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RoyalPony- A Royal Decree

Description YT


A song for Princess Celestia...

Remember when my Hardstyle music was taking its shape, well lets take walk down memory lane and give it another go! more music to come in the future... MLP, Anime, and Original mixes and remixes along with a PROJECT INTENSITY project in the works!

DL: https://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/track/royalpony-a-royal-decree

Please Support Me and My Music at: https://royalpony5300.bandcamp.com/

Contact me or Join Me:
Skype: Royalpony5300
Pokémon TCGO: Royalpony5300
XBOX ONE gamertag: royalpony5300
PS4: LaGxCelestia_530
Steam: LaGxCelestia_530
MY LITTLE PONY Game: 1e5a278
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/royalpony5300
Discord: SOON!

Follow me:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/royalpony5300
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/ro...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tvNu...