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Infinite Fire/Portal Lighter in Vanilla Minecraft

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An infinite fire/portal lighter design for Vanilla Minecraft. Previous designs either ran out after a while or used blazes (with obvious disadvantages)

Only works in the overworld. Does not work in Bedrock Edition, but likely to work on Spigot this time.

Watch my previous world RNG manipulation video:
^ don't forget to check out others' videos as well!

Music: Bouncy Little Meri https://youtu.be/hyB1_DiurNs

ProtoTech members:
0x53ee71ebe11e: https://goo.gl/mq4aRN
1011: https://goo.gl/ym7yBF
Acheron River: https://goo.gl/2dh2Xk
Cats: https://goo.gl/K63z2U
Comet: https://goo.gl/qRgFbb
Craft Mechanics: https://goo.gl/ujSQwq
DogetorHue: https://goo.gl/pbu9mN
Earthcomputer: https://goo.gl/KpoacL
EDDxample: https://goo.gl/uMrW1Q
Galia: https://goo.gl/uhk9Nu
Guberti: https://goo.gl/zTpvS8
Heinz Eins: https://goo.gl/M0HdsE
kikawet: https://goo.gl/hLMYok
KK: https://www.youtube.com/c/kkochanovskii
Lord Jon: https://goo.gl/TT9fg5
Mouse: https://goo.gl/Y5ZoQm
Narcoleptic Frog: https://goo.gl/jNJ4MJ
Noerdy: https://goo.gl/A3B3BU
Nooticus: https://goo.gl/H2NKpw
Nukelawe: https://goo.gl/rJNn8o
Omeganx: https://goo.gl/0NzXb5
Pineapplecake: https://goo.gl/iGFNur
Pingu: https://goo.gl/y4SaBz
Ray: https://goo.gl/0Qtuoc
Rusty: https://goo.gl/QyBgR1
Smokey: https://goo.gl/YSc4Fo
Theosib: https://goo.gl/sk21eb
XcelliorE: https://goo.gl/b6Fkkj
Yunsung: https://goo.gl/HchA8d
zefenglin: https://goo.gl/JgaERF