Hoofstompin' Hardstyle EP (PREVIEW)
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Hard With Ponystyle Recordz
HWPS is proud to present "Hoofstompin' Hardstyle EP (PREVIEW)"
MrMehster- "Hoofstompin' Hardstyle EP is the first collaborative effort from Hard With Ponystyle and Tokyo Magika Productions.
Songs from both labels have been carefully selected to bring you the best of the harder styles in Pony EDM.
Link: http://youtu.be/D6RDw5SgoJw
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Buy my album- http://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/album/hard-with-ponystyle-recordz-maximum-overload-album
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PS3:LaGxCelestia_530 or Royalpony5300
Skype: Royalpony5300
XBOX ONE gamertag: royalpony5300
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Submit your Pony Hardstyle music to be featured by Hard With Ponystyle recordz @ jildardo.aguilar@gmail.com
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