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Cherax Destructor - afición (lights over montréal)

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america beats 04 // download http://cheraxdestructor.bandcamp.com/album/america-beats

the soundtrack to a very special moment. i stumbled into Montréal just in time for an international fireworks competition, which meant that every Wednesday and Saturday night for the next few weeks there would be a different fireworks display over the Jacque Cartier Bridge. i fucking love fireworks, so of course i headed down to the water on Saturday night, my last night in town, to get a good view; and of course, most of the city had the same idea. it was an incredible feeling, being alone but surrounded by so many wonderful people in a strange new place that had only treated me well, all huddled around in a parking lot to watch these inexplicably beautiful explosions. i felt the sting of distance, and lamented that i was miles away from all my friends and family, but also the strongest and most basic of connections to the awe-rapt, snuggling strangers all around me. afterwards i would return to my hotel room, write a very emotional Facebook post, and watch slice-of-life anime until i fell asleep. i will love and always miss you, Montréal