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Cherax Destructor - wonderment (infinite and quiet)

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america beats 02 // download http://cheraxdestructor.bandcamp.com/album/america-beats

sight-seeing is simultaneously the best and worst thing about holidaying. on the one hand, you have to deal with huge lines of tourists and an inevitably short, expensive, watered-down version of a conceived experience. on the other hand, there's a reason people go and see them sights! if you're very lucky - or if it's very rainy - you'll get to see something wonderful with very few other people around to tarnish the moment. and if you're very canny, you'll know that ultimately, nature is still the greatest and cheapest sight you can see. this video is an attempt to convey the manifold beauty of the Americas, from its serene landscapes to its exhilarating cities. it should also convey just how much of this trip i spent walking around. quite a work-out! now i got legs of steel