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Totalspark and Tw3lv3 - Orbit

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Song number five for the album. Tw3lv3 and I threw this one around for awhile, trying a few different things before we found something that really clicked and made this song what it is. I'm very happy with how this song turned out. I had so much fun doing it! Also, thanks to the P@D team for making this a pre-release for Eclipse!

Being overcome with emotions is an interesting thing. It can lead to positive or negative things. But, that flood of feelings that you can get, can really make you feel weightless, like everything around you is grounded, but you aren't bound by simple things like gravity.

Genre: Liquid Drum 'n' Bass


Can't you see?
Can't you see?
I feel like I'm in orbit

Can't you see?
Can't you see?
I feel like I'm in orbit

P@D: https://poniesatdawn.bandcamp.com/album/eclipse

Tw3lv3: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2jRI1B1vEIPOTDjfz6V5hw

My Music: https://totalspark.bandcamp.com/

Art: https://twitter.com/ColorsoundZ

Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Tota...

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/totalspark