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Discord vs Shaggy

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Transcript (For those who can't understand TTS well)
Discord:What a wonderful day to be in the Chaos Dimension of Equus.
Shaggy:Yo dude, I heard you were one of the most powerful ones in this universe?
Discord:Wrong! I am THE most powerful!
Shaggy:Then, like, prove it dude, I want you to take me on!
Discord:Ha, this will be EASY!
Shaggy:Like, don't underestamate me dude, I'm pretty damn powerful all things considered.
Discord:Prove it
Discord:Nothing happened
Shaggy:Really? Because just then, I gave many hungry Ponaqi children some food with just a thought, that's just 1 percent of my power.
Discord:Aw, I can't fight you now that I know you just gave the children of Ponaq food!
Shaggy:Don't worry, I highly doubt that I will die.
Discord:Oh, I guess that's right, you're on!
Discord:Wow, I didn't know you could do that! No matter, I summon a blast of Equestrian magic!
Shaggy:Haha, this only itches.
Discord:Make your move.
Shaggy:I just made you furiously need to pee with a thought
Discord:Jokes on you, I don't pee!
Discord:I now make it to where every kamehameha blast just blasts turnips.
Shaggy:Really? Ka-
A radish just appears on Discord
Shaggy:That's it bro, I'm, like, gonna go Ultra Instinct, man.
Shaggy:Now, I can do this...
A planet is destroyed
Shaggy:A planet is destroyed. With a single blast. This is 60 percent of my power, want to see 100 percent, bro?
Discord:BRING IT ON!!!
Discord:The Watcher? What are you doing here?
Watcher:Shaggy, remember last time you went at 100% of your power? You almost destroyed a whole universe!
Shaggy:I'm sorry, bro, heat of the moment, I was challenging Discord here to a fight...
Watcher:And you accepted?
Discord:Yeah, I underestimated his power.
Watcher:Look, Discord, Equestria needs you.
Shaggy:Like, can I come? I haven't been to Equestria since ancient times.
Discord:Sure, but be careful, war has come
A few minutes later
Discord:Oh, Fluttershy!
Fluttershy:Discord, baby! Come check out Comic Field, he's been smiling all day!
Discord:And why might that be, Comic?
Comic Field:Well, it all began when Deadpool and Ponk invaded the Cave of 4Chan, they then came back, and I launched a nuke and the cave is ours again! Now the penguins are teaming with the Yaks to invade the capital of the Hybrid Union, Stalliongrad, afterwhich, we finally go and destroy Anti-Equestria as revenge for what they have done to us!
Shaggy:Like, can I join?
Comic Field:I mean, sure, but what do you know about Warfare?
Shaggy:Like, alot man.