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EmperorLemon's Downward Mental Spiral: The Musical

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Day 146 of the Never Ending Downward Spiral World Tour


I was on top of this site, making gold
Fans right in my pocket.
I was making the vids
That everyone wanted to see.

When from outta nowhere like an RKO
I lost my quality content
Now all of a sudden I’m
On a downward spiral mentally

I had friends
Lots of internet friends!
Now all those friendships are over
And I try to remind myself that it’s never ogre.

I had views
I had subscribers too
But now I’ve lost it all
You can never get back up when all you can do is fall.

I’ve been on a downward spiral mentally
On a downward spiral mentally I’ve been
On a downward spiral mentally
And now I’ve lost it completely.