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SpingeBum vs Flatz: The Millennium Battle (Reupload)

Description YT

The original audio got muted due to copyright, so I swapped it out with the orchestral version. This video is an excellent piece of EmperorLemon history as it represents a major transitional period of my channel. Originally uploaded January 4th 2013, this poop is the bridge between my 2012 and 2013 styles. It was the most isolated YTP in terms of upload intervals (The previous poop was uploaded in July 2012 and the next poop in May 2013).
This attribute maks this YTP unique in terms of style. This poop is essentially two parts: a traditional YTP section and a story section. The YTP section was (in my view) the last example of my more conservative 2012 style. The story section was a foreshadow of future 2013 poops.This poop was my fifth Spingebill YTP and by-far my longest when it was uploaded. Oddly enough, this poop was the least viewed out of all of my Spongebob poops. I attribute that to my channel's inactivity prior to its upload. Anyway, I highly suggest you guys give this a look. Some of the editing is unpolished but there are a ton of great moments in this poop that I still enjoy to this day.

Music list: (Title - Artist)
0:22 You Spin Me Right Around Baby - Dead or Alive
1:34 O Fortuna - Carl Orff
2:06 Soullja Quest.mp3
2:48 & 3:24 Crosstown Traffic - Jimi Hendrix
4:06 Mario Kart 64 Raceway Theme
4:58 Dreams of Cruelty (Meet the Pyro theme) - TF2 Official Orchestra
6:00 Gonna Fly Now - Korean Pops Orchestra (AKA Rocky Theme)
6:46 Super Mario 64 Final Bowser Battle Theme

Stay tuned for The Spingebill Collection 2, coming this weekend!