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A Theme for Rarity's Mane, Baroque

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My first attempt in pulling some scales up and down in D-minor.
-Yes I know the tempo is a bit to low for this piece, but Celestia says she wants it like this. Celestia is my Cembalo teacher, so her words is my law.

Dandelions (aka. Shining Mane) Arrangement of Bach Harpsichord Concerto Dmin 1st movement. A bit rough, but it's my first attempt and there is room for improvements in the future.
All strings are VSTs, a lot of editing work to get it to sound decent and convincing.

Rarity is a unicorn pony with a silvery-white body, blue eyes and a violet mane and tail and the
mane, well the mane in very special in this arrangement it's in the center of attention.
-I pretty much immediately saw this in my mind the first time I saw Rarity. "Huh, her mane looks like a sheet music bar. Her talent must have to do with music." Guess not, but she likes to sing, so maybe a little true.

Picture : Rarity Music by WillDrawForFood1

So many OCs so little time to use them all. Shining Mane was used some years back by me.

This is how pros had done it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GboHsUJ3W0g