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For Cosmia

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My song is completely dedicated to Cosmia.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-X5mCUT0nQ&t=1s

There are times when you really need support, this is one of them.

Friendship means so much, and this is my way to show empathy with you. I know it won't heal you, but I understand what you are going through.
Been there done that.
I'm here, and I hope others are there for you too.

I hope this song conveys the inner strength, even when hope is felt far away, there is light, just a tiny light, far away. Reach out for it when you see just a glimpse of it.

Gabriel's Oboe, composed by Ennio Morricone (film The Mission)
Scores by Georg Pollen
Re arranged, partly played (organ,flute) and produced by Dandelion, in about 5 intense hours.

Sorry for making shitty videos, but I play/make music, and I'm not a good video editor at all.

Most of my tracks can be downloaded in high quality from PonyFM: https://pony.fm/dandelionass/content