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YouTube Poop: PanFrying Nemo

Description YT

You thought it was going to be DeepFrying Nemo, didn't you? (I'm saving that for the finale)
This video is part 3 OF 4 of the Frying Nemo series.
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL3MgqpywnM
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tasYiVI0iz0
Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcZ1J6LwiJs

If you can't watch this poop due to copyright, click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scp8-Ro_3io

Nemo barely even appears in this poop. But that's a good thing. Instead, you get witness Martard and Dorito's misadventures in the deep blue. Marlin shoots up a school before overdosing on Jellyfish venom. Dory struggles with her sexual identity and is placed in mortal danger by Marlin's negligence. Together, the group meet a pack of wild Koopa Troopas all while Ginger-doomsday is quickly approaching.
Watch the others:

Right before I uploaded this video, I was put in an odd position where I had two almost-finished videos, being this one and The Spingebill Collection 2. For several days I debated on which one to upload first. (I do not want to upload them simultaneously for fear that one would overshadow the other). Due to the recence of the Viacom copyright takedowns, I decided that it would be more wise to hold off on uploading SBC2 for a few more weeks. Anyway, enjoy what you have here. This is the hardest I have ever worked on any one YTP, and there is still one part left!
Some of the copyrighted music had caused this video to be blocked in Germany, I will try to get replacement uploaded on my alt soon.