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(No Music) TS5 A Silver Sky: Four Little Ponies Chapter 21 (Triumphant)

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(This is exactly the same as the last upload of this, except the music has been removed from whenever I am speaking, for those that prefer it that way)

Link to Author: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/42022/HamGravy

This story is a sequel to Twisted: Four Little Foals
My name is Silver Spoon, and I've made a terrible mistake. I'm just not sure what it is yet.
Was it letting Miss Rarity down when she needed me? Was it believing in myself when I had no right to? Was it choosing to stay in this terrible place instead of trying to go back to her?
Or maybe my mistake was something else entirely. For the longest time, I thought I would never know. I thought my story was over.
I was wrong.
But what I don't know is where I should go from here, and what I'll have to do to find her again.
And I can't possibly anticipate that everything will change...with one little word.