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Pavarotti & Friends 2003 prima parte HD///+

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Pavarotti & Friends 2003 prima parte HD///+It may sound incredible, but I've never seen this recording again, so the videotape has been unused in its custody for almost 17 years. The day before yesterday I finally decided to take the plunge: pour the show from the Vhs to the DVD, store the Vob files on the pendrive and convert them to Avi H264 format. Judging by the audio-video quality I would say that the tape has remained discreetly over the years.
"Someone will wonder how it was possible to transfer the Dvd Vob files to the pendrive to convert them with the Toshiba tablet. I used my old laptop with the optical drive, a redives Acer Aspire 7720G of the... 2007!Možda će zvučati nevjerojatno, ali nikad više nisam vidio ovu snimku, tako da je video kaseta neiskorištena u pritvoru gotovo 17 godina. Prekjučer sam konačno odlučio uzeti poniranje: preliti show iz Vhs na DVD, pohraniti Vob datoteke na pendrive i pretvoriti ih u Avi H264 formatu. Sudeći po audio-video kvaliteti rekao bih da je traka ostala diskretno tijekom godina.
"Netko će se pitati kako je bilo moguće prenijeti Dvd Vob datoteke u pendrive pretvoriti ih s Toshiba tabletom. Koristio sam moj stari laptop s optičkim pogonom, redives Acer Aspire 7720G od... 2007!///+Luciano Pavarotti.../+Umjetnik u vremenima neformalni i vješti komunikator (u suvremenom smislu termina), a prije svega jedinstven karakter unutar svijeta zabave,veleposlanik u svijetu belcantoTo Italian, Ljubitelj dobre hrane kao što je Rossini i bavio se solidarnosti (koja je samo djelomično uravnotežila pad imidža Zbog problema s poreznikom, Pavarotija je veći dio kritičara prepoznao kao jednog od najboljih pjevača u tenor registru dvadesetog stoljeća, stoljeća koji je također dao brojne velike protagonistesvijetuopere,od kojih su neki, njegovi vršnjaci ili gotovo, još uvijek u poslu. To priznanje mu je došlo ne samo zbog posebnog vokalnog proširenja i tehničkog ovladanja glasovnim instrumentom, u kombinaciji s sposobnosti da ga interpretira u stanju zalaska duboko u čitanje likova koje je otišao tumačiti na pozornici i u brazdama snimaka, nego i po vrlini onoga što je njegov kolega José Carreras nazvao prirodnom karizmom, od koje je Pavarotti očito bio obdari. Terancious as the Calaf who tames the puccini Princess Turandot and urges the stars to a sunset without odgoda in view of the dawn that will see him victorio, i sposobna u isto vrijeme nježnosti dostojne naivnog i afirmiranog Nemorinog donizettiana L'eliksira ljubavi (Furtive suza je jedna od njegovih najznacajnijih opernih arija), Pava Učitelj - bio je istovremeno svedok jedne ere i profesije, pjevača, za koji - prema njegovim rječima - nije dovoljno talentovan samo ako ga ne podržava adekvatno, a ponekad naporno proučavanje...!!!An artist in times of informal and skilled communicator (in the modern sense of the term), and above all a unique character within the world of entertainment,ambassador in the world belcantoTo Italian, Lover of good food such as Rossini and engaged in solidarity (which only partially balanced the decline of the image Due to problems with the taxman, Pavarotija recognized most of the critics as one of the best singers in the tenor register of the twentieth century. , century which also gave numerous great protagonistsworld operas,some of which, its peers or almost, are still in business. This recognition came not only because of his special vocal extension and technical mastery of the voice instrument, combined with his ability to interpret it in a state of delusion deep into the reading of the characters he went to interpret on stage and in the grooves of the recordings, but also for the virtue of what his colleague José Carreras called natural charisma, from which Pavarotti was clearly endowed. Terancious as the Calaf who tames the puccini Princess Turandot and urges the stars to a sunset without a delay in view of the dawn that will see him victorio, and capable at the same time of tenderness worthy of the naïve and affirmed Nemorian donizettian L'elixirs of love (Furtive tears is one of his most significant operatic arias), Pava The Master - was at the same time a witness to an era and profession , the singer, for which - in his words - is not talented enough only if it is not adequately supported, and sometimes laborious study--!!!/+///++/+///+///++I have no copyright or copyright for this album,'DVD+ unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!/