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US tour | PART ONE | playlist

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Hey pals! I'm currently still on tour lol. Typing this from a house we're staying at in Cleveland Ohio. This was all filmed at Playlist live, a massive convention in florida two weeks ago or so, and I honestly had a really good time :D as you can see!
If I met you there, thanks for being so kind and wonderful xoxox

A lOT has gone down on this tour and I can't can't can't wait to show you all :) I've managed to film pretty much everything! And I'm editing in the van on the long long drives. Can't wait to show you the rest of our adventures hehe.

ALSO I'm so so so sorry I haven't been around for
ya know

I may or may not do some form of vedij or something when I get back ;D I probably shouldn't be saying that
i'm so busy i want to CrY
but i miss vid makin

http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle for "main" channel