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[Trailer] "The Great Experiment" - A Stable-Tec Documentary

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[Fallout Day Trailer] "The Great Experiment" - Documentary - What Happened To Stable Tec?


"We all know the story by now. We all know the story of passionate fans attempting a project beyond their reach and eventually, everything falls apart. We know the story because it happens all the time.

But what actually happens inside the production? Why DOES the team disband? What happens when passion meets reality?"

It's been awhile since I've posted a REAL video but here's the trailer for the documentary I've recently picked up with East Corp! - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFIr7A-J4cT2Y2Xv3qwH9w/videos

Hopefully ya'll enjoy! Took some time to make but i'm happy with it! :)


► Discord - https://discord.gg/M8Ee7eA


► Paypal - https://paypal.me/wubkin?locale.x=en_US


►Editing & Music + Some Animated Parts By Wubby Dubby - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD7I...

We Love Father💛

#TheGreatExperiment #WhenPassionMeetsReality