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QUASAR.....Man Coda Full Album.....

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QUASAR.....Man Coda Full Album.....Studio Album, objavljen 1981

. godine Pjesme / Popis pjesama

1. Reality's Way
2. Zeitgeist
3. Mali princ
4. Man Coda

Postava / Glazbenici

- Trevor Tiplady / bubnjevi
- Barry Tiplady / bas
- Len Henderson / gitara..........Studio Album, released in 1981

. Year Songs / Playlist

1. Reality's Way
2. Zeitgeist
3. Little Prince
4. Man Coda

Lineup / Musicians

- Trevor Tiplady / drums
- Barry Tiplady / bass
- Len Henderson / guitar.......... Druga nejasnoća iz ovog avant-trojca dolje ispod, "Man Coda" je itekako povratak u formu iz njihovog debija, "Nebularna putanja". Još jednom sve instrumentalna afera, ovaj drugi album vidi četiri proširene jazz skladbe koje skreću u kaotične avangardne teritorije. Glazba je ponovno vrlo improvizacijska, s krotkom ritam sekcijom basa i bubnjeva i iskrivljenom gitarom Lena Hendersona koja vodi stazu. Rezultati ove ekspedicije manje su plodni nego na "Nebularnoj putanji"; uvodne i završne pjesme obično se pretvaraju u vrlo oskudne rezance, a ukupni fokus albuma čini se manje nadahnutim. Dok je "Force Funk" proizveo zakivanje na debiju, jedina energična predstava koja se nalazi na "Man Codi" je druga pjesma, "Zeitgeist", sa svojim aktivnijim udaraljkama i teškim rifovima sličnim Robertu Frippu. "Mali princ" je također lijepa melodija, koja nudi blaži, opušteniji osjećaj koji nije bio baš prisutan u Quasarovom općenito jezivom zvuku.
Ovaj je, zajedno s prvijencem, za mene izdanje s 2 zvjezdice, budući da ima vrlo ograničenu privlačnost; stvarno postoji mnogo jači avangardni jazz koji treba cijeniti. Zapravo, vjerojatno bih preporučio "Nebularnu putanju" preko ove, jer ima raznovrsniji zvučni pejzaž. Ništa što propuštaš.LADISLAV&Z……….Another ambiguity from this avant-trio down below, "Man Coda" is very much a return to form from their debut, "Nebular Trajectory." Once again all an instrumental affair, this second album sees four extended jazz tracks veer into chaotic avant-garde territories. The music is very improvisational again, with a meek rhythm section of bass and drums and Len Henderson's crooked guitar leading the track. The results of this expedition are less fruitful than on the "Nebular trajectory"; the opening and final songs usually turn into very scanty noodles, and the overall focus of the album seems less inspired. While "Force Funk" produced a riveting on debut, the only energetic performance featured on "Man Codi" is another song, "Zeitgeist," with its more active percussion and heavy riffs similar to Robert Fripp. "The Little Prince" is also a beautiful melody, offering a milder, more relaxed feel that wasn't exactly present in Quasar's generally eerie sound.
This one, along with its debut, is a 2-star edition for me, since it has a very limited appeal; there really is a much stronger avant-garde jazz to appreciate. In fact, I would probably recommend a "Nebular trajectory" over this one, as it has a more diverse soundscape. Nothing you're missing. LADISLAV&Z..........