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MLP Clopfic Reading - Twilight Sparkle Accidentally Buys a Clopbot (Epilogue)

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A robot assistant. Strong, efficient, and happy to follow any command you give it, making your life a whole lot easier. That's what Twilight Sparkle thought when she purchased Valiant, a robot personal assistant, from an advertisement she found in a magazine. Little does she know, her new "assistant's" list of functions don't include sorting books, or dusting shelves. In fact, it isn't until her friends tell her exactly what it is that she purchased that Twilight realizes that she has made one of the biggest blunders of her life. Or has she?

Story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/182756/twilight-sparkle-accidentally-buys-a-clopbot

Art: https://cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/xj4i-1432561246-182756-medium