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MLP Comedy Reading - The Mane Six Lose Their Collective Shit - A Crackfic

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The mane six have defeated many villains, most recently having help from the Pillars of Equestria. Leading them to wonder, just why in the hell is Equestria so prone to disaster and mayhem? Why didn't the ponies of the past clean up their messes? And why in the bucking hell doesn't anyone ever just execute someone?

And most importantly, why do they even have princesses if a group of six young adults are going to have to handle everything?

Story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/407927/the-mane-six-lose-their-collective-shit-a-crackfic

Art: https://cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/r1mt-1524966277-407927-full

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