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Mercy main yells cursewords at me... then his parents walked on him

Description YT

problem overwatch is a myth its not real trust me in this video called Season 5 is The Best Season of Overwatch i prove it to be fake . there are no throwers overwatch its just a big lie trust me and overwatch season 5 is the best season if you dont believe me ask overwatch jeff kaplan because ever since overwacht new hero doomfist was overwacht doomfist confirmed he has time to ask your questions and he can confirm this is not the way it is anymore

also that game may have lost but its because enemy team was overwacht solo carried and i tried to overwacht solo carry my team but it couldnt work for some reaosn i wish the map was overwacht horizon lunar colony thats my favourite map and whenever im on that map i have overwatch low gravity mode activated

remeber overwacht most toxic player and overwatch most toxic player is just a myth ok? and when people say season 5 is most bad they are absolutely not overwacht correct so just enjoy the game you payed money for and play overwacht no cooldowns thats fun because overwatch crazy toxicicty is not real

btw this video is ment for entertainment and satire purposes

this video is about season 5 overwatch