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They called me the worst soldier 76, little did they know i'm grandmaster

Description YT

hey guys i was gonna make a video about overwatc porn but then i realised that it would be illegal so it's better to make an overwatch viral video about a top 500 flamed by gold player in overwatch , in this video youll see the overwatch toxic player gets destroyed , the overwatch toxicity is very high; in this fun overwatch video the angriest guy ever will meet the lowest rank ever and they will fight over and do some overwatch grief in ranked play. The overwatch crazy toxic reaction i got out of this player was unreal , i would expect this kind of reaction only from the lowest rank player but these overwatch wtf moments happened in an overwatch diamond game .This overwatch gameplay was so insane it might as well be in the overwatch trailer .

also my videos are jokes dont get offednde is sarcasm and satire and other complciated words