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dear 30 year old me

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oh yeah as it's my birthday on Sunday I'm probably going to do a bday livestream of some kind! I'll post about it on my socials so KEEP UR EYEs PEEEEELED
I have a suspicion not as much will change than it did going from 20 to 25. But I'm still interested! Hi future dodie. Hope you love being 30. Hope you're surrounded by legends. I hope you can do a pressup

Build A Problem out on May 7

main music channel: http://youtube.com/doddleoddle
vevo: http://youtube.com/dodieVEVO
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/doddleoddle
instagram: http://instagram.com/doddleoddle

my music is on all platforms like Spotify and iTunes! Just type in "dodie".

business contact: josh@dodie.co