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I miss school

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Comments (archived 2022-07-02 03:14; 1212 top, 1457 total comments)

FloatingSpaceKitten 2016-03-05 21:51:27

I think what i miss about school is feeling like you have a future.

Replies (6)
Jane Lin 2016-03-06 00:59:16

^exactly. Because after you leave you are LIVING the future, and it's often not what you imagined it to be when you were in school.

FloatingSpaceKitten 2016-03-06 01:21:27

In school, you're encouraged to pursue your dreams, teachers and peers encourage you. Then when you graduate, you don't really have as much encouragement. I for once have a  very encouraging family, but it's not like that for many other people.  

Vasy 2018-01-27 17:48:51

Well said!!

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bubu Na 2018-02-01 17:29:38

This hit mee

DiamondSaf 2019-01-19 19:36:55

This is so true :(

artist sometimes 2020-02-24 00:32:27

jeesh that's dark

Gemma Garrett 2016-10-16 09:22:23

i hate school. this made me appreciate it a little bit more.

Rebecca Ogden 2017-04-23 17:14:58

I just had a fetus dodie marathon and I saw this video and clicked even though I've already watched it just to see how you've changed. You've grown so much and you're so much more confident in your own skin. I don't know, I just felt like I should say something. Love you dodes ❤️❤️

Replies (1)
melody 2018-07-03 12:12:44

I'm having a general Dodie marathon. It's been going on for days now. Lol

Isla Bristol 2016-03-11 00:06:59

I cried a little while watching this because you PERFECTLY articulated EVERYTHING that I've missed about school since I left.
The sense of community, the unexpected relief that you find in being told what your next steps will be, the losing your knack for spelling, handwriting getting messier, etc, etc, ALL OF IT.
I have thought and felt the EXACT SAME THINGS, and suffered from the EXACT SAME WORRIES AND PROBLEMS, and... I thought I was the only one.
Because of you and this video, I feel less ridiculous, and less alone.

Iris ✌ 2016-03-03 19:07:47

I like those things about school, but so many of my friends including myself get panic attacks or have developed depression or an anxiety disorder because of the high pressure the system puts on students to do well. So that just ruins school for me..

Replies (11)
Zara 2016-03-03 20:47:19

i can totally relate

Iris ✌ 2016-03-05 12:40:46

@Spøøpy Jim that's awful :( have you tried talking to anyone? Sometimes you just don't see that there are actually people who do care

Iris ✌ 2016-03-05 18:24:52

+Spøøpy Jim I'm glad you're doing better now and I hope it will stay that way

Gemma Cockrell 2016-03-06 21:25:37

Me too!!

WrinkleinTime42 2016-03-16 22:43:28

That's what high school did to me, and somehow I managed to go to one of the best schools in my country- which has broken me down more than I thought it would.
However, you have to learn to see that you can take advantage of school in a way that builds you as a person not as only just a student.
I learned coming to such a competitive and intense university that you don't have to be the best to succeed. There will be very little times in life when you're the best anywhere because there will always be someone better than you. Your job is to do the best you can with what you've got and not leave any opportunity unturned! It's not be the best but do your best. I learned that the hard and painful way... But if done right and following what you perceive as success, it should pay off in the end :)

Tumblr Xxx 2016-05-22 19:51:29


Morena 2017-03-11 07:37:58

Iris ✌ exactly

henbitboy 2017-05-10 02:22:15

Seriously though, for me what's worse is I can't even take days off from the fear of the amount of work I'd have to do the next day. Just makes me panic :/

Ansley Gibson 2017-09-09 23:13:19

i have an anxiety disorder bc of school

Emma Styles 2017-10-07 12:02:53

Yepp same here

Jesús Sarmiento 2018-01-04 04:40:58

i've just finished High School and my mental health is totally damaged because of that pressure (bullying too tho) because i was always thinking that i should be better, and when that thing didn't happened i was feeling like miserable... However, it's something that is still there even though this path ended, kinda like a war trauma, or something... I'm tired.
I can't go the college i wanted to due i couldn't apply a scholarship there... my grades were low
and im watching all my friends making their dreams and i feel happy, because i'm really proud of them but also sad at the same time because i always thought that i should be better
but now i can see that i shouldn't be perfect, i have to be human.

Highschool Academy doesn't release that
They only like machines(at least here to obtain great rankings on a national exam here in Colombia)

Kiki 2016-08-29 07:44:26

"sometimes I can't hold a pen properly" haha, that weird feeling after summer vacation when you haven't written in like forever and your hand is just so slow and your letters look like you're in 1st grade. anyway...gonna start my last school year in about 3 days. I can't wait to finally get out since I hate it, but I'm really thankful for this video because I might try to enjoy it or make a list of things that are good about school

Replies (2)
Thewindgamer 2018-11-14 13:22:31

i knowww lol

nadia 2019-07-07 03:56:43

I agree on the pen thing. 😅 I feel like you'll miss school year from now. Hm. 🤷

Orion 2016-03-05 03:20:38

I had an extreme love-hate relationship with school. I would never go back in time to relive my high school days but I do occasionally look on them with happy nostalgia. I think that's part of why I'm trying to become a high school French teacher, cuz that's the class I never really had problems with and enjoyed the most.

em 2016-11-20 02:22:37 (edited 2016-11-20 02:23:07 )

I would like school, but it stresses me out insanely, and so I think "oh, I can't wait till I graduate" but then I realize that once you graduate you're alone and sad and everything is so difficult. I'm constantly stuck in this loop where I have no idea if I'll ever be happy because I'm not happy now and I won't be happy then so I just regret not cherishing being younger, but I honestly don't think I was that happy then.
I wonder if I'll ever be happy in life.

Replies (7)
Mae Lovell 2016-11-21 05:31:31

Ella Majd This is exactly how I feel like I'm not happy now, but I don't feel like there's anything to look forward to in life.

doddle bendingmaster 2016-12-10 05:39:33

Ella Majd I'm going through the loneliness and sadness right now.

Emelie Andersson 2017-03-26 17:11:35

Ella Majd now i wonder like When u get a job and u dont have a boyfriend or someone you live with and just meet your friends once Every Second week or so how lonley it would be. Like wtf are you supposed to DP When your home? Watch Netflix? Read a book? Like yeah you have some hours to do everything you wish you were able to do When you were a teenager but wont it eventually get boring? Doing the same things iver and over again ? How tf Will you be able to meet new people When all you do is work and then nothing? Gosh i gotta pull myself together

Josh R 2017-06-28 20:09:01

Ella Majd Couldn't have said it better myself...

amy naomi 2017-07-22 22:25:17

well that's because you won't find happiness in the external world, happiness is inside you, and in the end it's up to you and only you to be happy within any circumstance. Remember, there's no key to happiness, but on the flip side, there's no lock, so you're good :)

Daisy Frost 2018-04-08 16:46:24

Ella majd, I feel the same, like I dream of when I can leave school because I am truly dying there but then I think about how it probably isn't the paradise I'm thinking of and that freaks me out a lot. I feel the same Thanks :D

DiamondSaf 2019-01-19 19:46:26

@Emelie Andersson I literally have the exact same thoughts. It's kind of scary to think about.

ShaleeGold 2016-03-03 04:43:43

I absolutely loved school, the learning especially, the atmosphere, everything. So guess what - I'm becoming a teacher. School for life. Problem solved. 💁🏻

Alice Ash 2016-03-04 18:30:01

I hated school when I was there, but what I miss is being surrounded by friends and people all day every day. Which is weird because being around people now exhausts me most of the time, but I still feel incredibly lonely when I think about how I am not with lots of people. I'm 23 now and the adult world kinda sucks because all your friends have jobs and no one gets to see each other enough or no one is all available at the same time. I don't even have a group of friends, I have a few friends who I see one at a time. I miss having a big group of people to be around like I did in school.

Jess 2016-03-05 21:28:54

The majority of things Dodie misses about school are the things I hate

Replies (1)
Jaimie hi 2016-03-06 11:34:02

+Jess I hated those things when I was in highschool, but I do miss them now...

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Prehistoricman 2016-03-03 19:57:54

I do not like to let go of the past. I have a diary and keep (and sort) pictures of my friends and save almost every picture I get sent. I keep chat logs and have a storage of things I've liked. I feel like this isn't normal but I just love to look back on things and especially at this time in my life, there are so many nice things happening and I don't want to ever forget it all.

Timothy Hautekiet 2016-03-03 17:32:43

live in the moment! we all forget to do this but it's so damn important :)

Cassidy Brennan 2016-03-03 01:14:44

I might dislike school now, but I know that I'll miss it later! Your video broadened my perspective, thanks Dodie! I'm so glad you're doing VEDIM. I'm attempting VEDA this year and I'm very excited

Sabrina Ng 2021-03-22 04:20:25

i often come back to this video when i feel really burnt out on school. it's so helpful to just take a second and reframe my thoughts to focus on the positives. however, it does make me simultaneously panic about growing older and leaving behind school, but.. oh well. focus on the present, and focus on the bright side :)

Saffron Hefta-Gaub 2016-03-05 02:41:32

Now I desperately want to consume every moment of my last two years in school.

Replies (5)
Strider Saleh 2017-02-26 14:02:47

Timetraveling360 Do it!

Lyric Bot 2017-04-25 23:45:12

Timetraveling360 last 5 weeks here, I'll miss friends n stuff but not exams

Wander Lust 2017-04-29 06:30:37


John Risner 2018-04-01 01:29:45

Well how was it two years later now and also this is my last two years coming up

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destiny dott 2018-06-22 19:30:04

John Risner Same I'm about to be in 11th grade, last two years

• frostedjosieos 2016-12-05 02:35:21

I know everyone always says you're a Hufflepuff, I always thought you were a Hufflepuff, I mean, your extrovert-ness is very Hufflepuff, but the want to show off knowledge that you described is a very dominant Ravenclaw trait. I know I have that want (it's like a need for me) and I'm practically the most Ravenclaw Ravenclaw that ever Ravenclawed.

Replies (2)
M Lutra 2017-09-01 12:12:48

Fellow Ravenclaw >♡<

morgrugyn 2019-08-11 21:57:52

No I ammmmmmmmm
Jk we can both be ravenclawey ravenclaws

Francesca Jitterz 2016-03-03 04:32:45

Ohhhhh Dodie... You always make me think before I go to bed. Actually, you make me think all the time. I'll take your word and enjoy the present, no matter how awful it is at the moment. <3

Stella O. 2016-03-04 05:13:33

See this is why I love your videos Dodie. They are like conversation or trains of thought that progress and eventually end at an unscripted conclusion. I feel like when I see the process of the moral it doesn't seem as forced, it is natural and genuine and relatable. You da bomb Dodie. <3

Emily Stacks 2016-03-03 02:13:50

I love this.. I love when you just talk to us and tell us what you're feeling.. It's like listening to a close friend. 💕

Christopher Dent 2016-03-03 00:22:06

I feel this so much. Thank you for making this Dodie. It explained to me all the feelings I've been having but didn't really have a way to describe them..

Elaina 2016-03-03 01:50:24

I love your videos. They always make my brain get out of its little box and really think about things.

Nihel 2016-03-03 00:18:57

I've always loved school. Until it wasn't about education anymore but more so about performance. And from there, even if I looked forward to be surrounded by my friends, I started dreading going to school and that's really unfortunate.

bella 2016-11-16 02:26:39

Maybe one day I'll miss school, but for now I feel trapped. I feel like I can't go out and do anything I want, they just want me to go school -> work -> retirement. I feel trapped by it. Am I meant to spend my whole life going through this process? What will it all be for?

Replies (7)
Marina Serafeimidi 2016-11-25 18:33:47

This is exactly how I feel wow it's like you put my thoughts into a YouTube comment. And it scares me so much to think of the future, cause I don't want to be ordinary, I don't want to study, work, retire, die, and then that's it. I want to be different and I feel like society, parents, surroundings, all force me not to be.

Janne Decresson 2016-11-25 22:12:58

bella b I feel you so much here

esmeb3e 2017-01-03 13:27:16

bella b I feel you... I want to live my life, not be average.

Arya Beltaine 2018-10-14 12:31:40

you need to take your life into your own hands and do what you're passionate about.
(easier said than done, i know, but it doesn't hurt to try)

DiamondSaf 2019-01-19 19:58:50

I understand you I feel the same way. And it's sad so many other people do to. :( But then when u think about it, without going through that process of school > uni > work > retirement, what is there to do ? Like I don't want to be all philosophical and everything but it just makes me wonder the meaning of life

Steven Glare 2019-05-16 21:24:02

bella kai death

lilith 2019-08-11 03:23:21

how do you feel now?

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auroras and sad prose 2017-07-15 23:28:28

missing school huh?
just the thought of p.e. makes me shiver

Replies (1)
M Lutra 2017-09-01 12:15:09

I love your pfp and username.

Also, 100 percent agree with you I am just waiting until I can get a singing lesson in replace of p.e. 😂 my school does music lessons during the day so you skip a lesson. But they never seem to have any available lessons during p.e. >♡<

love, mae 2019-08-07 18:43:20

im currently in the ‘i just want it to be over’ stage and i really enjoy rewatching these types of videos. it reminds me to slow down and enjoy what’s happening in the moment. so thank you dodie!

ps. i just ordered your book, better late than never!

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rimbaud 2016-03-03 00:04:29

I REALLY cant relate to this. I'm so glad high school is over, I absolutely hated it. I had to spend time with people I disliked and who hated learning. University is great because you get to learn a lot more about things that are interesting to you and most people are friendly. I went back to my old high school once and I wanted to go home right away, I honestly don't know how you did it...

Replies (5)
Mini 2016-03-03 00:23:06

This is exactly how I felt, maybe it because we are enjoying uni. I can't associate high school with anything but bad things haha!

doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:32:38

This is absolutely fair enough! Different loves, different opinions. Glad uni is good :D X

doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:32:51

Lives* whoops

rimbaud 2016-03-03 08:08:50

@doddlevloggle <3

rimbaud 2016-03-03 08:11:16

@Miniver Mortimer same !! btw you look gorgeous on your profile picture !

Joshua Casey 2016-03-03 02:37:14

I agree about uniforms. I consider myself lucky that I was never required to wear a school uniform. I love that I was able to choose what I wanted to wear (and also wear something that's comfortable).

adriana raww 2016-03-03 03:31:02

i love these types of existential crisis videos

Curly Keys 2016-07-11 20:47:46

This makes me appreciate school more, thanks doodie

Economath 2016-03-03 00:35:26

Move to a retirement community! They may not be your age, but there's events, and they'll tell you what to do... :p

Replies (13)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:22:55


April Perez 2016-03-03 01:49:24

+J.D. Montgomery lol

notsosmall 2016-03-03 08:04:58

... I genuinely wish this was an option.

Hanniffy Dinn 2016-03-05 05:40:08

Or just get a job. You tubers live in a false reality.

Wolfie the dog 2016-03-06 13:12:04

+doddlevloggle What did you order/eat at McDonald's?

Hanniffy Dinn 2016-03-08 22:32:57

For sure, that's why in Anime it's always focussed on School, College or University.  Because when it boils down to it.... well, it's the best part of your life.
After that it's all downhill in the rat-race.

Mind you job wise, being a you tuber isn't real life.
If I was younger, I'd focus on you tube, being in jobs is frankly no fun at all.

My advise would be stay in education as long as you can, then start a business.
It's best to be your own boss, even as a you tuber.

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Hanniffy Dinn 2016-03-08 22:34:11

It's a false reality, because it's not a proper job and pretty cushy lifestyle.
If you can get an audience and have a personality people like and don't mind talking to a camera all day on your own mostly.

Quikie93 2017-02-23 22:36:39

Funny how a Job is often defined by something you do, in exchange for money.
Gasp Youtubers make videos, in exchange for money!? It's literarily a JOB?! WHAAaaT

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Umm What 2017-02-24 01:58:56

@Hanniffy Dinn Who cares about Pewdiepie....

Quikie93 2017-02-24 07:30:32

Doesn't really matter HOW you do it; You can be annoying as fuck but as long as it brings in the cash, well thne it doesnt really matter. A job is a job.

Ruby Reloaded 2017-03-04 12:41:25

Hanniffy Dinn I mean, she's also a singe-songwriter. That's incredibly successful....there's that too.

DiamondSaf 2019-01-19 19:54:35

@Hanniffy Dinn about the anime thing, ikr, cos like all the exciting stuff happens at the young age when the characters are still in school or smth :( getting older is a pain

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Hanniffy Dinn 2019-01-19 22:52:02

DiamondSaf most definitely, most young people don’t even realise it’s the time of their lives ! I wish I knew when I was in my 20s. I was working on a job full time 14 hours a day all in my 20s.

Kait Wong 2016-03-03 07:31:08

its so hard to appreciate school when ur constantly bullied :( but ur videos always cheer me up!
thanks for existing dodie :)

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mr. brightside 2018-09-26 05:56:22

5:00 - 5:26 This is LITERALLY my everyday life. Thank you so much, Dodie. Someone understands.

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Brooke Fugate 2016-03-03 05:41:14

As a senior in high school I really needed to hear this. Thanks so much, Dodie! xoxo

Katie M 2018-04-22 20:38:54 (edited 2018-04-22 20:39:34 )

I have almost finished my first year of secondary school and I feel some excitement from being around other people and I now think I'm an extrovert! I have watched some other videos on this sort of subject but this video has really changed my perspective on school. My Englishteacher hates my class in a friendly way and he always makes us do assessments, but i think now I'm going to try to enjoy them!
thx Dodie for an insight to being an adult :-)

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Rose Hendrich 2016-03-02 23:52:08

Thank you for this Dodie. With only a year and a quarter left of high school, I needed this reminder to enjoy it while I have it. Everything in my head is gearing up for college and I need to appreciate the here and now.

Victoria Rodrigues 2016-03-03 02:40:25

Thank you so much for this video, actually, because it makes me feel a lot more appreciative and motivated towards school. I can't say that I love going to school, because it's really not always great, but I do love learning, and I love how much is still out there for me to know. I don't necessarily like waking up early and going to school to face a bunch of shitty people, but there are some people that really are great, and this video has made me appreciate them a lot more, knowing that it'll be gone in 2 years when I go to college/uni. Thank you, Dodie, for this video. It helped me more than you may think <3

MadAsTheHatters 2016-03-03 10:53:13

I'm with you 120% on this one Dodie, thinking about how I'll see now from the future is honestly a terrifying thought to me. I have no idea what I'll be like in a year or a decade from now, so I have no idea how future-me will think of present-me.Hopefully as long as we don't judge ourselves too harshly then a few nostalgic regrets is all we'll escape with <3

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Anna Huot 2016-03-03 00:59:57

thanks for making this, it made me realize how great going to school is and even though it's super stressful right now, i'm happy that i'm surrounded by so many people and get to debate and talk with them all the time. i'm going to miss it when i have to move away from it all

pidgen 2016-03-03 13:22:11

This hit me so hard, I miss school and choir and always having something going on! But i'm in uni now studying film and I love it and i'm going to appreciate every second of it like I appreciate you dodie and your intelligent thoughts xxx

Amy Autumn 2016-03-04 17:13:06

That''s interesting how you combined the words pretentious and intelligence to describe what your feeling. Pretentiousness has nothing to do with intelligence, you are entitled to express your intelligence. I left university last year, i did 4 years and i now have a Masters degree in Fine Art & Visual Communication. I totally vibe with you on missing being surrounded by debate, beautiful intelligence and knowledge - i actually miss writing my dissertation, i genuinely do. I HATED doing it at the time, but looking back i have realised the reason i stressed out doing it was because i was so passionate about what i was trying to convey. I wanted to tell the world my views, my theories and trley covey my knowledge on a topic, or even research to the point where i myself discover something completely new! I also feel like my general intelligence such as writing, spelling, reading and my overall vocabulary is just shit now. BUT my god it doesn't have to be that way! Just because you we are not in an educational environment, doesn't mean we have to stop education. What's stopping us from deciding to write an article, or research a subject, or discuss a topic with a group of friends, or conceptualise a piece of art. School has given us the tools to do it ourselves, we just gotta put it into practice. I am also very lazy - i have struggled to do anything but work, sleep, eat. Great topic for a video Doddie. Sorry about this essay of a comment haha :) <3

Sabrina Castillo 2016-03-03 10:56:21

Enjoyed the video :) I like analyzing stuff as well. If you wanted to, you could include this into your videos. Go through stories or whatever and give us your interpretation and the passages you liked most.

Talia Trentacoste 2016-03-03 01:48:18

Thank you for making this video. I will now start to pay more attention to the little things going on RIGHT NOW. I love you, Dodie. You're so inspiring and creative❤️

Kati Brennan 2017-08-14 05:25:33

I just look at the past so much bc I can't believe how happy I was when I was younger. Growing up has really taken a toll on my mental health but I always go back to your videos and music to really relate and cry to. I love you so fucking much Dodie Clark

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adamngiraffe 2016-03-03 13:36:26

I an Introvert and I don't miss my school in the slightest. It was full of teenage testoseterone, bad music, football (soccer) crazy, underage smoking idiots! And I was bullied, mainly due to having aspergers.

But I certainly miss my college days. I often feel nostalgic about that and would do anything to re-live those days.

Also, I know what you mean by taking everything I did for granted. Even little moments that were cool in your life and wondering if I miss where I am now and I started doing day out videos like TomSka does (not a plug!) so I have something to look back on when I'm older :)

Replies (4)
adamngiraffe 2016-03-03 13:38:11


Love Phoebw 2016-03-05 17:11:43

I have Aspergers too hiii

adamngiraffe 2016-03-05 18:34:34

+Phoebe Louise Hello! ^_^

Julia Maroun 2017-04-22 09:46:30

AshleySwore whats aspergers

Ahmet Alim 2021-06-29 16:27:56

Shame this is unlisted now. I remember liking this video a lot back in 12th grade. I had transferred to a new school (which I absolutely hated) and it felt like everything was going too fast. I didn't want to leave yet, and I was already missing my old school. This was a nice video, something I could relate to, putting my feelings into words. Though in your case it was more retrospective I guess :p

gracielaishere 2016-06-09 05:38:32

Videos like this make me feel like I know the person behind the camera personally. I think that is exactly how it should be with almost every vlog! Dodie does a wonderful job of making sure the audience feels this way.

Anyways, awesome video! Made me have a reality check that I have one moment to appreciate something before it's gone and just a memory. Thankyou.

Laura Paine 2016-03-03 00:10:29

This! This whole video spoke to me on so many levels! Well done Dodie 👏🏻

karsynlemley0303 2016-03-03 04:30:58

just what i needed to hear! I used to love school and learning but it has been so stressful lately bc a few guys tease my friends and i. thanks Dodie :)

Zac Shane 2016-03-03 23:17:41

Thank you so much for this video Dodie, it's really made me appreciate being in school still! I realise now all the good things I have now! :)

Veronika G 2016-09-08 22:20:10

In a few days school will start for me again :(
But because of you I'll try to appreciate my teen years a little bit more. Thanks for being such a lovely person Dodie

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TheEllarooroo 2016-03-03 07:53:12

I'm in year 11 and I'm doing my GCSESs, and I have honestly never been happier. My friend group is massive and growing, I find my teachers interesting and I'm just really enjoying it all (apart from revision stress but ya know) thank you for this video, it reminds me to not take all of this for granted <3

E Barnes 2016-03-05 04:14:11

This is exactly what I needed :) I am a student and am now taking some more music classes instead of all the maths and programming i'm there for. I've been hating the curve of difficulty and nearly lost all enjoyment for being in college, and this is right on point with what I am realizing. I need to make sure I enjoy every bit of it. Word.

Jenna W 2016-03-04 01:11:27

As a college student, I loved this. I enjoy learning and I am so naturally curious, so college is perfect for me in that, but I often get overwhelmed by the stress and intensity of my college. But I also love it and how hard it's pressing me to be the best I can be.

Linda Le 2016-03-09 11:59:33

I'd take my last two years of school over my university work in a heartbeat. Seriously, wtf, this is so much work.

Megan Mahoney 2016-03-03 16:26:00

You always make such lovely, thought provoking videos! I sit here watching your video, procrastinating from doing some coursework, wishing I could leave school although I think I will feel like you in a few years time xx

petalbreeze 2016-03-03 12:05:44

LOVE this video. I miss that sense of community where everyone's in the same boat, learning new things and trying to better themselves. It's taken me years to realise it's okay to want those things still; to be renaissance-minded. The best person I've met was the same. Now I'm trying to convince myself that I can stop worrying, and start doing. Trying to convince myself that I'll get far more out of going to an art class, or studying coding online, instead of staring at my computer worrying about wanting to do those things. I'm realising that worrying makes my life harder than hard work, and worrying doesn't help me find a community of like-minded people. I really hope you do those essays about Candice's book <3

Kelly 2019-05-21 03:21:15

I am 25 now, and I feel like when we were young everything felt new. Our first expirences, once you experience something for the first time it's a lot more fun.

Plus conversing with other people.

xXOliviAxRoseXx 2016-03-03 14:22:30

I love the end message of this video to try and appreciate the moment you're in now. So many times we don't appreciate what we've got right now, but I always look back and think why the hell didn't I realise how lucky I was. Good message and a great video, I particularly agree with missing clubs and activities, I used to see them as such a chore but they were actually really fun looking back.

Rachel Whitaker 2016-03-02 23:46:00

I feel the exact same way! Even though I'm in college, I miss how in high school I had such a large group of people that were all working towards the same thing that I was. (Being in band, chorus, and drama) There was such a huge sense of community and I absolutely miss that.

ComeAlongCaitlin 2016-03-03 00:54:52

So glad you made this video! I thought I was weird being nostalgic for high school. I have these exact thoughts every time I panic about my future (which is basically every week). School It was such a simpler time when the biggest decisions you had to make were what you would get from the canteen at lunch.

Pluto 2016-12-15 12:07:08

this is probably real frickin weird but i love dodie's nose. its look like a cute little button and its just so adorable. i should stop.

Casey Copeland 2016-03-03 02:24:12

I absolutely feel where you're coming from, although in school I was bullied rather harshly but I miss being able to learn something new every single day. I was filled with knowledge and memories every day of my life but now I'm just isolated and my class mates now live with their families and such. But knowing now that I'm not the only one that feels that way because I thought I was just crazy for missing school. So, thank you Dodie for reassuring my insanity 😝

<3 Love ya

NinjaBunni13 2017-03-12 02:35:11

This was such a good reminder to appreciate right now and not live in the good times of the past, thanks Dods🖤

ama tenwolde 2016-03-03 06:46:21

i'm in lukio (high school in finland) and from what i've heard from this video and my friends who have studied in england your school system sounds both incredibly stressful - but also so cool! you guys have so many awesome clubs and activities you can participate in through school, and that isn't a thing here! i would definitely take that for granted given the chance

Tiny Freckle 2017-05-27 08:41:14

I'm in my last year of secondary school and I've doing 4 major research projects (in 4 separate classes) so needless to say I'm pretty stressed atm (and I'm a worrier, I get stressed over things very easily) but I am really enjoying knowing so much. I've always loved learning, you might say I'm a bit of a Hermione, and that is what makes all this studying and stress bearable, I am learning so many cool things. I think the one of the most important things to do in school is pick subjects that you enjoy because then even when it gets stressful you're still learning about things that interest and excite you.

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Hattie L 2016-03-03 00:51:33

I'm definitely with you on the nostalgia. I miss school for all the same reasons, then I missed freshers, then I missed my second year etc.. at first that revelation was very depressing, but then I had the realisation you did of 'hey, I'm going to miss this in the future, so I might as well appreciate it now!' and it's literally been so encouraging :) nostalgia always comes, but I find the best way to deal with it is to squeeze as much enjoyment out of the present as possible X

Megan Ambrose 2016-03-03 04:09:59

i love you dodie. great advice and i love your enthusiasm ! you inspire me with each video . you are my favorite youtuber

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Carmen 2016-03-03 13:42:01

I'm so happy you're doing Vedim, this way I can procrastinate from my finals even more...

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Keisha Senka 2016-03-03 00:44:07

Personally, I was homeschooled for a lot of my school years and going back to school after it really helped me appreciate it. It's such a shock to suddenly be an adult and not have constant instruction.

Beffinee 2016-03-03 08:48:20

I was bullied a lot at school so I don't want to go back haha, but what I do miss is that it was so much easier to hang out with your friends. You could just randomly say 'hey do you want to come to my house after school?' and your friends would be like 'woo sure!'. Whereas grown up's (ew) schedules are so bleh, it's like 'oh okay we're both free at lunchtime next Wednesday!' there's no spontaneity!

maddie 2016-03-03 02:17:38

Dodie I just love you so much. All the little things about you just make me happy. Thanks for being someone I look up to and who makes me smile every day. You and your videos really mean a lot to me.

Sp0zzie 2016-03-03 02:03:29

I can relate to this so much. Even though I am in my final year of uni and am constantly learning, it's all centered around the same topics and ideas. Although I am happy with the degree I have chosen, I really miss having knowledge on different subjects like modern history, biology, literature, art, geography etc. Nowadays I feel like I can't join in conversations without looking like an idiot because I legitimately don't know enough about the topic to contribute anything. I also don't have the time or patience to research/learn about these subjects again even though I would absolutely love to. Thanks for making this video Dodie, it's helpful to see there are others out there feeling the same. xx

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EviePeaches 2016-03-03 06:50:57

If I didn't have to wear uniform and if I could dye my hair, and if there wasn't so much pressure, I would love school. I love the structure it gives me, and I totally get your points about being around people and being a smarty pants- I can relate to this a lot, despite me still being at school

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Summer D 2016-03-03 00:15:09

Oh wow I really needed this. I'm taking my first gap year and it's all so amazing and confusing and thrilling and scary. Getting jobs, finding out what I want to do in life, with my life. Traveling, moving out, losing friends, meeting new ones. It's all a bit overwhelming at times. And therefore I missed school tonight. You always knew what was coming next. But you are right! One day I'll totally miss this. Thank you, Dodie

A 2016-03-22 13:17:23

I'm starting year 10 (second year of IGCSE) and this just hit me in the face. School has been such a constant in my life, even if I don't like some parts of it. The thought of losing this continuity and certainity of what's coming next is really terrifying. Thanks for the reality check Dodie, I'll be sure to cherish these moments. x

aileen hussey 2016-03-03 00:13:30

dodie i just want to say that i love love love your videos. you just always seem so real and genuine. like you dont seem like just a fake image on the internet that is perpetually happy all the time, youre actually like a real human with real emotions and i love it. i love seeing real people on youtube so thank you and keep doing what you're doing

Louise A 2016-03-06 21:13:39

I'm in school and I absolutely love it but that's what scares me. I know I'm gonna have to leave it and move on but having anxiety that freaks me out. I find change so hard and when you love something so much it makes it even harder. Anyone else feel the same???

Replies (2)
daisy tonsil 2016-03-07 01:16:57

I feel the same way! Although I only started loving school recently and have a few months left, I feel really comfortable with everyone and the school now. Looking back I regret not appreciating it more when I had loads of time left.

Louise A 2016-03-11 16:20:10

That's the same as me, I only have the rest of the school year left and I'm terrified of what I will do after. I wish I appreciated school in the younger years because looking back now, they were the best!

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Irene Cx 2016-03-04 01:53:34

I love VEDIM. The best part of my day is coming home and watching Dodie's videos 😊

Katy Blankenship 2016-03-03 01:51:33

I really appreciate this video, it's making me think that maybe I should work on remembering and enjoying where I am right now. And I quick note, I came out today to my mom as Bi, and you were a major influence in helping me do that. Thank you so much, I've cried like six times today, and it's been a little crappy, but thank you for making content, and doing VEDIM so I know we can get through the tough times together

Mia Barton 2016-03-03 01:37:41

You could've have put what's in my head into words any better. Thank you for making me feel normal for missing school. I'm at uni, living far too far away from my family and friends, and I just miss the days of having so many people around me that I love! Ahhhhh, the feels!

Alex Thuene 2017-01-12 22:31:06

I love school. I'm in 7th grade, in a school of 800 or so kids, and everyday I get too see my friends. I get to talk to people whenever I want, and someone will listen. I can make other's laugh, and they can make me laugh. It's a distraction from everything else. I smile, laugh, make jokes, and talk, more times in one day atschool, then a whole week at home. Without school, I wouldn't have known the people that I know now, who are so important in my life today. Also, I'm getting all of this for free. I don't have to pay my classmates to make me feel like I belong, like I'm important, like I'm needed, they do it without even noticing, and asking nothing in return. And my teachers, SURE...some of them I seriously wouldn't mind impaling, but other's have changed my life. I can talk to a few of them about whatever is bothering me, and they'll listen. Idk what my point is, but if there's anyone out there who hates school, just know that it's not all bad. If you get bullied, say something about it. try to be friendly to other people, and make them your friend. Learn to trust people, because in the end, if all the water runs out, and he food is gone, and your house just burned down, and your dog died, those things that walk on two legs, the things that you might find intimidating, or you would rather die than see, well... they're all you're gonna have left. and they're probably hundreds of people out there who wanna talk to you, because they relate to you. School can be amazing. It's changed me for the better.

savannah ss 2016-06-12 19:32:14

After you spoke about highlighting and annotating sentences I grabbed a book and wrote tons. Thanks Dodie <3

Replies (2)
savannah ss 2016-06-12 19:36:37

Which is good because I have to revise but I'm so lazyyy

yuan 2016-09-30 11:52:32

<3 ayeee phan

EaginFoodie 2016-03-03 03:50:43

So I've just recently discovered your channel. I absolutely LOVE it and you and everything about everything. Anyway, I've always been an introvert and haven't really been one to put myself "out there". I've almost always gotten along with everyone, but since I got along with everyone I felt it was hard to commit to one group in particular. I only have 1 more year left of college (uni) and I'm afraid that once I graduate I won't have any motivation to go out and do things because a majority of my time I spend playing games online with friends across the country. I guess what I'm saying is that I can relate and I'm kinda worried about once I graduate and not being able to meet people.

Oyster Shell 2016-03-03 05:22:24

Wow, what a refreshing video! I'm currently a high school senior in the US and I'm headed off to college this August to study chemical engineering, which will hopefully be my future career. As much of a STEM person as I am, a huge part of me loves the humanities and liberal arts in general. I think I forgot about how much I appreciate learning in general, whether it is about the sciences or history or literature, because of the overwhelming stress of the college application process in the past year. I lost focus of what I loved, science and history. I began questioning why I did what I did in school, but after I got the acceptance from my dream school, I remembered what I was doing this for. I'm going to college to learn more and become more educated and cultured. I'm doing this for myself. Because I'll be a better person for it. I'm so excited for college. Thank you, Dodie!

John Maloney 2016-03-03 01:43:00

In my experience, the nostalgic feelings do get stronger as you get older. I didn't particularly like high school, but I really miss college. That was when made a lot of long-term friendships and probably had the most fun of any time in my life. I'm still friends with a lot of those people and see/interact with them regularly, but I still wish I could go back to that time and relive those experiences. Of course, even if I could, it wouldn't be the same, since I've already lived them.Then again, in 20 years, I'll probably look back on where I am now and feel nostalgic for it.

Landon Stitle 2016-03-02 23:54:11

I really like these small videos you do. They make me think and as I am still young and going through middle school, I have exams and projects rushing around my brain. So I don't get to think on these topics that you talk about very often. So thank you Dodie, for making me just a bit more thoughtful.

Perla M 2016-03-06 04:10:57

Hi! Thank you for this. I can definitely relate. Your videos make me smile and realize every little thing is going to be okay. :)

Tessa Maye 2016-03-02 23:52:58

LOVE this, Dodie! If I could tell my past self anything, it would be to enjoy where she is, because she'll miss it in some way. So I try to tell my present self the same thing.

pxnyapple 2016-03-03 19:01:33

Dodie even though I am 13 and still at high school I think exactly how you do. I think about a thing, then think outside the box about that thing. I love English and art and I love analysing and debating and discussing things that are not usually discussed about. We literally have the same brain I love you Dodie ❤️❤️

briony 2016-03-03 09:08:24

this made me feel so nostalgic and sad, especially as I'm leaving my school in june and I'm already missing everything:( ps. your hair looks so nice at this length x

Replies (1)
briony 2016-03-03 09:10:09

okay you just said 'sad nostalgic ache' and that sums it up perfectly!!

Kaitlyn Trussell 2016-03-04 22:13:23

Damn dodie... I think I'm gonna add this video to my come back tos. I've been absolutely hating and resenting school lately but I feel the same way as you, I love feeling smart and that whole thing. I think I need to start looking at it differently again like I used to when it was easier. It's so hard now... But I need to find the good again. Thanks for this dodie. Really thank you

Maybee 2016-03-02 23:56:52

I love the quality of your videos,I don't know what makes it feel so like 'at home' and relaxing...the light or something...I just love it! <3

Sam Allen 2016-03-03 16:27:41

This had made me appreciate school so much. I'm in year seven and I already miss primary, who knows how I'll feel when I'm an adult. 💛

Luke Nyul 2016-06-02 17:55:13

I miss school too! You've pretty much summed up what I miss about being at school. You make a very good point about living in the now rather than worrying about the past, cheered me up :) thanks :)

Lani :D 2016-03-03 08:51:21

The same goes for the future as well - recently I've noticed that I spend a lot of time daydreaming about future plans, things I want to do, places I want to go, which is great and it's healthy in a way, but only when it's not at the expense of the moment you're in. I'm learning to do what Dodie said, when I notice myself not living in the moment, I give my daydream a little nod, put it aside and let myself enjoy where I am right now :)

DowzerWTP72 2016-03-03 00:38:43

I can relate to litteraly everything you said in this! Especially the losing the ability to spell and write. When I left school, I had a year off of college, then went onto an IT course, which is all typing and (mostly) programming, so I never needed to write stuff by hand. Then recently I bought myself a notepad to write my thoughts and issues in (which I suggest to everyone!), and my handwriting and spelling was awful... Nostalgia is (sometimes) a horrid thing!
So thank you Dodie, I am going to try to see the best in every day from now on :) :) :)

Jesuiskatatouille 2016-03-03 02:51:17

I love this video and feel the same way ! :) it's great when you meet up with old school friends and talk about the old times makes you appreciate them and kinda relive them in your mind that I think is helpful and healthy 😇

Yan 2016-03-30 20:47:48

I was reading my old blog posts way back in college and I suddenly wanted to go back to school! I also hated waking up early just to go to my Physics class but now, I realized how much I miss learning things even if it's at 8 in the morning. I also miss discussing ideas with my classmates and teachers and like what you said, feeling intellectual. Right after college, I felt lost in this big world because no one's telling me what to do next. I also miss being surrounded by people and meeting new people because right now, I'm usually alone. It's quite nice to know that I'm not the only one missing school. Thanks for this wonderful video!

BringOnTheRainxx3 2016-04-23 13:30:51

damn dodie this is what i needed right now. im at college (in the us, so uni i guess? lol) and im just finishing my third year. im a week away from exam time and im just so burnt out. i have a ten page art history paper to write and i have not had ANY motivation to write it AT ALL. i sat last night for three hours watching your videos on repeat because my brain is so tired and your content relaxes me... but this video reminded me that I LOVE ART HISTORY. i truly do, i love talking about the artists and their lives and what they did and why its important. i love discussing the formal aspects of art and being able to articulate why i like the work that i do and why i dont like other works. i love learning! i love discussion! i love college. i wouldnt be here if i didnt. i think people lose sight of that when school gets stressful, at this time for me especially since im just one year away from my degree. thanks for the reminder and the motivation, dodie. really means a lot to me.

Paris Sophie 2016-03-02 23:48:51

I relate to this so much. I'm still in school, and I had always thought I was an introvert, but I recently discovered after the summer holidays that I was an extrovert. I love being surrounded by people and I enjoy talking to people and I began to miss it over the 6 week break. Being ill and away from school makes me upset and feel isolated, because I'm not being immersed in people and things that are happening

Makenzie Warren 2016-03-03 03:01:06

I'm currently in school and I'm so glad you made this video Dodie. I really don't like school and you talking about this made me realize how amazing of an opportunity school actually is and how much you should cherish it. I never realized that once I'm done with school I'll probably only be around a few people regularly that I actually know and that's a bit scary. So thank you Dodie. Thank you for making me realize how much of a gift the present really is.😊

Jillian Unrau 2016-03-03 00:41:38

I'm in my last year of high school, and I feel like all of the things you mentioned are the things I'm going to miss about high school in the future. I reeeeally miss elementary school, though. I remember grade 8 being one of the best school years I've had.

NamaTheNerd 2016-03-03 04:01:46

Oh, I'm so glad you're doing this every day! I really enjoyed this.

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Leena Fdz 2016-03-04 03:12:29

Thank you for brightening my day :') your personality is just so awesome

Kathy Dulcet 2016-03-05 02:42:45

This video made me so nostalgic about leaving school and learning and I haven't even finished highschool yet😭and it also made me realize that instead of complaining everyday about all the work I have to do and all the things I have to learn I should appreciate the fact that I'm adding knowledge to my brain everytime I'm taught something new Thank you so much for this video Dodie💗💗💗 It made me realize how appreciative I should be of my life right now

heartsup4ari 2016-03-03 17:23:42

I adore this. Really, I think it's because what you're describing is exactly as I am now. And I this is really going to make me enjoy and think about everything I do :) thanks Dodie x

littlekittym 2016-03-04 05:00:02

I feel all your feels Dodie! I'm in my gap year and sort of missing being so busy and having structure. But, it's ok cos I am going to uni next year and I'm sure I'll have a ball, but I'm also sure there will be times when I miss being free and being on a gap year when I have to study for exams next year and do assignments :) I think it's a good sign that we miss it, because it means we love to learn and that we haven't finished learning yet. It's healthy. Also, your videos now seem different since you've been having personal/ family shiz going down, but in a good way. I really enjoyed that video ^_^

nokiddingbrainless 2016-03-03 08:18:38

This video came at a perfect time for me. ♥ I absolutely hated school, but now I'm in uni and I love it so much. I major in cultural studies, so I do basically exactly the things you mention all day everyday (analyzing movies and literature, picking apart art and cultural phenomena) and it's so much fun. However, in my personal life everything seems to be going wrong lately which makes it very hard to appreciate just how lucky and blessed and grateful I am to get to do this. Like on one hand, I feel like I'm genuinely the happiest I've ever been, but on the other hand, my mental state is a mess, my anxiety has never been worse, and I struggle with the uni workload WAY more than I should because of this.
When someone asks me how I am, I get so confused about this because I feel like I'm simultaneously the happiest and almost the most miserable I've ever been and I'm terrified that looking back on this later I will only be able to remember the misery, or I'll come to the conclusion that I let the misery overshadow my happiness and that I'll never be this happy again but I let my mental health problems overshadow is.

LOTS OF THINGS. Anyway. I started a bullet journal for this reason. Not the to-do-list versions, but just to quickly jot down every day all of the good things and the bad things that happened every day. Especially all of the fun little interactions with people that I would normally forget about within a month. I think it's helping because it really makes me see that misery and happiness aren't mutually exclusive, and that sometimes my worst days are directly followed by my best days.

Angela Howson 2019-08-11 13:36:05

I miss school and it’s only the summer holidays 😂 I’m going into year 8 btw and I love you Dodie!

Elissa Miller 2016-03-03 02:17:58

i'm a high school senior about to graduate. i'm already feeling super nostalgic. the stress of trying to figure out college and what i want to do is awful. thanks for this, gives some good perspective.

shelby white 2016-03-03 01:28:02

I loved this video! I'm still in school but this inspired me to enjoy it and make the most of it. I love VEDIM and I can't wait for more

WrinkleinTime42 2016-03-16 22:35:44

I'm almost done with my first year of university and I needed this little pick-me-up
I was just told by a professor that I have to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity I have attending the university I'm at ( because it's a really big deal school...). I spent so much time in the beginning of the year being miserable and feeling stupid and inferior here but it's such an amazing place and I haven't been taking advantage of it! I have 3 years left to make the best of it!
Stay awesome Dodie! :)

Replies (2)
Sky 07 2017-04-14 14:22:04 (edited 2017-04-14 14:22:27 )

WrinkleinTime42 that sounds so cool what are you taking at university?

WrinkleinTime42 2017-04-14 14:36:18

Oh! Comparative Literature and Psychology :)
( I'm maybe double majoring)

Erin Caveney 2016-03-03 00:10:39

You're so wonderful dodie! I completely get everything that you're saying it's weird I feel like you're voicing my exact thoughts!

Francesca Girdlestone 2016-03-03 17:53:38

I'm so close to finishing school and every day it gets nearer and every day I get more and more scared, and I think what I'll miss the most is the routine! As you said, being told what to do and having structure in my day is the only thing that actually helps me work and I'm worried without I won't be able to

Eugenia Albano 2016-03-03 07:29:25

Right now I'm writing my thesis and recently I realized I was miserable working at home or going to the library by myself all the time. So I'm trying to go to the library with friends who are also studying, it helps!
I think that if I'm ever in the situation of "being my own boss" I'll get a spot in a co-working space. Even if you are doing your own work, it's nice to be around people.

julia 2017-02-27 23:59:26

When it comes to the moral of your story, I wish I had someone to tell me that years ago. I never appreciated what I had until it was gone.

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Quikie93 2016-03-03 15:51:26

You're an extrovert?! I never would've guessed from your videos! ^^

Replies (19)
jodivaa 2016-03-03 18:04:40


Shana Van Dyck 2016-03-05 13:48:21

+Quikie93 I think a lot of the times there is a misconception about extroverts and introverts. Introverts are shy and don't speak to a lot of people and extroverts are loud etc.. But that is not true! If you want to know more about it you should look op mbti. It's really interesting

Quikie93 2016-03-07 20:32:11

+Shana Van Dyck Very well aware of MBTI, I myself am a ENFP - and I know that there's a lot more to it than "Extroverts are loud and introverts are shy" - but it's a stereotype that one, often unawarely judge people by, even if you "know" the "real fact" of how it is.
MBTI is awesome~

Ella Charlotte Jones 2016-05-24 18:12:54

+Quikie93 yess and enfps are the most introverted of the extroverts

eilidh macleod 2016-07-14 22:24:28

I'm an INTJ, but I'm definitely a leader and I'm pretty talkative, but I'm also DEFINITELY introverted.

Quikie93 2016-07-15 05:41:36

My best friend - who's an INTJ is really not talkative. He's talkative with me - and when he needs to - but generarily speaking he prefers not to talk too much

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eilidh macleod 2016-07-15 17:26:55

@Quikie93 Ah that's cool, I love seeing other INTJs! I guess I'm not really talkative with people, small talk wise, but I do talk with people I'm comfortable with. I just talk a lot in class - like answering and stuff.

Kaia 2016-09-05 15:30:00

E/infp here :D! Any of you guys got any guesses for Dodie's mbti type?

Shana Van Dyck 2016-09-05 20:43:46

ESFP I think, but not sure I find it quite difficult to figure out people's type that I don't personally know.

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Mona Hedayatfar 2016-12-23 04:12:15

K.Walmisley Productions pretty sure she's an esfj. i'm highkey obsessed with mbti, and she's functionally an esfj.

her obsession with living in the past instead of the present or future is definitely indicative of some sort of sj type - along with the fact that she's definitely emotive enough to be a feeler and that she identifies as an extravert, this makes her an esfj.

Mona Hedayatfar 2017-02-23 06:32:58

woodland weirdo her intuition is not that great tho, and enfps have very good intuition. a real enfp would embrace change and not give two shits about the past and nostalgia. dodie cares waaaayyyy too much about both those things to be any type of intuitive

Quikie93 2017-02-23 22:34:51

That's not necessarily true. You can definitly be a ENFP and dwell a LOOT on nostalgia, it's very easy to happen in fact. There's more to MBTI than this.

Mona Hedayatfar 2017-02-23 23:28:34

Quikie93 of course you can be an enfp and dwell on nostalgia, but someone who does this AND lives in the past AND struggles to see the potential of the future is NOT an Ne-dom. what's your reasoning for her being an Ne-dom or an enfp?

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Mona Hedayatfar 2017-02-23 23:29:52

Quikie93 forgot to mention that dodie's fear of the future is indicative of her being a sensor and not intuitive

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miko tikkanen 2017-04-10 12:33:27

ENFPs and ENTPs are the most introverted extroverts because they're Ne dominant

Heather Taylor 2017-08-24 14:59:14

I'm INTP whoop but i enjoy company in limitation. It's compulsory at my school to do a two day hike where you are literally with the same 6 people for two days straight in a pressurised environment, and I loved it but only the outdoorsy part. The amount of people constantly there drained me loads and I remember sitting in the tent with my other introverted friend listening to everyone else playing cards and just trying to gain energy off that

Kavita B 2018-05-29 06:43:56

I’m an INFP

victoricovers 2018-11-18 17:39:01

cannot relate anymore but still love u dodie :)

Tyler Callagher 2019-06-26 22:42:34

Have you learned about socionics? It is basically like an mbti expansion and it redefines a lot of functions that mbti got wrong, for example Si isn't really about learning from the past, in fact most introverted functions relate to the past in different ways. Si is more about remembering physical sensations and being attentive to the physical confort of your atmosphere, and in ESE (ESFj) it is more of a focus on making it comfortable for others. I still agree with your ESFj typing though.

Sean Hector 2016-04-20 08:00:31

This made me super nostalgic for my old school days. I still think about them a good bit. It wasn't all good, and I definitely didn't get to enjoy such a nice variety of recreational and elective activities like swimming, orchestra and so on, but I enjoyed the comfort of knowing what was going to happen tomorrow. I enjoyed not having to worry about every tiny little irritating detail of my life. I enjoyed learning things just by going to classroom. Yes, you can learn things online, but it's tedious and requires some self-sufficiency, so it's easy to just not do get into it. With school, you had to learn. Some of it sucked, but the good bits (like English Science for me personally) were great to be able to go and learn about everyday.

Not a lot of good in my life right now, so it's difficult not to just reminisce about my school days. Things weren't great then, but I can't say they were worse. The months leading up to graduation were the scariest, worst days of my entire school career. Having to suddenly "adult" was mortifying, and I certainly don't feel much better about it now since I'm doing an absolutely awful job at it. I'd might as well still be 17.

I thought I was going somewhere with this, but now I've just gone on a tangent about life being kind of lame now which was not my intention. I sure know how to ramble on incessantly.

Claire - 2016-03-05 14:34:23

absolutely LOVED this. i miss school so much too, we definitely take those moments for granted. i miss getting to see my friends everyday and the amount of people i knew like i'm in uni now which is obviously much bigger but there are more strangers than people i know. also i miss the relationship we had with teachers and all the bants we would have. it makes me sad to look back on but it also makes me appreciate how good i had it. i went to a great school and had some wonderful friends and i'm so glad i had an experience so good that makes me miss it this much. But yeah i definitely need to focus on the now too bc i know there will be a time when i wish i was here again. and that's a good thing to think about bc it means that this time was/is pretty great! 😊

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Abi VanNatta 2016-03-03 01:09:53

always get me feeling nostalgic, Dodie aww

lovebug1728 2016-03-03 00:42:22

This is something I've been thinking about so much lately! Spot on, Dodie!

AnnieOhhAnnie 2016-03-03 17:59:21

oh my gosh thank you for this- I've been holding a lot about the past and this has really opened my eyes

pey 2016-03-03 01:16:15

yeah, I know how you feel Dodie. I miss middle school whenever I think about it. I was so sad about leaving to high school because I knew that that period of my life was closing and I could never get it back. But that's just part of growing up, I think I've realized. Because I've grown to like high school just as much, even though it's not the same as middle school. So if you think of it like that (like you said in the video) you should enjoy the good parts of the stage of life you're in right now!

Leah Lauzon 2016-03-03 00:25:37

Wish we could turn back time to the good old days...

Emily Porter 2017-03-01 05:33:33

thank you dodie for always giving he best advice ❤

Clàudia Martori 2016-03-03 19:56:31

Last year when I started uni I found out that I actually love studying and learning (which I hadn't before when I was in school). In the summer I miss learning so much that I read academic books. I can't imagine not going to class because I love it soooo much!

Courteney Skye 2016-03-03 03:42:04

I've been trying to apply this to my life and it's hard but now I've noticed so many wonderful things about my life and my school. No matter how much I worry and complain about school I'm truly enjoying it. My friends are amazing, the teachers are interesting, and I find the subject matter fascinating. I don't want to stay in high school forever or anything like that but I'm quite content with things the way they are right now.

Alicia van den Brink 2016-03-03 06:15:02

Augh I'm going through the exact same thing! I appreciated school as it was happening because I knew it only got worse. However, I did not understand how helpless I would feel. Being an adult with a business and a house and a husband and trying not to mess it all up is hard! This video really touched a nerve, glad to hear it come through someone else's mouth.

Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 09:30:46

<333 you sound like you now is doing well though!

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Alicia van den Brink 2016-03-03 15:00:28

I am! Like you said, I'll probably look back on these years and nostalgically remember how simple they were. Thanks for your replying! It was my first YouTube comment ever! ☺️

Barbara S. 2016-03-02 23:54:15

i felt so identified with this one dodie
i spent 2 years in a super rough and difficult program in high school and i was used to that amount of work everyday. when I got into college i realized i was super tired from all the hard work and decided to take a year off college.
and here i am, 9 months after making that decision and as you said, i miss school, and feeling intelectual, and getting to know lots of people and basically everything you said, i 100% agree
good things is that when I get back to school i will be super excited and craving food for my brain
lots of love dodie, great video

kathi 2016-03-05 14:58:56

I love the end of this video. Because it is so true - the past is gone and it's healthier to focus on whats now.
That's often really hard to understand and to live, but if you leave school...that's just what you got to do. Because being an adult is so much harder that being in school! But you're also much more liberated.

Elliot Ward 2016-03-02 23:41:38

It's weird to hear someone else's view of this. I recently moved to a brand new city after finishing uni, and yeah it's scary how different life is after education. Also in my head London is a place with loads of young people doing things, but I guess that is just a case of the grass is always greener.

Molto Dolce 2016-03-03 13:37:24

these are pretty much the same reasons why i love school now! thinking about it, i really hate the thought of leaving. im going to miss the community the most. im in choir, concert band, glee, chamber singers, and was in a mini musical last year so i have a lot of friends who are as young as 4/5 years younger than me. theyre practically my tiny precious sisters. im essentially the big sister to the whole music community at my school. i love them all literally so much i am kinda contemplating not moving city so i can visit them after i graduate even though the only degree i really can do in order to get where i want to be is an 8 and a half hour drive away. im going to be such a mess at our graduation thing :( im really dreading graduating so much. if i had the choice i would definitely stay in school for like another 5 or 6 years

Felipe Arias 2016-03-03 00:05:36

I really loved high school. Yes, at that time there were moments where I felt like shit, but I think that is part of growing up. I went to a really progressive high school, and when I look back I remember it as really happy times during my life. I finished high school 3 years ago now, and many of the things I hold on to, and happy memories are related some how to that. I made my closest friends there, and I've changed so much during those years, it was almost like a 180 to me. There was a whole new world in front on me and that molded my little mind coming from my primary school. I remember learning a lot, and just being able to see the world with different eyes. I'm so greatful fo being able to experienced that. I know for everyone is different, but I think everyone has there time and there place to learn, grow, and change. For some is in high school, but it could be anytime in your life. Loved the vid doddie.

05ALMA20 2016-03-03 06:26:01

I would say try to read for fun! It'll improve your writing and knowledge. I'm currently majoring in anthropology and have just fallen in love with learning and discussion and such. If you ever want some recommendations, let me know and I can shoot book recommendations your way :)

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Ismay Rose 2016-03-03 19:36:34

If you'd made this video when I was in year 7 I would 100% appreciate school more but now I'm 3 months from exam time in year 11 and I'm like damn why did I not appreciate school ugh. But really this is a brilliant video Dods!!

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Mujercita 2016-03-03 06:12:29

I very much relate to this video even while at school, whenever there's break between semesters I miss school and the people even if I don't have close friends it's the familiar faces and the work and the books and the exam and the familiar feeling of tutoring and library schedules that keep me happy even if I'm swamped with studying 💫💌📖

baebyblade 2016-03-03 07:00:51

This is something I've really been worrying about a lot lately, lovely vid Dodie 😍

Emily Robs 2016-03-03 06:36:21

I'm an exchange student right now and I totally agree with the "appreciate the present" part of this. I sometimes think that everything is going to fast and my time on exchange is running out and I keep thinking about my return home (and how much I don't wanna come back home) and that makes me not appreciate the present as much

t iu 2016-03-03 00:34:49

oh man the nostalgic aches are real! i remember in my senior year everything started to speed up but also slow down? like i felt that it was ending, that grad was slowly approaching, there was all this build up and then nothing! it's over! and it's hard to realize you're technically an adult when you still feel like a kid. it's this weird sort of limbo that i'm learning to be ok with, but every once in a while it really catches up with me

ally s 2016-03-03 00:23:06

Although I'm only in year nine I can kind of relate to this because last year I was in this special thing in my school called waterbound which was a munchers smaller group than all other classes and focused a lot on history and nature and while I was in it I didn't really enjoy it because we also had a lot of projects and presentations and public speaking (which I am absolutely terrified/shit at) but we also had amazing trips to the woods nearby every other week and great teachers and a really close knit class. And now that I'm in a normal class I really miss always being with those people and doing amazing things and learning in creative ways (last year history involved making tools from that time period and dressing up and debating, now it's literally a PowerPoint every day)

Dorrit 2016-03-03 06:47:34

The thing about the present is that we're all too caught up in it to appreciate it.
To be conscious, is the real struggle isn't it?

Fallen Poet 2016-03-03 09:21:08

I'm the same about school! I used to feel like I hated it going to the same place everyday surrounded by people who didn't particularly like me and I didn't particularly like, restrained with all these rules when I just wanted to be free hah. But now I really miss some of the lessons and the teachers and the little events and dramas that would happen - and seeing all my best friends every day. However, I'm at uni now and I enjoy this a lot more. I realized recently what you said at the end of the video, that we should not take what we have for granted. Everyone says that uni years are the best of your life, so I've started making the most of it now and started going out every week and meeting new people, it's great :) thanks for this video Dodie x

Franky 2016-03-03 07:30:45

I'm mid-way through my gap year before starting uni. I'm working full time at the local council and this whole video completely sums up how I feel. Yes, I have a line manager etc that give me work to do but there is no direction, no structure. The closest to school life that I've come is when my manager wanted a report by the end of the day instead of the next week. I felt like I'd left my homework to the last minute, and was racing to get it done.
I'm absolutely itching to start uni in September, but everyone else here is happy and settled in what they're doing. I'm the only one jumping ship, the only one who doesnt see this job as their long term plan.
It's odd, as I didn't enjoy being around people during school - im very introverted - and I still hate being around so many people at work, but I miss the school community, the vast group of people that I might not have consciously seen as my friends, but I could talk to them, i knew their names and things about them...I've been at this job two months and I still don't know a lot of people's names. I have no idea how things are done, i have to hunt around on the intranet to find rules and policies and procedures to keep me sane.
We have a flexible working policy and most days I find myself leaving at lunch to work from home. We have an open office with 70ish people in. It's always loud and theres a billion conversations at once that my head can't focus on and by 1pm I'm drained. If I was not in a position to up and leave, go home to an empty house and work in silence i don't know that I'd cope.
I know I'm going to miss this job when I'm at uni but I can't stop myself wishing the time away.

Rusty Clanton 2016-03-02 23:23:33

I miss University all the time. All of the sudden you have to learn on your own and find your own lesson material and mentors.

Replies (1)
Rusty Clanton 2016-03-02 23:30:53

"..focus on what's good now." YUUUUUUUSSSS

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sonnytots 2016-03-02 23:43:45

I'm only in school like once or twice a week now, so I kind of feel this. I don't know any of my classmates and I'm not there often enough to really get connected with them. I miss my old classmates, we were a very small class entirely made up of girls, we'd have a lot of great discussions and we all bonded so well. Now I don't have that, I only have a select few friends whom I trust.
One thing that's made me feel better has been volunteering at my local animal shelter, most of the volunteers are around my age so we have great chats when we work together. It's also great to be with animals, they make me feel a lot less lonely.

LAVHAYEZ 2016-03-03 09:18:05

I am absolutely LOVING vedim so far :) As a senior in their final 100 days (!!!) of high school, it's definitely not the funnest time in my life. But I know I'm going to miss it and I know that it'll likely be the best time of my life, regardless of how much stress I'm under right now. As excited as I am to leave, I really can't bear the thought of never being in the kind of environment I'm in right now ever again.

Andy Stanford 2016-03-06 17:47:47

I can somewhat relate to this being in my last year of uni! Life is crazy and Ive just learn in recent years to appreciate it all more in various ways!

robinocracy 2016-03-02 23:40:52

Dodie, I really relate to this feeling. School, college, university, it's all people like you and not like you all at once. A place where our only job is to learn. There's a nice simplicity to that.

Ashley Acevedo 2016-03-03 03:09:24

This is crazy because I just got back home from youth group and that was what they were talking about. Not specifically, but, what they were talking about got me thinking about how much I desire for me and those around me.
Though being ambitious is a quality and a flaw I would say I have, it gets in the way sometimes. I am in high school and I'm rushing to finish up earlier than my peers because I want to go to college already. Maybe I should calm down a bit and be grateful and pay attention and appreciate everything that's happening and everyone around me. Thanks, Dodie.

kjh789az 2016-03-03 10:14:15

Thanks for saying what we need to hear! Its true. unless you're home educated you grow up from nursery to uni with your peers. Groups of people who have a lot in common and are stimulating. Then you get a job or not, and it pretty much stops. Solutions = join a commune / live in shared housing / do another uni course / face up to the shit that a lot of the good stuff just passes. But. Other doors may open. Massive respect! Really, massive!!

Yara Attia 2016-03-02 23:47:13

For some reason I like hearing the tapping in the background, it makes me feel at peace?? Plus I can totally relate to Dodie in this video, I love her videos so much ugh I'm addicted

Oliver Hust 2016-03-12 14:19:39

It's like an odd maths. Thoughts in my head + sensible part of brain vocalised - a lot of the random stuff (not all) + some structure (just a drop) = This video. Loved it!

Megan Begg 2016-03-03 20:25:06

This resonated with me because I constantly look back at 'old times' and get all nostalgic, especially like 'oh this time last year I was doing this' etc etc. and I'll discount the present simply because it 'wasn't like' the past, even though at the time I was doing the same thing with another past memory!!

aboutforever 2016-03-02 23:52:50

I'm at school at the moment and GCSE stress is starting to hit but it's so nice to be reminded of everything I have at the moment! thanks Dodiee :)xx

Meg Tomazin 2016-03-03 04:43:43

I'm only a junior in high school and i can connect with this from grade school. Looking back and reading my diary from then I constantly say things are boring but when I look back on it I had so many close friends and we did things every weekend and now I don't have the time to enjoy because of school and stuff. I can't imagine being out of college and thinking back on my years in high school. Ahh I'm stressing out about the future now! Thanks Dodie!

Rhiannon 000 2018-01-04 23:35:51

Do you miss teachers? I know we hate some but sometimes there is just that one who makes your day

Replies (1)
music stan • subscribe to my channel! 2018-01-10 18:44:08

Rhiannon 000 I do

Beeyahhh 2016-03-03 10:43:38

This speaks to me so much and I started crying half way through the video. Everything Dodie said was exactly how I felt and I tend to look back to the past and regret taking it for granted and not giving my all and basically just surviving my teenage life. Now i'm 20 and I want to go back to being a kid who only worried about what game to play next instead of bills to pay and work to finish.

Ainsley Munro 2016-03-03 03:21:47

I can relate, but for different reasons! I really loved the social aspect of school and university, and I do miss that bit, but now that's I'm graduated I really really like having time to pursue things that interest me. When you're writing three papers in a week, going to theatre practice and hanging out with friends, there really isn't much time to chase after what gets you really excited and curious! But now that I'm done with "formal education", I can follow my interests and dedicate time to painting and reading about Edwardian England and teaching myself hand-lettering. It's all in your perspective!

And as far as remembering the present goes - I have a little Moleskine agenda/planner book where I write a couple sentences about each day of 2016, to remind me of the little things that make me happy/sad/intrigued. I found last year that 365 days had passed and I didn't really have any small memories to show for it, so I started this project - to remember the little things. It's working out well so far!

auburnlight 2016-03-03 17:54:56

Oohhh man! I so know what you mean about that nostalgia, but yes you definitely have to move on from it and look to the future, and appreciate the moments in the present. Otherwise you'll go mad. By the way, I love how you do your videos! In a way, they have their own nostalgic feeling to them... like an old friend. :)

gabstarohthree 2016-08-05 15:18:26

I've always had these worries in the back of my mind about when we leave school; the structure of my days will be totally gone, I won't be seeing my friends as much (maybe not even at all) or just groups of people in general anymore-I won't be seeing my year group together as a group anymore, I'll have to decide and do literally everything for myself (I mean there's no teachers or parents on your back reminding you to get things done or keeping you stimulated all the time). And while this all sounds exciting, it's seriously terrifying. And I guess you just voiced my ideas of why I've always been pretty scared of the idea of leaving school.

lauren fitzgibbon 2016-03-02 23:29:06

regarding your love of debate and academic discussion, would you ever consider going to uni? idk this video just makes it seem like you'd like it, just an idea :)

larajay 2016-03-03 00:58:09

I'm in year eight right now and I really loved this video. Maybe school isn't as bad as I make it out to be... Anyway, I love your videos Dodie xx (also I absolutely loved let it be, oh my god)

Hélène Crowley 2016-03-03 03:50:27

I don't know... I guess, like you said, it depends on who you are and how your experience in school is/was. For me, I was never bullied or anything like that, but it's been a very low, dark time for me, and if I can get through this and reach a point in my life where my surroundings and current life don't make me feel sad and unhappy, I know I'll be better, and doubt I'd miss a point in my life where I really was unhappy. Also, as an introvert, I don't always like being around so many people, and I never had a strong connection to my school, so the worst part of leaving school is leaving my closest, friends, but I know I'll stay in touch with them.

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Sai Does Stuff 2016-03-03 00:03:45

I'm proud of you Dodie. It takes a lot to be honest about stuff like this, let alone do so in front of an audience. I can assure you that so many people feel exactly the same way you do, so just know that every nostalgic tear your shed is backed by a mass of equally nostalgic tears from your viewers. Thank you for posting 😊.

liv cunliffe 2016-03-03 15:54:57

this now makes me feel scared to leave school because I love analysing stories and I'm also an extrovert, I'm scared of missing it minus the stress :((

sugarisdown/サンフラワー 2016-03-14 18:54:51

wow now i've got a sudden desire to study thank you dodie 💕

ella 2016-03-02 23:50:02

the one thing i know i'm gonna miss from school is all of the learning. i love learning and knowing things and having more things running through my head than just "what should i have for tea", and despite my slight hatred for how things are taught i know i'm going to miss it. i wish that there was some way to make school enjoyable for everybody, i don't have the solution but i know that i only ever make myself learn things so i can pass an exam- this shouldn't be what school is about, it shouldn't be about structured answers and writing the exact words the examiner wants to hear, it should be about using the knowledge you gain to expand your thoughts and think outside the box. some people are made for structured exam answers and distinct rights and wrongs, others are made for learning everything and then deciding themselves how they will use this knowledge. how are kids ever going to make groundbreaking discoveries if they all follow the same education path and never learn to think for themselves? if we teach kids like they are being trained for the military, strictly and with structure, they're going to grow up to be exactly like one another and never anything different.

also i've only realized how much i actually love learning in my final year of school, which sucks balls. i hated every day at my school since the moment i came in to the school in year 7 and knew absolutely nobody, all through the years of suckish mental illness and letting other people get me down, to about 5 months ago when i realized that i just needed to focus on making the best out of the situation and taking what i wanted from school. if you're in a lower year and just feel like everything sucks, it probably does and that's okay, just don't let yourself waste however many years of your life being miserable- either try to get yourself a whole bigger brain because of it, or try to take advantage of the access you have to easily making friends and always having adults you can ask for help off of and whatever else makes the day a little better for you.

Sasha Holland 2016-03-03 00:13:26

Wow. I literally know exactly how you feel. I am taking your advice - a 19 year old x

ally xy 2016-03-03 12:48:48

I loved this video! I'm still 100% convinced I will never ever miss school. I really really hate it. I find it incredibly hard to get up in the morning because of school and I just hate this place so much and ugh I could give you a ton of reasons why I hate school. I'm not that "stuck in the past" tbh but I'm v scared of the future. But then again, I'm excited too. Especially about the fact I won't have to go to school anymore. A lot of things you said can be seen as advantages (for example: nobody tells you what to do anymore). Idek where I was going with this comment but ya I find it so interesting and uplifting to hear things like this about school so thanks so much!

Marylou 2016-03-05 17:28:31

I think about appreciating things a lot and it makes me much more motivated to do the things i really don't enjoy but then i think and im like "im going to miss this in the future so just do it"

ciara 2016-03-06 17:06:50

That moment when you go to the same school that Dodie went to

Replies (4)
Emma Roomba ASMR 2016-08-09 18:47:26

Woah, no way!!

lexi rey 2016-08-10 22:26:34


Hufflepuff Oncer 2017-09-29 04:28:11

really? thats so cool!

freya miceli 2017-10-20 17:42:36


Hannah Galloon 2016-03-05 20:40:04

I'm currently in my last year of school and i'm going to miss it so much! I'm excited to go to university and get out of my town, but I'm scared about leaving my comfort zone. I also feel sick from stress probably every day, because if I don't get into university I have no back up plan, and no career options that are achievable without going to uni. So I can definitely see how someone lIke Dodie who didn't go to university can look back on school fondly, and I wish i could do the same!

Replies (1)
hpispwn98 2016-03-07 03:46:24

i feel you, though it's a bit of a different process in america. i'm just so nervous about leaving it all behind...agh. xxx

Martina Makek 2016-03-03 00:08:06

I also walked by my old school today and got this huge wave of nostalgia and i kinda wanted to cry not necessarily out of sadness or happiness but out of a flood of emotions and memories.

Jessie Rice 2016-03-02 23:34:42

Your hair is growing out. It looks really pretty! ❤️

squidy2343 2016-03-03 03:15:26

I agree. There's just those certain moments that really bring back some good memories. I think it's interesting that while attending school, you might tell yourself you don't like everyone in your class because they get on your nerves, or everyone's separated into different friend groups, but then you graduate together and these feelings come in like we were all a group that did this together. That class was full of people that maybe weren't your best friends but dang it, they were part of YOUR class and no one else's. Other grades/classes didn't have that goofball Tommy, but your class sure did. Am I even making sense? Oh well...

Also, I miss being part of band class. I was good at my instrument and I loved playing it and creating such wonderful music with a group of people. Music is still a huge part of my life today, but I doubt I even remember how to play my instrument as I haven't picked it up in over 4 years and that makes me sad.

xxmelxx 2016-03-02 23:54:32

EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS VIDEO IS GOALS!!! You're so beautiful.💓💓- Melody

Greta Elmer 2016-03-03 00:04:50

I am still in school, and lately I haven't been enjoying it very much. I dread it even, but this video has put it in perspective. You made many great points and it gave me an epiphany almost. I have come to the conclusion that although it may suck to me now, and although I don't enjoy it, it is going to be some of my best memories. I looked back on just today and thought about all the good things that happened, and this video has made me appreciate them more. Thank you.

emilee meagher 2016-03-03 05:27:04

I'm in my first year of my psychology degree and yeah I feel the same. I miss the fun I had in classes with my friends and at lunch time . I miss having a lot of people I was friends with and familiar with. I miss having a laugh with teachers and having actual friendships with them that you just don't get at uni. Uni is pretty lonely . I dunno, I guess I just really really miss school.

Andrea 2016-03-05 14:11:27

I went back to my high school a couple of weeks ago and this is exactly how I felt. If you had told fifteen year old me I would miss high school one day I would have never believed it o.o

cecitambu 2016-03-03 21:41:45

Loved the moral! I feel the same about school😭 although I'm 21 and I'm still studying at Uni

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TheLuluTrue 2016-03-03 08:48:06

Oh, I totally feel the same. I still go to Uni, so it's not that bad but I miss school a lot. I miss hanging out with so many different people without having to make an effort. Maybe you can guest listen to some literature classes at uni? That's one of the things that brightens my days usually. Going to a seminar about poetry and taking it apart and talking about it with other people.

Tan yuh 2016-03-03 01:21:16

This made me cry.

But thank you for helping me realize how much I actually love the present.

Miscellaneous_Whispers 2016-03-02 23:44:58

I honestly have such a hard time with nostalgia, I'm constantly thinking about the past and always trying to save memories in anyway I can. I'll think about things that I use to hate but now have fondness towards because it was in the past and it was me in a different time. It's really hard for me to think about the future without worry and stress building up, and thinking about the past makes me feel warm yet melancholy. Trying to appreciate the present is quite hard for me, because I constantly think, "This moment will be over and then in the past, and I might not remember it later." It scares me a bit when I think about how I could explain all of last year in maybe 30 min to an hour, when thats 365 days all in the past, that I lived and experienced. One of my favorite videos that you made is "A few Nostalgic Tears" because I relate and feel so much every time I watch it, and it always gives me the inspiration to write in my journal, or take more pictures, or film more. I'm kinda just rambling at this point but it feel nice to write this down and to know that someone that I look up to so dearly feels similarly to me, and that I'm not all alone in this constant state of reminiscing in the past.
Thanks to anyone who read my ramblings.

Dan Walton 2016-03-02 23:43:35

Nostalgia is a powerful feeling, being forced to re-visit a past version of yourself also forces you to come to terms with everything that has changed in your life. Whether it's for the better or the worst change can be really scary, and you don't always notice the way all those little changes add up, but when you hear that song that takes you right back to being 16, it hits hard.

lvm ikki 2016-03-03 11:07:26

I never thought about it that way. School makes me really miserable and depressed and I really look forward to be done with it finally, but I never thought about the progess you do at school, it was always just the exams and all the pressure.

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Aleks 2016-03-03 08:28:16

I really wish I watched this video whilst I was still at school, because now thinking about it I miss school too. I'm in my 2nd year of college so it's not like it's been ages or anything, but I understand and relate to everything you said in this video.

Ariel MacKinnon 2016-03-03 02:58:50

I try to appreciate school but it's just hard.

Ally Roenfeldt 2016-03-04 05:08:02

This was such a well put video. Super relate-able. I'm moving to Boston on the first of next month, and I'm shitting myself with nerves. I graduated from high school in 2014 and I'm only 20 and I don't know what the hell I'm doing, I'm kind of just doing what I'm supposed to be doing if I'm not going to college???? Life. Agh.

Riley Pichie 2016-03-03 04:41:04

I 100000% do agree that to focus on the present and appreciate it while it's happening is the best thing to do in life because although loss has darkened my past and though I do miss old traditions and things I always think "there are always more and more experiences I'm going to have in my life, I'm grateful those things happened in the past and I'm glad I got to know that person so well before they left for good" life is ever moving and changing and I used to get stuck in the past and tortured myself with nostalgia trying to run backwards instead of forwards...ever evolving and ever moving. that's what our world does and so that is what we must do as well.

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Yousaf Sharif 2016-03-05 20:18:20

Hey Dodie, hope you're well. I feel the same way as you do, I'd dwell on the past and if I wasn't doing that, I was worrying about the future until I read this book called 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle, it's all about... Oh wow, I'm watching your video as I'm writing this comment and you just mentioned "enjoy the present" haha. Thats what the book's all about, it's about being in control of your mind, rather than letting your mind control you (which is what happens to the majority of us on a day to day basis without us knowing about it) and enjoying the present. He does actually mention depression also. I'm a massive worrier, I worry about every little thing, especially when it comes to the future. I'm still reading the book (almost finished), but it really has helped me from what I've read so far in terms of appreciating and being happy in life and also with having a positive attitude whilst going through hard times. I hope it helps you in the same way. Love you! - Yousaf

Ellie M 2016-03-03 02:48:08

As much as I hate school right now, I know I'll miss it when I'm older... I'm terrified of not knowing many people D: I love being surrounded by people my age...

Ngan Nguyen 2016-03-03 05:01:37

I moved to a foreign country recently. Aside from trying (and failing) to fit it with this new community and culture, i miss my old friends and all our inside jokes and all the hangout spots we used to go. I still talked to them everyday after school but i miss their company

shann0nbb 2016-03-03 00:25:55

I can relate, and I'm still in school. I wake up everyday dreading the day of school. There are parts I like, I LOVE my French class. The people in there are so sweet and the teacher is really great and i just love geography and culture. I like learning. But the part of school that I don't like that most people do, is Break and lunchtime. Now I don't have very many friends that I can be with in real life, I don't have school friends. I mean I do but they all have someone better, and the one person that i absolutely love from school is a lovely girl by the name of Elizabeth, I met her in the beginning of the year and then schedules changed and we don't have any classes together anymore. So i miss her honestly. and i seem to go on lots of rants in Dodie's videos... oops.

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TeaFantomhive 2016-03-03 04:21:38

Just want to tell you that this video might be my favorite of all your videos so far :) Keep it up!

MK Catrona 2016-03-03 17:10:58

I only graduated college (uni) almost a year ago, and I kind of miss it for the same reasons you were saying that you miss school. I love reading and analyzing and writing and creating and participating in things. But I also like the freedom to focus on what I enjoy rather than just having to do things that I'm told by a certain date because my grades depend on it. So I write essays for fun (I've started taking notes on the film Metropolis so I can write one on that), I read and research things that interest me for fun, and I make things that I want to make on my own schedule (my degree was in fashion design, so my projects in school didn't have the same creative freedom that they have now).

To be fair, I realized when I was very young that I enjoyed the things that I was doing in school, especially if I was given the freedom to do what I want with it, so it's been a natural transition, but if you want to do something, go for it! If you want to read poetry and highlight it, do so. If you want to write essays, go for it. You don't have to join a club, although it might be easier for you to do so, since you are an extrovert (I'm an introvert), but there are blogs and communities online that help each other make things and write together and discuss things intellectually -as I know you've experienced on youtube.

Clotilde Vivier 2016-11-04 13:17:57

i really don't enjoy school at all. i mean when you don't have friends it's difficult to

ImpossibleAlien 2016-03-03 12:08:54

I miss popular students picking on me and teachers yelling and being told that we're all useless little shits and learning nothing useful at all (like how a blast furnice works, WHEN AM I EVER GONNA USE THAT HUH) and educational staff making us all hate our desire to learn and oh wait. No I don't.
I don't miss school at all, I'm glad for all the people who had inspirational teachers and nice classmates and had fun in school, but I sure as fuck don't miss that hell-hole. I have never been researching and learning as much (voluntarily) as I have since I have been out of school, and in those years I have gathered more valuable knowledge than anyone had ever taught me in school.
Btw love that you're doing VEDM Dodie, Always looking forward to your videos. :)

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nosh 2016-06-18 12:27:50

I love your advice and your channel so much and I just love you Dodie

Momna Noor 2020-02-29 16:37:59

this is really relevant to my life rn. I'm going through what are going to be the final few months of my schooling as we speak (med school)
And i keep thinking about how much the learning part of it i will miss too </3

Em 2016-03-03 04:03:03

I missed school as well when I took a gap year between high school and uni and I'm so glad to be surrounded by the people I am now and to have the discourse that I do.

Kristina Palattao 2016-03-02 23:38:44

This made me realize that I only go to school for music and my friends

Replies (1)
alex 2016-03-02 23:53:29

Wow we have the same school life.

xylene 2016-03-03 04:14:49

Good points! I can see missing school for all these reasons. I've never gone back to any of my old schools once I left them, except in my dreams. I wonder if I'd feel nostalgic? Hmm. I enjoyed the vlog! :)

Amy Louise 2016-03-03 01:41:41

I needed to hear this, thank you x

cannedfreshdaily 2016-03-05 00:34:39

Leaving University was like that for me. I think what I miss most is the camaraderie. Because like you said, we were all in the same boat and wanted to help each other out. And now we're all pursuing things in different directions and we all feel the ache and the long to be together again, but for some reason we can't. I miss learning too and having the potential to make new friends in these classes. Basically I just don't know what to do or where to go so in the way of camaraderie, it's nice to know that everyone else my age (no matter where in the world they are), are feeling the same things that I am.

JuKayVid 2016-03-03 08:28:29

I think about this a lot too! I'm currently in my gap year and every time I go to my school for an exam of my friend ( in theater, singing or dancing) I really miss it. I really feel a lot more lonely this year and I even feel a lot more stressed out all the time. School man, school :(

Freya Mary 2016-03-03 10:46:33

Dodie I had no clue you went to Leventhorpe, that's one of the local schools that was in my cache, I went to St Mary's. The Leventhorpe uniform was way better than ours though girl.

kopotty 2016-03-03 08:06:42

First year uni student here and i miss my school. It was a nice school, with my friends who i got to see every day, and i, well, i DID things every day, quite a lot of things in comparison to now. But here's the thing - i had much less choice over what those things were than i do now, so now i can basically do whatever i want with my time as long as the uni work gets done along the way. Essentially to me this year feels like i'm trying to learn the art of being self motivated and productive, but maybe as i go through life i'll find that every year, either way this still makes for a damn good year.
Enjoy school, miss school, then enjoy the next thing, whatever that may be.

Daniel McCormack 2016-03-03 00:21:25

In recent months, through horrid experiences with old friends, I've come to the conclusion that everything is temporary and whenever there is a good part in my life, I enjoy it as much as possible until events cause me to not do it anymore, which always happens.

At the moment, it's going to gym and driving there and back with a friend I like. She sings to any weird song she plays on the radio, and any song I don't like she tells me to "shut up and enjoy it or else", so I do. It's absolutely my favourite thing at the moment, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

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ROSEMANTIQUE 2016-03-03 02:17:06

i'm still in school, and when i think deeply about it, i realize that when i'm older and graduated, i'm definitely gonna miss being in school no matter how much i stress out and dislike it. i'm going to enjoy the present, and not freak out about how there's UIL for band tomorrow :))))))

Em Sharpe 2016-03-03 22:37:19

i'm in my last year of sixth form and i miss doing 'real subjects', as i keep saying, like maths and science because all i do is act (drama) sing (music) and read (lit), because i was really quite good at those subjects too, and also i totally love being in a group that likes discussion too, like today in registration we got randomly discussing racism and feminism at 9am and i was just like 'yes yes let us all discuss this very good nice points' what am i saying i am tired interesting video dodie

emily xxx 2016-03-03 05:56:26

6:04 "the pastas gone"


Replies (3)
Erd Tird Mans 2016-03-03 06:12:52

Well now I can't hear anything else. Good work, +Emily B

shaylan !! 2016-03-03 06:42:58

+Emily B honestly the only thing i heard

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emily xxx 2016-03-03 08:02:14


Mattz0r98 2016-03-03 16:45:25

You can still learn Dodie! There's loads of interesting stuff in the world, google things you find interesting and read wikipedia articles and then bore your friends to death with all the pointless but really cool stuff you found out, just because you're out of school doesn't mean you have to stop learning!

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Tylda 2016-03-03 06:42:04

I actually thought your hair looked really nice haha

I was making a colour coordinated mind map for the first essay I've had to write in ages and it took me back to revising for GCSE's which, apart from the stress of the exams, I actually enjoyed :P If i looked at the exam questions I had to answer I would probably not remember a thing, I can't believe i used to know so much and now it is just gone! Or it's lying dormant and waiting for me to like... relearn... but... effort...

TheHomeAloneProject 2016-03-03 06:43:33

dodie ! I feel exactly the same as you ! you took the words out of my mouth !!! :,)

alyciadweeb 2018-10-05 02:27:12

This is so relatable- especially the part about being surrounded by people your age! I was actually reflecting on this earlier today. The nostalgia is so real.

Sophie N Nimrah 2016-03-02 23:23:39

Honestly everytime I watch a video when yoir nostalgic, I try to appreciate school but its so hard :(

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Sophie N Nimrah 2016-03-02 23:23:51


Jasmine TEa 2016-03-03 23:08:22

Recently I've been wishing my time away and wanting to be out of school and it's restrictions but crap, this has made me realise how much I will miss now, because I'm a nostalgic person and I do love looking back on things so now I'm wondering if in the future I'll look back on me now and think "why did I wish away the time and not pay attention to the actual things around me". idk this has just made me think a lot xx

Jasper N 2018-08-16 07:46:18

I got anxiety in the 5th grade (I'm now in 8th) and something really frustrating about it is that I can only remember embarrassing things from elementary school. I know it was fun sometimes and I was actually living pretty great in the first five years, but now I only have bad memories of it. Sometimes my friends will be laughing about something that happened in elementary school and I can just barely remember it, sometimes not at all. It makes me feel kind of... dull because I know that it was a great part of my life that I'll never live again, but moreover I can't even think back and revisit it.

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notsosmall 2016-03-03 08:03:06

Part of your teachers' job was to try to make their students into lifelong learners, and it looks like they succeeded with you!
I agree with pretty much everything you said. I went to uni and now work as a flight attendant, which is hard work and you have to think a lot but mainly with your memory. I've felt like my cognitive abilities are wearing away so I've started a project reading these books called Very Short Introductions (look on Amazon). They are quite academic in tone so I read very slowly because I've not dealt with that in a while. I'm trying to make videos about it, saying 'What I Learned About [Topic]', but it's so hard when you're not used to talking to a camera and editing it afterwards! Trying to edit one on Leadership and the next one I'm reading is on Anxiety, if you fancy reading with me!

Chaz Evansdale 2016-03-03 01:49:51

Dodie you're still the weird kid. That's why you're one of my favorite YouTubers. :)

candysomething 2016-03-02 23:21:22

Love youuuuu. We can start a study group any time you want

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doddlevloggle 2016-03-02 23:26:15

+candysomething let's do it

Alicia Nicole 2016-03-03 15:08:10

This is beautiful and so accurate!

Olly Cirocco 2016-03-03 08:11:31

OMG Dodie YES I graduated from school 3 years ago and I still have all those nostalgic feels all the time!

Emmi 2016-03-03 01:08:34

i finished school last year and i totally understand what you are talking about..i really miss the times but at the same time i think we have to leave these moments in the past to appreciate them completely

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Erin Kennedy 2016-03-03 03:23:11

i love you so much dodie. you are my role model in life

anexie 2016-03-05 10:13:08

if you're missing school and learning and knowing about lots of different things (like i am too haaaa...), maybe something you could do is ask your fans and followers to share links and websites and videos and things that they're using for their education or studies which they find really cool? that way you could get to learn about lots of rad things in your free time :)

juditsite 2016-03-03 21:01:34

The last 3 seconds made my whole life xD I totally understand where you are coming from... I am your age (or at least I think so O.O I'm from the 95 hehe) and I am totally sure I would feel that way if I were not a free time coach for 11-15 year-old kids at my ex-school (I think that's how you'd call it..? It's like we organise and go to Summer camps with them, and also arrange plenty of activities for them during the rest of the year), and spending so much time with these kids just reminds you of how you were at their age, and how everything was not as "ideal" as you may remember now.

Sure, I had an absolutely fantastic time at school, but there were alse VERY rough times, and as well as young-adulthood has both its fantastic and its not-so-good parts, teenage years also had a bit of everything. Please PLEASE never forget that the past wasn't extremely great, Doddie, because that way of thinking will always leave you feeling unsatisfied with where you are today. And as I say this, I am also trying to convince myself of it >__<

If you want a tip on how to overcome nostalgia from someone who tends to think a lot like you, it would be to try and spend some time with younger people. Going to Summer camps as a coach is one of the best things I could have made. I thought it would make me even more nostalgic of my teenage years, but I firmly believe it has saved me from living in a permanent unhealthy nostalgia.

And joining a course is always a good idea too! You have no idea of how healing it can be for your mind to learn new things and be in the innocent-not knowing state you were at school :-D

Apart from that... You're just great, Doddie. I really hope you read this! You deserve all the love in the world. Sending you a great big hug from Spain <3

monique adelle 2016-03-03 10:21:34

Please do some more asmr videos this Vedim 😊😊😊 they're really good!

lee lee 2016-03-03 17:40:13

This may have already been said, but you can totally do this stuff on your own time! there have been so many times where I would search for writing prompts on google and write essays on my own time (sometimes when I should have doing schoolwork lol).
So, yes, you can totally learn by your own will. Looking up worksheets for different subjects is quite easy as well. I hope you get out of this funk. Just realize that you can do and learn anything you want, whenever you want. The world is your oyster dude :D

Moley-banter 2016-03-03 00:26:28

I feel exactly the same! I find myself constantly reminiscing on school and missing it :P I think I will feel it even more because I'm graduating this year - a little scary :S

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Moley-banter 2016-03-03 00:27:54

+Moley-banter Aaand I just got to the moral. Thanks Dodie. This really helped at a time I needed it :)

ANDERZ VLOGS 2016-03-06 12:43:31


Replies (1)
Beth 2016-03-06 22:10:36

Anderz!!! Love you

Alice Marplehorvat 2017-03-17 17:02:19

You do not know how much this video applies to me. The bit about being an extrovert! I'm realllyy missing college because now I work at home as a freelance photographer. I don't see any of my old friends anymore because they've gone to uni! I feel ya Dodes.

1337gaia 2016-03-03 00:44:12

I'll be 23 this year and I don't miss school at all for various reasons but as you said, it's different for everybody.
I kinda agree on the knowledge part tough, looking back at university! There's so much for us to learn :)

JobyAndBlue 2016-03-03 14:18:33

Remember that you're looking back with rosy tinted glasses, you're a different person to who you were then and you're gonna be more mature and interested in other things, back then there was probably tons of things that made school difficult and crappy and you can still learn SOOO much without school maybe even more because you can actually live the things you learn rather then through a text book <3

DrQuizzler 2016-03-03 04:10:33

Hiya Dodie. Your random thoughts sounded a lot like stuff I find myself thinking about sometimes. I kind of miss deep theoretical discussion of music and instant recall of stuff I learned in school too. Now, I can look quite a ways back at high school, college, and my early career, and pinpoint several times when my head was stuck in the future instead of present in the present. I think it's one of those human nature things that with time our memories get tinged with nostalgia. Then it becomes tempting to become stuck in the past, but I guess we all need to slow down and enjoy where we are and who we are now.
I really enjoy your posts. :)

asmo 2019-08-03 20:43:32

I’m 11. I just finished primary school. At first I was like "YASS", but now I miss it. I miss my classmates, friends basically everyone in my class and I really wish I could go back there. I am going to secondary school in September.. 🙍🏽‍♀️😥

Replies (1)
meabh 2019-09-02 06:34:54

I'm 11 and I'm only going into 5th class? Lol

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Evie 2016-03-06 15:41:10

I was feeling like this recently, in school I was on the top set for most things and even when I wasn't doing well I felt smart, but now a lot of people I know are going to university and a lot of my friends are older than me and I feel less and less smart every day, even though I still read a lot and watch ted talks and whatnot, there's nowhere to really get that reassurance that you're intelligent.

Ewan McCoubrey 2020-01-23 18:13:02

Year 10 and 11 probably the best years of my life. I’d do anything to go back

Elisha Williams 2016-03-03 16:14:07

I'm at my last year of school and I hate it. I know that in the future I'll possibly think the same as you dodes and regret taking school for granted. I am an introvert though so it's kind of hard for me to feel comfortable and enjoy everything in school :s love your videos!!

Cerys Collins 2016-03-03 19:03:37

look me in the eyes and tell me a time Dodie didn't look so freaking cute

WriterNinja 2016-03-05 00:49:18

Dodie, my best friend taught me that one way around this is to always be a lifelong learner. Now, there are many ways to do this, but the way she does this is she will enroll herself in classes that won't cost much, but they are things that interest her. Those classes help give structure to her week, and that structure also helps her finish other projects (outside of her classes), because she is in a mode to get things done. From her, I learned I missed learning. Classes (post-university) help give structure to lifelong learning, and they help those of us that can get a bit off course without some structure. Best with figuring this all out. I struggle with this, too, -M

Casper Grey 2016-03-03 05:13:10

Jesus, most of the topics you upload about are just terrifically relatable. I am only 20, yet my story is odd, and it just makes me miss school. Baring in mind I was an army kid, so I moved every 2 years (sucked, but had it benefits) but for my "high school years" I stayed in one place, and it was honestly the best time in my life. Friendships, relationships, the weather... it was beyond perfect. But about 2 months into 6th form, (after high school finished) I had to move to come to Australia to live here. And now the people that had the biggest impact on my life and near enough showed me what a constant 100% happiness feels like, are now living on the other side of the planet.

There isn't a day in my life that I don't think about those people, or think about going back to my perfect little school.
Not to mention the school was an English school, in the north of Germany, that has now been handed back over to the Germans. It's also heart breaking that the school that made me who I am, will no longer be changing peoples lives and giving the experience that it gave me.

Congratulations for making it this far.

Joel Blundell 2016-03-03 14:41:01

Agree with like all of these points. I'm literally like 2 months tops away from completely finishing uni and it's making me think a lot. The fact that in Years 7 and 8, heck, even all the way up to Year 13, there was a next step. There was always somewhere to move to next. It was comforting. I knew where I was going and what I was doing and then in Year 13 you get a choice which is great, but even then, there's a next step for you. I came to realise over the last couple of years that I only actually went to uni because it felt like a next step. It gave me a purpose and an end goal and so I applied because at least then I didn't have to make decisions myself. Now I've almost finished uni and the only thing stopping me from applying for a Post-Grad course is my absolute boredom of the educational system. I realise that now, there's a life ahead of me which is completely in my hands and it's flipping exciting but oH SO SCARY.

Napstabloony 2018-08-26 08:13:44

coming back to this because i'm a nostalgic mess and feel this so much.

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Emily Chiccine 2016-03-02 23:29:13

I've been homeschooled my whole life so none of this relates to me haha

Amber Macrae 2016-12-06 18:01:03

I'm 13 nearly (sort of) 14 and I'm in year nine. We have a lot of drama but over all its great? This Video made me feel even better about school x Thanks Dodie xxx

Elspeth Nicholson 2016-03-03 10:32:08

Feeling this so much at the moment - I've nearly finished my first year of uni but I miss school so much. I miss my friends and teachers and everything argh! But if someone had told me I'd be feeling that this time last year I would NEVER have believed them..

Cosmo 2016-03-03 07:17:09

I connect with this so deeply, I'm becoming a teacher just because I miss school pretty much

joenjwang 2016-03-03 04:36:17

I have a similar dilemma after graduating. I miss having professors advising me, pushing me to ask more critical, probing questions, I miss the opportunities to learn in a structured setting, where you're not merely a customer, but a student....

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Alexa Sunshine83 2016-03-03 00:32:32

this hit me hard

emma dunne 2020-07-21 15:08:04

watching this as a graduate of 2020, my last day of school was in march and i never knew :( i actually loved school and had a great group of friends, i miss it a lot

disGraced ape 2016-03-03 19:41:43

I'm still in school, studying to become a teacher, so I'm in schools all the time, but one of the things I really miss studying is History. My subject is English, and I tutor in Math, but I never get to read about history or study world cultures any more.

anicaisawesome 2016-03-03 18:19:19

If you like the whole nostalgia and sense of missing the past and the thought of dwelling and missing the present, you should watch Midnight In Paris !!

Annie Lapointe 2017-02-12 14:42:57

I want to get out of school, so I can feel more free, I can wear what I want, choose what I can eat, decorate my house however I want, but then I realize that then I have to make my own money, get a job, pay taxes, sure I'm "free" but what then?

Replies (1)
Toby Carvery 2017-06-12 22:45:42

Annie Lapointe applaud

Ruth Yeates 2016-03-03 10:35:54

I love your hair, Dodie! Could u do a hair tutorial thing in VEDM? :)

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Connie Daly 2016-03-05 22:31:55

I have to say that I actually do miss wearing uniform, since I dont really express myself through what I wear so I didnt mind having to wear it, in fact it took a lot off me since now I feel like I have to wear a different outfit everyday and it has to be clean and im constantly worrying about being judged for what I wear but in school everyone wears the same thing so it just took that little extra edge off for me ^_^

Marz Cooper 2016-03-03 02:34:45

I TOTALLY get you!!
I graduated last year, school was never my thing i was hardly there but now that I've left, occasionally i miss it, maybe its having a set schedule every day? Seeing and observing my fellow students everyday? that was always good for my writing. I think i miss everything except the actual study. This video was comforting im glad someone feels the same. School always felt like something i could fall back on when things were tough, it felt like an excuse to be a little bit messed up, still being in high school. now the world feels a whole lot bigger.

Hanna Helland 2016-11-22 17:51:20

This made me appreciate school more, I needed this motivation thanks :)

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cait 2016-03-02 23:16:07


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napa xx 2016-03-02 23:22:04


Salma Mo 2016-03-03 11:28:33

+cait Same here :D

haioemma4 2016-03-03 00:04:14

i do agree, i miss school sometimes because it was something to do and i met my friends every single day. but it's important to remember that the past will often seem better than it was. because that part of school i miss, was also the time when i started self harming and feeling suicidal.
so in general i think maybe we miss the good things, not just a specific time, idk. another example: i miss being with my ex, but i think i miss being loved and kissed and getting told i matter, coz i don't miss the anxiety and the lack of affection from her. i hope you appreciate my thoughts on this, i like you a lot dodie

eira 2016-03-03 01:24:44

i'm a freshman but i feel this! i'm homeschooled/unschooled and for some points it's a bit similar. (most of it is things i've never experienced, but i wish i had, even though i would never want to be in public school)

Bella Klaus 2016-03-03 09:41:22

The moral was really important to me! I tend to dwell on the past excessively and cry about it and get really frustrated that I can't go back..

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Teela Louise 2016-03-03 00:02:53

I only left in like May after my A Levels, and I was so fucking happy then but now it's down to me, Life is up to me and I'm doing shit so far. I went to a great, liberal school where I could be myself (within reason). I get everything you're saying, I knew so much more! I studied US Politics and I found it so hard, but now I'm trying to learn it alone while it's happening and it's so much harder.
While I was there I couldn't wait to get away because at the time it was the number one thing fucking up my mental health, but now I'm out I'd give anything for fucking school to be my number one issue, not this hell I need to call my life (how fucking dramatic is that omG)

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Lala 2016-03-02 23:24:07

this was actually a really smart vid dods

Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-02 23:25:42


Lala 2016-03-03 00:08:00

@doddlevloggle :')

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Anna Chris 2016-03-03 12:46:35

Do a uni course! Or theatre school! Or a singing academy! You'll be surrounded by people, told what to do and you'll learn more about your passions.

Shan Webb 2016-03-13 10:09:45

after watching this video I have definitely started to have little thoughts throughout school like "one day I won't do this again" (if that makes sense), and then I'll start to appreciate it a lot more.

Ethan Unrau 2016-03-03 01:54:25

I can understand missing school. At the moment, I'm in grade twelve, so I'm about to graduate, and I can feel that I'll miss it, but I won't miss the whole social drama and that kind of thing. The parents taking care of me and the teachers that I know and the friend group that I have.... that's what I'll miss.

Katherine LeClair 2016-03-03 03:44:20

ugh! vedim makes me so happy happy happy :) Love my daily dose of Dodie <3

Cailli York 2016-03-04 01:49:21

I don't miss school but that's mostly cause I never went to school...

Stevie Rose 2016-03-03 02:22:17

I'm ending my secondary school years right now as I'm in my senior year, and I'm really trying to appreciate it for what it is- the friends, the caring teachers, the parents to help keep me on track... and not having to pay for all that much myself is nice. It's so difficult, though, when I really just want to get away from this city, away from the people here who I'm not friends or family with (who typically don't like me very much, I've come to terms with), and just start anew. These past couple of years have not been easy. I've hurt myself, I've been hurt by other people... friends have up and left me with declarations of hatred for me or even ended their own lives for hatred of themselves.

Even still, there are good things now. There's my family, my pets. There's this one teacher of mine who really, truly cares about her students, who I intend to stay in contact with once I'm not at the school anymore. There are the friends who I've come to call family, who I know will actually stay with me. My best friend in particular- our relationship can essentially be summed up with Sick of Losing Soulmates. I don't know where I'd be or who I'd be if he hadn't stepped into my life. There's the creek beside my school that I have summer memories of playing with my guy friends in when we were younger (I was always a bit of a tomboy), hazy humid air and gnats flying all around us, climbing trees until our hands were raw. Cold Canadian winters sitting inside with my parents and my sister sitting inside drinking hot chocolate, watching Winnie the Pooh (usually The Wishing Bear episode). I've been reflecting on the past a lot lately, too, which can probably be attributed to a friend who took her own life about two weeks ago. It's hard not to think about how things used to be. That aside, though, these happy things going on and the happy things from the past are what I'm doing my best to focus on. It's just... difficult.

Sorry, this got awfully long, didn't it? Oh well. I think I'm in need of a good cry, too.

ellen thygesen 2016-03-03 16:41:08

gosh, ive never related more to anything than this!
i finished school last summer and im now taking a gap year, and lately ive realised just how many things from school i miss.
i, an introvert, personally dont miss the large groups and many people, but i miss my small friendship group and seeing some of my really good friends every single day, like i probably only see them every 3rd month or something now.
i also really miss the learning part, i miss writing essays, i miss analysing short stories and i miss getting new knowledge!
thank god starting uni this summer!

sahra 2016-03-03 05:16:05

this made me sad but it's also very important to talk about. thanks for sharing your thoughts dodes I will try to enjoy my last two years now.

Adele Louise Tunnicliff 2016-03-04 06:20:41

It's never too late to do uni! Seriously I took a gap year, didn't intend on going to uni, but I missed learning so much. So off to uni I went and I love it!

Alannah Clarke 2016-03-03 21:27:42

I have never related to a video so much before.

Juliane Lorenz 2016-12-02 10:43:20

I went to my old school too even though it's in Germany, which means I didn't had to wear a uniform.. I totally agree with you. I miss school so much with all the people you knew and some very good and funny teachers, even our headmistress was a very nice person. And I was so scared to leave school after 12 years of exactly knowing what to do and getting told what you need to do and getting supported anyway. When I think back it's like I used to feel secure and now it's scary because you need to take care of yourself, need to sort out your own life and I don't really feel capable of doing this most of the time.. I feel like this is way to big for me and I also feel that I have forgotten so many things I learned in school (history,biology,German grammar, not to speak of French...) I was a good stundent and I miss feeling intelligent too.. You described it nicely. Thumbs up for this. (:

TheLastSiren 2016-03-04 18:14:01

Dodie, why don't you start a blog? You said you wanted write essays again and I feel you'd write amazing essays about books and movies and topics.

Emily 2016-03-03 02:38:44

When I first read what this video was about I thought, "No way I don't miss high school high school sucked" but after hearing you talk about it I realize there are some things I miss. I never had to wear uniforms since like kindergarten but I always wished I did because I always felt so self conscious about my clothes. But I miss learning things I really liked and feeling like I was doing well. Now I'm in university and I don't feel the same excitement about learning stuff and I feel like I don't have time to take all the classes I'd like to and classes aren't so much fun because you just have to learn everything real quick along with 100 other people and I just don't get good grades because I'm not motivated to make myself do all the work I need to. So I kinda know what you mean is basically what I'm trying to say.

jasmine gonzalez 2016-03-03 00:18:02

this is exactly how I feel but I'm homeschooled now. I miss being in a classroom with people so much :/

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Replies (2)
pey 2016-03-03 01:08:45

+Jasmine Gonzalez SAME I'm glad you commented because I felt like I was the only one. I switched to online school my second semester of 9th grade and it's not good for me at all. I miss all the people at my school... even though there were some things I hated about it, it was worth it for all the good things. I'm going to go back to a real school for 10th grade. What about you? Also why'd you switch to homeschooling?

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jasmine gonzalez 2016-03-03 01:20:05

+Pei yeah I had really bad anxiety (it's better now!) and school was just a constant battle with panic attacks almost every week so I thought I would just switch to homeschooling and focus solely on my academics but I honestly just miss being in a class. like I find myself just missing people I was never even friends with just like missing their presence and comments and stuff?? idk I just miss being part of something I guess and homeschooling is just really isolating unless you're able to go out everyday and see your friends. after 2 years away from public school I'm planning to go back next year to graduate but it's still all very scary to me

1 like
James Mc Gowan 2016-03-05 18:49:01

also maybe you can consider writing a book seeing as you love English and want something to occupy your time but also to get your brain up and running. idk like I'm not presuring at all but just a simple suggestion?

Replies (1)
Sophie Grace 2017-07-31 15:00:35

James Mc Gowan and she just wrote a book ! wow

Maisie Walsh 2016-03-03 07:21:22

I love your Vedim.I am in school, I am actually getting ready to go right now, but I don't really enjoy school that much. From this video, it's made me more open minded at least now I can actually appreciate and try to live in the moment. However, I do have really big tests next week so I dont want to live in the moment, right now.

Lorna Attwood 2016-03-03 13:15:22

ahh i've literally felt the same so much recently. i'm really missing being 14/15. even though i was in such a bad place (mentally) then. i miss going to school and seeing everyone, talking about rubbish and not really caring and the problems i had then just seem so small now. Nowadays I'm having to worry about work and rent, bills, money and trying to see all my family. i literally have like 2 friends now who i never see. i live with my girlfriend and even though it's great it feels like so much work trying to keep the flat clean. i have no idea how my mum used to do everything.

AHHHH i hate life.

Corey Cordell 2016-03-11 17:40:33

I empathize with how you're feeling doddie. As someone who tends to be overly nostalgic myself I think that you are probably right about missing where you are right now later on in your life. I don't really miss high school at all, but I do feel extremely nostalgic about the community college and university I went to. Now, I am pursuing a masters degree which is wonderful of course, but since it is mostly online you don't really get that sense of community. Though I am very much an introvert I still miss this in a lot of ways. In my case nostalgia has gotten worse as time moves on. I'm 25 now, and feel nostalgia for where I was and who I was in my early twenties. I have difficulty thinking that I am closer to 30 than I am to 18. I still think of myself as being 20, but one has to realize that the person one was all those years ago no longer exists. I feel wiser in some ways, but more jaded. One learns not to dream so big. One loses some of the exuberance one once had for life, at least I have. Of course, I hope and pray things prove different for you Doddie, but as life has gone on for me it has become more lonely. I won't say that the twenties will be easy years at all. Really I think those nostalgic feelings can be great conaolations, at least they have been for me.

Dani Christine 2016-03-03 15:20:35

Thank you Dodie <3 I needed that.

Beth Westbrook 2016-03-02 23:39:46

I love school, hate the system, God that sounded so pretentious

Replies (1)
Meghan A. 2016-03-02 23:58:33

+Beth Westbrook same omg

hpispwn98 2016-03-07 03:41:04

i am sort of strange in that i can almost never live in the present - i am always either thinking about something that happened a while ago or am looking ahead. currently, i'm a senior in high school in america, and i'm about to go to college in the fall. even starting as far back as last spring, i fell into this trap of constantly going through the old times and being scared of what was to come in the future. i'm about to perform in my last ever school production, and i'm so caught between missing last year's show and missing the one that hasn't even come yet in advance that i think i might not be appreciating the journey there. this year has just been flying by...i need to learn to live in the now and stop worrying about what's happened already and what hasn't yet. great video, dodie! i always love seeing your lovely face and hearing your beauteous voice. xxx

Replies (1)
hpispwn98 2016-03-07 03:43:33

also - i really, really love school. pretty much everything about it, honestly, minus the excessive studying and stress sometimes. the fact that i know i'm going to miss it so much and the fact that all of my friends will be in different places has made it hard to live this year in the moment as well.

Ben Schrecengost 2016-03-02 23:50:26

Hello Dodie, I'm an older (not creepy)fan of yours, (I like learning the Ukulele from watching you play) and I can say that your memories become a little more bittersweet with age and take on a warm fuzzy feeling as you go on.   Now I have a question I'd like to ask you, in some of your videos, you have a wall hanging behind you. It looks like a Dream-catcher.  I'm of Native American heritage and I'd like to know more about it and if there's any significant meaning to it. It's beautiful !

Lira Grig 2016-03-14 11:28:02

I finished school last year and I think I do not miss it because I felt overwhelmed and anxious because there were so much homework and new stuff I couldn't often understand. And when teachers are so harsh on you it's awful. So, I am definitely happy I am not in school anymore.

AdamPikeDesign 2016-03-03 15:37:17

Enjoy the present! <3

Alli Mcallister 2016-03-03 02:24:17

I feel ya Dodie. I really miss seeing my closest friends every day and having the weird inside jokes and when we skipped school to go ice skating #rebel lol but yeah I don't miss the homework and teachers at all oh fuck no they gave me panic attacks but like the social aspect of it all and I especially miss it even more now that I've had to move over 1,000 miles away from my best friends. oh well that's life, shit happens, focus on the present cool cool and fUCK I'm gonna be 18 in May and that's terrifying as hell

kelshakes 2016-03-03 22:09:50

you and I are the same age and I have the exact same feelings you have about school. It's comforting to know I'm not alone

Lexie Albert 2017-04-21 21:15:53

I'm in year 8 and I really enjoy school. I read and research further than the lesson but this made me fear how much information will slip from my mind.

bernardo013 2016-03-03 07:49:54

Really insightful. Thanks for making this!

Studio Gible 2016-03-02 23:32:52

By year 10 & 11 I only showed up to school to fight with people or sell them drugs, don't miss the place at all

Izzy Moxham 2016-11-04 15:00:47

rewatching this after leaving year 11 and i can't agree more to what your saying. If you asked me earlier this year if I'd missed school I'd say no but I really do miss it...

Camma Duhamell 2016-03-03 04:35:02

Dodie, go to the library! There's clubs and books and that's basically school. And anyway, you can talk to other people like you there and make some more peers/friends. Find your people!

1 like
MLR. 2016-03-03 19:18:07

Hey Dodie!
This is actually so weird!
the other day I visited my old school. It was so weird to see all the old rooms I used to be in, they're so different now. The entire school is different, everything has changed. Other people are there. I mean that's normal and so on, but when I walked through my old school I realized that I miss learning. And i miss being a part of that school. It made me feel so weird when i saw how different it is now! I don't miss maths, just for the record, but I miss music and art and english and history and science... It just made me so sad because I knew that I can't go back to these times... Sure school wasn't always nice, I basically hated school! But now I just miss the feeling of sitting in class and listening to the teacher, learning something... I even miss homework! I used to write so much on an essay, I loved writing and sharing my opinion with the stuff I wrote. And I loved to know stuff and get to know new stuff and just to gain knowledge... I also miss being with my friends - I had a small group of friends I'd spend my time with. We're still in contact which is nice. But still, I miss the breaks and all the funny things that happened, the entire class being annoyed when the teacher announced an essay (tbh I was the only one who wasn't annoyed, I was alright with essays) the last year in school I had such a cool class, we all got along, I had awesome people around me. And even though some teachers were weird, it was such a good time. We had so many laughs. It's weird I've been thinking about that for a while now it makes me kinda sad.. also all the field trips we made, that was so much fun! And again, I just really miss learning. A friend of mine who still visits school was so shocked when I said that I miss learning. ^-^
Okay i'm sorry for rambling.
Everyone who still goes to school - I hope that you have a fantastic time. And I hope that you have a lot of fun. Stay awesome people. x

Emily Healy 2016-03-02 23:53:32

this video made me appreciate school a lot more, ty dods💞

Kaleeyse M. 2016-03-02 23:26:21


Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-02 23:30:00

VIDEO EVERY DAY in whatever month it is

Kaleeyse M. 2016-03-02 23:36:17

+doddlevloggle OH MY GOD THATS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE face palm

eliza joy 2017-01-05 22:46:10

i always watch dodie in the bath. shes calming. im currently in the bath now.

Hannah Snelling 2016-03-03 02:38:51

The more I watch your videos the more I want to be friends with you. The way you talk is so endearing and fun to listen to, I wish we could have a conversation. i hope this doesn't sound creepy haha b

Gareth Johnson 2016-03-03 00:24:25

I totally get the whole lack of friends thing, i'm 24 and i probably have maybe 10-20 people max that i regularly see and socialize with. But i see it as a good thing, as it's cut down to a small knit quality group of friends. School was full of clashing personalities, which is never healthy for sustaining friendships in my opinion! Happy VEDA

Alex Jonesey 2016-03-03 16:28:39

This is probably my favourite Dodie video

Asma 2016-03-03 02:28:35

Videos every day in March
Oh my god I get it now

14littledude 2016-03-04 19:27:37

My second year of sixth form was definitely the best year ever. Years 7-9 for me we're hell but I miss my secondary so much because I've been there for seven years (From year 7 to the end of sixth form) I'm in university now and moving out of London was one of the scariest things ever. I've been here since September and have eight weeks of my first year left. It's scary how quickly it's gone. I do miss my childhood and the times I didn't have to worry about anything. I'll be 20 in October and nothing is as scary as thinking about how quickly my teen years have passed. Bring on adulthood.

hauntedburgerplant 2016-03-03 03:53:14

I feel this too! Which is so weird because I was miserable in high school. But there's all these little things that I didn't realize would be different when I got older. Like you said, I hope I won't look back to now and see good things that current-me couldn't see.

Elena Paz 2016-03-05 15:40:42

I feel the same way! I just started getting home schooled in my last year of High school and I'm all alone so its really weird

Jessica 2016-03-02 23:16:00

my birthday is tomorrow and vedim is the best gift I could ever ask for

Alessia 2016-03-03 11:01:49

I have never related more to a video. I'm 23 and got my degree one year ago and now I'm so confused and scared about the future. I have no idea what to do next and this scares me terribly. I didn't even enjoy uni that much because it was so different from school and I really don't know what happened to me in the last few years but I feel like I'm numb all the time. School was so different. I was so good at doing what the teachers told me to, I was good at studying and I always did good on my tests. Of course I hated it sometimes and yes, I used to be dangerously anxious when I was in school. But it still had that order and routine that kept me sane somehow. And probably the thing I miss the most is being surrounded by people, just like you said. It really was like being part of a team. I was part of the drama club and it was probably the best part of school for me. I met amazing people there and I really had the time of my life with them. Now I don't have that anymore. I've been feeling really alone lately and overall pretty miserable to be honest so I think it's kind of normal for me to dwell this much on the past and feeling like school was the best period of my life. I don't know what I'm doing and I've never felt more anxious and scared and confused. And don't get me started on learning new things! This is something that I started appreciating too late and I miss it so bad now. The other day I searched for my old biology book, found it and read about atoms. It was nice. So yeah, I miss having a clear mandatory path to follow. However, as you said, it's important to stay focused on the present and this is what I'm trying to do (it's bloody hard though!). Not really achieving much yet, but I'm working on it. I feel like something went wrong at some point but I can't quite put my finger on what that is. I just woke up one day and my mind went "what the hell happened to you?". This is something that I've only recently noticed about me and I feel like I'm stuck. Everything is too overwhelming, literally everything. School was so easy compared to "adult" life! I wish I could go back, but at the same time I am too stubborn to let myself believe that school was the best part of my life and that the future is just a black hole of anxiety and loneliness. I've already let myself think that for too long and it's time I do something about it! I'm really working on it. :)

Wow, I had no idea this comment (more like a short novel at this point) was going in that direction. Sorry about that. But I really can't resist a good discussion on an interesting topic! Actually I had never commented on your videos before, probably because it's hard to express yourself in proper English on serious topics when English is not your first language haha! Plus I know I talk a lot and I would end up writing way too much. Ups. (sorry about that too)

Really love your videos and reeeeally liked this one! AND HAPPY VEDIM YES YES :D

Samantha Lee 2016-03-02 23:48:32

I relate to basically every point you have stated. I left school at the end of 2013, and took a gap year before going to uni in 2015. During that year I felt so lonely and awful, and I missed being around people my own age so much. I don't feel that uni is really as community based as school - mainly because there are an insane amount of students and every one is doing their own thing - but within your main subjects there are always like-minded people who enjoy what you do, and who you can have intellectual conversations with, which helps you feel a part of something. ANYWAY - I was wondering if you would ever consider going to university? (sorry if you've addressed this already in another video!). I hope you have a great day :) <3

Shelby Leigh 2016-03-03 00:46:11

God, I feel this so much. I was in theatre and chorus in high school, doing stuff all the time. I miss that a lot.

Replies (6)
Robert Heslop 2016-03-03 01:00:12

+Shelby Leigh I went to a private weekend theatre school as a child. I miss that so much :(

Shelby Leigh 2016-03-03 02:08:11

+Robbie Heslop Theatre is so fun! You really feel like a part of something and I miss that a looooot.

ohheyitsrj 2016-03-03 02:26:56

+Shelby Leigh God, I miss theatre soooo much!

Robert Heslop 2016-03-03 13:13:10

@Shelby Leigh I totally agree! Even now listening to songs from musicals etc it just makes me feel really "meh" because I can feel the love for it but I don't do it any more. 

Shelby Leigh 2016-03-03 17:04:29

+Robbie Heslop omg, same! It's just not the same when you aren't in a room full of people who also know the words. Man, I feel like we need a support group or something lol.

1 like
Robert Heslop 2016-03-03 17:08:37

@Shelby Leigh I know right? Or just listen to lots and lots of soundtracks and sing along. I usually do that to smile hehe :D 

Asia Fowler 2016-09-14 22:16:16

The fact that the people I find the most inspiring and motivational have no idea what they're doing either is really, really comforting

Dayna Daigneault 2017-01-27 05:11:20

I don't want to leave school but I don't want to got to school. If that makes sense.

Karen N. 2016-07-03 10:14:08

I had a little cry while you were talking because I can absolutely relate to what you said. Thanks for your video! :)

Sophie Henderson 2016-03-02 23:50:39

I feel this soooo much. I'm so glad I'm not the only one

Silvia Ferrari 2016-03-02 23:41:57

Hey Dodie just genuinely wondering, would you consider going to university? I'm starting my MA here in London in September and I can't wait for it also because I miss the things that you listed. sure it's slightly different cause it's uni and not year 8 but what you said applies just the same. So I was thinking, is uni something you'd do? You're still very young and maybe you could make it work out and still do youtube at the same time? I don't want to get into detail cause obviously I know nothing about your choices and your private life haha. I guess what I'm trying to say is that learning is a beautiful thing and if you have the chance to carry on doing it and study something inspiring you might like going to university :)

seashells and books 2016-03-03 01:43:15

you're awesome and I love hearing ur thoughts 😌

Rian 2016-03-02 23:15:54

did you enjoy ur mcdonalds?

Courtney Seamons 2018-06-28 20:00:58 (edited 2018-06-28 20:01:15 )

Dodie, I don't know if you'll see this but I feel exactly like this right now. And it's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling this way. So thank you.

sidebeef 2016-03-03 14:12:52

I miss how easy school was for me. This degree I'm doing is so much more work, self motivation is hard.

1 like
Bree Smith 2016-03-03 21:36:28

as a second semester high school senior I can tell you right now. I will not be missing high school. learning things just for a test isn't fun and last night I had multiple panic attacks just trying to study for one class. I can't wait for college to pick out the studies and just learning things because I am interested in it.

Limitless Beast 2017-07-25 22:57:23

Dodie, you do know that you do not need to make your videos click bait or anything closer to it to get us to watch them, we watch them because we like you not because of the thumbnail or name. (:

OrigamiLester 2016-03-03 02:49:24

Doddlevloggle almost has 200k subscribers ahhh!

Replies (3)
David William A. 2016-03-03 05:24:43

+OrigamiLester Her main channel has close to 400k subscribers. There's a little over half of the subs on here. :)

spaceforjake 2016-03-03 05:53:41

+David William A. i feel like this is her main channel, as much as I love her covers and her songs, this channel is so much more in depth and I kind of really appreciate that, its nice to see a raw version of someone on this platform, yanno???

1 like
David William A. 2016-03-03 05:57:30

I agree. I like this channel quite a bit more than the main Doddleoddle channel.

David Garside 2016-03-03 00:24:24

See I can imagine this being how I feel once I'm done with school. I can plan my way to uni but once I'm done there I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself it just seems like this stretch of time that I have no idea about and being the naturally lazy person I am I can't imagine it'll go very well :P

fairyofdaisies 2016-03-03 15:41:13

As someone who's homeschooled and have never been to a day of school in my entire life, I cannot relate to this at all ://

1 like
Kenzi The Dragon Queen 2016-03-03 03:18:48

As somebody who's about to graduate college I totally feel this. I had a terrible time through elementary to high school but now, looking back on the 18 years or so, I realize how much I'll miss the safety net too.

Anna Beth 2016-03-03 06:18:22

Me too! I miss school so much (university more than grades k-12, though)! I love learning, and--as an extroverted sort of introvert--I miss that automatic social interaction because I really do enjoy it when it happens but don't necessarily seek it out as often. And I miss writing essays, and taking notes, and listening to all the different teachers and professors, and having learning/schoolwork being the main priority, rather than earning money and figuring out what's next in life. I miss the structure of it all. Plus, it doesn't hurt that I was pretty good at school, so I guess I also miss that ego boost. haha.

i don’t like how things change 2016-03-02 23:16:12

Wanna hear a joke about Brendon uries

Replies (19)
cait 2016-03-02 23:18:19


i don’t like how things change 2016-03-02 23:18:57

+cait actually I won't. It's too LONG

fatty 2016-03-02 23:19:48

ayyy billy, I follow you on instagram

audrey 2016-03-02 23:20:25


i don’t like how things change 2016-03-02 23:21:01

+lauren oh hey that's cool. Which account?

fatty 2016-03-02 23:22:09

+SpoopyBilly I'm @lauren.makii

that rlly butters my egg roll 2016-03-03 02:12:58

+SpoopyBilly sure

1 like
that rlly butters my egg roll 2016-03-03 02:13:38

+SpoopyBilly He is my profile pic

1 like
Joe W 2016-03-03 05:35:39


caoimhe 2016-03-03 06:10:54

Brendon has said that he doesn't like the jokes about his forehead. Stop

i don’t like how things change 2016-03-03 07:34:23

+comicsanscacti ok I won't say it. Do you want to hear a joke about pizza?

definitely not lori 2016-03-03 14:55:29

+comicsanscacti he jokes about his own forehead m9

caoimhe 2016-03-05 01:59:30

+SpoopyBilly sure :))

caoimhe 2016-03-05 02:00:37

+undercover elf he has said that he doesn't like the jokes anymore. he compared it to making fun of somebody's height. you shouldn't make fun of things people can't help :))

definitely not lori 2016-03-05 07:49:24

+comicsanscacti when did he say that??

Ella Mozzarella 2016-03-06 13:31:58

+undercover elf Periscope

antiwrinklecream 2016-12-17 23:12:32

dead creativity.5 no

Avnita K 2017-08-31 01:30:52

lots of hands what was the joke??

plutobluez 2017-11-17 02:55:34

yes ...

miya beintema 2016-08-06 04:31:49

Am I the only one who loves the way Dodie says "room," yeah, just me. Okay

NikaKovach 2016-03-03 00:03:58

It's so weird, there are so many things in my life, over which I can get nostalgic
I guess it's because I know the complete story with its ups and downs, what's important and what is not
Whereas in the moment it is really hard to distinguish things, plus there is always that fear of unknown future, which nostalgia simply doesn't have

NelliButt 2017-05-13 20:06:11

This is the most relatable thing I have ever read. I have these thoughts every day, I graduated high school 2 years ago and I'm currently in college.. which I'm dreading. it's nothing like high school, everyone seems dead and unhappy. I've been studying for two semesters and I have not made one friend. Everyone is so distant and it's awful...

Sepia Smith 2016-03-05 16:50:36

I feel the second point so hard, even though I'm not out of school yet, and won't be for another handful of years. But oh man when I'm on vacation and stuff I get real bad sometimes 'cause... school provides a structure to your life. Otherwise i'd just be lying around trying to find the motivation to do.... SOMETHING. Yikes.

Teddy Mezza 2020-01-11 15:55:17

I also go to Leventhorpe 😂😂😂

mary 2016-03-03 09:08:29

Hi Dodie, I don't usually comment on things but I just wanted to say how much happier you seem in this video in comparison to videos of the past. I know it's a nostalgic, reminiscent video, but you don't appear to be as heavy or down and it's really great to see someone I watch sort of go through the same things as me and get through them.
Sorry if I'm completely misinterpreting this and you're in a rough patch right now. I know how easy it can be to cover it up. But it means a lot to me to see you happier. You are great.

Also if you want to come back to NZ and have another meet up that would be great too lol. I had to miss the last one cause of responsibilities, but I did come to your show with Bry in June! I would love to properly meet you. They say don't meet your idols though. But then again I don't think I idolize you. Soz lol.

Rosina Merola 2016-03-05 10:57:03

Incredible video, super relevant. I know what you mean about "being told what to do" . If someone did it now, you'd hate it too, but having all the responsibility for your future is nervewracking. I feel the same way as you do, I miss knowledge and science a LOT, I spend most of my time on the science part of youtube to make up for it. unlike you I miss the uniform at least a little, because i find picking out what to wear in the morning annoying. I hadnt realize it when I was a school, but I usually dont have near enough clothes not to repeat like crazy and that makes me not want to wear anything... So yeah I need either an uniform or a sugar daddy.. I love notebooks stationary and scientific calculators and I have legit 0 reasons to use them and that saddens me immensely. I make lists just to use notebooks... And use post it's around the house all the time as reminder notes. What you are saying about not being surrounded by that many people your age really is a problem. I at least have university, but the day I finish I dont know what im gonna do. I enjoy both being surrounded by people and being alone, I have like two sides. The thing is that my being alone side doesnt make me reach out to people and I dont even realize I might enjoy it or even need it. You should join a club or something. Language lessons are great. I started german last year and I love it, which is funny because it's something that I do just bc, i dont have a real use for it (Other than using notebooks and highlighters, which is a legit reason to go if you'd ask me)

Replies (1)
Rosina Merola 2016-03-05 11:03:29

+Rosina Merola Another thing I miss is, like you said the community, but I've been thinking about it and I hadnt realize the difference between my University and school. At school your community is formed of different people with different interests and different opinions and you learn to engage with them regardless. I love meeting people that love what I love and being able to be a nerd about it freely, but I miss feeling part of something even if we didnt have much in common, now it gets harder and harder for me to do the talking because Im just so used at being around people with similar interests.

Ela Richardson 2016-03-03 16:38:47

Definitely enjoying the present when I'm locked outside of my house😂this was still inspirational though😊

kelly w. 2016-03-03 03:53:50

if you run out of vedm ideas could you make a video about your musical background/history/education? i'm always interested in hearing people's musical journeys!

Rubavani Thevarajah 2016-03-03 07:47:14

Doddie are you insane?! I hate my school but then again it's a rubbish school 😂

Replies (1)
Rubavani Thevarajah 2016-03-03 07:47:46


Michelle Yates 2016-03-03 00:58:35

It's so ironic I find this video today. I just woke up this morning dreading to go to school. I tried everything to stay home. But I want to try harder. Thank you dodie

CaptainWendy _ 2016-03-03 17:51:56

I feel the same way about school. Like, the whole grade became one big group of friends, except me and my friends.
A large part of the is because we (not me exactly, but more my friends) were heavily bullied by the other groups.
But I did wish we could be part of that (even if I think many of the are just plain idiots) one big thing.

Brie Cheese 2016-03-03 01:05:48

Have you ever gone to university? I feel like it's the best of both worlds because you get to be smart, be around people, and have some structure in your life, BUT you get to study what you want to study and, within reason, when you want to study. If you decide that you can't get out of bed before noon, then you can have a class schedule that reflects that. If you want to have some days off to work on your youtube, you can do that. It's a beautiful thing.

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Louise 2016-03-03 02:10:21

I totally agree!!! Uni is so different from high school, and you learn so many things, not just from studying from books, but from the experiences of being a university student :)

octoberheart 2016-03-03 01:16:23

I like how you said "i don't think i'd rather, i just miss it". It's so true! You can miss things but it doesn't mean you prefer them to the present. After many changes and phases in my life (school, gap year, bachelors, semester abroad, masters, ...) i miss every single part but i like how i is right now. After school, you can do so many things and decide for yourself, which i love. Also, uni is in a way similar to school, so it's a good substitute ;)

LemonadePie 2016-03-03 17:19:18

lol for our year it is compulsory to go to school until the age of 18

Replies (3)
Elise Thierbach 2017-04-19 21:31:32

LemonadePie where do you live? Because I plan to finish high school (13 years into education) but I will graduate being 17 just because of where my birthday is

Crazy_ Person 2017-07-22 01:00:29

Elise Same, I live in Australia. But I started school at four years old

M Lutra 2017-09-01 12:15:50

Elise I've seen you quite a few times! Heya! >♡<

blanca np123 2016-03-03 01:32:16

I totally agree with you Dodie, and Im a senior in high school. I just know that I'm going to miss it so much, and that's the main reason why I'm so scared to leave... I used to think it was because I didn't know what I wanted to study, but now I do (sort of) and I still don't whant to go. Recently I had a really good realization about how I'm actually looking foward to leaving because I started to think all the good stuff that are (suposly) waiting for me in the future, and it felt so good. It was actually great. But you made me realize that it's not that I fear the future because of the unknown, it's the present becomoing past that I dont want. I already miss the past now, what will I do when I have so much more past behind me?... I guess one just has to learn to live with that, I hope I learn to soon...

j power 2016-11-15 22:27:52

Thank you for this video, it makes me appreciate things so much more

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Charlotte C 2016-03-06 16:06:43

Maybe you could do an OU course in English lit or something? I love being at university for all the reasons you say above, and I'm pretty sure I'll just go on to be an academic in Biology cos perpetual learning.

thatsmegiu 2016-03-03 04:04:56

I really should be doing a report for work due tomorrow but instead I'm here watching Dodie cuz priorities <3

VIKKI P 2020-01-12 18:37:51


Jovana Petrović 2016-03-03 09:47:35

I have been "in school" (sort of) for hmmm 20 years now, finishing my PhD and already thinking about a postdoc, I cannot live without school. I love it. I would hug my uni if that was possible... I did try the walls are non-responsive to hugs :D I love the brain challenges, the tasks, the research, that feeling of joy and accomplishment when I finish a paper, or finding an answer to an annoying question stuck in my head. And oh, the stationary, I love it, all the notebooks and pens and papers, plus working at my uni means I get paid for doing what makes me happy, I really feel blessed each and every morning. Well, that was rant...

Lauren Morgan 2016-03-03 11:19:07

Hi Dodie I just watched let it be and i loved it ur such a good actor its amazing ahhhhhh soo good :D <3

a m 2017-02-19 02:11:07

i think something we all do is look back and remember the good parts of things and not the bad; like i fricken HATED high school (only just got out 3 months ago) but i already miss some aspects of being... not so independent? but all i wanted during highschool was to finally be independent. i guess it works both ways, we want the things out younger selves hated, and we hate the things our younger sleves wanted. ahhhhhhh life is just so confusing and awful sometimes.

Olivia Lusk 2016-03-03 00:05:05

Last year, I had phenomenal teachers. This year my teachers are crap. So essentially I understand this feeling while I'm still in school.

Harriet Moore 2016-03-03 07:22:53

Dodie!!! If you wanna continue with learning a language, download Duolingo or use their website! It's completely free and helps me keep up with languages!

ella wylie 2016-03-03 01:56:18

I've just realized that I am an extreme introvert. I was so happy and content as a little kid but nowadays I pray that when I'm home I can be alone and cuddle a cat and play music alone. I have friends and all, but only about 3 that I trust. And i have other friends that count me as one of their best friends but I find it hard to really trust people due to other people betraying me and shit. this video has just made me realize that even though I don't have a 'best friend' or someone I fully trust or have a real bond with, I should probably cherish not paying bills :)

Xena T 2016-03-03 00:44:30

I miss school so much :'( mostly my friends. I do stay in contact with them but it doesn't feel the same since we rarely see each other. this hit home so hard 😭

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Annabelle 2016-03-03 15:55:34

I really relate to this ahh! School wasn't always a fun place for me at all due to being quite badly bullied, major self esteem issues, boys problems and all that jazz but I really miss the good parts of school. That's what I really miss! All the things you listed! I miss my friend group, the feeling of community (I don't ever want to be an adult!) I miss silly lessons in year 7 mucking around (though I feel bad for the teachers now) I miss being silly with friends and talking about bands and Youtubers all through class and break haha, I miss my old teachers! I miss not having responsibilities and having teachers who really cared about you. So much of my time at school was spent feeling bitter, guess you don't know what you got.. 💜

Lucia Timberlake 2016-03-03 05:14:46

You should volunteer at a library or something! That's what I do, even though I'm still in school but I go and help with the kids craft and I go to the adult art journaling and it's super fun

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SomeoneCalledDana 2016-03-03 05:07:24

I'm in my last few months of high school right now and it's all to easy to embrace the "senioritis" and just look forward to leaving. But when I think about it, I will never be in this position ever again and it's a really special time in my life! I'm really gonna miss how comfortable I was at my school and hometown and the relationships I have built over these past 4 years with my friends and teachers. And I haven't really thought about the community aspect of it, but I'm going to miss that as well. I still have many years of school in my future, but I'm going to try and really appreciate this last trimester that's, in a way, the last few months of my "childhood."

fae 2016-03-06 04:42:09

"the past is gone and cannot harm you anymore, and while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present."

ViOLETTA 2017-06-22 09:33:08 (edited 2017-06-22 09:33:15 )

i know, i'm always worried that when i get older, it's gonna be harder to make friends. i'm a very anxious person meeting ppl idk, and school (as much as i dislike going) is such a good way to make friends :):

Craig Simmonds 2016-03-03 08:57:59

I often find myself panicking about the fact that I am now in charge of my life and could seriously screw it all up at any minute if i make a wrong move. Ive been out of education for less than a year... its such a sudden slap in the face.

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Nick Kay 2016-03-03 19:29:45

I'm training to be a teacher right now and the fact that I missed school is one of the reasons why I'm doing it.

Anna Klein 2016-03-03 09:18:02

i recently changed schools and now i'm attending this thing called 'lyceum' (maybe you have that in UK but it night mean something different)(i'm from Russia) where its like half-schools and half-university (????? does that make sense????). So technically i'm still in school but there is A LOT more of responsibility on me and as you said no one tells me what to do, I have to think for myself and i'm only 16 and it's so stressful and I relate to this video so much (i mean i know i still have my parents caring and paying for me and i don't have to look for jobs yet, so like obviously you've got more on your plate than me)
anyways, thanks a lot for the video, it's nice knowing someone feels the same way <3333

hitomi 2016-03-03 02:50:35

i'm in my second year in college, which is crazy. but anyways, i really hated high school when i was going to high school. our school was always included in the top high schools, and we constantly compared ourselves to each other. it actually resulted in a lot of suicides which is really sad. but looking back on it, it really wasn't all that bad.
i actually really really really miss choir. we went to europe twice and we went to disneyland and that was so amazing. i miss my lunch friends. i miss my teachers who cared so much about me and always helped me with everything. i miss not being an adult.

xThePinkApple 2016-03-03 20:11:58

I left school not even a year ago but I basically miss it for the same reasons! I /did/ really appreciate my last few months but that makes me miss it even more. I used to see so many people a day which was tiring but way nicer than what I do atm which is sitting in an office with one other person 8-9 hours a day and only rarely really talking to them. I'm so excited for uni, it can only get better

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Cerys Jones 2016-03-03 18:29:22

i loved this video and not just because of the content (which was really good too) but idk you look all happy and smiley and it makes me happy and smiley!

joyzalik 2016-03-05 02:58:07

I'll try to make the best time since I'm uni. and uni is just so different from high school. it feels great! i learned a lot. more than I've in the past. couldn't be more grateful to have this opportunity.

eunoia 2016-10-22 15:20:31

Why do I always end up crying when I watch dodies more deeper videos

purplebuddietia 2016-03-03 02:42:28

I'm will be going for college for three years next semester and honestly I don't miss high school at all. I don't miss having all my classes every day for hours a day back to back. I don't miss not being able to nap between classes. I don't miss having to ask to go to the bathroom haha! Aw you're always so nostalgic and I get that way about fun experiences and although I had a good high school experience I don't miss it. I do know what you're talking about when you mention having to plan out things yourself. That's been the scariest part about college even though I still have assignments. It's so much easier to get behind and skip class and worrying about my future and majors and everything makes me nostalgic about when I could just finish tasks as a child and not have anything but playing on my mind. I miss Summer's filled with friends and fun not worrying about internships and summer classes and your gpa and major. I hate that being adult to me is feeling constantly behind

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Replies (1)
purplebuddietia 2016-03-03 02:43:42

Summers *

gabriella sofía 2016-03-04 02:06:55

It's definitely interesting to see the differences in personality of people; you say you live too much in the past and I believe myself to be too focused in the future and in posibilities :) maybe we both just need to look around more and be more mindful

iz sanch 2016-03-03 08:23:42

I've been off ill for a week now, and I never thought I'd say this but I really miss being at school. I'm missing the pick-me-ups of certain friends and giggling at that group of girls that think they're better than everyone else. I miss eating salad sandwiches and mr Kipling cake for lunch, and I miss learning. I wanna go back :(((

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Victoria Elizabeth 2016-03-04 22:18:51

I miss school too. I'm an introvert but I miss having someone teach me things. I chose a program in college that I loved so I loved what I was being taught and I didn't even mind the 8 am classes. .-.

George. 2016-03-03 00:29:00

If you miss school Dodie, you could always go back! On my English Literature course at University, there is a lot of discussion and debate amongst peers! Societies and extra curricula's! I relate to you on missing school though, looking back it was very much a safe space...

Mr. Button's Meme Emporium 2016-10-30 21:58:40

"The bullying was particularly bad in year 7 and 8"?

Man, why is this such a common thing? I know for a fact that 8th grade was the only year I ever experienced really intense bullying and other people have said the same thing. Paul Graham wrote about this on his blog.

ash trash 2016-03-03 00:31:24

ive been homeschooled for a year and i feel the same. im more depressed, i dont feel as smart, i feel more lazy, i feel unneeded and forgotten and unwanted. i didnt feel this way before...

PlainDave 2016-03-02 23:42:43

that is so true! Appreciate the present. I've thought about that many times. The past always looks better, but it's not, really. 😁

Louisa Rhodes 2016-03-03 07:44:09

this will sound kinda sad but one of the things I really like about school is the teacher support network. I have an amazing group of friends who I love to bits, but I also struggle to talk to my parents so teachers are such a help to me and I will never not appreciate that

Ria Elciario 2016-03-04 02:55:46

I used to feel the exact same way. I went straight to college right after I graduated high school. It was a lot of fun but my program was only for a year (Culinary Arts). I started working at a restaurant afterwards and it made me feel really anxious and sad. I couldn't talk to anybody because a) I was the youngest b) I was the only woman in the kitchen. I couldn't relate to anybody. They all looked down on me and they were sexist. My boss once asked me if I was planning on going back to school and I said yes and that I want to go to film school or do something more creative. He laughed at me and said that nobody really gets into that industry. I worked at that restaurant for 3 shitty months but it made me realize so many things about myself. Before culinary school and working at the restaurant, I did a play, I was in a competitive dance team, I was in a writer's craft class, I made films, did improv, and I was in the student council. I didn't even realize how healthy and fulfilling my life was because I took it for granted. I just thought I'd always be surrounded by a lot of people and always have somebody to hang out with. When I finally left the restaurant, I didn't work for 7 months. I was writing, reading, and doing something creative every day but even though I was doing things that I love, I felt like I had no direction in life. I didn't really know what I was doing. I also didn't go out much because I wasn't making any money so I felt depressed. After the summertime, I decided to look for a part-time job that's not related to cooking so now I work part-time in a retail store. During my days off, I write, read, film, and take pictures. I'm also applying for a graphic design program at the same college that I went to two years ago. On top of that, I just started dating my best friend of six years and we talk about films all the time which is super nice. I feel like things are finally picking up for me but I know I'm gonna get that same feeling again down the road because we are only in our twenties and we are still in that process of transitioning into the ~ adult world ~. We just gotta keep going and do our best at everything to get the most out of this wonderful (and sometimes shitty) life. It's gonna be really hard but the feeling of being able to get through an obstacle is gonna taste oh so sweet :)

Jordan Nicole 2020-04-16 12:18:33

I’m a senior right now and with all of the COVID 19 stuff this video rlly hits

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KyoCat8 2016-03-03 07:09:41

Hi Dodie! I usually never comment, but just wanted to say two things:
First, I thoroughly enjoy your videos and think you are very talented :)
Second, I just wanted to let you know that I decided to read Candice's poetry book (since I'm a fan of poetry myself) and truly couldn't tear my eyes away from it. I loved her vivid, thought-provoking use of imagery, as well as, her simple honesty that is portrayed throughout. If you happen to read this, please give her a 'well-done' hug for me :) Also, let her know that I really loved 'Ice Cream', it was my favorite <3 Thanks!

Replies (1)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 09:27:36

Isn't it lovely?!?! Thank you so much! :) I'll let her know ^_^ X

Hannah O 2016-03-03 02:38:37

The third point I don't relate to so much because I'm in university, but the first one! I miss high school so much for those reasons. I miss seeing my friends everyday without having to struggle to fit plans into a busy life and I miss feeling part of something like I did at school, my uni is too big for me to get that feeling. I may go have a little cry now too.

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Sarah Rothenberger 2016-03-02 23:42:51

I don't really miss high school, the only thing I really miss is being in theater and learning French since that was a huge part of my life then. I graduated in 2013 and now that I've moved on to a university,I do think I'm going to miss being in college when I graduate next year, because I love the environment and the people that I have met and being somewhat on my own. I love learning about things that I wouldn't have learned in high school specifically for what I want to do and I think that's neat. I won't miss the amount of stress that I have from schoolwork though. I'll never miss that.

Niamh Carroll 2016-03-03 07:54:03

Dodie this comment isn't related to the video but I wanted to tell you that you were brilliant in Let it Be! You passed my expectations of your acting abilities (that were already very high) by a lot and really helped me to understand the film. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy every single one of your videos and that you (by far) are my favourite YouTuber and are my role model. You had a rough time ( and somethings are still going through it) but you are able to do what you enjoy and be amazing at it! Thank you for being amazing!

The JemmaGrl 2016-03-03 00:25:29

I've been out of school as long as some of you have been alive (eep)! School wasn't the best situation - I wasn't bullied in high school - but a few really awful things did happen to me. However, sometimes I wish that my only responsibility was to go to school and do homework... and not pay bills, go to work everyday and adult. I wish I could spend all day learning. I can say this because I've been both a child and adult... and I say with confidence that although being an adult doesn't always suck... some days one just really wants to be a student again.

melody 2018-07-03 12:07:30

I am so surprised that Dodie is an extrovert! I couldn't believe it!
Maybe I'll grow up to be more extroverted because I've really been trying to talk more and be more social around friends and family.

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Tina Savcheva 2016-03-03 08:50:47

I think that you can educate yourself much better when you're out of school. There is really nothing stopping you from writing that essay, Dodie. You have that freedom and you are free from those dreadful deadlines and due-dates that make school (uni) for me so dreadful and restricting. As a creative person, that's what's killing my motivation.

artist sometimes 2020-02-24 02:03:50

Rose-tinted spectacles. You're missing out the hours of stress and anxiety in favour of the moments of interest, understanding and achievement. There's plenty you can do now, do it with friends and hold each other accountable. Stop longing for a time that didn't really exist, at least not in the way you remember it. You can't detach a time and place in your life from all the other things that were happening. you have work now, you have responsibilities your parents and teachers took care of. Don't feel guilty for having moved on to another stage of your life, instead try and be grateful for the time you had in education and hopeful for the future of a national education service :) I'm in yr 2 of a physics degree and I desperately want to do something creative. Education can straight-jacket you as well as give you opportunities. Don't forget that.

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Swon Lek 2016-03-03 02:43:23

I feel exactly the same rn, fresh out of school and waiting for uni to begin. these few months have been the most free I've ever been and yet the most helplessly bored as well. I have to think and plan things on my own. if I want things to happen I have to be the one to make it happen. ironically though, during school I always wished I was out of it so that I could have the proper time and energy to be myself and to do my own things. now that I am here, out of school, I'm just too lazy to do anything hahaha

Potterbase 2016-03-03 01:02:02

I loved primary school, probably the best time of my life ever, but I hated secondary school. I was never bullied but I was very bored and frustrated most of the time, plus I didn't get on well with most of the other pupils. I did enjoy year 13 though because I was just doing the subjects I liked by then and I could go home in my free periods :-) But yeh, generally hated it.

goosesoul 2016-06-14 03:20:47

i started writing a journal earlier this year, for this exact reason. in the future, i will miss where i am at the moment, and i probably wont even remember all of it. i want to be able to look back and see everything i did and everyone i knew and everything that i fussed over. i want to know this feeling and treasure it, because this is one of the best times of my life, and i need to treasure it. (i am twelve years old, by the way.)

Sydo 2016-03-03 00:05:22

I'm in school rn and honestly I really love it I love learning I love the people I love being a part of it all but sometimes I get scared about a time in the future when I won't be in school like school is really important to me and I'm "the smart girl" so it's a part of my identity and I wonder if it'll always be or if I'll move on and be okay without it

we'll see I guess ¯\(ツ)

JenWrites. 2016-03-06 15:02:08

I´m graduating in a few months and now I wish I had appreciated those things earlier. Oh my god, I don´t want to leave!
Don´t worry I´ll be fine, I´m just going to study maths, then it´ll be better.
(Awesome that you had german as a subject! I don´t know why schools want to let their pupils suffer so much, aber ich hoffe du fandest es nicht so schlimm xD)

Rachel O 2016-03-07 09:29:16

I completely agree with all of the things you said you miss. I only just finished school but have a while before I start uni and I already miss so much about school. I don't think I didn't appreciate it at the time though because I've always said I love school.

Amy Fanning 2016-03-08 21:54:42

I miss school too! The main thing I miss is band. Music used to be a huge part of my life and now I'm at the point where I haven't even played my clarinet in like 3 years... Sadness... DX

Caitie11122 2017-07-12 13:15:29

A quote I think you may like if you haven't heard it already (short and sweet): live in the here and now.

Mandy Albertson 2016-03-03 02:40:56

Thank you so much for this is really made me think more about how fun school can be.

Walker Schouviller 2016-03-03 00:08:00

After having recently visited my old school I miss school too, but not the bullying from grades 5-9. I miss being able to see my friends everyday and have debates with our teachers. I miss our parking lot shenanigans like car surfing, putting other people's cars in neutral to move them, snowball fights, drifting, and park like an asshole day. I miss building things in our shop class. I miss pulling pranks our teachers and knowing that we were equal to them. I miss being on the FFA Fish and Wildlife team with underclass men who looked to us upperclassmen for guidance.

Adventures In Time and Place 2016-03-03 00:13:45

You should do your work in a cool creative shared workspace! Editing and emails and stuff. :)

Replies (1)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:28:05

I'd really love to! Where ? I'll look into it ^_^

Clare 2016-03-03 04:04:10

at 6:05 i had just finished a bowl of pasta and was scrolling around only half-listening so i thought dodie said "the pasta's gone, and you need to focus on what's good now" hahaha

pretty-little-birdie 2016-03-03 03:02:17

You play(ed) clarinet?? Omg you are my friend Melissa! You two are so similar!

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aimeewhite06 2016-03-02 23:57:01

I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME!! Being an adult is so shit :((((

MsSatification 2016-03-05 01:58:56

I agree. So much agree to EVERYTHING!! I feel exactly the same.

my youtube account 2018-04-25 13:20:57

It's scary to think one day I could miss a time I didn't enjoy. That my life could get worse and I would miss the times that I always hoped were just temporary setbacks.

Michaela S 2016-03-03 00:01:19

Our school has about 3,000 kids and we have 3 orchestras with about 70 people per orchestra and I love that. It's such a beautiful community we're creating and ugh I wish I could stay in this orchestra with these people for longer than four years ughugh

i think there is a crow curled up inside my skull 2016-03-03 07:18:39

I'm still in school, year 8, and when I'm not at school, I do nothing, and I love the fact that at school I was productive for 6 hours!

Philippa Odell 2016-03-03 19:14:48

whenever my hand gets sore from writing essays for college in HNC art and design, I get glue tack and wrap it round my pencil, hope this helps =) or if you prefer a different texture you could get some pillow stuffing and snazzy material and a glue-gunn, get creative, don't work hard work smart and make your very own hand cushion for your pen =) ;)

HeyCharlotteHere 2016-03-03 07:35:15

I can't wait to leave school, go to college and do a course in law. Some of the things we do in school is just overly pointless, we can't be individual and I just don't have a group of people that I like

fini reyes 2016-03-03 00:45:35

I love vedim so freaking much because you enjoy doing it so much. I love listening to you talking about stuff, just stuff. thank you for making me realize how important my last year of school is. Thanks. Bye. I love you

Astus314 2016-03-07 01:34:25

I hated every moment of school, including A level years (at the same school). At Uni now though and I'm really enjoying it. I'm probably exactly the opposite to you dodie. ^^

imogen miller 2016-03-02 23:52:11

im out of education and since ive been out school ive just felt so bored, i miss doing stuff. this vedim is so truthful

Michaela Leong 2016-03-03 13:50:40

dodie i love love love your makeup and hair so much!

Shannon Mellish 2016-03-02 23:48:05

I can definitely relate to your spelling point. I'm in my 3rd year of a maths degree (hated all of it) and currently writing my dissertation. I haven't wrote an essay since I was 16 and I used to be really good with grammar and spelling but now D: can't spell, can't do punctuation, don't know which witch or their there they're, da fauk is a semi colon for anyways?! I just hoy them in somewhere when I get bored of commas

Bea Goddard 2016-05-25 15:51:36

watching this on the very last week of education was very moving :((

Ruby Cooper 2016-03-03 21:32:10

I'm really scared about not having the security of school and having people around me who want to work. I am defiantly a naturally lazy person and I'm scared that when I don't have my family nearby and teachers who are a lot more involved that I will just sink into a hole that I can't dig myself out of. That was really cheerful 😅 thank you dodie for all the fab vids you make xxx

lucía 2017-08-15 05:39:07

I love learing and just school in general, but the pressure the system puts on you, and just thinking of being anxious because of projects and exams and homework just make me dread going back

Elias J. 2016-03-03 12:00:35

have you ever thought about studying music at college? you could be a teacher at high school (:

Sarah Shah 2016-10-01 13:07:57

I think with the learning thing, I think it's only because you're not working in a job where you have to always use what you've learnt in school

Maia O 2017-07-10 17:02:55

This video honestly makes me feel strange cuz I feel like I'm the only one who enjoys being in school but everyone seems to hate it. I'm in year 9 and I go to a really big school and I love it because I just feel so small and I always have something to do but I also feel safe. I don't know matey I'm just weird but I can't imagine not being in school

Niamh C 2016-03-03 00:52:07

im feeling a little bit like this at the moment. i'm irish and in Transition year (i'm 15) and now there tWO MONTHS LEFT????? i feel like i'm not enjoying myself enough. i know i will miss it when it's over but i don't know what more to do and i would almost rather not appreciate it and be sad about it later than be sad about it now and later. my ty musical has its final night next week and i'm going to ball my eyes out. at the end of every rehearsal i'm exhausted and ready for bed but then thats one less afternoon enjoying myself and i wasted it being tired. i've had a ball and next year will be work work work work work. i'm so full of emotions that i feel like i'm over flowing. i don't know what the point of this paragraph is but i guess it's out there now. looking forward to the rest of vidim dodie.

James Dickinson 2016-10-13 15:56:27

I was bullied in high school years 7 and 8 and I also had to deal with a solid 7 years of self-loathing because I am gay and that wasn't "acceptable" in my high school. So years 7 to 11 were terrible and years 12 and 13 were better but I still wasn't "out". When I started uni, I forced myself to come out on the first day and these last 2-3 years have been infinitely better because of that. I hated school and I think it's the only thing I have ever said I "hate" because I don't like the strength of that word. Uni is so much more mature and if someone wants to do that but hated school, I would still urge them to try it!

Lily NP 2016-03-04 00:02:11

I think about this a lot because I know I'm going to feel like this in the future. It's really weird cause I'm shy so I find it hard to make friends anyway so school is not fun for me a lot of the time, like I'm in my first year of uni and I struggled with making friends at first and now the only reason I have any friends at all is because I've had classes with someone I was kind of friends with in high school so I just hung out with her and made friends with her friends. I still don't have any close friends at school so I'm alone a lot which sucks but it's going to be even worse once I'm out of school, especially considering how shit I am at maintaining friendships that require effort beyond sitting with them during class, plus I'm also headed towards a very lonely career as an artist so there won't even be that work environment with people around. I've got a lonely life ahead of me!

annalise 2016-03-02 23:46:48

Would you ever consider doing a video on gcse's/options? I have to chose mine by next week

AlwaysEating Death 2016-03-03 12:51:03

I'm in my first year at uni and I don't miss school at all. I miss having to see people everyday, I guess, but even then I prefer my own company. I hated school, I wasn't bullied or anything, I just hated it. It made me so miserable and I'd spend all my time waiting for it to end, living for weekends and holidays and then not even enjoying them, because it would still be school soon. The day I finished was the best.

queenoftroy 2016-03-03 00:08:40

"Now I have to do it all myself and I am very scared."
^^^Literally my entire life right now. I turned 21 last month, and I'm still refusing to acknowledge it. I cannot be 21. I am not old enough to be 21. Being 21 means doing proper grown-up adult shit. I don't know how to do that! No-one's told me how! I went shopping yesterday and instead of getting food for meals I bought a pretty top and some doughnuts that were on offer and a box set of my favourite TV show and then spent ten minutes on the way home talking to a cat! Who let this happen??

Phoebe 2017-02-13 13:18:22

I love school,my friends,my teachers,learning,I feel safe and comfortable at school and there are people I felt safe with,we have our own little jokes and pranks we play and we all stand up for each other and even if it sounds stupid we do all love each other and everything we do we do together,I love absorbing knowledge and even though I'm not very good at that,I love having something to do and waking up every morning knowing I have something to do,I love debates and I love being so fucking pretentious and kinda smart.Something I really hate is that through school I've developed depression and anxiety,it stinks and sometimes there's too much people but people are always there for me and I know that.Im nervous and feel nothing and I'm not even sure but at school I feel safe.I just wish that we weren't pressured as much.

lindahl01 2016-03-03 19:59:23

Being your own boss sounds great at first, but, well, I summarized running a one man project by saying that my project manager was an insensitive slavedriver and the project member was a noncooperative underachiever.....

Mar Beveridge 2016-03-03 11:24:20

Uni is a good intermediate step between school and life tbh. It has the education, the community feeling, the people around, but only a vague sense of what you need to do. It's up to you /how/ you do it. Maybe you miss school more than most because you haven't gone to uni so the transition has been less gradual? Food for thought :)

emma rae 2016-03-03 07:37:14

you could do a video of you speaking some of the foreign languages that you know because like, when you learn a foreign language and you stop learning about it for a little while, you think you forget more than you actually have, and i think it'd be fun to watch

leonie 2016-03-03 06:21:28

I'm leaving school in 16 days and then I'll only have four exams left and I'll be done with it and this video really made me feel like I should appreciate the last 12 days at school. But what I have left really isn't like school anymore because it's this "it's over soon anyway so why should I do anything" feeling all around and we're not learning anymore and most people just skip a lot of classes

Emma McMahon 2016-03-03 03:43:23

Honestly sounds like you should go to University! My experience has been a lot of the things you seem to miss :)

TAILBONE TAILBONE 2018-02-14 19:45:03

School was cool for me, the low pressure environment, the fun and the friends were definitely cool, but MAN, COLLEGE! College has just been a rollercoaster of emotions. I ended last year on the verge of depression, and now a new year has started and I'm loving it! Everyone says this is the hardest year, but I'm having a blast. I really appreciate how much I have improved as a person, and still I see a lot of new and exciting things to do and learn in the future.
I really hope I'll never peak; people say they peaked in high school, or college, but I really want to improve everyday, and achieve greater and greater goals. I want to be 80 and still look forwand to the next big project.
Who knows, maybe next month I'll be dreading my life and considering the pros and cons of drinking myself into a coma. But for now, I really appreciate where I am in life.

Ardin Catish 2016-03-03 03:18:54

This really made me think... Because education is compulsory, we tend to spend the rest of out lives living in reaction to that by not learning. Maybe I should 'enroll' myself in my own personalized school where I spend maybe two hours a day learning...

Harriet L 2016-03-03 01:12:46

Ive been feeling similar to this for ages. I miss knowing lots of people and having the option to be friends with people. If I didn't want to be friends with one person I could make friends with someone else. Recently I've got so sick of people I know/ am friends with. So now I have one friend I hardly see because she works all the time, and my boyfriend. And I don't know how to make other friends, and I sometimes need to talk to someone so I'm not alone with my own thoughts and I can't do that now... So I feel so alone most of the time. Watching people like you makes me feel less alone. Also I miss music too! I loved playing percussion!!! I played drum kit in soul band and jazz band and I played timpani in concert band and orchestra! And I did African drumming and percussion ensemble!!! And singing 70s and 80s songs with soul band. Any music groups I can join now I'm almost 20, are too serious and I don't have good enough music skill anymore to join them :(((( i miss HS music :(

Nisarga Ramesh 2016-03-03 00:24:42

It's videos like this which make me love your videos, they just make you sit and think and wow

Serena Rhoades 2016-03-03 01:28:19

i ranted on twitter (@gryxion ayyy) about this but now i dont letter limitations so lets go okay so i think the biggest thing i miss about school is the sense of construct. you have a reason to wake up in the morning. you need to get to school and see your friends and finish up that homework you were meant to do last night but didnt (oops). you need to be somewhere, it makes you feel important. you have obligations to fulfill, you have purpose. you wont forget to eat lunch or do any work, they wouldnt let you. you get up to see friends, or turn in that essay youre so very proud of, or practice for the play next month, or meet with the art club. you are getting up and getting stuff done, and thats what i miss the most. another thing i miss is (like you said) knowing and being surrounded so many people. im an introvert but there is only so much loneliness you can take before it drives you mad. sure you can see your flatmate or family but its really not quite the same. you see different faces all the time and makes life so much more... interesting!! and i miss knowledge. i miss learning more and more. i hated it at the time but i miss writing essays and the satisfaction of getting a good grade and i miss getting ink on my hands from that old felt tip that really should be replaced. i really miss learning and being rewarded for it, whether it was from myself or a teacher. i just miss school so much, which is something i never thought i would say.

Replies (1)
Serena Rhoades 2016-03-03 01:32:39

omg my comment is so long im sorry for any inevitable typos and just this whole thing in general aaaaaa

emma b 2016-03-05 14:45:22

im in school at the moment, and it's interesting because I feel like I experience it differently because I am highly introverted and also yeah being told what to do next is nice but teachers and career advisors are always like 'right work really hard in maths and german and historyand you'll get straight As' firstly im not straight so there's no way my As will be, and the fact is they always assume our idea of success is making lots of money and they tell us to get good jobs and achieve our dream of being rich as fuck but really my dream is to live in a city and busk and write and work in a café and visit art galleries and museums in my spare time. but they're constantly invalidating my dreams like I talked to the career advisor and she was like 'okay but what job do you actually want? think realistically, of something you can live off' I AM ALRIGHT WITH HAVING NEXT TO NO MONEY AND NOT BEING ABLE TO LOOK THE LANDLORD IN THE EYE SO LONG AS I AM HAPPY i guess the mentality and snobbery of school is the worst part. also you're right, knowing stuff is rad, and i really love English lit and science so yeah

Fayemcc 2016-03-03 10:08:10

I started sixth form in september and i didnt realise how much i missed school until last weekend when someone had a house party and it was kinda like a school reunion and it was so lovely, i miss it

erin 2016-03-03 08:10:35

If you want to get better at spelling easily, read more books - I thought my spelling was going downhill, but when I read loads more books, it really worked❤️

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S Eleri 2016-03-03 23:01:22

I don't love school but I do love learning. I've currently got offers to study English Lit at University, I'm so excited. After that, I plan to train as a teacher and spend the rest of my life in a primary school :')

Gio 2016-03-05 21:21:56

As someone who is incredibly introverted, school is pretty hellish. Around 6 hours of being forced to work with people, and talk to people, and generally be in the presence of other people, wears me very thin. I love learning and making friends, but we all need breaks. Best I can do is ask to go to the washroom, and spend 5 minutes wondering the halls hoping I don't get caught.

emmarose 2016-03-03 21:05:09

One thing I regret not doing at school is getting more involved in all the clubs/extra curricular activities... I rlly wanted to be more involved in music and drama and science but never was because I was always worried about what other ppl would think

kdnwksn jwusu 2017-07-18 10:19:09

these are all the reasons why I love school, but only view of my friends seem to understand that... they always tell me that the only thing about school they like is being around friends all day 😕

Marie Morgen 2017-02-17 20:16:49

Am I the only one who feels just like Dodie expect I'm still in school? I'm not even expecially good in most subjects and maths and sciences really really do stress me out, but still, I just wouldn't know what to do without school in my life, as weird as that sounds? Like, I get up super early and seize the entire day, I socialize and talk to so many lovely people, I try to focus my energy and motivation on the subjects I love so I feel like i'm spending my time usefully, I even quite like most of my teachers, I just feel like school is a little world on its own that gives a point to my life, as cheesy as that sounds. Without it, I'd just be missing out on so many little things that make me happy, like seeing the sunrise in the morning when I'm on the bus, uncontrolable laughing fits with my best friends, getting lost in topics that are genuinely interesting, getting a test back and realizing that for once you've actually done well, and so on. And even just thinking about having to graduate one day makes me feel absolutely scared, like to a point where it actually makes me cry, because I honestly don't know what to do with my life afterwards. As Dodie said in the video, not having somewhere to go to, or someone to talk, or just something to do, must feel like you're completely lost and I'm not sure whether I could deal with that. Anyways, I just realized how long this has already got, oops, sorry. Just wanted to get that out there! :)

Sam Allen 2016-03-03 16:28:28

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"~someone who says good things idek

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maya the iconic queen 2019-05-22 22:20:54 (edited 2019-05-22 22:21:01 )

it's from dr seuss

Olivia Fuller 2016-03-02 23:46:25

I'm in 8th grade and I already understand you actually, like I'll look back to even just last year and I'm like, " Why can't it be that way now? Where have all of the people gone? " Then again, I did move schools and I honestly love it in the new place but.. Meh. It's not the same you know? Different people, new experiences.
I'm rambling, I need to stop rambling. Well then. I'll just.. go now..

Juliana Pereira 2016-03-03 00:03:02

I'm pretty much every week at my old school because I just... really miss it?! I actually hate high schoolers now, they bother me a lot and sometimes all I wanna do is punch them in the face, but I kind of miss the feeling of being surronded by people your own age and who share most of the same interests. A lot of people in my university are older and looking for other things in life. Although interesting, it's kind of scary. I miss high school, I miss my senior year so much, I miss my prom and I miss everything.
But I'm happy that I got past it and got into this stupid adulthood. It was a great period of my life, now it's time to make a new one.

Nathalie J 2016-03-03 02:36:01

This hit me hard as I'm currently a junior in highschool and senior year is coming up and im scared as hell to not have school anymore

Lidda 2017-01-18 17:34:35 (edited 2017-01-18 17:38:19 )

Oh my god this x1000
Never say you didn't appreciate it enough though, any happy period of time is only happy because you didn't worry about liking it enough or things getting worse one day.

Phandom of the Opera 2016-03-03 06:12:26

this video kind of gives me hope as I currently hate school. my anxiety has gotten quite bad and school just make it worse (but anyway) watching this video has allowed me to realise that although i can't imagine myself ever missing this "phase" of my life, maybe one day i will and that i should be appreciative. and now that i think about it, it's not school that i hate.. i love being in class and i mostly always get A's but perhaps it's just the people that i don't like. not sure, thanks anyway dodie

Replies (1)
Rachel Watson 2016-03-03 08:02:17

Same for all of this. Apart from the mostly A's. I'm kind of miserable at school but luckily I finish in 2017. When do you finish?

sunflowerdales 2016-03-04 10:10:40

I miss secondary school so much. I hated it at the time because I was bullied up until the end of year 9 and my teachers never helped me when it came to my anxiety. But I had an amazing group of friends who I used to hang out with a lot, and there would be so many opportunities to go abroad and learn new things - I miss it so much. Sixth form and college just doesn't feel the same way at all. What's worse is that my age is starting to show more because I go to college with school leavers and I'm an adult. They seem to still be in that kind of "honeymoon phase" of leaving school and I'm just sat in the corner with a couple other adults just not really saying anything. Even though I'm an introvert, I do miss socialising so much.

jenna 2016-03-02 23:43:36

Dodie I stopped writing my essay to watch this and I can I say it was worth it. Yes I did my 13 years of compulsory education too and now I am in college studying Applied Bioscience. I don't miss school at all really. I too woke up everyday feeling like crap and by my last two year I was done, I just wanted to be finished and out of that school. I was a terribly annoying First Year (aged 12) and that persona stuck with me for the 5 years even through I completely changed as a person, but yet they still saw me as the annoying 12 year old.
The only thing I miss from school is music! I was a higher music student, was part of two choirs and was teaching myself instruments. Now I feel like people look down on me when I'm writing melodies over my molecule and what not. I actually made a video about it on my channel.
Basically I don't know what I'm trying to say but I just wanted to write something!

Kez 2016-03-03 01:42:14

Damn,,,I never really thought of how when I graduate high school I won't be apart of an orchestra... I love my fellow orchadorks, Damn :-((

becca moses 2016-03-03 00:11:36

Yeah no I'm totally aware of this stuff at the age of 14 and it's terrifying. Even over breaks. I'm not good at regulating sleep-y stuff and all that jazz. Although I plan on working at a company of some sort and be an engineer or work in theatre tech or something. I'm not really a people person, but I love being with a ton of people trying to achieve a goal and making things.

Emily Hunt 2016-03-05 09:47:00

Preach girl! I'm a 27 year old woman with a degree and a job and i still don't feel like I'm very good at adulting!

Abby Z 2016-03-02 23:55:54

I'm currently in the 7th grade. I really hate some of my teachers and obnoxious peers and being surrounded by them for 7 hours, 5 days a week. I hate some subjects and waking up, I hate the idea that some kids are being bullied around me. I hate the anxiety and stress that comes with my school work.
This being said, I really love learning, I love writing so much and analyzing and essays and just absorbing everything around me. I love the idea of having a schedule and taking my art class and playing my flute and just existing, right next to 250 of my peers. I'm an introvert, but I have made some of the best friends at my school and can't imagine not being around them and always having something to share. I love having things to do and being productive.
And you are right. I take all of the things I love about school for granted. Mainly because of the trend surrounding hating school. I'm not sure how I'm going to react to not having so many people that I know at the same time. I'm not sure I'm going to be with so much freedom and independence, and it terrifies me. I'm so afraid that leaving school will mean leaving school and everything that I won't pick up the things I love (such as writing) again.

Natalie Kukura 2016-03-03 08:33:20

I'm so glad that you're doing vedim!

Erin Govier 2016-03-03 19:17:41

i know exactly what you mean, i really miss school too! it was fun, honestly, i loved going to my art lessons :/ i made great friends that i saw everyday, now i hardly see my friends anymore. i don't have a best friend anymore, and it's really sad. school just made life easier ??? like it makes me sad when people say 'i can't wait to leave school!' it's sad to see people wish their life away :-(

psuedo 2016-12-29 08:17:08

But you just spilled out the solution for yourself: go join a club for your interests. Take group classes in what you love, and can't you take a university class that piques your interest? For kicks and giggles.

Because you're very smart, and at 20ish you achieved more than many others have done in a life time.

You're incredibly awesome in every way; be nicer to yourself

JudsonRadio 2016-03-03 03:25:43

I totally get what you're saying here, BUT you don't have to stop learning and doing things just because you're no longer in school! Due to the internet, we have the ability more so than any previous generations to continue learning and exploring the world around us beyond any formal education. I know that it's often difficult to self motivate, but it's so worth it!

Luiza Gil 2016-03-02 23:49:51

the only problem about school is that sometimes it makes you feel like crap.
education and learning should be fun, but the way they do it ruins that whole ideia, and it makes you feel dumb

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burningup 2017-12-24 03:38:53

I graduated 2 days ago and now I've finished school forever. The gap between exams and graduation gave me time to think about things and so when I was saying goodbye to everyone for the very last time I didn't get emotional, and I felt odd because of that. But I'm sure there will be another night where I lay awake at 2AM wondering where time went and what all of my ex-classmates are doing now and I'll probably cry and wish it never ended.

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music stan • subscribe to my channel! 2018-01-10 18:44:47

burningup I feel you

Heather Macdonald 2016-03-03 12:54:35

I miss school too, I love learning.
But I still do learn, I read books, watch documentaries and do crosswords. And I discuss politics and history with my mum.
I also love cooking so im always learning new recipes, and ingredients to improve my cooking.
I was bullied to, not necessarily because i was weird but because i was an easy target.
Thing is that I have cut myself of from the bad parts of school, so i remember them but i don't feel anything about them. whereas the positive things I do.

Laura Nietfeld 2016-03-03 17:41:14

I kinda have the feeling that everyone on here is that community and maybe even better (especially this channel bc everyone is so nice:)

thelilysaurusrex 2016-03-03 07:35:55

I'm in my final few months at school now and I am really not looking forward to leaving at all. I feel like I've really settled down in this little bubble within the past year or two in a small but extremely close friendship group and I'm enjoying what I'm studying and so it makes me really sad that I'm going to have to leave all that soon to go to university. I am really happy right now and I'm scared that will change when my situation has changed.

Also, sorry I'm a bit new to this channel, could someone explain vedim please?

Replies (3)
whywhy1220 2016-03-03 08:56:40

Vedim: Videos Every Day in March (ai think). So dodie'll post one video everyday in March :)

whywhy1220 2016-03-03 08:56:49

Vedim: Videos Every Day in March (I think). So dodie'll post one video everyday in March :)

thelilysaurusrex 2016-03-03 22:58:18

+whywhy1220 thank you very much!!!

Nick Garnsey 2016-03-03 06:37:44


Matt Palka 2016-03-03 23:59:51

I miss school too. Even high school. I miss all of it though. The people. The camaraderie of all facing schoolwork together. I think we get so caught up in being challenged sometimes that we forget to appreciate it.

xXHarley QuinnXx 2016-03-03 13:10:54

I've never been to school but I kinda wish I had experienced joining after school activities and such. "I have little cries all the time, crying is good" so me

Susanna Alwan 2016-03-03 01:22:11

I just finished high school and I MISS IT SO MUCH! All my friends are going to college/going to a course that prepares you to go to college (don't know if other countrys have that) and I miss seeing my friends everyday, and I miss having teachers around because they helped me think about my future and I miss having something to do...
I was just talking to my parents about this, one of the main reasons for me not knowing what to do is that I see my siblings forgetting things that are so obvious for me and everyone in class, like, I worked so hard to understand maths and memorize the names for carbon chains just to not use it and forget? I don't want that!!
Also, everyone said I would miss it and I didn't believe them

Amy Winfield 2016-03-03 18:58:17

I have been thinking the exact same things, thank you for verbalising this, it's nice to hear someone else with the same feelings. (Also ur not poo)

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Ani Middleton 2016-03-03 01:05:52

my summer vacations end tomorrow
it's been a long 3 months but I think now I'm more ready to go back
thank you for the video I'm gonna start appreciating my school more 💕

Abbey Christine 2016-10-31 04:26:39

I'd actually rather take things for granted then appreciate all of it. i tend to overthink everything to the point where i think about how i will react to my past in the future. I'd rather enjoy the moments as the come and love where i am I guess

fran flubbercrack 2016-03-03 00:20:23

I completely understand because I'm doing university which is something in between being a student and being mature and kind of independent. But I have the feeling that I'm just getting the bad parts of both sides. Being alone and constantly sinking in existential crisis AND revise for uni. I'm trying so hard to enjoy everything.

Abbie Brewer 2016-03-03 22:55:46

+doddlevloggle I leave sixth form in about 15 weeks and I'm terrified because my teachers have virtually kept me alive. I completely understand your thing about being told what to do because I'm not going to be able to do that when I should. I feel like I'm having an existential crisis and I'm 19. I don't think I'm going to cope when I leave

Caitlin M 2016-03-03 04:34:27

You should join uni ! even if it is just part time, most of the things you mentioned can be fulfilled in that environment

Maria Garcia 2017-08-11 12:41:17

Here it is August, school started last Thursday and im in my Senior year, so what should be my last year but bc of the school i go to i have an entire other year to go. last school year in March i decided to write down something good about each day, i noticed it sorta helped me live in the moment and it helped me remember the good days. i tried to do the same for April, could not find very good things about the days though. when i look back at March and April i get upset about how great March was but how sad and quiet i was, how April was my birthday month and how i literally hated it so much. now im in school again and im trying to figure out a way to remember things and a way to help me sort my mind and hopefully eventually make me feel better. have a lovely day though, this is where i am at right now.

Ellie Victoria 2016-03-04 19:23:44

Everyone's so busy in the modern world and if you move forwards to fast you forget to look around at the beautiful scenery that you're surrounded in right now. Everyone should stop once in a while and look around them and appreciate it

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Thubten Yeshe 2016-03-03 02:15:43

I remember this feeling. It goes away after a while. Well it did for me anyway.

Zachary Bartz 2018-06-03 18:30:05

I relate to this on an entirely new level

StephThePenguin 2016-03-05 14:25:20

I really miss school right now. Well, not so much school itself, but like you said, actually knowing things and being around people and joking around. I dropped out of school last November and I have to restart sixth form elsewhere this September. I'd been at my old school since year 7 so I've forgotten what it's like to be thrown into an environment with people I don't know at all. But I went back to visit for the first time a couple of weeks ago and honestly it just made me feel depressed, I wasn't a part of that and not many people seemed bothered that I was there. I don't know, I just want to be back and experiencing it, even if I don't always like waking up at 6 every morning or sitting through a boring maths lesson (that's how bad it's gotten I actually miss sitting in a room feeling confused about circle theorems). I don't really know what will happen for me for the next couple of years because some schools are really open to taking me because they get that it's a fresh start and moving away from your only home can be terrifying, but others are really judgmental about it and won't give me a good reason for not wanting to have me (like hello I know I'm in year 12 now but I will also be in year 12 next year that's the point what's the issue). I miss having friends, even if they're people I'll never speak to once it's over, I've stopped talking to so many people because they seem to have pushed me out. Ugh, why is adulting so difficult. I'm also learning to drive and looking for jobs and I swear if I could be 10 years old again regardless of having no friends I would take it in a heartbeat, I've started watching old episodes of Raven to remind myself of a simpler time...
Sorry for the ramble :')

ArisuTheFirst 2016-03-03 02:13:29

I'm finishing high school in 2 months, and besides panicking because exams and future, I just recently realized how much I appreciate certain aspects of school and that they will be gone soon. Right now I'm in this weird position where I know that something is ending and the future is a mystery, and it's scary.

Fionnuala C 2017-02-16 23:42:40

Feel like she was writing "when" when she made this video! ☺️

Audrey Rose Mariano 2016-03-03 02:06:09

I'm also naturally lazy! lol I love school and I love learning but not through books. I'm currently in college but it's not that fun anymore because of our current (we juniors and seniors) issue with our professors. All we wanted is just to graduate. Sometimes college is tiring bc of all the drama in it and it's kinda draining the fun out of it. It is nice to do what you want to do but a person like me can't move forward without orders from people. idk, I'm already 21 but I don't even feel a slight of being an adult yet. Idk if that suck but I'm quite scared for my future. haha

Shakattack 2016-07-12 14:30:59

I left school a month ago and I'm feeling some of these already

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Krishali Patel 2018-08-03 23:39:23

I used to love going to school in India.Although there was a lot of pressure but i worked best under stress and pressure. It was my favourite place.

July Myers 2017-05-15 11:20:57

today's my last day of high school, so I came back to this video... and wow am I sobbing

CreaTuRe 2016-03-03 22:36:14

I loved having to grow up I absolutely hated school! here I am two years later, still not looking back! only thing I regret is having to sell my drums to buy a PC for college works :( but I spend waaaaaayy too much time on my pc now so its okay :)

mesaywhatsup 2016-03-03 05:00:26

I really understand how you feel. But I don't think that just because you're an adult and not at university you can't continue to challenge yourself mentally. I think that reading books recreationally is a huge part of that, at least for me, but you can also use Duolingo to brush up on languages and watch channels like Crashcourse. And when you get those desires to write an essay and analyze a work just do it. Write it down. It's fun and engaging and is a great way to come to your own conclusions by exploring them on paper. School was convenient bc you had to be there but there's no reason those aspects of learning that you miss have to be banished from your life.

willa ッ 2016-03-03 02:20:54

Dodie, I love school but it entirely drains my energy. I always feel tired and lethargic whenever I go to school. Do you have recommendations on energy? I have a very difficult pre algebra class and social studies class and I literally have horrible grades in both only because I can't focus due to my lack of energy.
Help? Sincerely a year 6 student •u•

Replies (3)
mlynn998 2016-03-03 03:14:24

+Hollyroks1 AJ There are physical things that help me a lot, like always having a water bottle on hand, and trying to go outside as much as possible (if you can, I know my teachers were ridiculously strict about stuff like that), but the best advice I can give you is to think about why you're in the class that you're in if that makes sense. It might not be your choice, exactly, but maybe it will help you in the future somehow? It always works for me at least.

amyamyamy17 2016-03-03 03:55:30

Get more sleep. You need more sleep now than you'll ever need again. Do physical activities every day. Drink water. Eat enough- quantity and quality. Bring snacks. Bring sweaters because it's hard to pay attention when you're freezing cold. If the teacher is awful, just make sure you're studying at home.
I slept a lot in school and did alright, but I wish I'd done better. (I'm pushing 30 now, so I'm talking both high school and college.)
Also just try to be aware of what a privilege it is to get an education. Don't forget that there are still people who are being killed for trying to learn.

willa ッ 2016-03-03 20:59:32

Thank you guys :)

thevelvetunderground 2016-03-03 00:25:31

why don't you apply for university? i think all the points you've mentioned can be found there :)

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cheyenne 2016-09-10 07:32:50

I'm in the same boat. I genuinely miss grade school, anywhere from k to 12. Now it done, donzos, finished. Then you're thrown into the real world. Shit sucks. I'm like you, love to be lazy and procrastinate, I miss someone telling me what to do. Because I wanna succeed but it's hard when it's just yourself to push you. I miss having tons of friends. Being able to be a bit more carefree. I'm sure more into adulthood I'll become more comfortable. But hey ho. Life goes on.

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Rosie Spring 2016-03-03 07:07:52

YouTube is like being surrounded by loads of people.... Wow this video has really made me think a lot. As someone who is still in school I think I'm going to try and appreciate it more.

Kit Designs 2018-07-18 18:09:03

God. I relate to this so damn much.

Monica Wife of Luna 2018-05-11 21:39:37

this video made me cry thanks DODIE

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xThePinkApple 2016-03-03 20:12:10

I left school not even a year ago but I basically miss it for the same reasons! I /did/ really appreciate my last few months but that makes me miss it even more. I used to see so many people a day which was tiring but way nicer than what I do atm which is sitting in an office with one other person 8-9 hours a day and only rarely really talking to them. I'm so excited for uni, it can only get better

Oscar Felipe Lozano López 2016-06-22 15:22:22

girl, I'm 22 and I've been in school for 17 years and still have at least 3 more years to finish

SwannP 2016-03-05 12:07:12

this was deep and really good

strawberry 2016-03-02 23:40:38

this was really thought provoking. i am currently a sophomore in high school (10th grade) and i have wanted nothing more than to finish my last 2 years of school and get out of the tiny town i've grown up in and move far away and start a life independent of my parents and this life i've always known. but this made me reconsider: i am not truly unhappy with life as i know it. there are days and periods of time where i despise this lifestyle because my mom is really overprotective and people can be mean, but i love my close friends and when we graduate we'll all go our separate ways and i won't get to see them every day and have crazy adventures with them. i might not see some of them ever again! the future is exciting and terrifying and sad and hopeful, but i need to start remembering the NOW. because once it's gone, it's gone!!! pictures are so important. pictures and videos. they are a time capsule and they can take you back to the places you've been. i need to document the present.

Replies (1)
strawberry 2016-03-02 23:42:23

THANK YOU DODIE for creating a chatty video that provoked all these thoughts in me. after watching you for well over a year now, you feel like an old friend or an older sister and i love you so much. loving vedim already and can't wait to see what else it inspires in you.

Sophia 2016-03-03 22:04:03

i had 'i wish i could go back to college' from avenue q in my head the whole time whilst watching this

Natalie Martin 2016-03-03 01:34:50

I left sixthform in June and I was convinced that I would already miss it...but I do already Fml. I especially get the music thing, I spent 7 years hanging around in the music department and j miss just being surrounded by it.

Amy 2016-03-03 01:03:22

Ahhhhh I miss school so much, I hated it at the time but now I would love to go back. I'm not loving uni at the moment but hopefully I'll feel the same about it in a few years as i feel about school

Naomi Chatfield-Smith 2016-03-13 21:56:46

this is so relatable 🙌🏼

Abby Smith 2016-03-03 02:00:29

you know I actually do think about that sometimes bc I have the actual greatest math class. there's only six of us and we do it online and wow wow wow we've made so many memories and we have made each other laugh so hard and I'm gonna miss them sm next year :(

Becki P 2016-03-03 21:12:50

I miss school a bit, but only in a fondly reminiscent sort of way- I'm a different person now and it feels so long along, the difference between 16 and 20 is massive. I couldn't be a 20 year old in that environment again where you have to blindly and unthinkingly obey. If that makes sense...

okikiosk 2016-03-03 14:24:24

The spelling thing is so true! I could always spell everything and now I forget all the time

Katy 2017-10-27 12:11:46

I think I'll miss school in a similar way to you. I'll miss my friends, the subjects, the sense of order and knowing what you should/have to do.

Its my last year, and because I live in Scotland my results are mostly decided (I'll probably just have to get 3Bs this year). Hopefully I'll be going to uni in September 2018.

However, I find it hard to enjoy school right now. I live in a tiny village in the middle of the countryside, with a 30minute walk to the nearest bus/shop (a tiny coop) and a far longer walk to the train. I can't wait to make my own decisions, to decide on simple things like what I can eat or when I can do stuff. I'm a veggie and don't have much time to cook food on the weekdays, so I usually end up with some sort of frozen bagged meal from the freezer which my parents buy. I can't wait to cook my own food, and be able to plan interesting meals. I can't wait to be able to go swimming, as it takes me about two hours to get to the nearest swimming pool. I want to be able to go and drink a cup of tea in the middle of the night if I can't sleep, or go for a run when I feel like it.

I used to travel around a lot when I was younger because both of my parents are in the army. I used to get upset whenever we moved, but right now I just deeply miss the excitement that there was always something new to do, someone new to meet, a new language to learn. I want my life to be interesting and full, not stale and boring.

music stan • subscribe to my channel! 2018-01-10 18:42:01

I finished school like 3 years ago and I'm still having dreams where I'm at school :( I miss these days so much, I miss having friends, I miss studying and trying to learn as much as possible, i miss having teachers saying what should I do 😭

bleepblorp 2016-03-03 11:12:14

If you like being surrounded by people you should do more meetups like in Russel Square. That was so lovely. Also, I really get what you say about appreciating the now. The only thing you have is the present, the past is gone and the future is uncertain. Seize the day init.

PorkFreeGaming 2018-11-01 04:02:01

I did enjoy it at the time but now that I graduated I still miss it!!

Bmc Ca98 2016-03-03 00:08:31

I'm in my last year of sixth form now and I just know I'm going to miss it so much!

savannah ss 2016-06-12 19:55:05

I feel somewhat confident in most subjects apart from Maths.

agnes tjioe 2016-09-27 17:38:37 (edited 2016-09-27 17:41:43 )

this is extremely relatable

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rachel lyon 2016-03-03 07:58:00

im leaving school this year and im really going to miss it, even if i don't really enjoy it that much. this yr i do like it more as im just doing subjects that i enjoy but u know. id stay at school for longer if i was allowed to

sophie_franz 2016-12-21 03:54:46

Ah yes the overwhelming feeling of anxiety that floods my brain at the mere thought of school :>

Полина Карамышева 2016-03-02 23:40:31

that was wise, i am at school now and i don't think i am appriciating (did i spelled that right lol?) this time enough. yes it might be very difficult and stressworthy but at least i don't need to pay taxes or think about my life's plans. i guess it' not as bad as i though. thank you very much and good luck☆

MrsNoji 2016-03-03 13:13:27

It sounds weird but I miss math because.. I want to spent hours solving puzzles again without really 'needing' the result

Teresa Moreira 2016-03-05 14:40:45

Im in school and im totally gonna miss it so much, i love learning new things, im not bullied and i love my friends and im gonna miss laughing with them and going to that little coffee shop and miss them all of them! Sure the stress is unbearable but it has so many good things to it and im gonna miiiss ittt (tho im v excited for the future)

Pastel Cookie 2018-09-26 03:16:21

For me, I just kinda like the idea of being so busy all the time because then it gives you less time to worry about other unnecessary things in life. I also liked having little problems like homework or stupid friends, like at the time it was such a big deal, but looking back, it's really not. Now everyone has harder problems to fade that we can't blame on school and just have to deal with it on our own.

Em 2016-03-03 00:10:18

i think whenever one looks back on their past, they need to not pick out just the good parts. when i look back and think about how i miss playing clarinet and i wish i could still take band at my new school, i stop and remember that i HATED band class. it was the worst part of my day. am i glad that i learned an instrument? hell yeah. would i pick it up again if i could? yeah. do i look back and regret not enjoying playig it more because i cant anymore? no, because it was awful. sometimes you need to give yourself credit on not appriciating the present. idk thats what i think.

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Replies (1)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:29:59

this is VERY interesting, and I hadn't though of it. THANK U ^_^

Char Lucy 2016-03-05 00:35:42

Don't want to make you even more sad, but I'm 25, nearly 26, and yeah, it gets worse. My life is so all over the place and not anything like I'd imagined it would be when I was growing up. What I'd do to be back there now. And I got teased all through school but I still loved it. Like you say it was so nice seeing your friends every day. Now it's hard to keep up because everyone is in different places and have different lifestyles and ARGH. Now I feel sad haha.

Darlene Lesmana 2017-11-06 16:10:56

I love studying but school takes up my time from studying things i actually want to learn to the point where i would sit in the corner in class with my german course book ignoring my bahasa teacher

UNstableMAyble 2016-03-03 00:25:59

I really enjoy the fact that i have little responsibility at this time but im literally at the end of year 11 and its like tearing my life apart. The school side of my life i completely hate but i dont want to ever base my life around school o my job because i feel passion is much more important. I utterly hate school, i struggle to keep friends, because of the way i acted when i was younger a lot of people really dont like me. Thats why i enjoy my life outside of school. I started going to local gigs in my area and now in my town theres this abandoned bus depo that like 50 kids are at every day and you kind of always meet new poeple. I like it there so much because theres more than just people my age, theres kids there as young as 13 right up to 22 but its a really cute little community and i know how much ill miss that when i grow older. You cant just go out to some dodgy place and start talking to people to make friends, its harder to meet people and try new things because theres no opportunities for older people.

PeppermintOllie 2016-03-03 00:09:22

old-school messy hair Dodie :3 also yes yes yes same

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Jen Collins 2016-03-03 19:37:37

I totally respect all your opinions but just thought I'd point out why wearing uniform in school is a good thing. It means that everyone is on a level playing field when they enter the school building. No one is singled out if they cannot afford lots of clothes and have to repeat outfits more often than others. It also means that pupils don't have the stress of worrying what they have to wear every day. It actually allows people to be more creative because they are not held back by looking different to everyone else. :) In an ideal world, kids wouldn't be picked on for looking different but unfortunately it happens, so uniform at least helps part of that. :) xx

ēden 2016-03-02 23:45:03

I am very happy you are doing VEDIM again.

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Lucy Dunphy 2016-03-03 00:46:03

As introvert every summer break I miss school because I'm so contempt in being alone that I don't seek out any sort of social interaction and it's not healthy. My energy drains when I'm around people, but it's like exercise, it's tiring but you end up feeling better because of it. Last summer I went out with my friends only twice and most days only left my room to eat (which probably stems from my depression as well) because that part of me was so out of shape that even talking to my mum for 5 minutes made me tired. I'm afraid of what will happen to me after school when there's nothing to keep me out of the house and close to my friends.

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Replies (3)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:22:01

Oh jees this is a difficult one. Make sure you push yourself to find a club nearby! There are plenty - me and my friend went to a dance class taster and I thought it'd be full of weird people but turns out everyone's in the same boat and just wants to try something new and join a new community. Good luck! :) xx

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explodingplatypus 2016-03-03 01:25:58

+Lucy D dear lucy, I'm kind of like you but I'm also out of school. The solution is to go out (against your will most of the time) and EXERCISE. Yes! It feels like you don't  want to go out at first but once you are doing things and being friendly, it is satisfying. Try not to drain all of your energy, tho. Balance your alone (but not lonely) time with your social life in a way that, in time, you get to feel comfortable.That's all I can recommend you. It is tough at first but then it gets better and better. Trust me.

Lucy Dunphy 2016-03-09 19:29:08

+explodingplatypus +doddlevloggle
thanks for the advice! I've been getting better at getting out if comfort and doing things that are good for me, hopefully I can gain then will power to do things more often, knowing that I will feel better in the end.

Bryony Wright 2016-03-03 06:24:30

your hair looks so volumous and nice!!

Brad Diamandis 2016-03-04 22:37:34

There's a noise in the background that was really fucking bugging me through the video omg. Love you Dodie xox

emmske 2016-03-03 16:14:22

School is almost over for me and i have been thinking about the things you mentiined alot. I already get nostalgic even though its not over yet.

nerual yelyah 2016-03-03 02:52:02

Doddie your eyebrows are amazing in this video!

Natalie 2018-05-03 04:19:50

"Good times never seemed so good" - that guy that did the song that dodie covered and goes sweet caroline ba ba baaa

Ferdzz 2019-04-24 21:59:42

One day we'll be nostalgic for today.

megs 2016-03-03 00:08:32

you look fucking flawless I love it

also great vid

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Dkashu 2016-03-03 06:11:13

Cool vid. Totally miss school now. But question: was there a clicking noise in the background, or was that just my headphones acting up, or was it a makeshift mic setup as you're just getting settled into your new flat and unpacking and such?

Claire Buhr 2016-03-03 03:31:11

Ok so I'm graduating this year and I'm so afraid bc I don't know where I'm going anymore? Like, throughout everything like grade school and high school its planned and they tell you what classes to take and what you need to pass the classes but like ??? What do I do now? I'm not good at asking for help and I just wanna stay home and be alone, which is another problem in itself bc how am I supposed to share a dorm with someone when I can barely make new friends now? And I've been realizing that after I graduate everything at my school still continues just without me and it's so so weird!!!!! ANYWAYS I really loved the video Dodie :)

charlie 2016-03-06 03:31:01

i left school at 15 because of mental health problems and all my friends are still at school (im 17) and its just kinda crappy cos i miss the whole school thing, even though i hated it to the point of a mental breakdown, i miss being with everyone and learning so much. i miss the sense of community and the stationary and the lunchtime giggles. to anyone still at school: enjoy it! (even though its shit sometimes)

Tim Fuchs 2016-03-03 19:39:02

You are soooo Write And inspirational Keep on!!!

Lucía 2016-03-03 01:45:29

thats why i keep studying. i LOVE academic places and people so i keep doing it all the time (in my country is free so its easier) but join a club, start learning something new. it will help you to feel more productive

RA. 2016-03-03 14:07:22

This video represent the way I think about my past (school) and my future , Its really scary. And i always get emotional about 😭

Arran Kemp 2016-03-03 07:50:58

I think uniforms is debatable because all the kids with more money than others would come in with the latest stuff whereas the less well off kids would come in with whatever they could find and could even be bullied. With uniform, everyone's equal. Great video Dodie!

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Replies (1)
Kitty McNeill 2016-03-03 08:06:41

Everyone says this, but I go to the most diverse school in Scotland but we also don't wear uniform. Everyone wears the same, and no one cares about clothes, because it's what we do everyday. It's not like a non uniform day which is what everyone thinks.

Sofia 2016-03-03 02:33:22

I've always hated missing. I find myself thinking about the past a lot, feeling nostalgic about what I could have done or not. But when that sad thoughts are gone, I tell myself that it's ok. Everything is fine. Because maybe if back then I would of done something different, there is a chance I wouldn't be where I'm today. (I don't know if that makes sense. My English is not that good, sorry)

nora 2016-03-03 00:01:15

this makes me so apprehensive for graduating aHHHH

Valhalla 2017-07-14 23:18:16

I'm still in school. The first point hurt so bad. I'd never realised I'd actually have to leave all these people.

kvicious aka Kerri W 2016-03-03 03:44:00

At graduation I was the only one to cry about leaving high school. Now I'm like "meh". I wasn't the most popular but I got along with everyone.

lisi 2016-03-18 10:32:20

this video made me appreciate school for these last years i have left in school

AnnaBanana 2016-03-03 02:39:43

I'm in school now. I never thought about how one day I won't be in school and will be an adult and stuff. I'm glad I'm still a student!

PotatoTheCat 2016-03-03 00:34:00

senior year, and I know I'm going to miss it because on the weekends I don't want to do anything and I also feel lonely.

aj star 2017-11-07 13:58:03

I don't much enjoy the actual class part of school right now, and yet, I want to be a teacher. I am the Ron Swanson of education

hello its jello 2016-03-03 03:52:36

yyayy i love your vedas and vedims and i just love seeing your videos pop up into my subscriptions !

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Julie DuBois 2016-03-03 02:44:47

I'm so happy for VEDIM yay!

Sepia Smith 2016-03-05 16:55:15

This is me looking back on middle school though like damn I had some rough times but in the long run I keep looking back on it like "i totally should have done that oh my god why didn't I do that" and it's just sad

maddy 2016-06-22 04:37:03

this happens to me when i see a picture of food and remeber that time that i ate it and it was so good god why didnt i appreciate it and savour it more when i had it now i want it. im not even joking this happens to me

Sofie Dankerluu 2016-03-03 20:28:21

AWW dodie, I'll join you when your flatmate's out :D

Mbali Gysman 2016-03-06 03:08:21

yep we got 13 years , anyway thanks for your advice i love these types of videos you make

T B 2018-04-05 18:07:52

you could go to uni like part time? I'm 25 and went back to school and I've remembered how much I love learning too.

Hannah Leininger 2016-12-13 01:54:00

I'm crying gosh. I started homeschool last month and I really want to go back to public school. I feel like I'm missing out on so much.

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Replies (1)
kimchiia 2017-02-01 21:55:20

I've been homeschooled for a few years. I know how you feel. At first you feel free and happy and then you realise you need people to tell you what to do and what you need to know. You can ALWAYS go back. In England at least, you can spend around 3 days a week at a college learning the main subjects (Math, English and science) which is like school but only the essentials for GCSEs. Sorry, this might not be very helpful if you aren't in Britain.
There's also homeschooling clubs and other homeschooled kids out there. More than you think there are.
You can always go back to school, you can always do it alone. It's all up to you and how you feel and you're allowed to change your mind

Ava Kess 2016-03-03 05:32:50

Doodie, you help me so much, you are so much happpiness

Daniel Horsman 2018-08-24 19:04:43

It is spooky how many things you said that resonated with me.

fatemah alafaliq 2017-05-12 21:13:43 (edited 2017-05-12 21:14:20 )

I relate to dodie on so many levels.

Jaimie hi 2016-03-06 11:41:43

What I miss most about highschool are my friends. I don´t have a lot of them, but I love them. I loves being around them, going to school and knowing they would be there. Now I´m in college and I don´t have that anymore. I like my classmates, they´re really nice, but they´re not my friends.. I miss my highschool teachers, I miss the jokes they made, I miss not doing what the teachers wanted us to do and having them yelling. I miss not making my homework, and getting lectured by teachers about it. I even miss the anoying know it alls who would have discussions with everyone about everyting. At the time I hated it, but now I really miss all those little things, and I hate the fact that it´ll never be that way again.
In 3 years I´ll be done with college (if everything goes well and I actually succeed) and I'll miss that too then

Replies (1)
lucy Williams 2016-03-07 00:16:16

this conveys exactly how I feel, I just moved from my old small secondary school to a sixth form where I feel like an outsider. I sit with people at break and eat with them at lunch but they aren't my friends. I used to love school but now I dread waking up to go there.
Good luck at college :)

imallout ofgin 2016-03-04 18:10:25

You look great to me. Also, same. I was bullied really bad in school but I miss learning. I might go to uni..... we'll see. I just wish I has more money to do that now.

New Day 2016-08-28 04:04:40

When I decided to choose this video for an English project I didn't realize I needed it typed out. Whoops now I'm typing out Dodie's every word bc I'm committed yo

Jess Thomas 2016-03-07 16:21:26

yay to 13 year compulsory education now D:
I don't mind spending time with my friends, or the actual work, but it's the homework and the idea we should prioritise school and homework above everything else in our lives, even our own health.

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Sari Hamdi 2016-03-03 16:52:41

oh man I can relate so much

crafty crumpet 2016-03-03 01:01:36

Have you heard that quote from the end of the office the US version ""I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." i mention this quote as a reminder that one day you will probably look back to where you are now with rose tinted memory glasses and think the same thing. i know i always do.

Eli Boston 2016-03-03 10:12:33

I miss school so so much, mainly because seeing your friends every single day was such a blessing!! and now i'm lucky if we see each other 3 times a year, but damn i miss spending lunch and my lessons with all my best friends and just friends who i didn't even realise were my friends until now that i miss them! And there's no going back to school, ever, and it's really really sad :(

iguess 2017-02-01 13:44:17

Eu amo essa menina ,mds.

Keila Sue 2017-07-10 20:52:57

"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."

Megan B 2016-03-03 00:23:55

13 years compulsory now, not including reception or nursery.
I'm finally in my last year. Thank heavens. Only to go onto three more years. 16 years of education.

sam davidson 2016-03-03 07:50:09

Yeah school especially 6th year was fucking awesome no lie - if I could go back in time and relive lower/upper 6th I would in a heart beat

Harri B 2016-09-04 23:31:29

This is strange to watch, because I go back to school tomorrow and I am dreading it. The anxiety and pressure that comes from school work along with the fact that all my so called 'friends' so far have been back stabbing bitches means that I'm not focusing on my school work and more on the social hierarchy that comes along with being in secondary school.

cloudyari _ 2016-03-03 09:38:49

Just wondering what does Vedim stand for? And also Veda? ILY SO MUCH DODIE!

Kenneth Coinneach 2018-03-20 12:27:00 (edited 2018-03-20 12:37:07 )

Finally someone understood me. I am not the only one. I guess I am more afraid of getting old. I am going through the same thing as you do. I miss being a kid. I sometime have dreams of being a kid again and those are the best dreams.

Bertine 2016-03-02 23:54:54

i don't miss school at all. i'm the epitome of an introvert, i had, like, 2 friends and i used to get bullied a lot. i grew up in a small village where everyone was racist, sexist and homophobic, there are no clubs or anything like that. i got bullied a lot because i was the slow kid who's a know it all because i didn't know how to interact with other people. idk this isn't coherent at all but i hated it, i never wanna go back and i don't want kids so that they're gonna have to go through that.

No Bees Allowed 2016-03-03 09:12:34

British schools sound very interesting compared to schools in croatia. We have 16 mandatory subjects which we cant choose, and there are no extra clubs to join like swimming and glee club. Plus im an introvert. It doesnt seem like im going to miss school.

kishka7winecountry 2016-09-14 12:42:20

I think you are very eloquently relating what many people your age don't take the time to realize - they just panic and feel bad etc etc. When I left high school for junior college (N California) the first thing I noticed was that there were no bells for class - just the campus tower clock - I had to depend on myself to get to my classes actually on time!
Song suggestion: John Lennon's "Starting Over" - very nice for reminiscence and love. Such a sweetie!

Lau Gabriel 2016-03-03 07:03:52

When i were young at school, i always wanna be adult and leave school.But now look back , i find out school day is my best time of my life

McToasty 2016-03-03 11:42:01

I'm from Germany and I will be finished with school in a week and I'll be moving to England in April and I miss school now already :( I love all my friends and nobody is being bullied in my school so I actually only have good memories of my school. <3
but I'm looking forward to study and speak english all the time :)))

Laura Schlichting 2016-03-03 10:27:34

I am currently in my last year of school and will finish in June/July and I am honestly already pretty sad. Even though I hated school when I was in year 7/8/9/10 and even though it sometimes really sucks and is annoying, I already miss it. Seeing the same people every day and idk it's just something where you know what to expect of the day. I am probably also one of the few who are already sad about leaving school because I hate changes and am actually pretty scared of them.

Matt Runci 2016-03-03 00:59:51

Im currently going to the exact same school that you miss so much lol. You may look back and think it was fun but year 11 is alot of stress and its just not very fun at all.

Lizzie Goldsack 2016-03-03 00:23:41

Its so hard to appreciate something when you have nothing to compare it to! I left school last year and I miss it now i'm doing this part time course which sucks and i have no friends and i realise only now that school is good, cos atm this is bad!

Shelby Gill 2016-03-06 00:44:36

I hate finishing up college with a passion but I will absolutely miss being told what to do. It's a bit of a safety net of course but. I feel like I'm fantastic at being told what to do and doing it well but now is the time where I need to be ok and be good at being in charge and AH ADULTING ASHUDKSJFL:KDSLFA

I never joined a club in college and I wish I had. I was extremely stressed out and introverted and just wanted to be alone with my work to do because college was incredibly difficult for me (don't get a programming based degree ew) and I wish I would have kept on with club soccer, I wish I could have joined a random music club or art history club and joined the fashion photography magazines that were in my college and now I have to sort of just do what I love, by myself. Which sucks. I definitely miss it but it definitely taught me to enjoy the present as well. LOVED this video! xoxo

Franzi Li 2016-03-03 13:46:49

Sounds to me like you want to go to University. A lot of the stuff you're talking about is happening there. :)

christine 2016-03-03 16:22:19

I love school and education. I don't know I just really like learning it makes me feel smart, unless its science and then I dont understand anything and feel stupid.

ellie 2016-10-03 00:26:01

i agree. im about to go uni next year and i really miss primary school and the fun :(

Liv Williams 2016-03-04 03:49:05

Could you please do an apartment tour once it's all furnished

Stefanie 2016-03-03 01:27:28

everyone always tells me " you'll miss highschool " but it seems so dreadful now I don't see how I will cx

Stefanie 2016-03-03 01:27:18

everyone always tells me " you'll miss highschool " but it seems so dreadful now I don't see how I will cx

adriana raww 2016-03-03 03:26:21

ive never even thought of being in a place where everyones not the same age

Charlotte Connelly 2017-07-09 22:45:22

This is why I want to do musical theatre

Isobel 2016-03-05 10:32:27

I'm probably one of the few people who loves school. I'm just dreading leaving in a couple of years. That's probably why I want to become a teacher

Robert Heslop 2016-03-03 00:51:29

Couldn't agree more. Since I've left school I've hated being an adult. I mean, yes, I was bullied but I prioritised a lot more on my studies. If I was as determined on what I wanted to do with my life as I am now, I wish that I knew that when I was at school so that I knew what subjects to take at GCSE and A-Level to get on to the right degree and get the right job. I hate, nay, loathe being an adult.

Solomon Gibson 2016-03-03 20:24:43

Could always do a degree? You could do film, you could carry on your career and knowledge!

15rattrait9 2016-03-03 21:21:28

In the wise words of Albie Dumblepips; It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Mad Olive Films 2020-06-13 05:37:28

I am homeschooled, because I hated school. But now I definitely appreciate and get nostalgic about it and even miss it.

Life is complicated 😕 But I'm trying to enjoy now so....yeah😊

Riley Pichie 2016-03-03 04:34:01

I feel the same way about the spelling thing. I'm a really good speller (I'm not the best at Grammar and punctuation tho let's just put that out there) but I've noticed how lazy I am when I type out big words because I really like using them and now I don't even spell my words half the time because my phone auto-finishes the word for me and now I get lazy and can't always remember and write down the word right away correctly. but weirdly when I'm typing on a computer keyboard I'm pretty good at spelling but my speed has lessened. which bothers me! because I used to be a very very quick typer on the keyboard and now my fingers fumble and it frustrates me!

Noa Avis 2016-03-02 23:52:31

I was signed off of school because of anxiety and now I am getting home tutoring. But I haven't been going to school since the summer and hadn't been learning anything. I never realized how much I missed learning and how much potential I have. I actually like learning and because I'm not in school everyone presumes I am just another drop out that won't succeed and I'm afraid of that. I get told that I won't go anywhere because I don't have any GCSEs. Yeah, thanks, bye!

Dragonflite 2016-03-03 00:19:10

Kurt Vonnegut asked people to say every now and then "If this isn't good, then what is?", I am trying to do this when I feel good and I recommend it

Suzanne Barillo 2016-03-03 00:57:58

I'm in my last semester of my senior year in high school, I'm so beyond scared y'all

1 like
Minimadmonkey01 2016-03-03 18:38:50

I leave secondary next year and I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do with my life!
Ngl I'm loving school rn

Lore Zanardi 2016-06-16 13:34:55

Oh this is great ❤

Ninja Jellyfish 2017-10-02 19:55:08

I'm in year 8 now and I always thought I hated school. But I now realise how fortunate I am being at school and seeing my close friends everyday yes there's stuff I don't like about school but I now realise I like going to school. So yeah it's weird I'm happy yeah

1 like
Amy-Louise Tilley 2016-03-04 19:23:55

I'm gonna train to be a primary or nursery teacher so I remain in my childhood as long as possible ::)

TwoTwelveAM • 2017-02-10 22:18:26

So I'm going into high school next year and I'm terrified because I know I'm gonna miss middle school so much. I've been with the same kids for so long. Now we're separating, and it's so upsetting to me.
And the people in my class this year have been so lovely and we're all so close, we do so many amazing and fun things together and we're like this little family. I don't want to lose that, but I know I'm about to. Growing up sucks.

mills 2016-04-09 14:34:53

I am okay with the aspects of school that you said here, but as a person with social anxiety, anxiety disorder nervosa, ADD and chronic insomnia and depression (mouthful woah), I HATE the amount of people that will leave me to have a breakdown. There are so so many transphobic and homophobic people (I'm trans) and that really gets to me. I do quite well in my classes, my average is a B. The only subject I wish my school had after Y6 is music. I took up music in year 7, which is the first year that you don't take it anymore, so that sucks. I chose art, geography and French as my GSCE's and I'm doing them in June. I do, however, agree with you on most of these points except for the people.

Rant over. Sorry.

MadeleineClaire 2018-03-24 07:18:49

This resonates me so much

Joep Noordhoek 2017-03-30 09:35:21

i still go to school, and i don't understand how people hate school. sure the actual school work isnt fun but being with friends and being surrounded by people is nice (for me at least). and i actually often feel sad on a friday afternoon bc i dont want it to be weekend and i want to be with people

Liz Z 2016-03-03 09:16:16

I like having a uniform because then you get to be really lazy and don't have to be self conscious about how you dress :)

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Lorelei 2016-03-11 11:01:14

Dodie what's your Hogwarts house?! :D

Ytoquk 2016-03-03 17:03:27

I think that there needs to be a mix of these different things. So currently I am in high school and I am undoubtedly not appreciating my time here. All I want to do is grow up and be free to do what I want. But I am aware that when I do get older, I'll be like you and miss these days. So maybe to be happier and less nostalgic you should have a mix of old age freedom and youthful ease. But of course that's hard if not impossible.

mooology 2016-03-03 05:01:32

You need a band! Bands/bandmates fix everything

David Turner 2016-03-03 00:01:11

as a 21 year old I'm so sad I wasted my language lessons

Anagha Ravi 2016-03-03 08:27:34

I am just finishing school...........

Every morning, I'd have to wake up early and go to that miserable old building. We all kept nit-picking about how bad our school was, how we hated our teachers, how boring it was to come to school and blah blah. But come to think of it now, I love all of it. That horrendous place gave me the best of my memories and taught me bigger lessons than Science and Math. It taught me LIFE. And I am eternally grateful for that.

And that's why, my school days will surely be one of those times I will always cherish (and miss).

Eme Blue 2016-03-03 17:25:41

I do that too now! ^^ when i feel nostalgic i think about what will i be nostalgic for in the future and try to squeeze it and enjoy it to the fullest ♡

maybe you could try a blog too? the spelling would improve and you'll be pretentious :P

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Replies (1)
Chlöe Alice 2016-03-03 17:41:29

Omg that's an amazing idea, Dodie blog!!!

zowee 2017-03-29 22:01:14

This video takes School and makes me appreciate it

Margot C 2016-03-03 14:26:14

this resonated with me a LOT

Harriet Spence-Reid 2016-03-03 00:18:15

Honestly I am in my first year of high school and I feel like I feel how you do now if that makes sense like I'm still in school but I don't want to leave which is weird

Harriet Spence-Reid 2016-03-03 00:18:17

Honestly I am in my first year of high school and I feel like I feel how you do now if that makes sense like I'm still in school but I don't want to leave which is weird

not 2016-03-03 00:46:35

I'm about to graduate. I know I'll miss it, but I'm so ready to move on.

Jonathan LaGrange 2016-03-03 05:01:27

All of the thing you just listed about people and school and creativeness.... I just realized that I too will one day miss those 😱

Amrita K 2016-03-03 20:56:15

Made me think.... I'm in my last year of school, nearly done. Part of me is happy but an incy wincy bit of me is a bit sad. Growing up is weirdddddddd

Shannon T 2016-03-03 00:49:30

This breaks my heart because i really hate school but i can already feel the future regret because im not trying hard enough :(

BecksCald 2016-03-03 22:28:00

I miss school too.
I enjoyed it between year 9-11.
However, I moved away from my school so I can't go back to my high school.

cloudyari _ 2016-03-03 09:38:38

Just wondering what does Vedim stand for? And also Veda? ILY SO MUCH DODIE

Rhiannon Emily 2016-08-20 15:33:44

Dodie you are the cutest little bean :3

1 like
Natalie Martin 2016-03-03 01:36:47

Since you know your an extrovert you should do a test to find out your mbti if you don't know it already and do a vedim on it :)

Anaih Zarzo Mooney 2016-03-03 09:20:40

you can still be "inteligent". you just need to do it. do all that you said in this video. just do it.

Tegan Lawrence 2016-03-03 06:11:26

I appreciate school so much tbh I'm so scared to leave

Unknown 2019-05-11 01:36:52

dont cry because it ended , smile because it happend

azialif aziz 2017-06-16 00:52:23

I'm with Orwell on interlectuals, they live in an ivory tower and use stupid fancy language and stuff. you should read some of his essays on interlectuals, they are quite funny... (I realise him hating interlectuals is ironic​ cos he himself was one...)

izzy 2016-03-03 00:32:15

Honestly, I don't believe we should ever stop learning because learning helps us grow,become more open minded, etc( I sound so inspirational hahaha) but my point is maybe you should try taking a class at a uni, not for credit or a degree but you know just for the fun of learning. Plus life you is too short to live with regrets. And I often feel like if we took a class just for the joy of learning we wouldn't hate school as much. Idk I am not trying to tell you what to do or anything I just want to let you know that you could keep learning new things if you want.

Replies (1)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:23:50

HmmMMMM. Thank you for this!

amber pateman 2016-04-08 15:40:31

I have nostalgic aches for things that haven't happened...

Joanne Timmer-Doornenbal 2016-03-03 18:16:23


Aquatic Llama 2016-03-03 18:48:10

Every Dodie video: starts the video by clapping

Stefaleyy Y 2016-03-03 09:31:31

I really can't imagine a life where I want to go back to this hellhole.

Mary Karayel 2016-03-03 20:55:21

I'm learning clarinet!!

miko tikkanen 2016-12-14 15:46:20

It's weird.. i really consider myself an introvert but i get energy from being with others :o

Tomas Martin 2016-03-03 00:19:02

I'm going back to school on Monday, and I was really sad and angry for summer to be over but now I just realized that every time I think about the past I'm like wow that was great, but to be honest it wasn't, BECAUSE IM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THE FUCKING PAST and I'm kinda tired of it. So fuck it I'm excited for classes to start, I can meet my friends and have fun and ride my bike to school and I love autumn as well because I can be all cozy in bed and I love the rain too so yeah just thank you beautiful human 😘😘😘

Nina Cazalet 2016-03-04 07:58:50

I'm doing work experience in my old primary school because I'm simply just nostalgic and want to be back in that environment.. Lol

KiimPossible 2016-10-18 23:44:58

I relate to 4:17 immensely omg

Poppy Robinson 2016-05-28 01:14:52

I'm still in primary school (ugh I'm so young I hate it!) and teachers never show respect. They will tell you not to talk back or bully, but really, that's all they are doing to us. They take favourites in girls and never give anybody a else a chance. People shouldn't have to be dreading getting up in the morning because they know they are not going to have a good day! School should be fun for everyone and the teachers certainly shouldn't have favourites.

clementine 2016-03-03 05:58:17

im still in school and i kind of feel like school is slipping away from my fingers :(

James Mc Gowan 2016-03-05 18:47:16

Dodie you are now on 399,664 subs!!! I'm so PROUD!

Jessie Sheridan 2016-03-03 14:09:34

I feel exactly the same

meabh 2019-09-02 06:33:47

I've just started 5th class (6th grade) and I'm so excited!!!!!!😁😁😁😁

ItsLex 2016-03-03 21:48:27

I could've sworn you said "The pasta's done" instead of the past lol

allie 2017-02-12 03:42:44

i've never related to something more oh my GOD I thought I was alone

Isabella Solis 2016-03-04 04:25:36

i've been working on being a better reader-- like stopping being online so much and just reading things just to read. You could try getting books on things you're into.

Aisling 2016-03-03 23:26:11

i like learning and the structure and routine of school but the atmosphere is generally awful

Isla McTear 2016-03-02 23:55:09

Does anyone remember their times tables? Off by heart? Can anyone do math without the aid of a calculator? I miss School...

Emma Warlick 2016-03-03 00:19:27

I'm going to high school next year and am slightly terrified even though my dad teaches strings at the high school I'm going too he is only there in the morning and I also have all honors classes and that is making me freak out even more because all of my current teachers say that it's really hard. Thinking about it makes me internally scream any advice from people who have been through high school would be appreciated

Claudia Ippolito 2016-03-03 16:11:53

I think that going to school actually makes you feel intelligent because you're forced to study but i mean at school you do not practise just on subjects that you like so it is boring and stressful because you have to be good at something that you're not good and you don't even care about. I feel like i got no time to do things that I like and it is awful. Also I am a very introvert person so i do not enjoy spend so much time surrounded by people, especially when surrounded by people i hate.

cosmotiger 2018-04-17 20:06:16

6:00 i love this quote from her so much

Hanneke X 2016-03-03 00:06:58

Go to a nice church or an Alpha course (: Nice people, music, you can have discussions, it's every week and maybe there is even a meeting with youth your age every week/every two weeks. (: I'm also an extravert if you talk about getting energy when I'm surrounded by (awesome) people! What I really like about my friendgroup at chruch: everybody accepts each other, woepwoep!! ^^ Okay bye :p And have an awesome day ^^

Glyn 2016-03-02 23:55:21

To quote Carly Simon, "These are the good old days".  We just don't realize it at the time we live through them.

Milk 2016-03-03 16:00:07

hey dodie! is your dress (i think its a dress) from primark? i think i have it haha

Rover the Turkey 2016-03-07 22:17:51

My mouse died yesterday and it was really hard for me so u kind of made me feel better.

TheHomeAloneProject 2016-03-03 06:44:18

having too many emotions is both a blessing and a curse A

1 like
hannah 2016-03-05 11:27:42

hello! i'm new here and would just like to know, what exactly is vedim? does it stand for anything? thanks!

Katie Johnston 2016-03-03 01:08:06

I just woke up and puked at one am and your vid made me smile.

Keir Husband 2016-03-03 20:08:38

Just watched let it be you were amazing!!!!!!!!!

Isabelle M. 2016-03-03 04:54:10

I miss school too and I'm still going there 😔

sadie is lame 2016-03-03 18:28:32

you said you were bullied in school?? um, i guess i would just like some advice. im being bullied really badly at the moment, what do i do ? its so hard to get up and go to school in the mornings, bc i really dont wanna deal with it, and sometimes it gets really personal. its just verbal abuse, and yes, i have told teachers and nothing has happened. its mainly on social media, but often words and rumours are thrown around. dms, texts, calls, tweets. what do i do? its taking everything out of me.

Anushka Read 2016-03-03 02:07:36

I'm sat here doing an English lit essay for tomorrow, you are more than welcome to help xD

Julia Lin 2016-03-03 09:08:32

am i the only one who actually likes school? i understand everything Dodie said and im still at school

Logan Barnes 2016-03-03 19:11:50

Skewl is like carrots for me... sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not

J T 2017-11-17 19:37:43

Only bit of school I miss is seeing me mates everyday

Erin Set 2016-03-04 23:43:23

Enjoy the good old days while it's still the good old days.

Sohaila Sabek 2017-03-02 20:34:58

I cried watching this because I'm a senior...

1 like
tink 2018-01-11 16:19:33

im in the first year of 6th form and im already missing being in lower school :(

Isla Coogan 2016-03-03 03:16:35

yr videos make me really happy i love you thank you for being so great

cooboo2499 2016-03-03 03:46:14

Dont worry doddy we can be your "people" :)

Adam Leahy 2016-03-03 08:15:20

Nearly at 2k subs u can do it Dodie!

Replies (2)
PaigeEloise 2016-03-03 09:15:00


Ashley Velazquez 2016-03-03 11:56:24


Evie Moran 2016-03-03 17:16:29

Throughout year 7 and 8 I really enjoyed school but now, half way through year 9 and beginning my GCSEs, I can't stand it. Obviously I am grateful for my education and I love learning, but I feel like the way we get taught is so uninteresting, and the only classes I really look forward to are history and music. Nowadays I just feel like school is draining my energy.

Bee Inept 2016-09-30 13:12:34

literally what im scared about (I've officially graduated school just gotta sit some exams)

Chloe Small 2016-03-07 12:00:15

Sounds really conceited but I was very clever at school, I worked hard and was naturally very clever at GCSE and Sixth Form. Now I'm at the top universities and feeling very mediocre. I miss school because I miss being the best!! :P

Dan Lay 2016-03-03 09:48:12

I've got a new appreciation for all the bs that is my GCSES..

Jay Ready 2016-03-03 01:32:13

can you do a cover of sweater weather by the neighboorhood

Roberta Pascal 2016-03-03 00:11:49

No being your own boss is the best! Trust me on that. I call the owner of my company Mr. Burns, as in The Simpson's Mr. Burns. The only difference is she is female, but cold, black, greedy heart she shares with the cartoon character. Good moral story. I am trying to appreciate working for a real life Mr. Burns.

donnydanko 2016-03-10 06:56:33

If you get bored, just talk to us. the pros of being on youtube is that there's always someone awake on the other side of the world :)

rororolling 2016-03-03 01:40:50

i feel you 100%

amy phillips 2017-04-17 18:44:52

i despise school because of my mental health, i haven't been much in year 8/9/10 and i dread to go back

dog teeth 2017-03-20 06:29:40

I'm probably going to miss school when I'm older but I definitely won't miss my maths teacher because she shouts at us for no reason.Also she decided that if a few of us didn't understand she would have to treat us like toddlers.

McKenzi 2017-04-15 02:59:05


Nora Scha 2016-03-03 06:13:55

Now I'm really motivated to go to school and stuff, but the problem is I'm still in bed and school begins in like 40 minutes. and I just can't get up.

lehck !! 2016-03-03 02:04:41

I don't want to take it for granted now I see how you feel right now

A 2016-03-03 08:36:42

You're making me feel scared. I have 3 years left and I'm dreading leaving. Every single day I try to learn as much and do as much BC I can feel like this childishness wear off me and I can feel my life becoming older and more independent and I just can't I just need to stay in school with all my friends like I'm going to miss all my friends and even the people that are so annoying. And I don't wanna pay taxes or go to work. I wanna stay in bed and write fanfiction and play guitar. I'm so afraid to become an adult because then all your learning sort of stops and you just have to actually do shit w that and idk if I can. And I'm gonna miss all my activities and DODIE WHY WHY DO I HAVEV TO GROW UP. It's such a coincidence tho BC you put up this video at the exact same time I'm feeling like this. I just want more time. Like I remember my first day at 2ndry school. And I can already picture my last.

1 like
Dana F 2016-10-12 20:14:01

This is what I am thinking now and I already miss school so much although I still have 1 1/2 years left but I'll miss learning french and maths and just everything and this video nearly made me cry I am so weird

1 like
Maddie Daw 2016-04-04 03:17:31

I used to love school so much and then middle school happened.

moerle zoe 2016-12-11 21:07:36

Sometimes I like school and sometimes I hate it. I can't help it...

John Barry 2016-03-03 02:29:40

I am honestly so scared of leaving school I'm to childish to go off on my own and meet new people😂

James Clark 2016-03-02 23:51:47

I miss school so much! I'm out of Uni a year now and have no idea what I'm doing with my life!... I'm having a mid life crisis at the age of 22!... Is that possible?...

1 like
Meg 2016-03-03 10:17:23

This is why I'm so scared of finishing uni this year

smolest bean 2016-03-03 00:11:32

for me school is absolutely terrible, having a different sexuality makes everything terrible. "bullying is not tolerated" is the biggest lies schools tell

Josie Devon 2016-03-03 17:11:28

'I have little cries but cries are healthy' I say this all the time; people be like 'oh no don't cry!' and I'm like 'but it'll help me once I let it all out' :3

ExpressYoSelf 2016-06-01 21:10:47

i relate to this soooo much...

Rhiannon Mendelson 2016-03-04 01:28:35

Literally sitting in my English Literature class while watching this video ;P

Janna Mary 2016-03-03 05:53:14

See I actually find school physically and mentally exhausting. I am an introvert. I recharge by being alone. But when you go to a school with 98 people in it there's no where where you can be alone other than the washroom. I come home dead tired only to return to school and get physically drained because I have to socialize. I still like school sometimes but yeah as an introvert its rough

Replies (1)
Chloe x 2016-03-03 07:29:51

Be glad you don't go my school , 2000 pupils 😂

Sunflower are fun flowers 2016-03-03 21:56:51

I sometimes have a longing for the past I recently had my best friend leave me I miss it so much we would laugh and have inside jokes but now when we walk by eachother we will avoid eye contact

Crabapples Inc 2017-02-06 23:00:00

I don't go to school full time ( I had an operation and haven't fully recovered ) and I wish I could go to school full time. Not because I like school I don't like it, but because I'm missing so much. I've missed two years of education and I regret it even though there's nothing I can do, everyone would have learned all these facts and skills and I'm here knowing how to write a short story and cook curry.

Jemima Marcos 2018-02-25 07:35:24

what I miss about school is my friends and memories with them at school but now I miss them and can't see them anymore

Theo Foster 2016-03-03 00:00:22

I'm not in school because I have autism, and I feel this soo so much. I miss learning and assignments and writing and debating, it sucks that I can't do that because the school system isn't built for disabled people.

mettycandy 2017-05-15 19:03:23

the only reason why I like school is because it makes me feel like I have a purpose, like I'm not a complete waste of space & oxygen. Every morning I have a purpose to go somewhere and I have things to do when I get home but that doesn't add up to how many dickheads there are in my school

ivo 2016-03-09 07:06:28

yeah I'm definitely not an extrovert so I can't say I relate to that, I think I will miss some of these things though

Replies (2)
ivo 2016-03-09 07:06:50

I'm in grade 10 btw

ivo 2016-03-09 07:07:41

I think another thing I might miss is the variety

Lola Lea 2016-03-03 16:37:21

I was so looking forward to leaving school but now I'm just scared

remedywithin 2016-03-03 10:20:23

It's hard to do... Life just seems shit. I want to feel as I did in the past yet the present is just hard and uncomfortable.

Noah 2018-06-01 10:05:55

I’ll never miss my school. It gave me PTSD oof

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OrigamiLester 2016-03-03 02:48:51

Does dodie have a video on how she does her hair??

It's Just Judy 2016-03-03 02:43:12

You should consider going to university. An education is something that can never be taken away from you once you get it. 👍🏻😀

Amy Wootton 2016-03-05 15:00:16

When i leave school i want to do something creative and different with my life like be a you tuber or just to do something creative and surprise everyone i know but I'm afraid that ill miss discussing things with people and Ill miss helping and being around other people. What do i do?

Tracteur killeur 2016-03-08 16:46:16

If you want to practice French again, I'm here ahah! Je suis là pour t'aider si tu veux ;)

CharlotteMGray 2016-03-03 18:05:13

I feel like I might miss school when I leave this year ☹☹

gabby murison 2017-04-11 01:22:27

Dodie needs to start a podcast.......

JustAPairOfNobody's 2016-03-03 20:01:13

Wow. thanks for making me want to go to school tomorrow. 🎈💗

Harold Smith 2016-03-05 22:11:49

I missed school, but only because I was a lousy shot..... ;-)

As a bullied introvert, I loathed being forced to be around loads of people all day. People are hard work: trying to figure out what they want, how they feel, what they mean by what they say, when they're going to hit you again...

Olivia Rometo 2018-02-10 00:55:33

Lol no one tells me what to do I school. Teachers just throw you in the deep end and make you figure it all out yourself.

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Noah Blanco 2016-03-03 07:13:26

Lots of people to surround you, want to learn something and get told what to do, picking literature apart piece by piece. You should go to church. 😃

ImaDreamer 2016-03-03 00:16:14

I really like being able to see a lot of my friends every day, but I absolutely hate school… I like learning, but I'd prefer to do it another way. And I extremely dislike the big amount of people ((I'm an introvert)). I should continue my homework now… ((it's 1.17AM))

Laura Bragg 2018-06-02 19:20:55

I’m currently in school doing GCSEs and I feel like I should appreciating right now more but I just don’t know how! I feel like I’m just sitting around smiling but I feel like it’s not enough and I need to be more appreciative but I am idek have a great day everyone xxx

Catty 2016-03-03 00:10:40

I go to college now, but I miss school because thats where I met all my friends. I also just moved 300 miles away from all my friends and stuff, so now I don't see any of them and also I haven't even met anyone my own age and I'm sad :( I still message all my friends every day but its not the same. also I kinda miss school because you can just wear the same clothes every day because uniform and nobody will ever know because its all the same but college is like oh god gotta find so many clothes to wear. becoming old is stressful. I want to go to school again to be with my friends and not having to worry about meeting new people or stressing about what to wear. even though I didn't like school, the people I had around me made it a great experience because they kept me going and now I'm alone and stuff. this just got emo.

Rachel Louise 2016-03-03 13:32:08

I couldn't even watch all of this, I got way too sad because I feel the same way. I don't know what i'm doing any more, i'm not ready to be an adult.

CountTheStarsAG 2016-03-03 03:27:52

Dodie, this is why I hate growing up- I actually mentioned that topic today. There is this playground, and little kids playing on it, on the drive home. I just... I miss not having any problems or being worried about the things I'm concerned with now. UGH GROWING UP SUCKS. I know everyone says it's a magical time, but really it's not. Everyone smells strange, and their voices are changing, and we're all suddenly expected to take on so many more responsibilities and no one's ready for it. I feel like it was only yesterday I went to kindergarten and met two of my oldest friends- and now, they've both moved out of state and I never get to see them or talk to them. School is so stressful, and there's no recess or nap time, where you get to relax and just have fun! It angers me that when you're young, you don't think about the importance of appreciating your youth- it's gone so fast.

1 like
erin 2016-03-04 12:13:30

I broke up with my boyfriend because he changed and I didn't love him anymore but ever since then I've been scared incase I end up alone and I start to think about the good times and I get scared and I start to regret breaking up with him but this video helps me so much. I can think about my old relationship but not so much that it rips me apart

Libby Tidley 2016-03-03 12:10:39

i think your handwritings pretty nice
i mean
i look at it every day

melina stork 2019-03-04 10:38:32

i’m leaving my school in 3 months to go to a new school and make my a-levels there because you can’t do it at my school. The people in my year are so precious and everyone likes each other and my class is just a group of the favourite people in my life. We work together and go out together. My class teacher is my favourite adult ever. He spends his own money for us to have the best opportunities to learn properly, he goes out to eat with us and we see him every day. And in 3 months ALL THAT will be gone. So many people are just not gonna be this group, they’ll find new friends, get new teachers, live new life’s. I’ll never see some people again, i won’t work together with those people anymore and we’ll grow up to be adults. That shit destroys me. I’ve seen these people every day for 6 years and i took it for granted but soon all of this, all of my daily routine will be gone.
It’s so hard.

Spoonie 2016-03-05 09:47:30

I just watched an entire ad cause I love you so much. It was a long ad XD

Kathleen Kimmel 2016-03-04 03:19:43

I just cried this is so me! I'm a senior and it's so sad!

Lucid Screening 2016-03-04 15:37:26

I can't help but think that you would have loved Uni. Societies, music, choosing what you learn, choosing what you wear etc.

Sarah Walton 2016-03-06 08:55:22

why don't you join an adult wind band or orchestra? those sorts of things are what make us us and why stop yourself from that? I think it's really important to keep music going when you leave school (I'm still in school so I guess I don't really know, but I would hope that I do keep going to windbands and stuff because you meet new people and get to know and understand yourself and your boundaries)

mettycandy 2018-06-01 19:16:39

Coming back to this cause I’m kinda bummed that I’m done with middle school aaAaAAaAaaAAaH

fro ot 2016-03-03 21:10:52

I'm definitely an introvert

Amber Hart 2016-03-03 21:25:36

I went to a terrible school and I didn't like it as a place, but I love learning and studying is the one (only?) thing I've always been good at. I graduated from uni last year and I'm really sad to not be studying any more. Thankfully I work in adult mental health which means I'm learning things all the time (and even have to do revision/assessments in order to start gaining more responsibilities and do therapy).

Mary - Ellen 2016-12-29 23:24:50

Dodie used to go to the secondary school that I'm currently at, so that's wild lmao

Kelly Macdevette 2016-03-03 04:49:32

I really needed this

10 45 2016-03-03 06:40:23

Same. I'm in year 8 and I feel like I have so many close friends and I worry that when I leave I will be alone.

darkestacademia 2016-03-03 11:23:07

My school is responsible for the mess I am now. I got bullied for years, not just little teasing, I mean they made fun of everything i liked about myself, they pushed me off the seats I was sat in, they once smacked my head against a window. And it didn't stop despite me and my parents going to the head of year. Two years ago I moved schools. My new school is a lot better but I now have chronic anxiety and this year that caused my weight to drop so low I literally almost died. If I had lost half a stone, I would have died. So I can't go to school at the moment because I'm gaining my weight back. So I know exactly where Dodie is coming from. I miss being able to talk to my friends, I miss lunchtimes, I miss making fun of each other and teachers, I miss ugly snapchats we sent to each other at lunch in front of each other. I'm missing my last year of school because some dicks ruined my first three years. Don't fucking bully people because it scars them for life

Eve Nicole 2016-08-26 06:43:49

11 years compulsory?! We have to do 14!

Izzy Izzy 2016-03-04 03:25:23

you know you can still do all this stuff right? (for money sometimes lol) you just have to make yourself do it haha

justside 2016-03-03 22:37:34

Nothing keeps you from going to college !

Wieke Helsloot 2016-10-10 18:34:28

but you can still follow classes.... cooking Class or something or writing class etc.

Phaedra Kaanaana 2016-03-03 00:11:11


Eve Cowan 2016-03-03 17:36:18

i thought you were saying 'nostalgic eggs' then i realised you were saying 'aches' omg i was v confused for like 3 seconds

Zoe Turner 2016-03-03 19:47:00

COMPLETELY THE SAME i miss school so damn much and i actually feel like one reason why i want to go to uni is because I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO but yeah also I NEED TO ENJOY THE PRESENT TOO and i have been trying more ye ye

Philippa Odell 2016-03-03 19:24:39

you could make a game of picking a random word out of a dictionary, and trying to put it in to a sentence at a random point of the day when that chance occurs?

Laila Jesus 2017-02-16 20:24:37

That's why i'm so scared about going to uni. I'm not sure if i'll like it as i used to like school.

honkhonktiddiebitch 2016-03-03 03:23:33

I was so attention seeking in school too! I was the kid that was always sad and like, craves attention. huge cringe

Godzilla Conspiracy Theory 2017-08-16 04:18:18

I have so much anxiety. I don't like most of the kids in my grade, I like people who keep to themselves. I get lots of anxiety from them and also being away from home. I get good grades but that doesn't stop me from worrying. Sometimes my stress makes 3 hours of homework turn into 7 hours of homework.

Anne 2016-03-03 06:41:36

I miss the free time after school.. now I work the whole day :( and the friend you could see every day.. it is difficult right now to find the time to see them

TheEllaDarling 2016-03-03 09:22:06

''My hair looks poo my eyebags look poo nad I'm now gonna walk to mcdonalds and eat some poo''

Totally expected that. xD

But I do get what you mean, because every time I have to go to school I'm like ''this is shit everything is shit'', but when I am on break I loose all sense of purpose in life and I'm like ''what the F am I gonna do now then?''. I feel really lucky to be able to go to school and I know that some people don't have the opportunity to do so. But at the same time I feel like I would much rather just start working.

If someone gave me a full-time job right now, I would be so down for that. It's strange because I have a strong urge to work, but not to actually get a job. So I'm kind of in a loop of ''where am Igoing next'' and ''when's my next exam''.

I also have no idea where this comment was going you know? Kind of like my life. eeyy

Ana Julia Oliveira 2016-03-06 01:12:14

I just found out we have VERY different brains.

Carla P. Malo 2016-03-04 04:34:31

LOL that's why "school" as an anime gender exists. :')

Limejuiceuwu 2016-12-06 05:43:16

I believe many people have different opinions on school. For me it's terrifying to even look in my 6th grade classroom. I had been enrolled in homeschool for like 5 weeks then I grew lonely. I decided I missed band. I wanted to see people that are weird and have amazing personalities. I hate that one person ruined it all for me. I hate feeling intelligent because I feel dumb for wanting to stand out. To raise my hand and get it right everyone takes advantage.

Jacob Gadzella 2016-03-03 00:42:10

6:05 "The pasta's gone."


1 like
Jasmine Is a Fairy 2016-03-03 01:30:42


Alice 2016-03-03 23:54:32

your hair looks so good!!! hair videos v welcome xxxxxx

linyancat 2016-03-03 04:13:29

U r adorable.
And your eyebrows are on FLEEK.
And you are really sweet.
That's all

purple cherry 2017-08-04 06:24:25

well school is starting and this was great encouragement.

Camilla Rose 2016-09-23 15:47:14


Rawr it's Grace 2017-03-26 23:41:29

FINALLY! Another extrovert!

Rick Zuron 2020-04-16 21:50:40

Good job. Thank you !

ivey 2291 2016-03-03 00:37:22

did you play an instrument in school? a curious trumpet would like to know
< | >

I can't relate to it that much either. I'm way stressed. I have chores, music memorization for band, finishing band classwork, tests, more tests, and I have to study for my drivers. I seriously feel like I wanna slam my head through a wall right now. ugh I'm not even a sophomore.

Chlöe Alice 2016-03-03 17:39:37

I love the hair x

kamila 2016-03-03 00:08:00

This is my senior year and now i really don't want to leave

TheDaiDave 2016-03-06 22:36:02

I miss that too, now I'm the one who tells other people what to do... I'm a teacher

xcczzx 2016-03-03 17:24:13

exactly my thoughts/feelings

Care 2016-03-04 02:44:21

I miss college! Geez, I hated HS and such though.

Harry James Smith Music 2019-12-12 07:57:26 (edited 2019-12-12 08:09:03 )

I graduated from the university, got all my degrees (yeah in liberal arts) with top grades and now I'm completely lost and no one wants to hire me at all. I live in the Czech Republic. Yeah, it sucks. I feel like I was really scammed. I don't get why the goverment pays for this kind of education on massive scale, when it's a fraud in my opinion. I realized that too late. Now I dislike my school so much. It's the centre of hypocrisy. Btw. Great video! Sorry for my negativity :)

Andrew Linden Masters 2016-03-03 05:43:42

13 years compulsory school here in Australia...

1 year of pre-school, 6 years of primary school, and 6 years of secondary school...

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Replies (3)
Beth Ellerby 2016-03-03 06:58:29

12 years in britain and then you have to stay in education for another 2 (but you could do an apprenticeship you dont have to go to school/college)

Spoodledoon 2016-03-03 07:41:02

Don't Georges kindergarten - 7 years of primary

Andrew Linden Masters 2016-03-03 08:55:16

You're right. I forgot.

Libby Butcher 2017-08-12 13:23:13

I'm eating a salad right now I don't think future me will be like dang that salad was good

Christina C 2016-03-03 01:35:25

i just had a nostalgia attack ._. yay...

Zed Nelson 2016-03-04 07:53:46

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why its called the "present"
~Master Oogway

Bryan Bearsley 2016-11-18 00:59:22

i miss being in school also. i don't like moving on. nobody does. i wish i was in school again. and i like your video by the way :)

Colette Person 2016-03-03 16:56:12

OMG!! QUINSIDENCE! I just came back from posting my letter to my primary school

Cici Nichole 2017-04-25 02:20:10

Right I miss choir more than anything in school also my friends but they were in choir too

Montanna Page 2016-03-03 03:15:38


M D 2016-03-03 12:08:39

Sounds like you're wanting to go to uni Dodie

Sarah Holness 2016-03-03 08:51:14

I'll gladly let you come and take my place in school!

Ethaniel Clyne 2016-03-07 18:06:52

Well my hand writing's shocking and I'm still at school lol

Rose Armitage 2016-07-27 21:55:54

I can't stand the stress school puts on me but I can't take not having schedule and constant things to do during summer it All Sucks

Jeanne 2016-03-03 08:42:44

If you miss learning that much, why didn't you go to uni ?
I don't think I could be at a place where I'm not learning anything

Sacha Vlogs 2018-08-06 11:27:57

Man i know I'm not going to miss school because it actually gave me depression. (I'm not saying that in the oh lol I have depression way, I'm saying it in the I'm fucking depressed I want to die I can't feel anything and I just want to curl up in the corner and cry all day.)

1 like
Ty of Florida 2016-03-03 06:33:49

I hated school. Don't regret (well, barely) not being there anymore. That's all I gotta say about that.

Katherine Cunningham 2016-03-04 16:00:38

My pop up add for this was about going back to University xD I think Google has a solution, but I know how costly that is ^__^;;

GRFF 2016-03-04 05:15:50

"I'm an extrovert..." Yeah you're right this is not for everybody i can't relate

1 like
Replies (2)
It's Hat lol 2016-03-05 02:13:47

+MaJo Extrovert is not the same as socially awkward or unable to talk to people btw, you can be a social awkward person who is a extrovert.

1 like
GRFF 2016-03-05 02:18:07

Yeah i know, BUT i'm an introvert. Having people around me doesn't give me energy, it drains it. 

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velvet reign 2016-08-27 19:53:05

I'm so sad because I've just left school and it doesn't have a sixth form so I have to go to a college and it's so different and isn't a community, and I regret so so much from school, I wish I'd gone more and I miss so many little things like you, I just wish my school had a sixth form because I love the place😢

A Wild Candlestick 2016-03-03 00:46:55

wow I really needed this

Kiera Collins 2016-03-03 16:10:38

It's funny listening to people when they miss school, because as exams come ever closer, I'm getting more resentful. School is strange: it gives you strict rules and often treats you like a child but then expects you to decide on your future at the age of 16. I can't say I hate it, but I don't love it either. I wonder if my opinion will change when I'm older.

Zoe Kellett 2016-03-10 12:10:34

Have you thought about going back you uni even on creative courses they still ask for loads of essays and there are plenty of social events

Elana Raybould 2019-05-07 05:59:01

Of all the places in England to live and have things to do that could be mentally stimulating like school you live in the best possible place? London? Theres everything at least available. I live in a small fisherman town with what many would consider two quite good cities near me. And yet when I wanted to do some pottery classes with my mum I could not find a single place to do so within a 40 mile radius. London has a lot more to offer it just takes a second to get there.

sassyqueen 2016-03-03 07:00:20

I only have 2 years left .. I'm already scared because what's life without school i mean, since i can remember i see those corridors and all those people i like and they changed throughout the last years. I am a really nostalgic person, and i think i will fall apart on the last day of school.

Randomly Kawtar 2016-03-03 11:23:14

we are the same person basically and I`m in the same situation as you are. Except I`m a blogger and I`m not surrounded by fellow creatives: all my best friends are in medicine school... thank you.

Lily Galpin 2017-04-09 12:59:21

your like me I love a routine!

Abi Enston 2016-03-03 01:20:18

That cheeky giggle at the end though

Dentphone 2016-03-03 01:15:08

I'm literally eating McDonald's right now

Kyla Gamaro 2016-03-05 03:33:13

maybe you should be a teacher?¿ imagine you as the cool English lit teacher!! u'd definitely be the favorite

Mel 2016-03-03 08:08:03

I love your vedims and i love you just talking to the camera about stuff like really important stuff and like i never used to appreciate stuff and since my teacher talked to my class i appreciate more now and you talking about school and appreciating the present just is so nice and cool! (im making no sense but hey)

Sam Kinney 2016-03-03 01:35:29

I don't want to finish college (US) :/ I'm just going to keep getting PhDs forever and then teach or something

Anathasia Lee 2016-03-03 10:03:05

Omg today i just went back to school for the last time and this is how i feel right now AND also yeah i miss being told what to do :/ we're just weird and hopeless like that

Leonardo Oliveira 2016-03-02 23:47:37

i miss school too, but i'm in school... HOW'S THAT?

We WithU NiziU 2018-07-11 00:21:38

It's only summer break, but I miss school

FlowerPower 2016-03-04 12:16:45

Hind sight is 20/20

Rebecca Alden 2016-03-03 03:33:31

This is going to be a long and only tangentially related comment but if you're craving some discussion (like dodie in that one small part of the video i know its a very loose link) and have seen the deadpool movie feel free to read on/comment if you're feeling it:

SO I watched Deadpool with my friends a while ago and ever since I've wanted to discuss it but whenever I bring it up there are people who haven't seen it around so I can't so hopefully we can discuss it here instead. Also, a bit more disclaimer before I start: I haven't read the comics/haven't seen the other x-men movies so this is based purely off the Deadpool movie.

So Deadpool's main motivation throughout the movie is trying to fix his face. This, to me, is a totally legitimate motivation. Our face is a huge part of our identity, and does a lot to how people perceive us. Imagine yourself with someone else's face. Like actually imagine looking in the mirror and looking totally different than you had before. It would be really really unsettling to say the least. And at first I was happy that they gave this origin story to a man. If it were a woman, she would be written off as vapid and vane. Then I considered how I would have reacted. Even I, the 'feminist friend', would have been like 'well of course they would give the lame appearance based origin story to a girl' and would have discounted it when I find it totally legitimate for a man. This reveals some internalized bias on my part. So I thought it would have been cool if they had given it to a girl, and had framed it in a way that subverted the 'just concerned with looks bc she's a woman' trope. At this point, I thought, but would they have let a female super-hero be unattractive? All of the marvel women super heroes I can think of (which is already limited) are attractive, which is not true for the men. Sure, a lot of them are, but one of them is a raccoon. It seems to be more of a perk for men rather than a prerequisite like it is for a woman.

Anyways, thoughts?

a bit of a summary
(a) the legitimacy of an appearance-based origin story for a man vs a woman?
(b) the likely hood that marvel would create an unattractive female super hero?

Sorry this comment was so long and off topic. :P

sky port 2016-03-03 00:51:10

Yay! Extrovert club!

Regina George 2017-05-08 16:21:05

I hate school, however I'm leaving school but I will miss routines and having things to do, school passes the time more than anything for me

Juliet 2016-03-03 07:00:13

Trust me school sucks now 😫😫 although what Dodie talked about did sound really cool, shame we don't have it 😢

Replies (1)
Juliet 2016-03-03 07:01:54

Sorry I should enjoy the present... 😊

Aluminium Dose 2016-03-03 18:54:52

How could you have appreciated it?
You can only know light if there is a shadow and darkness.

annakay 2020-04-17 17:06:29

hits different in 2020 :/

1 like
em taylor 2016-03-03 17:37:48

its now 13 years compulsory, if u dont decide to do apprenticeships, i mean

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b 2016-03-03 02:53:49

i'm in my last year of school and i never want to leave

Peter Fox 2016-03-03 01:39:52

To be fair, I think most people are in the same boat, personally HATED school and only till I got to Uni/College were it was relaxed did I enjoy education. I've never struggled with doing my own thing, I feel like everyone else grew up happy to follow orders while I was struggling to understand why any of this was necessary and I had to do something that took time away from my other passions.

Rebecca Rankin 2016-03-05 21:53:26

Great moral xx

Jessica Bauer 2017-02-21 21:27:49

i wanne cuddle u after every video dodie because u are the cutest,just sooo omg

Peter G 2016-03-03 20:44:20

Never really thought about it but it was easier in a way.

eilidh macleod 2016-03-14 00:20:06

What did you play in orchestra? I'm curious. I'm a cellist.

Replies (4)
Ayanna R 2016-05-05 16:02:52


eilidh macleod 2016-05-07 21:54:16

@Ayanna Robinson

Ayanna R 2016-05-13 18:40:07


Jacko 2016-08-21 00:55:10

She's mentioned playing clarinet in the past

Freybel 2018-04-07 21:06:50 (edited 2018-04-07 21:07:40 )

I'm still in school, but I'm scared to leave it and grow up

Joseph Butcher 2016-03-04 04:26:36

totally relate

Mayte 2017-05-06 07:26:24

Time and life are really weird...

AmberAndGolden 2016-03-03 01:21:44

I am most definitely an introvert, but I do miss having friends.. I 100% lost all of my friends now that I've been out of school for a few years, and my college friends were never good good friends, I just didn't click with them
I feel superrrr lonely now adays because I really want to just go out and have fun and go to events with friends.. that I don't have.. And I don't think I ever had, I've never had friends that had real things in common wth me, bc i'm kind of weird, not kind of, very weird. Oh well, One day lmaoo, I'm only 19 so.. theres still a chance, I hope
send me friendsssss plsss cccries

Jagger 2016-03-05 17:17:57

The school system in France is shit, can't wait to finish. Plus I've already been accepted in my school for next year (because i'm in my last year of school) so can't wait for that especially !! I also got bullied at some point but meh... It got a lot better afetr :p

Anouschka Schmikli 2016-03-03 14:34:46

Most of the things you miss you can still do, you might have to search but eventually you'll find it. :)

katie dedea 2017-07-20 13:21:16

...am i an extrovert if i get energy from being around lots of people i know quite well?..

Lyric Bot 2017-04-25 23:43:43

18 years is now compulsory

Marianne M 2017-08-04 07:23:45

I'm not gonna miss school. I'm only gonna miss the people in it.

Lily Bacon Darwin 2017-09-19 16:37:44

On the uniform point, in in secondary school, and suddenly they have started telling us that we can't wear our own colour headbands!!! Seriously!!! I was wearing a hufflepuff alice band to school, which even worked because my house is yellow house, but I was told to take it off! And we can't wear our own pin badges or button badges anymore, just the school ones. We are losing our colours and our personalities!

Isabel Tscherniak 2017-07-09 12:28:38

Dodie you should check out Khan academy!

Bianca M. 2018-09-18 02:55:00 (edited 2018-09-18 02:55:15 )

I've been in school for like, 12 years and I still can't spell. woot

Mimalade 2016-03-03 11:56:49

go to uni?

lots of groups and intellectual stimulus as well as time to make videos :)

jessie rosa 2017-10-24 19:24:55

When do u guys wake up for school?

Kathryn Mary 2016-03-03 21:59:12

I was looking at my calendar earlier and I was like wow I have like no time left in school. I'm in my last year and in September I'll be starting a levels. I'm literally so scared! I've got to actually decide what I want to do at uni and some of my friends are going to college so I won't see them everyday and that's going to be so weird. I'm going to actually put together outfits rather than just wearing the standard school jumper and skirt get out. I'm actually so scared of the future. And responsibilities! If I don't want to go to school I won't actually have to by law, there's nothing to stop me from being a full time hermit. I would like to stop time to right now in my life please 🙁

phi 2020-04-22 02:47:00

YOUTUBE KNOWS ME. i literally miss school so much and i wanna see my friends 😭

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juggalotic 2016-03-03 01:34:15

I hated school but i loved the good old days.

deactivated account 2017-08-17 04:01:55

dont know what glorious school you went to but even the teachers would kinda bully me feeding me insults on how im never good enough or how i wasnt going to get my dream job but then again i did go to a school in my second language welsh so i have a reason to be bad at word in welsh

EVANN JOHNSON 2017-06-28 03:58:43

I miss school it's summer vacation and I want to go back

TurtleFul 2016-03-03 09:57:59

what is that sound in the background??
I'm super curious now!

didi xoxo 2017-07-04 17:12:44

I have no friends.
but i dont think its my fault.
I like classical music, they hate it
I like books, they dont
I like ukuleles, they dont
I like cats, they dont
I like guns n roses and nirvana, THEY DONT

Leonardo Freire 2016-03-03 00:58:48

I don't know if you went to college, but have you considered going to music school? (if you havent)

Alicia Hoare 2016-03-02 23:51:32

Funny, I'm the other way around. I liked school while I was there, but I don't miss it at all now that I'm gone. I recently did some tutoring in a school and I do not understand how I got myself up every day to go to school.

Molly Agnew 2016-03-03 07:42:24

Currently getting ready for school. I will try. TRY. and appreciate today in school!

s w 2016-03-03 08:02:03

Me: sitting in front of a ton of homework and my planner which is full of tests Yeah, schoool.

Katie Hughes 2016-05-01 03:13:44

yeah gcses start like two weeks so school is basically over and it's like damn africa when did this happen why am i the only person having a nervous breakdown

Abbie Morrin 2016-03-03 17:29:01

Im in college now and holy fuck im already like sad about leaving school because like in college its your choice to go to lessons or not and it so easy to just mot go and its my responsibility to get my arse out of bed and do shit for my self and it sounds pathetic but like its really hard when you have in your head that technically i dont have to go but i have to get there and be on time so i can register and also in my college you thumb in on this thumb scanner thing so people cant register for you but you can 'thumb and run' which is WAY to tempting

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Jennifer Clapham 2016-03-03 15:55:44

This one is for you Ellen :-))

HayleyWaley 2016-03-03 20:33:14

I miss school, my parents always said I'd miss school. Now I do. 6 years ago I left 6 years ago :0. Hence why now I want to become a teacher to choose travel or teaching, travel or teaching?????????

David Edwards 2016-06-18 02:50:33

Dodie,your like a cool guro

Esmee Heebing 2017-01-15 10:24:43

Dodie, I know this was a while ago, but go look up Bullet Journal.

rebecca 2017-09-05 19:48:35

You know what ? I fucking love school. It makes me very happy. And I completely understand why lots of people hate it but I just couldn't really ever properly dislike it. I mean in middle school it was hell but now at my school I'm really happy. Sure I have my days where it sucks and it's boring and stressful but those days make up maybe, 20% of my time in school. The rest of it is bloody great .

KittyBbyPigeon 2016-03-04 21:58:48

Ugh it's hard because I'm in high school now and I now how much I'm going to miss it

kat 2016-03-03 00:29:08

this is so strange because school gives me the worst anxiety, i couldnt go to school because i had so many panic attacks i have to go back two years to do my gcses now but thats sad so whaetever. i always hated school, i didnt get bullied or anything i just got ignored by literally everyone, i am really quiet though i kinda blend into the background, anyway, nobody cares about my problems, i just find it weird that there are people who liked school...it was the worst time of my life..

sweetolivia'sworld 2017-04-28 19:52:34

go to a uni library ? it's silent but it's people, lots, and more or less your age group 😊

Daria Khanuchenko 2016-03-03 18:26:40

You have a new mascara?♡

Eleanor Luckett 2016-05-03 20:09:13

I hated school too and now I miss it loads..

A Wingding 2020-03-23 21:06:56

Nobody will ever see this except maybe future me but I kind of agree with the COVID-19 Closures. I like being around people I like, although. there are many I hate and there's so much more to do now, just in terms of school work. I don't miss the boredom or the terrible seating plans from on high but I like the regularitity I can't get at home with my family. Hope you hate yourself a little less possible future me

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Hannah Leaman 2016-03-03 00:17:19

17 years of school ✌🏼️

Sherly Hooper 2016-11-25 20:19:40

I have to admet I don't like school. Not only for classes, but also because when you're 17, people could be veeeeery nasties... but I also have to admet that, since the begining of the year, I feel like every class was unuseful, and I was completly boring, except when I started Art class, 'cause I realized what I was doing exactly what I like, and when I meet my french teacher, the best teacher in the world (whose fucking fan of the Pixies and David Bowie, and plays guitar, so he's much more the best!) and I realized I actually LIKE going to their class! Something like... a week ago, someone said we should stop french class (he's a S (scientist class), I'm a L (literature class)) and I told him: If we stop french class (and art class) I've got no more reason tostay in school XD

Fugg Man o-0 2016-03-03 08:34:47

I had to leave school because of mental/medical reasons and at first it seemed great, I didn't have to worry about home work or being late and just school shit. I would just sit at home and play video games, and then I started to notice how my school friends stopped talking to me and pretty much everyone I knew, and soon after that I had no one. I was pretty much alone for two years, then some time went on and I thought shit I don't have any fucking education how the fuck am I going to get a job. So after a lot of thinking I asked my mum if I could go back to school, so I did....but then I left because missed freedom and shit (I know I'm stupid) I just like being my own person, then we moved and because I wasn't in school I started playing my guitar a lot more and fucking hell I was happy again (Now I can't shut up about music and guitar) and whilst I may be stupid for wanting to be a musician I don't fucking care it makes me happy and quite frankly that Is the thing that is most

Replies (2)
Fugg Man o-0 2016-03-03 08:35:20

Important.....stupid fucking YouTube

Fugg Man o-0 2016-03-03 08:36:05

+WTBrown 0_0 anyway follow your dreams and do what makes you happy and fuck what other people think of you.

matthew 2017-02-21 09:45:59


Ciara Maryan 2016-09-09 09:50:38

I go back to college on Monday and I have anxiety so I keep having panic attacks so that's why I don't look forward to going back

Marieth m 2018-07-01 16:07:40

Extrovert? Weird. What's your MBTI personality type?

Sarah Kruger 2016-03-03 00:04:38

Am I the only one who thinks Dodie's hair looks like it's long again in this video? I know it's not but something about the way the fringe looks makes it seem like it is... ack I'm so weird why do I even pay attention to these things

Billy simpson 2016-03-03 07:11:36

when youre just about to go to school and everything dodie says is actually trueI just hate getting up at 6:30

Jayson Wade 2016-03-03 06:02:35

I was and still am being bullyed

Replies (1)
A Watson 2016-03-03 07:00:05

Maybe it's because you're bad at spelling. My advice- laugh at them. Laugh if they hurt you, laugh at what they say about you. Make them the joke.

Sam Burns Music 2018-07-11 23:52:03

Why am I literally you, I just left school and I already miss it. Same reasons as well

wgpoprock 2017-11-22 01:26:14

School is slowly and painfully killing me.

abby 2016-07-14 17:59:32


Chufue 2016-03-03 07:34:11

Thank you for this.

Jasmine Is a Fairy 2016-03-03 01:28:45

So in Europe, is McDonald's tea hot or cold?

unearthed 2016-03-03 01:08:52

I didnt hate it at all... And I fricking miss it!!! :,(

Rachel Redeemed 2016-03-10 22:22:10

Didn't notice the eye bags soz. Alsos great shout on enjoying le present. Tis too easy to glamourise the past or be wishful of the future. Nice one. x

Tim 2016-03-03 01:09:14


Fitz J 2016-06-26 20:12:49

cries because I'm at the end of year 8

elestras 2016-03-03 18:02:25

Its freaking me out because your hair looks super long and im used to it short now! ahh!

Emzolia 2016-03-03 16:05:00

This made me emotional... :L

ripmyfictionalfriends 2016-03-03 07:32:36

for me people drain my energy 😂

Replies (4)
ripmyfictionalfriends 2016-03-03 07:33:57

we don't wear uniforms at my school. I'm from the neds

ripmyfictionalfriends 2016-03-03 07:35:47

I don't go to clubs either. My school has a few things you can join but it's not something as a soccer/football team. I don't know any Dutch schools who do have sport teams.

ripmyfictionalfriends 2016-03-03 07:36:30

I actually miss my old school, we got a new building this year and the cafeteria is so small

ripmyfictionalfriends 2016-03-03 07:39:49

lol everyone is talking about doing music in class but in my school no one wants to take music class bc there's only one teacher who teaches music and he's horrible. Maybe that others do want to take it this year but my whole year was said they couldn't choose it bc they were with too few. I wish they could just fire the guy and hire a better one.

Liza Veselova 2017-04-13 06:16:26

I was in school
And it was nice

moyin smiley 2016-03-03 01:39:11

I thought evan moved out... who is the new roommate? did I miss something?

Replies (2)
Wren 2016-03-03 03:37:38

She moved house with her mate hazel haze who's also on YouTube. 👍

moyin smiley 2016-03-03 15:07:42

@Lauren Johnson oh thanks! 👍 

Rowan Wallace 2019-01-12 19:39:02

I’m the wired kid too rn , only got 5 months left (yay)

1 like
evie 2016-03-03 16:52:24

I do not miss school one bit
Not at all
Makes me feel sick when I think about it

Gretchen O 2016-04-13 16:16:28

I think you look beautiful.

Elias J. 2016-03-03 12:04:59

Also I need Vedm, Veda, Vedm, Vedj, Vedj, Veda, Veds, Vedo, Vedn and Vedd.

Chloe Sutherland 2016-03-03 21:13:20

hair reminds me of fetus dodie

Rachel Dare 2016-03-03 17:23:35

yeah, community and all that is great but exams! Please don't tell me you miss exams!

Replies (1)
Chlöe Alice 2016-03-03 17:42:02

Omg yes

1 like
Saoirse Cragg 2016-03-02 23:56:55

now I feel bad for not going in to school today whoops

Strangely awesome 2016-03-03 00:32:44


Carnivorous Cupcake 2016-03-03 00:08:08

I love learning stuff, but I don't like studying

Luiza Reis 2016-06-28 13:36:05

Dodie, you have to join CISV.

Chloe 2016-03-03 12:40:40

I CANT WAIT to leave school and now we HAVE to stay in education until 18 instead of 16 so I have 4 years left when I would have had 2 😑

BarbarianGod 2016-03-03 04:26:43

There's various types of youth centers aren't there? Maybe one of them will be a fit for you!

BE LLA 2016-03-03 15:49:13

*sees title* sounds fake but okay. School is a living hell for me as an introverted, socially awkward/inept, unpopular and painfully anxious person. FUN TIMES

Rene 2016-03-04 09:53:46


Claire D 2016-03-04 02:20:03

Why don't you go/didn't go to university? I'm sure there is lots of reasons, but just wondering.

iara 2017-05-14 19:08:41

you can also think about university, it's the same i guess.

Hannah Orr 2016-03-03 18:27:33

seriously when you were talking about all of the things you used to do, they were all my gcses woaaah

Sahara Maria 2016-03-02 23:55:49

If one is depressed they live in the past, If one is anxious they live in the future... If you are enjoying, you live in the now...

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Replies (1)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:34:52

I'd agree with that. I'm somewhere between all three!

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Georgia 2017-12-08 07:45:30

Maybe you should go to uni? Even if you only did one or two papers just for interest it could give you what you are missing.

Aesthetic Fløwer 2019-10-16 03:55:42

Before i was jealous of my sister because she has school and
she has alot of friends while i was just doodling in my house
One day i told my mom i wanted to go to school and she was surprised and immediately
made me go to school, After like alot of years i that school, i hated it. The only thing that
made me sane were my friends. Without them i would CRY But i never had an official best friend that would wait for me at the school entrance
I just hang out in other kid’s groups, I hated that i had to wake up so early and miss events because of school.
I wished that I didn’t have to go to school anymore.
years later, My wish came true when i was Grade 3, my mom decided to
try something new for me and my sister, She told me if i wanted to go homeschool, my sister agreed and idid
Too because i thought homeschool was actually the opposite of what it really was, I thought that you had a room
in the school and that’s your home, And i thought my mom was gonna be a teacher, IM SORRY I WAS STUPID WHEN I WAS GRADE 3
And i told my friends all about it and they weren’t excited, Nobody told me what it actually was.. After the summer we had a few
exams and tests and we passed! I was happy, but a little confused, then my sister explained everything, i was SHOOK
but i just kept thinking to my self that “it already happened” and “I didn’t really have a choice”
I miss school so much, I have never been this shy before.. Before i wasn’t even scared to talk to the new girl and try
To be friends with her, i was completely scared. living with my sister rubbed on me
The reason i couldnt be friends with anyone now is because i think 12 years olds now are.. really immature?
Idk, But i just think it’s stupid that they still keep talking about games..
but I didn’t lose all my youth lol
I’m still more like a kid but they are a whole new level of immature.
I just want a friend, My mom told me i can go to school after grade 7
Because I’m not really okay with my grades in homeschooling..
im excited but i know making friends next year wouldn’t be that easy as before...

You deserve an award if you read all of that

be my friend :3

scout gilmore 2016-08-28 14:26:01

I'm watching this the day before I go back to school in 8th grade

Replies (2)
Greta M 2016-08-29 04:53:28

good luck on the first day!

scout gilmore 2016-08-29 09:48:17

+non-binary thanks so much!!!

soph. 2016-07-01 15:52:23

just about to start my new year, I'm year 11 on Monday!! howwwwww

Sammy Royer 2016-03-03 12:40:31

I don't like school... At all. But I do fear that one day I will miss it, but how? I'm so miserable here and I can't wait to start my life on my own. But looking back on my life now, as a 13 year old, I do miss a lot of times. But, when I think about it, I thought I was miserable then too. But really I was just taking things for granted, and not appreciating them enough.

shrek’s donkey 2017-02-07 20:22:54 (edited 2017-02-07 20:23:06 )

every time u said 'ache' i thought u said 'egg'

Jessica Wainwright 2016-03-02 23:40:41

Hello dodie. im moving soon. really soon. i live in suffolk right now with lots of friends and lovely people that i know but on the 30th of march my mum my sister and my brother and i are moving to northern ireland to be with family. i dont want to. i really dont want to. no friends. new school. but i have to so what am i gonna do. im kind of freaking out. i love my friends alot. i like alot of my teachers. i am in a swimming club. but now we're moving and my dads not even coming with us oh god sorry for putting this here dont know why i did this video just reminded me of it anyway soz again bye

MGDips 2019-11-04 11:46:27

The only thing i like is school is because its the only place that i made friends now im grade 7 and most of the grade 7 in my school are my friends

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Emily Appleton 2016-03-03 16:24:07


queentoriel 2016-03-03 07:46:12

it's my birthday on the 8th March and it makes me happy you'll upload a video then

Skreij 2016-03-03 16:25:02

Dude. I get this and I'm only in year 10. D:

Ellen Gregory-Evans 2016-03-06 10:33:59

Why don't you consider writing a blog Dodie? It wouldn't need to be scheduled it could just be whenever you wanted but that might be cool so you can write whatever and whenever you want and enjoy it!

Carmen Goodfell 2016-03-02 23:48:17

I hate school now but I know for a fact one day I'm going to want to go back to where I am right now and I won't be able to.

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Katie Wand 2016-03-03 18:04:46

What if you're an introvert?

Replies (2)
Marissa 2016-03-03 19:24:52

Then you get your energy from being alone. Crowds and being around multiple people can make you feel overwhelmed at times, but then you get home and recollect and spend time by yourself and you're fine again. At least that's how it feels as an introvert. I love being alone or with at least one friend.

Katie Wand 2016-03-03 21:52:01

+solacedspacegemini I'm also an introvert. I was asking in terms of making friends. Not good with that one.

Charles collins 2016-03-09 15:57:55

I have just left school and I have no idea what to do with myself anymore.

JordyJRT 2016-03-03 07:41:31

So close to 200,000!!

Miriam Gallacher 2016-03-02 23:42:48

the idea that you know a lot in school is nice but actually all your friends are learning the same things as you at the same time so you don't know anything more than the people surrounding you. and if you try and learn more and talk about it then you're showing off and nobody cares. so yeah, intelligence is cool and subjects are cool, but not when you ain't got anyone to impress except your cynical teachers and unknown examiner in a few months time.

Manya Verma 2017-07-03 07:19:52

This me at the end of EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. SUMMER.

oniria 2017-12-06 10:36:50

fuck this is making so much sense to me right now


Jenny Walsh 2016-03-03 00:12:46

Where is your top from?? 💕💕

Not Pete Wentz 2016-12-03 20:59:35

does anyone know where she got her dress?

shanilopx 2017-06-19 03:44:05

i know it's late but why don't you go to college for a while? :)

Jessica Acosta 2016-03-03 00:36:19

I'm gonna go do homework now

fefe 123 2016-03-03 01:03:03


lunoria4peace 2016-03-03 10:38:32

why dont you go to university? ^^ youll learn alot

Call Me Jude 2016-03-03 04:50:42

Youhaveprogressedsomuchasaperson i am proud of you somehow good job golly

Eisyah Faridah 2016-03-03 04:17:47

so relatable :/

Chloé Rose 2018-12-14 09:54:47

theres nothing stopping you go back to school. doing a night course or a little six-week course in any subject!! or just learn a language!!

Hannah R 2016-03-03 08:07:33

Wow we're complete opposites

1 like
Maji 2017-08-06 07:43:29

middle of my summer holiday before junior year (11th year? idk im not british) but i am watching videos about a girl missing school, when i too miss school but i do not want to go back. it stresses me out so much, i shut down. all the stresses collapses me to the point where i completely ignore it. oh well

Tori 2016-03-03 00:51:41

I hate school right now but luckily I can join leadership or yearbook or drama 1 and sign up to go to Italy in year eight plus I've found someone to go hiking with I'm trying to savor my school years I may be in year 6 but I need to enjoy the 6 years I have left

1 like
Cade Spencer 2018-03-27 02:48:36

I am just so afraid of being an adult, and not having any friends. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of being alone for the rest of my life. Not having anyone to rant to, or even to just be able to call a friend, or to go to the mall with, scares the crap out of me. It scares me that there is a chance that I could end up alone. I cannot handle these kinds of things. I am just SO SCARED that no one will like me or want to be around me. It is so scary for me. Just thinking about it sends me into a mental breakdown faze and it just worries me. I just don't know what my future will be like, which scares me as well. I don't know what I am doing with my life in my future. For all I know, I am walking down a road to failure and my family is going to be disappointed as to where I went. I feel like my goals are unachievable. These things scare me. I am scared. But I just have to move forth with my life and see where it ends up.

Courtney Crane 2016-03-03 09:02:03

Im in my last year of school and im getting a little bit...i dont know. im not upset, but I'm a little sad its all ending :( oh well.

Daisy Hilliard 2016-10-05 11:38:03

Hey feel EXACTLY how ur feelin, how old are you ?

grandad at a wedding 2016-03-03 10:50:55

Why don't you go to university? You've dismissed it before but maybe you shouldn't? University is school but is nothing like the school you know. It took me a while to decide and I only started my BA when I was 23. Got my degree a year ago, when I was 26 and it was the best. There are so many different programs, you should have a look around. It's not about a piece of paper or someone else telling you 'yup, now you're educated. bye'. You will be given materials and ideas and theories to play with and make your own. You will meet so many people that are skilled, passionate or jaded or talented and assholes. But that's the thing! And most of the uni students really want to be there, as opposed to high school. It really does make a difference. Teachers are mentors and friends. Especially in art/media related tracks (like mine) the tutors are so chilled. It's hard work but you're only doing it for yourself. Would you ever consider it? If it's about money then remember, there are other European countries that have English programs and are way cheaper than the UK ones!

emmy 2016-03-03 00:07:59

I hate my school so much, today i saw this guy straight up insulted and made fun of my brother. My brother was so chill but I felt SO ANGRY, its not cool to make fun of others. :(

qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikol 2016-03-05 12:30:33

How about you take a uni course then?:)

Im upset 3000 2018-02-02 05:28:10

Dodies an EXTROVERT?!

1 like
Tracey La 2016-05-26 00:48:10

i miss school too

MT 2020-03-24 16:59:17 (edited 2020-03-24 16:59:25 )

Teens during quarantine:

Replies (2)
Livelymalicious2 2020-04-06 13:32:30

honestly. I'm in 5th grade and I'm going crazy being here. I want to see my friends at school. but I gotta wait another 3 weeks in this. and because its spread rapidly fast, ill probably be in for way longer. this sucks. I hate it hereee

MT 2020-04-06 13:56:36

@Livelymalicious2 Indeed. I'm 20, studying in another Country and I can't even visit my family and my best friends. This is...terrible.

Izzy Rhoades 2017-03-24 02:59:35

Me:*reads title*
Me:please trade me

Hannah Orr 2016-03-03 18:29:21

I though she said the pastas gone

Amanda 2016-03-03 12:03:11

Have you ever considered going to university? If you miss schooling, why not go back and study? :)

Freja Marshall 2018-01-31 06:19:59

I have to go back to school tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it... HOW DO YOU MISS SCHOOL?

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thecharredj 2020-04-11 11:53:31

"My hair is poo"

Alishia Mulhandy 2017-06-30 02:58:55

im about to be a highschooler guys! please pray for my best! i hope i have a new good life ❤and i hope who ever read this having a great day!

Replies (1)
tee 2017-07-04 16:40:39

Alishia Mulhandy highschool is not as intimidating as it seems, for me at least, it was almost the same as middle school but a bit more complicated assignments & schedules. definitely dont stress about it though, youll be okay and pass your classes, always arrive with confidence.

Claire Gould 2016-03-03 16:49:50

I can't enjoy the present. I have course choices and folios and assignments all due, and then I have to revise for exams that will decide my future.

*insert Edgy/emo band names here* * 2017-12-28 18:05:42

I am moving school this month because of bullies, various mental health problems (depression, an eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and self harm) and feeling like i am being discriminated against in my school because of my religion😞 I am pretty miserable and i am hoping that i will be happy in my new school😁 But, i need some advice because I am moving from my only 3 friends and i am terrified because i am super introverted and i dont know if i can make friends. Help please?

Brooke 2016-03-15 12:44:45

I really hate school. I'm not being bullied or anything it's just not teaching me anything. It's useless to me.

Jasmine Is a Fairy 2016-03-03 01:31:10

How can I get Candy and Sav's books?! Urrrgggrhhh

L Eliza 2016-03-02 23:40:00

I'm just about to leave year 13 and I'm sad and I don't know how I got here...

Karen Marshall 2017-09-04 17:17:21

You will not miss school if you were me. Although if you enjoy teasing, bullying, boy rumors then you will miss school! lol I have a sad school life

ameydunc 2016-03-03 00:55:13

oh so relatable

Habeba 2016-03-03 14:52:15


Owl Guy 2017-10-21 14:42:51

Can't wait to be out of school.

Andrea Arts 2016-03-03 15:40:25

Maybe you should consider going to university?

Sharai Hernandez 2016-03-03 17:30:24

Lucky ...you are going to McDonald's ☹.... Get me fries or a Big Mac

Futurelegend94 2016-03-03 00:14:25

Why are you so cute, even you complaining about school is mesmerising to me

StarGirl 1227 2017-10-17 20:03:50

She made an mistake she meant to put it on April 16 (April fools)

sil 2017-02-20 02:56:51

Is this how When was written?

Libby Lilley 2016-03-03 00:39:18

There were over 300 people in my year at school !

edie h 2016-03-03 18:30:04

school i hate school u know i wake up i cry go to school get sad get worried come home stress homework stress more homework cry more sleep and the cycle continues i have never once come home and thought ya know what today was a good day i cant wait for the day i think that

Legible Potato 2016-03-03 08:42:36

I am in 9th grade and the first time I tried home school. I know now I hate not having my social circle and REALLY want to join a LGBT( lesbian gay bisexual transgender ) club to learn more and have a space away from home. I also have this AMAZING friend that I really miss and we can't talk or see each other. :(

cordelia x 2016-10-20 09:57:21

Wow this is 7 months old?!

Travis Lariscy 2016-03-03 01:36:38

I probably sound stupid but what is vedim😂 is it just where you just have a conversation?

Replies (2)
josey smith 2016-03-03 01:44:25

Video Every Day In March !

Travis Lariscy 2016-03-03 03:49:28

+josey smith so it's only in March?

PorkFreeGaming 2018-11-01 04:02:45

You’re going to McDonald’s??? Lol I got a Burger King add

Sophie Masson 2016-03-02 23:57:06

If you want to analyze & pick apart poems or songs with other people, try using genius (it's a website & an app for just that)!

Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-03 01:34:18


1 like
Sophie Masson 2016-03-03 03:56:38

+doddlevloggle you're welcome! :)

Niamh McGrath 2016-03-03 07:00:09

I'd love school if the uniform wasn't so strict, there wasn't a rule that determined how long your skirt has to be or what colour you hair has to be. It has nothing with learning it's annOYING AF IT JUST HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LEARNING

IceColdPhoenixX 2019-05-14 22:14:42

I’m in Leventhorpe in year 8

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gabriel 2016-03-05 02:00:54


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Replies (1)
Wolfie the dog 2016-03-06 13:14:31

+Peanut Butter &amp; Jem Thumbs up on the name of your account...

man dog 2017-02-18 02:31:33

everyones alone! but I still love youtube!lol :D x

char 2016-03-03 17:48:44


Lily Fiel 2016-03-06 09:03:13

I'm in year 11 atm

Creative Soul2121 2016-03-03 02:09:50

or you a drop out or did you graduated?

Rosanna F-S 2016-03-03 14:05:48

School was hard

Morena 2017-03-11 07:37:10

me about kindergarten

Alexandra Mubanga 2018-01-17 04:01:33

Lol “tee hee hee” at 6:25

mothcub 2016-03-03 15:02:00


dishpig 2016-03-03 10:57:30

I'm the kid that gets crazy off of doritos and when around people, yet isn't rude (hopefully!) to people, I am loud and happy and I always day dream.. which makes me incredibly unfocused and daydreamy

d l 2017-11-02 08:05:22

u get energy from people?
my energy is absorb by people next to me

KingC_ RSA 2019-03-14 17:45:25

I haw about 60 days left of school. I haw so mene regrets..... And I'm going to miss it soo mutch

Meera Mars 2016-03-05 18:43:15

Surprised Gabby hasn't commented on his crying about how she got bullied and making this video about herself

Caprice Wilton 2016-03-02 23:58:45

uploading this from McDonalds! omg lol. I hate school :( only 2 months left till I leave! :D :D

grace imbao 2016-12-14 08:07:00

cutest bean

Cait 2018-09-04 19:12:47

I’ll swap with you

Jaiden Twining 2016-03-04 05:20:42

Important WIN!!!

august 2018-10-05 21:23:44

Ahhh u went to my skl 😂

KuhuOfficial 2017-02-20 14:54:30

Did dodie go to university?

Replies (1)
KuhuOfficial 2017-02-20 14:54:56

She's 21, so maybe not

Kea Lynn 2016-03-03 05:58:42

what school did you go to? 😩😱😲😨😦😥 I wish high school was a community >_<

WarsInAction 2017-04-25 00:13:55

techniquly u are always in the past

Pauline Mikhailovna 2016-03-02 23:47:55

nice video AGAIN

billygoatideas 2016-03-03 00:24:54

Pudding metaphors

Harshada Kamat 2017-04-20 17:31:28

I'm sobbing like an idiot
I'm scared of growing up
i want to die

1 like
Eli 2016-03-04 00:08:57

You don't need to go to school to learn. Just do it yourself! Read, google, ask a friend to teach you something new.

Snoopy McGuire 2017-11-08 19:22:08

You can swap with me if you like!!

Cuddley Kayla 2016-03-03 00:47:26

What about college? :o

Lizzi 2016-03-03 02:01:20

Did you get a camera and or wifi?

Aaron King 2020-06-05 11:12:43

A lil nolstagic ache

clubpenguin roblox3 2017-12-11 04:36:12

“I miss school”

Me, a student: fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCKITY FUCK

Talyta Barcelos 2017-08-18 19:35:00

my schools were deserts. i hated then. i hate life now. i wish i could stop it. every laugh is a trap. as if it's prof that i want it. but i don't. i don't know maybe is because of how much failing already happened. i'm just wining.. i wish i didn't care

amy janette 2016-03-03 10:00:06

Did anyone recognise you?

Isis 2016-03-04 07:24:46

We don't have an uniform :)

MissTwilightHater 2016-03-02 23:40:11

The tehehe <3

drumsofautumn 2016-03-03 09:51:26

I hated school and I still hate it and I don't miss ONE BIT. Like.. nothing. And I wasn't bullied or anything. I just hated it. I am now finally doing want I want to do with my life, I learn things that I feel are necessary for me.
I really liked your moral at the end though. SO MANY PEOPLE are like "ENJOY SCHOOL, YOU'R GOING TO MISS IT" bla bla blaaa and I HATE IT. But yours was just like.. so general and important and for many situations and I really liked that :)
I can also really understand that people miss school and why they do. I just personally don't feel anything like that.

Talyta Barcelos 2018-08-10 19:35:42

My school was so crappy

Talking Pictures 2016-03-03 16:40:55

I don't want to leave school

Claire Bradley 2017-08-31 01:02:39

Life sucks wtf. We hate school all through it and then when we finally graduate and get into the real world. Then we work for the rest of our lives which most people hate too. Life sucks.

Romy Antrobus 2016-03-03 07:07:58

Oi oi, I go to Leventhorpe 😏😏😂

Drina Christensen 2016-03-02 23:37:51

It's been a really rough day… actually a week. But I've gotten really into your videos recently and the more I watch the more I laugh and smile and it's real. Thank you so so much for posting videos that make me and many others happy. :) LOVE YOU!

anna neumaier 2016-03-02 23:32:53

I love this, Dodie. Even though I'm still kind of in school (univerisity), I do miss high school sometimes, and I didn't think that anyone else felt the same way! As an English lit major, I also love your love of English lit and your need to analyze things. It makes me happy that people who aren't in school or academic professions still want to do the stuff that I like doing as well :)

soodie 2016-03-02 23:18:36

I've been having exams for the past few weeks and your videos are really helping me to de - stress, thank you dodie :) <3

K 2016-03-02 23:23:46

This is really true, thank you for reminding me to enjoy where I am now :) hope you're doing well Dodie!

Tiia-Maria 2016-03-02 23:17:45

Hey Dodie! I really enjoy your videos and I love your songs❤ I agree with most of your opinions and appreciate the effort you put in your videos. Keep being true to yourself and doing what you love! I absolutely adore you.

suzanne hodgetts 2016-03-02 23:27:17

You have just made me feel very nostalgic! I used to be that know it all kid and I absolutely loved it! Now that I am in charge of my own life I feel like I'm not doing enough of what I love and that kind of makes me sad. Do you mind if I make a video touching on similar topics? Happy VEDIM!

Gabby Satinskaite 2016-03-02 23:26:59

I'm currently in year 12 and constantly aware of this, so it's nice to see u make a video about it, thank u dodie 💙

Sarah Thornton 2016-03-02 23:28:21

As a third year university student I keep having moments when I'm so excited to leave but I know the second I leave I'll feel sad, I relate to this SO much. My 3 year old sister can find fun with a cardboard box, imagine having that mind again?!

A. Hope 2016-03-02 23:26:33

Oh man, I can relate to this so much! I'm in my first year at university now and my god I miss school and getting told what to do, and I definitely didn't appreciate it enough at the time!

Alejandra Flores 2016-03-02 23:27:21

"I don't feel like an adult, but I have to act like one" - Dodie Clark
This quote just.... I feel you Dodie... this quote sums up my life right now... or my last 3 years haha... lots of love from Mexico Dodie ♡♡♡

Nourin Karim 2016-03-02 23:28:05

This made me realize so much about what I actually like about school. There's some sort of satisfaction from turning in an assignment and seeing your good grades and, if you try, seeing your bad grades go up percentage by percentage. I know that I go to a school where you're really free and can make a lot of your own decisions, like what you wear and where you eat lunch and what you eat for lunch. You have so many friends and just discussing things with them and working on projects and everything is actually so fun, now that I think about it.

Rosie rosily 2016-03-02 23:26:01

it really does feel like im chatting to a friend when i watch your videos :) you say a lot of things that go on in my head but you put them into words which is really cool. i love your songs and i love let it be. so just keep doin what your doin cos you're very good at what you do á mon avié

Henry Phillips 2016-03-02 23:35:47

I always find that the feeling of nostalgia comes from false memories. there will be some special moments where the nostalgia is real, but most of the time, you remember the past as better than it really was. I use that as an excuse to stop myself falling into a nostalgic mess :p

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Jenine Alsouqi 2016-03-02 23:26:24

This video has made me realize to enjoy school. Before this video I hated school and just didn't feel comfortable being there and was considering homeschool. But now I know that school is actually a great place most of the time, and that I should enjoy it. Thanks Dodie and have a great day <3

1 like
Tori 2016-03-02 23:39:58

I needed to hear this. "Don't let them rip you apart. Appreciate it. Put it aside" wow. I need to learn to do this. I played basketball my first two years of high school but was unable to continue after that for health reasons. And I've regretted it so much since then. I'm a senior in high school this year and I've constantly lamented all the time I missed out on and that am going to miss after I graduate. But instead I should appreciate the moments I did have and look forward to my future. Lovely nostalgic video dodie thank you

Roxxxam 2016-03-02 23:25:14

You are like that friend that somehow knows what you need to hear and makes your "hugeee" problems seem as little as they are, and gives you the greatest advices; thank you very much for that!

ymakams 2016-03-02 23:37:05

I'm the same, I wish I could always have people around me. Being alone is pretty sucky, no energy can be absorbed like that no no no. I love ya Dodie!

Julia White 2016-03-02 23:25:50

i love your vlog channel because its everything I've ever wanted to do or say, I love this channel because as a teenager I can see myself doing these things that you talk about now and I can also see myself in the furture talking about the things you talk about. I can feel myself create a nostalgic feel for my furture self. I can feel the nostalgia being created for my later. these videos are what I live for and what I plan to be like in life. these videos make me want to video me now so I can watch them later and have these feelings. these videos make me want to write everything down and make things for my friends so I can look back and hold the things I've created when I was 15. these videos are my favorite because I see myself in them, and that is what i love about this

ruth emma 2016-03-02 23:27:58

i feel the message of this video so much. i think this all the time, but i'm also always thinking about how good things are now, so i guess i've got the moral down too :)

h. 2016-03-02 23:38:30

I watched the film 'Let It Be' today, you were brilliant Dodie 😊 Of course everyone else was brilliant too but you were extra brilliant.

firewordsparkler 2016-03-02 23:28:47

I feel this so much. Even though I'm in university and am an English major who's constantly breaking apart poetry and novels and it's amazing, I'm alone more often than not because everyone's on a different schedule. However, now is an amazing times, like you said.
This video just reminded me of the Taylor Swift song 22, because of the line " We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time. It's miserable and magical." I guess that's what I'm feeling. Best of times and worst of times.

Charlotte Hyde 2016-03-02 23:30:47

The only reason I enjoy going back to my old secondary school is to show the pastoral managers how much stronger and better I have become since I moved to the sixth form down the road. My teachers were all great and tried their absolute hardest to try and stop the (quite frankly) horrific bullying I was experiencing, but they lacked the support of the 'higher ups' in school so resorted to placing me in a prep room away from my classmates to allow me to concentrate on revising for my exams. Five bloody years and the only instance that really makes them do something was when it was based on my hearing loss. Ridiculous.

If it's knowledge acquisition you miss, books are great! There's loads of really interesting non-fiction history books to help expand your knowledge base. Also, continue to read classics; I read them for fun and my vocabulary bank has increased tenfold since I started.

It's nice to see that you had such a positive experience of school, Dodie. Great video!

Katherine Lee 2016-03-02 23:26:12

I've dropped out of my sixth form to do an apprenticeship and I'm honestly love it now. I was struggling at a formal and tbh smart ass six form becaue of mental health issues.
I really understand what you mean about the intelligence and academic side like I very often sit now and thinm "omg I can quote Renee De Carte and exsplain and write essays on it" but now I'm working with mentally and physically disabled adults (which I do enjoy allot and it's very rewarding) but it's not like I can sit and discuss philosophy or litriture.

I've been wondering why I missed sixth form so muxh baring in mind the state it seeming to put me in but it's just clicked in my head. I miss the fact that I'm intelligent in ways I can't express anymore and I miss the community that let me express that.
Lovely video Dodie, have a nice evening xxx

Silentwhisp4r 2016-03-02 23:34:11

You are not alone. You can always drop in and do live streams every so often. I am sure your fans would enjoy it. I mean, you should do live stream ;)

Emily Henderson 2016-03-02 23:24:57

Cool video, Dodie. I was just thinking about it the other day how in a few years, all be out of school and never see the majority of my classmates ever again. I can't imagine it. I'll try to enjoy the good bits of school a little more now. :)

CrankGameplays 2016-03-02 23:26:51

I graduated this past year, and looking back on it I DEFINITELY took everything for granted. I didn't appreciate what I was learning, I didn't appreciate the structure of things, I didn't appreciate the opportunities I was given, and I also didn't appreciate the people that surrounded me. Up until the final 3 weeks of my last year, I avoided so many people. I didn't go to any sports games or to any social gatherings or anything like that. I didn't even sit with people at lunch. I went home. I avoided so many people because I didn't like them and I thought they were shitty people. And some of them were, but most of them weren't that bad. Looking back on it, I miss parts of it too. I miss having a schedule every day that I followed. Now my day is all over the place. I sort of miss the feeling of having to be somewhere. This was really cool to watch and see that other people have those same feelings towards school.

1 like
elizabeth p 2016-03-02 23:32:30

I think it's indicative of having lived a good life to be nostalgic and sad about the past. Nostalgia seems to make the good in things more obvious though because for some reason happiness is more easily noticeable in hind sight (or so I've found.) It's nice to have a good past, it is all you'll have one day because you'll die and there'll be no present. : ) happy living

Bethany Shaw 2016-03-02 23:27:34

I used to study German, I actually lived in Germany for 8 years of my life, and the whole time I was taught the language but wasn't really paying much attention. Now (like 4 years after secondary school) I can barely remember any German, and I hate that. I would LOVE to go back and re-learn everything given the chance. How cool would it be to speak German fluently? I never thought about it at school, and I never realised how much I would miss it until it was gone. I was really good at German, and I loved it.

emctvedt 2016-03-02 23:27:56

I'm currently in school, and I feel the same way about it. I love being there and being involved, and often I'm so busy that I'm just stressed out of my mind, but in a good way, you know? But it's just starting to hit me that I have less than a year of school left, and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself after that.... find my next adventure, I guess.

ari m. 2016-03-02 23:27:38

I have no idea what I would do without my marching band/concert band family, thanks to school. <3

thisisiona 2016-03-02 23:37:16

I find this so interesting because I'm also super super nostalgic about secondary school even though year 10/11 were horrible (I'm in sixth form college now but I moved schools and it was all bleh). Thing is I've never thought about it in the way I might in the future because then I worry I'm not living enough in the moment and have some sort of existential crisis. But then I also don't want to think about it because nostalgia and feelings and stuff. Oh well :')

(Also I saw you at the school earlier but I didn't wanna like invade ur privacy or anything, so yeah.. Not sure where I was going with that but fun fact, I guess.)
Anyway, I'm really excited you're doing VEDIM :)

Just Josie 2016-03-02 23:27:18

All of theses reasons are almost exactly why I am unhappy that I will have to go to school. Sometimes I worry about "adulthood" and am not thaaatt exited, but I will definitely try to stop worrying and just be happy with school and where I am now. thank you for this.

Brooke 2016-03-02 23:25:22

I love this because I miss school and learning. I'm at Uni but I feel like I'm still not learning as much as I did in school. I just miss being somewhere for a long time and just learning boatloads of information. I know so many people that don't even care to learn anything new and I just don't understand I feel like I'm wasting my life away if I'm not doing things productive or creative. I like talking with people who are intelligent that can bring something to the conversation and we can learn things from each other.

Abby Sorenson 2016-03-02 23:33:30

Yayyyyy I'm so happy I have a wonderful dodie to look forward to everyday ^_^

Emma van den Boomgaard 2016-03-02 23:28:20

Loved this. I don't really like school that much at the moment, but I can't imagine my life without it. It kind of scares me, the prospect of becoming an adult. But for now I'm just an awkward 15 year old girl and I'm going to try and enjoy my childhood! (Even though it depresses me when people say that your teen years is the best time of your life, like, I really hope that's not true..)

Replies (1)
Emma van den Boomgaard 2016-03-02 23:29:41

are supposed to be*

Arabella Young 2016-03-02 23:39:29

This makes me feel super sad and nostalgic and scared.
I'm currently in my second last year of high-school. Today I am home sick, stressing about all the schoolwork I need to do, and I how I'm supposed to be resting but i didn't get up at 4:30 am to go on that excursion and I need to actually be preparing for a competition.
I love school, and it's on days like today that I just wish I had more time, but then - I LOVE SCHOOL
It's really scary. I don't know what I'm going to be doing in 3 years... I love this community, I love learning and growing and being a part of something like this, and I don't want to leave it, but I'm also expected to go off and get a job and have kids, and I've never really wanted to be a teacher before, but recently I so, super duper do that I think I might just. Or at least do something that might get me back into a community like this one, because school is amazing and wonderful, and I think being on the other side of it might be just as fabulous, especially because then I can give back to the thing I've loved so much.

HeyNeonDragon! 2016-03-02 23:33:30

I miss the togetherness of school as well <3 never again will we find that teamwork and people bonding together no matter how different we were :'(

Replies (1)
HeyNeonDragon! 2016-03-02 23:35:59

+StupendousApricots I take that back I agree with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in this video :'(

paola maria 2016-03-02 23:37:14

I used to play clarinet too Dodie! it's been four years since I've played. it's been soooo long!!! and I just quit since I didn't enjoy it at the time, and now I just wish I could pick it up and play a song. I occasionally play the piano now but still haven't learned to play a song properly BUT IM GETTING THERE 😂 I miss being all about music somethings but hey that's life ya know? 🙂

Sarah Herbage 2016-03-02 23:30:58

I'm 100% agreed on the discussion and debate thing being fun and exciting! I'm still studying and am currently on an exchange year in Germany and I love encountering new ideas and perspectives and all that great stuff. (Kannst du noch ein bisschen Deutsch reden/lesen/schreiben?) :P

Hannah Marite 2016-03-02 23:33:58

I'm trying really hard to enjoy high school, but sometimes I can't stand the thought of having to go. Especially when I realise how many more years I have to endure of the American school system. But in the end, I have great friends and am having great experiences so hey that's cool.

JoshuaKaluba 2016-03-02 23:37:47

stopped revising biology to watch this, it really puts things into perspective

Megan Wilburn 2016-03-02 23:18:48

i really didn't like middle and high school at the time that i was there but i do honestly miss it sometimes because there were so many things that i did like choir and dance and it was all so much fun and i was always surrounded by my friends and now that we've all gone away for university at different schools, i never see them and i miss it!

Rosie Charlesworth 2016-03-02 23:38:40

I'm in the third year of uni at the minute and I never thought i'd say that I miss a-level chemistry but now i'm faced with a dissertation and the prospect of the real world and I AM NOT READY I miss school too!

Sir Real Show 2016-03-02 23:31:24

If you miss writing and analyzing intellectually then... write and analyse intellectually! :) You're clearly very smart and insightful (that's why I watch your videos!) so let that intellect out. It doesn't matter who sees it or what it's for, keeping up that intellectual practice will stimulate your mind, and probably help to dissipate some of those feelings of listlessness you've been experiencing.

Fiona S 2016-03-02 23:17:10

I'm still having heart palpitations because you noticed my drawing of you so thank 💙

lauren mcloughlin 2016-03-02 23:20:19

i feel this on such a spiritual level

pinksealight 2016-03-02 23:33:57

One day you will look back on this awesome time you were a class youtuber :)

1 like
chambre211 2016-03-02 23:21:59

I think I'm one of those people that will always be in school. love learning and I keep going back. This month I'll be 26 and I'm still going back to school and taking classes. Took a break but hopefully going for my masters very soon. But when I'm at school I do sometimes hate it. not going to lie. lol

zehra1012 2016-03-02 23:39:58

Hi Dodie! Love your videos :) What kind of camera do you use?

Esther Tesfai 2016-03-02 23:16:19

Love you Dodie! :)

Caitlin Moore 2016-03-02 23:16:00

I'm so glad you're doing vedim this year!

Beeli Games 2016-03-02 23:22:42

Love it. Makes me miss high school.

Jacquie Pugh 2016-03-02 23:33:00

I miss the social aspect of school. I don't miss being told what to do and how to learn. I was pretty badly bullied as well so part of the social aspect was tainted but I miss being around my friends or just people who have the same interests as me. Ive been off school for almost a year and, you're right, it's really lonely. I'm going to university two falls from now and I can already feel the stuck feeling I've felt since I ended school because all my friends are off to Uni and I'm stuck in my town. Idk it's a learning experience for sure: I really liked how you put the whole 'appreciate the moments you have now' because I know that I won't have this year back and I don't want it to be a waste.

Liana Mark 2016-03-02 23:29:52

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that's why it's called the present" :)

1 like
Maddie Davis 2016-03-02 23:36:58

I have GCSEs and I'm going to miss my school so much! I hate it now, but I've been there for 12 years and I hate it!!! I know I'm going to completely miss it for all of the reasons you listed... Also, nice notebook... I have the same one!! xxx

bri 2016-03-02 23:26:17

I'm in school now (well, university) and I'm almost done and this is all stuff that I have been thinking about. I understand what you mean about not appreciating it, because I just don't know how to appreciate it. There are more negative things happening in my life right now than positive (I think that's been true a lot for me in the past few years) so I wonder if that's why I don't appreciate it? I don't know! I wish I could find a way to appreciate now but now just isn't that great so I'm just trying to wait for it to stop sucking so much. idk this is a mess
See ya tomorrow!

DanG_1 2016-03-02 23:31:03

I'm 3 months from finishing sixth form at the school I've been at for 7 years, i look at picures even from last year and think how different everyone looks. Then there's the ones from even further back. on top of that Facebook is crammed full of all the nostalgic stuff. I've become extremely nostalgic recently, in terms of music (I even have a nostalgia playlist om spotify) and looking at pictures and just remembering stuff. God knows what I'll be like in 50 years time

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Elissacita 2016-03-02 23:33:58

That totally changed my perspective. Thank you 😘

1 like
Sara Maurice 2016-03-02 23:29:48

Today a girl down my street saw me leaving for work and told me "I can't wait to be done with school" and my whole drive home I was like "but I miss school. I miss being able to do art and drama" and i felt the same way. I used to be so creative in school but now I'm lazy :(

Izzymac270 2016-03-02 23:17:19

I love it when you do vedim ❤️

guilty of sleeping in 2016-03-02 23:36:19

I like doddlevloggle because sometimes you get videos like this where you get really deep and then sometimes we get videos doing Evan's makeup and making puns or making a parody of your old get ready with me videos I think that's fantastic

Ali Paton 2016-03-02 23:27:14

i kinda miss school i left school in the summer of 2014 but one thing that i wont miss is my head of year constantly shouting at me for my poor uniform and my inability to follow a dress code or any other rules for that fact...
i miss learning a language (i gave up on Spanish after year 9 even though i was really good at it)
also just out of curiosity did you ever have a teacher that taught your favorite subject that was a complete arse wipe? i did he taught me music and he hated me and told me i wasn't good enough

1 like
alicelucyrose 2016-03-02 23:31:57

found out I got into my fav uni today but now I've realised that's another 3 years of school that I've chosen to do myself!! maybe ill miss it too one day but right now 3 more years seems like a long time!! wish me luck 😅

Helvetica09 2016-03-02 23:25:18

When you're in school, all the knowledge is just given to you and you don't have to bend a finger for it! As an adult it takes days of club/class researching and then saving up for those classes and then you have to take days off to take classes and learn stuff!!! Soak up that knowledge kids!!!

elli 2016-03-02 23:25:47

i do really miss school, or my life when i liked school. ive been off for a few months and just start coming back but in no lessons just working one to one. 7 weeks of school left im dying for it to be over but at the same time im kinda shitting myself about that kind of freedom ?? i just don't know what comes after this, school is all ive known for 13 years of my life.

Darcia G. Laucerica 2016-03-02 23:31:27

I'm sure I'll miss school when I leave. It's weird to know that because I don't like school right now. I'm taking subjects I don't like, with people who simply ignore me (I only have one friend, who is now missing classes because she needs to rest). Despite that, I know I'll miss it because I like routine and knowing exactly what I have to do next and how; and, much like you, I'm naturally lazy wich makes it a little hard for me to follow my own plans.
But that's the only reason I'd miss it, I think, and with that in hand, I'll wait for the time when I don't have an standard routine put up by someone else, and stablish my own routine of work and learning and stick to it 🙌.
I loved the video, and it made me think and realise what I just said above so thank you, Dodie 💜😊.

pleasebeJulia 2016-03-02 23:27:00

Oh man... I have 3 months of school left and the exam stress is killing me and basically everyone I know right now... I'm pretty sure I won't miss school at all :D

Babette Ate Oatmeal 2016-03-02 23:35:27

OMG you were so good in Let It Be!!! I know that this video isnt about that but i needed to bring it up because you were amazing!!!! also i like how bertie got the girl who is terrified of death to yanoe.

Rebecca Mononen 2016-03-02 23:37:19

This is going to make me appreciate school more

bellehamster 2016-03-02 23:28:22

did you go to university? would you consider doing some kind of degree now? if youre in the financial position to do so, it'd be a pretty gd option if you have that kinda yearning to learn some stuff and get intellectually engaged etc! its also kinda like a continuation of school, you have routine and sort of still get told what to do to an extent

Sam Hindle 2016-03-02 23:18:15

I miss school too :( I go back whenever I get the chance, and all the teacher are so nice now

Clarice Sarmento 2016-03-02 23:18:16

YAYYY! March is my birthday's month so I'm very very happy that we'll be having vids everyday! It's like an all month bday gift

Emily Hoekstra 2016-03-02 23:18:29

dodie: uploads a video about how she misses school
me: has been studying for the past 5 hours because my teachers suck and I have exams tomorrow :))))))

AurorasVlogs 2016-03-02 23:29:55

God I wish I'd listened to videos like this when I was 16

Dörtebeker 2016-03-02 23:19:59

I hated school, I also was bullied. I quit(?) school two years early and then I had two years, where I enjoyed freedom. Now I'm at a new school. I have learned so much in these two years and after a few months I began to miss the other people and I missed school. I still don't enjoy going to school, but it's so much better than it was at my first attempt, haha.

Kylee Wheeler 2016-03-02 23:29:58

my school is doing exams right now and honestly they make me want to curl up in a ball and sob. I'm supposed to be studying for German right now but I can't take it. I normally love school and I too get my energy from people, but lately it's been more draining than uplifting. I'm one of those people who doesn't practice what I preach. I talk all about how school is great and that exams shouldn't be big stressors, yet here I am crying bc I can't think of a way to remember German possessive adjectives. I really like your message though, that in a few years I'll miss being fluent in another language and that I should live for now, and not dwell on the past or fret about the future but how? I have to start planning college tours and career paths, and I have no clue what to do. if I dwell on the past I just think of how much happier I was and get sad, and if I live for the future I have extreme anxiety of failing and not being able to live how I want, but I can't focus on now w/o the past

jim oboyle 2016-03-02 23:39:35

thanks you for being the highlight of my day

Lilac Fern 2016-03-02 23:16:50

Finishing sixth form in 3 months and I'm absolutely terrified!

Abigail Gray 2016-03-02 23:18:04

I'm loving vedim so much!

Charlotte Black 2016-03-02 23:22:05

Are you going to write a book? I know you were saying something about it before and I think it might be a good little solution to some of these things and also ID FREAKING LOVE IT IF YOU WROTE A BOOK that's all xD ❤️

I don't want to make a channel but it's saying I have to 2016-03-02 23:31:57

Watching this while trying to learn 250 words for my stupid French exam :'(

1 like
reveluv reveluv 2016-03-02 23:16:45

I honestly can't wait to leave but in some ways I'm scared to leave school

Lindsey Renee Vlogs 2016-03-02 23:17:15

I can't wait to see your new room.

Silvie Ruscombe-King 2016-03-02 23:35:02

ik you said this doesn't apply to everyone so don't think i'm telling you you're wrong or whatever lmao

but school does not work for me, like, at all. i went to a state secondary school to begin with and that was fine for year 7 but then in year 8 i was just like... NOPE. so i kinda developed a weird school phobia thing that wasn't really triggered by anything tbh. i wasn't bullied, i was achieving high grades, and i'm an extrovert so large amounts of people shouldn't affect me. but for whatever reason, i couldn't deal with it and just ended up not going all together. so eventually in year 9 i moved to a LOVELY LOVELY little school - and by little, i mean it literally has 12 pupils. and that was great for a while, because it was an independent school so it didn't have to follow the mainstream school system so much. this year, though, it's got more serious, because ofsted have put a lottt more regulations in place, and it's lost the freedom i felt it had in year 9. it's not a reflection on the school itself - the teachers, pupils and place are all LOVELY. but alas, the education system is not. and eventually, i developed the school phobia type thing again. so last monday, i was officially taken out of school to be home educated!! it's only been three days so i can't really tell what it's like all in all, but at the moment, i'm super happy with how it is. i feel motivated to do stuff again, because i have way more control over what i learn. for example, today i did three hours of french, because i actually WANT to learn french. it feels like i'm learning for myself and not for someone else.

i'm super sorry for the mega long comment lol

if anyone reading is or has been home educated i'd love to hear your thoughts :)

Dave Wood 2016-03-02 23:31:52

Dodie have you heard Adam Young's (Owl City) new compositions, if not you really should :D

Megan Wilburn 2016-03-02 23:19:53

ALSO YES i totally understand the missing being told what to do because i get terrified about being in charge of my own life all the time ahhhhhh

blablabla 2016-03-02 23:32:30

Ive had a really bad time recently at school because everything is getting serious and my eXAMS ARE IN 2 MONTHS. But anyway what i am trying to say is that this video really helped me out. I never really thought someone would miss learning but i guess i should really appreciate it more. My whole year is knackered and stressed at the moment and my maths teacher was saying how she sympathised with us and really didn't miss this stage of education and life in general (with the raging hormones and exams and interviews and entrance exams.) Both opinions are polar opposites but still equally helped me (my maths teacher was saying that it does get better and we wont feel like this forever and itll all be worth it.)

Sarah Darroch 2016-03-02 23:26:19

I was wondering how you were going to upload. Good old mcd's. Dodie do you practice mindfulness?

Ellie Hill 2016-03-02 23:17:18

I am totally not gonna miss school, I was crying earlier over literally nothing because of school 😂 Only a few months to go thank god

naijiktom 2016-03-02 23:34:51

I'm considerably older than you Dodie, but the bit you were saying about enjoying the present is so relatable. Practising mindfulness is something I need to get back to doing and it's important not to wish your life away, as I frequently do, unfortunately.

Lindsey Thompson 2016-03-02 23:34:50

I'm still at school right now, and im like oh god help drowning in work and it feels hard to appreciate it when you are thinking so much about the things ya gotta do, it feels like everyone's just waiting to escape and then afterwards we'll all look back and miss it.. argh!

Katey 2016-03-02 23:37:23

im in school now and even though i hate it, im scared im going to loose all my knowledge once i graduate

Liberty Hemming 2016-03-02 23:33:19

Watching this while procrastinating my English creative writing homework . Which I KNOWWW should be grateful for but I'm so tired and uninspired (wow rhyme) and I just can't motivate myself to wake up in the morning let alone go to this prison like building for 7 hours a day where they only go and give me another 3 hours of homework a day. I just don't think school understands mental health yannoe!

MCR Guitar 2016-03-02 23:27:28

I hated secondary school when I was there, but kinda miss it now I think it's the less responsibilities and more freedom I miss

Cameron Daniel 2016-03-02 23:16:23

I love you dodie <3 ^_^

Josue Flores 2016-03-02 23:24:11

if you like poetry you should have a look at Shane koyczan's channel he's an amazing poet.

James Wolf 2016-03-02 23:16:02

I'm doing chemistry homework while I watch this...

micah 2016-03-02 23:16:54

At the moment I cannot imagine life without school but I will be happy when I'm free thank god

Plum 2016-03-02 23:26:31

It's 13 years of compulsory education now! Bleeeeughhhh. I'm actually glad to have been done with it for a while now.

gabriel 2016-03-02 23:16:17

I'm in school right now and really would rather be aNYWHERE else but I feel u fam school is routine and stuff

1 like
Woodygurl16 2016-03-02 23:31:06

I'm still in school but I'm terrified of leaving and having to make proper decisions 😭

SnowHC 2016-03-02 23:34:08

I miss school so much. Like, it was bad a lot of the time but I was ill from year 9 till the end of GCSEs and I feel like I missed out a bit ;-;

Phoebe Carlisle 2016-03-02 23:26:44

I miss school as well, bahhh nostalgia :(

Alexandra Cowie 2016-03-02 23:16:17

First comment whoop X love you so much Dodie, been waiting for this video all day 💗

matt marlar 2016-03-02 23:24:38

i truly don't mean this creepily at all, but you're so unintentionally cute

1 like
Julie Bruyninckx 2016-03-02 23:15:54

hope you enjoy your chicken wrap dodz :)

Sarah Shaw 2016-03-02 23:37:22

"Youth is wasted on the young"

Sari Safari 2016-03-02 23:20:12

jesus on a boat, i can relate to this so much.

Cwiddy1812 2016-03-02 23:16:22

I hope you enjoyed your McDonald's ☺️

clara 2016-03-02 23:25:25

im doing the last year of hs and i know im gonna miss it althought i feel so tired of it now, it just scares me that ill be on universety next year (i hope) and ill have to be responsible and all that sht

juliet delphine 2016-03-02 23:16:12

I love my old school, still do, but not my current school. my old school was like a home. I loved it

Gee Roberts 2016-03-02 23:22:53

shall we start up a club where we discuss different academic topics? ye ok cool good I'm glad bc that'd be great

Olivia Kuijpers 2016-03-02 23:22:02

I love school (well, most of the time)

1 like
Chloe Gasson 2016-03-02 23:23:15

I MISS SCHOOL TOOOOOOOOOO (even though im in college still but its not the same u know im not surrounded by as many familiar faces etc) :(( i relate to so many of these reasons omg especially the wanting to be told what to do thing bc i am the LEAST independent person ever

aoibh k 2016-03-02 23:22:42

I also miss school because I have no idea what to do now :( totally get your nostalgia

Nina Silver 2016-03-02 23:18:53

I'm SUCH an introvert

Kane Hawkins 2016-03-02 23:28:47


Izzy Inkpen 2016-03-02 23:36:24

I could not agree with all of this more... people at school have no idea. I understand why they don't but, really, school can be super great. The only thing that's different for me is that being at university I am getting the intellectual input, but during my gap year it was awful, I felt the same way you do now. I could just feel my brain going to mush. I would try to have intelligent conversations and back up my points and I suddenly be like, damn, where'd all the knowledge and understanding go? lord knows what'll happen after I graduate :S

Meryl Hubbard 2016-03-02 23:30:47

I'm in Mcdonald's watching this so its ok dodge haha

Meryl Hubbard 2016-03-02 23:30:45

I'm in Mcdonald's watching this so its ok dodge haha

Meryl Hubbard 2016-03-02 23:30:41

I'm in Mcdonald's watching this so its ok dodge haha

SnowFall Kinz 2016-03-02 23:17:24

Does anybody get that thing where when you're in school you wanna leave, but once you leave you wanna go back? No? okie I'm all alone... cries in corner

31natashaa 2016-03-02 23:33:59

Are you considering going back to college/going to university? :)

Replies (1)
31natashaa 2016-03-02 23:35:40

I hate replying to my own comment, but I graduated last year and I miss being in education and being told assignments to do etc, so can we be friends and be sad together? I miss learning 😭

Thats Du 2016-03-02 23:26:34

I don't actually miss school, bc today I was there, but maybe in the future who knows...Do you wanna change? you come to school and I go to make your work ahah,
lysm doddie

lindsey goodhart 2016-03-02 23:15:52


Izzy Cremins 2016-03-02 23:29:34

Good video dodie xx

Dearbhla Melia 2016-03-02 23:27:57

I actually love you so much

Robert Clark 2016-03-02 23:37:25

They're knocking my old school down this summer. It's an 8 storey monstrosity.

Daniela Campa 2016-03-02 23:32:59

I don't get why so many people absolutely HATE school. Like, I always see, for example on tumblr, posts of people complaining about having classes and tests and stuff.. but honestly, I need school. Yes it's stressful af, I have written or oral tests almost everyday, but I need to go to school because it makes me leave my house, it makes me interact with people and things like that. Without school I'd probably be alone with my thoughts all day and I think I'd go insane.
I don't know, maybe the scholastic system is different here in my country, but if you're from America or Britain or anywhere else in the world, could you please tell me why do you dislike school so much? What's wrong with the system in general? I'm just curious! (I apologise for any mistake I may have made, English is not my native language (: )

Meryl Hubbard 2016-03-02 23:30:57

I'm in Mcdonald's watching this so its ok dodge

Zachary Cauchi 2016-03-02 23:37:23

There was a king searching for new servants. he was not only kind, but the most wealthy (albeit sometimes eccentric) in all the lands. there were many people vying for his employment, so the king sent them on an impossible task to test the entrants creativity. "Find me something that when I'm sad, will make me happy; and when I'm happy, will make me sad". After a week of silence, a single servant came back with a ring, and on the inside was inscribed; "This too shall pass"

Basically always appreciate where you are! Things that are going on will always be in flux and always change, and while theres sad things that suck that you can't wait to go away (Don't worry they will!) There is great stuff and moments that will pass that you might not even notice you were experiencing! school is like that I think ok kids have fun byeeee

1 like
Eleanor 2016-03-02 23:15:55

Hi Dodie!!!

silas dietz 2016-03-02 23:25:44

You're an extrovert? I never would have guessed, but it does make sense now that you say that.

woahmorganx 2016-03-02 23:38:39

So a few years ago I moved schools because of sleep problems I have (still have it really badly...) and now I miss going a to a big school with lots of kids (I went from like 1000+ to about 200) and I have no friends which isn't good because I'm a serious extrovert... I get so lonely if someone doesn't even talk to me for 10 minutes... The only friends I have are internet friends and I love them so much but sometimes I just need someone to hangout with and sadly I have no way to make any friends, because at my school it's very hard (it's not as simple as just saying hi and stuff, also my school is an "alternative" school and 95% of the kids smoke and party and all that stuff, and I ain't about that life) so what I miss is just being surrounded by people that are easy to make friends with 😔

lorelei williams 2016-03-02 23:26:47

God, I'm a student, and I miss school oh no

Replies (1)
Bobby Kakouris 2016-03-02 23:43:43

same ugghhh

ava 2016-03-02 23:38:19

I'm currently in school and I'm in grade seven, but ever since school i had to go to school I didn't enjoy it. The only thing enjoy is the people around me and my friends.

Cerys Cole 2016-03-02 23:17:55

yay vedim, ew school, but nostalgia is a very powerful thing so i forgive you for missing it

Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-02 23:27:01

teehee thanks

1 like
Cerys Cole 2016-03-02 23:29:06

Im just gonna miss how close friends are to see but wow school sucks especially year 12 oh my god im a terrible student i procrastinate forever

Em 2016-03-02 23:25:47

Yo... You like learning and you have a fairly steady income? Ever thought of going to Uni for something you enjoy like English lit or music??¿

fatty 2016-03-02 23:15:46


Helen 2016-03-02 23:24:14

Does anyone else hear the tapping in the background?

Replies (2)
doddlevloggle 2016-03-02 23:25:33

SORRY that was my camera auto focus thing

pinksealight 2016-03-02 23:34:34

+doddlevloggle I'm one of the weird ones that kinda likes the lens tappy noises :)

1 like
Eliane Round 2016-03-02 23:38:34

So close to 200,000 :)

Emily Mayer 2016-03-02 23:29:23

I was worried that I wouldn't like this video. I don't like it when "older" people tell you that you need to enjoy what you have now and not take it for granted, because one day it will all be gone and you'll wish you were back there again. It makes me feel very sad because, it puts pressure on you to be happy and enjoy everything now because...life only gets worse I guess. I don't know. I'm scared to grow up. gtg before I cry :) xx

Replies (1)
Shannon Mellish 2016-03-02 23:58:42

Please don't be scared to grow up chuck! Take away from this video that there are things to appreciate at every stage of life. Independence feels great, and I think when people get nostalgic about school it's easy to forget how restrictive it could feel sometimes. Enjoy it when you want to but don't feel bad for cursing it after a crappy day. X

Tiana's Archive 2016-03-02 23:29:21

I never thought id hear anyone ever say that

1 like
mumfurds 2016-03-02 23:25:15

I'm doing vedim too :)))

Bork Bork 2016-03-02 23:21:49

I haven't watched the video yet but EXCUSE ME!??!

TheMrzippie 2016-03-02 23:20:34

Well at least you get to go to McDonalds whenever you want. Even late at night.

stephen casey 2016-03-02 23:16:21


rob 2016-03-02 23:16:16

sooo early omg love u dodie

mumfurds 2016-03-02 23:24:58

I want McDonalds

Grace niamh 2016-03-02 23:19:47

I feel ya about needing the peoples - me no like being alone...miss the friendos! lets decide to not adult..yeah...? Also...who knew there were things called bills and having to do the weekly shop :'0

Frogert 2016-03-02 23:36:38

Sheeeiit there's actually a video today.

MikaelaNicoleTV 2016-03-02 23:16:38

I'm early... DODIE YOU BAE

cheap pain 2016-03-02 23:16:55


napa xx 2016-03-02 23:17:01

School isn't as bad as people say it is

1 like
Stephen Fagan 2016-03-02 23:38:38

I am not going to miss school. nuh uh. nope

zannah 2016-03-02 23:26:52

helo if u r alone I can hang out with u Lol !! SOZ

yes this is what I'm trying to tell myself like "it's ok there's freedom in having ur decisions made for u u have structure ur learning things" etc etc but it's next to impossible to enjoy it while ur there sigh sigh sigh

1 like
Replies (1)
zannah 2016-03-02 23:29:41

This video reminds me of that line from the office when Andy's like "I wish there was a way of knowing you're in the good old days"

1 like
Serina T 2016-03-02 23:16:16

I am so early I can't even!

Lani Ocampo 2016-03-02 23:37:43


Dan hicks 2016-03-02 23:36:15


Eden Grace 2018-04-11 08:00:31

I miss you :(

Little_Blue_ Dragon 2019-10-01 18:51:16

yes yes yes

Lizzy Wilfahrt 2016-03-02 23:15:53


Kayleigh Berry 2016-03-06 01:53:54

sounds like you would love university :/

EssiVids 2016-03-05 08:24:17

Why don't you go to university part time??

Replies (1)
EssiVids 2016-03-05 08:25:40

Like do literary studies or film or philosophy

bruh 2018-01-31 00:04:12

Wow I appreciate school now oh

Sophie N Nimrah 2016-03-02 23:24:37


ThesaurusToblerone 2016-03-03 06:02:14

Me too

Sean Peter 2016-03-03 07:09:15

I need to go to school today I wish I was off but next time I'm off is Wednesday and that's because I'm getting braces and I have anxiety and its going to be worse with braces I'm 13 please reply dodie

princesshundi333 2016-03-03 05:49:46

Whats your zodiac? I guess taurus or maybe pisces but i am probably wrong

Replies (2)
Tegan Lawrence 2016-03-03 06:09:10

She is aries!!

princesshundi333 2016-03-03 06:10:44

+Tegan Lawrence oh the exact oppostite... :( but thank you tho

Afra Mancini 2016-03-02 23:37:36

I'm homeschooled

ᴬˡᵒⁿᵍᴶʳ⁵⁵⁵ 2019-02-05 13:20:37


1 like
Kordell Avery 2016-03-03 07:03:52

Dude same

Vere Na 2017-01-18 20:18:05

SAME! lol

kiwisareoranges 2018-08-25 16:28:15

take my spot.

UP TILL 2 A.M. 2016-03-03 12:59:12

you should write a play.

MicrowavedCarrot 2016-03-03 08:19:16

get the cool shoeshine 2017-09-20 01:26:27

currently I'm about to die. my 4th period teacher doesn't give a fuck about people who miss school. so I have missed 2 days and tomorrow, I have a quiz with an essay attached. mind you, I missed half of the lesson, so I barely know anything about this quiz. I would've looked over the homework sheet, but I left it in school. and said teacher doesn't care if you missed a day. he'll give you a test, and if you fail, he just takes the grade and blames you. I love 7th grade😑

el 2019-03-15 09:03:35


Cleo Au 2016-03-02 23:21:51

+doddlevloggle maybe you should go back to school/univeristy?? hahah

Lindsay Marie 2016-03-03 03:43:09

true dat

leahsdreams 2019-01-07 11:04:48


Carmina Voice 2017-08-15 22:41:58


Ayden Bond 2016-03-05 00:55:26

Rosy goggles

Lucy Adams 2016-03-06 12:56:12

Yay yay vedim

Sweet Bee 2016-03-02 23:23:24

0 dislikes yissss

1 like
jay lety 2016-03-05 15:08:22

Go to college maybe?

Charis Wang 2016-03-03 00:12:15


FunnyPrince 2017-09-15 00:36:41


mammusic12 2016-03-02 23:24:16

Go to university?

ItsPhilH 2016-03-04 17:36:16


Sorry, had to :D

Daed Nevar 2016-03-03 12:03:19

ur an extrovert?

ant belle 2016-03-02 23:25:12

me too.

Afra Mancini 2016-03-02 23:37:05

I do go to school

pey 2016-03-03 00:54:37

new video I am here

Celine Geers 2016-03-03 03:11:23


hanna 2016-03-02 23:22:55

Go to college

Inga Hildur 2016-03-03 11:00:12

Well go to school :)

Gemma Tatham 2016-03-02 23:26:29

You cute girl. Don't threat. Google puppies.

cupofblossoms 2016-03-03 00:25:07


Charlotte Conkrite 2016-03-09 01:04:32

lol too late 6:01

grace wilson 2016-03-04 23:17:57


Paula 2016-03-03 06:03:44

I have eleven days of school left. Fuck this shit. I'm so scared..

Replies (4)
Lilmissdiasy 2016-03-03 06:56:31

You'll do great. You got this!

Paula 2016-03-03 14:00:08

@Johana La
I hope so :3 It's just that I don't know what to do with my life so I feel kinda lost

1 like
Lilmissdiasy 2016-03-04 21:21:41

@Feuerfliege P I think that's how everyone feels tbh We're all on the same boat, you ain't alone:-)

Paula 2016-03-05 13:34:35

@Johana La
that's good to hear :) thank you

1 like
weenore 2018-10-15 10:01:45

Although i agree with the content this was painful to watch. It's so heavily edited that you are going to a new frame every 2-5 seconds. I don't get this on youTube. Is this to look cool and edgy or is it that people these days are unable to talk on a subject semi coherently for a few minutes?

Replies (3)
weenore 2018-10-22 09:00:22

Ava Thyen I know it's called editing. I stated that in my comment. I never stated it made it boring either? I said it was too painful to watch. Which it is. Based on what you'er saying this person wasn't trying to be edgy or cool. They simply cannot talk on a subject without a script semi coherently.

weenore 2018-10-22 10:30:35

you know I nearly edited my comment when I read it back. But then I thought if that person is going to be so pathetic to point out a spelling error then let them. You didn't disappoint me.

weenore 2018-10-22 10:47:06

School, ah it all makes sense

samhailes 2016-03-02 23:17:21

Twenty fifth!

Tumblr Xxx 2016-05-22 19:55:34

I hate school. It's terrible, I go to a terrible school filled with chavs and bullies, and the teachers are terrible we literally learn nothing also I basically hate everyone at school except for my friends. I'm 14 but I feel like dropping out of school and doing online school because public school gives me depression and anxiety.

Replies (3)
Emma Roomba ASMR 2016-08-09 18:46:13

If you get the chance, definitely go to an online school. And maybe join small clubs that focus on things you like. You can even create your own little club, like a book club or baking club or music group. If you don't get this chance, I know it sucks, but try to make the best out of it. Write and talk about your feelings. If you want, go to therapy, because it may help. Instead of doing only what the teacher says and not learning much, try to be an active learner. Write down questions and take simplified notes and research your questions and add to your notes. Find second resources and really explore what you're learning about. A good book about learning is What Smart Students Know.
Good luck :)

Tumblr Xxx 2016-08-10 17:05:12

+Ecat2152 thank you for the advice :)

Emma Roomba ASMR 2016-08-11 20:48:25

@V taehyung's bae
Aw no problem :)

wil 2016-03-03 18:04:53

U crazy

remi odetoyinbo 2016-03-02 23:16:46

First comment !!!!

Victoria Bettany 2016-03-02 23:19:16

I hare people who beg for likes

Like if you agree 😂
Ps dodie I love you! you're awesome!!

1 like
Replies (1)
Mary 2016-03-02 23:29:46

I too hare them too

1 like
McSorley 2016-03-03 16:27:33

School life is easy - biggest worry is looking stupid. Real life costs money.

Bebe Ballerina 2016-03-02 23:15:43


Alice O'Brien 2016-03-02 23:15:45


Radio Friendly 2016-03-02 23:18:23

Year 9 is shit.

Replies (4)
Radio Friendly 2016-03-02 23:19:39

Also the stigma around mental illness is ridiculous.

Rian 2016-03-02 23:20:00

I left school in year 9😂😂

Zoe Langford 2016-03-02 23:23:43

it is for me now they've changed the grades system

I don't want to make a channel but it's saying I have to 2016-03-02 23:33:53

You just wait until year 10😳