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AURORA..1977..Full Album.2..

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AURORA..1977..Full Album.2..Studijski album, objavljen 1977

. godine Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Opus 8 (11,53)
2. Unutar (5,56)
3. Ples na ravnici u Španjolskoj (8:14)
4. Ima li ih još? (4:27)
5. Off-Blue (4:54)
6. Eurhythmia (5:02)
7. Divljačka požuda (6,55)
8. Polyfolk ples (5:05)
9. Khartouhm (9:58)
10. Jubilej (10:40)

Ukupno vrijeme: 73:08

Postava / Glazbenici
- Mark Menikos / violina
- Skip Sorelle / gitare
- Martin McCall / bubnjevi
- Roy Vogt / bas
- John Sharp / klavijature.............AURORA je osnovana 1976. godine, a na njoj su sudjelovali bivši članovi HANDS-a, HIGH TIME OCTET-a i SHIVAS trake za glavu. Njihova glazba mogla bi se opisati kao eksperimentalna instrumentalna progresivna jazz-fuzija. Nikada tijekom karijere nisu izdavali nijedan album koji je trajao do 1980. godine. Tri pjesme na ovom CD-u snimljene su u January Sound Studios 5/27/1977, dok je ostalih sedam pjesama snimljeno uživo u January Sound Studios 1977. godine za emitiranje na KZEW-FM-u u Dallasu. - Glazbenici su vrlo vješti što se vidi u brojnim istaknutim dijelovima na ovom CD-u poput otvorenja "Opusa 8", "Polyfolk Dance" i "Khartouhma". Njihovi utjecaji su John Coltrane, Chick Corea, Larry Coryell, Stockhausen i FRANK ZAPPA, dok njihova glazba podsjeća na MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA i NUCLEUS. Siguran sam da ako volite progresivnu jazz-fusion i gore spomenute bendove i izvođače, sigurno će vam se svidjeti i ovo. Preporučuje!.Ladislav&Zivanovic………….AURORA was founded in 1976 and featured former members of HANDS, HIGH TIME OCTET and SHIVAS headbands. Their music could be described as experimental instrumental progressive jazz fusion. They never released any albums during their careers, which lasted until 1980. Three songs on this CD were recorded at January Sound Studios 5/27/1977, while the other seven songs were recorded live at January Sound Studios in 1977 for broadcast on KZEW-FM in Dallas. - Musicians are very skilled as seen in a number of highlights on this CD such as the opening of "Opus 8", "Polyfolk Dance" and "Khartouhma". Their influences are John Coltrane, Chick Corea, Larry Coryell, Stockhausen and FRANK ZAPPA, while their music resembles MAHAVISHNA ORCHESTRA and NUCLEUS. I'm sure if you like progressive jazz fusion and the bands and performers mentioned above, you'll