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Hiatus While On My Honeymoon! [ Kitti Minx ASMR Channel Updates + Anime Style Art *Speedpaint*! ]

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Don't like the hassle of monthly subscriptions like Patreon to get access to exclusive NSFW ASMR content? You can now start renting or buying them individually at: https://(YT won't allow this see kittiminx.carrd.co for link ).com/kittiminx Check it out! EDIT: Holy compression Batman! YouTube REALLY jacked up the audio processing this file....THREE TIMES! I'm sorry y'all but this will have to do.


I'll be leaving to go on my honeymoon cruise (which we will try to vlog some of) this weekend and I'll be gone for a week. A few days after I get back I leave to work my other job. (Though I'll try to have some videos up in the time inbetween.) Sorry my voice is hoarse I hadn't been feeling well hence the slowness of recordings and uploads (plus changes to my schedule because LIFE) and just not having the Spoons ( Google "Spoon Theory plz ) to knock things out as regularly as I used to. Please listen all the way through for important news especially news about the store and dakimakura (body pillow) cases! Background video is an art speedpaint as artist Anna Maria Bryant draws a fan's commission of the elf Petra with their own persona. Commission Anna for a fan character to get featured in a future ASMR Roleplay video! Thank you all so much for your love and support as well as patience and understanding. It means a lot! xoxo Kitti Minx

#ASMR #Speedpaint #Storytime

Learn more about me and my work - https://www.KittiMinxASMR.com (site includes link to Public Discord Server!) Plus shop the stores! Want the chance to make a little extra cash? Promote my store on your social media/website/blog using https://kittiminxclub.refersion.com and make commissions per sales made through you!

Want extra exclusives? Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/KittiMinx Exclusives released regularly! (Art by Anna Maria Bryant - http://www.annamariabryant.com )

Enjoy all the free content? Consider supporting me with Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/kittiminx

I'm NOT monetized on YT so all vids are ad free, as such I'd appreciate any and all support!

Follow me: Twitter - https://twitter.com/kittiminxasmr ; Tumblr - https://kittiblogging.tumblr.com ; Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kittiminx/