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people dropping tilted towers didnt expect this...

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people dropping tilted towers didnt expect this...

what if you were playing fortnite and fortnite grief happened and u said to them fortnite griefed is too far and i prefer fortnite trolled but then fortnite kid trolled happen and its like op and fortnite jetpack comes before fortnite rifle gameplay but seriously then fortnite angriest reaction happens and u think its just a fortnite angry reaction because its also a fortnite toxic reaction just like fortnite rank tip or maybe even fortnite crazy toxic reaction but it could also be fortnite troll gets destroyed or even fortnite top 500 destruction but to be honest thats just a fortnite toxic player gets destroyed that im gonna put in a video called fortnite wtf moments because its just some fortnite funny rage just like fortnite teens react to a fortnite grif video

this video is for comedic purposes only