Want It Need It (Man Who Likes Ponies Cover)
Description YT
Gonna start covering songs now
How about I start with evil Twilight Sparkle?
Original by JeffTheStrider(Who seems to have left the fandom...RIP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsGPsqFEFXE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheGrea49812494
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coolskelton9/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KqK7fkDz
Discord Account: Coolskeleton95#1832
FimFiction: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/402263/Derpyfan1
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@comic_field
What is A Man Who Likes Ponies?
A Man Who Likes Ponies, real name Alexander Waterfield, is a brony looking to resurrect the brony fandom. I upload memes, commentaries, and videos where I rage about stupidity in this fandom (See it as criticism, not as me being mean)
What is a brony?
An adult fan of My Little Pony. Yeah, it may be weird, but it made us better people (Or worse people, depending on which brony you're talking about.)
Why do you like My Little Pony?
Because I am a cartoon fanatic, I love cute things, I connect with the characters, and it is awesome, especially for a show for 8 year old girls
What do I use to edit?
What is your favorite pony?
Derpy Hooves.
Do you have a least favorite?
Yes I certainly do, Spoiled Rich.
Favorite episode?
Tough one, I'd either say Return of Harmony or Slice of Life
Least favorite?
The Last Roundup by a long shot.
Tell us about your OC!
His name is Comic Field. Read more about him here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eWYVXfEqg
Do you have other channels?
Yup. I have 2. One about Undertale and general non-pony memes, another about Marvel, DC, Image and other comic books.
Undertale/Memes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA2NeWcDdA9pi_YnwFmAeAw
Marvel/DC/Other comics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7307s2-Q7b8RgRyMdSxt-A
Do you have friends or a love interest?
Yes I have friends, plenty. My best friends are named Adrian Manray, my sister Emily, and Cookie on Discord. I've got a few other friends such as my buddy Davin. As for a love interest, I haven't done much with her, but she exists.
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