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Send Them to the Moon (feat. DreamHuk)

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Another little MLP Song about the spell Celestia used to send Nightmare Moon to the moon, and what might have become of that forbidden magic. I know I'm writing music about outdated MLP material, considering Season 2 is well on it's way, but when it comes to music, inspiration is a strange little thing that never works how you want it to.

Also, I have a special guest Singer! Special thanks to DreamHuk, (http://www.youtube.com/user/DreamHuK) who is one of the artists from The Beatle Bronies! (http://www.youtube.com/user/BeatleBrony)

MP3 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nzu62omd8sh8bu5

In the Canterlot Library,
Lies the forbidden spell.
Locked away in the darkest corner,
Where the evil books dwell.

Only used but one time,
Not to be used again.
If anypony found it now,
Woe to ponyfolk then.

Send them to the moon,
Never to come back again.
Send them to the moon,
See how glad they are then.

Send Ponies you don't like,
Send those who cause you pain.
Though it has been hidden away,
Go ahead and use it in vain!

Send them to the moon,
Never to come back again.
Send them to the moon,
See how glad they are then.

In only a few years,
Just imagine the scene.
A great and powerful pony finds it,
She'll do more than just turn their mane green! She'll...

Send them to the moon,
Never to come back again.
Send them to the moon,
See how glad they are then.

Send them to the moon,
Never to come back again.
Send them to the moon,
See how glad they are then.