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Marester of Puppets (Talknet draft cover)

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Midnight release! Well, maybe in some weird time zone that is like 90 minutes off from other places rather than a normal 60. You thought I, anonymous (the non-skilled one) was done with tests. I thought I was done with tests. But here I am, testing, and oh is it a test. I have not yet set up sovits but got the idea to play around with music anyway. So of course I brilliantly chose something that is difficult to work with because while through certain means I have isolated tracks, the vocal track for the older, better songs have embedded reverb. I could have played with a song from the black album or later, where there isn't quite as much reverb, but I wanted a good song. I said a good song. Sadly, Ride The Lightning had vocals and drums combined on a track without an isolated drum track, but I don't regret picking the title track from the last truly good (And Justice For All was good, but not as great, and the mastering is something I could fix a bit but very bad in the original) album one bit. I ought to catch up on modern Metallica, Megadeth as well. I hear they tried going back to proper metal even more after Death Magnetic managed to actually be ok. Fuck me that was so long ago. I feel ancient.
Anyway here's Rainbow Dash trying to sing in a very rough mix. I didn't bother testing audio levels with anything but a damn good sound card (fuck DACs fuck onboard audio fuck audio interfaces) and some sennheiser headphones, and the bass is definitely louder than the original but I think it sounds good.
To make this truly feel ancient (the song is from 1986, 37 years ago), the background is a blown up crop from some low res image copped from some weird ass website ages ago and backed up on the booruverse.