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Cherax Destructor - transit (america the beautiful)

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america beats 03 // download http://cheraxdestructor.bandcamp.com/album/america-beats

certainly there is a beauty in transience; as a wise man once sang: "some things look better, baby, just passing through." Greyhound buses were my main mode of transportation around America, and from their surprisingly comfortable seats i bore witness to many sights, unbelievably boring and beautiful alike. for the most part, i whiled away the long intercity trips on my laptop, watching TV and writing music; but i found that even doing these quotidian things are more enjoyable while you're on a bus in the desert at sunset, with the rocky scenery shifting constantly in your periphery, punctuated by fleeting and unpredictable moments of gorgeousness. as much as this video is a compilation of those moments, it's a reminder of how far and how often you have to travel to experience them