Phone scammer exposed


I discovered the IP address of an Indian Call Center fraudster who was trying to 'refund' me. They called following up an ammyy scam (you know the one where my computer was reporting a problem etc). I deliberately let them access a honeypot PC which I had set up to record the traffic source.

Instead of giving a refund, they use Western Union to _charge_ the victim's credit card.

I've reported this to their ISP and to the Indian authorities but this has got nowhere.

I think this type of fraud is only aimed at people who fell for the "your computer has reported a problem" scam, but I'd be interested if other people have received calls like this one. The original calls came from a scam outfit called "". See my other videos for the original scam.

As of 7th June 2015, I have heard nothing from the police, so I have to assume their bribe worked and no further action is being considered.