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My Little Pony: Friendship is for Adults Soundtrack - (Episodes 1-6 + Crossover)

Description YT

All songs available for download on our SoundCloud.

MC PPKK/Ethera:

Silver Stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC6P...

Episode 1:
Introduction - (0:00)
Fruity Flutey - (0:22)
Today (Magical Miniature Horse Mix) - (1:15)
Twilight's Theme - (1:49)
Celestia's Presence - (2:57)
Ponyville - (3:28)
Stomp Your Way - (4:13)
Life's as Extreme! (As You Wanna Make It) - (4:35)
Festivus - (5:33)
Bubbly (Pinkie's Reprise) - (6:09)
Obnoxious Beats By Nickky KK - (6:40)
Twilight's Lament - (8:38)
Prelude To - (9:42)
Blackened Lights - (10:54)
Ending Theme - (12:06)

Episode 2:
Applejack's Theme - (12:56)
The Everfree Forest - (14:06)

Episode 3:
Electric Pony Groove - (15:04)
The Wonderbolts March - (16:15)
Siren's Waltz - (16:53)
Restaurant De Merde - (18:31)
Carousel Boutique - (20:09)
Southeast - (20:57)
Apprehension - (21:24)
Tentative Relief - (22:37)

Episode 4:
The Last Song - (23:51)

Episode 5:
Hyperactive - (24:58)
The Party Planner - (25:33)

Memories and Accusations - (27:07)
Twilight Practices - (29:15)
To Be or Not to Be - (30:24)

Episode 6:
Vanity - (32:12)
The Showmare - (33:32)
The Flawed Finale - (35:57)
Feral Night - (38:33)
Milky Way Lullaby - (40:46)