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Forgotten (fan music for "Background Pony" by Shortskirtsandexplosions)

Description YT

Remastered Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6KV62DZJtg

I just sat down for a while after reading a fanfic entitled "Background Pony" by shortskirtsandexplosions. It can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/19198/Background-Pony

This song came from nowhere. I knew the melody before I wrote it, and very creepily, I came up with it 2 minutes after finishing the fic. It didn't gradually come to me. Rather, it hit me in the face, already complete. I did not develop or edit that melody one bit from that original as a tribute to the forgotten memory of a pony's curse. The absolute depth of this fanfic and it's emotional effect on me have been drastic, and know for certain that I won't forget it, ever.

God that sounds cheesy. BUT IT'S ALL TRUE I SWEAR! If you don't believe me, go read the fanfic yourself.

On a side note, there's music playing while lyra fades away. Enjoy!

MP3 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?27a9opdbnrtsbsi

Bonus Content:


(tempo = 120 or 260)

midi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjmbf1d8gmblvj5/Forgotten.mid