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Cherax Destructor - 01 Mayuri

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Track 01 from the mini-album Cenotaphs, out now at http://cheraxdestructor.bandcamp.com/album/cenotaphs


in my dreams i've died a hundred times
and you were always there
reaching out to take my hand
and catching only air

in my dreams i've paid a hundred ways
for all of your mistakes
and i know you just can't stand the blame
but you've reified our fate
now you have to bear the pain

助けて, 岡部

in my dreams you try to save my life
but nothing ever turns out right
no matter what we do, it's like
the world just wants to see me die
and still you try to save my life
but it's more hopeless every time
a fault line slowly growing wider
tearing you apart inside