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TONIC&This.....Way Full Album.....

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TONIC&This.....Way Full Album.....Studio Album, objavljen 1980

. godine Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Jednom sam imao san (8,22)
2. Pitaj me nema više (13,28)
3. Crni dječak (5,45).... 13:354
. Ponekad (4,14)
5. Na ovaj način (4,19)
6. Protiv straha od smrti (5:52)

Ukupno Timne: 41:44

Postava / Glazbenici
- Michael Draskowitsch / Saksofoni, klarinet
- Michael Hocker / Bubnjevi
- Uwe Murschel / Klavijature, truba, vokal
- Andreas Taßlack / Vokal, bas, metalofon, gitara
- Roland Schmid / Gitara, bas
- Andreas Stelzer / Klavijature, vokal
- Johannes Wenzerrit / Gitara, basGuest


Manfred Rösch / Flauta u "Ponekad....................LADISLAV&Z... Studio Album, released in 1980

. Songs / Tracks Listing
1. I once had a dream (8:22)
2. Ask Me No More (13:28)
3. Black boy (5:45).... 13:354
. Sometimes (4:14)
5. This way (4:19)
6. Against fear of death (5:52)

Total Timne: 41:44

Lineup / Musicians
- Michael Draskowitsch / Saxophones, clarinet
- Michael Hocker / Drums
- Uwe Murschel / Keyboards, trumpet, vocals
- Andreas Taßlack / Vocals, bass, metallophone, guitar
- Roland Schmid / Guitar, bass
- Andreas Stelzer / Keyboards, vocals
- Johannes Wenzerrit / Guitar, basGuest


Manfred Rösch / Flute in "Sometimes..........L&Z.............LADISLAV&Z... First I have to thank Ivan and the Symphonic team for adding this band so quickly. I've suggested a lot of bands over the years, but these guys have been so positive and they've come around so quickly that I've got dizzy. TONIC was a German band that released this only album back in 1980. It's really a recording out of its time although it sounds like it could have been released in the early to mid-1970s. This is symphonic with jazz over-tones mainly due to saxophones, clarinets and trumpets. We get a flute, a mellotron and a lot of metallophone that sounds similar to vibrations or xylophone. The vocals are excellent, reminding me mainly of Ian Anderson, but also Greg Lake from time to time and they are in English." Once I Had A Dream" opens with a metallophone before this very prominent bass comes along (must be Rickenbacker). Drums and guitar beat then saxophone. Back to the metallophone as the organ floats in the background. Bass returns digging deep, and then saxophone as the themes repeat. Silence after two and a half minutes then comes the clarinet even though it sounds like a flute to me. The vocals arrive for the first time 3 1/2 minutes ago. Man, this is so exciting for me. The saxophone comes and goes and once again I like the floating organ in the background. Calmness 7 1/2 minutes ago because the metallophone returns only then a little atmosphere to the end. Great opening song." Ask Me No More" is the longest song in 13 1/2 minutes. He is very early on to relax with mild sounds, including horn, drums, metallophone, keys, guitar and much more. Hits pretty hard in 2 1/2 m

"Black Boy" seems unsuitable for my ears not only because of the title, but the singer suddenly sounds like Louis Armstrong. Fortunately, this changes quickly (it takes about 1 1/2 minutes). About halfway through we get what must sound like a solo flute, and then a mellotron 3 1/2 minutes ago. Pretty. Synths follow, then return late to the main tune. "Sometimes" is darker to sound to begin with, but then strummed guitar and synths water and the pace increases. The vocals after a minute sound like Ian Anderson as he calms down. The opening theme returns followed by calm with soft vocals. it kicks in quick though. It's a great track.

"This Way" opens with a floating organ and chooses a guitar as the vocals join in. I'm really enjoying his voice. The drums and the bass are beating. Saxophone leads whenever the vocals stop. Some metallophone too. The vocals are more passionate, man this is uplifting. Highlight bass arrives when it stops singing. He's back as the themes are repeated. Mellotron 3 1/2 minutes ago and so moves for four minutes with vocals and mellotron. "Against The Fear Of Death" opens with a gentle guitar and mellotron as the reserved vocalists join in a minute ago. Next comes the bass and drums, and then the saxophone. The bass and atmosphere for 2 minutes then the vocals and drums return followed by the full sound. Guitar solo three minutes ago then horns. The piano and vocals follow, and then it builds. It's so touching again five minutes ago, and then the grand finale with a mellotron.

Solid four stars..........LADISLAV&Z...