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They called me a bad bastion, little did they know i'm grandmaster

Description YT

hey guys i was gonna call this video overwatch toxic but idk it was either that or overwatch fun because this video is from overwatch griefing but i wasnt tthe one griefing the guy greifing was overwatch angry guys doing it in overwath overwatch toxcitiy is pretty annoying but really overwatch crazy tocix reaction happend in this video because this guy gut roasted hard it was a overwacth troll caught in the video and we had a overwatch winston in the enemy team he was dangerous in this overwacht ranked it was angriest guy vrestus lowest rank or maybe he wasnt lowest rank but he was defintly overawtch toxic man he thoughtt he was overwatch top 500 destruction but in reality he was more like overwatc porn which is bad because its illegal on youtube he was pretty much overwatch viral wanna be but it was more like top 500 flamed by gold player in overwatch when you think about it also this vieo is just jokes and stuff dont get offended please !