'Shy - Party Harder
Description YT
Download link: https://apostropheshy.bandcamp.com/track/party-harder
For all you coffee, tea, sugar, and mountain dew fans :heart:
Angle brackets aren't allowed??!
:( why you do this Google????
All I wanted was a heart -.-
It's not like I want to XSS or anything...
My first time trying some cool animations with 3d cameras
Time spent: 28 hours and 6 mins
Bandcamp - apostropheshy.bandcamp.com
Facebook - @apostropheshy or https://www.facebook.com/apostropheshy/
Soundcloud - ApostropheShy or https://soundcloud.com/apostropheshy
Twitter - @ShyApostrophe or https://twitter.com/ShyApostrophe
Google+ - ApostropheShy or https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114899905593542470269/114899905593542470269