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Macha&Macha...1998.FULL ALBUM...

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.Dear ladies and gentlemen, before each review, please like and subscribe for free to my channel, thank you very much respect and respect for all of you-Ladislav&Zivanovic-CANADA-..Macha&Macha...1998.FULL ALBUM....odine 1996., multiinstrumentalist Joshua McKay i njegov brat Mischo McKay našli su se u Ateni, GA, nakon trogodišnje razdvojenosti (posljednji put su živjeli zajedno u Gainesvilleu, FL, gdje su oboje bili u bendu Emperor Moth). Ponovno zajedno u offbeat college gradu, glazbeni dvojc brzo je formirao Machu zajedno s još jednim multiinstrumentalističkim prijateljem, Kai Reidlom. Nije lako golubariti, Macha koristi glas, gitaru i bubnjeve zajedno s mnogim netradicionalnim instrumentima -- zakucanim dulcimerom, vibrafonom, gongovima i sintesajzerom pod nazivom "zabavni stroj", između ostalog -- kako bi stvorio glazbu koja je kombinacija rocka dronova i indonezijske narodne glazbe. Sastav je objavio svoj samozvani debitantski album 1998. godine za Jetset Records. Godinu dana kasnije uslijedio je See It Another Way, album koji je obilježen uključivanjem Wesa Martina (još jednog multiinstrumentalista) kao stalnog člana benda. Macha se 2000. godine udružio s Bedheadom,još jednom odjećom drona s bratskim pogonom (Bubba i Matt Kadane), za mini-album Macha Loved Bedhead. Grupa se vratila 2004.Praćenje unosa
Kada su prvi put vidjeli plutajući svijet6:26
Mačka želi biti pas5:20
Buda priroda4:16
[Bez naslova]0:31
Dvostruki život4:01
Dlakavo, isušeno (nevidljivo)0:57
Kratki život5:55
Posjet ruševinama7:57
Glavni grad6:08
Zapali kineski cvijet5:54
Sama Sama7:04
Ukupna duljina: 54:29.............
Umjetnik Macha
Tip Album
Oslobođen 3. studenoga 1998.
Ocjena RYM-a 3.58 / 5.0 od 404 ocjene
Rangiran #340 za 1998.
Žanrovi Post-Rock, Experimental Rock
Gamelan, Krautrock, Neo-Psihodelija
Opisnici duhovni, ritualni, ritmički, plemenski, muški vokali, bučni...ladislav&zivanovic....//+Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.ladislav zivanovic..!!!Macha&Macha...1998.FULL ALBUM....in 1996, multi-instrumentalist Joshua McKay and his brother Mischo McKay found themselves in Athens, GA, after a three-year separation (they had last lived together in Gainesville, FL, where they were both in the band Emperor Moth). Back together in an offbeat college town, the musical duo quickly formed Macha with another multi-instrumentalist friend, Kai Reidl. Not easily pigeonholed, Macha uses voice, guitar and drums along with many non-traditional instruments -- a hammered dulcimer, vibraphone, gongs and a synthesizer called a "fun machine," among others -- to create music that is a combination of drone rock and Indonesian folk music . The band released their self-titled debut album in 1998 for Jetset Records. A year later, See It Another Way followed, an album marked by the inclusion of Wes Martin (another multi-instrumentalist) as a permanent member of the band. In 2000, Macha teamed up with Bedhead, another brother-powered drone outfit (Bubba and Matt Kadane), for the mini-album Macha Loved Bedhead. The group returned in 2004. Tracking entry
When they first saw the floating world6:26-ladislav&zivanovic-//+Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.ladislav zivanovic..........