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The Dazzlings- Under our Spell (dubstep remix)

Description YT

Hard With Ponystyle Recordz

Merry Christmas everypony, here's the Christmas special I promised all of you, enjoy. I will be doing a new years special soon, so keep an eye out for it on new years.

Big Thanks to DJDelta0 for the midi of the original song.

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dazzlings-under-our-spell/id971996325

Spanish version: http://youtu.be/w2z5ZL1u1hg

Listen to the VIP Remaster FT. WUBCAKE: https://youtu.be/y8xrIQQ9aK0

DL: https://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/track/royalpony-under-our-spell-dubstep-remix

Instrumental: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8mr9sdx6q49d0s/royalpony-%20Under%20our%20spell%20%28Dubstep%29%28Instrumental%29.wav?dl=0

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