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The Dazzlings- Battle of the Bands (Royalpony Hardstyle Remix)

Description YT

Hard With Ponystyle Recordz

Bringing in the hardest style in the Fandom!!! Song's so suducing, so I made a remix of it :)

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/okrwdecx8qeaxlr/The%20Dazzlings-%20Battle%20of%20the%20Bands%20%28Royalpony%20Hardstyle%20Remix%29.wav?dl=0

Contact me:
Skype: Royalpony5300
XBOX ONE gamertag: royalpony5300

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Instagram: Royalpony5300
Tweeter: Royalpony5300

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Want your pony hardstyle music to be featured by HWPS? Submit at jildardo.aguilar@gmail.com