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Extreme Survival MT 0.4.9 #2

Description YT

Update to the ESM redo game project.

This video is a brief explanation of the ESM project status and changes to the server. Few major changes:
1. Admin will not interfere nor play, admin will only maintain server backups and code changes. Spawn is free other than the railroad around and jail.
2. Cblocks has been added back, nixing the colerize code for an actual translucent texture overlay.
3. Mobs are ALL BAD, no more spawning many useless mobs. they all have timer like lags original mobs. hey have been simplified to make gameplay less laggy.
4. Newspaper added.

May be not for kids due to swearing and a beer.

Use old Minetest client: 0.4.9-0.4.12 tested.

esmine.net port: 30000

2020 01 28 19 46 45