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(Hardstyle) Royalpony- I'm The Monster(Fluttershy)

Description YT

Hard With Ponystyle Recordz, "Bringing the Hardest Style of any Pony Hard Dance Music."

I have another hardstyle track for you guys, enjoy.

Visuals done by me.

sub for more pony hardstyle music, comment if you liked it, thumbs u if you enjoyed.

Lets setup a goal, lets get this channel up to 1k subscribers within 3-4 months or less.

DL: https://db.tt/nIBj5JU3

Buy my album: https://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/al...

Contact me:
PS3:LaGxCelestia_530 or Royalpony5300
Skype: Royalpony5300
XBOX ONE gamertag: royalpony5300

Follow me:
Instagram: Royalpony5300
Tweeter: Royalpony5300

Like my facebook:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/royalpony5300