars Notion'! I loved today's episode! :) I too have thought of the elements of dis-harmony, and if they exist. But now that we have seen Rainbow Rocks, I think Sunset Shimmer should be removed as the bearer of the element of dark magic and replaced with Trixie.
@redkoolkat he could always come back. He might not be properly dead. Or maybe he was the carrier but died and now it's lost somewhere in the Crystal Empire
I have a very about the element of magic what is one in the same disharmony and harmony that's why it comes sunset shimmer into a shedemon because it's the magic it represented dark and light magic
“we all know about the elements of harmony, but is it possible the elements DISharmony exist as well? FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSS” 0:01 - 0:10 oh and ALSO i believe when sunset brought the crown to the human dimension the only reason she became a demon thing is because she was trying to use equestrian magic in the human realm.
Mystery toy Lab2020-07-19 18:56:48 (edited 2020-07-19 18:57:11 )
Could the elementents of DIShomarny exist?
Yes, you saw in the first episode with discord in it ;-; he turned the mane six into the elements of DISharmony
diamond tiara redeemed herself at crusaders of the lost mark, change that role, and she didnt be mean herself, her mom made her "big poopy meanie face"
Dis elements :unicorn amulet : king sombras horn :grogars bell :the spell book : the memory stone: dis elements powers: craziness :madness :evil magic :darkness
Sun Set Shimmer is not the Element Of Dark Magic...She is the Element of Magic/Friend Ship in Equestria Girls I know I know...Im From The Future Btw Sun set Is The Leader Of The Mane 6 In human form Just To Inform You People! Btw Balance Is Perfect!
Wait.…… in the Equestria girls movie when sunset confronted twilight she asked “do you know what happens if you take an Element of harmony into an alternate dimension?....” and twilight’s Element turned sunset into and evil demon……… i think you know what I’m getting at………🤔 think about that one…...
what about the gems in the equestria girls camping movie one thing? the one that the evil person used to turn into a monster? just a thought. also i hv a theory. what if discord had a brother? i know this is farfetched but think about it. the opposite of princess luna is nightmare moon. the opposite of celestia is... i forgot but there is someone so what if discord has a brother that is the lord of harmony? he would be the opposite of chaos and discord
what if sombra Amulet is one of the six disharmony elements that would be the disgenerosity and u would tell me why because the jewels shaped a like the only change would be the necklace shape and the rest of disharmony elements doesn't have to be jewels i think those elements of harmony are made by star swirl what if the creators of the elements of dis harmony distored them so no one could use it after them because they made a huge mess and distarctions all the land and they were a legend or star swirl before he gone and went to the limbo he banished all the disharmony elements to human world or should i say equestria girls world that the only Explanation that no pony ever found any disharmony and star swirl did that so could be be only harmony and thanks to twilight and her friends they make that wish come true ............p.s sorry if my english poor and thank you for making those videos sawtooth waves my little pony for ever
Cruelty would be Queen Chrysillis(I don’t know how to spell it)Selfishness Would be King Sombra Deceit Flim and Flam Betrayal Cozy Glow Gloom Tirek And Evil Magic would go to Grogar P.S THIS MAN TELEPORTED THEM OUT OF TARTURAS TARTARUS!!!
But,do you renember when discord made the mane 6 all faded,i feel like thats when the elements of DISharmony existed, because, when they were 'faded' there elements did similar,So i feel like those would have been the elements of Disharmony.
I think the elements of dishormoney is in night maremoon universe or element of hormones is distroeded right now so maybe element of dishormoney can appeare in G5
It would be like in Steven universe where ruby and that other gem hate Steven and the only Eason why they could fuse were because they hated Steven AKA that would be the only reason why the elements of disharmony would exist or why they would work with each other because they hate friendship and that’s the only thing they have in common or they would have a relationship like queen chrysalis clones of the mane six where they don’t really get along but instead work together for evil reasons
The disharmony element for MAGIC: Let’s do Sunset shimmer! Me: But she’s good now! Oh then maybe Starlight Glimmer Me:But She’s good now! Trixie then! Me: But she’s good now! Nightmare Moon then! Me: But she’s good now! FINE, DISCORD Me: But she’s he’s good now! O-o
•C h o c o•2020-08-25 06:22:11 (edited 2020-08-25 06:23:36 )
@Yuii Stars Luna is technically Nightmare Moon, because Nightmare Moon takes over Luna's body. In season 1, the mane six defeated Nightmare Moon, and Luna appeared. There were some light blue parts around her, something like scales.
@Yuii Stars I think Nightmare Moon was the anger in Luna that turned her into, you know Nightmare Moon. Luna was still inside but there was more anger inside than love ( when she turned ) so as much and Nightmare Moon is a different person, Luna basically created her from the anger she had inside ( since ponies loved the sun more and admire Celestia more ).
@Zaria I know the comics aren’t really considered canon but when we see the ordeal with nightmare rarity we know that it’s the nightmare forces living on the moon that overtake the ponies
@Yuii Stars The characters may be different, but Luna psychologically created Nightmare Moon with her depression, jealousy, and anxiety. Soon, it was too much for her to bear, so what was psychological became a physical manifestation through the magic in her d.n.a. I just thought up what made the most psychological and scientific sense to me.
@Caramel Cozy Glow was originally a pegasus. She just became an alicorn because of the E.U.P magic she consumed from Grogar's bell. Fortunately, that backfired later on.
The friendship games magic mirror and magic necklace
Tina Mensah2019-06-14 17:30:52 (edited 2019-06-14 17:37:24 )
Though, wouldn't the element of gloom be someone else besides Maud, because like, she is pinkies sis, right? So, why? (And doesn't that make her a villain?) And I mean sure, she doesn't look happy, but I feel like she's just bored. (My opinion)
I think the elements of disharmony do exist and this is how they were created. Think of it like the 10 energems from power rangers dino charge. After the energems were created what was left over? The dark energem. The complete opposite of the ernergems. What if the after the pillars created the tree of harmony and the elements just like the tree must have dragged discord into existence the elements of disharmony were created. Only the tree didn’t mean to create them. But hey! That’s just a theory! A train theory! (Pure cringe)
@Margaret Beaver that’s what I thought so I think 1. They over looked that since they didn’t point it out and 2. That the elements of disharmony do exist
What if there were the elements of the alternate universe? here are the elements and who would be connected to them Cruelty:Lil Miss Rarity Lie:Rotten Jack Insanity:Pinkamina Meanness:Cluttershy Treason:Rainbow Factory Dark Magic:Dr.Sparkle
So mane 6 are spirits of elements of harmony And discord is spirit of disharmony If there a spirit of disharmony I am sure that there are elements of disharmony
All of the disharmony holders have a connection with the main 6...(expect D.T)... who was raritys selfish crush? Who was A.J's enemy in super cider squeeze? Who did rainbow admirer in some episodes? Who is pinkies sister? Who wanted twilights crown? I know right I have all the answers to this =3
what if we think of the elements of harmony and disharmony as superman and bizzaro then would the elements of disharmony fail if they to be used together
The Elments of dis harmony are real think about it when Discord told the mane 5 what is not true that time they become elmets of dis harmony and then when Discord wone Twilight also become the 6th element of dis harmony.
If Maud was in this it wouldn't make any sense because she is good not evil and also spitfire is not evil also so o don't think they exist or maybe a new chrarcters can be their wearers
And who could create them? No other than, the one! The only! DISCORD!!! Seriously, the lord of Chaos AND Disharmony must have created the elements of disharmony.
What if the elements of disharmony are all in discord he’s the spirit of chaos and..... disharmony so is discord the body of the elements of disharmony
No listen if the war of harmony and disharmony happened then they would have shown it cause sombra destroyed the elements of harmony in the last season ( 9 )
And I thought the elements of disharmony was in Return of harmony if they just turned gray like the ponies.. The gray ponies represent the elements of diaharmony well tho-
Diamond Tiara and Sunset wouldn’t count anymore because there nice now. (Watch My little Pony S5 E19 to see what i mean about how Diamond Tiara is nice now)
If the elements of disharmony did exist, would the mane six have opposites? If so, i think i have names for them :)
Rainbow dash - thunder dash (or something-) Rarity - (i got nothing) Pinkie pie - bloomy pie (idk abt this one) Apple jack - (hvnt rlly got a name for her yet) Twilight sparkle - dawn sparkle (ig) Flutter shy - flutter brash (sure-...i guess?)
Well actually if this was made this year the real holders would be the villains (meanness the shadow pony) boredom still miad pie (greed chrysalis) betrayal the villain from mlp movie(lies still the flip and flam brothers) the magic of loneliness the purple siren
Jerry Chen2020-04-19 11:49:12 (edited 2020-04-19 11:49:32 )
2:34 TBN : did I realy just say that? Me : well duh, ur a changeling like thorax when he wasn't reformed
Naw, I don't think so. They would be the opposites of the harmony elements. Like... .Friedship magic-hate magic Honesty - dishonesty Loyalty - betrayal Kindness - unkindness Generous - meanness Laughter - sadness
Oh by the way, this was published the day my cousin was born. She loves my little pony😊 also yeah rewatching in 2019. Anyone else comming back? No, just me?
Wait did sunset shimmer change to a good person/pony plus would,nt one of them be pinkie pie,s evil twin pinky mena I know that,s fanmade but of course it looked like her in a speedpaint of that
@TheQuestforCookies Plus, if the amulet was an element of disharmony, and Sunset Shimmer was reformed, wouldn't Trixie be the bearer of the 6th element instead of Sunset Shimmer?
The elements of life how old am I different people who chose those things the most But this ponies aren’t ponies but they have body parts of ponies but they aren’t real in the actual my little pony universe But I called my little pony universe to my universe but I say the name is Manella The Merpony Monisha the cloud Pegasus and MonishaThe ever free unicorn and
Anyone notice that the barrers of the elements of disharmony are the "enemies" of the barres of elemnts of harmony. Sunset was the enemy of twilight. Flim and Flam would be the enemy of Applejack. But rainbow's is Lightning Dust. She didnt want rainbow as her friend bc she just wanted to win. Rarity's is Blueblood. Fluttershy is, umm idk. Pinkies isnt her own sis! But i need help for flutter and pinkie. Help me
Ok look when sunset shimmer wear Twilight crown she turn evil. But when twilight wear the crown she turn powerful with good magic. So I think that the harmony is base of your personality. Like if twilight was evil she will turn evil like when the Equestria girl twilight have all the power of harmony she turn evil. Also when sunset have the power of harmony she turn good with more power harmony. So this is Juan like the ying & yang when their evil harmony there will be good harmony and when there good harmony their will be evil harmony. That go the same with the rest of the harmony there no disharmony harmony and disharmony are equal so the harmony goes like if your personality is evil you will get evil harmony from it. When your personality is good you get good harmony. So I think that the harmony is base of your personality.
How did you forget discord!!??... You remember when discord corrupted the mane 6 when that happened applejack started lying rainbow dash started leaving pinkie pie started being bored fluttershy started being mean?(idk what cruel means lol so that's my guess)rarity started being greedy and twilight didn't really get corrupted so we could only leave trixie and her alicorn amulet for the element of dark magic.
Oh how could I forget chrysalis's clones Mean applejack started lying Mean pinkie pie was bored Mean rarity was selfish Mean fluttershy was being cruel I think
the reason you dont see the rest of the elements of disharmony is because they are all in different universes like trixys neckless think and twlights crown in the human world sawtooth fan signing off
Looking at this now... you’d kinda want to fit Cozy Glow and Tirek in there somehow 🧐 maybe even Gladmane as deceit? Or betrayal? Imagine if Juniper Montage’s mirror was something along the lines of greed? And the memory stone deceit or betrayal? I think more and more the show went on the more on disharmony was revealed
Do you relase that in my dream my armmagedion cannon is supercharged by the elements of disharmony and one blast broke off galactus helmet and that not included the alicorn amilte so imagine how powerful it is
Echo Light Hm I see, look on videos about Mary Sues and how to not be one as well And tone down the colors, have a backstory just in case you become a youtuber
I like it that CC Said: "Well Equestria He's a cornucopia Filled with magic whatevers"It's just so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think Starlight's old staff from when she was evil could've harnessed the power of 1 of the elements of disharmony. Here's what I think happened: This one was the strongest and while being destroyed as a solid, the power it harnessed would never die. So it found an old forgotten staff and the dark power was harnessed in it. Creating a weapon dangerous to all pony kind as it takes away their cutie marks.
Not to destroy your theory but the “staff” was just a piece of wood she found and look at the cutie mark I think it looks like taking away a cutie mark or something with cutie mark magic
I think Flutterbat is Cruelty, Nightmare Rarity is Selfishness, ? is Deceit, Rainbow Dash Shadowbolt is Betrayal, Pinkamena Diane Pie is Gloom and Twivine Sparkle/Midnight Sparkle is Evil Magic.
Me: casually watching these Them: with season five coming out- Me: WAIT. HOW OLD IS THIS? Them: .-. Your only 5 years late- Me: ... Eh who cares. GIMME THE REALLY OLD ONES NOW.
Melina Lopez Well excuse me for thinking that comments should relate to the goddamn video on which they’re posted.
He could’ve posted this on a discussion about the end of MLP, or on a reddit post asking when the series is gonna end, but no. He posts it on some random goddamn theory video.
Jose Miguel Caballero restrepo where else would I complain about it? The subreddit? Then I’d be just as guilty of commenting things with no relevance to the topic.
YouTube is the only logical place to complain about it.
There is because is the comic because Celestia went in the opposite dimension Equestria so everyone that is good is bad and everyone that was bad was good
We have already seen the elements of disharmony(S.2 E.2) The liar the grump the hoarder the brute selfish But we’re just missing one! Twilight You(cringe voice):BuT tWiLiGhT nEvEr DiD tUrNeD lIkE tHe MaNe SiX(gRaY) Well yeah but at the end-ish she turned gray and she lost hope and she didn’t believe in herself because the main six never turned back to normal(yes they did but you know what I mean she thought they wouldn’t turn back to normal) she lost HOPE sure evil magic could be another kind of magic but what I’m trying to say is imagine twilight with a human and she had this kind of magic HOPE so she lost hope so she would be.... HOPELESS But there could be another word instead of hopeless Not evil magic because you could use good magic for evil magic to defeat someone that’s evil that doesn’t mean you’re evil The word is Magic-less yes she still had magic but Twilight represented friendship as well as her friends even if they weren’t princesses but without her friends she would just lose HOPE(i’m still stuck on hopeless lol) so-smacks lips-without her friends she would just be the girl of friendship and her friends had this kind of magic but since they became ‘The Elements of Disharmony’ Twilight tried her best to make them back to ‘Harmony’ she lost her friends so she lost her point of her cutie mark ‘Magic’ and there are three types of magic(in my book) ‘Magic(duh)’ ‘Hope’ ‘ Believe’ she lost her friends so she lost hope she couldn’t believe herself that she could get them back to normal she lost all types of Magic the only kind she had left was ‘Magic’ but she would be weak because her magic relied on for making friends because she after all it is ‘The Princess Of Friendship’ Sure on the first episode she didn’t have friends that’s why she wasn’t Alicorn then sure in this episode yes she wasn’t in our corn but she made friends and she was starting to learn so we could call her (for when she was a unicorn) ‘The Unicorn Of Friendship’ But of course we should never because Celestia knew what was going on and she knew the right time to turn her into a ALICORN so so did Celestia create Discord because we’ve only seen one of his kind so maybe Celestia created him for all of this to happen but it got out of control and he became chaotic( - relating systems to exhibit chaos) and he got out of control that’s why he is ‘Discord Of Chaos’ and Celestia maybe gave a task to him to do all of this to see (when I was doing this I started getting a deep voice like in the part right now so just imagine in a deep voice)if they can battle THE BIGGEST THINGS (IN S.9) ?!?!!!!?!
when discord coud make the ponies sad/the opposite the elements of disharmony appeared at the ponies´s necklaces! ex : pinkie pie´s necklace was dark and she wasnt funny anymore so discord made a element of harmony an element of disharmony! i liek ur vids(wrong writing proposital)
If there is such thing as the elemens of disharmony it could be that their from a completely different universe so like it is the complete opposite of the first or original universe were watching right now
When he said the hammer of Friendship on pain of villains head I was laughing so hard I almost hit my sister in the face like I was laughing so hard they almost hit her in the face I was like hahaha hahaha hahahahaha and I was like like blowing my arm around in the air and my sister was very close to me watching and it was my right arm and I almost hit her in the face and made her fall the bed
The magic used for evil is red and green and apple jack and rainbow dash has those magic colours dose that mean they are evil and spikes flames are green .when you were talking about good and bad ,green is a color of good and red bad can you explain that.apple jack and twilight are the only two with two colours
Me: hears jedis and mlp in the same vid does this mean what i think it means? Others jes it takes place in the same universe me there are gonna be lightsabers in the next equestria girls movie.
Hey what about when discord made twilights friends crazy do you think the elimants of disharmony like come on it is the only think what I think would work I think you should use I information and make it a video.
It would made sense why blueblood have the element of selfishness since he’s selfish with rarity at the grand galloping gala,how does a kind and generous and wise ruler like my aunt lulu and aunt Tia have such a selfish and spoiled nephew like my cousin blueblood.
What is there is another Kingdom named and the name of the kingdom is Equestria spelled backwards so it is airtseuqe and dead kingdom has the elements of this harmony and likeness is the one that gets defeated there because of the elements of this harmony
Well element of magic represents magic. Not evil not good it can be any so the barer of the elemant of magic would be magic less. It di give sunset evil magic
What I'm wondering is why are spitfire and sunset shimmer there when if you're watching in 2018-2019 or 2020 sunset shimmer turns good and of course spitfires good
Like mine in my dream I got overpowered and beaten the fuck out of me and that all my character goaleus arms are completely 💯 unusable thanks to that crap and pikachs iron tall and I barely escape with my life and I had lily in my shoulder arms and yes goaleus can deploy two more arms in the fight and no I can't regrow limes
Hold on it’s that way with the keys because of the heroes of Questria back from none of them will win no team win win because you’re exactly like you met up on me just with darkness inside of them
As you said that ashla has dark and bogon has light ashla may have won cause the inner power is darkness anyways is it true or I'm just being stupid like and comment
Wait did you say tricks necklace thingy and Rarities book and the three sirens Trixie's necklace Rarities book 3 silence gems wait that means five is there one more
Woah woah why spitfire and maud I know spitfire but lied about sorins wing but over all she is a really good pony like she kicked out wind rider for framing rainbow dash because she knows that’s wrong and maud would not hurt anybody like she saved her sister from a rock slide but I’m sure you have your reason why
um spitfire is half bad and maud is not really a bad guy bc she saved pinkie when there was a rockslide and we all seen reformed sunset shimmer and diamond tiara is reformed too
You missed a dark magic when discord got the elements of harmony apple jack become lied pinkie pie bec@me not laughy twilite well she was sad rainbow day wasn’t loyal and flutter shy hated animals and rarity liked rocks and yeh they were all grey cuz of discord
Omg it’s so annoying that I’m stupid because like.. I looked at the word ‘disharmony’ and thought, “what?? Dish harmony???” Then I realized it’s dis- harmony. ._.
Mmmmm... this video is old. Actually Chryslah created the MEAN SIX which Chryslah might have used the Mane six AND the elements of DISharmony. P.S. I'm not a MLP fan and i don't know how to spell CHRYSLAH
wait a sec my little pony equestria girls cst sunset shimmer is the holder of seventh element of harmony on your theory is there a seventh element of harmony
Kill the non-believer of the force in other words the guy who said gound off said that I want to hit him over the head with a sledgehammer dragon is going to devour you what I mean is a dragon
This is really out of date! Film and flam are kind of good and sunset and diamond tiara are good now are we have been done with blue blood for like 4 seasons and spit fire how is she a bad pony!?!?!?!?
Wait a second umm don't think about thinking the mane six children are gonna get elements that are the same but different color that will not make sense plus thats not going to work because season nine is last bronnnnnnnyyyy!!#😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
why is cc a blank flank tho lol edit: i looked more in the video and i think it mite be that its not jest the oposit its like idk hate wait is that jest the oposit of kindness meh yo get it
I think the element of harmony loose the harmony and become darker or the what ever that is poison something in the element and become you know that what i think ok DO NOT MAKE IT TO A VIDEO thank you!
This is the case that Charlie like in the Flintstone evil what about a cat kept going what about this called wins what element of this whole me before twilight sparkle and her friends
Mods not be in this video OC he saved Pinkie Pie hey that is unfair mod saving Pinkie Pie and successfully saved her her wise e does he have have an element and not Harmony it doesn't make sense CC Pinkie Pie
Remeber this episode where mane 6 where in Rainbow Falls competing with teams from other citys to join Olympiad? Spitfire lied to Rainbow that Soarin won't be competing becouse of his wing injury to try to make her join her team. She betrayed her friend.
Umm sunset shimmer is now a good girl now I mean in mlp equestria girls i dont know about mlp who am a kidding ofcorse sunset shimmer is a good girl in mlp
Well we have seen this carbony with the this comedy thing baba well trixie when I was watching Ed she by cuckoo bananas yes that is funny So Episode where I seen chrysalis mater on army or ponies and then
Laughter vs anger Honesty vs lieing which isn't what she or he said but I can't remember it ok Loyalty vs betrayal Kindness vs again can't remember so lets say rudeness Genorasoty vs greedyness I think Magic vs insanity
I have a theory! :D In the one of the newest episodes, The Mean Six, Queen chrysalis has her made minions based of the main six retrieve the elements of harmony, but when they attempt to, they turn black, looking evil, and destroyed the clones. It was as if the clones unlocked the evil side of the elements but the good side fought back. Hope this helps you a bit
I also saw this idea of the Elements of Disharmony being able to be used separately and being stronger alone in one of the best MLP fanfiction I've ever read, Not The Hero. It even came out one year before this video :D
This theory makes some sense. You cannot have complete Harmony without some Disharmony thrown it. Let me exemplify: 1-Being too honest can be a bad thing, sometimes lying is a better option or even needed. 2-If you're too generous you won't have anything for yourself, you need to be a little selfish to be happy. 3-There are times to be sad and others for laughing, imagine if the death of someone dear to you didn't cause you sadness, it'd be pretty horrible. 4-You cannot be always kind to some people who really, really don't need it in that moment. One's enemies are to be met with cruelty if they are to be defeated. And when they are, kindness is what you follow through with. 5-Sometimes you need to betray someone's trust to do them better. Or betray someone for the greater good, imagine if Celestia stayed loyal to Luna after she became Nightmare Moon instead of banishing her, everyone dies. 6-Dark magic has its uses that regular magic cannot accomplish, it is a tool to be used like any other, and an art to be studied and practiced. It is also another aspect of magic itself that shouldn't be ignored. Celestia herself is proficient at its use, and Twilight also had to use it to contribute to Sombra's defeat.
I only wish there were more magical items in canon that could fit as Elements of Disharmony. The new ones like the Staff of Secantes, the Memory Stone and the Pearl of Transformation don't seem to fit, in my opinion.
There should be something like 6 locks seperated from each other (like the one chest in where Twilight defeats Tirek) and it will make the saplings of discord/disharmony. And the Mean 6 should rise again to be the holders of the Elements of Chaos/Discord/Disharmony. The attacks work better one at a time.
1 like
Apple Foxx2018-08-05 05:25:47 (edited 2018-08-05 05:29:57 )
The theory goes well of you think about it.. For example, when we met the Mean 6. They're complete opposites of harmony. Disharmony. So maybe... There's a chance that if they get a hold of the elements that they can change them into disharmony elements.. But, season 8, episode 13 seems to debunk this theory.. When the Mean 6 get close to the tree of harmony to fetch the elements, they get turned into pieces of wood..
Hey! Maybe the dark alicorn amulet is all of the elements of disharmony combined. Kinda like how in the episodes where nightmare moon is defeated, how the shards of the elements were clumped together. Although none of the elements of disharmony are red, it could be a reference to how red is the genuine color of evil or disharmony.
I personally have my own theory, now. If you remember on season one they fought against Discord. And while trying to sue the elements of harmony to stop him, Discord changed the elements of harmony to their opposites, then releasing the elements of DISHARMONY! Boom!
I think all the vil things CC said (includeing Twilights crown) were elements of dis harmony. Twlights crown is an element of disharomy if its used for bad but if used for good its for harmony. theres 6 elements of harmony and he named 6 evil magic things that could be the elements of disharmony,
What if the other elements were transported to another dimension each with a keeper to make sure they are protected, but the kepper of trixie's element died and didn't have a successor and the element was found by the pony that sold it to trixie.
I sorta agree with part of the fandom, saying that The Elements of Harmony are like an equivalent to Sonic's Chaos Emeralds. Anyways, those DISharmony elements sound an interesting way to do an EVIL version of the Mane 6. This theory COULD be updated with the episode of the MEAN 6.
I think the element of greed (the opposite to fluttershys element) somehow got fused with twilights element. That’s why she got so greedy and wanted equstria. I also think that an element of disharmony is in the dragon septet we say I. The gauntlet of fire episode.
I don’t see why the ponies don’t notice when other ponies’ magic changes colors. Examples: Rarity: Was blue, then green, Trixie: Was pink, then red, Candence: Imposter is yellow, imposter’s is green, and when the photographers magic is a deep green but no pony’s magic is that color unless their bewitched or imposters
The elements of harmony ARE the elements of disharmony. They just need to be activated by unpure hearts and maybe activated when not in the tree of harmony. Just in case you didn't watch the episode with evil copies of the mane 6.
What if the mirror pool was created by an element of disharmony being destroyed and/or buried in a lake/pool, and fusing with water, making it magical?
I have a theory. What if not all elements of Disharmony ARE crystals or at least there's a way to absorb them? And Luna either absorbed one of them or Nightmare Moon IS an element (either of cruelty, greed or even betrayal). Luna's transformation into NM is very similar to how the mane 6 transform and it would explain how NM came to exist like a separate entity of Luna
and then diamond tiara becomes nice because the cutie mark crusaders learned that she was just acting like her parents. although that that leaves the fact the diamond would not be that element, i would totally agree if that episode had not accured. but then the crusaders would have never gotten cutie marks, or they wouldve gotten different marks. now thats the great question
If this were all true, and the elements of disharmany were believed to be destroyed then what if those 'destroyed' pieces were actually just sent across Equestria, and some of the ppl who created some of these evil/dangerous artifacts created said artifacts using the remains of an element or multiple elements of disharmany? Anyways, I love these awesome theories u come up with! Their rly cool!
My theory is that the elements of disharmony is what tuned princess Luna evil, so celestia fought back with the element of harmony. When Luna was banished, celestia used her magic to transport the elements to the human world. The elements may have been found by all the human versions of the ponies, and that’s why everyone hated each other. I’m going to guess that sunset had the other elements and used twighlights crown as the final piece to transform her to a pony/human GOD. The way twighlight and the human ponies won was because they used the inner power of friendship that was developed throughout the movie to get rid of the elements of disharmony, and the evil in sunset. That’s why she turned good all of a sudden, because the elements of disharmony were destroyed . (The elements of disharmony could also be a non physical object, but many a mindset that a villain has and gains power from, that’s probably how other villains like sombra, queen crystais, and other villains gained power in there timeline where they beat the pony if the sonic rain boom never happened)
Now, if you think about it.. if there were disharmony elements they wouldn't be one bit magical be cause the most powerful magic is friendship and that's the opposite... right?
Wait a minit. Remember when sunset shimmer asked twilight what happens when you bring a magical element to an alternate world, if she knew what was going to happen, it might mean that she wanted to become evil on purpose
I dont think most of it is correct, for example, Diamond Tiara is just a filly that teases and Maud, well she like Pinkie Pie being happy well she plans partys and wouldn't ever want to get in fight with her sister! Good theory though and intelligent reasons
Ill agree that they may exist but the only element id believe thes characters have is flim and flam seeing as how none of these are really major villains and most are now reformed so they r probably not any real threat if they exist
The siren's necklaces can't be apart of the elements of disharmony because they need to be together to form the magic and as he said in the video they have no reason to be together because they are the elements of DISharmony and have no reason to follow the rules of harmony.
btw its just a theory so don't say I'm wrong and stuff.
Henry Brodt2018-09-23 02:22:26 (edited 2018-09-23 02:25:17 )
What if raritys book is the element of selfishness and the sirens neckalces are deceipe , betrayl ,and gloom and the alicorn amulet is cruelty plus the element of magic were the the elements of disharmony?
Diamond tiara is nice now thanks to the cmcs spit fire hasnt betrayed anyone and in the episode with lighting dust spit fire agreed with rainobw maud pie does comedy and sunset shimmer is nice now too
elements of disharmony can not exist, the tree of harmony has taken them, the tree has been planted by Star Swirl and his friends to have elements of disharmony must have a tree from which to emerge but no one has planted this tree.I know that video is made before this season so i m not hate this video just saying :)
just go and watch sonic vs nazo unleashed because you will understand how the elements of harmony could work cause the seven chaos emeralds in sonic vs nazo unleashed had both good and bad powers (possitive and negative energy) or light and dark powers inside the same gems so it might be the same with mlp i mean logicaly those 6 elements of harmony could have both good and bad powers(possitive and negative energy) or light and dark powers i mean watch mlp seasson 8 ep 13 "the mean 6" in the end it shows that each element of the tree of harmony went dark and then it recovered to its color instantly and then it killed all of the mean 6 watch this episode and make this theory again with more info about those elements of disharmony
harmony have a tree who not talk and depend on other to use him magic disharmony is discord because he is the center of all discordy and dont depend on others to use him magic
so discord is the literall opposite for the harmony so yeah discord is the anti-element and the tree is literall harmony and all life with from a bit of these two magic thats why all have a good and bad side so thats it mistery resolved, and the same way the main six can be horrrible pony discord can be good sometimes so thats it
i think the element of evil magic would be queen chrysalis and that selfishness would be the villain in the in the episode twilight's library was destroyed
Ok, Maud Pie and Diamond Tiara Are the ones i dont agree with. Diamond Tiara isnt evil, she was just a Pony who teased others. Maud Pie I dont agree with because I wouldnt call Maud Pie Gloomy per-say. Thats just her being Maud. Everything Else I agree with. Although im only agreeing with Sunset because of the fact this was made before Rainbow rocks came out.
What if an Alicorn were to use the alicorn amulet?
Miss Mystery7182018-10-01 05:31:03 (edited 2018-10-01 06:07:28 )
Probably not Dimond Tiara because she's good now,and so is Sunset Shimmer and besides, who did Spitfire betrayal? Yeah Maud is gloomy but she's not evil! Edit: Remember when starlight had the dream of Nightmare moon and Celestias evil version? Nightmare moon should be cruel and Celestias evil self should be betrayal. Edit 2: Never mind,we should have discord as betrayal, and remember the evil maniac girl in the spikes comic book episode? We should have her!Cosy Glow and Tirek maybe? Queen chryslis? Maybe even King Sombra.Anyone remember Garble?(Discord cuz he had a fun weekend with Twilight's friends to make Twilight feel left out) I think the people should be Cruel=Garble Selfishness=Cosy Glow Diseat(no idea how to spell it)=King Sombra Betrayal=Discord (Replaced gloom with) unhappyness=Queen Chrysalis Evil Magic=Tirek
Im not saying you had terrible ideas,I was giving some new suggestions after some came nicer,and more logical answers.I still think your ideas are great!
Edit 3: What about equestria girls twilight necklace thingy in the friendship games?
Ok let's guess who will has the elements of disharmony Kindness-meanie-Sour sweet Generosity-selfish-sunny flare Loyalty- betrayal- indigo zap Laughter- angry- lemon zest Magic-spell- sci twi( I kinda think that in fg sci twi was a kind of dark magic😅) Sorry but I have no idea what sugarcoat is because
OK I think there are bad elements I think there is a deep forgeten world on the other side of the mirror pool pond and that's an evil world were queen chrisuls lived as a filly a normal PONY filly who was teased for being good and her only friend was zucora she had zucora make a potion giving her her cutie mark and turning chrisuls into a changeling witch had go to good world to feed because there is no love in evil world and zucora came with her witch is y she was thought to be evil in her first episode and crisuls is the twighlight of the six and her crown is her element and the crown holds the potion but as for the other five when nightmare moon was bad guy she took the other elements for the good world as if she thought or maybe even new that the of five were from the good moon
My theory: if the elements of DISharmony existed they would be like horcruxes and keep their owners alive.... yup i am a mix of two fandoms, my little pony and harry potter.
Brony nation I love your Chanel but I saw something in spikes greed ep I saw a element of harmony and back in season 1 ep 2 night mare moon part 2 you see six elements but then you see five I think spike was there and stole a element that’s when his greed started
OH MY EQUESTRIA SRSLY??? you two keep glossing over, skipping, and hopscotching on THREE possible necklaces of disharmony without noticing -_- the siren's necklaces!!!!! i think THOSE might be 3 others. i dont exacly remember what they did....but it IS driving me "coocoocrazybananabonkers" . . . yes i watched it that many times, lol
I'm watching in 2018 and the my little pony the movie came out and a pony she's bad by turns good at the end she is called tempest she uses a green crstals like ball and it turns ponies to stone and it's green
I saw the disarmony wen (sorry spoiler alert kinda)wen discord Taked the harmony for friend Ship they turns BLACK and they turned Evil (THIS IS MEH DAD ACC OK!*
dose princess sun have a eliment of harmony same for princess moon cause look at the way the princess amulets look but I'm afrade I don't have a lot of evince for my thory so can u help plez?
Wait sunseg is a good person so should cozy glow be the element of evil magic.If u dont know who cozy glow is she is evil so she can be the holder of the element of evil magic
By the way people I don’t remember what I was talking about because this was one year ago I made a new comment and I didn’t even realize I made this one
New comment(so long sorry) We have already seen the elements of disharmony(S.2 E.2) The liar the grump the hoarder the brute selfish But we’re just missing one! Twilight You(cringe voice):BuT tWiLiGhT nEvEr DiD tUrNeD lIkE tHe MaNe SiX(gRaY) Well yeah but at the end-ish she turned gray and she lost hope and she didn’t believe in herself because the main six never turned back to normal(yes they did but you know what I mean she thought they wouldn’t turn back to normal) she lost HOPE sure evil magic could be another kind of magic but what I’m trying to say is imagine twilight with a human and she had this kind of magic HOPE so she lost hope so she would be.... HOPELESS But there could be another word instead of hopeless Not evil magic because you could use good magic for evil magic to defeat someone that’s evil that doesn’t mean you’re evil The word is Magic-less yes she still had magic but Twilight represented friendship as well as her friends even if they weren’t princesses but without her friends she would just lose HOPE(i’m still stuck on hopeless lol) so-smacks lips-without her friends she would just be the girl of friendship and her friends had this kind of magic but since they became ‘The Elements of Disharmony’ Twilight tried her best to make them back to ‘Harmony’ she lost her friends so she lost her point of her cutie mark ‘Magic’ and there are three types of magic(in my book) ‘Magic(duh)’ ‘Hope’ ‘ Believe’ she lost her friends so she lost hope she couldn’t believe herself that she could get them back to normal she lost all types of Magic the only kind she had left was ‘Magic’ but she would be weak because her magic relied on for making friends because she after all it is ‘The Princess Of Friendship’ Sure on the first episode she didn’t have friends that’s why she wasn’t Alicorn then sure in this episode yes she wasn’t in our corn but she made friends and she was starting to learn so we could call her (for when she was a unicorn) ‘The Unicorn Of Friendship’ But of course we should never because Celestia knew what was going on and she knew the right time to turn her into a ALICORN so so did Celestia create Discord because we’ve only seen one of his kind so maybe Celestia created him for all of this to happen but it got out of control and he became chaotic( - relating systems to exhibit chaos) and he got out of control that’s why he is ‘Discord Of Chaos’ and Celestia maybe gave a task to him to do all of this to see (when I was doing this I started getting a deep voice like in the part right now so just imagine in a deep voice)if they can battle THE BIGGEST THINGS (IN S.9) ?!?!!!!?!
I know this video was uploaded a while ago but, i wouldn't say the alicorn amulet was the element of magic, i'd say it's the opposite of generosity. The red crystal it has has the same shape as the element of generosity, and it made Trixie kinda greedy.
come to think about it when Cannedcream talked about the instances of disharmony relics he only brought up three. Trixie's amulet, The sirens' necklaces and Rarity's book. and if we think about it the magical aura between the three seem to resemble past villans. The book relating to Chrysalis's green magical aura, the sombra amulet leading towards well Sombra,however looking at it his magic aura it's black not red. And if we think about magic Auras it seems to depict either the cutie mark, special talent or that special something he or she is good at. Like twilight's is pink like her cutie mark. Rarity having diamonds cause a light blue aura and so on. So,What I am saying is,coul we look to past,present and possible future villans Like Tirec,a possible nightmare moon or something to that extent to which it has some sort of resemblance to the elements of disharmony
and also if we look at the episode where the elements lose their personalities Like Rainbow lost her loyalty,AJ turned to lying and so on,can we look at those facts and say the elements changed creating the return of the disharmony elements much like how the cutiemarks and talents switched in "Magical Mystery Cure" to create perhaps an opposite for of harmony and destinies at that
OMG! Headcannon Time: The Elements of disharmony do exist. The Alicorn Amulet was one of them; however, the wielders of the elements of disharmony all split up. I think I have two guesses on who represented the elements of disharmony and they are none other than T-rek and Discord. When T-rek tried convincing Discord to be on his side and help him take the powers of all the ponies. He seemed to know discord for a very long time and he was also talking to him like you would a long, lost friend. Therefore, I think that Discord and T-rek and many others were all working together as the elements of disharmony. However, somewhere along the way they all split up and the elements of disharmony were lost and someone found one (the alicorn amulet) an thought it was plain jewelry and decided to sell it in their shop. Many people would think that it ends here, but oh no. I think that Trixie was also an element of disharmony because how else would she know about the amulet in the first place? She might've wanted the power even after the group had split up after the tragedy and the elements were lost. So, she looked all over Equestria and found the right amulet. It's the only way tat would make sense for such an ancient relic to be in a tiny, old gift shop. She might've just done some research and found out about it, but who else would know about the element because if they did, the shopkeeper would have most likely heard about it and not have taken it. Also, why would there be a book about just that one element. Therefore, in summary; Trixie, discord, and T-rek were once the elements of disharmony. something happened between them and they broke off and the elements were lost. The End! P.S. BronyNotion pease consider this and maybe feature me in a video of yours because your my favorite brony and I personally think that you would be a great writer. Please come back!
When you said the elements of disharmony were destroyed and only the Alicorn Amulet survived, I realized one thing that I didn’t realized the previous time I watched this video: the Alicorn Amulet is the only element of disharmony to survive in ONE PIECE. The other elements are definitely out there, but in several pieces, and I really hope they are never found. And just to let you know, in a recent season of MLP, Diamond Tiara becomes a better pony. She changed, because of the CMC, so the possibility of her being the element of cruelty isn’t valid anymore. Sunset changed WHEN SHE WAS DEFEATED, so her being the element of evil magic isn’t now valid either.
The theory that diamond tiara, and Sunset are in the disharmony stuff. It's good but they both turned nice. Discord would not be good either, he turned nice too. Personally, I think the element of dark magic could be king sombra, and the element of cruelty might be Queen Chrysalis. Other than that, great theory
i thought when we saw the harmony stones and the brony notion said that they didn't favor either light or dark, i thought that the mane six maybe activated their light power, and if some other ponies came, they might've activated their darker powers.
I think that at first the elements were divided between the princesses the elements of harmony went to celesta and the elements of disharmony went to luna and were banished to the moon with luna which is why if the alicorn amulet is an element of disharmony we only saw it once she was brought back to equestria
Hi. I wanted to say. The alicorn amulet could, instead of being the full aumlet for evil magic, but what if, it is broken up. Or we have seen other elements. These gemstones are the dazzlings' pendants and many more. But let's look at 3 really quickly that will seem far fetched. The 3 hidden elements of disharmony gemstones I found are, human world twilight's magic detector/taker, king sombra's crown, ant the chest decor of nightmare moon's gaurds. I will try to make a video on YouTube about this, but if I find that I can't. I will comment on this posting my theory.
maybe the elements of disharmony ARE the elements of harmony. Hear me out, Like you said, Twilight’s crown had turned sunset shimmer evil with evil magic. So there’s the element of dark magic, And then in the episode when discord had turned the mane six into their opposite sides. There’s the other elements of disharmony. And when Twilight made everyone wear their elements of “harmony”, they didn’t change back to normal. Which i uses can help my theory, I don’t know. Just something i though about,
i know why now!! the elements of DISharmony will only appear if the holder of the element uses it for bad deeds like sunset shimmer it will transform if the user changed his or her attitude like the episode where discord casted a spell that they became the opposite of what they are and that was the elements of disharmony so in fact we have seen it.
I like the Idea of there being Elements of Disharmony, However following Event HoriXZ0n's Theory of there being more than one Draconequus, Perhaps they are not Objects, They are Draconequi. (Discord being one of them of course.)
Not bad. Personally, I think the Elements are like Sonic's Chaos Emeralds. Best example of evil coming from something supposedly good: Sonic Adventure.
Well the book is corrupted generosity. It makes Rarity give away things people don't want against their will to make her feel better, not to make others feel better. Its arguably also corrupted creativity.
The Siren's necklaces are enslaving people, corrupted loyalty.
I don't think the Alicorn amulet is the only element of disharmony to survive, at least to some degree. Element of corrupted loyalty/enslavement was shattered in three pieces.
It could also explain why Sunset Shimmer had such a bad reaction to the element of magic. She was meant to be the bearer of the Alicorn amulet
One of the barers would have to be Svengallop. Just, watch his episode and you'll know why...
Gacha Fan 05182018-02-17 18:58:27 (edited 2018-02-17 19:03:59 )
3:21-3:28 OMG THIERE ARE SIX (If we count each of the sirens’ necklaces as one) THOSE COULD BE THE SIX ELEMENTS OF DISHARMONY!!!! Twilight’s crown could be the Element of Magic for both. Rarity’s book could be selfishness Trixie’s amulet could be dishonesty (because Trixie made seem like it was her, which was a lie cause in reality it was the amulet) The sirens’ necklaces could be the elements of cruelty, unloyalty, and gloom Does anyone agree with me?
wait what if celestia found the elements of disharmony and thought they were a threat to equestria so she made them all form together into the alicorn amulet and tossed it. Then the pony who sold it to Trixie found it and sold it so her making her the way she was with of the disharmony ways all inside her making her that mean and that crazy just like how the barrers of the evil elements would act apart but instead of apart Trixie acting all of them because celestia formed them together?
I believe there would be an elements of hate literally have all the happiness in the world there's got to be something that makes it World Wide deadly ..,...
I'm not sure you have Siri could be possibly right I think the Alicorn necklace is just a necklace it's just a regular necklace cuz it doesn't look really anything like that Elements of Harmony that one is a Harmony or regular just like necklaces and they all look the same and besides the other sit and relax you told about Twilight's Crown is one of The Elements of Harmony that can't be one of the evil ones the book is a book it can't be an element of Harmony cuz no one can wear it and the three necklaces of the the sirens were in the other dimension and they broke so that can't be them either so your Fury has to be wrong it's just probably a guarantee so I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give this Siri on it's just kind of impossible because I haven't seen any other signs so you guys are wrong according to me so bye
I've seen something on mlp on my tv but it didn't come up again... I saw a note on Twilight's and it said it was possible to change your harmony if your in one... Soo.... Sunset Shimmer, Flip and Flam could get out of the dis harmony and Trixie, Snips and snails could become a dis harmony too! Soo trixie could be the magical one and Snips and snails could share like Flip and Flam... Sunset Shimmer went good in the first equstria girl movie and Flip and Flam did aswell but in a normal episode of mlp. Soo I hope you understand me soo bye????
ehhhhhh Cruelty: Garble ( you know.. the Teen Dragon Dude? who said it had to be a pony? ) selfishness: Prince Blueblood Blueblood Dishonesty: Flim & Flam Betrayal: Lightning Dust Gloom: ( help me out here? ) Evil Magic: Tirek
Meh. This is possible. Buutttt..... What if they weren't elements, mainly, like jewles, but like ordinary objects that take control of the user. It makes sence if you think about it. The book. That amulet-thingy. Who Knowles what else?
In the return of harmony 1&2 there is the elements of disharmony but no necklaces but aj Rarity Rainbowdash Fluttershy twilight sparkle lost there elements take aj for example she became dishonest and her element is harmony. Like if you agree
wow! but who would really own them because those people are... well, some of them turned good, or I haven't seen them. but forget my comment. it's probably not as important as other peoples.
The Wanderer2017-09-04 03:15:44 (edited 2017-09-04 03:18:25 )
0:52 I already have a few holes in your theory 1 DT isnt naturally cruel, she was just raised to think blank flanks are lover than herself, tought by her mother as we see in S5,
2: Why would Spitfire be the element of betrayal?
3 Maud couldn't be the element of gloom, she isnt gloomy, she just seems that way compared to other ponies(like myself)
4 Sunset Shimmer cant be the element of evil magic, because she is reformed
I have a little theory to go with this one. I think that the elements of dis-harmony would be the opposite of the good elements from the alternate universe in the comics. Like the element of unfairness or the element of hate. Just a thought.
What if hasbro saw this video and said " this is a great idea! " and eventually makes an episode where the main 6 find them ( or maybe they go even farther and the elements of disharmony possesses them ) That would be cool
But there would be no threat from the Elements of Disharmony since whatever discord and cacophony they caused would be easily undone by their opposite counterparts. So, there wouldn't be a need for them in the universe. No matter what- the elements seem to be able to defeat them as long as their together- the only threat they could pose is the inference that they could be used individually.
I want an episode where Discord bas to arrange a group of villains to get the Elements of Disharmony to create a balamce when the Harmony Tree goes crazy.
Here's who the barriers of disharmony are in my head cannon: Sombra - Dark magic ( because he has dark magic ) Chrysalis - deceive ( because she can morph into someone, so it's a lie ) Nightmare Moon - cruelty/betrayal ( because, nightmares, and she betrayed her sister ) Tirek- selfishness ( he was selfish with magic ) Sirens - gloom ( they feed of of negativity )
But wouldn't the elements of disharmony be the elements of harmony themselves?
I mean, when sunset shimmer used Twilight's crown for the wrong reasons it turned her into a monster. And that was only one Element's magic. When Twilight (in friendship games) used the mane 6's magic she turned into a monster, but Sunset did the same thing and it turned her into something good. That short fight scene shows that both sides were equal in power ; what made them different was why they turned into what they did. Sure , the alicorn amulet seems like an element of disharmony, but what if was something left from Sombra's reign? Or a failed experiment?
Maybe the elements used to be good and evil but then all but magic were seperated, explaining why the element of magic turned Sunset Shimmer evil like that.
King sombra was the creator of trixies red element. He probably did that so more ponies would get "hipnotized' into being evil which would help him create an army
Brony Notion, I thought your theory great,. but after watching it, I got the idea that the elements of harmony are the elements of disharmony. what I mean is, remember when sunset shimmer put on twilight light's crown and how it corrupted her into a demon? well I thought, if some pony used the elements of harmony who was the opposite of the mane 6, the elements of harmony would channel the dark emotions inside and turn into the elements of disharmony.
Long ago the eliments of harmony and the eliments of disharmony were together . Eventually the ponies started choicing sides causing a war. Big suprise the eliments of disharmony won and hid the eliments of harmony . They hid the eliments of harmony in the tree of harmony . After some time a pony found the eliments of harmony ( calestia and luna). Using them to defete the eliments of disharmony. The eliments of disharmony were scatered all over equestria never to be found.
I have once watched a video called "The Elements of Insanity".Is it possible that the elements of insanity WAS the element of disharmony?Or is it the element of insanity was ONE of the elements of disharmony?(I dont know.)You do told us who represents the elements of disharmony,right?Then who actually represents the element of insanity?I wonder who...
Or maybe it’s the ponies who use the elements changed them- so if pinkie was actually gloom then it would be the element of dis harmony and not the good bit. So if someone dark got the elements then they would turn different according to that person.. like when discord changed their personalities, they all changed colour, which included the elements...
I think that there is only one element of disharmony. If there were 6 elements of disharmony then that would be like 6 sets of the elements of harmony because when trixie used the alicorn amulet it was like an evil version of when the mane six use the elements of harmony.
Hello my name is moonlight sparkle .I'm very similar to her. Okay now coming on the point, I think the elements of harmony contain both good and evil powers and They depend depend on the person using them.
This doesn't have much to do with the video but, am I the only one who thinks about sunset from the human world?The one we know is from Equestria.Up until rainbow rocks,same for twilight.I wonder what would she be like?the twilight from Crystal prep is probably what twilight would have been without the magic of friendship.And if her friends weren't really nice...So can we assume the human sunset would be like pony sunset without meeting twilight or without the magic of friendship?Maybe but I'm not 💯 percent sure on it.Anyway here is what I would think she would be like.Sinset was maybe the best pupil at CHS and studied under prin-I mean principle Celestia.But one day they had an argument or something and she abandoned her studies.Unlike pony sunset she didn't go the Equestria bc at that time no-one knew about any magic or even the portal at all. I'm assuming though that this was before pony sunset came.Now of course this would be a while and celestial would've likely tried to forget about sunset so when pony sunset comes she can't remember her or doesn't want to remember or can't believe she came back and says nothing. Or sunset could've used to go to crystal prep before twilight.let me know what you think. Sorry for the long comment!
Yeah, but what dis- element represents the necklace Trixie wore. or any of the other objects you mentioned. and there is no balance between dark and light in Star Wars. darkness rules!! the Jedi are just try hards.
In season 2 the episode return of the harmony part 2. At the end of the episode Discord is sitting on a throne and that could be one of the elements of disharmonie if they actually exist.
We've seen elements of disharmony Applejack started lying in one of these episodes and I don't remember the exact number so I'm just going to state would happen but in one of these episodes Applejack was lying Rainbow Dash left to go save Cloudsdale instead of her friends Fluttershy was being mean Pinkie Pie was being like depressed I don't know it was not the greatest stage because just because Twilight's magic had weekend because she got really really sad that all of her friends and Harmony had been lost I'm going to quote this like put this in quotation marks but I am literally just like waving my hand across the room like oh my Lord the harmony was lost it was bad and Rarity Rarity found a giant rock that she thought was a gemstone and said oh yeah I'm going to keep this and became really greedy so we've already seen all the elements of disharmony because we've seen The Elements of Harmony reverse it was not the greatest episode in history and I will actually find it and I will put it in the comments another day but what's good to take me awhile to find that episode so yeah
I believe that the elements of disharmony actually exist cuz there was one episode where Applejack Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie and Rarity got tricked by Discord and made them the opposite elements. so in that case I guess the elements disharmony actually exist?
I think the element owners of disharmony are sombra Luna and yes Luna because she is always well gloomy she would fit perfectly spitfire pinkie pies sister (I forgot her name 😂) chrysalis and dimand Tina yes most of these are there ideas so these are the ponys I think should own the elements of disharmomy I hope u injoyed hearing what I this of the owners of disharmony.
When CC said BN, for a moment i thought he said BM, as in Bowell Movement, as in poop. XD But then I was like wait, 'N' sounds a lot like 'M', he probably said 'N' lol.
This is My theory>They Element oF DisHarmony are the same ponies as the Elements Of Harmony but they have to turn completely evil to be Element OF DiSHarmony. For Example: Elements OF DisHarmony Midnight Sparkle:Bewitchment/Loneliness BlackJack:Deception FlutterBitch:Cruelty Pinkamena: Despair Rainbow Factory:Severance
You went threw an extremely long and unnecessary explanation just to say Balance. That what that is. Both Elements of Harmony and Disharmony exist for Balance, just as the Jedi and Sith exist, Balance
it's not possible cause 1 we already have ONE set of elements 2 there never lasted disharmony in eguestria 3 how can we have the same elements with reversed powers
what about the cutie mark crusiaders they help people get their cutie marks while in one episode twilight helped find all 5 of her friends destinys again
Maybe there are more Gems of the elements of disharmony but they are zerplittert and are in other objects ( like the book) or merged with th elements of harmony (like that what the element of magic do to Sunset schimmer. These are my theory's.
hmmmm... maybe the episode where they defeated tirek the items there maybe has something to do with it and the necklace that discord gave to twilight there is really have to do there if we cant solve it i mean ok just forget about it i cant think of anymore that conects so it has to be the items or maybe the crystal empire because theres crystals but it may not be in the crystal empire it has to be the items and the necklace.
I like your videos can you make more my love pony antics of the pony princesses can you please please make sure to do more or I'm going to freak out like him more and more and more can you please I've been waiting this whole time tire life to hear just weather princess is in everything they do in the whole why world have a quarter of a Questria 😊👌🏻
Idea: there could be only one element of disharmony EXPLANATION: the elements of disharmony are supposed to be different than the elements of harmony so instead of there being six there can only be ONE
My daughter named Mabel, wants to start her own youtube channel when she is older.And she wants a pony that she creates herself, like you, so pleeeeeeaaaaaase can you keep typing to me and tell me how you make the pony character and when people see the video they can hear her voice.Thank You.P.S she is now 8.
Why not? jing jang rule man . Where is a light there is a shadow . Not neseserly crystals of disharmony. Mabe other magical artifacts representing opposite to elements of harmony (they are only symbols of virtues) :P Did u saw project thunderclowd? Tere it is well described (Derpy+Dinky=alikorn stuf XD)
"ah but thats the beauty of disharmony" me:yes yes it is and soon there will be an epesode where everyone is full of disharmony and killing 😐that took a dark turn.
The eliment of greed prince blue blood. Dishonhesty flim and flam . Saddness maude pie. The eliment of betrale gilda. Crullity is iron will . And dark magic is sunset shimmer
I love your videos of the pool nation of the CMC character can you please do more flurry heart episodes and more princesses with floor you her episodes please please pretty please I am calm now can you please do more I'm begging you I been waiting my whole entire life for 100 for refax flurry hard facts combined in one long episode that I can stay up
There already seems to be three of the six elements: the elememt of magic is the alicorn amulet and the staff starlight mentions is the element of selfishness,(the elements don't have to be crystals or the crystal may be imbued in the staff, the real one) and the element of cruelty is the infestation manifestation book(may be infused with an onyx gem)(the book curses the user to chase their dreams in a dark way, regardless of what it does to others, Rarity changes an apple cart to gold, making it useless just for her dreams to become a reality, being cruel to all when Rarity thought she was just helping and improving, regardless of the reactions)
I have no i idea for villains of disharmony:discord is now good i guess,nighmare moon is gone maybe Come back maybe we will See day breaker ,sunset is good and other villains
Mane 6 - 3 6 - 3 = 3 Pinky pie,rainbow dash and rarity You have 3 ponies Make it to 3 sides and 3 points 3 sides and 3 points +illuminati ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
Remember the 5 characters in the friendship games who were on Twilight's team during the friendship games? I think those 5 are the holders of the elements of disharmony, not because they are the opposite of the elements they represent, but because they are the dark side of each of them.
Sour Sweet- Element of kindness, she is kind but she never truly means any of the things she says. Sugercoat- Element of honesty, she is brutally honest, telling truths people really don't want to hear. Indigo Zap- Element of Loyalty, Loyal to the wrong people, that's about it, not to mention she is basically what would happen if rainbow dash joined the shadow bolts.
I'm not sure about Sunny Flare or Lemon Zest but as they share personality traits with rarity and pinkie pie, I believe that is who they represent.
Many 1000's of years ago lived a little unicorn called Celestia, she was very close to becoming alicorn . One day Celstia was trotting around her home . A red spark was shining behind a house so she went over to investigate. There was a element of disharmony.
Many people have a headcanon where Celestia was coloured by the EoH, and before that she was pink. What if Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, was moulded by the Elements of Disharmony in the same way? Maybe that can explain why he's a part of everything, and he's so powerful
one of the items that was mentioned, but not given status of an element is the spell of "inspiration manifestation". this book made rarity want to make everything bigger and better. everything had to be fabulous. what if this book was the element of greed. another theory I would like to share is that the alicorn amulet is an element, but not the one we think . considering it is the same shape of rarities and it made trixie become more selfish, I believe the amulet also contains the potential to be the element of greed.
i have a theory, what if the physical elements of harmony are also the elements of disharmony. to use them as the elements of harmony, you need to fully represent it, whereas to use it as disharmony, you need to fully resent its true meaning, not represent the opposite. an example being when shimmer went crazy, and who knkws, maybe somepony will steal one of the elements and use them this way.
Sadly all of those characters have been redeemed. Yes even Blueblood. it was very subtle though basically in Sweet and Elite he was hanging out with Rarity like actual friends.
Ok, about not finding the elements of disharmony, When The elements of harmony where not in the mane 6's reach, Im pretty sure Twilight said something about the bond and connection remaining, and that's all they needed. Couldn't that be one of the reasons why you can find the rest of the elements of disharmony?
+The Brony Notion Alright, I know this is 2017, but this idea has been festering, and I want to just get it out. With the addition of the new 7th Element in Equestria Girls (Compassion/Friendship), could the Elements of Disharmony be linked to the 7 Deadly Sins? The book, Inspiration Manifestation, seems to be for Greed, while the Alicorn Amulet is for Envy. The Scepter for the Dragon Lord could be for Pride, since a Dragon Lord can command any dragon to follow orders. The Sirens' Gems are 3 parts of Lust, since there are different kinds of lust, all of which command the senses.
WAIT.... so what im getting out of thka is Discord was kinda-sorta doing some good by doing bad. They helped keep the balance between good and bad. Discord turned the mane six aniti-element, but helps them understand more about their element and the harm and good it could bring.
I think that the elements of disharmony would be used by the following creatures/ponies: The Element of Disharmony or Evil Magic would be used by Discord The Element of Deceit would be used by Queen Chrysalis The Element of Cruelty would be used by King Sombra The Element of Gloom would be used by Maud Pie (I know she is not evil nor is she truly gloomy, however she is the opposite of Pinkie Pie when it comes to her emotions and how she makes friends.) The Element of Greed would be used by Lord Tirek And finally The Element of Betrayal would be used by Nightmare Moon (Yes I know Luna wouldn't turn back but this is the best I got)
I just had a major theory! You said yourself that twilight element turned Sunset shimmer into ragging she-demon then I think that twilight's element could have a bit of evil in-planted. Here's my theory that sense the element turn sunset into a demon then when used with the wrong person or pony, then that little element deep in the magic element activate turning that person or pony evil. So when ever the element is not used by the correct person or pony the evil planted in the element is activated so it can be used alone.
Just came across this, so if I may.... There are no elements of disharmony, only Discord. The Elements of Harmony are aspects of the Tree of Harmony: stately, unmoving, in changing the polar opposite of Discord: vulgar, seldom standing still, always in flux. If you know the game "Lords of Magic" it then raises other possibilities we have order/chaos, is there an embodiment of life/death, air/earth, fire/water?
Maybe discord destroyed them so that nothing can have more disharmony than him, or maybe Celestia destroyed them so that there would be less chance of disharmony taking over Equestria.
ocording to me, midnight sparkle would be the element of dark magic, blue blood would be the element of selfishness, lightning speed would be the element of betrayal, spoiled rich would be the element of cruelty, glad mane would be deceit, and maud would be gloom
What about the gems that Gloriosa Daisy had in the Legend of Everfree movie? They caused havoc for everyone and turned Gloriosa into a raging tree demon (techniically). They seem like Elements of Disharmony. What if Princess Celestia sent them to the human world after she banished Luna because they were turning her into Nightmare Moon and making her evil? Then when the Main(Mane) six used the elements of harmony and turned her good again, it brought the balance of Luna's peace back.
There was a comic about the opposite world,the relfection side. The Reflection Mane 6 are the opposite of their counterpart. However,the element of harmony in this dimension doesn't exist.
Cruelity,Selfishness,DC(what?),Trill,Gloom and Evil Magic. My version is: Evilness,Egoist,Dishonnesty,Disloyality,Silence and Dark
Wait, even Spitfire? But she's the leader of the wonder bolts... which includes the fastest thing with wings: Rainbow Dash. At least SHE'S there in case if Spitfire's about to do somethin' horrific.
I wish this was fact and not theory. The elements of disharmony with their own tree or something of disharmony? I would personally love to see that in MLP.
Flaws: Tiara is nice now, Blueblood was a character only meant for one episode, Flim-Flam brothers are the same except two..., spitfire is just trying to train people appropriately, Maud would never go against Pinkie, and Sunset Shimmer has been a good-guy(or rather girl) for three movies now...... this would never happen.
The Element of Cruelty can't be Diamond Tiara as she eventually makes friends with the CMC. Blueblood might just make a good Element of Selfishness. Flim and Flam would be good for the Element of Deceit. I don't know the episode where Spitfire betrays someone? As for Maud, she wouldn't really make a good Element of Gloom as she's not that gloomy, she has things she likes (look at rocks), and she is happy she just doesn't express it, she's more of an Element of Stoicism. Sunset Shimmer could be an Element of Evil Magic, but I think she's reformed.
I have just realised that All the 5 elmans not Ranbow Dash helped them get their cuty marks and terns discord into stone Ranbow did the Ranbom got their marks but the time they did the discord the ranbom was their
I see your point but in my little pony epuestar girls the friendship games the other Twilight Stells the others magic and used it to turn in night mare sparkle
are just watch this episode and don't you think they could have put it in a different dimension I mean those ponies have a type of power source real who probably turn evil and also Celestia and all sorts of ponies including Discord and he is a pony because he has magic inside him so
how can you think that pod pie is a villian she is just a goth pony just like the gothic people in our every day lives and she is not selfish.you should not assume that she is bad!!!!!!
Sorry I'm a potterhead that can't spell but that was a picture of dombledore not gandoff but it's ok most people mess it up so I'm not mad I just needed to get that out there so angain sorry
Alex Central2017-03-17 10:42:44 (edited 2017-03-17 10:43:11 )
If you watch to see my little pony equestrian girls rainbow rocks movie and sunset shimmer feels bad for what she did at the fall formal and she changed
I love your vids and all but don't hate me for this but dude you should not be obsessed with this show that much I am a dude as well but I just don't think you should
Hey that cheeky come on that Twilight on a and how come diamond to yarra is the element of kindness is so rude to the group Cutie Mark Crusaders did come on you say hey hey blah blah blah blah blah blah
What if the elements of Disharmony were created from the same magic that creates the regular elements? You can't have good without evil after all and maybe the spell created a set for both good and evil but we have only seen the good side because that was the side given to the Princesses while the evil side was hidden away to never be found or used.
I think that the elements of Disharmony have a tree (more like 6 individual saplings), but are yet to be found, or the alicorn amulet only being released.
I thought that Trixie would be the one who controlled the evil magic amulet, she was probably the only one who used the Alicorn Amulet. Just a thought though, I go with the elements of Dis-Harmoney.
What about in the mystical magical cure? When twilight "messes up" the element she actually doesn't randomly mess them up she gives each pony the cutiemark and element that they are potentially worse at
after again and again watching mane 6 returning the elements of harmony, I suddenly come up another idea......what if the elements itself were the Mane 6 aswell? was thinking like what if the mane 6 trap in the time of past, and have to turn their form into the element gems waiting to reborn in the future~~~ sort of things~
the elements of disharmony are insane which makes it the elements of insanity, now the insanity elements are: Fluttershout, Rainbine, Rarfruit, Applepills, Pinkis Cupcake and Brutallight Sparcake.
wouldn't Discord represent the element of magic in the disharmony elements because when Celestia describe him I'm pretty sure she said king of disharmony and wouldn't he represent element Magic
I think were aproaching this from the wrong direction, if we think of elementS of disharmony. BEcause the Elements of harmony are a sign of sticking toghether, and the Elements of disharmony would have to ba a team to. Sa if we asume that there can't be more than one Element of disharmony, thids one would be very simple to tell: The Element of loneliness. Because the Elements of Harmony are a sign of friendship, this would be a simple but fine solution, isn't it. And tnow lets move on to the questiion of the bearer is: Its every villain. The Element of loneliness isn't like the other ones, it doesn't has a physical appearence, its a power itself, given to everyone who it thinks it can obeye as a master.. So Nightmare Moon got it for feeling betrayed by her Sister, Discord because hes the only one of his kind and he was avoided by others, King Sombra becuase nobody really liked him, Tirek wasn't really infused with it, his powers come from what he is(similar to Discord, but his power was increased through the disharmony element CHrysalis... Thats a problem, we dont know enough about her to say... And Starlight glimmer because she felt betrayed by cutie-marks. And in case you haven't noticed. everyones "dark" power only works against those who caused the contact with the Element of Disharmony. But if there's a "true" bearer, we haven't met him or her yet. I hope thiis doesnt sound to unlikely, and I want to apologize for my bad english.
I think that if a pony becames evil the element of harmony becames a element of disharmony for example:Pinkamena Diane Pie or Lil Miss Rarity. that's my theory:)
In The Part In The Light There Is Darkness And In The Darkness There Is Light It Kind Of Resembles Sunset's Cutie Mark But There Is Something Missing The Dots
The Elements Are Sunsets Crown(It Kinda Is Sunsets Crown... Twilight Shares Her Crown With Sunset), Trixe's Necklace, Evil Book, Dazzlings And Sunset Is Part Of The Good Side Too Soooo We've Already Seen The 7th Element... The Element In The Comic!!!!!!!
If Twilight element turned sunsetshimer even more evil maybe there the same thing like if ur evil then u will get even more evil if ur good then u turn even more good
"That's the beauty of disharmony. Did I really just say that?"~The Brony Notion 2015 + I'm watching in 2016 so I looked at the upload date so I won't be wrong.
(here mines) before the rule and birth of Celestia and Luna two types of harmony disharmony and harmony. a wise unicorn once said like what the guy said (meh I forget his name) but use harmony and disharmony all must do the same thing until a huge war happen with harmony and disharmony, harmony evently won and that my backstory the support
But is it possible that The Element of Magic not actually the Element of Harmony? As it's neither Hood nore bad, it's just how you use it. But my say has no purpose, due to the fact I'm always jabbed at but oh well I'm always beat up with theory's :,D
you could try putting it like this trixys abulat deaman twilight s necklace nightmare moon s necklace rarity book transforms into jewel king sambra sirens jewel
Spoilers I watched all the episodes of My Little Pony and I mean every single one and there is also Don don Don the staff of same NES which is basically a large stick that takes away your cutie mark and replaces it with equals sign sorry but I had to do it
Cam cream it looks like you have NO cutie mark that is weird but if you ask me I think that your cutie mark would be a pen writing in a book as a simple of your creativity and how you can see clues in MLP stuff and other things like that any one tell me watch you think
sunset: reformed in the first equestria girls movie diamond tiara: reformed in season 5 episode 18 blueblood: never "show"s up in the show again after season 3 (pun intended) flim and flam: almost also never return spitfire: is now a loyal leader maud pie: is actually quite joyful, she just doesn't express it
wait. Magic = Friendship, so Friendship = magic, that is why TWilight is princess of Friendship, and princess of Magic. Its just the same thing.. If you decide there would be a princess of magic and one for friendship, than TS is princess of magic, and Sunset princess of friendship. but Friendship =magic, so I think, TS= SS. If TS didn't enter, the human world, there is a good balnce in the human world. But TS came in, so the balance is over cause too much is never good. And, since when is SS bad? her bad side was created by disbalance, I guess. So why would she have bad magic? Bad magic is bad friendship. And SS never had Bad Friendship, right?
The video is outdated and Maud doesn't have to be a main villain to represent the element of disharmony. And if she's so good name someone better to get the element of gloom.
one second NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD my brothers always confuse me with star wares things about movies and and the little club so i would probably shout NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD at them and the first time they shown the new star wares movie in cinemas i was home dyeing my hair and im an Aussie so yeah i think you are the FIRST YT i have seen that has even said Australia in a video apart from the Aussie YT i have seen
I personally think there are no objects that represent them, but one living entity instead. Discord IS the spirit of disharmony. He is also cruel, greedy, deceptive, not exactly loyal, not the good type of laughter, and is for sure fueled with dark magic.
169 likesReplies (4)
Yeah discord is pretty much all of that
10 likesbut he makes me suffacate from laughter
6 likesyes but he got reformed
5 likesAccording to the My Little Pony Wiki: In the My Little Pony Guidebook: The Elements of Harmony, Lauren Faust comments in an interview where she toyed with the idea of Elements of Discord.
4 likesIt is possible that in an alternate world (we know alternate worlds in My Little Pony exist because of some of the comics) there is such a thing as the Elements of Disharmony (more specifically, elements of discord). Chrysalis was able to create the Mean 6 in later seasons (I think season 8?) and according to real world logic, you cant think of a face that doesn't exist, thus meaning that in some world, the mean 6 had to have been a thing, and Chryalis created clones of them. This means that, most likely, we already have the Elements of Discord. In my opinion, I dont think that Discord would be the embodiment of those elements, but more so the ruler of those elements. Twilight and her friends go under the guidance of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or Princess Cadence, so the Elements of Discord would probably go under the guidance of Discord in an alternate universe.
Elements of disharmony wouldn’t be independent instead it would be held together by hatred (if they exist for sure) so basically
458 likesHarmony=friends
Replies (8)
10 likesDisharmony=frenemies
@Adriana Ibarra not frenemies because that would be half harmony half disharmony
16 likesTrue
1 likeEnemies of equestra
1 likeThe elements of harmony: Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, optimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of friendship.
4 likesThe elements of disharmony: Greed, Deception, harshness, treachery, pessimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of enmity.
@Aee Bee Cee which one is optimism? There’s honesty, loyalty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and magic
0 likes@🍓Strawberry_Milk🍓 IDK
0 likesDisharmony could equal friends…
0 likesMaud Pie wouldn't really be the element of gloom, she just shows joy in a different way
2207 likesReplies (101)
Right even pinkie said so
121 likesAmen
28 likesMichelyn Bright yea I remember that episode
25 likesHow about stick in the mud not even pinky can see happiness in him
36 likestotally right
10 likesI agree
5 likesTrue
4 likesI agree. I think the real element of gloom would be limestone pie
11 likesTrue
2 likesYeah and I think that we know that Maud wouldn't do anything to make pinkie sad
8 likesYeah, and she fought against King Sombra in the war in the alternative timeline. She'd never fight again her sister.
3 likesShe smiled at the of her daybew
3 likesHi
1 likeTrue...
0 likesPeter Porker Yeah, you’re right!
0 likesJasmine Brooke That’s also true
0 likesYEAH but i konw that well good or bad
0 likesPINKE WILL DONT LOVE HER SISTHER but bad ending
0 likesWhiteClover_Animations :3 yes
0 likesyeah once she showed happiness but whith a frown
0 likesshe just has happiness in her, bu she dosn't express it.
1 likeYeah.
1 likeWhiteClover_Animations :3 exactly
0 likesWhiteClover_Animations :3
0 likesActually she doesn’t really show it but she is always happy especially with Pinkie Pie
I agree with you
1 likeYou are so right
1 likePick up a very Desna/Mai vibe from her (AtLA/TLoK)
0 likes@Jasmine Brooke Limestone showed happiness though, she isn't really evil or mean. She's just temperamental
0 likes@Pinksparklez21 what episode
0 likes@Peter Porker mud briar maud pies boy friend
0 likes@Jasmine Brooke yes
0 likesI think element of gloom is limestone pie
0 likesYea
0 likes@GWENDOLYN THOMAS she smiled sometimes-
0 likesT
0 likesHere's my idea for a new vedio. Why doesn't Luna s mane do the same wavey thing in episode 2 ?
0 likesWhiteClover_Animations :3 ❤️💕😍🙂💕❤️😕😊
0 likesWhat a beautiful number:
1 like666
0 likesmy friends telling people this
0 likesYeah
0 likesi think so to and alot of the ponnys and humenes used to be evel or not evel at all
0 likesYup!!! Maud loves Pinkie so much as a sister!! She doesn’t show joy like everyone else!!
0 likesShe likes diffrent things like rocks xd
0 likesAgreed
1 like...
0 likesyes even Pinkie said that
1 likeAlso maud is not evil
1 likeYa she was no emotions but she gets happy sad mad embarrassed she just shows her feeling like saying it not by her facle expression she's like raven from teen Titans go
0 likesBut if Maud isn’t the element of gloom, who is?
1 likeBut ya you are right
0 likesIf pinkie likes maud, she’s good.
0 likes@Rainbow terix, he is driven by a desire to please his father, that he wallows in gloom because he felt his father didn't love him.
0 likesWhen we look at terix in this light we actually feel a bit sad for him.
0 likesMaud reminds me of spock from star trek.
0 likesso true
0 likesYes
0 likes@Jasmine Brooke, tru dat
0 likesWhat about Troubleshoes?
0 likes@Grace Notme, good point right there.
0 likesHi
0 likesYeah
0 likesTrue :)
0 likesYeah
0 likesLimestone pie should be...
0 likesUmm no
0 likesYes that is true
0 likesI mean she loves rocks and Pinkie pie and now we know she has a boyfriend
0 likesShe show’s joy on the inside
0 likesYea
0 likesYeah. She also smiles very few, but she still shows joy in a different way
0 likesYeah it’s just her way of being happy
0 likes@Peter Porker *her
0 likesYeah
0 likes@Peter Porker lmao true
0 likesYeah
0 likesYea, somepony else could be that
0 likes@Peter Porker stick in the mud 😂
0 likesLOL I THINK THE ROYAL GUARD WOULD BE GLOOM true fact: remember the episode when Fluttershy took care of the phoenix rainbow tried to make royal guards laugh but they just stood there, in the end, they did laugh so not really but its a possibility
0 likesYes
0 likesfr
0 likesI like Maud Pie ‘cause she is not Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
0 likesWhat about one of pinkies sisters being element of gloom
1 likeYAY
0 likesThat is true
0 likesTrue true
0 likesYeah, she is so misunderstood.
0 likes@Michelyn Bright ghhjkk
0 likesSelfish is about self, selfless is about other ponies, harmony is about both of every-pony.
0 likesIt's a family member of the element of laughter so it's not the element of gloom!
0 likesThats true these people are just different they arent bad their just different from us.
0 likesYeah pinkie pie did say
0 likesYes she shows her joy in her way
0 likesYeah
0 likestrue
0 likesYeah.
0 likesI agree her family (and her bf) are basically the only ones who understand her
0 likesYes
0 likesYea I guess
0 likesWithout Disharmony there would be no such thing as harmony
502 likes(Just as, “without dark there would be no light”)
Replies (7)
yeah, Yin and Yang
20 likesI think it is the other way, without light there is no shadow or something or shadows are caused by light. Idk tho
12 likesYea! It's like Order and Chaos; they're two sides of the same coin, one can't exsist without the other.
6 likesYin and yang. Can’t have the darkness without the light
1 likeBut disharmony is basically Discord, he doesnt have to be bad to create a bit of chaos
4 likesYea
0 likesI don't think that without disharmony there would be no such thing as harmony . Flurry heart is princess of light so there will no disharmony . See the Crystal heart protects Crystal empire, princess flurry heart has a Crystal. I don't know which Crystal but we have to find it out okay
0 likesCozyglow would be betrayal, actually...
1972 likesReplies (121)
Or deceit
77 likesYeah cozy glow would be betrayal! She betrayed the mane six
90 likesThey posted this when it was season 7 so that means cozyglow wasn't there yet
93 likesCleo Plays Beatsaber yeah
11 likessweet chicken nugget yeah I bet she’s seen a sneak peek (maybe but season eight is already on Netflix)season eight
16 likesYup
8 likesOr whenever she was powerful she could’ve been evil magic
10 likesYES!!!!!,!!!!
6 likesWould there be a element of manipulation? Cozy glow would definitely fall under there
11 likeswThis was five years ago
7 likestrue
3 likesyes but she is a child
3 likeswhen this was made cozy glow wasent here
7 likesMy thoughts exactly
2 likesYeah
2 likesNoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòooooo cleo
2 likesBruh this was made 5 years ago lol
3 likesYeah
1 likei LoVe a GooD baCkStabbIng
3 likesYha cozy glow and I am starlight I now I have the same name as the my little Pony girl but my friend name is angel wolf I'm just a pony
4 likesthis was years ago
3 likes@sweet chicken nugget true :/
0 likesThis was created WAYYYYY before she was in the show,
1 like@Wolflower Movies I know- :>
0 likesThis video was made on 2015 copy glow probally did not exist yet
1 like@Aly Qoura diomand tiara is too
0 likesManupilation?
0 likesShe never existed
1 likeHonestly I feel like she would be “Munipulitive”
0 likesYes
0 likesMarie Parker or Janus
0 likesYes correct🙏🙏🙏
0 likesI would ruin the 666 likes but no
0 likesYea but this was made before cozy glow was made.
1 likeThis was 5 years ago did she even exist
1 likeCleoRAWR oof
0 likesBut this was a pretty long ago sooo cozy glow was not in the MLP yet
1 likeThat was along time ago
1 likeso true
0 likesThis was made 5 years ago. Cozy glow didn’t exist back then
2 likesCozy glow was not there 5 years ago
1 likeCleoRAWR that would make so much sense!!
0 likes@Wolflower Movies me to I keep finding these extra episodes that are not on Netflix
0 likesYeah spitfire doesn’t really prove for betrayal
0 likes@Vanilla Milkshakes Well betrayal means you were have to be one of the group, then go against that group. But CozyGlow was never apart of that group, her intentions were to never associate with them. So, I'd like to think it would be deceit.
0 likesHonestly? Now that season 9 is over and done with (yes I'm aware this video was done during season 7), let me add that Twi said they're just symbols, powerful fruit of the Harmony Tree. As for the vilians, here's who I think is what:
0 likesMane 6 - disharmony element | embodiment
Laughter - Misery | Chrysalis
Generosity - Avarice | Tirek
Honesty - Deception | Cozy Glow
Loyality - Betrayal | Tantabus [Nightmare Moon]
Kindness - Cruelty | King Sombra
Magic - Power | Grogar
Why are we all hating cozy glow?
0 likesAlso known as the seventh element of disharmony. Since the seventh element of harmony would obviously be reconciliation. Betrayal would be the exact opposite of that.
1 likeHappya🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
0 likesActually that sounds correct
0 likes@simplykhlxe
0 likesIt’s also on kisscartoon.
Actually I think it would be starlight glimmer as the possessor because she betrayed everyone who trusted her.
0 likes@Henna Boström
1 likeExcept for one thing. That was season 5. Now, that she’s good now, she’s got friends with the mane six, and Maude Pie.
And Tirek, Chrysalis?
0 likesshe didn't exist at the time, but yea definitely
1 like@IzTagz
0 likesOf course she was just pretending. Although, she was very convincing at first.
0 likesThis video was made in 2015 not 2019
1 like@thatbozobri he
0 likesIKR!!!
0 likesHow do you know
1 likeWhat is the prove
Gurl this was made 5 years ago
1 likeYeah
0 likesi mean this is pretty old
1 likeYeah she would
0 likesYour right and sunset shimmer turnerd good and represents the element of empiphy
0 likesyes what has spitfire done to betray?
0 likesThat makes sense
0 likesOh yeah! She did!
0 likesYes but you have to understand. This was made before cozy glow
0 likesChrysalis=cruelity
0 likesTirek=idk
@Vanilla Milkshakes indeed
0 likesShe didn’t exist at the time of this video
0 likesOh shut up over six years ago in 2021 now
0 likesThis was before she existed, but yes she would
0 likesYeeee
0 likesYesssssss...
0 likes@•Luna Playz• lmao same
0 likesActually decit, bur yes that is rather true
0 likesbut she wouldn't be introduce in season 2 or other season she would be exist in season 9 but that could work
0 likes@Vanilla Milkshakes she didn’t really betray them she was manipulating them
0 likesTrue
0 likesYea
0 likesYe
0 likesyes i dont think it needs to be spit fire even if its not cozy
1 like@Vanilla Milkshakes Mane 6 and the cutie mark crusaders ( I think )
1 like@thatbozobri what for me it isn’t :/
1 likeI don’t Believe this vid was during when the show introduced cozy glow
1 likeOooh
1 likeYes
Or the evil magic cus Sunset already turned good
2 likesOmg yes
1 likeYes
1 likeor discord he betrayed the mane - 6 for Trec oh however you spell his name
1 likeor the one who was in the episode wonder bolts academy paired with rainbow
1 like@sweet chicken nugget now THAT makes sence
1 likeYeah...
1 like@Vanilla Milkshakes yea everyone
1 likeCorrect but the actually cozyglow would be manipulative
1 likeAlso remember diamond tiara isn't evil anymore
1 like@Vanilla Milkshakes and she almost sucked up all the magic in the world and all she wants his power so
1 like@Fireflowfam yeah probably see some eight nine didn't exist or was being worked on
1 likeSpoiler she is she took all of equestrias magic and was pen pals with um . . . Tirek
1 likeThis vid was before cozyglow but I agree 👍
0 likes@sweet chicken nugget season 5*
0 likesI agree
0 likesWell d****t in case you didn’t notice this was before cozy glow came into the pic
0 likesAgreed
0 likesYes but this is when she was not in the mlp Fandom
0 likesWell she was bad from the start she wasn’t friends with them for a second
1 like@thatbozobri really? It seems like I have only watched season 1 on Netflix
0 likes@Aly Qoura still evil
0 likes@The Asprey Sisters true but even tho she was faking it, she still betrayed twilight and all that, cause they thought that she was good. So it checks our
0 likesYes,I agree
0 likesYeah and spitfire turned good 😭
0 likesThank you ! I’ve seen a,most all wonder bolt episodes and what did spitfire even do I think lighting dust would be betrayal ..
0 likesAgreed 👍
0 likes@Vanilla Milkshakes Cozy could be Deceit because she did lied to the hole school 🏫 the CMC and the student 6 as well as the mane 6 and I think Tirek fits betrayal more because he betrayed his family as for Chrysalis she would be greed or cruelty and sombra would be dark magic
1 like@sweet chicken nugget exactly
0 likes@Vanilla Milkshakes YEAH WHEN SHE FAILED SHE BECAME * E. V. I. L*
0 likes@sweet chicken nugget it was actually season 5.
0 likesIf the young 6 have elemental powers these would be their powers
101 likesSandbar : Ice
Smolder : Fire
Silverstream : Hydro
Gallus : Lightning
Yona : Earth
Ocellus : Energy
Replies (9)
Is enargy nature magic, cause if it's not then it makes no sense
2 likes@G5 Studio energy, makes me think of chakra v: in naruto XDD
1 like@La Salsa or avatar lol
1 likeSilverstream? We got my least favorite warrior cat here?
3 likes@plut0ven ikr! I was watching mlp and when Silverstream popped up I was freaking out becuase of the warrior cat. And my family just looked at me like i was nits.
0 likesLittlecloud is my fav cat tho lol
Actually I think sandbar should be water
1 likeI like this, but I think Ocellus should be "Nature", rather, in my opinion; because, thermal(heat) and electrical energy are taken already.
0 likes@plut0ven imao i had the same thought 💀 but there is actually a Silverstream in mlp, i think shes a hippogriff
0 likesSound like lego ninjago stuff to me
0 likesI have an idea
17 likesTrixie had the alicorn amulet
Rarity got a book of spells.
The dazzling have the crystal necklaces.
The other two are missing or were destroyed.
Replies (1)
Dont forget the picture of Dumbldore!
0 likesNightmareMoon- Treachery
745 likesMaster Discord -Insanity
Queen Chrysalis-Deception
King Sombra- Cruelty
Lord Tirek -Greed
Starlight Glimmer - Magic of Isolation
Replies (45)
Yeah that makes sense EXCEPT most of them are either dead or reformed
73 likesStarlight Glimmer: Magic of Communism.
53 likesI mean what if you based it instead on the deadly sins as it would make sense as our world is in disharmony cuz of those sins
4 likes@Teddy Laté make sense but she would also wwork for wwrath
0 likesIn that case Starlight used magic on the earth and created corona
6 likes@XYZ lol shes just like "oops..." honestly imagine if cozy glow managed to take away all magic and the human world is the result i mean we are pretty disharmonious
3 likesCozy Glow should be betrayal
4 likesPuppygamer 99 WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂
2 likes@Jupiter Girl 6007 Not Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was never reformed. Luna was the one who was reformed. She left the dark side and repented, but Nightmare Moon is literally her evil side that can't be reversed. She has already transformed once, Nightmare Moon is still part of her, just her good side is much stronger.
2 likesJupiter Girl 6007 lol
0 likesRamieverse ! I love how you rewrote the elements of disharmony
1 likeBrigitte Pajares yes but before she was bad
0 likesPotatoes Can Fly lol
0 likesI agree
0 likes@Sapphire Star Even tho they are counted as sins, without them we would also be screwed. We just mustn't get them take over us.
0 likes@Fixielle wwell not entirely i mean sin is kinda like geometry the main reason you learn it (As far as i know) is to teach it its a thing that exists for itself sin exists cuz of itself say lying you lie sometimes for good purposes but those purposes could be cuz of a certain flaww in life like maybe you are hiding someone in your house to protect them you are forced to lie to the person searching for them cuz that person wants to harm them which is a sin if that person didnt wish harm you'd have no reason to hide the 1st person these things exist in some good ways simply cuz of the bad side so not really if there was no sin in the wworld no flaws it would technically be a perfect world although thats impossible not to meantion sin also exists cuz someone waanted to do something they knewww they shouldnt good or bad use of things everything sorta winds back into the fabric of the world affect and effect and such if that makes any sense
0 likesSunset Shimmer is now reformed to a good person person.
1 like@Amalesh De that is true but if she was to go evil or lose control or such well yeah
0 likesAnd now Starlight could be the element of magic of social distancing!
3 likes@Celeste Sucro lol
0 likesPuppygamer99 *trying not to laughg
0 likesShes nice now. A full grown mayor of the changlings reformed
2 likes@Rahma Jamaa Thats alot of ands
0 likesStarlight is good now sooo
1 likeShouldnt starlight have deception? She tricked an entire town of ponies into thinking that everypony is the same.
1 likeAlicia Chiminje hmm, maybe. I’m just gunna say real quick, daybreaker doesnt count, it was just a creation in starlight’s dreams.
0 likes@Alicia Chiminje
0 likesI’ll note real quick, it’s not entirely gone away, she has the magical capabilities in her vanes to keep doing so.
Well, there are a few problems with that. Nightmare moon is now Luna, discord is reformed queen chrysalis is turned to stone with lord tirek and cozy glow. And king Sombra died and starlight glimmer is reformed
0 likes@Kelsie Shelley I think there might be ‘seemingly harmful harmony’ (or some other name for that,) elements. Mentioned in tirek’s monologue, his brother scorpan ‘Warned celestia of tirek’s scheme,’ but of course, because he wasn’t a pony, nobody believed him. They could’ve thought he meant harm, but I’m guessing his element could be.. ‘Aching (or not) Truth?’
0 likes@Jupiter Girl 6007 yup
0 likesBut starlight is good now she is reformed
1 likeCozy glow: magic of isolation
1 like*pre-reformation starlight glimmer
1 likeNice
0 likesWeeeelll Starlight and Discord are reformed.
0 likesNightmare Moon: She's back to Luna, woo!
0 likesDiscord: Reformed in some way?
Chrysalis & Tirek: Turned to stone.
Sombra: Dead.
Starlight Glimmer: Reformed, she became good.
3 are reformed,I destroyed,two still evil
0 likes@bee the change this is the best thing I’ve heard all day🤣🤣🤣
0 likesTHE LIKES ARE 666!!!!!!!!
0 likesWhaT ThE F*Ck iS ThIS
0 likes@bee the change and idk what pony, the magic of FACISIM
0 likes@bee the change soyuz nerushimy…
0 likes@bee the change OH GO-
0 likesMost of them are refirmed or dead and besides can the elements even be used on a non pony?
1 likeIllusion*
0 likesYou know, in Season 2, The return of harmony part 1 and 2, Discord turns the main 6 into pretty much the opposite of themselves. What if the elements of disharmony are the main 6, but they just choose to show the harmony part of themselves. I haven't put much thought into this, it's just what I think goes with the vid. 😊
15 likesBasically the elements of harmony are the elements of disharmony. It just depends on how you use them.
There's the Elements of Insanity, but I NEED more Elements of DISharmony in the actual MLP:FiM episodes.
34 likesAm I the only one who loves how when Sawtooth does a video with EventHorizon they're fighting and insulting each other but with CC they're being so nice and disagreeing in the most peaceful way possible-
9 likesThe elements of harmony: Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, optimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of friendship.
4 likesThe elements of disharmony: Greed, Deception, harshness, treachery, pessimism; combine those five elements to get the sixth element of harmony, the magic of enmity.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
819 likesThere is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force
Replies (22)
The Wanderer yeah yeah we get the point
2 likesBut one cannot exist without the other
1 likeI’m in 2050
0 likesDiscord has entered the chat
4 likesAnger leads to hate
11 likesHate leads to sufering
Sufering leads to the darkside
Words of a wisdom
3 likesYes there is Chaos! - Discord
1 likeThe is no hotel, there is trivago
3 likesThe Wanderer wait aren’t emotion and passion GOOD?
1 likeStarcea Silvester a Harry Potter character (Professor Trewlawny) said that…
1 likeThen there’s so balance. And people aren’t people without emotion and passion.
2 likesThere is no hotel, there is trivago
0 likes:3
0 likes@•Starry Sky Light• ACTUALLY THERE IS 663 LIKES OMG ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° (◍•ᴗ•◍)
0 likes@LucasHFTheWolf well well well if it isn't my old chum,remember me >:)
1 like@scvv no....was it about the guy almost getting raped by a horse?
0 likesthe force
0 likesepic poem
0 likes@Yuri Gacha-San USE THE FORCE!
0 likesSombra’s Horn is an element. As well with the necklace.
274 likesReplies (6)
3 likesMe:
6 likesMe: Gimme that. I want to collect these now.
@castor ! what
5 likes@Dobby The Houself oh hi dobby i didnt know u liked mlp
4 likesWhat if the elements are already found? Sombras necklace and horn , Raritys book and The Sirens 3 necklaces
1 likeI Think That The Element Of Magic Is Actually The Balance Between The 5 True Elements Of Harmony And The 5 (Not 6) Elements Of Disharmony
18 likesCC: didnt gandalf say that?
423 likesshows picture of dumbledore
Replies (17)
then wt about grogar?
4 likesYou shall not pass
7 likeslol
3 likesIkr i was like 😶 maybe ur working a little too hard
6 likesIvy
3 likes@Aubrey Baird LMAO yes
3 likeshow to piss off many fandoms at once
3 likes@wonder lol
1 like@*.•°3MB3R°•.* lol
1 likey e s
0 likesHmmm
0 likesHARRY DID U PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE dumbledore said calmly
1 like@ayn LOL
0 likes@Berta Dellasala the element of disharmony makes me think of the element of insanity videos made by invertedshadow where brutalight is the element of brutality or insanity, rarifruit is greed, apple pills is the element of addiction, pinkis cupcake is the element of either madness or bloodlust, fluttershout is cruel and rainbine is cybernetics if I remember ^^💧
1 likeYes I noticed too
0 likesI think the elements of DISharmony formed the alicorn amulet since it can beat twillights lvl
52 likesThe alicorn amulet makes sense.
2 likesThe gem in the middle looks like the element of generosity’s gem.
Also Trixie got it to get more power, The opposite of generosity.
Well when you were talking about the relics it could be another way of showing the elements of disharmony just like in season 8 when the different relics went to each of the main students as the color of the normal elements. This could be the same with the elements or relics of disharmony.
3 likesI would say cozy glow would be the elemant of dark magic. I mean, she acts to gets friends and she wants power. Sunset is from Canterlot in another world, shes now changed.
5 likesThats my theory, what do u guys think? I like ur vids and theories Sawtooth waves! 😄
Edit: She would also make a good one for betrayal. Acting to get friends knowing that she wants power for herself = betrayal
Cruelty: King Sombra (He was a tyrant when he ruled the Crystal Empire)(IDK)
11 likesSelfishness: Lord Tirek (He stole all the ponies' strength, flight, and magic(and Discord's powers)for himself)(The book from Inspiration Manifestation)
Deception: Chrysalis (Pretends to be other ponies/creatures)(IDK)
Treachery: Cozy Glow (Betrayed Mane 6 when she tried to take over the school)(IDK)
Fear: Pony of Shadows (The Stygian part of him is reformed, but the shadow part they sent back to limbo made everyone scared of him like in the Castle Mane-ia episode)(IDK)
Magic of Isolation/Dark Magic: Grogar(The REAL Grogar, not Discord!)(Created monsters and ruled over a young Equestria)(Alicorn Amulet)
Replies (3)
Deciet- Gladmane (he lied to people and tricked them into if he is there only friend) IDK
1 likeooh yeeeeee
0 likesWell, I go by which virtue defeats it...
0 likesChrysalis' throne would be anti-magic. It was destroyed by love/friendship.
Alicorn Amulet: greed -- wearer must give it away.
and the Book: deception - since the spell could ONLY be broken by truth. Eating the book didn't help - though that means it's not around anymore.
"Coocoo crazy banana bonkers"
311 likesI'ma start using that
Replies (13)
Me too lmao
4 likesSame
2 likesAkita Girl Same
2 likesMe toob o clock
2 likesLmao same
2 likesSameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2 likesLMAO yes!
1 like@Zara Ayub khan thanks?
1 likeLAMO
1 likeHahahaha
1 likeMe too, thx
1 likeSAME
1 likeI already did
1 likeThe elements of disharmony would be more phycological than a physical item, so depression would be gloom or something. After all, everything about the elements of disharmony are opposite of the element of harmony!
2 likesI always kind of expected Discord to set up his own anti-mane 6 with some evil counterparts and elements of disharmony.
1 likeMaybe the elements of harmony and disharmony are the same thing.
13 likes"May the force beam you up Katniss."
1034 likes-Gandalf, Headmaster of Hogwarts
Replies (59)
Cringe-worthy, I know.
96 likes@The Brony Notion It's like this one picture I saw that said,
77 likes"You're a wizard, Luke" ~Doctor Who
And it had a picture of Spock.
@HippoPig21 XD
6 likesOMG
14 likesi just say you're a lizard harry
"You're a Divergent,Harry"
26 likesI mean,he would still have a whole group of people after him. . . .
And all the fallen klingon reunite in Stovokor singing tales of victory over the orcs of mount doom. :P
6 likes@HippoPig21 i get why there would be the Doctor and the picture of Spock but why Luke?
4 likes@stormy giroux I dunno!
2 likesOk
1 likeMay the divergent force beam you up in derpy hooves' TARDIS, Katniss
4 likesDerpy doesn't have a T.A.R.D.I.S. the doctor does
2 likes@stormy giroux I'm just mixing up fandoms plus the force isn't divergent and it can't beam people up
1 likei know :P
0 likesok that was 4 mixmatched movies/books in 1 sentence. LOL
1 likeLol dis is soooo weird y was dis in da video
0 likes@Zane Wedgeworth 5 actually, beam you up instead of beam me up scotty from star trek
1 likeYup he got his movies mixed up
0 likesI read this before cc brought it up and it confused me greatly
0 likes@loliheartfoxy same Lol
0 likesHahahahaha!!
1 likeBrony notion I want to send you to funky town
0 likesHippoPig21 Dumdledor is the headmaster of hogwarts
1 likeActually, Gandalf is headmaster.
2 likesMoira Shaughnessy Dumbledore is the headmaster
4 likesFace palms Muggles
3 likesMoira Shaughnessy Gandalf: Lord of the Rings.
2 likesDumbledor: Harry Potter
like how do you not know that?
Parzival The Fact that I'm watching Harry Potter in the TV
0 likesParzival the headmaster of Hogworts is Albus Dumbuldor
0 likesDish armany
1 likeParzival ha ha ha so funny
0 likesOh my god 😂
1 likeTHREE fandoms in one. clap clap
0 likesAllison Schaffer it's a joke dude calm down
1 likeParzival
5 likesFandom's this excluded
Star Wars
The Hunger Games
The Lord of The Rings\The Hobbit
Harry Potter
Maya the Meif'wa Sorry *4 Because
3 likesStar Wars
The Hunger Games
The Lord of the Rings\The Hobbit
Harry Potter
NEEEEEEEERRRRD!!!!! Edit: Ahem, sorry
1 likePluto Jerusalem he should have said something like this Gandalf didn’t he say that while he was playing Pokémon go
1 likeLOL
1 likewhy??? just. WHY
1 likeHey didn't get didn't Gandalf say that on the Millennium Falcon
1 like@blossomedits_aj de crutch gfsygbddjf bhdfhf CBGB GB gg.finished hey IR a week or next weekend
1 like@blossomedits_aj sorry I fell asleep with my phone on
1 likeLolol
1 likeNuuu where is Dumbledore
1 likeI'm dead xD
1 likeThe Brony Notion 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 you REALY love your fans
1 likeHead master, hogwarts dont tell me you're Dumbledore
1 likeOh god..........
1 like.
1 likeCombining Harry Potter, hunger games, the lord of the rings and Star Wars, ha
1 likePluto Jerusalem albus double door
1 like... save me
0 likesPluto Jerusalem Isn’t it dumbledoor?
1 likeOkay Star Wars, Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter......uh
2 likes@Pluto Jerusalem XDDDD
1 like@Pluto Jerusalem my potterhead heart cringed upon reading that
0 likeshem hem-
0 likesWhat- isn't Gandalf dumbledores long lost brother?
0 likesI might know but starlight glimmer’s cutie mark has a part that looks like Twilights cutie mark so what if starlight glimmer‘s cutie mark is basically the opposite of twilight’s crown So yeah that’s all I’m really guessing
5 likesCc's "may the force beam u up" line is how to piss of 7 fandoms at once.
36 likesI think the Anti element of Magic should be the Element of Power.
1 likeSince the good ones have mostly magic, the evil people who absorb it or have it, they might call it Power
I remember watching this when I was little . Rewatching it now , brings back memories.
2 likesbut we have already seen the 'Elements of Disharmony' (maybe) in 'the return of harmony' when Discord 'corrupts' the mane six right? the liar, the grump, the hoarder, the brute and selfish. (S.2 Ep.2)
899 likesReplies (29)
And when Chrysalis makes the Mean Six. I think that if the Mean Six wore the Elements of Harmony, then they would turn into the Elements of Chaos/Disharmony.
62 likesThose are the bearers, these guys are talking the items themselves.
13 likesThe hoarder, is selfish. It's the same thing. I think u mean, betrayer
6 likesSimply..... THE ELEMENTS OF INSANITY are the elements of disHarmony right???
5 likesMore sensable than this video, I guess.
2 likes@GaRbS i guess we know now that, the bearers represent the elements.
3 likesHi joon
2 likesYou mean the Liar, the Grump, the Hoarder, the Brute and the Betrayer
5 likesDiscord is the all of the elements of disharmony
1 likeJade Ho you are right, but we still have no clue on what ARE the gems of the ‘Elements of Disharmony’? Probably this might be it:
2 likesAlicorn Amulet- Opposite of Magic
Rarity’s Book- Opposite of Generosity
Sirens’ Necklaces- ???
Im not sure about the others though
Good that’s correct
1 like@Sienna Frost thats true,,, however we learn that the elements are not necessarily always bound to a gem, and neither to just one person, but it is found in people who represent harmony... people who represent disharmony could simply be a group of people who do not work well together, e.g. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy glow at the end of the series.
1 likeAlso the elements of disharmony dont have to be 'used for bad' for example, discord is literally DISCORD, but he is still a good person at heart, meaning well for the main six
1 likeDid you know that it showed them in the video
2 likes@CCABP what do you mean?
0 likes@Valentina Mitrović hi jiminie :D
0 likesLol
0 likesWe still need a disharmony element for twilight bc she wasnt turned evil
0 likes@AppleDashFan she has, in episodes like S2 E2, S8 E13, and maybe even S2 E3.
0 likesOkAy thiS iS A biT diFFeREnT to WHAt i LAst suGGEsteD bUT;,,
1 likeWhat if the "elements of disharmony" ARE the elements of harmony, hear me out-
As the Brony Notion quotes at 4:18 "in the light, there is a darkness and in the darkness, a light". Simply meaning one cannot exist without the other; 'A shadow is a darkness cast by an object blocking the light. If there were no light, then there could be no shadows'.
MAYBE, the elements of harmony literally mean "disharmony/bad" and "harmony/good" WORKING together in HARMONY to create forces such as friendship, love, sun/moon, and to protect Equestria.
Its hard to explain everything in one comment, so i'd love to see The Brony Notion do an updated version on this theory!! After all we have learnt so many things now that the show is finished.
@Sienna Frost The siren's necklaces would be the opposite of loyalty since they cause fighting and feed off of negative energy.
1 like@Jennifer Smith maybe the opposite of laughter? the three of them always stuck together so i feel loyalty is a bit ehh
0 likes@unloathe ho True...
1 likeDrawing with Leoleeparker21!!! nah, insanity refers to the mental state of a consciousness. Discord is a better term for Disharmony than insanity
0 likesThat CAN be possible
0 likesNina Ben-Ami i meaan, Selfishness is broader. Hoarder specifically refers to items, and selfishness can refer to anything else, including ego
1 like@HeyItzRane Mane six*
0 likesI don't think so. The elements had the same color, even though the main six were corrupted.
0 likesIf there was new ones where they are
1 likeCozy Glow:Munipulation
Chrysalis: Liar (because she can change how she looks)
Terik: abuse of power
Irk about the rest
Since the elements of harmony are just symbols as stated in the ending of the end part 2, maybe the elements have the ability to symbolize disharmony if used for the wrong reasons which would explain why Twilight's own element turned Sunset Shimmer into a demon. I think the only reason why the elements didn't work on the mane 6 corrupted by Discord was because they weren't really interested in doing anything with the elements.
1 likeI think the evil elements would actually belong to (if they exist)
17 likesCruel : Sombra
Selfish : Flim and flam
Lying : Cozy glow
Disloyal : Tirek
Gloom: Chrysalis
Evil magic: Grogar
(I’m not counting anyone who got reformed)
Replies (1)
I think gloom is Pony of shadows
0 likeshere’s what i think:
1 likefirst, the elements of disharmony don’t need to be the exact opposite of the elements of harmony, since what the pillars represent are exactly synonymous with the elements of harmony
second, i think that the elements of disharmony would be jealousy, greed, power, manipulation, fear, and chaos
discord-chaos, cozy glow-manipulation, nightmare moon-jealousy, sombra-fear, chrysalis-greed and tyrek-power
Maybe the Elements of disharmony don't actually represent the exact opposite of the elements of Harmony. They're different, but similar. If it was the opposite then the alicorn amulet should have used the opposite of magic (whatever that may be).
1 likeInstead, they still represent the same elements, but they're taken to the extreme to the point that they become a force for Evil.
It would explain why Trixie was instead using magic for evil instead of for good like Twilight. And when Rarity used that book, she thought she was still being generous, but it was taken to the extreme, to the point that she was forcing her wants on others.
I have a theory to match ‘Five missing elements of Disharmony’….. in the first episode, there are five elements found first. With Disharmony, everything will probably be different including how many are missing. The alicorn amulet was the only supposed element of Disharmony known. With the elements of harmony, there are five that are known. What I’m basically saying is :
1 likeFive missing elements of Disharmony - 1 known.
One missing element of Harmony - 5 known.
If they are opposites on other things, it makes sense for this to just be another ‘spark’ prophecy.
I love how 5/6 of the bearers have some kind of connections or relationship with the original harmony element bearer.
0 likesYou know how after Sombra kapowed the harmony tree the spirit of harmony began showing up, well The Brony Notion did a video after this one saying Discord is the parallel to the harmony spirit as he represents chaos. Wouldn't it then make sense if there was a chaos tree of some sorts that was destroyed and Discord is the released spirit. The tree would've probably been destroyed a little before Celestia and Luna first banish Discord as they haven't seen him before. In addition, one could say that teh different animals discord is made up of are the species of teh chaos element barers . It'd make sense because the barers would work independently so discord is like a blend of them whereas twilight best represents all her friends qualities combined so the tree of harmony took her form.
1 likeElements of Harmony to Disharmony are :
43 likesMagic-Evil Magic
Yor Welcome
Replies (4)
3 likesKindness would be rudeness or hatred I think
2 likes@eunahjang Actually, I think it would be known as wrath
2 likes@The Baking Gamer or cruelty
3 likesdark doesn't always mean evil, its just dark. plus the elements of disharmony could be used by some of the protagonists as long as they embody the element
0 likesActually, in the comics, there's another reality that balances Equestria by having all the characters on the opposite side (Sombra is good, Celestia is evil,...) so if the elements of disharmony exists, they'd rather be there.
0 likesI like to imagine that when the elements of disharmony fight each other their power grows.
0 likesI think friendship and teamwork, the kind of stuff that make evildoers unstoppable, would transform the elements of disharmony, because that's part of harmony! Even if they knew that they would be stronger together, they would probably also know that the power in those gems would dissolve if they used harmony to create disharmony.🤔
0 likesMaybe the elements of disharmony are trapped inside the elements of harmony and celestia and Luna thought that it would be safe since the barriers of the elements kept them safe
184 likesReplies (5)
IceGodSlayer good theroy
2 likesIceGodSlayer h
1 likeOh! And then, when Nigthmare moon broke them, she released the elements of disharmoni! Because she would remember that they captured them when she was still Luna! That makes sense!
1 like(I think)
Bloodmoon and Midnight I have another idea! Maybe the elements of disharmony weren’t trapped in the elements but their power was.So the necklace that she bought didn’t have any power until Nightmare Moon broke it.Maybe I’m just being stupid....
1 like@Morai no that makes sense
0 likesThe alicorn ambulet: element of corruption magic
2 likesRarity's spell book: the element of selfishness
Siren' necklace: the first one dishonesty second unhappiness third greed
I think Discord is the "counterweight" for the elements of harmony.
0 likesHe is the spirit of disharmony, the embodiment of chaos.
What if the elements of harmony could be turned into the elements of disharmony and back, but only the most powerful ponies could do it, like the alicorns, and what if the were turned into the elements of disharmony centuries ago and before they turned them back they used them to create dark magic items to keep the balance in the future and to keep the elements of harmony good.And what if starsworld the bearded translated ancient texts talking about alicorns, but he couldn’t figure out how to bring alicorns back and didn’t figure it out until clover the clever told him about her experience in the cave with the three leaders and their helpers.
2 likesI have a theory of my own but may not be canon:
1 likeHave you ever heard of My Little Pony the Movie? Yes, I watched it too. And after I watched it, as a gift, my relatives gave me a comic book; My Little Pony: The Prequel. I was intrigued by the book, it was entertaining, but I now realize...
Basically, the book revolved around this green jewel necklace called the ‘Misfortune Malachite’. It caused misfortune, suffering, and destruction to whoever held it. It was stolen from the castle of (I forget) and taken by the Storm King. The king and queen warned him of it’s power, but he didn’t listen and took it anyway, leaving the kingdom in ruins. This is also where Capper sneaks onto one of his ships. And so, the story progresses, changing the owners of the jewel, from Storm King, to Capper, then finally, to Tempest. This specific chapter shows Tempest decided to team up with the Storm King and him taking back the malachite.
If you read this far and are interested yourself, please, go purchase My Little Pony the Movie: Prequel for yourself and see that this IS one of the Elements of Disharmony, most likely the opposite of laughter, misfortune. Or it may be the opposite of generosity. WHATEVER. Just thank you for reading this far. Have a nice day.
Ok, so this is a good theory but I have another one for you. Twilights element can work alone in the human world so I think it is the same with Trixies alicon thing. All of the element of disharmony are at Crystal Prep, and that neckalce somehow got into Equestria. It is the “leading” neckalce so it can work alone. And since the main one is in Equestria all of the other ones are useless.
0 likesIn the first 2 episodes of season 2, when the ponies go through the maze, them and their elements turn into the elements of disharmony, they become opposites😯
1 likeAlso I say the the crown sunset wore was the element of evil magic, the book from Rarity is the element of greed, the a alicorn amulet is the element of cruelty, the main sirens gem is the element of boredom, the left siren gem is the element of lyingness, and the right siren is the element of betrayal.
0 likesPuts a photo of Dumbledore on the screen
179 likesMe: Breaks into song: SNAPE SNAPE SEVERUS SNAPE DUMBLEDORE!
Replies (13)
That song is not funny anymore
0 likesAnd gacha life is stupid
1 likeBoi why you always lying?🤦♂️
4 likeshttps://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
4 likesSorry
@Hudd I don’t use it, nor have the app. I just like the style, also thats your opinion. In my heart, the song will always be memorable and funny.
3 likesso i'm not the only one... nice!
3 likesI like that song but whats it to do with mlp dobbyyyyyyyy 😂
2 likesThe Potterheads have arisen
3 likes@AntonioDucc no, your stupid
1 likeOops sorry I was dumb back then
0 likesLol
1 likesnape
2 likessnape
severus snape
So, what is the element Trixie had, and why did it seem to distort her mind unlike the elements of harmony?
34 likesAlso wouldn't the opposite of friendship magic be not evil magic, but animosity magic?
Replies (3)
Phesheya Bhembe the reason it did that is it is the oppasite to the elements of harmony so does the oppasite to the ponys .
1 like@Ciannait Owens Deane What does the elements of harmony do that can be thought of as the opposite of mind altering the user?
0 likeselements of disharmony would probably destort your mind, well it's possible The elements of Harmony bring your mind and focus.
0 likesAlso I agree with the second part
Here’s my theory: both the elements of harmony and disharmony exist, but as one physical item. If an element of harmony was worn by the bearer of the corresponding element of disharmony, it would either turn into or be used as an element of disharmony. Like what happened when sunset wore twilight’s crown
0 likesnow you need to rework this theory with Starswirl’s tree of harmony in mind. i feel like this could create a good head canon since nothing can disprove it now
1 likeI think one of the elements of disharmony is king sombra's necklace armor jewel thing on his chest and he may have been good but it may have corrupted him
2 likesWell, yeah, Twilights element did turn Sunset Shimmer into something awful… but that’s only because she didn’t use it the way it was meant to be. The crown itself realized her true intentions and THATS what turned her into the demon she became.
0 likesRaritys book=lust makes more sense because the more rarity wanted something the more it took over oppite of genorosity
1 likeSirens jewels=wrath they spread there wrath of anger through equestria and then the jewles absorbed all of that wrath oppiste of kindness
Alicorn amulet=Pride not evil magic trixie got more powerful the more pride she had and the minute she had loads of pride her eyes glowed red oppiste of magic
Those are the crystals by can replace them all
Oppiste of honesty is greed because they wont stop at nothing untl they get what they want even if it mean being dishonest and this flows perfectly with flim and flams charcter
Oppiste of loyalty is sloth not caring to anyhting at all
Oppiste of laghter is gluttony somebody who is a glutton for no laghter
As you said jewles can hold magic but with raritys book or any of the other elemnts of disharmony they have to be summoned
If the whole point of the elements of disharmony is to be opposites of the elements of harmony then maybe just maybe they will be totally opposite.
1 likeIf the elements of harmony Exits
And the elements of disharmony are opposites of them ....
Then they probably don’t exist either
I highly doubt the elements of disharmony could be used: they involve elements of disharmony (duh) which includes the inability to actually cooperate. If they could be used, it would be individually, with each causing a specific sort of damage, maybe Betrayal/Disloyalty being able to scatter groups of tightly bonded friends, or anger to cause chaos in groups.
0 likesThe elements of disharmony would negate each other in the same way that the elements of harmony reinforce each other. Kind like matter and antimatter.
What if the Nightmare Moon VS. Celestia battle was different than what was showed?
0 likesInstead of Nightmare Moon being stronger than Celestia, she was using the elements of disharmony against her. Celestia then would use the elements of harmony to banish Celestia to the moon. When Nightmare Moon returns, she doesn't show the elements directly but she still has them; but when she is destroyed, so are the elements of disharmony; except the Alicorn Amulet, of course.
Also, there is always an opposite universe. For example: when you decided to eat cereal instead of a donut for breakfast, there is a universe where you ate that donut for breakfast. So in another universe, the elements of disharmony do exist and are used very often and the elements of harmony are still to be fully discovered.
51 likesReplies (9)
Like the dimension that I hate gacha and that my boyfriend is my enemy
3 likes@EnderX oh my gosh, so in a different dimension I hate gacha?! I HATE MY ALTERNATIVE SELF
3 likeswell, a theoretical one
1 like@Yuri Gacha-San in that dimension, they love you.
1 like@Summer's Timely Cringe HOLY SHEET
1 like@Yuri Gacha-San LAUGHS
1 likeIn the alternative universe, they would've said that you hated them.
`Aryuki` yh that could exist as there is an human alternative world
1 likeU mean mirror
0 likesShevon Ong what
0 likesI believe that the elements of disharmony were shown in season 8 episode 13. when queen chrysalis turns trees into the main 6 they resemble the complete opposite of the elements of harmony so maybe they were the spirits of disharmony in the form of the main six?
0 likesWell of course the elements of disharmony(probably) exist! If nightmare moon was able to make a dark version of the wonderbolts, then she could create a dark version of the elements,right? And plus there was an episode for each pony where they weren't acting like their element but that episode is also the episode that they get the relic that turns into a key in season 4. So the elements of disharmony probably do exist as mentioned in the video,there are dark relics that turn a character evil like Trixie and the alicorn stone thingy or the book that gave rarity all of those speels to make things "pretty" etc. BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A FILM THEORY
0 likesIs it possible that discord may have transformed some of his magic into the necklace that trixie had used,I mean, discord is still the spirit of disharmony,right?
0 likesTough its now a long time later,the bell that tirek,cozy glow and crysalis used might be one sign of the disharmony?
I’m genuinely upset that the show didn’t even suggest the idea that the elements of disharmony.
0 likesThey could’ve done a season where they have to try and find the evil elements
I think they may have existed at one point, but were destroyed and the spirit of disharmony from the anti elements manifested into discord
0 likesHi, just thought I'd give my two cents on the bearers themselves, I was never too sure on the element items themselves...
As Twilight said in the end, the physical elements were just symbols! Here's the two sides of the coin in my opinion
The Pillars — Mane 6 — Student 6
Strength — Honesty — Determination | Yona
Bravery — Loyalty — Reliability | Smolder
Beauty — Generosity — Initiative | Ocellus
Healing — Kindness — Empathy | Gallus
Hope — Laughter — Joy/Optimism | Silverstream
Sorcery — Magic — Unity | Sandbar
(Gallus was the first kind Griffin we know of and Sandbar brought them together to the castle of the two sisters to be together)
Mane 6 - disharmony element | embodiment
Laughter - Misery | Chrysalis
Generosity - Avarice | Tirek
Honesty - Deception | Cozy Glow
Loyality - Betrayal | Tantabus [Nightmare Moon]
Kindness - Cruelty | King Sombra
Magic - Power | Grogar
You're welcome.
I don't think there are elements of "disharmony" because "disharmony" goes by a more common name... Discord, literally defined as "a lack of Harmony". He is the spirit of chaos incarnate. Therefore, unlike the Elements of Harmony, which needs multiple individuals to come together, harmoniously, he best preforms alone.
0 likesRewatching this now with the show ending I gots a theory u-u
0 likesI think it's possible for the elements of disharmony to exist. However there should be certain things that have to happen like the elements of harmony and how they were created.
Let's start with the tree of harmony. It was planted and therefore boom the elements were born. But maybe those that are corrupt could do the same just with dark power. Obviously-
Next we have the question 'who would represent the dark elements?' Well it's simple. Grogar's little squad will take 5 of them:
Grogar - Power (as he lead them all and wanted destruction of the mane 6)
Chrysalis - Cruelty (she was mean to pretty much everyone like her hive sometimes and the mane 6)
Cozy - Dishonesty (as she lied to everyone as we know)
Tirek - Greed (he wants magic for himself right?)
Sombra - Betrayed (this is because he was reluctant to work together and only focused on himself)
But obviously that's only five. What about the sixth? Who will take that role?
So basically I don't think it'll be discord. At the end of the show it seems he's been fully reformed or so it seems. However it couldn't have been him as if it was by now discord would've gotten some sort of punishment you'd think.
So who is the replacement you wonder?
Someone that's good.
Yeah that's right. Maybe someone like the mane 6 or the princesses will become corrupt and aid the darker side. If not do this on purpose. Why I think that is simple. It seems to be very easy for someone to undergo a switchero from good to bad. Like how easy it was for the vines to kidnap celestia and luna. If it's taken the smallest event like starlight's past just because of one tiny thing it won't mean it'll cause damage.
I don't think the designs will even look the same for the villains cus the elements we know of represent the mane 6's cutie marks. But this cannot follow the same trend for the new elements as most of the villains don't even have cutie marks. So instead it'll focus more on personality instead in my opinion.
Idk ;-;
We all know generosity is Rarity, and what I the opposite of generosity? Greed. That's why I think the book Rarity had found WAS an element of disharmony.
1 likethis is a video i keep coming back to for osme reason. i don't think that, if the elements of disharmony (i like to call them elements of dissonance) were to exist, they'd be PURELY evil - i think it comes from a misconception. the elements of harmony aren't 100% good and any of them in excess can be bad, that's why they need the others to 'harmonize' with to keep them in check:
0 likestoo much kindness can leave you vulnerable (which is why fluttershy had her whole arc about learning to assert herself when needed)
too much generosity can make you forget to take care of yourself, living for others and not you (which i believe is why they chose rarity for it, as she's already confident)
loyalty is only as good as whoever you're loyal to, and it's easy to lose yourself in it (without reaching to any tasteless real-world examples, wouldn't you say the pre-reformed changelings were extremely loyal to the hive? thorax (and you) were the exception, not the rule)
honesty in excess can lead to easily hurt feelings, i think we all know someone who's a jerk and justifies it as 'i'm just being honest'
laughter can be innapropiate in certain moments, and can be downright mean sometimes (evil villain laugh?)
and as we know, magic can go both ways. we've seen both twilight and midnight sparkle.
i think if there's elements of disharmony, they would have to be opposite, yet similar - not 100% bad, but something that is bad in excess but good in small amounts. magic would be the same, of course, but i would hitnk they wouldn't just go for the seven sins either? just food for thought.
also, given that the pillars of equestria had their own "elements" (sorcery, beauty, healing, hope, determination and bravery) it's not out of the question that they could be multiple sets
The Elements of Disharmony are real. Celestia and Luna destroyed their physical forms, but the spirits of the elements of disharmony were transferred into the elements of harmony yet the elements of harmony overpowered them and they lay dormant until something brings out the disharmony in the bearers. Evidence: the return of harmony.
1 likeThe elements of harmony came from the tree of harmony and discord is the opposite of harmony. So from what I've heard discord who'd have to create the elements of disharmony. At least in a fiscal form like the tree did. But it doesn't matter because the power doesn't come from the gemstone there just catalysts for there power of harmony and/or disharmony. So I think the disharmony there is true but that may not have a fiscal form or they may have been destroyed so it's also possible that the Alicorn amulet is one of them
0 likesOk so here's what I got, the red amulet thing is the OPPOSITE of the elements of harmony, so of there is a spell that makes a dark light if you do it in a room the other ones will appear. But just a thought.
29 likesThe amulet is a combo of loyalty and generosity from the shape and colours
2 likesThe owners the opposite elements are versions of the mane 6, perhaps even opposite colours.
3 likesI re watched this, and, didn't this already happened?
1 likeWhen chrysalis and her army wanted to take revenge, the changelings, took the forms of the mane six, including spike.
Although it wasn't the mane six who fought the changelings, it was starlight, discord, and Trixie.
I also remember another episode, where the mane six are separated, and was found by the other mane six, but complete opposite. Rarity, instead of being generous, was possible of a rock she found.
Did I make sense?
Also, I'm a fan!
I'm just commenting what I thought of.
Diamond Tiara being the element of cruelty and Blueblood being selfishness seems pretty accurate to me
0 likesMy theory: so if you get the alicorn amulet you create a dark spark and so the other amulets appear in other places in equestria.
159 likesReplies (12)
4 likessarah and sadie, that is really smart!!!!!!!!
3 likesGood theory. I read dark spank and was so confused.
2 likesSarah and Sadie yess
2 likesMaybe the alicorn amulet is all the amulets in one
1 likeThats works out....but who would have the power to do that? MY Theory is that maybe Twi-Sparks turns evil and she uses the Alicorn Amulet to make Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash,Rarity and Applejack EVIL too! And casts the same spell on the Elements of Harmony.
1 likeSarah and Sadie I have something to add the elements would all be hidden such as rarity’s book would turn into a amulet for selfishness
1 likeEvidence, please
1 likeWhat episode was that???
1 likeyet we haven't heard of or seen any of them in the slightest
0 likesLEAVE MAUD OUT OF THIS!!!! She's flat not sad. Her monatone is not a sad thing. Sometimes I TALK LIKE THAT!!!!! I'm not sad. Sometimes a voice Is just..... ---------- like that. And she loves ... sorry I just think someone else should be gloom... HUUUUUUUU = sound of inhale btw. .. TROUBLE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's perfect! !!
0 likes@FALSEHOOD PHONATED who is twi-sparks?
0 likesI don't think spitfire deserves a reputation being the element of betrayal. she actually works hard to make all her students elite flyers. and maud may have no personality, (no offence) she doesn't deserve the element of hate. because even though she is super dull, and has no expression, she loves her sister, and her family. she doesn't hate everything like an element of hate would. and diamond tiara got reformed, so she doesn't disserve her element either, but I agree with everything else
1 likeThis is incredibly late, but I feel like the elements of disharmony do exist, but not in the physical matter as the ones of harmony do. I feel it’s also necessary to be told that I’m not even caught up to the finale of g4, but I’d still like to try and share my input.
0 likesProven by later videos, the disharmony elements wouldn’t have been made into gems in the first place for reasons not said in this particular video. I think that the bearers of the elements of harmony (mane 6), are also the bearers of disharmony. My reasoning is because the opposites of what they stand for are the ones most often used to tempt them. In addition to this, is that the balance based argument in this video would be supported. Because the mane 6’s elements are so closely tied to them, it makes sense that they would also have the internal struggle of staying on the harmony side. The balance is already off, so the temptation is trying to get the mane 6 to be equal in both harmony and disharmony. So basically, opposites attract, always fighting for equilibrium. Thus, my reasoning that go for this theory. But, in the end that’s all it really is: a theory. A
GAMEHORSE THEORY— okay I’m sorry I had to.Interesting ways for the elements of disharmony to be a way for Gen 5 to explain why they are separated.
0 likesWatching back to these videos after season 8 i have a new theory for this. The elements of disharmony do exist but inside the elements of harmony hense why sunset shimmer was turned into a raging she demon because the element of disharmony magic was activated by her evil spirit we see this when the mean 6 perform the oposite actions of the elements of harmony around the elements of harmony
0 likesThe elements of disharmony are real because on season 2 (first 2 episodes) Discord gave them the elements of harmony which was fake. The real one was at Twilights tree house. Also Discord is the spirit of not just cheos but also disharmony
106 likesReplies (11)
Princess Cadence yes you are right!
4 likesPrincess Cadence
4 likeslol Cheos 😅
Chaos ;-;
5 likesChaos
2 likesDiscord is the spirit of balance bruh
2 likesPrincess Cadence chaos*
2 likesPrincess Cadence that’s what I was thinking
1 likeCheos? Don’t you mean Cheetos?
1 likePrincess cadence why are you squidward
1 likeYeah! The fake elements turned them into their opposites too! But then again, queen chrysalis made fake versions of the ponies and they were the exact opposite, so yeah.
0 likesThat does make sense...
0 likesI think the disharmony version of magic is power.
0 likesCozy glow has proved that. Friendship is magic but if it fallen into the wrong hand, it become power
I think the other five elements of disharmony were destroyed by Starswirl or something, but they lost the Alicorn Amulet. Or maybe the siren's necklaces are fragments of one of the elements....
0 likesWould this mean, if one were to be destroyed, it's counter part would get stronger 🤔? And what would happen if the element USER wore BOTH at once?
0 likes“May the forse beam you up, Katniss”
7 likesIm getting that hung up somewhere in my house hold on..
The Alicorn Amulet Had The Power Of An Alicorn, Of Course It'd Be Hard To Destroy.
0 likesSombra's Horn: The Element Of Fear
The Alicorn Amulet: The Element Of Power
Grogar's Bell: The Element Of Greed
Rarity's Book: The Element Of Selfishness
The Siren's Necklaces: The Element Of Manipulation
(There could be more items, You can reply if you think another item could fit into this :D)
I'm about to go on a rant, so get prepared for a lot of reading. I kind of hopped on this theory about there being an elements of disharmony. I don't really understand the origins that much, but there is still some kind of the opposite of the main 6 here. On season 2 episode 2 discord reverse the main six, They all become themselves but opposite. Everything ends up fine in the end, but this is not the only time we've seen this. Season 8 episode 13 Chrysalis did just about the same thing but in a different way. She used a picture and a lock of their hair to summon the "mean 6". Chrysalis is version is all the same to discord's except twilight, but that can be easily explained. Twilight from season 2 to season 8 has developed more, as in twilight is now a princess, and twilight is an alicorn (as in a stronger and more powerful). So it's kind of is plausible that there could be a"mean 6", or elements of disharmony. Just wanted to bring that to light☺!
0 likesHold up. There was the Alicorn Amulet only right? With five other elements missing? When the Elements Of Harmony where introduced in the first season, one, the element of Magic, was missing. The other five were there. Coincidence?
0 likesHmm a little opinion
0 likesThe element of magic in the first EQ movie turned Sunset into a she demon because she was filled with negative emotions and evilness. But the Crystal's magic was different towards Twilight because her intentions are pure.
So IMO if the elements of harmony went to the wrong evil hands the magic in it will turn dark
Idk does this make sense??
Well... sunset shimmer was reformed and Diamond tiara learned the power of friendship and learned that her cutie mark wasn't what she thought
6 likesHere what I think
1 likeDark magic - sunrise dull.
Gloom- greyie cake
Disloyalty - solid slow
Greed- Commonity
Dishonesty- Orangejill
Cruelty- rushoutgping
All of these are characters I came up with. They would be inverted in colors.
I wanted to tell you, don't you all know that Diamond Tiara and Sunset Shimmer are reformed? They can't fit the chain and become the bearers. Neither can Spitfire. So, here is the updated version of the bearers.
0 likesBetrayal - Lightning Dust
Cruelty - Sombra
Evil Magic - The Dazzlings
Just a Hunch.
They could reform in season 9. So all I know is Grogar is evil magic!
2 likesThe alicorn amulet might be the element of greed because it has a rhombus crystal shape just like rarity’s and greed is the opposite of generosity
0 likesi think the “mean six” episode already showed us that there is the element of disharmony. Imagine if the mean six get the elements of harmony,they really could turn into the elements of disharmony,right?
0 likesBut if The elements of harmony was created by the tree of Harmony, planted by the pillars, how was the Element of disharmony created? Was there a tree of disharmony?
1 likeI've just had a brilliant idea.
0 likesWhat if, because of the balance, the Element of magic would have been imbetween. As in, if the Element was infused with a good heart, it would be harmonious. Yet, when infused with a dark/evil heart, it would cause disharmony, which is why sunset turned into a 'raging she-demon'!
Replies (1)
Am I a genius?
0 likesdamn hasbro needs to watch these it'll make the series come a lot faster and wayyy more juicy
229 likesReplies (21)
1 like:D
2 likesWell some one should
1 likeany one know how to contact hasbro
oh god i don't know but we can find it lol
1 likedo it
1 likewill xD
1 likeyaaaas
1 likeBeautygirl7767 YES
1 likeBeautygirl7767 YAAASSS❗
1 likeBeautygirl7767 yus so true
3 likesBeautygirl7767 it's for kid tho
2 likesYeah but come on wouldn't you want to see theses in the real episodes??😅
2 likesYES that would be so AWESOME
3 likesBeautygirl7767
3 likesBeautygirl7767
1 likeYAAAAS
1 likeBeautygirl7767 yes I agree
1 likeBeautygirl7767 Yea
4 likesOkxy_Avery but what if Hasbro is DUN DUN DUUUUNNN
5 likesOkxy_Avery you must animate stuff...
2 likesMy Theory-
1 likeDiscord is the creation of the elements of disharmony and the only reason the alicorn amulet survived in a sence is because it's more powerful then the others!
realistic but it does kind of remind me of the 7 deadly sins i think wwhat if the 5 elements of disharmony based more around the 7 deadly sins for example lust(getting love without returning it) = chrysalis / trek = greed (or gluttony since he eats magic in a sense) / cozy glow: envy / nightmare moon=anger/ king sombra= pride/ think about it the elements are generousity loyalty kindness honesty and magic your thinking of more of direct opposite wwhen you think about it greed and gluttony are both the opposite of generousity / envy is the opposite of loyalty (since envy usually leads to betrayal)/ anger/wwraith is the opposite of kindness since kindness is forgiving and wwarm while anger is cold and stubborn (as shown in mending fences when twilight goes to meet old friends only to find one of them holds a grudge and infact shuts herself off) pride is the opposite of honesty (kind of) since usually people will lie to hide their flaws like that time rainbow dash was framed (i forgot who by) but that guy was willing to shame someone else to save his own pride and wwwell as for magic and lust idk but you can see it but another thing that maybe that makes the elements strong is that they can affect other ponies wwho harbor similar feelings wwhich means that even the mane 5 would have trouble due since they arent perfect but i can imagine the elements of harmony can sorta cure but its harder since they dont have a area affect i can also imagine that people harbor these feelings the strongest would also be drawwn to the these elements which is how they find them give me a like or a comment if you think if this is reasonable a dislike or comment if you think im more likely wwrong
0 likesDisharmony would be too much dark or to much light. Harmony is balance. So is harmony really good and disharmony really bad? We have already seen harmony literally every single time a villain turns good. Such as luna, discord, starlight glimmer, sunset shimmer, shadow, midnight sparkle, and gloriosa daisy. Where there is bad there is good. The only disharmony I have seen is when queen chrysalis is defeated and the Siren's gems are destroyed. Do you agree?
1 likeWhat if since Princess Celestia used the elements of harmony on NightMare moon, besides Twilight, Princess Celestia is the beholder of the elements of harmony, while NightMare Moon is the beholder of the elements of disharmony?
0 likesGood theory and I agree with almost everything, but I don't think that Diamond Tiara should be the element of cruelty just because she was only a filly who teased people. Also, the elements of HARMONY'S wielders are very close with each other and share a special bond. Those ponies have never met each other and hardly share the same intention. Hmm, yes, yes, we have seen dark crystals as well as good cryslals (elements of harmony). Also, from what I can remember King Sombra's crytstals didn't possess any special powers.
201 likesReplies (14)
The Campbell Channel Well, it is disharmony in can be used invidually
16 likesThe Campbell Channel Let me give you and example. Sunset and Twilight, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, FF and Applejack, Maud and Pinkie Pie, and Rarity and Blue Bloods. I honestly don't know how Fluttershy relates to diamond tiara, so Ill let that one slide. All those combinations share at least a connection, and the villian has a faded version of the good version.
11 likesHey Camp, that "bond" thing makes sense, doesn't it?
3 likesWhat about Maud? She’s a party animal! Why is she gloom?
4 likesWell, disharmony is basically harmony with opposite rules, since the main 6 are always close, I’d expect that the wielders of disharmony don’t contact eachother that much. But I do agree that Diamond Tiara shouldn’t have the element of cruelty just because she makes fun of others... and she’s starting to be a little bit better personality wise.
7 likesThe them not knowing each other part kind of does make sense, as it’s DISHarmony.
4 likesHa ha nerd
2 likesHa ha nerd #LOL
2 likesThe Campbell Channel I agree
2 likesPilo 115 Fluttershy is kind and diamond tiara is unkind. So that means that the elements of disharmony is opposite of the elements of harmony!
3 likesThe less the group know each other the less they will be able to relate creating more arguments and more disharmony and making the elements stronger. Also most of the time they would be used apart since they are stronger
4 likesThe Campbell Channel it’s a great theory
5 likesSeason 8 spoilers below!!
In Season 8 Episode 13 “Mean 6” (one of my favorites) Queen Chrysalis makes clones of the mane 6 but in their opposite version! So we saw the tree of Harmony but I think when they hit the tree it was the tree of Harmony that sense in presence of Disharmony and I think it turned a backfire on the mean 6 turning them in wood! My theory no one has to agree lol
What your saying about them never meeting,
2 likesThe elements of disharmony would be completely opposite of the elements of harmony.
So if the elements of harmony are close. Then the elements of disharmony they would have never met,
Hence the answer to your question
but disharmony is the opposite of harmony, and the opposite of wielders sharing a specila bond is the bearers share no bonds
3 likesbtw the allicorn amulet has a diamond on it like rarity's necklace and Trixie was hungry\greedy for power so she would have more power from being away from the others and it representing what she used it for at the time.
1 likeWait a minute, what if one of the elements of disharmony were actually in Rarity's book, and when Spike ate it,
0 likesdoes that mean some villain who heard of such elements and their containers have to journey thru Spike's stomach
to get the book?
Too Gross?
I think these should be the people of the elements of disharmony
16 likesCruelty: Sombra
Betrayal: Crysaliss (Idk how to spell it)
Selfishness: Nightmare Moon
Gloom: [Idk, give some ideas]
Dark magic: Cozy Glow (I think it should be called Darkness)
Deceit: [Idk, give some ideas]
Replies (6)
2 likes@Olina Lin Yes but Rarity wasn’t generous, Applejack was a liar, Rainbow Dash betrayed her friends, Discord turned each of them to their opposites. So in that case, the mane six is the elements of disharmony.
2 likesits Chrysalis
1 likeCruelty: sombra deceit: Queen chrysalis ( because she lied to the changelings lol) betrayal: cozy glow selfishness: blue blood / Gloom : ( BRO no is as gloomy as maud pie) maud pie. Evil magic: Daybreaker ( when Celestia is "evil" )
0 likesDeceit could be gladmane because he tricked all the other ponies at his resort into thinking he is their only friend so they can't drive the resort like it's a playhouse
0 likesWhat about chryssi is deceit, gloom is one of pinkies sisters
0 likesWhat if the elements of disharmony are the elements itself, just think about it we seen moments where each pony are the opposite of their elements even though they pull it together in the end, but it would be a good balance. Think about it the tree of harmony would like to see balance in Equestra its like the ying and yang situation. Rainbow dash has shown disloyality before, Futtershy has been rude before(rarely but ya know), pinkie has been gloomy before, rarity has been selfish before, and applejack has been dishonest before, I don't have much to say on twilight tho cause how can she not show magic? But also remember when discord was evil and made them all opposite, what if he didn't change them he just brought out something that was always there just made it bigger if ya know what I mean, and for twilight well again there wasn't really much of a change it was just she was gloomy and forgot everything she learned about friendship tbh. so yea
0 likesWel, I could debunk the element of evil magic at the start.
16 likesSunset shimmer is good now, isint she? So I think that, like the alicorn amulet, trixie should have The element of evil Magic.
there are some negative energy hidden around equestria. what if the elements of harmony itself, have a few negative energy in it. or maybe finding out more stuff that has bad magic (like rarity's book) may affect the elements of harmony. (example, when sunset shimmer turned into a demon) but plz pick me. i will subscribe if u do (see more stuff in the replies)
0 likesIf the alicorn amulet is a element of disharmony it would be selfishness witch makes sense since it’s a diamond shape and rarity’s element is also diamond shape witch also means the writers thought that out and could mean they do exist
0 likesI would love to see the elements of disharmony
0 likesthe elements of disharmony are dangerous magic relics but maybe its better to leave them they are too powerful
1 likeThat is an amazing theory! Of course! Where else would all these stupid, ancient, evil relics come from!?
121 likesReplies (4)
The Campbell Channel perhaps some of them are beyond Equestrian borders, Season 8 may touch on this.
1 likeamber margheim I like the use of the word buggar 😂👌
0 likes@Gracie I didn't use it...
0 likesI agree with your theory as disharmony or discord isn't really evil just chaotic and harmony isn't totally good just orderly as explianed in the comics and as for that war you were talking about I think that war was between discord the spirit of chaos and his opposite harmony the spirit of order each created by the universe to try to coexist keeping each other in check but every so often one would attack the other unprovoked and when this happened they were each exiled to their own dimensions for a thousand years by the universe like discord would go to his chaos dimenion and harmony her Oder dimension. This would be the norm until one day discord got the upper hand and harmony was shattered and while discord was in exile peaces of harmony fell to equatorial either creating the elements of harmony the princesses or the first pony race explaining why they pretty much worship harmony why friendship is magic and why everyone tries to get along with discord even though he gets on their nerves
0 likesWhat if the sirens’ amulets were the anti generosity (selfishness) element split up to pieces
0 likesI think that the Sironses necklaces would make good elements of cruelty, because if the Sirons sang with there necklaces on everyone started to fight
0 likesThe only candidates for the Elements of Disharmony I can think of are (and this is before Season 5):
0 likesSunset Shimmer: Evil Magic
Discord: Betrayal
Trixie: Deceit
Lightning Dust: Gloom
Queen Chrysalis: Selfishness
Pony of Shadows: Cruelty
I don't think the element of betrayal really suits Spitfire. Yes she did lie about Soarin but she was quick to acknowledge her mistake and she does value loyalty.
22 likesReplies (10)
Maybe li
0 likesYeah!
1 likeWindrider seems a more appropriate choice,
2 likes+marinus18 the Pony from Rarity take manehatten might work, not her minion i forgot her name D:
0 likes+The Boneless Fighting Maggot Coco Pomell
0 likes+The Boneless Fighting Maggot
0 likesSuri.
Discord deserves the element of betrayal because in the fight with Tirek he betrays the mane 6.
0 likes@TheGoldenGreifers But he repents
0 likes+Hell Queen (loser) Or maybe gillda the griffin
4 likesMinty The Green Oreo Seri Polomare, I think. I probably botched the spelling.
0 likesWell I disagree with sunset shimmer she is reformed after all so I think the evil magic element should definitely go to chrysalis
1 likeIn the comic "Of Kings and Changelings" theres acually a tree of disharmony after the alternate weilders of the elements (Chrysalis,Trixie,Derpy,Sunset Shimmer,Gilda,and Maud Pie) defeated the evil version of Cadence to save King Sombra.
0 likesGo check it out
Well, now we know that the Pillars planted the Tree of Harmony. :/ So why WOULD they plant a seed for the Tree of "Dis-Harmony".
0 likesI don't think Maud would be gloom. To me, Gloom is unhappy and miserable, and Maud is just extremely neutral, calm, and unexpressive.
0 likesI think the elements of disharmony would be power for magic tears for laughter greed for generosity betrayal for loyalty cruelty for kindness deciving for honesty.
0 likesHere is what I think the ‘Elements of Disharmony’ are (or at least some of them)
0 likesEvil Magic : Alicorn Amulet/The gems King Sombra makes
Bearer: Grogar/King Sombra
Greed/Selfishness : Rarity’s Book
Bearer: Blue Blood
Betrayal : Tirek’s Necklace (the one he gave to Discord)
Bearer: Tirek/Lightning Dust/Cozy Glow
Cruelty : Sirens’ Necklace
Bearer: The Sirens
Deceit : ?
Bearer: Flim and Flam
Gloom : ?
Bearer: ?
I’m not sure what else to add or exchange with, so if any of you have any other ideas, please tell me what they are.
I know that MLP has ended, but I would just like to know what any of you guys think. Thanks!
Edit: I would love to add Queen Chrysalis here somewhere, but I don’t know where she fits here.
The element of cruelty would actually belong to cozy glow because diamond tiara changed same thing with sunset so the element of evil magic would belong to to teric or king sombra
0 likesmy theory is that if the elements of disharmony exist they are the hearts of windigos. Windigos appeared when the pony tribes much conflict and hated each other. When the leaders and their number 2's were in the cave and the fire heart was created the windigos were gone but because hate is inevitable so the elements of disharmony were all thats left.
0 likesThe elements of disharmony were scattered to the edges of equestria and beyond.
if Maud Pie was the element of Gloom,
0 likesthan wouldn't she be fighting her sister?
and she's the oppisite of her sister's element.
Element of evil magic? How about the element of science? And Clarke’s third law?
0 likesI think the main villains might be the element of disharmony
0 likesMagic- nightmare moon
Generosity- crystalist
Honesty- flimflam
Loyalty- cozyglow
Kindness- triek (cause he could of made friends with ponies as his brother but didn't)
Laughter- I don't have one yet so you can say in the comments
Princess luna: guilt
1 likeQueen crysalis: deceit
Maud pie: gloom
Cozyglow: Betrayal
Lord tirek: selfishness
King sombra: evil magic
I think that the alicorn amulet was broken into 3, and celestia cast it into the equestria .The sirens found them them.
11 likesReplies (1)
no bc the gems are a piece of there scales
1 likeAfter seeing sunset shimmer turn into a she demon i believe that there is no harmony or dishormony element at all let me explain we saw twilight turn into a powerful pony but more powerful help of her friends but sunset shimmer turned into a she demon why by a element harmony somehow it has disharmony in it . it means that the powerful gem's magic depends on wearer 's intentions like sunset shimmer 's intentions were evil but twiligth's intention's were good
1 likeI agree with you but not maud, sunset, spitfire
1 likeMaud: she shows happiness but in a different way, she is happy but she doesn’t smile
Sunset: I would agree with you ONLY if she was still mean/evil, she is now nice now, you can look at equestrian girls forgotten friendship
Spit fire: I’m just confused, why would she be the element of betrayal???
The Elements of Disharmony theriosey by me! 1. They would have diffrent shaped gems EXAMPLE Dishonesty wouldn't have an Apple, but something to do with the bearer's cutie mark, not Applejack's. 2. Like you said, Discord could have been created because the Tree of Harmony was planted. So, with this therioy, the Elements of Disharmoney were created to oppose The Elements!
0 likesI can’t believe this hasn’t been brought up in the show
1 likeCan you make an updated version of this please :D <3
0 likesI wish Lauren Faust notice your theories they are masterpiece!
1 likeMy theory is that Nightmare Moon created the elements of disharmony, except for the alicorn amulet and the crown or the spirits of the elements were in the people mentioned all along
0 likesWhy should there be 6 elements of disharmony?
1 likeThere could be also only be 1 element of disharmony. I mean harmony is the opposite of disharmony. More is the opposite of less.
Is it bad that when CC said "just a theory" I wanted to shout "A GAME THEORY"? ._.
70 likesReplies (16)
You watched brooks how EWW Big hero 6 didn't you?
0 likes@Michaela Jones No...?
0 likes+Valerie Willham dude i was hoping they would say "its just a theory...a PONY theory"!!!
1 likeI shouted it out. My mom said "What's a game theory?".
1 like😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likes+Valerie Willham Hehehe, same.
0 likesSame GAME THORY
0 likesCool
0 likesikr XD
0 likesI did that... hahah... ahh I'm a nerd
0 likes_.
No I actually shouted it so no
0 likes+Valerie Willham I shouted " A FILM THEORY"
3 likesNo, a show theory!
0 likesA FILM THEORY* Sorry i corrected you
0 likesI love that channel, but I don't do that, being that I'm one of the few who doesnt, I'm the weird one.
0 likesI honestly thought trixy would own the evil magic thing,I honestly forgot sunset was in mlp 😂
0 likesElement of Magic
0 likesElement of Kindness
Element of honesty
Element of generosity
Element of laughter
Element of loyalty
Element of evil
Element of cruelty
Element of lies
Element of greed
Element of gloom
Element of disloyalty
I know this was WAY before that, but Cozy Glow is THE REAL element of betray
0 likesEdit: she could also be the element of evil magic, due to her knowlage about magic and teamwork
I think discord would be the mane one incharge of elements of disharmony, another would have to be sombra with dark magic and slavery, tirek for greed (would also explain why he and discord know each other), maby crystalis with dishonesty, the shadow pony that took over luna would be opposite of joy, the pony of shadows betrayal
0 likesWell that's what I think I mean the mane 6 elements of harmony mane villains elements of disharmony makes sense
I believe there should be balance in your social life you can't spend every second being social you'd stress yourself out or burn out but you also can't spend all day alone with your thoughts it leads to loneliness and suicidal thoughts in some cases
0 likesI read the title as "could the elements of DISH harmony exist?"
11 likesbut IF there were the elements of disharmony that would be to much chaos because discord was made because the tree of harmony was made so there would have had to been even more of an equal amount of harmony to make the elements of disharmony.
0 likesWhat if instead of there being separate elements of disharmony, the same elements of harmony WHERE the elements of disharmony? Like since Apple Jack is always honest, if she where to lie her element would transform into the element of deseat ? Or if reraty where to think only of her self her element would turn into greed? And even in one epasode, with discord the first time he was menchond the main five had turned into they're oppasits! And I apologise for my bad spelling but I just thought of this! And since the old elements like hope brevary and straing and all the others since they could turn into lighter loyelty honesty why couldn't they too turn into weakness cowerdness and hopelessness?
0 likeswhat about Starlight's staff? The one that took everyone's cutie marks? And discords necklace? and didn't nightmare moon have the moon relic on her armor?
0 likesDo the
0 likesDoes elements of insanity exists as well?
I really wanna know
Pretty please
You’re forgetting about grow Guard . Grow grack was the first one to find a questionnaire
0 likesWell makes sense because harmony can’t exist without evil somewhere. Ex. : Raava and Vatu from The Legend Of Korra.
0 likesHow about starlight glimmer instead of sunset shimmer as the element of evil magic? Ehhhh?!?
78 likesReplies (26)
3 likesBy they didn't really know about her back in February
5 likesOr her staff could be the element of deceiving
5 likes@coolcreeperz I know but now that they do, it would make more sense. also @Paige T good idea.
2 likesI agree
1 like@TheNoobIncorporated he didn't know starlight glimmer but good point i would say more of the villains would be disharmony cuz like there bad and there adults but discord is not part of it cuz hes not a bad gut anymore BTW who likes fluttercord if u do go watch Bride Of Discord it is awesome
0 likesYeah.
0 likesOr she could be the element of lies (AJs anti element) she lied to a whole town of ponies, you can't get worse than that! Or can you?....
1 like@TheNoobIncorporated this was made Before rainbow rocks and by default before season 5.
0 likes@Jack Harris I meant like now that they do know about her.
0 likes@TheNoobIncorporated then it would make sense as long as it really is the element of magic not friendship
0 likesOoh, that would be nice, seeing that Twilight and Starlight are opposites. Starlight says cutie marks are bad things, and strives to bring everypony to equality.
0 likesNo. The Great and Powerful TWIXIE!
0 likesAgreed
0 likes@TheNoobIncorporated your right since she doesnt believe in friendship
0 likes@David Gonzalez Himynameis i was just thinking that but then again she isnt a very powerful pony
0 likesTrue cause sunset shimmer knows what friendship is from rainbow rocks
0 likes@TheNoobIncorporated For your information, since Twilight's element is the Element of Friendship (NOT magic) the corresponding Element of Disharmony/Chaos can not be "evil magic" at all. It has to be the Element of Feuding. Secondly, Sunset Shimmer would have been perfect for the Element of Feuding since it was her fault that the human Mane 6 were not friends when Twilight first went to their school. Sadly though, since Sunset Shimmer reformed she's now more representative of the Element of Redemption than the Element of Feuding.
0 likes@geekqueen2010 There are four counterarguments to that, but I don't know which one to take, so here's all three:
2 likes1.As Shelby Isawesome said, Starlight Glimmer doesn't believe in friendship.
2. In the first episode, I'm fairly certain they said the element was the element of magic
3. I thought she was the princess of friendship and the element of magic
4. the title of the show is "friendship is magic", which makes the two pretty much interchangeable in regard's to Twilight.
@TheNoobIncorporated I always thought that it wasn't so much that Starlight Glimmer didn't believe in friendship, but that she believed in it too much and had a skewed understanding of what it was.
1 like@Jokernui Yeah, that's a good take on it.
0 likesthats what i was thinking XD
1 likeYeah makes more sense or maybe selfishness cuz she wanted to live ruling over all of equestria by taking their cutiemarks.
0 likesHow come there names sound sooo alike
1 likeI like it.
0 likesthey would share the power well because think about it........
0 likesSEVEN DEADLY SINS some of them already exist in mlp.(Nightmare moon as envy, Daybraker as pride, Chrysalis as Lust,Sombra as gluttony,Maniac Mayhem as greed, and Maud as sloth)
0 likesDiamond tiara isn’t the only jerk
2 likesblueblood also isn’t the only jerk
flim and flam weren’t fully lying because their machine could probably run day and night without stop so Idealy it would be better if they just used the machine properly
Spitfire... spitfire is a decent candidate so ok
and isn’t sunset supposed to be not canon and in another dimension?
the moral only works while it can make more profits for individual genetic selfishness than competitors.
0 likesMother nature only prefer creature that making more benefits for its own gene.
Think about it: if ponies drop the one of upmost disharmony imoral crime -- racism, the feature can treat and classify creatures(even is the same specie in biology) into two of enemie and friendly specie, bad and good specie, dirty and pure specie, ugly and beautiful specie, harmony and discordy specie.
Then the ponies might hardly to make any goods for its own individual genetic selfishness while doing the fights toward the carnivore specie during the disharmony circumstance of wartime.
Now that there are equestria girls I feel like there's a similar type of magic of course there is friendship the most powerful magic but in the first episode in a equestria girls when twilight and her friends blasted sunset shimmer the rainbow bend over her the same thing happened with the villains in equestria when the villains combined together anything similar
0 likes3:42 every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe when the elements of harmony were created the elements of disharmony were created too. :)
5 likesDon't forget when chrysalis was trying to get revenge on starlight glimmer and made clones of the element holders such as twilight fluttershy rarity apple jack and rainbow dash but evil anyway so when the clones of them were in the cave with the tree of harmony they were arguing making the elements on the tree go black in that period of time we saw the elements of disharmony
1 likeWho thinks that Sawtooth and CC should make a remake of this video using some of the newer characters from the later seasons
0 likesTwilight's element turned sunset shimmer into a demon... because sunset was not really kind... I think whoever uses the element... the element reflects the attitude of that person!
1 like(Sorrt about my bad english, it sounded better in my head)
Ok. I’m sorry, i think that this is an interesting theory... however.....
0 likesThe main parts of what you discussed of your theory was proving why we haven’t or wouldn’t ever see them, therefore we would never have proof...
My theory: The barriers of the Elements of Disharmony are the gray ponies that Discord caused would be the barriers. Here’s why, Discord would be the element of disharmony. And the gray ponies would be the other 5 barriers. When Discord takes over the main 6 would be changed into the elements of disharmony. So they only turn into the dark ponies when Discord takes over. But, when Discord takes over Twilight would be a backup like spike.
11 likesSo, If there's Elements of Harmony, and Elements of Disharmony, and then someone in the comments said frenemies..
0 likesDoes that mean there's also elements of ying-yang harmony?
Elements of Disharmony
1 likeSunset Shimmer (Dark Magic) (Element of Magic)
Rarity (Selfishness) (Manifestation Book)
Trixie (Anger) (Allicorn Amulet)
Adiago Dazzle (Controlling) (Siren Gem)
Sonata Dusk (Clutsy) (Siren Gem)
Aria Blaze (Lier) (Siren Gem)
I don't think Sunset Shimmer would be the Element of Evil Magic because finally she became good, didn't she?
0 likesOkay now that you said it I realized something what if the elements of disharmony are hiding within the elements of harmony so when Sunset Shimmer put it on her head the element of disharmony was able to show but you couldn't see it
0 likesI think lightning dust instead of spit fire would work and Maud pie is happy just in a different way
0 likesWhat about grogar's bell? Or the Jewel/Crystal in Storm King's staff?
0 likesHarmony requires both parts, evil and good is not apply to harmony, so elements of disharmony never existed, they were already whole, and that explains why twilight's crown can be used for bad purposes
0 likesWhat is the opposite of all the elements of harmony/the main six good magic - evil magic loyalty - disloyalty laughter - no laughter kind - unkind and the rest
0 likesAnother thing discord's necklace that Tirek gave him could be an element, I'm still workin that one out.
253 likesReplies (11)
but that ended up being twighlights key to open the chest
13 likesFrances O'Connor that's what she said (I'm sorry😭)
7 likesIt was twilight's key because she gave up her alicorn magic to save discord and her friends
7 likesIt’s not, since it happened to be the key to the chest.
7 likesGuys!!!! The elements of disharmony are the main six the crysalys created did anyone see that btw there by dead the three of harmony distryed them
7 likesAlso You know when you said that there is darkness in light and light in darkness? Well, Thorax is the only good changeling in the hive at one point. Sounds like light in darkness to me. Just wanted to mention him.
4 likesI agree with this whole vid...exempt maid is not gloomy, she's quiet and calm, does she ever seem sad?or just flat, grey yes but not sad. And I think there are 7 disharmony elements. In in of the my little pony comics, the mane six travel through the mirror, but into the opposite dimension. There were the stain glass windows. One had queen crisalis as love. So I think she's the element of hate or spite. Gloom sounds like...well u always forget get name. Oh and if u read the night mare rarity comic collection which I REALLY HOPE YOU GUYS DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #readit you see muffins as doctor hooves sidekick
2 likes... I think....... look closly... oh wait that's the kidnapping of the cutie mark crusaders well read that too. I think muffin is an element , but not of harmony or disharmony, she Is confusion . This is disharmony, it's also not evil.
(Jk on muffins) well kinda
2 likesMy last name is Campbell! Lub you!
0 likesTechnically Tireks necklace was given to him by his brother in friendship so it can’t be one
0 likesyour right
0 likesElements of Harmony;
0 likesKindness,
All together: Friendship.
Elements of Disharmony;
Dark Magic,
All Together: Corruption.
The Alicorn Amulet might be a mix of ALL the elements of diharmony, because if you aaw the episode, the Alicorn Amulet CORRUPTED Trixie.
Evil Magic: Queen Chrysalis
1 likeBetrayal: Cozy Glow
Greed: Tirek
Cruelty: Nightmare Moon (no longer in action cuz Luna)
Chaos: Discord
Selfishness: Gilda
I also have something to say about these disharmony elements. So we know they exist because in the grand galloping galla episode we see fluttershy being cruel to the animals. So we KNOW her cruelty disharmony element exists so the others must also have them. And if pinkie pie has chaos we know she has that because we saw her go crazy bonkers from the creepypasta AND and actual episode it the series! And Raritys is existing because we see her infect the whole pony Ville. So I'm still looking into twilight AJs and dashies and I'll let us know when I do.
0 likesWait, what about discord? remember how he switched their elements to the opposite, for example apple jack switched from honesty to dishonesty?
1 likeyou are the smartest and most intelligent pony or person i have ever seen,you should be avorded for that.well done!!
1 likeI actually think that the eodhs would work bonded by haterit same as the eahs are bonded by friendship
0 likes“Didn’t uhh.. Gandalf say that?”
18 likes* puts picture of dumbledor on screen*
Replies (2)
Maddie RG7 So do I!
0 likesElizabeth Dailey were you upset when that happened too?
0 likesI feel that the villains would hold the elements of disharmony.
0 likesWhen chrysalis's minions took form of twilight and her friends and then when they reached the tree of harmony and fought chrysalis the elements became black and the minions turned into wood does all of this have a connection with the elements of disharmony.
0 likesI think that there's a ship shaping element that must involve chrysalis so why isn't there one
0 likesI wish instead of Grogar as Discord they did The elements of disharmony.
0 likesIt’s funny to think this came out 6 years ago. Canned Cream stopped making pony videos a long time ago. Who else feels old?
0 likesI think the dark magic element is human twilights device that turned her into midnight sparkle the dark magic element got into the human world but it was destroyed until twilight in the human world. Made a copy of it that sucks in all magic not just good magic but bad magic
1 likeDiamond tiara actually could not be the bearer of the element of cruelty, after the cmc helped her see the light of her cutie mark. So who is...
0 likesYeah the elements of disharmony do exit because when discord came back and change the mane 6 I think that actually made the elements of disharmony
0 likesI believe this is how it goes. Midnight sparkle is the element of power, pinkamena is the element of sadness, flutterbat is the element of cruelty, rainbow bash would be the element of betrayal, nightmare rarity would be the element of greed, Timberjack would be the element of dishonesty, starlight shatter would be the element of war, and sunset demon would be the element of humility. Now for the mane 8. Twilight sparkle is the element of magic, pinkie pie is the element of happiness, Fluttershy is the element of kindness, rainbow dash is the element of loyalty, rarity is the element of generosity, Applejack is the element of honesty, starlight glimmer is the element of peace and sunset shimmer is the element of empathy.
1 likeWhy is spitfire betrayal?
580 likesReplies (35)
Yeah i think dusttrail or what ever her name was from wanderbolt academy should be the element of betrayal
93 likesGaming knight Lightning Dust.
65 likesShadow Eclipse thanks
18 likes26 ANASTASIA PIETROWSKI I told her that already...
12 likesSuper Stellar Stargazer yes why I'd tirek is betrayal
6 likesSuper Stellar Stargazer maybe because she chose Rainbow Dash over her friend Soarin after he broke his wing and lied about him still being hurt just so Spitfire could get a better flier in her team (from the episode Rainbow Falls I think)
29 likesGo watch that episode, maybe it will explain it.
3 likesa7a ba
2 likesim actually the same person who commented this a year ago and i still don't get it.
0 likesmaybe it should be Tirek since he used discord to gain all of the magic from equestria, promising something greater than friendship in return, but betrayed him in the end ˘–˘
6 likesYa good one
0 likesIn my opinion correct me if im wrong but i think it should be thorax because he betrayed chrisalis remember?
0 likes@moonokuma put he betrayed chrisalis for the better good
2 likes@moonokuma true but he was forced to work for her so I don't know if it counts but good one c:
1 likeLightning dust should be betrayal
2 likesIk right
0 likesIdk!
0 likesYa why
0 likes@Chloe Koreny Its called dicapline. She means to be harsh but wants her flyers to be the best or perfect. 😌
0 likes@Chloe Koreny 😌
0 likesI thought lightning dust would be betryal but not SpitFire
0 likes@moonokuma Its ur opinion, we dont need to correct you. 🙂
0 likes@Faux sderrrrrtrewfguyytfhcfzfg
0 likesOk lighting dust betrayal and diamond tiara changed also spitfire isn’t that bad and neither is maud
0 likesBecause she abandoned one of her fellow flyers for rainbow dash
0 likes@26 ANASTASIA PIETROWSKI Lightning
0 likes@Gaming Knight wonder bolt
0 likes@《 Nice Oof 》 so correct
0 likesIn twillight coronation she said dash or no dash twillight is about to get that crown
0 likesSpitfire should not be disharmonised
0 likesWhy
0 likesShe never betrayed
0 likesI think cozy or tirek Is betrayal
0 likesMaybe, Tirek should be betrayal, instead, due to him betraying Discord?
0 likes@dr0wn3d it’s because of the episode where rainbow gets her box key, she ditched her friend for rainbow who she thought would lead her to win
0 likesMaybe the element of selfishness is actually the book like the element got transferred to the book that rarity had that caused her to become selfish
0 likeswhy is spitfire the element of betrayal? she’s never showed an act of betrayal
0 likesits the same thing with discord. there can't be harmony without any chaos or chaos without harmony. therefore the elements of disharmony must exist somewhere or somehow
0 likesMaybe if the element of magic gets hit with all the magic of all the villains it because evil magic.when it turns into a element of disharmony so dose the rest of the elements. I have no proof just a thought
0 likeshmm... none of them have been commiting something evil, although sunset shimmer has, but that doesn't mean that they should be it, there should be a reason.
0 likesHow could Raritys book be an element of harmony
2 likessawtooth we already have seen disharmony remember when the queen of the changelings made clones of the mane - 6 they act the opposite of the mane - 6 so they would be the people connected to the elements of disharmony maybe or idk
1 likePerhaps Celestia ordered the Disharmony Elements to be locked away and all books mentioning it to be burned.
0 likesI would like to add 1st the alicorn amulate shows a resembles raritys element wich is the element of generosity and this being "the dark side" it could mean the opposite selfishness because trixie showed selfishness when it took her over also 2nd I would like to point out celestia might know about those elements of disharmony cause she used to be sunsets teacher and sunset says in equestria girls don't you know what happens when you bring an element or somethin lkke that equestrian magic stuff into a different dimension wich made her turn into a raging she demon later sooooo celestia obviously had taught her about those elements of disharmony and it might have something to do with the different dimension thing so ya just wanted to give my opinion
3 likesMy elements of disharmony (based on the hints)
1 likeTrixie - Dark Magic
Alternate Universe Rarity - Keeping (Generosity’s oppisite)
The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle (Fighting), Aria Blaze (Meanness), and Sonata Dusk (Evil Comedy))
Sunset Shimmer - Evil Magic
Replies (1)
The story:
1 likeBefore Trixie and Starlight met, the Dazzlings payed a visit to Equestria and were confused on how instead of being sirens, they were ponies. The three met with Trixie and saw Rarity talking with Pinkie about the mirror pool and how Rarity tried it and her clone turned... evil which became the four’s friend. Sunset reversed time to when she was evil and tried to get rid of her by taking her to the pony world in Equestria and they all became the mean 6, not to be confused with Queen Chrysalis’ M6 clones from the MLP Season 8 episode “The Mean Six.” Trixie said that she was going over to the spa and as she did the “Mean 5” and Trixie got split as Trixie and Starlight met and bonded, very large. After a while, the 2 became best friends and evil Sunset was a mystery on where she is and what happened and the Dazzlings went back to the human world annoyed how Sonata thought the tacos in Ponyville were gross. Rarity actually got returned to the mirror pool by Twilight, Thew!
wait at one point in the war the two sides may have been fighting over the element of magic since it turned sunset into a "raging she demon" her words not mine
1 likeSunset would work but isn't discord literally disharmony he is a spirt of pure chaos so maybe it would be discord having twilights and maybe changing a few others
0 likeskindness-rudeness
0 likeshonesty-dishonesty
magic- ordinary, powerless
it could be
lies,betrayal,greediness/possessiveness,dark magic,meanness etc
Rather than Sunset Shimmer I would say that trixie should be the element of evil magic. Afterall Sunset showed that her power magic is stronger than Twilight's.
17 likesReplies (2)
Omg yes I totes agree
0 likesNah. Trixie changed too. I would say either chrysalis or Sombra or tirek
4 likesCC: Mirror pond
5 likesGoogle: did you mean “Mirror pool”
I think that Sombra,s gem is the element of, well the opposite of generasity
0 likesThe elements of harmony are just crystals it is their friendship that is the power
1 likeSunset shimmer turned good now. So she can't be an element of evil magic,she is an element of harmony now.
1 likeIf the elements of harmony were in the wrong hands they turn into the elements of disharmony
1 likewait, if the elements of disharmony exist, wouldn't discord know about them? if anything they are the artifacts of HIS MAGIC.
0 likeswait but if element of magic turned someone evil then were all those crystals harmony and disharmony simultaneously? and i am seeing a pattern in the flip side of misunderstood cutie marks...
0 likesI think if there were elements of disharmony they would be the elements of chaos cause discord is the spirit of chaos and twilight (in season 8) becomes the spirit of harmony like ying-yang
0 likesI agree with most of the elements of disharmonys match ups except one, sunset shimmer. I believe the element of dark magic/loneliness belongs to discord because I believe when luna and celestia defeat him with the elements of harmony it symbolizes the end of the war of good and evil, good having prevailed
20 likesReplies (24)
But discord is good now
0 likeswell so is sunset shimmer
0 likes@simon gamer Yeah
0 likesI think it belongs to Starlight Glimmer.
1 like+Kayuune PERFECT MATCH FOUND: Starlight Glimmer !!
0 likes+simon gamer Discord would make sense, because Starlight Glimmer doesn't cause chaos, i mean yes, she does take the MANE 6 cutie marks, but the Elements of DISharmony mainly sybolize chaos, and Discord is the King of Chaos, so I totally agree with you
0 likes@FantasticFox AJ Thank you, it just makes the most sense to me.
0 likes+FantasticFox AJ The last 2 episodes of s5 are gonna prove Starlight is such person ( or she will be blasted with magic of friendship )
0 likeshave yo seen the scene where tyrek sucks out discords magic? if thats not the embodiment of "evil magic" then i dont know what is
0 likesExactly
0 likes@FantasticFox AJ It's a possibility that discord be it, but I think he's good now because he wants friendship. I think starlight glimmer is perfect for it, but season 5 finale episode might make her the good person but idk..lets find out!
0 likesagreed!
0 likes@simon gamer MANNN STARLIGHT GLIMMER IS A GOOD PERSON NOW! We have to find somepony else now .-.
0 likes@Loraine IENDSK
0 likesanyhow whole ending of the episode felt little unreal
So I assume it is, and is different in the pitch bible but they changed it
@Ranun Nah, if she wasn't telling the truth there would be a few hints and she wouldn't go back to the villae soo.... but id like to see her become evil again
0 likesI think it would actually be nightmare moon because think about it, how did she act when she visited ponyville on nightmare night, she was lonely and sad
0 likes@Nathan Wright Yeah but there's no more nightmare moon. But if there still was, you're totally right and I agree with you!
0 likes+simon gamer yes and sunset is actualy in the other dimension. it would be really wierd if one element was on the other side of the portal...
0 likes+Lana Neznana actually twilight was on the other side of the portal and now that there is a human twilight to stay who say's Sunset's going to stay
0 likes+simon gamer I say yes because sunset at the end of EG she turns G O O D so ur right
0 likes+Kayuune starlight glimmer is good now
0 likesKing Sambron anyone
0 likes@Golden Dragon Lord no, he is irrelevant now.
0 likesAnd I think Sunset is the element of forgiveness because if you do some thing Wong you need to forgive them just look at the movie when they said their bad things they done in the past they said can you ever forgive me
1 likeWell combing this with the theory that sombra used to be a alicorn would make star swirl the maker of that balance
0 likesI think that
0 likesCozy glow is opposite loyalty
Film and flam would take 1 crystal and break it into half and share it which is the opposite honesty
I dont know of laughter
Magic could be sunset
Iron will would be opposite of kindness
And blue blood would be the opposite of generosity
Friendship = Friends
0 likesHarmony = Friendship
Disharmony = Loneliness
Friends = Multiple
Loneliness = Singular
Elements of HARMONY = Multiple people, being friends.
Elements of DISHARMONY = One person.
What if i told you the elements of haromy are the elements of disharmony , cuz if the main 6 turn their opposite , it could means disharmony . Thats my belive or theory .
0 likesWhen discard made the ponies look all grey they sing the opposite of themselves
4 likesWait so if the elements of disharmony exist that means the element of laughter's sister is the element of gloom?
0 likesCruelty: sombra selfishness: tirek flim flam correct betray :cozy gloom : chrysalis well she was upset and kinda gloomy after losing the hive and the evil magic : grogar
0 likesI think another peace of evidence for The Elements of Disharmony is with the Mean Six from MLP Season 8
0 likesAnd what about the elements of insanity?
82 likesReplies (9)
My thoughts exactly
2 likeshmmm....probably.... something like....hmmmm....the elements of insanity ARE the elements of disharmany
2 likes@***** yeah true
1 likeA pink magical potato insanity then the elements of insanity would make who wore it evil or something like that
0 likesI agree
0 likesA pink magical potato insanity is just like elements of disharmony becuse they are just the opposite but the elements of insanity is just brutal and the elements of disharmony is not kind and they are just the opposite the elements of insanity has a more darker side then elements of disharmony there is like a line starts with elements of harmony and next is elements of disharmony and elements of insanity the most dark one
1 likeA pink magical human potato right here!
1 likeA pink magical human potato i would be the element of Exteme Insanity (Counterpart of Magic)
1 likeI legit made an oc (a alicorn but a good alicorn okay shut up) thats the Alicorn of Insanity and The Alicorn of Sanity.
1 likeI think Discord himself is the elements of disharmony. Chaos is the opposite of harmony after all!!
0 likesBut when the Sirens where singing they where using their magic TOGETHER. So how does that work?
0 likesThe bearers of Disharmony are
0 likesCosy Glow- betrayal
Diamond Dogs- greed
Sunset Shimmer- Leader
Nightmare Moon- disloyal
Flim and Flam- disceatful
My opinion
What did spit fire do to be the element of betrayal?
0 likesthis is out of date because dimond tiara is good now and so is sunset!!! please make a new video on this!!
323 likesReplies (22)
Feather Films True
7 likesAnd spitfire
7 likesSo true
3 likesand maud!!!
5 likes@josiek if you think of it, spitfire WAS a good guy
8 likesLemony spitfire is a girl
6 likes@Noor Roon i know.
2 likesLemony oh ok I thought you thought spitfire was a stallion
4 likesSpitfire and maud aren’t bad and Tiara and Sunset are reformed.
4 likesShut up no one care
0 likesExcuse me ,this is just theory
1 likeAnd discord
0 likesthey didnt even say that it was confirmed
2 likeswtrue!
0 likesBut sunset is good now too :l
1 likeSpitfire never betrayed anyone
1 likeI agree
0 likesWhat about moth
0 likesThey knew that... rainbow rocks was out by the time this was made...
0 likesDreamCatcher Studios I'd say cozy glow is the emlent of evil magic
0 likesDreamCatcher Studios check the date of the video
1 likeDiamond tiara = Good, sunset shimmer = Good, spitfire = Good same with maud I can understand if she uses it for good
0 likesI think Discord should be a element of disharmony The element of Chaos 😁😁 Even though he doesn’t have a good side or oppposite
0 likesSince the Alcorn amulet was a diamond shape it was probably selfishness disharmony
0 likesAnd the alicorn amulet exists that could very possibly be a element of disharmony
0 likeswouldnt twlights neck less be one of the disharmony thingys the neckless from the movie where they are humans and stuff also wouldmt twlights crown from that unvirse be one of those as well
0 likesLibra=Scales Scales=Balance Balance=MLP
34 likesIlumminati confirmed😂
i think the "elements of chaos" is a more fitting name :)
0 likesMaybe not because of discord. When you think about it he is the lord of chaos and causes disharmony I guess? It’s hard to explain
0 likesOne change; Her amulet was selfishness not anti-magic.
0 likesActually ...
0 likesIn the actual comics there is a war of these "disharmony vs harmony" thingy
wouldent the elements of harmony be the elements of disharmony changing between good and bad depending on the intentions of the user?
5 likesReplies (3)
@Meowmeowskins That would explain why Twilight's crown was able to turn Sunset Shimmer into a "raging she-demon" so to speak.
2 likesyeah!!!!!
2 likes@geekqueen2010 eeyup
1 likeHOLD UP
0 likesSunset shimmer had the power to see their backstory like in that one equestrian movie of everfree
She became nice a few episodes and in one, she came back to the pony world to I think forgive her mistakes
She then became apart of the mane six, thus the name becoming the mane 7.
In the friendship games movie she became a good person and save the equestrian twilight not the pony twilight that knew magic from being corrupted and opening the portal to the pony world. She may became a demon in the past but she is now good. Also diamond tiara, she wanted to forgive her sins and what she done to the cutiemark crusaders.(This May came before these so sorry)
What if Celestia is secretly evil?
0 likesThe Disharmony sounds like an evil version of Twilight and her friends with a dim skin Sawtooth
0 likesBut wait, isn’t the grogar bell a relic as well?
0 likeswhoa whoa whoa slow down sunset shimmer and diamond tiara changed.Maud pie is gloomy but not evil. spitfire isn't loyal but is not not loyal. she is neutral And how can two ponies share an element?other than that I agree.I also agree with flim and flam but I am not sure how they share an element . I think lightning dust is betrayal. Tirek should be evil magic.
29 likesReplies (8)
how are a noob and a nerd
1 like+Tony Bhanot I think Tirek would be so evil, he'd absorb the magic of the other evil elements.
0 likes+Yanai Williams Incorrect use of noob and nerd. 7 year old.
1 likeAnd sunset is the element of forgiveness.
1 likeTony Bhanot Agreed
1 likeCathy Ding um yeah
1 likeThe elements of disharmony don’t have to be evil. He never said they had to be evil. Just the opposite of the elements or harmony.
0 likesElements of Dishharmony sound pretty creepy.
1 likeWhy didn't the main 6 reasoned with all of the villain in Mlp like they did in season 7
2 likes0:55 in order (because I'm too lazy) I think it would go like this:
0 likesChancellor naysay, Prince Blueblood, Flim and Flam, Lightening Dust, Maud Pie and Maybe discord? Although he IS reformed, but I feel like Sunset is too far off..
i know i a little late or alot late but i just wanted say that we have seen the elements of disharmony not as elements but the ponies showing it in the episode the mean six we see the opposites of the elements of harmony and in return of harmony we see the mane 6 show the opposite of there element. :D these are just some things that i was thinking while watching the vid.
0 likesI would love to see a video analyzing the mlp season 5 trailers and season 5 spoiler. I am quite intrigued by the pony's equal sign cutie marks and curious to hear everypony's predictions!
17 likesReplies (16)
I think the episode will be about nonconformity or individuality and the value of uniqueness. Who knows though! :)
4 likesAlso, if there is a tree of harmony, is there a tree of disharmony? If so, where would it be located?
1 like@Evelin Peters OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Fan fic mode engage!
0 likes@the shadowlink ninja if discord represents disharmony, does that mean the different body parts mean different disharmony elements? Also, if he represents disharmony, how is he capable of being good in previous episodes and feeling and being part of the magic of friendship in the season finale?
0 likesElements only define u not make u. Like when Apple Jack has been dishonest, discord has been.... Un- chaotic... Lol
0 likes@The Brony Notion
2 likesIt's gotta be. Look at some of the screenshots. Every pony has the same cutiemark, the same haircut, their houses are EXACTLY the same, EVERYTHING is the same. If it's a moral about anything else other than the values of individuality, I'll be shocked.
@Evelin Peters sweetheart,honey discord is the element of disharmony he's all of them first check the meaning of his name then the name"discord" means element of disharmony and also in one episode its either in season 1 or 3 or whatever when discord got unfroze and then he put trouble to ponyville well that also shows that he's the elements of disharmony because he was able to make the many 6's elements to the exact opposite so they won't be friends anymore and also they won't save the day (including twilight) so it clearly shows that its discord
0 likesYes I see your point. It's very valid. I just wanted to point out that you have to dig into the show to prove this. At first look you won't notice this. I was just saying there are no physical disharmony elements on the show(obviously)...
1 like@Sagewarmheart45 me?
1 like@Evelin Peters I think it's going to be about this pony who tricks other ponies into believing that being different will cause you to fight and have disharmony, and she says she'll take away their differences by removing their cutie marks, and then she takes away the cutie marks of the main 6 ponies, and then they manage to get them back and everyone finds out that she still has hers and she doesn't believe that having unique abilities is evil, but we never find out what her true intentions were.
0 likes@Evelin Peters what i want to see if there is a time line that the main 6 never came together to stop nightmare moon or discord are there any episode that can support this theory
0 likes@Evelin Peters also i think this will also happen but a villein will become more powerful by doing it and it will be up to the main 6 to stop it
0 likesYour finely write about something
0 likesNo they are still around I've seen them in previous episode's
0 likes@the shadowlink ninja That could mean.... HE CREATED THE ELEMENTS?
0 likesi don't know
0 likesI thought they were the Elements of Chaos. idk, it just sounds better than 'Disharmony'. But that's just me, I suppose.
2 likesrubs head
If you ask me the elements if disharmony should belong to Sunset Shimmer and The Shadowbolts from The Friendship Games (Sugarcoat,Sunny Flare,Sour Sweet,Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap)
0 likesWell When Discord Corrupted the mane 6 they become their opposites so the elements are.
0 likesElement Of Greed
Element Of Anger
Element Of Lies
Element Of Decieving
Element Of Cruelty
Element Of Idk (you can name the opposite of magic)
That's because it is the element of dark magic it also enemies because friendship is magic
1 likeOnce i started watching u, i could not stop!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies (15)
3 likesKyara Moaton OMG ME TOO
3 likesLiza Piashko meeee tooooo
3 likeswhy's. is. sunset. shimmer. not a. pony.
3 likeswell she is you just don't see her only in the first movie shes a unicorn
4 likesLiza Piashko you aren't the only one
1 likeLiza Piashko /-:
1 likeOMG
1 likeLiza Piashko same
0 likeswowz rblx yes I like ya good question
0 likesLiza Piashko u r cool 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
0 likesLiza Piashko same😆😆😆😆😆
0 likesLiza Piashko same
0 likesSAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `o`
0 likesI always thought Pinkie's element was a skull. Well.... 2 years ago actually.
0 likesWait a minute. Disharmony doesn't means evil. Discord is the best example for this.
0 likesAfter having talked about Star Wars I sincerely hoped you’d say “Even when the villain seems to have the high ground”
1 likeSpit fire, diamond tiara, and sunset shimmer would not be the bearers of the elements of disharmony because diamond tiara and sunset shimmer changed and spit fire is the captain of the wonder bolts and she has NEVER betrayed her team. She even made friends.
1 likeLike if you agree
In simple statement:
0 likesThe either Selfishness or Selflessness are Disharmony.
Can you make a difference between the two dimension?
0 likesI know this is five years ago but the show is over so the elements of disharmony don’t exist...
1 likeOr do they......?
What if the elements of DISharmony are the human world's version of the elements
1 likei think lighting dust should be betrayal not spitfire because she's not that evil, just really strict
9 likesReplies (6)
Watch CC's video about it, his evil twin explains his reason for each person. :3
4 likes@The Brony Notion kk
1 likeHaha, Wow! Over reacting. But, I get why your exited, with the Notion being so busy and all. Congratulations Serena...!
0 likestrye
0 likesHahaha CC-Butt Sorry Canned Cream
0 likesWe have all heard about the elements of harmony but is it possible that the elements of disharmony exist as well? FRIENDS
0 likesDid you know dragon's breath is the case of magic
0 likesWell there's not only the owners this harmony with the elements of neutralizing neutral what can be described as neutral a pony or anyone with neutral standards neutral 50/50 the bad and good now if we take a close look at all the characters you can wait for that can be described that's neutral neutral people disarming one that's Harmony your favorite opinions are 50/50 their personality 50/50 so if we can find individual six individuals like this okay I just wanted and consider them into a neutral state
0 likesReplies (1)
No it ain't technically like the general owner because there is free strands of magic good neutral and evil that's how every universe works so that means if that means enchanted or influenced by being of neutral
0 likesI think trixie's Item would be a element and it would make who ever where’s it a alicorn and if u take it off it where’s off and it would be the element
0 likesOf POWER! And belong to trixie ...
Maybe the alacorn amulet is from the human world..... what happens when you put a element to another world?
0 likesYou know spitfire is good not bad so she wouldn't have that element other than that I kinda agree with u
0 likesOf choice it can be exist, you know the nature never create rightness.
1 likeI think the element of evil magic should be power you know the bad kind of power
0 likesThere's a word for Disharmony, Discord.
508 likesReplies (48)
19 likes+Mckinnell Family Trio I LOVE that song. I'm howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon
7 likesWait a minute.... We have elements of harmony and a spirit of disharmony... So if there was elements of disharmony... could that mean a spirit of harmony could also exist ?
Ok so if we have the elements and spirits of disharmony then that should mean that there are other elements too like elements of love the spirit would be cadence the princess but if we look back at discord he is trying to use his magic for good which can also means that the spirits could also be a disguise for something in particular like elements of love there must have to be elements of hate (or something like that) but we haven't seen a element of that yet we HAVE seen a spirit of that--diamond tiara but once again she has tryed to turn around and be good
7 likesThat's just what I think 🦄🦄
yea u soo right
2 likesWeeping Koopa you are correct
1 likeBeautygirl7767 yeah I agree and maybe the crystal heart is one of them, it is powered by love
2 likesWeeping Koopa I was thinking disharmony=Discord
4 likesWeeping Koopa I was yelling that at the video
1 likeWeeping Koopa Dipcord XD
0 likesDiscord! Whatever did we do to make you take our world Awayyyy!!
0 likesXD check the song Discord
0 likesSpecial Stars DISCORD
0 likesthats a great song
0 likesHe's the opposite of a cord!! :D
0 likesSylvia Jin XD
0 likesMckinnell Family Trio the elements of discord
0 likesWeeping Koopa HELL YA
0 likesGuys, DISCORD IS A WORD! Stop saying it's Discord as in the character!!
0 likesWeeping Koopa yeah
0 likesLike discorded Fluttershy
true in fact i think discord might be able to wield the disharmony on his own
0 likesTHANK YOU!
0 likesYeah how about CHAOS macig?
0 likesWeeping Koopa. New theory
0 likesvideogame chat
0 likesDiscord means confusion
0 likesOh_Avery This theory works with the notion that alicorns represent positive aspects, and draconequi represent negative aspects. Like yin and yang, because, like Discord draconequi can use their powers for good and alicorns can thus use theirs for evil. So, just as Cadence can give love, she can take it away, similarly to Chrysalis. Had she done so, she would have taken on a more evil appearence. This happened to Luna when she became Nightmare Moon, and this could likely happen to Celestia as well, turning her into Daybreaker.
1 likeAs for Discord, I'm still working out the details.
Weeping Koopa That’s True
0 likesOmg
0 likesWait does discord have a bad side but he is hiding the disharmony elements!
0 likesHow dare you 😠😠😠👿👿👿
1 likeWeeping Koopa DISCORMONY!!!!!!
0 likesLiving Tombstone Discord Remix plays as Discord laughs in the background
0 likesWeeping Koopa
0 likesWeeping tyft
0 likesMckinnell Family Trio I Love That Song! I’m howling at the moon, and Sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon
0 likesRe-watch the second part of the first episode, the Mane Six are the spirits of the Elements of Harmony.
0 likesTwilight Sparkle: [gasp] You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here.
Nightmare Moon: What?
Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.
0 likesYee
0 likesDiscord is an element!!!
0 likesi think that the element of evil magic would be sombra or chrysalis or trek
0 likesMy theary: king sombra’s dark magic can turn the elements of harmony into the elements os disharmony
0 likesThe elements or disharmony would be gloom (laughter) dishonestly( honestly) un loyal (loyal) selfish (generosity) devilisment (magic) mean (kindness)
0 likesThe elements of disharmony might be in the alicorn amaubulent or the green element
0 likesThe opposite of magic could be darkness
0 likesMaybe there's another element hidden for the future
0 likesThey probably don’t exist do to the fact that the tree was created by the pillars and no one ever created an alternate tree or different elements.
0 likesI do think the equal opposite is possible but I kinda don’t agree with the candidates.
0 likesI don’t think Maud and Sunset would not be the bearers of the elements of disharmony Maud is just gloomy and Sunset reformed
0 likesThe story that you get told when you watch the first episode at the beginning well guess what there is an element of harm me a picture of the elements of harmony and there’s a green element who the heck is the bearer of this green element of Harmony that means a seventh element Existes
0 likesMaybe you can replace Spit fire for Lightning dust
0 likesOk I just want to come from the future and the elements of disharmony would probably be the mane six that crisheles (sorry idk how to spell her name) but still maybe those are the ones were the elements of disharmony
0 likes'Brony Notion'? Today it was more like 'Star Wars Notion'! I loved today's episode! :) I too have thought of the elements of dis-harmony, and if they exist. But now that we have seen Rainbow Rocks, I think Sunset Shimmer should be removed as the bearer of the element of dark magic and replaced with Trixie.
8 likesReplies (11)
That's the exact same thing I was thinking when watching the video.
1 likeBUT, Trixie is reformed.
0 likesSombra perhaps?
1 like@Noah Gawthorn Yeah!
0 likes@Noah Gawthorn yeah but isn't sombra dead?
0 likes@redkoolkat he could always come back. He might not be properly dead. Or maybe he was the carrier but died and now it's lost somewhere in the Crystal Empire
1 likeWhat if cadence got possessed by it
0 likes@redkoolkat DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN
0 likes@RachelArtist Agreed!
0 likesI was thinking Trixie too
0 likesAnd I think that Starlight Glimmer from season 5 is the element of lies, because she lied to a whole town, her "friends"
1 likeI have a very about the element of magic what is one in the same disharmony and harmony that's why it comes sunset shimmer into a shedemon because it's the magic it represented dark and light magic
0 likesThis theory was proven wrong when Starswirl and the other ponies told the Main 6 they planted the tree of Harmony. ;--;
0 likes“we all know about the elements of harmony, but is it possible the elements DISharmony exist as well? FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSS” 0:01 - 0:10 oh and ALSO i believe when sunset brought the crown to the human dimension the only reason she became a demon thing is because she was trying to use equestrian magic in the human realm.
0 likesCould the elementents of DIShomarny exist?
1 likeYes, you saw in the first episode with discord in it ;-; he turned the mane six into the elements of DISharmony
may the force beam you up katniss
111 likes-gandalf
Replies (6)
and having Dumbledore apear up the screen not Gandalf
15 likesEmmicon shows picture of Dumbledore from Harry Potter
3 likesOlo Hehe get it.....no? Oh im than I wierdo
2 likesArf arf arf arf -Rocky my dog
0 likesWell, cc combined Star Wars, Hunger games, Star Trek (may be wrong cause i never even read or watched Star Trek), and i think one other
0 likesIf there are elements of disharmony, don't you think discord would be one of them?
0 likesCan you make this video again cause we know some of those Ponys wound hold the elements.
0 likesI doubt you could destroy an element of harmony or disharmony
1 likeevil canned cream is so right it would be a perfect match
1 likediamond tiara redeemed herself at crusaders of the lost mark, change that role, and she didnt be mean herself, her mom made her "big poopy meanie face"
7 likesReplies (2)
This was before the Diamond Tiara episode
4 likesAHHHAAAAA "big poopy meanie face"
0 likesDis elements :unicorn amulet : king sombras horn :grogars bell :the spell book : the memory stone: dis elements powers: craziness :madness :evil magic :darkness
1 likeBetrayal would be Lightning Dust
0 likesAnd Envy ( evil magic ) would Idk you can tell me what you think.
we did see the mean six and spitfire cannot be the element of betrayal i think it would be lightening dust
0 likescRyStAlS.
17 likes-King Sombra
Sun Set Shimmer is not the Element Of Dark Magic...She is the Element of Magic/Friend Ship in Equestria Girls
9 likesI know I know...Im From The Future Btw Sun set Is The Leader Of The Mane 6 In human form
Just To Inform You People!
Btw Balance Is Perfect!
Replies (1)
I’d say sunsets element is forgiveness
1 likeI have a feeling that when discord came out for the first time then celestia said “discord is from the disharmony” that’s what i think?
0 likesi know this is old but if the elements of disharmony ever existed it will be non reformable villains
1 likeWait.…… in the Equestria girls movie when sunset confronted twilight she asked “do you know what happens if you take an Element of harmony into an alternate dimension?....” and twilight’s Element turned sunset into and evil demon……… i think you know what I’m getting at………🤔 think about that one…...
0 likes"What made her go co coo crazy banana bonkers" XD I laughed so hard!
0 likeswhat about the gems in the equestria girls camping movie one thing? the one that the evil person used to turn into a monster? just a thought. also i hv a theory. what if discord had a brother? i know this is farfetched but think about it. the opposite of princess luna is nightmare moon. the opposite of celestia is... i forgot but there is someone so what if discord has a brother that is the lord of harmony? he would be the opposite of chaos and discord
0 likesOmg Cannedcream I love how you made your pony with the app pony creator, I used that to make mine too
0 likesEvery Yin has a Yang. Thank you.
1 likeHold on so now you’re saying Evil will win that is Insane!!! What about none of the elements exist how did that go
0 likesBut Maud is anything but gloom! Why is Maud one!?
5 likesFor some crazy reason I always think it's pronounced DISH harmony idk why 😅
0 likes7th element celestia’s necklace element of harmony celestial makes sure that everyone has harmony
2 likesReplies (1)
Is it possible Celestia is the element of harmony?
0 likesMy theory for the DisHarmony thing is that the mane six would still have them but they're reverse i know this video was long ago tho-
0 likesThe alicorn amulet's real owner is Celestia and luna's big sister witch never became a alicorn and got the amulet
8 likesmaybe that Alicorn amulet IS the element of disharmony.
0 likesbut since it is the element of disharmony is DOESN'T need ''other parts''
The Alicorn amulet looks like the element of genorousity but opposite. Does it for u guys?
0 likeswhat if sombra Amulet is one of the six disharmony elements that would be the disgenerosity and u would tell me why because the jewels shaped a like the only change would be the necklace shape and the rest of disharmony elements doesn't have to be jewels i think those elements of harmony are made by star swirl what if the creators of the elements of dis harmony distored them so no one could use it after them because they made a huge mess and distarctions all the land and they were a legend or star swirl before he gone and went to the limbo he banished all the disharmony elements to human world or should i say equestria girls world that the only Explanation that no pony ever found any disharmony and star swirl did that so could be be only harmony and thanks to twilight and her friends they make that wish come true ............p.s sorry if my english poor and thank you for making those videos sawtooth waves my little pony for ever
0 likesNightmare Moon would probably be either revenge or jealousy.
0 likesDisharmony = Anti friendship so it is possible that the owner of element have never seen each other...
0 likesCanned cream, ask the creators of my little pony if their is such things as the elements of disharmony.
0 likesyou might want to update this, sunset shimmer got redeemed, so might want to find another bearer.
0 likesI have a question
0 likesWhat will happen if sambra weared the alicorn amulet?
Headcanon accepted. And officially added to my browser's dictionary so it stops giving me a squiggly red underline every time I use it.
8 likesReplies (1)
Haha XD
2 likesif Spitfire Represents one of the elements of disharmony the wonderbolts wouldn’t exist.
0 likesTrixie represents the evil magic, not Sunset Shimmer.
0 likesYou know you should really visit the secret Rift sometime
0 likesWhat about discord planted the seeds tried to steal the magic from the tree is harmony those could’ve made the tree a disharmony
0 likes“May the force be me wabcatenss” I died.
1 likeNotice that the alicorn amalet is shaped like the rarity’s element.
1 like(Sorry I don’t know how to spell it)
Star wars AND my little pony? YAAAASSSSSS
2 likesDoes anyone else realized that when CC was talking about gandalf use the picture of Dumbledore
0 likesMay the force beam you up,Katniss!
115 likesReplies (25)
(Cringing in horror)
15 likesJahahahaahhahahaha hi katniss WAIT HE SAID CORNUCOBIA!!! HUNGER GAMES COMFERMED
3 likes+The Brony Notion may the force beam you up katniss
9 likesDidn't Gandalf say that(dumbledore appeared on screen)
+The Brony Notion P.S. NERRRRDDDDDD
3 likesLOL this is all over the place!!!
1 likemay the force be with you
0 likesMay the force!
0 likes"You're a hobbit, Luke." -Haymitch
0 likes+The Brony Notion I think I have a dad brony and cuzs that are :D
0 likes+Kitty_Sophie123 I know. WHHY 😫😦😓😞😐😟😔😖😶
0 likes+addledAvatar [aA] ha
0 likesActually, beam me up is from Star Trek.
2 likesSdxdxss ddde did xdxde ddde. Did. Xdxd. Drdx
0 likesLol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likeswell there's a problem sunset shimmer changed and dimion teara and module isn't evil so they can't be the elements of disharmony
0 likesÅåååå honey sempai
0 likesCC is a BLANK FLANK LOL!
0 likesxXCat RockerXx luv ur name
1 likeAriana Perez
0 likesIKR
Erin McDonnell m
0 likesgirlstorm09 is
2 likesI think you're confused, that quote is from lord of the deathly hallows.
3 likesgirlstorm09 qqqqqqqqqqqqqq
0 likesgirlstorm09 HUNGER GAMES?
1 likeThe mean 6!
1 likeMagic = Witchcraft?
Honesty = Lying
Kindness = Mean-ness?
Loyalty = Disloyalty?
Generosity = Selfishness
Laughter = Boredom
Replies (1)
Matthew555 and family yea
0 likesI WANT AN Element of manipulation
0 likesThe Element Of Dark Magic is Cozy Glow.
0 likesThe element of magic isent called the element of good magic its the element of magic. The opposite of magic is science.
1 likeReplies (1)
I think
1 likeits just a theory a film theory.
156 likesReplies (10)
Yasss grabs matpat by the arm and makes him watch this vid and this comment
7 likesMatpat: BRONY LIFE makes a vid on this
Well more like a pony theory BUT YEA!
3 likesIt's just a theory a pony theory
3 likesHeck yes!!! MatPat, come over here! Drags MatPat to this video
Speed that up by like 1000
0 likesaaaaand cut.
0 likes@• L1zziebear • brony theory is better in my opinion
0 likes@Shona Dudley It's just a theory. A BRONY THEORY
0 likeswrong show. But I do wish MatPat made a mlp episode.
0 likes“May the force beam you up, Katniss”-Gandalf
0 likesI just noticed Twilights crows is literally her elementof harmony the big crown thingy
0 likesCruelty would be Queen Chrysillis(I don’t know how to spell it)Selfishness Would be King Sombra Deceit Flim and Flam Betrayal Cozy Glow Gloom Tirek And Evil Magic would go to Grogar P.S THIS MAN TELEPORTED THEM OUT OF TARTURAS TARTARUS!!!
0 likesEvil magic should be called power
1 likeBut,do you renember when discord made the mane 6 all faded,i feel like thats when the elements of DISharmony existed, because, when they were 'faded' there elements did similar,So i feel like those would have been the elements of Disharmony.
0 likesI think the elements of dishormoney is in night maremoon universe or element of hormones is distroeded right now so maybe element of dishormoney can appeare in G5
1 likeIt would be like in Steven universe where ruby and that other gem hate Steven and the only Eason why they could fuse were because they hated Steven AKA that would be the only reason why the elements of disharmony would exist or why they would work with each other because they hate friendship and that’s the only thing they have in common or they would have a relationship like queen chrysalis clones of the mane six where they don’t really get along but instead work together for evil reasons
0 likesHey, how does Spitfire come in this, what about lightning dust
1 likeReplies (1)
Ya i agree
0 likesThe disharmony element for MAGIC:
228 likesLet’s do Sunset shimmer!
Me: But she’s good now!
Oh then maybe Starlight Glimmer
Me:But She’s good now!
Trixie then!
Me: But she’s good now!
Nightmare Moon then!
Me: But she’s good now!
Me: But
she’she’s good now!O-o
Replies (25)
Nightmare is not good now
16 likesLuna and nightmare are different characters
@Yuii Stars their more like different personalities that take over the body at different times
16 likesDonutLover Gaming cozy glow
1 likeAmun Rao cozyglow is a pegasus
2 likesJosephine Oswandi no she is not she is a alicorn
1 like@Caramel she became an alicorn by taking the magic of the bell thingy, but she was originally a Pegasus.
6 likes@Caramel Yes
0 likes@Yuii Stars Luna is technically Nightmare Moon, because Nightmare Moon takes over Luna's body. In season 1, the mane six defeated Nightmare Moon, and Luna appeared. There were some light blue parts around her, something like scales.
3 likesThe disharmony element for magic is..... Cozy Glow
1 likeInfinity Dawn Kind of, Nightmare is the evil version of Luna, Nightmare turned BACK into Luna so I guess that Nightmare is good
1 like@Yuii Stars I think Nightmare Moon was the anger in Luna that turned her into, you know Nightmare Moon. Luna was still inside but there was more anger inside than love ( when she turned ) so as much and Nightmare Moon is a different person, Luna basically created her from the anger she had inside ( since ponies loved the sun more and admire Celestia more ).
1 likeXD
0 likes@Zaria I know the comics aren’t really considered canon but when we see the ordeal with nightmare rarity we know that it’s the nightmare forces living on the moon that overtake the ponies
0 likesWell, what about Tirek. He's constantly sucking magic from others when he's not in Tartarus.
1 like@Yuii Stars
0 likesThe characters may be different, but Luna psychologically created Nightmare Moon with her depression, jealousy, and anxiety. Soon, it was too much for her to bear, so what was psychological became a physical manifestation through the magic in her d.n.a. I just thought up what made the most psychological and scientific sense to me.
1 likeCozy Glow was originally a pegasus. She just became an alicorn because of the E.U.P magic she consumed from Grogar's bell. Fortunately, that backfired later on.
0 likes@Manha Musu
0 likesNo. He reformed. Remember?
@Sundance Diva in the outside he might look reformed but on the inside he is pure..................................... ' EVIL'
0 likescozy glow
0 likesWhat adout chrystalis
0 likes@Crystal lightWings, sawtooth is gonna reform her...
0 likesQueen Chrysalis?
0 likesboth of them are good now both sunset shimmer ANDD starlight glimmer-_-
0 likesThis ancient war in Equestria could have been between some kind of Prince or princess of Harmony and... Discord
0 likesIf y’all have different opinions and stuff this video was made 5 years ago and there wasn’t a lot of evil choices
1 likei wish the show did one Part when all elements of harmony go bad when the main 6 go mad when using the element of harmony
0 likesReplies (1)
on a Bad day everyone mad at main 6 for using the element of harmony for pony who not say he will come back we know it
0 likesI would like to see" dish armory"
0 likesReplies (1)
Yromra hsid
0 likesDish armory
The friendship games magic mirror and magic necklace
11 likesThough, wouldn't the element of gloom be someone else besides Maud, because like, she is pinkies sis, right? So, why? (And doesn't that make her a villain?) And I mean sure, she doesn't look happy, but I feel like she's just bored. (My opinion)
0 likesI call them more of the Elements of Chaos.
0 likesCurse
I think the elements of disharmony do exist and this is how they were created. Think of it like the 10 energems from power rangers dino charge. After the energems were created what was left over? The dark energem. The complete opposite of the ernergems. What if the after the pillars created the tree of harmony and the elements just like the tree must have dragged discord into existence the elements of disharmony were created. Only the tree didn’t mean to create them. But hey! That’s just a theory! A train theory! (Pure cringe)
0 likes"Didn't uhhh, Gandalf say that?"
0 likesproceeds to put up image of Dumbledore
The alicorn amulit looks like rarity's elament!
5 likesReplies (1)
@Margaret Beaver
0 likesthat’s what I thought so I think 1. They over looked that since they didn’t point it out and 2. That the elements of disharmony do exist
What if there were the elements of the alternate universe? here are the elements and who would be connected to them
0 likesCruelty:Lil Miss Rarity
Lie:Rotten Jack
Treason:Rainbow Factory
Dark Magic:Dr.Sparkle
Replies (1)
Kinda the mane six as creepy pastas
0 likesSo mane 6 are spirits of elements of harmony
0 likesAnd discord is spirit of disharmony
If there a spirit of disharmony I am sure that there are elements of disharmony
I just like to repeat the part:
0 likesKoo-koo crazy banna bonkers
It's so funny XD
Just look at the shape that is definitely the evil version of ratitys element
0 likesthis needs to be updated
6 likessunset and diamond tiara arent villains anymore
Replies (3)
True!!!!! dont put both them there NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeMaud wasn't a villan to begin with, and when you think of it Spitfire wasn't either
2 likesSoon as the flim flam brothers
0 likesI dont think its called elements of disharmony... I think its called elements of chaos
0 likesI think chrysalis should be evil magic since sunset reformed
0 likesor maybe it's the relic that will become dark
1 likei know im late but maybe if the elements got corupted by dark magic like sombras they become the elements of disharmony
0 likesAll of the disharmony holders have a connection with the main 6...(expect D.T)... who was raritys selfish crush? Who was A.J's enemy in super cider squeeze? Who did rainbow admirer in some episodes? Who is pinkies sister? Who wanted twilights crown? I know right I have all the answers to this =3
11 likesI think all the bad people in my little pony all have this evil thing but we don’t really see it
0 likesI think betrayal should go to lightning dust...
0 likesWhat about Nightmare moon and Discord? Discord represents the element of disharmony!!
0 likesIn trixie,s amulet
0 likesThere is a similar diamond like rarity so I guess s she is the opposite of generosity and discord should be the leader.
wait if the elements of DISharmony existed then there would be the tree of DISharmony.
0 likesdid anyone think of that?
Replies (1)
(a few years later) I just thought.. diamond tiara used to be evil.. but now she’s innocent. (Crusaders of the lost mark)
0 likesI think cozy glow is one of these holder’s
1 likeThe green element might have the disharmony in it
0 likeswhat if we think of the elements of harmony and disharmony as superman and bizzaro then would the elements of disharmony fail if they to be used together
0 likesToo bad the series is gonna end and there may not be a way to confirm whether this theory is cannon or not.
3 likesReplies (1)
Its getting a new generation first its ponylife and then the offspring of the mane 6
0 likesThe Elments of dis harmony are real think about it when Discord told the mane 5 what is not true that time they become elmets of dis harmony and then when Discord wone Twilight also become the 6th element of dis harmony.
0 likesits amazin g to see how this channel is now vs then
0 likesWell " SunSet Simmer " would follow " twilight's " Path, But she would rule with " Kindness & bad heart "
0 likesI thought spitfire was nice.
58 likesReplies (5)
She is when ever she is not Interviewing ponies for the wonderbolts
7 likes@*Uni* ye but what about Lightning dust?
2 likesYeah I thought Maud pie was nice she save pinkie pie
1 likeMe too
0 likesShe is, sometimes you have to be a little rude when training, they do have to try their best if they want to succeed
1 likeDidn't the elements of harmony happen when discord turn against each other they turn them the opposite of the elements
0 likesWait. If blue blood is celesta’s nephew does that mean she has another sister or brother
0 likesMaybe the bad side of harmaney destroyed the good side and turn sun shine into a demon
0 likesBut you said the necklace trixe bought was full of evil Alcorn magic from king sombra so these makes no sense
0 likesMay the force beam you up katness
23 likespfft
cc you may have ticked off alot of fandoms
er sorry
Replies (10)
Their rage feeds me and grants me power.
9 likesLol
0 likes@cannedcream hello Mr Siren-cream
3 likes@Bekah Gower Katniss*
0 likeso oh sorry
0 likes@Bekah Gower speaking of ticking off fandoms...
1 likei i didn't mean to i swear auto correct
1 likeI like hunger games mlp fnaf and sonic is that to many fandoms?
0 likesIncluding the BVB Army with his name (if you don't know what I mean use the power of the Google😛)
0 likesI think he was trolling. Videos like these are usually scripted.
0 likesHEY The theory ethical thing is that it him well technically Trixie bought all of them she only used the magic one ☝️
0 likesIf Maud was in this it wouldn't make any sense because she is good not evil and also spitfire is not evil also so o don't think they exist or maybe a new chrarcters can be their wearers
1 likeAnd who could create them? No other than, the one! The only! DISCORD!!! Seriously, the lord of Chaos AND Disharmony must have created the elements of disharmony.
0 likesIronic how the pony of laughter has a sister who is the pony of gloom.
0 likesElements of DISharmony are: Discord, Discord, Discord, Discord, Discord and Discord.
44 likesReplies (6)
Milica Lazic haha
3 likesto be honest discord can be a good i meant bad elemant of harmony...
1 likeyep
1 likeOh ya and discord
1 likeNo, it's Discord, Discørd, Dïscord, Dißcord, Disçord, and Diïscord.
0 likeswe need 2.0 of this ksksks
1 likeFlim and flam:dishonesty
0 likesMaud pie:gloom
Dimond tiara:cruelty
Cozy glow:betrayal
Sunset shimmer:evil magic
How would Spitfire be Betrayal?
0 likesWouldn’t discored have the opposite of twilights crown?
0 likesAt the title i was:like DISH-armory? What is Dish-armory? But then when i saw the episode i was like :Oohh so Dis -harmory not dish-armory! Dumb me
3 likesReplies (2)
The Dish Armory is where one keeps designated plates and platters for use as weapons if a fight breaks out in or near one's kitchen.
1 likeOh crap this was a whole year ago
1 likeSo discord could have some dark magic in him that came outa a disgarmony element so case closed
0 likesWhat if the elements of disharmony are all in discord he’s the spirit of chaos and..... disharmony so is discord the body of the elements of disharmony
0 likesguys what about when discords first appearance in the mlp series he turned all the freinds in their opposites exept for twilight.
1 likeNo listen if the war of harmony and disharmony happened then they would have shown it cause sombra destroyed the elements of harmony in the last season ( 9 )
0 likesMay the force beam you up Katniss - Gandalf
11 likesWow lol ok
Did anyone realise that when CC said Gandalf but it was a picture of Dumbledore ( from Harry Potter)
0 likesAnd I thought the elements of disharmony was in Return of harmony if they just turned gray like the ponies.. The gray ponies represent the elements of diaharmony well tho-
1 likeReplies (2)
oh yea :O whoa just watched that
0 likesjk but I did watch that a lot
0 likesDiamond tiarra is a nice person on the inside and so is Maud
0 likesSunset isn’t no longer be the apartment of The Element Of Disharmony anymore she’s not apart of the Element Of Harmony just like Starlight too
0 likesElement of DISH harmony :3
3 likesIsn't Sunset part of the mane 7? And plus Starlight and Trixy is now good
0 likesWhat if there's only one eliment of disharmony because the opposite of 6 is 1
0 likesDiamond Tiara and Sunset wouldn’t count anymore because there nice now. (Watch My little Pony S5 E19 to see what i mean about how Diamond Tiara is nice now)
1 likeIf the elements of disharmony exist maybe whoever represents the elements of disharmony should be called the mane bad or the bad the mean
0 likesWe are the crystal ge— oh wait wrong show
6 likesIf the elements of disharmony did exist, would the mane six have opposites? If so, i think i have names for them :)
1 likeRainbow dash - thunder dash (or something-)
Rarity - (i got nothing)
Pinkie pie - bloomy pie (idk abt this one)
Apple jack - (hvnt rlly got a name for her yet)
Twilight sparkle - dawn sparkle (ig)
Flutter shy - flutter brash (sure-...i guess?)
Raritys book has a star witch could be magic
0 likesit should be the elements of reformed for discord luna starlight and sunset
0 likesCould the elements of disharmony exist? Yes, check out episode 13 season 8.
0 likesyes plus dimond tira changed in an eposode
3 likesAll the relics like the amulet there are six of them. Like the elements of harmony.
0 likesThere is an element of this dishomuny (maybe) Disgenerosity
0 likesI think nightmare moon would be the barer of evil magic
0 likesWell actually if this was made this year the real holders would be the villains (meanness the shadow pony) boredom still miad pie (greed chrysalis) betrayal the villain from mlp movie(lies still the flip and flam brothers) the magic of loneliness the purple siren
0 likes2:34
3 likesTBN : did I realy just say that?
Me : well duh, ur a changeling like thorax when he wasn't reformed
I believe the elements of disharmony would be the seven deadly sins, except lust (because of the child friendly theme)
0 likesReplies (1)
Naw, I don't think so. They would be the opposites of the harmony elements. Like...
0 likes.Friedship magic-hate magic
Honesty - dishonesty
Loyalty - betrayal
Kindness - unkindness
Generous - meanness
Laughter - sadness
Well if twilights element is bad in the human world than would the other elements be the elements of disharmony in the human world?
0 likesActually Crystalis Would Be the Element of evil magic
0 likesOh by the way, this was published the day my cousin was born. She loves my little pony😊 also yeah rewatching in 2019. Anyone else comming back? No, just me?
0 likesWait did sunset shimmer change to a good person/pony plus would,nt one of them be pinkie pie,s evil twin pinky mena I know that,s fanmade but of course it looked like her in a speedpaint of that
3 likesDude the reason why he's such a beauty of disharmony because he's a damn changeling run for your life
0 likesI actually think Lightning Dust would get rainbow dashes element
0 likesWait a second didn't Rarities book have a gym in Middle could that be the element of greed
0 likesI think that insted of Spitfire Lightning Dust should be the betrayal.
5 likesReplies (2)
Yeah I agree
0 likesCozyglow
1 likeI feel like the elements of chaos is a better name
0 likesI feel like it would be chaos or insanity, not disharmony
0 likesWell Maud would not be an element neither sunset, diamond tiara, or spitfire and flim and flam, they are good now
0 likesThe mean six would be perfect for the disharmony
0 likesMay the force beam you up, Katniss.
5 likesReplies (3)
@TheQuestforCookies Plus, if the amulet was an element of disharmony, and Sunset Shimmer was reformed, wouldn't Trixie be the bearer of the 6th element instead of Sunset Shimmer?
1 likeMaybe, I still think that Starlight Glimmer from season 5 is the element of lies, she is such a liar
1 like@TheQuestforCookies Trixie was also reformed she can not be the bearer also someone who is truly evil can use it not just be used by it
0 likesI dont think sunset shimmer is the element of evil magic she could be a another element of harmony
0 likesI think that there’s another set of elements called the elements of magic not friendship not disharmony but life The elements of life
0 likesReplies (1)
The elements of life how old am I different people who chose those things the most
0 likesBut this ponies aren’t ponies but they have body parts of ponies but they aren’t real in the actual my little pony universe But I called my little pony universe to my universe but I say the name is Manella The Merpony Monisha the cloud Pegasus and MonishaThe ever free unicorn and
I think the people who should have the elements of disharmony Would be the elemental characters but that discord thing that happened
0 likesThis guy predicited the future.
50 likesReplies (9)
2 likesYou mean Cannedcream ? Bc he is literally on the opposite side so you can’t see the cutie mark (I think that’s what your saying)
3 likesAgreed properly
1 likeO.o
0 likes@Moes Harianto cutie marks are on both sides sooooooooooooo
3 likes@Moes Harianto yeah they on both sides
2 likes@Moes Harianto cute marks are on both the sides
2 likesugh the cutie mark is supposed to be on both sides like mine
2 likesCanned has literally covered why he doesn't have a cutie mark.
0 likesWait what if there were holders of the elements before the mane6😱
0 likesAnyone notice that the barrers of the elements of disharmony are the "enemies" of the barres of elemnts of harmony. Sunset was the enemy of twilight. Flim and Flam would be the enemy of Applejack. But rainbow's is Lightning Dust. She didnt want rainbow as her friend bc she just wanted to win. Rarity's is Blueblood. Fluttershy is, umm idk. Pinkies isnt her own sis! But i need help for flutter and pinkie. Help me
0 likesThat was pure magic with an inpure heart it was corrupted magic
0 likesBetrayal would not be spitfire but lightning dust
0 likesThey’d be called the elements of discord
5 likesDiamond Tiara would not be the element of cruelty in the end she became a good pony
0 likesOk look when sunset shimmer wear Twilight crown she turn evil. But when twilight wear the crown she turn powerful with good magic. So I think that the harmony is base of your personality. Like if twilight was evil she will turn evil like when the Equestria girl twilight have all the power of harmony she turn evil. Also when sunset have the power of harmony she turn good with more power harmony. So this is Juan like the ying & yang when their evil harmony there will be good harmony and when there good harmony their will be evil harmony. That go the same with the rest of the harmony there no disharmony harmony and disharmony are equal so the harmony goes like if your personality is evil you will get evil harmony from it. When your personality is good you get good harmony. So I think that the harmony is base of your personality.
1 likeHow did you forget discord!!??...
0 likesYou remember when discord corrupted the mane 6 when that happened applejack started lying rainbow dash started leaving pinkie pie started being bored fluttershy started being mean?(idk what cruel means lol so that's my guess)rarity started being greedy and twilight didn't really get corrupted so we could only leave trixie and her alicorn amulet for the element of dark magic.
Oh how could I forget chrysalis's clones
Mean applejack started lying
Mean pinkie pie was bored
Mean rarity was selfish
Mean fluttershy was being cruel I think
Talking about Star Wars.
1 likeSaying Gandwelf(?).
Showing Dumbledore.
Good job, you got it all wrong!
Your friend has no cutie mark...
47 likesReplies (6)
5 likesWhy? Wait he still hasn't found his special talent!!!!!!
The Unknown Ninja cough blank flank cough cough
5 likesMajestyDreemurr that's mean
2 likesMajestyDreemurr Slaps
2 likesr3psyche noob
0 likesWhere there are good things, there are also the bad
1 likeReal life logic
also,who else is half-brony,half-TF2 mercenary here?
I am
Watching your videos love it
0 likesI bet he doesn't even realize that they're the one in the same
1 likeBut maud pie isn't evil and sunset turned good and spitfire isn't evil she just doesn't understand loyalty like rainbowdash
0 likesdiamond tiara is good now
7 likesReplies (1)
girl2 #peaceouthaters and maud, and spitfire, and sunset shimmer
1 likeThe book might be the element of disharmony is selfless that spike found
0 likesThe gloom one should be the cranky of before
0 likesMaud pie and spirt fire aren’t evil characters at all
0 likesbut Sunset Shimmer should be the element of Forgiveness right? not the DisElement of EVIL MAGIC!
0 likesUhm.... sorry am i right? or she should be really the DisElement of EVIL MAGIC?
Sweet Celestia, is The Brony Notion actually doing a collaboration...? Did I not wake up this morning or...?
23 likesReplies (3)
I know, it's about time too! XD
12 likes@The Brony Notion did you mean to title drop or was it an accident?
2 likes@The Brony Notion http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/574/343/5ba.png What you think about that..?
0 likesoof i wished they didnt exist for now.theres already too much evil ere.
2 likesI think that the elements are still we are because you know that the elements like like magic air water nature sun moon so
0 likesNo all of the elements where represent discord until he reformed then they got destroyed
0 likesnightmare moon; ''evil magic'' the rest are good
0 likesThat guy don't have a cutie mark😐😑
94 likesReplies (11)
phanny kim no. cc has no need for cutie marks.
7 likesphanny kim OMG I NOTICED THAT TO!!!
3 likesIKR
1 likeHi
1 like@A Random Queer Fanpeep CCC already has a cutie mark.
1 likephanny kim maybe he doesn't know what he's supposed to do with his life
3 likesUnicat of Science no when pony’s get a cutie mark it’s on both of their flanks
0 likesHe is a changeling.
1 like@Unicat of Science no. A pony has their cutie marks on both flanks/sides.
1 likeMaybe other side
0 likes@Thomas Hodgetts yes, but the brony notion is also a changeling.
1 likethe reason you dont see the rest of the elements of disharmony is because they are all in different universes like trixys neckless think and twlights crown in the human world sawtooth fan signing off
0 likesCan you please make if tirek was a human.
0 likesLooking at this now... you’d kinda want to fit Cozy Glow and Tirek in there somehow 🧐 maybe even Gladmane as deceit? Or betrayal? Imagine if Juniper Montage’s mirror was something along the lines of greed? And the memory stone deceit or betrayal? I think more and more the show went on the more on disharmony was revealed
0 likesWhen trixie wore the amulet she is the dark magic bearer
0 likesWho else pronounced it
27 likesDish-armony
just me ok
Replies (6)
• rõsylïń • LoL 😂
3 likesYup
0 likesLol
0 likesYes just u
0 likes@val is wack yee
0 likesAlly and me
0 likesOk so when the star was thing came up I was like “YAY STAR WAS AND MY LITTLE PONY IN ONE VIDEO I LOVE THEM BOTH” but I do like them both
1 likeLike if you do to
Replies (1)
Pastel Flower like begger and whos star was lol
0 likesgosh i miss these days and canned cream
0 likesDo you relase that in my dream my armmagedion cannon is supercharged by the elements of disharmony and one blast broke off galactus helmet and that not included the alicorn amilte so imagine how powerful it is
1 likeDoes that make twilights element an element of disharmony and harmony
0 likesThe reverse of mlp would be wiq
24 likesReplies (1)
isn't it plm?
4 likesDisharmony means no friends meaning there can't be 6 or 5 of them
0 likesJevil: So, you mean the Elements of CHAOS, CHAOS?!
0 likesthe book could have been the element off greed
0 likesjust seeing season 9 of mlp fim and eqg really turns this for a twist
0 likesCan someone else PLEASE tell me they have a OC? I'm my profile pic, and I'm a bat pony if u can't see.
4 likesReplies (3)
Btw my name is Echolight
1 likeEcho Light
0 likesHm I see, look on videos about Mary Sues and how to not be one as well
And tone down the colors, have a backstory just in case you become a youtuber
Me! I’ve changed my OC’s name to Moonlight Melody catchy isn’t it? ;)
0 likesI like it that CC Said: "Well Equestria He's a cornucopia Filled with magic whatevers"It's just so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesDisharmony = chaos
0 likesSo, discord is the elements of disharmony?
Quote from Starlight
1 likeSun moon
Dark light
BAD and good
We need them all so probably they exist ..... What is in it for the young 6
I think Starlight's old staff from when she was evil could've harnessed the power of 1 of the elements of disharmony.
2 likesHere's what I think happened: This one was the strongest and while being destroyed as a solid, the power it harnessed would never die.
So it found an old forgotten staff and the dark power was harnessed in it.
Creating a weapon dangerous to all pony kind as it takes away their cutie marks.
Edit: This would be the element of jealousy
Replies (2)
Not to destroy your theory but the “staff” was just a piece of wood she found and look at the cutie mark I think it looks like taking away a cutie mark or something with cutie mark magic
1 like@Gacha Doggy Ooooof it's been a while since I watched the 2-parter so I guess I forgot. :/
0 likesDoes any body else like their own comments? No? Just me? Ok.... I'll go home now.......
848 likesReplies (86)
Sarah and Sadie I do!
6 likesSarah and Sadie i do lol
5 likesMeeee
5 likesSarah and Sadie OMG I LITERALLY JUST DID!!! I WROTE I COMMENT HERE..(btw boady?)
10 likesSarah and Sadie Wait! I do!
3 likesI do
4 likesSarah and Sadie I do
3 likesSarah and Sadie I do.........I think I shuld go home too :/ I think were special
4 likesI do
4 likesSarah and Sadie i like my own comments
3 likesSarah and Sadie I usually am the only one that likes them 😔
3 likesI always like my own everything not just comments lol
4 likesI just liked my own comment as i saw this.lol.
3 likesYour not in your own home already?
3 likesI do
3 likesI don’t but i am tempted
2 likesSarah and Sadie I DO
2 likesSarah and Sadie not just you trust me no one will like my comments
3 likesJust did..
1 likeSarah and Sadie wait you can do that?
1 likeNevermind. 😜
1 likeRedstone shark I Know How To Spell Right
0 likeskitty cat I Like My Own Comments
2 likesSarah and Sadie You Spelled Body Wrong And I Do Mean You
0 likesSolange Cancado i just liked it...
1 likei don’t judge AND i won’t judge your writing!😋 Sarah and Sadie
1 likeI do… 😭😂
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do
0 likesI do.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do XD
0 likesI do because I don't feel important
1 likeSarah and Sadie I do
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do
1 likeSarah and Sadie I do like my own comment
0 likesI like my comments
0 likesi do it and btw you spelled "boady" wrong its "body"
1 likeI dislike liking my own comments.
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do!
0 likesI do QwQ
1 likeSarah and Sadie I
0 likesSarah and Sadie idoooo
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do
0 likesEveryone does lol
0 likesSarah and Sadie no I like my own comments
0 likesYou made this just to get likes
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do!
0 likesSarah and Sadie anybody not any boady
0 likesSarah and Sadie I do
2 likesSarah and Sadie thats sad ;-;
1 likeYeah me
2 likesI do sometimes
2 likesSarah and Sadie I do 𗀇
2 likesLike I did now!
2 likesI do
3 likesSarah and Sadie I do
1 likeI do it.....
1 likeSarah and Sadie me!
1 likeI do
1 likeMe lol
1 likeSarah and Sadie, hehe i did like my own comment
1 likeSarah and Sadie lol I do.
2 likesMe too!
1 likeyep just you...oh wait thares other people who did that ok
1 likenot me
0 likesWAHT?!
0 likesMe to
0 likesI do
0 likesNot just you....I do it almost
0 likesI do
0 likesFor no resson
666th comment
0 likesI do
1 likeSay&Said
0 likesPony*
I do I’ll just like meh own reply
1 likeI do
0 likesno i do
0 likesI like my own comments.
0 likesSay&Said wait no me too
0 likesI do
1 like800th like
0 likesMe does
0 likesWon't we all do 😂
0 likesI do
0 likesI do
0 likesSay&Said LoL I do cause I think no one will lol
0 likesAnd why are the element of disharmony all blue can't it be a darker color of the elements of harmony? Talk about "BALANCE"
0 likesThere is a episode where discord is called the spirit of chaos and disharmony
0 likesSelfish is about self, selfless is about other ponies, harmony is about both of every-pony.
1 likeI think Flutterbat is Cruelty, Nightmare Rarity is Selfishness, ? is Deceit, Rainbow Dash Shadowbolt is Betrayal, Pinkamena Diane Pie is Gloom and Twivine Sparkle/Midnight Sparkle is Evil Magic.
0 likesWhat happens when my little pony gets discontinued what happens to the channels of my little ponies cough cough cough snicker car LOL ha ha
3 likesMe: casually watching these
1 likeThem: with season five coming out-
Them: .-. Your only 5 years late-
Me: ... Eh who cares. GIMME THE REALLY OLD ONES NOW.
This is what I think
0 likesCrulaty is diamond tiara
Greed is price blue blood
Dishonestie is film and flam
Betrail is cozy glow
Dark magic is king sombra
Replies (1)
Oh and gloom is mud briar
0 likesThere are already an element of disharmony it's the element of insanity
0 likesThe elament of magic represent go od and evil.
1 like5:13 Of course the Dark side lost... In every movies/TV Show the bad guys always lose...Yes they might won mini-Battles but not the hole thing...
5 likesReplies (14)
Mob films? The protagonists win but they're hardly "good guys".
1 like@Gregious
0 likesidk i never saw that movie so i cant really tell about it :/
@Vincent Robillard
0 likesIt's a genre. You know gangster films.
0 likesoh okay
Someone planned on making a movie where in the end the dark side wins.
0 likesDunno who did it, but someone did.
@karatek The Blue Shell Pegasus The emperor created his empire didn't he?
0 likes@neo greeo i think so i dont know
0 likes@karatek The Blue Shell Pegasus the original trilogy?
0 likes@neo greeo i dont know to be honest
0 likes@karatek The Blue Shell Pegasus if you haven't watched Star Wars, you haven't lived life!
0 likes@neo greeo well, i watched it but not entirely but still i dont know about it
0 likesIt's impossible to see the movie and not know about the Empire...
0 likes@neo greeo okay :/
0 likesMay have watched one of the prequel trilogy?
0 likesif sunset shimer was the barer of evil magic that would not make sens sun set shimer is good now
1 likeDiamond tiara becomes nice when the crusaders get their marks
0 likesThese are actually called the Elements of Chaos, (Hello, Discord)
1 likeI think that there aren' t elements of disharmonie
0 likesI think that its just discord the lord of chaos
oh and Season 9 is gonna come out soon
13 likesAKA
the LAST season of MLP FIM
Replies (7)
This comment literally doesn’t connect to the video at all.
1 like@Mr. Cup who cares
0 likesMelina Lopez Well excuse me for thinking that comments should relate to the goddamn video on which they’re posted.
1 likeHe could’ve posted this on a discussion about the end of MLP, or on a reddit post asking when the series is gonna end, but no. He posts it on some random goddamn theory video.
Mr. Cup, bruh, you really complaining about that in YouTube of all places?
1 likeExcuse me if I get your idea wrong, but I think he meant that there is still another season to find if that is true
0 likesJose Miguel Caballero restrepo where else would I complain about it? The subreddit? Then I’d be just as guilty of commenting things with no relevance to the topic.
0 likesYouTube is the only logical place to complain about it.
Ok boomer
0 likesthe elements of DisHarmony would be
0 likesThe Elements of Chaos
Chrysalis made like a copy of the main sixth and they start trampoline around the tree of harmony that might be the answer
0 likesit annoys me that this was the theme of show finale. but with new characters.
0 likesCool thing tho. Queen transformy gal made evil clones.
12 likesReplies (5)
There is always a time for Star Wars!!!
7 likes+Tanner Trusty Sometimes yup and sometimes no
0 likesArctic 226 yeah
0 likesI despise star wars.😡😠😤👎
0 likesFlameheart 27 In that case, you're going to the moon.
0 likesJust a random thought but isn’t rareity really special cuz she is the only unicorn
0 likessigh i remember the days when me and my sister would wait for season 5 now we have season 9
0 likesSunset shimmer, starlight glimmer, Q.C, Nightmare Moon, Cozy Glow, and Mane-iac
0 likesThe elements are harming me. Oh, it’s just that I am an antagonist.
0 likesWhen all the ponies except Twilight turn gray we saw the disharmony elements
1 likeThat would explain that we only see one eliment of disharmany
0 likesWouldn’t it be the elements of insanity
0 likesAnd now that the tree of harmony is a thing, this whole headcannon is dead lol
0 likes4 season's later: Sorry I haven't seen any disharmony elements.
0 likesDiamond Tiara would now not be the element of cruelty
0 likesDo the "Memory Stone" (that Wallflower Blush has) count?
0 likesReplies (3)
I’m sorry but it’s actually Wallflower Blush, not Wall Flowerblush. Imagine being named Wall lmao
1 likeAlso I may have accidentally disliked so sorry for that
0 likes@mothgirl™️ Thanks for reminding me by the way😊😊
0 likesi wonder where apple jack's parents are not that it has anything to do with this video . but i've been wondering if there still alive .
0 likesInstead of “evil magic” it could just be the element of power
0 likesI’m only 56 seconds in btw
Relating to the future that wont work because Sunset and diamind tiara change for the better.
0 likesI have a theory what is the elements of harmony destroy deep elements of disharmony
0 likeswouldnt th opposite of honesty be Untrucfullness?
0 likesWhat about sombra in the alicorn amulet idea
0 likesThe elmans of cinnamon is made from the crispy from king somdr
0 likesRarity and fluttershy almost represent the same element
0 likesAlso the evli version of magic holder would actually be t rec
0 likes“CREESSTAALLLS!” OML I’m dying lol!
0 likesSunset Shimmer would now not be the element of evil magic who would replace her?
0 likesIf this is true how sad would pinkie be cause of mad having to fight her sis also isn’t sunset good now
0 likesThere is because is the comic because Celestia went in the opposite dimension Equestria so everyone that is good is bad and everyone that was bad was good
0 likesYaaas the hammer of friendship strikes again!!!!
0 likesEver since I heard CC say cuckoo crazy banana bonkers I use that saying to depict any insane action or saying
0 likesThey look like infinity stones. The Harmony Gauntlet.
0 likesThe thing trixie used the gem looks like the gem on rarity necklace
0 likesThe human elements of harmony are
0 likesPony elements of dis-harmony
We have already seen the elements of disharmony(S.2 E.2)
0 likesThe liar
the grump
the hoarder
the brute
But we’re just missing one!
You(cringe voice):BuT tWiLiGhT nEvEr DiD tUrNeD lIkE tHe MaNe SiX(gRaY)
Well yeah but at the end-ish she turned gray and she lost hope and she didn’t believe in herself because the main six never turned back to normal(yes they did but you know what I mean she thought they wouldn’t turn back to normal) she lost HOPE sure evil magic could be another kind of magic but what I’m trying to say is imagine twilight with a human and she had this kind of magic HOPE so she lost hope so she would be....
But there could be another word instead of hopeless
Not evil magic because you could use good magic for evil magic to defeat someone that’s evil that doesn’t mean you’re evil The word is
Magic-less yes she still had magic but Twilight represented friendship as well as her friends even if they weren’t princesses but without her friends she would just lose HOPE(i’m still stuck on hopeless lol) so-smacks lips-without her friends she would just be the girl of friendship and her friends had this kind of magic but since they became ‘The Elements of Disharmony’ Twilight tried her best to make them back to ‘Harmony’ she lost her friends so she lost her point of her cutie mark ‘Magic’ and there are three types of magic(in my book) ‘Magic(duh)’ ‘Hope’ ‘ Believe’ she lost her friends so she lost hope she couldn’t believe herself that she could get them back to normal she lost all types of Magic the only kind she had left was ‘Magic’ but she would be weak because her magic relied on for making friends because she after all it is ‘The Princess Of Friendship’
Sure on the first episode she didn’t have friends that’s why she wasn’t Alicorn then sure in this episode yes she wasn’t in our corn but she made friends and she was starting to learn so we could call her (for when she was a unicorn) ‘The Unicorn Of Friendship’
But of course we should never because Celestia knew what was going on and she knew the right time to turn her into a ALICORN so so did Celestia create Discord because we’ve only seen one of his kind so maybe Celestia created him for all of this to happen but it got out of control and he became chaotic( - relating systems to exhibit chaos) and he got out of control that’s why he is ‘Discord Of Chaos’ and Celestia maybe gave a task to him to do all of this to see (when I was doing this I started getting a deep voice like in the part right now so just imagine in a deep voice)if they can battle THE BIGGEST THINGS (IN S.9) ?!?!!!!?!
Replies (1)
Link to my videos that I make
0 likes1.https://youtu.be/RcXyS5Uf54Q
I keep on reading dis-harmony as dish armony
0 likeswhat about sombra? he literly turned purple crystles into black ones for celestias sake!
0 likeswhen discord coud make the ponies sad/the opposite the elements of disharmony appeared at the ponies´s necklaces! ex : pinkie pie´s necklace was dark and she wasnt funny anymore so discord made a element of harmony an element of disharmony!
0 likesi liek ur vids(wrong writing proposital)
Sunset is now reformed into a good person.
1 likeIf there is such thing as the elemens of disharmony it could be that their from a completely different universe so like it is the complete opposite of the first or original universe were watching right now
0 likesThose things should exist in a disharmony world, not in Equestria.
1 likeIf there the opposit of the elements then the elements of disharmony exist in the real world
0 likeslittle did they know that g5 will focus on disharmony
0 likesInfinity war was the good one where the bad side won
0 likesI saw a element of disharmony appearing in star swirl's village
0 likesWhen he said the hammer of Friendship on pain of villains head I was laughing so hard I almost hit my sister in the face like I was laughing so hard they almost hit her in the face I was like hahaha hahaha hahahahaha and I was like like blowing my arm around in the air and my sister was very close to me watching and it was my right arm and I almost hit her in the face and made her fall the bed
0 likesWhat about in season five where chrysalis makes five disharmony
0 likes0:55
0 likesDiamond tiara is debunked
Sunset is debunked
Maud is not but is still not on my list
EDIT:I should have put this comment in the other video huh?
This is nostalgic...
0 likesThis was made on 2015 so they probally did not know that diamond tiara was nice at that time
1 likeand that also explains why it looks like sombra cuz you know ho it changes it shape for it wearer
0 likesIf there’s a tree of harmony and disharmony DOES exist would a tree of disharmony exist somewhere ?
0 likesWould'nt discord be "disharmony" or chaos
0 likesMain 6 + Spike = 7 Deadly sins. Thin about it.
0 likesThey would’ve brought it up if they did
0 likesdon't miss sombra's corn is dark magic and human twilight's pendant
0 likesWhy spitfire and maud they are good characters
0 likesi think the elements of cringe are most probable
2 likeswhy is it spitfire it should be lightning dust
0 likesThe evil magic elemants was for grogar
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesSeason 8 the episode the mean 6 could be possible for the elements of disharmony.
0 likesMoth oh no she won't she might seem a little dark but she is not evil dude
1 likeThat was a picture of dumbledore not Gandalf
0 likesThe magic used for evil is red and green and apple jack and rainbow dash has those magic colours dose that mean they are evil and spikes flames are green .when you were talking about good and bad ,green is a color of good and red bad can you explain that.apple jack and twilight are the only two with two colours
0 likeshold up Maud is good spitfire too what did they do i mean most of those people are good now
0 likesSunset shimmer was reformed in rainbow rocks so she couldn't be one of the elements of disharmony
0 likesWhat if’s king Sombra is an element
0 likesIsn't discord the element of disharmony?
0 likesBut could there be elements of disharmony
1 likeWell your answer was right at the start
Q,:elements of disharmony
Me: hears jedis and mlp in the same vid does this mean what i think it means? Others jes it takes place in the same universe me there are gonna be lightsabers in the next equestria girls movie.
0 likesSpit fire isn't the element if betrayal
0 likescan you do best elements of harrmony
0 likesWell that’s the ambulate from Sombra
0 likesI think lightning dust is better at being in betrayal than spitfire
0 likesReplies (1)
Ya she betrayed d wonderbolts
0 likesAlso they would be called the elements of war
0 likes3:54-the origin of the Force[Star Wars Lore]
0 likesReplies (1)
4:49-Star Wars Force Lore continued
0 likesStrongest element: the element of Emo 🖤
0 likesIt think the sirens would be the element of betrayal
0 likesYou know you can say lyying instead of dessie
0 likes(Sry if i'm wrong
There might realy be elements of Disharmony in Eqestria and the Alicornambilet could be a element of Disharmony.☺😊😀😁😄😸💗💘💝💞💛💜💙
0 likesNo, because Discord is the disharmonie in a person
1 likesunset chimmer is a alicorn bc as Pony has she the horn and in human can she turn into a Phönix.
0 likesA “SHEMON” not a she demon
0 likesA “SHEMON” not a she demon
0 likesHey what about when discord made twilights friends crazy do you think the elimants of disharmony like come on it is the only think what I think would work I think you should use I information and make it a video.
0 likesI think both elements exist
0 likesI know what the sixth element of disharmony is the devise the crystal prep twilight created
0 likesRemember discord is the creature of DIS HARMENY and chaos
0 likesDid you see the last ep? You should do a vid abbt it or having a new theory about it.
0 likesYou even said grow gar was the first one to find a Questria
0 likesGrogar's bell may be one
1 like5:26 I laughed at this part :V
0 likesThe crystal of trixie looks like rairty crystal
0 likesWhen your not a brony but you click because ur extremely bored and have binged all your anime
0 likesSunset was a good pony, right?
0 likesSun set would be the element of dark magic
0 likesReplies (1)
Sunset was reformed.
0 likesThe elements of disharmony would be the MEAN six
0 likesI like how if you watch this it shows that your channel name is Brony nation but it is really sawtooth waves lol
0 likesEvil magic would be shared by the bad 3
0 likesIt would made sense why blueblood have the element of selfishness since he’s selfish with rarity at the grand galloping gala,how does a kind and generous and wise ruler like my aunt lulu and aunt Tia have such a selfish and spoiled nephew like my cousin blueblood.
0 likesBut disharmony doesn't means evil. Look at Discord!
0 likesWhat about the elements of Balance
0 likesWhat is there is another Kingdom named and the name of the kingdom is Equestria spelled backwards so it is airtseuqe and dead kingdom has the elements of this harmony and likeness is the one that gets defeated there because of the elements of this harmony
0 likesWell element of magic represents magic. Not evil not good it can be any so the barer of the elemant of magic would be magic less. It di give sunset evil magic
0 likesah, nostalgia
1 likeI just realized that CC is a blank flank-
0 likesWell if they do with me I have to be in a very far off land so far it may be the place where it came from but it was standard to
0 likesPlease tell me what video software you use i am really wanna make videos like this.
0 likesI say that the elements of disharmony were created by Discord.
0 likesWe allready heard of disharmony 2 times
1 likeWhat if the mean 6 are the elements of disharmony
0 likesand please make a video explaining what happened to Apple jacks parents
0 likesIf there was a Tree of Harmony is existed, doesn’t Tree of Disharmony exist too ?
0 likesWhy don't you do rarity's origin
0 likesWhat I'm wondering is why are spitfire and sunset shimmer there when if you're watching in 2018-2019 or 2020 sunset shimmer turns good and of course spitfires good
0 likesLike mine in my dream I got overpowered and beaten the fuck out of me and that all my character goaleus arms are completely 💯 unusable thanks to that crap and pikachs iron tall and I barely escape with my life and I had lily in my shoulder arms and yes goaleus can deploy two more arms in the fight and no I can't regrow limes
1 likeHold on it’s that way with the keys because of the heroes of Questria back from none of them will win no team win win because you’re exactly like you met up on me just with darkness inside of them
0 likesYah it does exist it the evil version of the elements of harmony like evil
0 likesAs you said that ashla has dark and bogon has light ashla may have won cause the inner power is darkness anyways is it true or I'm just being stupid like and comment
0 likesThe pony with sawtooth waves has NO CUTIE MARK Like no!
0 likesWouldn't it be elements of chaos
0 likesOr elements of CHAOS!
0 likeswho knows if its not a gem but other relics
0 likesThere is a fan fiction (with swearing) called the elements of instanity or something or other
0 likesMay the force beam you up Catnis.
2 likes- Gandalf
Replies (1)
1 likeQuestion. Does queen chrysalis have a cutie mark ?!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesWait did you say tricks necklace thingy and Rarities book and the three sirens Trixie's necklace Rarities book 3 silence gems wait that means five is there one more
1 likeif the elements of disharminy exist then the three of disharminy also exist
0 likesHow ironic that pinkis sister gets the element of disharmony that is hers opposite coincidence i think not
0 likesSpit fire shouldn't it be lightning dust
0 likesOr diamond tiara to her mom
And sunset shimmer into I dont know the
Shadowbolt principal
Elements of... Chaos?
0 likesI made OCs that hold the opposites of of the elements of harmony
0 likesGandalf
1 likeProceeds to show a picture of dumbledore
2:14 hammer of friendship 😆😆😆
0 likesI think discord has all of them in him
0 likeswhy do Snip and Snail be with evil?
0 likeslook what if they were totally new characters so we wouldn't know if these new characters could exist I did sketch of what could be of them
0 likesI have the app that cannedcream used to make his pony
0 likesIt is the element of generacity
0 likesevil magic should not be Sunset cuz she is nice now
0 likesIf sunset was faking good how did the others you know pinkie Fluttershy apple jack and the others not know that she was faking they always know?
1 likeNo wait, that gem looks like Raity's cutie!
0 likesWhat about growgard’s bell
0 likesI hope my little pony sees this and makes it a acuall thing
0 likeszacora and two princess discord is the eiement of disharmony
1 likeIs there a spirit of DISharmony
0 likesI have to ask where are the Gems of disharmony
0 likeswhy is CannedCream a blank flank?
0 likesThe elements of dcHarmony and called the elements of insanity
0 likesThe breakers are the evil mane 6
0 likesHmmm this is a Yin-yang situation like the discord and astral twilight thing HMMMMMMMMMM
2 likesNo that could be discord ... The elements of disharmony or CHAOS 🤪😁😬😬
1 likeAt the 2:26 the elements are lined up
0 likesThere is no such thing as the elements of dis harmony in my little pony
0 likesSawtooth Waves: * mentions deceit* (0:47)
0 likesMe: wHos ShE? NeVeR hEaRd oF hEr
(Like if u get this refrence)
The book! One of the disharmany
0 likesThis feels like debate club
0 likestrixie : re obtained alicorn amulet
0 likesdiscord : ":>" finger snap
i dont think maud pie and spitfire and diamond tiara is just a foal
0 likesSpitfire wasn’t supposed to be inside
0 likesWhy betral for spitfire she is a good pony
0 likesSpitfire was never evil
1 likeSunset shimmer is good now
Diamond Tiara is good now
Flim and Flam are kinda good
Sooooooo yeeeeeeee
But twilight sparkle defeats texting in the end
0 likesWoah woah why spitfire and maud I know spitfire but lied about sorins wing but over all she is a really good pony like she kicked out wind rider for framing rainbow dash because she knows that’s wrong and maud would not hurt anybody like she saved her sister from a rock slide but I’m sure you have your reason why
0 likesCould also be greed...
0 likesSunset shimmer isn’t really the element of bad magic because she be came nice nowadays
0 likesWhat's DIShamony..
0 likesI only know DISHarmony
Spitfire is NOT evil
1 likeIt Looks The Element Of Selfishness Is Being Shoved Into Brony's Head
0 likesthe pics on the chairs are the elements if dissonessty.
0 likesI think that it was just a opposite of it
0 likesSo the sirens amulets make them sing better... BOOM ELEMENT OF DECEPTION!!! Beares: The Dazzlings/Sirens
0 likesReplies (1)
B e a r e r s
0 likes* looks at title*
0 likesListen to muffins and then you will get your answer
I know this is new but what about the mean six?
1 likeSunset shimmer & Diamond tiara are not on here anymore lol. And maud is not evil so...
0 likesCozy glow is better for the bad kiness and cricalisy is for evil magic
0 likesSunset wouldnt be one tho👀
0 likesum spitfire is half bad and maud is not really a bad guy bc she saved pinkie when there was a rockslide and we all seen reformed sunset shimmer and diamond tiara is reformed too
0 likesEverybody knows its Crazy Glue
0 likesOk sawthooth the element of disharmony is literally discord
1 likeBrony nation: Who made the element of disharmony. Me:Cryslis she made it because she made fake my little pony’s in a episode
0 likesWouldn't a tree of disharmony exist for elements of disharmony exist
0 likescould possibly all be represented by discord
0 likesHe should have put a far fetched the Pokémon
0 likes2015: nah
0 likes2016: nah
2017: hmm another year?
2018: no no not yet.
2019: ok nope nope and nope. Another year?
So Twilight's Crown is both Harmony and Disharmony element?
0 likesWhy doesn't cannedcream have a cutie mark?
0 likesYou forgot Disord.
0 likesCoo coo crazy banana bonkers?
0 likesThat was ligit so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
If they do the mean six do control them that.... MIGHT BE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!
0 likesWelp season 8 proved this wrong lol
1 likeHow about Crysalis crown
0 likesCannedcream: Cc for short.
Spitfire was a good guy afterwards
0 likesReplies (1)
And trixie
0 likes:are you famillar with the old jedi order?
0 likes:*mixES rEFErEnces*
I got the Star Wars joke, don’t worry.
0 likesYou missed a dark magic when discord got the elements of harmony apple jack become lied pinkie pie bec@me not laughy twilite well she was sad rainbow day wasn’t loyal and flutter shy hated animals and rarity liked rocks and yeh they were all grey cuz of discord
0 likesNo just elements of insanity
1 likeThese Theories are better than MattPatts
1 likeCould the elements of disharmony exist?
Omg it’s so annoying that I’m stupid because like.. I looked at the word ‘disharmony’ and thought, “what?? Dish harmony???” Then I realized it’s dis- harmony. ._.
1 likeIf ther was a elements of disharmony ther wold be a tree of disharmony!!
0 likesThe princess of enemies
0 likesidea: wot if the elements we have know are harmony and dis harmony? OoO
0 likesReplies (1)
like they can switch between them idea comes from twilight s crown
0 likesYes 2 have been saw raritys book would be selfish and the amulet is evil magic
0 likesIn canterlot high there are 3 elements of DISharmony
0 likesDiamond tiara changed after and sunset is now nice
0 likesMaybe prince blowblood is impolite.
0 likesYou forgot the memory stone in MLP Equestria girls dummy 🤣
0 likesKing sombra is a stallicorn
1 likeMaybe you should go back to scopic after watching season six need a new character to do the story and have you watch the Hulu my little pony
0 likesMoral of the story: Stay away from Kansas. Look at a map of the US
0 likesBut sunset is....... good now?
1 likeThey exsist they are just like red emeralds
0 likesdiamond tiara is now kind
0 likessunset is no longer evil
Mmmmm... this video is old. Actually Chryslah created the MEAN SIX which Chryslah might have used the Mane six AND the elements of DISharmony. P.S. I'm not a MLP fan and i don't know how to spell CHRYSLAH
0 likeswait a sec my little pony equestria girls cst sunset shimmer is the holder of seventh element of harmony on your theory is there a seventh element of harmony
0 likesThe problem is that sunset is now good
0 likesplease don't say that maud and spit fire are bad guys
0 likesIn the alacorn amulet had a gem like rareatys elament has
0 likesIt is possible because all the villains are show no harmony
0 likesWhy sunset shimmer, I know she's good now
0 likesBrony what app did you use to make pony
0 likesthe bad elements are bishy a graf and 5 cheasgraters and a turtleneck
0 likesActually there the elements of insanity
0 likesHey where is CC's cutie mark or is he just a blank flank
0 likeswhat about the storm kings staff oh that movie came out in 2017
1 like
0 likesreversed magicscienceDiscord is the Element Of Disharmony they said
0 likesMy Little Pony Enemies are Magic
1 likeMan I remember this video
0 likesCan i ask how you make this videos pls
0 likes( you know, like, add ponies to your videos and making your own ponies
the antonym of harmony is discord.
0 likesWait Beyond Equestria? what if I heard similar to that .....
0 likesMLP MOVIE
Wait typhon? That’s also in titan fall2
0 likesThey didn't show this in the show 😡
0 likesi keep thinking it Dish Armory
0 likesLook at the book and the shapes on it you my final clue
0 likesAmazing
0 likesMaybe This could be true Because like Ninjago:Masters Of spinjitzu Theres A Balance Of The World
0 likesReplies (1)
Thank you for being the most recent comment I've seen.
0 likesSays:Jedi
0 likesStar wars fans (no siths :D):TRIGGERED
When they saw the Je'daii
Discord would replace twilight
1 likespyro came in my little pony and gave them to fluttershy and got marryed
0 likesDiamond tiara is good now and spitfire is good and sunset shimmer is good now is this old
1 likeCozyglow is betrayal.
0 likesI hope you can come back to this
0 likesElements of chaos?
0 likesDid you say. Disharmony? Of course it is discord
0 likesGandolfo!
0 likesShows Dumbledore
0 likesNo need to be rude but....is C.C a blank flank
0 likesSort the elements of disharmony
0 likesSpitfite betrays someone?
0 likeswhat about the sirens
0 likesGreat vid
0 likesReplies (1)
also i counted relics you showed. there are 6 of them. 3 siren thingers, the alicorn thinggy, the stone tablet thingermajig, and the tiara
0 likesthe je'daii order is the long way to say YIN AND YANG
0 likesI have made Cannedcream in pony creator on my tablet
0 likesDo you know what you meant. Of course you do. You just meet this you know because you were busy to All of My Little Pony
0 likesAlicorn amulet is pride.
0 likesHahahahahahahahagsgagaga the hammer of friendship soooold I bought it Hahahaha Gaga ga okay I did not a bought it but its soo funny 😆
0 likesI would own one bc Im "mean"
2 likesWhat i heard :Dish Harmony
0 likesWait.......canned cream.......where's your cutiemark?
0 likesthe elements of disharmony is frinemies
1 likeSeason 10 confirmed
0 likesa good one that's why it turns it into a
0 likesDidn’t gandoff say that
0 likesThen shows a picture of dumbledore
Me the Harry Potter fan 😭😑
SEVEN DEADLY SINS! Plz talk bout them
1 likeA cornucopia of magical whatever
0 likesHasbro
Kill the non-believer of the force in other words the guy who said gound off said that I want to hit him over the head with a sledgehammer dragon is going to devour you what I mean is a dragon
0 likesTOO LATE because.. sunset and diamond tiara turn good
0 likesIdk if the mlp is that much complicated I mean this is a kids movie so idk if they'll not be posting that
0 likesCannedcreem dosnt have a cutie mark gasp
0 likesCan I ask why dont CC an cutie mark?
0 likesYes the elemnts of insanity showed up in season 5 or 6.
0 likeswhy doesnt Cannedcream has a cutie mark?
0 likesSpitfire is nice dude
0 likesThis is game theory food theory and film theory together but it’s mlp theory’s
0 likesThis is really out of date! Film and flam are kind of good and sunset and diamond tiara are good now are we have been done with blue blood for like 4 seasons and spit fire how is she a bad pony!?!?!?!?
0 likesWhen did spitfire betray
0 likesElements of DISHarmony
1 likeGood theory here have a cookie 🍪
0 likesYes we have sort of but we know sunsetshimer turnedgood remember
0 likesElements of Disharmony:
1 likeElement of lies
Element of gloom
Element of mean
Element of evil magic
The mane six turned grey the elaments did to
1 likeI love docter phill
1 likefreaking star wars yassssssssssssssss
0 likesWhy is spitfire unloyal now this I don't understand
0 likesSunset shimmer is the 7th element of harmony not disharmony. She is my favourite character. How dare you
0 likesReplies (1)
And tiara turned good. Oops I am from the future 2020. Oof bye enjoy your 2015
0 likesGandalf ain't Dumbledore
0 likesSix elemants of disharmony more like the seven deadly sins.
0 likesCC doesn't have a cutie mark!!
0 likesWait a second umm don't think about thinking the mane six children are gonna get elements that are the same but different color that will not make sense plus thats not going to work because season nine is last bronnnnnnnyyyy!!#😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
0 likesWhat about the time. The powerpuff girl lost in a robbery
1 likeReplies (1)
But still it was just the part of the video
0 likesWhere's your cutie mark, CC?
0 likesthe elmins of insanity
0 likesWhy have we only Sean the apple's parans ones
0 likesMagical whatevers
0 likesVery descriptive
realizing Brohoof is a take off of PewDiePie's brofist OHHHHHHHHHHH
0 likeswhy is cc a blank flank tho lol
0 likesedit: i looked more in the video and i think it mite be that its not jest the oposit its like idk hate wait is that jest the oposit of kindness meh yo get it
Who wants a face reveal
0 likesmore like the elements of insanity
0 likesUm is discord the elements of disharmony = chaos
0 likesDisharmony majic don’t exist I know it’s hard to tell one don’t exist in the eqastria but it does not exist and ador one’s exist bye 😅
0 likesThe elements of disharmony does not exist trixies necklace is a old alicorn amulet but not a disharmony
0 likesDo you mean the elements of insanity
1 likeIf i saw a talking horse i would be like
Ha! CC is a blank flank! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesHey uh, CC dosent have a cutiemark...just saying.
0 likesCanned cream is not having a cutie mark
0 likesBUT....sunset is GOOD NOW OKAAAAAAY?
0 likesI don’t get it about this thing but I like it though it was so strange.... OK I’m just going to type again tomorrow.
0 likesDiamond tiara maud pie sunset shimmer not evil anymore
0 likesyou mean the elements of insanity?
0 likesLogan we love you you our dark strange son!
0 likesChaos Emeralds
0 likesDisharmony is not found
0 likesIn magic of friendship
But it is a big
Replies (1)
0 likesSunshine shimmeris a good guy
0 likesSunsetshimmer turned good....
0 likesthis is so old 😭😭😭
0 likesEpisode Where is chrysalis take feather off the mlp friends she created the mean mlp friends they are DISharmony
0 likesIf you read my last comment this is the cointyou of it if you watch Doctor Wolf’s thiy there is a seventh element
0 likesA tree of disharmony :v
0 likesR.I.P this theory
0 likessunset became good after the orignal movie of mlp eg
0 likesIf there is good there is bad
0 likesSunset is good tho
0 likesgrowgars bell is a not elemant of harmany
0 likesThey do exist discord made them not do what they do
0 likesSawtooth waves please send me quickly now
0 likesBut but discord said that his was the element of disharmony not stupid
0 likessunset summer
why he does not have a cutie mark?
0 likesonly a theory
0 likesMe: a game theory
Replies (1)
0 likesCc:Or cc for short
0 likesSimmers: CC !?!?!?!?!
Me:oh no
Why does canned cream have a double ear
0 likesWrong long time ago i saw discord take over ponyvil and twilys crown turned to gry might be it right?????????¿
0 likesYes
1 likeAlthough just a single one called Discord xd
Fluttershys sattle bag lol
0 likesIt would not be since the two girls they changed
0 likesWhy spitfire? I think betrayal ia raindow Dash ok old Griffin friend
0 likesI forgot her name but she ia a griffin
0 likesWhy the spitfire slander ;-;
0 likes4:33 i also slapped my face 2
0 likesIt looks like rared's nice💎💎💎.
0 likesCANT CREAM Didn't have his cutie mark
0 likesNo elements of insanity
0 likesDiamond Tiara changed
0 likesMy mans a blank-flank
1 likeThe elements of discord
0 likesBanana bonkers ok she is I don't know crazy when she was doing that magic from the alicorn
0 likeswhy the heck did you put a screenchot of starstable into this and how haveinot seen tis statue in the game imsooo confusued...
0 likesDo u know elements of insaintity there the elements of disharmony
0 likesI like MLP 🦄
0 likesThe intro took 4 seconds. Jesus christ.
0 likesSunset shimmer is nice remember
1 likeIn 2019 sunset shimmer is good
0 likesDross her of the list
Your partner or whatever does not have a cutie mark
0 likesBut sunset is nice now...
0 likesI think the element of harmony loose the harmony and become darker or the what ever that is poison something in the element and become you know that what i think ok DO NOT MAKE IT TO A VIDEO thank you!
0 likesI thought about this before
0 likesDumbledore
0 likesThis is the case that Charlie like in the Flintstone evil what about a cat kept going what about this called wins what element of this whole me before twilight sparkle and her friends
0 likesWell they are not Evel any more
0 likesNext video: the elements of cringe
0 likesDaddy i LOVE You❤ Daddy you make the best maggi ever 👌
0 likesWhat did mud pie ever do
0 likesshes got a point
0 likesReplies (1)
your right
0 likesWhat about the men mane6 from the show
0 likesFrom
What about the other 2 elements of hamorny because of the fact there's 8
0 likesVideo for nothing how is spitfire and maud be evil
0 likesNOOOOO the theroy of the barers oh hell nahh
0 likesmy friend khylie has a pet brown dog named logan
0 likesMods not be in this video OC he saved Pinkie Pie hey that is unfair mod saving Pinkie Pie and successfully saved her her wise e does he have have an element and not Harmony it doesn't make sense CC Pinkie Pie
1 likeSun set is good now
0 likesI sorta ship them
0 likesI’m a big fan
0 likesSpit fire is good
1 likei wonder if during the recording cc was can i say it in the video bro hoof
0 likesHe's like NERD!!! But i just yelled your the one to talk your making mlp videos on YouTube 😂
0 likesDiscord is magic
0 likesUh I don't get it tho but I'm still thinking about it now but it's still not perfect
0 likesWhy do I feel like I have something
0 likesStop the star wars in my littel pony!!!
0 likesIs this drawn in MS Paint? ALSO 2019 anyone? Why did i do the also so big? -_-
0 likeslol one my friends would say MABE, BABE NOT
0 likesGreen hair dude: or C.C for short
Hey your missing one dis harmony
0 likesNobody:
Lps video
1 likeThe elements of DISharmony always cause problems! I do not know what i wrote this
1 likethere are cald the caoss goles for short
1 like⚏ ⚎
0 likesI vote for you
0 likesSawtooth wave
0 likesCc doesn't have a cutie mark
0 likest o n a & k l i n
0 likesMe first: bruh no
0 likesAfter: .......
You gotta re address this
0 likesBut why Maud her sister Pinkie pie would cry if she knows that Maud is bad
0 likesIt can be proven
But sunset shimmer shimmer turned nice
0 likesWOW
0 likesI have seen them before
0 likesElements of disharmony,
0 likessunset shimmer is good
0 likesQueen chrysalis and discord said something about disharmony when they were evil
1 likeWhy does he have a mark
0 likesYeah true
0 likesHello 😊 I don’t know if disharmony exist
0 likes2:34 cc is out to get you
0 likesBut sunset shimmer changed she is good now are you crazy or are you mad
0 likesDo you still believe this
0 likesDt was reformed
0 likesWhy is the gloom for maud that is werid cuz maud is the sister or pinky
0 likesActuely i think you are mhigt be correct
0 likesSunset shimmer good now
0 likesWhy betrayl for spitfire?
0 likesReplies (2)
Remeber this episode where mane 6 where in Rainbow Falls competing with teams from other citys to join Olympiad? Spitfire lied to Rainbow that Soarin won't be competing becouse of his wing injury to try to make her join her team. She betrayed her friend.
0 likesFeather While that is true, there are many other people that would fit this category:
1 likeDiscord
Starlight (Kinda)
5 years later no dis harmoney emaments (sry cant spell)
0 likesHuman twilight or sunset shimmer who is best
0 likesSunset and diamond teara
0 likesWait this Vis is 5 years old
0 likesThe other guy has no cutie mark
0 likesHey sunset shimmer and diamond tiara are good now
0 likesCool
0 likesWhy is spitfire here?
0 likesawww I miss thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
0 likesWell good job elements are dead #season9
0 likesEvil clone of CC: Logan
0 likesLogan Paul???
🤣🤣😂😂 crystal
0 likesEXETREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 likeThis gave me a video idea
0 likesThere’s like a game and then on the gam I kind of sad and you know what I mean
0 likesDish armony
0 likesAnd why is sunset shimmer is a bad guy she was changed
0 likesCool
0 likesok this is not my favourite theory @sawtooth waves . not the best
0 likesto a raging she demon
1 likethis vid is out of date there are EIGHT seseons now
4 likesReplies (2)
renee canton now there are nine lol
0 likesOh lol
0 likesDo more on this topic pls I am 8 PLESE
1 like🙀 no way
0 likesUmm sunset shimmer is now a good girl now I mean in mlp equestria girls i dont know about mlp who am a kidding ofcorse sunset shimmer is a good girl in mlp
0 likesSunset is good now
0 likesWow
0 likesWatching in 2019. Sorry. 😢
1 likeWhat about mean six
0 likesThe element of cringe
0 likesYour friend Here has no cutiemark.............
0 likesyou mean ying yang don,t
0 likesyou
Do they really ixsit disharmony
0 likesNgl did u just get th elements of harmony and make them a coulerblind scheme
0 likesPony 6 🌈👍💖👍💖👍💖
And muad pie is good
0 likesnot SUNSET SHIMMER😡 (#I made my own character 🙂(
0 likesLOLHAHA!!!!!!!
0 likesGood wen
0 likesWow you made this video when i was 3!
0 likessunset is empathy
0 likesCc: coo coo crazy banana boncers
0 likesheheh DISHarmony hehhh dish harmony
Only ones are true of flim and flam
0 likesReplies (1)
Cruelty chrysalis
0 likesSelfishness tirek
Dishonesty flim flam
Betrayal cozy glow
Gloom lemon rock
Evil magic sombra
0 likesWell we have seen this carbony with the this comedy thing baba well trixie when I was watching Ed she by cuckoo bananas yes that is funny So Episode where I seen chrysalis mater on army or ponies and then
0 likesI wood be pronanct (di-sh-rmony
0 likescounter parts
0 likesThis person space oddpony made mane six vs mean six and someone commented this...
0 likesReplies (1)
Laughter vs anger
0 likesHonesty vs lieing which isn't what she or he said but I can't remember it ok
Loyalty vs betrayal
Kindness vs again can't remember so lets say rudeness
Genorasoty vs greedyness I think
Magic vs insanity
But spike is Parth of the group why he des not have one element
0 likesReplies (1)
Because he's not an element bearer, and there's only 6 elements.
0 likesN o o o o o o YO
0 likesThe mean six wait is that out yet? Lol im late its 2019
0 likesKuku crazy
0 likesor best pillar or students 6
0 likes1 more evidence
0 likesyes
0 likesI am from the future
1 likeThe there red necklaces and human twilightsparkles necklace
0 likesI'm not a pony
0 likesA true nerd
0 likesReplies (1)
like me
0 likesYou mean the elements of cringe.
1 likecc is a blank flank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesUhhhhh- that would me so weired
0 likesNot mod she is good
0 likesI have a theory! :D
1 likeIn the one of the newest episodes, The Mean Six, Queen chrysalis has her made minions based of the main six retrieve the elements of harmony, but when they attempt to, they turn black, looking evil, and destroyed the clones. It was as if the clones unlocked the evil side of the elements but the good side fought back. Hope this helps you a bit
I also saw this idea of the Elements of Disharmony being able to be used separately and being stronger alone in one of the best MLP fanfiction I've ever read, Not The Hero. It even came out one year before this video :D
1 likeThis theory makes some sense. You cannot have complete Harmony without some Disharmony thrown it. Let me exemplify:
1-Being too honest can be a bad thing, sometimes lying is a better option or even needed.
2-If you're too generous you won't have anything for yourself, you need to be a little selfish to be happy.
3-There are times to be sad and others for laughing, imagine if the death of someone dear to you didn't cause you sadness, it'd be pretty horrible.
4-You cannot be always kind to some people who really, really don't need it in that moment. One's enemies are to be met with cruelty if they are to be defeated. And when they are, kindness is what you follow through with.
5-Sometimes you need to betray someone's trust to do them better. Or betray someone for the greater good, imagine if Celestia stayed loyal to Luna after she became Nightmare Moon instead of banishing her, everyone dies.
6-Dark magic has its uses that regular magic cannot accomplish, it is a tool to be used like any other, and an art to be studied and practiced. It is also another aspect of magic itself that shouldn't be ignored. Celestia herself is proficient at its use, and Twilight also had to use it to contribute to Sombra's defeat.
I only wish there were more magical items in canon that could fit as Elements of Disharmony. The new ones like the Staff of Secantes, the Memory Stone and the Pearl of Transformation don't seem to fit, in my opinion.
There should be something like 6 locks seperated from each other (like the one chest in where Twilight defeats Tirek) and it will make the saplings of discord/disharmony. And the Mean 6 should rise again to be the holders of the Elements of Chaos/Discord/Disharmony. The attacks work better one at a time.
1 likeThe theory goes well of you think about it.. For example, when we met the Mean 6. They're complete opposites of harmony. Disharmony. So maybe... There's a chance that if they get a hold of the elements that they can change them into disharmony elements.. But, season 8, episode 13 seems to debunk this theory.. When the Mean 6 get close to the tree of harmony to fetch the elements, they get turned into pieces of wood..
1 likeHey! Maybe the dark alicorn amulet is all of the elements of disharmony combined. Kinda like how in the episodes where nightmare moon is defeated, how the shards of the elements were clumped together. Although none of the elements of disharmony are red, it could be a reference to how red is the genuine color of evil or disharmony.
0 likesI personally have my own theory, now. If you remember on season one they fought against Discord. And while trying to sue the elements of harmony to stop him, Discord changed the elements of harmony to their opposites, then releasing the elements of DISHARMONY! Boom!
0 likesI love this theory! It makes all the Mane 6 have opposites.
0 likesAKA something that should be the cause of conflict in Season 9 (Not just the Mean 6)
I think all the vil things CC said (includeing Twilights crown) were elements of dis harmony. Twlights crown is an element of disharomy if its used for bad but if used for good its for harmony. theres 6 elements of harmony and he named 6 evil magic things that could be the elements of disharmony,
1 likeWhat if the other elements were transported to another dimension each with a keeper to make sure they are protected, but the kepper of trixie's element died and didn't have a successor and the element was found by the pony that sold it to trixie.
1 likeI sorta agree with part of the fandom, saying that The Elements of Harmony are like an equivalent to Sonic's Chaos Emeralds. Anyways, those DISharmony elements sound an interesting way to do an EVIL version of the Mane 6. This theory COULD be updated with the episode of the MEAN 6.
0 likesI think the element of greed (the opposite to fluttershys element) somehow got fused with twilights element. That’s why she got so greedy and wanted equstria. I also think that an element of disharmony is in the dragon septet we say I. The gauntlet of fire episode.
0 likesI don’t see why the ponies don’t notice when other ponies’ magic changes colors. Examples: Rarity: Was blue, then green, Trixie: Was pink, then red, Candence: Imposter is yellow, imposter’s is green, and when the photographers magic is a deep green but no pony’s magic is that color unless their bewitched or imposters
0 likesThe elements of harmony ARE the elements of disharmony. They just need to be activated by unpure hearts and maybe activated when not in the tree of harmony. Just in case you didn't watch the episode with evil copies of the mane 6.
0 likesI like the idea of Elements of DISharmony and the 'Alicorn' it fits my Majesty & Mara (ancient pony god/ pony devil) concept nicely
0 likesThe alicorn amulet was the element of greed not evil magic, just look at it it looks like rarity's element
1 likeWhat if the mirror pool was created by an element of disharmony being destroyed and/or buried in a lake/pool, and fusing with water, making it magical?
0 likesI have a theory. What if not all elements of Disharmony ARE crystals or at least there's a way to absorb them? And Luna either absorbed one of them or Nightmare Moon IS an element (either of cruelty, greed or even betrayal). Luna's transformation into NM is very similar to how the mane 6 transform and it would explain how NM came to exist like a separate entity of Luna
0 likesand then diamond tiara becomes nice because the cutie mark crusaders learned that she was just acting like her parents. although that that leaves the fact the diamond would not be that element, i would totally agree if that episode had not accured. but then the crusaders would have never gotten cutie marks, or they wouldve gotten different marks. now thats the great question
0 likesAh the Alicorn Amulet. I would Totally agree. I do think that it's an element of Disharmony.
0 likesIf this were all true, and the elements of disharmany were believed to be destroyed then what if those 'destroyed' pieces were actually just sent across Equestria, and some of the ppl who created some of these evil/dangerous artifacts created said artifacts using the remains of an element or multiple elements of disharmany? Anyways, I love these awesome theories u come up with! Their rly cool!
0 likesMy theory is that the elements of disharmony is what tuned princess Luna evil, so celestia fought back with the element of harmony. When Luna was banished, celestia used her magic to transport the elements to the human world. The elements may have been found by all the human versions of the ponies, and that’s why everyone hated each other. I’m going to guess that sunset had the other elements and used twighlights crown as the final piece to transform her to a pony/human GOD. The way twighlight and the human ponies won was because they used the inner power of friendship that was developed throughout the movie to get rid of the elements of disharmony, and the evil in sunset. That’s why she turned good all of a sudden, because the elements of disharmony were destroyed . (The elements of disharmony could also be a non physical object, but many a mindset that a villain has and gains power from, that’s probably how other villains like sombra, queen crystais, and other villains gained power in there timeline where they beat the pony if the sonic rain boom never happened)
0 likesThe Elements of Harmony could have equal side to sort of balance everything out so that there would be true balance
0 likesI think the Alicoen amulet is the element of generosity’s oposite. It makes the user greedier the more you use it.
0 likesThat would be an amazing mlp episode if they really existed.
0 likesThis theory could be real.
0 likesBut have you heard of the elements of insanity?
Now, if you think about it.. if there were disharmony elements they wouldn't be one bit magical be cause the most powerful magic is friendship and that's the opposite... right?
1 likealso, i would love if they made an episode where a new villain came out of that necklace
0 likesThe book that was had could be the element of greed like the opposite of generosity
2 likesDon’t worry they’ve already made the elects of insanity animation, that was a big hit,
0 likesYou know that in season 9 Chrisalyst created the mean six z(the element of disharmony)
3 likesReplies (1)
This was made before Season 9
0 likesWait a minit. Remember when sunset shimmer asked twilight what happens when you bring a magical element to an alternate world, if she knew what was going to happen, it might mean that she wanted to become evil on purpose
0 likesI think all of those elements of disharmony are right exept for Spitfire
0 likesDiscord made them act the exact opposite of there elements. Therefore we already met elements of dishormany way before this theory
0 likesI dont think most of it is correct, for example, Diamond Tiara is just a filly that teases and Maud, well she like Pinkie Pie being happy well she plans partys and wouldn't ever want to get in fight with her sister! Good theory though and intelligent reasons
1 likeMaybe the reason why they should be created it’s because it will help the villians take over equestria and gain more power!!
0 likesIll agree that they may exist but the only element id believe thes characters have is flim and flam seeing as how none of these are really major villains and most are now reformed so they r probably not any real threat if they exist
0 likesstarlight's staff that take away cutie marks could be the element of dark magic and that's my theory for now
0 likesMine are:
0 likes-DT Cruelty (opposite Fluttershy)
-Lightning Dust - Selfish (opposite RD)
-Trixie - Greed (opposite Rarity)
-Suri Polomare - Liar (opposite AJ)
-Cranky Doodle Donkey - Crump (opposite Pinkie Pie)
-Discord - Chaos (oppisite Twilight)
-Chrysalis - Hate (opposite Cadence)
-Spoiled Rich - Unequallity (opposite Starlight Glimmer)
The siren's necklaces can't be apart of the elements of disharmony because they need to be together to form the magic and as he said in the video they have no reason to be together because they are the elements of DISharmony and have no reason to follow the rules of harmony.
0 likesbtw its just a theory so don't say I'm wrong and stuff.
What if raritys book is the element of selfishness and the sirens neckalces are deceipe , betrayl ,and gloom and the alicorn amulet is cruelty plus the element of magic were the the elements of disharmony?
0 likesDiamond tiara is nice now thanks to the cmcs spit fire hasnt betrayed anyone and in the episode with lighting dust spit fire agreed with rainobw maud pie does comedy and sunset shimmer is nice now too
1 likeelements of disharmony can not exist, the tree of harmony has taken them, the tree has been planted by Star Swirl and his friends
1 liketo have elements of disharmony must have a tree from which to emerge but no one has planted this tree.I know that video is made before this season so i m not hate this video just saying :)
Actually the element of dark magic would be the dark king himself
1 likeYes. In the new season kinda do. Krisales created the obisets of the mane 6 though i'm not sure if it should be yes now :p
0 likesThe Elements of Disharmony would existed someone as powerful as Starswirl the Bearded, and all the other ones. Another seed is in order.
0 likesMaybe Discord could do it... (Meh favorite character).
just go and watch sonic vs nazo unleashed because you will understand how the elements of harmony could work cause the seven chaos emeralds in sonic vs nazo unleashed had both good and bad powers (possitive and negative energy) or light and dark powers inside the same gems so it might be the same with mlp i mean logicaly those 6 elements of harmony could have both good and bad powers(possitive and negative energy) or light and dark powers i mean watch mlp seasson 8 ep 13 "the mean 6" in the end it shows that each element of the tree of harmony went dark and then it recovered to its color instantly and then it killed all of the mean 6 watch this episode and make this theory again with more info about those elements of disharmony
1 likeThe turning to stone might be the element of cruelty?
0 likesharmony have a tree who not talk and depend on other to use him magic
0 likesdisharmony is discord because he is the center of all discordy and dont depend on others to use him magic
so discord is the literall opposite for the harmony so yeah discord is the anti-element and the tree is literall harmony and all life with from a bit of these two magic thats why all have a good and bad side so thats it mistery resolved, and the same way the main six can be horrrible pony discord can be good sometimes so thats it
i think the element of evil magic would be queen chrysalis and that selfishness would be the villain in the in the episode twilight's library was destroyed
0 likesSpitfire became good in my opinion. So did Sunset Shimmer
0 likesNot Maude Pie, she’s got Pinkie Pie and whatever her rock is called so she never really gloomy she’s just...
0 likesGrown up in a melancholy environment.
What if there was a entire dark kingdom
1 likeThey DO exist! They are INSIDE of discord himself! He is a pony, gazelle, deer, bat, griffen, AND a snake!
0 likesOk, Maud Pie and Diamond Tiara Are the ones i dont agree with. Diamond Tiara isnt evil, she was just a Pony who teased others. Maud Pie I dont agree with because I wouldnt call Maud Pie Gloomy per-say. Thats just her being Maud. Everything Else I agree with. Although im only agreeing with Sunset because of the fact this was made before Rainbow rocks came out.
0 likesI think they should be the shadow bolts
0 likesMy theory is that the Mean 6 (Season 8) was the Elements of Disharmony.
0 likesWhen Dumbledore showed up I was like
Sun set shimmer changed her ways! And so did Diamond Tiara
0 likesThe elements os disharmony are the alicorn amulet,rarity's book,the sirens necklases,and human twilights device or discords necklace
0 likesWAIT Theory 1: The Elements Of Harmony Also Turned DisHarmonic In The Return Of Harmony
0 likesWhat if an Alicorn were to use the alicorn amulet?
0 likesProbably not Dimond Tiara because she's good now,and so is Sunset Shimmer
0 likesand besides, who did Spitfire betrayal? Yeah Maud is gloomy but she's not evil!
Edit: Remember when starlight had the dream of Nightmare moon and Celestias evil version? Nightmare moon should be cruel and Celestias evil self should be betrayal.
Edit 2: Never mind,we should have discord as betrayal, and remember the evil maniac girl in the spikes comic book episode? We should have her!Cosy Glow and Tirek maybe? Queen chryslis? Maybe even King Sombra.Anyone remember Garble?(Discord cuz he had a fun weekend with Twilight's friends to make Twilight feel left out) I think the people should be
Selfishness=Cosy Glow
Diseat(no idea how to spell it)=King Sombra
(Replaced gloom with) unhappyness=Queen Chrysalis
Evil Magic=Tirek
Im not saying you had terrible ideas,I was giving some new suggestions after some came nicer,and more logical answers.I still think your ideas are great!
Edit 3: What about equestria girls twilight necklace thingy in the friendship games?
I remember on the ep with the Alicorn thingy When Trixie Had to work on the rock farm Pinkie Pie says " HEY!,Im Surprised They Accpected You!"
0 likesI kinda thought Trixie would be the element of Dishonesty
0 likesOk let's guess who will has the elements of disharmony
0 likesKindness-meanie-Sour sweet
Generosity-selfish-sunny flare
Loyalty- betrayal- indigo zap
Laughter- angry- lemon zest
Magic-spell- sci twi( I kinda think that in fg sci twi was a kind of dark magic😅)
Sorry but I have no idea what sugarcoat is because
She is a kind of honest.😅😅
One CAN be sombra’s amulet!
0 likesif muad IS the element of gloom then wouldent
0 likesshe been fighting her sister?
How is spitfire the element of betrayal??
0 likesElements of Disharmony:
1 like1. Alicorn amulet
2. The Crystal that Trixie used on Twilight ( watch Princess Trixie Sparkle )
3. Discord's Necklace
4-6. ERROR…. ( not found out yet )
Replies (1)
Discord’s necklace?
0 likesWhat about the idol of boreas from season 5 episode 8. itwas kind of evil right? Idk XD but
0 likesi think it still counts!
if the elements of disharmony existed It should have a Book About it.
0 likesSun set shimer is good now so how can she be the element of evil magic? But good show
0 likesI thought what is the opposite of magic...normalization (aka being normal or no magic), that’s what...
0 likesHow am I watching this now?
0 likesWell not DISharmony It’s The Elements Of Insanity
I don't think sunset shimmer could be part of the the element of disharmony.
0 likes"May the Force beam you up Kapniss!" -Gandalf The Grey
0 likesI like Cannedcream oc!
0 likesPd:IDK if disharmony exisist but i have seen insanity ones...
We got 6!!! 3 siren necklaces,a alicorn amulet, raritys book and discords necklace
0 likesI think they would be called the elements of Choas
0 likesi think the elements of disharmony would be the things u talked about just not know as that because they don't teach it in schools
0 likesCannedcream's OC kinda looks like Jacksepticeye
0 likesIf this discord went into the portal what would he look like in Equestria Girls
0 likesOK I think there are bad elements I think there is a deep forgeten world on the other side of the mirror pool pond and that's an evil world were queen chrisuls lived as a filly a normal PONY filly who was teased for being good and her only friend was zucora she had zucora make a potion giving her her cutie mark and turning chrisuls into a changeling witch had go to good world to feed because there is no love in evil world and zucora came with her witch is y she was thought to be evil in her first episode and crisuls is the twighlight of the six and her crown is her element and the crown holds the potion but as for the other five when nightmare moon was bad guy she took the other elements for the good world as if she thought or maybe even new that the of five were from the good moon
0 likesI think the elements of disharmony do exist
0 likesYou guys are funny😂
0 likesAlso discord said he is the elements of disharmony in the return of harmony
0 likes4:21 us Aussies know what a bogan is 😂
0 likesWell its true there is the element of disharmony cuz there is an episode of it
0 likesMy theory: if the elements of DISharmony existed they would be like horcruxes and keep their owners alive.... yup i am a mix of two fandoms, my little pony and harry potter.
0 likesBrony nation I love your Chanel but I saw something in spikes greed ep I saw a element of harmony and back in season 1 ep 2 night mare moon part 2 you see six elements but then you see five I think spike was there and stole a element that’s when his greed started
0 likesCalling it now the magic book = selfish alicorn amulet = dark magic
0 likesHow about Nightmare Moons helmet?
0 likesWhat if twilights crown is the 1st disharmony crown thing but it’s in diskise as balance!?!
0 likesAlicorn amulet, rarity's book, sirens' three gems, wallflower's thingy?
0 likesThere is always balance...
0 likesI disagree sunset change and diamond tiara as well
0 likesWait , he is a blank flank???!!??
1 like1 Celestia (Sun)
0 likes2 Luna (Moon)
3 Cadence (Love)
4 Twilight (Friendship)
5 Flurry Heart (Merchandise) BUY OUR TOYS
If elements of disharmony existed they would be shadowbolts from friendship games and sunset shimmer not human twilight
0 likesWhat about the necklace that trigon gave discord?
0 likesBut Maud pie isn't evil.
0 likesThe memory stone.
0 likesIf the Elements of DISharmony DID exist, then those would NOT be the bearers.
0 likes"Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony"
0 likesyou two keep glossing over, skipping, and hopscotching on THREE possible necklaces of disharmony without noticing -_-
the siren's necklaces!!!!! i think THOSE might be 3 others. i dont exacly remember what they did....but it IS driving me "coocoocrazybananabonkers" . . . yes i watched it that many times, lol
Canned Cream, Who is your evil twin? "Logan."
1 likeGood theory but still sunset shimmer is good now and mod pie is just in to rocks
0 likesJust to tell you that discord is the opposite of harmony
0 likesWhat about the elements of insanity
0 likesTake it back about sunset and spitfire
1 likeI'm watching in 2018 and the my little pony the movie came out and a pony she's bad by turns good at the end she is called tempest she uses a green crstals like ball and it turns ponies to stone and it's green
0 likesLook in the middle of the alcorin amulet the gem looks like rarity element but red?!?!?!?!?
0 likesThere are disharmony elements & we've seen them too, they are embodied in one being called Discord.
0 likesWell some of this is a lie now!
0 likesThe book would be selfishness because look what if did to rarity maybe the gem is hidden inside the book some wear
0 likesThe elements of disharmony are just branches
0 likesEvil magic - chaos
0 likesDude that's Dumbledore not Giandoff!!!!!!!!
0 likesMaybe season 9 of 10? Will tell the truth?
0 likesWeell, they do exist now
0 likesStar (wars) vs. The forces of (good and) evil
0 likesGood guys win huh? Say that in the ending of infinity war
0 likesWatch the new episode of mlp: the mean 6 so we have the elements of disharmony
0 likesBut sunset turns good at the end of the the movie
0 likesAngelyn is so amazing 😉🙂😍🧚🏼♂️
0 likesthe hammer of friendship
0 likesCryystallllssssssssssssss best line ever
0 likesScripples down some Notes for Chrysalis.
0 likesHas anyone noticed that the other guy had no cutie mark?
1 likeCannedcream has no cutie mark... that's odd.
0 likesSunset turned nice it isnt her with the element of disharmony
1 likeNice one
0 likeshow about the fake crown that starlight used when she took princesses twilight sparkles crown
1 likeSunset shimmer is a good person now
0 likesI thought cannedcream was cannedcorn. Hmmmm
0 likesOr thare just eliminates of dis harmony wen thare not being used or being seen doing so like wen that returned the elements back to the tree
0 likesDISharmony? DIScord?
1 likein the game the unrestord it was evil untell tylight bught that space
0 likesDid you use pony generator?
0 likesI thought the title was Dish-Armoury...
0 likesIt still Does Not Sound eh mm...like something that could be even a little Bit like its true
0 likesYeah...some of them reformed...
0 likesDid you ask the apple family to do your video? Yes or No
0 likesSunsetshimer is good now
0 likesAlacorn amulat is rarates amulat because of the dimond
0 likesWhy mod pie she is just into rocks and sunset shimmer is good now
0 likesFlutterBat That is More MORE dark not light
0 likesMidnight Sparkle Pony Version
Nightmare Rarity
Day Breaker
Nightmare Moon
Evil Sunset Shimmer
It call element of insanity
0 likesElements of chaos
0 likessays the pony with glasses
I saw the disarmony wen (sorry spoiler alert kinda)wen discord Taked the harmony for friend Ship they turns BLACK and they turned Evil (THIS IS MEH DAD ACC OK!*
0 likesWhere's cc's cutie mark?
0 likesTwilight's Crown could be both the element of Harmony and disharmony
1 likeReplies (2)
I think that is possible
0 likesI forgot my punctuation mark!
0 likesNani Spitfire how could you??? Na ha NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
0 likesS8 is out there might be information in s8
0 likesdose princess sun have a eliment of harmony same for princess moon cause look at the way the princess amulets look but I'm afrade I don't have a lot of evince for my thory so can u help plez?
0 likesReplies (1)
P.S if they did what ones would they have and it also would explan how they have shuch powerfull magic
0 likesheh come on good me lets get coffee heh yeah no evil me ok have it your way good me COOOOOOOOOOFEEEEEEEEEEEE
0 likesChange your name to the pony theorist
0 likes3:39 all da ponies shoud fink...
1 likeI personally disagree
0 likesYay a video just happen
1 likeMagical whatever’s
1 likeCoo coo crazy XD
0 likesu spelled coffee wrong evil me wut ever good me sigh really i'll do it wut ever me good lightness and evil darkness sighning out byye
0 likesDisharmony
0 likesDish armony
Hahaha sorry
0 likes4:56
0 likesCelestia is ashla and Luna is Bogan
0 likesI get it to just Bogan#LOL
0 likesi think mlp watched this vid have you seen the mean six
0 likesExactly CC her words not yours
0 likesi dont wacth anymore but liening i s always interesting
0 likesHehe coo coo crazy banana bonkers!
0 likesWelp no sunset
0 likesIf you hate my little pony then why are you a my little pony carotid
0 likesWhat song name
0 likesno one did watch friendship games
0 likesAlicorn amulet watch princess Trixie sparkle
0 likeswhat is dis homrmey
0 likesThe bell
0 likesWait sunseg is a good person so should cozy glow be the element of evil magic.If u dont know who cozy glow is she is evil so she can be the holder of the element of evil magic
0 likesReplies (1)
He is talking about the old ONE but yeah i think cozy glow would be
0 likesI-I-idk I seriously don’t get it what is that me tell me tell me please
0 likesReplies (2)
By the way people I don’t remember what I was talking about because this was one year ago I made a new comment and I didn’t even realize I made this one
0 likesNew comment(so long sorry)
0 likesWe have already seen the elements of disharmony(S.2 E.2)
The liar
the grump
the hoarder
the brute
But we’re just missing one!
You(cringe voice):BuT tWiLiGhT nEvEr DiD tUrNeD lIkE tHe MaNe SiX(gRaY)
Well yeah but at the end-ish she turned gray and she lost hope and she didn’t believe in herself because the main six never turned back to normal(yes they did but you know what I mean she thought they wouldn’t turn back to normal) she lost HOPE sure evil magic could be another kind of magic but what I’m trying to say is imagine twilight with a human and she had this kind of magic HOPE so she lost hope so she would be....
But there could be another word instead of hopeless
Not evil magic because you could use good magic for evil magic to defeat someone that’s evil that doesn’t mean you’re evil The word is
Magic-less yes she still had magic but Twilight represented friendship as well as her friends even if they weren’t princesses but without her friends she would just lose HOPE(i’m still stuck on hopeless lol) so-smacks lips-without her friends she would just be the girl of friendship and her friends had this kind of magic but since they became ‘The Elements of Disharmony’ Twilight tried her best to make them back to ‘Harmony’ she lost her friends so she lost her point of her cutie mark ‘Magic’ and there are three types of magic(in my book) ‘Magic(duh)’ ‘Hope’ ‘ Believe’ she lost her friends so she lost hope she couldn’t believe herself that she could get them back to normal she lost all types of Magic the only kind she had left was ‘Magic’ but she would be weak because her magic relied on for making friends because she after all it is ‘The Princess Of Friendship’
Sure on the first episode she didn’t have friends that’s why she wasn’t Alicorn then sure in this episode yes she wasn’t in our corn but she made friends and she was starting to learn so we could call her (for when she was a unicorn) ‘The Unicorn Of Friendship’
But of course we should never because Celestia knew what was going on and she knew the right time to turn her into a ALICORN so so did Celestia create Discord because we’ve only seen one of his kind so maybe Celestia created him for all of this to happen but it got out of control and he became chaotic( - relating systems to exhibit chaos) and he got out of control that’s why he is ‘Discord Of Chaos’ and Celestia maybe gave a task to him to do all of this to see (when I was doing this I started getting a deep voice like in the part right now so just imagine in a deep voice)if they can battle THE BIGGEST THINGS (IN S.9) ?!?!!!!?!
Lol who told him about me and the bois
0 likesOh❓oh golly
0 likesI dont get it ...
0 likesnani cc has no cutie mark
0 likesEXETREE
1 likeNANI!!!!!!
0 likesHey I’m early!
0 likesC.c you have no cutie mark
0 likes0:59 IF
0 likesSunset shimmer turn nice
0 likesReplies (1)
I know but mabye this was made before she turned nice, just a thought.
0 likesIts the mean 6 :/ -.-
0 likesI know this video was uploaded a while ago but, i wouldn't say the alicorn amulet was the element of magic, i'd say it's the opposite of generosity. The red crystal it has has the same shape as the element of generosity, and it made Trixie kinda greedy.
0 likescome to think about it when Cannedcream talked about the instances of disharmony relics he only brought up three. Trixie's amulet, The sirens' necklaces and Rarity's book. and if we think about it the magical aura between the three seem to resemble past villans. The book relating to Chrysalis's green magical aura, the sombra amulet leading towards well Sombra,however looking at it his magic aura it's black not red. And if we think about magic Auras it seems to depict either the cutie mark, special talent or that special something he or she is good at. Like twilight's is pink like her cutie mark. Rarity having diamonds cause a light blue aura and so on. So,What I am saying is,coul we look to past,present and possible future villans Like Tirec,a possible nightmare moon or something to that extent to which it has some sort of resemblance to the elements of disharmony
0 likesand also if we look at the episode where the elements lose their personalities Like Rainbow lost her loyalty,AJ turned to lying and so on,can we look at those facts and say the elements changed creating the return of the disharmony elements much like how the cutiemarks and talents switched in "Magical Mystery Cure" to create perhaps an opposite for of harmony and destinies at that
"May the force beam you up, Katniss."
2 likesThis is my new motto
I patiently await for heroes to lose against their enemies.
0 likesIt's beautiful how the stories go on for so long. Light.
Always winning. How.
OMG! Headcannon Time: The Elements of disharmony do exist. The Alicorn Amulet was one of them; however, the wielders of the elements of disharmony all split up. I think I have two guesses on who represented the elements of disharmony and they are none other than T-rek and Discord. When T-rek tried convincing Discord to be on his side and help him take the powers of all the ponies. He seemed to know discord for a very long time and he was also talking to him like you would a long, lost friend. Therefore, I think that Discord and T-rek and many others were all working together as the elements of disharmony. However, somewhere along the way they all split up and the elements of disharmony were lost and someone found one (the alicorn amulet) an thought it was plain jewelry and decided to sell it in their shop. Many people would think that it ends here, but oh no. I think that Trixie was also an element of disharmony because how else would she know about the amulet in the first place? She might've wanted the power even after the group had split up after the tragedy and the elements were lost. So, she looked all over Equestria and found the right amulet. It's the only way tat would make sense for such an ancient relic to be in a tiny, old gift shop. She might've just done some research and found out about it, but who else would know about the element because if they did, the shopkeeper would have most likely heard about it and not have taken it. Also, why would there be a book about just that one element. Therefore, in summary; Trixie, discord, and T-rek were once the elements of disharmony. something happened between them and they broke off and the elements were lost.
0 likesThe End!
P.S. BronyNotion pease consider this and maybe feature me in a video of yours because your my favorite brony and I personally think that you would be a great writer. Please come back!
When you said the elements of disharmony were destroyed and only the Alicorn Amulet survived, I realized one thing that I didn’t realized the previous time I watched this video: the Alicorn Amulet is the only element of disharmony to survive in ONE PIECE. The other elements are definitely out there, but in several pieces, and I really hope they are never found. And just to let you know, in a recent season of MLP, Diamond Tiara becomes a better pony. She changed, because of the CMC, so the possibility of her being the element of cruelty isn’t valid anymore. Sunset changed WHEN SHE WAS DEFEATED, so her being the element of evil magic isn’t now valid either.
0 likesThe theory that diamond tiara, and Sunset are in the disharmony stuff. It's good but they both turned nice. Discord would not be good either, he turned nice too. Personally, I think the element of dark magic could be king sombra, and the element of cruelty might be Queen Chrysalis. Other than that, great theory
1 likeReplies (1)
I think queen crysalis would be dishonesty cuz she lied to ponys by disguising her self
0 likesi thought when we saw the harmony stones and the brony notion said that they didn't favor either light or dark, i thought that the mane six maybe activated their light power, and if some other ponies came, they might've activated their darker powers.
0 likesI think that at first the elements were divided between the princesses the elements of harmony went to celesta and the elements of disharmony went to luna and were banished to the moon with luna which is why if the alicorn amulet is an element of disharmony we only saw it once she was brought back to equestria
1 likeHi. I wanted to say. The alicorn amulet could, instead of being the full aumlet for evil magic, but what if, it is broken up. Or we have seen other elements. These gemstones are the dazzlings' pendants and many more. But let's look at 3 really quickly that will seem far fetched. The 3 hidden elements of disharmony gemstones I found are, human world twilight's magic detector/taker, king sombra's crown, ant the chest decor of nightmare moon's gaurds. I will try to make a video on YouTube about this, but if I find that I can't. I will comment on this posting my theory.
0 likesAnother element of disharmony could be the gem that king sombre used his dark magic on, maybe called the element of slavery or element of dark magic.
1 likemaybe the elements of disharmony ARE the elements of harmony. Hear me out, Like you said, Twilight’s crown had turned sunset shimmer evil with evil magic. So there’s the element of dark magic, And then in the episode when discord had turned the mane six into their opposite sides. There’s the other elements of disharmony. And when Twilight made everyone wear their elements of “harmony”, they didn’t change back to normal. Which i uses can help my theory, I don’t know. Just something i though about,
1 likeI think it’s about time they made a video about the elements of dis-harmony
0 likesSunset Shimmer is technically part of the friendship group now, so I would replace the magic of dishonesty with Trixie or somebody else like her.
0 likesThe elements of harmony keeps everything in balance
0 likesi know why now!! the elements of DISharmony will only appear if the holder of the element uses it for bad deeds like sunset shimmer it will transform if the user changed his or her attitude like the episode where discord casted a spell that they became the opposite of what they are and that was the elements of disharmony so in fact we have seen it.
0 likesI think the element of betrayal would be Lightning Dust, not Spitfire.
0 likesThe Elements of Disharmony would be the Elements of Insanity (which is a whole other Au but still pretty sweet)
0 likesI like the Idea of there being Elements of Disharmony, However following Event HoriXZ0n's Theory of there being more than one Draconequus, Perhaps they are not Objects, They are Draconequi. (Discord being one of them of course.)
0 likesNot bad. Personally, I think the Elements are like Sonic's Chaos Emeralds. Best example of evil coming from something supposedly good: Sonic Adventure.
0 likesWell the book is corrupted generosity. It makes Rarity give away things people don't want against their will to make her feel better, not to make others feel better. Its arguably also corrupted creativity.
0 likesThe Siren's necklaces are enslaving people, corrupted loyalty.
I don't think the Alicorn amulet is the only element of disharmony to survive, at least to some degree. Element of corrupted loyalty/enslavement was shattered in three pieces.
It could also explain why Sunset Shimmer had such a bad reaction to the element of magic. She was meant to be the bearer of the Alicorn amulet
One of the barers would have to be Svengallop. Just, watch his episode and you'll know why...
0 likes3:21-3:28 OMG THIERE ARE SIX (If we count each of the sirens’ necklaces as one) THOSE COULD BE THE SIX ELEMENTS OF DISHARMONY!!!!
0 likesTwilight’s crown could be the Element of Magic for both.
Rarity’s book could be selfishness
Trixie’s amulet could be dishonesty (because Trixie made seem like it was her, which was a lie cause in reality it was the amulet)
The sirens’ necklaces could be the elements of cruelty, unloyalty, and gloom
Does anyone agree with me?
In my opinion Yes just like CC said there is Trixie's Amulet, Raitys book, The sirens necklaces and Twilights element...
0 likesShe was only capable of a few tricks, eh?
1 likeShe is a one trick pony then!
The allicorn amulet is the element of ummm".... the opposite of rarity’s, hence the rhombus shape
0 likesDose anyone else think that the gem in the alicorn amulet looks similar to the gem in Rarities element of harmony. (Generosity - selfishness
0 likesThe element if disloyalty should be lightning dust's
1 likeWouldn't twivine twilights evil twin be the element of evil magic?
0 likesWhy would spitfire be the element of betrayal? She’s never done anything wrong.
0 likesSo the evil magic element is a necklace so the others are crowns that would make them exact opposite
0 likesThe book could be a good element of greed/selfishness
0 likesThere need to be a dark 6 totems couse the elements of harmony are made by the 6 totems
0 likesThey're from the opposite dimension from "Dungeons and Discords" (season 6).
0 likesi think the elementes are real and that king sombra might have created them
0 likeswait what if celestia found the elements of disharmony and thought they were a threat to equestria so she made them all form together into the alicorn amulet and tossed it. Then the pony who sold it to Trixie found it and sold it so her making her the way she was with of the disharmony ways all inside her making her that mean and that crazy just like how the barrers of the evil elements would act apart but instead of apart Trixie acting all of them because celestia formed them together?
1 likeReplies (1)
I think its a good theory like or comment if you agree!
0 likesDoes this mean that there is a tree of disharmony as well
1 likeI believe there would be an elements of hate literally have all the happiness in the world there's got to be something that makes it World Wide deadly ..,...
0 likesThe alicorn amulet just stand for greed, as in greed for power.
0 likesNightmare moon has a necklace that has a diamond thing maybe that could be a disharmony element
0 likesStar Wars.May the force be with you!!
0 likesIts possible that the disharmony elements are not in equestria.
cough cough
Like mod pie said, its over (I think) 3,000 years
I agree but what about iron will should he be in fluttershys oppisite disharmony element?
0 likesI'm not sure you have Siri could be possibly right I think the Alicorn necklace is just a necklace it's just a regular necklace cuz it doesn't look really anything like that Elements of Harmony that one is a Harmony or regular just like necklaces and they all look the same and besides the other sit and relax you told about Twilight's Crown is one of The Elements of Harmony that can't be one of the evil ones the book is a book it can't be an element of Harmony cuz no one can wear it and the three necklaces of the the sirens were in the other dimension and they broke so that can't be them either so your Fury has to be wrong it's just probably a guarantee so I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give this Siri on it's just kind of impossible because I haven't seen any other signs so you guys are wrong according to me so bye
0 likesWhy does Cannedcream's design remind me of Combeferre?
1 likeI'm not saying for sure but could smarty-pants be one of the disharmony
0 likesInstead on diamond tiara, the barer of the element of cruelty should be Iron Will
0 likesReplies (1)
Instead of*
0 likesI don't think Sunset should be the element of evil magic
0 likesGood point make a video about why do some ponys have long horns?
0 likesif there is disharmony elements then are there anti-celestia and anti-luna
0 likesYes, the alicorn amulet us the dark version of the element of magic........keep crystalis away
0 likesOkay the elements of harmony have the crystal that looks like the ponys cutie marks so the elements of disharmony would look different
0 likesOkay so I think for magic the dazzilings from mlp rainbow rocks since they use evil magic
0 likesI want to this her money could be made from the rocks that king king Sombra brought from when he tried to take over the Crystal Palace again
1 likeWhat If Discord Is The One Who Create Disharmony In The First Place.
0 likesRemember when discord turned the mane 6 into their opposite the elements did not work when she tried
0 likesI've seen something on mlp on my tv but it didn't come up again... I saw a note on Twilight's and it said it was possible to change your harmony if your in one... Soo.... Sunset Shimmer, Flip and Flam could get out of the dis harmony and Trixie, Snips and snails could become a dis harmony too! Soo trixie could be the magical one and Snips and snails could share like Flip and Flam... Sunset Shimmer went good in the first equstria girl movie and Flip and Flam did aswell but in a normal episode of mlp. Soo I hope you understand me soo bye????
0 likesReplies (2)
Didn't they???
0 likesAnd other stuff on the note btw.....
0 likeswhat about the gems from the movie rainbow rockers
0 likesyou know the ones that made those girls make people hate each other and made their bodies beautiful
This is my interpretation of the elements of disharmony is Elusion Betrayal Lies Cruelty Greed Boringness
0 likesmaybe the elements of disharmony are not jewels. But other things....living things
0 likesWouldn't the elements of disharmony be queen cristalist,sombra,tereck,Trixie,discord,and starlight
0 likesThis is actually interesting dude
0 likesehhhhhh
0 likesCruelty: Garble ( you know.. the Teen Dragon Dude? who said it had to be a pony? )
selfishness: Prince Blueblood Blueblood
Dishonesty: Flim & Flam
Betrayal: Lightning Dust
Gloom: ( help me out here? )
Evil Magic: Tirek
What if Pinky pie is the holder of both disharmony and harmony.
0 likesDid you ever hear the tragedy of darth plaguis the wise?
0 likesNot Gandalf. It's Dumbledore
1 like#9and3/4
I always say "your words not mine" LOL
0 likesBut sunset shimmer is now part of the elements of harmony on rainbow rocks so i think it should a diff one but no offence
0 likesHere's my idea cruelty bans seed,selfishness diamond tiara, deceit flim and flair, betrayal discord ,evil magic king sombra
0 likesWouldn't evil magic be midnight sparkle or twivine sparkle btw twivine is evil clone of twilight
0 likesWhat about the necklace thingy that sucked the mane 6's magic an turned twilight into midnight sparkle
0 likesCC: Did Gandalf say that? shows picture of Dumbledore
0 likesMe: facepalms and explodes of cringe
What?! It Has to Be Somebody Else then Maud.. and Spitfire
0 likesThe eliminations of dis ormimy in a true true friend look at Apple Jake's eliminate is black before it is on her neke
0 likesNotion: in most movies the good guys always win
0 likesme: Infinity wars part 1
You are home. Unless theres such thing as wi-fi outside your house. Y’know
0 likesif discord rules Equestria yes there will be DISharmony
0 likes"KooKoo crazy banana bonkers" - Cannedcream
0 likesmaybe you should call the elements of insanity instead
0 likes(When CC says Gandalf, a picture of Dumbledore comes up) Me: TRIGGERED
0 likesHahaa I wish this was more than a theory
1 likehere one, doesn't fancy pant and forrest blackwell from Lego city undercover look alike?
0 likesCann there be...pony... PRINCES?!?!!
1 likeMay The Force Beam You Up Katniss
0 likesDumbledore the Grey
Session 7 crushes this theory
0 likesMeh. This is possible. Buutttt..... What if they weren't elements, mainly, like jewles, but like ordinary objects that take control of the user. It makes sence if you think about it. The book. That amulet-thingy. Who Knowles what else?
0 likesIn the return of harmony 1&2 there is the elements of disharmony but no necklaces but aj Rarity Rainbowdash Fluttershy twilight sparkle lost there elements take aj for example she became dishonest and her element is harmony. Like if you agree
0 likesNot spitfire trixie or the pony who almost killed the mane six
0 likesI got a thing for you guys the good of Chaos and evil of order
0 likesNot dishonesty, I mean disharmony
0 likesthat would be the element of greed
0 likesI read this wrong and thought it said Could the Elements of DISHharmony Exist?
0 likeswait a minute.... c.c. is a BLANK FLANK!
0 likesThanks for the video!!😁😀😀😀😚😉😃😉😃😉😉😃😉😉😃😎!!!!!
0 likesI used to call it dish armony
0 likes3:46 is dumbledore from harry potter!
0 likesI want to make a speed paint and there called hart broken elements
0 likesCannedcream didn’t get his cutie mark
0 likesYESSSSSS STAR WARRRSSSS ( as sitting with in bb8 shirt)
0 likes5:40 I know that tune!!! I play that game hehehe
0 likesI’m Only In 1 Grade And I Like Know Some Meanings From A Episode Of MLP
0 likeswhy dosn't CC have a cutie mark
0 likesTalks about Force.... Raves about it NERRDDDDD
0 likesEdit: well holy crap I was trying to make a joke and then he said the same thing what
Is he blank flank?🤔🤔
0 likesim a star wars nerd and im proud to be one lol i didnt know u where to brony notion
0 likesCrystals crown it is made of EVIL
0 likesNot real its just a legend
0 likesQuestion why is there not a time princess
0 likesYeh they do, all the villians
1 likewatch the union of the elements of insanity
0 likesYou are wrong about many things mr. I’m trying to know it all 😒
1 likeWow, looking back on this video it is sooo out-dated.
0 likesBOTH sunset shimmer and Dimond tiara reform in the movie and in send six
0 likesI hold the element of disharmony
0 likesTo get rid of the dark sid- NEEEERRDD
0 likesCanned cream is a blank flank
0 likesWhere is Cannedcream’s cutie mark?
0 likesThere is disharmony your thinking to hard
0 likesWatching exactly 3 years later Feb 18 2018
0 likesBrony notions has a cutie mark but the other guy dosent
0 likesNo but elements of instany
1 likeAlso film and flam can’t share one
1 likeDude sunset shimmer is not evil anymore
0 likeswow! but who would really own them because those people are... well, some of them turned good, or I haven't seen them. but forget my comment. it's probably not as important as other peoples.
0 likesÉléments of antisocialality
1 likeElements Of DISHarmony
0 likesWho are the parents of all ponies
0 likes1:26
Milner has them
1 likeThe likeness is uncanny
0 likespause at exsactly 2:29 and you'll see pinkie pies dad
0 likesYou mean DISHarmony?! HAHA!
0 likesI clicked this because of the pretty colors
0 likesEquestria and beyond
0 likesSunset is GOOD NOT BAD
0 likesR e f o r m e d
0 likesWheres CC's Cutie Mark???
0 likesBut sunset isn’t evil.....
0 likesWHY MAUD PIE!!!!??
1 likeCc's words, not mine...
CC's black Frankie got no cutie mark
1 likemake them edgy boys and edgy girl spike than we done
0 likesDo a reacting video😸😺😺😺😺😺
1 likeU guys rock. Ur not sexiest cuz people say mlp is 4 girls but u watch it
0 likes3:40 KATNISS?!?!
0 likesbingo there is a red version of rarity cutie mark and she truned evil coo coo
0 likesI guess you where 'poning'\pony but ing) heh get it? Poning around ?
0 likesc r y s t a l s
0 likesI almost unfollowed you when you talked about STAR WARS.
0 likesThe other brony has no cutie mark
0 likesAm I the only one that goes down to the comments just to like all of them?
0 likesdishomamy vs homary
0 likesCC=Blank Flank
0 likesC.c has cutie marks
0 likesMaud is nice
0 likesCoocoo crazy banana bonkers!???!!!
0 likesTheDAForceWAE.3:46 - 3:48 NERRRD!
0 likeswat trixy's cutie mark means communism
0 likesWow!!! This is awesome!!!
0 likesRead More
i use coo coo crazy banana bonkers
0 likesEverything has Bogan
0 likes@The Brony Notion Do you live stream?
0 likesthere's no such thing as the elements adamant no such thing you guys are nerds
0 likesgreen v teal
0 likesYou deleted all your vids but in 2018
0 likeslol, 2018 anyone?
1 likeDa dun tsss
1 likeUwjehdhdhaiiuhehehruieueuehryeuwjuehysuyeowi1heiegsksgdjqgrisuttjj1hgeieuehuejgdyeyeueieieuheryeuueururuejejejejrjrjrjrjrjrjrjjrj🍒🏜🍓🥑🍅🍑🎆🌋🌦🌋☂️☂️🍑🎆🍎🎆🏖🎆🍎🎆🍅🎆🍅🎆🥐🍏🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🎎🍓🎎🍓🎎🎎🥥🎆🍑🎎🍑🎎🍑🎎🎎🍑🎆🍅🍎🍅🎆🍎🎆🍎🎆🍎🎆🍎🎎🍑🎎🍑🎎🎆🌋🎎🎎🍑🎎☂️🌎🌎☂️☂️🌎☂️🌋☂️🌋☂️🌋☂️🍑🍏🥒🍋🍓🥑🍓🎆🍑☂️🍑🍓☂️🍅🌎🌎☂️🌦🌈🌈🌈
0 likescc means cupcake
0 likescould oc
1 likeO cool
0 likesI ate Luna
0 likesThe elumints of dishurmunee do not exist your rong thet is wut my brother shed
0 likesBlank flank
0 likesno they don't
0 likesYour circle head
0 likesdose princess have a
0 likesn e r d
0 likes2019 anyone????
1 likeLogan? 👀
0 likes0:55
0 likes😤😤😤😫😫😫😤😤😤😫😫😫 wut i'm breathing oh and why does he have no cutie mark?
0 likesWhy sunset
0 likesNo:
2 likesOpposites duh,....
Generosity :Tirek
Honesty:New guy
Loyalty:New equestrian guy through mirror
Magic:Cozy Glow
0 likesIF ??? :V
0 likesi like my own comments!
1 like0:52 I already have a few holes in your theory
0 likes1 DT isnt naturally cruel, she was just raised to think blank flanks are lover than herself, tought by her mother as we see in S5,
2: Why would Spitfire be the element of betrayal?
3 Maud couldn't be the element of gloom, she isnt gloomy, she just seems that way compared to other ponies(like myself)
4 Sunset Shimmer cant be the element of evil magic, because she is reformed
I have a little theory to go with this one. I think that the elements of dis-harmony would be the opposite of the good elements from the alternate universe in the comics. Like the element of unfairness or the element of hate. Just a thought.
0 likesWhat if hasbro saw this video and said " this is a great idea! " and eventually makes an episode where the main 6 find them ( or maybe they go even farther and the elements of disharmony possesses them ) That would be cool
0 likesBut there would be no threat from the Elements of Disharmony since whatever discord and cacophony they caused would be easily undone by their opposite counterparts. So, there wouldn't be a need for them in the universe. No matter what- the elements seem to be able to defeat them as long as their together- the only threat they could pose is the inference that they could be used individually.
0 likesI want an episode where Discord bas to arrange a group of villains to get the Elements of Disharmony to create a balamce when the Harmony Tree goes crazy.
0 likesHere's who the barriers of disharmony are in my head cannon:
1 likeSombra - Dark magic ( because he has dark magic )
Chrysalis - deceive ( because she can morph into someone, so it's a lie )
Nightmare Moon - cruelty/betrayal ( because, nightmares, and she betrayed her sister )
Tirek- selfishness ( he was selfish with magic )
Sirens - gloom ( they feed of of negativity )
But wouldn't the elements of disharmony be the elements of harmony themselves?
0 likesI mean, when sunset shimmer used Twilight's crown for the wrong reasons it turned her into a monster.
And that was only one Element's magic.
When Twilight (in friendship games) used the mane 6's magic she turned into a monster, but Sunset did the same thing and it turned her into something good. That short fight scene shows that both sides were equal in power ; what made them different was why they turned into what they did. Sure , the alicorn amulet seems like an element of disharmony, but what if was something left from Sombra's reign? Or a failed experiment?
Maybe the elements used to be good and evil but then all but magic were seperated, explaining why the element of magic turned Sunset Shimmer evil like that.
0 likesMaud isn't gloomy. She is just as happy as anypony could be. It's just that she very rarely shows her emotions.
0 likesKing sombra was the creator of trixies red element. He probably did that so more ponies would get "hipnotized' into being evil which would help him create an army
0 likesBrony Notion, I thought your theory great,.
0 likesbut after watching it, I got the idea that the elements of harmony are the elements of disharmony.
what I mean is, remember when sunset shimmer put on twilight light's crown and how it corrupted her into a
demon? well I thought, if some pony used the elements of harmony who was the opposite of the mane 6, the elements of harmony would channel the dark emotions inside and turn into the elements of disharmony.
The history oy the eliments of harmony
1 likeLong ago the eliments of harmony and the eliments of disharmony were together .
Eventually the ponies started choicing sides causing a war.
Big suprise the eliments of disharmony won and hid the eliments of harmony .
They hid the eliments of harmony in the tree of harmony .
After some time a pony found the eliments of harmony ( calestia and luna).
Using them to defete the eliments of disharmony.
The eliments of disharmony were scatered all over equestria never to be found.
Kindness - Hatred
0 likesHonesty - Deceit
Loyalty - treachery
Laughter - depression
Generosity - greed
Magic - witchcraft
The alicorn amulet is actually got rarity's cutie mark so it might be like the opposite of rarity and not the element of dark magic.
0 likesI have once watched a video called "The Elements of Insanity".Is it possible that the elements of insanity WAS the element of disharmony?Or is it the element of insanity was ONE of the elements of disharmony?(I dont know.)You do told us who represents the elements of disharmony,right?Then who actually represents the element of insanity?I wonder who...
0 likesOr maybe it’s the ponies who use the elements changed them- so if pinkie was actually gloom then it would be the element of dis harmony and not the good bit. So if someone dark got the elements then they would turn different according to that person.. like when discord changed their personalities, they all changed colour, which included the elements...
0 likesI think that there is only one element of disharmony. If there were 6 elements of disharmony then that would be like 6 sets of the elements of harmony because when trixie used the alicorn amulet it was like an evil version of when the mane six use the elements of harmony.
0 likesWould be an interesting story arc.
0 likesThe element of honesty should be called the element of Integrity. I don't know, it just sounds better
0 likesIf the Alicorn Amulet and/or the Inspiration Manifestation are MLP versions of Infinity Stones, I have a lot of fan fiction to write 🙃
0 likesHello my name is moonlight sparkle .I'm very similar to her. Okay now coming on the point, I think the elements of harmony contain both good and evil powers and They depend depend on the person using them.
0 likesThis doesn't have much to do with the video but, am I the only one who thinks about sunset from the human world?The one we know is from Equestria.Up until rainbow rocks,same for twilight.I wonder what would she be like?the twilight from Crystal prep is probably what twilight would have been without the magic of friendship.And if her friends weren't really nice...So can we assume the human sunset would be like pony sunset without meeting twilight or without the magic of friendship?Maybe but I'm not 💯 percent sure on it.Anyway here is what I would think she would be like.Sinset was maybe the best pupil at CHS and studied under prin-I mean principle Celestia.But one day they had an argument or something and she abandoned her studies.Unlike pony sunset she didn't go the Equestria bc at that time no-one knew about any magic or even the portal at all. I'm assuming though that this was before pony sunset came.Now of course this would be a while and celestial would've likely tried to forget about sunset so when pony sunset comes she can't remember her or doesn't want to remember or can't believe she came back and says nothing. Or sunset could've used to go to crystal prep before twilight.let me know what you think.
1 likeSorry for the long comment!
Replies (1)
*sunset not sinset sorry.
0 likesYeah, but what dis- element represents the necklace Trixie wore. or any of the other objects you mentioned. and there is no balance between dark and light in Star Wars. darkness rules!! the Jedi are just try hards.
0 likesMaybe elements of disharmony can be villains. and most powerful(most jealous(it's daybreaker)) will be the element of dark magic!
0 likesOr also another proof that the EoD exists
0 likesis when discord took away their elements and when he tricked the mane 5 andvm when they turned gray
In season 2 the episode return of the harmony part 2. At the end of the episode Discord is sitting on a throne and that could be one of the elements of disharmonie if they actually exist.
0 likeswell if they are completely opposite then the elements of disharmony would not be crystals or neclases
0 likesWe've seen elements of disharmony Applejack started lying in one of these episodes and I don't remember the exact number so I'm just going to state would happen but in one of these episodes Applejack was lying Rainbow Dash left to go save Cloudsdale instead of her friends Fluttershy was being mean Pinkie Pie was being like depressed I don't know it was not the greatest stage because just because Twilight's magic had weekend because she got really really sad that all of her friends and Harmony had been lost I'm going to quote this like put this in quotation marks but I am literally just like waving my hand across the room like oh my Lord the harmony was lost it was bad and Rarity Rarity found a giant rock that she thought was a gemstone and said oh yeah I'm going to keep this and became really greedy so we've already seen all the elements of disharmony because we've seen The Elements of Harmony reverse it was not the greatest episode in history and I will actually find it and I will put it in the comments another day but what's good to take me awhile to find that episode so yeah
0 likesThe alicorn amulet would be the element of greed!
0 likesIt's shaped like a diamond,
Like the element of generosity
wouldnt the alicorn amulet be Rarity's element? Its a dimond
0 likesI believe that the elements of disharmony actually exist cuz there was one episode where Applejack Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie and Rarity got tricked by Discord and made them the opposite elements. so in that case I guess the elements disharmony actually exist?
0 likeshmm think you may be able to talk about this again? especially since Diamond Tiara is different then we thought?
2 likesYeah, id like to see some elements of disharmony but it hasnt happened yet and season sevens out
0 likesWouldn't they be called elements of discord or elements of chaos?
0 likesor it could be alicorn backup power in case tirek took their power
0 likesI think the element owners of disharmony are sombra Luna and yes Luna because she is always well gloomy she would fit perfectly spitfire pinkie pies sister (I forgot her name 😂) chrysalis and dimand Tina yes most of these are there ideas so these are the ponys I think should own the elements of disharmomy I hope u injoyed hearing what I this of the owners of disharmony.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesWhen CC said BN, for a moment i thought he said BM, as in Bowell Movement, as in poop. XD But then I was like wait, 'N' sounds a lot like 'M', he probably said 'N' lol.
0 likesDuring the first episode dicord was introduced we see the elements of disharmony each pony becomes the opposite OF themself THE
This is My theory>They Element oF DisHarmony are the same ponies as the Elements Of Harmony but they have to turn completely evil to be Element OF DiSHarmony.
0 likesFor Example:
Elements OF DisHarmony
Midnight Sparkle:Bewitchment/Loneliness
Pinkamena: Despair
Rainbow Factory:Severance
does the staff of sameness count as a bad enchanted item
0 likesYou went threw an extremely long and unnecessary explanation just to say Balance. That what that is. Both Elements of Harmony and Disharmony exist for Balance, just as the Jedi and Sith exist, Balance
0 likesit's not possible cause 1 we already have ONE set of elements
0 likes2 there never lasted disharmony in eguestria 3 how can we have the same elements with reversed powers
what about the cutie mark crusiaders they help people get their cutie marks while in one episode twilight helped find all 5 of her friends destinys again
0 likesBut look at element of generosity and the alicorn ambulet gem, don't they look similar ,
0 likesThe theory about diamond tiara having one is outta here! She is good now :3
0 likesthe elements of disharmeny is the same person but just look a little diferent and they are evil
0 likestrixy is greedy so the element of greed is the alicorn amulet
0 likesMaybe there are more Gems of the elements of disharmony but they are zerplittert and are in other objects ( like the book) or merged with th elements of harmony (like that what the element of magic do to Sunset schimmer. These are my theory's.
0 likes"When Twilight needs to put the hammer of friendship upon an enemys head" - Cc idk when
0 likeswell their is sombra what about his crown it seems odd like it might contain dark magic who knows?
0 likesThey r called the elaments of insanity. The movie on Youtube is awsome watch it
1 likeThe elements of disharmony theory has been forgotten
0 likesOpposite of Magic: Reality
0 likesI just realized that Cannedcream is a blank flank!
0 likeshmmmm... maybe the episode where they defeated tirek the items there maybe has something to do with it and the necklace that discord gave to twilight there is really have to do there if we cant solve it i mean ok just forget about it i cant think of anymore that conects so it has to be the items or maybe the crystal empire because theres crystals but it may not be in the crystal empire it has to be the items and the necklace.
0 likes6:34 After all, the winners tell the story
0 likesAhh. But that's the beauty of disharmony. Did I just say that?
1 likeYes, you are a goddamn changeling. You definitely said that.
Great video!!! :D
0 likesinstead of sunset it Should be queen cyriliss or nightmare moon
1 likeBrony nation:They ARE REAL
0 likesMaybe the elements of disharmony are separated in different places
The changlings are good but Queen Changling is on hunting for more army
0 likesDoes anyone else remember that time when all the elements turned dark purple
0 likesReplies (1)
And I just remembered that Snowdrop returns animation the blue alacorn crown thing of death
0 likesI think that the alicorn amulet would be the element of cruelty!!! The opisit of the element of kindness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesThere shoud be a Tree of Disharmony
0 likesI like your videos can you make more my love pony antics of the pony princesses can you please please make sure to do more or I'm going to freak out like him more and more and more can you please I've been waiting this whole time tire life to hear just weather princess is in everything they do in the whole why world have a quarter of a Questria 😊👌🏻
0 likesYou Forgot That The Elements Of Insanity Exists
0 likes4:12 YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Someone remembers them!!
0 likesI like your intro 😻
0 likes“A cornucopia full of magic whatever’s.”
0 likesXD
one of the elements of disharmony would be destruction
0 likesSo Probably The Elements Of Insanity Takes PlacemAs Elements Of Disharmony.
0 likesi think element of disharmony should wear evil mane 6
0 likesthere is no elements of disharmony. There is the elements of insanity.
0 likessunset would not be the barrier of the dark magic cuz she is refromerd i think the barrier of dark magic elment is crislis
0 likesOH SHIT I had an idea
1 likeIdea: there could be only one element of disharmony
EXPLANATION: the elements of disharmony are supposed to be different than the elements of harmony so instead of there being six there can only be ONE
And guess who wields it?
Replies (1)
Shadowblade/ shade That's actually brilliant.
0 likesdidn't discord say he was the element of chaos and disharmony
0 likeshere's what i think about the theory... That's just a theory, a PONY THEORY!!!!
0 likesMy daughter named Mabel, wants to start her own youtube channel when she is older.And she wants a pony that she creates herself, like you, so pleeeeeeaaaaaase can you keep typing to me and tell me how you make the pony character and when people see the video they can hear her voice.Thank You.P.S she is now 8.
0 likesKing zumba had the alcorn amulet! !!
0 likesWhenever I watch, I have keep my hand on the "mute" button to prevent myself from cringing to death
0 likesThe first time I read the title I thought it was CandedCream lol
0 likesWait if the good guys Elements of Harmony making them stronger shut the bad guys Elements of Harmony make them weaker
1 likeReplies (1)
Gum Drop That makes no sense. Why would someone create magical elements in order to weaken themselves?
0 likesDisharmony. Thanks for giving young filly's nightmares. I'm sure Luna won't be happy about that. 🇻🇮👾📹
0 likesWhy not? jing jang rule man . Where is a light there is a shadow . Not neseserly crystals of disharmony. Mabe other magical artifacts representing opposite to elements of harmony (they are only symbols of virtues) :P Did u saw project thunderclowd? Tere it is well described (Derpy+Dinky=alikorn stuf XD)
0 likesReplies (3)
2:37 the path of evil is (almost) always easy way to get power (i could use citation from Yoda but it could be in bad taste for MLP)
0 likes3:15 users of that artifacts would be slowly destroyed by its distorted power (remember what hapend to Trixi?)
0 likes6:38 even destroed artifact could reborn in new form (2 episode mlp ) cuz it is only form that energy (magic) takes
0 likesdon't you find it werid that the elament of disharys barriuor are some what related to the orlanail(sorry I spell bad😞
0 likes"ah but thats the beauty of disharmony" me:yes yes it is and soon there will be an epesode where everyone is full of disharmony and killing 😐that took a dark turn.
0 likesWhy i have no friends😔eh idc im a lone wolf🙂
Who is Luna and Celesia's parent?And were are they?
0 likesThe eliment of greed prince blue blood. Dishonhesty flim and flam .
1 likeSaddness maude pie. The eliment of betrale gilda.
Crullity is iron will . And dark magic is sunset shimmer
Replies (2)
I take that back queen crysalis is dark magic
0 likesTrixy is dark magic she still hates twilight
1 likeI love your videos of the pool nation of the CMC character can you please do more flurry heart episodes and more princesses with floor you her episodes please please pretty please I am calm now can you please do more I'm begging you I been waiting my whole entire life for 100 for refax flurry hard facts combined in one long episode that I can stay up
0 likesAlicorn amulet raritys book starlights staff with the rock (mainly the rock) and the psirens necklaces!
1 likeReplies (1)
Alicorn Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle The staff was a peice of wood in the desert.
0 likesI love star wars
0 likesI just noticed something, CC is a blank flank
2 likes(It sounds better)
Reformed elements sunset shimmer starlight glimmer trixie and others
1 likewait is cannedcream a blank flabk?
0 likes*Looks into Cc's Flank* *Sees a Blank Flank* OMG CC IS A BLANK FLANK AND HIS BROTHER TOO OMG!!!!!!!
0 likesby my conclusion, THIS VIDEO SHOWS THE TRUTH MY YOUNG GRASSHOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI thought Sunset Shimmer at whatever her name is turned good?!?!Did she?!?!
0 likesWould of the roil gards have elements of duty?
0 likesDid CannedCream use Pony Creature 2?
0 likesCan we have an updated video?
0 likesCannedcream is a BLANKFLANK!!!
1 likeNo judging tho.
Discord has said a lot of disharmony
0 likesWhy doesn't the "nerd" have a cutiemark?
0 likesI remember this!
1 likeLook in the midle of the ailacorn amulet and then the ginarosety element of harmony do you see the same thing i am
0 likesThere already seems to be three of the six elements: the elememt of magic is the alicorn amulet and the staff starlight mentions is the element of selfishness,(the elements don't have to be crystals or the crystal may be imbued in the staff, the real one) and the element of cruelty is the infestation manifestation book(may be infused with an onyx gem)(the book curses the user to chase their dreams in a dark way, regardless of what it does to others, Rarity changes an apple cart to gold, making it useless just for her dreams to become a reality, being cruel to all when Rarity thought she was just helping and improving, regardless of the reactions)
0 likesDiamond Tiara is not a badguy she is nice now
0 likesOmg begin, bogon !! Hahaha I get it!
0 likesCan cream is an flank flank HAHAHA 😂😂😂😂😂
0 likesWorry do not, Star Wars nerd I am. (do not worry, I am a Star Wars nerd)
0 likesso disharmony would be destruction
0 likesStarlight is good too so yeah
0 likesSpitfire?! what the bubblegum? Why her?
0 likesthe element on oposite pinkie pie would'nt be maud it woud be the grumpy sister of pinkie pie
0 likes0:57 it's ruining teletubbies'lives...
0 likesy does Cannedcream not have a cutie mark?
0 likesGood one
0 likeslol got it ❤ 😅
0 likesbtw, it's may the force be with you.
0 likesFriendship hammer 4 da win
0 likesBrony i think there must alternative universe of Equestria
1 likebut now diamond tiara is nicer
0 likesWhy doesn't canned cream have a cutie mark
0 likesDiamond tiara is good now
0 likesI have no i idea for villains of disharmony:discord is now good i guess,nighmare moon is gone maybe Come back maybe we will See day breaker ,sunset is good and other villains
0 likesStar wars Yay!!!
0 likes2:44 Optical Illusion
1 likeand complete opposite means that they ain't magical. BOOM
0 likesI agree
0 likesArnt you two to old to watch this show. Really, watching it all your life.
0 likesHashtag Lifewasted
İf there is elemets of insanity, there can be elements of disharmony what where they??????????????
0 likeswow this should not exsist though i do like them
0 likesMane 6 - 3
0 likes6 - 3 = 3
Pinky pie,rainbow dash and rarity
You have 3 ponies
Make it to 3 sides and 3 points
3 sides and 3 points +illuminati
cc is a bf
2 likesps. bf=blank flank
CC doesn't have a cutie mark
0 likesMOD PIE IS NOT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesNice one CC you sayed nerd 😆
0 likesWold about nightmare mon's necklace is that a element 🍌🍌🍌
0 likesshouldn't Discord Be the leader of the enments of Disharmony like if you agree if not leave a comment why not
0 likesCanned cream DOEENT HAVE A CUTE MARK!?
0 likesDiss kindness dimension tiara
0 likesDiss happyness mod
Diss onset flim and flat
Crullness disscord
Diss royal ness king sombra
Ever magic tricksy
Replies (1)
Evel magic tricksy
0 likesBro Dumbledore is not at all like gandoff
0 likesBut what about the elements of cringe
0 likesKing Sombra
0 likesbut sunset shimmer is not evil enymore
0 likesdon't forget sci twis little gadget
0 likes0:55 HEYYYY!!!!!!
0 likesCHANGED I AM CHANGED! !!!!!!!
Sunset shimmer is a good
0 likesWhat did spitfire do
0 likesWhy dooes CC have no cutiemark? 🙄
0 likesI've seen them before
0 likeswhat is DISHARMONY !!!!!!!!
0 likesspitfire why spitfire!
0 likesHah you said a real pokemon aka Farfetch
0 likescc you not sceard he's a changeling your staring at a chegling
0 likesCC is a blank flank
0 likesWhy is starelight glimmer Her name ?????🦄
0 likesHis evil twin is logan paul LOL
0 likesCookoo crazy banana boncers!!!
0 likescc is a blank flank
0 likesWhy spitfire
0 likesThis got wrected
0 likesDiamond's good ;;;;
0 likesThis has been disproven
0 likesNo not sunset shimmer she is nice well now she is
0 likesPlll pll pull pll pll pll pll pll pll pll pll pllllll:D mean chrysalis should be one of the diss harmony am I'm right! :D
0 likesUmmmm diamond tiara can't be cruelty she is now nice sooooooo who is now cruelty????????¿¿¿¿¿¿
0 likesIsn't that the copy cat meme the animation thing
0 likesПони креатор...
0 likesmy cutie marks it's all cutie marks pony
0 likesAre you going to recording again
0 likescucu banana bumper.
0 likesWhy Maud pie and spitfire there?? 😵😭😪😓😢😢
0 likesYaaaay brony
0 likeswhere is the 5th there is only
0 likes4
I'm confused
0 likesyour not going to name discord???
0 likesYou think!?
0 likesCan I be pinned for no reason?
0 likesthe video after this is cc video
0 likesDisharmony sorry
0 likesyep yingvsjang
0 likes#cookoocrazybannanabonkers
0 likes1:07 umm... am i the only one who got that as a joke? farfetch'd? the pokemon? anyone?
0 likesPlss tell why?
0 likesIt Bogan.
0 likesSWhat
0 likesReplies (1)
Thank you thank you thank you can you please read all of my suggestions in the comments down below that's all I want now
0 likesI am getting tired of this intro😡😡😡
0 likesHahaha bogan hahaha
1 likei am watching these vids to late
0 likesI watched cc,s videos before
0 likesNerd 🤓 alert 🤓🚨
0 likesRemember the 5 characters in the friendship games who were on Twilight's team during the friendship games? I think those 5 are the holders of the elements of disharmony, not because they are the opposite of the elements they represent, but because they are the dark side of each of them.
2 likesSour Sweet- Element of kindness, she is kind but she never truly means any of the things she says.
Sugercoat- Element of honesty, she is brutally honest, telling truths people really don't want to hear.
Indigo Zap- Element of Loyalty, Loyal to the wrong people, that's about it, not to mention she is basically what would happen if rainbow dash joined the shadow bolts.
I'm not sure about Sunny Flare or Lemon Zest but as they share personality traits with rarity and pinkie pie, I believe that is who they represent.
Replies (1)
Demfro Degroot sunny would be rarity, 100% and lemon would be pinkie.
0 likesMany 1000's of years ago lived a little unicorn called Celestia, she was very close to becoming alicorn . One day Celstia was trotting around her home . A red spark was shining behind a house so she went over to investigate. There was a element of disharmony.
0 likesMany people have a headcanon where Celestia was coloured by the EoH, and before that she was pink. What if Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, was moulded by the Elements of Disharmony in the same way? Maybe that can explain why he's a part of everything, and he's so powerful
0 likesone of the items that was mentioned, but not given status of an element is the spell of "inspiration manifestation". this book made rarity want to make everything bigger and better. everything had to be fabulous. what if this book was the element of greed. another theory I would like to share is that the alicorn amulet is an element, but not the one we think . considering it is the same shape of rarities and it made trixie become more selfish, I believe the amulet also contains the potential to be the element of greed.
0 likesi have a theory, what if the physical elements of harmony are also the elements of disharmony. to use them as the elements of harmony, you need to fully represent it, whereas to use it as disharmony, you need to fully resent its true meaning, not represent the opposite. an example being when shimmer went crazy, and who knkws, maybe somepony will steal one of the elements and use them this way.
0 likesI personally think that Lightning Dust would make a better element of betrayal than Spitfire.
0 likesSadly all of those characters have been redeemed. Yes even Blueblood. it was very subtle though basically in Sweet and Elite he was hanging out with Rarity like actual friends.
0 likesOk, about not finding the elements of disharmony, When The elements of harmony where not in the mane 6's reach, Im pretty sure Twilight said something about the bond and connection remaining, and that's all they needed. Couldn't that be one of the reasons why you can find the rest of the elements of disharmony?
0 likes+The Brony Notion Alright, I know this is 2017, but this idea has been festering, and I want to just get it out.
1 likeWith the addition of the new 7th Element in Equestria Girls (Compassion/Friendship), could the Elements of Disharmony be linked to the 7 Deadly Sins? The book, Inspiration Manifestation, seems to be for Greed, while the Alicorn Amulet is for Envy. The Scepter for the Dragon Lord could be for Pride, since a Dragon Lord can command any dragon to follow orders. The Sirens' Gems are 3 parts of Lust, since there are different kinds of lust, all of which command the senses.
What do you suggest?
WAIT.... so what im getting out of thka is Discord was kinda-sorta doing some good by doing bad. They helped keep the balance between good and bad. Discord turned the mane six aniti-element, but helps them understand more about their element and the harm and good it could bring.
0 likesI think that the elements of disharmony would be used by the following creatures/ponies:
0 likesThe Element of Disharmony or Evil Magic would be used by Discord
The Element of Deceit would be used by Queen Chrysalis
The Element of Cruelty would be used by King Sombra
The Element of Gloom would be used by Maud Pie (I know she is not evil nor is she truly gloomy, however she is the opposite of Pinkie Pie when it comes to her emotions and how she makes friends.)
The Element of Greed would be used by Lord Tirek
And finally
The Element of Betrayal would be used by Nightmare Moon (Yes I know Luna wouldn't turn back but this is the best I got)
Elements of disharmony are definitely happening!
0 likesWith the alicorn amulet it was not actually evil, just trixie controlling it to be evil and give her evil powers
0 likesI just had a major theory! You said yourself that twilight element turned Sunset shimmer into ragging she-demon then I think that twilight's element could have a bit of evil in-planted. Here's my theory that sense the element turn sunset into a demon then when used with the wrong person or pony, then that little element deep in the magic element activate turning that person or pony evil. So when ever the element is not used by the correct person or pony the evil planted in the element is activated so it can be used alone.
0 likesJust came across this, so if I may....
0 likesThere are no elements of disharmony, only Discord. The Elements of Harmony are aspects of the Tree of Harmony: stately, unmoving, in changing the polar opposite of Discord: vulgar, seldom standing still, always in flux. If you know the game "Lords of Magic" it then raises other possibilities we have order/chaos, is there an embodiment of life/death, air/earth, fire/water?
You both a good team do another like this PLEASE!
0 likesMaybe discord destroyed them so that nothing can have more disharmony than him, or maybe Celestia destroyed them so that there would be less chance of disharmony taking over Equestria.
0 likesocording to me, midnight sparkle would be the element of dark magic, blue blood would be the element of selfishness, lightning speed would be the element of betrayal, spoiled rich would be the element of cruelty, glad mane would be deceit, and maud would be gloom
0 likesWhat about the gems that Gloriosa Daisy had in the Legend of Everfree movie? They caused havoc for everyone and turned Gloriosa into a raging tree demon (techniically). They seem like Elements of Disharmony. What if Princess Celestia sent them to the human world after she banished Luna because they were turning her into Nightmare Moon and making her evil? Then when the Main(Mane) six used the elements of harmony and turned her good again, it brought the balance of Luna's peace back.
0 likesThere was a comic about the opposite world,the relfection side.
0 likesThe Reflection Mane 6 are the opposite of their counterpart.
However,the element of harmony in this dimension doesn't exist.
Cruelity,Selfishness,DC(what?),Trill,Gloom and Evil Magic.
My version is: Evilness,Egoist,Dishonnesty,Disloyality,Silence and Dark
the alicorn amulet is probably the element of selfishness because Trixie went all selfish claiming an entire village as her own
0 likesFlim and Flam's element could power Sombra's door!Now that makes sense.
0 likesLies ( honesty),cruelty (kindness),treachery ( loyalty ),sadness (laughter),selfishness ( generosity),and...reality ( magic )
0 likesWait, even Spitfire? But she's the leader of the wonder bolts... which includes the fastest thing with wings: Rainbow Dash. At least SHE'S there in case if Spitfire's about to do somethin' horrific.
1 likeOMG! Starlight Glimmer's staff could be one of the elements!
0 likesthe elements of disharmony does exist. the main 6 showed it when discord took the elements and the turned gray.that was disharmony they showed.
0 likessunset shimmer is not the one for evil magic,i think that nightmare moon would fit perfectly for evil magic
0 likesI wish this was fact and not theory. The elements of disharmony with their own tree or something of disharmony? I would personally love to see that in MLP.
0 likesI think the element of betrayal would go to lightning dust
0 likes2 of the best Brony channels colabing. This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!😍😍😃😃😃😃😃
0 likesWhat if Luna had something to do with the elements of disharmony and celestia had the elements of harmony.
0 likes1:10- We know that equestria Is a lovely place, but with discor, he can change andthing.He can do anything.With descord, everpony has no mercy.
0 likesHey CC! You literally mentioned StarWars, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter in at least one or two sentences
0 likesFlaws: Tiara is nice now, Blueblood was a character only meant for one episode, Flim-Flam brothers are the same except two..., spitfire is just trying to train people appropriately, Maud would never go against Pinkie, and Sunset Shimmer has been a good-guy(or rather girl) for three movies now...... this would never happen.
0 likesI think the corect term is "the element's of insanity" there is a whole fanfic about that and it was created like early 2013.
0 likesIt's just a theory... a pony theory!!!!!!! Thanks for watching!! (You're welcome :3)
0 likesso if the elements of harmony can be used for evil can the anti elements be used for good?!?!?
0 likesReplies (1)
xolivia x When were the elements used for evil?
0 likesAt 3.20 those 6 gems could be the elements of disharmony. Yes twilights element would be both good and evil
0 likesThe Element of Cruelty can't be Diamond Tiara as she eventually makes friends with the CMC.
0 likesBlueblood might just make a good Element of Selfishness.
Flim and Flam would be good for the Element of Deceit.
I don't know the episode where Spitfire betrays someone?
As for Maud, she wouldn't really make a good Element of Gloom as she's not that gloomy, she has things she likes (look at rocks), and she is happy she just doesn't express it, she's more of an Element of Stoicism.
Sunset Shimmer could be an Element of Evil Magic, but I think she's reformed.
Replies (1)
Who do you guys think would be good bearers of Cruelty, Gloom and Evil Magic?
0 likesmy element bearers:
1 likeEvil Magic- King Sombra
Gloom- Starlight Glimmer
Betrayl- Nightmare Moon
Greed- Queen Chrysalis
Cruelty- Gilda
Deceit- Tirek
If the elements of disharmony did exist then five of them would be crowns and one would be a necklace
0 likesthe crown is not a element of disharmony that only happened cause it was at the wrong hands
0 likes1 trixies amulet 2 one of the cirens's necklaces 3 the second one 4 the third necklace 5 rarity's book and 6
0 likesMy theory is that starswirl tried to use the elements of disharmony or tried experimenting on them and turned into discord
0 likesLinking Star Wars to my little pony, good work!
0 likesI think the disharmony is the power of Hate and the names of the disharmony is DisHonesty,DisKindness,Sadness,DisJonesty,Porrly
0 likesI have just realised that All the 5 elmans not Ranbow Dash helped them get their cuty marks and terns discord into stone Ranbow did the Ranbom got their marks but the time they did the discord the ranbom was their
0 likesSince you said that all gems have magic, There is one thing I don't get, rarity's book, it's not even a gem.
0 likeswhy is spitfire the element of betrayal?
0 likeswhy is spitfire the element of betrayal ?
0 likesThis was made before season 5?! ok. That was une3xpected for me.
0 likesThe elements of Disharmony can maybe exist in the human world.
0 likesThe reason twilights crown turned sunset evil it's because it's in the wrong hands
0 likeswouldnt the elements of disharmony be the elemants of insanity
0 likesLook at the crystal in the alicorn amulet and then look at rarity's element
0 likesThat was not Twilight's element,it was her crown
0 likesYay! My two favorite pony tubers! ^_^
0 likesI see your point but in my little pony epuestar girls the friendship games the other Twilight Stells the others magic and used it to turn in night mare sparkle
0 likesSunset is good now she is the element of friendship ( makes sense if u watched "7th element of harmony) by TheBronyNotion.
0 likesthe alocorn ambulet it should be the element of bullying because is the opposite of friendship
0 likesWait, since when has my prison/necklace has been found? AND NOBODY TRIES TO BREAK IT!?!?!?! Gosh dang it!
0 likessomebody ! Needs to tell rarity that prince blue blood is out of her Element before she goes to the gala
0 likesI know they didn't go there in season six, but maybe season seven?
0 likes"or should i say? bogan?" i laughed at that it was funny
0 likesthe alacorn amulled has a diamond and rareatie I think that's how it's spelled has a diamond element
0 likesremember the return of harmony watch that episode when they corrupt the element didn't work maybe there is element of disharmony
0 likesDo the elements of insanity count.
0 likesI think so because there has to be balance
0 likesMy little Star Wars I used to wonder what the force could be
0 likes0:55 dude you know that year this was published is the 3rd equestria girls movie.Sunset Shimmer's already good why should she have the evil magic?
0 likesbetrayel is not spitfire it is lightning dust
0 likesBut isn't the character of mod supposed to be nice she loves her sisters especially pinky
1 likeif u look close to the necklace trixe got the gem in it looks like raritys 1 but different colours ?
0 likesI really like these vids x3
0 likesare just watch this episode and don't you think they could have put it in a different dimension I mean those ponies have a type of power source real who probably turn evil and also Celestia and all sorts of ponies including Discord and he is a pony because he has magic inside him so
0 likeshow can you think that pod pie is a villian she is just a goth pony just like the gothic people in our every day lives and she is not selfish.you should not assume that she is bad!!!!!!
0 likesor the element of disharmony are the regular 6 elements of harmony used by the discorded main 6 hmm
0 likesbrony notion you could be correct look at the jewel its a red version of rarity's jewel but I could be wrong I don't know
0 likesThe alicorn amulet is the element of selfishness.
0 likesthere is elements of disharmony
0 likesit called Elements of Insanity
Brutalight Sparcake
Apple Pills
Pinkies Cupcake
I am not a brony.but I love your vids
0 likeshas anyone else noticed that the amulet looks like rarity there is raritys element of dishamony
0 likesThen reformations came in and the entire thing went up in flames
0 likesYou now on the alicorn alument has a DIMOND(raritys cuty mark!) SOOOO the elements of DISharmony is real
0 likesSaying that sunset shimmer and diamond tiara aren't evil anymore this is outdated...
0 likeselements of disharmony do exist!!!!!
0 likesThe magic mirror pool!
0 likesbut sunset shimer is nice now even dimond tiara silver spoon are nice too
0 likesWhy is cannedcream a blank flank?
0 likesI agree with you guys
0 likesmaybe they will go to applelossa in season seven
0 likeswhat did Sunset Shimmer become a part of the elements of harmony
0 likesWow, I forgot about your old design, oh them days...
0 likesI wish that at least 1 episode the bad wins
0 likesWhat about the harmony tree maybe there is a disharmony tree to
0 likesHey if you look at the equestria map it says unexplored yet
1 likeof course it's not a formed element of magic
0 likeswhy does canned cream have a chipped ear and a evil twin
0 likesAnd waht about the Elements of Insanity ?
0 likesBTW i WISh that in Season 7 they will Show the Elements of Insanity!
I love it when it goes coocoo crazy banana bunkers
0 likesthis was great
0 likesThe return of Snowdrop
0 likeswhat about the elements of insanity
0 likesawsome mlp starwars i like a lot cause i am an fan of mlp an starwars and to all the starwars fans may the force be withyou
0 likesDid anyone notice that CC had no cutie mark?
0 likesMay the force beam you up Katniss, didn't uh, Gandalf say that? shows pic of Dumbledore
0 likes'Ey! Nobody asked for a history lesson that is for people in a galaxy far, far away!
0 likesok i dont think there was a war but your theroie makes sence
0 likesAlso Trixies amulet is a 💎 like Raritys amulet
0 likesIt shows them on the maze episode except twilight
0 likeshave you seen Snowdrop the return if not see you will see something on her head :-)
1 likeThe visitor is a blank flank
0 likesare there seven elements ?
0 likeselements of disharmy don't exist the elements of cayous exsist in the dazzling world in shirinabrear for sirens and succubes
0 likesWhy doesn't Canned Cream have a cutie mark??
0 likesmind blown
0 likesWrong sunset and diamond tiara Are NOT evil
1 likeIs think the alicorn amulet would be the element of selfishness not evolve magic
0 likesnope most of them reformed only 1 prince blue blood
0 likesOh no! It has spoilers in it! I can't watch this video 😭😭😭
0 likesWhich one is the green element of harmony
0 likesBrony are you alright?
0 likesYou seem to be getting too much into star wars
Actually I own disharmony elements but that's my oc
0 likesbring the hammer of friendship upon some villans head XDDDDD LOL
1 likedid cannedcream say deeeeerp? it sounded like it
0 likesMr. Cannedcream why do you not have a cutie mark?
0 likesI think the alicorn amulet is Rarity's necklace but disharmony
0 likesReplies (1)
Deleted YouTube yeah i agree
0 likesthank you for an esthetician? The same thing really
0 likesCanned cream is a blank-flank
0 likeswhat about discord he is the name of dishormony
0 likesMaybe if a selfish put on the element of generosety meybe it will turne to an element of dishamoni
0 likesCould the elements of DISharmany
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesyou mean "rainbow death beam of friendship" yeah you do :D
0 likesStarlike should by the mane 6 she is more. Powerful than. Twilite
0 likes3:46 that is dumbledore
0 likesXD
Sorry I'm a potterhead that can't spell but that was a picture of dombledore not gandoff but it's ok most people mess it up so I'm not mad I just needed to get that out there so angain sorry
0 likesi would say the element a bettral is discord
0 likes6 twilight 's crown used for evil
0 likeswhy is CC a blankflank?
0 likesIf you watch to see my little pony equestrian girls rainbow rocks movie and sunset shimmer feels bad for what she did at the fall formal and she changed
0 likesBut sunset shimmer is good
0 likes1.sunset shimmer is good now
0 likes2.mod isn't evil
sunset shimmer is good now
0 likeshilarious
0 likescannedream doesn't have a cutie mark lol haha
2 likesI love your vids and all but don't hate me for this but dude you should not be obsessed with this show that much I am a dude as well but I just don't think you should
0 likesWhy your friend doesn't have any cutie mark?
0 likesMagical mystery cilur
0 likesCc is a blank flank!
0 likesLook at sunset shimmer now
0 likessunset shimer is good now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesthe magical colgant of twilight wo lifes in canterlot high
0 likesand why does mr cream have greeny tip hair
0 likesSunset is reformed
0 likesI got it that was funny Bogon ha ha
0 likeskoo-koo krazy banana bonkers? lol
0 likesBEAR!🐻
0 likes'M my the force be wap katnus!!!!!!!!!!!' Lol makes no sanes
0 likesDid you know that the Elament of of Crazyness Is real is its PinkyPie Ha lol pinky is crazy lol
0 likeswho ever your with i forgot your name i like your OC
0 likessunset is nice now
0 likesCC has no cutie mark weird
0 likesstory of my life... cringness.
0 likesThe Elements of Disharmony those are some ugly colors!
0 likescannedcream or cc
0 likesoms oh my star wars
0 likesMe too
0 likesbony you are bony aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why do I always get it wrong
0 likeshay k.2 is our highest mountain of our contry my contry is Pakistan
0 likesAbraham movies figure out this crap please stop doing
0 likeswHY mAUD?
0 likeswHY mAUD?
0 likesbrony why is muad pie that i like her
0 likesBlake flake
0 likesJajajajaj
0 likesyou watch My Little Pony
1 likeReplies (1)
I do
1 like2019 anyone ;-; nope just me k
0 likesWhy dusing tepost from my littal pony the movie isit an acorn
0 likesПлагиат:<
0 likesHey!My b-day is may 4th :(
0 likesHey that cheeky come on that Twilight on a and how come diamond to yarra is the element of kindness is so rude to the group Cutie Mark Crusaders did come on you say hey hey blah blah blah blah blah blah
0 likes2019 anyone
0 likesI dont get it
0 likesCough cough discord cough cough!
0 likesShiiiiiiiiipppppppp kiz already
0 likescc your a bad boy
0 likesDiscord mane6
1 likecough*discord*cough
0 likesWait umm ok
0 likesIf if is good
0 likesSo tell me the therey
0 likesBabs seed
1 likeWhat if the elements of Disharmony were created from the same magic that creates the regular elements? You can't have good without evil after all and maybe the spell created a set for both good and evil but we have only seen the good side because that was the side given to the Princesses while the evil side was hidden away to never be found or used.
0 likesI think that the elements of Disharmony have a tree (more like 6 individual saplings), but are yet to be found, or the alicorn amulet only being released.
0 likesI thought that Trixie would be the one who controlled the evil magic amulet, she was probably the only one who used the Alicorn Amulet. Just a thought though, I go with the elements of Dis-Harmoney.
0 likesWhat about in the mystical magical cure? When twilight "messes up" the element she actually doesn't randomly mess them up she gives each pony the cutiemark and element that they are potentially worse at
0 likesafter again and again watching mane 6 returning the elements of harmony, I suddenly come up another idea......what if the elements itself were the Mane 6 aswell? was thinking like what if the mane 6 trap in the time of past, and have to turn their form into the element gems waiting to reborn in the future~~~ sort of things~
1 likeLauren Faust said that the opposites to Elements of Harmony were called the Elements of Discord (no relation to the character of the same name).
0 likes"May the force beam you up, Katniss"- said by one of the greatest pony in the world
0 likesso the evil amulet thing is the element of greed because it looks like raritys element. right?
0 likesalso I think Trixie is the element of Lonlieness
How would Spitfire be the best fit for the "Element of Betrayal?"
1 likeReplies (5)
He betrayed Sorian Or Someone
0 likesTru
0 likesright she does not betray
0 likes+FruityChumps_ hä, how?
0 likeswhat about lightning dust
1 likethe elements of disharmony are insane which makes it the elements of insanity, now the insanity elements are: Fluttershout, Rainbine, Rarfruit, Applepills, Pinkis Cupcake and Brutallight Sparcake.
2 likesWhat if the elements of harmony can turn into the elements of disharmony?
0 likeswouldn't Discord represent the element of magic in the disharmony elements because when Celestia describe him I'm pretty sure she said king of disharmony and wouldn't he represent element Magic
0 likesI'm fine with it but I think probably celestia or Luna or maybe both destroyed the elements of disarmony
0 likesWhat if my element, Unity, had an opposite? What would it even be called? Separation? Disunity? Who would bear my element's opposite?
0 likesReplies (2)
0 likes+Impact Monster PREACH.
0 likesI think were aproaching this from the wrong direction, if we think of elementS of disharmony. BEcause the Elements of harmony are a sign of sticking toghether, and the Elements of disharmony would have to ba a team to. Sa if we asume that there can't be more than one Element of disharmony, thids one would be very simple to tell: The Element of loneliness. Because the Elements of Harmony are a sign of friendship, this would be a simple but fine solution, isn't it. And tnow lets move on to the questiion of the bearer is: Its every villain. The Element of loneliness isn't like the other ones, it doesn't has a physical appearence, its a power itself, given to everyone who it thinks it can obeye as a master.. So Nightmare Moon got it for feeling betrayed by her Sister, Discord because hes the only one of his kind and he was avoided by others, King Sombra becuase nobody really liked him, Tirek wasn't really infused with it, his powers come from what he is(similar to Discord, but his power was increased through the disharmony element CHrysalis... Thats a problem, we dont know enough about her to say... And Starlight glimmer because she felt betrayed by cutie-marks. And in case you haven't noticed. everyones "dark" power only works against those who caused the contact with the Element of Disharmony. But if there's a "true" bearer, we haven't met him or her yet. I hope thiis doesnt sound to unlikely, and I want to apologize for my bad english.
0 likesDidn't the crystal heart start the war with king sombra? Maybe the crystal heart is a 7th element of harmony that hasn't been noticed before.
0 likesReplies (1)
Thank you 😊
0 likesI think that if a pony becames evil the element of harmony becames a element of disharmony for example:Pinkamena Diane Pie or Lil Miss Rarity. that's my theory:)
0 likesMaud is redeemed, Tiara is acceptable now, sunset is friendly what's next?
1 likeIn The Part In The Light There Is Darkness And In The Darkness There Is Light It Kind Of Resembles Sunset's Cutie Mark But There Is Something Missing The Dots
0 likesthe thing that trixy had was the disharmony of rarity's harmony place it was a diamond
0 likesI think the element of betrayal is lightingdust
0 likesMy Little Pony+Star Wars=AWESOME!!
1 likeThey shall be called the elements of chaos, which is the opposite of harmony.
0 likesI think this cant be true... Because tiara Is friendly, and sunset has learned her lesson.
1 likeA question is,how is the element of magivs gem holder is a crown,kinda foreshadowing princess twilight there
1 likeThe Elements Are Sunsets Crown(It Kinda Is Sunsets Crown... Twilight Shares Her Crown With Sunset), Trixe's Necklace, Evil Book, Dazzlings And Sunset Is Part Of The Good Side Too Soooo We've Already Seen The 7th Element... The Element In The Comic!!!!!!!
1 likeThis episode is hilarious
0 likesI think Trixie should be element of evil magic, not Sunset Shimmer.
0 likesCc and The Brony Notion should do more videos like this one
0 likesIf Twilight element turned sunsetshimer even more evil maybe there the same thing like if ur evil then u will get even more evil if ur good then u turn even more good
0 likesI think that discord should be in charge of the elements of disharmony
0 likes"That's the beauty of disharmony. Did I really just say that?"~The Brony Notion 2015 + I'm watching in 2016 so I looked at the upload date so I won't be wrong.
0 likesOK I get so a cutie mark also serves as their talent (it's what they are good at) and their a destiny to follow their passion... right?....
0 likesmy favorite back round pony is lyra but does lyra have family?
1 likeIn one of the episodes, Cellestia says Discord is DIS-harrmony. :O
0 likesin the original elements of harmony the five put together will unlock the sixth but backwards the first will unlock the other five.
0 likesStarlight had the staff that took away the cutie marks
0 likesAnd my friend said I could only be on one side of the force.
0 likesthe Alicorn Amulet would be selfishnes because it had the diamond like Rarity's cutie mark
0 likesdo more theory videos
0 likeshow does the crystal heart work?
0 likesi know this was posted a long time ago, but right now ull have to find other bearers for the element of cruelty and the element of evil magic
0 likes(here mines)
0 likesbefore the rule and birth of Celestia and Luna two types of harmony disharmony and harmony. a wise unicorn once said like what the guy said (meh I forget his name) but use harmony and disharmony all must do the same thing until a huge war happen with harmony and disharmony, harmony evently won and that my backstory the support
But is it possible that The Element of Magic not actually the Element of Harmony? As it's neither Hood nore bad, it's just how you use it. But my say has no purpose, due to the fact I'm always jabbed at but oh well I'm always beat up with theory's :,D
0 likesthere's this episode where there's another world that is the opposite of eqesyria with hate mabey the elements of disharmony are in that world
0 likesTrixie was crazy banana bonkers because of the alicorn amulet
0 likesyou could try putting it like this trixys abulat deaman twilight s necklace nightmare moon s necklace rarity book transforms into jewel king sambra sirens jewel
0 likesKing Sombra has the element of Evil
0 likesCC's oc is obviously by pony generator. I literally just created an exact replica.
0 likesI thought my dad was a nerd about Star Wars 🤓
0 likesThe Brony Notion: Is It Possible for the elements of disharmony exists?
the element of evil magic is NOT for SunShims
0 likesSpoilers I watched all the episodes of My Little Pony and I mean every single one and there is also Don don Don the staff of same NES which is basically a large stick that takes away your cutie mark and replaces it with equals sign sorry but I had to do it
0 likesor when the Mane 6 turn gray those are the ponies that represent the elements of disharmony
0 likesis spitfire an antagonists?
0 likesis spitfire an antagonists?
0 likesthe alicon amulit shoud be rairty when she thought a rock was a dimand because it has a rombis
0 likesthe je'daii moto sounds like yin yang. light in the darkness and dark in the light.
0 likesMay the force
1 likeBe with you
my element of disharmony is hate
0 likesand that is one of my demons
I just hate stuff when I get angry
yeah, it exists...... it was just put into ONE LIVING THING.... and thats Discord
0 likesIs there a element of middle harmony
0 likesIf Cadence was an element of disharmony or princess still She would be the element (Princess) of Hate
1 likeReplies (1)
The opposite of love isn't hate it's indifference. She would be princess of Indifference ( terrible name princess of hate is better tbh)
1 likeIs there an elements of middle harmony
1 likeactually driving around the element of this evil magic
0 likesnow it's Trixie with dismagic
0 likeswell its not true that the elements of disharmony have the cutie marks of other ponies
0 likesin your video how Discord is starswirl Celestia says herself that Discord is the Mischief elements of disharmony
0 likesIt's not disharmony it's insanity😈
0 likesCam cream it looks like you have NO cutie mark that is weird but if you ask me I think that your cutie mark would be a pen writing in a book as a simple of your creativity and how you can see clues in MLP stuff and other things like that any one tell me watch you think
0 likesWhat is the green one a blank flank?
0 likesEspecially because they were before equestria and know all villains even sunset
0 likessunset: reformed in the first equestria girls movie
1 likediamond tiara: reformed in season 5 episode 18
blueblood: never "show"s up in the show again after season 3 (pun intended)
flim and flam: almost also never return
spitfire: is now a loyal leader
maud pie: is actually quite joyful, she just doesn't express it
Replies (9)
doesnt anybody look at the dates of these videos?
0 likes_ _
welp that emoji failed
0 likes@undertalefanqueen99 its better than the blank box emoji.
0 likestrue
0 likesThis is outdated.
0 likes@Shadow Wing MLP they already knew..
0 likesundertalefanqueen99 I know but still just try to use your imagination
0 likes@Ciannait Owens Deane the heck
0 likesIs CC a blank flank?
0 likesit would be the elements of chaos not disharmony
0 likesDimond Tiara when Apple Bloom , Sweetie Bell, and Scootaluo got their cutie marks she was nice 😃😃😃😃😃
1 likeReplies (1)
youre right
0 likesPony Wars: The Disharmony Awakens
0 likesThat pony needs a better nerd education.
1 likeI am from the future the elements of disharmony do exist
0 likesReplies (1)
Just kidding
0 likesLove your Joke's
0 likesOppisite of magic is science
0 likeswait. Magic = Friendship, so Friendship = magic, that is why TWilight is princess of Friendship, and princess of Magic. Its just the same thing.. If you decide there would be a princess of magic and one for friendship, than TS is princess of magic, and Sunset princess of friendship. but Friendship =magic, so I think, TS= SS. If TS didn't enter, the human world, there is a good balnce in the human world. But TS came in, so the balance is over cause too much is never good.
2 likesAnd, since when is SS bad? her bad side was created by disbalance, I guess. So why would she have bad magic? Bad magic is bad friendship. And SS never had Bad Friendship, right?
Replies (1)
2 likesThe can be elements of chaos
0 likesdiamond tiara isn't bad anymore
0 likesDT cant be cruelty anymore xD
0 likesYea it does exised the elements of insaity
0 likesWait Maud is a Good pony and sunset is reformed this is a lie
0 likesReplies (1)
The video is outdated and Maud doesn't have to be a main villain to represent the element of disharmony. And if she's so good name someone better to get the element of gloom.
0 likesdiamond tiara gave up her element
0 likes"Equestria is a cornucopia of magicical whatevers"
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesbut doesn't sunset shimmer turn good?
0 likeswhat about starlight and trixie
0 likesBut this video is awesome
0 likesOne word: yup!
0 likesSunset and Diamond Tiara are good now
1 likeCannedcream is a blank flank
0 likesthis is so perfect, the video has 666000 views right now XDDDDD
0 likesHave you heard of the season 6.
0 likesso where are the other elements of disharmony
0 likessunset shimmer isn't evil :/
2 likesReplies (2)
this video is outdated
0 likesright ✍
0 likesAll you are my best channels ,the brony scootaloo and canned
0 likesBut sunset shimmer is niceeeeeeee so far
0 likesInstead of sunset shimmer starlight glimmer :P
1 like5:30 he was so mad tho
0 likesbut cool!😆😊
0 likesYou call it elements of insanity
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesFlutterSHOUT
BRUTalight sparCAKE
PinkIS cCUPCAKE (lol forgot that one)
Elements of intrisaty
0 likesI'm here for ponies! Not cartoon humans!
0 likesr there other harmony in equestria????
0 likescannedcream is a blank flank
0 likesHas anyone even mentioned Discord? I'm not looking for him in all these comments, but....
0 likesReplies (1)
Yes they have
0 likessunset shimmer is good now in the mirror thing
1 likecannedcream does not have a cutie mark
0 likesone second NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD my brothers always confuse me with star wares things about movies and and the little club so i would probably shout NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD at them and the first time they shown the new star wares movie in cinemas i was home dyeing my hair and im an Aussie so yeah i think you are the FIRST YT i have seen that has even said Australia in a video apart from the Aussie YT i have seen
0 likesI'm sorry to break your dog's butt does this new series coming out called the elements of insanity thanks and turned over by the spirit good ones too
0 likesAhhhhhh! C.C.! Are you a blank flank?
0 likeswhy does roro cutie mark glow
0 likesUh sunset is not a bad guy anymore. Brony notion maud pie is not a bad guy😞
0 likesGood jokes!
0 likesomg, cc is a blank flank.... :0
1 likeHave u ever seen a comic of night mare rarity srsly
0 likesnightmare moons necklace
0 likeswait the minute are i see the element of harmony do a sonic raimboom!!!!!!!
0 likesHey dude I'm a changeling to *changes into pinky*YAY!
0 likesSunset shimmer is good and so is diamond tiara
0 likesMay the brony notion be a changling
1 likeReplies (2)
LOVE THAT IDEA👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖👍💖💖👍💖👍💖💖👍💖👍💖
0 likes@Brittany Talton bi he's actually a changiling
0 likesThe green haired guy just pissed off all the fandoms let's get them girls grab your light savers, guns and magical elements
1 likeReplies (2)
He did it again when he called us nerds
1 like😑😑😑😑 it was just a joke........
0 likesis it tia and luna has an younger sister
0 likesHOwd i get here from deep web browsing and creepypasta, oh the places autoplay will take you.
0 likesstarlight glimmers wand
0 likesWhy dose cannedcream have a Brocken ear
0 likesSpitfire & Maud BAD!
0 likesdont worry im a nerd too
0 likeseven turned sunset shimmer into a raging she demon her wordd not mine
0 likesCuckoo crazy banana bonkers? XD
0 likesAre you dead, Notion?
0 likesdiscord wuld be disharmony
0 likeshey why is spitfire betrayal
0 likeslittle wars the pony awakens
1 likeI remember when C.C did that video
0 likesAwesome,two of my fsvorite brony u tubera inone vid :;).tnx 😎
0 likeselementi neharmonije ne postoje
0 likesKatniss where is your cutie mark?
0 likessoz evil magic:P
0 likesWhat's the background music
2 likesReplies (1)
Hi derpy...
0 likesDUH!
0 likesMy fours is Harry Potter
0 likesCool
0 likeswow this is old
0 likeswhy arent those two frends? they ccan make tje best videos about mlp
0 likesxef4 elements of disharmony he just showed up on the video but you can't even see it booyah
0 likesso deus ex machina thank you now i will not watch the show
0 likesit does. called discord
1 likeLol 3:48 Dumbledoor
0 likesstarwars?....come on
0 likesSunset shimmer is good now so who is the other thing
0 likesReplies (1)
This was made before Sunset redeemed herself in RR and FG.
0 likesWooooo cross over
0 likesTHERE IS FUCKING 6 "JEWLS " THERE are those the elements of disharmony???😶 lol if I am wrong please do what u want
0 likesSunset Shimmer is NICE Now
0 likesget away from him cc he is a changling
1 likecancreen have no cutie mark
0 likesI am a beliver of the elimints of disharmony eny one eles
0 likesblank flank
0 likesomg cc is a blank flank
0 likesReplies (2)
maybe the mark is on the other flank?
0 likesSo he's the world's oldest blank flank poney
1 likewhy spitfire wats wrong with her
0 likes666 views?! illuminati
0 likesHow do you know so much..........nerd
0 likesHe dosent have a cuite mark
0 likesstar wars..........reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy????
0 likesKukoo crazy banana bonkers
0 likesthey were banshied because they are bad!
0 likesOMG IM CC FOR SHORT!!!! OMG!! BTW I'm using my mums account.... So that's why if you were wondering...
0 likeshow is spitfire not loyal i mean she is not a villain ok
2 likesReplies (4)
Betrayed Sorain. And used Rainbow Dash. Ur welcome
0 likesIt should have been gillda
0 likesI think Lighting Dust should be disloyalty
1 like: )
0 likesOk this I do not know.
0 likesflim flam cureall tonic
0 likesdi sharmony
0 likesI don't get it😣?
0 likesOmg!!! Right now there a are 666,thousand and something views!!!!
1 likeReplies (2)
Yeah, weird.
0 likeslol
0 likesXD
0 likessunset summer is good now.
0 likesReplies (1)
look at the date this video was publiiiiiiiished~!
1 likethis is the brony nothen sinig out ontil next wensday . and this is cc as olwes stay pony my frends brohove
0 likesI know nothing bout star warsp
0 likesReplies (1)
Star wars
0 likes8 8 8
0 likesWould not I mean
0 likesNeeeeeeerrrrrrd :)
0 likesBack to school
0 likesno
0 likesWhy do you think there’s the elements of disharmony
0 likesWrong
0 likesOne of your three newest is from 11 months ago
0 likesLol
0 likesWhat abaut discord?
0 likes:p
0 likesSej tad igzist wev bin sí ce book ken it čejnč houit wost bifór
1 likeAlso I hate star wars