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NSN - 2b2t Fight club takeover (FULL EVENT) Timestamps in description

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00:00 Prep
00:48 First person arrives
06:20 Freeze #1-Half power
13:14 Freeze #2-Half power
16:43 Freeze #3-Half power (First person sees the machine)
18:20 Freeze #4-Full Power (Infiltrator attempted to get a grief kit)
20:45 Freeze #5~Half Power (Infiltrator digs into the lag chamber)
21:36 haikewl dies
23:15 Freeze #6-Full Power (people trying to escape)
33:10 Freeze #7-Full Power
36:45 Freeze #8-Full Power
41:10 Freeze #9-Full Power
44:20 Freeze #10- Full Power (stopping queue lovers from tnt'ing the machine)
44:45 Distribution line gets nuked, machine goes offline