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she's alright. she's alright!

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idk what this is but it doesn't need to be anything really
new music vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY0fLYnw59M

other people's good art:
Leadley has a new EP, v pop v cool https://open.spotify.com/album/7hYymoNsz7B4Tsdh4ELH4h?si=Ji0yC5qFQJiKGTVq171nRw

Jack and Dean are posting their COMEDY SERIES it’s so good

Hazel is writing a book, read the excerpt and CRY

tessa violet's music video made me angry it was so good and i'm not saying that as a joke I literally got jealous

main music channel: http://youtube.com/doddleoddle
vevo: http://youtube.com/dodieVEVO
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/doddleoddle
instagram: http://instagram.com/doddleoddle

my music is on all platforms like Spotify and iTunes! Just type in "dodie".

I wrote a book about mental health and the lessons I've learned on how to deal with it. Also other things: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secrets-Mad-Obsessions-Confessions-Lessons/dp/1785036807

business contact: josh@dodie.co