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DerpStep Animation~

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Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp
Kanashiipanda and Coconeru Bring you Derpstep

Anyway so this project started when I found a CD of music I made like 10 years ago. It was totally just bubble sounds and a beat for like 4 minutes straight so I decided to do a collab with myself from 10 years ago. YEEEEEAHHH TIME TRAVEL call me Dr. CocoWhooves

Superior Flash Version Coming Soon~

So anyway while me and Kanashii were on our weekly breath holding competition dive to hangout in Atlantis, which we got the idea for while skipping over active volcanos in hawaii. We thought it'd be cool to make a lovely derpy animation for the song as well, so while trekking through the amazon jungle I crafted kanashii a makeshift computer out of sticks and rocks and shit and he got to work on animating. A few weeks and after many rocket launcher tiger hunts and gorilla boxing tournament this was born.

Song Download links - Screw Youtube Audio Compression.

Mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?scgn2b8s4gbkazu
Wav: http://www.mediafire.com/?o1rt3uv3osp48d4

Kanashiipanda DeviantArt : http://1n33d4hug.deviantart.com/
Kanashiipanda Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/kanashiipanda?feature=results_main



Video by Coconeru

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